Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the…
Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the…
When, as rumour has it, Anal decides a Vietnam conscription policy is a good idea, then we’ll see Labor tear…
Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.
Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
Rex Anger:
Which reminds me of the Gentlemens Tailors in London where you were immediately inside leg measured even if you were only after a hat.
ANOTHER UPDATE (FROM GLENN): From the comments: “Will someone in D.C. please dress up as a steering wheel and hold a dramatic press conference? ‘Ohhhh, he tried to grab me! And Mark Judge saw the whole thing!’”
Plus, this, via the open thread:
I’ve never seen anything like the Democrat obsession with Donald Trump. He broke their brains. He’s been out of office for 18 months — the entire country has gone to shit with Joe Biden in office & Democrat control of the House & Senate — and yet it’s still all Trump. Wild.
You’d have to wonder at the frisson of diplomatic terror around Quai d’Orsay. Pute! Merde alors, c’est encore le fantôme misérable…
What exactly is the protocol for dealing with a former Australian PM:
• cast out by his own party;
• nominally from the opposite side of politics from the current PM;
• appearing out of nowhere;
• with no official function;
• love-bombing both the newly lame-duck President and Unknown Albanese;
• while applying another layer of shite to the immediate former PM.
Wars are fought for less.
Did you meet Eddy Knott there?
Depends on the questions, the context they were asking in etc.
If the question is “Do you support Roe v Wade, including the viability prohibition?”, then around 80% say yes after having that prohibition explained. MSM drops the condition and says “80% support Roe!”. This is what Monty quoted and I have seen it quoted before. It’s highly misleading. Politi-farce would fact check it “missing context” if they were non-partisan and honest (they are neither).
But that doesn’t matter anyway – SCOTUS only said that Roe was incorrect and reversed it, which means it goes back to the states to decide, as per pre Roe.
It’s not the case that “conservative” judges “removed” a right, it’s that “progressive” judges created one that they shouldn’t have – they had faulty reasoning, SCOTUS has now decided (which aligns with the view of many legal scholars both before and after this ruling – even “progressive” ones).
It’s always been that way Monty – whichever party has the state legislature under their control decides where the boundaries are every decade after the census. Dems are just upset because the states gaining house seats are the republican controlled ones. As I said, have a look at the maps and proposed maps – there is NO WAY that Dem proposed maps are defensible, but Repub ones most certainly are. Both favour the incumbent party, as has always been the case. I agree it’s hardly fair, but it is what it is, and it hasn’t changed for decades. The number of “purple” districts has been on a downward trajectory for decades because of this arrangement, which may be regrettable. Still, there is hardly an “independent” way to do it – most government institutions are heavily left-leaning, and who knows what that might do if they control of the boundaries.
The 2nd amendment case is similar: Dems seem to think it will mean carnage, despite the fact that it only really said “you can’t have ‘may issue’, you can only have ‘shall issue’”, and that any conditions must be objective. It’s hardly unreasonable to ask for an objective set of rules and due process before removing someone’s enumerated rights. Until this decision, if you lived in a high crime area in NY, you couldn’t get a concealed carry permit for self defense! Of course, the mayor had a squad of police officers, and the rich and powerful had “security guards” that were permitted to carry weapons, but the peons weren’t allowed to exercise their 2nd amendment right to “own and bear arms”. For around half of states, they are now “constitutional carry” anyway, and other than Dem strongholds like CA, NY and MI, the rest are ‘will issue’, so this ruling only affects the places with the strictest gun control – which tend to be the places with the most and worst “mass shooting” events.
Absolutely! Only mustard will do.
Our standard order was “Barkeep, another bottle of your cheapest leg opener thanks”. Food was an extravagance by that stage.
“It was a software glitch.”
One mans glitch is another mans bug, is another mans feature. It’s all perspective, innit? The only one who really knows is the software dude that wrote it.
Perjury is perjury. Is there the fault element and physical element?
Given its a dog and pony political inquiry rather than a court case id imagine the rules on testimony are reasonably… shall we say… flexible.
“• cast out by his own party;
• nominally from the opposite side of politics from the current PM;
• appearing out of nowhere;
• with no official function;
• love-bombing both the newly lame-duck President and Unknown Albanese;
• while applying another layer of shite to the immediate former PM.”
Indeed…however he is yet to be expelled from the Liberal Party of Australia.
Trump wrestled the wheel of this.
It’s not the case that “conservative” judges “removed” a right, it’s that “progressive” judges created one that they shouldn’t have – they had faulty reasoning, SCOTUS has now decided (which aligns with the view of many legal scholars both before and after this ruling – even “progressive” ones).
I wonder what the reaction would be of so-called “progressives”, if they were to be asked whether “stare decisis” should apply to Dred Scott?
Oh, hang on, they were mad keen on the decision at the time. Forget my question.
temperance group came to school and as I did not like beer, and only had sherry at home, happy to sign – looking at the state of my mates over those 6 years of sobriety, probably a good move for me.
Well dun! .. the only pledge I remember was to .. never leave a bar sober! .. spent my entire 20s an alcoholic! .. not recommended! .. LOL!
Dangerously stupid, more like.
From Voxday.net
“The story introduces readers to four new trans characters, all of whom are equipped with their own unique set of skills. The group includes Pity Girl/Nora (she/her), who has the ability to hypnotize people with sad stories
Seen recently somewhere or other in meme form, the reason companies in the US will pay for you to go interstate to get an abortion is so they don’t have to pay maternity leave.
Or eight 750ml bottles. Nowhere near Depardieuesque enough.
We manage to do it in Australia through an independent federal electoral commission. They could do this in America too, they just choose not to because STATES RIGHTS YAWL, i.e. corrupt state pols want to keep their cushy seats.
There are some evils in federalism, no doubt, but there are also manifold evils in anti-federalism, and permanent partisan gerrymandering is a major one.
“I wonder what the reaction would be of so-called “progressives”…”
It changes – always does.
There is video of Bill Clinton saying abortion should be “safe, legal and rare”. That is the compromise that ruled for many decades until the “progressives” went bat-shit crazy -so some time in the last 20 odd years or so, maybe even 30.
Elon Musk’s twitter meme of political standing for a “centre-left” person is apropos – without changing their views in the slightest, they are now “alt-right” or “far right”, purely because the left moved so far away from them. These are the ones that now have more in common with the right, and are the reason (well, one of many) the Dems will lose in the midterms come November. That is assuming there is not another “unfortunate” lock-down and the associated voting rule changes that “just happen” to make “widespread democracy enhancement” the thing to do (again). “2000 Mules”, despite not being promoted much, has opened a lot of eyes, so I don’t think they could get away with such shenanigans again, but I have no doubt they are more than prepared to try it on.
