Open Thread – Tues 8 Nov 2022

Suicide of Saul, Pieter Bruegel, 1562

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November 11, 2022 12:01 pm

Seems to a be a cat consensus.
Republic Governors and AGs need to start a serious process of electoral reform.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 11, 2022 12:02 pm

Did I see some statistical data suggesting that the Republicans won the popular vote by around 6 million votes? By the standards of the leftards, clearly the DemonRats were resoundingly defeated, and are thus illegitimate.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 11, 2022 12:04 pm

Dover at 1133

Sorry, didn’t refresh before posting.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 11, 2022 12:11 pm

Yeah, the Dems identified the closer races and put their um, resources into those ones. Especially in states and counties where they controlled the counting apparatus. That is what they also did in 2020.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
November 11, 2022 12:12 pm

Danaconda – an evil politician that suffocates its victims

November 11, 2022 12:25 pm
November 11, 2022 12:28 pm
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 11, 2022 12:35 pm

Demopolis on the way from Vicksburg is a reasonable sort of large town on the way on the State 80, but from there, half way to Selma, we passed through Uni0ntown, which was a real pit. It reminded me a little of immigrant poverty in St. Mary’s in Sydney’s west when I grew up there, except lacking the rural element even though it was in the middle of nowhere. It seemed predominantly black and contained a spread out series of run-down poorer houses with ribbon development of services and lo! we passed by a wrecking yard at the edge of town like the one my then eighteen year old Big Sis lived in with her first love in life and their baby and where I would lob in from time to time. Memories, memories but not quite the same thing, for this place has a bad history and tensions obviously still exist – or have been whipped up by BLM.

Selma was worse. We drove into this spread out old town with a few decrepit mansions and lots of broken down unused shacks in side streets, some obviously reasonable housing also along the highway and probably elsewhere, for it is a small city, and supports the usual services. Around the old inn with ironwork verandahs that had been converted into a four-star Hilton Inn the buildings were all rather decrepit. Some celebration blocked the road outside and there seemed an air of desperation in the place rather than prosperity. Apparently there is a museum of Civil Rights there somewhere, but we were tired and dispirited, so giving away the idea of ’boutique’ accomodation, on the way out to the usual corporate chain hotels, we called into a supermarket chain called Dollar General, which was a mistake.

I have had a sore throat and cough develop and am on antibiotics (neg for Covid) so I asked Hairy to get the couple of things we wanted. I didn’t want to go in because I felt throaty, and also because we suddenly noticed that the area was obviously ‘bad’. Lock the car on yourself, he said. Broken down houses. Opposite the car park, on the highway, The Good Samaritan Centre, a four story building, had recently been torched, blackened on all stories, windows all broken. The clientele were all black, and hostile looks were directed at me sitting in the car. I decided to get out (so I could run inside if I had too) and had a look down the road at the derelict shacks. Walking the ten metres back to the car, a black guy in dreadlocks was looking thoughtfully at the driver’s door. Casing it, I thought. He moved aside as I walked towards the car, and shiftily disappeared. I wanted Hairy to appear so much, but he was taking some time. A notice on the wall near the car said the area was under surveillance for the safety of customers and employees, and inside the door a notice said Stock Up and Stay Safe. Stay Safe was also what Hairy told me the woman serving had said to him as he was asked to show his drivers’ licence to purchase a bottle of wine. Not for voting though!!!

We didn’t see any of this sort of shit in Mississippi, notes Hairy. He really liked it there.

I think that is over-generalising, I say to him. It’s probably bad in various places everywhere, but also plenty of good places as well. One of my cousins has a condo in Alabama, near Mobile, and he finds it very nice for a holiday.

First suite we were shown in this major chain hotel (usually a good standard) was impossibly smoky and smelly so we asked for another for non-smokers, which is much better; we’ve stayed previously with this chain, and the cleanliness here while good in the suites was less so in the common areas. We stayed in the same brand in Vicksburg and it was excellent – think Best Western, a quality 3 or 4 star, for example (not them). The clientele in Selma seem to spill things a lot, and knock around the furniture somewhat more than in any other of this brand we’ve seen. The Wendy syndrome, we call it. A colourful clash of cultures, as Hairy calls it, which you are likely to meet on any trip in America.

Note too, that even though I felt too unwell to do the 10 mile Civil Rights trip yesterday and let Hairy do it alone for the three hours I knew he’d take, I did relent and let him take me around it, with his excellent commentary, this morning. I just knew he’d never get over not sharing it with me. lol. In fact, it was extremely interesting, each of the relevant States have made memorials to the fallen, and you can see the Confederate side tracked over the terrain in red, the Union in blue. The most touching thing was the place where the two sides, after all those deaths, represented by General Grant vs General Pemberton, met to decide the terms of surrender after Pemberton’s relief didn’t eventuate. Hairy was most excited of all about the iron ship on display, the armoured steam boat with canons that patrolled the Mississippi with similar others (technological superiority of the Union) but which the Confederates sank with a mine.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 11, 2022 12:36 pm

Hmm, what happens if someone gets impregnated by a woman with a penis who doesn’t want it?

