Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the…
Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the…
When, as rumour has it, Anal decides a Vietnam conscription policy is a good idea, then we’ll see Labor tear…
Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.
Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
Pop goes the weasel…
Good evening! All power to the weasel.
Californian Collectivists, before they were even truly aware of the concept. ?
Californian Collectivists, after they became aware of the Concept … 🙂
Volkswagen is stockpiling windshields and brewers are bulk-buying beer bottles amid a looming European glass shortage, report says
German beer maker Brauerei C. & A. Veltins, which normally buys bottles throughout the year, has purchased 50 million in one go – enough to last for 12 months – a spokesman told The Journal, because prices were rising by as much as 90%.
Tesla faces losing its crown as the world’s biggest electric car maker to Volkswagen by 2024, according to new research.
A study by Bloomberg Intelligence expects the German giant to double production to more than 2 million battery-powered vehicles in 2024, overtaking Tesla.
JUST IN – Wien Energie, Austria’s largest energy supplier, is insolvent — requires 1.7 billion euros to remain liquid, according to local media.
Highlights glisten … 🙂
1st XI
wa? Try WA.
I saw an impressive collection of Russian (pre-Soviet) art in Tallin. What is your source?
The Jewish Museum in Amsterdam was worth the walk. The old building was restored in the 80’s and has been re-garnished with beautiful worship items to replace the ones looted by the Nazis. The Menorah adjacent to the ark is just beautiful, covered with stylised leaves and blossoms. Around the central section are many interactive and static displays describing the use of the building and the meaning of the fittings and architectural features.
In another section of the building is a timeline of the Jewish presence in Amsterdam. When you get to the 30’s there’s a sense of time running out – in a corner, draped over a rod is a piece of fabric. Cats will know how much I enjoy textiles, but this one brought tears to my eyes. It was a couple of metres of yellow cloth, printed with the Star of David and emblazoned “Jude” – a hint of the efficient, industrialised evil that was to come. Some bastard had taken the trouble to block print the cloth. The stars were to be cut out and sewn onto clothing, an image that most of us hold in our minds.
The Portuguese synagogue across the road is different – by some miracle it survived. Inside its courtyard, the structure stands buttressed and sturdy, within it a wonder of polished, exotically dark and rich timber. The brass candelabras gleam in the sunlight beaming through long windows. As it is still in use, the Beloved was given a kippah – I always marvel at those things…they never seem to fall off.
It was a sombre morning, but I’m glad I went.
But overnight, Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced the cap would be lifted to 50,000 and the requirement to travel on organised tours only would be dropped from September 7.
Riverland growers asked to not deliver grapes for 2023 wine vintage
Tariffs on Australian wine from China have created an oversupply of red wine and global freight issues and led to a downturn in red grape prices, with the pain expected to continue past the 2023 vintage.
See? Elbow really wants to help you pay your energy bills.
Older Australians will be able to work more hours without having a cut taken out of their pension, under new rules announced by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.
Currently old age and veterans pensioners can only earn $7800 a year at a job before their pension is reduced.
But an income credit added from December this year will allow them to earn another $4000 before their pension is impacted.
BLM, Ban Books.
The Central York School Board released a statement in 2021, and called Do’s literature “too activist in nature”, along with more than 450 other books like To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
David Rowe.
Graeme Bandeira.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Gary Varvel.
Al Goodwyn.
Chip Bok.
Henry Payne.
Bob Gorrell.
Ben Garrison.
Thank you Tom
Thanks for the compliments Cassie and Rabz indeed a privilege to have met and got to know you both as well as other excellent contributors, Catallaxy, in both iterations, has certainly added a very welcome dimension to my life
Thanks Tom.
Friday night in Amsterdam has to be seen to believed, and it’s only 9pm. So far I’ve seen a kilted flasher, a trannie in leather skirt, lace blouse and flourescent two inch nails on one hand only and a slew of anime creatures that might be humans but who knows.
That was in a sedate bar at Dam square. Goodness knows what’s going on downtown. 😀
Great travel updates Calli.
feelthebern says:
September 3, 2022 at 5:44 am
Thanks Bern. Off to Zagreb tomorrow.
Love the travelogue calli, I missed it, did you do the Rijksmusuem? now that is a treasure I would love to visit. Lucky you calli knowing the luck is hard won.
The old thief has really sunk to new lows. How low can the incontinent piece of human garbage go I wonder? Nothing would surprise after what has gone down in the last four years. Remember the smirking geriatrics after they started the race war? To think that our own little Johnnie hoWARd doesn’t like DJT.
