Open Thread – Tue 30 Aug 2022

Boulevard de Clichy, Paul Signac, 1886

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Cassie of Sydney
September 2, 2022 1:31 pm

Violent suppression of dissent
Closed borders, document checks, travel controls
War emergency control of the economy
Uniformed men in the streets of our capitals
Armoured vehicles in the streets”

Yep…and last year, in the locked down LGA my sister lives in, the daily occurrence was helicopters in the sky monitoring movements.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 2, 2022 1:31 pm


But Biden though – you can’t question THAT election, it was the “most secure in history” and don’t you forget it! The public servants said so, and they’re not partisan – how could they be when DC voted 90+% for Biden?

And also “fortified” by a self-described “cabal” of unknown people and organisations to ensure that the result went the “correct ” way.

September 2, 2022 1:32 pm

It may be possible to find a worse way to ruin a country and its people than civil war, so tell us what it is.

Running elections which are not accepted as valid or credible by 50% of the country.
Enabling the stacking of the legal & governmental/regulatory state to create a “patronage” system of spoils politics.
Allowing a country to achieve the full Venezuela…

Most of these will lead to civil war anyway..

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 2, 2022 1:33 pm

September 2, 2022 at 1:09 pm
Albo has the chance to be Australia’s greatest drover’s dog. If the Libs persist in putting up hopeless OLs like Dutton against him, he could rule for life.

Wishing is not the same as wanking, there is no guarantee of a “happy ending”.

September 2, 2022 1:33 pm
Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 2, 2022 1:33 pm

It may be possible to find a worse way to ruin a country and its people than civil war, so tell us what it is.

Dems, green activists, renewable energy spivs, wokesters, drag queen storytellers, population ponzi scheme promoters, critical race theorists, all say “hold our beers”.

September 2, 2022 1:34 pm

JC has stated in interviews with the MSM that Paul had a harem of schoolgirls, and JC herself was passed around between the twins.

If this is true, where were the fathers?

This was the north shore of Sydney in the late 70s/early 198os, not some hollowed out, socially dysfunctional post-industrial wasteland in the UK’s north.

How is it that these creeps managed to get away with this for years without being decked by an irate father?

September 2, 2022 1:35 pm

In fact, you could argue that the US is currently experiencing a “Cold Civil War” (h/t Lysander).

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
September 2, 2022 1:35 pm

they are thrilled by the prospect of our best military, political and cultural ally descending into civil war.

I read the comments as sorrowful and alarmed, not erection-causing.
So how do you interpret Biden’s classification of MAGA supporters as “extreme semi-fascists”?
It’s certainly not an invitation to a tea party.

September 2, 2022 1:38 pm

some people are scared this will end in civil war, I am scared it won’t…

I, for one, prefer my wars to be civil.

Too much beastliness gives war a bad name.

September 2, 2022 1:41 pm

It’s certainly not an invitation to a tea party.

Nice pun. Full marks.

September 2, 2022 1:42 pm

Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazelwood of the Magnificent Baritone did a song about Jackson, which was apparently a glittering city to their listeners.

Johnny Cash, June Carter Cash – Jackson

September 2, 2022 1:45 pm

Interesting article on the terms of signing onto LIV golf for those following the PGA LIV stoush ..

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
September 2, 2022 1:51 pm

Joe did the ‘Reich’ thing!

September 2, 2022 1:51 pm

The Ukrainian offensive near Kherson is going so badly that they’re already spinning it as a “feint.”

forgot where I saw it but a hand drawn depiction of the Kherson incursion yesterday gave the impression of an “almighty” slaughter might unfold on the Ukrainians caught in that pocket .. the caption/description of the planning was along the lines that not even Hitler would have been this stupid …..!

Cassie of Sydney
September 2, 2022 1:52 pm

So the Most Miserable Turd of Point Piper says that the protest yesterday at Sydney Uni against his appearance at the Law Faculty was “complete fascism”.

Hmm, I do recall how this same Most Miserable Turd of Point Piper tried to block the free speech of others when he said the Morrison government should prevent members of parliament from debating the benefits of masks and the effectiveness of COVID vaccines. Don’t know about others but I regard that as “complete fascism”.

I also note that, during the last two years, when a curtain of fascism blanketed Australians, particularly those Australians living in Victoria, lockdowns, a pregnant woman in pyjamas arrested in her home, people bashed by police on the street, shops forcibly closed, anti-lockdown protests banned whilst BLM protests approved, the Most Miserable Turd of Point Piper said nothing then about that “complete fascism”.

The Most Miserable Turd of Point Piper is a hypocrite, no wonder comments under the Oz piece are closed.

September 2, 2022 1:55 pm

the Most Miserable Turd of Point Piper

Wailing Ghost turd of point Piper…

September 2, 2022 1:56 pm

Zipster says:
September 2, 2022 at 12:49 pm

But the USA will be saved by The Vision Thing.

If the words bother you, then look at this way. Conservatives have no roadmap for where the country should go. No plan. No big ideas. No way of dealing with rapid technological change and cultural change. Should culture change in response to technological change, almost certainly.

Technology isn’t slowing, cultural change isn’t slowing. If you are waiting for the church to revive the past good luck with that. The left have this Utopian ideal draped in grandiose virtuosity. It may total BS, but what does the right offer? A resistance to change? A little rear view mirror we can romanticise?

Well said. Some here say what was wrong with the 1950s? Well, if I was a female public servant, I, not my husband, would have to resign if we got married.

In NSW, police and political corruption raged. The place was run by crooks.

Not a single kiddie fiddler was ever prosecuted.

People bashing partner/each other and/or their kids in the family home was regarded as none of anyone’s business.

There is no point in looking backward, it’s gone for good. Developing a future is much harder, which perhaps is why some shy away from doing it.

September 2, 2022 1:57 pm

Albo has the chance to be Australia’s greatest drover’s dog. If the Libs persist in putting up hopeless OLs like Dutton against him, he could rule for life.

I don’t think the “potential greatness” of AnAl will require any serious opposition to unwind! .. LOL!

September 2, 2022 2:00 pm

September 2, 2022 at 1:34 pm
JC has stated in interviews with the MSM that Paul had a harem of schoolgirls, and JC herself was passed around between the twins.

If this is true, where were the fathers?

I can’t (obviously) verify the truth of such things.. but read JC’s account of those years

September 2, 2022 2:01 pm

Well said. Some here say what was wrong with the 1950s?

Most of us were still at school in the 1950s/early 60s and regardless of the foresight to now gaze back at the “adult” 1950s it was the greatest of times to be a kid .. LOL!

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

.. [blah blah blah] … The federal government will increase the permanent migration intake from 160,000 to 195,000 places this year – a record- and speed up visas for foreign workers after..[blah blah blah]

Speed up? There’s quite a bit of scope to speed up the processing.
Nine years ago, in the peak of the mining boom, it was impossible to recruit skilled staff & even more difficult to retain them.

I employed & sponsored an onshore applicant as “Office Manager”.
Four years pass without the sponsorship application being processed, then it was cast aside. Reason: Sharayva (Immigration officer) determined sight unseen that my business could have no possible use for office staff.
(A stupid determination)

Immediately lodged an appeal on the grounds I bluddee well do have need for office staff.
Five years pass, & now I’ve just received notice that the appeal will go to a hearing later this year. (Most appeals do not go to a hearing)

Yep, there’s a helluva lot of scope to speed up the processing.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 2, 2022 2:09 pm

I am just waiting for the first EV to catch fire in a shopping centre car park especially one using the chargers where 5 or 6 other EVs are charging.

I am just waiting for the first EV to catch fire on a country road, just before harvest, 45 degrees, screeching wind, and not a firie for sixty miles…

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 2, 2022 2:10 pm

So the Most Miserable Turd of Point Piper says that the protest yesterday at Sydney Uni against his appearance at the Law Faculty was “complete fascism”.

