Open Thread – Tues 9 Aug 2022

Mad Meg, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1564

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August 9, 2022 6:57 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
August 9, 2022 at 6:19 pm

All in the month I decide to quit smoking.

Go for it – best day’s work you’ll ever do!

Thanks, Zulu. The cold, hard reality was the day I woke up to the fact that lighting up all those dollars was simply insane and inane – and the prices keep rising. Don’t miss it much. Beating ‘the habit’ was the super-challenge.

August 9, 2022 6:57 pm

It’s clearly been a big day for you, mOnty.

I hope he’s been wearing his wrist brace, wouldn’t want him to get RSI.

August 9, 2022 6:59 pm

This is criminal.

Plenty of talk about boycotting payments. Easy decision to make if your energy bill exceeds your wage.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 9, 2022 7:02 pm

… however McClown locked down 2.5 million people for five days. Where is the apology for possibly the biggest over-reaction in Australian history?

Some of those Now-Then comparisons don’t look so good. The funniest one was the Channel Stokes leading the news with some poor Filipino with Covid 20km off the coast somewhere.

August 9, 2022 7:03 pm

I smoked 60 a day for just over 20 years. looked in mirror in morning after coughing my guts up and said “I don’t smoke” never had another cancer stick since (34 years).

Thank you, Big_Nambas. I am going for it. It helps heaps having positive feedback like yours and Zulu’s.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
August 9, 2022 7:03 pm

Oh no!

How will the Diggers and Dealers conference ever live down the horror and the ruined reputations?

Dolly bird journo allegedly groped at a bar in Kalgoorlie.

pete of perth
pete of perth
August 9, 2022 7:05 pm

They must be desperate in Kal

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
August 9, 2022 7:06 pm

I would have been more surprised if the Kalgoorlie Miner newspaper reported that a young dolly bird had NOT been propositioned and/or groped at a bar after a day at the Diggers and Dealers.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 9, 2022 7:07 pm

Monkeypox just cracked 30k, still doubling about every 2 weeks

Fuck me. And you. And you. And you. …

August 9, 2022 7:07 pm

Fucking bolt: he doesn’t trust Trump, thinks he’s a fool but concedes what has been done to Trump smells like an abuse of power. What a cuck.

August 9, 2022 7:08 pm

It’s time for Republicans to listen to the call from Democrats to defund the police. If they gain control of the house in the mid-terms, the Republicans should end funding for the FBI.

August 9, 2022 7:10 pm

And now fucking sheridan comes on and compares Trump to the CCP. These fuckheads are supposedly the best of the conservative media.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 9, 2022 7:12 pm

I would have been more surprised if the Kalgoorlie Miner newspaper reported that a young dolly bird had NOT been propositioned and/or groped at a bar after a day at the Diggers and Dealers.

Don’t they teach the younger generation the value of a slap to the face, and a shriek of “Keep your hands to yourself?”

pete of perth
pete of perth
August 9, 2022 7:13 pm
August 9, 2022 7:14 pm

Sheridan is going ballistic, he clearly HATES Trump with a passion !

August 9, 2022 7:14 pm

I wonder if they were after the letters Kim Jong-Un sent Trump?

I’m assuming they could be considered classified? Regardless, if the DOJ and FBI are as partisan as it appears, any information they gleen would be useful against a political opponent (classified or not).

My understanding is that they just took a heap of boxes, not even bothering to go through them “on site” to see if they were actually classified or not.

Personal correspondence would be a “treasure trove” of information to anyone who is “out to get you”.

August 9, 2022 7:15 pm

This is criminal.

And only a fool would think there won’t be a reckoning when this becomes clear.

August 9, 2022 7:16 pm

FFS – Sheridan on Blot making an even bigger goose of himself than usual.

Fatty Trump derangement – “Trump’s a despicable person, despicable, I tells ya!”.

What a joke.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 9, 2022 7:16 pm

Don’t miss it much.

I noticed less bronchitis and fewer chest infections in winter.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 9, 2022 7:17 pm

Male skimpies. “Courageous decision Minister.”

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 9, 2022 7:20 pm

And only a fool would think there won’t be a reckoning when this becomes clear.

That is the real test. Is the Separation of Powers strong enough?

Cassie of Sydney
August 9, 2022 7:20 pm

In days gone by, during the French and Russian revolutions, you would hear cries for bread.

In the days and years to come, when the uprisings begin, we will hear cries for energy.

August 9, 2022 7:20 pm

Just 10 per cent of WA lives claimed have been from the virus alone. @lourennie9 #9News

As they say in the classics, ‘No shit, Sherlock’.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 9, 2022 7:22 pm

And now fucking sheridan comes on and compares Trump to the CCP. These fuckheads are supposedly the best of the conservative media.

I had to walk out of the room when that grizzled has-been/ came on the screen — heard him say that Trump was always on the edge of illegality – what a disgusting defamatory thing to say – but hey grizzled old has-been gotta grizzle.

Perth trader
Perth trader
August 9, 2022 7:22 pm

……. groped at a bar after a day at the Diggers and Dealers.

Lisa Wilkson ,,,’teach ya son’s to stop touching titties”.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
August 9, 2022 7:22 pm

Male skimpies. “Courageous decision Minister.”

I bet that bar was ten deep in delegates every night.


pete of perth
pete of perth
August 9, 2022 7:22 pm

In the mid 80s, used to go to a pub across the road from our lab when I was in Kal. Friday midday drinks were a delight. Can’t remember the name of the bar.. somewhere along Bolder rd.

August 9, 2022 7:23 pm

“Trump’s a despicable person, despicable, I tells ya!”.

It just goes to show how frightening a dethpicable Trump is to not only the corrupt Demonrats but to our ignoramuses trying to pass themselves off as ‘those in the know’. FFS. Hilarious.

August 9, 2022 7:25 pm

That is the real test. Is the Separation of Powers strong enough?

I’m not sure if angry mobs are all that interested in the finer points of trias politica.

But, seriously, I was contemplating the electoral backlash.

I suspect Elbow & Co. will begin to feel it soon enough.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 9, 2022 7:26 pm

Male skimpies. “Courageous decision Minister.”

I know a bloke wot knows a bloke who used to earn petty cash as a stripper at hen’s nights, and he reckoned women were far worse then men…

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 9, 2022 7:28 pm

hzhousewife says:
August 9, 2022 at 7:14 pm
Sheridan is going ballistic, he clearly HATES Trump with a passion !

Shrunken old hack with a Grecian 2000 habit who looks like the undertakers haven’t put enough in enough embalming fluid.

August 9, 2022 7:33 pm

Friday after work at the Boulder Block Hotel, heaven. (1980’s)

Winston Smith
August 9, 2022 7:34 pm

Pete of Perf:

In the mid 80s, used to go to a pub across the road from our lab when I was in Kal. Friday midday drinks were a delight. Can’t remember the name of the bar.. somewhere along Bolder rd.

The Tower?

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 9, 2022 7:36 pm

I’m not sure if angry mobs are all that interested in the finer points of trias politica.

Possibly but mobs in the streets won’t ultimately right the ship of State.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
August 9, 2022 7:36 pm

he reckoned women were far worse then men…
That was pre-monkeypox I assume

pete of perth
pete of perth
August 9, 2022 7:37 pm

The Most Beautiful Girl in the Room

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 9, 2022 7:39 pm

Friday after work at the Boulder Block Hotel, heaven. (1980’s)

Was that the pub where there was a hatch in the back bar, leading to one of the mine shafts, and it was only a vicious rumour that the barman dealt in stolen telluride? Demolished now, I believe, to make way for the Superpit.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 9, 2022 7:41 pm

August 9, 2022 at 6:14 pm
Not Raided by FBI: Bidens, Clintons, Russia Hoaxers, Black Lives Matter

It is indeed amazing that given all the federal judges Trump appointed off the Federalist Society partisan hack list, he couldn’t get a single one of them to authorise a surprise raid on his political opponents.

