Give the title to the Mighty Reds
Give the title to the Mighty Reds
And it is a bit of a stretch to suggest that this was a cunning ploy by the US to…
Woke up this morning to find we have been flooded in. I looked at a cylindrical vase I left empty…
DOGE Uncovers More Than $300M in Loans Given to Children 11 Years Old or Younger During COVID
Report: ICC prosecutor pressured alleged victim to retract claims against him
September 11, 2022 at 12:25 pm
How George Pell won in the High Court on a legal technicality
It’s a gift.
I’m not party to this exchange, but this is exactly what has happened. Putin has handed Russia its greatest strategic defeat, entirely self-inflicted, since 1989. His little military adventure has gained an additional total of about 10% of Ukrainian territory (which peaked in March/April and is falling fast IMO) over seven fucking months. Seven months for such a pitiful return! None of Putin’s cheerleaders predicted this back in February, not in their worst nightmares.
On the negative side:
-Russia lost anywhere from a third to half its deployment (KIA/WIA/POW)
-NATO expands by 800 miles on Russia’s border
-Russia uses and loses its energy leverage over Europe
-Putin is now very much Xi’s junior partner/bitch, better watch the Far East in case the Emperor for Life sees an opportunity!
-Russia’s army is demonstrably garbage, not even a regional power, and would get rolled up by NATO in any hypothetical conflict in a couple of days (ironically, Trump was right – NATO is obsolete, but not for the reasons people usually give)
These are the undeniable fruits of Putin’s labour.
The HCA did not at all state that the VSCA found the original complainant’s evidence reliable or credible. Rather, the HCA said that it ‘may’ be that the majority of VSCA did not err in finding that complainant’s evidence was not discrepant. From this, the majority may indeed have erred, unlike the minority in dissent whose findings of not guilty and of fabrication by the complainant were beyond equivocation.
Indeed. What that absurd piece is saying is that any ruling at appeal that reverses a guilty verdict of a jury is simply ‘getting off on a technicality’ because the only issues addressed at appeal are questions of law. It lumps not meeting the standard of proof with a piece of evidence being incorrectly processed by police or the like. BTW, I don’t want to speak lightly of ‘technicalities’, the entire point of rules of procedure is to avoid tampering, substitution, etc. Not insignificant requirements in and of themselves.
Once the intellectual veneer of Marxist theory is stripped away, the leftist worldview is revealed as essentially a regression to tribalism.
The Tribe of Stupid.
Why even run the case in the first place. Witness testimonies in rape cases are obviously worth nothing. That’s the real legacy of this decision.
What witness?
What witness?
Gez, don’t be getting all technical!
Exposed: The vast pro-Ukrainian ‘bot army’ designed to influence Western policy makers
An investigation has exposed a vast coordinated network online
Researchers at the University of Adelaide have published a landmark paper on the activities of bot accounts on Twitter related to the conflict in Ukraine. These Australian findings are truly staggering – of 5.2 million tweets on the social media network from February 23 to March 8, between 60 to 80% were shared by fake accounts. What’s more, 90% of those posts were pro-Ukraine.
In particular, these accounts pushed the hashtags #IStandWithUkraine, #IStandWithZelenskyy, and #ISupportUkraine, and myths like the ‘Ghost of Kiev’, a fictional Ukrainian fighter pilot who is farcically alleged to have taken down 40 Russian jets within hours of the military operation commencing.
Significant spikes in activity were recorded at key points in the initial stages of the fighting, such as Russia’s capture of Kherson on March 2, and the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant on March 4.
The accounts identified were overwhelmingly English language, leading the researchers to conclude these fake users sought to “drive more disruption in English-speaking countries” and “influence a variety of user groups.” Despite the significant focus on English, Ukrainian bots also employed the Russian language to “cause more disruption” in the country.
The accounts were successful in their objective of stimulating discussions and trends around particular topics, kickstarting and increasing online discussion around a number of subjects, including the question of whether Ukrainians should flee the country. The researchers recorded “significant flows” of information from Ukrainian bots to non-bot accounts.
Wog used to be a pejorative and later a term of endearment.
There could be agreement to revert to the original and avoid term.
September 11, 2022 at 12:54 pm
Why even run the case in the first place. Witness testimonies in rape cases are obviously worth nothing. That’s the real legacy of this decision.
Poor old self-beclowner. It was proved that, on the evidence, it was physically impossible for the offence to have occurred as alleged because Pell would have had to be at two places at the same time.
No-one said that witness testimonies in rape cases are worthless, but an allegation that Pell was in two places at once instantly lacks credibility, and if a jury fails to notice it then their verdict must be overturned.
Now the footy season is almost over does that mean the drop-kick from the couch is going to stop berating one and all or are we to have replays of the last 2yrs?
I made excuses for Riccardo in the beginning but the lack of self control and turning up to make speeches in military gear was the last straw.
Perhaps he should sit this out and focus on his family.
Thanks, Monty. Laughed out loud.
This is a very cool channel (Mars Guy):
(And believe it or not there are Enviro Mongs complaining about the littering of Mars.)
I don’t disagree with this. I’m distinctly uncomfortable with such uses of the uniform, and not super enamoured with other things.
However, I don’t disagree with the fundamental premise of what Riccardo is rallying against.
His methods are a little exetreme (IMHO), but were not the governments dictates, actions and enforcement also extreme? I know who held all the power in this match up. I guess he did what he thought had a chance of overcoming this power imbalance.
For every action, there’s an equal but opposite reaction.
Methods aside, the fundamental disagreement Riccardo had with what was happening, was right.
What the Government did was wrong.
Elite leftist eco loon showing deep deference for the common folk.
Scroll to Charlie.
Disgraceful: Pentagon tells struggling Army soldiers, families to apply for food stamps
The Army’s Financial Readiness Program can help Soldiers fight inflation and manage finances
By Sergeant Major of the Army Michael A. Grinston August 15, 2022
WASHINGTON — With inflation affecting everything from gas prices to groceries to rent, some Soldiers and their families are finding it harder to get by on the budgets they’ve set and used before.
Soldiers of all ranks can seek guidance, assistance, and advice through the Army’s Financial Readiness Program.
The FRP offers a number of online resources, as well as free, credentialed personal financial counselors, to help Soldiers understand the financial landscape and to take ownership of their own personal financial management. Unfortunately, many Soldiers are not aware of these resources.
SNAP is a U.S. government program that provides benefits to eligible low-income individuals and families via an electronic benefits transfer card that can be used like a debit card to purchase eligible food in authorized retail food stores. Service members and their families may be eligible. To determine qualification, visit the SNAP website or call the SNAP information line at 800-221-5689.
Laughing Libertarian
“The guidance points soldiers to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and links them to the federal welfare program’s website.”
–Billions and billions for Biden’s suicidal Green New Deal and Ukraine, no money fo feed our soldiers and families!
The newsreader is so chocked up she can hardly talk about the death of her colleague.
Vaccine victims
RIP Matthew Rodrigopulle, Canadian reporter. Fully vaccinated and dead.
JC, no doubt some find Struth unsettling, yet his opposition to people of the jab tends to be towards those who relentlessly promote the jab. Not that Struth is in any way forgiving of the jabbed, preferring their repentance and conversion.
Farmer Gezsays:
September 11, 2022 at 1:21 pm
Scroll to Charlie.
Mask mandate on planes finally lifts in Australia and more than 90% on my
flight are unmasked. When you give people the choice, and the data, they go mask-free.
But scrolling down did not find Charlie
Go to – more tweets.
Under a cat video
GreyRanga, I turned on the AFL lezzo league this arvo to support the chicks footy, but it’s unwatchable as the AFL has coated it in ALP politics about blackfellah rights for “indigenous round” (as if any abo chicks are allowed to be interested).
The skills are so bad it’s already like watching boys under 10s, so the AFL is going to finance this ratings turkey with rights money from the men’s comp (while channel 7, scared of losing the rights cash cow, relegates it to a secondary channel.) FMD.
False analogy #231. The evidence clearly showed there was zero opportunity in the Pell case. Most rape cases which go to trial do so on the basis that the opportunity existed (ie they spent time together) and even that sexual activity took place, but it was a question of consent.
I would agree if, say, the rape case consisted of the following set of facts.
