Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
We are doing 3.8’s over here. We are catching up, Americans….said with 100% respect. It’s great Clay bought all his…
Keir Starmer ‘sidelining’ Christianity to ‘promote Islam’
True of both sides. Amber-Jade won’t take long. And Saffioti knows the clock is ticking. And the fuzz, teachers and…
Tase and tear gas. Reduces the blowback, whil offering genuine entertainment. Driving them through razor wire is good for some…
Also in Darwin:
A WOMAN allegedly had her hijab stripped off her after a premier league football match at Marrara Football Stadium on Sunday.
Eyewitnesses to the incident have told the NT News three women allegedly attacked a fourth in the carpark, tearing off her head covering and ripping her dress down to her bra.
Similar accounts have been posted to social media pages, suggesting a second person was also targeted.
The incident happened following a women’s premier league game between Hellenic and Port Darwin.
An eyewitness said they first heard screaming as they went to leave the stadium.
They said the altercation began after two people from opposing teams made rude hand gestures at each other, before then getting into a physical altercation.
“To fully reap the benefits of the smart toilet, users must make their peace with a camera that scans their anus.”
Whereas, previously, such scans were relegated to photocopiers at office Christmas parties.
Now I understand why m0nty-fa is so agitated with me today. I challenged one of the basic tenets of his religion.
Most of the problems of the modern world arise from excessive centralism (and I write this as a former Commonwealth public servant, where I have seen the problems that excessive centralism causes).
What’s everyone’s take on how long before everything falls in a heap due to unreliable electricity? Was talking to a mate and he pointed out when the power goes out nothing runs.
You can’t run your computer for design work, doing accounts, running orders etc. The petrol pumps don’t run. The mains water relies on pumps to move it, as does the sewer. Yeah, sure there’s emergency generators, but how long are they going to last?
Will we be moving to allocated days of the week where you’re more or less, maybe going to get power?
How bad does it get and how quickly?
I could see the big mines continuing operation, because it’s already pretty independent due to the remoteness, beyond that I’m struggling to think of anything much. Maybe some agriculture?
“I will dance on the graves of every activist and otherwise-named ‘health professional’ determined to reduce my quality of life for my own good.”
“Hey Doc, if I give up smoking, drinking and loose women, will I live longer?”
“No – but it will feel like it.”
I do kind of wonder if the US Supremes are saving the USA..
Not because of the Roe or any other decision by itself, but by the throwing out of “settled” issues and forcing Americans to debate, openly, what each state or individual thinks is important.
For those who are pro abortion they can endeavor to convince people to vote for state reps who will keep it in pretty well whatever form the general public finds palatable.
Im pretty sure most will end up with a cut off date, exemptions for medical conditions etc.
Im also fairly sure that the baby spare parts business will be seen as odious to the vast majority, and that “industry” will disappear as it is “unsellable” to most people and can be used to rally support against abortion if it is allowed to continue.
Similarly states which make it illegal will have to accept some procedures will still have to be carried out for legitimate medical reasons, and would probably find any attempt at criminalizing ladies crossing state lines to procure an abortion in a state that permits it would be their Achilles heel for the acceptance of their views by the majority.
The inherent anti-democratic instinct of Federal governments (left and right) to force settlements by overriding states is just a shithouse idea.
The ability for government departments to write regulation with all the force of law, and even worse, make it strict liability (blocking recourse to common law and the courts for 99.9% of people) is also an inherently unjust and anti-democratic thing.
By effectively forcing people to have to start renegotiating issues as a never ending and ongoing conversation it may see the moderate middle triumph over the more extreme views who have sought to use judicial fiat as a means of permanently ‘winning” for their side, reguardless of the damage that will cause to civil society.
Or Im a Pollyanna and civil war it is.
stop recycling my jokes you humourless bobble-head
Goddammit… 🙁
cyclone intensity should be like many things in nature – follow a normal distribution. The statement that we’d have fewer, but a greater proportion of intense cyclones, is intuitively wrong.
Pix from the Sydney protests this morning. Check out the demonstrator with the cross, warding off the vampires.
The court is merely doing what it is meant to do- Checking and Balancing the Law and Legal Process.
However, the Left is violently opposed to any Law or Legal Process it does not completely control, and positively HATES getting its collective ego checked.
It was due for a damn good dose of Checking and Balancing, after some 50 years of running rampant on feelz, bad law and blustering any questioners into cowed silence.
It’s a bit like bankruptcy – the collapse is slow at first, then all at once.
Three Gorges dam is probably immune to anything short of a nuclear weapon, and a fairly large one at that. Barnes Wallis worked out what was required for conventional explosives to destroy dams, and that hasn’t changed since physics and hydrology haven’t changed. Nothing conventional would make a dent in a chunk of concrete that big unless detonated deep on the water side of the wall, where the incompressability of water aids you.
M0nty is just psyching himself up, Dover.
I suspect all pharmacies and supermarkets in his and his Fellow Travellers’ local areas are now experiencing acute shortages of tissues, gourmet ice cream and KY jelly…
Tony Abbott was thinking along these lines while he was PM, that’s probably why Turnbull chose the French boats. More recently, Clive Palmer was talking about leasing recently mothballed Virginia class boats to fill the immediate gap in our defences, it does sound like a sensible course of action.
There’s one cost item you didn’t mention though, that’s converting these USA boats to left hand drive in Australian waters.
I’ll correct slightly. A MOAB penetrator on the downstream side close to the base could do it, by the cavitation effect in the foundation zone. But penetrating MOABs don’t attach onto cruise missiles, and I doubt Taiwan could get one there even if they had any.
UK comedian ‘hauled up before the police’ following stand-up joke
Comedian Joe Lycett was investigated by police after a person at the comedy show reportedly complained having found one of his jokes too offensive.
At Least 40 People Found Dead Near San Antonio
At least 40 people were found dead in what is believed to be a failed smuggling event involving a tractor trailer in the San Antonio, Texas, area, according to a U.S. government official. The people are believed to be migrants.
People smuggling & those who profit from it is heinous.
Why is the ear-worm of the day the “Dam-buster’s March?”
China Insights
Hong Kong’s landmark & world-famous Jumbo Floating Restaurant sunk unexpectedly in the South China Sea on June 19, 2022. Some people have sighed, “What has sunk is not a dinner boat, but an era of Hong Kong”.
The economic impact of the exodus that erupted in Hong Kong since the implementation of the National Security Law in 2020 is beginning to emerge. Various figures show that a large number of Hong Kong’s youth and elite are choosing to leave the city. Their departure is beginning to impact the local labor market and fiscal revenues, and the economic outlook for Hong Kong is alarming.
It never stopped the Australian Army using its US-made M113s as supplied.
Though I’m not sure where you could hang a placard or stencil “CAUTION: LEFT HAND DRIVE” on a submarine…
Truly glorious.
A retired public servant. So you spent a long career sucking the government teat, and think you retain any sort of credibility on a rock-ribbed conservative site.
Yeah, that’s the sort of thing a developmentally challenged person would think.
Newsom buying ad time in Florida.
Democrat hero:
You describe yourself as a true conservative, socialist and institutionalist.
Dobbs really was a huge own goal by liberals. The pro-aborts were contesting a Mississippi law limiting abortion to 15 weeks, which Roe didn’t even envision. But they had to keep pushing forward and extending the abortion license.