June 29, 2022 at 1:18 pm
Still, there is hardly an “independent” way to do it
We manage to do it in Australia through an independent federal electoral commission.
Suuuuuuure m0nty-fa!
“…the only pledge I remember was to .. never leave a bar sober! …”
I don’t remember making such a pledge, although it is possible I did. Certainly – like you – I managed to live by it in my 20’s.
Collapsing in real time.
Collapsing in real time.
Looks like another “I am Spartacus” moment.
Went for a cruise around the Pacific on the Australis when I was three. My first conscious memories on this planet.
Every time Jeffrey Toobin tweets, the replies are hilarious.
Two dimensional, but still hilarious.
“…they just choose not to because STATES RIGHTS YAWL…”
Oh – you mean they followed the constitution?
How DARE they!
*AKA, anything that threatens Democrat party rule.
It is a bit of a give away, in the case of this Cassidy woman, that they have brought her out to say that she had heard Trump tried to grab the wheel of The Beast (even though that day he was in the Presidential SUV). She may have heard something true or untrue.
To bring her out and not people who were actually witnessed it.
I think part of the hope (and what is working predictably on the left) is that people will believe it as soon as they see it in the MSM. Problem is that the MSM is no longer trusted, and no one is watching the opera bouffe.
The only people they are convincing are the ones that didn’t need convincing.
Everyone else is just rolling their eyes.
Unless the rank and file Republicans stand guard outside every polling place on election day and night and probably the days before so the demonrats can’t bring in dead voting forms, they will cheat. Even in blue states they will cheat just so the voters don’t know how on the nose they really are.
So what did Turkey get in return?
Australia should learn from Turkey.
What does Australia get in return for getting balls deep in Ukraine at the request of the US?
Turkey will get a goose and so will Australia. Stuffed and roasted on a plate.
its a century of decline, ending in a new dark age
To bring her out and not people who were actually witnessed it.
Sounds just like the Lisa ‘Pirate Partner’ Wench……………I have evidence, I have evidence, I have evidence, I have no credibility…………..Whoops. Who said that?
burn the lot
We have a particular classification of wine called “pizza wine”.
Can be any variety (Cab Sav, Shiraz or any Spanish or Italian varietal) and usually a fair bit of space between it and ten bucks.
Anyone drinking high end wine with pepperoni, jalapeno and chilli flakes needs their head read.
June 29, 2022 at 1:57 pm
The story introduces readers to four new trans characters
burn the lot
Burn baby burn……………………………
If I ever catch up with JC in real life I am determined to give him a clip for wasting a prime steak on you.
Pearls before swine you donut hooverer.
New work led by several universities, including Johns Hopkins, shows that neural networks built from biased Internet data teach robots to enact toxic stereotypes
A robot operating with a popular Internet-based artificial intelligence system consistently gravitates to men over women, white people over people of color, and jumps to conclusions about peoples’ jobs after a glance at their face.
KD at 11:41.
Epic dot-joining conspiracy.
Very sad to see that metals replicating in the human body didn’t get a run, though.
Hold the mayo
ATLANTA – An argument over mayonnaise at a Downtown Atlanta Subway ended with one worker dead and another in the hospital.
The owner of the Subway says the reason for the shooting was something small: a customer was mad about mayo.
“Believe it or not, it was about too much mayonnaise on his sandwich,” owner Willie Glenn said.
Jesus Christ these talking points are getting more lame every day.
It’s actually from the Tenth Amendment of the US Bill of Rights.
Like cutting your dick off or going full nullo.
SCOTUS when invoking states rights suits the Republican Party platform: OHOHOHO STATES RIGHTS YAWL
SCOTUS when invoking states rights goes against the Republican Party platform: actually this is too important, we need a federal solution for this problem yo
Outrageous moment Australian of the Year Dylan Alcott controls a vibrating S3X TOY inside his s3xologist girlfriend Chantelle Otten at a swanky Sydney restaurant as she writhes around in ecstasy at the table
In a series of Instagram posts, Chantelle boasted about wearing a music-activated vibrator to dinner with tennis star Dylan and several friends.
She then had Dylan, who called time on his tennis career after the Australian Open, control the vibrator via an app on his phone, before allowing her friends to touch her crotch so they could feel the buzzing.
Before heading out, Chantelle explained she was using the sex toy for Pride month.
Crossbenchers face a bucketing over staff entitlements
As the newbie parliamentarians commence their induction, the Teal crossbenchers have assembled disappointed that palm leaves have not been strewn across parliamentary pathways with teeming crowds gathering to cheer them on.
Welcome to reality, guys.
The first hint of trouble in electoral paradise has come over staffing levels. In a nutshell, the government says less, the crossbenchers want more. All in times where the bureaucracy is facing cuts to staff, salary rises below inflation and austerity all around.
Why do crossbenchers need more staff? Do they want better Christmas parties? A little more variety with their Secret Santas? I mean, three more staff and they’d have their own cricket teams.
Their argument goes that they need more support than backbenchers, more advice on legislation, more this and more that. More chairs in the office certainly. Perhaps a coffee machine, a pizza oven and would it kill you to spread around a few Pilates mats?
It’s not just the Teals.
The crossbenchers generally are up in arms. There’s even been talk of a strike in the Senate. Once certain senators and senators-elect realised how churlish that sounded, talk of industrial action has been replaced with more moderate noises of a ‘go slow.’
If there was a go slow in the Senate, how would the rest of Australia know? How could we tell the difference? It’d be like the old cartoon announcing the piano tuners’ strike had dragged on into its seventh year, in that we would have a vague sense that something wasn’t working quite to its optimum, but it didn’t matter much anyway.
With each new parliament, staffing levels are reviewed with the allocation of support staff for MPs at the discretion of the prime minister.
In 2019, Prime Minister Scott Morrison determined that crossbench senators and MHRs should have four electoral staff and four personal staff or advisers, eight in total.
Prime Minister Albanese appeared perplexed with these arrangements, telling ABC Radio, “I didn’t know, and I can’t find any great record of any publicity” for the four plus four arrangements.
The Morrison allocation gave crossbenchers twice the staff of the humble party-affiliated backbencher.
To put a rough figure on the cost of this, junior electorate officers earn around $56,000. More senior officers earn up to $90,000. Salaries for personal staff in non-government offices vary but a figure of $100,000 per annum is well within the ballpark.
