Open Thread – Weekend 29 Oct 2022

Still Life with Dahlias, Zinnias, Hollyhocks and Plums, Eugène Delacroix, 1835

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October 29, 2022 12:01 am


October 29, 2022 12:09 am

What do you get when you cross a parakeet with a tiger?

I’m not sure, but when that sumbitch talks, you’d better listen.

October 29, 2022 12:12 am

Beautiful flowers ahead of another wet Melbourne weekend. Whole state in imminent danger of growing mouldy.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 29, 2022 12:13 am

The thread will be panty free.

October 29, 2022 12:18 am

You will own nothing
You will exist in a pod
You will eat the bugs
You will be happy …

… or else

It’s not fantasy anymore, Cats – this is what they have in store for you.

If it’s any consolation, I will not be partaking of this wondrous new existence.

Bruce in WA
October 29, 2022 12:30 am

Don’t know where the hell my post went to, but I was doing my bit for weekend music.

My newest, favouritest singer. If you are a GoT fan, you will know this. I’m not, but my younger daughter is an aficionado … she can’t believe it’s just one man singing. (It is.)

If you like it … and I’m totally enthralled … there’s a lot more.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 29, 2022 12:36 am

Is this the chop shop?
Yo, Is this the chop shop?
Cause I got a car and I wanna git it chopped.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 29, 2022 12:39 am

H B Bear says: October 29, 2022 at 12:13 am

The thread will be panty free.

But very crotchety.

Bruce in WA
October 29, 2022 12:47 am

Well, my cardiologist added another tablet to my regime. (I think that makes it 9 a day.) This one is to combine with my statin. (But my cholesterol has never been high, FFS!) Side effects include joint and muscular pain(s) and tiredness. I can attest I have both … in spades! Struggling to stay awake and my hands, knees, ankles and hips ache like a bastard! This is gonna get ordinary very quick!!

Bruce in WA
October 29, 2022 12:51 am

Too late, obviously.

October 29, 2022 1:24 am

Good start to the weekend:

October 29, 2022 1:32 am

Fetterman’s wife is more insane than he is.

She reckons swimming , yes swimming, in America is racist.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 29, 2022 2:14 am

Last OT showed how very readable and informative Catallaxy can be for those far from home. This is especially so when your internet is limited to low bandwidth with no piccies or action, as mine is here when rounding the edge of Haiti (yesterday) and now cruising up near the Bahamas. For instance, The Australian takes an age to load at sea (cruise deliberately halts high bandwidth usage) and a further age to get to the articles, so picking them up via the Cat is a great time-saver and also good because there are further comments interspersed with party talk.

So thanks Dover for clearing the decks for business as usual.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 29, 2022 2:38 am

This is gonna get ordinary very quick!!

I hope you either get used to them quick, Bruce, or give the Statins away. Hairy takes them, but in spite of a stent being needed, he has a cast-iron constitution, as do I.

However, since Novavax and in the UK I had been throwing off an occasional odd heartbeat, which has now stopped happening, but I saw a cardiologist and passed a stress test with flying colours as usual. He was non-committal about the vaxx, but didn’t deny the possibility of an effect. He did thus as a precautionary thing send me for a cardiac scan for plaque build up, which came back as top range for a female my age of just 80. Minor build up only as I am an active dancer and meat eater (yay!). He then offered me a choice of Statin for a few years to ensure no further build up. My cholesterol is around 4 or 5 and HDL to LDL is also pretty good. I decided against taking it. He also said that once over 85 he doesn’t recommend a preventative Statin. Bring on 85, I thought. So cardiologists differ.

In the usual chatter on board amongst retirees, cardiologist recommendations are often canvassed. One very nice guy with whom I shared breakfast (Hairy still in bed) discussed his recent stroke with me. He said he came to the dining room rather than the buffet because he didn’t have to think to much about being served. My thoughts exactly, though for different reasons. I am merely lazy. He told me his wife’s cardiologist (like Hairy, she was a sleep in) believes that Statins are not preventative for females with no cardiovascular issues; they are only useful for us when CHD already exists.

He’d had a very bad stroke when he was 68, he’s now 70. He was both charming and brave, and managing well. He thought I was around 60, so we had a chat about that too.

So that’s why you dine for breakfast, says Hairy when I tell him.

I have to face age creeping up, though. After two hectic dances last nite with the all-black terrific Rhythm and Blues B.B.King band (excellent players of old rock, Otis etc) with reggae-looking male and female vocalists, I was out of puff. Hasn’t happened before, and Hairy reckons I am out of condition. I think I just might be getting on a bit. 🙂

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 29, 2022 2:59 am

At the thumping hot dancing session last nite I observe a young boy, about sixteen, in a bright red shirt with a mop of dark hair, dancing maniacally to every item played. He’s here most nites, says Hairy, who has dropped in occasionally without me for what he calls a cleansing beer chaser with some R and B after dinner and the show, when I retreat to bed and leave him to it. That boy’s on the extreme of the Spectrum, Hairy adds, and his parents and normal sister are over there.

I can see elements in him of my son and grandson, who are so much at the milder end, but there is the same jerky hand and arm movements when dancing, and both love dancing in this way too. I am blessed that my two are not at this intensity, I say, realising how much the cruise can offer in relief and child surveillance and ongoing activity to parents with such a child.

This was a gala night and so there were more of the younger crowd there up and dancing too, interspersed with the regulars: this lad, and two very much older guys who had tossed away their zimmer frames for the night and were grabbing that last feeling of not being dead yet.

Bruce, I hope you continue on with your cruising, for it is an easy way to get around and still see the world. As the years go on I expect Hairy and I will do more cruising, although he is now looking forward to getting a car and heading out driving. I had decided I will no longer be a driver in America as it is getting harder for me to do the left/right change now. Another five years may make Hairy feel this way too. Although maybe not. 🙂

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 29, 2022 3:19 am

General political chatter around breakfast this morning in the buffet was that the Republicans are fielding some good candidates who tell you what they intend to do for you. The ones liked are those who don’t attack the other candidates but who go to the main issues of concern: crime, inflation, the price of gas and school education. That seems to be the way most Trump-backed candidates are playing it from what we see on the TV. Gutfield, whom Hairy thinks is killingly funny albeit the distinctly American-style humour, and who raises only an occasional smile with me, seems to attract quite a few to Fox who wouldn’t usually go there.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 29, 2022 3:21 am

Over to Tom now, in my upside down world for commenting at present.
Luckily not taking time or pixels from anyone else.

October 29, 2022 4:00 am
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October 29, 2022 4:31 am

I’m getting the impression that living communally in a single house is a by choice option for many.
And how many houses have been wilfully destroyed in remote communities?
Whatever; it’s always someone else fault and someone else’s responsibility to fix.
What Gary Johns said.
more houses

October 29, 2022 4:35 am

He’s wrong about L taking the stand, though L did do a voluntary police interview, without the presence of his legal adviser. He could have opted to do a no comment interview.
Newburrie on that case

October 29, 2022 4:46 am
October 29, 2022 4:47 am
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 29, 2022 5:35 am

Elon Musk




Twitter will be forming a content moderation council with widely diverse viewpoints. No major content decisions or account reinstatements will happen before that council convenes.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 29, 2022 5:35 am

I think this means Twitter will have a Duelling Thread.

October 29, 2022 6:42 am

Another great column by Janet A in today’s Oz:

A fitting end to Bruce Lehrmann’s media trial

The press conference by Brittany Higgins after Chief Justice Lucy McCallum declared a mistrial points to a legal system in capitulation to forces that do not respect the rule of law, a justice system cowering in the face of trial by media. This trial ended, fittingly, as it began, in the media. Therefore, no one should be surprised that the jury was discharged in the ACT Supreme Court on Thursday morning, with McCallum declaring a mistrial after material was found in the jury room that was prejudicial to a fair trial.

Higgins’s complaints outside court that her life has been publicly scrutinised for the world to see needs to be tested against the fact that she abandoned her right to remain anonymous. Her rights are set down in the Evidence Act that applies in the ACT. Higgins could have applied to give evidence in closed court. Higgins could have maintained her anonymity because the law prohibits the publication of a complainant’s name.

Higgins did not wish to hide her identity. She chose an open court. She chose scrutiny when she aired her allegations that she “woke up mid-rape” in a ministerial office on March 23, 2019, before making a formal complaint to police.

Once she did that, an unstop­pable #MeToo media juggernaut was set in one direction, for Higgins. Responsible media will objectively and carefully report criminal charges within the law. Irresponsible media, including the wild west of social media, used Higgins’s decision to go to the media before the police to junk values at the heart of our criminal justice system.

From that moment, a fair trial for the defendant appeared to be a lottery, not a guarantee.

Thursday’s mistrial is a fitting end to the media trial that preceded court proceedings. How could anyone expect a jury to be free from the enveloping, swirling, at times wild media forces, especially on social media, that applauded Higgins’s story, commended her bravery, celebrated her credibility and simultaneously ran untested stories about Bruce Lehrmann?