Any unwanted penis would need to be adopted out – first to a foster home to determine the level of training and/or socialisation required, and then to a forever home.

Exercise and affection are, of course, priorities.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 11, 2022 12:36 pm

Louise Milligan defends ‘humiliating’ speech at lawyer event

James Madden
Media Editor
5:58AM November 11, 2022

ABC journalist Louise Milligan has defended the speech she delivered at a gala event for female lawyers in which she called for radical changes to Australia’s legal system.

In a keynote speech at an event hosted by the ACT Women Lawyers Association on October 21, Milligan said “a culture that has developed in criminal justice systems” – in Australia and overseas – exposes complainants of sexual crimes to brutal, insensitive court cross-examinations.

Her address left many female lawyers at the event deeply upset, with some telling The Australian last week they felt under attack for doing their job: that is, providing legal representation to defendants accused of sexual crimes.

Many were especially horrified by Milligan’s suggestion that the manner of courtroom cross-examination by prosecutors and defence lawyers of complainants of alleged sexual crimes had driven some to suicide.

On Thursday, Milligan posted a copy of her speech notes to social media, with an accompanying note about how, in the wake of her address, she had been “misquoted” and “verballed” in the “nation’s parliament” and in The Australian.

On November 1, The Australian published a column by Janet Albrechtsen, who had spoken to many lawyers present at the event, some of whom told of feelings of public humiliation as other female lawyers applauded Milligan’s attacks on their work.

“Milligan, say these lawyers, claimed that women would not lie about sexual violence and that they should be called victim survivors, not complainants. After the address, many lawyers present wondered whether, on the Milligan measure, we needed a justice system at all. Should we simply go from allegation to jail?” Albrechtsen wrote.

According to her speech notes, Milligan said: “Despite all of the shouting at clouds that these men’s protectors have made over my journalism, events that have followed have shown that they are on the wrong side of history.

“It’s just surprising and, to victims, hurtful, that there are still a significant minority of people who continue to, automatically, assume … that there are multitudes of false accusers spending years going through police investigations, being subjected to terrible scrutiny, having to discuss their most intimate lives, having their integrity smashed by defence counsel in law courts.

“One psychologist told me she would spend years getting clients to the point where they were strong enough to report, and then, at the other side, she would spend years helping them recover. Not from crime, at that point, but from the retraumatising legal process. Many, she said, were suicidal.”

On November 3, the president of the ACT Bar Association, Rebecca Curran, wrote to the head of the territory’s Women Lawyers Association to complain about Milligan’s “insensitive and polemical” speech that “promoted misconceptions” about the criminal justice system. “She demonstrated no understanding of the difficult and vital work done by barristers of all genders.”

November 11, 2022 12:40 pm

Danaesthetic – does someone have a definition?

A city landscape filled with for-sale signs and hoardings and populated primarily by yellow-vested workers and cops

November 11, 2022 12:49 pm

Senate Minority Leader, House Minority Leader, and RNC Chair respectively. Remember, mid-terms federally are House and Senate elections and yet the R minority leaders were largely invisible. Can anyone here recall any of their activities in the last few months?

Other than a cash splash of 100’s of millions of dollars, no.

Remember, the swamp, the war machine and intelligentsia “must continue”…

November 11, 2022 12:50 pm

There’s some new news about funds from Vatican being sent to Australia to frame Pell at The Oz.

Sorry, no linky but is getting interesting…

Real Deal
Real Deal
November 11, 2022 12:55 pm

According to her speech notes, Milligan said: “Despite all of the shouting at clouds that these men’s protectors have made over my journalism, events that have followed have shown that they are on the wrong side of history.

“Men’s protectors” Also known as intelligent, fair minded women. Does Louise have daddy issues?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 11, 2022 12:58 pm

Holy See and corruption: it all comes out in the wash Dennis Shanahan

10:00PM November 10, 2022

The latest airing of the Vatican’s dirty laundering is another sad ­expose of the corruption, cover-ups, archaic financial controls, mystery money transfers, perversion of the Catholic Church’s aims and downright criminal behaviour that occurs under cover of the Holy See.

Behaviour that has occurred undetected and largely unpunished for decades.

It is also another injection of life into the deeply held convictions of some that Cardinal ­George Pell was the target and victim of a “villainous and infamous conspiracy”.

Libero Milone’s claims as the first independent auditor appointed to the Vatican finances in his new lawsuit against his former employers do not provide any evidence, as has been claimed in Rome, that money was sent to Australia to damage Pell’s defence against police investigations and charges of sexual abuse.