It is indeed amazing that m0nty-fa does not realise that some of the events referred to occurred before Trump became president and started appointing judges.

But it does tend to explain the failure at Economics 1.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 9, 2022 7:42 pm

August 9, 2022 at 6:18 pm
One good thing we can all agree on about today’s raid is that finally the FBI has started going after Epstein’s associates. Dershowitz should be nervous.

Perhaps, but should Bill Clinton and Bill Gates?

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 9, 2022 7:43 pm


Just scrolled down – Snap! Great minds etc.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 9, 2022 7:47 pm

Nazi symbols criminalised in NSW
Sam King

The NSW government has voted to criminalise the display of Nazi symbols in public, passing legislation Attorney-General Mark Speakman says will help prevent hate speech and vilification.

The bill, which passed the Lower House with unanimous support today, sets a maximum penalty of 12 months’ imprisonment or an $11,000 fine or both for an individual, or a fine of $55,000 for a corporation.

“This bill recognises that the public display of Nazi symbols is abhorrent, except in very limited circumstances such as for educational purposes, and causes profound offence and distress,” Mr Speakman said on Tuesday.

“The display of a Nazi symbol undermines our shared values and causes harm and distress to others in the community, including those from the Jewish fath.”

“This distress is also felt keenly by groups targeted by the Nazis, including people with disabilities and members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and by veterans who risked their lives in service of our country.”

So what comes next?

August 9, 2022 7:47 pm

Possibly but mobs in the streets won’t ultimately right the ship of State.

That’ll take an electoral mutiny.

It will be instructive to all concerned – or to those prepared to take note, at least – how W. Europeans manage the coming winter. I see Germany is already hoping to restart coal fired power stations.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 9, 2022 7:49 pm

Residents of Cottesloe and Peppermint Grove have declared average taxable income of $325k. What appalling work by WA accountants.

August 9, 2022 7:52 pm


Took five years to finally give up the cigs, patches helped a lot. Pack a day for 30 years or so. That was ten years ago and the improvement in healthiness is remarkable. Still like the smell of live cigarette smoke, the smell of smokers not so much. You don’t realise how toxic it must be when you’re into it due to loss of sense of smell.

You do miss the sense of camaraderie for a while that goes with going for a smoke with people. Walking past the offices in town a seeing the bedraggled outcasts on the pavement in winter disabuses you of it somewhat.

Best of luck, you won’t regret not having to set fire to all that money every day.

August 9, 2022 7:52 pm

So what comes next?

The crescent moon & star, surely.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 9, 2022 7:56 pm

The crescent moon & star, surely.

I was thinking more of those suffering inter-generational trauma at the sight of the Union Jack.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 9, 2022 7:57 pm

August 9, 2022 at 7:52 pm
So what comes next?

The crescent moon & star, surely.

Hammer and sickle?

Sorry, just joking, that would never happen.

August 9, 2022 8:02 pm

and by veterans who risked their lives in service of our country.

Veteran status didn’t seem to matter when they were treated as social outcasts for not wanting an experimental vaccine.

The selectivity of when they pay homage is curiously random.

August 9, 2022 8:07 pm


After a certain point the damage has been done and there’s simply no getting around it.

3 to 4 a day is not going g to change anything.

August 9, 2022 8:11 pm

What is going to happen now is Trump’s huge base will take to the streets and the demorats will respond by declaring martial law.

Meanwhile the chunks will take over Taiwan and permanently park their warships in Sydney Harbour.

August 9, 2022 8:14 pm

Meanwhile the chunks will take over Taiwan and permanently park their warships in Sydney Harbour.

Look at the bright side – at least we’ll be able get cheap energy.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 9, 2022 8:15 pm

August 9, 2022 at 3:55 pm

Jones made some absolutely disgraceful allegations about Sandy Hook. However, in the US , it matters if there is no proof of malicious intent and the loon (Jones) believed what he said. How did they prove Jones didn’t believe his delusion? There’s no evidence Jones was acting dishonestly and malicioiusly and therefore should not have lost the case under American defamation laws. It was a politcal decision by the jury and should be overturned if it goes to appeal.

So, it seems Jones best defence is that he is a delusional moron, rather than malicious.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
August 9, 2022 8:16 pm

Residents of Cottesloe and Peppermint Grove have declared average taxable income of $325k. What appalling work by WA accountants.

Probably about 10% of the real income.

Alan Bond used to have a pile in Cottesloe. He taught his children well.

August 9, 2022 8:17 pm

JC, true.

The trick is to quite before the emphysema kicks in. I think you can claw a bit back though.

August 9, 2022 8:17 pm

Today , for the first time ever, I’ve been thinking of applying for a
EU passport just in case. Never once crossed my mind before.

August 9, 2022 8:19 pm

So, it seems Jones best defence is that he is a delusional moron, rather than malicious.

Yea and I believe him too 🙂

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
August 9, 2022 8:20 pm

Channel 7 news babbling away in the background, 19 minutes and counting devoted to Olivia Newton-John.

Sad news, but 19 minutes of prime time news?

C’mon man.

August 9, 2022 8:20 pm

Alan Bond used to have a pile in Cottesloe.

Wasn’t he in that boxy modernist thing near the foreshore of Point Resolution, Peppermint Grove?

Bruce in WA
August 9, 2022 8:21 pm

In the mid 80s, used to go to a pub across the road from our lab when I was in Kal. Friday midday drinks were a delight. Can’t remember the name of the bar.. somewhere along Bolder rd.

Boulder Block Tavern, aka The Swinging Arms?

August 9, 2022 8:22 pm

Look at the bright side – at least we’ll be able get cheap energy.

Yep, powered by the cow pats left as the chunks take our herds away.

August 9, 2022 8:22 pm

I think it was Rabz on the Sinc cat who talked about the old turds at the Paywallian. Sheridan and Kelly are tired old turds and should give it away.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 9, 2022 8:24 pm


From the lack of foaming screechery s(so far), apparently you can die at 73 without being chalked up as a Klaus casualty.

August 9, 2022 8:27 pm

The Sovietization of the US continues apace. For how much longer will Americans put up with this?

BTW, the fat turd’s poisonous eruptions here certainly show its contempt for regular working people who are DJT’s constituency.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 9, 2022 8:28 pm

August 9, 2022 at 8:02 pm
and by veterans who risked their lives in service of our country.

Veteran status didn’t seem to matter when they were treated as social outcasts for not wanting an experimental vaccine.

The selectivity of when they pay homage is curiously random.

And note that they appeared last on the list.

August 9, 2022 8:30 pm

Yep, powered by the cow pats left as the chunks take our herds away.

That’s when a vegan diet has advantages.

Bruce in WA
August 9, 2022 8:31 pm

Mt Lyell Hotel?

(I worked in Kalgoorlie 1978 – 1982 inc.)

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 9, 2022 8:31 pm

August 9, 2022 at 8:27 pm
The Sovietization of the US continues apace. For how much longer will Americans put up with this?

BTW, the fat turd’s poisonous eruptions here certainly show its contempt for regular working people who are DJT’s constituency.

Fascists like m0nty-fa fear most of all a politician not of the collective mind who can appeal to the working and lower middle classes.

August 9, 2022 8:44 pm

Interesting pedigree .

Newton-John was born on 26 September 1948[3] in Cambridge, United Kingdom, to Welshman Brinley “Bryn” Newton-John (1914–1992) and Irene Helene (née Born; 1914–2003).[3] Her Jewish maternal grandfather, the Nobel Prize–winning physicist Max Born,[4][5][6][7] fled with his wife and children to Britain from Germany before World War II to escape the Nazi Regime. Newton-John’s maternal grandmother was of paternal Jewish ancestry as well; through her, she was a third cousin of comedian Ben Elton.[4] Her maternal great-grandfather was the jurist Victor Ehrenberg and her matrilineal great-grandmother’s father was the jurist Rudolf von Jhering.

