Open Thread – Tues 4 Oct 2022

Near the Water, Gustave Moreau, 1896

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Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 5, 2022 11:17 pm

What will the “scare event” be ?

The unsealing of indictments?

Whatever it is, I hope it’s in CAPITALS.

October 5, 2022 11:18 pm

Also as low as 33 Mbps and only 2.9 upload

October 5, 2022 11:19 pm

Who knows KD ?

October 5, 2022 11:21 pm

A lot of ducks are in a row…

October 5, 2022 11:21 pm

What a shit day:

My dealer mate managed to pick up all my bang sticks.

Application lodged by manual form. CCP scanner was clipping parts of the page so fuck knows how that will go.

Their list was missing firearms.

The CCP finally got off their arse and went to buy a torque wrench, to find sold out.

The CCP forgot to order epoxy for touching up inside filter vessels.

CCP political officer lost his shit and went to punch client.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Roger that Custard at 11:01.
Will activate Project Orangeman immediately.

You’re using the old codebook.
Current codebook says Project Orangeman is “Punch an Irish Catholic”

You may be thinking of “Operation wilting flower”, which requires you to prepare by toughening up your private parts, lay them on the bench & bang away at them with a 7-lb sledgehammer for a while, that sort of thing.
The mission requires you to penetrate the Pelosi compound & occupy Nance while covert operatives carry out the secret part of the mission.

October 5, 2022 11:23 pm

Is there a log-on oath at the Cat now to tell the truth, the whole truth, etc, etc?


October 5, 2022 11:40 pm

Stories from here, why you always need a knife and fork user up front:

New runway was essentially complete but could not yet be used because some buildings in proximity needed to be demolished.

New runway had big flashing X’s at either end and they had used white geofabric held down by timbers and I beams to create huge X’s along the runway length. There was also a Notam out saying that the new runway was not yet in use.

So what happens?

Indian low cost carrier (A320) lines up and lands on the new runway which results in timbers and I beams flying everywhere and Geofabric tangled up in landing gear. Miraculously the brakes didn’t ignite the geographic and there was no FOD damage or other damage to the aircraft. The runway did however sustain a long and deep gouge when the entangled Geofabric launched an I beam at it.

How did this accident happen?

Pilot: I saw such a big beautiful runway, it looked ok, I couldn’t resist, so I went for it!

October 5, 2022 11:43 pm

PS: Pilot comments are NOT related to anything any Canberra staffer might have said while blind drunk.

October 5, 2022 11:46 pm

…… somebody who believes gays should go to hell …..

There’s no ‘should’, Barrie.

Feel that hatred, and it ain’t coming from Christians.

October 5, 2022 11:49 pm

Mayor Eric Adams is finalizing a deal with the Norwegian Cruise Line to house migrants on one of its massive cruise ships and dock it at Staten Island’s Homeport, The Post has learned.

Adams wants to lease the luxury liner for at least six months and use it to house and process migrants before they enter the city’s shelter system, a source familiar with the matter said Friday.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 6, 2022 12:20 am

Mr Mayor Adams must have rocks in his head.
Compare and contrast to USNS Comfort, deployed to the Hudson for what appeared to be a genuine crisis at the time… because Carlson et al certainly will, and I’m sure the God Emperor will make some modest allusions.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 6, 2022 1:00 am

Wally’s waffles
1. The NRL Welcome to Country was openly boo’ed because it was delivered by a bloke in a suit. Wouldn’t have happened to a woman, a child or someone in white slap and red nappy.
2. Brittanneeyyy Higgins Pty Ltd has constructed a multi-directional stitch-up of an innocent bloke, and done it over a few months through many different forums and actors. Is anyone else baffled by her bruised thigh “from” the bloke’s knee? I just can’t picture how it’s meant to fit- unless the offender is a dwarf. I pray that the jury finds reasonable doubt, puts it down to PFO.

Johnny Rotten
October 6, 2022 1:04 am

I was going into the local shopping centre when a dishevelled beggar jumped in front of me. Beggar: “Any change mate?” Me: “I don’t have any change”. Beggar “C’mon…” Me: I don’t have ANY change”. Beggar: “I can’t accept that”. Me: “Sigh! You can’t accept that? jeez…okay okay, will you take a note?” Beggar: “Sure… that would be great!” he said with a grin. So I took a piece of paper and a pencil out of my briefcase, wrote “I don’t have ANY FUCKING CHANGE!” handed it to the prick, and walked off.

Johnny Rotten
October 6, 2022 1:05 am

If we could just find out who’s in charge, we could kill him.

– George Carlin

Johnny Rotten
October 6, 2022 1:10 am

October 5, 2022 at 11:46 pm
…… somebody who believes gays should go to hell …..

There’s no ‘should’, Barrie.

Feel that hatred, and it ain’t coming from Christians.

Too true and it comes from those followers of Islam…………………And they shag goats and camels…………….FFS

Johnny Rotten
October 6, 2022 1:17 am

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist.

– George Carlin

Johnny Rotten
October 6, 2022 1:20 am

A lawyer boarded an airplane in New Orleans with a box of frozen crabs and asked a blonde stewardess to take care of them for him. She took the box and promised to put it in the crew’s refrigerator. He advised her that he was holding her personally responsible for them staying frozen, mentioning in a very haughty manner that he was a lawyer, and proceeded to rant at her about what would happen if she let them thaw out. Needless to say, she was annoyed by his behaviour. Shortly before landing in New York, she used the intercom to announce to the entire cabin “Would the lawyer who gave me the crabs in New Orleans, please raise your hand”. Not one hand went up… so she took them home and ate them.

October 6, 2022 3:23 am

Cassie of Sydney: 10.33am 5th October 2022:

A brilliant post…you speak for me too.

October 6, 2022 4:01 am

Johannes Leak. Exactly.

October 6, 2022 4:03 am
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Top Ender
Top Ender
October 6, 2022 4:58 am

Thanks Tom – Leak is excellent!

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 6, 2022 5:06 am

Bring jihadi families home at our peril


If, as seems likely, the Albanese government has decided to bring 16 “jihadi brides” and their 42 children to Australia, it has weighed the wellbeing of terrorist sympathisers and their dependants against the safety of the Australian community and concluded a serious risk to people who rejected their country justifies the risk to others and the ongoing expense of bringing them back.

I don’t come to this issue as a mere commentator. I was the prime minister’s chief of staff when Australia took on the war against Islamic State and committed our military. I sat through high-level security briefings (including imagery I will never forget) laying bare the group’s violent depravity and bloodlust in pursuit of a terrorist caliphate.

When we consider bringing these women home, it’s those images I can’t forget or the evidence I heard time and again about the involvement of women and youths in the work of Islamic State. It was women, in many instances, who reached out online and helped radicalise young Westerners to join their cause. It was women who fled their countries to join the death cult and act as the breeders for a new generation of jihadis.

Sure, now they tell us they recant this ideology of hate, but who among us wouldn’t when confronted with life in a Syrian prison camp versus the comfort of the Australian suburbs with housing and welfare payments and healthcare laid on?

That’s certainly the wager the Albanese government is making, hoping that, having tasted life under Islamic State and the other uncompromising regimes of the Middle East, these women will have thought better of their fanaticism and will settle quietly back into Australia.

