Still Life with Dahlias, Zinnias, Hollyhocks and Plums, Eugène Delacroix, 1835
Still Life with Dahlias, Zinnias, Hollyhocks and Plums, Eugène Delacroix, 1835
Today’s Daily Tele: PRESSURE BUILDS ON FRAGILE CEASEFIRE GAZA CITY: Israel has threatened to launch a “new” war on Hamas and…
The Washington Post headline read “Australian hospital examines patient records after nurse claims to have killed Israelis.” Hope the search…
Rita Panahi: Australia is again making headlines around the world for all the wrong reasons thanks to another anti-Semitic incident.To…
Broken English
Big changes ahead- freindshoring and onshoring.
WATCH: Did Joe Biden Cop a Feel With His 18-Year-Old Granddaughter?
In a video that is going viral on Twitter, Joe and Natalie are seen placing “I Voted” stickers on each other… and well… just watch the video.
This is not the first time Joe Biden’s behavior with a granddaughter has come under scrutiny. In 2020, during a campaign rally in Iowa, Biden’s then-19-year-old granddaughter Finnegan, the daughter of Hunter Biden, joined him onstage. The two grossed many people out on social media by kissing each other… on the lips.
National Lampoon
It reminds me of National Lampoon’s Vacation. What a great film. It hasn’t dated too badly.
I thought the two-backed beast reference would be lost on youse red-necked bogans.
Poils before swine, as Rabz might say.
German official offers controversial solution to gas crisis – media
Finance Minister Christian Lindner calls for natural gas to be sourced in Germany using fracking
Germany should study the issue of producing domestic shale gas using fracking, which is currently prohibited in the country, Finance Minister Christian Lindner has said in an interview with the Funke media group, as quoted by TASS.
The technology allows oil and gas to be extracted from shale rock by breaking it up with pressurized liquid, including water and chemicals. The technique has been used in Germany since the 1960s to extract natural gas from conventional reserves, including sandstone and carbonate stones. About one third of the natural gas produced in the country comes from reserves tapped by fracking.
However, “unconventional fracking” in shale and coal seams, which uses horizontal drilling techniques, was placed under moratorium in 2011, and then largely banned in Germany due to environmental risks such as water pollution, or even earthquakes.
We have significant gas deposits in Germany that can be extracted without endangering drinking water,” Lindner said. “It would be rather irresponsible to refrain from fracking because of ideological commitments.”
According to the official, production is possible “at several” fields, with Germany able to meet relatively large needs from its own sources, which would be useful in light of the situation across the world.
Learn to code.
Fitzsimian standing down from heading the Republican ‘Movement’ (perhaps he is boweling out) is probably one of the most positive things that has happened to it.
Stupid pirate.
“We wants a republic. With a capital Arrrgh!”
Given how dirty the campaign was I have…suspicions.
Gray Connolly Retweeted
Sarah Dingle ?? @sarahdingle_ · 1h
One night to go! Tune in 830pm Tuesday 1 Nov on @SBS for #Inconceivable, a gobsmacking interrogation of #donorconception in Australia #auspol #media #medicine #humanrights or catch up on SBS On Demand
Biden’s Diesel Fuel Crisis Worsens: Major Fuel Company Issues New Warning
But most Americans know that this situation, like the other crises created on Biden’s watch, is a result of the administration’s dangerous and reckless decision-making — in this case, the Biden administration’s unwillingness to tap America’s vast and great energy supplies and the banning of pipelines, fossil fuels, and refineries.
At the end of October, here’s where America stands — on President Biden’s watch — heading into winter:
1. Nationwide and regional diesel fuel shortages threaten every industry
2. Home heating oil shortages and rationing in the Northeast
3. Gas prices continue to climb
4. Inflation remains at record highs with no sign of stopping
5. Home sales hit record lows, priming a new housing crisis
6. Record-high crime could exponentially worsen as Americans fight over available supplies of fuel, food, etc.
7. Possible railroad strike, which would also cripple the U.S. economy overnight
But everything is fine. Come on, JACK! No joke!
Folks, this is DEFCON 1 level bad. These are not conspiracies. These are facts and plausible situations that on an individual level are bad enough, but combined will be nothing less than catastrophic for everyone.
I divide the universe into two parts, the bit that’s inside my skin, and the larger bit outside. I have sensors which give me information about the bit outside, vision and hearing mainly, which is useful because it makes me less likely to be run over when I cross the road. I also have sensors which give me information about the other bit inside my skin, for instance, I have information about when I need a pee. This is also useful, it saves me from wetting my pants.
Some ppl are very concerned with the external world, eg. engineers, most small boys, and farmers. Some ppl are very concerned with the internal world of feelings, eg. arts students, educational theorists, and a great many little girls.
Life would be a deal simpler if the latter group took into account that their lives are much more congenial largely as a result of the activities of the former group.
The other interesting thing about power stations being closed down, and we’ll all be saved by renewables, is that at the same time we’re all supposed to be getting ‘leccie cars.
The whole equation doesn’t add up, so will be interesting watching more promises from Labor disappearing over the next year or so, while people pay more and more for their power.
Any camera buffs here? Looking for a good low light point and shoot.
Another panic monkey.
New details emerge in Paul Pelosi assault
From the Comments
– Right-wing lunatics aren’t what they used to be. Now they’re nudist activist hippies who live in a BLM commune and attend sex parties at the Pelosi’s.
– Bingo… Not an orgy. He just ordered up him up some gay cock which was delivered and let inside. Then things went bad as things often due with prostitutes who are generally not stable to begin with.
Not a chance someone wandered off the street.
Andrew Bolt: Shameful Albanese government believes in apartheid
Once the Left fought Apartheid. Now Labor is building – bit by bit – the architecture for a new Aboriginal state.
For the first time in our history, Australia will have an ambassador for just one race. Yes, this shameful Albanese government really does believe in apartheid.
Anyone claiming to be Aboriginal has until Friday to apply to be our first Ambassador for First Nations People.
Note the word “Nations”. Labor is building – bit by bit – the architecture for a new Aboriginal state.
It’s already planning to create an Aboriginal parliament, written into our constitution, and a future Aboriginal government must of course have its own ambassador.
In fact, Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong has now placed an ad looking for just that.
She says the lucky winner will consult “First Nations communities” to make sure we have a foreign policy that “supports First Nations businesses and exporters”, “supports indigenous rights”, and builds “connections across the Indo-Pacific region”, presumably with brown nations.
After all, doesn’t Labor think all brown people are in some mystic way alike?
So we’re getting an Aboriginal ambassador pushing an Aboriginal foreign policy meant to help only Aboriginal business.
Once we had a White Australia immigration policy: no non-whites need apply. Now we have an Aboriginal ambassador representing Aboriginal “nations”: no whites need apply.
Exactly what is the moral difference? Yet our government is behind this destructive racism.
Wong has further embarrassed herself and the nation by trading in crude racial stereotypes in selling this apartheid.
This Aboriginal Ambassador, she said, would “ensure the unique perspectives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are included in our international engagements”.
Is Wong seriously claiming all Aborigines think alike, having “unique perspectives” not shared by Australians of other races?
Gosh, I wonder what “unique perspectives” Aborigines all have on communist China, the war in Ukraine or trade deals with Japan.
And do Aborigines, unlike the rest of us, really all share the same Aboriginal “perspectives”? Seriously?
