The UK is in financial trouble, joh. A bit like Victoria, local councils aren’t getting the funding to fix potholes…
The UK is in financial trouble, joh. A bit like Victoria, local councils aren’t getting the funding to fix potholes…
Thank you Will. I didn’t know where to start looking. If Trump says we are exporting aluminium, for example, “below…
I suspect just about all the lefty judges who’ve been spraying out injunctions lately are dirty. That is an opportunity…
If only Putin knew…
Putin’s Chechen ally Roman Kadyrov has reportedly posted on his Telegram channel that Putin may not be aware of the “real situation on the ground” in Ukraine.
That’s just CIA/globohomo/Nazi Jewlenskyyist black propaganda!
Wasn’t a compulsory scheme floated in Ireland recently?
Not sure how far they got with it though.
Not any more, Putin booted Moscow Times a few months ago.
It’s now based in Amsterdam.
Kadyrov is a feral bogan. Btw it’s been reported that 3 to 7 thousand Chechens have been sent to Moscow for internal security duty.
Putin on the brink: Thousands of Chechen fighters sent to Moscow as coup fears grow (Express, 12 Sep)
Saw the story this morning. I have no idea whether this is remotely true or not, but tea-leaf reading is always fun.
Sooooooo it all comes down to who/where/what you read on Ukraine/Russia .. if all is doom & gloom for Vlad how does this snippet fit into the pix .. FFS!
tony d
2 hours ago
todays news
Huge Ukrainian ammunition stockpile destroyed –
Attack has eliminated 45,000 tons of ammunition in southern Ukraine, Russian forces have taken out a large ammunition depot in southern Ukraine as they continue to conduct “high-precision strikes” on Kiev’s forces, the attack eliminated a depot storing 45,000 tons of ammunition near the town of Voznesensk in Nikolaev region. The statement also claimed Kiev’s losses as “more than 300 Ukrainian service members killedd and up to 1,000 wounded” in the last 24 hours in this area.
you first, Aimee Mcveigh. I’m sure you have a nice little abode somewhere in Brisbane that will accommodate a few harmless waifs.
Doesn’t pass the sniff test. Russia has always had superiority in the air and in long range missiles. So why would the Ukrainians put 45,000 tonnes of ammunition in one place? They wouldn’t: they’d disperse it widely.
Might be another ammonium nitrate fertilizer explosion though. There’ve been several when silos and stockpiles have been hit. Makes for quite a bang.
Questions for QCOSS:
1/. Will QCOSS be covering the increase in my home insurance premiums?
2/. How will QCOSS guarantee that china figurines of considerable sentimental value left to me by Gran will not be smashed?
3/. What times will the QCOSS staff be attending my house to clean the toilet & bathroom basin?
4/. Who will arrange the pest/lice control treatments?
5/. How will QCOSS guarantee that my collection of rare stamps & coins will not ‘disappear’?
& lotsa similar questions.
A blind man walks into a bar. He sits and asks for a drink. When served he asks the bartender if she wants to hear a blonde joke?
The bartender tells him that she is blonde and the bouncer is blonde and the biker sitting next to him is blonde, if he is OK with that he can tell his joke.
He says no, I don’t want to have to explain it 3 times.
Scroll if you are not in the mood for a rambling rave.
“Fan-baiting” is a form of marketing used by producers, film studios, and actors, with the intent of exciting artificial controversy, garnering publicity, and explaining away the negative reviews of a new and often highly anticipated production. 1/10
It seems true enough. The only point on which I would cavil with the author of the twit is where they refer to studios deliberately triggering outrage from bigots by gender-swapping or race-swapping characters. I suspect very few of the people who get annoyed are bigots. The test would be whether they have a problem with women or non-white characters (the swapping is always away from white males, never to) that wasn’t swapped.
It really seemed to start with that 2016 version of Ghostbusters – an unfunny attempt at a grrl-power reboot. (A handy indicative comparison of the original and the reboot here.) Now, surely creative people such as actors, writers and directors comport themselves to be ought to be able create a new character reflecting whatever cocktail of physical traits they want. But they don’t. They take established ones and butcher them.
Why does this matter? Let’s take a simple example. There are lots of movies about comics so let’s take Superman. Superman is a long established character. It has fans who have followed the comics for decades, building up a history inside the readers’ heads. They have a whole lot of lore worked out, know his strengths and his weaknesses, the things he has done, and the things he was forced to do. Even if you are not one who reads the comics but only watches movies his character is still clear in your mind.
Now someone comes along and tells you it is they are changing it to a black lesbian whale, and if you object ‘it is because you is a bigot’.
