Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Well well well. Gold Coast Mayor is Las Vegas on a NRL junket but Dutton going to a fundraiser in…
I’m buying frenchies and canned veges.
Then the second and third strikes from the other various triads, mopping up whoever is left with a chance of…
cohenite March 7, 2025 10:04 am Gutfeld is the best political commentator. His opening last night about the demorats reactions…
Bern – You be better off reading supermarket catalogues.
I don’t know why I bother checking Phys.org each day as most of what passes for science now is rubbish, especially from government sources. Even astronomy, the last bastion of sanity, is starting to be infected.
FrontPage Mag has this one today. It’s fun, if somewhat sad.
The 13 Articles of Scientific Faith (26 Aug)
‘bern at 10:41.
If you had added in “semi naked supermodel on the doorstep begging for it when I got home”, that is a perfect day.
There used to be a quaint theory that whoever’s running Canberra is counter-balanced by the opposite party tending to rule the states.
That has been thrown out the window with the ALP now running Canberra and all but two of the states and territories (to be reduced to one after next year’s NSW state election).
We’re entering an era of socialist in-your-face democracy good and hard and, at least in the beginning, it won’t be especially unpopular as most Australians love big government and the nanny state.
I’ve been thinking for a while about the loss of Wentworth and the stupid fucking Liberals. There was actually no, nada, none, zero difference between Karma Sharma and Princess Allegra. During the last two weeks of the campaign, Sharma, perhaps realising that there was no difference and he was looking at certain defeat, piped up in desperation to say that he and the stupid fucking Liberal Party was the best people to have in Canberra and in power for “business”. That was it, nothing else.
I didn’t vote for Svengali Simon’s Stepford Skank, she’ll be next to useless in Canberra as she won’t have any influence on Labor, but then Karma Sharma and his wet comrades were also totally useless over the last few years, and in fact they did do damage, considerable damage. These wets harassed Scumbag about offshore drilling for oil and gas here in NSW, and so what did Scumbag, as the PM for everything do? He banned it. Sharma and his wet comrades were no doubt behind the push for net zero emissions, in the process probably destroying the Liberal Party of Australia once and for all. And then, the icing on the cake, Karma Sharma and his wet comrades, the unlamented Rent Zimmerboy, Fiona (call the police on constituents) Martin, Dr Katie (Obama lover) Allen, and one or two others crossed the floor over the Religious Freedom Bill.
Princess Allegra, lightweight that she is, will do less damage* as the Member for Wentworth than Karma Sharma. Good riddance to him.
I don’t apply that statement to either Zoo Daniel or lard arse Monique Ryan. These two women are sinister, toxic and dangerous.
you are correct. But, who cares if they don’t love the chookies or lambs, as long as they protect them.
If a person decides to go the Marremma option, there is quite a bit of training involved, for the person, not the dog.
I know several fancy poultry breeders who have a Marremma in each paddock and the house yard. If you visit, you have to let them know when you arrive and stay in the car until the owner comes out and introduces you to the dog. A bit of work, but worth it.
Petros, so much of it gets paywalled by journals.
It’s a scam.
The Aaron Swartz story outlines it.
Memo to New World Order dumbarses.
c.c: fright bats and vaxx tyrants.
You can either take on China and Russia OR implement your evil master plan for the rest of us.
Not both.
Cassie, Michael Roddan had a column in the AFR this week about Cannon-Brookes funnelling political donations via his personal NFP.
August 27, 2022 at 11:50 am
Cassie, Michael Roddan had a column in the AFR this week about Cannon-Brookes funnelling political donations via his personal NFP.”
Thanks Bern, will read.
“Teals in Kew?”
If the email J got is any indication,probably to the right of the Liberal candidate.
August 27, 2022 at 9:42 am
Personally I rate Howard as one of the most destructive PM’s in the history of Australia. If the mining boom hadn’t happened I doubt he would be anywhere near as well regarded.
Actually the “mining boom” thing is one of Labor’s myths. Commodity prices weren’t high under Howard and Costello. They leapt up shortly after the KRudd/Goose Swansteen goat rodeo began and have stayed high pretty much constantly since.
Howard and Costello paid off the debt and put the nation into surplus largely by refraining during their early years from either squandermonkey vanity projects or turbocharging of regulation. With Australia’s natural resources that’s pretty much all it takes. Pity it hasn’t been done for the past twenty years or thereabouts.
Also: No one wants to go back to the office as if it was 2019 again and get lectured about racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia etc, etc etc.
You made the workplace so stupid and toxic no one wants to be there.
That’s about the only decent thing they’ve done, Bern.
Semi naked supermodel? The road rager will think of a stripped down Ken Worth C540.
August 27, 2022 at 10:30 am
Where have you been?
Good to see you back.
Should have some fun next week.We are running a BBQ for clients at work.Hosts are Dipper,Dougie Hawkins and Sam Kekovich.I may not survive
The stupid effing government is now running coarses on how to handle legal claims on climate change.
I’d phone in sick for the following day. Might as well get it out of the way.
Malcolm Turnbull says “hold my beer”.
Snowy Hydro expansion CEO stands down (27 Aug)
Turtle giving him a seeya is a fun touch.
Europe is in terrible terrible shape. 8% of German GDP is now devoted to energy. One year ago it was 1%.
If Europe takes a deep dive and this winter it looks like it will and China economy does too, we’re in deep doo doo.
The Regime is declaring its agenda here.
With this latest move, the situation looks set to worsen. Who would want to own an investment property in Queensland now?
Glad we sold ours early last year!
Yep, the Chinks aren’t bailing us out this time.
*dusts off hands*
Oven cleaned. Garden RoosterBoostered and ready for spring. Boy, does it hum! 😀
So what has actually been revealed by the release of the redacted affidavit?
The obstinacy of leftist Cherman politicians is a sight to behold.
With the energy situation at crisis point, they are still intending to close down nuclear plants by the end of the year.
Time for some Sri Lanka style action from the shivering masses.
Sorry, I didn’t say fully what I was thinking.
The sentimentalism leads to people buying them as a cute, fluffy family pet.
They are working dogs with very highly honed specialised traits suited to their job.
They are so not suited to be a pet on a suburban block with an owner who is not fully aware of their traits. Their hyper-vigilant instincts could end in tears.
Happens less and less these days.
I’m beginning to suspect MrsF is somehow discouraging them.
News Corp is dropping comic strips from all of its publications.