I expect he means that it is a right wing thing – in which case, sure. Sydney Uni has long been notorious as a nest of right wing ideas.

Being shouted down and pushed out is pure cancel culture. It is not a right wing thing. All those other people who were prevented from speaking, or were publicly abused in denunciations even in our parliament, or threatened with violence just for writing a twit, or demurring in the mildest terms on whatever the current thing is – the miserable ghost never uttered a word.

But now it is him…

In Orwell’s famous book the comrade Winston knows who was also arrested after his daughter informed against him. He is unshaken in his conviction that something or other has gone wrong. He is not supposed to be there. Only other people. Bad people.

Oh, and if Trumble pissed off the kids at Syd Uni before, they will love him for calling them fascists.

September 2, 2022 2:15 pm

I can’t (obviously) verify the truth of such things.. but read JC’s account of those years

The veracity of the claims is something for the police to investigate, duncan.

I was wondering out loud about if they were true, which means the claims are not without some credibility given what we know.

As a father of a daughter, if I knew about this going on and the police weren’t seriously interested in it, I know I’d have issued a warning to the man concerned which would have begun with three strategically directed strikes, followed with “Stay away from …..” spoken over his prone body.

September 2, 2022 2:17 pm

forgot where I saw it but a hand drawn depiction of the Kherson incursion yesterday

Impeccable sourcing.

September 2, 2022 2:18 pm

I expect he means that it is a right wing thing – in which case, sure. Sydney Uni has long been notorious as a nest of right wing ideas.

“Fuck off back to Wentworth, ruling class scum” doesn’t sound very Fascist to me.

September 2, 2022 2:19 pm

Still waiting for your “recipe for dealing with a rapidly changing society.”
Come on. Don’t be shy.
Give us your “way of dealing with rapid technological change and cultural change.”

I am not a conservative, so not sure why are asking me to solve conservative’s broad problem of what the hell conservatism means in the coming decades. It’s up to the conservative intelligentsia to clearly elucidate what they propose their version of society should look like this century.

September 2, 2022 2:20 pm

Impeccable sourcing.


September 2, 2022 2:21 pm

So the Most Miserable Turd of Point Piper says that the protest yesterday at Sydney Uni against his appearance at the Law Faculty was “complete fascism”.

the woke are indeed fascists

September 2, 2022 2:23 pm

am just waiting for the first EV to catch fire on a country road, just before harvest, 45 degrees, screeching wind, and not a firie for sixty miles…

wait till the firetrucks are all EVs too!

September 2, 2022 2:23 pm

Zipster says:
September 2, 2022 at 2:19 pm
I am not a conservative

No one’s perfect.

Cassie of Sydney
September 2, 2022 2:26 pm

“So the Most Miserable Turd of Point Piper says that the protest yesterday at Sydney Uni against his appearance at the Law Faculty was “complete fascism”.”

I should also add that the Most Miserable Turd of Point Piper said NOTHING in 2018 when Bettina Arndt tried to give a speech at Sydney University, her speech it was violently disrupted by far-left protesters, who pushed and shoved attendees, police were called and what ensued was basically a riot by the far-left scum. I was supposed to attend, I wasn’t well so I couldn’t but I know someone who did attend in the hope of hearing what Bettina had to say and she was a witness to the aggression and violence.

The Most Miserable Turd said nothing about that incident of “complete fascism”.

September 2, 2022 2:30 pm

The obtuseness of Turnbull and his fellow soft leftists is perfectly illustrated by his remarks to the press since, “If they had issues with me or my record, they could have come to the event & asked questions and challenged me, we could have had a discussion.”

He thinks the hard prog-left wants a “discussion.”

September 2, 2022 2:32 pm

The veracity of the claims is something for the police to investigate,

I’m quite touched by folks faith in plod … then again, daily life in a drug addled western Sydney “houso” estate tends to give a slightly more”jaundiced” outlook on plod service to the community .. LOL!
Let’s not forget that any investigation into the Dawson/schoolgirl affairs would involve plod looking at older plod investigations and/or lack of … plod investigating plod does not come across as the ideal way to follow-up anything …….!

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 2, 2022 2:33 pm

PM Anthony Albanese has the potential to be Australias greatest…….?

Negatively geared Socialialist and Tory fighter.

Cassie of Sydney
September 2, 2022 2:37 pm

“I am not a conservative, so not sure why are asking me to solve conservative’s broad problem of what the hell conservatism means in the coming decades. It’s up to the conservative intelligentsia to clearly elucidate what they propose their version of society should look like this century.”

In the US there’s a lot of debate/discussion/disputation around how to best define “conservatism” and how to map out a future direction for conservatism….and even for right-wing politics. There are various philosophical differences between the likes of “conservative intelligentsia”…such as Yoram Hazony, Sohrab Ahmari, David Harsanyi, Rod Dreher and others. It’s quite interesting to listen to their various takes on what “conservatism” should encapsulate and what it’s future should be. I agree with some things and disagree with other things but at least in the US they talk and engage and are trying to map out a course for the future. Here is Oz we have nothing….except here on the Cat, and then we have CPAC coming up.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 2, 2022 2:38 pm

Anybody who wants to see great golf played outside the US should be backing LIV Golf. The PGA are just another monopolist trying to protect their turf. Just be careful of invitations to the Embassy.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 2, 2022 2:48 pm

Impeccable sourcing.


It is remarked upon by some that there are certain security clearances so secret that if you don’t know their names, you shouldn’t have one. mUnter has such a clearance.

In that rarefied air, HUMINT takes a back seat to AFTERDINNERMINT.

September 2, 2022 2:50 pm

Haha remembering old times (2007) when Krudd and Murdoch were besties and Murdoch vowed NewsCorpse would be carbon neutral by 2010:

For leftists and rightists alike, I’ve always argued that Murdoch is not a “right wing 666 activist” nor a “left wing activist” when announcing shite like this or letting Troy Bramston (and others) still write crap in The Oz or present on Sky (Kieran).

Murdoch is a pure genius capitalist. Full stop. If he were into climate denial then why do daytime presenters on Sky and Fox drip like wet Turnbulls and yet night-time presenters are conservative and skeptical of some sciences and woke faculties/ideas.

Because the man is a capitalist. And a genius. I can’t say I have the same thirst for money he does and nor does it govern my life but I put it to Cats that he wants to capture the best available markets at the best available times:

1) Daytime TV on Sky/Fox: Unemployed, students, under-employed, un-employable, likely disabled or socially inept, fat (Munts). Therefore: Present hate for rich, elite, healthy, white, mainstream working Australians/Americans etc… Therefore he captures the biggest daytime tv audience he can.

2) Nighttime TV: Employed, family, commitments, responsibilities, sick of paying taxes for crap, work all day and no time for daytime tv. Most likely to watch nighttime Sky/Fox = most likely to not be woke and not totally fucking useless (Munt). Therefore he captures the biggest nighttime tv audience he can.

My 25 cents worth…

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 2, 2022 2:52 pm


Albo has the chance to be Australia’s greatest drover’s dog. If the Libs persist in putting up hopeless OLs like Dutton against him, he could rule for life.

Let’s revisit this in 12 months shall we? Kevni’s amendments mean both leaders are pretty much immune from challenge during a political term irrespective of how hopeless they are. A suitable legacy for one of the most hopeless.

September 2, 2022 2:54 pm

As a father of a daughter, if I knew about this going on and the police weren’t seriously interested in it, I know I’d have issued a warning to the man concerned which would have begun with three strategically directed strikes, followed with “Stay away from …..” spoken over his prone body


All I can think is of the “The Ice Storm” – the parents are so obsessed by their own lives, that they are blind to their child’s.

I can well imagine that girls ‘running off to the beach for the arvo after school’ was as much as was needed for the parents to be satisfied their kids were ok.