But is it bigotry? They are planning on uprooting and tossing onto the fire something that people have a profound connection to. And even beyond the stories there are other kinds of connections based on personal experiences – maybe the Superman story was a place to escape to at some miserable point in your life. Perhaps it was something you discovered when you were 10 years old and you have spent years gathering up all the clues and details that enriches the experience. Or maybe you are a nerd and talk about comics with other nerds.
But someone comes along and says it is bad and it should be different. You should not have it. It is being taken from you because you are bad, and it will be given to someone who deserves it. And when that is done all the old connections and experiences are being cut, but the new version will have none of those. It will be flat and cookie cutter, without any of the rich background. Worse, it will be coopted to push a political agenda.
Now, like I say, they could have simply left Superman alone. They could have ignored it. They could have created a new superhero rug-munching melanin-enriched cetacean. It does not matter that it has no history because when the original Superman was re-made it was cut off from its history too. But the important thing for these people is not just gifting some intersectional demographic with a hero. It is vitally important that they take something from traditional fans – whom they will have divined to be comprised entirely of straight white men, but actually is not.
If you really liked Lord of the Rings you will have understood it they way Tolkien told it. He meant it to be a myth for the English. Like a Norse saga it would be…white. It would have heroic men, and brave chaste women. The evil was also male. And white. Now Amazon apparently does not get this, thinking that everything must conform with now. But if you did a movie about the ancient Britons would you have to include black people, or have female warrior chieftains? Well, it would be stupid, because they did not exist then. The fact that we now have more racial diversity and opened up roles to women does not change that. It is the same sort of thing with Lord of the Rings.
Game of Thrones managed to get the diversity quota, but it made sense. The story deliberately encompassed bitter and frigid realms (where everyone was white) and hot areas under a blazing sun, and where the people were black. That works.
But they weren’t fan-baiting.
Question for QCOSS:
When more than Five people are sharing ‘facilities’ (that’s a fancy word for dunny & shower) in a commercial arrangement (i.e. renting) there is a requirement for a 63-page Fire Safety Management Plan, + lotsa lotsa smoke detectors, signs, hallways to be clear of impediments, etc.
Will QCOSS be covering these costs?
Last one from me.
Why did the blonde sit on the newspaper?
She thought she could lip read.
“Ok, I’ll give you 72 guesses as to what mine are!”
Word processors and Karens like two halves of a plutonium bomb.
Never let one near the other.
Rockdoctor at 11:52
Saw a prime example of that today driving into town.
About a dozen Power Distribution Company utes parked in the carpark opposite the cafe, but no sign of any line-work going on.
On the way back it all became clear.
A sea of fluoro lineworkers sitting around the cafe, and Jim’s Test ‘n Tag going from one ute to the next.
No doubt Jim was told to take his time.
We’ve got blokes who we put in an EWP bucket to work on HV and LV distribution lines but they can’t test and tag their own gear?
Just read Elbow justifying the public holiday and dismissing the problems of small business having to pay the wages , cancelled surgery etc . NFI !!! And they are predicting a second term .
After decades of withholding statistics on socioeconomic differences between Jews of Ashkenazi or European origins, and those of Mizrahi or North Africa and Middle Eastern origin, Israel’s national statistical bureau decided last month to begin publishing data that is expected to shed light on one of the most politically charged divisions in Israeli society.
It will become possible to learn far more than is currently known about the average differences in wealth, education and other factors between Ashkenazi and Mizrahi Jews.
This is a very good illustration how data and, in this case, quite accurate data, was misinterpreted and in saying this -with a confidence level of 99.999994%. I can’t recall who it was here that reported this Alex Berenson’s conclusion as a certainty, but I suspect it was one of the Bobbsey twins (Hallward or Uncle Fester). In any event it’s turned out to be bullshit. It would have taken a few minutes examining historical data to see why.
Alex B looked at New Zealand’s birth data and saw a fall, occurring in a latter part of the last year. Berenson being Berenson immediately took that to mean the vax was causing a birth-rate decline. Again, there was zero tension in terms of the data being accurate.
A German dude, by the name of Andreas Backhaus looked at the data and went back historically and found there was a seasonal fall in the birth-rate in the part of the year that Alex B had examined and assumed the vax caused the decline.
Lesson, never accept bullshit from untrustworthy sources as they’re pushing ideology.
See the exchange here:
ZK2A no amount of special forces training would prepare anyone for the Munster’s basement. Also remember JC is the only person to go to lunch with the munster and lived. Imagine the size of the steak JC had to buy him to satisfy the hunger. Nobody gets that fat holding back. I’m surprised munty didn’t take JC home for a snack.