Why, one wonders. It saves pennies in the scheme of things. They say that they are moving to games and puzzles instead. But, they have always had both.
It may have something to do with the quality of comic strips on offer – I dunno, since I don’t read newspapers any more.
Any ideas?
Yea, every small to middle sized private firm is a coven for critical race theory and social Marxism. Totally credible for people who are unemployed and only worked in the public sector. FMD.
The FBI/DoJ applied for a warrant to search Mar a Lago because ####### and **** *****. Quite convincingly because +++++++ espionage.
Do keep up.
I unsubscribed the Unscientific Unamerican in the late nineties, it was getting that bad that early.
Lasted longer with New Scientist and The Economist, they both became unreadable in the 2000’s.
And the NYT is a crime against trees. Toilet paper would be a more ethical use of the wood pulp.
Lizzie, It’s good to know that you are still into dancing. My last dance was twenty years ago when I was around the eighty years mark. Zorba stuff as I recall.
Hi Timothy,
thanks for the G’day.
I have been head down arse up wrestling my little farm into a bit of submission. That, plus no internet for several months. Thank God, Mater and Elon for Starlink.
It won’t be long now that I will be able to quote Martin Luther King. So looking forward to it.
On another note, we all know that the greatest invention in human history has been the wheel. I have always added that, the second greatest is Round up. I would like now, to add a third: the log splitter.
For an aging country girl with bits and pieces falling to bits and pieces, the log splitter is a gift from God.
Geez Timothy, sorry for talking about myself for so long, how are you? 🙂
I knew what you meant, but I am glad you added that last post. It’s too bad people don’t do their research before buying a dog. As so many Border Collies dumped by their city owners into the pound can attest.
that mUnty is a clown
Hi there, Macbeth.
We can always choose to dance around the subject. 🙂
I let my National Geographic membership lapse when the magazine became unreadable around 2010. The rot started when they decided to post the magazine in recycled paper instead of plastic. Of course, every time it arrived in the post was a rainy day and the magazine was sodden. Then the interesting articles about people and places around the world were replaced with “global warming will kill us all” garbage.
Great to see you, Macbeth.
Desperation time.
Ditto for me too Rugbyskier. I had Nat Geo sub from 1976 up to 2010 but I think for the last few years of that sub I barely glanced through them before putting ’em on the shelf
Dover at 12:24
Steve Kates has this meme on his site that sums it up best I think.
Good to see you drop by Macbeth!
Lizzie and Johanna too, even if they fight like honey badgers.
An American billionaire would know one Hell of a lot about the problems facing Aboriginal Australians.
Like all leftard activists, Elbow thinks Australians are too stupid for this not to backfire.
I love Shaq’s betting ads, but even dumb Australians will figure out in a few seconds that a) he knows pharque-all about Australian blackfellas; and b) Elbow thinks we’re too stupid to figure that out.
Skier – I have a map from NatGeo bluetacked onto my office wall, it’s “World of Rivers”. All the river systems in the world. Breathtaking. The sort of thing they used to do so marvelously. I checked just now: it says copyright 2010. Yep, that’s when they went completely nuts and I dumped my sub too.
I have no doubt he could get numerous members of the American Wokerati to sign up – all of them completely ignorant about the topic.
He needs to be careful, though. Being lectured by wealthy ignorami from other countries typically does not go down well with the locals.
Obama telling Britons they’d be at the end of the queu if they voted for Brexit worked well.
Anybody care to speculate as to what it would cost to bring “Shaq” to Australia?
Fox solution:
1. tin whistle,
2. binoculars,
3. spotlight,
4. .17 HMR or .22 calibre with scope,
5. cooked chook bait,
6. patience,
7. downwind concealed hide
Combine ingredients – success!
If your into cops & robbers, bank heist gone wrong, over the top shoot-out and frenetic car chase the you can’t go past .. AMBULANCE .. around 10 minutes build-up and straight into the non-stop action as two robbers hijack an ambulance with LA’s finest in hot pursuit .. 9/10 ..
Where is the boosted choo choo?
Here is one prepared earlier.
Anybody care to speculate as to what it would cost to bring “Shaq” to Australia?
Apparently, he was already here and asked if he could help Luigi with the Voice (official gummint version!) ..
And as a visitor to a foreign climes he was afforded the same privilege as any Oz taxpayer/voter .. instant access to the PM … sarc ..
As I mistook the Weekend Reading thread for the Weekend Open thread, I repeat myself…
Wonder what they’re paying him.
He’s supposed to be getting a million from the TAB for this visit.
Where is the boosted choo choo?
“That’s a long wait for a train don’t come” – Captain Malcolm Reynolds
Wtf indeed.
Mark Steyn not a favorite anymore?
No, you my fave, Stuth . You’re my favourite coward posing as Ken Worth the hero.
You’ve been bawling about being scared of the needle for around 2 years now, you redneck buffoon. You’re no fucking hero for avoiding the needle because you were scared. That is unless you want to redefine the meaning of the word.
That’s far too cryptic for me to understand.
There was a two sided fear.
1. Fear of the needle
2. Fear of a lab made virus.
Take your prick. There were no heroes in either decision.
Pathetic JC.
Emotional, juvenile rubbish.
It’s you who’s pathetic, Stuth, you disgusting redneck. Two fucking years you’ve been climbing over the wall like a zombie in World War Z crying what a hero you are. You’re no fucking hero, Stuth. You zombie.
Thank you everyone for your wishes and information, they were much appreciated. It is not surprising that I have followed “The Cat” for thirteen or more years with such caring people here. I will be fine, all in His hands.
I would like to reiterate that if any of your or you loved ones, mention a lump appearing out of nowhere and growing to please GET IT CHECKED OUT.
There was a two sided fear.
1. Fear of the needle
2. Fear of a lab made virus.
Take your prick. There were no heroes in either decision.
JC – Number 2 definitely applied to me for most of 2020. Couldn’t wait for a vaccine to be developed. But by early 2021 I had sufficient info (for me) to decide (risk analysis) that the release of the vaccines violated conventional protocol and, by early indications, were going to have differing degrees of potential adverse results.
I am definitely no hero. I am, in fact, risk averse by nature. Unbecoming……but it is a fact. So I guess No 2 must apply to me …yep… afraid of the “needle: & continue to be afraid.
I see that there was some speculation last night about my associations with musicians in the 1970s and 80s.
Well, a nice girl never tells. 🙂
I can report that my association with Peter Garrett arose from the fact that we were at the ANU together and had mutual friends. Not really groupie material, bad luck.