When the sections of the pro-Higgins media use a rape allegation to justify campaign journalism, wouldn’t a jury member do some research on the side? A jury is made up of human beings, not ­automatons.

Outside the courtroom, a young, clearly emotional woman, untrained in the law, expressed her distaste that an accused has a right to silence. But that, along with the rule of law, the presumption of innocence and due process, forms the foundation of our criminal justice system.

Higgins was upset that she was examined in court. Alas, that is a critical element of our legal system, too. Lawyers call cross-examination the truth engine of the law for good reason. No claim of wrongdoing is worth anything ­unless it is the subject of cross-examination.

In this case, many of Higgins’s most critical allegations were revealed as inaccurate or ­untrue. There were inconsistencies in some of Lehrmann’s claims too.

The difference is that the ­accused does not bear the burden of proof. He is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt by a court that has considered the evidence.

J’Accuse is not the perfect fit here. But the 1898 letter by Emile Zola condemning institutional ­injustices meted out to Alfred Dreyfus is still a compelling historical reference for what happened to Lehrmann. J’Accuse will do just fine to capture the modern institutional failures that ­coalesced to turn the presumption of innocence into the presumption of guilt.

The media persecution of Lehrmann should never have happened. It happened because so many people in positions of power chose to ignore fundamental values in a fair society. Many, including high-profile journalists and celebrities, used their traditional media platforms and their social media streams to become #Me-Too combatants. They turned their backs on the presumption of innocence until ­proven guilty ­beyond reasonable doubt before a criminal court. Many worked from the presumption of guilt. They were not interested in carefully and methodically testing allegations in the search for truth.

Higgins gave evidence that she did not think the matter would end up in court. “I thought I’d go back to uni and disappear,” she said. But when Higgins chose the media to air her rape allegation, she became the vessel for those who wanted to use her allegation to further their careers, preen in public, prosecute the culture at Parliament House in general and the Morrison government in particular. Some of our most celebrated journalists ­became crusading activists for Higgins. They housed her, and comforted her, advised and counselled her as they whipped up a media trial untethered from the guardrails of justice that presume innocence and provide due process. In his closing remarks, before the mistrial, DPP Shane Drumgold insisted this trial was simply about what happened on a couch in a room on March 23, 2019. That statement does not stand up to scrutiny if you have turned on a TV or radio or read a newspaper or scrolled through ­social media for the past year or so.

Lisa Wilkinson’s speech at the Logies, and commentary around it afterwards, forced this trial to be delayed. As McCallum said at the time: “The implicit premise of (Wilkinson’s speech) is to celebrate the truthfulness of the story she exposed.”

Indeed, many in the media are guilty, as McCallum said, of obliterating the critical distinction ­between an allegation and a finding of guilt. After this trial, they stand condemned for their ill-conceived activism and shoddy journalism. The legal system is not off the hook. Those who interfere with the administration of justice should be prosecuted. When there is no line in the sand, the right to a fair trial becomes meaningless.

J’Accuse reflects other institutions that treated an untested allegation as a reason to promote Higgins in all manner of ways. The National Press Club offered its televised platform to Higgins, who had made untested allegations, alongside Grace Tame, whose ­allegations of abuse had been ­tested and confirmed by a court of law. As McCallum said when ­deciding to delay the trial, this blurs the important distinction ­between an untested allegation and a finding of guilt by the justice system.

Marie Claire magazine crowned Higgins and Tame as Women of the Year on the front cover of its November edition last year. Pro-Higgins journalists ­reported it as news. It points to sustained levels of institutional activism that sidelined the presumption of innocence, due process and a fair trial in favour of a partisan campaigning.

Higgins was made a visiting ­fellow at the Australian National University’s new Global ­Institute for Women’s Leadership. When Higgins was appointed, Julie Gillard lauded her as an ­“incredible leader” and “a powerful force for change who had ­already greatly advanced the ­national conversation”. How so? By making allegations that had yet to be tested in court, let alone by a fair-minded media?

Add in the $325,000 reported deal stitched up with Penguin Random House, where Higgins was given a hefty advance to turn her claim into a book. A successful book would obviously hinge on a guilty verdict. Higgins admitted in court that she had drawn up chapter headings before she had a ­formal interview with police.

J’Accuse captures how ­Lehrmann was told by a legal aid public defender who, at one stage, acted for him, that Higgins’s credibility should not be robustly tested in court, that at most the defence might suggest she was “mistaken”.

Is this reluctance to test evidence standard practice among public defenders? If so, they are not doing their job.

J’Accuse reflects how prime minister Scott Morrison joined these same forces working against a fair trial. He stood in parliament and apologised directly to Higgins, for as yet untested claims, and without knowing anything about the quality of evidence to support those claims.

There are other political names who used Higgins as a vessel to seek revenge on the Morrison government. Each of these culpable combatants should pause and ask themselves this: if they were in the dock, if their son or father or brother were in the dock, would they behave in the same way?

After this aborted trial, and what preceded it, many of our most important and influential ­institutions stand at a crossroads about their reporting and prosecution of sexual abuse cases. Will they continue down a path that is recklessly or deliberately dangerous to the rule of law and a fair trial? Or will individual institutions learn from this? Will they, even quietly, recognise the gravity of their professional misjudgments?

In The Queen v Lee, a unanimous High Court noted in 2014: “Our system of criminal justice reflects a balance struck ­between the power of the state to prosecute and the position of an individual who stands accused.”

The pro-Higgins forces tainted by this mistrial should reflect on how their behaviour and their decisions have up-ended this delicate balance. A new trial ultimately will determine whether Lehrmann is guilty or innocent, but the way some in the media have used Higgins and ­assumed Lehrmann’s guilt is just wrong. The damage done to two young people is incalculable and unforgivable. The damage done to our society even more so. J’Accuse indeed.

I’m sure Lizzie appreciates the update.

October 29, 2022 6:53 am

From a News com au article up now. Note how said to be resistant to vaccines but that new bivalent vaccines are effective. I call total BS but yet another example of how they are going to push jab No 5.

Joe Hildebrand also has an article up that shows is is not a fan of anti vaxxers.

Both articles not allowing comments.

“A new immune-resistant and rapidly spreading Covid variant has reached Australia.

The XBB strain, which is said to be resistant to vaccines and antibodies from previous infections, emerged in Singapore weeks ago and is already spreading in Australia.

Some media reports have dubbed it the ‘nightmare variant’ after cases in Singapore doubled in a day.

“It is likely the most immune-evasive and poses problems for current monoclonal antibody-based treatments and prevention strategy,” Amesh Adalja, a public-health expert at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, told The Daily Beast.

However, people who are fully vaccinated are far less likely to become seriously ill if they contract XBB – and Pfizer and Moderna’s new “bivalent” vaccines are efective at fighting off the new strain”.

October 29, 2022 6:55 am

And they wonder why backpackers and o’seas workers are reluctant to return to Australia. Even I heard remarks about it all when on holidays and was asked about it.

I couldn’t gloss over any of it and told it like it is. Australia’s prestige as a free country is shot.

Anchor What
Anchor What
October 29, 2022 6:57 am

Thanks to Tom for his toons and excellent comments.
Mark Knight 2 is disappointing however.

Anchor What
Anchor What
October 29, 2022 6:58 am

Leak is brilliant!

October 29, 2022 7:03 am

Another excellent piece from Albrechtson.

The difference is that the ­accused does not bear the burden of proof. He is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt by a court that has considered the evidence.

When, exactly, did this principle disappear from the public’s thinking? Was it ever really there in the first place?

October 29, 2022 7:07 am

Just saw that, Bourne. A “new and worserer variant!” Colour me surprised.

The only people who care are the media. Another New Thing. Pi55 off.

October 29, 2022 7:08 am

When, exactly, did this principle disappear from the public’s thinking? Was it ever really there in the first place?

In the public thinking?
Even in the legal circles it’s but a quaint notion.

October 29, 2022 7:11 am

How the world sees Australia.

We don’t need to tell ourselves to “Never Forget”. We’ll never live it down. And nor should we. In all our short history, we’ve never had a national disgrace as big as 20/21.

October 29, 2022 7:19 am

The only people who care are the media. Another New Thing. Pi55 off.

The legacy meja is and has been the cause of so many of our problems. Just fuck off and die.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 29, 2022 7:37 am

Fifty second!

Can we replace the podium with a stair case? That long one near The Rocks, in Sydney?

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
October 29, 2022 7:43 am

You awake?

October 29, 2022 7:55 am

However, people who are fully vaccinated are far less likely to become seriously ill if they contract XBB – and Pfizer and Moderna’s new “bivalent” vaccines are efective at fighting off the new strain”.

Anyone still active in the workforce is acutely aware of the current supply system problems and workforce shortage (don’t ask me why, I still can’t square that circle), so I’d like to see them try another lockdown and/or vax mandate strategy, now that at least some peoples eyes are open. The work environment, in critical areas, is already a shambles.

Go on, do it.
I furkan derya!