September 2, 2022 2:55 pm

Let’s revisit this in 12 months shall we? Kevni’s amendments mean both leaders are pretty much immune from challenge during a political term irrespective of how hopeless they are. A suitable legacy for one of the most hopeless.

Krudd’s leadership amendments is a bit like telling the Nth Melbourne footy club, “you’re still complete shit but we’ll replace the two best teams in the competition for you to compete against yourself in the Grand Final.”

Never gonna end well.


September 2, 2022 3:03 pm

A city run by Democrats. The city’s mayor is a hard-left progressive activist named Chokwe Antar Lumumba.

Progressivism in action.

There is something else happening.

The New England states(USA) are a hot bed of democrats and progressives but they somehow maintain their infrastructure such as water supply.

The high level of corruption, crime, incompetence and low IQ are the real reason for failure.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 2, 2022 3:07 pm

He thinks the hard prog-left wants a “discussion.”

“You seem like a good chap, why don’t we meet at The Australian club for lunch one day. How are you on Thursday?”

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 2, 2022 3:19 pm


Oh, FFS, people here have been having erections at the prospect of another USA civil war going back to the beginnings of Sinc’s site.

I do not have the hots for a US (or any other) civil war, but when Biden can effectively denounce almost half of the population as “enemies of the state”, then a negotiated “parting of the ways” seems to be the best possible outcome in the absence of even the least indication that the DemonRats are motivated by anything else than envy, hatred and an overwhelming lust for power over “The Lives of Others”.

What is your suggestion?

September 2, 2022 3:21 pm

Difficult to argue there is a problem with underage girls having sexual relations when care-workers argue that girls under 16 ought to have across-the-counter access to the morning after pill.

September 2, 2022 3:25 pm

Yes, this is quite obvious. And they’re after the young.

The “Experts” Still Aren’t Giving Up on Vaccine Mandates

September 2, 2022 3:26 pm

Fire map. FIRMS.
You can zoom in on Ukraine, play with the various settings and see the activity over a day or a week or last 24 hours.
Change to street setting for easier navigation.

September 2, 2022 3:26 pm;d:2022-08-26..2022-09-01,2022-08-26;l:noaa20-viirs,viirs,modis_a,modis_t;@33.9,47.0,8z

September 2, 2022 3:26 pm

Saw Top Gun Maverick on the flight. I’ve basically given up on watching movies because everything is woke garbage. This was excellent, maybe even better than the original. I also like how it pits glory days US aircraft again modern tech, by others.

A cinematic epitaph for The West.

(It shot through my mind after the strike on the enrichment plant that the Biden’s would have some explaining to do. WTF? We gave Hunter a consultancy so you wouldn’t do that!!)

September 2, 2022 3:29 pm

Until TIK gets up and running again, this channel ain’t so bad.
Kings and Generals. Ukraine update:

September 2, 2022 3:29 pm

Munty would love the baby formula advertisements here, shows the silhouette of a child in utero.

Would have him salivating at the prospect of vacuuming it out.

September 2, 2022 3:37 pm

Victorian Cats, shaper of the week, super old school Cincinnati!

September 2, 2022 3:38 pm

Some good news about gaynor:

Today the NSW Local Court dismissed all remaining complaints against me from homosexual activist and vexatious and serial litigant, Gary Burns. He has now failed in all 40 of his complaints against me.

Unfortunately, Burns has never once been ordered to pay the costs of his failed complaints. And it is clear that the NSW Local Court magistrate is intent on ensuring this injustice continues. No part of her judgement addressed at all the fact that he boasted that he was lodging complaints against me to bankrupt me. She is desperately doing all she can to avoid dealing with this fact.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
September 2, 2022 3:49 pm

I worked for a German brand which projected itself as prestige luxury and you would expect back office systems to match. Alas I pointed out to colleagues that it was like the German army back in WWII, you’d think it’s all Volkswagens, 88s and Panzers. In reality it’s mainly horse drawn wagons.

September 2, 2022 3:50 pm

Until TIK gets up and running again, this channel ain’t so bad.
Kings and Generals. Ukraine update:

I’ve had this theory for a while that aside from hoovering corruption money out of the west, the destruction of the neo nazi militias and forces is being orchestrated by zelenski, or at least through him.

September 2, 2022 3:51 pm

Indolent – the “experts” will not give up on the vaccines until they are forced to by governments. They are too invested in them – professionally & , in some cases, financially.

It is incredulous to many of us – but there it is – the mob that in past civilisations burnt us heretics at the stake.

Today I came across an old (88 years) doctor friend in the supermarket. A year ago he was incredulous when my husband told him we would not be vaccinated. Interesting that he did not raise it today.

September 2, 2022 3:54 pm

BTW I read recently that more and more dissenting pathologists believe that pseudouridine – an additive to the mRNA vaccines (I think to stabilise it) may be a significant culprit in the adverse reactions. That and the poor production scrutiny that caused variance in doses.

September 2, 2022 3:57 pm

I was thinking more the 70’s than 50’s
And no there were of course shit bits then as well, mainly a little too much deferring to people in positions of authority etc…

Well said. Some here say what was wrong with the 1950s? Well, if I was a female public servant, I, not my husband, would have to resign if we got married.

One income was sufficient to purchase a house and raise a family…

In NSW, police and political corruption raged. The place was run by crooks.

And its different now because??? Has the last 2 years of coppers acting as stasi agents to enforce lockdowns not rise to the refined heights of ‘corruption”?

Not a single kiddie fiddler was ever prosecuted.

Many people had to “suddenly leave town”, often leaving some teeth behind. The main problem was as I mentioned above, abuse of authority. I mention this quite secure in the knowledge you are 100% wrong, as a great uncle was jailed for exactly that offense and also was made a pariah by the town to the point he lived interstate after release.

People bashing partner/each other and/or their kids in the family home was regarded as none of anyone’s business.

Yes, and it was shit then. It still happens now, and its still shit, only the state often gets involved as well.

There is no point in looking backward, it’s gone for good. Developing a future is much harder, which perhaps is why some shy away from doing it.

And a large part of that is the shark like ‘must keep moving forward” idiocy of not returning to parts of old methods that worked.
EG: Their ABCcess this afternoon was wailing about NT homeless/family shelters being overwhelmed since the Elbow government allowed, deliberately, and with encouragement of many “wise” mongs, the lapsing of the restrictions on alcohol in Aboriginal communities.

Yet their dishonesty meant the didnt saw a word about why the laws lapsed only ‘better resources should have been put in place”.

A conservative [position would have been more along the lines of “lets do this in one place, and see if it works”, it would have been obvious it wouldnt, and the existing policy could remain in place.
What the conservatives do badly is rubbing past and continuing failures in the face of ‘progressives” every single day.

September 2, 2022 3:59 pm

There will not be a repeat of the first US Civil War. MAGA Republicans tend to be flat-footed superannuated chickenhawks. Dad’s Army was a comedy.

There has been stochastic terrorism from the remnants of the Threepers, Oath Keepers and other fascist militia despite many of their leaders being locked up post 1/6, and that will escalate.

Dark Brandon is not taking any more malarkey.

September 2, 2022 4:04 pm

Friday morning in Amsterdam and my final day here. Off to the Jewish quarter this morning, will try to get in to the Portuguese synagogue and the flea market.

No opportunity to get anything useful about the farmer restrictions yesterday, except for much evidence of discontent in the countryside, summarised by large, home-made banners on the roundabouts – NO FARMS – NO FOOD. Trust the Dutch to get to the nub of it. Our tour guide was very much in favour of the farmers, a straw poll of one.

Here we have a country that has reclaimed vast tracts from the sea at tremendous expense in lives and material, only to be told they can’t use it productively. Except for wind turbines. So many as far as the eye can see, monuments to the crushing stupidity of the urban bugman. Like Ozymandias, I hope the day arrives soon where all that is left of these Gaia worship structures is a broken, useless pylon used as a roost for birds.