Garrett has always been pretty much a one woman man, although there may have been the odd lapse. The beautiful Doris (and she is beautiful) owns his heart. He’s not a rock n roll poonhound at all.
To my surprise when I was going to gigs two or three nights a week and meeting musicians, quite a few of them are like that. And no, I wasn’t meeting them to hook up. I did the door and sometimes the publicity.
I suppose that I was a groupie in the sense that I loved the music and the people who made it, in a broad sense. It was fun, creative and certainly better than sitting on front of the TV watching ‘Neighbours.’
If, now and then, things went a bit further – meh, I have no regrets and am not telling either.
Oh, and I see that the site’s resident vain and silly woman has accused calli of being about her when she wasn’t.
Hard to know which accusation was worst. 🙂
Eyrie says: August 27, 2022 at 11:23 am
(Broad brush comment, for the information of pedants)
The cost items you listed are an amount Ten times the amount of net operating profit.
This is in my business – and is those items that are a direct tax/fee payment (eg, liquor excise, fuel excise, et al, are not included as they’re hidden inside the cost of those items)
Snowy Hydro chief executive Paul Broad has resigned following revelations the project is $2.2 billion over budget. Mr Broad’s sudden departure comes at the halfway point of construction, which is now 18 months behind schedule.
Energy Minister Chris Bowen thanked the CEO for ten years of running the project.
He wrecked Sydney Water all those years ago.
132andBush says:
August 27, 2022 at 9:29 am
Has the fox been named?
I suggest Karl
I suspect it is a vixen, so I’d suggest “Aly” – Karl’s co compere. Can’t stand the woman.
Hey Struth, it wont be long until you are vindicated and JC and the rest of the sheeple will be suffering long term effects of the “Needle”
I am not jabbed for covid and never will be.
Keep at them Struth they deserve you!
Snowy Hydro boss Paul Broad says fallout with Chris Bowen contributed to resignation
ABC Newcastle / By Blake Doyle and Craig Hamilton – Posted 46m ago
Everyone made their choices and will have to learn to live with them.
Anger should be reserved for those that lied, profited and coerced in the grubbiest power grab of our lives.
replying to
Thank you for all the advice on our fox situation.
One’s natural reaction is always extreme – & I did think of getting a Maremma. But we can’t take a Maremma back on frequent returns to Sydney – Maremma definitely not a city dog!
The easiest night protection for the chooks is simply to lock them in their (very comfortable) chook house (complete with roof insulation!) at night. We could even do that for the limited time we are in Sydney. But this damn fox is so bold that we are now concerned about their daily free range we allow them, and which they so enjoy.
As a result, we need a solution that will either permanently get rid of the fox (the gun) or will sufficiently deter his boldness. We believe that the best for the latter will be the electric wire around the entire pen. Hopefully, the fox will get a sufficient shock – as the wombat did a few years again from our garden fence wire – that he will decide that chook meat is not worth the trouble.
As for the lights – while we don’t have the special animal deterrent lights suggested by someone, our gardens and grounds are very very well lit at night. The fox no doubt thinks this makes his job easier!
But we shall see how “shocked” he is with our new ammunition!
BTW a few years ago we tried to trap a fox with a dead mouse stuffed with bait. He wouldn’t take it. Maybe the fox will think the same about the electric trip wire.
We shall see.
To beat the fox, you must think like the fox.
Live like the fox.
Love like the fox.
Jimmy reminds the DNC surrogates that the 10k to 20k isn’t what was promised.
Agitators like Jimmy are a bigger threat to the DNC than the GOP.
Jimmy makes a chunk of the DNC base not vote.
or will sufficiently deter his boldness.
She’s not a fox sexer but a fox sexer’s friend.
Be the fox, Vicki.
Tear the bugger limb from limb.
So, you also weren’t jabbed because you’re afraid of the needle. And you’re asking someone else who is afraid of the needle to keep coming back to stoush. That’s nice.
August 27, 2022 at 2:31 pm
There was a two sided fear.
1. Fear of the needle
Throughout life for me – Still can’t watch self or someone else get needle, live, TV or Movies – have to turn away
Reality has Struck in last 10 years with CLL, Cancer, Ops etc – culminating in last 2 years during Covid – minimum 50 Blood tests, cannulas 34 rounds Immunotherapy – not all successful on 1st attempt, cannulas for 8 MRI’s – best effort 1st year resident doctor on night shift was successful on 5th attempt, add Cannulas PET Scans, CAT Scans, 4 Minor Ops plus short 9/12 hour Major Op into ICU then Severe Burns Ward
Getting needles normal – still unable to watch
Re Vaccine, I had already been on a number of antivirals before Covid and based on readings added additional antivirals, was going to go with Novavax but given uselessness of Vaccines, and no work pressure, decided to give it all a miss – but fully understand pressures on other people.
Still had Senior’s Flu Vaccine this year
Sorry…Wobblies playing the Bockies. I cannae help meself.
US won’t be able to replace Russian uranium – official
Washington is considering a Russian nuclear fuel ban since Moscow is “no longer a trustworthy source”, officials say
The US will not be able to replace Russian uranium in the event of an import ban, Assistant Secretary of Energy Kathryn Huff has warned, saying Washington must develop enrichment capabilities domestically.
“Worldwide, there’s not enough capacity to replace that gap from trusted sources,” Huff told the Washington Examiner on Wednesday, adding that it was the US’s responsibility to “encourage and incentivize that enrichment and conversion capability” on American soil.
Huff told the Examiner that US reliance on Russian-sourced uranium posed unique energy security and national security risks, and noted that Russia still provides about 20% of the low enriched uranium at existing US reactors.
“We have the largest nuclear fleet in the world, and we currently do not have the capability to provide fuel for all of our reactors,” she said, claiming that Russia is “no longer a trustworthy source of our fuel, and we need to find alternatives here and build up that supply chain.”
Russia reportedly accounted for 16.5% of the uranium imported into the US in 2020 and 23% of the enriched uranium needed to power the country’s commercial nuclear reactors. Currently there is nowhere else to turn to fill the gap if uranium imports are banned, Huff said.
Legislation before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee would indeed ban Russian uranium imports, just as Congress previously banned imports of Russian fossil fuels following the launch of Moscow’s military offensive in Ukraine in February.
Huff, who has a PhD in nuclear engineering, said a “tiger team” at the energy department was currently strategizing how to expand the domestic supply chain.