Well played, morons.
Really? I heard ‘633 Squadron…’
This from a toy dog yapping at my heels after every single one of my posts on this site.
Have you had therapy, John. You need it. You have issues, man.
For all his faults, Macron knows action needs to be taken now to stop Europe freezing this winter.
France would be the least impacted but Macron is still the leading voice of sanity.
Anyway, apparently its called “reproductive bodily autonomy,” not abortion.
You can see how federal mps have voted on this matter here:
June 28, 2022 at 9:18 am
Jacqueline Westman ??
· 23h
I feel gutted. Tonight at mass, they praised the ruling of Roe v. Wade. I walked out. I’m not ok.
Who knew?
Who cared?
“Offshore wind has great potential due to resource quality, possible lower social licence hurdles, and proximity to strong transmission, but the economics are not yet proven,” AEMO said.
But, think of the whales. And the seals. And the fairy penguins. And the fish.
How can anybody be surprised the Church is pro-life? And even if you set that aside, walking out of the Mass? Wow. That is like leaving your parent injured at the bottom of the stairs because they voted for Trump in 2020.
a hypersonic cruise missile could knock off the distance in about 10 minutes.
the US’s new HAWC would be a perfect candidate — relies on its kinetic energy rather than explosives.
Funny that.
I swear practically the entire Cat in every last one of its iterations could honestly say the same about you.
Your time in charge of Feral Catallaxy has left you none the wiser.
Where’s Steve of Brisbane? You need some more humbling…
I feel gutted. Tonight at mass, they praised the ruling of Roe v. Wade. I walked out. I’m not ok.
Suddenly paid attention after 20 years of not listening?
And the fish.
Don’t say “of fish” please bishop.
“They’d need something like the gadget the USSR developed
to turn Cheyenne Mountain into Cheyenne Lake.”
Do a “Dam busters” but with cruise missiles instead.
Or “bunker busters” straight into the downstream side.
Even both in the same attack.
If you know where the defenses are, more cruises with cluster-bombs dropped on CIWS placements etc in a first strike, followed 30 seconds later by the ones targeting the actual dam wall.
Conventional high explosives would be plenty, given the shoddy construction – any defect that caused water to flow would quickly tear it to bits, and just the high rainfall in recent years saw the dam wall move somewhat, so it’s hardly “stable”.
Hell, a MOAB (“vacuum bomb”/ fuel-air explosive, AKA poor mans nuclear bomb) would likely do it, for that matter.
Be a bit like ICBM warfare – defenders have to get 100% of incoming or the damage would likely be catastrophic.
So send a lot, all programed to arrive as time-on-target, but from multiple directions. “Ground hugging” sub-sonic with GPS and terrain-comparison imaging/guidance. Hard to see them all, let alone shoot them all down.
I reckon it would be very effective. Quite hard on the citizenry, and very damaging to energy and food production. There are down-stream dams that would be overwhelmed and also destroyed by catastrophic failure of that one dam, and much farmland would be catastrophically inundated with several metres of flood, so it’s a good target, militarily, if you want to do a lot of damage with minimal effort.
This from a toy dog yapping at my heels after every single one of my posts on this site.
Hot top: stop posting complete drivel.
Just the top, rick? 😉
“Offshore wind has great potential due to resource quality, possible lower social licence hurdles, and proximity to strong transmission, but the economics are not yet proven,” AEMO said.
But, think of the whales. And the seals. And the fairy penguins. And the fish.
Think of the fuel for the maintenance helicopters.
Not sure which Church you’re going to but not Catholic!
The RCC Catechism states:
It’s amazing how Christianity civilised many primitive empires – More amazing that we’re going back to it.
She’d be a great addition to Cafe Bruce, although I don’t think the other birdies would like her much.
And I’d have to start wearing shoes around my yard.
On the protesters – notice they’re all wearing face coverings now that they’ve been normalised.
Do a “Dam busters” but with cruise missiles instead.
Sounds good but we’re talking likely a 500 Kg warhead. Not a MOAB or s serious bunker buster. How do you test the idea?
The Taiwanese claim to have a supersonic cruise missile capable of reaching Beijing which is why I started this topic. I’d think it was mostly subsonic with maybe a supersonic terminal phase like the ship attack Kalibre. This will help against terminal defences but there’s plenty of time for interceptors. Even Ronnie RAAF might be able to do one in the time available.
Republicans chances of winning both the House and Senate in mideterms are now up to 69% EACH!
Munt – Are you sick of #winning yet?
Big Business, it also turns out, is a huge supporter of modern feminism because it is delivering childless females to corporate America, which is cheaper than letting them have children, even if that means paying for their abortions.
The only leftist “true conservative” on the blog, m0nty-fa, will support this because abortion is the foundation principle of leftism. If only his mother hadn’t been a conservative. Oh, wait, ….
Much of Sydney relies on pumped sewage.
Imagine when that goes out.
Nice. 🙂
Was talking to a mate and he pointed out when the power goes out nothing runs.
A fact which eludes the Australian political class. I figure my generator will get me through the rolling “demand management” scenario but not the SHTF scenario. Anyone got any ideas other than lamp posts and piano wire?
Was talking to a mate and he pointed out when the power goes out nothing runs.
Apparently a restart if there is a complete power system failure (as opposed to load shedding etc) is a long and awful process.
Hydro is apparently good for a restart, others not so good.
Not all generating plants are suitable for black-start capability. Wind turbines are not always suitable for black start because wind may not be available when needed.[13] Wind turbines, mini-hydro, or micro-hydro plants, are often connected to induction generators which are incapable of providing power to re-energize the network.[14] In 2020, the 69 MW Dersalloch wind farm black-started part of the Scotland grid, using virtual synchronous machines.[15][16] The black-start unit must also be stable when operated with the large reactive load of a long transmission line. Many high-voltage direct current (HVDC) converter stations cannot operate into a “dead” system, either, since they require commutation power[clarification needed] from the system at the load end. A pulse-width modulation (PWM)-based voltage-source converter HVDC scheme has no such restriction.[17]
June 28, 2022 at 12:56 pm
A retired public servant. So you spent a long career sucking the government teat, and think you retain any sort of credibility on a rock-ribbed conservative site.
Yeah, that’s the sort of thing a developmentally challenged person would think.
Poor m0nty-fa, desperately groping for something of substance to say. Keep trying, you will manage eventually!
A “surprising” outcome?
New York judge rules law allowing noncitizens to vote for mayor is unconstitutional
There goes 1,000,000 Democrat voters.
If the power stops the sewerage system, I’m pretty sure its called log shedding. 😛
Where’s Bernie Sanders?
June 2019, mother and child drown in the Rio Grande
June 2022: 40 migrants found dead in a truck in Texas.
Bernie Sanders? crickets.
“We wanted to challenge the leadership of the Academy and the Defense Dept on their WOKE actions, CRT, Diversity training and the other discrepancies in the Academy. We found it pervasive at the Naval and Air Force Academies so we knew it was directed from the highest levels of our Military Leadership,”
“Not a MOAB or s[sic] serious bunker buster. “
If you hit near enough to the same spot with several “conventional” bunker buster warheads of a couple of hundred kg of HE, that would, IMO, cause a crack and a leak, leading to catastrophic failure. Those things can penetrate several m into concrete/rock before they explode, right? So if 3 or 4 hit (or even “near miss”) the crater left by the previous one… IIRC, you can target them to within 2m or so.