.1 The complainant and the accused were travelling on a bus in 1991 with 22 other people;
.2 the complainant gets off at stop #56 with her friend.
.3 thirty years later, the complainant says the accused got off and raped her and her mate at the bus-stop.
.4 the complainant’s mate was hit and killed by a speeding breadvan shortly afterwards, so can’t corroborate. Although, when asked by her mother before her death, she said “nafink happened”.
.5 under oath at trial, the 22 other passengers said that the accused never got off the bus, and the driver said the bus usually stopped for about two minutes at that stop.
Try this
Farmer Gezsays:
September 11, 2022 at 1:28 pm
Go to – more tweets.
Under a cat video
Nope – still no success
Why even run the case in the first place. Witness testimonies in rape cases are obviously worth nothing. That’s the real legacy of this decision.
m0nty-fa is too stupid to comprehend that a “witness testimony” that claimed that the rape occurred when the accused could not have been present is quite “obviously worth nothing”. The testimony has to have at least some vague credibility.
Fucking bullshit.
Can you point to one person here who “relentlessly promoted” the jab, as in told people they really should have it?
Everyone here went out of their way to express respect for individual choice.
Except St Ruth and his ever dwindling band of uptickers, who demanded total compliance with the Gospel according to St Ruth.
As St Ruth might say … “Piss off and buy some spanners you worthless piece of human detritus”*
* direct quote.
Farmer Gez says:
September 11, 2022 at 1:35 pm
Try this
The Woman is an Idiot -I watched the Ceremony Live last night and Charlie pulled his pen from his pocket and what Staff Plonker placed the Documents behind the Inkl Stand, so all signing had to stretch over the inkwells – Charlie was correct to say get rid of it
Pondering on the perceived ‘madness’ of Riccardo’s actions over the last couple of years has got me thinking as to why he made once allies so uncomfortable.
It don’t think it’s his premise which upset ‘conservatives’ or the Right. That seems to be roughly aligned. The only thing I can thin’ of is that he disrespected convention and some of our respected institutions.
As a point of discussion, I ask this; how many of those conventions were first disrespected by the Government and how many of our fundamental institutions didn’t disrespect themselves during the event? None that I could see played the role for which we have long held them in regard. Where were the Judges, Lawyers, Courts, Human Rights organisations, Parliaments, etc? Do they deserve the respect they have traditionally been granted?
By the way, unless we are talking about constipation, I think it is “choked up”.
BTW, I don’t want to speak lightly of ‘technicalities’, the entire point of rules of procedure is to avoid tampering, substitution, etc. Not insignificant requirements in and of themselves.
Yet the Victoria Police allowed the complainant to amend even the dates of the allegations, multiple times, when evidence showed that the events could not have occurred on those dates, because of work then underway at the Cathedral.
How was this not tampering or substituting with the evidence? Surely enough of a “technicality” for the case to have been dismissed out of hand, even by the Appeal Court?
Who, exactly ‘relentlessly promoted the jab’?
Not anyone here, including me.
Your attempts to recast objections to the most oot claims regarding the vaccine as promotion are egregious falsehoods, in no way shape or form was anyone ‘promoting the jab’.
If information from one side of the debate is acceptable in a liberal forum, then so ought be information from the other.
There was a contant avalanche of jeering and sneering from various parties here when Victorians, and Melbournians in particular were subject to draconian lock down measures including night and day police and military patrols.
As soon as I was free to leave the country, and went, abuse rained down with my lack of solidarity with the ‘new oppressed’.
The hypocrisy continues to astound.
Monty seems to think there was only one witness in the case against Cardinal Pell, when in fact there were dozens, and that that one witness’s constantly amended tale should be believed, in preference to all others, no matter what.
I’m undersided wether he was at the extreme always or nudged towards it by cronies.
Lingerie NFL. That I could understand.
Gez means this one I think:
Charlie was correct to say get rid of it
That may be true but it’s not a good look.
It’s still the same bloke of the infamous tampon recording. I can’t warm to the bloke as I think he’s a prime dill.
Also I think the goldfish were trying to eat the cat.
They were rather large and hungry looking.
Kharkov: What’s Driving The Latest Military Dynamics & What Might Come Next?
Andrew Korybko 18 hr ago
The reality behind the latest dynamics is more nuanced than Kiev, its Western patrons, and Russia are claiming, which the present analysis will concisely explain. To that end, it’ll identify the lesser-discussed factors driving the most recent on-the-ground developments, prognosticate what might come next, and then share some relevant observations about the Ukrainian Conflict in general.
The US-led Western Mainstream Media (MSM) is ecstatic about the latest military dynamics around Kharkov after Kiev’s forces reportedly recaptured around 1,000 square kilometers (385 square miles) of territory from Russia and its Donbass Allies. That in turn prompted many of Moscow’s opponents to glorify the advancing army on social media and share predictions about its supposedly imminent victory in the latest US-provoked phase of the Ukrainian Conflict that broke out in late February. The reality is more nuanced, however, as the present analysis will concisely explain.
What follows is a bulleted list of points drawing attention to the lesser-discussed factors behind the latest military dynamics:
* Kiev’s Forces Are Entirely Dependent Upon Foreign Military Support
Ukrainian presidential advisor Alexey Arestovich admitted in late March that Russia has “practically destroyed our defence industry”, which means that Kiev’s forces have only been able to keep the conflict going since then due to foreign (US-NATO) military support.
* The US Already Gave Its Proxies $15.2 Billion In Military Aid Since 2021
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said last week that his country’s latest $2.8 billion in military aid to Kiev brings the grand total to $15.2 billion since the Biden Administration came to power, thus proving that the receiving forces are truly US-NATO proxies, especially when considering the preceding point.
* The Kherson Counteroffensive Covered The Kharkov One
The Kharkov counteroffensive quickly followed the failed Kherson one and was thus able to achieve some on-the-ground success (however potentially transient) after the defenders rightly prioritized their limited forces to protect the much more strategically significant southern front.
* Russia Would Rather Retreat Than Pull A Mariupol (For Now)
Unlike Kiev’s forces that illegally militarize residential areas in order to de facto exploit civilians there as human shields exactly as Amnesty International proved last month, Russia would rather retreat than risk collateral civilian and infrastructure damage, at least per its present calculations (which might change).
* Kharkov Might Be Expendable To Russia From A Strategic Perspective
* Russia Might Fully Complete Its Tactical Pullback From Kharkov Region…
* …Or Russia & Its Donbass Allies Might Push Back Against NATO’s Proxy Army
* The Potential Battle of Kharkov Might Prove To Be A Turning Point In The Conflict
* Russia Might Finally Declare The Official Mobilization Of Its Forces
* Swift Success = Game Changer While Stalemate = More Of The Same
* An Asymmetrical Move By Russia Can’t Be Ruled Out
Some general observations will now conclude the analysis:
* The Kharkov Counteroffensive Is Kiev’s Last Hurrah Of The Year (& Maybe Ever)
* Information Warfare From Both Sides Will Inevitably Intensify
* Wishful Thinking Could Snatch Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory
* Both Parties Probably Expect Peace Talks To Resume By Early Next Year
* Neither Side Will Likely Ever Achieve Their Desired Maximalist Outcomes.
* The Grand Strategic Context Proves That Time Is On Russia’s Side
The global systemic transition to multipolarity that was accelerated by the West’s counterproductive anti-Russian sanctions means that time is on Moscow’s side since the EU is facing major economic-political crises that’ll lead to irreversible strategic changes that ultimately work to the Kremlin’s benefit.
Monty, you made your Malmo bed and you ought to lie in it.
PJW made the initial offer to pay only travel costs and accommodation for any journalist to stay in Malmo. (The tweet you were responding to at the link)
You demanded you be funded to do so on exactly that same basis, and went on and on and on but you got called out you snivelled.
I remember getting airfare information for you to Copenhagen, a short taxi ride from Malmo after you whined about the cost of travelling via Stockholm.
Paul Joseph Watson, the UK-based editor of far-right conspiracy website Infowars, has donated $2,000 to one of the hundreds of reporters who took him up on his Twitter offer to pay “any journalist claiming Sweden is safe” to stay in Malmo.
Oops – Link Kharkov: What’s Driving The Latest Military Dynamics & What Might Come Next?