Maybe some of them will. But bitter experience may not be enough to shake the kind of fervour that drives people to forsake normal life for jihad or to be an accomplice to it. It wasn’t as if they were not aware of the sort of violence Islamic State deployed in its cause before they fled, given the group’s slick and easily available videos of slaughter, is it? Indeed, the high-production values were a powerful tool in Islamic State’s recruitment drive. This week The Australian has run a series of quotes from these women in Syria and almost all profess to have had a change of heart.

Child and adolescent psychologist Clare Rowe says the reintegration of children of Islamic State fighters from Syrian camps is a “complex and difficult issue”.

But past experience shows us a different reality. Of the 25 suspected terrorists and terrorist trainees who returned to Australia from Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban two decades back, 15 subsequently were involved in terrorist activities here and nine were convicted.

Of course, these were former fighters rather than the partners of fighters. And the returning jihadi brides won’t slip immediately back into the community the way their Islamist forebears mostly did, especially if, as is reported, all of them have agreed to submit to control orders. But I wouldn’t want any Australian to think control orders are a panacea. They require judicial approval and that’s not always guaranteed; they’re subject to resourcing constraints and a heavy cost to taxpayers. In the end, even most convicted terrorists end up back on our streets.

Talk, too, that some of these women might actually be charged with terror offences needs to be weighed against the difficulty prosecutors face getting enough evidence, years on, out of a war zone to meet the standard of proof required in an Australian court.

And for all the talk this week that we can just deradicalise Islamic State sympathisers, it’s far from clear any of these deradicalisation programs actually work.

After two recent terrorist attacks in Britain (including the 2019 London Bridge attack by someone who had been through multiple deradicalisation programs) a House of Lords committee looking into them cited a 2018 Home Office evaluation that concluded 95 per cent of them were “ineffective”. Notwithstanding the appointment to British prisons of 22 specially trained imams, supposedly to help terror offenders see the error of their ways, some prisoners, the Lords report said, “simply refused to engage with attempts to turn (them) away from violence”.

In Australia we’ve spent many millions on deradicalisation programs, including $61.7m in February under the Morrison govern­ment, for a range of “countering violence extremism” programs with little in the way of publicly available assessments as to their efficacy. In government, I often asked questions about the millions being paid to community groups, and when I asked “Are we sure these groups are sound and their programs work?”, I got little back in the way of concrete assurances – more like “we hope so”.

Without knowing more about the particular individuals who are to be repatriated, it’s hard to be specific about their exact roles in supporting Islamic State. Yet there’s no doubt that some women have been recruiters for the death cult, acted as decoys for terrorist attacks and in some cases acted themselves as suicide bombers. As well, adolescent boys, the “cubs of the caliphate”, also have been involved in serious terrorism. It’s possible that none of these potential returnees has been much more than an unwitting dupe of their jihadi partner or parents, but without a briefing from the security agencies that have been monitoring their cases we just can’t know.

I am not sure enough of us understand that serious monitoring of a suspected potential terrorist involves upwards of 12 full-time specially trained police and/or intelligence officers, which is why it costs in the region of $2m per individual a year. An ankle bracelet may tell authorities where suspects are but it can’t interdict a potential offence. Given that there are already numbers of seemingly unreformed convicted terrorists soon leaving prison, the former defence minister, now Opposition Leader, Peter Dutton, rightly raised concerns this week that bringing home these jihadi families could gravely overstretch police resources.

But it’s not just the risks to the Australian community should they return. Given the lawlessness of that corner of the Middle East, the rescue mission itself could put Australian personnel at significant risk if reports of earlier would-be hostage-taking of rescue teams are accurate.

If the Albanese government really is convinced that bringing one-time terrorist supporters back from Syria is a humanitarian imperative, why was this not even mentioned during the recent election campaign?

I am not blind to the arguments about the right of Australian citizens to return home and am sympathetic to the cause of the children caught up in this hell that is not of their own making.

But I am hard-line on adults who threw away their chance to live in a country such as Australia and to whatever degree signed on to helping build a terrorist state. The fact they risked their lives to get to the Islamic State heartland is evidence enough for me of the strength of that commitment.

Just because we have been focused on Covid-19 and the great-power belligerence of Russia and China, it’s easy to assume the threat of terrorism has passed. Just because jihadism has dropped from public attention doesn’t mean it has gone away.

The continued radicalisation of young people here in Australia means it’s wrong to assume we can readily cope with more proven Islamic State supporters in our midst, however contrite they may seem.


Peta Credlin AO is a weekly columnist with The Australian. Since 2017, she has hosted her successful prime-time program Credlin on Sky News each weeknight at 6pm. For 16 years, Peta was a policy adviser to Howard government ministers in the portfolios of defence, communications, immigration and foreign affairs.


Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 6, 2022 5:15 am

Thank you Tom, Johannes Leak is certainly on point, as is Lisa Benson’s reminder of the duplicity of the Biden Administration –

October 6, 2022 5:45 am

1. The NRL Welcome to Country was openly boo’ed because it was delivered by a bloke in a suit. Wouldn’t have happened to a woman, a child or someone in white slap and red nappy.

I think he was booed because of how long it went on for.
It wasn’t your typical welcome to country.
It just didn’t stop.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 6, 2022 6:21 am

Why is it called a Rescue Mission?
Are our Social Workers doubling as SAS?

October 6, 2022 6:30 am

Bring jihadi families home at our peril

The risk of having them commit more terrorism has to be balanced against the warm glow of virtue from being forgiving.

Trouble is, the warm inner glowies and those at risk are different ppl. The political/parasite class gets to feel the glow of virtue, while us peasants get to bear the risk.

Johnny Rotten
October 6, 2022 6:30 am

Hello Mr. Flannery. Anymore developments on that no rainfall prediction of yours many years ago. Sydney has already had 2 metres of rainfall this year and the BOM Offices have been flooded several times. Flooded with irate emails about the weather.

Raining again today and the weekend looks wet.

Hope that you are safe and sound on the banks of the Hawkesbury.

Johnny Rotten
October 6, 2022 6:34 am

October 6, 2022 at 6:30 am
Bring jihadi families home at our peril

The risk of having them commit more terrorism has to be balanced against the warm glow of virtue from being forgiving.

Trouble is, the warm inner glowies and those at risk are different ppl. The political/parasite class gets to feel the glow of virtue, while us peasants get to bear the risk.

I would locate them in residences as close as possible to all of those Federal LayBore and Green ‘Pollies’. There. That should give them plenty of inner glows………………….

October 6, 2022 6:41 am

Personally, I cannot tell you how demeaning and isolating it was – and to some degree – still is.

I get it BBS. This has exposed what people truly are.

Anchor What
Anchor What
October 6, 2022 6:42 am

John Hinderaker at Powerline:
“ Human history has largely been a struggle to get enough to eat. Starvation was an ever-present threat, almost everywhere, until very recently. Only in the last century or two has even part of the world learned how to produce an abundant and reliable supply of food. It requires a scientific approach to hybridization, crop rotation, intensive fertilization, pest control, and more. As a result of these modern farming methods, for the first time ever the vast majority of the world’s population is not imminently threatened by starvation.

But that could change. The international “environmentalist” movement is determined to outlaw modern farming practices, ostensibly for the sake of our climate. ”
Read it all.