As I said, there was talk that the dam wall was near failure due to floodwaters – I don’t think it’s over-engineered by much, so wouldn’t take much to weaken it considerably. If you did that first, then even a “small” dam-buster would be sufficient.
Death by a thousand cuts, as it were…
Lucky me! Just received this:
Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Minister for Defence Personnel
For the first time ever, it is known that 581,139 Australians have reported they have served or are currently serving in the Australian Defence Force (ADF), as announced in the release of the Census 2021 data today.
Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Matt Keogh said that there are 496,276 veterans and 84,865 current serving ADF members, and understanding these figures along with other demographic and lifestyle data is history-making.
“I am proud to announce that for the first time in Australian history, we know that there are more than half a million veterans in Australia, representing 2.8 per cent of the Australian population aged 15 years and over and equating to 1 in 20 households with at least one person who has served,” Minister Keogh said.
“Currently around 247,000 veterans receive support from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA), about half of the veteran population.
“This is a good sign that not all veterans have needed tailored support services, but I encourage those veterans who do need support and have not yet engaged with DVA or are not sure what help they can access, to reach out.”
The Census 2021 data release also outlined key demographic information among the current and former serving ADF population.
“Knowing how many veterans there are and other key factors such as demographics, employment, education and health status is pivotal for the Australian Government to target services and support to the right areas,” Minister Keogh said.
“We now know that 13.4 per cent of our veteran population are female. The largest age group for veterans is 65-74 years of age, and 90 per cent of these veterans are male.
“With the largest Army base in the country, Townsville is home to both the most veterans (8,700) and current serving ADF members (5,500).
“Unsurprisingly, the Census 2021 results show that veterans are more likely to participate in volunteer work compared to the general population, attesting to the incredible contributions our veterans make to the community throughout their lives.
“Better understanding our veteran population through the Census 2021 will help guide the development and delivery of services and support for Australia’s veterans, and will help inform the Government’s response to issues veterans are facing, such as health, housing and employment.”
The left are always driven mad with rage when they lose something though democratic procedures which they had previously secured by deceit, subterfuge, and cheating.
Boambe John did make a far bigger contribution Australian society than you did with 2 failed leftwit blogs, a measly Fantasy Football website (and a Mobile Phone game) and a 4 year-old whose potential political defection to the Hated Torries (any Hated Torries, but I really hope it’s the the ACL 😉 ) when he hits Majority will keep you awake at night for years to come…
Just the top, rick? ?
Dunno what’s wrong with my auto fuck up, I think I have it set to Victorian!
John, a lifetime as a public servant has made you weak. You are so, so basic. No originality, nothing interesting to say. You are a classic Reply Guy, a kibble of a man.
And now you shall return to your rightful status, which is in the not-worth-replying-to basket.
Anyone writing these words is a willing captive of the ‘excellent science’ embodied in pseudo-scientific models, explicitly fitted to deliver their projections.
Anybody writing these words has somehow missed out on the past 300 years of human development, the industrial revolution, and the 20th century.
Scoundrel Science meets Dismal Science.
A match made in Heaven.
“People smuggling & those who profit from it is heinous.”
Yep…and the scum on the left who encourage it are equally heinous.
The problem with licentiousness is it accepts no limits.
So, to “follow the money,” I checked Sportsbet…
Republican Majority: $1.06
Democrapt Majority: $6.00
Republican Majority: $1.25
Democrapt Majority: $6.00
I’m going to be so sick of winning, hey Munt.
Libs are so shady.
Suffice to say that the latter so far exceeds the former, that the former can be ignored as a trifle. No further analysis required.
Abundant, reliable energy FTW.
Stop hitting yourself, m0nty…
June 28, 2022 at 1:54 pm
Was reading a bit today about how some yartz project is taking old tapes of gay blokes during the start of AIDs and getting actors to lip sync to what they are saying to give it more impact.
In it there was a gasping wonderfulness at how once a certain gay nightclub opened up it was basically a 24/7 orgy.
But you know who was to blame for all that unprotected, multi-partner AIDs-a-thon?
Straight people.
Apparently it was just a built up spigot just needing release… or something.
Ill see if i can find it again, its pretty pathetic in its assumptions and projections.
Access to which tends to iron out all those inequality burrs Leftists keep shoving in their britches.
No wonder they want to deny it to everyone (including themselves, it seems) so badly…
They’ll probably be barely literate, with no idea of Australian history or culture, but they’ll be able to speak fluent Noongar, and know all about Noongar culture. Words fail me.
Probably an Elbow Catholic.
My money would be on them not having darkened the door of a church for years, and only showed up this week to a well known pro-life church for the sole purpose of a histrionic flounce.
Regarding the discussion on earlier thread regarding the administrative state it must be remembered that many US Government agencies have an armed tactical response group.I am unsure whether the EPA has such a group but it would not surprise.
Any lessening of their powers would seem objectively welcome.
The latest attempt to cancel Canada Day? Renaming it ‘New Day’
1000 munties typing furiously for a millennia still couldn’t produce a coherent sentence. Monkeys on the other hand.
“What we have much less visibility into is what the social benefit of using energy at a particular point in time is.”
yeah – I mean, what could the possible benefits of near universal refrigeration be, not just in terms of food safety, but also medical supplies like, oh I dunno, vaccines?
And what benefit is there to having an ambulance turn up a few minutes after you call for them?
Or being able to call them, because, you know, electricity – which runs telephone exchanges and so on.
Or medical ventilators, heart monitors and so on.
Or reliable lighting in operating theatres.
Or mass transport of foodstuffs to alleviate hunger and famines?
What price your smashed avo on toast?
What price the Cat?
What price TV, the internet, smart phones, and on and on.
What price synthetic fibres, weaving machines, sewing machines?
What price running hot and cold water?
What price sewerage systems?
You can only NOT see the benefits if you are willfully blind – they are everywhere, so entwined in our lives that we barely even notice any more.
How many times, when the lights ACTUALLY have gone out over the past 30 years have you thought “Bugger – another electricity grid failure” compared to going to look for a blown fuse?
How many times have you hopped in your car to drive 5km to a shop to buy that thing you just had to have?
How many times have you ordered stuff over the internet and had it delivered?
How many times have you been able to obtain, after consulting your GP, life or limb saving antibiotics and other medicines quickly and easily at your local chemist?
You think all this happens without fossil fuels? Take them away without having a reliable and cheap alternative, and you go back to the lifestyle of the 1800’s. Not for the Joe Biden’s and Nancy Pelosi’s of the world, but for the rest of us plebs, for sure.
Got a mate who was a small business man has joined Extinction Rebellion.His sole aim in life appears to be to get arrested.
On the other hand he was an early investor in Simon Sheikh’s ( of Get Up fame ) Ethical Investment Fund and on paper at least has made a motzah.
Its a weird world.
A man pardoned by a Kentucky governor is back in jail and charged with trying to strangle a woman.
Police said Joheim Bandy, 20, was arrested as a teen, then pardoned by former Kentucky governor, Matt Bevin, in 2019 along with more than 400 other convicted criminals.