Newton-John’s father was an MI5 officer[8] on the Enigma project at Bletchley Park who took Rudolf Hess into custody during World War II.[9][10] After the war, he became the headmaster of the Cambridgeshire High School for Boys and was in this position when Olivia was born.

Newton-John was the youngest of three children, following her brother Hugh (1939–2019), a medical doctor, and her sister Rona (1941–2013), an actress who was married to Olivia’s Grease co-star Jeff Conaway (from 1980 until their divorce in 1985). In 1954, when she was six, Newton-John’s family emigrated to Melbourne, Australia, where her father worked as a professor of German and as the master of Ormond College at the University of Melbourne.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 9, 2022 8:54 pm

Knuckle Draggersays:

August 9, 2022 at 8:24 pm


From the lack of foaming screechery s(so far), apparently you can die at 73 without being chalked up as a Klaus casualty.

Singers are dropping like flies!

August 9, 2022 8:54 pm

Why should Dershowitz be nervous, Fatboy? Has been accused of a crime, or it really doesn’t matter if you went against impeachment?

The Dersh is a known associate of the Epstein crew. He is in that stuff up to his eyeballs.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 9, 2022 9:00 pm

Sheridan dreadful on Trump today and Bolt is no better. Sheriden claimed without evidence that Trump ‘lives on the edge of illegality’ adding later on the show that Trump was ‘a despicable person’, also adding no evidence just taking it as axiomatic. This passes for analysis? Not in my book.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
August 9, 2022 9:03 pm

The Metropole Hotel in Burt St Boulder was the pub with a shaft leading from the public bar to what is now the Superpit gold mine. Legend has it that the shift change handover book and time clock was situated in the bar.

Badly damaged in the Boulder earthquake of 2010, now closed.

August 9, 2022 9:06 pm

The Dersh is a known associate of the Epstein crew. He is in that stuff up to his eyeballs.

The last person you asserted as being a ‘rock spider’ and an ‘horrific monster’ went home with a score of 7-0.

You’re not good at this. Perhaps you should take a seat.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 9, 2022 9:06 pm

We heard the news about the FBI attack on Trump’s home on the car radio driving down the coast this arvo. Seals Trump running in 2024, I say, with me a known De Santis supporter for that, and Hairy, always a firm ‘drain the swamp’ Trump man, sez he’s glad I am turning. He’s got to run, I say, and wipe this lot out or the rule of law is gone.

August 9, 2022 9:09 pm

Monty reminds me of Whoopie Goldberg.

Neither of them can see their penis.

Cassie of Sydney
August 9, 2022 9:10 pm

“Sheridan dreadful on Trump today and Bolt is no better. Sheriden claimed without evidence that Trump ‘lives on the edge of illegality’ adding later on the show that Trump was ‘a despicable person’, also adding no evidence just taking it as axiomatic. This passes for analysis? Not in my book.”

No, it is not. I stopped watching Blot months ago. As for Dribbler Sheridan, I turn the volume down when he’s on, he’s a joke.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 9, 2022 9:10 pm

Itchy cock? Pustules getting pesky?

Go to hospital. Or perhaps not (the Hun):

A Melbourne man threatened to give hospital staff Monkeypox after a doctor wrongly told him to make his own way home after he was discharged.

Avron Woolf said he went to the Austin Hospital on Sunday night via ambulance, suffering severe pain from Monkeypox, and had no means to get home after treatment.

Called an ambulance. Righto. Never mind the nannas with broken hips then. As with the vast majority of the interior designer community, it’s all about them:

He said the health department told him not to use public transport or ride share services but his doctor ignored his request for help to organise transport, and discharged him anyway.

“I just wanted a safe way home,” he said.

Perhaps he should have called the bloke who gave it to him.

Videos filmed by Mr Woolf show security guards escorting him from the hospital twice after he refused to leave, with police intervening to forcibly remove him. Mr Woolf said he told security guards he would touch them and spread Monkeypox if they came within 1.5m of him.

Sources claim security footage shows him spitting at staff.

Spitting is most likely a sign of virility in gentlemens’ bathhouses. Used as a greeting, perhaps.

August 9, 2022 9:11 pm

Watching Rowan Dean and just had the best belly laugh of the week. He played an old Dave Allen joke. I hope he wins every time slot on Sky.

August 9, 2022 9:12 pm

Now he’s playing an old Monthy Python skit. That’s one way of bringing banned humour to modern television.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 9, 2022 9:13 pm

When we hear the feeble cooked up reason for this massive raid, I add that neither Hillary nor Biden’s son and The Big Guy are being investigated for major
National security failures and corruption for personal financial gain.

If I am responding like this so are millions of others in America and around the world.

August 9, 2022 9:13 pm

You’re not good at this. Perhaps you should take a seat.

Have a breadstick, monty.

Cassie of Sydney
August 9, 2022 9:13 pm

“Watching Rowan Dean and just had the best belly laugh of the week. He played an old Dave Allen joke. I hope he wins every time slot on Sky.”

Am watching as well, roared with laugher.

August 9, 2022 9:18 pm

I said it years ago.

Trump should have gutted the CIA and FBI.

Intel goes to the DIA and service arms.

Law enforcement goes to the US Marshals.

August 9, 2022 9:19 pm

Cassie, Rowan’s format is fantastic. I hope he keeps bringing up old comedy sketches. This doesn’t need anybody else, he can do it all himself.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 9, 2022 9:21 pm

We’ve recorded Rowan’s new show to watch soon. Attapuss is all over me so I have to stay on the sofa watching TV anyway.

Gerard Henderson on Bolt making the point that Red Bandana is rich and Jacinta, an aboriginal woman, is not; so his threat to sue her is tantamount to bullying. It sure is.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 9, 2022 9:24 pm

August 9, 2022 at 8:54 pm
Why should Dershowitz be nervous, Fatboy? Has been accused of a crime, or it really doesn’t matter if you went against impeachment?

The Dersh is a known associate of the Epstein crew. He is in that stuff up to his eyeballs.

m0nty-fa again “forgets” to mention the two Bills, Clinton and Gates. If they take a big name like Dershowitz down, simply because he does not follow the “narrative” on Trump, then no-one is safe.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 9, 2022 9:25 pm

Alan Bond used to have a pile in Cottesloe. He taught his children well.

When you’ve had it away with a billion dollars of your shareholders funds, you can afford these little luxuries.

August 9, 2022 9:26 pm

Used as a greeting, perhaps.

A slippery one, comes in handy apparently.

August 9, 2022 9:30 pm


I went limit down to about 3 to 4 a day when I was in my mid 40s. I kept it going and then went to vaping for several years. I’m now back to about 3 to 4 a day and staying that way. Lighting a cig in the morning with a coffee is unbeatable.

August 9, 2022 9:32 pm

Trump should have gutted the CIA and FBI.

Dot, the guy was assailed from the moment he was a elected. He had no real time to think most days.

August 9, 2022 9:38 pm

Dot, the guy was assailed from the moment he was a elected. He had no real time to think most days.

which makes his achievements even more outstanding

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 9, 2022 9:39 pm

Lighting a cig in the morning with a coffee is unbeatable

Also makes you look tough and cool. Giving up’s for quitters.

August 9, 2022 9:43 pm

Costello really ought to be ashamed of being chairperson of a company that publishes the Aged, The Sydney Morning Vomit and the Sun-Vomit.

August 9, 2022 9:46 pm

Also makes you look tough and cool. Giving up’s for quitters.

‘sactly. Be a proud smoker. We should Smoker’s Pride Month.

August 9, 2022 9:48 pm

which makes his achievements even more outstanding

Totally. They’re hounding him to the end.
Two political impeachments.
The New York DA investigations

And they’ve found zero.

Now this.

