Open Thread – Weekend 8 Oct 2022

The Battle of Lepanto, Paolo Veronese, 1572

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October 8, 2022 9:02 pm

This whole Ukraine shit show is starting to look like a gigantic gangster battle

Biggest money laundering operation ever!

The USA is riven with domestic problems and natural disaster, and they’re throwing all the money at disagreeable* people on the other side of the planet.

*disagreeable may contain traces of nazi.

October 8, 2022 9:05 pm

BTH I think the B230 could be better. Quick change over mags ?

Na, the mags are shit, to thin a material, the feed lips deform and cause misfeeds. Highly unreliable. Why I went with the B220.

Cassie of Sydney
October 8, 2022 9:10 pm

Ah yes, I remember how Gaddafi in Libya was overthrown, with assistance from the US, UK and France, and of course various neocons in Washington, London and Paris celebrated his overthrowing, and what came after? LOL, a regime that’s infinitely worse, civil war, Islamist governments and slave markets that trade in sub-Saharan African men, women and children.

What was that about “be careful what you wish for”?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 8, 2022 9:21 pm

Why do you need a guzzillion Mbps?

It’s Remarkable
It’s Remarkable
October 8, 2022 9:21 pm

Bespoke: re Starlink and Skymuster.

We have both, had Skymuster for a few years now.
The Skymuster satellite is around 35,000 Km up, so there is a delay that makes video meetings, FaceTime, internet phone calls etc unviable. It also drops out completely in any rain or storm event. $55 a months gets you about 90 gig’s of data, though they have upped the data amounts significantly recently.
Download speeds of around 10 meg per sec if we are lucky, mostly half that.

Have had Starlink for about a year now.
The StarLink network of satellites, and there are thousand of them, is around 500km up, so there is little or no delay. Rain and storms seem not to bother performance. Two of us here can be on video meetings at the same time with no problem.
Data downloads of around 100 megabits per second if not more most of the time
We have the dish on the roof and it has performed flawlessly.
Unlimited data in our case for $139 per month.

Result: do not use Skymuster anymore.

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 8, 2022 9:21 pm

Sancho Panzersays:
October 8, 2022 at 2:15 pm
Roger and others re AWM.
To quote David Burge:-

1. Identify a respected institution.
2. kill it.
3. gut it.
4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect.

The AWM is currently between 1 and 2.
The point is, they didn’t want to put this in a standalone museum, because the discretionary visitor numbers would have been an abysmal embarrassment.
I don’t agree about the hordes of school kids. That is a captive market, and any standalone museum would have been #1 on the excursion schedule anyway.
They will set this up at the AWM so it is impossible to avoid walking through it, and then claim visitor numbers as evidence of massive public support for … Da Voice!

This is actually the great weakness of the Da Voice plan. The fact that ultimately we all have to vote – no omissions – and the majority required must be both overall as well as in at least four states, makes the likelihood of the change difficult; as all past referendums can attest.

Whatever the other side may want to convince us of, the vast majority of Australians still believe in the egalitarian ideal; we see ourselves as each having the same rights as the next person. Any sense felt by the electorate of the possibility of a diminution of those individual rights – something I think is more than certain – will struggle to show that the change is both fair and needed.

While the misuse of the AWM for base political purposes is a disgrace – as is the assertion that during the colonial period there was a conventional war between settlers and aborigines – and needs to be explored and presented in our most sacred of sacred places, where the story of our soldiers, sailors and airmen are preserved and commemorated, won’t go down well. It will have the reverse impact of what the govt wants.

October 8, 2022 9:23 pm

My 2c on Ukraine.

The EU, at 477mil total pop they should be able to collectively handle the Russian bear at 144mil.

Sorry IMO not our fight.

Despite denials by the dodgy Sogavare there is likely a small cadre of Chinese forces now permanently in the SI and they are likely SF types. We have enough problems in our region with the dragon and DFAT/ASIS needs to pull it’s head out of it’s collective rear. It needs to start looking where our vest interests are despite how unpalatable Honiara or POM is compared to Paris!

October 8, 2022 9:24 pm

Cheers, It’s.

October 8, 2022 9:25 pm

“Silent Partner” is a term most are familiar with. It’s age old.

I’ve owned plenty of bookmakers stands without my “Own Shingle” on the “top board”. Cats should understand that politics is no different. It’s a business.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 8, 2022 9:30 pm

What was that about “be careful what you wish for”?

You suspect also Syria and Jordon. Best to let these things sort themselves out but the CIA cannot help itself.

October 8, 2022 9:31 pm

When you finish there, you will be ready to join the fight against Chinese inperialism.

And why not American imperialism? You lefties used to be passionate about it at one time.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 8, 2022 9:33 pm

It will have the reverse impact of what the govt wants.

When the government is lead by a teenaged Trot with a makeover you suspect it won’t be the first time.

October 8, 2022 9:33 pm

m0nty says:
October 8, 2022 at 8:45 pm
Armadillo speaks for a lot of Cats……

Does he? Ok, lets test that. All Cats who agree that Armadillo speaks for them, please indicate.

Trumpist isolationism, if it is a coherent doctrine, would dictate that Putin should be allowed to dominate Europe because Trump thinks he’s a strongman to be admired.

What? That’s just trolling Monty and you know it.

I wish for imperialism to be fought, not enabled. If whatever comes after Putin is worse, they must be fought too. Putin started this war, not the West. He is extreme enough now that he must be opposed.

Ditto and although Putin started the actual shooting aspect in February, the foundations for it go back as far as Clinton and have been steadily built on ever since. You know that.

Putin is not a necessary evil that we must endure. Russia doesn’t have to be an empire.

If I take that at face value, I would say: Yes, and?

October 8, 2022 9:34 pm

m0nty says:
October 8, 2022 at 8:45 pm

As for appeasement – I haven’t seen anyone on the Cat make a suggestion that was even close to suggesting appeasement.

Armadillo speaks for a lot of Cats when he says in this very thread that Ukraine is not the West’s fight, implying that the US should let Vlad rip. Trumpist isolationism, if it is a coherent doctrine, would dictate that Putin should be allowed to dominate Europe because Trump thinks he’s a strongman to be admired.

Idiotic psychobabble.

October 8, 2022 9:37 pm

P says: Rocktober 8, 2022 at 6:52 pm

Thank you, Squirette. For all its faults (and yes, there are many) I just love the place – and I don’t live in an even remotely glamourous area.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 8, 2022 9:37 pm

Heard just above me in the last minute or two:


Python 1
Jungle rat 0

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 8, 2022 9:38 pm

FMD, Hiden is an embarrassing moron.

As people have commented – two words: Maiden America.