“Mr. Bandy is known to us. We actually have a couple of strangulation cases active with him,” said assistant Covington Police chief Brian Valenti.
Nunga nunga nunga. Translation, my Holden has run a bearing.
“Nunga nunga nunga.”
Count to ten.
Another one.
Another one…
Let’s just say if you were a breeder Lord and Lady Waffleworth would both get rubber rings or a one way truck ride.
June 28, 2022 at 12:57 pm
You describe yourself as a true conservative, socialist and institutionalist.
A shorter description is “mentally confused”.
I see no value in cats or avocados.
“…director of wellbeing…”
Shirley that is not all?
Shirley she is also cultural ambassador, head of diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as lead interpretive dance instructor?
It’s a tough and demanding thing, to do all those at once. And not many can do even one of them for more than 6 months without a nice white jacket with really long sleeves being applied, but if anyone can do it, it’d have to be a Turnbull – she’s born to it, don’t you know?
(I leave it to the reader to decide if what she is born to is the actual “work” described, or the white jacket – hell, I’m not sure myself!)
Reading here recently makes me thing Victoria is right on the brink. Importing power to make up the shortfall, no mothballed coal plants to restart, and their solution is more renewables by 2035(!!??!)).
Don’t think there’s even a gas fired plant on the cards, and even if it were started tomorrow how long would it take to come online?
I’m not talking about the dam being destroyed by explosives – I’m talking about a surge of water from displaced rock hitting the dam from upstream. Look at the hills in the upstream valleys. Do they look really stable?
June 28, 2022 at 1:01 pm
Either way, you condemn yourself with your own anger.
This from a toy dog yapping at my heels after every single one of my posts on this site.
Have you had therapy, John. You need it. You have issues, man.
m0nty-fa, B Ec (Failed First Year, and subsequently had a mental breakdown), B J’ism, Fantasy footballer, offers his considered thoughts, and fails again.
A decent bowl of home made guacamole and some corn chips should fix that. Cats make quite good cray bait.
We do seem to have attracted our fair share of fruitloops, lunatics, single-issue slacktivists and Birds over our time. 🙂
Top Endersays:
June 28, 2022 at 1:41 pm
Lucky me! Just received this:
Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Minister for Defence Personnel
For the first time ever, it is known that 581,139 Australians have reported they have served or are currently serving in the Australian Defence Force (ADF), as announced in the release of the Census 2021 data today.
Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Matt Keogh said that there are 496,276 veterans and 84,865 current serving ADF members, and understanding these figures along with other demographic and lifestyle data is history-making.
Around a million Australians served in the Defence Forces during WW II, some 700,000 in the Army alone, but perhaps the Census didn’t bother to count them after the War? There were also many living WW I veterans at that time.
There is another possible take on Lucy Trumble being “approached” by the Libs to run.
It is possible she pushed to be fast-tracked for a safe seat and was told to run through pre-selection for a marginal.
Then leaked to the media spinning it that she knocked back an approach.
Rex Angersays:
June 28, 2022 at 1:43 pm
A retired public servant. So you spent a long career sucking the government teat, and think you retain any sort of credibility on a rock-ribbed conservative site
Boambe John did make a far bigger contribution Australian society than you did with 2 failed leftwit blogs, a measly Fantasy Football website (and a Mobile Phone game) and a 4 year-old whose potential political defection to the Hated Torries (any Hated Torries, but I really hope it’s the the ACL ? ) when he hits Majority will keep you awake at night for years to come…
Thanks for the support Rex.
m0nty-fa, being a fascist leftist, is incapable of holding more than one thought in his tiny mind at a time, so he cannot comprehend the possibility that a non-leftist could both do a job as a public servant (not every PS job involves being a socialist fool), and also remain politically conservative.
He is a sad example of the result of an increasingly inadequate education system, which itself is at least partly the result of excessive centralism (the ideology) and centralisation (the end result of that silly ideology).
“I see no value in cats or avocados.”
You heathen.
As to cats, the four-legged variety are useful for keeping the rodent population at bay and apparently make a nice skewer when BBQ’ed with peanut sauce (as my Vietnamese friend says: “Vietnamese chicken”), while the two-legged variety give you someone to type at, as well as scream at and otherwise vent frustrations. Saves on all those pesky lawyers and stuff when you go “postal”.
As to avocados, well, where do you get good Mexican food without them? Can’t, can you? Stands to reason.
And as to the value in either of those – purely subjective, I’m afraid.
So you are correct – and wrong. At the same time.
How very leftist – “everyone gets a prize” style.
But also very rightist – we must bow to reality style.
So something for everyone after all.
Feel better now? I know I do.
My version of institutionalism is probably different to everyone else’s, though.
I don’t want to defend institutions per se, they are not the point of being an institutionalist in my view. To men, institutions are tools, and they are also the language we should be using. By that, I mean they should be the conduit by which we maintain things that should be maintained, and change the things that should be changed.
To be an institutionalist should not to be in favour of inertia. If an institution has strayed from the principles on which it was founded, it should be reformed, literally – built back into its original form. This is straying into originalism, of course, but I believe that a good and worthwhile institution should incorporate the possibility of change into its charter, so there mere prospect of change should not see an institution use its authority to stop and reverse it as a matter of course.
The language of the US founding fathers here is instructive. Specifically, the bit about “a more perfect union” from the preamble to the US Constitution. Many other constitutions contain similar phrases, but that one sticks out for its elegance. This phrase implies that the union, or government in general, can be perfected within its own parameters by institutions but those parameters can change to produce a more perfect version of the nation. So institutions can be tools of authority to bring order in a chaotic world, but they can also change to allow for a more diverse and happier populace.
I am not sure I have ever called myself a socialist on here; I would prefer the term social democrat. I have never believed in Lenin, Marx, Pol Pot or Mao. Give me the Westminster tradition, give me capitalism, and give me a social democratic government which ameliorates capitalism’s worst impulses – a government that has as one of its main underlying goals the gradual extension of personal rights to under-represented minorities. That is what I want to maintain as a conservative, even in the face of right-wing terrorists who want to burn it down in favour of a reactionary hallucinatory delusion of life in the 1950s or the 1890s.
No! That was very fruity.
Do you own a cat?
June 28, 2022 at 1:48 pm
John, a lifetime as a public servant has made you weak. You are so, so basic. No originality, nothing interesting to say. You are a classic Reply Guy, a kibble of a man.
And now you shall return to your rightful status, which is in the not-worth-replying-to basket.
So you still have nothing of substance to say, no comment on my criticism of centralism, just some mediocre attempts at insults? To be expected, as the fascist left has never demonstrated much originality, except in the spreading of misery.
Being in your do-not-reply basket is actually fun. I can say whatever I like about you, and all that you can do is seethe, because your arrogant pride prevents you from trying to respond, and even if you do attempt to respond, your inadequate mentality means that your responses do not rise even to the annoyance level of buzzing flies.
No! That was very fruity.
Do you own a cat?”
What is the fascination with fruit? Please tell me pomegranates are NOT next.
No, I do not own a cat. No-one owns a cat.
Dogs have owners, cats have staff (ask anyone who has one!)
But to the point, yes, there is one in my household, even though I am not legally her owner.