US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm has also previously called Washington’s reliance on imports from Moscow a “vulnerability” for economic and national security.
The US maintains the capacity to mine uranium, but relies heavily on Russia for enrichment. Kick-starting the domestic uranium industry is not a simple process, the department said previously, given that the country has only one commercial enrichment facility remaining — a plant run by British-German-Dutch consortium Urenco in New Mexico.
From the Comments
– US would do anything for Ukraine, with or without uranium. The main thing US wants is to keep what Hunter Biden did when he was “working” in Ukraine a top secret of the world. That’s why daddy Biden is willing to spend an unlimited amount of US tax money for Ukraine.
– In a lighter sense US can ask Iran to enrich for them! Australia has huge stock of raw Uranium and Iran, Pakistan and North Korea all have enrichment capacities. So, let us enjoy the fun!!
TikTok car theft challenge: Chicago area sees 767% increase in Hyundai, Kia thefts
A car theft challenge going viral on TikTok and other social media apps has led to a 767% increase in Hyundai and Kia vehicle thefts in the Chicago area since the beginning of July compared to last year, according to authorities.
TikTok users are posting videos under the hashtag “Kia Boyz,” teaching people how to start Kia or Hyundai vehicles without keys, using the tip of a phone charger or USB cable, prompting juveniles across the country to try and steal those vehicles.
“Vehicle theft is up an astounding 767% due to an emerging TikTok challenge,” The Chicago Police Department’s 15th District said in an Aug. 24 community advisory. “This challenge is a play by play [sic] for young adults on how to steal both Hyundai and Kia vehicles. These automobile thefts are a crime of opportunity and can affect just about any member of the community.”
Between July 1 and mid-August, there were 642 reported Kia and Hyundai vehicle thefts compared to just 74 last year, according to the Cook County Sheriff’s Office.
“This is an extremely concerning trend and the public needs to know so they can be vigilant in protecting themselves,” Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart said in a statement earlier this month. “The Sheriff’s Office will continue to work closely with other law enforcement agencies and engage automakers to reduce dangerous car thefts and carjackings in Cook County.”
The trend is occurring in cities across the country.
Earlier this month, a group of four children, ages 14-17, stole a 2021 Kia Forte from a rental lot in St. Paul, Minnesota, and led police on a highway chase with patrol cars and a helicopter in pursuit. The car crashed as the driver attempted to avoid a stop stick that had been set up in the road, and the group tried to flee on foot before they were apprehended.
Police in St. Petersburg, Florida, said that since mid-July, more than 40% of car thefts have involved Kia or Hyundai vehicles.
Police are encouraging Kia and Hyundai owners to “be alert” and take precautions — like parking in a busy or well-lit area rather than a dark, secluded area — to avoid vehicle theft.
Vehicle owners should also turn off and lock their vehicles while buying groceries or pumping gas, get insurance for their cars and install cameras or alarm systems with motor detection.
The issue stems from the lack of an immobilizer system in some of the vehicles prior to the 2022 model year, mainly 2011-2021 Kias and 2015-2021 Hyundais equipped with ignitions requiring mechanical keys.
A Hyundai spokesman previously told Fox News Autos the carmaker has expanded a program supporting police departments that are distributing theft-preventive steering wheel locks and has also identified an aftermarket product that addresses the issue.
The Firstech/Compustar security kit “targets the method of entry thieves are using to access these vehicles” and disables the starter if the alarm is triggered.
David Maddison
August 27, 2022 at 10:41 am · Reply
“The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood he was one of them.”
Thanks, Biden!: Ford Increases Price for Electric Mustang Mach-E by as Much as $8,000
Ford is reportedly raising the price of the 2023 Mustang Mach-E electric vehicle by as much as $8,000 just a few weeks after increasing the price of its planned electric pickup truck the F-150 Lightning. Although the company blames inflation, supply chain problems, and “rapidly evolving market conditions,” the price hikes come just after Joe Biden’s climate and spending bill passed including electric vehicle rebates eerily similar to Ford’s price increases.
The Mar-a-Lago Affidavit: Is That All There Is?
The redacted 38-pages add to the evidence that the FBI search really was all about a dispute over documents
By The WSJ Editorial Board
A federal judge on Friday released a heavily redacted version of the FBI affidavit used to justify the search of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, and we can’t help but wonder is that it? This is why agents descended on a former President’s residence like they would a mob boss?
It’s possible the redactions in the 38-page document release contain some undisclosed bombshell. But given the contours of what the affidavit and attachments reveal, this really does seem to boil down to a fight over the handling of classified documents. The affidavit’s long introduction and other unredacted paragraphs all point to concern by the FBI and the National Archives with the documents Mr. Trump retained at Mar-a-Lago and his lack of cooperation in not returning all that the feds wanted.
A separate filing making the case for the redactions, also released Friday, focused on the need for witness and agent protection from being publicly identified. That filing also contains no suggestion of any greater charges or a larger investigation than the dispute over his handling of the documents.
As always with Mr. Trump, he seems to have been his own worst enemy in this dispute. He and his staff appear to have been sloppy, even cavalier, in storing the documents. Classified records found in boxes were mixed in with “newspapers, magazines, printed news articles, photos, miscellaneous print-outs, notes,” and presidential correspondence, the affidavit says. This fanned suspicion that important documents were still floating around the house, where bad actors hanging around the Mar-a-Lago resort might pilfer them.
The affidavit also contains references to comments by Mr. Trump and his associates that didn’t tell the truth about what was classified or what he had turned over to the National Archives before the search. This appears to have frustrated the bureau enough that it felt he might be guilty of obstruction of justice by his lack of cooperation. To put it another way, the FBI thought Mr. Trump was behaving badly, as he so often does.
But that didn’t mean the FBI and Justice Department had to resort to a warrant and federal-agent search that they knew would be redolent of criminal behavior. They had to suggest probable cause of criminal acts to get their extravagant warrant, which they knew would create a political firestorm.
Instead they could have gone to a district court and sought an order for the proper handling and storage of documents. It surely would have been executed. If Mr. Trump then failed to comply, he could have been held in contempt. On the evidence in the warrant and the affidavit, and even based on the leaks to the press so far which all focus on the demand for documents, the search on Mar-a-Lago was disproportionate to the likely offense.
It’s hard to believe that a dispute over documents would yield a criminal indictment. Attorney General Merrick Garland would have to explain to the public why Mr. Trump’s behavior was so much more nefarious than other cases of mishandled classified documents. That includes former national security adviser Sandy Berger, who pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor. And Hillary Clinton, who got off with a sanctimonious lecture from then FBI director James Comey.