September 11, 2022 at 1:47 pm
Monty seems to think there was only one witness in the case against Cardinal Pell, when in fact there were dozens, and that that one witness’s constantly amended tale should be believed, in preference to all others, no matter what.
That belief is a significant part of the so-called “progressive” religion, at least in Australia.
m0nty-fa claims to be Catholic, but demonstrates by his words that he is “progressive”.
Well, no, Sancho, it is neither bullshit nor fucking bullshit that the jab has been promoted, relentlessly – unless adverting to its benefits is not considered to be promoting it. So I shall leave it at that and would prefer to allow the protagonists free reign, at least to do with issues and less so than to do with personalities.
Old Ozzie 11/9/22 @ 7.45
The article states this is all on Putin.
I disagree – the us put their puppet in the Ukraine.
Kerry, Biden pelsoi and Romney sons directors of busima telling the media what to say.
After Putin called o Bama an idiot for adopting socialism or wishing harm on his people, he had to go .
Putin is a man while the western “leaders” are adolescent , bad mannered cowards.
Putin is laughed at by our media. Our problems are primarily due to our own stupidity.
Why do you pay servants their wages?
Why do you pay servants their wages?
I’ve seen plenty of that attitude overseas and it grates every time.
Rich Indians to anyone serving for example.
No, it isn’t, but I suspect we’ve all done or said things to other people that we regret, particularly when under stress.
Happily, most of us don’t live in a goldfish bowl.
I know what you mean, Louis! *Swoon*
Witness testimonies in rape cases are obviously worth nothing. That’s the real legacy of this decision.
All evidence including testimonies have probative value; sometimes that probative value is negative because it undermines the general case; in which case a witness presumed favourable will be classified as a hostile witness.
I reckon dickless would be a hostile witness.
Stop twisting my words. For the second day.
My comment was about the outward signs of the pandemic. I also mentioned the fallout from the jabs and lockdowns but you conveniently left that out so you could crow about the death of the jabbed. One of whom includes your own son.
Ghoul and sociopath.
Define “man”.
Why are so annoyed at a few dessenting views, Franx.
I often note demorat women are really ugly. Look at this freak.
The great full moon hangs over the Adriatic this morning. The sea, seamless with the sky, is milky pale. The stone pines and cypress stand out darkly against the background.
Off to Montenegro for a day trip.
Farmer Gezsays:
September 11, 2022 at 1:51 pm
Likewise. I think he’s a ‘retarded royal’ because of his ignorant stances on many subjects, particularly the g/warming hoax, I will neither like him nor respect him.
That Wong chap being an arrogant prick
Sounds entrancing Calli.
You and the advent of spring (not Melbourne today though) are increasing my hankering to head off again.
Just have to wait for a certain event before making concrete plans.
“I often note demorat women are really ugly.”
Kathy Hochul. Kabuki theatre school of makeup application.
I often wondered who reads The Conversation. A – fuckwits.
It’s a beautiful part of Europe. Dubrovnik is a bit “Disneyland”, but most of this area is still “unimproved” in the Gold Coast sense.
Hard to wake up to the grinding of my words through a flawed mill of anger and resentment. Wishing and gloating about my death and the deaths of millions a little less so because completely unhinged.
That certain event – hope it all goes well and brings great joy to your heart.
If I don’t get Covid from the milling crowds at the museum yesterday…I never will. Do I think the enjabbening protected me? Nope.
I suspect, regardless of the “novel” tag, my very robust immune system has seen this turkey before and given it the chop.
“How George Pell won in the High Court on a legal technicality”
It’s clear that the repulsive Monty still thinks Pell is guilty, a crime Pell not only did not commit, but a crime Pell could not possibly have committed. But such trivialities do not matter to the repulsive Monty, and it provides an insight into his rather putrid and dim mind. I can forgive someone for being “limited”, what I cannot and will not tolerate is someone who’s happy to see his ideological opponents targeted by the police and judiciary, all because he doesn’t like their politics and someone who’s happy to make excuses for Jew haters, remember how he quaintly decided Jew haters have “legitimate grievances”, and try as he might he’ll never live that one down. I mentioned this morning how we live in an immoral age and the repulsive Monty is proof of that immorality.
Speaking of witnesses, Kathy Sheriff has witnesses, but but, the Victorian police weren’t and aren’t interested in her witnesses.
Oh and I should also add that given his comments above, the repulsive Monty must still believe Lindy Chamberlain is guilty.
The repulsive Monty has no morality.
Europe’s Collective Suicide EXPLAINED
Black Pigeon Speaks
mUnty really sticks his neck out when he ventures beyond fantasy football.
Bother. Just scrolled back.
I should have saved those bullets – the rant has already been discussed.
Quite fitting – I wonder what Prince Phillip would have said – probably something like “Took your bloody time getting here, Old Girl.”
“those who relentlessly promote the jab.”
Nobody here “relentlessly promoted the jab”.
I have a future plan for a trip from Rome to Trieste into Slovenia and then further west then back to Bari via ferry but not in winter, too cold.
Increasingly the way of the Left, aka the new Establishment.
H B Bearsays:
September 11, 2022 at 2:54 pm
mUnty really sticks his neck out when he ventures beyond fantasy football.
m0nty-fa has yet to comprehend his own limitations.
The spiel was that the jab macht frei.
By kid is having a ball in the US. Hasn’t stayed more then week in one place.
There’s nothing wrong with a Sunday stroll around the battlefield bayonetting the wounded.
There was no ‘spiel’ just your creative reinterpretions to suit your own spiteful agenda.
September 11, 2022 at 3:14 pm
what I cannot and will not tolerate is someone who’s happy to see his ideological opponents targeted by the police and judiciary, all because he doesn’t like their politics
Increasingly the way of the Left, aka the new Establishment.
And m0nty-fa is happy to be a running dog lackey of that new reactionary establishment.
I have two photos of Dubrovnik taken on the same day. One in the middle of the day where you couldn’t see the cobblestones for cruise ship passengers.
The other taken from the same spot after dinner where you could have fired a cannon down the street and hit nobody.
That is it.
The thin veneer of ‘caring for and protecting my countrymen’ has worn off.
He wants millions to die to sate his ‘told youse so’ bloodlust.
Got a link for that, you disgusting piece of human detritus?*
The only person who used that phrase was St Ruth.
* A direct quote from St Ruth which has been cleared by the sensor (sic).
In showing how it is possible to establish a tyrannical government in a Westminster system, Dan Andrews and the VIC ALP make Bjelke-Petersen look like a bumbling incompetent.
I think someone’s going to find themselves sadly disappointed.
In fact I’m quite confident of it.
Those of us with reasonable memories will remember claims that 50% of vaccine recipients died in 2021.
The smell must have been terrible.
OldOzzie says:
September 11, 2022 at 1:57 pm
*Russia Might Finally Declare The Official Mobilization Of Its Forces
God forbid, but this is what I fear the most. At the moment, the ‘special military operation’ has been relatively restrained and certainly when compared to a total war scenario. As dangerous as an artillery shell may be, it is child’s play when compared to a thermobaric weapon. Those weapons have been used in Ukraine but only on a very limited scale to date (Azovstal steelworks for example).
Russia probably has the widest inventory of missiles in the world and continues the development of extremely powerful (read destructive) non-nuclear weapons. The Russian strategic rocket forces constitute a significant element of Moscow’s military strategy although thankfully to date, most of the weapons at their disposal haven’t been used. Official mobilisation will almost certainly change that with catastrophic consequences for civilians. And how will the world respond?
* Neither Side Will Likely Ever Achieve Their Desired Maximalist Outcomes
There’s no chance that Russia will let fascists overrun Crimea ……. nor will it allow Kiev to recapture all of Donbass…….though NATO also won’t let Moscow fully demilitarize Ukraine since it’ll keep pumping it full of arms.
a utopian dark age
It was certainly the government’s spiel and it was also amplified by the media everyday through the lockdowns in the second half of ’21.
Old Ozzie:
Ketamine can give really nasty visual hallucinations, but some people use it as a party drug!
No accounting, etc.
Pell was tried and found guilty of an historical assault by a jury of his peers on the evidence put before them.
The judges came in afterwards and said nup, we’re not having that, the jury was wrong.