Yes Calli really enjoy reading about your trip.
I did go Tinta, my second visit. We have tried to go to different places this time, but I can’t resist Rembrandt.
Like most great cities there is so much to see and a month wouldn’t be enough to scratch the surface.
Make black people eat insects!
UK Aid Agencies Testing Insect Diets in Hunger-Stricken African Nations (2 Sep)
Weird how lefty activists who condemn colonialist imperialism keep on acting like colonial imperialists.
The other group the continues to go lower and lower is the legacy meja. Could they get any worse? Yes they can.
PedoHilter trending on twitter.
But the bigger news was/is/was depending on twitter canning it was “Lucifer” trended on twitter for several hours overnight & twitter didn’t ban it.
Shows how poorly read the children at twitter are not connecting the reference to the speech.
Best song…from the old thread:
Pink Floyd
Comfortably Numb
Pulse Concert.
Does the Karine Jean-Pierre slag actually have a brain? Seems moe like some kind of lez-fem-uni-marxist ‘bot. A marxist-lezzo Stepford wife.
Boris Johnson has been ranked as the worst performing performing prime minister since the Second World War according to a poll of the British public.– That’s some ‘achievement’ in view of the competition- idiocracy on stilts. Arts degrees have a lot to answer for.
Genuine question.
I wonder how many of the 40 odd million Ukrainians would have welcomed the ceasefire in April under the terms that were almost agreed to?
They’d have to believe the Russian invasion would stop with the land they’d already gotten their mitts on (is that believable?).
They’d have to believe the Western/NATO security guarantees that were part of the deal (are those promises any better than Russian ones?).
Turning 10% of Ukraine into a DMZ is like North/South Korea is a helluva trip wire.
Thanks Tom need a laugh today although most of cartoons just demonstate how crazy the leaders of the world have become .
Suffering from the same thing in the place I live . Power hungry in control making other lives miserable .
Some of us have stood up to them so now we have the gesrapo checking groups talking to each other so they can report back to iI capo .
Milton f at keast Boris could have delivered all his speeches in Ancient Greek.
If this scheming mediocrity believes he can use his signature to transfer up to a trillion dollars from blue-collar Americans into the wallets of lawyers, doctors, and Trans Deconstructive Lit Theory majors and call it “debt relief,” why wouldn’t he think he can use the coercive power of the state to silence his critics? Describes the piece of human garbage very well. The old grub means it too.
true min
Fun fact, CBS, NBC & ABC didn’t show the Biden speech live.
They stuck with normal programming.
It was a cable TV affair.
US participation rate ticked up last month.
Needs to continue for the next 2 years at the same rate to get back to pre-pandemic levels.
Folks, nobody is going to the Moon this weekend. It is the first test flight of the SLS (Space Launch System – aka Senate Launch System -which happens when politicians design rockets). It is planned to go out past the moon and have the Orion capsule return to Earth. Unmanned.
I’ll be pleased if it clears the launch tower by enough that the launch pad infrastructure survives the explosion.
The solid boosters are a year past their use by date but have been waivered plus other things didn’t get tested in prelaunch testing.
There are a number of videos on Youtube of a talk by Mike Mullane (former Astronaut) titled “The Normalisation of Deviance”, which is what caused the destruction of Challenger and Columbia. They can’t be called accidents.
Look what you’ve done to your country.
You’re the best astronaut this country has, Hallward. We’re so lucky you emigrated here. Such an incredible astronaut.
Back early from the bread round, stuthid?
Beautiful spring weather in Sydney town this morning.
Calli enough about you and the beloved, what were the other people wearing?
Local media still obsessing over documents at Trump’s place instead of examining Biden’s awful speech, which declared half the voting public to be the enemies of democracy.
As much as I liked Leak Snr, I think Leak Jnr has surpassed him. Maybe he has more mediocrity to work with. Maybe I just pay more attention.
In space, no-one can hear you nag.
Someone please check on Paul Kelly.
From his column in the Oz today, I think he might have suffered from a brain injury.
“My political opposition is a threat to democracy” he said flanked by the military he controls and bathed in red lights. (h/t Stephen Miller)
Yeah, that doesn’t scream “fascist dictator wanna-be” at all.
After that retro Leni Riefenstahl production it seems a good time to dust off my copy of ‘The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich‘ to remind myself what happens next.