We aren’t defending Mr. Trump’s behavior in any of this. He brings much of his trouble on himself. But his political enemies make it worse when they break political norms themselves. They also help Mr. Trump by making him into a political martyr.
If you’re going to indict a former President, you’d better have him dead to rights on something bigger than mishandling documents.
From the Hun.
Why? By remaining alive and speaking his mind?
What a stupid place the US has become.
<blockquote The Groupie is probably lonely and bitter. After selling her townhouse prices have risen by 50 to 75%. Living in a motel is chewing into her capital. The pain from her arthritis won’t help. None of this makes any difference if she’s just a nasty old chook. My mates ex remembered every slight for the last 50 years. They’ve been divorced for 25 years and she still is bitter about everything he does now. Some people are just like that. Lizzie try for more upticks than 56. Set it as a goal. If Cassie had said it would be upsetting. Some Groupie who doesn’t know you doesn’t count. She’s probably been on the goon bag.
Thank you, GreyRanga and a few others, especially those like Cassie who actually know me. I think you are right, and I am sorry for Johanna that she is in this situation in her life. I hope it works out well for her soon as things have, so he says, for Duk. Johanna’s misfortunes would no doubt make me a bit savage too, especially if I didn’t have my health. So I’ll try to pass over it. And yes, >56 dickless upticks is something still to aim for. I am not dead yet.
Calli, you don’t need to patronise me with the ‘going slowly’. But you know that already.
I didn’t put words in your mouth; you did speak in the context of last night’s pile-on of me about the ‘do you know who I am?’ phenomenon, and you also did mention ‘genuine’ medalists, almost as though I was raising something non-genuine, plus your little ‘accent’ detail re it too inflected what I said about my sister’s loss of such recognition, which many in her Faculty felt badly about. Perhaps you meant none of these things to reflect upon me, but to me it seemed that they did.
I apologise if I misread you, Calli, as it was not intentional. However, now you do know how it feels to have people here misread you – as has happened to me so much, and with often with malicious intent.
I trust your oven shines while mine is still in a sorry state. But I did enjoy my dance class, thanks Old Ozzie, for it concluded, after lots of chasses and star jumps and arabesques and plies, with a very fluid routine ending in a perfect dying swan curtsey. A Pavlova moment at 80 years old, blissful. 🙂
One of our troupe, recently diagnosed with a stage 4 cancer, arrived to join us for coffee. We all rallied round, and truly, there is much to worry about both in the nation and life itself without blog aggros.
Chris Kenny has a good article in the Oz today about keeping the lights on.
A blockquote and emphasis quote both gone crazy. You can work it though.
I have no more to say on the subject Lizzie.
The kids are OK. We just drove across town to see a couple of kids (brother and sister), along with a large bunch from various High Schools, getting ready for a 16 hour overnight Human Powered Vehicle race. These things are basically tricycles with a streamlined body and canopy. Some built by the kids with help from teachers. They swap power units every hour or so. Looks like great fun and I’m sure the kids won’t be any trouble tomorrow after the overnight race.
The kids were focused and very well behaved.
At least Albo didn’t get Ali G for the Voice,
lol, Old Ozzie, not acclimatized after that complete horror show of pincushioning you have suffered.
Same thing happened to my daughter. As a child and teenager her needle phobia was so bad she was impossible to keep in a doctor’s or dentist’s – backed out of the door running. Cajoling caused hysterias. We finally managed to get some necessary treatments done, but it was a battle.
Come adult life and wanting to have babies and running into difficulties and it was needles everywhere. The desire for a bub totally surmounted the needle phobia. Three beautiful chldren later … still doesn’t like needles.
re, the electric fence, I have one of these to keep my dogs from running off. My previous house had dog-proof fences, but where I am now, fencing for doggos is still a long way off.
It has kept the foxes away from the house and I am told by people who use them for poultry that they work extremely well. I will be using it as a free run for my geese and ducks when I finally have them with me.
You forgot to add *huffily*
Nor have I, by the way.
We aren’t defending Mr. Trump’s behavior in any of this. He brings much of his trouble on himself.
I’ve been contemplating the accuracy of Trump’s assessment of the overall situation: The only thing standing between Them and You is Me.
The little people are getting screwed big time.
Trump has mystical powers: Trump Derangement is more frenetic now than it was in 2016 — ultimately because those who derive their power from government and its weaponised bureaucracy (like the FBI) can’t handle those who made their way in the world very successfully without government assistance.
There was a third alternative: 3. Neither. If you judged that the virus was not a serious problem for you there was simply no reason to consider taking the vaccine.
On that note, I can report that I caught COVID a little under 3 weeks ago. It was no more than 2-3 days of mild discomfort, for me lethargy and soreness, and one day of slight nausea. I had no problems breathing, no severe congestion, no loss of taste. I was back to 80% by the second week, and back to 95% by the beginning of the third week, and feel normal again now. It was pretty much like a bad cold in terms of duration but the symptoms were different. I’ve been far more congested with a cold. I did have the dry cough, but it was more a nuisance than anything, and only flared up now and then.
Mr O’Neal, also known as Shaq, will attempt to rally support for an Indigenous voice to parliament, the Prime Minister said.
What?! The Focus Group is completely full of Mongs. What plodder in their right mind would think this would work?!
If you’re going to indict a former President, you’d better have him dead to rights on something bigger than mishandling documents.
If you would strike at the king, you must kill him.
The FBI seems to have missed, and used a rubber knife.
Re fox problem:
I would have been so incensed at the bastard sunning himself on the verandah, I would have shot him through the glass door.
Love your work sir!
The Beloved got a chill playing golf the other day – caught on the 5th by a big thunderstorm that swept through, complete with light show. Poor old thing came home drenched.
Sniff, sniff, cough, cough. Maybe I have Covid, says he, looking for sympathy.
You only have it if you test for it. Otherwise, it’s a cold. Which he hasn’t given me. Yet. 😀
Trump has really smoked out these poisonous cockroaches. These dirty old people like Biden and Pelosi don’t even pay lip service to democracy now. Are the political prisoners still locked up in DC?
Reflecting on the day’s events, I would like to issue an apology to all topperers, past, present and emerging.
Especially Lizzie, Johanna and Mater.
I am truly sorry.