Thus, in the past three years, each crossbench MP carried around with them like luggage almost a million dollars in staff salaries, excluding their own and that’s not counting the myriad other outgoings in entitlements, expenses, rent on electoral offices et cetera.
Genteel ‘inducement’
As a casual cynic, the thought occurs that these arrangements were possibly put in place in 2019 by a government with a shaky majority in the Lower House and a hellish path to getting legislation through in the Senate. Bribery is an ugly term. I prefer inducement. It has a much nicer ring to it. More genteel. More befitting of the august surrounds of the federal parliament.
Likewise, it might just be possible that some of our freshly elected crossbenchers might have noted the arrangements in place for the old parliament and presumed they would remain so for the foreseeable. Were promises made that now must be unmade?
Senators Jacqui Lambie, Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts with senators-elect Tammy Tyrell (JLN) and David Pocock (Teal independent) issued a joint statement declaring they were “deeply disappointed.”
“This is also a direct attack on the people of Australia who decided to put their trust in independents and minor parties to represent them federally, by withdrawing the resources we need to advocate for them in the parliament,” the statement, in part read.
The member-elect for Kooyong, Monique Ryan was said to be similarly disappointed.
“After coming to power, Prime Minister Albanese stated that he wanted to work cooperatively with crossbench MPs to ensure they were able to contribute fully to the parliament’s deliberations and operations,” Ryan said.
“It’s disappointing that his first act towards the crossbench is utterly at odds with that statement.”
So much disappointment.
With the newbies in mind, let me explain to the crossbenchers what the Australian people expect of them. Now that you’ve made your way into the parliament, we really don’t like you anymore. We don’t want you to be surrounded by a small platoon of yes people. We don’t want you to be comfortable. If we had our way, you’d be working out of a cave where you’d have to fight your way past the sabre-toothed tiger and the giant wombat to get to the chamber.
We’re not even sure you should have seats in your offices. Not comfy ones anyway. Maybe scatter around a few upturned KFC buckets.
And if you threaten some sort of work-to-rule conditions, some form of industrial action in the Upper House driven by a bloated sense of entitlement, I can only say that you’re a referendum away from working at home permanently in that little nook in the corner of your garage with no staff and a desultory footy tipping competition. Does the word mono-cameral mean anything to you? Have one of your staff Google it.
Overall, if you bleat about what are very generous terms of employment, we’re going to hate you even more.
Now go sit on your bucket and get on with it.
June 29, 2022 at 2:11 pm
Jesus Christ these talking points are getting more lame every day.
It’s actually from the Tenth Amendment of the US Bill of Rights.
Please don’t bother m0nty-fa with Constitutional facts, for him it’s all about the feeeeeelzzz.
I don’t disagree that states rights are a thing… except when they get in the way of the five wingnuts, when they suddenly aren’t a thing worth mentioning any more.
Sensible that they used Trump and Melania as the passengers to show how the whole vehicle sits around and protects them.
If it was Biden they would have to show him licking the window and counting out the cows as they go by, and Jill would be sunk deep into her seat with a staring straight ahead with an annoyed expression and large stiff drink.
If it was the Obamas then the car would be listing pretty severely to one side, he would have been sitting pressed as close and invisible to one door as his empty insides would allow, and his hulking wife cramped in a space meant for four people scowling such that it melts everything her eyes settle on.
Frickin’ cold.
I might break (out) some CO2 wind.
I want 4 degrees of warming please.
Where are the klimate kiddies?
Frank at 12:50.
Years ago I was out for dinner with a renowned pisspot, who apparently hadn’t had enough by the time the food ran out.
“Can we have two glasses of your cheapest and nastiest red, please?” he asked the Asian waitress.
She came back and plonked two glasses on the table. “They all the same price. But this one the nastiest.”
Game, set and match to the waitress.
Yawl’s are hard to trim with the mizzen stepped behind the rudder it tends to overdrive it.
What a load of old bollocks.
None of Nate Herreshoff’s fighting fortiesYawls were christened STATES RIGHTS.
I don’t disagree that states rights are a thing… except when they get in the way of my side’s Agenda. when they suddenly aren’t a thing worth mentioning any more.
Fixed for the Fat Man.
Take that Handmaid’s bonnet and Little Red Riding Hood cape off, Benito M0ntylini. It looked ridiculous enough on that scowling woke harpy on the teev. You make it look positive farcical.
And wash your hands. You’ve left quite enough stains on the carpet with your carry-on this week…
This is not very difficult at all, but here goes –
FFS all you left wing nut jobs, just read the Judgement from the US Supreme Court. You know, the one about this ‘abortion’ thingy.
You can all read can’t you?
Right, so what is your problem? You don’t like the legal decision? Well, stiff shit and just get on with your life, that is, if you have one, and stop belly aching.
There is this thing/concept/whatever called the Separation of Powers and the Constitution. It works quite well if it is not being nobbled by left wing nut jobs. Now, if you don’t like how this wonderful system works, then I suggest that you go to a more ‘enlightened’ place like North Korea and see how you go.
Bye, bye now and don’t come back (ever).
incoherent ramblersays:
June 29, 2022 at 2:46 pm
Frickin’ cold.
I might break (out) some CO2 wind.
Methane wind is better. Better out than in. Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart.
Who’s that : the gal who’s lying about Trump? No biggie, Fatboy. Trump only hired good lookers, consequently she doesn’t stand out from that crowd.
It’s all baloney anyway. The thing is that if you have weasels like Schiff and unattractive swine like Cheney on the panel you know it’s just another version of wussiagate.
More lame?
Dude, that leftwit that refers to itself as a Trained Observer has just gone and tried to restart m0nty’s whole But what about tha wahmenses? gag from Square One over at The End of The Beginning thread.
The entire ambit is as bankrupt and unworkable as it was when the Fat Man first dumped it on us 4 days ago, but it seems that if the troll hasn’t tried it itself, it doesn’t count and is a completely new argument.
These people and their thinking are so beige!
Make AI Trans Again!
yawl? whats a yawl? some sort of boat. you mean y’all.
no charge.
This whole Jan 6th thing is laughable in the context that they’re calling it an insurrection. The useless Capitol police opened the gates and nearly all the doors letting them in.
Let’s forget those leftists massing at the front of the White House and damaging the church near there.
Let’s also forget the massive damage , looting and killing after Floyd croaked.
The hearing is a complete joke.
Schiff should be in jail for a very long time.
Globohomo is going to have to find new sources of cannon fodder to fight for the gay disco.