The FBI Gestapo will execute him if he runs

August 9, 2022 9:52 pm


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 9, 2022 9:54 pm

Also makes you look tough and cool. Giving up’s for quitters.

Giving up saves you the daily trip to the cancer ward for radiation and chemotherapy.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 9, 2022 9:55 pm

Lighting a cig in the morning with a coffee is unbeatable.

Fighter pilot’s breakfast.
A smoke, a coffee and a good look around.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 9, 2022 9:57 pm

‘sactly. Be a proud smoker. We should Smoker’s Pride Month.

Fags are gay.

pete of perth
pete of perth
August 9, 2022 10:00 pm

I think it was the Foundry Hotel. In n out of Kal 86 – 89, 94-99. Was sent to fill in for people on hols. First couple of times went by the Indian Pacific. Leave Perth 9pm.. stay in the bar car till it closed. Arrived Kal 6:30am, straight to work. Later flew, preferred the tran.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 9, 2022 10:02 pm

Fighter pilot’s breakfast.
A smoke, a coffee and a good look around.

Infantryman’s breakfast.

A smoke, a fart and a good look around.

Cassie of Sydney
August 9, 2022 10:03 pm

I think Rowan’s programme is good. I’ve enjoyed it.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 9, 2022 10:06 pm

Might be worth returning to Skah TV for a look.

August 9, 2022 10:07 pm

What a disgusting old fool that Fitzsimmons is- grotesque how his narcissism and exhibitionism are indulged. He should be laughed out of town. His nastiness is not only tolerated but celebrated.

August 9, 2022 10:09 pm

Very much a krudd type.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 9, 2022 10:10 pm

Later flew, preferred the tran.

Catching the Prospector from Kalgoorlie to Perth, before Christmas, was always a party on tracks. A mining crew of some sort made pigs of themselves to the point that they were told that the train would be halted in Northam, and they would be handed over to the local coppers. They carried on……
until the train pulled into Northam, and there was a file of the local coppers waiting on the platform, with the “Mother in Laws Hearts” waiting in the parking lot…. South African term for a “Paddy Wagon” – “Mother in Laws Heart” – there’s always room for one more….

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 9, 2022 10:23 pm

Play ‘bullying’ interview to the public, Jacinta Price tells Peter FitzSimons

James Madden
Media Editor
Sam King
Cadet Journalist
An hour ago August 9, 2022
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Coalition senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has urged newspaper columnist Peter FitzSimons to publicly release audio of their recent phone interview, during which she claims she felt “bullied” by his “aggressive” manner towards her.

The NT senator, a Walpiri woman, said during the interview last Thursday, FitzSimons accused her of “giving racists a voice” because of her stated concerns about the proposed voice to parliament and her ongoing support for Australia Day being marked on January 26 – positions the columnist does not agree with.

“It’s hard to swallow, being a product of reconciliation myself, to be accused in this way (of being racially divisive) … it does speak to the fact it is difficult for Indigenous women, particularly conservative Indigenous women, to be accepted,” Senator Price told Sky News Australia on Tuesday night.

“We have always been expected to toe the line for the benefit of our race as an entirety, and Indigenous rights over our own individual rights as women.

“I come up against this wall a lot, and I’m determined to smash it because it is a racial stereotype and I don’t toe the line in terms of ­racial stereotypes.”

FitzSimons has this week repeatedly denied all allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards Senator Price, and rejected her suggestion he had tried to silence her on the issue of the voice.

From the Oz. No comments – so far……Has Red Hanky met his match?

August 9, 2022 10:27 pm

FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Raid Presents a Time for Choosing: The Regime, or America | Opinion

It wasn’t enough for The Regime to concoct claims of treasonous Russian collusion to spy on his campaign, and then use the subsequent “investigations” to divert and destabilize his administration while covering up its misdeeds.

It wasn’t enough for The Regime to execute two farcical impeachments and sabotage his every act in open insubordination and contempt—effectively forestalling a peaceful transfer of power, and depriving Americans of a full four years from which we would have all more richly benefited.

It wasn’t enough for The Regime to do everything in its power to “fortify” the 2020 election against him, just as it wouldn’t be enough for The Regime to disqualify him from the 2024 ballot—in defense of “democracy,” of course—under the fraudulent pretext of an “insurrection.”

The Regime wants President Donald J. Trump arrested, shackled, and left to rot in prison.

It is vengeful, rabid, and out for blood.

Monday’s raid of Mar-a-Lago by the FBI—the latest in a string of third-world acts by an agency that considers itself so untouchable that its leader apparently deemed it acceptable to cut short a Senate oversight hearing days before the raid to jet off to a mountain retreat—is the first in a series of events poised to culminate in the attempted prosecution of Trump.

The specific legal grounds for the raid, like the grounds for the coming indictment, are really beside the point.

Trump’s crime was, and always has been, that he threatened The Regime’s power and privilege—in so doing, representing tens of millions of Americans who The Regime considers an impediment to its total control, and who it holds in utter contempt.

That’s all the “predication” The Regime needed to pursue him from the day he emerged in Trump Tower to declare himself an unprecedented political force, and, since, treat all manner of like-minded Wrongthinkers the same.

The pretense of the rule of law is gone, and to delude oneself into thinking otherwise after the two-tier, Soviet standard of justice we have seen applied again and again over the last six years would be dangerous folly.

Having suffered what it perceived to be a near-death experience in the election of Donald Trump, The Regime must now show that anyone and everyone from the lowliest of non-violent January 6-ers held in pretrial detention to Trump himself can, and will, be crushed if they dare to not submit.

Those celebrating the Mar-a-Lago raid are condoning the very authoritarian behavior they claim to decry.

They are cheering on the transformation of America into something beneath a banana republic, into something even more demoralizing and devastating: the greatest nation in the history of mankind being reduced to a decaying and decadent dictatorship of the Woketariat.

We find ourselves in a dire circumstance in which our every critical institution is being, or has been turned, against itself, and trained on the very public it was supposed to serve.

The raid of the estate of a president by a lawless security apparatus on behalf of his successor represents the crossing of a civilizational Rubicon.

This is a time for choosing far starker and more precarious than the last time the phrase was used, because we have for so long chosen wrong.

Today, the choice is this: You either stand with our totalitarian regime, or you stand with the Americans it seeks to bring to heel.

Those who are silent will be complicit in the horrors to which our nation will be subjected.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
August 9, 2022 10:27 pm

I always enjoy Mark Steyn’s take on world affairs. His latest is exceptional.

Last night, the dirty stinking rotten corrupt US Department of Justice signed off on a raid on Mar-a-Lago, so we’ve now moved into hardcore banana-republic territory: the regime’s cops are busting into the home of the opposition leader

August 9, 2022 10:39 pm
August 9, 2022 10:41 pm

They have crossed a Rubicon – no going back – guaranteeing a Republican victory.

August 9, 2022 10:44 pm

Told youse the commies were making their play.

But … fuck would I no?

August 9, 2022 10:55 pm

What Is a Woman?

Definitions don’t help. And this makes gender ideology even more dangerous.

Matt Walsh’s documentary What Is a Woman? is in many ways highly disturbing and important. To any sane person, the complete fall of Western culture into evil madness should be as clear as a bell after watching it.

And yet, while playing with definitions of the word “woman” and confronting gender ideologues with their inconsistencies is useful to generate awareness of the insanity going on, I think there is more to be said about all that.

The problem is, definitions just don’t make much sense in this context.

I found it interesting that the African tribesmen Walsh interviewed for the documentary — who are arguably as far removed from gender ideology as it gets — at first struggled to come up with a straight answer to the question, what is a woman?, as well.

This is completely understandable, and I suspect that some of the random people Walsh asked that question on the street struggled with the question not so much because of gender ideology (although some undoubtedly did), but because a question like this puts you off. Jordan Peterson, who featured in the documentary, wisely refused to give a straight answer as well and said instead: “What is a woman? Marry one and find out!”