Will this Aboriginal Ambassador represent the foreign policy priorities of, say, Nationals Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, a fierce fighter for freedom, or will Wong instead appoint a tribalist from the victim industry who’ll represents only Aborigines who fit Labor’s ideological stereotype of what “real” Aborigines are and think?
No prizes for guessing.
The more questions you ask about this job, the more pathetically racist it seems.
For instance, if race is so determinative to Wong, could she – of Malaysian-Chinese ancestry – explain why she can represent every other race in this country without a problem, but needs an Aboriginal Ambassador for the remaining 3.7 per cent of us?
Surely the penny is now dropping, even for people who thought Labor’s plan for an Aboriginal-only parliament, with the cute name of the Voice, sounded harmless.
I talked last week to a colleague, Sky News host Chris Kenny, who’s been a strong supporter of the Voice, but said he was dead against this new Aboriginal Ambassador.
Sorry, but the two are connected. Once you think Aborigines are so different that they need their own parliament, you’ve given the whole game away.
Next step: what’s a parliament without a nation? What’s a nation without sovereignty? Suddenly everything is on the table.
This has been so obvious to any with eyes to see and ears to hear.
Listen to the slogans: “Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land”, and “sovereignty was never ceded”. Listen to activists, like Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe as she chokes on swearing allegiance to our monarch. Listen to Victoria’s First People’s Assembly talk about the treaty it will negotiate with Victoria’s government, as if both sides were nations fighting over the same land.
I knew we’d get to this point because I once introduced indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney to a man claiming to be the “foreign minister” of a new Aboriginal nation, and saw her eyes light up.
I’d taken Burney to the supposedly sovereign Aboriginal Yidinji Nation near Cairns to film an ABC documentary on the push for a treaty between Aborigines and the rest of us.
I wanted her to meet not just the Yidinji “foreign minister”, a former SBS journalist, but its “prime minister”, to see for herself where her radical race politics would take Australia.
I meant it as a warning. Burney took it as an inspiration.
I asked her if she backed this model, an Aboriginal “nation” with its own “prime minister”, and she enthusiastically replied: “I do”.
What Burney endorsed is what Labor is now creating, even if it doesn’t always realise where it’s leading.
Apartheid is coming to Australia. Once the Left fought it; now it builds it.
247 comments in the Herald-Sun – all agreeing
US to deploy six nuclear capable B-52 bombers to RAAF Base Tindal in the NT.
Talk we must about Fetterman’s burning yard sign
As we will be reminded by the mainstream media on an hourly basis (if not more often) every day until the election, dangerous hate crimes, often in the form of “speech,” are being perpetrated by the “MAGA Republicans” constantly. Sometimes they go further than saying unpleasant things or expressing views that hurt the feelings of liberals. Sometimes they resort to arson. That was clearly the implication in a tweet that showed up in Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman’s Twitter feed last night. A picture of a Fetterman campaign sign going up in flames is shown, along with a dire warning about “violence and intimidation.” The arson is alleged to have taken place “on a farm in deep red Lawrence County.” (I’ve saved a screen capture in case this gets deleted today, which won’t be at all surprising.)
With angry MAGA fanatics roaming the Pennsylvania countryside committing arson in an effort to intimidate supporters of the Fetterman juggernaut, shouldn’t our dedicated press corps be on the trail of this outrageous act of right-wing domestic terrorism? Perhaps even Fetterman’s most ardent supporters quickly realized that this was, as our President might say, a load of malarkey.
Let’s just call this what it was. It was a staged event. It was a hoax designed to try to profit off of the liberal wave of accusations about violent attacks by “MAGA extremists.” But it wasn’t even a good hoax.
Take a close look at the picture. Most of us are familiar with campaign yard signs. Having worked on multiple campaigns, I’ve not only had them in my yard but I’ve distributed them and picked them up after election day. They tend to be composed of cheap wire frames with mass-produced plastic (and generally fire-resistant) banners promoting the candidate.
The one pictured here appears to be a sizable wooden structure placed out in a field near a road. Note that the wooden frame is ablaze, as well as the sign. And the sign is burning in a conveniently neat fashion from left to right, with the majority of the candidate’s logo still visible in the firelight. Wouldn’t a true arsonist have doused the entire sign with some sort of accelerant before tossing a match and speeding off into the night?
And yet the picture they captured is almost like a still frame from a movie set. Isn’t that just terribly convenient? Someone just happened to come along at exactly the right moment to capture this act of arson while it was still entirely obvious what the sign said. And it had to have been burning for a little while for the frame to be alight in that fashion. But nobody managed to get a look at the arsonist or at least their vehicle? As of the writing of this post, the tweet has more than 8,000 replies and nearly 7,000 retweets. And the responses were almost uniformly less than kind, to put it mildly.
Did the Aboriginal Prime Minister agree to that?
Refuel in Okinawa of the way back from Pongyang?
Sticky fingers: Trail of candy wrappers leads police right to thieves
A band of thieves was busted in Georgia after police followed a trail of candy wrappers from a crime scene left behind by one or more hungry, litterbug members of the crew.
The nine sweet-toothed bandits are accused of burglarizing multiple homes and vehicles between Oct. 4 and 7 in Coweta County — about 30 miles outside of Atlanta, police told The Newman Times-Herald.
According to the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office, the group would trek through the woods to get to the homes and cars they targeted for burglaries.
They broke into at least two homes and five vehicles and made off with weapons, cash, tools and food that they would then bring back to the woods and stash beneath piles of leaves.
One of the items they stole was a bag of miniature Milky Way candy bars, police said.
Investigators from the Heard County Sheriff’s Office followed a trail of the discarded wrappers they found in the woods, which led them directly to the home of one of the sticky-fingered suspects.
These days, the important distinction between Intelligence and Education has been wilfully forgotten:
They are NOT the same thing.
Intelligence best equates to ‘processor speed’ on your computer – the more computing power it has, the faster it can run programs, and the more complicated those programs can be.
Education roughly equates to ‘memory size’ on your computer – if its too small, it will be clunky at running the above programs or not capable entirely.
At the population level, children of poor (read unsuccesful, dysfunctional) families, and the Indigenes, have lower average intelligence than those who have proven more successful in our modern societies.
No amount of education can help a slow computer run a large complex program.
from the Observer site’s comments thread. Sums it up:
“Questions that demand answers: 1. Who called 911 and what did they say? 2. How did Depapa get to the Pelosi residence 3. Who opened the door for the police? 4. What were Paul and David wearing when police arrived 5. Why didn’t the police shoot Depapa when he started hitting Paul in the head with a hammer? 6. What does Depapa have to say? 7. Is Depapa innocent until proven guilty? 8. Why are politicians declaring Depapa guilty without any evidence or trial?”
Not necessarily true or a bad thing.
A big part of music is feelings.
And literature can convey wisdom.
Shakespeare is not just beautiful words. He knows people and teaches us about people and situations we might never personally encounter. Ditto Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky etc. etc.
Not our problem. The Aboriginal education minister can sort their shit out.
One per turtle.
Same as most other animals.
My school subjects were strictly STEM (Maths 1, Maths 2, Physics, Chem) and English.
In retrospect it was a traditional choice, but the double maths was a mistake as I struggled with that (oddly, I performed much better at physics which is basically just applied maths).