The obvious consequence, particularly in historical cases with little of the plethora of modern forensic evidence, is to scare off any further prosecutions. Why would you bother, when the HC is just going to say the jury couldn’t possibly have concluded any guilt because the evidence was too weak?
September 11, 2022 at 11:55 am
Thanks ZK2A- that was an exercise in the absurd. Still the guy I voted for got up- I wonder if he’s an independent now.
All the Farkers that I ever voted for never did wot’ they promised me for so Fark them.
What evidence?
The repulsive Monty has no morality.
Or a dick.
Andrews and turtles all the way down held that the jab macht frei.
We’d all be safe. And free to work. And free to meet like-minded people. Free to be with family. And free to gather for prayer. And free to call hotlines.
And yes, it is shocking to see it as having been so. But that was how it was, and those same shadows still loom.
Monty ignores the circumstances, the previous hung jury, the years of poisoning the well prior to the trial, the failure of the prosecution to present a case that made it even possible for the events to have occurred as they claimed.
To reiterate, the jury found Cardinal Pell guilty even though on the facts presented the incident could not have occurred.
And since when have juries been infallible?
Those of us with reasonable memories will remember claims that 50% of vaccine recipients died in 2021.
16% unexplained increase in mortality not good enough for you rosie?
“Ketamine can give really nasty visual hallucinations”
Apparently it can require the removal of your bladder if you pig out too much. That’s just nasty.
Pell was tried and found guilty of an historical assault by a jury of his peers on the evidence put before them.
The key phrase is “on the evidence put before them”. The impartial and incorruptible Vic Stasi didn’t bother to interview many of the key witnesses, and the DPP also avoided them.
Then, after both the trial and appeal were over, the DPP attempted to have the High Court allow a change to the timeline used during the trial and the appeal. If this process does not arouse at least some suspicion, then you are brain dead.
Is it reasonable to assume that m0nty-fa calls his dick his “dead horse”? Because he certainly has been flogging a dead horse for most of today.
As for Ricky, I have watched a fair few of his speeches over the past year or so in the course of watching the cooker feeds. He doesn’t have much of interest to say. He always bangs on at extreme length about his hat theory, which is very boring and leads nowhere. His crowd predictions and estimations are often ridiculous.
He slips open threats of violence against government into his speeches every now and then, but it’s a measure of how much of a joke he is and how little support he has that the feds never do anything about it.
He has been conducting an ongoing battle for leadership of the cooker movement with former pilot Graham Hood. Much talk of who snaffles the collection tins during rallies, claims and counter claims.
I guess now that UAP has been deregistered, he and Clive are on a level.
And since when have juries been infallible?
When public opinion has been thoroughly poisoned by the media and various obsessives, close to the level of contempt of court, what else is to be expected.
The key point to come out of m0nty-fa’s babblings today is that he will never accept that he was wrong, and will never withdraw and apologise for his “rock spider” slur.
What are you blethering about Franx?
What was said here, or what was said elsewhere?
No-one has suggested the Victorian government didn’t switch from lockdowns forever to vaccination will set us free.
We were all here, experiencing it too.
God forgive me for welcoming a a chance of there being an end from being terrorised every time I stepped outside the front door.
Andrews imposed the longest lockdowns in the world, and ended up with probably the most onerous vaccine mandates in the world as well.
Only when Perrottet started easing in NSW did he do so in Victoria.
And he will most likely be validated by Victorians in November.
No he won’t.
Nor will he admit he jibbed and jabbed at srr demanding she match PJW’s $2000 offer until he got held to account and expanded his demands.
Suggestion over on Michael Smith that Megan Sparkles be offered an appropriate title – “Duchess of Windsor”.
When The RNA Won’t Go Away – Long COVID (Case Series)
This ground breaking case reports demonstrate for the first time the evidence for the SARS-COV-2 persistence.
There’s obviously a disagreement about the interpretation of the word ‘promoted’.
1. support or actively encourage (a cause, venture, etc.); further the progress of.
The crime was alleged to have occurred in 1996. This is hardly a year without a ‘plethora of modern forensic evidence’. The second jury found him guilty whereas the first was undecided. The state court of appeal found affirmed only 2-1, where the 2 that did had little to no criminal experience, whereas the dissent, was not only experienced in criminal cases, was a respected expert on matters of evidence. On appeal to the HC, every single justice, 7 in total, agreed unanimously that no one on the evidence presented should be declared guilty in such an instance, and not only this, they said that there was a very real possibility that he was innocent, or to put it another way, that the evidence presented not merely failed to establish guilt, but that it very likely establishes his innocence.
The garment-rendering hysteria that this decision makes all historical cases whatever the circumstantial or eye witness evidence moot is preposterous.
Who, exactly ‘relentlessly promoted the jab’?
Not anyone here, including me.
Getting nicknamed Tokyo Rosie was a complete accident……
Secretions are the least disturbing side effects of consuming G&T it’s the sexual attraction towards road kill.
that’s just some of the short term damage, what’s the long term cost?
Because it was a historical case, there was no forensic evidence. Come on db, don’t come the raw prawn, you know what I was getting at.
It does not make them all moot, but it scares off most of them because circumstantial and eye witness evidence means nothing, and that’s what holds most of them up given most other forms of evidence weren’t gathered at the time of the alleged crimes. You can argue that that’s a good thing for the sake of justice, but that’s a rather extremist position compared to what had gone on before and there would be a lot of justice denied to real victims on the other side of it.
Mater at 1:43.
I think you are giving Bosi a bit of a free pass there.
If his objective was to “create discomfort” or point out failures in institutions, going the full “pedos with red shoes in tunnels” and “you have seven days to repent” and “you have no standing” got him nowhere.
In military terms, how do you reckon his “hearts and minds” campaign went?
The polling in the May election suggests it was a massive failure.
that’s just some of the short term damage, what’s the long term cost?
Exactly! There’s plenty of Mongs giving this whole disgusting and deadly experiment a free pass because the clot shot isn’t killing at the outlandish rate that some claimed.
Rest assured however, it is killing and maiming, what remains to be seen is how many and over what time frame.
Gez, Paul Keating recounted his first meeting with ER II when he was Prime Minister. He met her at Sandringham and they were discussing thing into the afternoon when the Queen asked Keating if he wanted a formal sit-down dinner or a barbecue that evening. Keating chose a barbecue and the Queen loaded up the land-rover and they headed off.
Prince Phillip was already at the barbecue site and he cooked the meals then excused himself and went off back to the house. After the Queen and Keating had finished their dinner, she loaded the plates, cutlery, etc. back into the land rover and she drove them back to the house.
When they arrived back at the house it was late and all the household staff had retired for the night. The Queen unloaded the gear and took it into the kitchen and asked Keating if he preferred washing up or drying the dishes. This surprised Keating so he said he’d dry the dishes and the Queen was scrubbing them in the sink. Keating said that he’d always have this memory of ER II up to her elbows in suds in the kitchen sink.
I can’t see Charlie ever behaving that way.
Saying the vax has its place isn’t the same wanting to make it mandatory, rickw
September 11, 2022 at 3:34 pm
The obvious consequence, particularly in historical cases with little of the plethora of modern forensic evidence, is to scare off any further prosecutions. Why would you bother, when the HC is just going to say the jury couldn’t possibly have concluded any guilt because the evidence was too weak?
Poor old mental defective. Can’t tell the difference between a single instance and a universal principle.
It’s been explained at length why in this case the evidence wasn’t just too weak, it showed conclusively that the allegations were physically impossible. The decision thus tells us nothing about cases where the allegations aren’t physically impossible, let alone about all cases which depend on complainant testimony.
But poor old mentally defective m0nty is too stupid to understand any of that.
Correct Rick.
And it was know that it had killed at least a dozen people in this country by late last year. The TGA website admitted as much.
I may have missed the comment, but are folks here aware that a Navada Demonrat politician stabbed to death a Navada journalist who was reporting on demon’s political corruption .
Lack of standing is always a problem.
Err, since when is someone inventing a tired nick-name evidence of anything?
monty, you know as much about the rules of evidence as I know about the rules of AFL.
The great defenders of fwee speech now want to cancel someone for saying, “gee, I reckon it shows some benefits in the over 70’s” or “I weighed it up, knowing my own medical history, and made a conscious decision to get the jab”.