Every branch of the U.S. military is struggling to meet its fiscal year 2022 recruiting goals, say multiple U.S. military and defense officials, and numbers obtained by NBC News show both a record low percentage of young Americans eligible to serve and an even tinier fraction willing to consider it.
Instead of chasing squirrels in the dark, let’s go fishing for yellow fin.
Quadrant On- Line – very good pith take!
Dobbs had nothing to with states rights. This has been explained to you.
I don’t disagree that states rights are a thing… except when they get in the way of the five wingnuts, when they suddenly aren’t a thing worth mentioning any more.
Hey ‘montypox virus’ what the heck are you smoking? How and when did the US States rights get in the way of anyfink’? Just like in Australia (Colonies), the States in the US were there first. And at the end of the day, it is “We the People” in the US Constitution. Never were better words ever said. People Power and the Separation of Powers should rule OK. I fink’
Here endeth the lesson.
Maybe, just maybe, the AI is right?
Not that I’d ever say that in mixed company…
🙂 yes. I put the smiley in because someone somewhere will think I’m a Garage Nazi.
June 29, 2022 at 2:36 pm
I don’t disagree that states rights are a thing… except when they get in the way of the five wingnuts, when they suddenly aren’t a thing worth mentioning any more.
Poor old m0nty.
Tugged his peen with a big “states’ rights” sneer.
Beclowned himself, because all Dot had to do was utter the words “Tenth Amendment”.
Now m0nty tries a goalpost shift – but fails again.
As usual he fails to give even one vaguely truthful example to support his macro-bozo level stupidity.
[Prediction – we’ll get a spiel about the New York gun laws decision, in which m0nty will overlook the fact that the Second Amendment guarantees those rights, thus beclowning himself again.]
The Tenants’ Union is, however, concerned about the number of vacant homes.
What business is it of the “Tenants’ Union” what folk do with properties they own? .. Sure, they might be able to whinge if they are are State owned housing but private ain’t anyone but the owners affair ..!
Of course, the “elephant in the house” never getz a mention .. illegal boat-folk/immigration getting prioriy treatment over Oz born and, complicit, gummint(s) not building anything (housing or infrastructure) to cope with their importation quotas ..!
The Australis Statement from the Sea invites all Australians to walk with them on a journey of reconciliation.
We ask for understanding, empowerment and a future of hope, inclusion and justice for all. We call for Third Wave citizens to be given a voice in the lawmaking that governs this continent. A Third Wave voice enshrined in the Constitution and a commission to supervise a process of agreement-making between government and Third Wave citizens, and truth-telling about our shared past as the basis for lasting reconciliation.
We look forward to the coming referendum that will enshrine our Third Wave voice in the constitution.
Wot Baat’ the first and second waves? And the serf (surf) waves? You missed out on the Jocks. Just cos’ they had kilts and no jocks under the kilts I guess. Bias.
Australia has a very good Constitution that very few people can understand or interpret. That is a good thing. The USA has a Constitution written in plain English and even the USAns don’t get it. So what hope have we got? Leave the Australian Constitution alone and leave it on the shelf to gather dust.
It works just fine as it is.
Many suffered abuse for their strange cultural practices, their odd surnames and accents,
Remember those times well, 1967 knew no one in Oz and suddenly discovered that after spending the 1st 19 years of my life growing up in County Durham, England I didn’t speak English .. just the “Geordie” dialect that, apparently, no one else could understand .. still got the accent but can speak English quite well, these dayz .. LOL!
Or in the Palaszczuk government’s case, selling off public housing stock, as the Courier-Mail reported in February of this year.
Is y’all the same as you lot?
Nah. Y’all is a colloquialism.
You Lot is an attack.
June 29, 2022 at 12:49 pm
The most disgusting allegations from Cassidy Hutchinson overnight were that Trump has ketchup on his steak. History’s greatest monster.
Absolutely! Only mustard will do.
Maybe English Mustard but also with Horseradish is the way to go…………….Yeah Baby !!!
He’s still stuck on but muh privacy-REEEEEEEEE! after 4 days.
I’m not confident that he nor any of the other trollherd have the ability to progress beyond this toddler-level reasoning…
Okay, so she lied. No surprise.
Munty is so busy moving goal posts he hasn’t noticed they’re getting wider apart. Since the fat freak is from sictoria he’ll have the extra set coz they can’t kick and need a participation prize.
When I was in Japan I worked in a language school which employed English speakers from throughout the Anglosphere: Americans, Kiwis, Scots, etc.
One woman I worked with had such a strong Scottish accent I near could not understand her. She did not use obscure words or speak too fast or press phonemes to do work for which they were simply not built for. She simply spoke with a strong accent.
The Japanese students speaking English was much easier.
But you’ve got a swastika in your profile pic!
Only Dijon on steak. Its a rule.
ABCcess is running a competition. Open only to aboriginal contestants.
See what’s the biggest crock of shit you can say to a abc presenter and not have them express at least some teeny bit of skepticism.
Bonus points if you stack crap on crap till it is a veritable offal tower of confection.
So far none of the abc mongs has cottoned on yet.
Part of one old duck todays efforts.
Western food was racist because it made Abos fat.
Inter generational trauma is genetically real and aboriginals have been traced with 7 generations of it.
All aboriginal health issues were the legacy of colonisation.
About that time the radio switched to “ repeats of the repeats of the songs we repeated all last week”…
Anyone drinking high end wine with pepperoni, jalapeno and chilli flakes needs their head read.
Or a Vindaloo. It will all end in the loo anyway.
If she was telling the truth then the secret service would have been guilty of kidnapping.
Air Force Reactivates Unit Over China Threat; Biggest Overhaul for NATO Since the Cold War
China in Focus – NTD
01:01 G7 Looks to Expand its Front Against Beijing, Moscow
03:46 Africa Welcomes #G7 Infrastructure Proposal
04:59 Italy’s Position: Stuck Between the G7 and China
06:56 Largest Chinese Military Buildup: Aquilino
07:51 Air Force Reactivates Unit Over China Threat
09:26 Biggest Overhaul for NATO Since the Cold War
12:26 U.S., Japan Hail ‘Close Cooperative Relationship’
14:15 Tuvalu Exits U.N. Conference After Taiwan Blocked
15:17 Guatemala Recognizes Taiwan as the Only China
What’s that?
Just heard about an elderly lady I used to know caught covid, not bad, but they took her out of the nursing home into hospital where she caught the flu and died.
A rule, you know, 12 inches.