Another commenter noted that Biden has never spoken that way to any foreign adversary, leaving no doubt he considers Republicans as the primary threat to (his) America.
The old snoozer must have found the cooking sherry. Definitely worse than usual.
From zerohedge Whitehouse asks Congress for $13.7 Billion in Additional Ukraine related funding
Brandon – MUGA – Make Ukraine Great Again
Let me guess.
Wetting his pants in excitement over Elbow’s summit.
Bern, the report from the track manager at Randwick this morning was that it’s very windy and a soft 6 (good with give in the old language). Can’t wait to see Zaaki in the Tramway Stakes.
Sunak realises the bloody obvious; there’s political capital in doing what is right and moral as the rest of the herd stampedes in the other direction.
The STUPID FUCKING LIBERALS may take time to ponder if the same applies to the ideological mania around AGW and our economically suicidal rush to “renewables”.
BTW, political capital or not, what happened re covid was wrong on a moral level.
yes yes it’s fine when you’ve got time, and no competition
Definitely moist.
As a point of reference, the US Navy’s newest nuclear aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald R. Ford, cost $13.3 billion (cost overruns and all).
RMIT ABC fact check, watch your footer valves
on no astrazeneca causes monkeypox
Police face major class action over capsicum spray use on protesters
“To think that our own little Johnnie hoWARd doesn’t like DJT”
And Dribbler Dickhead Sheridan, who feigns a gig as The Australian’s foreign affairs editor, earlier this year wrote that he thought the Sniffer in Chief was a “good man”. That makes me still laugh out loud.
Hmmm, just imagine, for one fleeting second, if DJT had stood on a podium with a backdrop that was eerily reminiscent of a Nuremberg rally set from 1937, and used such a backdrop to describe half of America as..
“MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies. Together, we can choose a different path”
Apart from smearing, demonising, disparaging and vilifying half the American populace, the above inflammatory words are a declaration of war on half of America. So much for democracy and respecting other people’s views. So, trying to find something positive in this American Nuremberg event, at least now the band aid has been ripped off and the infected scab is now exposed, the old Rotting Corpse in the White House, his Taco blond wife, and his administration can no longer hide anymore behind empty vacuous words of “unity” and “bringing Americans together”. LOL, that was never the intent anyway, it was all a lie, a deception, to win power but also something worse, far worse, to hold onto power by any means necessary. Today’s far-left Democrat party is about declaring war on half of America and silencing them permanently, using any means necessary. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and all the worst tyrants in history would be quite proud of the rotting Sniffer and his words in Philadelphia a few days ago.
But no outrage from the MSM, if Donald Trump had spoken such words, every MSM on the planet would be leading with the story for weeks, headlining hysterical pieces on how Trump is a Nazi and delights in using Nazi imagery to declare war on half of America.
And yet some insist Vladimir Putin is the enemy, when America’s own POTUS has declared war on them. LOL.
I will not stand with a rotting, terminally ill US, governed by a nasty, senile, venal and very corrupt old corpse and a far-left progressive administration that pushes radical theories, both propped up a corrupt and venal MSM. No, nope, nup, nyet.
Zatara, no doubt you’ve seen it — other Cats may not have: yesterday’s Tucker Carlson Tonight was first-class TV journalism.
Since the senile puppet president was delivering his speech during the show — effectively calling half of America Nazis before wandering off, guided by his wife and trying to shake hands with someone who wasn’t there — I also expect today’s follow-up to be must-watch Foxtel channel 608).
Add “vaccine” mandates to that.
How could this happen?
“When you’re on an Elysian Energy home plan, you’re helping build a renewable future. We strive to source as much energy as possible using solar power so that you can enjoy your lifestyle with a smaller carbon footprint. Make the easy switch today and reduce emissions for a healthier planet tomorrow.”
Melbourne-based electricity provider Elysian Energy collapses, Herald Sun, paywalled
non paywalled article here
Speaking of which, here are some of the non-classified items seized in the FBI’s Mar-a- Lago raid as described on their inventory declaration to the court. Note all the articles of clothing, gifts, magazine/newspaper clippings and books the FBI thinks are essential to their ‘national security investigation’ [repeat descriptions mean multiple such items were located in different boxes].