The other, underlying problem here is the worldwide one – a shortage of workers in all areas. Where have they all gone? So while you have “elite” halfwit think tanks opining that we need fewer people to function, the truth is the exact opposite.

Another incongruity. If the Europeans are so environment conscious, how is it that Amsterdam is so utterly filthy, trash and particularly cigarette bumpers everywhere? Everything eventually finds its way into the canals and then on to the sea. It seems the greater the virtue signalling, the worse the offences against the natural world.

September 2, 2022 4:12 pm

While I’m croaking maledictions, why are Aussies so embarrassing? We had two champions on the bus yesterday – out in the glorious fresh, Autumnal air. Both in grungy surgical masks which they fiddled with like fetishes.

Everyone else, apart from a pair of Asians were “uncovered” and unconcerned.

We have been in areas packed cheek by jowl with the great poxy unwashed and still nary a sniffle. Giving Vicki’s nasal spray a workout, to be sure, to be sure.

Johnny Rotten
September 2, 2022 4:13 pm

Happy Friday everyone.

I never had the Jab and I never will.

I did not vote for Laybore in the General Erection (Benny Hill). Climate Change has always been happening to this Planet for around 4.5 Billion Years or so. Big Deal. The Planet is still here.

I will not vote for this Voice thingy with a yes vote as there is no detail to vote on. I do not sign off on blank cheques.

I still believe in responsibility and accountability. So maybe I am a Dinosaur.

Happy to be a T Rex so watch out when I get hungry and angry you so called Guv’ment ‘Pollies’.


September 2, 2022 4:21 pm

Dark Brandon is not taking any more malarkey.

He’s the stupidest fall guy in US history

September 2, 2022 4:22 pm

You’re a Paragon, Johnny R

September 2, 2022 4:25 pm

Giving Vicki’s nasal spray a workout, to be sure, to be sure.

Is that the German made Vicks spray?

I reckon it has helped me ward off a couple of colds this winter.

Old bloke
Old bloke
September 2, 2022 4:31 pm

flyingduk says:
September 2, 2022 at 1:16 pm

I think the US is heading towards civil war.

I think its pretty obvious the governments of the west have been at war with their own people for over 2 years now – Exhibit A:

Violent suppression of dissent
Closed borders, document checks, travel controls
War emergency control of the economy
Uniformed men in the streets of our capitals
Armoured vehicles in the streets

some people are scared this will end in civil war, I am scared it won’t…..

Closed borders, document checks, travel controls

You can take Avi & Rukshan’s visit to New Zealand as an example. The Rule of Law is being replaced with authoritarian edict, particularly in relation to independent reporters and journalists who choose to look at things which their colleagues in the main stream media prefer not to see.

Independent journalists such as Alina Lipp from Germany and Graham Phillips from the UK have had their assets and bank accounts seized by their own governments for reporting things which their governments didn’t want reported, in Alina’s case the German Government even took her father’s bank account. The Rule of Law is disappearing.

The Persecution of Alina Lipp and Graham Phillips

September 2, 2022 4:32 pm

Dark Brandon is not taking any more malarkey.

Dark Brandon has supervised meal times and thinks Kamala Harris is President; and he was running for the Senate last time.

If he goes off his meds he’ll start cranking it in the Baltimore Wendy’s.

September 2, 2022 4:32 pm

What the conservatives do badly is rubbing past and continuing failures in the face of ‘progressives” every single day.

What conservatives do best is the cuck thing while watching their girl get banged by the progressives and then give him tips on improving his technique

September 2, 2022 4:33 pm

That’s the one, Roger. Two sprays and your eyes water, you are surrounded by an impenetrable mist of disinfectant, and your nose wants to drop off.

Once the initial effect recedes, you are good to go. I reckon it would ward off ebola.

September 2, 2022 4:37 pm

So, Monkeypox 2.0 has been detected in the UK.

Aint that a pain in the arse.

September 2, 2022 4:37 pm

Once the initial effect recedes, you are good to go. I reckon it would ward off ebola.

Or the odd coronavirus…at least.

Johnny Rotten
September 2, 2022 4:38 pm

California plans to ban gas-powered vehicles by 2035. The Advanced Clean Cars II rule would ban ALL gas car sales in 2035, but there are no alternatives in place. The average American cannot afford an electric car or maintenance on an electric vehicle. Beginning in 2026, 35% of new autos sold in California will be required to produce zero emissions. By 2027, 51% of all new cars will need to be electric, and that amount will rise to 68% in 2028, followed by an all-out ban on gas-powered cars in 2035.

Well, California is already struggling to power the electric vehicles on the road in 2022. The California Independent System Operator called for a “voluntary energy conservation” during the upcoming Labor Day weekend due to the failing power grid. They are asking residents to refrain from charging their cars between 4 PM and 9 PM, which is when demand peaks. “If left unmanaged, the power demanded from many electric vehicles charging simultaneously in the evening will amplify existing peak loads, potentially outstripping the grid’s current capacity to meet demand,” Cornell University’s College of Engineering stated.

So electric vehicles have the potential to take down California’s power grid. The state estimates that it will need 1.2 million charging stations by 2030, but they have a mere 80,000 currently. California does not have the ability to implement this zero-emission ban without toppling the entire power grid.

September 2, 2022 4:38 pm

Today the NSW Local Court dismissed all remaining complaints against me from homosexual activist and vexatious and serial litigant, Gary Burns. He has now failed in all 40 of his complaints against me.

Unfortunately, Burns has never once been ordered to pay the costs of his failed complaints. And it is clear that the NSW Local Court magistrate is intent on ensuring this injustice continues. No part of her judgement addressed at all the fact that he boasted that he was lodging complaints against me to bankrupt me. She is desperately doing all she can to avoid dealing with this fact.

Go to the Supreme Court and have him declared a vexatious litigant. The facts are congruent with the newer Act and common law.

September 2, 2022 4:40 pm

Nuclear energy synthesising liquid chemical fuels is a second best solution (right now) but it’s better than forcing all ICE vehicles off the roads.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 2, 2022 4:40 pm

flat-footed superannuated chickenhawks.

As different to the fat arsed semi-employed chickenhawk m0nty-fa, who calls for war against Wussia, and for Ante-fa gangs to bash people in the street with whose politics m0nty-fa disagrees?

Johnny Rotten
September 2, 2022 4:40 pm

September 2, 2022 at 4:22 pm
You’re a Paragon, Johnny R

Where have you been lately? The Cats have missed you.


September 2, 2022 4:40 pm

And a large part of that is the shark like ‘must keep moving forward” idiocy of not returning to parts of old methods that worked.

It’s pretty clear with hindsight that universal suffrage was a catastrophe. Removing the vote from women is not possible while they have a say in the matter. Sometimes there is no going back, just have to find a workable path forward.

The role of conservatives was to ensure that those things that worked were preserved, well they failed miserably. I think this a general problem with democracy, the side that perseveres long enough eventually gets what it wants. The only real way to stop it is to convince the voting public to make the other side obsolete and disband all together. The system is structured to preserve some sort of balance between two major parties. For real change at least one of the old parties must die.

Wokeism is signaling the death throes of the left.

September 2, 2022 4:41 pm

stochastic terrorism

or as its known, “the vibe”.
the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted:

But fortunately this doesnt apply to calling 1/2 the country terrorists for not voting for you.
Thats different.
Shut up!.

September 2, 2022 4:42 pm

There has been stochastic terrorism from the remnants of the Threepers, Oath Keepers and other fascist militia despite many of their leaders being locked up post 1/6, and that will escalate.

Stochastic terrorism

The left are not stochastic: they are all dickless and can be dependent upon to be total kunts every second of the day.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 2, 2022 4:43 pm

PS, apart from a half-arsed attempt at humour about Biden mispronouncing MAGA as Maggie, has m0nty-fa uttered even a word of regret about the speech in which Biden effectively denounced almost half of the population as “enemies of the state”? No? Thought not.