Infamously, Pell was charged over allegations of sexual abuse, stood trial, was convicted and spent a year in jail but was ultimately, and unanimously, found innocent by the High Court.

Corruption investigators have been told money was sent to Australia to help damage Pell, who people wanted “out of the way” and sacked from his job as Vatican treasurer to clean up the finances and eradicate corruption.

Cardinal Angelo Becciu, an ­opponent of Pell’s reforms and currently on trial for corruption involving Vatican funds and property deals, did authorise more than $2m to be transferred to Australia during the Pell investigation and trials.

Becciu has denied any wrongdoing and claimed the money was for a tech security firm to organise a domain for the Catholic Church, among other explanations.

But Milone’s claims set out the vast scope of the corruption Pell was investigating, which provides further evidence as to why he would be the subject of a criminal conspiracy to remove him.

Also, the technical disclosures of Milone about the ability of the Vatican system to manipulate records and hide transfers of international financial transactions demonstrate the ease with which transfers could be hidden or ­disguised.

As an auditor, Milone ­describes this financial ability to hide transactions as the basis for criminal charges in other jurisdictions. The $2m transferred to Melbourne in 2017, exclusively reported in The Australian, remains a “mystery”, although investigators in Rome now believe the money may have been bounced on from Australia to the Middle East.

The fact that the Vatican had the ability to hide and disguise the origin, destination and purpose of international transfers adds plausibility to the claims in Rome that money was sent to Australia to adversely affect Pell’s treatment.

From the beginning of his ­appointment, Pell found missing millions of euros, suspected corruption and developed powerful enemies in an atmosphere where money laundering and dodgy deals amounted to hundreds of millions of euros.

November 11, 2022 12:59 pm

Danaesthetic – does someone have a definition?

I’m thinking, given the state of the public system in Vic, it means using a hammer (no, not like that you deviate) rather than the more nuanced oxygen, anaesthetic drugs, ventilator, IV set etc?

John of Mel
John of Mel
November 11, 2022 1:12 pm

Not sure if anyone posted this before, but here is what Trump said on his social media. Might explain some of the frustration he has with DeSantis. I’m sure there is more that we, probably, don’t know.

“Now that midterms are over, and a success…

NewsCorp, which is Fox, the Wall Street Journal, and the no longer great New York Post (bring back Col!), is all in for Governor Ron DeSanctimonious, an average REPUBLICAN Governor with great Public Relations, who didn’t have to close up his State, but did, unlike other Republican Governors, whose overall numbers for a Republican, were just average—middle of the pack—including COVID, and who has the advantage of SUNSHINE, where people from badly run States up North would go no matter who the Governor was, just like I did!

Ron came to me in desperate shape in 2017—he was politically dead, losing in a landslide to a very good Agriculture Commissioner, Adam Putnam, who was loaded up with cash and great poll numbers. Ron had low approval, bad polls, and no money, but he said that if I would Endorse him, he could win. I didn’t know Adam so I said, “Let’s give it a shot, Ron.” When I Endorsed him, it was as though, to use a bad term, a nuclear weapon went off. Years later, they were the exact words that Adam Putnam used in describing Ron’s Endorsement. He said, “I went from having it made, with no competition, to immediately getting absolutely clobbered after your Endorsement.” I then got Ron by the “Star” of the Democrat Party, Andrew Gillum (who was later revealed to be a “Crack Head”), by having two massive Rallies with tens of thousands of people at each one I also fixed his campaign, which had completely fallen apart. I was all in for Ron, and he beat Gillum, but after the Race, when votes were being stolen by the corrupt Election process in Broward County, and Ron was going down ten thousand votes a day, along with now-Senator Rick Scott, I sent in the FBI and the U.S. Attorneys, and the ballot theft immediately ended, just prior to them running out of the votes necessary to win. I stopped his Election from being stolen.

And now, Ron DeSanctimonious is playing games! The Fake News asks him if he’s going to run if President Trump runs, and he says, “I’m only focused on the Governor’s race, I’m not looking into the future.” Well, in terms of loyalty and class, that’s really not the right answer…

This is just like 2015 and 2016, a Media Assault (Collusion!), when Fox News fought me to the end until I won, and then they couldn’t have been nicer or more supportive. The Wall Street Journal loved Low Energy Jeb Bush, and a succession of other people as they rapidly disappeared from sight, finally falling in line with me after I easily knocked them out, one by one. We’re in exactly the same position now. They will keep coming after us, MAGA, but ultimately, we will win. Put America First and, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Johnny Rotten
November 11, 2022 1:14 pm

I just had my physical. The Doctor said “Don’t eat anything fatty”. I said “Like burgers and bacon?” He said “No fatty, don’t eat anything!”

Johnny Rotten
November 11, 2022 1:16 pm

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

– Mae West

November 11, 2022 1:17 pm

This morning I found a bunch of rosemary tied with a red bow at the front door left by my brother. It now sits in a vase on the hall table.