Just begging to be deflowered.

Between the sniffer, the crack smoking serial john, and add in a dipsomaniac lush first ‘second’ lady and a vacant hollowed daughter standing statue-still in a shower (mentally retreated to her third birthday when she last felt safe) Biden may have been speaking the truth, as he sees it, for once.

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 8, 2022 9:38 pm

Winston @ 2:23pm

A brother, aged 64, and his sister, aged 60, I know, both died in September within three weeks of each other. Both were found at home. He was just sitting in a chair; she died in bed.

Their business required that they were jabbed – though I don’t know how many they had, given the sector, I would’ve expected that they both had 4 jabs.

Both deaths have come as a huge shock – neither had any health problems that they were aware of.

October 8, 2022 9:39 pm

The EU, at 477mil total pop they should be able to collectively handle the Russian bear at 144mil.

Why is Biden talking about “Armageddon” and sending all that US tax money to defend Ukraine? It’s a mystery.

October 8, 2022 9:41 pm

Serious question on Starlink. Saw that rain & storms no issue but how about monsoon type conditions?

Our Foxtel was useless during the wet and when I was in the Indo Archipelago similar with satellite connections there.

Am seriously looking at going that way myself.

October 8, 2022 9:44 pm

Putin started this war, not the West. He is extreme enough now that he must be opposed

You just can’t separate the rakemeister from the daily talking points

October 8, 2022 9:46 pm

Sacré bleu!

She’s Paul Wally’s orchestral arranger

A graduate of Liverpool’s Institute for Performing Arts

An unrepentant fan of the Cocteau Twins

And a seriously hot brunette – how do I know this? Last week I asked my best mate’s 14 year old son* if he thought she was beautiful. He enthusiastically agreed in that awkward adolescent way**.

*When he wasn’t beating me at FIFA (again)

** The Sicilian ‘tache has to go, nonetheless. His 13 year old sister’s goilfriends will find it quite frankly ridiculous.

October 8, 2022 9:47 pm

Armadillo speaks for a lot of Cats when he says in this very thread that Ukraine is not the West’s fight, implying that the US should let Vlad rip.

Gee Monty has done a severe about face in a matter of months.

From “if it saves just one life (especially his own)”, he now wants to feed our youth into a meat grinder to ostensibly defend ‘The West’ and the associated values that he was only just recently willing to cremate on the alter of Covid.

Fuck off monty, you hypocritical retard.

October 8, 2022 9:47 pm

Winston @ 2:23pm

Found out that an old work colleague from New Caledonia passed away today.

Cancer, first diagnosed in March 2022.

It’s Remarkable
It’s Remarkable
October 8, 2022 9:50 pm

We also have Satellite Foxtel. You are right it can fall out with heavy rain, thunderstorms and similar.
Starlink (so far) not so much, though we are in central NSW so unlikely to get much ‘monsoon’ events. Have been very pleasantly surprised at how good and easy it has been.
We also have a CelFi unit to boost the weak telstra mobile signal we get. Also works well. Only normally get one to two ‘bars’ signal without it, but four-five with it.

October 8, 2022 9:51 pm

October 8, 2022 at 9:47 pm
Winston @ 2:23pm

Found out that an old work colleague from New Caledonia passed away today.

Cancer, first diagnosed in March 2022.

Clot shot.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 8, 2022 9:52 pm

October 8, 2022 at 9:31 pm
When you finish there, you will be ready to join the fight against Chinese inperialism.

And why not American imperialism? You lefties used to be passionate about it at one time.

That was before leftists got a grip on power there.

The fascist left have no principles, only ambitions.

October 8, 2022 9:53 pm

It’s Remarkablesays:
October 8, 2022 at 9:50 pm

Cheers for the info, I’m in NQ. Unfortunately 3-5 months a years is monsoonal is why I ask.

October 8, 2022 9:55 pm

Putin should be allowed to dominate Europe because Trump thinks he’s a strongman to be admired

Which is why Fatty Trump told the Poot the colourful onions in Moscow would be toast if there were any extra curricular adventures (such as we are hearing about now).

mUttley, you ahistorical imbecile.

October 8, 2022 10:02 pm

mUttley, you ahistorical imbecile.

Most repeated comment.

October 8, 2022 10:03 pm

Why do you need a guzzillion Mbps?

I don’t

I need to be independent of the NBN

October 8, 2022 10:06 pm

Lathe flippin, advertised earlier in the week for $800. Now $2,800!

It’s Remarkable
It’s Remarkable
October 8, 2022 10:08 pm

Cheers for that.
Experience is that even in heavy rain, not monsoonal but a a decent thunderstorm, Starlink still works when both Skymuster and Foxtel satellite drops out.
Worth a look I reckon.

October 8, 2022 10:10 pm

For all those interested and discussing the ?? v ?? and Putin’s future, or absence thereof, here’s something beyond the current days fighting to ponder.

What happens in Europe once Russia is unable to exert influence in maintaining its satellite states and keeping blood feuds in check? Win or lose to Ukraine, Russian power and prestige is significantly diminished. Think Europe is a mess now? We ain’t seen nothing yet, this shit show will keep unfolding for generations.

October 8, 2022 10:12 pm

Bloody Nora, Ukraine and Russian flags my iPhone dubbed in for the words Ukraine and Russia came out in “?’s”. Bloody autocorrect >:(

October 8, 2022 10:12 pm

As for appeasement – I haven’t seen anyone on the Cat make a suggestion that was even close to suggesting appeasement.

There are two basically pro-appeasement arguments that I’ve read here. First, that the US should cut off the arms supply to Ukraine immediately. Second, that Ukraine should officially cede any territory that Putin has taken since February 23. I’d be surprised if less than 50% of the commenters here don’t support one or both of these positions, which unquestionably amount to appeasement of Putin.

October 8, 2022 10:13 pm

People are losing confidence in their elected criminals.

October 8, 2022 10:15 pm

October 8, 2022 at 10:12 pm
As for appeasement – I haven’t seen anyone on the Cat make a suggestion that was even close to suggesting appeasement.

There are two basically pro-appeasement arguments that I’ve read here. First, that the US should cut off the arms supply to Ukraine immediately. Second, that Ukraine should officially cede any territory that Putin has taken since February 23. I’d be surprised if less than 50% of the commenters here don’t support one or both of these positions, which unquestionably amount to appeasement of Putin.

People who did not stand up to the clot shot mandates don’t believe in freedom. Therefore, those people have zero moral right to comment at all on the Ukraine/Russia issue.

October 8, 2022 10:15 pm

What happens in Europe once Russia is unable to exert influence in maintaining its satellite states and keeping blood feuds in check?