Interesting conundrum. If the British Crown has a duty to apologise for colonial era atrocities, do certain African organizations have a similar duty to apologise for post colonial atrocities? Economic Freedom Fighters, with their mantra “Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer?”
Yes, because any deviation from the vaxx bad narrative here is interpreted by the science is settled infallible types as ‘relentless promotion’.
It’s amazing how much some here have in common with those they deign to disdain.
And yes I thought then and still think many Australian older people’s lives were saved because they were vaccinated.
I think I also posted, more that once that I agreed with Matthew Salvi? the Italian politician that over 60s really ought to get vaccinated (though not compelled) between 40 and 60 up to them, under 40 don’t bother.
How dare anybody have a different point of view to you self righteous know-it-all never wrong indignants.
The story was simply implausible. It would be hard to concoct a more unbelievable scenario. Further, most of the eyewitness evidence was exculpatory and went a long way to indicating Pell’s innocence so it hardly ‘meant nothing’.
In view of Today’s Postings
1. Never forget Einstein’s comment: “There is a major difference between intelligence and stupidity; intelligence has its limits.”
on a lighter note
I became confused when I heard the word “Service” used with these agencies:
Internal Revenue ‘Service’
Postal ‘Service’
Telephone ‘Service’
Cable TV ‘Service’
Civil ‘Service’
Municipal, City, & Public ‘Service’
Customer ‘Service’
This is not what I thought ‘Service’ meant. But today, I overheard two farmers talking, and one of them said he had hired a bull to ‘Service’ a few cows.
BAM!!! It all came into focus.
Now I understand what all those agencies are doing to us.
. I’ve learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is a piece of cake.
. If you find yourself feeling useless, remember it took 20 years, trillions of dollars, and four presidents to replace the Taliban with the Taliban.
. I’m responsible for what I say, not what you understand.
. Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it the most never use it.
. My tolerance for idiots is extremely low these days. I used to have some immunity built up, but obviously, there’s a new strain out there.
. It’s not my age that bothers me; it’s the side effects.
. I’m not saying I’m old and worn out, but I make sure I’m nowhere near the curb on trash day.
. As I watch this generation try and rewrite our history, I’m sure of one thing: It will be misspelt and have no punctuation.
. As I’ve gotten older, people think I’ve become lazy. The truth is I’m just being more energy-efficient.
. Turns out that being a “senior” is mostly just googling how to do stuff.
. I want to be 18 again and ruin my life differently. I have new ideas.
. God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then he made the earth round. . . and laughed and laughed and laughed.
. I’m on two diets. I wasn’t getting enough food on one.
. I put my scale in the bathroom corner and that’s where the little liar will stay until it apologises.
. My mind is like an internet browser. At least 19 open tabs, 3 of them are frozen, and I have no clue where the music is coming from.
. Hard to believe I once had a phone attached to a wall, and when it rang, I picked it up without knowing who was calling.
. Apparently RSVPing to a wedding invitation “Maybe next time” isn’t the correct response.
. She says I keep pushing her buttons. If that were true, I would have found mute by now.
. My wife complained that my life revolving around Facebook has destroyed the way we communicate as a family, so I blocked her.
. A recent study has found that women who carry a little extra weight, live longer than the men who mention it.
. There is no such thing as a grouchy old person. The truth is that once you get old, you stop being polite and start being honest.
The HCA was not questioning the evidence but the majority’s considerations of that evidence – whereby the HCA found that bases for specific considerations by the two in the majority were simply ‘not correct’. Now there’s a technicality.
I asked Franx for links, showing what he claimed to be “promotion” of vaxxes.
Truth is, he hasn’t got any.
Sure, go down the Orwellian path of, “well, I take ‘promotion’ in the broadest sense of the word”, but that simply doesn’t cut it.
No-one here tried to induce anyone else to take it.
In fact, the traffic was entirely in the other direction, to the point where people who had so obviously been jabbed denied it to avoid the wrath of Kenn Worth Road Ranger.
Naaa, you think? 🙂
Having a bad day Franx.
The HC only examined the appeal court decision, did they?
Pray tell, why did they say “it was not open to a jury to arrive at a guilty verdict”?
Appeals courts are comprised solely of judges.
No juries.
Which jury do you think the High Court was talking about?
Saying the vax has its place isn’t the same wanting to make it mandatory, rickw
No, it’s absolutely not, but that’s not what was being said either. What was being said was that high vaccination was a pathway out of Dickhead Dan’s brutality.
Same discussion with some Mongs at work. “I freely decided to get vaccinated because I just wanted the lockdowns to end”
September 11, 2022 at 4:13 pm
I may have missed the comment, but are folks here aware that a Navada Demonrat politician stabbed to death a Navada journalist who was reporting on demon’s political corruption .
A Democrat Politician Is Accused Of Killing A Journalist. Reporter Blames Trump
A reporter present at a local press briefing with Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo Thursday sought to blame Trump for the murder of a reporter last week.
A Democrat politician in Nevada is accused of fatally stabbing an investigative journalist last week over a series of stories on official misconduct that likely sank the incumbent-turned-defendant’s summer bid for re-election. The local press, however, found a way to pin the blame on former President Donald Trump.
On Wednesday, police arrested 45-year-old Clark County Administrator Robert Telles over the murder of veteran investigative reporter at the Las Vegas Review-Journal Jeff German, who was stabbed at his home last Friday.
A reporter present at a local press briefing with Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo Thursday sought to indict Trump for the crime.
“Sheriff, you said the murder of a journalist is especially troubling. Now is probably not the time to talk politics,” the unnamed female reporter began.
“So why are we talking politics?” Lombardo interrupted.
The reporter continued with her political question.
“Do you condemn former President Trump’s normalization of violence against journalists?” she asked.
“No, I think this [is] probably inappropriate to speculate on that or opine on that,” Lombardo said. “It needs to be stated and noted that it is troublesome because it is a journalist… When people take it upon themselves to create harm associated with that profession, I think it’s very important that we put all eyes on and address the case appropriately.”
On Thursday, prosecutors revealed a treasure trove of DNA evidence that linked Telles to the stabbing. The county administrator’s arrest came after prosecutors matched shoes and a unique straw hat from neighborhood footage of the crime scene to the local politician. Matching DNA was also apparently found under the victim’s fingernails.
“The DNA is alleged to have been recovered from the hand of the victim, presumably during the time in which he was fighting for his life,” Justice of the Peace Elana Lee Graham said, according to CNN.
“The HCA was not questioning the evidence but the majority’s considerations of that evidence – whereby the HCA found that bases for specific considerations by the two in the majority were simply ‘not correct’. Now there’s a technicality.”
Umm, reading this I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I think I’ll laugh.
You clearly do not know the law.
September 11, 2022 at 4:06 pm
The crime was alleged to have occurred in 1996. This is hardly a year without a ‘plethora of modern forensic evidence’.
Because it was a historical case, there was no forensic evidence. Come on db, don’t come the raw prawn, you know what I was getting at.
Please sir, please sir, I know. It was the Kathy Sherriff/Wee Willy case, wasn’t it? Witnesses available, but ignored by the Vic Stasi, no interest shown by the DPP? That case?
Lots of ‘free passes’ being giving out today, on any number of fronts.
It does not make them all moot, but it scares off most of them because circumstantial and eye witness evidence means nothing, and that’s what holds most of them up given most other forms of evidence weren’t gathered at the time of the alleged crimes. You can argue that that’s a good thing for the sake of justice, but that’s a rather extremist position compared to what had gone on before and there would be a lot of justice denied to real victims on the other side of it.
You’re so stupid dickless. I’ve already explained probative value of evidence. When the prosecution has evidence which has a negative probative value to their case it becomes exculpatory. This was a classic case. The evidence was always exculpatory. And here’s a thought you dickless prick: witnesses lie, embellish and obfuscate.
The Victoristan SC Appeal judgment was a grotesque misapplication of the law. Basically, the majority, both of whom had no criminal history, aggregated a series of improbable events, by adding their estimation of the small chance each event happened: so, 12X5% events became a 60% overall probability of the offence occurring. Not only is this legally reprehensible but it fails basic maths. I guess that’s why you’re attracted to it.