Brought a lump to the throat, calli.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 11, 2022 1:17 pm

This one may also be linked to that article:

Ousted Vatican auditor and deputy sue Holy See for $9.25 million (10 Nov)

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – The Vatican’s first auditor general and his deputy, who were appointed in 2015 and fired two years later, are suing the Holy See for 9.3 million euros ($9.25 million) in damages, alleging they were sacked after discovering financial irregularities.

Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni said on Thursday he had no comment on the lawsuit, which was filed last week with the Vatican prosecutor’s office by lawyers for Libero Milone and Ferruccio Panicco, in a 53-page claim.

Since Cdl Pell was involved in the cleaning up of such things it seems likely the two stories are part of the same underwater iceberg.

November 11, 2022 1:19 pm

It’s going to take me a while to determine who’d I prefer out of DJT and Desantis. Sure, I haven’t read everything but Trump would destroy the swamp this time around (if elected). Desantis is a bit inexperienced and would prolly suffer DJT’s fate by not dismantling the swamp in his first term (if elected). But… I do like Desantis’ energy!!!

But then why not Abbott for Pres? He’s no RINO and he’s in a wheelchair right? That’d net 80,000,000 immediate Dem votes lol!!!

November 11, 2022 1:30 pm
November 11, 2022 1:32 pm

Excellent article about Just Stop Oil, Extinction Rebellion and the like from Spiked:

Such blithe disregard for the details reminds us that these people don’t really care about climate change. They’re hysterical about climate change. They’re apocalyptic about climate change. They aren’t taking to the streets, motorways and art galleries because they are convinced of a particular scientific view with regards to the environment and think something really ought to be done about it. They are in the grip of a fact-lite and doom-laden narrative that insists literally billions will die in short order, that the twentysomethings of today might not live to see their dotage, because of our damnable desire to live comfortable and free lives.

All of this is why environmental protest – with Just Stop Oil and the various other Extinction Rebellion offshoots to the fore – has become so much weirder in recent years. And that’s saying something. Beyond all the crying and talk of having no future, there’s also the setting of arms on fire, the pouring of human shit over memorials to Captain Sir Tom Moore, the throwing of soup over great works of art… it’s all become rather visceral, iconoclastic, scatological. In a word, it’s all become rather creepy. These are the acts not of future-oriented protesters keen to shape and change the world, but of cultists convinced that doomsday is almost upon us.

Yup. And these creepy doomsday cults are preying upon young people already primed by the propaganda spewed out by schools, universities and the loathsome MSM.

I feel sorry for today’s young ‘uns. When I was growing up, it was all optimism – the world’s your oyster, anything is possible. Now, they get told that humans are awful blights destroying the planet, we are doomed unless impossible things happen, and everyone is personally responsible for the above.

Child abuse on a massive scale, IMHO.

November 11, 2022 1:40 pm

Re Louise Milligan and Daddy issues ,I know the family since arriving from Ireland , worked for my husband . Very left leaning . Can’t write more that I know.

November 11, 2022 1:42 pm

CNN Exit Polls: 70 Percent of Unmarried Women Voted for Democrats in Tuesday’s midterm elections.

According to the Daily Wire, the poll featured a sample of 18,571 respondents, with 68 percent of single women indicating that they voted for Democrats. This represented a staggering 37-point margin over those who voted for Republicans.

Meanwhile, Republicans saw married men vote for them over Democrats by a 20-point margin, and single men chose Republicans by a 7-point margin.

Several conservative commentators pointed out that the stark contrast between married women and single women’s political affiliations appear to support the crucial role that family plays in determining one’s values and ideals. Although the marriage rate in the 1950s was at its highest levels ever, those numbers have since dropped over the last 70 years by 50 percent. According to the Brookings Institution, while nearly 80 percent of American households had married couples, that number had dropped to just 48 percent by 2010.

The Federalist‘s Mollie Hemingway tweeted that “one of the fascinating things about our ongoing political realignment is the massive political incentive Democrats have to keep women unmarried.”

“The welfare state has incentivized women to marry the government, and men to abandon their financial responsibilities,”

Inez Stepman, senior policy analyst for the International Women’s Forum, said that the combination of unmarried status and the rise of younger voters will spell certain disaster for the country.

“On the right, we love to mock and complain about this, but Millennials will have the highest proportion of unmarried and childless women hitting 40, probably in all of human history,” Stepman said on Twitter. “And they will vote to ruin your life.”

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 11, 2022 1:43 pm

Danaesthetic – does someone have a definition?

Three treads and two risers?

Superb, Calli.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 11, 2022 1:46 pm

A lot of single women who have spent years doing various sorts of degrees, often without job success, will likely have voted on the hope of getting some of their fees cancelled. Probably lines up with the other economic reasons they were seduced by.