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 29, 2022 7:59 am

Thanks, Wolfman, I do appreciate very much the update on Janet A’s commentary.

Having an afternoon Margarita chez moi to mull over matters while Hairy is at the gym.

If an attendant delivering the washing finds me unclad on the bed in my Stateroom it will be because I suddenly became too hot, sleepy and rather uninhibited. That’s one reason why women throw off their clothing. Note that it may be voluntarily done before passing out, should ten Margarita’s be taken, which I won’t be imbibing, because we have to pack tonight. I am of course grateful that Stateroom attendants always knock first regardless.

The Lehrmann case needs proper consideration of the actual facts by a dispassionate jury rather than media howling.

October 29, 2022 8:01 am

However, people who are fully vaccinated are far less likely to become seriously ill if they contract XBB – and Pfizer and Moderna’s new “bivalent” vaccines are efective at fighting off the new strain”.

We’ve seen this one played before that nobody is falling for this trick again. They are now like Bullwinkle trying to draw a rabbit out of a hat: This time for sure!

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 29, 2022 8:04 am

In all our short history, we’ve never had a national disgrace as big as 20/21.

Yep. We are internationally known for having been locked up completely for two years.
When we tell people we’re finally out after having been locked down for two years they all nod.
They’ve all heard about Australia and what we did. That preggers video went round the world.

October 29, 2022 8:08 am

Great piece by Albrechtsen.
Every single person who encouraged the Higgins dog and pony show disgusts me.
And Higgins has had plenty of time to acquaint herself with the rule of law.
People shouldn’t get sent to prison because a pretty girl stamps her foot and yells ‘off with his head’.
And no wonder Lerhmann was a wreck with legal advice like that.
The accused is just overwhelmed by the limitless resources of government and media arraigned against him screeching guilty guilty guilty.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 29, 2022 8:09 am

The Lehrmann case needs proper consideration of the actual facts by a dispassionate jury rather than media howling.

If the third ranking office-holder in the Vatican could not get that, then poor Mr Lehrmann doesn’t have much chance.

October 29, 2022 8:12 am

And I see on twitter the ‘raped twice’ crap coming from those who think having the claims of the accuser tested in court is wrong.
Everyone who is a surviving victim of a crime has to do that, it is be a hard thing but if you want real justice that is how it has to be.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 29, 2022 8:25 am

Sadly, Bruce o’Newc what should happen and what does happen are often well atwain.

I am a big fan of responsible drinking.
I even practice it myself.
One is never too old to be cautious when caution is due. 🙂

The Margarita’s they make here are made with lime cordial not pure lime, and drowned in a long glass with a lot of ice, as well as with some of the shaken ice mix. Not like I make them myself at home with squeezed lime juice as I know my guests appreciate. I am actually setting this one aside. They also drown their Aperol Spritzer with ice, which knocks out the fizz of the sparkling white wine. Don’t make me spell Prosecco or it might turn out as Prosciutto, which is another sort of Italian mouthful and a mistake I have made more than once.

October 29, 2022 8:34 am

I’m getting the impression that living communally in a single house is a by choice option for many.
And how many houses have been wilfully destroyed in remote communities?

Shirley, living in “whitie” financed housing is “cultural” appropriation .. the horror! ..

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 29, 2022 8:38 am

As per Rosie’s link, it seems there is a lot of sub-clinical Covid around, and on this ship as well given the coughs and occasional sneezes one hears. There are two red dots in our long corridor and I am privately wondering if my unusual breathlessness after ten minutes of wild dancing might be something sub-clinical for me too. Not intending to get out a test kit anytime soon though.

Asymptomatic and out-of-condition will do for me.

October 29, 2022 8:44 am

For us there is no spring. Just the wind that smells fresh before the storm.

– Conan the Barbarian

October 29, 2022 8:44 am

October 29, 2022 at 8:27 am
don’t think Virginia is happy about Elon taking over Twitter and yes dear getting a 42 million dollar severance is exactly like being tossed off Death Star.

if only someone would do the same to the ABC.

October 29, 2022 8:45 am

Bruce in WAsays: October 29, 2022 at 12:47 am
Well, my cardiologist added another tablet to my regime. (I think that makes it 9 a day.) This one is to combine with my statin. (But my cholesterol has never been high, FFS!) Side effects include joint and muscular pain(s) and tiredness. I can attest I have both … in spades! Struggling to stay awake and my hands, knees, ankles and hips ache like a bastard! This is gonna get ordinary very quick!!

I am no longer a Dr due to AHPRA deciding that they, not me, are the real people making decisions about my patients (my job apparently being to just follow orders and implement their templates), but I went down the statin rabbit hole years ago after suffering similar side effects myself. I concluded that cholesterol has *NOTHING* to do with vascular disease, hence I would not take statins, even if they had NO side effects (they do – major side effects, including muscle pain, falls, and dementia).

If I were you I would get a hold of Dr Malcolm McKendricks books ‘The Great Cholesterol Con’ and ‘The Clot Thickens’ and do your own research. I would also look at Ivor Cummins Youtube site ‘The fat emporer’

IMHO, the whole statin thing was just an early iteration of the COVID business model : invent an invisible disease – diagnose in people who feel fine by blood test – put them on pharmaceuticals that ‘manage’ but dont cure it – gaslight them and deny any side effects when they complain.

The other thing you can do is get an actual test that shows if you really have any heart disease. This is called a ‘Calcium Scan’, isnt covered by medicare and costs a few hundred dollars.

this vid discusses these

Your Dr will probably not know what it is, and if they do, they will resist you – big pharma has trained them to put you on statins regardless, NOT to test whether you actually have a problem – I note in your case they want you on statins *despite* your cholesterol being low. Does that line of thinking sound familiar? (Hint – ‘but I dont need a COVID Vax because I am already immune/not at risk/pregnant/allergic etc etc’ – ‘Too bad, take it anyway’??)

Link for calcium scan – take this to show your Dr.

October 29, 2022 8:46 am

Every single person who encouraged the Higgins dog and pony show disgusts me.

Hoggins will win….eventually.

October 29, 2022 8:50 am

I concluded that cholesterol has *NOTHING* to do with vascular disease

If you want low cholesterol, just eat loads of oats.

October 29, 2022 8:51 am

“It is likely the most immune-evasive and poses problems for current monoclonal antibody-based treatments and prevention strategy,” Amesh Adalja, a public-health expert at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, told The Daily Beast.

Of course it is more immune evasive – EVERY new variant is – if it wasn’t, it wouldn’t succeed as a new variant – you only get the next cold or flu if your immune system isn’t competent to defeat it.

However, people who are fully vaccinated are far less likely to become seriously ill if they contract XBB – and Pfizer and Moderna’s new “bivalent” vaccines are efective at fighting off the new strain”

And if you believe that, you haven’t been paying attention so far have you?

October 29, 2022 8:52 am

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
October 29, 2022 at 2:59 am
At the thumping hot dancing session last nite I observe a young boy, about sixteen, in a bright red shirt with a mop of dark hair, dancing maniacally to every item played.

Its called leadership.

Musk has got it.

October 29, 2022 8:52 am

Calli, I still can’t post my comments.

In short, yes, true. On balance, yes deliberate. The study was done on symptomatic people so they were showing abnormalities post vaccine. The most important thing is not to get any more shots. (At this point, I’d include flu shots) There’s been talk of varying strengths and I believe the body does get rid of it after a while though it’s not known how long it takes. There are protocols for the vaccine injured.

October 29, 2022 8:53 am

The difference is that the ­accused does not bear the burden of proof. He is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt by a court that has considered the evidence.

When, exactly, did this principle disappear from the public’s thinking? Was it ever really there in the first place?

As previously noted, even the courts no longer believe this: when I was before the magistrate in Canberra, I was referred to as ‘the accused’ and the police charge sheet was called ‘the fact sheet’ not the ‘allegation sheet’. When I protested this, the beak looked over his glasses, said ‘these are very serious charges’ and ‘I have to go by the facts dont I’

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 29, 2022 8:54 am

J’Accuse is not the perfect fit here. But the 1898 letter by Emile Zola condemning institutional ­injustices meted out to Alfred Dreyfus is still a compelling historical reference for what happened to Lehrmann.

Bullshit on stilts.
Rape accused can expect to be named, Trials may be reported on by the Media.
The BruceSter got a fair Trial, he’s out on bail awaiting a new Trial, where is the problem here?

October 29, 2022 8:56 am

Leak is brilliant!


October 29, 2022 8:59 am

If you haven’t had a dose of a COVID vaccine, the symptoms you’re most likely to get with the virus—according to the Zoe study—are…

Sore throat
Runny nose
Persistent cough

I barely got even a sore throat. What a load of rubbish. Biggest scam in human history.

October 29, 2022 9:01 am

This whole thing is suspect. I seriously doubt someone could just wonder into the Pelosi home, with their servants and security.

Suspect Who Allegedly Attacked Paul Pelosi With Hammer Is Identified: ‘Former Castro Nudist Protester’

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 29, 2022 9:03 am

So Rowe paints Trump’s freedom to use Twitter as some form of evil.