– US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings [numerous similar entries throughout the inventory]
– 68 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 10/2015-05/2017
– 99 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between O 1/2017-10/2018
– 91 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 01/2019- 09/2020
– Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 01/2020- 11/2020
– 1 Article of Clothing/Gift Item
– 1 Book
– 1 Article of Clothing/Gift Item
– 30 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 10/2008- 12/2019
– 3 Articles of Clothing/Gift Items
– 1 Book
– 116 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 06/2019- 08/2020
– 39 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 01/2017- 03/2020
– 62 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
09/2018 -08/2019
– 1 Article of Clothing/Gift Items
– 65 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
– 2 Books
– 76 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
– 67 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
7/2016 – 3/2017
– 5 Articles of Clothing/Gift Items
– 4 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
01/2018- 12/2019
– 1 Book
– 53 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
05/2016 – 01/2020
– 5 Articles of Clothing/Gift Items
– 121 MagazinesMewspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
– 2 MagazinesMewspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated 11/2020
– 109 MagazinesMewspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
06/2020 – 10/2020
– 67 MagazinesMewspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media’dated between
11/2016- 06/2018
– 1 Book
– 1 MagazinesMewspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated circa 2018
– 76 MagazinesMewspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
10/2016- 11/2017
– 8 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
12/2017 – 3/2020
– 1 Article of Clothing/Gift Items
– 1 Book
– 1 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
07/2016 – 9/2020
– 1 Article of Clothing/Gift Items
– 23 Books
– 2 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
2/2017 – 3/2017
– 1 Article of Clothing/Gift Items
– 1 Book
– 86 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
10/1995 – 05/2019
– 29 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
05/2020 – 09/2020
– 111 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
06/2015 – 04/2019
– 94 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
02/2008 – 04/2020
– 1 Book
– 88 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings
– 83 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
02/2017 – 02/2018
– 1 Book
And no, the FBI hasn’t made any move to give any of those items back yet, because they are critical to national security (of course).
“There are still a handful of competitive deals in the market. No one really knows how bad it will get, so we want people to act now.”
Just wondering how they could supply only solar 24/7.
Absolutely spot on Cassie. As I’ve said before the Democratic party is a bigger threat to Australia and Australians than Putin ever will be. So much of the neo Marxist poison infecting us has come out of the US.
Amused by this:
Watch: CNN Caught Color-Shifting Biden’s Hell-Red Rant Mid-Speech (3 Sep)
When even CNN thinks Joe looks too much like Satan marshaling his armies you know that things are getting a tad out of control.
No wonder the FBI rifled Melanie’s wardrobe.
What happened, did Jill want to play Who Wore it Better?
Sports Founder Dave Portnoy: “Our President Looked Like F**king Hitler and Anyone Who Says Otherwise is Full of Sh*t!” (VIDEO)
Tucker Carlson: Joe Biden really has crossed over into a dangerous place
Fox News host Tucker Carlson said President Biden is targeting Republican voters instead of unifying the country as he promised on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’ #foxnews #tucker #tuckercarlsontonight
The Grauniad’s view of the Jobson Skills Summit:
The event derided by the opposition leader as a union talkfest was a success – attended by business bosses who agreed policymaking was about solutions, not fights
Shorter, the Summit was about applying glitter to the Union stitch up turd.
The AFR View
Business cannot allow this terrible idea to be revived
The FinRev being correct on business and the economy for once.
Dover are you still on discord?
Leak’s cartoon on literacy is spot on.
The culprit is primary education.
Kids are coming through with totally confused spelling skills, without punctuation or even the ability to use capital letters.
My wife showed me work from year 7 students and it was appalling. She lamented that some of the kids are quite bright but their written skills will ruin further studies.
Primary education is little more than extended childcare and devoid of the discipline needed to attain knowledge.
Any mention of this at the Summit?
Not while the teachers union are more concerned with childcare than caring for the child.
Australian of the Year, Dylan Alcott, and every single state and territory leader as only about the unions.
Dylan could teach them how to tune a musical vibrator with your phone.
Dan Scavino Jr. @DanScavino
Time and money.
I’d like to see it done in January.
Also note the ABCess posted that story under “Science”.
It’s not the first time in our recent history that an ideology has attempted to produce a ‘Helot Class’ through education standards.
Beevor outlines it well in some of his histories.
biden’s incompetent handlers and speech writers are no doubt diversity hires. what the hell were they thinking?