November 11, 2022 1:47 pm

I just had my physical. The Doctor said “Don’t eat anything fatty”. I said “Like burgers and bacon?” He said “No fatty, don’t eat anything!

Be careful helping your uncle, Jack, off a horse too

November 11, 2022 1:48 pm

They’re going to steal the house too.

Demons now 196
GOP 210

29 seats to go

All seat adds went demon this morning our time.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

“On the right, we love to mock and complain about this, but Millennials will have the highest proportion of unmarried and childless women hitting 40, probably in all of human history,” Stepman said on Twitter. “And they will vote to ruin your life.”

From hard experience I’ve learned to under no circumstances hire single, childless women, who’re 35-ish or older.
Very hard experience.

November 11, 2022 1:50 pm

So basically Trump wants him to say not running. Unfortunately I think Trumps attitude is now if you don’t pick me I will destroy everybody’s chances.

“future.” Well, in terms of loyalty and class, that’s really not the right answer…”

November 11, 2022 1:51 pm

‘Men’s protectors’
I bet she was itching to call them condoms.
Despite what Milligan pretends sexual abuse complainants are not subject to ‘vigorous’ cross examination as she would know if she sat through the cross examination of J.
Higgins found it awkward only because she was caught out in several lies.
My recollection was Mill7qgan was intensely resentful of her own cross examination by Ritchie.
The cross examination of alleged victim witnesses was revised after the appalling behaviour of lawyers and the accused in the Khan gang rape trials in NSW.
Milligan must also be well aware of the extensive range of support services now available to to accusers
Anything more would, as has been pointed out many times, put an end to the concept of innocent til proven guilty.
Put together with a state funded compensation scheme and there won’t be enough prisons to hold the convicted.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
November 11, 2022 1:52 pm

JC, I can hardly believe the brazenness. They seem very confident that they will escape prosecution.

John of Mel
John of Mel
November 11, 2022 1:54 pm

52.3% vs 46.2% is a landslide. Yet I don’t even know if the Republicans are going to win the House let alone the Senate.

Computer says “No”.

November 11, 2022 1:56 pm

10 Nov, 2022 – Ukraine’s top oil company workers issue plea to Zelensky

Ukrnafta employees say its office has been blocked for days by security services, soon after it was nationalized

Workers of one of Ukraine’s largest oil and natural gas companies, Ukrnafta, have made a personal appeal to President Vladimir Zelensky to intervene in the takeover of the company’s head office.

A letter on behalf of 20,000 employees was published on the company’s official Facebook page on Thursday. It claims that armed men from Ukraine’s Security Service and Economic Security Bureau have been blocking workers from entering the Ukrnafta building for three days now. They still haven’t presented a court decision authorizing the move, the letter reads.

“For the third day, armed persons have been in the office of Ukrnafta, they do not allow employees to work, block all operational activities of the company and interfere with the performance of normal operational processes,” the message states.

The workers claim that all of Ukrnafta’s bank accounts have also been blocked during this time and that all of the company’s activity has essentially been halted.

The plea comes after the Ukrainian securities regulator, the National Commission for Securities and Equity Market, announced the nationalization of Ukraine’s top energy companies, using emergency wartime authority as the legal basis to transfer ownership of these companies to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

November 11, 2022 1:56 pm

Cassie of Sydney says:
November 11, 2022 at 8:25 am

“looks like Cassie believes the lies about Trump. He is none of these things, and would not have been able to build a property empire without connecting with people and working with them.”

Donald Trump IS all of those things and other things, I would imagine he is also quite sophisticated on some level but he also revels in his brashness, his rudeness and his vulgarity. Trump is the epitome of New York City, sophisticated, brash, vulgar, rude, plain speaking, exciting. He was born and bred in NYC…and you need all of those NYC attributes to become a billionaire, especially in property.

All of the world’s billionaires are brash, rude and vulgar? Ridiculous, and just plain wrong. Prove it. (Don’t forget Hathaway in your analysis).

Trump ‘revels’ in being brash, rude and vulgar? Ridiculous, and just plain wrong. Prove it.
(Don’t forget to include his cordial relations with his exes and their children in your analysis).

It seems that several people here, and in the US, are dropping him like a hot potato because the Republicans didn’t get the result they wanted. Apparently, the midterms were not in the hands of the party, its hundreds of elected representatives, and their volunteers.

Nope, it was one guy in Florida who orchestrated the whole thing.

It seems that the preference for ‘noice’ candidates extends well into the Right. I can just see Cassie at a party for rich Democrats in New York – ‘that Donald Trump is so vulgar, don’t you think?

If that’s what you think, how come it has taken years for you to say so?

I’m not expressing an opinion on whether he should run next time. But, this sudden run of backstabbing might just be a clue as to why the Left keep winning.