Mother Lodesays:
September 13, 2022 at 1:02 pm
Very good comment ML.
One pedant’s correction:
But if you did a movie about the ancient Britons would you have to include black people, or have female warrior chieftains? Well, it would be stupid, because they did not exist then.
Something for the cartographer/geologist set.
This video covers mainly the Younger Dryas and the carving of the Badlands in the North West US.
No other distinguishing features?
Police didn’t have the location of that stop, but that’s where the woman said the man took her to the end of the platform and r@ped her. She was taken to a hospital for treatment.
The suspect is said to have a scar on his forehead. Police released a sketch of him (above). Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS.
QCOSS is this morning asking for people with spare rooms to offer them to the homeless.
There’ll be a queue here.
Whites in America -doing their best to ruin the country.
They closed all the nut houses across the English speaking world and threw the nutters out on the “community” as a big F you to ordinary people and a budgetary saving.
That’s your “homeless” problem. People who previously would be in residential care are now sleeping on the streets, selling their bodies and self medicating with street drugs.
Thanks, do gooders and economic rationalists.
more in the comments about the white thug.
Oh shit, there are black helicopters circling. Gotta go.
The newly-elected head of the American Library Association (ALA) — a self-described “Marxist lesbian” named Emily Drabinski — said she rose through the ranks the old-school way, from “looseleaf legal filer to library director.” But her mission is deadly serious.
“So many of us find ourselves at the ends of our worlds,” Drabinski said during her campaign to become ALA president. “The consequences of decades of unchecked climate change, class war, white supremacy, and imperialism have led us here. If we want a world that includes public goods like the library, we must organize our collective power and wield it. The American Library Association offers us a set of tools that can harness our energies and build those capacities.”
The influential Chicago-based Fobazi Ettarh, 32, who was most recently a librarian at Rutgers, is another example of what many call a modern “radical librarian.” Ettarh, who is also an educator and writer, says she represents “librarianship, education, activism, and all the intersections in between.”
The ALA first began getting major funding in the late 1990s from the Bill and Melinda Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society among other progressive organizations. At its most recent conference, panels included subjects such as “Addressing Critical Race Theory Challenges in Your Library” and “Inspiring the Next Generation to Champion Social Justice through Speech and Debate.”
Druggies on the roads:
“In Operation Fume we did over 12,000 drug tests in 2 days and got 485 positive, we did over 32,000 alcohol tests and got 145 positive. It‘s a social challenge about drugs in our community as well as on the road,’’ said Assistant Commissioner Brett McFadden, head of the NSW Highway Patrol Unit said yesterday.
Daily Tele
As a point of interest what would be the comparative whole of life cost of solar + batteries vs hybrid (S+B + diesel) vs nuke vs 100 % diesel over 60 years (life of small nuke) rough rule of thumb?
Do you think the technology would ever be able to be scaled down to power a homestead complex or ahem dare I say it a train, truck or car?
True enough – although I had in mind pre-Roman.
Just that was where my mind was, not that anyone should have been able to guess that.
September 13, 2022 at 1:39 pm
The newly-elected head of the American Library Association (ALA) — a self-described “Marxist lesbian” named Emily Drabinski — said she rose through the ranks the old-school way, from “looseleaf legal filer to library director.” But her mission is deadly serious.
I have a Librarian qualification and I always made sure there was a full copy of Tintin’s series in the place. But this is just another example of the great march. These people are communists and they have got where they are because conservative leaders like little johnnie and every LNP leader since M
Menzies have been derelict.
10 ordinary everyday Australian celebrities to attend Queen’s funeral.
VAIDS – COVID-19 vaccines update 58
More evidence of vaccine negative effectiveness and mounting evidence of infection complications seen in vaccinated individuals. Most importantly, we summarise the author’s 5 ways how to help protect the immune system of patients to minimize risks.
That explains a lot about your personality, cohenite.
…same as kamala
What is good in life, cohenite the librarian?
“To see discarded books returned to their shelves according to the Dewey Decimal System.”
That explains a lot about your personality, cohenite.
Please elaborate dickless with every nuance of your cankered little mind.
New OT incoming.
Comedy – you’re doing it wrong
It was inevitable that cohenite, who acts online like he is a rough street-fighting hoodlum, was actually a mild-mannered librarian. What a poltroon.