Somewhat surprisingly, I excelled in the yer 12 English exams, partly on the back of arguing a ‘long shot’ in the ‘One Flew over the Cuckoos nest’ section – I argued that the evil Nurse Ratched was in fact a kind, caring health care worker, but she came across as evil *because* she was described through the eyes of mental patients – who were self evidently unfit to judge reality. The apparently bought this, earning me a score in the 90s, which was 20 marks higher than I had been running all year.
In retrospect, I was wrong – she was an evil minion of the machine – we now see they all are!
Too many promotions in prospect.
Look, a squirrel!
marxist corruptocrats are back baby!
AKA as a ‘decoy wife’ – this used to be pretty common amongst prominent gay men back before such ‘choices’ were ‘stunning and brave’.
I hated English. If you didn’t tow the line, you got shit marks, regardless of how well put together or otherwise. Math’s was much better. There was an answer and that was it. But nowadays even math’s has become racist apparently.
Cape Canaveral was a blast, lol.
This whole coastline, with its long surf beach on the outer land strip separated from the mainland by a channel, is reminiscent of Australia’s Gold Coast – same old-fashioned early settlement as a coastal holiday spot from the city of Orlando, turned into a National holiday centre after the Canaveral Port was made the centre of the Space Program from the 1950’s on. Now called the ‘space’ coast, or the ‘sun, space and sea’ coast. Most of the older properties were razed and newer ones built with iterations into bigger and more corporate every ten years or so. Where we are is one of the last ones left, made terribly boutique and charging as much for its Oceanfront rooms as the Hilton. But it has been a pleasant base for two days. Hairy and I put on our gsoh and walked hand in hand romantically along the beach. 🙂
We bought some things for a self-catering breakfast in a Dollar Shop (supermarket brand). We asked the young bearded fellow on the check-out if they charged for plastic bags. Nup, he said. Never heard of anything like that, ma’am. Where’d they ever do a thang like that?
Not in Florida, apparently!
In my case, its more the physical medium than the content distraction issue with screens – I simply find reading off paper is the best way for me to process that information. I cant do it off a screen. I have always printed out important documents to read (and annotate).
Witch yer wuz that?
Canon M3. Does everything.
Good point! with QANTAS’s Rainbow policy, whats the odds it was a female captain?
how much do you want to spend?
October 31, 2022 at 10:51 am
My school subjects were strictly STEM (Maths 1, Maths 2, Physics, Chem) and English.
1961 Leaving Certificate – Same – My school subjects were strictly STEM – Maths 1, Maths 2, Physics, Chem, English and French including oral – failed that badly (did Latin till the end year 4 High School – then 5 years High School)
Distinction Maths I lessons taken at Manly Selective after school with Ex Student Teacher of my Physics teacher – Brother at Marist, Distinction Physics at Marist Brothers and like you, surprised myself with an A in English
I’m glad the Pentagon essentially couldn’t care less who’s in the White House and long-term US military planning continues independently, with just the occasional fight with Congress over funding.
The Tindal runway will be extended from 2700m to 3300m to accommodate the B52s as part of a $1.1 billion upgrade as the Pentagon increasingly relies on Australia to retaliate against Chinese military aggression.
Being poor dysfunctional etc doesn’t mean one can’t learn to read and write, it might not make you the next Tolkien but it should allow you to function, read documents, fill in forms etc.
Dysfunctional homes have been around since the dawn of time, are schools letting those children down, or not?
6500 people died building the soccer world cup facilities?
Two members of the Rochdale grooming gang have lost an appeal against deportation after a seven-year legal battle.
Adil Khan, 51, and Qari Abdul Rauf, 52, were told they would be sent back to Pakistan after release from jail for the public good.
Khan had told the hearing he wanted to stay in the UK to be a “role model” for his son and “teach him right from wrong”.
Khan got a 13-year-old girl pregnant, but denied he was the father, then met another girl, 15, and trafficked her for others to abuse, using violence when she complained.
Rauf, a father-of-five, trafficked a 15-year-old girl, driving her to secluded areas to s3xually abuse her in his taxi and ferry her to a flat in Rochdale where he and others abused her.
Nine men were jailed for their part in the gang. Police said as many as 47 girls were groomed by them.
An Energy Education for Democrats
Biden’s climate policies have raised prices, and he’s mad as hell about it.
By The Editorial Board
If Democrats lose next week’s election, one reason will be soaring energy prices. The lesson that an electoral defeat should drive home is that this is the result of their own policies.
Consider President Biden’s outrage Friday over last week’s robust earnings reports for oil and gas companies. Six of the largest “made $70 billion in profit in one quarter,” he said at a fundraiser. These “excess profits are going back to their shareholders and their executives instead of going to lower prices at the pump.” The President who has done everything in his power to limit U.S. oil investment is now furious that he succeeded.
Mr. Biden doesn’t seem to believe oil companies should be allowed to make a profit or even cover marginal costs. “We need to keep making progress by having energy companies bring down the cost of a gallon of gas to reflect what they pay for a barrel of oil,” he said. Anything more is “excess” profit.
Keep in mind that oil majors’ current profits follow steep losses in the pandemic. As oil prices plunged amid lockdowns, companies and OPEC nations pared investment and shut in wells. Demand for oil then bounced back much quicker than supply, which has driven up prices—and profits. That’s Econ 101.
Mr. Biden is miffed in particular that companies are returning cash to shareholders rather than increasing supply. “You should be using these record-breaking profits to increase production and refining,” he said this month. But the progressive climate lobby and his own Administration’s climate policies have been urging the opposite.
The International Energy Agency warned only last week that “no one should imagine that Russia’s invasion can justify a wave of new oil and gas infrastructure in a world that wants to reach net zero [greenhouse-gas] emissions by 2050.” It added that “any new projects would face major commercial risks” that may result in failing “to recover their upfront cost.”
No wonder oil companies are returning cash to shareholders rather than make investments in production that take decades to pay off.
U.S. shale drilling can produce returns more quickly. But rather than drill more wells, many producers are shrinking their inventory of “drilled but uncompleted” wells.
The Energy Information Administration reported last week that the number of these wells fell to the lowest since December 2013, which means production will eventually taper off even in the prolific Permian Basin. Permitting challenges impede new drilling, as does limited pipeline capacity to move natural gas produced alongside oil.
Large asset managers are also pressuring oil giants to maintain “capital discipline”—i.e., spend less on production. Private U.S. oil companies added 47 drilling rigs in the third quarter while public firms added only one. Climate lobbyists want companies to return profits to shareholders or invest in green energy.
Continental Resources founder Harold Hamm said this month he is taking his company private to have the “freedom to explore.” “We have all felt the limits of being publicly held over the last few years, and in such a time as this, when the world desperately needs what we produce, I have never been more optimistic,” Mr. Hamm wrote to employees.
Mr. Biden and fellow Democrats simply refuse to understand the economic consequences of their assault on American fossil fuels.
They have come to believe that climate is a crisis and that banishing oil and gas is urgent. But that means higher prices, which they now blame on the very companies they want to go out of business. Economic logic won’t persuade them, but maybe a rout at the ballot box will.
I think its the law of diminishing returns – the goal was to get the WUHAN spike in you, first by natural infection, but when that fell over early due to mutation of the virus, they went for the vax campaign. If you believe their figures, they got it into 90% + of us, and the agita required to force it on the rest isn’t worth the effort.
Now that they have pioneered the mRNA/Lipid nanoparticle technology, it will be pretty simple to target the rest by hiding it in other vaccines/injections etc. I for one will be *very vigilant* about anyone putting any needle in me in the future, for any reason.