‘You Lot’ is like a shark’s dorsal fin. No doubt he is surprised at how quickly his state of mind is picked out.
Two survivors of the Holocaust settled in the country town where I grew up, and raised a family. Could their children claim “intergenerational trauma?”
Ah, the wine for that occasion would certainly be Vin de loo.
I thought a colloquialism was where colonists lived but now you tell me the live in a y’all. Learn summit evry day.
Pay that one ML.
This was already out there at midday and yet that pompous retard from Planet America was on ABC24 at 3pm talking about the allegations as if they could be corroborated rather than already contradicted.
We pay for this rubbish.
The comedy bit with two Scotsmen in a voice activated lift is hilarious.
June 29, 2022 at 3:51 pm
yawl? whats a yawl? some sort of boat. you mean y’all.
no charge.
Trying to listen to anyone from the Deep South of the USA trying to speak English does my head in. Fark? What do they put in the water down there?
The ALPBC around NAIDOC week is enough to send you walkabout.
A bit slow today, but I see that Ghislane Maxwell has gone down for 20 for sex trafficking for Epstein.
It will be a relief to many that justice has been served, the wicked are scattered, the case is closed, nothing more to see, and now we can all move on.
Hi Bill…
Did someone say tax time ?
Mother Lodesays:
June 29, 2022 at 5:01 pm
Or a Vindaloo. It will all end in the loo anyway.
Ah, the wine for that occasion would certainly be Vin de loo.
That reminds me of that that new Pinot Noir that stops you going to the loo when drinking it. It’s called Pee No More…………………………….
Things that candidates need to add to their election promises for November.
Releasing all information regarding all royalties paid to NIH & CDC staff ever.
Releasing the full Maxwell client list.
How long until the “impeach Justice Thomas” talking point hits?
The worst of the worse.
The five USSC justices who actually write their own judgments, are “wing nuts”.
I’d rather competent wing nuts than literal retards like Sotomayor and Biden.
Are Cats finding my Gravatar offensive?
If those who do can articulate a reason why it is offensive then I’ll consider taking it down.
Dr Faustussays:
June 29, 2022 at 5:10 pm
A bit slow today, but I see that Ghislane Maxwell has gone down for 20 for sex trafficking for Epstein.
It will be a relief to many that justice has been served, the wicked are scattered, the case is closed, nothing more to see, and now we can all move on.
Hi Bill…
She will now start singing like a canary in which case she won’t last 6 months. A sudden suicide or something similar no less.
Remember that tax and rape mean the same thing.
I’m a survivor.
Billy had them pegged years ago:
Mali Cooper, the spoilt, smug kunt, arrested for holding up half of Sydney because gerbil warming has been rearrested for breaching bail conditions by staying in Sydney and being caressed on the fucking Project. No doubt the pea between her ears was filled with information about gerbil warming by such media sources as the Project.
The real problem is the turtle actually shares her beliefs in gerbil warming. Stock up on candles folks.
There are now 150 genders*, bigot.
Winston Smithsays:
June 29, 2022 at 5:14 pm
Are Cats finding my Gravatar offensive?
If those who do can articulate a reason why it is offensive then I’ll consider taking it down.
I fought’ it was yer’ Avatar. Oh well.
It will be a relief to many that justice has been served, the wicked are scattered, the case is closed, nothing more to see, and now we can all move on.
Hi Bill…
Which one?
Here’s the original.
The Smoking Gun ran a bit on Epstein before he committed Arkancide. Everybody knew what they were there for at the time.
looks like a propeller
The new LGBTQARSE flag is a multi-coloured, geometric abomination that makes my eyes vomit.
It is honestly painful to look at, though I do concede the black transgender chevron does make a certain geometrical resemblance easier to disguise from the stupider elements of the Beige-ist brigades ( 😉 ).
There were grifters who claimed they were *exploited* at the age of 19 and of their own free will.
I am not defending Maxwell but what a far king shit show.
Winston, your avatar is is a disgrace to this blog & its proud naval traditions.
Two survivors of the Holocaust settled in the country town where I grew up, and raised a family. Could their children claim “intergenerational trauma?”
To conclude, the available evidence suggests that both parent and child characteristics and their interaction contribute to the vulnerability and to the development of symptoms in the HSO group. Holocaust survivor mothers have been observed to be more influential for the mental well-being of their offspring than fathers, and having two survivor parents resulted in even higher mental health problems. This is confirmed by studies of intergenerational effects with regard to parental PTSD and maternal age during the Holocaust. Those studies showed strong evidence for the effect on cortisol metabolism modification and epigenetics in HSO with survivor mothers. Also, intergenerational effects have been found with regard to cortisol levels. There is some empirical support for a heightened vulnerability for stress in HSO. These results indicate that diagnostic procedures and treatment, but also future theorizing and empirical studies should be multifactorial in trying to delineate the causal factors involved in mental health functioning in intergenerational consequences of war. In this context, it is important to note that, although the current review has predominantly focused on HSO suffering from mental health problems, it is relevant to examine those parents and children who managed to cope, adjust and/or build a healthy life, as this might help unveil factors contributing to resilience. Attention should be paid to these specific psychological and biological factors safeguarding offspring against distress.
It clashes with my scatter cushions.
It is as much an obnoxious crime against good taste, economy of effort and the aesthetics of pattern geometry as anything else the Left has inflicted on the world in the last 170 years.
OK the wife says it’s mustard.
Mention of the Second Amendment upthread.
That hard left dickhead Nick McCallum was on 3AW on Sunday beating that drum.
Apparently abortion (of which there is no mention in the Constitution) should be validated by the Supreme Court as a Constitutional right.
But the right to bear arms? Well, the founding fathers could never have envisaged, yada, yada.
inflation is just another tax
Dijon mustard is also an excellent condiment to apply to corned beef and pickled pork.
Sandwich fillings of champions, those. 🙂
I believe her testimony had only been that she had heard he lunged for the wheel. It would only be a lie if she had not heard it.
I think she lies to the extent she could know. The thing about Trump flinging food is something she could know.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson weighs in on the state of the American economy and inflation as he says companies pay for women to travel and get abortions on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’ #FoxNews #tucker
June 29, 2022 at 4:57 pm
A rule, you know, 12 inches.
If a Male has a 12 inch member then he shouldn’t use it as a rule. An offensive weapon maybe? And we cannot offend some people can we as they might have no sense of humour…………………………
Some… indicate…etc etc.
I still have 4 generations on my side and 6 on my wife’s for our little bloke then.
