Still Life with Dahlias, Zinnias, Hollyhocks and Plums, Eugène Delacroix, 1835
Still Life with Dahlias, Zinnias, Hollyhocks and Plums, Eugène Delacroix, 1835
Today’s Daily Tele: PRESSURE BUILDS ON FRAGILE CEASEFIRE GAZA CITY: Israel has threatened to launch a “new” war on Hamas and…
The Washington Post headline read “Australian hospital examines patient records after nurse claims to have killed Israelis.” Hope the search…
Rita Panahi: Australia is again making headlines around the world for all the wrong reasons thanks to another anti-Semitic incident.To…
Broken English
Salty does analysis of the pelosi bummery incident; amusing:
How much do the new truck battery packs cost? How much does it cost to take out the old ones and install the new ones?
Never mentioned, like when they sold cars to people who discovered that a new battery pack cost more than the car.
As usual with the ‘renewable energy’ crowd, hard numbers are difficult to find in the haze of self approbation.
Is the ev truck range for travelling on flat ground?
I’m trying to find answers to those sorts of questions and so far I’m told I wouldn’t know because I’m and urban wog, I have no idea what entropy means because I don’t install a/c units and we need to focus more on Europe. Cronkite at least tried but his link was from March 2021.
Yep, it can happen. Sounds like every Mardi Gras weekend.
That’s not a problem in oz. The whole continent is as flat as a pancake. 🙂
Think about it, Ed.
She’s the daughter of the Clintons, imagine the dirt she’d know.
Poor thing is in fear for her life 24/7.
Where’s the slut addict this evening? Do you know?
Re weights link
I’ll bet good money that that’s the last “Welcome to Country” that Twiggy Forrest ever lays on!
Maybe he forgot to wind down the windows of the van and is passed out somewhere looking for some rough trade? Just a guess.
In the linked article Janus announce their first “fleet” of electric converted trucks.
That was in April.
That “fleet” of Kenworth, Freightliner, Mack, Volvo and Western Star is now short of a Kenworth. Nowhere in Janus’ literature or website is there mention of this. However “Truck & Bus” magazine have an article in July:
Investigations continue after battery fire destroys electric truck
The article is about the Tuggerah Fire Brigade managing to extinguish a fire that “just broke out” in a prime mover standing in the yard of Janus Electric Pty Ltd.
& how the fire brigade managed to prevent too much damage when the fire spread to other trucks standing nearby.
There’s not much left of (what presumably is) the Kenworth.
The mass limit exemptions are an attempt to cancel out the increased tare wt of batteries.
Weight concessions for EV trucks show that the rule book for safety and road wear aren’t a serious law.
An ICE truck would be fined thousands of dollars for being two tonne overweight because it’s so dangerous, you should hear magistrates windbag over this, and yet an EV two tonne over is just dandy as it’s saving the planet.
They place weight limits on trucks to protect the roads?
And bridges etc…
Magnificent public comeback.
There’s probably a niche for them on the docks and with very local work, particularly carrying large volume/low mass freight.
What is so dangerous? They control the weight because of traffic accident concerns etc. But if an EV is built weighty and its part of the truck apparatus what is the danger?
It’s a dodgy little arithmetic model designed and fudged by governments to avoid proper road and infrastructure maintenance.
Other countries have higher mass limits on exactly the same vehicles as their roads are better.
There didn’t look to be much of this zero carbon-ness in the photos of the Kenworth smoking itself up.
BigRig magazine also carried the story.
Among other things.
Safety wrt braking is a big one.
A video reveals what happened before Xi ordered Hu’s removal at the Party Congress
Do we have confirmation that ‘hammer’ was not a euphemism for something else?
Being crowned by a Rubber Dick doesn’t often result in brain surgery, but I’m going with my original take:
Paulie and DePape were playing Ed Buck with some homeless black hustler when he flatlined.