Wow, its almost like
1) them people who said you cant hide from it were right
2) the vaxxines dont work
Not making Teh Paywallian moderators work too hard today,
Will not be appearing in print any time soon.
we used to have real grades. these days they get at, above or below expected level. what the hell does that even mean. There is no incentive to achieve, other than to be mediocre.
the teachers are too busy teaching about global warming, abo dreamtime and drag queen library hour.
everything the left touches turns to shit
A major truth.
Functional English gets lost in the excitement over coding, 3D printing, and STEM. Universities and colleges cover up for the language dysfunction (hello multiple choice assessment and ESL-moderated group assignments) – and Bingo: stuttering, semi-educated babel.
No wonder citizens emerging can’t get their pronouns correct…
September 2, 2022 at 11:49 pm
US Army Grounds Entire Fleet Of Chinook Helicopters After Reports Of “Engine Fires”
Believe it or not, half the USAAC P-47’s in Europe were grounded at one stage due to engine failures. Turns out one of the engine plants was doing a shit job of cleaning castings.
Grounding aircraft until you get to the bottom of a problem, even in wartime, isn’t unprecedented.
See also the RAAF Beauforts, grounded after a series of mysterious crashes. Dismantling one revealed that exhaust gases were being sucked into the cabin heating system, causing Carbon Monoxide poisoning.
the american hostage situation
stockholm syndrome is not a basis for government
Biden Declares War on Those Who Want to Make America Great Again
Quite right! … we didnt buy them all those rubber bullets, bearcats, battons and ninja suits for nothing!
Incidentally the Gotterdammerung stuff from Biden I think means they’re going to steal the mid terms and dare the right to do anything about it. This will be called “safeguarding democracy”.
How did Stutch and the kidz allow that to go to press?
philadelphia brandon and the template of doom
No doubt they will try to steal the mid terms. And I wouldn’t put anything past them.
Said every revolutionary leader ever, once he had the reins of power.
Also, said every dictator ever facing a revolution.
(h/t Power Line)
September 3, 2022 at 6:15 am
PedoHilter trending on twitter.
Creepy Joe’s Nuremberg Rally not being well received (except by the petty fascist m0nty-fas of this world)?
It is moist in D-Town this morning. A heap of wet stuff overnight.
As soon as the Sun comes out, it’s going to be steeenking. All day.
Make black people eat
They already do
biden announces invasion of poland
The Bee can’t keep up with all the satire.
its a lifestyle choice
Remember to post #PedoHitler and #Biden together.
Yesterday, in London, Nigel Farage sat down with the UK Telegraph for a discussion. This is worth listening to. Farage says…”I despise what the Conservatives have done to Britain”
Everything Farage says about the UK Conservatives applies equally to the stupid fucking Liberals in this country. The Conservatives, the Liberals (and the Nationals) and other right of centre parties across the West (the GOP under Trump excepted), whether they are in power or not, are barefaced in their visceral loathing of their electoral base, everyday they spit and they shit on the men and women who vote for them.
It’s time to stop voting for them.
#PedoHitler is reorganising the American Republic into the First American Empire, for security and prosperity.
He’s also the Senate!
Gavin Newsom’s in-laws moved to Florida during pandemic, new report claims
I remarked on this at the tail end of the OOT. Made some jokes too. Brilliant ones. Ones that nobody could resist upticking.
And yet the upticks were, and remain low. Too low. Far too low for work of that quality.
There is only one answer! My freedom upticks were stolen! Stolen, I say!
What else would you have concluded!!!!!
I reported your comment KD and I am not sorry.
She is truly wonderful.
il Donaldo Trumpo
September 3, 2022 at 8:06 am
No wonder the FBI rifled Melanie’s wardrobe.
What happened, did Jill want to play Who Wore it Better?
That’s “Dr Jill” to you, thank you.
Catturd ™ Retweeted
il Donaldo Trumpo
Literacy news, and on the back of Leak’s brilliance as posted by Tom earlier – this is Justin Vallejo from Newscorp:
‘I literally died after reading that.’
If it was a freedom report it would have been stolen anyway.
Exclusive Scene From The Rings Of Power
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
September 3, 2022 at 8:35 am
Incidentally the Gotterdammerung stuff from Biden I think means they’re going to steal the mid terms and dare the right to do anything about it. This will be called “safeguarding democracy”.
Shouldn’t they have “safeguarded” democracy before they “fortified” it?
Wanted to sniff her knickers?
‘Resentful’ Gisele Bündchen walks out on Tom Brady amid ‘trouble’ in marriage
Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen have reportedly had a heated argument amid rumours she is unhapppy he is still playing in the NFL.