Let’s just say if you were a breeder Lord and Lady Waffleworth would both get rubber rings or a one way truck ride.
To slightly modify the alleged words of a British cavalry colonel doing the annual performance report on a junior officer in the 1930s, “I would hesitate to breed from either of this couple”.
Or we could do the latest iteration of Rods From God.
One steel rod weighing 30,000kg.
Add 1 instrument guidance package.
Add 5 solid fuel rockets.
lash to a B52.
Fly to 30,000 feet and drop the rod.
After separation, ignite boosters and take to 90,000 feet.
Rod with boosters tips over and increases to Mach Ludicrous.
Terminal guidance into target.
I haven’t checked the mechanics and weights, but that’s the latest idea.
To be an institutionalist should not to be in favour of inertia. If an institution has strayed from the principles on which it was founded, it should be reformed, literally – built back into its original form.
m0nty-fa supports many Cats, who believe that many of out institutions have become corrupt. But he also claimed in the past to be a conservative, in that he wanted to defend corrupted institutions against essential reform.
He is (at best) rather confused.
This phrase implies that the union, or government in general, can be perfected within its own parameters by institutions but those parameters can change to produce a more perfect version of the nation.
Does a “more perfect union” really imply that something constructed by humans can be perfect, or just less imperfect. I doubt that the Founders were that intellectually arrogant. They were not, for example, modern leftists, who seem to be that arrogant.
m0nty-fa, as usual, sees what he wants to see.
I have never believed in Lenin, Marx, Pol Pot or Mao.
Yet when asked, in years past, to condemn the results of their actions, you avoided the point. Not a socialist, but unwilling to condemn the crimes of extreme socialism. Two bob each way?
After Blake Masters went from nothing to being the clear front runner in Arizona in the primary to see who runs against Kelly in November, only now does Trump come out and publicly endorse him.
Trump delaying his endorsement of Thiel’s number one candidate demonstrates the uneasy truce within the GOP.
Competitive eating.
Forget the challenge.
Look at how much 15 quid gets you in Grimsby.
The only leftist “true conservative” on the blog, m0nty-fa, will support this because abortion is the foundation principle of leftism. If only his mother hadn’t been a conservative. Oh, wait, ….
There’s one born every minute. The trouble is, they live.
Campbelltown Performing High parents’ complaint over lesbian kisses in Romeo and Juliet
A gender-bending “SHEkspeare” take on a Shakespeare play with “lesbian kisses” and a female Romeo at a Sydney high school has triggered some parents.
Tell us what you think. Vote in our poll.
A “passionate” lesbian kissing scene in a Shakespeare play shown to high school students has prompted complaints from parents.
The gender-bending version of Romeo and Juliet, which featured Romeo as a woman, performed to students at Campbelltown Performing Arts High, sparked a question in the NSW Parliament after parents raised the issue with MP Mark Latham.
He says the parents were concerned they were not told about the “controversial” version of the play in advance, performed by the Dire Theatre Company to Years 8, 9 and 10 students in the school hall.
A permission slip for the play made no mention of the alternative version of the classic tale of star-crossed lovers.
The theatre company promotes the play to schools by saying it is a “modernised, condensed” version and that the “SHEwolves” of “SHEkespeare” created this “brand new, all female, modern interpretation”.
“There’s passionate kissing scene going on stage,” Mr Latham said. “Some of the boys yelled out, others were distressed, some of the girls were upset.
“The parents are very upset with the note that went out where there was no mention of this. The kids came home saying there were two women kissing.
“It’s inappropriate, this shouldn’t happen in front of 13 and 14-year-olds unless you have parental permission, some of these kids haven’t even hit adolescence.
“There are Christian, Hindu, Muslim and socially conservative parents in the Campbelltown community who have a different view and were not given the option to opt out.”
Do you think parents should have been informed about the lesbian kiss?
Yes 87 %
No 13 %
369 votes
Education Minister Sarah Mitchell responded to the questions by saying that “consistent with the Department of Education’s Controversial Issues in Schools policy”, students attended with parental permission.
Link and vote here if you can climb the paywall
Republicans chances of winning both the House and Senate in mideterms are now up to 69% EACH!
So there’s only a 31% chance of the Dems’ cheating being successful?
Pfizer, CDC lied to Americans, FDA-approved COVID shot exists on paper only
They are still using only the “emergency” shots, which are apparently identical to the formally approved shots, to protect themselves from liability. Not one person has been injected with COMIRNATY.
Panel of Experts Exposes Deadly Advice Given by Australia’s CASA Supporting Forced Vaccination of Pilots
Latest survey shows the COVID vaccines are a disaster: ~750,000 dead in US
Jerusalem Post
COVID-19’s 6th wave begins, with more seriously ill and more deaths
They are ahead of the curve in terms of “vaccinations”.
You may not believe in “Lenin, Marx, Pol Pot or Mao”, but the statement above outs you as a collectivist arsehole.
You (and your ilk) wouldn’t come across as such evil shits, if you started seeing the individual rather than the tribe, and started treating them as such.
How far in advance do YOU think they planned this???
The Denver airport mural painted in 1994…tell me this is not weird.
Weird is an understatement.
The Australian government has admitted there have been at least 79,000 side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine and is now offering compensation for those seriously injured.
To all the Cats who tried to help me with my email problem with Optus/Activ8 – thank you.
I now believe, as one of you suggested, that Optus has a major problem with spam that they are attempting to tackle regarding authentication procedures. Many people, including my daughter, are reporting failure in Optus connections. Cafes in her Sydney beaches suburb have suffered a failure of their billing procedures through Optus in the last few days. Optus, of course, denied that they have blocked Port25 of our departing emails. We have found an alternate route through Webmail & I hope this message doesn’t jinx it!
We have spent quite a lot of money with a local computer shop (they persuaded us to do upgrades which I think we didn’t need) & yet they didn’t suggest what is, in retrospect, an acceptable fix for the moment.
Meantime, a 5 months old Bosch dishwasher is unusable as parts (from Germany) are not expected for several weeks.
when reality fails to align with your model, change reality
87% of Trial Data Hidden from Medical Journals; Fmr FDA Director: Not Our Job to Correct Articles
Tucker Carlson: This is a coordinated attack on the family
Around a million Australians served in the Defence Forces during WW II, some 700,000 in the Army alone, but perhaps the Census didn’t bother to count them after the War? There were also many living WW I veterans at that time.
My reading of the breakdown to the military mention was to take the heat of the fact that we are getting outnumbered by ethnics across the board so they threw a, patriotic, bone to deflect reaction ..
I think the most notable figure was the 2 million population increase without any, real, additional infrastructure planning to keep pace .. no wonder we are closing in on 3rd world status! ..
I won’t be here but the grandees are gonna wear the cost of the, continual, “she’ll be right believe us we is pollies” attitude …….!
Reading here recently makes me thing Victoria is right on the brink. Importing power to make up the shortfall, no mothballed coal plants to restart, and their solution is more renewables by 2035(!!??!)).
Don’t think there’s even a gas fired plant on the cards, and even if it were started tomorrow how long would it take to come online?
South Australia is likely to be the first State to fall as it relies far more upon those Bird/Bat killing Towers than any other State. Their Connector to Victoria is so very important when the wind doesn’t blow. If Victoria struggles, then SA struggles even more.