Questioning elections and the process is not a sin. The fairness and scrutiny that are a feature of most elections in democratic nations came from dissent.

We see our own AEC act as some form of petty aristocracy when electoral matters are canvases by candidates in the media.
“We are beyond reproach” is the response rather than using the issue as an opportunity to highlight proper methodology.

Unquestioned results were and are the tool of sectional interests and tyrants.
Rowe is, as always, a total Marxist tool, who can’t caricature for nuts.

Cassie of Sydney
October 29, 2022 9:05 am

Thank you Wolfman for uploading the Janet A piece. Janet doesn’t miss in her piece. Every word she’s written is a coup de grace on this whole disgraceful and wretched affair. The bottom line is that Lehmann should never have been charged but we all know that here. And as with George Pell, it is yet another l’affaire Dreyfus for this country, a country that I’ve been losing a lot of respect for, a country I now think has lost it, completely. To be honest, I find this whole saga depressing and a sad indictment. There’s one thing I am now convinced of, having watched Brittanneeeeeeee the Knickerless’ performance (and performance it was) outside court on Thursday when she gave that “speech”, a speech clearly written by progressive activists, she is a barefaced liar and she knows she lying.

In Janet’s piece she writes…

There are other political names who used Higgins as a vessel to seek revenge on the Morrison government. Each of these culpable combatants should pause and ask themselves this: if they were in the dock, if their son or father or brother were in the dock, would they behave in the same way?”

Further to this, and sorry to remind everyone about her, but please remember there is a particular skanky mean girl, a nobody’s girl, a former premier of NSW, a failed candidate for the seat of Bennelong, a failed candidate for the seat of Fowler (there were silver linings on 21 May 2022), whose political care is based solely on the practice of “parachuting”. Well, she was also up to her neck in that whole laughable and nauseating “March 4 Justice” in Canberra in March 2021, a march so transparently designed to attack and bring down the Morrison Liberal government that it screamed political hatchet job from the beginning, yet I must remind everyone of the fact that during that same week, and even on the same day of the “march for justice”, indigenous women such as Jacinta Price were in Canberra desperately trying to speak to women on all sides of politics about the disgraceful plight of indigenous women and children in remote communities. Their pleas fell on deaf ears, progressive justice for women doesn’t involve indigenous women experiencing REAL sexual and domestic violence. The sisterhood of the progressive left, the creepy cabal of ABC journalists such as Nilligan, Crabb, Shingle and co, MSM parasites such as the amphibian from Mosman and the drink driver Samantha Maiden, ALP mean girls such as Wong, Keneally, Gallagher and Plibbers, Green excrement such as Hanson-Dung, and the rest of the parasitic progressive scum that infests Canberra, well they made it clear they don’t care indigenous women being stalked, bashed, raped and bludgeoned to death, coz, coz that reality doesn’t suit their narrative, it isn’t juicy enough for our progressive dung heap, they’d rather spend their time listening to confected stories from Brittany the Knickerless (although please remember how at the time she maintained in her original story to the amphibian from Mosman that she was wearing knickers that night), and the ludicrous stories of Porter’s insane raving accuser, since dead by her own hand.

But once again I digress, and apologies for this, back to the failed candidate for Bennelong and Fowler, someone who no doubt was also involved along with the amphibian and Gallagher, was also privy to Higgins’ confections and lies, was also privy to the Porter set up, well this failed candidate for Bennelong and Fowler has been very quiet over the last few months and it isn’t just because she lost the safe Labor seat of Fowler to an independent, it’s because last month her police officer son has been charged over allegedly fabricating evidence.

I wish Keneally and her family all the best, but considering her history I can’t help feeling some schadenfreude (well, a lot), but Janet’s words above apply to Ms Keneally, given her son’s current legal plight, because he will soon be in the dock and I truly hope Ms Keneally has rediscovered that quaint old fashioned principle of “presumption of innocence”, a presumption she furiously denied George Pell and Bruce Lehmann. So, perhaps next time Ms Keneally will think twice about joining in on some confected progressive and very political lynching, be it with Pell or Lehmann. As for Keneally’s son, he is “innocent until proven guilty”…just like George Pell was and just like Bruce Lehmann is.

Sorry about the rant.

October 29, 2022 9:06 am

Leak is brilliant!
What does need to happen is anyone who finds out where any of this head-lopper scum is re-housed is to broadcast it far & wide thru the social media .. they don’t deserve a ‘peaceful’ get-on-wiv-life from anyone .. the adult loppers may be able to keep stum but very little chance of the “apprentices” keeping it in-house .. kids luv attention so it’ll only be a matter of time before …….!

October 29, 2022 9:06 am

It didn’t say you had to get all of them, or any of them, just that they were the most commonly reported.
It’s a study based on data submitted by 4.8 million people
Zoe app

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 29, 2022 9:07 am

When, exactly, did this principle disappear from the public’s thinking? Was it ever really there in the first place?

Sure, the Jury must decide beyond a reasonable doubt, that hasn’t been challenged.
But, when you read in the paper that a bloke got his female colleague extremely drunk, offered her a lift home, took her somewhere else, told 3 different stories about why he did that, left in a hurry after 55 minutes without his colleague, who was later found passed out without clothes on,
and the colleague tells a number of people a few days later that she believes she was raped, the man in the street will draw a few conclusions as to what probably happened.
The Justice System isn’t to blame for that perception, Brucey created the perception by his actions on March 21/22 2019.

October 29, 2022 9:08 am

If you want low cholesterol, just eat loads of oats.

I thought that too, ,but being a sceptic by nature, I tested it. I ate all bran and water for a week (no duff). The theory being:

1) said food has NO cholesterol content
2) said food soaks up bile acids in the gut (which are a cholesterol product) and you shit them out.

Result – after a week, my cholesterol had gone UP a few %.

Given my current knowledge, this was expected because

1) Cholesterol is not a poison, it is a vital metabolic building block – it being present in the cell wall of EVERY cell in y our body.
2) As such, you have a ‘target level’ and your body makes however much it needs to meet that level.
3) Your body makes almost all the cholesterol you need, very little comes from the diet – even if you eat a truck load, its not ‘human’ cholesterol (one hopes) – its going to be either plant based, or other animal based, neither of which is a perfect match for what your body wants, so it is still going to make most of it anyway. There are numerous studies showing dietary intake of fat* or cholesterol has NO influence on your blood levels.

* And fat of course is NOT cholesterol – they are completely different molecules – the conflation of ‘fat’ with cholesterol is another part of the scam.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 29, 2022 9:10 am

Hairy wants to change from his cardiologist to mine. Mine, he feels, is much more amenable to discussing and allowing patient input into chosen treatments, whereas his god-professor has really pissed him off by insisting that the Pfizer shot had no associated cardiac problems when it clearly does, even if they are numerically low, and then instructing him to get it. Hairy chose instead, as I did, to take a Novavax after his two AZ shots, mainly to quiet any risk of entry problems when travelling. Neither of us believe further shots would assist us in any way, health or visa wise now.

October 29, 2022 9:12 am

And how many houses have been wilfully destroyed in remote communities?

all of them

October 29, 2022 9:12 am

Some people have their sets of facts, it doesn’t matter if they differ from those entered into evidence.
Lerhmann’s interview included how much he spent on alcohol that evening. $40 at the disco dancing place doesn’t buy 10 or eleven shots of vodka.

October 29, 2022 9:12 am

when you read in the paper that a bloke got his female colleague extremely drunk,

bzzzz. Lehrmann didn’t buy the majority of Brittany’s drinks.

October 29, 2022 9:13 am

never, ever, forget.

Amen to that. My loathing of Vikpol only deepens.

October 29, 2022 9:14 am

natch rosie. $40 would buy what, 3 drinks (single shot) at today’s prices in a canberra bar?

October 29, 2022 9:21 am

Hoggins will win….eventually.

The punishment is the process. She’s already won.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 29, 2022 9:21 am

Sure, the Jury must decide beyond a reasonable doubt, that hasn’t been challenged.
But, when you read in the paper that a bloke got his female colleague extremely drunk, offered her a lift home, took her somewhere else, told 3 different stories about why he did that, left in a hurry after 55 minutes without his colleague, who was later found passed out without clothes on,
and the colleague tells a number of people a few days later that she believes she was raped, the man in the street will draw a few conclusions as to what probably happened.

When you discern that a young girl had a shitload to drink in a friendly way with a man, who offered her a lift home, but dropped in at work to pick something up (and perhaps also to grab a nightcap with her and impress her) and she willingly went in with him, and after 55 minutes he departed seemingly worried but she was later found passed out without clothes on, having spewed everywhere in his boss’s office, after which she doesn’t go straight to police or cry in the arms of a security woman but puts on her clothes and goes home without screaming rape, which she doesn’t start to scream until heavied to do so weeks later, and complies in order to save her career and reputation, then you can draw a few other conclusions as to what probably happened. Let a jury decide.