Speaking of apologies, it reminds me of the time we were having drinks at John and Yoko’s apartment in New York. Well, Keith Richards had a couple too many Dom Perignons when he started criticising Yoko’s shoes. Which was terribly awkward, because they were a pair of Manolo Blahniks, and Manolo himself (or Manny as we call him) was sitting right there. It all got very tense until Henry Kissinger – who else? – intervened and de-escalated by talking Keith into an apology.
Of course, we all joke about it now when we catch up for Princess Stéphanie’s birthday in Monaco every year, but it was jolly tense at the time.
Where is mUnty?
… cat redacted his tongue?
On ovens and the cleaning thereof:
Our oven is pyrolitic, which is supposed to be self-cleaning, but it is not. It is still a bother.
You have to remove all of the metal racks and the side rack holders in case the pyrolitic furnace melts them and clean them separately. You also have to disassemble the glass oven door if you want it clean inside, so I do that job later with some ordinary oven cleaner which is more effective on the horrible brown stains the glass gets.
Some pieces of modernity are simply not worth it.
Can’t have been much of a party if they allowed Spanish to attend.
Did the beloved make the shot calli?
Sancho channeling Taki from the Speccie.
Taki’s getting a bit old and past it now Sancho, so put your application in with this little tale.
You can’t miss for the High Life segment. Just a few more private aircraft mentions and you’re in.
Oh, and some Greek ship owners. Gotta have them, just for the look of the thing.
Bloody hell – the scrolling button has had a fair workout the last 48 hours.
More so than usual.
Enjoyed the suggested remedies for fox control – cunning buggers they are.
Meanwhile, Caaarrton is still ninth.
Gave up. Piker.
Bongino: Zuckerbuck by doing the fbi’s bidding about the Hunter laptop and spending about $500 million on the election basically destroyed planet Earth; at 10 minutes.
This follows zuckerfuck’s interview with Rogan.
Who did I ‘topper’?
Was it my ‘anal cancer’ story?
BTW, it’s actually called ‘black-catting’…ironically.
Seriously, Sancho. You are talented at the High Life.
I gave you an uptick for this. I use them sparingly so well done.
My personal Speccie preference is for the Low Life with Jeremy Clarke.
He’s dying of prostate cancer and his more recent columns have never failed to bring me to tears.
Nothing maudline or mundane, but superb on the dying of the light.
maudlin, no ‘e’. These extras creep in too much lately.
Real Life with Melissa Kite is always entertaining. She is such a battler agains the odds of life, the way things are always sent to try someone just trying to get by. I could do her job. Not as well though.
Hey, I am not a ‘topper’. I don’t do that.
If anything, I am a street fighter. Learned that young.
Maybe I should write a column – Street Fighting Life. 🙂
Arvo tea time now. Hairy has it ready, what a treasure.
re cancelled 4 master – Wife who gets really seasick, having had a week of luxury courtesy of Son on Yacht Jurata out of Antibes in 2017, finally went on our 1st Cruise in Sept 2019 Azamara Pursuit – Athens to Venice – daily stops on Greek Isles
small ship – no Casinos and Restaurants excellent
Used Reliefband®https://www.reliefband.com for Wife Sea Sickness on Jurata and basically worked well – sat outside on back deck for a couple of hours Monaco to Sardinia – worked on Azamara Pursuit and Russian River Cruise 2018 – has been borrowed by her sisters and works for then as well
Well no invite to go sailing or fishing for him. Channeling the soup nazi.
Well, speaking of Grik shipping guys, Jackie O was there, but I felt it would be name-dropping to mention her, as she wasn’t central to the story.
Oh yea and how would you reach a conclusion, a lab created virus that likely escaped accidentally from a lab, but was also likely to be of military use was not serious? And you reached this conclusion in either 2020 or 2021.
You giving a look-back scenario and also there’s one more thing. We’re uncertain we’re done with the china bug and we’re also uncertain that it doesn’t morph into something seriously nasty.
Sanchez, some parties you’re attending. Were any of the Kennedys or Bidens there?
There’s quite a bit of toppering going on here. Just the other night I was reverse toppered by someone calling himself HT over vet medical expenses. He was smarter because he received a smaller vet vig than me.
I can say though that I’m toppering HT because we had to put the pooch down two days ago. How’s that for a toppering a reverse topperer.
Point of order.
You can’t send someone to Coventry if they have already sent you to Coventry.
[Cat by-law 93.1]
lol. Fan club.
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Glad to hear too that Johanna wasn’t a groupie. She just went to uni. lol to that as well.
Listen everybody, especially you goils …
Rabz’ Radio Show™ returns next Saturday Night – the theme: “Live Performances”
“Slade Alive” might just get a mention … 🙂
There was a third alternative: 3. Neither. If you judged that the virus was not a serious problem for you there was simply no reason to consider taking the vaccine.
Or a fourth alternative. If you could not care less whether It was a serious problem for yourself, then why bother with a jab. Which I chose, but have had to continually fight with Nursing home upper echelon for nearly three years, because their jabs did not work, so I must take it. Yeah….Nah, I will be the control group.
No, no.
OMG, those people are so crass.
Bidens are always asking for money and, as for the Kennedies, you always run the risk of crime scene DNA ending up the Persian rug if you invite them.
I can say though that I’m toppering HT because we had to put the pooch down two days ago.
Putting dogs down is always sad. I’ve given up on them after 3 bull mastiffs. Cows on the other hand I’ll put down any day of the week.
Sorry about the pooch, JC.
I am very familiar with Coventry so I am quite at home there.
I had an Aunt who lived there. Aunty Tiny. Very clever. Won every competition she ever entered.
Interesting point about Coventry is that my mother was shot up by a stray German plane which strafed the train she was on. She was heavily pregnant with my sister and a soldier pushed her down under the seat. The train eventually pulled into the station with mum shaken but ok, went to my Aunt’s thankfully outside the main town area. It was the start of the famous bombing of Coventry.
If Calli has sent me to Coventry then she is a ‘mean girl’.
I’ve read my Enid Blyton schoolgirl stories of life in the 4th and 5th form, so I know that.
Sorry about your dog, JC. It’s quite traumatic.
Our vet sent us a condolence card later. It wasn’t unwelcome.
Taking the kids to the AFLW tonight. Everyone decked out in Hawks gear. Hope to see Perkins kick a bag.
The Mar-A-Lago Affidavit Really Does Read As If They Were Confiscating Russiagate Evidence.