October 6, 2022 6:44 am

If the Jihadi brides are brought to Australia, will their new husbands (in some cases) also be brought to Australia?
If Dutton wasn’t a potato head he’d be asking these questions in public when in front of the media.
“Who exactly is coming”
The more questions that get asked the more Albo etc have to wonder why they are doing this.

October 6, 2022 6:46 am

Keep in mind this wouldn’t be an issue if Malcolm didn’t derail Abbott’s plan to strip them of citizenship.
Also, this wouldn’t be an issue if Abbott had the backbone to tell Malcolm to fuck off.

October 6, 2022 6:49 am

We need a list of people that get to come back to Australia.
Top of the list is Assange.
Next are the handful of punters in Chinese jails.
The jihadi’s can take a number & go to the back of the line.

October 6, 2022 6:52 am

Also, I can’t believe we haven’t done a deal with the Indo’s by now to have dickhead Aussies serve their sentences in Australia.
Hats off to Israel doing deals all over the world to allow their citizens to serve their sentences in their own country.

Anchor What
Anchor What
October 6, 2022 6:54 am

How much energy did the administration put into propagandising in favour of the vaccines? FOI has coughed up lots of docs to Judicial Watch USA revealing the whole set of initiatives.
via Gateway Pundit

Johnny Rotten
October 6, 2022 6:56 am

Trumps Sues CNN

From Armstrong Economics –

“Former President Trump has filed a defamation lawsuit against CNN. It is of no surprise that the network repeatedly bashed the president before, during, and after his presidency. Trump’s attorney claims the network “has sought to use its massive influence — purportedly as a ‘trusted’ news source — to defame the Plaintiff in the minds of its viewers and readers for the purpose of defeating him politically, culminating in CNN claiming credit for ‘[getting] Trump out’ in the 2020 presidential election.” Trump is seeking $475 million in damages.

Some believe this may be a publicity stunt as defamation suits are notoriously difficult to win. However, we cannot deny that CNN was running a smear campaign against Donald Trump. They reported on the Steele Dossier, Russian collusion, and other completely fake stories as if they were factual. It seemed as if CNN was running a 24/7 channel designed for the purpose of bashing Trump.

Trump’s lawyer also claimed that CNN told their viewers he was a cult leader, associating his likelihood with that of Adolf Hitler. Under this umbrella, the current White House and every other media outlet should be punished for defamation. Joe Biden himself declared MAGA Republicans the biggest threat to democracy, and violence against conservatives has ensued. Let us also not forget how CNN treated Trump during his debates.

This would be a huge step in the right direction for journalism at large if CNN lost. It is unlikely that CNN will completely lose, but they are in the wrong. Journalism has become nothing more than a tool of propaganda that cannot be trusted.”

Johnny Rotten
October 6, 2022 7:03 am

At a national conference of the Australian Hotels Association, the general managers of Cascade Brewery (Tasmania), Toohey’s (New South Wales), XXXX (Queensland), CUB (Victoria) and Coopers (South Australia) found themselves sitting at the same table for lunch.

When the waitress asked what they wanted to drink, the GM of Toohey’s said without hesitation “I’ll have a Toohey’s New”.

The head of Carlton & United smiled and said “Make mine a VB”.

To which the boss of XXXX said “I’ll have a XXXX, the King of Beers”.

And the bloke from Cascade asked for “A Cascade, the cleanest draught on the planet”.

The General Manager of Coopers paused a moment and then placed his order: “I’ll have a Diet Coke”.

The others looked at him as if he had sprouted a new head.

“Well, he said with a shrug, if you Wowsers aren’t drinking beer, then neither will I”.

Johnny Rotten
October 6, 2022 7:04 am

Weather forecast for tonight: dark.

– George Carlin

Cassie of Sydney
October 6, 2022 7:08 am

“Weather forecast for tonight: dark.”

It is for Christians.

October 6, 2022 7:13 am

Today I learned that the uncle of Taylor Lorenz (rich kid sook who works for the Washington Post after the NYT moved her on in early 2022) owns the WayBack Machine.
It looks like internet archive itself is worse than Orwell could have imagined.

Johnny Rotten
October 6, 2022 7:14 am

After checking into the hotel, Father Murphy finds a Bible on the bedside table.

He reads it for a couple of hours and then leaves his room and wanders into the lobby. There he strikes up a conversation with the pretty young receptionist.

After she has finished work, they share a few drinks in the bar and then retire to Father Murphy’s room, but when the priest starts removing her clothes, she begins to have second thoughts.

“Are you sure this is alright?” she asks. “I mean, you are a priest”. “Don’t worry, my dear” he replies “it is written in the Bible”.

She believes him and the two of them spend a very pleasant night together.

But in the morning, as the girl is preparing to leave, she says “You know, Father, I don’t remember that part in the Bible you mentioned last night. Could you show it to me?”

So the priest takes the Bible from the bedside table, opens the cover and points to the bottom of the title page, where someone has written in pencil ‘The girl in reception is a bloody great root!’

October 6, 2022 7:15 am

It answers the question why no one can really say when Taylor Lorenz was born as her uncle’s company has scrubbed the records.

October 6, 2022 7:20 am

So last night we went from this:

JC says:
October 5, 2022 at 8:24 pm
Any evidence to this claim? I’d like to see it because in Victoria no one requires evidence of vaccination for work any longer.

To this:

JC says:
October 5, 2022 at 8:45 pm
FMD, you’re stupid. I said show evidence the state government requires proof of vaccination.

To this:

JC says:
October 5, 2022 at 9:14 pm
The Government edict requiring vax ended in late June this year with the exceptions stated.

Christ, that was a triple backflip…with a pike.

Here is the current Workplace Order mandating up-to-date vaccines for certain workers, which includes:

Custodial workers
Disability workers
Emergency service workers

The list is reducing slowly, but despite what you are selling, the government edicts have not ended, and people are still being required to vaccinate.
The one I have linked to is due to end at 11:59pm on 12 October 2022. It will undoubtedly be replaced by another.

The list has changed continuously, but it hasn’t been erased, just called a different name.

Seriously, you’re fucking terrible with links.

Hmmmm. Okey dokey.

October 6, 2022 7:36 am
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 6, 2022 7:51 am

I can’t believe we haven’t done a deal with the Indo’s by now to have dickhead Aussies serve their sentences in Australia.

Dunno bern.

If that had been the case, the Bogan Queen and her bodyboard cover would have premiered on every reality show in the country.

It’d be a licence for Australians to be even more infuriating while overseas than they already are, knowing there’d be hospital wards and Foxtel and microwaves and social workers.

The prospect of having to elbow the rats out of the way to get to the best bits of someone else’s diarrhoea in C Block is the only thing keeping most Australians in Indonesia under control.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 6, 2022 7:54 am

Alec Baldwin settles a law suit with the family of Halyna Hutchins, who he accidentally shot on set.
What money can buy.

October 6, 2022 8:07 am

Hahaha. Laughing out loud at Daniel Andrews on the AFL: “there is no place for bigotry” — except for the AFL’s institutional bigotry against Christians, which Andrews fully supports.

Clowns like that have no-one on their massive government staff of spin doctors to tell them how stupid they sound.

October 6, 2022 8:16 am

Yes Marter, I mentioned specific workers are still required to show proof. This was mentioned several times in various comments, yet you left that out in your most recent silly comment. Let me know if you want me to copy and paste them and I will be happy to.