The “Welfare Check” was to remove the stiff and DePape has to cop it in the shorts to protect the Narrative.
How truckies know they have to drive into weigh stations from a highway. I see trucks driving past while other guys are being weighed.
As long as they put more bing bongs on the EV trucks it will all be OK.
You’re waved in. Some are random, some pull in every truck.
Hasn’t happened to me, I don’t do enough miles. Only had a couple of log book checks so far.
Farmer Gez, agree with a lot of what you say but many prime movers and single tri axle trailers are rated to 42.5 tonnes. Many aren’t maxxed out on weight but liquids and rocks , grain etc often are. I used to drag drinks to woolies bottle shops around NSW and often had a full massed load in tautliners.
This rain situation is getting more ridiculous every day!
22mm today and about to get hit by storms again.
Started windrowing canola on Saturday with dual wheels on the windrower, only bogged once with at least 10 close calls.
This harvest will be the longest on record if this keeps up.
Prices on the up again but we may only harvest feed quality grain at this rate.
normally referred to as cranes or forklifts
Liquids are always heavy.
Most modern singles are 43 tonne max as they have Fups bull bars that give you .5 extra on the steers.
Not forgetting the national mass management scheme which allows more legal mass.
160mm for October.
It’s a dry week ahead and we scored only 4mm this episode. I’m optimistic that the pattern may have shifted away from us.
Drown Melbourne. It’s a mercy killing.
Qld Police started hyping recruiting from school a few months ago.
What both Qld and VIC have in common at the moment is a requirement to be fully vaxxed (ie. Triple). That is with the way outdated Vax that many people by now know has numerous risks for younger people.
In relation to VIC their actions in past 2 years will affect recruiting for years to come. Look to them recruiting from overseas.
“In past years we’ve pushed away young people, saying you need to get some life experience, I’m saying, ‘No, we don’t need to do that’ … we’re happy to take you if you’re 18 or 19,” Mr Patton said.
If we thought the past couple of years showed Vic cops exhibiting zero empathy for the people they’re supposed to be serving, just wait until they load up with poms, kiwis, sikhs, etc. As proper-fella outsiders they’ll have far less reticence to get kinetic with the normies.
It’ll be a case of: We ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Other countries have higher mass limits on exactly the same vehicles as their roads are better.
Trips plenty up, container loaded to normal limit in the rest of the world is to heavy for the roads in Spastralia.
As proper-fella outsiders they’ll have far less reticence to get kinetic with the normies.
At least it’s a situation that’s a two way street.
On This Day:
How Andrews is allowed to get away with this stuff is beyond belief.
He says Visit VIC jumped at the chance to sponsor netballers because it will create jobs. Any studies done to support this or is it just, you know, a good news grab ? How many ? New jobs, how new ? How much of the 15 mill goes in player payments, how much in admin and promotion and other costs ? What’s the visitor estimate and visitor profile and where will they be spending ? What return do we get for our investment ? Would it be better to take that 15 million and hand it out randomly to passers by outside Flinders St station ?
This is how stupid things are, EV trucks? So something that’s primary purpose is to carry weight, has to carry more weight due to the low energy density of batteries.
If this wasn’t a pointless exercise, and if this wasn’t a Mongdom, then the discussion would be about freight rail electrification.
Question about trucks and weigh stations. I see them in rural areas beside highways. What happens in the cities as I can only ever recall seeing one, which was on 1st Ave in NYC. Seriously I saw one there sitting beside an entry from the boondocks into the city. Other than that are there any in Australian cities?
A member of the public has defied police calls to not ‘directly intervene’ with Just Stop Oil eco zealots who have sprayed orange paint on four buildings across central London this morning, as a man tackled a paint-wielding protester and sprayed them orange.
Daily Mail
I’ll start the list:
Things that an inner city pansy is unlikely to have seen in his worldly travels:
1. A weigh bridge.
2. A taxi depot.
3. A dry dock.
4 The inside of an army barracks.
Magnificent would be kicking the shit out of the bitch.