There are a whopping 413 redacted lines:
When you start talking about fearing a needle it’s embarrassing.
You don’t have an argument.
I won’t dignify it with a response and I find it does more to show the mental decline of people like JC by letting it go…..many here may even be surprised by such an immature response.
Nothing surprises me with these turnips anymore.
However it would be gold for psychologists to read.
JC claims, for example, that I promote myself as a hero when in reality it’s me calling out his and others piss poor behavior.
His submissionto tyrants
His compliance.
His willingness to participate in a segregated society by getting his good nazi pass.
And they all knew better in 2019.
Their scoffing at those trying to save them….presenting evidence of the dangers of the jab.
Presenting ethical, political and civic responsibility and responsibilities regarding their fellow man.
Etc etc.
They had all the information and were given all the ethical reasons not to comply but they were weak….and weak men make hard times….Yet Arky, always remember, as they get sick and die, the bullshit they gave out to those on the right side of history.
If it wasn’t for that you’d not hear boo from me.
I’m not one whorevells in saying I told you so but with these fuckheads I’m going to be making an exception.
Choo choo lived for this blog.
Where is he?
And even if he’s fine…underneath you all know in all likelihood if it’s not now it will be soon.
Mark Steyn ……on GB news in the UK, isn’t mincing his words either
The data and exploding overall death numbers in highly jabbed countries is staggering.
Up 200% in some countries.
You were told.
You scoffed.
We’ve had three. The first one was a nose with the dog behind it – a beagle. It got run over when he picked up a scent from across the street when it was very young and foolish. Then there was a pass-around dog from other members of wifey’s family. I think we had it for a couple of years. It subsequently developed some cancer and wifey had it … umm terminated when it was on its last legs. I never really meshed with that dog though.
The last one, we got as a puppy and it was the most rambunctious thing. We got it for our kid was she was very ill at the time. It understood every single instruction and disobeyed them all when it didn’t suit. We had him for 14 years. I was overruled as I was totally against putting him down. It was so cute. I went to the termination, but it felt it was more like a freaking execution.
To paraphrase, there will not be any oggling of curvy bottomages* going on here … 🙂
Clearly you do not have a BA from Latrobe.
Yet here we are, now proudly dwelling among the moral vacuums purveying the joy of “Yoof in Asia”.
Thanks, collectivist, you monstrous, evil imbecilic b’stards.
collectivists, FFS
I reached it probably mid-late 2020 but really only had to make a decision when the vaccines became available for my age-group. I was worried about it March-April 2020 but already by the end of April and every month since then my worries about COVID dissipated as the worse case scenarios never looked like even having a chance of eventuating.
Given that the vaccine never prevented infection, you can’t avoid whatever this risk is by taking the vaccine, and you’ve added on that risk the problems associated with the vaccine.
BTW, sorry to hear about your dog, that is always tough.
Thanks Old Ozzie for the cruise link, which has a good itinary but covers a lot of places we’ve already been to. Also, it is September this year and we will be in the Cook Islands, also heading to the US for October. The cancelled sailing cruise was August 2023 so we have time to look for something else. I wanted to go to Corfu under sail (Durrell TV show drew me in). UAE obviously outbid mere helots on the pricing, snaffling up our ship just like that and flinging us to the winds of chance again.
Sad news about your doggy, JC. The little jerks get under our skin, don’t they?
Fallen foul of Teh Paywallian moderators with
As someone who eschews punning I didn’t think it was that bad.
lol. Classic Rabz. Always livens this place up.
Sorry to hear about your dog JC.
Sure I do. That IS the argument. You were afraid of the tiny little needle and you’ve shown this to be the case over the past 2 1/2 years by pestering people here about what a fucking hero you are, when you’re just a redneck coward.
You can’t “dignify it” because you can’t respond as you have no answer to the point being made. People who have received the vax haven’t gone on and on and on and on about vax scardy cats like you, you big mary. We/they care.
Which by default means you’re calling yourself a hero .. a big Baker’s Delight bread delivery van driver who also happens to be a hero because he was frightened of the vax.
You’re a mind reader now, Stuthid?
You’re the nazi, you redneck who has been behaving like a Nazi. My healthcare decisions are nothing to do with you and will never be. Similarly for me with respect to your decisions as I couldn’t care if you died this very minute.
Scardy cat. The “dangers of da jab” illustrates perfectly that you’re a coward because that’s all of you’ve been talking about over the past couple of years, you boring imbecile.
I don’t give a rats about my fellow man in the same way you don’t give a rats and also in the same way no one really cares much about strangers.
Oh terrific, the Leadership /stuthid alliance. Such intellectual heavyweights. We live in fear.
Incoherent gibberish as usual.
Never forget that vets now charge more per hour than GPs because our infantilised society values the life of animals more than our own human lives.
Just sayin’.
Shaq might be a little bemused if he gets to meet a few aboriginal activists.
Now THIS is sad.
The Allman Brothers Band, ‘At Fillmore East’ (1971) [extended reissue version].
The End.
Is it just me who thinks this. I have nothing to really go by except anecdotal evidence but it appears to me that dogs have a real serious issue with cancers. Above a certain age, cancer seems hit a huge number of the species.
Just watched an American basketballer co-opted by Elbow to have something to say about the inVoice.
I presume it is because he is black.
Thanks for the explanation struth.
I think many Cats would agree with his conclusions.
Thanks all. I really , really loved this dog.
Too good for just a mere thumbs up.
T-shirt material.
Old School, you’re always out and about with your opinions about comportment and behavior. I’d call you a blog behavioral expert. What do you think about Stuthid’s behavior over the past few years abusing people because they made a personal healthcare decision? Hope you don’t mind being asked, as I would like to continue doing so when the occasion arises.
Yes, seems to be the case.
They really should lay off the booze & cigs.
Condolences, JC.
JC and his good lady wife will be able to “purchase” another dogue should they choose to do so.
Pets can become surrogates. I was blessed with knowing a li’l black cat when I was a kiddie. Lived for 13 years, he did. My ol’ man couldn’t stand him, but tolerated him nonetheless.
So in true Cat style, Jack made it his mission to annoy my ol’ man at every available opportunity.
Jack’s favourite method was to open the back wire door, sneak in and then plonk himself right in the middle of dad’s bed, waiting for the latter to get home.