Why can’t we immediately come up with an answer, a straight definition? Clearly, because the very fact of asking this question strikes us as completely crazy. Because we all know what a woman is. It’s just that we cannot pin it down, define it, and put it in a box.1 And yet we know it, perhaps as surely as we know anything.

It’s like asking someone: “What is the sky?” Of course we know. But how to define it? After some thinking, we might come up with an answer like “well, it’s space as seen from the earth.” But that in no way captures the richness, the depth, of what we mean when we say “sky.”

Questions like this leave us baffled, and at some point all we can do is helplessly point up and say: “this is the sky.” Or point to our friend and say, “this is a woman.”

“Female adult,” for example, doesn’t even begin to express what we mean by “woman.” The word ‘woman’ has behind it literally the history of the entire cosmos; it runs infinitely deep; it is connected to All and Everything: to our very existence, to every experience we have from cradle to grave; to our entire past, society, dreams, drives, feelings, aspirations.

The word “woman,” just as the word “man” and other words that have a long and somewhat consistent past and are connected to the very core of life, are not mere symbols that stand for an object, as the impoverished and naive modern understanding of language would have it. They express not only a whole world, but a whole universe. They can’t be defined — a dictionary doesn’t help. And yet their meaning, to any sane person with a soul, couldn’t be clearer.

August 9, 2022 10:59 pm

Fourteen young Canadian docs die after getting the shot. Normally would be ~0 over 30 years

This is a list of just the docs my doctor friend in Canada heard about passively. In the past 30 years, he’s never heard of a single death like this. Not one. Now there are 14.

Executive summary

A doctor friend in Canada heard about 14 deaths of Canadian doctors over the last 9 months. He’s been in practice for 30 years. He’s never heard of any such deaths before. Zero. Why is he now all of a sudden hearing of so many deaths, and these deaths are all happening very soon after vaccination.

The fact checkers assure us all that this is simply coincidence. The Canadian doctors continue to believe what they are told to believe. I predict the next shots will be even worse.

Sadly, I don’t think the Canadian doctors are ever going to figure this out.


Canadian doctors keep lining up to get the shots to be protected from a disease which is easily treatable with a combination of drugs with little to no side effects.

A doctor friend in Canada has been passively noticing the untimely death of doctors in Canada shortly after they were forced to get the third and fourth doses of the vaccine. He sent me these images below which have been sent to him. He’s not proactively researching these. There are likely a lot more he doesn’t know about.

What’s astounding is that this is a vaccine, which according to this CDC study, makes it nearly impossible for you to die after the shot. Yet, these doctors all died shortly after the shot.

August 9, 2022 11:04 pm

‘Is America Becoming a Banana Republic?’ Farage Expresses ‘Shock’ at ‘Appalling’ Raid on Trump’s Home

Brexit architect and political commentator Nigel Farage has expressed his “shock” at last night’s FBI raid on former President Donald Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago on Monday morning, an action the veteran populist firebrand described as “appalling”.

This is a sentiment that Farage has expressed emphatic agreement with, with the GB News commentator saying that the raid shows that the American establishment is “very, very scared of Donald Trump”.

“No former president has ever been treated like this,” Farage said during a Tuesday morning interview with GB News, with the former Brexit Party leader emphasising that even former disgraced President Richard Nixon, who was caught spying on his Democrat colleagues, was never this harshly treated.

“They’re scared he’s going to come back, his party will storm the midterms, and he’s coming back to the White House in ’24,” he continued.

Farage also ridiculed the very justification for the FBI raid, with the long-time ally of President Trump claiming that — while there was no conspiracy surrounding the events of January 6 and, by extension, no documents in existence detailing such a conspiracy — the idea that any sensitive documents that would be stored at Trump’s home is laughable.

“Do you honestly think that, if he had taken documents, that they’d be stored at Mar-a-Lago?” he laughed. “I mean, it’s so ridiculous to be totally absurd!”

“To any fair-minded person, they’re going to say ‘how on earth can this be happening in 21st century America? What have we become? A banana republic?” he said.

August 9, 2022 11:14 pm

Exclusive — Ambassador Ken Blackwell: Biden is Turning America ‘into a Police State’

In the wake of the FBI’s raid of former President Trump’s home, Ambassador Ken Blackwell told Breitbart News that President Biden is turning America “into a police state.”

Following the FBI’s raid of former President Trump’s house, Ambassador Blackwell told Breitbart News exclusively, “For the first time in American history, a president’s administration has sent armed federal agents to raid the personal home of his predecessor, who is also a leader of the opposition party.”

Amb. Blackwell also pointed out that “Attorney General Garland is doing this against former President Trump, but never gets around to dealing with videotaped proof of criminal conduct by President Biden’s son, Hunter.”

Amb. Blackwell, who is currently the chairman of the Conservative Action Project and chairman of the Center for Election Integrity at the America First Policy Institute, went on to charge that President Biden is turning America “into a police state.”

He told Breitbart News “This is the clearest evidence that Biden is comfortable with turning this constitutional republic into a police state.”

August 9, 2022 11:20 pm

Democrats Advance Plan to Subsidize Electric Cars Made in Mexico, Canada

That victory for Mexico’s and Canada’s auto industries is slipped into electric vehicle tax credits for consumers. Rather than including “Buy American” rules that require electric vehicles to be fully produced in the United States to be eligible for the tax credits, the legislation allows the credits to be used on electric vehicles made in Mexico and Canada.

Some Senate Democrats and United States auto companies wanted to loosen those production rules even more — allowing electric vehicles with batteries produced and sourced in China to be eligible for the tax credits. That provision was ultimately left out of the final deal.

The final provision is a win specifically for United States auto companies looking to cut labor costs as they have increasingly outsourced American auto jobs to Mexico thanks to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

From the Comments

There has never been a Nation on Earth that the Democrats have hated more than the United States of America.

– Their hearts belong to China, Iran and Cuba.

– Their hearts only belong to their self interest and feathering the nest of themselves and their families.

August 9, 2022 11:20 pm

Go outside
Have a smoke on the balcony
Look at the people
Listen to them

Its the same but, it isn’t

Welcome to the Soviet

Enjoy the bugs

August 9, 2022 11:31 pm

Criminalizing Opposition in a Pseudo-Republic

by Mark Steyn

For almost a decade and a half now, the American “republic” has been decaying to the defining condition of a one-party state – that is, the total merger of the ruling party and the state. Last night, the dirty stinking rotten corrupt US Department of Justice signed off on a raid on Mar-a-Lago, so we’ve now moved into hardcore banana-republic territory: the regime’s cops are busting into the home of the opposition leader. We’re told this is because Trump took some “classified” documents with him when he left Washington. Yeah, that’s always a pretext for an armed raid: You could ask Hillary Clinton or Sandy Berger.

The FBI has been getting more brazen about its political thuggery this last year, increasingly relaxed about putting its thumb on the democratic scale. As my old pal from Hillsdale days, Joy Pullman, notes in a column written pre-Mar-a-Lago:

In Michigan, the FBI openly meddled in the upcoming election by affecting the selection of candidates, arresting and charging the formerly leading Republican candidate for governor for misdemeanors. The FBI raided Ryan Kelley’s home while polls showed him leading the primaries. In the primary election last week, he came in fourth.

Mission accomplished – and all while too many stars of the rube right were still insisting that there are just a few bad apples at the top, I know the rank-and-file, they’re salt of the earth, straight-shooting G-men, they gave me this cute lapel pin, etc, etc. There are no straight-shooting G-men: Who do you think are manning the raids, you chumps? Where are the whistle-blowers? Or even the guys who say, “No thanks, I didn’t sign up for this”? It’s a wholly corrupted institution and has been for the best part of a decade. The default position for what’s left of the opposition party ought to be that the FBI is beyond reform, and will be replaced by a new agency with vastly circumscribed powers.