To see discarded books returned to their shelves according to the Dewey Decimal System
Some say that order is anathema to the commie mentality. It is in the sense of an order which exists independent of the control of the commie, like democracy. Of course, the commie loves, as a dog loves its vomit, order which is controlled by them. That is no order at all but chaos. I enjoy cataloguing commies. You would fit into the 150s, deviant psychology, or perhaps 571, abnormal physiology.
Scientists from Harvard & Johns Hopkins Found Covid-19 Vaccines 98 Times Worse Than the Virus
1K Athletes have Died of ‘Sudden Death’ Since 1966, But 673 of them Since 2021
This is weird. Any ideas?
(WATCH) Is something major going to happen on September 24th?
They Fired Hundreds of Unvaxxed Nurses in Minnesota, and Now Thousands Are Going on Strike
Helen – RTGs are already in wide use for things like remote lighthouses. The Chinese are also about to launch a 1000 kW nuclear power plant into orbit. That would be similar in power to a large truck engine, and would be more than any remote homestead would need.
China’s mysterious space nuclear reactor allegedly can power 10 International Space Stations (2 Sep)
So a small enough nuclear power unit is certainly possible. You wouldn’t want to be in a truck powered by one if you had a road accident though.
“Trump Is the Most Towering Political Figure in Living Memory” – Claremont Institute Chair Tomas Klingenstein Delivers Historic Remarks on the Virtues of President Donald Trump
Does anyone else see the irony in this statement?
BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Reads Off List of Trump Allies Targeted, Harassed and Subpoenaed by Biden Regime and Merrick Garland’s DOJ in Ongoing Political Purge (VIDEO)
And then this. We’ve reached the point of quislings reporting to the Gestapo on ordinary people they don’t like.
FBI Turns Up on Doorstep of Trump Supporter Who Wasn’t Even at the US Capitol on January 6
Whistleblowers Reveal FBI Agents Violated Their Own Rules – Smuggled Phones into Secure Rooms – While Raiding President Trump’s Home on Baseless Security Allegations
It was inevitable that cohenite, who acts online like he is a rough street-fighting hoodlum, was actually a mild-mannered librarian. What a poltroon.
Let me translate m0nty-fa’s words.
It was inevitable that m0nty-fa, who supports, but avoids, rough street-fighting hoodlums, was actually an innocuous fantasy footballer. What a poltroon.
Dover Beach is quite right as far as I can see in regards to the Russian ‘retreat’.
Consider the Rzevh Salient – a series of battles that threatened Moscow in ’42 – 43.
The Salient required 29 Divisions to hold it open. Had the Wehrmacht pulled out of this salient, it would have released 22 Divisions for redeployment across the front.
This creation of an Operational reserve would have reduced the pressure on the transport system on the Eastern Front. The Luftwaffe was suffering appalling losses to its Transport fleet while being engaged in North Africa, the Rzevh Salient and the stalled offensives in the south (Fall Blau)
Russia is now doing what needs to be done – creation of an Operational Reserve and not doing what seems to be a good idea on the map. Remember that the Rasputitsa is just around the corner as well.
This is weird. Any ideas?
No idea, but if anything significant and horrible happens on September 24, German politicians are probably guaranteed to get a free lamp post ride.
It was inevitable that cohenite, who acts online like he is a rough street-fighting hoodlum, was actually a mild-mannered librarian. What a poltroon.
Most librarians would be capable of ripping you head off and shoving it up your arse.
I didn’t realise you’d met my wife rickw.
“New Zealanders on Prozac once were worriers”
–Pun Tzu
Controversial SAS veteran Ben Roberts-Smith plans to attend Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral at Westminster Abbey in London next week, following an official invitation from Buckingham Palace to Victoria Cross recipients.
Mr Roberts-Smith — who is awaiting the judgement of his high-profile defamation case against the Nine newspapers over allegations he was falsely portrayed as a war criminal — is set to travel to London later this week to join the commemorations.
Monica Allen, a member of the war veteran’s legal team, confirmed to The Australian that Mr Roberts-Smith intended to travel to Britain along with other VC recipients and guests from Australia.
The Australian understands VC recipients from across the Commonwealth have already been invited by Buckingham Palace to take part in the order of chivalry procession on the day of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral.
He came up behind him like a librarian
“You get them tattooed on your forehead and I might consider using them.”
Indolent says:
September 13, 2022 at 3:36 pm
Now I got it.
This is where MV got his ideas and predictions from.
Ever as reliable as M0nty, only less so.
Calli, an early arrival by 10 days, but a good size all the same, 3.6k 50 cm , another dear little girl.
Why does Monty think cohesive is a librarian, not that there’s anything wrong with that.