Nothing much in Europe, because to the extent Putin has had influence there, it has been negative and destabilising. But across the entire southern frontier of Russia – it’s going to absolutely explode! Already starting to unravel.

October 8, 2022 10:17 pm

I’d be surprised if less than 50% of the commenters here don’t support one or both of these positions, which unquestionably amount to appeasement of Putin.

you can do much better than that if you really apply yourself

– 3/10

October 8, 2022 10:20 pm

People who did not stand up to the clot shot mandates don’t believe in freedom. Therefore, those people have zero moral right to comment at all on the Ukraine/Russia issue.


– 9/10

October 8, 2022 10:21 pm

People who did not stand up to the clot shot mandates don’t believe in freedom. Therefore, those people have zero moral right to comment at all on the Ukraine/Russia issue.

But this works the other way too – Putin apologists are fine with poisoning political opponents and throwing them off buildings, therefore they have no right to oppose vaccine mandates.

October 8, 2022 10:24 pm

not bad DaFisk but weakened by the false equivalence in the beginning.

keep trying


October 8, 2022 10:26 pm

not bad DaFisk but weakened by the false equivalence in the beginning.

Oh? You think the COVID vaccine is more dangerous than Putin’s polonium cocktails?

October 8, 2022 10:30 pm

mOnts, it’s interesting that Democrats and the entire American MSM and Internet went after Trump. Twitter, Google and all the rest of them….

Trump was found innocent, despite the impeachment hoaxes.

“Russia, Russia, Russia”. It went on for his entire Presidency. Non stop for four years (and still it continues).

As far as I can recall, the Russians said very little about it. Silence. Right up until the point the Russians seized all the evidence about what’s really going on.

You lot aren’t real bright. “Your Joe” is now talking about Armageddon. The Russians must have some serious shit on Joe and Hunter.

October 8, 2022 10:32 pm

Grate Liberty Quotes of History:

“I need to be independent of the National Brontosaurus Network (I tells ya)”

Do not we all. 😕

October 8, 2022 10:33 pm

I think in the montepox mind, the Putin-Ukraine thing is a continuation of the Russians engineering Trump’s win in 2022. It’s certainly indicative of the left’s complete moral and intellectual bankruptcy that it prefers the Washington War Machine with a tired old ga ga corruptocrat nominally in charge to a President who actually tried to help the middle and working classes irrespective of their skin colour. Incredible isn’t when you remember that the old turd was caught lying in the 1988 election and shamed out of running but it 2020, with more despicable acts under his belt, the US establishment was quite happy to move the decaying old carcass into the Whitehouse.

October 8, 2022 10:33 pm

“Tactical Nuclear” probably isn’t what people expect it means.

October 8, 2022 10:34 pm

There was a coup against the American people in 2020.

October 8, 2022 10:34 pm


now your’e doing it all wrong and you’re getting yr logical fallacies mixed up.

now you have ‘petitio principii’ all wrapped up inside a shonky ‘ad hom’

I’m happy to work with you but you gotta stop wasting my time

October 8, 2022 10:34 pm

The Russians must have some serious shit on Joe and Hunter.

Nukes or rest of days in prison?!! Nukes!

October 8, 2022 10:36 pm

Walk on by

Walk on by

The first version – pure soul

The second version – pure new wave

October 8, 2022 10:36 pm

The Russians must have some serious shit on Joe and Hunter.

putin’s mafia make the bidens look like 2bit street hustlers

October 8, 2022 10:39 pm

The Russians must have some serious shit on Joe and Hunter.

I doubt Hunter’s reputation could possibly go any lower than it has, but the KGB archives are still waiting to be unsealed (there was a very brief period in the early 90s where a few select scholars were allowed to access them and take notes, but they were slammed shut very soon after) and it is very likely that one of the reasons they have not been made public is because Bill Clinton basically bribed Yeltsin to sit on them. Why? Because the known record of certain Democrats’ shuttle diplomacy with Moscow in the mid 80s is bad enough, with then Senator Kennedy promising to coordinate his public messaging with the Soviets to undermine Reagan’s re-election campaign and thereby stop the US defence build-up – what actually went down in private is almost certainly so shocking it would ruin multiple reputations in DC, or at least among lobbyists and retired officials…

October 8, 2022 10:41 pm

putin’s polonium cocktails

What, no polonium sammiches?

October 8, 2022 10:43 pm

Oh? You think the COVID vaccine is more dangerous than Putin’s polonium cocktails?

Wooo, hold up.
I’ve not been following the Ukraine/Russia thing in any great detail.

Has Putin mandated polonium cocktails?

That’s gonna punch a hole in any conscription Army he may wish to raise. He might want to rethink that.

October 8, 2022 10:45 pm

A seventies classic

Break out the Mustang, the soft tummied scantily clad hausfrau and head on down to Hollyweird Boulevarde, Cats! 🙂

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 8, 2022 10:45 pm

Anybody care to speculate what Monday brings in the Brittany Higgins case?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 8, 2022 10:45 pm

Decent storm moving over D-town.

Only little by NT standards, but by criminy jickens there’s a bit of snap and crackle about.

October 8, 2022 10:47 pm


Yet more lies.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 8, 2022 10:47 pm

Sydney is a top place.

The Steyne Hotel in Manly. Brilliant.

Second place goes to The Pebblecreter’s Arms in Vaucluse.

“Drunk for a penny, dead drunk for twopence, and clean straw for nothing.”

Full many a Cat, or is that many a full Cat, has dropped by for twopence worth and straw for the nite. 🙂

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 8, 2022 10:49 pm

Quite a LOT of snap and crackle.

October 8, 2022 10:49 pm

Lizzee! 🙂

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 8, 2022 10:50 pm

Nice, Lizzie!

October 8, 2022 10:52 pm

2 nights in a row by the looks KD, nice. Been home sorta apart from the short trip this week about a week now and everything is dry here. Our storms are still a month off and well west/south atm.

Cassie of Sydney
October 8, 2022 10:53 pm

“Putin’s polonium cocktails”

DaStink and creative writing.

October 8, 2022 10:53 pm

So we get on down to Hollyweird Boulevarde, only to be greeted by young people, doing something useful for a change.

Cassie of Sydney
October 8, 2022 10:54 pm

“Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
October 8, 2022 at 10:47 pm”

Nice to see you Lizzie…I’ve just seen your email!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 8, 2022 10:54 pm

Good to see you back, Lizzie B. I do admire your contributions.

October 8, 2022 10:55 pm

LOL – spell wrecker is no longer bothering to highlight “Hollyweird”.

We take these victories where we find them, Cats. 🙂

October 8, 2022 10:58 pm

Remember this?