Instead, I see Kevin McCarthy is now threatening Merrick Garland with an “investigation” and ordering him to preserve all documents. Ooooooh! Maybe, after the coming Republican landslide, they can appoint an independent counsel; maybe John Durham or Robert Mueller is available. Why would anyone take McCarthy’s threat seriously? If you don’t grasp that in today’s America there is no equality before the law, there is no point even discussing public affairs.

August 9, 2022 11:39 pm

Masks Still Don’t Work

More than two years on, the best scientific evidence says that masks don’t stop Covid—and public health officials continue to ignore it.

Masks are back in San Diego, California, where the school board has just decreed that students must cover their faces or be barred from setting foot inside a classroom. Never mind that, per CDC statistics and Census Bureau population figures, more than 99.99 percent of children in California (where governor Gavin Newsom has regularly imposed mask mandates) and more than 99.99 percent of children in Florida (where Governor Ron DeSantis has let kids live mask-free) have not died of Covid—either because they haven’t gotten it, or because they’ve gotten it and survived it. Never mind that more than 99.99 percent of kids nationally have not died of Covid, either. And never mind that, again, based on CDC statistics, those over age 85 have had more than 2,000 times the chance of dying of Covid as those under age 18; that even those in their thirties have had 25 times the chance of dying of Covid as those under 18; and that, out of every 40 school-age kids (ages 5-17) who have died during the Covid era, only one of those deaths has involved Covid. Regardless, school officials have decided that everyone must mask up.

Nor are schools alone in returning to mask mandates. The military has been one of the most mask-happy of all institutions. Right on cue, the Navy announced that everyone, whether uniformed or not, must wear masks indoors on its bases in the San Diego area. Up the coast, Bay Area Rapid Transit has reimposed a mask mandate. Meantime, many colleges across the country have announced that they will be requiring masks this fall.

Such decrees ignore the facts that masks are physically uncomfortable, make it harder to breathe, and profoundly compromise human social interaction. But none of that matters to the mask zealots, who are convinced that benefits far outweigh any potential costs. So, where is the proof?

The nature of the public-health establishment’s embrace of masks is nicely captured in an article published last spring and currently posted on the website of the National Institutes of Health. The article, by Seán M. Muller, speaks of “the failure of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to provide supportive evidence” that masks work to reduce viral transmission—a matter I discussed at length last summer.

Muller recognizes that people “may transfer infectious material by touching their faces with unsanitized hands to place and remove a mask,” but this important realization doesn’t seem to affect his conclusions.

The best scientific evidence continues to suggest that masks don’t work. Meantime, the public-health establishment continues to ignore that evidence. Public-health officials also remain almost completely blind to masks’ profoundly adverse effects on human interaction and quality of life. Seeing others’ faces and showing one’s own are at the heart of human social life. In the words of the political philosopher Pierre Manent, “To present visibly one’s refusal to be seen is an ongoing aggression against human coexistence.”

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
August 9, 2022 11:49 pm

“To present visibly one’s refusal to be seen is an ongoing aggression against human coexistence.”
Indeedy, O Oz. I always make a point of removing my hat when meeting someone new, and any sunnies too, even when talking with anyone I know. I hope it’ll catch on, back to the old days of manners- full disclosure may be its genesis, but the open human face is a crucial part of getting along, and even more so with strangers, or in situations of stress.
…having said, I’ve bought a huge set of the Groucho Marx glasses-nose-moustache combo, just in case some nitwit tries to put us all back in masks and I’m stuck in a place where I must capitulate.

August 10, 2022 12:05 am

Trump needs to run.

Trump/de Santis2024

de Santis/Rand Paul 2028, 2032!

Now, Trump ought to run on a policy to tackle overcriminalisation – such as abolishing the FBI and CIA – the CIA is thoroughly criminal and the FBI rightfully should have shut down.

Leaving the US Marshals as the primary Federal law enforcement agency (although much smaller), abolishing the FBI, corrupt capitol police, CIA.

Get rid of anything that isn’t service arm intel, DIA, US Marshals, US National Park Ranger Police & Special Agents and the Secret Service (make it part of Treasury again, which was cool).

Which means you could get of the ridiculous DHS and Orwellian NSA – anything necessary goes to the military and US Marshals.

The US didn’t realise its zeal in winning the cold war basically imprinted a secret police on its own free society.

Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan echoed similar sentiments about the thoroughly corrupt CIA.

You can’t drain a swamp unless you plan to actually take the water away.

August 10, 2022 12:11 am

Note these were once all “leftist” positions or proponents.

The New Republic.
Senator Daniel Pat Moynihan (D)

August 10, 2022 12:28 am

“This bill recognises that the public display of Nazi symbols is abhorrent, except in very limited circumstances such as for educational purposes, and causes profound offence and distress,” Mr Speakman said on Tuesday.


Pure Mong.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
August 10, 2022 1:18 am

Re Trump/De Santis in 2024. This reply is from Prof James Allan when I posed the same question to him.

The President and the Vice President can’t be from the same State. So that is a roadblock to this scenario. I can’t see DeSantis leaving Florida, as he’s the Governor. And do you see a man like Trump leaving?

August 10, 2022 4:02 am
August 10, 2022 4:03 am
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August 10, 2022 4:10 am
August 10, 2022 4:12 am
August 10, 2022 4:12 am
August 10, 2022 4:14 am
August 10, 2022 5:23 am

Outstanding Garrison.

August 10, 2022 6:25 am

Trump can be from New York. 🙂

August 10, 2022 6:40 am

Jurdge who approved raid on Mar a Lago is linked to Epstein.

From Tim Pool.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 10, 2022 6:58 am

Traitors and denialists, hail fellow well met.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 10, 2022 7:01 am

There is an opinion, being advanced on previously saner corners of teh webs that Elbow is not in fact on hols, sleeping in while Marles bumbles his way through morning pressers.

Elbow is said to be in Europe, getting his ‘orders’ from the WEF.

Mind you, this is the same place that’s started posting stuff from the likes of David Icke, so there you go.

August 10, 2022 7:02 am

Good morning traitor comrade.

From Wellkampf’s heart, I stab at thee.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 10, 2022 7:05 am

Et tu, Dottus?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 10, 2022 7:23 am

British Bug Corporation.

BBC Dismayed by Brexit Blow to ‘Eat the Bugs’ Agenda (9 Aug)

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has expressed dismay that Brexit has temporarily delayed efforts to normalise the consumption of bugs to achieve “net zero”.

The BBC described bugs as “superfood” … “[E]xperts tell us that, if we want to save the planet, we should eat more insects,” the broadcaster asserted, before lamenting that “selling insects as food in the UK was essentially banned following Brexit, leaving the insect industry in limbo.”

Their two insect farmers, Tiziana Di Costanzo and Leo Taylor, pushed a similar green agenda narrative in the advertisement-like report, with the former arguing that a switch to bug-eating “will, for example, allow the oceans to replenish”, and the latter arguing that it would “drive the UK towards Net Zero more rapidly.”

The Bugman class is unhappy that proles aren’t embracing bugs to replenish the oceans with um, something. I’m not exactly sure what that insect farmer means, but I’m sure the BBC will explain it for us eventually.

August 10, 2022 7:25 am

Latest Liberty Quote:

Here richly, with ridiculous display,
The Politician’s corpse was laid away.
While all of his acquaintance sneered and slanged
I wept: for I had longed to see him hanged.

— Hilaire Belloc

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 10, 2022 7:27 am

So flying yesterday from Canberra to Cairns via Virgin, they were totally non-interested in mask compliance, apart from the announcements that “federal government regulations require you to wear” one.

About 70% of those on board obeyed.

August 10, 2022 7:27 am

I’m not exactly sure what that insect farmer means

I am. Gimme some more of that sweet, sweet subsidy munni. Because Gaia.

August 10, 2022 7:29 am

TE, apparently you have to wear a mask while flying over NSW airspace. I wonder if an announcement is made when the border is crossed and you can take them off?