Fat fascist pig.

September 2, 2022 4:45 pm

Remember BLM riots/deaths and disruption wasnt “stochastic terrorism”.

Its an awful midwit term used by semi educated mongs.

Naturally monty loves it like the last doughnut in the bottom of the sweep out bin

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 2, 2022 4:45 pm

Go to the Supreme Court and have him declared a vexatious litigant. The facts are congruent with the newer Act and common law.

Thanks, Dot. I was wondering about that.

September 2, 2022 4:48 pm

Go to the Supreme Court and have him declared a vexatious litigant. The facts are congruent with the newer Act and common law.

I think he’s already done that. And there was a HC case determining that a NSW complaint of homophobia could not be brought against a resident of another state, QLD; which is what is happening. This is the fault of the LNP NSW government; parrot-tate is a big disappointment, obviously he is exhausted by all the home shagging he is doing.

September 2, 2022 4:54 pm

I wasn’t even alive in 50’s, far from it so can’t comment. Vaguely remember the late ’70’s, 80’s onwards was much more aware. I am looking at the last couple of years and wowee I want the old times back.

Theres so much I won’t go into it but adding to frollockings list which I 100% agree with. Unchecked corruption deep and ingrained in Victoria and to lesser extent. Blokes still bashing mrs’s and other cultural niceties but are untouchable due to hue of skin or god they bow to. Less regulation, less ticket clippers with a clipboard, busybodies had little power of compulsion, as I said I could go on.

IMO the big shift looking back started with Kevin 07 and Abbott despite promise did nothing and the rest after, to hit the retarders as we have accelerated down that ramp since…

My mum much older & wiser than me is equally dismayed but reckons the pendulum will swing back. I do hope I am around to see it.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 2, 2022 4:58 pm

Just downloaded Dvorak Piano Quintet 2.

Life is so good I don’t know how the dead can bear it.

If I were dead I reckon it would kill me.

September 2, 2022 5:00 pm

and to a lesser extent Queensland. FFS I hate phone typing…

September 2, 2022 5:03 pm

It is hilarious how Biden, in your eyes, is both a doddering senile vegetable, and an implacably evil tyrant orchestrating a monstrous cabal.

It always comes back to the Protocols.

Johnny Rotten
September 2, 2022 5:05 pm

September 2, 2022 at 3:59 pm
There will not be a repeat of the first US Civil War. MAGA Republicans tend to be flat-footed superannuated chickenhawks. Dad’s Army was a comedy.

There has been stochastic terrorism from the remnants of the Threepers, Oath Keepers and other fascist militia despite many of their leaders being locked up post 1/6, and that will escalate.

Dark Brandon is not taking any more malarkey.

Monty Pox Virus, do you always talk like this out of your arse, or, have you just got a bad case of piles and have had a very bad week?

You are talking gibberish of the first, second and turd order. STFU for a change.

September 2, 2022 5:06 pm

As for Biden’s speech, it is an escalation in rhetoric, but on the aggro metric it still isn’t a patch on the average Trump stump speech.

September 2, 2022 5:11 pm

If only you hadn’t submitted .

September 2, 2022 5:15 pm

Tucker analyses creepy joe’s speech (sic) and unpacks the swamp: conclusion: they’re all idiots;

September 2, 2022 5:19 pm

Naturally monty loves it like the last doughnut in the bottom of the sweep out bin

mutley’s waiting for more police defunding so he can loot his local krispy kremes

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 2, 2022 5:19 pm

You are talking gibberish of the first, second and turd order. STFU for a change.

Wot ‘e said!

September 2, 2022 5:21 pm

It always comes back to the Protocols.

Straw man.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 2, 2022 5:22 pm

Labor in a flap on duck hunting, internal pressure mounts to ban shooting season
Sumeyya Ilanbey
Updated September 2, 2022 — 2.43pmfirst published at 2.26pm

One third of Andrews government MPs have taken the rare step of publicly voicing their support for a change in government policy to ban duck shooting.

In a move that highlights internal splits within the government, 22 Labor members, including current ministers, have declared their support for a change of policy via the Animal Justice Party website.

Labor has been under mounting pressure from environmental and animal rights’ groups, as well as rank-and-file members, to end the sport, particularly after the 2019 summer bushfires that wreaked havoc on wildlife numbers.

Some within the party are worried the position of the government’s leadership team could leave Labor vulnerable to the Greens, who support abolition, in the inner-city seats of Albert Park and Richmond where long-serving members Martin Foley and Richard Wynne are retiring at the upcoming November state election.

Others are worried about picking a fight on the issue and alienating voters in the suburbs and regions.

“Recreational hunting is a legitimate pastime enjoyed by tens of thousands of everyday and working Victorians,” a senior Labor source told The Age.

“Duck hunting is already heavily regulated. Why should the government pick a fight and ban an outdoor activity that is enjoyed safely by Victorians and contributes to our regional economies?”

Ministers Lizzie Blandthorn and Ingrid Stitt, as well as former ministers Jill Hennessy, Robin Scott, Wynne and Foley have all indicated they support moves to ban duck shooting. Others to go public with their position include Steve McGhie, Darren Cheeseman, John Kennedy, Nina Taylor and Kat Theophanous. There are 22 Labor MPs supporting change, most of them from the party’s Socialist Left faction.

“[Duck shooting] will always be an undoubtedly barbaric pastime with no commensurate benefits,” Hawthorn MP John Kennedy said. “The decline in waterbirds is a real concern, and I note the enlightened practices of some Labor states in this respect.”

September 2, 2022 5:22 pm

Tucker analyses creepy joe’s speech (sic) and unpacks the swamp: conclusion: they’re all idiots;

tucker is trying to cool down the temperature. however this criminal regime is still attacking its political opponents with the full power of the state apparatus

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 2, 2022 5:23 pm

I don’t reckon Biden is evil – well, nothing more than personally evil. But the people behind him are malignant. Biden cannot read a teleprompter – of you knew the sort of stuff that should be on there (it being your intentions) you would not fuck up.

The people behind Biden are using him, and he is compliant because they feed him with what he craves the way you would feed attack dogs with choice bits of meat even though they have no idea about what they are attacking.

Biden is like Obama. Happy to be in the limelight but oblivious as to what their purpose is.

Delta A
Delta A
September 2, 2022 5:27 pm

wait till the firetrucks are all EVs too!

Now the virtue signallers are praising ev aviation refueling trucks at an Oz airport. I know that the aviation kero mix has a lower flash point than petrol, but (shudder) imagine the carnage from a battery fire in one of those.

September 2, 2022 5:28 pm

calli check the label on perfume you bought, I think it says Eau de Canel. Chinese knock off.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 2, 2022 5:35 pm

Daily Mail.

Horror in the outback: Couple’s car bursts into flames on an isolated 4WD track in the middle of nowhere – but one smart decision saved them from perishing to death in the scorching desert

Couple’s four-wheel-drive burst into flames on extremely remote trail in WA
Husband and wife were trekking on Talawana Track on Monday morning
Car burst into flames but luckily the pair had a satellite phone
Rescue helicopter arrived next day and took the couple to safety

September 2, 2022 5:36 pm

There will not be a repeat of the first US Civil War. MAGA Republicans tend to be flat-footed superannuated chickenhawks. Dad’s Army was a comedy.

This ignores the historical fact that most successful revolutions have foreign support. If a US civil war got off the ground, there are quite a lot of foreign actors who would be interested.

September 2, 2022 5:37 pm

I agree with the ban on duck shooting. It should be changed to green and labor open season. At least its not barbaric as they feel no pain in the same manner an aborted foetus feels no pain. According to them.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

m0nty says: September 2, 2022 at 5:06 pm

As for Biden’s speech, it is an escalation in rhetoric, but on the aggro metric it still isn’t a patch on the average Trump stump speech.