10 March 2020
Australia and the United States of America have signed a milestone Arrangement to bolster Australia’s access to emergency oil supplies in the event of a major global disruption.

The Arrangement will allow Australia to lease space in the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to store and access Australian owned oil during a global emergency.

The SPR is down to about 60%
What was SloMo’s brilliant plan when the US starts sticking its straw into ‘our’ bit?

October 8, 2022 10:59 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 8, 2022 10:59 pm

2 nights in a row by the looks KD, nice.

Threatened last night, had a bit in the rural area. Another couple of false alarms this arvo when the big storm clouds build in the east, and then just fade off leaving the populace sweaty, shocked and chagrined.

Pretty good tonight, early in the season too. This one had the weeties to get near the coast, where they really pick up.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 8, 2022 11:00 pm

Full many a Cat, or is that many a full Cat, has dropped by for twopence worth and straw for the nite. ?

Stay here.

October 8, 2022 11:03 pm

The Arrangement will allow Australia to lease space in the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to store and access Australian owned oil during a global emergency.

A strategic petroleum reserve in another country is an oxymoron.

The very best of Scumo.

October 8, 2022 11:05 pm

Oh? You think the COVID vaccine is more dangerous than Putin’s polonium cocktails?

With the number of people jabbed worldwide? Yes, without a doubt.

What I actually fear most is the criminals controlling America arranging a nuclear October surprise to blame on Russia. They’ve certainly sown the seeds. Biden can’t shut up about it.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 8, 2022 11:10 pm


Yet more lies.

Dunno, Squire, I’m wondering whether La Brittany was the specimen of the sisterhood who was going to smash the patriarchy – no – one would question her word – and she’s fast finding herself out of her depth and sinking fast..

October 8, 2022 11:11 pm

Whatever the other side may want to convince us of, the vast majority of Australians still believe in the egalitarian ideal;

I used to think so; not anymore. 34%voted LNP; 32% liars, 22% teals and filth. The majority of the electorate are fucking idiots.

On a brighter note, eat at Trinity tonight. Still one of the best restaurants on the East coast. Decor and service fabulous; food terrific.

October 8, 2022 11:15 pm

Putin apologists are fine with poisoning political opponents and throwing them off buildings

Err, when did he start engaging in the second of the activities above?

Or are you just hyperbowling, fisk*?


October 8, 2022 11:18 pm

RNA in breast milk
Dr. John Campbell

So basically the lipid nano particles carrying mRNA are capable of breaching all human cells, including milk breast, brain, testes and even sweat glands. So not only did they make the mRNA persist for months they made it go everywhere in the human body and almost certainly shed externally as well.

October 8, 2022 11:18 pm

If it wasn’t apparent before, the era of neo-liberalism is now officially over –

Onshoring. The next big thing.

Cassie of Sydney
October 8, 2022 11:20 pm

“I’m wondering whether La Brittany was the specimen of the sisterhood who was going to smash the patriarchy – no – one would question her word – and she’s fast finding herself out of her depth and sinking fast..”

Umm, yes. Methinks Brittaneeeeee, having been groomed by her partner and various Labor and Green operatives, Mrs Pirate, Ms Maiden and other assorted scum in order to perform a political hit job on the Coalition government, having been fawned over as a victim of the dastardly rotten misogynistic Liberals for the best part of eighteen months, having had that joke of a former PM prostrate himself in parliament towards her, I suspect Brittaneeeee thought the trial was going to be a easy-peasy and very cruisy exercise. The problem is that Higgins is a liar and she doesn’t have a good memory. Not a good combination.

October 8, 2022 11:23 pm

The Arrangement will allow Australia to lease space in the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to store and access Australian owned oil during a global emergency.

A strategic petroleum reserve in another country is an oxymoron.

The very best of Scumo.

there isn’t going to be anything left at this rate

DOE Announces Contract Awards for Crude Oil Sales From the Strategic Petroleum Reserve

Releases Are Part of President Biden’s Continued Action to Protect American Consumers, Address the Global Supply Disruption Caused by Putin’s Energy Price Hike, and Enhance Energy Security

October 8, 2022 11:24 pm

The most interesting point listing to Kanye West on Tucker Carlson was this.

The bloke is a billionaire, so is his ex-sheliah (Kim Kardashian). That doesn’t happen without “influencers”. It’s a sobering acknowledgment that “the people behind you” are the ones that make you.

The bloke is a reformed narcissist (to some extent). A “puppet” gone rogue.

The main point I got from the interview is this. American Politicians are pretty much the same as Hollywood stars (or funded by them). They aren’t in control, they are told.

They read from a teleprompter, they get told what to say. They get told what to do.

People you have never heard of make the decisions. Mostly the donors.

vlad redux
vlad redux
October 8, 2022 11:25 pm

If you haven’t seen this already, please get over there and sign it asap – and spread the word.

The Australian War Memorial is making noises about including “The Frontier Wars” fought by “First Nations” as part of its permanent remit.

It’s up to us now to make as much noise as we can to the contrary while we can.

October 8, 2022 11:25 pm

Hey Yarks!

You big fat dinobore – get over ‘ere …

October 8, 2022 11:28 pm
October 8, 2022 11:33 pm
October 8, 2022 11:46 pm

Armadillo says: Rocktober 8, 2022 at 11:24 pm

You sacrilegious rat turtle.

The Yeezey is among the best. He did not make his epic muzak with the (unnecessary) input of other imbeciles, FFS.

This is just Yart


October 8, 2022 11:50 pm

She takes me monee

Trigger warning: The hottest scantily clad coloured goils in human history 🙂

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 8, 2022 11:54 pm

The Australian War Memorial is making noises about including “The Frontier Wars” fought by “First Nations” as part of its permanent remit.

I don’t normally go on for conspiracy, buy why am I left with the feeling that this is part of the buildup to a referendum on “the voice”?

We defeated Aborigines in the “frontier Wars”, we poisoned the waterholes and took their children away, we treated them as “flora and fauna” until the 1967 Referendum, now all they want is just their “voice” to Parliament, how can we deny them that?

October 9, 2022 12:00 am

The Yeezey is so awesome that he can admit he’s a supporter of Fatty Trump, experience a mental breakdown, get assigned to a psychiatric facility before announcing that he’s back, baybee, back, with an epic

*While being involved in instant classics such as this 🙂

October 9, 2022 12:10 am
October 9, 2022 12:12 am

Just got into Glasgow…in the middle of a Nationalist demmo.

A Scottish man whinging through a PA is only slightly different to the skirl of the bagpipes.

And…a quick observation…this place is Redder than Moscow.

October 9, 2022 12:16 am

how can we deny them that?