(She’s a dream crusher).
He wasn’t alpha enough and didn’t maintain “frame”.
In Tom’s Tucker link above, Tucker rightly points out that the progressive scum currently hovering around the Old Sniffer aren’t very bright. Instead of the likes of Trotsky, who led the Red Army during the Russian Civil War, or Chou En Lai in China, the Rotting Corpse has LGBTQARSE fanatic General Milley, a man who likes dress up, like a tranny, festooning his already rather large girth with copious medals and the dumb arse White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. Trotsky and En Lai were geniuses, Milley and Jean-Pierre…ahem….are not. The left want a revolution, but revolutions always bring upheaval and in the aftermath, you need leaders, military and otherwise, who have the intellect to bring people together. That ain’t gonna happen with the current administration in Washington.
During the Russian Civil War, in the aftermath of the revolution, there were hundreds of thousands of young men and boys, homeless and orphaned. Trotsky enlisted these young men and boys in the Red Army and gave these young males what they so desperately needed….direction, discipline and comradeship. They helped win the war against the Tsarist armies. The current progressive scum, in Washington and elsewhere across the West, rather than encouraging young aimless males to become men, would instead send them off to a drag queen show. That ain’t gonna win any revolution.
If only Tom Brady used the pheromone soap and had a Gorilla mindset.
Jab jab booster…………………………….not me!
Gonzalo Lira
Thought provoking meme.
Wisdom obtained from wise men a long time ago:
‘Doesn’t matter how good she looks. Someone, somewhere is sick of putting up with her shit.’
Lee Harvey Oswald was unavailable for comment.
If I understand this correctly, its the best example of cutting off your nose to spite your face in history. Europe will lose it’s energy because their sanctions will prevent Siemens from repairing the Russian equipment providing it.
Gonzalo Lira
Europe is about to go cold, dark and poor — especially Germany.
No sympathy. It was their own arrogance and ideological blindness.
I doubt very much that the man in the street is on board with this.
Kari Lake @KariLake
Jab jab booster……………………………just how dumb are you??
Under what sort of circumstance would you approve a variant of a shot based on a study of eight mice? Well, for one, it would have to be an emergency. It would also have to be a variant of a therapeutic that already has an impeccable record of safety … you know, like ivermectin. In reality, the more the virus is becoming less of an emergency and the more the original vaccines turn out to be dangerous and ineffective beyond belief, the more the medical and government establishment lowers the standards for additional vaccines, while continuing to declare war on proven therapeutics like ivermectin.
Imagine people dying in the thousands with no treatment, and the establishment refuses to use a broad-spectrum anti-inflammatory that doctors all over the world have witnessed helping restore people’s blood oxygen level during a cytokine storm. No! This cannot be used despite winning a Nobel Prize and being designated as an essential drug because we didn’t have large randomized controlled trials vouching for its efficacy (even though its safety was already established). Well, evidently, RCTs are only for drugs already proven safe, not for gene therapies already proven unsafe. Those can be approved simply based on mice tests for a variant that is not an emergency under anyone’s definition.
After little more than 100 days, their Laura Tingle has worked out Albanese’s MO:
…the summit has reflected an operating style for our (still relatively new) prime minister which does take us back to at least the Howard era.
It’s not about consensus and consultation. It’s about confidence.
1) Get elected saying one thing;
2) Announce contradictory, incoherent mumbo jumbo to stir things up a bit;
3) Sit farting in a puddle of piss for a few months;
4) Perhaps do the ‘something else‘ of least resistance.
An ideal strategy for complex and difficult times.
Leadership at its finest.
Stunning and brave.
They stole the presidency in plain sight last time, which means they now believe they so thoroughly own all the institutions (factcheck – true) that they will do it again and dare the people to do something about it.
Lots of stories about being raised by a single mum in State housing…
Woah. Who let that go to print? Witch-hunt at HQ probably underway.
More likely to wear them.
The FBI has a bit of a history in such things.
Well it did sound better in the original German.
And the winner is…drum roll….
The Red Sermon
And just like that, the meme war was won.
Stupid words have consequences: Biden pumping Emperor Xi’s reelection tyres:
Biden calling Trump, allies ‘threat to democracy’ highlights deep divisions in US
Glorious Third Term for Xi in November.
Positive action on Taiwan secessionists and putting Japan back in its box shortly after…
Never go full Game of Thrones.