( great grandad had a shit of a war, grandads wasn’t too bad)
Family-run Aussie supermarket fears it could go bust by Christmas as a single bill soars by more than 500 per cent: ‘How are we going to survive?’
. Supermarket run by local family for 26 years facing going bust over rising bills
. Andersons have owned Mapleton IGA and petrol station for nearly three decades
. Electricity company AGL informed them cost would be rising up to 500 per cent
. Monthly power bill would increase from $5,000 to $25,000 per month
. Owner Kel Anderson says they cannot survive paying $200k extra every year
The Andersons, from Mapleton near Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, have owned the town’s IGA and petrol station for 26 years but now face closing after receiving a shocking letter from power supplier AGL.
They were told their regular monthly bill, around $5,000 a month, would be increasing to an astonishing $25,000 – $218,000 more than they had been paying for over 12 months.
This is where the pride flag incoherence came from.
Daily Mail Laurence Fox.
Doesn’t An-Al love us anymore? Why won’t he come back and save us?
I suspect he is following the leader transition theory. The new leader goes away from the tribe or organisation for a period. On his return he is viewed to have a different worldly experience and is no longer the same person who left the tribe. He returns as the new leader. It’s all smoke and mirrors but can be quite effective.
Still a dickhead in my books.. always has been, always will be.
Steak should never have anything on it.
By all means, serve a side of pepper sauce, mustard, red wine sauce or mushroom sauce and let the diner decide what he/she/ze does with it.
But never be presumptuous enough to pour anything over perfectly good steak on behalf of anyone else.
It didn’t quite seem to work for Kevni…
“Mr Anderson wants Labor to honour their pre-election promise and ensure electricity bills remain affordable.”
They’ll tell you to put solar on the roof top.
Eurotrash rubbish.
Steak with freshly grated horseradish.
That’s good eating.
Also a very expensive condiment.
Wiv ya Sancho @05:37
Why sanctions hurt the West more than Russia
G7 leaders and the NATO summit are strong in their condemnation of Russia but new sanctions and military assistance won’t end a grinding war that Moscow is funding with help from the West’s actions.
Jennifer Hewett Columnist
And rather than the Russian economy and currency being crippled by continued Western sanctions, soaring prices for oil and gas – including Russian oil and gas – are funding Putin’s war efforts with no loss of revenue. Western estimates are that these exports are earning Russia roughly $US1 billion ($1.4 billion) a day, even more than before.
Rather than Russia, it’s European and US economies showing the more obvious signs of stress from soaring prices and drastic shortages of energy – further pushing up inflation. There’s no apparent exit from this impasse.
Although G7 leaders condemned the “abominable attack” on the shopping mall and warned that indiscriminate attacks on innocent civilians “constitute a war crime”, their rhetorical response is limited to furious agreement that Putin and those responsible will be “held to account”.
According to the G7 leaders’ statement, Ukraine will receive financial, humanitarian and military support “for as long as it takes”.
Such unity is likely to extend for as long as it takes to destroy much of Ukraine without defeating Russia’s hold on large chunks of Ukrainian territory. NATO will multiply the number of forces it has on high alert to 300,000 to counter possible Russian incursions beyond Ukraine while channelling more sophisticated military equipment to the Zelensky government and imposing import bans on Russian gold.
Ahead of this week’s meeting of NATO in Madrid, NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg is promising a “a bold strategy for our new security reality”, including a comprehensive assistance package for Ukraine.
But four months on from Russia’s invasion, it’s clear none of this is enough to be decisive. A frustrated Volodymyr Zelensky spends much of his time begging Ukraine’s allies to send far more military equipment far more quickly as war and devastation grind on.
It may not yet be high summer in the northern hemisphere but a bitter winter already looms.
It means a politically sobering lesson in energy economics is behind the desperate attempt of the G7 to test the feasibility of imposing international price caps on Russian oil and gas.
It may not yet be high summer in the northern hemisphere but a bitter winter already looms.
The European Union had agreed last month to a phased-in ban on seaborne Russian oil shipments with a temporary exception for pipeline deliveries to continue. The US has already banned Russian oil imports and the UK insists it will phase them out by the end of this year.
But Russia may pre-empt this by abruptly cutting oil and gas supplies to Europe immediately if a price cap is imposed. It’s already testing the withdrawal of gas supplies from countries like Germany that are still so dependent on it even as they scramble to find alternatives. For now at least, those are very limited. European leaders are anxious about unintended consequences from the US push for a price cap, given the various counterproductive impacts of previous rounds of sanctions.
Under the price-capping scheme, the EU, the UK and the US would limit the availability of shipping and insurance services that underpin the transport of Russian oil. The aim would be to only allow such services if importers accepted a temporary price ceiling.
Global recession
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has been arguing this is the best way to reduce prices and avoid the possibility of global recession. But to be effective in capping Putin’s oil revenues – while reducing energy costs for consumers – requires an unlikely level of international co-ordination beyond official backing of the G7.
There will be protracted negotiations with countries and companies that import Russian oil, with no guarantee of even formal agreement.
Since the invasion of Ukraine, for example, India and China have greatly increased their imports of Russian oil, which is already being sold to them at heavily discounted prices. They would have to be convinced it would be in their interests to buy oil at what would presumably be an even lower capped price.
The government of Narendra Modi is certainly willing to join groups like the Quad, aimed at countering China’s influence by cementing security ties between India, the US, Japan and Australia. But India has always been far more cautious about alienating Russia – on which it also depends for much of its military hardware – and sceptical of the results of sanctions.
It’s even harder to imagine Xi Jinping would have any strategic interest in undermining last February’s “no-limits friendship” with Putin in order to assist the US and Europe extricate themselves from the distracting economic and political problems posed by Russia. Xi has been resolute in refusing to criticise Russia over Ukraine, instead blaming the US for provoking Russia through NATO’s expansion.
Anthony Albanese, who was among leaders invited to attend the NATO summit, says Russia’s continued atrocities mean Putin is uniting the world against him and Australia will consider more military support for Ukraine.
“What this invasion has done, far from weakening NATO, it has actually strengthened it,” he said. “The more countries that are involved, the stronger the message is of solidarity and unity against any aggression against any member countries.”
Australia’s primary strategic focus will still be the need for solidarity against the increased activities and influence of China in the Indo-Pacific. As part of its outline of strategic priorities for this decade, the NATO summit is expected to describe China as a “systemic challenge”. It’s more likely to become another nasty shock.
Big Pharma Desperate to Get COVID Shots on Childhood Schedule Before ‘Emergency’ Ends
Not much worked for Kevin once he stabbed his way in, then out, then in, then out.