Finally, the trial of Pell is a black joke when Kathy Sherriff is still walking around despite her cogent allegation about tits.
It also bore incredible similarity to a case in the US which was also ultimately discredited, but not before it took a toll on a few innocent men.
I’m going to do that next. I don’t care.
Consider the flip side:
If one reads the Federal Guidelines on vaccination and in particular rules aimed at preventing coercion, and then consider what every single Australian was exposed to and subject to, there is not a single Australian who couldn’t mount a plausible case for having been coerced in getting vaccinated.
I look forward to m0nty-fa’s cogent post about the necessity to amend the various ICAC Acts to remove the “begowned beaks in powdered wigs” who preside over them, and bring a jury system into play. You know it makes sense.
I am glad that db has retreated on the subject of Putin. Hopefully he won’t get strung up like those early critics in Moscow will be.
A question or two about Bosi, some of which got my radar pinging even before he went the full “red shoe pedos in tunnels” routine.
It looks like he left the ADF twenty years ago (probably longer in practical terms because I think he was a reservist for a while).
What has he done since?
It seems to me that his career since consists of being “an author and motivational/leadership speaker”, but the list of testimonials for the latter looks remarkably thin.
Sure, his ADF career might have been solid, but if I am voting for someone like that, I am looking at what he might have done since, and I am not seeing a lot of difference between him and the conga-line of party troughers lining up for their turn.
Look, I’ve seen a few ex military types in the private sector over the journey. Some adapt and thrive. Others simply run on their own self promoted record and think the mantra “leadership – I’ve got it” is the answer to every situation, and they inevitably fail.
I am bracketing him with the latter.
Prove me wrong.
Recently, you found it difficult navigating around what and whom QC’s are. If you require help untangling what KC’s are just holler, Okay. I’m here to help, but you know that.
Sancho, not being a lawyer and therefore not dwelling on any damages that the day may bring, I would take it to mean that the HCA found that it was the VSCA majority who ought to have found against the jury and not that the the HCA itself found against the jury – the appeal to the HCA having been on the basis of contesting the VSCA finding on various grounds.
What’s the comparison. One or maybe two with delusions of grandeur and a granny whose first wish was to see the grandkids that had a side benefit of travel.
Seems disproportional and selective to me.
Cassie, as I understand things it was not the trial that was being appealed at the HCA but the appeal to the VCSA which was being appealed. Thus it was not the evidence at trial which was at issue but the considerations given by the VSCA majority to that evidence which was contested.
Dunno what you are talking about Franx, but if you are saying that the High Court found the Appeal Court majority erred, but it had nothing to do with the jury verdict, that is totally wrong.
They found the appeal court erred, not on a technicality, but on the very foundation of jury trials – the presumption of innocence and the need for guilty verdicts to be beyond reasonable doubt.
That is at the core of their decision. That a guilty verdict wasn’t open to the jury.
Any express or implied criticism of judicial officers (2/3 appeal judges, trial judges, committing magistrate) is the sideshow.
A technicality if you will.
Recently, you found it difficult navigating around what and whom QC’s are. If you require help untangling what KC’s are just holler, Okay. I’m here to help, but you know that.
A typical KC.
Sancho Panzersays:
September 11, 2022 at 5:09 pm
Hey Cronkite, on a slightly more serious note, will current QCs remain under that title to indicate when they were QC’ed or will everyone now swap over to being called KC?
For fucks sake, Franx, why do you think there were submissions to the HC around the timelines of the alleged event?
Why do you think the Vic DPP tried to fiddle with those timelines already admitted in evidence at trial?
This wasn’t about Appeal Court procedurals.
It was about the evidence.
The HC re-examined that critical evidence and said it should have led to an acquittal.
Look, you have clearly bought into the ABC narrative and won’t be moved by direct quotes from the HC judgement.
I will bracket you with m0nty on this one.
Implaccably obtuse.
Splooting – a new word.
Stuthid was splooted earlier today.
Apparently they become KCs.
Why would I try? I’m not his PR Officer.
If you don’t agree with him, don’t vote for him.
If you don’t like him, don’t talk to him.
I don’t support the way he went, but I maintain that it was less extreme than the Government actions which precipitated it.
Sounds like a cross-section of our entire society (especially MBA grads), but please don’t make the assumption that all ex-military are either trained or experienced in administration and leadership. Many did little more than Bob (with the addition of a couple of courses). A lot try to up-sell themselves and leverage off the military ignorance of civilians. Some are very good leaders, others fake it until they make it, and the remainder fail to impress. Everyone needs to make a living and find their place in the world.
If you are trying to get a rise out of me regarding military types, don’t bother. My military career and civilian achievements stand on their own merits. I’ve never conflated the two, but the military did provide me with some transferable skills. People seek me out to work for them, not the other way around.
I’m not so tribal as to give a free pass to any ex-servicemen based purely on their service. Bob would have had an easy run, I dare say. I’ve run into my share in the civilian world, and some are real canutes…but there are an awful lot of canutes in the workforce who’ve never served, too.
SCs will remain as SCs.
I have hardly spoken about Putin. The pressure on him now, though, is to either get on the pot or get off. But on the recent events, I wouldn’t crow too loudly if I were pro-UKR for the reasons I’ve already raised.
Graham Martin is in Hospital:
Who the hell is GRAHAM?
Well Graham is the geezer who got home late one night and Helen his wife, says. “Where the hell have you been?”
Graham replies, “I was getting a tattoo!”
“A tattoo?” She frowned. “What kind of tattoo did you get?”
“I got a hundred dollar note on my privates.” He said proudly.
“What the hell were you thinking?” She said, shaking her head in disgust. “Why on earth would a Chartered Accountant get a hundred dollar note tattooed on his privates?”
“Well, one, I like to watch my money grow.”
“Two, once in a while I like to play with my money.”
“Three, I like how money feels in my hand.”
“And, lastly, instead of you going out shopping, you can stay right here at home and blow a hundred dollars anytime you want.”
Graham is now in The Critical Care Unit, Room 233. No visitors until further notice.
I meant to add.
Another black mark against Bosi for me was a snippet in his bio where he talked about “attracting investment to start up a business which unfortunately failed, but it was a valuable learning experience.”
KD spotted it I think, and may have the precise wording, but that is the gist of it.
To glibly dismiss presiding over the loss of other peoples’ money as a “valuable learning experience” was pretty ordinary in my view, and screams narcissist.
It’s all about meeeee!
They just can’t stop the looting in the US. Horrifying stuff.
Watching Sail GP 3rd round St Tropez after F1 Qualifying Monza
France team second to NZ, but top speed 99.9 Km/Hr
I was taking a tour of the Great Pyramid at Giza, in Egypt, when I stumbled across a secret room. I sneaked away from the tour group to explore the room. I found a dusty lamp and picked it up. When I wiped the dust off, a genie appeared in a puff of smoke.
“For freeing me from my prison, I will grant you a wish. What will it be, master?”
“I want a spectacular job, a job that no man has ever succeeded at or has ever attempted to do.”
“Ka Zam!” exclaimed the genie. “You’re a housewife.”
I did say, some adapt and thrive and others seem to think the spectre of pips on their shoulders or medals on their chest is enough.
It usually isn’t if that is all they offer.
I was talking specifically about Bosi, who seems to be one of those “stuck in khaki” types.
September 11, 2022 at 5:25 pm
They just can’t stop the looting in the US. Horrifying stuff.
Another Brown American but as the Comment says
Damn, that bear was a kind shoplifter taking only two bags. Meanwhile feral animals, calling themselves humans loot, ransack every store in America when they have the chance!
The great defenders of fwee speech now want to cancel someone for saying, “gee, I reckon it shows some benefits in the over 70’s” or “I weighed it up, knowing my own medical history, and made a conscious decision to get the jab”.
No such thing. Rosie was relentless in her promotion of vax and constantly dodges serious questions such as WTF is going on with all these excess deaths. Rosie also promoted vax as a route out of Dickhead Dan’s bastardry. Rosie can of course continue to do this for as long as she likes.
As with some others, the answer to job loss via vaccine mandate was not absolute outrage, but rather something like “you’ll just have to suck it up”. Similarly, the solution to the appalling state of hospitals is not to re-hire all the medicos who got fired for exercising their judgement and free will, but rather to import more compliant third worlder medicos.