He may have been making the beast with two backs.
I saw at one of the links that when Paul Pelosi was arrested for drunk driving that there was another, young, man in the car which fact was very diligently ignored by the MSM.
That was just a link to one secondary source so not really enough to hang a hat on, but does anyone know if there is more to it? Something more reliable at least.
It shows.
the push for women leaders in all areas of young life is progressing at breakneck pace, constantlyu being pushed by sporting organisations and schools — this is a major part of young men’s lack of motivation these days, imho.
I wonder why your son’s school didn’t mandate a 50/50 gender split for prefects?
It won’t end well. Women can lead, but ultimately, men can, and will, choose to ignore them.
The Dahmonds being sponsored by Chairman’s Dan Visit Victoria.
15mil deal. It’s been proclaimed a coup.
ditto. The ‘tow the line’ attitude in all social science subjects just amplifed as I progressed through higher ed.
Now the left is destroying even the robust sciences.
Woohoo, Dan the Man kicking $15m into Netball Australia. Great use of taxpayer money.
I bet the Dems are desperately missing the opportunity of throttling the speculation re Pelosi incident via Twitter. If only, they are saying, this happened a week before Musk walked into the Twitter HQ we could have cut if off at the pass. Now, they are stuck with escalating the rhetoric of denial and civility.
Dr Ryan Cole points out that it normally takes years to perfect the mass production of a new class of drug products, but many people, he claims were lucky because they got a shot “of mush” — from harried car park pop-up clinics — if the vaccines weren’t kept cold enough they had probably already degraded.
Quality control was so poor, he claims, that batches weren’t mixed well, and some people got a dilute vial from the start of a batch. The fats in the vat float to the top, apparently, and the first vials are missing “the goods”. But by the end of the batch the last vials are high dose, and with debris from manufacturing, from gaskets, aluminum seals, and crushed glass.
“The more we look at it, the more we see bad manufacturing.”
This has just been posted on Jo Nova’s site. We know from research done by Robert Malone and Mike Yeodan and others that adverse reactions to the vaccines were often concentrated in particular batches of vaccines. I have always thought that this was predictable, given the rushed production by the vaccine companies. Yeodan though, having worked in Pfizer for many years, could hardly believe it, given the high production standards normally maintained. For this reason, he suspected sinister forces at play. I think Ryan Cole’s data seems feasible. But it really is a disgrace – which is a gross understatement.
anything that drives the birth rate down is policy of the woke
Just saw Dr F beat me to it.
If You Got the Covid Shot And Aren’t Injured, This May Be Why -Dr. Ryan Cole, MD
Vaccine Adverse Events, Injuries & Deaths, What the Experts Say / By Gord Parks / October 27, 2022
[Vienna, Austria] Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole, MD, explains why many vaccinated were lucky not to get injured by the dangerous Covid-19 mRNA shots during a panel discussion at the Better Way Conference in Vienna, Austria, September 17, 2022.
Dr. Cole’s explanation came during a stellar panel discussion with other pathologists Drs. Sucharit Bhakdi, Arne Burkhardt and Andreas Sönnichsen, all speaking on the topic of Covid-19 “vaccine” injuries. Each participant gave an individual presentation before the panel discussion.
woke-arama, get some trans pocs in their pronto!
It’s “toe the line” – comes from the navy practise of having ratings lined up with their bare toes all on one of the lines of the duckboards.
So, the billions of people who got vaccinated and aren’t injured got dud doses.
Interesting theory.
When they say research do they mean actual research testing vaccine batches?
I didn’t think so.
tga testing
Lula was the one Obama introduced as something like ‘the most popular leader in the world’ when from the outer edge of the little group KRudd desperately interjected “most popular long term leader” – as if being a bigger flash in the pan who fades as quickly is better than someone who is able to hold onto their support longer.
Yes, I know that Lula’s position was held by dishonourable means, but KRudd’s success was as well, so comparing like with like…
I’d assume if big pharma is sloppy about batch testing for covid vaccines, they are sloppy about all the vaccines and medications they produce and all government agencies tasked with oversight are complicit.
Best not take any medications ever
Always reminds me of the classic
‘a hard road to hoe’
Courtesy of Australia’s greatest teacher of ‘pot plants’.
They never sleep;
Yes, when you control the MSM, politicians and the judiciary as well as the major social media platform, killing a story like that is a walk in the park (or a wank in the park as Bunter Hiden might say).
The beauty of this situation is that the Demonrats, being so used to controlling the narrative and having everyone tow/toe the line, can’t resist putting their spin on it and returning fire.
All they are doing is adding fuel to the fire.
Oops… but you get the point.
Several cannibals were appointed as engineers in a defence company.
“You’re all part of our team now” said the boss during the welcoming ceremony. “You can earn good money here, and you can go to the cafeteria for something to eat, so please don’t trouble any of the other employees”.
The cannibals promised.
Four weeks later the boss returned and said “You’re all working very hard and I’m very satisfied with all of you. However, one of our janitors has disappeared. Do any of you know what happened to him?”
The cannibals all shook their heads no.
After the boss has left, the leader of the cannibals said to the others “Which of you idiots ate the janitor?”
A hand raised hesitantly, to which the leader of the cannibals replied “You fool! For four weeks we’ve been eating Team Leaders, Supervisors and Project Managers and no one noticed anything, and YOU had to go and eat the janitor!”
LOL. Sounds like corporates didn’t want anything to do with the woke Diamonds.
Victorian Government steps in to sponsor Netball Australia in $15 million deal after Hancock Prospecting partnership was withdrawn (Sky News, 31 Oct)
I wouldn’t be using the word “coup” like that, the punters might think that is exactly what it is.
I saw a stationery store move.
– Jay London
Victorian netballers, both city and regional will be wondering why they pay all their subs and fund raise while the elites get their tax dollars playing politics within sponsorship.
Dumb move TaliDan, you despicable piece of shit.
Johnny Rotten:
I like the jokes!
In an interview a USA hospital pharmacologist said they tested pharmaceutical grade vitamin D supplements being provided to children in hospital and the concentration varied x2. There was the Pan Pharmaceuticals controversy in Aus which was about improper cleaning of the facility for new production runs leading to contamination. Asshole Carr turned it into a debate about supplements which shifted attention away from poor quality control issues for pharmaceutical drugs.
I’m not on any medication.
Oh gawd.
Jorge, you had better make up your mind whether what I said was true, first. Then you can do what the feelies do best, working out how they feel about it.
If you look at what I wrote, you will see that I did not disparage the internally oriented, I simply pointed out that most of their physical amenities were due to the externally oriented. The present discussion for example, is only possible because of electricity. How you feel about that has nothing to do with its truth.
I agree that Bach, Shakespeare and Dostoevsky have also made major contributions to our lives. But they wouldn’t have had much effect without the technology which produced musical instruments, cities and printing.
It doesn’t seem unreasonable to ask you to acknowledge this fact.
You just gotta love Musk
This whole Pelosi thing reflects badly on a pants free lifestyle.
The Hunchback seems desperate.
Low light? Sounds like one for Groogs. Do you make your own videos?
You finally got it Rosie.
Of course, whilst all medications are suspect, you should pay special attention to those that promise to permanently alter your physiology (eg vaccines promising to give you permanent immunity).
Chairman Dan trying to sportswash Victoriastan. Just like the Saudis.