Yet it is Biden supporters who have been violent & Biden who has used the power of the state to go after his enemies.

Trump supporters have been none of the things Biden supporters are & Trump was none of the things Biden is.

September 2, 2022 5:43 pm

This ignores the historical fact that most successful revolutions have foreign support. If a US civil war got off the ground, there are quite a lot of foreign actors who would be interested.

Oh twodogs, you and your obsession with Russia.

September 2, 2022 5:44 pm

Trump supporters have been none of the things Biden supporters are & Trump was none of the things Biden is.

Yesterday, a Trumpist got ten years gaol for beating a cop with a flag pole during 1/6.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Yesterday, a Trumpist got ten years gaol for beating a cop with a flag pole during 1/6.

I’m impressed at the Trumpist’s physical strength.
I can’t even uproot a flagpole without using a tractor, never mind clout anybody with one.

Now…… do Portland Oregon, anytime during the past 2 years.

September 2, 2022 5:49 pm

It always comes back to the Protocols.

Your side owns the Pallis lardguts.

September 2, 2022 5:55 pm

My wife and I are off to warmer climes for a week or so.

I may or may not be around, contingent on connectivity; if not…try and keep the standards up! 😀

I’m taking Deneen’s Why Liberalism Failed with me, among a few other things I’ve been meaning to read. I understand dover is going to do a series of posts on this, which I’m looking forward to.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 2, 2022 5:56 pm

September 2, 2022 at 5:03 pm
It is hilarious how Biden, in your eyes, is both a doddering senile vegetable, and an implacably evil tyrant orchestrating a monstrous cabal.

It always comes back to the Protocols.

No, m0nty-fa, he is a senile old front man for evil. And why did you mention the Protocols? No-one here mentioned anything about Jews. Is it because to a true fascist, the ultimate enemy must always be the Jews?

And as for “cabal”, the word comes from that arrogant Time article about the self-described “cabal” that “fortified” the 2020 election. Since the “cabal’ were not specifically identified, we have only your fevered mind to note as the source for your foul, racist, implications.

September 2, 2022 6:00 pm

Catturd ™

This image will be shared throughout history of the most evil and worst President in U.S. History.

The second reply is a meme of Biden with his fist in the air with a caption “MAGA voters are the cause of our problems” and underneath Hitler, in an identical pose, stating “The JEWS are the cause of our problems”.

September 2, 2022 6:03 pm

most of them from the party’s Socialist Left faction.

these people must report to canning factory #253B for soylent green processing. renewal time komerades!

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 2, 2022 6:03 pm

September 2, 2022 at 5:44 pm
Trump supporters have been none of the things Biden supporters are & Trump was none of the things Biden is.

Yesterday, a Trumpist got ten years gaol for beating a cop with a flag pole during 1/6.

How many years did the Ante-fa thugs who beat up Andy Ngo get? One law for DemonRats, and one for the rest?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 2, 2022 6:05 pm

No-one here mentioned anything about Jews.

No. Nobody did.

I do remember, however, a podgy ranga wise in the ways of ‘trusted bloggers’ who was extremely supportive of noted communist and anti-Semite Jeremy Corbyn’s platform – which included commentary of this type – right up to the point he got belted by Boris in the most recent UK election.

Oh mUnter. It always comes back to this. Always.

I’d refer to you as Bird-lite from now on, but there’s no way Bird’s lighter than you.

September 2, 2022 6:07 pm

Resident Hiden deliberately use the term “clear and present danger”…

If so that has a rather explicit meaning in American law and history.
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. wrote the opinion that gave American law the famous “clear and present danger” test. Holmes argued that the speaker’s intent as well as the context in which the remarks were made must be examined, finding that wartime is less conducive to free speech than is peacetime. He wrote: “The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent.”
Early in the 20th century, the Supreme Court established the clear and present danger test as the predominant standard for determining when speech is protected by the First Amendment.

The Court crafted the test — and the bad tendency test, with which it is often conflated or contrasted — in cases involving seditious libels, that is, criticisms of the government, its officials, or its policies. It would be superseded by the imminent lawless action test in the late 1960s.

Holmes introduces idea of clear and present danger test
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. delivered the classic statement of the clear and present danger test in Schenck v. United States (1919): “The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent. It is a question of proximity and degree. When a nation is at war many things that might be said in time of peace are such a hindrance to its effort that their utterance will not be endured so long as men fight, and that no court could regard them as protected by any constitutional right.

I hope this is senile idiocy and not a lead up to a fresh, long term attempt at silencing critics.

September 2, 2022 6:09 pm

Who wore it best
Aron Sutler?

September 2, 2022 6:10 pm

Russell Brand with Max Blumenthal

Thought The Pandemic Was Bad? THIS Is What’s Coming

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 2, 2022 6:15 pm

The second reply is a meme of Biden with his fist in the air with a caption “MAGA voters are the cause of our problems” and underneath Hitler, in an identical pose, stating “The JEWS are the cause of our problems”.

There are 80 million MAGA voters and they’re armed to the teeth.
His F-15s will be as useless as nukes would be.
And his woke army.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 2, 2022 6:15 pm

Always trust trusted bloggers.

September 2, 2022 6:25 pm

The old thief is evil- both personally and as a political parasite. Always has been. It says a lot about Delaware that people there have consistently for the criminal grifter for decades.

Delta A
Delta A
September 2, 2022 6:27 pm

You don’t bring me flowers, you don’t sing me love songs…

Instead, he buys me scotch fillet and cooks it with mushrooms… and love.

I think I’ll keep him.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 2, 2022 6:30 pm

I was supposed to attend, I wasn’t well so I couldn’t but I know someone who did attend in the hope of hearing what Bettina had to say and she was a witness to the aggression and violence.

I attended that evening it was an absolutely terrifying experience, the University allocated a room with only one way in and one way out, when I arrived there was a group milling about and I was jostled as I went in, the violence and utter barbarity was appalling and I noted a rather portly young woman was leading the fray. Had Bettina not had about ten burly blokes holding back the throng of spitting, snarling anarchists I have not idea what would have happened.

There were quite a few young women in the room who were crying and terrified, which was of course the whole idea of the thugs at the door, the riot squad was called and then the screeching and violence was done and we listened to what Bettina had to say.

There were people there who’d flown in from Brisbane to hear Bettina.

I went on air with Alan Jones the next day to bear witness to the disgraceful behaviour. Furthermore, I pursued the matter with the Vice-Chancellor writing a formal complaint and asking that the students who led the fray be suspended or expelled from the University. It took months for the ‘investigation’. I was interviewed and then months went by, and every month or so I would write to the Vice-Chancellor and send a copy of my correspondence to Alan Jones because he was the only person in the media wanting answers to the silencing of a professional woman who simply wanted to tell the truth about the concocted ‘rape crisis on campus’.

Finally the particular student in question who was the ring-leader of the fiasco was given a lettuce leaf sanction and that was that, but violence on the campus of Sydney University is nothing new but the censorship is something else again.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 2, 2022 6:32 pm

You don’t bring me flowers, you don’t sing me love songs…

Yep. Taylor Swift gets me every time too.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 2, 2022 6:34 pm

One third of Andrews government MPs have taken the rare step of publicly voicing their support for a change in government policy to ban duck shooting.

Probably an act of self preservation since they make wood ducks seem intelligent.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 2, 2022 6:36 pm

It says a lot about Delaware that people there have consistently for the criminal grifter for decades.

and Massachusetts — IIRC that state only sends Demonrats to Congress

September 2, 2022 6:38 pm

The old thief may be off with the pixies half the time, but I reckon the old grub means every word of it. How dare ordinary people try to crash their party which only for career political parasites like Biden who have never had a real job.