The point being that for the vast, vast number of workers the mandate ended on 22 June.
I have no idea what you’re trying to suggest with the last gotcha. You were wrong again as you almost always are and I was right. And yes, your links appear to always disagree with your argument.

October 6, 2022 8:21 am

the bugmen state doubles down on fuckwitry

Ivermectin clarification
Dr. John Campbell

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 8:24 am


October 6, 2022 at 8:07 am

Hahaha. Laughing out loud at Daniel Andrews on the AFL: “there is no place for bigotry

ALP polling in inner city seats must be horrendous. This is a play to take ground from the greens.

October 6, 2022 8:25 am

everything the left touches turns to shit

Curtis Sliwa’s Guardian Angels plan to plaster the Queens district of defund-the-police City Councilwoman Tiffany Cabán on Tuesday with fliers urging local residents to call the cops when they need help.

The move comes after the lefty pol and state Assembly member Zohran Kwame Mamdani released a guide for small-business owners encouraging them to try to mediate a situation themselves or call alternate city services instead of police when dealing with people with issues such as mental illness.

Two days later after the pair released the guide, an FDNY paramedic was randomly stabbed to death on the street, allegedly by a diagnosed schizophrenic.

The guide has drawn a heated response from critics who argue that Cabán is soft on crime.

The Guardian Angels’ poster, aping the prompts from Cabán’s guide, says, “If you see a conflict that appears to be escalating; If you see someone having a mental health crisis; If you see someone experiencing drug overdose: CALL 911.

“Always, always, always call the NYPD,” the poster continues in all-caps.

Cabán’s office did not reply to a request for comment Monday.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
October 6, 2022 8:26 am

Due to Europe’s rising energy costs BMW is looking at sending some of its vehicle production overseas. I’m guessing this will be a bonus for Chy-na.

Cause and effect. The Greens really are a Marxist cancer in society. And their plans are coming together nicely.

October 6, 2022 8:33 am

Yes Marter, I mentioned specific workers are still required to show proof.

Gee, I’ve now qualified for a JC allocated nickname.
I’m honoured.

As for that equivocation you posted, delude yourself all you want, but the blog audience has eyes, ears and brains of their own.

Anchor What
Anchor What
October 6, 2022 8:34 am

Geraldo Rivera says ….
Fox News must just keep him on as a panelist to play the vaudvillain!
His opinions aren’t worth much more than Monty’s.

October 6, 2022 8:34 am

The NRL Welcome to Country was openly boo’ed because

because it’s insulting to be welcomed to your own country as though you don’t belong here

Anchor What
Anchor What
October 6, 2022 8:36 am

The Greens really are a Marxist cancer in society.
They are problematic, but without media and political chicanery they would have had little effect.

October 6, 2022 8:38 am

BMW has been manufacturing in S Africa and the US for decades

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 8:39 am


October 6, 2022 at 8:34 am

The NRL Welcome to Country was openly boo’ed because

because it’s insulting to be welcomed to your own country as though you don’t belong here

Their own country?
Most supporters of the Grand Final teams are from Lebanon.

October 6, 2022 8:42 am

the sort of stunts wyminsis play

Kanye West eviscerated Khloé Kardashian on Instagram after she dared to defend her sister Kim Kardashian’s parenting.

The Yeezy fashion designer addressed most of the Good American co-founder’s claims, starting by resurfacing his previous allegation that the Kardashian-Jenners “kidnapped” his daughter Chicago, reports the New York Post.

“You are lying and are liars yall basically kidnapped Chicago on her birthday so she could remember her father not being there,” West began his all-capital-letters tirade against Khloé,

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 8:45 am

Twitter is not the ideal battlefield for custody disputes.

– Sun Tzu

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 6, 2022 8:49 am

Geraldo Rivera says ….
Fox News must just keep him on as a panelist to play the vaudvillain!

Maybe this story sheds some light.

Biden will attend a fundraiser at Rupert Murdoch’s son James multi-million dollar Manhattan home on Thursday to raise more money for Democrats in bid to avoid midterms bloodshed (5 Oct)

Would be nice if the Murdoch kiddies sold out to Elon. They keep trying to destroy their own asset.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 6, 2022 8:53 am

This may come as a shock to the Canberra ponytails, but not every swarthy ME type is cheering the return of IS to our shores (the Tele):

The Albanese government’s decision to repatriate the family members of Islamic State fighters has been slammed as “irresponsible and offensive” by members of western Sydney’s largest Assyrian community, many of whom fled Syria and Iraq to escape ISIS atrocities.

“ISIS raped our women and burned down our churches and homes,” said Fairfield Deputy Mayor Reni Barkho, an Assyrian who migrated to Australia in 1994 and has a number of family members who escaped Islamic State.

“We can never forgive or forget or welcome those that travelled to help persecute us in our own homes in Iraq and Syria,” he said.


In 2015, ISIS made headlines globally when it attacked the Assyrian village of Tel Tamr in the country’s north-east, killing 64 defenders and kidnapping 231 men, women, and children while also destroying 11 churches.

That same year, the government of Tony Abbott issued 12,000 visas to persecuted religious minorities fleeing ISIS, with the majority going to Assyrians and many of them settling in the Fairfield area. Fairfield sits in the heart of Energy Minister Chris Bowen’s electorate of McMahon.

The Mayor of Fairfield, a chap by the name of Frank Carbone spake thusly:

Fairfield Mayor Frank Carbone said of those being brought back to Australia, “they will never be welcomed in our city where so many have fled to seek refuge after being persecuted by ISIS.”

“Anthony Albanese should never forget that many here have had their families killed and homes burned to the ground.”

“If Albo loves ISIS sympathisers so much, he can put them up in his own neighbourhood, or maybe send them to Scotland Island,” he said.

Bravo, Mr Carbone. A Martha’s Vineyard moment. The dynamic in Fairfield is a bit different to regional Syrian villages. No convoys of technicals. No hundreds of armed yet poorly-trained dickheads enslaving the populace.

The Syrians have had almost eight years in the heart of illegal semi-auto firearm acquisition country (ie, Fairfield) to set up networks and do all the things they should. It should come as no surprise when ventilated and headless former IS corpses start turning up in the streets.

October 6, 2022 8:58 am

Hahaha. Currency Lad has dubbed the Queensland government fleet of seven aircraft the Chookwaffe.

October 6, 2022 8:58 am

the bugmen state doubles down on fuckwitry

Ivermectin clarification
Dr. John Campbell

Campbell makes it pretty clear. He’s being censored by YouTube to prevent any discussion of ivermectin; the clinical trial results are being suppressed; he has ivermectin on hand for his own use.

YouTube is going to have to ban people from saying YouTube has warned them to shut up.

This is an outrage.

October 6, 2022 9:00 am

This is the MAL “raid” case. An error in the docket has caused a sealed filing to now be publicly available.

It contains a list of documents reviewed and segregated by the filter review team. Some interesting items here.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 9:02 am

Good News!
The Sword of Damocles has been taken away!
There is now no definite and imminent deadline to save the Daily Exposé.
But he does still need our money, Cats.
Hop to it!

October 6, 2022 9:03 am

“Anthony Albanese should never forget that many here have had their families killed and homes burned to the ground.”

I’m sure Jason Clare & Chris Bowen, whose electorates are within the city of Fairfield, are making strenuous representations on behalf of those constituents as we speak.


Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 6, 2022 9:03 am

In regard to my gripe about CCI .22 subsonics last night.
-Bad shot
-dirty barrel
-general poor maintenance of firearm
-poor ammunition sorting
Tail between my legs I’m heading to the workshop to clean the gun and sight it in.

October 6, 2022 9:05 am

It’s happening.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 9:06 am

I didn’t outright accuse you of poor marksmanship Gez.
I simply say operator error should always be included on the list of possible causes.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 9:07 am


October 6, 2022 at 9:05 am

It’s happening.

It’s been deferred until Monday.

October 6, 2022 9:09 am

Scott starts speaking at about the 2 min. in.

LIVE: Scott Ritter on What’s Next for the Ukraine Crisis

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 6, 2022 9:14 am

Sancho Panzersays:
October 5, 2022 at 10:10 pm
There was also a report about another bloke who was being a shoulder to cry on, telling Britnah to go to the doc and generally being an all round jolly good chap.
They then “briefly rekindled a previous relationship”.
FMD, the scriptwriters for “Home and Away” have got nothing on this.

Sounds like the Lieborals are trying to compete with the Liars in the bed-hopping stakes.

October 6, 2022 9:14 am

Hahaha. Currency Lad has dubbed the Queensland government fleet of seven aircraft the Chookwaffe.

We used to have our own navy once too.

October 6, 2022 9:15 am

It’s been deferred until Monday.

I miss typed.

I’m all thumbs this morning.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 6, 2022 9:16 am

Australia spent more than $1 billion building COVID-19 facilities. What happens now they’re closed?

A politician tells us:

Victorian Minister for Police Anthony Carbines said the Victorian Quarantine Hub had served its purpose in keeping people safe from COVID-19.

“Its closure is another step in our recovery from the pandemic,” he said.
“Australia needed these facilities before the pandemic first hit – but this important facility now exists as an insurance policy in the event of a future pandemic, or to provide accommodation in emergencies like natural disasters.”

An Expert tells us:

Professor Tim Harcourt, professor and chief economist at the University of Technology Sydney, says there are a few angles to consider when evaluating whether the hundreds of millions of dollars was money well spent.

“I suppose there’s an account and an accounting aspect, which is, did you build up the most efficient way you could?” he said.

“But then there’s the economic question, which is, what happens if you hadn’t built them? What happens if there was another pandemic in the future – which is quite possible – and you knock them down and rebuild them again, that will probably cost more.”

Professor Harcourt says economically, the facilities can be viewed as a “sunk cost”.

“Now we’ve got them, economists call it a sunk cost … you’ve got them now and hindsight’s a wonderful thing; let’s see what we can re-purpose them to use them for.”

Technical Note: In the private sector, capital decisions taken like this would result in share price collapse, auditor’s qualifications on carrying value, sackings, forced resignations, and shareholder/ASIC questions about the proper exercise of director’s duties.

A BEcon from UTS must be a thing to behold.

October 6, 2022 9:18 am

Good Mourning.

Where’s choo choo….?

Tick…tick …..tick.

It was the Salmon Mousse.
That he died from mean words from me is just a filthy rotten lie.

Surely we must take into consideration he missed a check up.
I mean thousands of extra Aussies have died from something unknown which has the doctors baffled I suspect could be caused by not supporting women’s footy.

October 6, 2022 9:21 am

Should we take bets on who’s next?

I’m sure we can lay odds with respect to amount of boosters received….

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 9:29 am

I miss typed.

I’m all thumbs this morning.

Read Q3214.
All will become clear.

Or not.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 6, 2022 9:30 am

From the Credlin article.

Talk, too, that some of these women might actually be charged with terror offences needs to be weighed against the difficulty prosecutors face getting enough evidence, years on, out of a war zone to meet the standard of proof required in an Australian court.

Strangely, this “difficulty” does not seem to apply to the cases of accused Special Forces soldiers.

October 6, 2022 9:31 am

Remember. …if you soon find out you have severe cancer of the nuts….or bazoombas…..or your jabbed youngns can’t reproduce, blood clots give you a stroke or heart attack etc etc etc…..none of these things could possibly be caused by the jab.
The jab only effects other people and they aren’t actual side effects anyway…….are they?
No….it was the lockdown that caused young healthy people to drop dead of heart attacks.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 9:32 am

Is there something a tiny bit sick in speculating and revelling in the imagined deaths of others?

Slim Cognito
Slim Cognito
October 6, 2022 9:32 am

“Australia needed these facilities before the pandemic first hit – but this important facility now exists as an insurance policy in the event of a future pandemic, or to provide accommodation in emergencies like natural disasters.”

Just like the Wonthaggi desalination plant it will never be used and millions spent maintaining it.
How is that “water shortage” working out?

Johnny Rotten
October 6, 2022 9:32 am

After several years of serving the church in a faraway land, a priest is requested to report to his new assignment at a church in the South Bronx, New York.

He set out immediately to learn the new culture by taking a walk down the street in plain clothes.

On his way, a loose looking woman approaches him and in a lowered voice says “Hey Buddy… blow job 25 bucks”. The priest glares at her confused and says “What’s a blowjob?” The woman is just as confused and says “What are you? A comedian?” and walks off.

The priest, undaunted, walks on to the next block and again another seedy looking woman confronts him and again repeats “Hey mister, blowjob 25 bucks?” The priest quickly replies “What is this blowjob!?” The woman looks at him surprised and thinking something’s wrong hurries off.

The priest, now very curious, returns to the church to ask anyone he can find what exactly a ‘blowjob’ is.

The priest sees the mother superior and says “I have a question: what’s a blow job?” Mother superior quickly goes to shut the door and upon returning to her seat she replies in a whisper “Same as on the outside… $25 bucks!”

October 6, 2022 9:34 am

Pretty sick coming here wishing death and destitution on other posters. Sad.

Johnny Rotten
October 6, 2022 9:34 am

Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.

– Groucho Marx

October 6, 2022 9:35 am

St ruth low on red bull today, Sad.

October 6, 2022 9:35 am

How pathetic does it get, ya gotta feel for the bloke! .. over 16 000 fans at the game .. ample footage and still shots available .. 75% of them Sydney 58 supporters and an enquiry by both FAA and plod managed to identify one unlucky sod and bring the full weight of Oz sporting justice down on him ……!
A Sydney United 58 fan caught performing a Nazi salute during the Australia Cup final has been slapped with a life-time ban from governing body Football Australia (FA).

October 6, 2022 9:36 am

Peak Grauniad.
Surprised they didn’t note the Austrian house painter wore shoes too.

October 6, 2022 9:41 am

Of course you are all innocent? !

The world is better off without those willing to be the privileged group in a segregated society.
Fuck you.
Tick tick tick

October 6, 2022 9:43 am

You can’t stir up those who through their own weakness killed themselves once they’re dead
I have to get in quick while I can.

Johnny Rotten
October 6, 2022 9:44 am

ICAN has now obtained CDC data for the approximate 10 million v-safe users.

As explained in our prior update, v-safe is a new smartphone-based CDC program that allows users to register after getting a Covid-19 vaccine and provide health check-ins.

ICAN wanted to obtain this data. So, it deployed its legal team, headed by Aaron Siri, to obtain the v-safe data.

After suing the CDC twice, and following months of legal wrangling, the CDC finally capitulated, resulting in a court order that required it to produce this data. The first batch of data, containing 144 million rows of health entries by v-safe users, has now been obtained by ICAN and you can search it using a user-friendly interface that ICAN worked around the clock to create.