Too late. Sicktoria is on the nose. The Hunchback has to go.
Mary Jo Kopechne was unavailable for comment.
He’s going after them;
Sicktoria’s interest bill is set to hit $6 billion/year by 2025. Where is the Hunchback getting all the money to funds its pet Woke projects?
Surely the social conscience of the Diamonds will kill this.
Anyone still in Victoriastan deserves it.
Just like China, the Chairman isn’t going anywhere.
Not much longer. Just gettin the oldest through year 12 next year. Be too disruptive at the moment. But make no mistake. My days are numbered here.
Johnny Rotten:
Some people here seem to like the jokes.
I like the jokes!
I really love them when they are repeated a couple of weeks after they were posted the first time. I can regale my nearest and dearest with them all over again.
Combo of selling debt to Banks and asset sales. AKA mortgaging our future.
What a load of horseshit.
Yes it’s pretty absurd coming from someone in WA when you look at their senate voting record for the last election
Haha, everything you thought about Paul Pelosi and underpants man must be true.
Twitter owner Musk tweets conspiracy theory about violent Pelosi attack (Phys.org, 30 Oct)
Conspiracy theory eh? I tracked the journo – she’s AFP and quite lefty from the looks of her twitter feed. But it’s a measure of the death of science that Phys.org/TechXplore is running an AFP hit piece as supposed science news.
The Public Service Diamonds.
It was always going to be a government agency of some sort wielding OPM. By the pricking of my thumbs I sense an election this way comes.
I dunno.
I mean, what if she goes postal?
Rosie you are a fool. It is not a vaccine in any way imaginal. Vaccines take years of testing before being released and then when adverse reactions occur are withdrawn. The side effect afflicting yourself is reassuring yourself that nothing is going to happen in the future. It has happened for many people with disastrous results. The only person believing you is yourself.
And Munty.
After the atrocities of the last 2 years, from a whole host of governments, including ‘frontier’ (NT, WA) and ‘Liberal’ (SA, Federal), who thinks anywhere is durably safer and free-er than anywhere else?
The Senate has always been a cross between a tip and Mos Eisley Cantina.
Woohoo, Dan the Man kicking $15m into Netball Australia. Great use of taxpayer money.
Let’s see how much egotistical lunatic Victorians can take.
So netball is getting the money that should have gone to provide for hospital beds promised at last Vic election.
This is clearly designed to capture the leakage to the Greens in the inner city.
I doubt it will do that, and it will probably piss off a far broader section of the community over multiple electorates.
I dunno.
I mean, what if she goes postal?
That sink wasn’t regular ceramic!
In NSW it’s Coutts-Trotter, Plibersek’s husband, who makes the major decisions. I am absolutely flabbergasted that a series of Coalition governments have employed this man from the other side of the political spectrum to run the state’s education.
But the kids have learnt to roll joints and chop ‘n slice with their library cards ..
The Chairman’s netball move is a classical example of politicians mistaking government money for their use. WA washes lots of taxpayers funds through the anti smoking blob.
Some thoughts on Canaveral and the Space Program:
It’s rather like walking into a theme park as you arrive and are shunted through the same sort of entry process, ticket buying, and then the mini-market place of what you can see and do in various buildings comprising the ‘experience’. A lot of kids there and the whole thing took us back, with astronauts in space suits instead of Goofy, a Lego space themed pavillion, the Space Shuttle shake-you-up experience, heroes of space travel etc. Great for kids and teens. Thousands of cars and people, only saw two masks the whole time.
Eschewing all of this, we headed straight for the main game, which comes as part of your entrance ticket ($70 for seniors): a bus ride to the actual area itself with a bus-video explaining all of the massively oversized building, for example the main Vehicle Assembly Building where they put together the actual rockets, which is 525ft high and has special doors which take 45 minutes to open to roll the rocket out. There are also special tank-like moving beds to convey the rocket to its launch site, requiring a special roadway to take the weight of these movers plus the rocket, and then special equipment to hold it in place for launch. It’s a field day for engineering fans, so much, so big, so clever. After the Panama Canal, this is one more for the bucket list.
When you arrive by bus at the main exhibition centre you see some really good original stuff from the years of the program and this is assisted by some superb multi-media presentations and dramatic audio-visual presentations from the early and later days of the program. They don’t desist from detailing how far America was behind in the ‘space race’ and JFK of course features widely. I was quite surprised at how much like Donald Trump in mega-sized close-ups some of this early Kennedy material was, the same self-confidence in the American way and the future of American enterprise and democracy. I wonder if others saw that too. I bought a key ring as a memento of Apollo Thirteen, ‘Failure is Not An Option’.
It was certainly good for the kids to receive the most hopeful view of America and its future, with super-smart STEM kids chosen for a special program featuring their dreams in some videos, and not one mention of climate change nor sustainability, just a reach for the stars mentality and encouragement of kids to do STEM studies. There was one video in part of a theatrical sequence where an ecologist talked about the miles of natural waterways and preserving the wildlife, working in concert with the program and admiring it, and that was OK too.
Very uplifting stuff in general. As we walked in at first, Hairy commented to me that it all seemed somewhat dated now, all of this space-age stuff, and I had to agree with him. Looking over the sites, it seemed the glory days were behind it, although of course the SpaceX of Musk and other private investors was talked up a lot. We passed by a major solar farm supplying the installations, and I had a thought that it too, like the space rockets where men first went up into that blackness, would one day become part of an exhibition of things that were history, and that no longer were quite what they once were.
So what happened to global warming?
Have a look at the sponsors of many arts or sports events and you will spot a lot of bodies dependent on public funding. The Media Watchdog highlights the issue with literary festivals.
I hope this is a joke.
Why do you think the covid vaccine machine was allowed to get as far as it did?
It’s because the vaccine industry had already made it such that politicians, journalists, and the general public were either too stupid or too scared to question anything with the word “vaccine” in it lest they be called the worst possible thing – an “anti-vaxer”.
Gardasil never got withdrawn despite repeated injuries being caused by it. And what did we get from this wonderful vaccine? An increase (yes that’s not a typo) in cervical cancers since the vaccine’s introduction.
Any doctor who questions any vaccine has their career and life destroyed.
If you want definitive proof that the entire vaccine industry is one gigantic criminal enterprise all you need to do is actually read the paper by Wakefield et al. The one that was retracted because it was “wrong and fraudulent”.
Everybody believes that paper claimed that the MMR caused autism. Because that’s what journalists tell people to believe. And everybody believes that the paper was redacted because it wrong and fraudulent.
The problem is that the paper explicitly said that they didn’t show – or even try to show – that the vaccine caused autism.
Astonishing. But people believe anything. And they certainly believe anything when it comes to vaccines.
The crime of the paper is that the authors faithfully recited what the parents of the autistic kids told them even though the authors never sought to verify or negate their assertions. If this was any other kind of medication the idea that you would just ignore the witness testimony of the parents would be mind-boggling. But these are vaccines you see. Wakefield et al were supposed to tell the parents they were stupid and liars for daring to question the holy vaccines.
So the paper was retracted and Wakefield was made an example of.
The paper *did* conclude that gastro issues were very common in those with autism. That was literally the only thing they investigated.
And, of course, they were right.
And yet, the paper remains retracted.
Why? Because every single word that has ever been written by “medical experts” about every vaccine in history – from smallpox to covid – is a barefaced lie.