September 2, 2022 6:41 pm

and Massachusetts — IIRC that state only sends Demonrats to Congress

Correct. Look at the Senators from Massachusetts – Markey and Warren.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 2, 2022 6:45 pm

One third of Andrews government MPs have taken the rare step of publicly voicing their support for a change in government policy to ban duck shooting.

They can identify with a threatened species.

Winston Smith
September 2, 2022 6:45 pm


Winston, I think you’ve attributed something to me in error.

So I have.
Can I blame my concussion of the box of XXXX I tripped over last night?
How about Climate Change?
A black cat crossing my path?
The Devil made me do it?

September 2, 2022 6:46 pm

Roundtable #17: Michael Millerman, Mark Sleboda

Discussing the philosophy and place in Russian society of philosopher Alexander Dugin, as well as recent events in the war.

September 2, 2022 6:48 pm

You don’t bring me flowers

So, it isn’t true that everybody wants a box of chocolates and a long-stemmed rose?

September 2, 2022 6:53 pm
Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 2, 2022 6:55 pm

As in undercover car park , it will be epic, especially as, around here, they are all positioned very favourably vis a vis entrances, and unless there is a proper firewall some shops are going be very very singed.

In the underground carpark at the Broadway Shopping Centre in Camperdown in Sydney there are three charging stations for EVs right at the exit of the carpark. I no longer use that exit, just to be on the safe side.

Delta A
Delta A
September 2, 2022 6:57 pm

So, it isn’t true that everybody wants a box of chocolates and a long-stemmed rose?

I don’t like chocolate and roses make me sneeze.

A quality steak, properly cooked with a french dressed salad, wins my heart every time.

September 2, 2022 6:58 pm

You don’t bring me flowers

I think there was a collaboration in the 80’s between Neil Diamond and Johnny Rotten entitled You Don’t Bring Me Flowers No More You F%*! Bast&*d

Cassie of Sydney
September 2, 2022 6:59 pm

“It always comes back to the Protocols.”

I suppose you know all about the “Protocols”. How is your copy? Is it tattered from too much reading? Are you in need of a new copy? If you’re after a new copy, come up to Sydney and venture out to Bankstown and Lakemba. You’ll find lots of new copies in several bookshops in these areas. The people who operate these bookshops, you know who I’m talking about Monty, those genocidal Jew haters you quaintly insist have “legitimate grievances” against Jews, have pristine new copies ready for you.

September 2, 2022 7:01 pm

Give it a rest Cassie, I’m defending your mob.

Cassie of Sydney
September 2, 2022 7:01 pm

“Where have you been lately? The Cats have missed you.”

I saw him last night. He bought me dinner.

Cassie of Sydney
September 2, 2022 7:04 pm

“Give it a rest Cassie, I’m defending your mob.”

No you’re not. Your comment about the Protocols says everything about you. You’re a disgraceful hypocrite just like those who you quaintly refer to as having “legitimate grievances”.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Monty should have paid more attention at school, for he’s misspelling ‘proctologist’

Cassie of Sydney
September 2, 2022 7:05 pm

“Tintarella di Lunasays:
September 2, 2022 at 6:30 pm”

Thanks Tinta, in my earlier comment I was referring to you but I didn’t want to say who it was. I remember it as a very disgraceful episode.

Anchor What
Anchor What
September 2, 2022 7:14 pm

Finally the particular student in question who was the ring-leader of the fiasco was given a lettuce leaf sanction and that was that …
Keep that name on file, she’ll be an ALP candidate in no time at all.

Anchor What
Anchor What
September 2, 2022 7:18 pm

calli check the label on perfume you bought, I think it says Eau de Canel. Chinese knock off.
That would be “Eau de Canal” with a lingering afterburn in the throat.

Winston Smith
September 2, 2022 7:23 pm


100%. The various global governments have committed to timelines for EVs as I have previously explained in detail. Assorted Green NGOs and spivs yell their giddy enthusiasm from every rooftop – but nobody appears to have seriously queried ‘what’ is required to achieve the desired outcome and the timeframe to achieve it (even setting aside the cost). Rationally, we would expect that sooner or later there will have to a reckoning of ambition -vs- reality. But, how hopeful are you that any rationality will creep into the process?

This is what I alluded to a while back – “As a generalisation, Men think of outcomes, women think of the process.”
The amount of women we currently have in politics is rising in lockstep with disastrous outcomes in just about every field of endeavour. I leave you to draw your own conclusions.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 2, 2022 7:28 pm

Albo blithering on about “The oldest living culture on Earth – 60,000 years.” Wrong again Albo – that’s the San Bushmen of Southern Africa – their culture is over 100,000 years old.

September 2, 2022 7:31 pm

m0nty says:
September 2, 2022 at 1:09 pm

Albo has the chance to be Australia’s greatest drover’s dog. If the Libs persist in putting up hopeless OLs like Dutton against him, he could rule for life.

In one sentence monty confirms Elbow won’t see out his first term.

September 2, 2022 7:32 pm

In one sentence monty confirms Elbow won’t see out his first term.

yes reminds me of the creep’s post about the death of Jimmy Carter

September 2, 2022 7:34 pm

Snap, TFM.

September 2, 2022 7:44 pm


Just back from the Jerbson Skillz Summit …

What a joke.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 2, 2022 7:49 pm

Indig smoking ceremony prior to the footy starting at the G. What shit.

Unless it consists of Dylan Voller stubbing a durry out on a hooker’s forehead, it’s not legit.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 2, 2022 7:49 pm

Keep that name on file, she’ll be an ALP candidate in no time at all.

She’s more a Green, than a Liar but she’s that too. And don’t we all remember the student slactivist Books not Bombs, National Union of Students — Ms Rose Jackson — such excellent pedigree, mum prominent ABC churnalist (may she rest in peace) and student activist now a Labor MLC in NSW

September 2, 2022 7:51 pm

Mark Steyn reacts to Leilani Dowding explaining being told by her bank that ‘the Government needs to know’ what she will spend money on while trying to withdraw her own money.

I got one of these sort of emails from the NAB this morning .. deleted it now tho .. but it was along the lines of ..
“We reserve the right to stop & query any withdrawals from your account(s) which appear suspicious to us” ..

Cassie of Sydney
September 2, 2022 7:52 pm

“And don’t we all remember the student slactivist Books not Bombs, National Union of Students — Ms Rose Jackson — such excellent pedigree, mum prominent ABC churnalist (may she rest in peace) and student activist now a Labor MLC in NSW”

Married to Sam Crosby….ALP candidate for the seat of Reid in 2019.

September 2, 2022 7:53 pm

Indig smoking ceremony prior to the footy starting at the G. What shit.
I never turn any Oz sport on now until 5 minutes after (what I hope!) is starting time to avoid all the rubbish .. LOL!

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

the student slactivist Books not Bombs, National Union of Students — Ms Rose Jackson

Is she the bimbo who’d never heard of Pavlov & his dogs?
And consequently made a thorough spectacle of herself on ABCTV Q&A?

She could have benefited from practicing what she preached (eg, actually gone & read a book or two)

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
September 2, 2022 7:53 pm

You can’t tell me Boris Johnson wasn’t aware of the catch-22 of this situation:

watching Tom Kerridge’s UK “Pub Rescue”, which ran slap bang into the house arrest crackdown after 5 months of filming.
In the first few months of lockup, people were shut into their homes but pubs were allowed to stay open – with no customers. Until the government belatedly shut the pubs, they couldn’t claim insurance because they were “open”.
Major financial catastrophe for many because of the low margins they were already operating on.

A deliberate strategy to ruin a large sector of the economy? Most probably.
Massive incompetence? No way – England is run by the best and brightest so it’s not a mistake.

September 2, 2022 7:54 pm

Labor lifts migration cap to 195,000

near 2m / decade in population of 25m. did I miss the referendum on the Great Replacement?