5” Naval Gun in operation:
Sheep giving birth.
Just to clarify.
Not all male nurses are serial killers.
Not even most of them.
But, per capita, they are over-represented in mass murdery type incidents.
If only we were all blue singlet wearing, outer suburban, unemployed slobs.
On another matter
I distinctly recall Leadership fare-welling the site, wishing folks well health-wise as he was moving to the Lollipop Cat and wouldn’t be seeing him anymore. I never seen so many flounces.
Fair dinkum, what is the purpose of all these insincere flounces? There are now flounce bets going on , on the side.
5. Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences – Cengel, Turner, and Cimbala
5. Sheep giving birth.
6. Car wrecker yard.
Per capita, It’s a disturbingly large number.
Here, there’s more.
We see this movie pretty frequently.
A shearing team celebrating “Cut – out.”
7. a beast slaughtered and butchered
8. a gearbox from underneath
Fun times.
9. and old yew making arcs in the dust with her hooves as she dies
food comes from supermarkets, righr?
10. A milking shed.
Who’d buy food from supermarkets? Doesn’t everyone shop and Prahran and South Melbourne market?
If you’ve been playing poker for half an hour and you still don’t know who the patsy is, you’re the patsy.
? Warren Buffett
JC, for one who posits themselves as world-wise, you really don’t know too much do you?
This Korean halloween crush is pretty nasty, I think the current count is 150 dead:
A bushfire, breaking a containment line…..
I dunno Marv. 🙂
1. ignoring the true complexities of an issue; superficial.
“facile generalizations”
A real, live, genuine Aborigine – a gun shearer to boot.
A ‘skimpy” barmaid in a Kalgoorlie pub?
The “red light area” of a certain West Australian mining town?
well JC, its the whole lived experience thing you bang on about
sheltered life much?
That exactly explains your method of argumentation to a tee. I’ve never really seen you put up a well thought out, well factored argument.
It’s basically , “that’s shit, that’s stupid, it’s not like that, you’re stupid, ffs”. And then there’s never even sentence that supports your gangtsa rap bullshit you have going. You’re not just a petty fraud, you’re a joke.
Sheltered from what exactly? Seeing a pig or a cow get killed with a bolt gun? What would be the need or even the desire to want to see that unless you worked in an abattoir? Incidentally, my father in law owned a country abattoir.
read the the chapter on entropy
report back when you get a clue
A diesel workshop.
or say Uncle
whichever comes first
bit more old-school than that
I read 4 hours plus a day. For what purpose would I need to add to my reading figment you created in your drunken mind that I don’t know what it means?
which ever comes first.
JC, I love the way you talk yourself into a hole
…its one of yr charms
I did Marv? Explain how so.
yeah … the wrong shit
ffs … any workshop
Magic, try and be useful for a change. We’re putting in a new dual facet ducted system because the old one broke down. We found the old one not producing enough heat. We have a lot of glass. They’re replacing it with a 16W and the old one was a same. Are the new ones anymore efficient or should I insist on a higher wattage? It’s a Daiken.
16W heh?
what did they charge for that?
and did they dig the hole for you…or did you use your own mouth?
They’re charging . Are the present systems more efficient or should I ask for a bigger wattage?
I did no such thing.
The comment was directed to Leadership and you’re Driller (not Leadership).
As though folks here don’t know you’re The Driller.
You old fraud. You dishonest old fraud. Coming on here as a pub owner when you’re motel employee.
all the Watts are yours
don’t ask for them
demand all of them all in Biga-Watts
???? wtf are you on about?
I fine thanks for asking, Driller. How are you going with the sheets?
fuck off
You are far from fine, you’re off your meds or something.
You’re not normal.
Okay , but say it in gangsta speak, Marv.
Seriously Driller, I’ve never witnessed a more disgusting display of filthy sheets. You ought be arrested for impersonating a motel employee.