There are people on this site who actually believe that Wakefield is a bad guy. Every single one of these people actually believes the paper was retracted because it claimed vaccines cause autism. And those same people have the gall to criticize people who vote for Dan Andrews as if they’re any better.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:
October 31, 2022 at 12:43 pm
Some thoughts on Canaveral and the Space Program
Many years ago (22) I went there and at the time, they allowed people into what was the original control centre for the Apollo 11 moon landing. It was eerie in that the CC was as if the original staff had just left…. manuals left in place, jackets over the backs of some chairs, half filled coffee mugs….and then they played the recording of Armstrong’s comments as he stepped of the lunar module.
Set the hairs on the back of my neck up. Sure, a little bit of theatrics but very well done. Did you see this place?
However, agree with you about the Vehicle Assembly Building. Also, I presume you saw the Saturn 5 rocket. When you’re standing next to it, you appreciate how gigantic they really were.
IMO, Nathan Cleary chokes when he’s put in unfamiliar teams, like the NSW Blues and in the current Australian team.
His performance against the Scots was pretty ordinary, whereas DCE had a very solid game with the ball, defensively and with pinpoint perfect kicks. All the attributes needed from here on in. If Mal picks Cleary for the Aussie squad in the finals with NZ I don’t like our chances.
What happens if a lady Netballer is anti Dan Andrews ? However Iam guessing they were consulted and more than happy to take taxpayers money.
Are VIC fans going to be happy knowing the team paid for by VIC taxes?
Good to know VIC has plenty of money to support woke causes.
Dan Dan go away
Too many bills for me to pay
Whatever you think about Wakefield I was impressed to find out he is ex partner of Elle McPherson.
Good to hear you went there Lizzie.
We toured the NASA facility in Houston a few years back. Went into the facility where they are building the Artemis system for Mars. The new rocket is longer, wider, and faster than a Saturn V – we also saw one of those lying on its side in a building.
The USA should always be congratulated on taking Mankind to the Moon – and hopefully beyond.
Thinking about Twatter, I reckon there will be some incredibly nervous people around.
No doubt the outgoing Twatterers have tried to cover their tracks, which is pretty futile really.
But if Musk takes the lid off it completely we will no doubt see some very interesting stats around the true depth of public support behind some campaigns in Australia in recent years, and how thin they really were when you strip bot and dummy account activity away.
I am thinking particularly of:-
Every Invasion Day, Burn da Flag, Change the Date campaign.
Every “Sleeping Giants” push (and others of a similar ilk).
The attacks on Israel Folau and others.
The truth behind KRudd’s instant 200,000 Twatter followers.
A couple drove several miles down a country road, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had led to an argument, and neither wanted to concede their position. As they passed a barnyard of mules and pigs, the wife sarcastically asked “Relatives of yours?” “Yep” the husband replied “In-laws”.
The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
– Mahatma Gandhi
They are always quangos once removed from Gummint, but no doubting who pulls the strings.
Quit, VicHealth, Vic Tourism etcetera, etcetera.
Musk posted a dick joke last night. The head of twitter posted a dick joke and also replied to Crooked’s defamatory comment that MAGA folks caused Pelosi’s attack. He replied to Crooked that it sounded like some gay thing gone wrong. He took it off a few minutes later.
Twitter is going to be fun. Make Twitter Fun Again. MTFA
who are these wonks?
From the 2020/21 annual report https://corporate.visitvictoria.com/resources
Operating revenue – $112M
Employee benefit expenses – ($22M). On a headcount of 121. That’s an average of $180k each
2021 DJPR – State Government Funding – $134M
Fuck … Me … sideways
And what, exactly, does entity wholly owned by the Premier of Victoria mean?
The thing is ‘owned’ by Dan ?
Having pushed a rubbish bin past many an open door English lesson at a school, I’m quite sure the English teachers would say “toe the line”.
You’re welcome!
That is just the start.
Every proposed toilet block, sign and rubbish bin within coo-ee of a tourist spot will have Maaaates Consulting all over it like a cheap suit.
Shock secret video of Sarah Personette’s interview with Musk.
That’s one of the best bootings I’ve read. Look the face of the Censorious Indian bint in the Daily Mail pic.
If looks could kill.
That’s just more blah blah blah
The development of mrna started in the 1980s, one of the most strident opponents (Malone) thinks he deserves a Nobel Prize for his role in the development way back when, other covid vaccines like astrazeneca and novavax used technology already in use for other types of vaccines.
You needn’t worry your pretty little head about me, I’m perfectly fine with my decision and fully intend to get a booster before I head overseas again.
( I know it’s hard to tell in the antivaxx echo chambers of the internet that most people don’t care about the continuing histrionics of
yucky yucky bad bad.)
Fuck … Me … sideways
And what, exactly, does entity wholly owned by the Premier of Victoria mean?
The thing is ‘owned’ by Dan ?
I can’t believe what I just read, you don’t need to dig for corruption in Victoria, it’s loud and proud right in front of you.
Come now, doc. Don’t be cute.
There was just a tiny bit of sneering in your post.
Rickw, What on earth are you doing in that outbuilding that requires that much energy?
You needn’t worry your pretty little head about me, I’m perfectly fine with my decision and fully intend to get a booster before I head overseas again.
Go for it rosie! Are you sure only one booster is enough?
with funding predominately provided by VICTORIAN TAXPAYERS.
How Dan takes care of his factional maaaates.
tow/toe — mea culpa. mea maxima culpa
Interesting new protester tactic.
ABC: ‘Netball Australia signs sponsorship deal with Vic government.’ The usual ABC distortion. They approached Dan with an offer and he just happened to agree I suppose.
Karl Rove shares his prediction for Pennsylvania’s Senate race
I recommend at least 10. One of them will work, eventually. LOL
Interesting that the sole owner of Visit Victoria pretty much ensured that no person on the planet wants to Visit Victoria ever again. Thus exposing the true purpose of Visit Victoria, skimming $$ of as many things that happen in Victoria as is humanly possible.
I guess the fans of “boosters” have not yet realised that they are exactly the same jab as numbers 1 and 2 which were designed well before Delta. Even CEO Pfizer said in Jan the first two were not effective against Omicron.
I have no problem if somebody makes the decision to take them to travel but let’s not kid ourselves that they actually work as claimed.
Refer to the fact that when lockdowns, mask wearing, social distancing etc were applied the vaccinated were required to comply as the unvaccinated. The restrictions of entering restaurants and employment were based more to coerce than for actual health benefits.
See multiple jabbed and multiple infections in people like Biden, Fauci and head of CDC. Heck you don’t even have to isolate anymore but some organisations are still requiring proof of Vax.
October 31, 2022 at 9:16 am
I see the puke funnel is in full operation. Paul Pelosi is an alien with two heads!!
A cranium and a cockhead? How many do you have?
Interesting new protester tactic.
Could be enhanced by the outer edges of the crowd moving forward. Thus giving the pigs the feeling that they are about to be encircled.
The Hunchback will be Premier for life.
I really think the Australian Diamonds netball team should rename themselves the “Australian Red Shirts”.
Much, much more appropriate.
There was never a claim made – with the advent of Delta and Omni – the vaxxes would work as effectively as was stated for Alpa. We were informed vaxxes could be less effective and we wouldn’t know how much less until later.
You’re making this up.
The story presented was that the vaxxes under Delta and Omni would lesson severity.