November 11, 2022 1:56 pm

“the corrupt Election process in Broward County, and Ron was going down ten thousand votes a day, along with now-Senator Rick Scott, I sent in the FBI and the U.S. Attorneys, and the ballot theft immediately ended”
If Trump could fix ballot theft ib Broward Country why couldn’t he fix it everywhere?

John of Mel
John of Mel
November 11, 2022 1:58 pm

Wow. Elon Musk just told Twitter employees he’s not sure how much run rate the company has and “bankruptcy isn’t out of the question.”

Things going exceedingly well then!

The only reason Twitter was running is because of the US IC providing material support. It is not viable otherwise. Maybe Elon can somehow make it work, but that’s a long uphill battle.

Cassie of Sydney
November 11, 2022 2:00 pm

“All of the world’s billionaires are brash, rude and vulgar? Ridiculous, and just plain wrong. Prove it. (Don’t forget Hathaway in your analysis).”

Who is “Hathaway”? Or is this, yet again, just another manifestation of your crazed obsession?

November 11, 2022 2:03 pm

Who is “Hathaway”?

Wozza Buffett?

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
November 11, 2022 2:03 pm

Cassie is headed for the dark side, at the moment she is just on the dim side.
Save her!

November 11, 2022 2:03 pm

incoherent rambler says:
November 11, 2022 at 1:52 pm
JC, I can hardly believe the brazenness. They seem very confident that they will escape prosecution.

They have all the security apparatus working for them. Every major institution in the US is now demon except for the scotus which they’ll pack if the end up with the house and senate.

Someone’s saying the American century is over. Perhaps, but optimism reigns I hope.

And what about us here? How can a right leaning party surmount 10 teals in seats that have been conservative since the continent was formed?

November 11, 2022 2:04 pm

Harry the hirer?

Cassie of Sydney
November 11, 2022 2:06 pm

“And what about us here? How can a right leaning party surmount 10 teals in seats that have been conservative since the continent was formed?”

It’s not going to be easy, independents are hard to dislocate. The plain truth is that the Liberals need those seats, or at least half of them, if they’re ever going to win government again.

November 11, 2022 2:07 pm

Supposing someone in the Vatican did send money to Australia to mess with Cardinal Pell, who got it?
Victoria Police, J, Milligan, J’s legal firm?
Obviously not the Master, btw what has happened to that civil suit?

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
November 11, 2022 2:07 pm

Apart from the ‘protector’ reference, notice the air of Stalinist menace in Milligan’s tirade to those ‘on the wrong side of history’.

The ABC is a cultural colostomy bag for pissant pseudo-intellectuals who want to turn the world into a cross between a Stalinist gulag and a kinky knocking shop.

November 11, 2022 2:08 pm

All of the world’s billionaires are brash, rude and vulgar?

Younger brother used to work high up in security for a huuuuge investment bank* after his stint as an Inspector with the coppers. *5 mill USD minimum investment.

At their gabfests he said it was easy to pick the difference between old money and new money. The old money were polite gracious, unpretentious and very little of the “look at moie” unlike the new money. All the tech billionaires are very much new money.

November 11, 2022 2:08 pm

7-Nilligan has a father, a husband and two children, perhaps a son?

I wonder how she’d feel about the justice system and the presumption of innocence if one of the males in her life was falsely accused of sexual assault?

Cassie of Sydney
November 11, 2022 2:09 pm

“I can just see Cassie at a party for rich Democrats in New York – ‘that Donald Trump is so vulgar, don’t you think?”

It sure beats going to parties in Queanbeyan (presuming you ever get any invites).

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
November 11, 2022 2:10 pm

And what about us here? How can a right leaning party surmount 10 teals in seats that have been conservative since the continent was formed?

In answer to your first question, methinks we have no chance. We will end up as Terra Sinus.
A country where the peasants accept that they need state approval before they can buy an analgesic thee is no chance.
Abandon all hope all ye who enter here.

November 11, 2022 2:12 pm

I wonder how she’d feel about the justice system and the presumption of innocence if one of the males in her life was falsely accused of sexual assault?

She would feel exactly the same. In case you haven’t noticed, leftists don’t care about the people close to them. Just look at how they treated their unvaxed family members.

November 11, 2022 2:12 pm


Clearly this man should not have been elected, but people voted for him anyway. Philly went more than 80% Fetterman — mostly due to the overwhelming majority the democrats own amongst blacks and latinos.

Let that sink in -80% !

November 11, 2022 2:14 pm

Colonel Crispin Berkasays:
November 11, 2022 at 10:56 am
KD bemoaned:

pretend to be pregnant in ruses to lock in the aforementioned income*

Equally as impolite to mention is the easier tactic of putting holes in condoms or otherwise finding some way to actually get pregnant with a man who doesn’t want it. Definitely has happened.

It’s hole in the legal system that this doesn’t count as some kind of assault on par with “stealthing”.