October 29, 2022 9:21 am

Exactly, Lerhmann was drinking vodka there too, so I’m presuming he was probably just paying for his own.
It’s the tipple of choice for the weight conscious young person.

October 29, 2022 9:22 am

But, when you read in the paper that a bloke got his female colleague extremely drunk, offered her a lift home, took her somewhere else, told 3 different stories about why he did that, left in a hurry after 55 minutes without his colleague, who was later found passed out without clothes on,
and the colleague tells a number of people a few days later that she believes she was raped, the man in the street will draw a few conclusions as to what probably happened.

Why on earth would he take her to Parliament House, if that was his intention?
24 hour security, cameras, entry logs, etc
He’d have to be a fucking idiot, of the ocean going variety.

Surely Ed, with your experience, that a dark, quiet basement would be more suitable.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 29, 2022 9:24 am

Jerry Lee Lewis, a rock ‘n’ roll pioneer, dies at 87
By Hillel Italie
October 29, 2022 — 5.46am

Jerry Lee Lewis, the untamable rock ‘n’ roll pioneer whose outrageous talent, energy and ego collided on such definitive records as Great Balls of Fire and Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On and sustained a career otherwise upended by personal scandal, has died at the age of 87.

The last survivor of a generation of groundbreaking performers that included Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry and Little Richard, Lewis died on Friday morning (US time) at his Mississippi home, south of Memphis, Tennessee, representative Zach Farnum said. The news came two days after the publication of an erroneous TMZ report of his death, later retracted.

Of all the rock rebels to emerge in the 1950s, few captured the new genre’s attraction and danger as unforgettably as the Louisiana-born piano player who called himself “The Killer”.

Tender ballads were best left to the old folks. Lewis was all about lust and gratification, with his leering tenor and demanding asides, violent tempos and brash glissandi, cocky sneer and crazy blond hair. He was a one-man stampede who made the fans scream and the keyboards swear, his live act so combustible that during a 1957 performance of Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On on The Steve Allen Show, chairs were thrown at him like buckets of water on an inferno.

“There was rockabilly. There was Elvis. But there was no pure rock ‘n ’roll before Jerry Lee Lewis kicked in the door,” a Lewis admirer once observed. That admirer was Jerry Lee Lewis.

October 29, 2022 9:24 am

Lizzie I think your version of events is little better than Ed’s.
You do know she worked in the same suite of offices for the same minister.
Why would she be ‘impressed’?

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 29, 2022 9:25 am

Someone got her extremely drunk.
The Janet Albrechtsen screed is hysterically funny, Lennie Lower mighta been her inspiration.
Here’s what the man on the building site is saying:
Women have got too much power these days.
Yeah, she was stretched out drunk on the sofa with no pants on, so he slipped her a length, so fucking what?
Why should he go to Jail for that?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 29, 2022 9:27 am

Well, there’s at least one cohort that’s extremely happy with the Brittany Szubanski circus.

Nobody’s mentioning the militant poof advisor lobby, and their penchant for recording themselves blowing loads over ministerial desks any more.

October 29, 2022 9:27 am

Nonsensical trolling now.

October 29, 2022 9:28 am

Timofey Bordachev: Western hegemony is coming to an end, and the world is about to enter a very dangerous period

For 500 years the world has been run from Europe or the US: that’s about to change and nobody is sure what its replacement will look like

The most dramatic and unique aspect of the current state of affairs in international politics is that we cannot count on the ability of a single state, or a group of sufficiently powerful countries, to play a leadership role in the future.

This means it is difficult for us to imagine who will be able to force states to comply with the rules of conduct in their foreign policy, and how such strictures can even be enforced.

Indeed, the question of why individuals, or in this case countries, should abide by regulations is the most fundamental one in political philosophy. And despite all the imperfections of the power method, humanity has not yet invented any other way of achieving such goals, even in minimal amounts, other than by force.

Over the last 500 years, the rules of international communication have been created within the narrow community of Western countries, first in Europe, before in the 20th century the US joined in, providing the power needed to enforce the system.

At first, this was done through the balance of power of leading European states, joined by Russia in 1762. After the international order that had emerged in the mid-17th century came under attack from revolutionary France, control of the rules became a matter for a small group of major empires. They, led by Russia and Britain, defeated Napoleon and in 1815 created an order which had at its heart a general agreement that mutiny in international affairs was unacceptable.

By the end of the nineteenth century, politics had become global, but the European powers, including Russia, could still control the rest through brute force and their colossal military-industrial superiority. The dramatic events of 1914-1945 brought the US to the forefront of global politics, as the leader of the Western community on a global scale.

International institutions, starting with the United Nations, were established with the primary objective of preserving the monopoly position of the West. This, however, required the emergence of formal institutions of justice in the form of international law, or the participation in the highest UN body, the Security Council, of the Soviet Union and China, which were inherently hostile to US and Western European interests.

The institutional form of Western power dominance has become overbearing and the main question now is whether it can be preserved. Therefore, the collapse of US and Western European power positions in international politics entails not just a change of leadership, but a revision of the existing institutions and rules at the global level.

In other words, the entire formal international order that has emerged after World War II (and in reality over the last few centuries) will cease to exist.

The coming period will be a time of defining the new global power base, and it is difficult to say yet which players, and to what extent, will become part of it.

What is important is that the top states of the present time – the US, Russia, China and India – are not close to each other, especially in terms of values and understanding of the basic principles of international rules. The greatest problem so far is the behaviour of the US and certain Western European countries, which, for internal reasons, are pursuing an aggressive policy towards the outside world.

These states have embarked on a very troubling path of qualitative changes in the basic things that make up the social, gender and, consequently, political structures of society. For most other civilizations, this path is a challenge and will be rejected.

It would, however, be a mistake to hope that the other great and middle powers confronting the West are completely united in their understanding of the foundations of justice at the domestic level. Even if Russia, India, China or Brazil now demonstrate a common understanding of the basic principles of a “proper” world order, this does not mean that they have the same vision of a better domestic order.

This is all the more true of the states of the Islamic world and other major developing countries. Their conservative values are often in conflict with those of the West, but this does not mean that they can create unity between themselves.

In other words, the new international order will, for the first time, be without a reliable link with the domestic ambitions of the leading powers, and this is indeed a qualitative change compared to all the historical eras we discussed. Such a phenomenon seems very important because we have no experience of understanding how relations between states will develop under such conditions.

Brute force could become the only relatively tangible basis to assert the order, but this may not be enough to make the conditions imposed by it sustainable, even in the short term.

However, as time goes on the US-EU bloc will weaken and lock itself away, and Russia or China will never be strong enough to take their place. And in the perspective of the next 10 to 15 years, the international community will face the problem of replacing the power monopoly of the West with new universal instruments of coercion, the nature and content of which are still unknown to us.

October 29, 2022 9:28 am

Surely Ed, with your experience, that a dark, quiet basement would be more suitable.

As I recall, recently Ed was giving us a very detailed (insightful?) description of how rear penetration could be made on an unconscious victim , down to leg positioning and potential bruising, while prone on a couch. So I’m sure Grigs has the MO down pat for the most suitable location for such deviant deeds.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 29, 2022 9:34 am

I also understand that the man in question, Lehrmann, was not with this young woman all evening and therefore would not necessarily have been aware of quite how shitfaced she actually was. It could be that he was scared out of his wits when she started to collapse in his boss’s office and took the unwise view that discretion might be the better part of valour, and fled.
He was not admirable, but this doesn’t make him a rapist.
He also initially took public legal advice, which was bad, and believe me I know just how bad that can be from personal experience with my son once taking it in a family court matter.
I don’t think good legal advice was lacking for the accuser, btw. Best feminist minds on it, etc.

October 29, 2022 9:35 am

Sorry about the rant.

Cassie, as Gibbs (played by the handsome Mark Harmon) says in NCIS: “Never apologise – it’s a sign of weakness”.

PS: Australians have never seen first-release episodes of the excellent NCIS because CBS bought the Ten Network as a tax dodge, where it dumps old episodes of shows it bought 10-40 years ago. As a result, the Ten Network does not even have programming director – the giveaway that it is not a serious TV network.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 29, 2022 9:37 am

Ed Casesays:
October 29, 2022 at 8:54 am
J’Accuse is not the perfect fit here. But the 1898 letter by Emile Zola condemning institutional ­injustices meted out to Alfred Dreyfus is still a compelling historical reference for what happened to Lehrmann.

Bullshit on stilts.
Rape accused can expect to be named, Trials may be reported on by the Media.
The BruceSter got a fair Trial, he’s out on bail awaiting a new Trial, where is the problem here?

Your problem is that Mizzz Knickerless didn’t have the triumphal “vindication” that you have been gagging for since the trial began.