Operating revenue – $112M
Employee benefit expenses – ($22M). On a headcount of 121. That’s an average of $180k each
2021 DJPR – State Government Funding – $134M
The thing is ‘owned’ by Dan ?
Just a note to the farmers and bushies on this site. The tree service left a 4 meter high stump between the fence and the garage on my neighbors place, big lemon scented gum.
Dumbo (me) said I will cut that down. Got my old 076 stihl out and put the50 inch bar on. last cut about 6 inches above ground level and the bar is 4 inches short. Only access from one side.
Now I’m 73 and the saw is just shy of 30, it went better than me, I am stuffed. No wonder they stopped making this saw, it vibrates real bad, uses petrol like it was 25 cents a litre, is way too heavy for an old man and bloody hard to start.
End of whinge.
No. You seem to imagine I am asserting the supremacy of the study of the external world over that of the internal world. I am not.
I do have problems with those who do,
and also those who assert the converse. Thus I am not happy with a curriculum devised by those who ignore the external world in favour of feelings only.
I note that Bach, Shakespeare and Dostoevsky don’t get much prominence in the current school curriculum either.
Honestly, Salvatore the Martyr, you really shouldn’t be intervening in a little light-hearted banter and trying to escalate it into something it isn’t.
The place for such provocation would be the Duelling Thread I believe.
No wonder they stopped making this saw, it vibrates real bad, uses petrol like it was 25 cents a litre, is way too heavy for an old man and bloody hard to start.
Does it even have a chain brake?! The old stihl’s are phenomenally shit to start!
October 31, 2022 at 10:53 am
5. Why didn’t the police shoot Depapa when he started hitting Paul in the head with a hammer?
Too many promotions in prospect.
8.Why are politicians declaring Depapa guilty without any evidence or trial?”
Look, a squirrel!
Re 8., not a squirrel, a recognition of reality. There is no time for even a “show trial” before the mid-terms.
Speedbox, we saw the original control centre for Apollo 8, they have incorporated it into part of a larger stage presentation now, with video to the time. In a simulation of the Apollo 8 launch there were explosive videos and surround sound, and the seats all shook and vibrated.
The stage simulation of the Apollo Moon landing was also very, very dramatic. We saw how his computer system failed and he landed alone with 2 mins 20 secs of fuel left – which could have ended in total disaster. As the system failed, Hairy murmured to me ‘stack overflow’, as he’s seen in in systems he wrote years ago, real time systems that could be overcome by the speed of events. Testing in a real environment makes real time difficult as it cannot be controlled computationally, just throw more computing power at it. And there’s Neil Armstrong up in the air with 32K words (64K bites) of memory and he’s just throwing it away and saying I’m going to land this bugger. The Right Stuff! The super-stoic exchanges they have, says Hairy, remembering today’s events for me.
What always surprises me when I see these things, as I saw in the Smithsonian’s excellent Flight Museum too, is the real little tin-can stuff that these spacecraft were – and today’s displays showing video of the times in one of those IMAX theatres where everyone stands and looks up really did take me back to the 50’s. My life has been lived mainly within the twentieth century, I suddenly realised, and that is not really going to change, for in time terms there’s not a lot left.
I still intend to enjoy whatever days and I hope years are left though. Being here with these particular mid-terms in the US is particularly interesting, there is an historic sense of a shift in the air. Saw some very good interviews on Fox tonight with Democrats and Independents from Pennsylvania who were absolutely scathing about what’s happened to America; maybe hand-picked for Fox but seemed very genuine, and why not?
Another one for the list:
Chocolate – Gorn.
The surname has to be a pisstake, Shirley?
Forgot to say, yes, we saw the Saturn Five and I’m finding it difficult to use new words to describe Very, Very, Very large things. First the Panama Canal and its locks, shifting container ships and cruise ships over whole mountain ranges, and now the main display hall with Saturn Five. Yes. Bigly Huge.
Hugely Happy Days too. 🙂
Not, perhaps, the only argument. I’d put the work of Isaac Newton as another. But certainly a good one.
rickw says:
October 31, 2022 at 2:02 pm
No wonder they stopped making this saw, it vibrates real bad, uses petrol like it was 25 cents a litre, is way too heavy for an old man and bloody hard to start.
Does it even have a chain brake?! The old stihl’s are phenomenally shit to start!
Yes it has chain brake, 110 cc’s and high compression if you can pull hard enough to turn it over it starts on 3 pulls, but it’s a challenge.
There’s a fourth now.
Old Cowpoke Bush.
What old cow poke didn’t do was post the very first comment from Turtlehead directed toward me. But as always, the old cowpoke is a bad actor in any discussion.
David Goldman | Five Myths About China and Why They Could Get Us Killed | NatCon 3 Miami
Andrews ‘owning’ Visit Victoria is a hoot. He deserves a knighthood -no, a peerage – for services to the NSW and Queensland real estate industries.
The dark secret behind the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge/Why are China’s mega-projects losing money?
China Insights
All you squabbling ning nongs; please fk off to the dueling thread and take your pissant bile with you. And don’t bring it back here.
dover, what will it take to enforce your decisions? How about a banning if it continues after 2 warnings?
Boody hell, some days it’s like a fkg kindergarten in here.
I really think the Australian Diamonds netball team should rename themselves the “Australian Red Shirts”.
Much, much more appropriate.
Cassie, you should send that as a letter to the Oz. Letter of the week.
On the other hand, we passed by the still upright rocket that took Alan Shepherd into space for a brief trip into the stratosphere and down in May 1961. Not even orbits at that time for the US, but Yuri Gagarin had already done an orbit by April 1961. Hairy recalls as a schoolboy seeing Gagarin in that same year, visiting the grave of Karl Marx in Highgate Cemetery near where Hairy lived in his childhood.
I can top this by remembering seeing Sputnik as a circulating speck in the sky in 1957.
We were all very worried because it was Russian. Could it drop a bomb on us was part of it.
Shepherd’s rocket looked miniscule and almost unbelievable as we drove by it today.
Less impressive than something set up to get attention for a sale in a used-car lot.
At least there has been no mention of panties today.
For this I am very gr8ful*.
Gangsta rap text talk.
I am fact-checking the whole thing from go to whoa.
I am the one true trusted source on the innernet for fact checking.
A guilty plea.
Anyways back to other more interesting stuff.
This was written by someone by the name of David Charter a the Oz. this is how the MSM lies and dissembles.
Musk’s gay innuendo comment was a reply to Crooked’s tweet that Pelosi’s attacker was influenced my horrible MAGA people without an ounce of proof.
Musk suggested there was a low possibility and was a sort of smart alec comment to Crooked’s deceit.
and the 5th.
Apparently it is not true that Blue Poles is being donated to the sticky hands mob as a training aid.
Traitor Whitlams piss in our faces insult survives.
Most would by now know the Oz Diamonds of netball fame beat England 56-48 in their 2nd test match what you may not realise, and shame on anyone that claims ignorance, is that this win was all the more stunning because the Diamonds were severely hampered by the absence of their sole 251 “star” ..
Yes, folks, 251 “miracle” goal legend and 3 minutes off the bench player, Donnell Wallam was unavailable due to “illness” ….. and in a show of appreciation “uncle Dan” hooped with a $15 ooo ooo “get well” prezzie ..!
JC wears panties on his head.
There we go. So much achieved in one short post.
The duelling thread is lost to history by now, is it not?
Perhaps a new duelling thread very month might work for them as wants it.