This is the Australian way, if you didn’t personally get fucked by government, shrug your shoulders and move on like nothing happened.
Depends on the medal/s, it seems to me. That’s why a lot of ‘gong hunting’ is undertaken. People know it can set you up for the afterlife.
But either way, I’d critique Bosi the same, ex-serviceman or otherwise. I was asked whether his offer to Monty was glib, and I responded that I’m 100% sure it wasn’t based on my knowledge of him. His political judgement can be questioned, but he is an honourable person who keeps his word. He would have fessed up had Monty not run away scared.
People could be pro-jab and anti-mandates. I know I was.
“It was about the evidence.”
Quite so.
“People could be pro-jab and anti-mandates. I know I was.”
As was I.
Ukraine Counterattacks! – Please Remain Calm
Big Serge Sep 10
In the last 72 hours or so, the pro-Russian side of the internet has been sent into an tailspin of panic over a new Ukrainian counteroffensive which is currently being launched in the Kharkov region, with the intention of compromising the Russian army grouping at Izyum. The panic was triggered by claims that Ukraine was advancing unopposed, encircling – or perhaps even capturing – the city of Balakliya – and on the verge of cutting off supply lines to Izyum.
If you will indulge me, I would like to revive a bit of optimism.
My view is fairly simple: Ukraine cannot and will not reach meaningful objectives – what we call “operational depth” – and has in fact thrown much of its carefully crafted premium reserves into a dangerous position. I believe it’s highly likely that these top rate Ukrainian formations are about to be savaged – but this is still an important learning moment for Russia.
Let’s just get straight into it, starting with an overview of the geography of this area, why Izyum is important, and why Ukraine has very poor prospects of reaching meaningful operational objectives.
Izyum: Gateway to the Donbas
A modest city with a prewar population of perhaps 50,000 people, Izyum was always slated to be a focal point in this war, due to its location at a critical intersection. The topography of northeastern Ukraine is dominated by a few critically important features which determine patterns of movement. These include the crucial E40/M03 highway, which connects the metropolis of Kharkov and the urban agglomeration of Slovyansk and Kramatorsk, which are the largest and most important cities in the western Donbas. The region is furthermore shaped by the Severodonetsk River – alternatively called simply the Donets (from which the Donbas, or Donets Basin, draws its name) – which snakes lazily around the plain.
The Donets forms a geographic barrier between the Donbas to the south and the Kharkov region to the north, while the E40/M03 highway forms the main arterial for transit between Kharkov and the urban centers of the western Donbas. Izyum is a strategically crucial city because it is where the highway crosses the river; as an added cherry on top, the Oskil River – a major tributary of the Donets – confluences with the Donets less than five miles to the east of Izyum, meaning the city essentially sits directly on the intersection of all the most important geographic features of the region.
A highly simplified map of the area looks like this:
The panic that set in on the Russian side (on the internet, at least, for there is no evidence that the Russian armed forces panicked) was due to the perception that Ukraine was advancing unopposed towards the east, rapidly approaching Kupyansk and doing… something, to Balakliya. Whether that something is encircling, capturing, or merely screening remains to be determined, as conflicting reports abound at the moment. It is prudent, however, to think about what it means to “advance.” This is a highly contextual question, which depends entirely on the level of resistance being offered and the proximity to operational goals.
Here, we can introduce a notion in military theory that we call “Operational Depth.” Please note, this is not a specific distance – it’s not 20, 50, or 100 km, but it could be any one of those depending on the situation. We’ll define it like this:
Operational Depth refers to the level of advance wherein the attacking force is no longer attacking the enemy’s frontline elements, but is instead directly assailing the enemy’s ability to sustain itself in combat.
What this means in practice is that instead of fighting the enemy’s deployed combat units, the attacking force finds itself directly attacking the enemy’s lines of communication, supply depots, command centers, reserves and assembly points, and all the other facets of the rear area. In short, this is the phase where an offensive is exploited. Rather than simply fighting the enemy’s forces, you begin to destroy his ability to sustain and deploy forces altogether.
Now, there are a few major factors which lead to the inevitable conclusion that Ukraine cannot reach operational depth in this counteroffensive – furthermore, in the absence of such a success, they will be savaged and suffer horrific losses. Let’s run through the issues here.
Izyum: The Non-Salient
In short, the Ukrainian advance has been too slow and lacks a clear path to reach operational objectives. Already, Russia has begun to deploy huge reserves to this theater, and fear is beginning to show among the more operationally aware Ukrainians. One Ukrainian journalist at the front had this to say:
“There is heavy fighting near Kupyansk, worse than Balakleysky. We are taking heavy losses. The enemy is transferring a bunch of reserves by air. The “Wagnerites” have already arrived in the city itself. The sky is filled with aircraft. Hearing about all this, a haunting feeling of an ambush arises in the soul. What if this all really turns out to be a strategic level ambush?”
I do not believe this is an “ambush” per se by the Russian army. The word ambush implies that the Russian forces were already in position, drawing the Ukrainians into a specific maneuver plan where they could be attacked from prepared positions. That’s not what’s happening at all – Russian forces are coming in fresh from reserve and were not pre-deployed to the sector. What the operation reflects instead is Russia’s preference to wage a high-firepower, mobile defense. Frontline positions are, relatively speaking, thinly manned, which powerful mobile reserves are held back. This is a flexible, firefighting approach which allows the Ukrainians to advance into vulnerable positions so that they can be destroyed.
What Happens Now?
It seems probable to me that Ukraine’s advance has reached, or is nearing its culmination, as Russian reserves flood into the area, Russia missile strikes attack the Ukrainian command post in Chuguev, and Russian aviation and artillery begin to lay it on thick. The choice Ukraine now faces is whether to continue to funnel forces into the salient that they have created for themselves – in other words, Ukraine now gets to decide the scale of its losses. According to Ukrainian insider channels, they are currently planning to double down and feed more reserves in, promising a correspondingly larger defeat.
I don’t like to make concrete predictions about dates or casualty numbers. There are far too many unknowns for anyone to actually think they can predict such specifics. But regarding the general trajectory, I am confident predicting that Ukraine’s offensive is nearing the high water mark and will soon become a mass casualty event for the Ukrainian army. It may take a few more days for the situation to stabilize entirely, but that point is rapidly approaching and many of Ukraine’s best units face destruction.
However, I would be remiss if I did not make an appropriate critique of Russia’s conduct of this operation. There are still important lessons to be learned.
Future Conduct of the War
While the actual counteroffensive is turning into a catastrophe for Ukraine, the fact that they were able to launch this operation at all has important implications, specifically in regards to Ukrainian manpower.
Russia has been fighting an economy of force operation that aims to destroy the Ukrainian army through attrition. Ukraine’s ability to launch two counteroffensives (Kherson and Kupyansk-Izyum) suggests two important reasons to modify Russia’s force deployment.
1) The Deficiency of Tripwire Defenses
Many sector’s of Russia’s front are thinly manned, with forces being held in reserve to wage a mobile defense. The actual troops at the front amount to a string of token forces who are there primarily to try to slow the enemy while reserves are brought forward. While holding a mobile reserve is the correct approach given the force deployment that Russia has made, this is problematic because it allows the Ukrainians to make temporary gains.
In an operational sense, this isn’t a catastrophe. Russia has the firepower and mobility to crush these offensives. The problem is that it allows Ukraine to temporarily retake settlements, which exposes the civilians in these areas to reprisal killings, such as occurred in Bucha. In the current example, we can look at Balakliya. In and of itself, these city does not have major operational value, but it does have Russian civilians in it who would be exposed to Ukrainian revenge if the city was temporarily recaptured.
Russia must reconsider its force deployment so that it can more firmly hold settlements at the frontline for the sake of these civilians.
2) Ukrainian Force Generation
Ukraine’s meta-strategy so far is predicated on a two-tier army. The lower tier consists of poorly trained cannon fodder who man defensive belts and slow down the Russian army with their bodies, by forcing an exchange of artillery shells for their lives. This is the army that Russia is attriting at horrific loss ratios in the Donbas. The first tier Ukrainian army are the forces that are being trained and equipped by western handlers. The Ukrainian scheme is to delay Russia by trading their conscript cannon fodder while they assemble the first tier forces for counteroffensives.