You don’t need holes in condoms as Boris Becker found.
The infamous “Blow Job in the closet”, netted him ongoing child maintenance for years.

I wonder if she is still receiving said maintenance now that Boris is in prison?

November 11, 2022 2:15 pm

the wrong side of history

Erk. An incoherent figleaf catchphrase to cover unconscionable actions.

Typical Milligan and her ilk.

Hathaway might be James Hathaway, played by the dishy* and very anti-Establishment Laurence Fox. 😀

* Dr Laura Hobson’s description, not mine.

November 11, 2022 2:16 pm

She would feel exactly the same.

I doubt that.

Leftists are also very good at hypocrisy – one rule for them, another for everyone else.

November 11, 2022 2:16 pm

“I can just see Cassie at a party for rich Democrats in New York – ‘that Donald Trump is so vulgar, don’t you think?”

We’re going to one next week! 🙂

November 11, 2022 2:17 pm

So, have I got this right…

The Kleptocrapts basically enlist 100’s if not 1000’s of volunteers to go door-to-door with pre-filled votes for the Dem candidate(s) and “encourage*” those answering the door to sign?

*But if this is true, surely they’ve knocked on a die-hard Republican door who has reported this kind of behaviour to the media? (Such activities aren’t illegal so I am just asking..)..

Cassie of Sydney
November 11, 2022 2:17 pm

“played by the dishy* and very anti-Establishment Laurence Fox.”

That he is.

November 11, 2022 2:17 pm

mostly due to the overwhelming majority the democrats own amongst blacks and latinos.

It may well be that, to the voters, Fetterman looked perfectly normal. Or they wanted him to be to justify their vote.

November 11, 2022 2:18 pm

Cassie of Sydneysays:
November 11, 2022 at 2:09 pm
“I can just see Cassie at a party for rich Democrats in New York – ‘that Donald Trump is so vulgar, don’t you think?”

It sure beats going to parties in Queanbeyan (presuming you ever get any invites).

waiter! saucer of milk to Cassie

November 11, 2022 2:19 pm

Let that sink in -80% !

I was going to say it’s 3rd world, but most 3rd world jurisdictions don’t permit postal/absentee voting for obvious reasons. You have to show up on the day and get your finger indelibly inked.

Cassie of Sydney
November 11, 2022 2:20 pm

I’ve been to a few parties in NYC, on the upper west side. Most of the attendees were Jews, so I suppose they were mainly Demonrats.

However at the time I was in NYC, I had a relationship with a Jewish man I’d met in Israel. He was a trader and lived in a plush NYC apartment. But he was no Democrat, he was a Republican.

November 11, 2022 2:21 pm

It may well be that, to the voters, Fetterman looked perfectly normal. Or they wanted him to be to justify their vote.

Don’t overthink it.

He promised to let their family members out of jail.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
November 11, 2022 2:24 pm

No-one gets 80% of a vote.

Miss Universe versus JC (in a beauty) contest, maybe.
70% is rare.

There is always 25% of the herd that just want to be different.

November 11, 2022 2:24 pm

“Vulgar” comes from the word describing the common people.

The common people, it seems, voted for Trump. I think you could turn it around to something positive, not that he would care.

Pinky sticker-outerers might have problems with him, but I wouldn’t mind doing work for him. Provided he paid his bills.

November 11, 2022 2:24 pm

This is a ex trader dude living in NYC who used to work for me. Really good trader and amazing street smarts

Conversation texts

Trump sincerely tried to subvert democracy

This isn’t a tennis match. You don’t need to take umbrage and get defensive. Who cares about the Bidens? If they want to investigate and charge them, fine. But that situation is run of the mill sleaze that every administration has.


I’m not umbraged. Stop being an idiot 🙂

Trump goes to hell

Sure.. he is about the last person who should be supporting religion. I don’t think he’d be going to a very nice place after he dies!

About scotus judge Thomas

Anyway.. Thomas would ban condoms if he could

This is the typical thinking deep in NYC. You can’t change it. It’s mental asylum discourse.

November 11, 2022 2:26 pm

The Republican establishment is wrong to blame former President Donald Trump for losses in Tuesday’s midterm elections,

Washington Times Opinion Editor Charlie Hurt said on Wednesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

In a wide-ranging interview, much of discussion centered on former President Trump and his role in the midterms. Hurt said that Trump-backed candidates like Ohio’s new Senator-elect J.D. Vance and Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis were victorious because they ran strong campaigns on MAGA issues.

Hurt rejected the idea that establishment Republicans have a case for blaming Trump for midterm losses. He noted that the Republican establishment does not have a great track record with picking winners. For example, former Sens. Martha McSally of Arizona and Kelly Loeffler of Georgia had been handpicked by the Republican establishment to fill vacant Senate seats in red states, but both of them lost their re-election bids in 2020 to Democrats.