By loudly and incessantly propagating the truth, unfashionable and “incorrect” as it may be.

October 9, 2022 12:18 am

You sacrilegious rat turtle.

Meh. Been called worse.

October 9, 2022 12:21 am

Drove the length of Glencoe this morning. The most beautiful scenery I’ve ever seen.

Example. Even saw the road as we passed.

A little cruise on Loch Lomond complete with tiny islands covered in scots pine and hiding little stone huts.

Recommended. Get over here and have a look before it disappears.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
October 9, 2022 12:37 am

A headline in The Oz infers that Biden’s family scandals are ok because other Presidents also had family scandals.
Well least they are talking about the laptop from hell. Half an election cycle too late though. Mission accomplished.

October 9, 2022 1:05 am

Recommended. Get over here and have a look before it disappears.

Don’t get me wrong here, Calli. The travelogues are great. But bring us some proof. This blog is all about “the truth”.

Bring us back the head of the “Loch Ness Monster”. Or maybe that Silver Car.

You could be making this shit up. We need evidence.

October 9, 2022 1:07 am

Dover, we can’t have people prancing about the blog making wild claims.

It’s “not a good look”.

October 9, 2022 1:14 am

One of those “furry black hats” the blokes out the front of Buckingham Palace wear would surface as evidence of your travels.

October 9, 2022 1:29 am

Seeing reports now that the rail bridge may begin operating again 8pm Kerch time.

What’s the delay? They should go right ahead now –

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
October 9, 2022 1:32 am

Not a bad joke but Disney has apologised for publishing it:

“My four year old son has been learning Spanish all year and still can’t say the word for “please”.
Which I think is poor for four.”
(h/t insta pundit)

Winston Smith
October 9, 2022 1:53 am

Da Fisk:

There are two basically pro-appeasement arguments that I’ve read here. First, that the US should cut off the arms supply to Ukraine immediately. Second, that Ukraine should officially cede any territory that Putin has taken since February 23. I’d be surprised if less than 50% of the commenters here don’t support one or both of these positions, which unquestionably amount to appeasement of Putin.

My opinion?
I don’t give a rats. They can all go ahead slaughtering each other. None of them have got the brains to stop hating each other because Uncle Ivan and Auntie Katryna had a fight 1000 years ago and the families refuse to make up.
When President Trump commences his second term, he should tell Europe the US is staying out of their entire bloodthirsty history and state affairs.

October 9, 2022 2:03 am

No one in this world works “in a vacuum”.

Imagine how much pressure these people are under. Deciding wether us plebs “survive or die”. They have bunkers. All good.

October 9, 2022 2:14 am

When President Trump commences his second term, he should tell Europe the US is staying out of their entire bloodthirsty history and state affairs.

If the Germans and the Frogs think this is so important, they can throw their $ and blood at it.

Elbow and Wrong need to get Australia the hell out of this stupid Slavic bar fight.

Winston Smith
October 9, 2022 2:19 am


So basically the lipid nano particles carrying mRNA are capable of breaching all human cells, including milk breast, brain, testes and even sweat glands. So not only did they make the mRNA persist for months they made it go everywhere in the human body and almost certainly shed externally as well.

I just had a nasty thought:
If the original Vaccine was made from the Chinese computer generated sequence, and they only allowed Chinese manufactured Vaccines in China, does that mean everyone who was vaccinated by the non Chinese now has a specific gene sequence marker?
Would they do that?
Or should I stop eating Jalapeno/Pineapple& Banana Pizza before bed?

October 9, 2022 2:21 am

because Uncle Ivan and Auntie Katryna had a fight 1000 years ago and the families refuse to make up.

Winston, it’s probably “moved on” a bit since then with the digital age.

Ivan and Katyna can sledge each other over the Internet.

Winston Smith
October 9, 2022 2:21 am

has there been any official response to this bizarre video of the NZ PM?

October 9, 2022 2:24 am

As to what to watch for on Monday …

In order to put to the jury that there is a reasonable possibilty that Higgins lied, Lehrmann’s barrister Whybrow must attack her credibility. He is making this attack by adducing evidence of the occasions on which she lied. Quite orthodox, but in the SMH (or the AFR), it is reported that McCallum CJ warned Whybrow can only make an attack if the evidence has substantial value towards undermining credibility. That is OK, but how does determine whether that attack is substantial?

Otherwise, McCallum is wrong. The value of a particular piece of evidence must be gauged in the context of other such evidence. That is, a single piece of evidence – such as her untruth about spending 3 hours being sick – may on its own be weak, it gains strength when taken with other such single instances.

But will McCallum run her line to the extent of stopping Whybrow’s attacks? This would considerably assist the Crown.

Winston Smith
October 9, 2022 2:26 am

The SPR is the world’s largest supply of emergency crude oil, and the federally owned oil stocks stored in underground salt caverns at four storage sites in Texas and Louisiana. The SPR has a long history of protecting the economy and American livelihoods in times of energy supply challenges.
What utter bilge.

For more information on the SPR please visit Infographic: Strategic Petroleum Reserve and Fact Sheet: Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

October 9, 2022 2:27 am

If the Germans and the Frogs think this is so important, they can throw their $ and blood at it.

Exactly Nick. Nailed it.

October 9, 2022 2:34 am

The Europeans aren’t throwing their “blood and treasure” into Ukraine to save Joe and Hunters arses. The American taxpayers are.

Winston Smith
October 9, 2022 2:38 am

A better link to our esteemed NZ PM…

October 9, 2022 2:42 am

American precision museum:

October 9, 2022 2:45 am

A better link to our esteemed NZ PM…

Play it with the sound off and it looks like you’re watching girl gollum after she’s snorted some coke.

October 9, 2022 2:46 am

You could be making this shit up. We need evidence.

Och aye!

Just had a couple of drinks at an Irish pub. Celtic fans, natch. Felt a bit odd being honorary Presbyterians and therefore likely to be Rangers.

There were some very loud and passionate anti-vaxxers in the square near the hotel, also on a PA. And some Hari Krishnas, too scantily clad for the grim weather, in my opinion. Everyone was out and about, even the drag queens.

October 9, 2022 2:51 am

On evidence, I have no VPN, so Dover can confirm my rough location.

The bonny banks of Clyde might look nicer up stream, but definitely ordinary as they pass through this rough and ready industrial city. Off to a city walking tour tomorrow, then on to a nourishing tea at the Macintosh Tea Rooms – we booked weeks ago and still had trouble getting a spot.

He is one of my favourite designers – spotted a couple of his buildings as we entered the city.

October 9, 2022 2:54 am

American precision museum:

I got 4 seconds into that video before I wanted to snort coke. It was that or put a revolver to my head.