I won’t bother to point out the real problem, as you have made it abundantly clear that you are not interested in “innocent until proven guilty”, but have been claiming guilt for some time.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 29, 2022 9:38 am

As I’ve pointed out here before, that bruise on an upper thigh is far more likely to have been caused by stumbling around a corner of an executive desk. Interesting to get her to give the actual dimensions of her legs so that a tape measure could be applied to the desk or other likely furniture. That’s if the photo even related to that day, which perhaps is uncertain.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
October 29, 2022 9:39 am

it is getting harder for me to do the left/right change now

When coming to an intersection in the US Lizzie, the tradie’s mantra is your friend:
Leftie Loosie; Rightie Tightie.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 29, 2022 9:39 am

The punishment is the process. She’s already won.
Higgins is the one being punished, you broken arsed clown.
She’s been victimised by Lisa Wilkinson, Samantha Maiden and a posse of other deadshits pretending to help her.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 29, 2022 9:40 am

dover0beach says: October 29, 2022 at 7:29 am

Robert Barnes @barnes_law · 2h
This is what a Democratic bloodbath looks like.

Cheating a win very hard in such circumstances.

Possibly a red wave?

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 29, 2022 9:40 am


Lehmann should never have been charged but we all know that here.

Except Richard Cranium, who proclaims Lerhman’s “guilt” as often as he can.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 29, 2022 9:45 am

KD, you’re going to hell for making me laugh so hard at your evil routine.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 29, 2022 9:47 am

Richard Cranium

Here’s what the man on the building site is saying:

How many building sites did you canvass to get that opinion? Or did you just make it up, like so much else you post here?

October 29, 2022 9:48 am

Listen to the Video A Priority Well Being Check and Both holding the Hammer – Hmm strange

Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul Pelosi attacked by suspect David DePape, who shouted ‘where is Nancy?’: source

David DePape, 42, identified by San Francisco Police as suspect in Paul Pelosi attack

San Francisco Police Chief William Scott said DePape, 42, is now facing charges of attempted homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, burglary and several other additional felonies stemming from the incident after 2 a.m.

Scott said police responded to a wellbeing check and found DePape and Paul Pelosi, 82, struggling over a hammer. He said officers then witnessed DePape pull the hammer away from Pelosi and “violently assaulted” him.

From the Comments – obviously a sceptic

– Tautog13 – October 28, 2022 6:18 pm

Channeling Columbo:
PP invites DD into home to have a quiet evening of Hemp bracelet making/smoking.

An argument ensues and PP tosses DD out the back (open glass) door… his underwear……and locks DD out. DD is furious and starts making a scene….neighbors hear the disturbance & call in a well being check. (Concerned neighbor)

Meanwhile DD finds the emergency back door key (hammer) and uses the key as designed. (Throws through glass door)

PP….picks up key (hammer) and a struggle over the key begins……Po Po now on scene and the rest is as they say “history”

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 29, 2022 9:49 am

The BruceSter got a fair Trial,

Would that be the one that just got halted at the last minute for a biased jury member?
The one that has been amplified and bent in the mind of the public by various hangers-on in the media.
The one where no forensic evidence of Bruce was ever brought forward by Brittany?

It looks less like a fair trial and more like a Hot Air B’n’B.

October 29, 2022 9:51 am

The biggest problem with the bruise is the missing time and date stamp.
If she took the photo when the alleged assault allegedly happened it would be there.
I’ve read the transcript of Lerhmann’s evidence, he says he went to his desk while she went into the minister’s suite. There was nothing about ‘collapsing’ just someone falling asleep on the couch, in a location where he couldn’t see her.
I haven’t heard anyone challenging the layout of the offices.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 29, 2022 9:52 am

David DePape, 42, identified by San Francisco Police as suspect in Paul Pelosi attack

Yeah, it’s got Ed Buck written all over it.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 29, 2022 9:52 am

Ed Casesays:
October 29, 2022 at 9:39 am
The punishment is the process. She’s already won.
Higgins is the one being punished, you broken arsed clown.
She’s been victimised by Lisa Wilkinson, Samantha Maiden and a posse of other deadshits pretending to help her.

She seems to enjoy the “victimisation”. Perhaps she enjoys the limelight?

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 29, 2022 9:53 am

Groogs is a highly deficient individual. No wonder Mother was so disappointed with him. Nice that he in touch with the common man though. I suspect Groogs would fail the pub test.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 29, 2022 9:59 am

Bruce got a fair shake.
He wasn’t arrested, never saw the inside of a Police Station, wasn’t required to give Evidence, the Trial was ended on a Technicality, he’s granted Bail by the Judge pending a new Trial that probably will never happen, and he’s had the sort of legal representation that money can’t buy.
But Albrechtsen reckons he’s The Victim here?

October 29, 2022 9:59 am

Thanks for reminding us and bringing the conversation to reality, KD.

October 29, 2022 10:01 am

ever saw the inside of a Police Station

you are so incredibly wrong, so much of the time. Its amazing you can dress yourself in the morning (though I guess living in a basement, maybe you don’t need to).

October 29, 2022 10:02 am

Nonsensical trolling now

I presume your silly eye-rolling comment is directed at mine.

Have you ever been into one of those remote communities?

I have. Many times.

October 29, 2022 10:10 am

[Feminism] is mixed up with a muddled idea that women are free when they serve their employers but slaves when they help their husbands.

— G. K. Chesterton

October 29, 2022 10:11 am

In other words, the entire formal international order that has emerged after World War II (and in reality over the last few centuries) will cease to exist.

The coming period will be a time of defining the new global power base, and it is difficult to say yet which players, and to what extent, will become part of it.

Taken individually, the present structures will evolve as their own internal circumstances permit and influence.

My money is on the Anglosphere to emerge as the better of the bunch. Not without it’s pain and misery though.

Russia and China have a dire future confronting them in comparison. Unless they can make very major domestic , political and cultural changes their’s is a much longer struggling path into the future.

October 29, 2022 10:12 am

Roger, that’d be Chesterton’s Kitchen

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 29, 2022 10:13 am

Why would she be ‘impressed’?

Because he was game to go there for a drink and she was not?

Both behaving like early teens when mum and dad are away.

October 29, 2022 10:13 am

The study was done on symptomatic people so they were showing abnormalities post vaccine. The most important thing is not to get any more shots.

Thank you Indolent for your reply. Those error messages make you lose the will to live, or at least comment.

I suspected it might have been on “symptomatic” people and so the percentage of people with the clotting issue would be very high. If it was done randomly, then the percentage would, of course, be much lower. It may well be that either batches of the rubbish were off, or these people were susceptible to the presence of the foreign substance and are becoming sick from it. It may well be that others who were injected from the same batch/batches are fine.

Like any new drug, testing should have been rigorous and thorough. It was neither. And as for quality control…

And no. No more “shots” for me. They have proved themselves widely useless except as a means of authoritarian control by busybodies and psychopaths.

October 29, 2022 10:14 am

MatrixTransform says:
October 29, 2022 at 10:02 am

Nonsensical trolling now

I presume your silly eye-rolling comment is directed at mine.

Have you ever been into one of those remote communities?

I have. Many times.

Amazingly courageous. The lived experience would be incredible.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 29, 2022 10:15 am

Nonsensical trolling now
I presume your silly eye-rolling comment is directed at mine.

Hard to tell. There’s a lot of it about. Alas, no Hammy.

October 29, 2022 10:15 am

Rishi Sunak to skip COP27 “climate crisis” meeting next month.

Has “more pressing domestic matters” to attend to.

Climateers up in arms!

October 29, 2022 10:17 am

I ate all bran

You need to eat the real thing. Oats of which I eat probably 1 kg/week. I was tested some years ago. The Quack said my levels were extremely low.

October 29, 2022 10:18 am

Right at the very beginning of the whole debacle, my Famile member who is an ex pharma Reg Officer, warned against Fizzer on their rotten track record alone.

Didn’t stop her getting AZ and every booster available and urging others to do so. Which should have given me an insight into the disconnect between what “experts” know and what they want to believe. And push on others.

Forget The Day of the Triffids. We are in The Day of the Expert.

October 29, 2022 10:18 am

Famile? !


October 29, 2022 10:19 am

Also ducky, I didn’t realise I was amongst anti-establish royalty 🙂

October 29, 2022 10:19 am

Shatterzz you’re right about the postboxes and assorted progeny. This is about the only time tick tick tick applies, reevers gotta reeve.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
October 29, 2022 10:19 am

But Albrechtsen reckons he’s The Victim here?

No, she reckons the rule of law and getting a fair trial are the victims here.
But you’d have to read the article first to know that. Difficult for you I know since it written to be understood by a 12 year old.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 29, 2022 10:19 am

You need to eat the real thing. Oats of which I eat probably 1 kg/week. I

Are you racing this Spring Razey san?

October 29, 2022 10:19 am

Higgins is the one being punished,

Only in your warped mind Grigs. Get back to the skin suit and basement activities. Mother is waiting.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 29, 2022 10:22 am

Rishi Sunak to skip COP27 “climate crisis” meeting next month.
Has “more pressing domestic matters” to attend to.
Climateers up in arms!