They should have a Voice to Parliament!
June 28, 2022 at 3:54 pm
The Australian government has admitted there have been at least 79,000 side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine and is now offering compensation for those seriously injured.
This is disgraceful as it should be the Big Pharma Companies paying the compensation and being dragged through the Courts.
We can blame the previous Government for agreeing to let the Big Pharma Companies off the hook (legal waivers) when agreeing to purchase all those drugs (alleged vaccines) to jab the population with.
Once again, the long suffering taxpayer gets the hit.
No-one has sought to claim a $200,000 reward for information that solves the disappearance of Lyn Dawson, the court has been told.
You’d think that if she was out there somewhere she’d have come forward by now, or someone would have claimed the money.
Pay that one!
Sorry. The “Denver Airport Mural” REEEEEing is bullsh*t.
The real mural, painted in 1994 is quite different.
The work doing the rounds is recent.
surpassed $1bn in ticket sales globally over the weekend.
“You’d think that if she was out there somewhere she’d have come forward by now, or someone would have claimed the money.”
Indeed. The plain truth is that Lyn Dawson hasn’t been “living” somewhere or anywhere since 9 January 1982.
It’s a very sad story.
Here is the actual work.
“Sancho Panzersays:
June 28, 2022 at 2:52 pm
There is another possible take on Lucy Trumble being “approached” by the Libs to run.
It is possible she pushed to be fast-tracked for a safe seat and was told to run through pre-selection for a marginal.
Then leaked to the media spinning it that she knocked back an approach.”
Very likely. I suspect Daisy would prefer the much safer seat of Vaucluse, currently occupied by Gabrielle Upton.
I’m imagining some of the ex – military Cats here in Parliament.
“Siddown, shuddup and listen. You’ll talk when I say you can talk, which will be NEVER! Geddit! Gottit! Good!”
The Vajont dam was a completely different construction and aspect ratio to the three gorges.. but it survived a 250m inland tsunami and the almost complete evacuation of its reservoir by rock and earth.
I’m not sure an overtopping wave would damage the three gorges.
As I noted previously, a hypersonic (mach 5+) kinetic missile into the dam wall face would probably do the trick.
There will still be some power being generated, but too little at high cost (this is happening now). It would start with brown outs, like in the third world, so people will prepare and mitigate by installing generators. I can’t see a collapse scenario: no power, no residential electricity, no pumps at service stations, industry and hospital on emergency power, no power at the docks to unload cargo, etc. I doubt it will be that fast.
Number of “safe” Federal seats (margin 10%+):
National: 11
Liberal: 10
Labor: 38
Green: 2
Indep/Teal: 4
The simple joy of op-shopping .. plus the instructions were easy to understand .. LOL!
Import the third world and you get the third world. Who woulda guessed?
Found the “revealing by what it doesnt elaborate on” piece about AIDs mobs.
Homosexuality had been officially decriminalised for 15 years, but arrests for gross indecency had tripled.
Buggery in the bushes rather than coppers peeping through windows…
Then, in London, Heaven opens – the largest and most unapologetically gay nightclub this septic isle has ever seen and an oasis of freedom, within its four reverberating walls, from fear. Attendees and later activists Rupert Whitaker and Martyn Butler remember it as “Amazing … entrancing” and “the first time we had a place to call our own”. Taped interviewee John (Luke Hornsby) had a particularly wonderful coke-and-champagne-fuelled time as a “Heaven babe”, complete with a vivid anecdote about what happened when you finished the champagne. The exuberance and excesses of the time were, as many note, partly in reaction to the suppression and oppression in their daily lives. “Having sex with loads of people was an act of liberation, of defiance,” says one. Also, he adds, “It was a huge amount of fun.”
Or as its otherwise known, patient zero for aids in the UK…
See the bold bit makes sure you know it was all societies fault..
..the documentary is also noteworthy for being the first to tell this story with a sense of the joy that was present before Aids. It celebrates the hedonism of the lifestyle that was then said to “cause” Aids* rather than feeling the need to ignore it. This new, unashamed honesty marks more than anything how far we have come since 1982. It tells a story of grief and pride and hope, each one throwing the others into relief, to make a beautiful testament to everything and everyone who has gone before.
*You cant, male or female, root like a spastic gibbon on a meth and viagra bender and then pretend the consequences were unpredictable.
Monkeypox smiles, and makes its plans against us…
Marles does the Chicom’s bidding and continues with the emasculation of the ADF. The traitor reappoints the appalling Angus Campbell as CDF:
You start off well but come to grief. Sounds like you just want to untether institutions from their intrinsic ends and simply use them for other purposes. Pretty much what the conservative argument for gay ‘marriage’ involved, for instance. Completely ignore the primary purpose of marriage, family formation, and simply use it to bougie up gay relationships. Same applied to no-fault divorce, ignore the harm this would have on the institution and consequently its ends, and simply defer to the individual interests of the spouses. This is really just skin-suit institutionalism.
So I finally came down with the coof! Our eldest daughter was the first to get it – tested positive on Saturday after experiencing symptoms on Friday. She gave it to her brother, who tested positive on Sunday after experiencing symptoms. The wife and I tested positive yesterday when we became symptomatic. The kids had a somewhat tough couple of days of light fever, lethargy, dizziness, coughing, headache, no appetite but nothing too terrible. Today they appear to be in rude good health.
The grown ups aren’t doing quite as well – moderate fatigue, fever and chills, very achey, sore throat…but I have to say I’ve experienced far worse cold and flu-type illnesses than this. If this is as bad as it gets, it’ll be a bit of a non-event. I should add that I’m one of the evil unvaxxed, and so are my kids. McGowan’s tyrannical vax mandates were totally worth it.
Only our 18 month old was spared the Wuflu, and she’s blissfully unaware of the supposed calamity that has befallen the household.
Ok, but is that likewise true of the women they are trying to force into the senior levels, or is the field being tilted for the sake of diversity?
not the grunts. not the mechanics. not the engineers. not the specialists.
No.. just the senior levels.
“Why is it always the C suite?” – JP
(answer – because its about power, not equality)
Uk now up to 910
germany 765
spain 736
portugal 365
france 330
That is exactly what I want to stop. People like you, db, want to subvert institutions to follow your policy preferences, like putting “family formation” ahead of personal rights and putting “the institution of marriage” ahead of the happiness and freedom of those trapped in marriage. My ethos is a repudiation of people like you and the SCOTUS five, who want to wear the skin-suit of institutions while they implement their weird theological authoritarianism.
Glad to hear you and your family are doing okay, OCO.
June 28, 2022 at 7:59 am
EV charging stations at Glastonbury were powered by a diesel generator.
With all of those tens of thousands there and the number of ‘Porta Loos’ needed, they could have thought about using ‘Poo Power’ to use the gas to generate electricity with cogeneration units. Not too sure whether any mobile units have been developed yet though.
The Power of Poo.
The delay (and pricing) of German appliance and auto parts into Australia is extraordinary. Parts that are routinely airmailed within days around Europe take weeks and months to Australia.
I had a run around with the Australian distributor of German tapware over parts for a shower mixer. Not the current model, so not stocked, and they were talking months and several hundred dollars.