Trust The Science.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 10, 2022 7:33 am

Their two insect farmers, Tiziana Di Costanzo and Leo Taylor, pushed a similar green agenda narrative in the advertisement-like report

Of course it’s an advertisement-like report. It’s an advertisement, like a brickmaker telling people to build their houses out of bricks.

It’s an infomercial dressed up as a curio.

August 10, 2022 7:46 am

So the narrative about the Mar-a-Lago raid is about documents. Kash Patel just said that any documents that were there were already declassified and given the establishment wanted them back they were returned months ago.
He went on to say that a heap of documents were declassified at the end of the former administration but the national archives are refusing to release them.

I’d say it’s just a matter of time before they are released. Buy more popcorn ?

Interesting that the judge who approved the raid was Epstein’s lawyer.

August 10, 2022 7:54 am

Quite here this morning, is everyone hungover?

August 10, 2022 7:57 am

Last year, the blackboy threw two spears and it was a wet summer.
It’s now thrown a fifth. Which could mean something, or nothing.

Cassie of Sydney
August 10, 2022 7:59 am

Mark Steyn overnight on GB News nails it…

As does James Delingpole overnight on GB News. James talks about what I’ve been thinking and espousing for a while now, that the day is here when people like us need to separate ourselves from mainstream society.

I know James has gone down a rabbit hole over the last two years with various Covid conspiracies but he’s still right about ninety-five percent of issues and I also think that he is partly right about Covid, that it’s a weapon that has been used by elites to usurp power. I say to you all, we’re now at a stage in the West where a former US President’s home has been raided by a venally corrupt and compromised FBI. I ask, who could have predicted this? I suspect no one. Three years ago, if someone had said to me that a former US president’s home would be raided by the FBI, I would have laughed out loud, but also, three years ago, if someone had said to me that Western governments would lock us down for months, I would have laughed out loud and told them to go take some pills. No one here could have predicted such situations, but perhaps it’s been obvious for a long time and we’ve just chosen to ignore the clear signs and omens, the truth is that the elites and the oligarchs have been fomenting the great usurpation for years and in the wake of 2016, with Brexit and Trump’s win, they declared war on us.

As Delingpole says, the so called parties of the right, the joke that is the Conservative Party in the UK (and the Liberal/National parties here in Oz) are also intimately involved in the great usurpation of power, and their choice weapons, Covid and the climate con. These right of centre parties are useless, none of them make one ounce of difference because none of them want to make any difference.

I no longer want to hear anyone lecture me on how the West is worth fighting for. Think about what happened yesterday in Florida. Until now it’s been the “phoney war”, now it’s all out war.

August 10, 2022 8:02 am

Tintarella di Luna says:
August 9, 2022 at 4:56 pm

close Veneto is the Italian dialect I speak, there’s a lot of interchange- Friulan is a deliciously quirky dialect

Sorry, just saw this comment..

Speak it, but out of practice.
I believe that Friulan was a distinct language, one of the Romande group, and not an Italian dialect. In my younger days, I even found an original Friulan Dictionary while scavenging around USyd’s Fisher Library Stack..
Interesting to hear the variability and adaptation between what is spoken in the northern and eastern parts of Friuli, compared to the western parts, closer to Treviso.
These days it’s fighting for survival, even in its native Carnia, as the communists in charge of the Friulan provinces are attempting, and slowly succeeding, in erasing history and tradition.

In Friuli, a still useful and descriptive native language is being actively sidelined. Here, useless Paleolithic relics are being exhalted and imposed..

Fascinating how the evil leftards want to destroy everything that’s valuable, imposing demeaning distractions onto the mass of a populus that isn’t interested enough to fight back and turn them into Prosciutto di San Daniele..
Dark days indeed.

August 10, 2022 8:07 am

Kittah’s will be pleased to know lisa wilkinson is releasing a range of skincare. From what I’ve seen its a brand new form of spakfiller or for more severe cases 2 parts sand 1 of cement. May be purchased from Bunnings or your closest pirate store. Side effects include sanctimonious sneering and a distain for little people which include everyone not lisa’s friends.

August 10, 2022 8:17 am

Mater says:
August 9, 2022 at 5:14 pm

This should be preserved for prosperity:

#1037945, posted on October 16, 2013 at 4:03 pm

This really is the Alamo..etc..

Honest question Mater:
how do you retrieve (search) these old comments?
I’ve tried navigating the NLA Trove for Sinc’s blog posts and failed.. badly.. every time.
A truly, brilliantly unusable search function, in my experience.
Is there a published method, or a how-to somewhere?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 10, 2022 8:17 am

Daily Mail

Yes, yes, yes! How women have three kinds of orgasm… and they are categorised as a wave, an avalanche and a volcano

Women experience one of three types of orgasm, a new study has claimed
Pelvic floor muscles typically show one of three patterns, say researchers
The three different orgasms are the ‘wave’, the ‘volcano’ and the ‘avalanche

“Mummy, mummy, what’s an orgasm?

I don’t know, daughter mine. Ask your father.”

August 10, 2022 8:17 am

NSW airspace
Interesting concept. The Feds own the airspace.

August 10, 2022 8:18 am

Canadian doctors
get out of their minds
Boosters kill you but no other kind
Better run, eh
You’re much too young, eh

With all the huge claims on the net
They’ve left out a big part
Was it a booster
Or did they just make that up
Why only Canadian doctors, the young at heart
If you believe that, well where do you start

Canadian doctors
get out of their minds
Boosters kill you but no other kind
Better run, eh
You’re much too young, eh

Beneath all the obfuscation and lies
A bunch of cranks thin in disguise
None of whom who can never be wrong
So bad it’s wasting a song
With that ‘give money’ look in their eyes
Attracting fools as quickly as flies

Canadian doctors
get out of their minds
Boosters kill you but no other kind
Better run, eh
You’re much too young, eh

‘Hurry home’ you pack of girl’s blouses
Stop trying to frighten the horses
Get out of here, you’re wasting your time
No-one’s gunna be changing their mind
Already had all of our courses
Now suffering zero remorses

Canadian doctors
get out of their minds
Boosters kill you but no other kind
Better run, eh
You’re much too young, eh

You keep wishing and hoping we’re dead
It hasn’t happened it’s just a new thread
You want to believe everything that you read
Just makes you look dumb which you don’t really need
But whatever, you have your new creed

Canadian doctors
get out of their minds
Boosters kill you but no other kind
Better run, eh
You’re much too young, eh

Canadian doctors eh eh eh waaah

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
August 10, 2022 8:22 am

Delingpole has indeed fallen down the rabbit hole …however I cannot look away from his observations..There is some merit. I prefer Toby Young’s view …never underestimate government and elites abilities to cock up repeatedly.

Delingpole is calling out an impending famine. When I first heard him say this I thought he’d lost his marbles. But we are on the path to destroy agriculture and mining. Then we have the bee mite destroying hives. That’s not good. So again he may worth heeding his call.

Meanwhile Hiding in plain sight is the WEF…..

Interesting times.

August 10, 2022 8:25 am

that the day is here when people like us need to separate ourselves from mainstream society.

Cassie, Michael Malice ears are burning.

August 10, 2022 8:26 am

TE, apparently you have to wear a mask while flying over NSW airspace.

I’d question that; as Eyrie states, airspace is a federal domain.

It was on that basis that Reg Ansett began his airline after the Victorian government of the day decided to put truck companies out of business.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 10, 2022 8:29 am

The boosters do seem to be a sort of medical Russian roulette.

Safe And Effective (Tony Heller, 8 Aug)

The data (see graph) is from the Netherlands. I have not checked the dataset, but Heller is usually exquisitely careful to cite sources, and he includes a link to the report where the graph comes from so that people can follow it up.

August 10, 2022 8:30 am

Spot on [email protected].