Winston Smith
September 2, 2022 7:55 pm


It’s time for the great separation. It’s the only way conservatives and other on the right will be able to exist and live in this “new society”. It’s been done before, history is full of such examples.

“Once you surrender part of the battlefield to the enemy, it becomes the place he is safe and can reconstitute his forces in his attack on you. Meanwhile you will not have a similar area because he will not stop attacking you in your ‘safe places’.
If it takes a civil war to eject the lunatic Left from our society, then that is what it will take. All else is just a truckstop on the way to defeat.

September 2, 2022 7:55 pm

Just back from the Jerbson Skillz Summit …
What a joke.

can’t be right, shirley! .. AnAl doesn’t do jokes! .. too busy fighting Tories .. LOL!

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 2, 2022 7:57 pm

Just back from the Jerbson Skillz Summit …

I’d be keeping that to myself. A bit like that rash that comes and goes.

September 2, 2022 7:57 pm

told by her bank that ‘the Government needs to know’ what she will spend money on while trying to withdraw her own money

Here’s some hints:
.1 No fossil fuels
.2 No meat
.3 No alcohol
.4 No consumer goodies (e.g. a new lounge or TV)
.5 No clothing (unless it’s this*)

*The stripped back version of this

Winston Smith
September 2, 2022 8:00 pm


Nope – just an IT geek for 30+ years! ?

I have a 60 Tb SSD hard drive which shows up as 4 separate drives in one enclosure – is there a RAID driver that allows them to all work as say, a striped drive? Or any other RAID configuration?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 2, 2022 8:01 pm

Indig smoking ceremony prior to the footy starting at the G. What shit.

The elders of my clan always reckon that the local indigenous copied the smoking ceremony from the Catholic missionaries…

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 2, 2022 8:03 pm

“And don’t we all remember the student slactivist Books not Bombs, National Union of Students — Ms Rose Jackson — such excellent pedigree, mum prominent ABC churnalist (may she rest in peace) and student activist now a Labor MLC in NSW”

Tighter than a Tasmanian family reunion.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

In the first few months of lockup, people were shut into their homes but pubs were allowed to stay open – with no customers. Until the government belatedly shut the pubs, they couldn’t claim insurance because they were “open”.
Major financial catastrophe for many because of the low margins they were already operating on.

OSC, one of my industry contacts in UK (a publican) told me that very few UK pubs received an insurance payout.

Turned out the word “pandemic” was in his insurance policy, so he was paid. Not easily, he had to fight for more than a year to get the underwriters to pay up.

Nine months of lockdown – his eventual payout was Seven thousand sterling.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 2, 2022 8:05 pm

Most small Pommy pubs are insolvent. The breweries extend trade credit to some mug to keep the licence alive.

September 2, 2022 8:06 pm

A deliberate strategy to ruin a large sector of the economy? Most probably.
Massive incompetence? No way – England is run by the best and brightest so it’s not a mistake.

And now about 1000 people per week are excess deaths in the uk, people who trusted and believed the government

September 2, 2022 8:10 pm

The gratest waste of crayons and butcher’s paper in human history.

Had anyone lit a match in the Grate Hall, the ensuing conflagration would have made the Hindenberg contretemps look like a boy scouts’ campfire. 😕

September 2, 2022 8:12 pm

people were shut into their homes but pubs were allowed to stay open – with no customers

Reminiscent of the “Model Hospital” in Yes Minister.

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 2, 2022 8:13 pm

Piers Akerman on Bill Shorten Budget reply 2015. Came up from our of the blue, still makes me chuckle:

“Shorten’s thought bubbles, conveyed in declamatory tones that might have made the most orotund Shakespearean thespian pause, were as theatrical as his offers of bipartisanship.”

With this excellent prose, who did it better, Akerman or Professor Bunyip? Both outstanding

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 2, 2022 8:16 pm

Is she the bimbo who’d never heard of Pavlov & his dogs?
And consequently made a thorough spectacle of herself on ABCTV Q&A?

The very same one but you’d have to understand that she went to the Newtown School of Performing Arts so knowing anything wasn’t an expected outcome.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 2, 2022 8:20 pm

Newtown School of Performing Arts

Good God!

September 2, 2022 8:21 pm

Yes Bunyip was very memorable- “Victoria University- a modest institution with much to be modest about”.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 2, 2022 8:22 pm

Had anyone lit a match in the Grate Hall, the ensuing conflagration would have made the Hindenberg contretemps look like a boy scouts’ campfire.

I think the Tent Embassy have tried.

September 2, 2022 8:23 pm

The lying slapper’s SATDAC phase- slap & tickle, dilation & curettage. Dirty bitch.

September 2, 2022 8:24 pm

JC is innocent of all charges.

September 2, 2022 8:25 pm

Geez the parliament house building is an abomination- pure, distilled Canbra.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

H B Bear says: September 2, 2022 at 8:05 pm

Most small Pommy pubs are insolvent. The breweries extend trade credit to some mug to keep the licence alive.

One of the bigger shocks of my life was checking out the pub scene in UK/Ireland.

They’re all incredibly small operations (by Australian standard). Possibly half were mum & dad with occasional casual to help on Friday night.
It was quite a shock to be inside a pub, sizing it up, realising how shaky it would be (financially) then having the punters at the bar slyly confide that the pub owner is “doing alright mate”

Couldn’t these idiots see the pub was borderline at best?

The big shock was how many pubs some people owned. When I was there Whitehall was changing the licencing laws to limit an owner to no more than 3,000 pubs (three thousand)
Imagine my shock to learn this was causing quite some consternation, as it turned out quite a few operators owned more than three thousand pubs each.
(These owners would be the ones you mention, who’re screwing the licencee)

September 2, 2022 8:25 pm


Did you run into Jobsongrowth?

He struck me as someone you might see at such an event.

September 2, 2022 8:26 pm

I was jostled as I went in

Tints was very restrained – she didn’t go all Aunty Jack on their house sized backsides. If she had they would have known it while they were being (figuratively) belted into Pluto – where hopefully, no one would have been able to hear their incessant screeching.

Tints and Cassie are two of the fiercest individuals I’ve had the good fortune to have known in my existence on this planet.

Mess with them at your peril, collectivists.

September 2, 2022 8:27 pm

Did you run into Jobsongrowth?

Only when beholding my reflection, Squire. 🙂

September 2, 2022 8:28 pm

BTW I read recently that more and more dissenting pathologists believe that pseudouridine – an additive to the mRNA vaccines (I think to stabilise it) may be a significant culprit in the adverse reactions. That and the poor production scrutiny that caused variance in doses.

Pfizer Senior VP and whistle blower Mike Yeadon addressed this. He said there is NO WAY the dose variations between batches are accidents – he says if there is one thing big pharma can do it is to produce drugs to uniform standards. He believes the ‘hot lots’ were deliberate ‘dose response’ experiments.

September 2, 2022 8:28 pm

Tints and Cassie are two of the fiercest individuals I’ve had the good fortune to have known in my existence on this planet.

Top commentators too

September 2, 2022 8:29 pm

who needs newspapers when this blog is available

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 2, 2022 8:29 pm

H B Bearsays:

September 2, 2022 at 6:15 pm

Always trust trusted bloggers.

As you would.
They are totes trustworthy.

September 2, 2022 8:31 pm

Sacré bleu – the personage’s correct appellation is “Jobson Grothe”.

Gifted into Australian public life courtesy of this recent victim of our very own “cultural revolutionaries”. 🙂

Cassie of Sydney
September 2, 2022 8:31 pm

September 2, 2022 at 8:24 pm
JC is innocent of all charges.”

Judge Cassie agrees.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 2, 2022 8:31 pm

September 2, 2022 at 7:01 pm
Give it a rest Cassie, I’m defending your mob.

Defending them from imaginary enemies (so as to LARP as not being anti-semitic) while persistently defending the real genocidal anti-semites cuz “legitimate grievances”.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x