This first nations summit has a Rudd 2020 summit feel about it.
When your SRC representatives get taxpayer funding.
Remember when they just wanted land rights?
Having a honeymoon period run out before Parliament has resumed sitting is a bad omen.
My Grandfather was still in the womb, when his father joined up and subsequently died in Belgium. Consequently, he never met his father, his mother couldn’t afford to keep him and it largely wrecked his childhood.
Do I have a valid DVA claim?
Seems a pretty strong case as it is only 3 generations ago.
Don’t let the black fellas near the butchers paper or the cheque book.
In short.
Resist handing over personal baggage to your kids.
Boy oh boy, Bongino about biden and hunter. Could this get more fucked; and I don’t mean the bidens but the US and the West
let them eat teslas
And shop around for a better deal.
That makes me throw things at the TeeVee every time some head-tilty bimbo advances that as a solution to wholesale power prices doubling.
The Andersons, from Mapleton near Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, have owned the town’s IGA and petrol station for 26 years but now face closing after receiving a shocking letter from power supplier AGL.
They were told their regular monthly bill, around $5,000 a month, would be increasing to an astonishing $25,000 – $218,000 more than they had been paying for over 12 months.
Absolutely disgraceful in a supposedly First World Country. No wonder that pitchfork and axe sales continue to go through the roof at Bunnings. Off with their heads springs to mind.
How long before we see such concepts here?
Nobody ‘owns’ water; but in NZ, tribal interests trump common law
In the pantheon of perennial philosophical musings, we often ask “is there a god?” or “what is the meaning of life?”
In New Zealand we can now add “who owns the water?”
The country has an abundance of it. Six hundred billion cubic metres of precipitation falls on the country each year, of which only 27 billion are used, including for the massive irrigation schemes driving New Zealand’s economic heartbeat – agriculture and horticulture.
The rest of that water fills our lakes and rivers before flowing to the sea.
British Common Law, adopted here in the 19th Century, holds that freshwater is a public good, like the air we breathe or the sun that warms us. That is still actually the legal position.
But somehow M?ori, the original inhabitants of the country, have convinced themselves and some politicians that they have ownership rights to freshwater.
For instance, on Lake Taupo in the central North Island, local tribe or iwi Ngati Tuwharetoa has a Deed of Settlement with the Crown for government breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi.
(The treaty, signed in 1840, guaranteed Maori chiefs and their iwi undisturbed ownership of their lands, fisheries and treasures. It is well accepted that the Crown did not always honour the treaty and has been paying compensation to various iwi since late last century.)
The Deed for Lake Taupo specifically excludes the actual water. However, it does say Tuwharetoa own the bed of the lake as well as the space occupied by the water.
Therefore, the iwi can charge commercial users like tourist boats and charter fishing operators for the use of the space above the lake bed – which of course is filled with water!
The claim to freshwater ownership lies at the heart of the country’s extreme disquiet about a current government policy, well on its way to becoming law, known as Three Waters.
The policy is actually a fancy name for potable, waste and storm water.
Currently the reticulation, treatment and disposal of such are the responsibility of 67 local councils. Between them they own around NZ$35 billion worth of pipes and treatment plants, many of which need repair or replacement.
The Labour party majority government of Jacinda Ardern plans to take that infrastructure from council control and arrange it into four new regional Water Entities.
But inside the government is a strong-willed and influential Maori caucus.
It has 15 of the governing party’s 65 MPs, six of whom are cabinet ministers.
Local Government Minister Nania Mahuta, the architect of Three Waters, is a leading advocate inside this group.
Therefore, the boundaries of these Water Entities are drawn not on existing local council lines, but around iwi, or M?ori tribal territories.
Apart from the boundaries, the iwi dominated governance structure for each Water Entity is causing great angst among large sectors of the population.
According to a recent poll, 76 per cent of New Zealanders want those who run the Water Entities directly accountable to voters, yet under Mahuta’s convoluted governance scheme, that’s impossible.
The Minister says local councils will continue to “own” the Three Waters infrastructure. Her claim is a fallacy. The councils will still have the shares in the assets of the new Entities, but the control will be with the tribes.
Each Entity will have a Regional Representation Group (RRG) comprising six members from the councils and six appointed by iwi.
All the RRG decisions must pass with a 75 per cent majority.
The RRG will select an Appointment Panel and then that group will choose the Board of Directors for each Water Entity.
Further, the conditions of Board appointments say there must be “general collective competence” and “include members with specific expertise” in what is known as Matauranga Maori, Tikanga Maori and Te Ao Maori – that is M?ori knowledge, the Maori way and the Maori world view – in respect to the delivery of water services.
These attributes are regarded as more important for an entity board position than either engineering or financial skills.
Yet we are told the entities will need to spend over a $100 billion on water infrastructure in the next 30 years.
Under this convoluted governance scheme, water users – the people of New Zealand – will be so far removed from the decision makers they will be rendered powerless.
The fear is that Maori interests could make domestic, industrial and agricultural consumers pay more for the use of water with some of the proceeds going straight to iwi bank accounts.
To make the majority of New Zealanders even more wary, nobody in Government is denying that possibility.
I rate Liz Storer as high as Daisy.
I have a genuine feeling of dread that Elbow will sign us up to something in the Ukraine.
My Grandfather was still in the womb, when his father joined up and subsequently died in Belgium. Consequently, he never met his father, his mother couldn’t afford to keep him and it largely wrecked his childhood.
Do I have a valid DVA claim?
Seems a pretty strong case as it is only 3 generations ago.
How is any of that due to the malicious intent of the Government of the day?
A climate activist who allegedly blocked peak hour traffic and stranded thousands of commuters on one of Sydney’s busiest roads has been arrested again for allegedly breaching her bail conditions.
Mali Cooper, 22, was among 10 people charged on Monday evening after dozens of Blockade Australia protesters hit the streets in the morning to cause chaos for commuters in Sydney’s CBD.
She filmed herself behind the wheel of a car blocking the entrance to the Sydney Harbour Tunnel causing kilometres of gridlock, leading to one furious commuter screaming insults at her.
Cooper appeared in Central Local Court via video link on Tuesday when she was given liberty under strict conditions that she return home near Lismore and abide by a curfew between 10pm and 6am.
On Wednesday though, police were called to Turella Reserve in Earlwood in Sydney’s south over reports of a gathering crowd which scattered when officers arrived.