Dr F
I suspect that La Tingle’s “almost everyone here ” might not be a completely random sample of the population.
biden’s incompetent handlers and speech writers are no doubt diversity hires. what the hell were they thinking?
They probably never heard of Hitler or the Nazi pageantry or Leni Reifenstahl.
bernadine evaristo won the booker with it.
a university professor and president of the royal society of literature no less
I know The Expose isn’t everyones’ cup of tea, but this article:
is an interesting discussion on a topic which has puzzled me for some time:
1) why are they so desperate to get that COVID shot into you, including people for whom it is not needed or dangerous (healthy, pregnant, already recovered, children etc etc etc) – the answer being that they want the Original Wuhan strain spike in you. This is evidenced by their continuing promotion of the jabs (which target the original strain) long after COVID has mutated.
2) the vaccine program was required to achieve #1 above because the original strain mutated fast and died out well before most people were infected.
2) why are they so desperate to get the original strain spike into you (as opposed to say the delta, omicron etc) – well they posit a number of motives, but one that rings true is that it damages the immune system, leaving you dependent on pharma for your ‘health’ from then on.
Interesting reading.
flyingduk – just read your comment re the variance in batches of the mRNA vaccines. Yes, I have listened (agog!) to Mike Yeodan’s video from Florida (where he had fled in apparent concern for his safety) in which he argues that, from his extensive experience with Pfizer in vaccine production, he cannot believe that there were production flaws in batches. He unequivocally believes it was deliberate.
I am such a stupid ingenue (& at my age!) that I still struggle to believe in such evil. Although, given the cruelty that has been inflicted even here – I can almost believe it. Dr Phillip Altman , another professional who spent a lifetime in pharmaceutical protocol, said in a recent interview that what has happened has “rocked” his world & appalled him. So maybe it is true.
#PedoHitler – great summation of Dictator Dimwit BidenCrap and his DemoCrap Party – God Help America, because FBI/DOJ/CIA/Media/Google/Facebook/Twitter won’t!
This question needs to be asked until a we get a real answer. There is absolutely no reason why we need a bivalent injectable. The original wuhan bioweapon has gone so why are they still determined to inject everyone with its neurotoxic,vaculartoxic and reproductive-toxic spike?
1) Have a look at the Expose article above
2) I presume you have seen Dr Altmans tour de force at Malcolm Roberts recent inquiry?
It’s okay when they do it (the Hun):
What this greedy one-way communist (ie, take yours but you’re not having mine) said:
School age kid. Able to work from home. Apparently requires someone to look after child – for free – while she plays solitaire and revisits the manifesto.
I thought these people could multitask. Definitely not in the New Idea ‘supermum’ category.
Good short thread on Kherson counter-offensive. Bulge vibes.
Just got the Winter gas bill in from AGL .. about double the usual winter amount but considering I have gas heating as well as water & cooking and have had the fire on almost every night for the past quarter this year less than I expected ……
The Poms are just making sure that when they force their own population to eat bugs, the local blacks won’t scream Raaaacist if they can’t digest them as well as whitey!
government medical bugmen have become mere rubber stamps for big pharma
After a lifetime of practicing medicine in bad places (Iraq, Afghanistan, PNG, Indonesia, East Timor) with bad governance, I well and truly believe serious evil exists in the world – something confirmed by my extensive reading of history.
The bridge I have not crossed (in contrast to many others who have had the same epiphany) is whether divinity also exists.
Straya, covering itself in glory against cricketing superpower Zimbabwe in Townsville. After five overs they have steamrolled their way to 2/10.
Finch 5. Sooking ex-captain ponce and cheat, LBW for 1.
Good times.
Duk, the links you posted at 9:58 don’t work – for me at least
Big Serge ??????
The now famous Rybar map shows a corridor that became a kill zone. The Ukrainians came nowhere near reaching any kind of meaningful operational objective. (2)
Good short thread on Kherson counter-offensive. Bulge vibes.
That’s the pix I referred to yesterday that MONTY got all excited over cos I didn’t link it .. thanx!
Are Grant and Andy Flower still playing for Zimbabwe?
Bugger. Monday (September 5) is the Labour Day public holiday in the US, so Tucker Carlson is enjoying a long weekend and has pre-recorded his Friday show on a subject unrelated to Biden’s Red Sermon (h/t Feelthebern) delivered during Carlson’s Thursday show.
Dang … copy and pasting the linky text should
Business is FULLY behind the fascist program in Australia. They welcome it wholeheartedly. Govt and Business united against the working families of this nation.