October 6, 2022 9:44 am

October 6, 2022 at 8:07 am

Hahaha. Laughing out loud at Daniel Andrews on the AFL: “there is no place for bigotry” — except for the AFL’s institutional bigotry against Christians, which Andrews fully supports.

Clowns like that have no-one on their massive government staff of spin doctors to tell them how stupid they sound.

Equally insulting is that the Hunchback will be re-elected. There is no Opposition.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 6, 2022 9:47 am

“Would the lawyer who gave me the crabs in New Orleans, please raise your hand”. Not one hand went up… so she took them home and ate them.

That’s actually a true story – the speaker was a hostess on the old Mac Robertson Millar Airways, as the aircraft landed in Perth. “Will the gentleman who gave me the crabs in Broome, please see me at the exit?”

October 6, 2022 9:47 am

No Tricks Zone

They are there, by your side, they seem normal, but they are superheroes.

Even if I were fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressures I have ever seen, including from spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.

People who were capable of such character, courage and critical thinking undoubtedly embody the best of humanity.

They can be found everywhere, in all age groups, educational levels, countries and opinions.

They are of a special kind. They are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks.

They are the parents that every child desires and the children that every parent dreams of.

They are beings beyond the average of their societies, they are the essence of the peoples who have built all cultures and conquered all horizons.

They are with you, by your side, they seem normal, but they are superheroes.

They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion.

And they did it because they thought they were alone, and they believed they were alone.

Excluded from their families’ Christmas tables, they had never seen anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, they let go of their careers, they had no money…

… But they persevered.

They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciations, betrayals and humiliations…

… yet they persevered.

Never before in human history has there been such a “casting”, we now know who the resistance fighters are on planet Earth.

Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races and all religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen ones of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.

You are the ones who passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not master.

You are cut from the cloth of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark.”

– Gen. Christian Blanchon (8 September 2022)

Cassie of Sydney
October 6, 2022 9:49 am

“The Albanese government’s decision to repatriate the family members of Islamic State fighters has been slammed as “irresponsible and offensive” by members of western Sydney’s largest Assyrian community, many of whom fled Syria and Iraq to escape ISIS atrocities.

“ISIS raped our women and burned down our churches and homes,” said Fairfield Deputy Mayor Reni Barkho, an Assyrian who migrated to Australia in 1994 and has a number of family members who escaped Islamic State.

“We can never forgive or forget or welcome those that travelled to help persecute us in our own homes in Iraq and Syria,” he said.


In 2015, ISIS made headlines globally when it attacked the Assyrian village of Tel Tamr in the country’s north-east, killing 64 defenders and kidnapping 231 men, women, and children while also destroying 11 churches.

That same year, the government of Tony Abbott issued 12,000 visas to persecuted religious minorities fleeing ISIS, with the majority going to Assyrians and many of them settling in the Fairfield area. Fairfield sits in the heart of Energy Minister Chris Bowen’s electorate of McMahon.”

Assyrians are Syrian and Iraqi Christians….and in Western Sydney their votes don’t count…instead Labor is too busy cuddling up to ISIS apologists.

Oh and what army liberated Assyrian villages in Syria from ISIS butchery? Here’s a clue, it wasn’t the US army, it wasn’t the Australian Army, it wasn’t the British army and it wasn’t the French army.

But you know, I’m just a “Putinist”.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 6, 2022 9:54 am

The world is better off without those willing to be the privileged group in a segregated society.
Fuck you.
Tick tick tick

Big Corporate pays a visit, complete with company logo on the hi-viz.

Angry, failed (repeatedly) and frustrated because nobody recognises his inherent greatness.

October 6, 2022 9:55 am

AFL: “there is no place for bigotry”

This is an Andrews speciality which he picked up from Goebbels.

Smear with lying innuendo as in heartless bigots are causing young people to take their own lives.

No evidence ever given.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 6, 2022 9:56 am

I have to get in quick while I can.

Damn straight. 6 to 36 months. Right? That’s what you said.


Johnny Rotten
October 6, 2022 9:57 am

I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.

– Groucho Marx

October 6, 2022 10:01 am

Trust The Science.
Except when it’s racist.
Typically, the shriekers didn’t bother to read the presser.

October 6, 2022 10:02 am

over 16 000 fans at the game .. ample footage and still shots available .. 75% of them Sydney 58 supporters and an enquiry by both FAA and plod managed to identify one unlucky sod and bring the full weight of Oz sporting justice down on him ……!

Unlucky or just stupid?

He was evidently “known to police”, as they say.

Johnny Rotten
October 6, 2022 10:02 am

You are cut from the cloth of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark.”

– Gen. Christian Blanchon (8 September 2022)

Fortunately, it was quite easy for me not to get jabbed. For many, many others – Not so unfortunately.

October 6, 2022 10:06 am

U.S. Plans to Ease Venezuela Sanctions, Enabling Chevron to Pump Oil
The Biden administration is preparing to scale down sanctions on Venezuela’s authoritarian regime to allow Chevron to resume pumping oil there, paving the way for a potential reopening of U.S. and European markets to oil exports from Venezuela, according to multiple people familiar with the proposal.

Anything to get energy prices down before the mid-terms.
Let’s see if they maintain the rage once the 8th Nov is in the rear view mirror.

October 6, 2022 10:07 am

Exactly what I said.
No hiviz here fuckhead.

October 6, 2022 10:07 am

Hats off to Biden (so far) keeping his public comments gracious on his Florida tour.

October 6, 2022 10:08 am

Most mornings I read several Oz news sites to see what is going on in Oz/world .. reality is that we have no worthwhile/believable outlets so the going is tuff! ..
one thing I have noticed of late tho is “our” ABC seems to have abandoned “news” in favour of whinge-ing .. article after article of “sob” stories detailing some failure or other of gummints (state & Fed) to ensure “cradle to grave” happiness for ailment/monetary problems or other that according to “our” ABC can be cured by throwing money, especially lotza tax payer funded money at them .. this week’s, overwhelming, favourites are paying the mortgage, high rental leading to “homeless” and for some ABC reason NDIS and its failure to provide for the over 65s (something it has NEVER dun!) ..
and a week ago I was hoping, praying for something, anything to push Ukraine out of top spot ..

October 6, 2022 10:10 am

Geebus! If people need to be seen as a some kind of folk hero they need to get life, Eyrie

Seriously, how nihilistic can you get.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 10:10 am


October 6, 2022 at 9:41 am

Of course you are all innocent? !

The world is better off without those willing to be the privileged group in a segregated society.

Sounding like a call for a purge.
Like the old-school SoCiALists and CoMmunIstS used to do.

October 6, 2022 10:13 am

Denialist scum conveniently forgetting how they treated those who argued hard day in and day out for two years to not take tbe jab.
Smug ignorant arseholes the lot

Submissive and weak.
Now the tables are turned they speak of decency ad if they know it and live it.
Hypocritical scum.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 10:16 am


October 6, 2022 at 10:07 am

Exactly what I said.
No hiviz here fuckhead.

I think you’re looking for “Abuse”.
Down the hall, third on the left.
Just past “Duelling”.