Minutes later, police stopped a car nearby and found Cooper inside, allegedly breaching her bail conditions by still remaining in Sydney despite the court’s order.
She was arrested on the spot and taken to Surry Hills Police Station for further questioning where she is said to be helping police with their inquiries.
See Prof. Yu’s desideratum above in Zulu’s post.
Mapleton IGA is tiny, they’ve still got the Servo, so they’ll be okay.
It’s a very pretty area well worth the visit.
He fights Tories…and Russians.
I have a genuine feeling of dread that Elbow will sign us up to something in the Ukraine.
Ideally Albo will announce a draft.
One woman I worked with had such a strong Scottish accent I near could not understand her.
Watched a couple of episodes of Taggart on TV. It needed English subtitles.
That it is.
And give Mr. Anderson’s IGA some custom while you’re there; he’s going to need every cent.
In NZ, if you want some water you have to fight Jake the Muss.
Wash your mouth out, Humphrey. Dijon mustard is one one of the few originals we get from frogland that aren’t rubbish.
PS: Ah leeeerve proper horse radish on corned beef.
A million years ago I had a Chinese guy who grew up in NZ working for me named James.
I called him Jim the Muss.
Mention above about Steak and condiments. Thankfully Sancho remedied that.
Now, talk about my foot long. Who started that? And how do you know?
Sancho Panzer:
You too?
He’s stupid enough to try on something like SF/SAS secondment, in which case I’ll be in the protests.
Perhaps he’ll just give them his dentists phone number.
Didn’t realise DVA claims* were based on malicious actions only, you dill.
Nor is the inter generational trauma claim limited only to malicious government action. Trauma is trauma. Whatever the initiating event, if Aboriginals can experience it 7 generations on, so can anyone.
As for malicious intent, did they not order our diggers to charge headlong into machine guns?
* Best you not comment about DVA after our last interaction re Repatriation Hospitals. Your ignorance around such things was on full display.
Charlie ran out fuel quick.
they’ve still got the Servo, so they’ll be okay.
Mmmmyesss, because a servo evens out a 4 fold increase in power prices.
You utter brain dead ‘tard.
Tom, I wouldn’t want to be caught asking for dijon at the club.
Along with St. Dalfour conserves.
It may not yet be high summer in the northern hemisphere but a bitter winter already looms.
LOL. I thought that Climate Change (aka Global Warming) was the issue. Wot’s all this about a bitter winter looming? Oh well, back to those Climate Models. Looks like some of those assumptions were way off beam. Fur coats anyone?
Western Gov’ments and that includes Australia/NZ are farking nuts.
One of the funniest things I read in the UK was a vox pop on the best thing about living in London. Someone just said “France”.
But they come in those wretched tall narrow jars.
Give me Bonne Maman Rhubarb Jam any day.
Now, talk about my foot long. Who started that? And how do you know?
Your foot long is waiting for you at Subway………………………………
The old-fashioned pub I am staying in tonight relies on little free standing electric fan heaters in the drafty high ceilinged bedrooms, must be costing a small fortune.
That might’ve been me.
I’ve heard the claim that there is no such person as a “full blood” Maori – all the Maori today have European ancestors.
This place gets more fruity every day.
I blame Roger.
pretty much everything mUnty says is crafted fallacious gibber
pointless notions like gerrymanders, privacy(!!) and, the supreme court has been stacked with religious nutjobs … are rolled into a great big bullshit burger
the bloke is an addled moron
you cant rationalize with him … he’s mental
The Kleptocrapts and Establishment are desperate for Trumpy not to run.
Try the wild blueberry.
Not sure they were right. I got into a bit of an altercation with one of the locals at Hossegor after a Bob Marley CD was on its 3rd repeat during an afternoon on the beers at our campground sometime during the 90s.
Melbourne is never as cold as rural NSW, thick frost on the car in the mornings and even sitting with my back to the gas heater at the other pub across the road I’m half toasting, half freezing.
I suppose the good folks at home have wood burning stoves to keep them snug.
Nor is the inter generational trauma claim limited only to malicious government action. Trauma is trauma. Whatever the initiating event, if Aboriginals can experience it 7 generations on, so can anyone.
Shifting the goalposts again, eh?
As for malicious intent, did they not order our diggers to charge headlong into machine guns?
Bottom line:
You’re bignoting about you ancestors Military history, plus getting stuck into abos.
Don’t you think there’s already enough of that happening at New Catallaxy?
built like a fridge, and was run off her feet
True even at the peak of Serena’s power. Justine Henin-Hardenne could do it, Stosur too. Even that 134th seed bloke who smoked the two sisters in American doubles knew- the baseline game was formidable for girls, but the mass worked against her for a running game.
To be honest Winston, it looks like a quilt block.
I suppose it all depends on what people see, like those psychology pictures.
West – or north, in the case of Melbourne – of the Great Divide is quite a different climate.
Ed Casesays:
June 29, 2022 at 6:28 pm
Nor is the inter generational trauma claim limited only to malicious government action. Trauma is trauma. Whatever the initiating event, if Aboriginals can experience it 7 generations on, so can anyone.
Shifting the goalposts again, eh?
No he isn’t.
Unless you can point to some statute or rule of common law or equity which prescribes that no cause of action can arise in any way (e.g. tort) for “intergenerational trauma” unless there’s been malicious intent.
Nor is it as wet as Sydney. As for temps it’s maritime vs. continental climate. The sea always makes a difference.
Next up.
Hand stitching followed by what’s the best face cleanser.
Sky News
‘Corrupt to the core’: World reacts to Joe Biden’s bombshell voicemail to Hunter
True, but in Kevni’s own mind it did, where he was such a big hit that after he was turfed by Australian ingrates, he thought he was entitled to run the
UNworld.Unfortunately (for him), the rest of the world weren’t enamored by his ‘talents’ either. Sad.
My generational trauma started in the hold of the HMS Mermaid. In chains for months.
I still suffer when I see the sea. And chains. And mermaids. My life is ruined.
I demand compensation!
Dick ‘Ed
How is any of that due to the malicious intent of the Government of the day?
How is any of what the indigenous are complaining about due to the malicious intent of the government of the day?
In the early 80’s I was working as an alarm tech for a major company in Melbourne. They sent me out to work for a week with a new bloke, show him how we do things. I could barely understand every sixth word, had no idea what he was saying, nice bloke though. I remember going home and telling my wife I can’t understand him, I think he’s Norwegian. Towards the end of a week in a car together I started to hear the words. He was a Scotchman, came her to play soccer and they set him up in the job. God bless you Bobby Provin.