October 9, 2022 3:05 am

And some Hari Krishnas, too scantily clad for the grim weather, in my opinion. Everyone was out and about, even the drag queens.

I haven’t heard a cutlass mentioned in this story. At least not yet.

Do carry on.

October 9, 2022 3:08 am

I think you mean claymores, Arma.

Many’s the lad fought on that day
Well the claymore did wield,
When the night came, silently lay
Dead on Culloden’s field.

Skye Boat Song.

October 9, 2022 3:08 am

I got 4 seconds into that video before I wanted to snort coke. It was that or put a revolver to my head.

Oh! You missed the bit on armadillo machining then??!!

October 9, 2022 3:22 am

Armadillo, I think you need to watch some hydraulic press channel:

October 9, 2022 3:37 am

Once again peaceful anti abortion rally is attacked by a Monty minded mob.
“Former Liberal MP and organiser of the anti-abortion march Bernie Finn said the Liberal Party should change its abortion policies”
Victorian Convenor of the Animal Justice Party Bronwyn Currie said the pro-choice protest was fighting “for the lives of women”…Secretary of the Reason Party, Emma Sinclair said anti-abortion sentiment has grown after the overturning of the Roe v Wade decision by the United States Supreme Court.

October 9, 2022 4:00 am
October 9, 2022 5:39 am

Thanx, Tom.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 9, 2022 5:50 am

Some crickit news.
Mark Steketee of Queensland came close to a hat-trick in the Sheffield Shield yesterday.
Got the first two.
Got the edge for the third but the catch dropped at slip.
By Joe Burns.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 9, 2022 5:52 am

Stopping sacrilege at the War Memorial

Cats might like to read this on Quaddie and sign Peter’s petition linked there.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 9, 2022 6:07 am

the Pebblecrete Arms at Vaucluse

It’s easy to get lost on the way. Last lot of Cats wandering perplexed rang for directions.
You look for the Sign of the Cracked Pebblecrete and enter there via the Creaking Iron Gates, to proceed down the Cracked Pebblecrete Steps.

One day soon enough post-modernism will have its way and this impressive mid-70’s heritage of modernity will be swept away by time’s pneumatic drill. Till then, enjoy the Arms in its full glory.

Just watch your step. 🙂

Johnny Rotten
October 9, 2022 6:10 am

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.

– Douglas Adams

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 9, 2022 6:11 am

Aha. I see backthread in de early hours that a link has already been made re the War Memorial.

Hairy and I have both signed it. I email Cass to put it up, but then thought, dammit, I shall do so myself.

Johnny Rotten
October 9, 2022 6:13 am

An elderly couple was having dinner one evening when the husband reached across the table, took his wife’s hand in his and said “Betty, soon we will be married 50 years, and there’s something I have to know. In all of these 50 years, have you ever been unfaithful to me?”

Betty replied “Well Henry, I have to be honest with you. Yes, I’ve been unfaithful to you on three occasions during these 50 years, but always for a good reason”.

Henry was obviously hurt by his wife’s confession, but said “I never suspected. Can you tell me what you mean by ‘good reasons’?” Betty said “The first time was shortly after we were married, and we were about to lose our little house because we couldn’t pay the mortgage. Do you remember that evening I went to see the bank manager and the next day he notified you that the loan would be extended?” Henry recalled the visit to the bank and said “I can forgive you for that. You saved our home, but what about the second time?”

Betty asked “Do you remember when you were so sick, but we didn’t have the money to pay for the heart surgery you needed? Well, I went to see your doctor one night and, if you recall, he did the surgery at no charge”. “I recall that” said Henry. “And you did it to save my life, so of course I can forgive you for that. Now tell me about the third time”.

“All right” Betty said. “So do you remember when you were in the Golf Club you ran for President of the Club, and you needed 59 more votes…?”

And Up Yours Stencho Panyhose and JC the Pompous Windbag…………………..

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 9, 2022 6:15 am

Skye Boat Song.

Flora MacDonald’s grave on Skye is worth a look.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 9, 2022 6:26 am

Whybrow must attack her credibility

Her credibility must surely be seriously undermined by her willingness to profit from a book about her drunken behaviour. As well as by her refusal to report this purported crime prior to realising it could be profitable to her in employment terms (keeping her job) as well as from a salacious book. Her credibility is also surely wrecked by the fact that she scrubbed her phone records prior to handing her phone to police, destroying evidence. That alone is rather like lying.

October 9, 2022 6:43 am

About those electric vehicles…

A top Florida state official warned Thursday that firefighters have battled a number of fires caused by electric vehicle (EV) batteries waterlogged from Hurricane Ian.

EV batteries that have been waterlogged in the wake of the hurricane are at risk of corrosion, which could lead to unexpected fires and even explosions.

October 9, 2022 6:58 am

More detail on the EV fires and even household lithium battery fires.

The batteries in electric vehicles are lithium-ion (using lithium compounds rather than pure lithium metal). Once a EV-battery fire ignites, it is very hard to extinguish.

Once alight, lithium-ion battery fires are very hard to extinguish. Common fire suppressants don’t work and the fire can burn very fiercely. In some circumstances, the battery can explode.

“If you have a problem with one cell, it’s going to start spreading,” says Magrabi.

This unstoppable fire is called “thermal runaway” which is carefully explained in this video from emergency responder training company

October 9, 2022 7:01 am
October 9, 2022 7:06 am

Another Glasgow snapshot.

Trudging through thin, cold rain to our dinner restaurant – a fire and brimstone street preacher presenting the Gospel to the local Saturday night crowd. African.

The colonies are now sending missionaries to Europe.

October 9, 2022 7:09 am

Interesting politics in Victoria firemen have threatened to strike for 8.6% pay rise . They have Dan over a barrel as they have dirt in him . First on scene when young boy seriously injured when hit by car some years ago .

October 9, 2022 7:14 am

I reckon your travelogues are beaut calli and I don’t detect any bullshit. Re Glasgow redder than Moscow- not just Glasgow, I picked up the same vibe in Aberdeen. I’m sorry to say it but I have a very low opinion of modern Scotland. I think most (but not all) the people with drive, ambition and ability left over 100 years ago.

October 9, 2022 7:17 am

Oh yes we hate England but keep sending us our dole money

October 9, 2022 7:22 am

I’d say Higgins is your typical ‘advisor’. Bludge course at the Uni then through, contacts and connections, a nace sinecure. Advising pollimuppets about voter concerns like the cost of housing? I don’t think so.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 9, 2022 7:22 am

About those electric vehicles…

Yeah, there’s this tiny problem with packaging the fuel and oxidizer so closely together.