The bellowing of “get out, you yard cat” at about 5:00pm always made both our* days …
When Jack passed on, it was like losing a piece of myself. He was a good friend. Never judged or criticised me, was always willing to listen to my constant teenage bellyaching and had other tricks up his sleeve – such as stealing thawing steaks from our neighbores’ kitchen, for which he copped a very stern lecture, followed by much guffawing.
But yeah – never again. It hurts too much when the cuddly li’l bastards depart this earthly realm.
*Jack and myself
Sorry to hear about the hound JC. What breed was it? Just for the purposes of pigeonholing.
To paraphrase someone I should know the name of.
“The more I see of man the more a begin to appreciate the company of dogs”.
Probably a pom although the sentiment would be pretty widespread.
I know what you mean Tom and I generally sympathize with that view. You can grow attached to dogs and if you can afford it you try to keep the little fucker alive. Also, an owner is curious about what ails the creature. That costs money.
Flippin’ ‘eck!
Transponder immobilisers have been standard fitment here since around 2000 while more primitive technologies such as the Falcon’s Smartlock go back to the early ’90s. Guess the Land of the Free didn’t have such a mandate in place.
Albo has jumped the Shaq
That would sound normal in Boston… or, should I say, Barston.
Just watched an American basketballer co-opted by Elbow to have something to say about the inVoice.
Just shows how shallow and insipid this cardboard cutout is.
Sadly, we hear nothing from the “Opposition” calling out this crap for what it is.
JC – to the contrary, I’d say it is well and truly time to say we are ‘done with the bug’, and in truth always were, even though our betters would prefer us to think and say otherwise while they continue to demand our staying in lockstep with the beating drums of hysteria and propaganda.
Because it (they?) does (do) not exist.
We have been very, very badly let down by our so called elected representatives.
Drastic times call for drastic measures.
HOP Time™ being one of a “suite” of possible “measures”.
Phew. It’s a race to twenty now. Heading to 56? Will it break 57?
C’mon. Who else wants to put the knife into me?
Why isn’t Armadillo running a book on it?
Sounds like a group hug may not be on the cards, though. :-/
I’ve thought about this a lot and I’m beginning to think that these geriatric low rent, low class criminals that control the US couldn’t care less about woke or Marxism. It’s all about money and power for them. PC is a smoke screen for low wages and impoverishing and disenfranchising regular citizens.
If we are going to look back at Covid and rake over who though what, when they thought it, and why, it is useful to revisits what Professor Ian Frazer said on 24 Mar 20…before lockdowns were introduced.
Renowned immunologist Professor Ian Frazer says coronavirus must ‘run its course’
He was right. We are all going to have to get it. So far, most have survived and we still don’t have a vaccine.
The rendition of Midnight Rider at that concert is absolutely awesome.
May I remind you, Tom, when you take on a pet – you take it on for life. If you don’t, then you are an A-Grade arsehole.
Just sayin’…
JC it is very sad to lose a much loved family pet.
Epic! Cat energy will be enough to power NSW.
While I’m here a couple of vids for Johanna in case she hasn’t seen them yet:
THE HU – Black Thunder Part 1 (8 Jul)
The HU – Black Thunder Part 2 (19 Aug)
As much drama as music videos, reminiscent of the Vikings series. How good would be a Mongolian version of that?
Wonderful posh ovens brought down by a worn multi-function switch. Replace the switch? Less hassle to replace the oven. 🙁
Especially in the week before Christmas.
Dover, in Mid 2020 we had no idea even if they could come up with a vax in reasonable time. We also had limited information about the virus. No one couldn’t have reached any reasonable conclusion .
Also, we wouldn’t had a vax so quickly and I bet we’d still be waiting unless Trump intervened with warp speed.
Actually it did against the Alpha strain. It appeared to be working against that strain and the one just after less so to the point of where we are now.
I don’t understand how some people are so blase about a virus strain that was created to blitz the enemy’s human population.
Yea thanks. Appreciate it.
The only people the Stupid Fucking Liberals currently represent are Labor-Greens voters who will never vote for them.
If a business wannabe took that business plan to a bank, he’d be laughed out of the building — even a woke bank.
On vinyl, presumably. Never heard it. Might have to investigate.
Anyone with some suggestions for the two introductory thread tunes, feel free to post them here for consideration.
Especially as I can’t find my favourite live version of “Glittering Prize”. 🙁
Condolences on the loss of the derg. I remember when you first complained about the beastie and its annoying habits. It was obvious from the first that you were fond of it, you old softie.
The Stranglers – absolutely awesome as they were … 🙂
Some are curious. Others less so. I’ve told the snake story here before?
Owner’s dog was bitten in suburban bushland by a snake. Sick dog. Vets says was it a brown snake or a black snake. Owner says, why do you need to know? Vet says brown snake costs $2000 and black snake costs $500.
It was a black snake, says the owner immediately. Gambling on the price.
I disagree. This thing was made in a lab and it was almost certainly spliced from SARS with the added punch of being multiples more contagious than anything we’ve seen before. The original alpha strain was a real killer. Luckily it morphed but we haven’t seen the end of it either. Also, now that certain regimes have seen just what terror this can create what is to stop them from creating more deadly strains and releasing it?
calli – apologies for the fruity language used last night when asserting that Patsy uttered that legendary statement about life. 😕
“That’s where we wanna go….”
Classified records found in boxes were mixed in with “newspapers, magazines, printed news articles, photos, miscellaneous print-outs, notes,” and presidential correspondence, the affidavit says. This fanned suspicion that important documents were still floating around the house, where bad actors hanging around the Mar-a-Lago resort might pilfer them.
OK. So nothing to see here unless they can show that classified (or otherwise regulated) documents were found somewhere they shouldn’t have been.
I’m not aware of any allegations that that happened.
Given that the CCTV was switched back on, and the FBI are aware of that, they’ll have to be pretty careful if they try to frame him on that.
Oh FFS. Go away until you grow up. You are being infantile.
Calli, yea when it was still a pup, the little shit ate an almost exact square of a leather couch that cost us 10 K to repair. Again, as a pup he ate the plastic irrigation pipes. I didn’t replace them because of what he did and also lost the garden. Add in another 10 K.
Stop reminding me because I’m beginning to feel less and less sorry for him. 🙂
It might have been a mistake to let the FBI know that so soon.
The whole album is a feast of awesomeness.
Peoples – save them for next Saturday night, please – you know you want to.
JC – living in fear is no fun. And it ensures compliance with terrible designs.
Can’t spin this on the live show so might as well spin it now: My nomination for best yelp in rock and roll.
(checking if I can embed a link in a sentence)