I phoned the manufacturer in Düsseldorf directly and spoke to a super-efficient service rep, who confirmed: yes the part was available, €25, plus €7 expedited freight anywhere within Europe.
Bingo. But when I asked about freight to Australia – the shutters came down. ‘Ahhh, you will have to speak with the Australian agency, we cannot serve you from here…’
We sometimes seem to live in a world of ticket clippers.
I think the Democrats are not agile thinkers. It seems most of their leading lights immerse themselves not in strategy but in chicanery, graft, and deals.
The 2020 election steal was not very much a matter of new means – ballot stuffing, fiddling electoral roles, election booth infrastructure – but rather one of scale. They turned it up to eleven. The only true innovation was the seeming benignity of asking the Republican observers to leave the counting rooms at night.
Republican voters are fired up. They will be on guard against the usual tricks and ready to pounce on any irregularity – and they will be very alive to how naive/trusting/treacherous their states can be with electoral votes, they won’t simply sit back and watch their states governments miscast them again.
I cannot guarantee that this is the case, but having shown their hand I don’t think the Democrats will succeed in this again. Question is whether they know.
the thing is, they aren’t even his thoughts
which is why his utterances here attract the scorn … its the same boiler-plate gibber that circulates all over the sewer known as twitter.
honestly follow a thread anywhere on say reliable energy or SCOTUS v Wymynsys and it really is just a bunch of gibbering idiots all fapping each other off and repeating the same phrases over and over.
appears to me that he never actually thunk for himself
the dancing solar-powered pot-plant in sun-glasses.
mUnty is our own special bobble-head
he doesn’t know why he does it … he just cant help it.
No, it isn’t, as you illustrate above. You want to force institutions to undermine their intrinsic ends in order to satisfy whatever you please. That you put family formation in scare quotes re marriage is telling. And if everything is simply in the service of ‘personal rights’ why even bother taking about institutions?
But he’d still deny you healthcare because you’re an “anti-vaxxer”.
I see you Monty! The internet remembers.
Back in small town country NSW, with my refuel light blinking furiously first port of was the servo. Ordinary bogan looking bloke in front, NSW plated Falcon station wagon hops out in an n95 mask.
Then on a side street a young woman, clearly local, pulls up in front of a house, having been driving solo while masked.
Haven’t spotted any others though, in my brief foray along the main drag.
I see incoherent Monty is lashing out again.
Family formation is not an institution, db. It is a policy preference favoured by white supremacists and religious extremists who want to propagate their followers.
Forcing women to carry children to term through the instrumentalities of the state is fascism, basically.
People like you, db, want to subvert institutions to follow your policy preferences,
m0nty-fa then follows with examples of institutions being subverted to follow his policy preferences.
Pot, meet kettle.
I don’t think you understand what ‘inertia’ means
For all youse kiddies that need a break from political crap get an escape, albeit briefly, by having a look at “Dark Horse” (on Stan, dunno where else). A good true story even if you’re not a follower of the Sport of Kings.
Went to see “Top Gun: Maverick” at the weekend. Good escapist stuff, don’t worry about too much reality. Very entertaining. Ya won’t to take a piss break.
It is a policy preference favoured by white supremacists and religious extremists who want to propagate their followers.
And opposed by fascists and communists (BIRM) who see the fragmentation of family and personal life as simplifying their ambition of controlling all life under their centralised power. The many previous failures of centralism are ignored, or dismissed as “not done correctly”.
monty-fa is in a family (but surely not the head of one). Is he a white supremacist or a religious extremist? Enquiring minds.
So you concede they are children, monty?
The immediate future is going to be to continue to build out renewables and batteries – aiming to build sufficient diversity to provide a ‘reliable’ supply. Locked in with Easy Peasy Albanese.
This strategy will hit a wall when the renewables generation industry can no longer earn super profits on a ‘turn up to play’ basis – ie no longer given priority to fill the market at distress prices when they are available to run.
Looking at negative pricing on SA when the overbuilt wind fleet tries run at +100% of demand- and judging by the anguished push back on AEMO’s fairly tame capacity proposals, we are fairly close to that point now.
What happens next is a cascade of market failures – aka brownouts – as coal generation is withdrawn and the supply holes in the ‘too cheap to meter’ renewables system can no longer be covered over with gas.
The solution to that is going to be demand management – smart meters that automatically turn off bits of your electric life according to how the wind blows – and that is where the shit hits the fan.
If you get the chance to see it at an IMAX theater, Just Do It.
Forcing people to partake in a medical experiment, with the threat of denying them the ability to work, is a far better example of fascism.
Arresting peaceful protestors isn’t a bad one either. Nor the asset of political subversives in their homes based on an internet comment.
You weren’t so concerned about these “personal rights” of “under-represented minorities” back then, or since.
The internet remembers.
To the best of my knowledge, the School of Infantry has been unable to graduate any female Riflemen for service in the RAR due to the fact they cannot hack the physical demands.
Too many injuries. And I am not sure the Reserve infantry battalions are any better.
I know the ARes Armour units have a lot of female crewmen popping up and getting through the Employment Training, but I am not sure how many of them are practically employed as Cavalry Scouts…
Marriage is the institution, family formation is its principal end. It’s a sociological term you clown. I could just say generation, custody , and education of children if the term triggers you.
No, it isn’t. Obliging a parent/s to at least care for their child until it can be entrusted to the care and custody of another is not fascism. Liberalism has made you a moral cretin.
At least you acknowledge them as “children”.
Just different to your own.
It’s only a child if the mother wants it. Otherwise it’s valueless.
Talking to some other Cats/Kittehs re a BBQ at ours lunchtime 10th or 11th, Jupes.
Will be in touch.
No-one is ‘forcing’ any one to do anything.
The notion that you have a right to kill your unborn child, for any reason, at any stage, is monstrous.
How anyone ever found that right in the US constitution is mind boggling.
Monster, go scoff down the other 1/2 dozen donuts you haven’t eaten and get back in the basement. It’s illegal for you to be above ground and I can’t watch you putting up these embarrassing arguments any longer. Go on shoo
Shame most of society and even the recent imports from the Third World fundamentally disagree with you, Fat Man.
You fascists are an utter embarrassment to your cause. Especially when you clumsily pretend towards conservativism because it’s your Establishment you lot are now desperately trying to defend.
(I used a ‘You Lot.’ Glorious. 🙂 )
the 250 year old institution with built in checks and balances?
that skin-suit?
your own ethos which, as you admit is probably different to everybody else’s, and is what 20years old?
that well thunk plan of yours that has its genesis in poor scholarship and too many bongs,
that’d fix everything right?
facile gibberish
Panel of Experts Exposes Deadly Advice Given by Australia’s CASA Supporting Forced Vaccination of Pilots
Under the US Federal Aviation Administration aeromedical handbook you lose your aviation medical certification if you use or take an experimental medical treatment or one that has not been in wide use for at least 12 months. Of course the FAA didn’t obey their own rules re the clot shots.
When i think about that, Starship Troopers springs to mind
Good Lord.
The amazing power of white supremacists and religious extremists – influencing the policy preferences of the entire human race, reaching back across aeons and continents.
Some “religious extremism”:
I’m more than happy to be part of something instituted by the Almighty. Others who think differently can do as they please, even the ones who manufacture their tenets of faith to suit themselves.