Exploding Electric Bicycles | Power Line (4 Oct)

One of the first things I teach students on the first day of energy policy classes I have taught is how energy density works, and how a battery is a device to store energy at high densities. But at a certain point, when you increase the energy density enough, we don’t call it a battery any more. We call it a bomb.

That’s exactly right. If there’s enough energy density with fuel and oxidizer intimately close together you could start to see actual detonations rather than just incredibly fast fires. So the R&D people who are chasing more and more energy density in batteries are starting to hit a limit in what is possible – not from technical impossibility but from serious safety risks in event of crashes, faults, external ignition sources or water ingress.

October 9, 2022 7:25 am

The nationalism is strong here. They want to leave the UK because “London takes all our munni”. Like WA, lots of natural resources and a small population.

Problem is all the infrastructure has been built on taxes collected from the entire country. And…who defends it all?

October 9, 2022 7:27 am

What credibility Lizzie? It will be interesting to hear how she ended up nude , clothing certainly was not torn off her to commit the foul deed . And all this in the 22 minutes he clocked on and off.

Johnny Rotten
October 9, 2022 7:28 am

A woman accompanied her husband to the doctor’s office.

After his check-up, the doctor called the wife into his office alone. He said “Your husband is suffering from a very severe stress disorder. If you don’t follow my instructions carefully, your husband will surely die”.

“Each morning, fix him a healthy breakfast. Be pleasant at all times. For lunch make him a nutritious meal. For dinner prepare an especially nice meal for him”.

“Don’t burden him with chores. Don’t discuss your problems with him; it will only make his stress worse. Do not nag him. Most importantly, make love to him regularly”.

“If you can do this for the next 10 months to a year, I think your husband will regain his health completely”.

On the way home, the husband asked his wife “What did the doctor say?” “He said you’re going to die” she replied.

Johnny Rotten
October 9, 2022 7:29 am

I can resist everything except temptation.

– Oscar Wilde

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 9, 2022 7:32 am

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare.

Good to see you have returned.

October 9, 2022 7:32 am

The nationalism is strong here. They want to leave the UK because “London takes all our munni”.

If the ‘nationalism’ is SNP style then it’s completely fake- SNP wants to Scotland to be a vassal of the EU.

Johnny Rotten
October 9, 2022 7:35 am

Interview: Sleepwalking To The Gates of Hell with Martin Armstrong

Commentary from Ryan McCormick:

With or without our consent, humanity is being dragged into a horrific third world war. Martin speaks with Ryan McCormick from The Outer Limits of Inner Truth

( and gives a sobering assessment and forecast of how, why, and what to expect when hell on earth manifests.

Martin also discusses:

· The likelihood that Americans will be subjected to, and willingly accept a Chinese-style social credit rating system.

· What the past eight civilizations that have collapsed (with the exception of Egypt post-1250 BC) all have in common.

· If the push for green energy will fully succeed in the US or only prevail in a limited number of states.

· When China becomes the epicenter of economic activity by 2032, will it drastically increase it’s sphere of influence and political ideologies the same way the US did in post World War II.

· What form of government in history was most favorable to individual rights and what nations and states will have the most freedom in the future.

Johnny Rotten
October 9, 2022 7:38 am

October 9, 2022 at 7:32 am
The nationalism is strong here. They want to leave the UK because “London takes all our munni”.

If the ‘nationalism’ is SNP style then it’s completely fake- SNP wants to Scotland to be a vassal of the EU.

The Jocks would not survive without English money.

October 9, 2022 7:39 am

SNP wants to Scotland to be a vassal of the EU.

Yes, there’s a strong undercurrent of displeasure over Brexit because it “made life difficult”.

Scotland has been playing footsies with France since forever of course. Their antipathy towards Germany has, however, been conveniently forgotten.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 9, 2022 7:39 am

Other fun thing with hurricanes is what they do to wind turbines and solar panels.

That’s from 2017 in Puerto Rico, which is a very lefty US territory. They love their green icons. Be interesting to know how the rebuilt turbines and panels did during hurricane Fiona which went through there on 18 Sep. Seems rather pointless to build a bunch of wind turbines and solar panels only for them to be blown away every five years or so.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
October 9, 2022 7:40 am

The Marxists are at it again bringing down another great institution. This time the Nations War Memorial. They will now recognise the Frontier Wars. FFS.

Well why stop there. I served on the frontlines of the great Petrol Price Wars of the 1980s. Where’s the recognition of that conflict?

October 9, 2022 7:43 am

Being of mixed English and Scottish blood, I find the anti Englishness in Scotland completely moronic and ignorant. For a start, Edinburgh was the capital of an Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Lowland Scots, which Burns wrote in, is a dialect of English.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 9, 2022 7:44 am

The idiots are up early this morning.

October 9, 2022 7:48 am

Don’t know if this affects anyone but Australia Post has stopped all deliveries of Sea Mail coming into the country .. You’d expect they’d announce it fairly loudly so folk would know ……. but!

October 9, 2022 7:49 am

You are.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 9, 2022 7:50 am

Ed Casesays:
October 9, 2022 at 7:44 am
The idiots are up early this morning.

You obviously sh*t the bed.

October 9, 2022 7:50 am

The Marxists are at it again bringing down another great institution. This time the Nations War Memorial. They will now recognise the Frontier Wars. FFS.

All about trying to make the Australian nation illegitimate (with a view to handing us over to the UN etc). As well as rubbishing the tragic loss of so many fine people. I wonder which Canbra pubic parasites with BAs from the ANU are pushing this. We hate you skips but we still want your money.

October 9, 2022 7:52 am

Remember when Abbott got in, a few pubes seemed to think they were working for the UN not us.

October 9, 2022 7:52 am

Winston Smithsays:
October 9, 2022 at 1:53 am


October 9, 2022 7:53 am

Na, the mags are shit, to thin a material, the feed lips deform and cause misfeeds. Highly unreliable. Why I went with the B220.

Personally I went with the the T1000 from Dickinson.
Better feel than the Adler.
Also, I couldn’t pass up the Terminator 2 appeal ?

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 9, 2022 7:55 am

Australia Post stops ALL sea mail coming into the country because of sharp rise in prohibited items

“Prohibited items” soonds like weapons t’ me.
Yeah, I can guess why they’re not trumpeting that hither and yon.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 9, 2022 8:00 am

Being of mixed English and Scottish blood, I find the anti Englishness in Scotland completely moronic and ignorant.

Hadrian built his wall in 122 AD, and the biff was going on well before that. So two thousand years or more. Puts the Ukraine war into perspective.