And the AFR knows that well.
Dear God! .. this gerbil werming will kill me! yesterday, Fairfield, NSW it got up to 27C .. this morning it’s back down to 9c and raining …..!
Hasn’t the world changed in the last couple of years – people are now aware what fascism is (‘Fascism is best described as a marriage between the corporation and the state’ – Mussolini) and are openly seeing it in Australia.
Apologies to whoever I pinched this one off, on the Hun website, but “This snout wants a bigger trough.”
Biden’s handlers have not failed, for the intention in the speech and the staging was to intimidate – not for nothing was it all redolent of past furies. If mockery can overcome terror then we’ll and good although experience shows otherwise.
The above statement may bear absolutely no resemblance to reality, even coincidentally.
How could anyone tell?
*Paul “is wrong, again” Kelly
Yesterday I posted something that Piers Akerman wrote about Bill Shorten.
Now down the local library looking for a DVD to watch on this cold, windswept day and up pops ‘Beaconsfield’. Of course a retelling of the miners who survived after a harrowing ordeal.
It’s where Shorten rose to national prominence and a gushing forth of media adulation was released. Let’s revisit.
When Scummo decided to shut down the Australian economy in 2020 and then spent Billions on life support to cover this catastrophe , Business soon came to realise that being part of the State was their best path forward. Our economy is that precarious.
Hence the moniker, “the Aardvark of Beaconsfield”.
From the Comments
My favorite quote from the response s to the disaster last night was
“Can we get a copy of Biden’s Speech in the Original German”
Hundreds of billions, thanks Makka.
*Worst prime minister ever, with daylight second.
And this
It’s like Bloomberg publication had stars in its loving eyes
Birdsville races given the hook due to rain
Happy ending, wherefore art thou?
Peanuthead, 52, has rarely left the spotlight since. Thirteen years later, helped by a combination of political intuition, prodigious networking and hard work, he’s on the cusp of leading his left-leaning labore party to victory in Saturday’s election and potentially ending Australia’s decade-long era of political chaos.
Thanks Blackball, that’s some quality j’ism, right there.
Black Ball- politics is show biz for ugly people and the foul little Shorten is the perfect example. Never forget Clean Event or Chiquita Mushrooms either.
Flying everywhere by private jet – that’s the mark of “The big end of town.?
Yes rabz and miltonf tis a foul creature that Maribyrnong vomited up.
Flying everywhere by private jet – that’s the mark of “The big end of town.?
takes a PRAT to know a PRATT .. LOL!
the intention in the speech and the staging was to intimidate
that’s exactly right- grotesque old parasite. Americans should be very very pissed off.
Pratt Jr looks pretty comfortable with big government.
As I’ve remarked in the past, Shorten had all the appeal of a fart in a lift.
It’s taken me a while to realise it, but in Mussolini’s ‘marriage between the corporation and the state’, the state is the junior partner.
Shorten has all the appeal of a fart in a lift I mean.
After all, the nasty little BA LLB (up the workers mate! we love ostrya), is ‘inspired’ by the old thief currently polluting the White House.
Any normal person would have regarded Teats’ using the mine disaster to boost his own ugly profile as cynical opportunism at its worst, reflecting some serious defects in character.
But no, labore tried to foist the loathsome piece of excrement on this country as PM not once, but twice.
Thank goodness he had that irredeemable imbecile and equally loathsome vindictive mediocrity bonehead Bowen at his back.
There are few creatures on this planet that I detest more than labore politicians. If they were all to die in a regrettable slow motion train wreck tomorrow, I would be with Champagne. Lots and lots of it.
PeanutHead was another scripted Liar leader (hello Bob) but failed final casting. Against Lord Waffleworth- go figure.
Pleasing to see you lot lose your minds over Biden’s entirely factual speech. Don’t like it up em, sah!
BTW, Big Serge is a good follow if you’re a history buff.
Yes it’s hard to believe that it’s possible to be worse than Trumble-Hunt-Scomo etc etc but yes it is possible.
loathsome vindictive mediocrity bonehead
yes they are and it’s a requirement to go into politics. If your are not you are frozen out or even imprisoned. Ask Pauline.
Do tell us mUttley, what exactly is a “MAGA Republican”?
Talk about inventing a caricature.
Factual speech, FFS. You really are an idiot.
Surely people are not casting nasturtiums on Josh Fraudenberg’s undoubted talents?