Family formation is not an institution, db. It is a policy preference favoured by white supremacists and religious extremists who want to propagate their followers.
Yes, because family formation has been so untethered from childbearing/rearing and passing on of worldly goods etc.
Men Monty dies the funds raised at the Hirohito whale research station and rendering plant for his carcass will be left to random hoboes in the street, not so called “family” members.
The latest tweet from Titania McGrath?
the capability is already being built in to do exactly that
all AirCon stuff these days has what is call Demand Response Enabling Device (DRED)
there are retailers who will give you money for connecting your stuff via the smart meter so that it can be load shed
same with your solar invereter
… highly recommend youse don’t though
I dunno about the rest of you Cats, but I’d really like to know where I can buy a few barrels of Toxic Masculinity.
You know, the evil and chaotic power on which the whole world allegedly turns.
I reckon me and [the putative] Mrs Anger could have wonderful times by dabbing the stuff on Care Bears, then hiding them in university Safe Spaces…
That is exactly what I want to stop. People like you, db, want to subvert institutions to follow your policy preferences, like putting “family formation” ahead of personal rights and putting “the institution of marriage” ahead of the happiness and freedom of those trapped in marriage.
If it’s only ever been just about “personal rights”, why did we create an institution called “marriage” at all? Why don’t people just hook up and split up as they see fit?
My ethos is a repudiation of people like you and the SCOTUS five, who want to wear the skin-suit of institutions while they implement their weird theological authoritarianism.
“Skin suit”? Poor old m0nty. Point to any time during the history of any society from which we’ve derived any of our legal, cultural and moral heritage where “marriage” has been like you’ve described it. Or describe how it hasn’t been like db describes.
What’s “authoritarian” about the SCOTUS 5 saying that it’s up to the voters of each state to decide what rules they want? Isn’t it much more authoritarian for SCOTUS to say “hey, the Constitution doesn’t even mention abortion but here’s what we’ve decided to foist on society whether they want it or not”? [Spoiler alert: the correct answer is “yes” but m0nty will never admit it.]
m0nster declaring the “End of Days” at the possibility that the regime of economic destruction by regulation might come to an end at the hands of SCOTUS.
Even as dim as he is, he surely understands that the relevant legislature can codify any quashed regulation into legislation at the stroke of a pen.
But therein lies the problem.
Dimocrats have spent decades writing vague legislation and stacking the bureaucracy* with like minded types who will then drive a bus through the opaque legislation and implement The Agenda.
The politician claims a level of plausible deniability, citing “experts” in the bureacracy (e.g. “just following the elf advice”).
If the regulatory powers of the bureacracy are swept away, politicians will have to write explicit legislation and own it come ballot box time.
This is no bad thing.
* What really hurts is they spent decades appointing thousands of bureaucrats to pivotal positions.
Trump undid it all with three SCOTUS appointments.
a government that has as one of its main underlying goals the gradual extension of personal rights to under-represented minorities
How about government just fucks off and leaves EVERYONE alone?
No-fault divorce was caused by a massive society-wide failure of men to live up to their side of the bargain. It was men who attacked the institution of marriage by abusing their wives and straitjacketing them into loveless jails.
Attacking women for wanting more rights only perpetuates the original wrong. Your formulation of “family formation” as being more important than the rights of women is not supported by any majority, and is being imposed by radicals in America in the face of the will of the people.
There you go again with the creepy reference to using women as livestock to produce goods for the adoption market. Amy Coney Barrett and Alito talked about that as well. Weirdoes, the lot of you.
Is that wise?
He is showing signs of pink icing overload.
Maybe he should back off the Krispy Kremes.
They should have a Voice to Parliament!
Id like to know more!
Imagine if roe v wade had determined that the constitution enshrined rights/freedoms for Americans that began at conception and thus forbade the states from legislating anyone getting even so much as a morning after pill.
Monty is just demonstrating that he is, at heart, a totalitarian that hates democracy.
Apparently I am the only person dining in tonight, who doesn’t have some sort of NSW government voucher.
Apparently they are marching out but as OR’s. I lived next to an instructor for a bit in Singleton, he explained about gateways to graduate and these used to be rigid. Apparently that rigidity was watered down. They also get way more leeway than their male colleagues. As the guy used to tell me a lot of money wasted for little gain as his knowledge none had made it past a couple of years in a line unit with most injured in under 1 year.
My mate who discharged a while back concurs, his knowledge 1 in 10 are still in a unit by 2 years service and mostly not what he calls “gunslingers” by then.
IMO like in the mining game there are probably niches for them in the army but just like everything to do with gender we implement poorly, i.e. one size fits all.
The thing about this is that in deep blue and deep red states, abortion laws will follow the majority. All well and good so far, as you say, democracy at work. It’s the purple states where the problem lies.
In purple states, there are still majorities supporting Roe. Yes, even Iowa. Yet there are many purple states where Republicans have big majorities in state legislatures, which the current SCOTUS has locked in for the foreseeable future with massively politicised gerrymanders. So you’ll get many states where the population will have Dobbs imposed on them when what they really want is Roe.
SCOTUS may say that they’re sending the issue back to the states in the name of democracy, but their own actions have ensured that they’re just replacing one unhappy set of voters with another.
Eyrie, you’re such a medical doctor. Patients are so lucky to have you.
The filthy unvaxxed returned to work with the fuel subcontractor at the airport this week.
EM representative was asking why they weren’t asked to approve/endorse. “It’s none of you business, it’s not a legal requirement anymore!”
“Well why are they are able to come back to work when for instance Rick’s not coming back?”
Well, because we stood our workers down for the whole period, and instead of continuing to stand Rick down, you fired him!
Fatboy is bawling because the SCOTUS may take a hammer to the administrative state. He’s such an institutionalist.
No fault divorce was instituted by men for men, it allowed men to trade in their wives for a newer models.
“Girls just wanna have fun!”, don’t ya know?
Monty is running out of
‘That’s terrible Muriel’s.
Yeah, there’s a disturbing number of people that would like to know what goes on in other people’s bedrooms, failing that they’ll settle for a Government that keeps an eye on it.
These miserygutses didn’t get their way in England so they sailed to America to found a Country devoted to spying on bedrooms.
It’s in the history books, you can read about it.
Funny how the Fat Man assumes that the system he has lived under his entire life, and every social, historical, philosophical and religious institution and understanding that underpins it does not implicitly assume all humans are equal in the eyes of God, AND THEREFORE ARE EQUAL IN THE EYES OF THE LAW, without it being written for him in big, block, crayon letters.
Of course, the Fat Man has never been able to spell E-Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y without it coming out as E-X-C-E-P-T-I-O-N-A-L-I-S-M.
So he assumes Equality means Special Treatment for whatever group his fellow fascists want to exploit this week…
Grigory is late to the party.
Grigory, the America we know is not Puritan. Though the Democrat Party does seem to have managed to develop a strong Puritanical streak in its aversion to anyone and anything that does not unquestioningly embrace sexual degeneracy and libertinism…
Rex doesn’t understand how easy he has it.
Your formulation of “family formation” as being more important than the rights of women is not supported by any majority
In reality family formation is more important than the rights of women and men. The children should be in the box seat.