It’s important to pay tribute.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 29, 2022 10:24 am

Higgins said she woke up when Lehrmann was nearly finished.
I’m guessing that the start would wake you up, not the finish.
That piece of evidence always seemed at odds with the physical act of unwanted sex.

October 29, 2022 10:25 am

Do fembots like Psaki, Higgins and Clinton (the foul daughter) come out of some sausage factory? The smugness, the stupidity and the never-wanted-for-anythingness.

October 29, 2022 10:26 am

Elon Musk

Ligma Johnson had it coming

They sure did.

Next, take down META. Ffs.

October 29, 2022 10:29 am

H B Bearsays:
October 29, 2022 at 10:19 am
You need to eat the real thing. Oats of which I eat probably 1 kg/week. I

Are you racing this Spring Razey san?

Haha. I’ll identify as a horse. Pronoun Mr Ed.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 29, 2022 10:30 am

a bloke got his female colleague extremely drunk,

He bought her how many drinks out of the 11?

offered her a lift home, took her somewhere else

They shared an Uber. She could have waited in the car.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 29, 2022 10:30 am

Ed Casesays:
October 29, 2022 at 9:59 am
Bruce got a fair shake.
He wasn’t arrested, never saw the inside of a Police Station,

Where did he give his formal interview with the police? Were you present? Do you make things up?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 29, 2022 10:36 am

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:

October 29, 2022 at 10:13 am

Why would she be ‘impressed’?

Because he was game to go there for a drink and she was not?

Both behaving like early teens when mum and dad are away.

These people all thought they were weeks away from a Short’n Gummint and redeployment or the flick.
Why not get into the ministerial scotch?

October 29, 2022 10:37 am

Wow. Absolutely massive protest in Prague, Czech Republic today demanding an end to anti-Russia sanctions.

“Russia’s not our enemy, the government of warmongers is the enemy.”

The protesters have repeatedly condemned the government for its support of Ukraine and the European Union sanctions against Russia, and opposed Czech membership in the EU, NATO.”

October 29, 2022 10:38 am

The Prince of Logical Fallacies cries “Strawman!”.

By the way, that was an ad hominem.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 29, 2022 10:38 am

MatrixTransform says:
October 29, 2022 at 10:02 am

Nonsensical trolling now

I presume your silly eye-rolling comment is directed at mine.

Guily conscience much?
The trolling comment was so obviously directed at Googlery.

October 29, 2022 10:41 am

where is the problem here?

That he was dragged before a court in the first place, you irredeemable imbecile.

Hint: Zero evidence.

October 29, 2022 10:41 am

And now the garden beckons. Blue skies here from horizon to horizon. Today I shall annoy the neighbours by spreading many…many bags of chook poo (pelletised for convenience).

As bespoke so often says, Life is Good.

October 29, 2022 10:43 am

October 29, 2022 at 10:02 am
Nonsensical trolling now

I presume your silly eye-rolling comment is directed at mine.

Have you ever been into one of those remote communities?

I have. Many times.

you are correct, of course. Although, an average person has never had to visit a remote community to see the damage inflicted on houses. My brother lived in Casino in the seventies and an indig family was moved into the house across the road from him. Within weeks the doors and cabinets had been ripped off and were used as firewood. The floors also were ripped out. They shat outside regardless of who may have seen them.

At about the same time, in a Grafton Housing Estate, the powers that be decided that integration was key to settling the indigs into living normally in houses provided. They placed indig families throughout the Estate so much so that it was nicknamed “Checkerboard Hill”.
With no exception, every house lived in by indigs was destroyed. After several years and thousands of complaints, not too mention the savage escalation in crime, the scheme was judged a failure and all the “colourful” families were moved to an area of their own.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 29, 2022 10:44 am

Calls for jury trials to be scrapped in sexual assault cases

Courtney Gould
NCA NewsWire
50 minutes ago October 29, 2022

Attorneys-General across Australia are being asked to consider sweeping reforms which would make the criminal justice system more accessible to victims of sexual assault.

Sexual, domestic and family violence organisation Full Stop Australia has made “comprehensive” submissions to state and federal governments about making the justice system “safer and less traumatising” for victims.

The organisation wants sexual assault complainants to have the right to give evidence in chief and cross examination recorded, allowing them to “get it over with” and sparing them from the process again should there be a problem with the trial.

“We also need to amend evidence law to make it a presumption that similar conduct on the part of the accused in the past can be admitted as evidence,” chief executive Hayley Foster told NCA NewsWire.

“Right now, the presumption is flipped the other way, and evidence of the accused’s past misconduct is regarded as prejudicial to the accused.”

Ms Foster said the system should take into account the patterned nature of sexual, domestic and family violence and that past conduct is “strongly indicative of their future conduct”.

An Australian Bureau of Statistics survey conducted in 2016-17 estimated that about 235,000 Australian adults had experienced sexual violence.

But only 31,118 victims across Australia reported sexual violence to police in 2021, according to the ABS Victims of Crime report.

Only a small sliver of victims who report sexual assaults to police will see their complaints prosecuted in court. Just 1.5 per cent of sexual assaults result in a guilty conviction.

Ms Foster said it would be worth considering moving away from jury trials for sexual assault, pointing to victim-blaming attitudes in the community.

“One in three Australians think that a lot of times, women who say they were raped had led the man on and then had regrets,” she said.

“Knowing this, we can see it’s virtually impossible to secure a unanimous verdict in a sexual assault trial. We should consider specialist judge-only trials.”

More funding is needed for sexual assault services, the organisation said, and greater support is needed to help victims navigate these processes and recover from the trauma they have experienced.

“We have a very broken criminal justice system when it comes to sexual assault,” she said.

“We need to think about the message this sends to victim-survivors of sexual assault, but also the message it sends to those using sexual violence.”

October 29, 2022 10:46 am

Reports about what Paul Pelosi’s attacker was wearing when arrested spark more questions

– Why was the suspect in his underwear? Was he known to Paul Pelosi before the incident?

– So the police were called for a well-being check. The fight over the hammer broke out after they got there. And the assailant was arrested in his underwear.

I’m sorry, it’s up to the authorities to be fully transparent here. You can’t blame people for looking at that sideways.

– Pelosi’s attacker was arrested in his underwear. Really? A millionaires house had No security. Really?

– Pelosi is the Speaker of the House — 3rd most powerful person in the country.

Her house has levels of security us poor mere mortals couldn’t fathom or comprehend.

The thought that an unarmed man in his underwear during day hours broke in and made it into the house is… weird

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 29, 2022 10:47 am

a bloke got his female colleague extremely drunk,
on CCTV at the bar, he was bringing her the drinks, with her all night

He bought her how many drinks out of the 11?

offered her a lift home, took her somewhere else , paid the Uber off and dismissed it.

They shared an Uber. She could have waited in the car.

October 29, 2022 10:47 am

Tom at 9.35 am

PS: Australians have never seen first-release episodes of the excellent NCIS because CBS bought the Ten Network as a tax dodge, where it dumps old episodes of shows it bought 10-40 years ago. As a result, the Ten Network does not even have programming director – the giveaway that it is not a serious TV network.

And CBS doesn’t want us to see the last 4 or 5 years of NCIS. Must be too violent for a sensitive little Ozzie audience!! Repeats of repeats of repeats is what we are served up with. Can’t be bothered with the show any more.

October 29, 2022 10:47 am

Calls for jury trials to be scrapped in sexual assault cases

How about we just scrap the left altogether, declare it a terrorist organisation and call for open season on the vermin

October 29, 2022 10:47 am

Farmer Gez says:
October 29, 2022 at 10:24 am

Gez, it had to be “remembered” that way. It explains away the fuzzy thinking and time lapse between the alleged event and complaint. Not quite sure, but “something”.

And, ahem, it would be perfectly obvious to the young lady upon waking that the event had taken place, even if he had used a condom. In which circumstance it would be straight to the hospital and the police by way of PH security. Or even a phone call to mum some time in between. No shilly shallying about.

Enough of the sordid stuff for me. I have hungry plants to feed.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 29, 2022 10:48 am

Both behaving like early teens when mum and dad are away

Everything that occurs within the Parliamentary triangle reeks of undergraduate politics, albeit in better suits and more taxpayer funding. Brittany (and Bruce) strike me as a couple of losers. Perfect for Canberra.

October 29, 2022 10:48 am

Forget The Day of the Triffids. We are in The Day of the Expert.

Add them to the list of people who have trashed their reputations in the last 2 years:

Chief health officers
AHPRA, ATAGI, AMA, Professional Colleges

not including those who already had:


October 29, 2022 10:49 am
Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 29, 2022 10:49 am

Why would she be ‘impressed’?
Because he was game to go there for a drink and she was not?

Here’s a thought- they were both grown-ups in their mid-20’s, but only one of them is being assumed to have childlike naívete.

October 29, 2022 10:51 am

Too early for Pelosi getting hammered jokes?