Or the squabbles could just stop. That could happen too.
Or there could be a squabble time, with limited hours.
Or maybe we should all just scroll; probably the best thing to do.
More travel tales would probably fix it. Put people in the scrolling mood. 🙂
Well, I won’t challenge the “only” part. My suggestion is to scroll. I promise it won’t hurt and ignoring a comment can be a harsh rebuke too.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:
October 31, 2022 at 2:27 pm
Yes, forgotten about that – which goes to support your comments.
Well Rick I am thinking of getting a flu booster as well, I didn’t last time but there were posters all around Rome last January recommending them.
Who goes on holidays to spent time in hospital?
*got a half dose Moderna covid booster just before I headed into Europe’s covid storm and have been saving my 4th shot for the next trip.
I think I’ll get the bivalent this time.
After all I’m already an already dead walking timebomb.
Re Twatter.
I see Meta (Facebook, Instagram etc) have offered to discuss “moderation policy” with Musk.
What arrogance.
Obviously the ploy is to keep “hate speech” censorship in place. Suckerberg knows that Facebook has an ageing base and is likely to see a rush for the exits if Twatter allows more conservative viewpoints to be aired.
I reckon any offer for Twatter and Meta to talk about common policies could be getting dangerously close to anti-trust breaches.
True enough.
Interesting thread on Lula’s victory.
Presumably she is refusing to dignifty England.
England is a ‘coloniser nation’ that did far worse things to native people’s than Lang Hancock ever thought about.
I suspect Musk will see that play very well. Musk has pretty much told us what he’s going to do. He’s going set up a committee – this time bi-partisan- and then embed the new rules in an algo. Fuckerberg looks dead now anyway.
Funny how after all the debate about administration costs of collecting GST on small value transactions EBay is now adding it on behalf of multiple jurisdictions, including US state based sales taxes.
If Lula does go after the mining industry in Brazil, it might cause VALE to reconsider expansions and help put a floor under i/o prices.
Ebay is adding say California state tax even if you’re Australian? Are you sure, Rosie?
Is he going for a job with NBN? 😛
Has he said he’ll go after mining in the campaign?
October 31, 2022 at 9:16 am
I see the puke funnel is in full operation. Paul Pelosi is an alien with two heads!!
Meanwhile monty still believes trump hired 2 hookers to piss on trumps hotel bed because a Dem slime team passed the story onto the FBI via a paid informant.
Anyway, dems have form of gay drug assaults and deaths.
You didnt really think a skinny crone like pelosi used all that freezer space for ice creams did you?
/obligatory “the gentleman” reference
More musk.
Citing a NYT headline “Elon Musk, in a Tweet, Shares Link From Site Knowo to Publish False News”
That’s why I said “If”. Nothing yet confirmed but the intent is clear enough. We’ll have to see.
Anyone know what/who Vine is?
Twatter promises to be a hoot over coming weeks.
Look at this loon, look, point and laugh, while pelting it with rotting fruit/vegetables.
Rather than an endlessly reheated nuclear debate, politicians should be powered by the evidence
Adam Morton (Bugmanus urbanus inferior)
A renewable-dominated system is comfortably the cheapest form of power generation, according to research
First a gentle arse licking of Elbow..
The government has been given a sharp reminder of this after leaning too heavily on pre-election modelling that suggested its policies to boost renewable energy could lead to a $275 cut in bills by 2025. You never know when a Vladimir Putin-shaped villain might disrupt international fossil fuel markets, wreck your assumptions and leave you accused of breaking an election pledge.
Lets look at what “research” he quoting…
David Osmond, a Canberra-based engineer with the global energy developer Windlab, is among those with a markedly different, evidence-based take. For more than a year, he has been posting weekly results from a live simulation tracking what would happen in Australia’s main electricity grid if it relied primarily on renewable energy.
Using a live stream of electricity data from Opennem, he adjusted inputs to see what would happen if there was enough wind and solar energy to supply 60% and 45% of demand respectively. He added enough short-term storage, likely to be in the form of batteries, to supply average demand for five hours.
The results are encouraging. They suggest close to 100% of demand – 98.9% over a 61-week period – could be delivered by solar and wind backed by existing hydro power and the five hours of storage. Nearly 90% of demand was met directly by renewable energy and 10% had to pass through storage. Achieving it would require a major expansion of transmission, as proposed by Labor under its Rewiring the Nation policy.
So based on the “evidence” of a person whos a spruiker for big wind, installing a lot of wind would be just awesome..
And hes ‘proven” it with computer modeling.
Vine is a short clip video app.
Twitter acquired it then shut it down.
Here’s the thing.
It is far harder to detect “offending content” in video and censor it than plain text.
Mongs mystified…
More criminals are locked up and CRIME KEEPS FALLING!!!!
Its mystery wrapped in a conundrum rammed up the arse of a justice minister like a turducken of unknowability….
Growing prison populations in Australia are costing $4.2bn a year despite falling crime rates, Labor says
Government would have saved $2.6bn if incarceration rate had remained at 1985 level, assistant treasury minister Andrew Leigh says
This dick has done research and reached exactly the wrong conclusion.
In the speech to AIC’s conference Leigh draws on his own academic work noting the incarceration rate in 1985 was 96 prisoners per 100,000 adults, a figure that reached 202 per 100,000 in 2022.
“The crime rate in Australia for most categories of crime has been falling since the mid-1980s,” he says. “Rates of murder have halved. Car theft rates have plummeted. Robbery rates are down.”
Leigh blames “stricter policing, tougher sentencing, and more stringent bail laws” as the main drivers of prison population growth.
He credits “better community policing, immigration, rising incomes, the removal of lead from petrol and the mandatory installation of electronic immobilisers on new vehicles” as factors driving crime rates down.
“This suggests that it should be possible to have an Australia with less crime and less incarceration.”
FMD, I dont suppose it could be removing habitual criminals (and it takes an effort to be incacerated in most cases, not a one off) from society played any part??
Steve Hilton: Democrats have become hysterical over their abysmal Midterm outlook
Yeah , naaaa. The cheating will see them through in the senate at least.
AFAIK, the new ‘boosters’ (correct name: remedial shots) are now ‘Bivalent’ in that they code for 2 spike variants, the original WUHAN, and one of the Omicrons.
Its irrelevant of course, as Omicron has already moved on, and if it hasn’t, it soon will. The real Q is *why* are they still including the code for the long extinct WUHAN spike. As discussed earlier, the real goal here is to get the WUHAN code in you, either by natural infection, or vax. That is why *every single vax* was based on the (demonstrably unsuitable) WUHAN spike. The question is why do they still want to do that?
JC – a lot of States have tightened up voting issues since 2020:
Not sure if it’ll be enough but some have gone quite strict on voter id…
Correct – this will stop a rush by the police, whether on foot, horseback on in vehicles – simply sitting down with or without arms linked makes it much harder for police to break up crowds.
IMHO, the best tactic for crowds is to do this, then to ‘reverse kettle’ the police – pull individual police into the center of a 20 or 30 deep crowd which then sits down and links arms. Meanwhile, the isolated ‘servant of the people’ gets stripped of gear, uniform and clothes, then tossed back out to his fellows as an example.
What does tightened up actually mean?
If the process can’t be audited and there are gaps in security, they are still using voting machines linked to the internet then there’s no tightening. The only form of tightened that can work is that the entire process can be audited.
Mail in is total bullshit too.
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