Ukraine has demonstrated that, even if they haven’t competently used these first tier forces, they still have the capability to assemble real strike packages with western help, so long as the lower tier army is able to buy time. This calls into question the Russian strategy of attrition, because it means that Russia is attriting soldiers that Ukraine doesn’t care about. It is probably unwise to allow the west to build yet another army in the rear for yet another wave of counteroffensives.
Russia should evaluate ways to deny Ukraine access to its manpower pool and raise its force deployment to that effect. Nikolayev, Dnepropetrovsk, Zhaparozhia, Odessa, and Kharkov must be taken from Ukraine to that end, and the Russian army must become serious about destroying Ukrainian infrastructure and logistics to prevent Ukraine from continuing the buildup of first tier forces in the rear.
Russia continues to attempt to win the war with a light hand – bare minimum force deployment and precision strikes, sparing critical infrastructure. While the defeat of the current counteroffensives demonstrate that it is still well on the path to victory, the mere existence of these counteroffensives suggests that Russia must raise its force deployment – taking advantage of its significant powers of force generation – and deny Ukraine access to its population pools, or else victory may well be slower and more costly than necessary.
She obviously didn’t convince you to take it.
Did you even get a tiny bit closer to taking it because of her influencing skills?
Keep at it.
Keep trying to scapegoat the outfall of this shitshow on one individual, who is not a PM, not a Premier, not a CHO, not a media personality.
You lot* are in danger of going the full Dreyfus on this one (Alfred, not Mark).
* h/t m0nster.
The statement above appears not to have aged well, Cats. 😕
You know Rick, you know nothing about how lockdowns etc affected my family (and I am not going to disclose details), your summation of my position is pretty much a figment of your imagination .
My views re vaccine mandates was no, I only welcomed a vaxxed percentage which I and many others thought would occur without government arm twisting and as for vaccine injuries being bigger than Texas, I don’t see the evidence, yet.
Your and others can continue in your bad faith misrepresentations of my, in fact, inconsequential views, as if they are somehow really, really world changing.
Can we get you to deny Putin thrice before the cock crows?
I don’t think Putinists like you are in a position today to be dictating to their opponents.
People could be pro-jab and anti-mandates. I know I was.
Absolutely. I was perfectly ok with my parents getting the vax. It was their choice and it was probably the right decision for their age group.
Good luck with that.
He’s a scratched vinyl disc, blaring the same banal message (again and again, ad nauseam).
He just keeps putting people off side. I can accept a bit of self righteous outrage (guilty as charged, m’lud) but repeatedly blundering on here and abusing all and sundry is “counter productive”, shall we say.
In the meantime, I remain estranged from my entire family.
We all made some hard decisions.
Those responsible for us having to make them must be held accountable.
Here’s the problem with Struthhead. He cannot understand how it’s possible people can be pro-vax and anti-mandate. His twisted single brain cell can’t compute that possibility. He refers to the vaxed as traitors because that twisted ,deformed, retarded brain cell is unable to figure it out. He thinks everyone who vaxed up did so because they were forced to by the mandate and therefore forewent with the potential of mass disobedience.
However, there was a large group of people in the vax cohort who vaxxed up because they believed it would protect them. There was also a cohort who felt they had no choice or they would lose their job and businesses.
I feel an immense amount of sorrow for Rick and people who were so badly treated.
“If the principle is so important to objectors then they should be willing to pay a price”
It was disappointing to hear a self confessed person of faith say such a thing. Not everyone is enamoured with the church, and this statement could rebound badly. It reminded me of Martin Niemöller’s poem.
LOL, an American Orthodox Christian whose military knowledge consists entirely of having read books about war (like the eponymous hero of that one Denis Leary song), reckons the counter-attack has already failed and Russian victory is already assured. Yeah nah, pull the other one Bubba.
SailGP is the ducks nuts. I love it. Trying to get an invite via KPMG who is now a sponsor when they are in Sydney Feb next year. I have an insider. Hope I can pull it off. Not the munty way though.
I don’t think Putinists like you are in a position today to be dictating to their opponents.
It seems that m0nty-fa has chosen which set of fascists he supports.
The French resistance didn’t comprised just of those blowing up railway trucks. It also included government administrator’s, shop keepers, teachers etc undermining policie.
My wife is so pissed about getting conned into being jabbed but it was the only way she could get to see her dying father.
Keep trying to scapegoat the outfall of this shitshow on one individual
I’m not scapegoating rosie, she’s not responsible for this fucking enormous mess.
However, is it unreasonable that’s she’s challenged for what she actually said?
My wife is so pissed about getting conned into being jabbed but it was the only way she could get to see her dying father.
Disgusting that this happened. Glad she’s still pissed!
I know a bloke who RSVP’d to a wedding invitation with a sympathy card……
A medium-sized business owner I know is furious.
Says the paid day off for his staff will cost him thousands.
your summation of my position is pretty much a figment of your imagination
Or maybe it isn’t….
Mongrels. See what they did?
Coercion. No one should have been forced into making such a decision. I’ve always hated politicians – ever since St Gough was vomited onto us. It’s not as if we didn’t have any reasons to have gifted them with HOP Time well before the CCP gifted the planet with Bat Flu.
The most infuriating aspect of it all is being painted as some sort of barking conspiracy loon – “you’re an anti vaxxer and the WEF is a totally benign collective of economists* who are just committed to the equitable distribution of this planet’s increasingly scarce resources, we tells ya!”.
Never forget, never forgive. 😡
*Of both types.
Yes there was a “Welcome to Country” and “First Nations” dancers..”
Did Monty really have the audacity to imply his superior understanding of military doctrine and tactics. Yes, why yes he did.
The most natural reaction of just about every wage slave in the country will be to take the Friday off as well, thus gifting them two long weekends in a row.
I am not saying I know more than old mate. I am saying I don’t trust his judgement.
Setting aside the Putinist label, I’m not dictating anything. I’ve already said they had a significant win here (and that was yesterday evening before you were even aware anything was going on south of Kharkov), but its full significance is still uncertain.
And I’ll add, that anyone who regularly reads this blog will notice that if anything critical of the vaccines is posted, Rosie is the first one on the keyboard trying to counter or discredit it. It’s laughably predictable, and forms part of my morning entertainment.
I’ll leave arguments over the true definition of ‘promoting’ to the Academics, but it sure as shit smelt/smells like it.
She could easily ignore it under the theory that everyone’s entitled to their opinions, but she doesn’t.
How would someone who supports to less government intrusion be in any way sympathetic to the Whitetrash’s view? I and many others took the vax because we chose and it was a private medical decision.
Stuthid doesn’t realize this could be possible because he operates with the single cell (as I mentioned before). His position is also on the authoritarian side. I couldn’t give a shit if he or anyone else vaxed .
He only cares I did because it upsets his demand we all follow his mass disobedience bullshit.
Furthermore, even if say Rosie was strongly promoting the vax like a demon breaking out of hell’s door, so what? It’s not as though she carries any weight.
Rabz, there’s a strong tinge of authoritarianism that’s developed on this blog. You see it every day. There’s also a great deal of argument from authority. You’ve seen this from quite a few but two that stand out would have to be Hallward and Uncle Fester. These two are quite often wrong on their scientific opinions but their behavior is actually no different to the scumbags that peddle gerbil warming alarmism.
It’s Lysenko on the Right.
Maybe you ought to call it out too sometimes instead of sitting on the fence and pretending everyday is sunny and no showers.
And Stuthid doesn’t do the opposite?
Yeah nah, pull the other one Bubba.
You don’t have one, let alone another one dickless.
Being pissed off with the Andrews regime is now standard practice for businesses that have survived the government jihad against them in the past three years.
Even before Kung Flu, Andrews cost small business millions of dollars in penalties by declaring another public holiday for the AFL grand final, about which none of them was consulted.
Australia is the land of the bludger and it’s amazing that, as federal and state governments pass laws rocketing the cost of electricity (based on the junk science religion of climate doom), an emasculated version of the capitalist free market survives in this antipodean socialist backwater.
Yes there was a “Welcome to Country” and “First Nations” dancers..”
Hopes of a boycott dashed!
Just watching the Old Couple and what a great film.