Every time I listen to mainstream news I am confronted by either popular pap or by blatant predominantly Left propaganda. Our way of life is indeed under attack by the interests of Big Tech (and especially Big Pharma) & their cronies in government and the media.

Of course I have read the so called conspiracy theories regarding Covid & the global aftermath. Up until now I have preferred explanations citing leadership incompetence and panic. However, the increasing evidence of complicity of security and bureaucracy enclaves is rapidly overcoming my reservations.

Sadly, the general ignorance, lack of interest and stupidity of the general population does not give me any hope for the future of western society.

August 10, 2022 8:35 am

August 10, 2022 at 8:02 am
Tintarella di Luna says:
August 9, 2022 at 4:56 pm

close Veneto is the Italian dialect I speak, there’s a lot of interchange- Friulan is a deliciously quirky dialect

Sorry, just saw this comment..

Speak it, but out of practice.

I believe that Friulan was a distinct language, one of the Romande group, and not an Italian dialect. In my younger days, I even found an original Friulan Dictionary while scavenging around USyd’s Fisher Library Stack..


was that the old USyd Fisher Library Stack in the Quad before the new Building?

August 10, 2022 8:35 am

Taibbi on the Florida raid.

Welcome to the Third World
The FBI really better have something “pulverizing” on Trump, because otherwise we’ve just witnessed one of the dumbest moves in the history of politics

August 10, 2022 8:35 am

Meanwhile Hiding in plain sight is the WEF…..

As the globalist project unravels the WEF’s Western acolytes double down.

Shades of the bunker.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Border Closure

ABC Breakfast/Morning TV.
Retirement from tennis of Tractor Williams (Serena) is being discussed.
Bit of tut-tutting from the panel & how retirement of sports stars is sad for fans/viewers.

The panel ask each other which sports star they’d each like to bring back from retirement;
Michael Rowland’s pick is Natasha Stott-Despoja, as she “left politics too soon

August 10, 2022 8:36 am

Bugger, Taibbi has been a pussy and kept the entire column behind his paywall.
Whenever he writes anything that could be called pro Trump he paywalls it.

August 10, 2022 8:36 am

BoN – the genetic vaccines have always been Russian Roulette. The discovery that a minority of batches appear to generate the majority of adverse reactions confirmed that. Whether this was due to manufacturing negligence (& the Pfizer whistleblower certainly revealed shocking violations of protocol) or a more sinister intention is unknown at the moment. I still also believe that some individuals are more susceptible to problems due to the usual genetic differences, existing bad health and other predispositions. Since these are often not previously known, it is indeed Russian Roulette.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 10, 2022 8:41 am


Which means you could get of the ridiculous DHS and Orwellian NSA – anything necessary goes to the military and US Marshals.

Two points.
First, the NSA is as military as is the DIA, it has a high level of military staff, and (last I heard) was headed by a military officer.

Second, recall that the whole “unmasking” farce was stopped by the (military) head of the NSA, as soon as word of it filtered up to his office.

August 10, 2022 8:41 am

Kittah’s will be pleased to know lisa wilkinson is releasing a range of skincare.

Well, there goes the world’s remaining stockpile of urea.

August 10, 2022 8:41 am

The UK is facing its most precipitous drop in living standards in 60 years.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 10, 2022 8:42 am

I believe that Friulan was a distinct language, one of the Romande group, and not an Italian dialect. In my younger days, I even found an original Friulan Dictionary while scavenging around USyd’s Fisher Library Stack..

Thanks, as always Gilas you are a fount of so much interesting tidbits, lucky you to find a Friulan Dictionary. When I was in my Mum’s village in 2008 a cousin of mine who ran the agriturismo we were staying in had a book written by a local documenting the veneto dialect and phrases, there are some who value and try to save the past

I remember we had a bit of difficulty in Venice and got off at the wrong stop –finally able to get back on a ferry and it was such a delight to hear the Veneto dialect spoken by the ferry attendant – =the Italians are now trying (probably only half-heartedly) the dialects of Italy — I think that around Leppington in Sydney and in the Ballina-Lismore (Little Italy) area is where the original Veneto is still largely spoken but as the generations die off so does the speaking of the dialect – hearing the dialect makes me very nostalgic for what was my childhood

August 10, 2022 8:43 am
Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 10, 2022 8:43 am

that would be many interesting tidbits

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 10, 2022 8:43 am

“This bill recognises that the public display of Nazi symbols is abhorrent, except in very limited circumstances such as for educational purposes, and causes profound offence and distress,” Mr Speakman said on Tuesday.

Mr Speakman was unconcerned about the Hammer and Sickle, under the banner of which many times as many people have been murdered, tortured and imprisoned arbitrarily than under the Swastika, over a far longer period.

Ahistorical nitwit.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 10, 2022 8:44 am

Kittah’s will be pleased to know lisa wilkinson is releasing a range of skincare.

Milk of Canetoad?

August 10, 2022 8:45 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 10, 2022 8:48 am

The FBI really better have something “pulverizing” on Trump, because otherwise we’ve just witnessed one of the dumbest moves in the history of politics

Stephen Green over at Instapundit says this today:


Yep. I’ve said a few times already that the Dems seem pretty complacent about the Mid Terms. No running around with hair on fire or “tacking” towards the centre – instead they’re tripling down on their far-left policies. They were likewise behaving like they were unconcerned before the 2020 election, when Biden was getting six people to his rallies.

August 10, 2022 8:49 am

I was thinking of tanning products, Tinta.


Boambee John
Boambee John
August 10, 2022 8:50 am


He went on to say that a heap of documents were declassified at the end of the former administration but the national archives are refusing to release them.

They contradict the ever-so-precious “narrative”?

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 10, 2022 8:56 am


These days it’s fighting for survival, even in its native Carnia, as the communists in charge of the Friulan provinces are attempting, and slowly succeeding, in erasing history and tradition.

In Friuli, a still useful and descriptive native language is being actively sidelined. Here, useless Paleolithic relics are being exhalted and imposed..

Fascinating how the evil leftards want to destroy everything that’s valuable, imposing demeaning distractions onto the mass of a populus that isn’t interested enough to fight back and turn them into Prosciutto di San Daniele..
Dark days indeed.

The fascist left are unable to build anything (Back Better or crappy). All that they can do is destroy.

For an example, see m0nty-fa. What productive contribution has he made to society? Failed Economics 1, married into the “upper middle class”, runs a fantasy website. And he is probably less damaging than most of his fellows.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 10, 2022 9:00 am

What the … ?
It is now twenty (20) days left to save the Daily Exposé?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 10, 2022 9:01 am

What are the stats on people dying within 60 days of having a cup of tea?

August 10, 2022 9:05 am


The NSA oughta to stop snooping on civilians.

Making it military explicitly will make it so.

August 10, 2022 9:06 am

Brittany Hughes
If Donald Trump did take something, he should have hidden it under Hunter’s pile of hookers and blow.

No one ever looks there.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 10, 2022 9:08 am

Knuckle Draggersays:

August 10, 2022 at 7:01 am

There is an opinion, being advanced on previously saner corners of teh webs that Elbow is not in fact on hols, sleeping in while Marles bumbles his way through morning pressers.

Elbow is said to be in Europe, getting his ‘orders’ from the WEF.

Mind you, this is the same place that’s started posting stuff from the likes of David Icke, so there you go

Never fear.
I will be here to highlight their irrational behaviour.

August 10, 2022 9:10 am

Honest question Mater:
how do you retrieve (search) these old comments?

I tend to keep record of my comments.
If I’ve commented on something, I can usually retrieve the wording involved.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 10, 2022 9:11 am

Speaking of irrational behaviour, is anyone overdue for a stint of attention seeking hospitalisation?

  1. Not economically viable? Everything is repairable – even an FJ holden left in the top 40 for 50 years -…

  2. Predicted 40 years ago – and they will still not fight! a society stands on the brink of internal collapse,…

Version 1.0.0
Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x