‘Scotland energy to serve Scotland’s people’ Blackford pledges to cut off UK with IndyRef2 (8 Oct)

The SNP Westminster leader said energy-rich Scotland would no longer have to share with the UK, resulting in stronger energy security and smaller bills. The UK has been facing an ongoing rise in energy bills, with many voters faced with the prospect of having to choose whether to heat their homes or eat. Ian Blackford argued that independence would allow Scotland to minimise the growing costs and refocus the attention on greener policies.

Yep, “moronic and ignorant” fits.

October 9, 2022 8:02 am
Ed Case
Ed Case
October 9, 2022 8:03 am

It’s all about getting a Treaty.
Once The Voice is legislated, a Treaty will be the first demand.
While that’s being drawn up, “Aboriginal” people will be squatting in houses left empty while the owners are at work.
But there’s not that many Aboriginal people, I hear some clown bleat.

Aboriginality is conferred by some kinship group.
You can have someone just off the plane, never set foot in Australia, the Kinship group declares then Aborigines, then that’s what they are, unless you wanna take your chances with Judge Mordy.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 9, 2022 8:04 am


Which is why Fatty Trump told the Poot the colourful onions in Moscow would be toast if there were any extra curricular adventures (such as we are hearing about now).

mUttley, you ahistorical imbecile.

Don’t confuse m0nty-fa with facts, he knows (from the daily talking points) who the “real” enemy is.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 9, 2022 8:06 am

Look out, the YouTube Troll is back.

Johnny Rotten
October 9, 2022 8:18 am

An Irishman finds a magic lamp. He picks it up, gives it a rub, and out comes a genie.

“Master! you have freed me from the lamp! I will grant you three wishes!” “Wow, three? Okay, let me think for a moment…”

After a short period of deliberation, the Irishman had finally come up with something.
“I would like to have a pint of Guinness that magically fills all the way back up when I’ve finished it”.

“Your wish is my command!” booms the genie, and suddenly in the Irishman’s hand is a pint glass full to the brim of Guinness.

The man takes a few swigs to test it, likes what he’s been given, and continues to down the rest of the drink. As soon as it was empty, the glass magically filled right back up with a fresh pint, which he also enjoys immediately just to see it fill up again. Infinite Guinness.

This happens a few more times before the genie starts to become a little impatient.

“Master, what may I grant you for your second wish?” The Irishman wipes his mouth, takes a gander at the glass in his hand and says “I’ll have another one of these”.

Johnny Rotten
October 9, 2022 8:19 am

Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.

– Mae West

October 9, 2022 8:21 am

Victorian Convenor of the Animal Justice Party Bronwyn Currie said the pro-choice protest was fighting “for the lives of women”…

Good to see some common ground then – they are obviously in favour of banning abortions of female babies then….

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 9, 2022 8:23 am


My opinion?
I don’t give a rats. They can all go ahead slaughtering each other. None of them have got the brains to stop hating each other because Uncle Ivan and Auntie Katryna had a fight 1000 years ago and the families refuse to make up.

I’m a bit of an appeaser. I’d like to see them both lose.

October 9, 2022 8:24 am

Berkeley Law’s “Jew-Free Zone” Controversy

In August, nine student groups at Berkeley law school signed a statement sponsored group Berkeley Law Students for Justice in Palestine pledging not to invite “speakers that have expressed and continued to hold views … in support of Zionism, the apartheid state of Israel, and the occupation of Palestine.”

Johnny Rotten
October 9, 2022 8:24 am

Once The Voice is legislated, a Treaty will be the first demand.

Hey Dick Head and a Suitable Case For Treatment. There will never be a Treaty as there was no one here to have a Treaty with. Not only that but there was no Australian Federal Guv’ment at the time. Are you THICK or some’fink. Yeas of course you are. An IQ of Net Zero to boot as well.

October 9, 2022 8:34 am
Bar Beach Swimmer
October 9, 2022 8:40 am

I used to think so; not anymore. 34%voted LNP; 32% liars, 22% teals and filth. The majority of the electorate are fucking idiots.

On a brighter note, eat at Trinity tonight. Still one of the best restaurants on the East coast. Decor and service fabulous; food terrific

Cohenite, they maybe f*king idiots when selecting who they will vote for – that’s the democratic way – the right to pick the wrong dud.

But they have a real aversion to that type of inequality that raises up one group over another by conferring on them special rights and privileges that the others will never be able to claim.

On Trinity, like MacArthur, I shall return.

October 9, 2022 8:43 am

further to yesterdays discussion of Starlink, and the ‘outage’ of said system in the Ukraine, this article suggests that Putin dunnit (same as everything) and that it will be a catastrophic loss for the Uke military.

October 9, 2022 8:44 am

I would suggest not using a Paypal account. They seem to think that spending your own money should be subject to their thought police.

New PayPal Policy Permits Company to Fine Users $2,500 for ‘Misinformation’

I use Paypal occasionally to avoid giving credit card details on purchases but I have not and will not have a cent of my money under their control.

October 9, 2022 8:47 am
October 9, 2022 8:50 am

Why the misleading click bait, Indolent. Leave that to the MSM.

Johnny Rotten
October 9, 2022 8:51 am

We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don’t know.

– John Knee Rotten

October 9, 2022 8:51 am

Putin dunnit

Jamming signals, by their very nature, have a large EM footprint. If Starlink was jammed, then the source of the jamming signals should be easy to locate.

Johnny Rotten
October 9, 2022 8:52 am

A man wakes up and looks at his clock. It is 7:07 am.

He gets out of bed, goes downstairs and glances at his calendar. It says it is July 7, the seventh day of the seventh month.

As he steps outside, he notices Bus #7 going by. He walks to a coffee shop and orders a coffee and a bite to eat and the bill comes to $7.77.

The man thinks “Hmm… all these sevens… I think the universe is trying to tell me something”.

So feeling that maybe this is his lucky day, the man cuts out early from work and goes to the race track. He reads the racing schedule and sees that in the seventh race horse # 7 is called “Lucky Universe”. The man can’t believe it. He runs up to the teller and bets all his money on the horse.

The horse came in seventh.

October 9, 2022 8:54 am

October 9, 2022 at 8:35 am
What is the least amount of exercise we can do to be healthy and fit?

Interesting the article says frequency matters, given that’s the attitude eastern europe has taken to weight lifting for a long time. Science catching up to empirical experience again?

October 9, 2022 8:59 am

Calli in Glasgow…

I just had a thought. Did you magically turn presbyterian on crossing the Scottish border? 😉

October 9, 2022 8:59 am

Why the misleading click bait, Indolent. Leave that to the MSM.

What have I posted that is misleading?

  1. FIRED: CBS Evening News fired rabid anti-Trump anchor Norah O’Donnell. The drive-by media is desperately trying to move to the…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x