October 6, 2022 10:17 am

October 6, 2022 at 7:13 am
Geraldo Rivera says Gov. Ron DeSantis will ‘soon feel the wrath of Florida’s Latino voters’ (opinions vary)

Rivera is a piece of shit; it is great when the creep gets on The Five and Watters and Gutfeld and the ladies, especially the Judge, rip him to shreds.

October 6, 2022 10:18 am

You’ve already been purged you brain dead throbber.

October 6, 2022 10:19 am

Cleaning a 22?…that is a bit extreme isn’t it?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 6, 2022 10:20 am

Hats off to Biden (so far) keeping his public comments gracious on his Florida tour.

He’s an expert in hurricane disaster management.

Biden Compares Floridians Losing Their Homes in Hurricane to a Small Kitchen Fire in His House (5 Oct)

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 10:22 am


October 6, 2022 at 10:18 am

You’ve already been purged you brain dead throbber.

See you at the Duelling Thread!
Let’s have at it!

October 6, 2022 10:23 am


Grandma is very abusive today.

October 6, 2022 10:23 am

You are cut from the cloth of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark.”

– Gen. Christian Blanchon (8 September 2022)

Aw, shucks. It was nutt’n.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 6, 2022 10:26 am

Sancho Panzersays:
October 6, 2022 at 10:16 am

You’ve been useless for years. Borderline pathetic.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 6, 2022 10:27 am

No hiviz here fuckhead.

Suuuure there’s not. You big old fake.

Denialist scum conveniently forgetting how they treated those who argued hard day in and day out for two years to not take tbe jab.

I remember how many were ‘treated’ by squealy cloak-wearing protest cover song writers and failed conspiracy party candidates with no skin in the game, who demanded (as opposed to ‘argued’) that people in vastly different circumstances throw their families into the street because of said aspiring totalitarians wanted to keep their boats.

Public, angry failure was and is unseemly.

October 6, 2022 10:28 am

JK Rowling on fire on twitter.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 6, 2022 10:29 am

because of said

Hmm. That ‘of’ shouldn’t have been there. It’s a mystery.

I’ll just put that in the same file as ‘stolen freeDom votes’.

October 6, 2022 10:29 am

Rivera is a professional doormat, cohenite. Only there for balance.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 6, 2022 10:30 am

The way this threads going, duelling may commence.
I’m not going with a dirty gun.

October 6, 2022 10:34 am

Aw, shucks. It was nutt’n.

Have you printed out your participating certificate yet?

October 6, 2022 10:34 am

JK Rowling on fire on twitter.

I’ve just finished her* latest CB Strike book which is essentially a commentary on social media storms and trolling. Bit slow, but worth a read.

*Written under her male pen name

October 6, 2022 10:35 am

The way this threads going, duelling may commence.
I’m not going with a dirty gun.


H B Bear
H B Bear
October 6, 2022 10:38 am

Eat your fucking word salad. Fuckheads.

Davey Boy
Davey Boy
October 6, 2022 10:41 am

Yep. Labor will extract ISIS brides.

But won’t lift a finger to bring home Australian citizen Chau Van Kham, even though the United Nations has ruled the 72-year-old father is unlawfully detained (he is imprisoned in Vietnam, a country with which Oz has very good bilateral relations).

Local Labor MP & climate alarmist Sally Sitou has pointedly ignored all pleas (even though Mr Kham’s family are from her electorate). Wearing #RacismNotWelcome T-Shirts is more her schtick it seems.

October 6, 2022 10:42 am

Bring jihadi families home at our peril
The risk of having them commit more terrorism has to be balanced against the warm glow of virtue from being forgiving.

This isn’t about “virtue” it’s about 15 federal seats that require the musso vote to ensure they stay wiv the “pardy” ……. straight forward future electioneering policy .. which is why it wasn’t publicized during the campaign …
Are we really meant to believe that the gummint has dun all the necessary checks & balances on “our” safety concerns that it claims in the 3 months since the election .. given that neither the PM or Foreign ministe rha spsent mor ethan a fortnight in Oz since the election .,. so who made & authorized these “thorough” determinations in such a short time frame? .. not too mention that the previous gummint considered the whole idea to risky to put “boots on the ground”
Methinx, as usual, we is being sold a “bridge”with compulsory bidding conditions finalized ……!

October 6, 2022 10:43 am

10 years ago Rowling would have been viewed as far left by the generic classifications.
But because she speaks common sense regarding trans issues & overnight a pedo comment she’s double Hitler-devil-Trumpian.

Davey Boy
Davey Boy
October 6, 2022 10:44 am

Labor continuing to show their contempt for the “f-cking Balts” so described by Saint Gough.
Mr Kham fled Vietnam as a refugee in the 1970’s

October 6, 2022 10:44 am

This isn’t about “virtue” it’s about 15 federal seats that require the musso vote to ensure they stay wiv the “pardy” …

If true, that means there’s widespread support for IS among Australia’s Muslims, which means the 60 or so being repatriated are the least of our worries.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
October 6, 2022 10:45 am

Child and adolescent psychologist Clare Rowe says the reintegration of children of Islamic State fighters from Syrian camps is a “complex and difficult issue”.

Don’t worry, they’ve got their best men on the job
Can someone ring the Diversity Assessment Squad for me?

October 6, 2022 10:46 am

Rowling is still controlled opposition, bern.

October 6, 2022 10:48 am

The reason why you bring citizens home to serve their sentence is because it becomes a better use of resources.
You don’t have to burn embassy/consulate resources non stop.
You don’t have to deal with the family travelling to wherever it is.
The other part is you take the family out of being some way productive as their life becomes the care of the incarcerated family member overseas.
Israel makes it work.
Australia could too.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 10:50 am

H B Bearsays:

October 6, 2022 at 10:38 am

Eat your fucking word salad. Fuckheads.

The dressing on this word salad is extremely bitter.

October 6, 2022 10:52 am

October 6, 2022 at 10:29 am
Rivera is a professional doormat, cohenite. Only there for balance.

I like the token lefties they have on The Five. Currently they are Jessica Tarlov, Geraldo Rivera and Harold Ford Jr. Tarlov is the worst but the Judge tolerates nothing from her and Watters is particularly eviscerating when she wheels out the demorat tropes.

October 6, 2022 10:55 am

because it becomes a better use of resources.

No let the bastards rot where they committed their crimes. I don’t care how “efficient” it is for the family members. If they serve their time here it means the govt is sticking it’s hand in MY pocket to look after them.

October 6, 2022 10:56 am

If they serve their time here it means the govt is sticking it’s hand in MY pocket to look after them.

They already are.
That’s the point.
Who said lateral thought was dead.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 10:59 am


October 6, 2022 at 10:48 am

The reason why you bring citizens home to serve their sentence is because it becomes a better use of resources.

You know why countries like Indonesia don’t buy that?
For two reasons.
.1 They regard prison as punishment. They see Oz prisons as holiday camps;
.2 They know that a 20 year drugs sentence will turn into 18 months as soon as they set foot back here.

You don’t have to burn embassy/consulate resources non stop.

So don’t.
Once sentenced, call it case closed.
No further correspondence, except for a six-monthly welfare check.

You don’t have to deal with the family travelling to wherever it is.

So don’t.
Help them with the first jail visit then bundle them up with any other tourists after that.

October 6, 2022 10:59 am

A lot are “let the bastard rot” until they have a family member wrongly imprisoned overseas.
Then they become bleeding hearts.
The goal is to put a productive structure in place before it’s needed.
Hence why Israel is far and away the global leader in this regard.