H/t LI

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 29, 2022 10:51 am

The SES here still continue to say that Kerang residents must remain in town, despite the river level dropping. And everyone still being able to drive around the district with gay abandon.
This mob aren’t looked upon favourably.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 29, 2022 10:51 am

Calls for jury trials to be scrapped in sexual assault cases

And that’s what The Australian‘s hysterical reporting is all about.
Without being explicit, they’ve painted Higgins as a liar, the goal being the end of Jury Trials.

October 29, 2022 10:53 am

More Musk Memes

This one had me pissing myself. Is that catturd?

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 29, 2022 10:54 am

Attorneys-General across Australia are being asked to consider sweeping reforms which would make the criminal justice system more accessible to victims of sexual assault.

More “stories my Aunty told me”. Presumably the various Royal Commissions aren’t enough. Rules of Evidence – so played. Believe all women.

October 29, 2022 10:54 am

Calls for jury trials to be scrapped in sexual assault cases

Of course. Jurdge, jury and incarcerator.

October 29, 2022 10:55 am

This is Weird? Pelosi Assailant David Depape Was In His Underwear When Police Arrived – Yanked the Hammer from Paul Pelosi

From the Comments

– Lover’s quarrel

– The first thought that many of us had. After all, this is San FranSICKO!
FJB and Pelosi too!

– Fighting over the drugs, alcohol, and/or who’s on top?

– Who called the police ? The hammer !

– Maybe it was a smart hammer.

– It was clearly an assault hammer which should be banned with hammer control legislation. High capacity hammers and hammers with pistol grips are scary, too.

October 29, 2022 10:59 am

But Albrechtsen reckons he’s The Victim here?

white knighting won’t get you laid, ask mutley

Real Deal
Real Deal
October 29, 2022 11:00 am

Well, there’s at least one cohort that’s extremely happy with the Brittany Szubanski circus.

Nobody’s mentioning the militant poof advisor lobby, and their penchant for recording themselves blowing loads over ministerial desks any more.

Gold Logie stuff, KD. Let’s never forget the incomparable Nathan Winn.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 29, 2022 11:00 am

A guy in his underwear gets into the home of the 3rd highest ranking US polical figure?

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 29, 2022 11:02 am

Nobody’s mentioning the militant poof advisor lobby, and their penchant for recording themselves blowing loads over ministerial desks any more.

Sounded like the QANTAS Christmas party.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 29, 2022 11:02 am

Brittany (and Bruce) strike me as a couple of losers. Perfect for Canberra.
Bruce a loser?
Here’s his career trajectory:
Finished High School in 2013, went straight into a job in Attorney General George Brandis’s office.
Brandis retires, Bruce goes straight into a job in unknown Senator Linda Reynolds office.
March 1 2019, Reynolds catapulted into Cabinet as Defence Industry Minister, 88 days later she’s Defence Minister.
Bruce on Trial in Supreme Court, has quality Defence that money can’t buy.
Bruce: Not a loser
Higgins: Loser.

October 29, 2022 11:03 am


Apparently, the bitch’s home is surveilled only when she’s home. There’s that. The reports also say the attacker got in through a glass door in the rear of the house.

But what was he doing in his underwear and who called the cops?

October 29, 2022 11:05 am

Europe’s changing borders from the 12th century.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 29, 2022 11:05 am

Groogs, you are too easily impressed. Understandable in your case.

October 29, 2022 11:11 am

What the hell? The guy in the underwear with a hammer was a friend?

Wtf is going on here lmfao.

David DePape reportedly told Paul Pelosi he would wait in the home for Nancy Pelosi:

“RP stated there’s a male in the home and that he’s going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn’t know who the male is but he advised that his name is David and that he is a friend.”…


“Just two dudes, in their underwear, hanging pictures together Officer….”

Hey, it’s San Francisco. But seriously, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I look forward to finding out. If we do.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 29, 2022 11:12 am

Ed Casesays:
October 29, 2022 at 10:51 am
Calls for jury trials to be scrapped in sexual assault cases

And that’s what The Australian‘s hysterical reporting is all about.
Without being explicit, they’ve painted Higgins as a liar, the goal being the end of Jury Trials.

Errrr, no, Richard Cranium. The aim is to “reduce victims’ trauma” by avoiding the yucky requirement to give evidence and be cross-examined in open court, and to avoid the nastiness of some jurors not accepting that some “he said/she said” stories might possibly be dubious.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 29, 2022 11:16 am

The future of social media, you saw it here first!

In college, I did this project where you had to keep nodding in order to get through commercials.

October 29, 2022 11:16 am

It’s been fascinating to read all the articles in the msm recently trying to explain why we are in a mess about energy costs. Pretzels have nothing on the ‘logic’ displayed by churnalists who will do anything to avoid the elephant in the room, or the lack of habiliments on the Emperor. (How’s that for multiple mixed metaphors? I defy even a Thermomix to mix like that!)

We have a range of excuses, like the failure to quarantine gas for domestic use, various obscure quirks of the regulatory framework, the lack of ‘investment’ (i.e. your money) spent on the ‘inevitable transition’, the war in Ukraine, Donald Trump, and BTW, what was Tony Abbott’s role in all this?

The lack of curiosity, or blinkered view based on their prior opinions, of those fearless truth-seekers in their own lunchtime, is simply staggering.

And, the talk of ‘inevitable transitioning’ is uncomfortably close to the language of another hot button issue, with similar implications.

On another topic, via a link in Quadrant, I came across this link to a Sydney Institute Quarterly of 2010. Well worth a look, especially Shelley Gare’s article about the rise and fall of good English in journalism. Gare edited a collection of the great Ross Campbell’s columns, so is a woman after my own heart.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
October 29, 2022 11:17 am

Do any West Aussies remember ‘the thirty seconds ‘ rape case?….a guy was convicted to 14 years jail cos the woman changed her mind to sex after seducing the guy and allowing him to full penetration.The moral of the story is ‘dont shag a female unless you have a water tight contract drawn up by a QC ‘.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 29, 2022 11:21 am

But what was he doing in his underwear and who called the cops?

Well, at least he was wearing panties.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 29, 2022 11:22 am

Do any West Aussies remember ‘the thirty seconds ‘ rape case?….a guy was convicted to 14 years jail cos the woman changed her mind to sex after seducing the guy and allowing him to full penetration

Indeed – the woman involved and his ex wife later admitted to setting him up.

October 29, 2022 11:25 am

The lack of curiosity, or blinkered view based on their prior opinions, of those fearless truth-seekers in their own lunchtime, is simply staggering.

The inevitable result of 15+ years of “education” in which they are told what to think rather than how to think.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
October 29, 2022 11:26 am

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha….yup, but it was not until the 2 women fess’d up , it was considered rape cos he refused to pull out.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 29, 2022 11:26 am

But what was he doing in his underwear and who called the cops?
The obvious answer is the correct answer.
You will recall that the Pelosi Family, the Newsom Family, the Brown Family and the Getty Family have been joined at the hip in California politics for 80 years.
And you know the other thing they’ve all got in common?

October 29, 2022 11:28 am

Indeed – the woman involved and his ex wife later admitted to setting him up.

And what happened to them?

Cassie of Sydney
October 29, 2022 11:29 am

This morning Sydney received its first drop of garbage from Syria.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 29, 2022 11:30 am

C’mon Ed. Even you can do better than that.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
October 29, 2022 11:31 am

Rodger…I’m not sure of the outcome of the 2 women.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 29, 2022 11:35 am

This morning Sydney received its first drop of garbage from Syria.

Hard to see how they could be worse than some of Fraser’s Lebs. Again, we’ll just have to wait 20 years and find out what the actual advice to Cabinet was.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 29, 2022 11:36 am

The Anti Jury zealots are having their cake and eating it too.

On the one hand, they’re saying that Evidence of similar behaviour in the past should be Admissible, which is bullshit,
and their mates are saying Rape complainants shouldn’t be cross examined, also bullshit.
The Trial was abandoned because of deficiency in the Administration of the Court, not because the Justice System had failed.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 29, 2022 11:38 am

No surprise that most j’ismists are heavy Twitter users. Give me a trusted blogger any day.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 29, 2022 11:40 am

C’mon Ed. Even you can do better than that.
J.Paul Getty-Flamer
Getty’s sons- mostly Flamers
Edmund [Jerry] Brown- Flamer
Gavin Newsom- suspected Flamer
Paul Pelosi-not a Flamer?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 29, 2022 11:40 am

yup, but it was not until the 2 women fess’d up , it was considered rape cos he refused to pull out.

I don’t know if they ever copped any penalty – he was sharing a house with the two harpies, and they set him up to get him out of the house.

1 2 3 10
  1. Slowly slowly these timid gerbils are starting to speak up… Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry calls for ‘realistic’ renewables…

  2. Hey Dover, did you see this? The New England Journal of Medicine just identified a brand-new illness: SRDS—Sudden Russian Death…

  3. Vinegar Tits and Pretty-boy are stymied. The Nosferatu Nurses refuse to be interviewed by NSWaffen. What can we do now?…

  4. Wonder how big the impact in Finance will be. Most valuations can be mechanized if it already isn’t. A lot…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x