This is a comment on how hygienic your bedroom is? Quite believable, if your online conduct is anything to go by, your sheets would be filthy.
That would be fair enough, had I ever claimed to be a motel employee.
Oic, the site’s Joe Biden is on another sly references to doxxing.
We’re all factor workers, motel employees, bread truck drivers, typists, or whatever.
Joe Biden is pretending he knows who we all are.
Keep licking that ice cream (it’s much safer than licking your sheets)
I’m not doxxing at all, but why would you have a problem with doxing when you’re lying your fat arse off to cover for a plagiarist, you old drunken fraud. Go burn those dirty sheets, you lazy bludger
Yet you make constant reference to it.
Total mystery.
I’ve no idea what you’re on about
You’re looking into a mirror when you say that.
Has your maid jacked up on it? Not my job to burn your soiled laundry.
Again, looking into the mirror.
You’re not a nice person. You have much to atone for before you meet the maker, a day that ever draws nearer. Suggest you start mending your ways, or get used to the concept of eternal torment.
How religious of you driller. I’ve never seen the spiritual, holy man routine from you. Keep it up as it’s a nice foundational look, but pity you’re a deceitful old fraud.
This may be a clue as to how little you know about others.
Yet there is not one thing on which I’ve ever been deceitful or fraudulent about. Perhaps you’re judging others by your own standard?
A common mistake.
IIRC you did claim to be a banker or something, deceit & fraud would be admirable qualities to you.
Furious Western Sydney leaders are calling for an urgent meeting with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese — accusing him of pressing ahead with the resettlement of ISIS families into their neighbourhoods without enough community consultation.
State MPs and local and community leaders have banded together to slam Mr Albanese’s push to bring back about 60 women and children who lived as a part of the Islamic State during its torturous regime in Syria and Iraq.
State Labor MP for Fairfield Guy Zangari broke ranks to criticise his federal counterpart Chris Bowen and the Commonwealth for leaving his community in the dark.
“The fact that this is happening is very triggering to them … The community should be brought along for the broader discussion so they aren’t being left out,” he said.
“They have every right to feel that way because of the treatment at the hands of ISIS in Syria and Iraq. They deserve to be involved in conversations.
TE: New thread.
economics metoo moment a witch hunt?
Youse might of spelled ewe rong.
Like the ports which are still congested in the US because older trucks are being refused admission to the docks?
So how’s the congestion going?
(The ports, 132 – not yours.)
I no right
Position Statement: Currently we’re positioned for two days in the Panhandle of Florida on the Gulf of Mexico. I am sitting here with an open door to our balcony overlooking the pool in a holiday resort in a place called Panama City Beach. Outside I can hear the gentle shoosh of the sea shore and it could almost be that I am on board the cruise once more. It’s not sticky here as on the Cocoa Beach side and the temperature outside is mild at night. It was a six hour drive to get here along freeways all the way. Hairy drove and I was navigator, traffic monitor, driving adviser (lol), nurse (he has a sore throat), and provider of comforts on the road. Another Strepsil, dear?
Florida’s narrow strip (looking like the handle of a pan base of the rest of it) is just below Alabama (Montgomery is just above us here) and Georgia. We’re heading slowly towards Louisiana. It’s all a geography lesson for me. The only drama was a convoy of oversize vehicles taking up two of the three lanes, preceded by a sheriff’s car plus another, and followed up in the rear by a further car and sheriff’s car, lights flashing everywhere. Oh, and tonight in town Hairy did an illegal u-turn followed by a police car .. oops. But they were simply doing the same thing and ignored us!
the virtue of taking a cameraman with you when you try to stab someone
Aus Government:
Aus Government:
save gaia! erase civilisation …. except for soros, zukie, the wef, other elites…. oh and their servants
you know what pisses me off, I am still banned from traveling virtually anywhere because I refuse to submit to a genetic experiment of dubious motives.