October 6, 2022 10:59 am

which is why it wasn’t publicized during the campaign …

“Once we get in, we’ll just do what we want…” or words to that effect.

Labor’s hubris in office thus far belies the fact they were elected with just 32% of the primary vote.

Even the moribund Liberal Party led by Scott Morrison attracted more support.

Pandering to minorities from such a position is not a recipe for expanding their voter base.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 6, 2022 11:00 am

Apropos the above

General view I get Dover is they were after her dad, who may’ve represented a convenient target to tell Mr Putin to stop trying to assassinate Ukrainian government office-holders. The message being that two can play that game. Unfortunately Ms Dugina drove her dad’s car to an event where they were both going, so that he could ride with a guy he wanted to talk with.

Aside from occasional gravitationally-challenged oligarchs the assassinations seem to’ve stopped in Moscow, which suggests the results of that car bombing were not helpful to Kiev. Nor do the Russians seem to be doing much in the way of black ops either. Good. Even if the way they got to this tacit understanding was so tragic and sad.

October 6, 2022 11:02 am

I like the token lefties they have on The Five.

It’s the top-rating show on America’s top-rating cable network. Carlson and Hannity can’t get near them.

Fox News is number 1 in the US ratings because, from its founding in the 1990s, it has taken a tactical marketing decision to air both sides of every argument — unlike the leftwing networks (CNN, MSNBC, etc), which don’t and are now comparatively unwatched as a result.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
October 6, 2022 11:03 am

Clowns like that have no-one on their massive government staff of spin doctors to tell them how stupid they sound.

And all the journalists of all the MSM are simply progressive cheer leaders who also won’t tell them how stupid they are.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 11:03 am

If prisoner repatriation was a thing, run it like “no body, no parole” for murderers.
No repatriation until they give up everyone at the Australian end of their criminal enterprise.

October 6, 2022 11:05 am

What’s got into you, bern ?

You’ve changed. Not just this issue.

October 6, 2022 11:05 am

They already are. That’s the point.

The cost of a prison inmate in Australia is $100K+ p.a.

I doubt we expend that much on consular services to each of those imprisoned overseas.

There may be humanitarian arguments for the proposal, but the economic case doesn’t fly.

October 6, 2022 11:07 am

My views on locking people up haven’t changed.
The only people that should be locked up are violent crims & white collar crims.
The idea of bringing expats home is using a great example set by Israel & applying it here.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 11:09 am



October 6, 2022 at 10:55 am

because it becomes a better use of resources.

No let the bastards rot where they committed their crimes.

Some would view you as a bleeding heart lefty.
Jailin’ is too good for ’em.
There are those among us who (rightfully) decry the actions of Hunchback Dan as a gross infringement of civil rights, but in the next breath, they are applauding Duerte in the Philippines summarily popping off “drug lords” (ie anyone Duerte and his henchmen didn’t like).

October 6, 2022 11:09 am

The marginal cost is not 100k as most of them would be in minimum security facilities.
Pretty sure the petty crim in Vietnam isn’t going to a super max.

October 6, 2022 11:10 am

It’s happening.
Paul Joseph Watson

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 6, 2022 11:10 am

The only people that should be locked up are violent crims & white collar crims

Many shopkeepers in the US Democrat-led cities would disagree with you.

They now have to contend with repeated robberies of produce by crime who know they won’t be sent to jail.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 6, 2022 11:11 am

“crime” = “crims” – bloody auto-correct

October 6, 2022 11:13 am

The idea of bringing expats home …

But they’re not. They renounced their citizenship when they signed on to the other mob.

October 6, 2022 11:13 am

DC comics is going to have a hard time making a movie for the “super hero unvaxed”.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 6, 2022 11:14 am

What’s got into you, bern ?
You’ve changed. Not just this issue.

The taxation stuff was interesting and a bit of a return to form for the Cat. The Green-Left Radio (now Half) Hour formerly known as AM currently has the usual suspects saying (as always) that taxes need to rise.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 11:16 am

Do you think the person whose cadaver is being repurposed gave consent to be recycled into a “neovagina”?

Look, I’m no surgeon but ….
Assuming the number of transitions in either direction is roughly in equilibrium, isn’t there a ready supply of spare parts?
I know, I know, it’s a bit like Nike runners. They may not have the size and colour you want in stock, but it does the job.
And it wouldn’t be nearly as uncomfortable as ill-fitting runners.

October 6, 2022 11:16 am

Sen. Alex Antic & Nick Cater are advising traditional Liberals from Sydney’s eastern suburbs on how to organise to prevent green left candidates from being preselected.

Good for them. But are Sydney’ eastern suburbs really the future for the Liberal Party even if it can be returned to its centre right beliefs?

Go west, young man!

October 6, 2022 11:17 am

Pandering to minorities from such a position is not a recipe for expanding their voter base.

I ‘ve always thought that this was a normal “pardy” tactic .. seems to have worked quite well over the years under the umbrella of “welfare” … they occasionally lose elections but those ‘welfare” gains stay in play for future campaigns …….

October 6, 2022 11:17 am

Do you think the person whose cadaver is being repurposed gave consent to be recycled into a “neovagina”?

the 2022 adaptation of silence of the lambs

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 11:18 am

currently has the usual suspects saying (as always) that taxes need to rise.

I caught a snippet (mercifully short) of one on 3AW just now.

“Tax fossil fuels to fund renewables.
Straya is a low taxing country.
More tax.
More spend.
Nom, nom, nom.”

October 6, 2022 11:19 am

They’ve got 42 kids between them. They won’t be in jail and the risk is more than minor that they will harm my grandkids later.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 6, 2022 11:20 am

Re Russian businessmen topping themselves in diverse and interesting ways, this is the most recent case:

The latest member of Russia’s suspicious suicide squad? Railway executive, 52, is found shot dead on the balcony of his Moscow home (30 Sep)

– Pavel Pchelnikov, 52, found dead at his home in Moscow on Wednesday morning
– Pchelnikov, a railway PR executive, found with gunshot wounds on his balcony
– Death has been deemed a suicide, but investigators have not disclosed motive
– He is at least the tenth Russian executive to die in suspicious circumstances since Putin invaded Ukraine in late February

I have no idea what this all is due to, or about, although there may’ve been a bit of opposition from these sorts of people to the war. The elites tend not to like being dragged into wars especially messy ones.

October 6, 2022 11:21 am

The marginal cost is not 100k as most of them would be in minimum security facilities.
Pretty sure the petty crim in Vietnam isn’t going to a super max.

I’m pretty sure the “average” gaol in Vietnam is the equivalent of our “super-max” .. don’t think they go in for ‘open” or “minimum” security facilities ..

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 6, 2022 11:23 am


October 6, 2022 at 11:19 am

They’ve got 42 kids between them. They won’t be in jail and the risk is more than minor that they will harm my grandkids later.

Not all of them.
But, from a sample of 42, the chances of 3-4 of them not pulling a jihad stunt in the next 10-15 years are close to zero.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 6, 2022 11:23 am

currently has the usual suspects saying (as always) that taxes need to rise.

It was pure rent-a-quote stuff. Poor underpaid nurses and teachers stuff. They must have missed the bit where education spending is up 20% while results continue to fall.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x