“These are two candidates who didn’t even have to face voters,” Hurt said. “It gives them the greatest advantage that any senator has in a Senate race, which is incumbency. And both of those women, who were handpicked by establishment Republicans and dropped in the Senate seats, couldn’t hold on to their seats.”

He continued, “So yes, you can blame Donald Trump if you want to, for one lost seat in Georgia, [but] we would not have [Georgia’s Democrat Sen.] Raphael Warnock if not for establishment Republicans dropping a terrible candidate in Kelly Loeffler into that seat.”

Hurt said if the establishment is so good at picking candidates, “then explain why [Colorado’s Republican senatorial candidate Joe] O’Dea lost by 12 points.”

He added, “If you’re the establishment Republican Party, and you’re so effing good at all this stuff, then why [do] you pick candidates that even your own voters don’t support?”

Hurt also questioned why key pre-election polling was incorrect.

November 11, 2022 2:27 pm

Leftists are also very good at hypocrisy – one rule for them, another for everyone else.

Certainly, if Milligan was herself accused she would claim the right to the profession of innocence but she would happily sell out every member of her family. They don’t think like we do. Remember, they see babies as someone to murder and nothing else. They see teenage girls as someone to mutilate. They see boys as someone to emasculate and, if that doesn’t work, throw in jail.

Milligan wouldn’t lose a wink of sleep if her own son was thrown in jail.

November 11, 2022 2:27 pm

I overthink the joy out of everything, Roger. It’s one of my super powers.

November 11, 2022 2:29 pm

The Fall of Kherson approaches as the Ukes’ unstoppable advance continues. Panic spreads throughout the enemy ranks. The Russians abandon their weapons and flee across river in terror! This is like the Fall of Saigon only this time the Communists lose…

November 11, 2022 2:29 pm

Clearly this man should not have been elected, but people voted for him anyway.

A significant % of the votes were not cast by ‘people’, but rather machines, corpses, photocopiers etc

November 11, 2022 2:31 pm

I’m proposing to write a book on Louise Milligan.

As Pell did for her, I’m not sure she’ll volunteer her time to me but I’m going to write it from the complainants’ perspectives. And there are plenty. DB – even you can have a chapter!!!

Do you think I could crowd source such a venture… and/or… would it sell? (In fact, I wouldn’t care if it sold or not, just as long as she knew it was being written would be enough)…

November 11, 2022 2:33 pm
November 11, 2022 2:34 pm

They don’t think like we do.

What you’re describing is a personality disorder.

Lefism cannot be reduced to that in most instances; they remain moral agents.

November 11, 2022 2:34 pm

How’s about (not set up just yet)…

I can put out a call for “intel” to write the book (as she/Vic Pol did on Pell).

I’ll call it “Operation Togethering” or “Operation Blethering”

November 11, 2022 2:35 pm

I overthink the joy out of everything, Roger.

Yeah…I used to be like that too.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
November 11, 2022 2:36 pm

Hmmm. So 95% of the undead and 90% of the dead vote for the democrats.

November 11, 2022 2:40 pm

Went to the hospital earlier to visit my wife who’s recovering from surgery.

Bloke on the front desk tried to force a mask on me…”No thanks!” said I.

When I came back down he was yapping to someone with his mask on his chin.

November 11, 2022 2:42 pm

The Fall of Kherson approaches as the Ukes’ unstoppable advance continues.

seems to be part of some negotiations between russia and the US.

it’s may have slipped past your highly developed perceptions and information gathering but russia has for the moment stopped annihilating uke critical infrastructure.

with some luck the war will end

John of Mel
John of Mel
November 11, 2022 2:42 pm

Reps Freedom Caucus is planning to challenge Kevin McCarthy’s leadership bid.
And they reckon he won’t have the numbers to stay as the Speaker.

November 11, 2022 2:44 pm


November 11, 2022 2:44 pm

Hinge Gate returns.

I always suspected funny money rumbling innocents here. Now we know. So we need the central player’s private messages.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 11, 2022 2:52 pm

Talk about Trump and New York, and understanding his makeup, put me in mind of this in the latest issue of Quadrant. I don’t think it’s been released online so have pasted it all here.

Having spent some time there recently I reckon it sums up their groupthink entirely.

Down on Canal Street

Rob Long

“Say what you will about the Mafia,” a Greenwich Village neighbour of mine once told me, as we were chatting on a late summer evening, “but when they were around, you could leave your wallet on the front seat of your unlocked car and it would be there the next morning. People knew not to mess with this neighbourhood.”

My neighbour is an eighty-year-old lesbian who moved to the city in the late 1950s, found her tribe in the Greenwich Village coffeehouses and dark-panelled bars, and never left. She has shown me photographs of herself as an idealistic young woman, dressed in a simple tweed skirt and sweater and sporting a short no-nonsense haircut, off to work for Democratic Mayor Robert F. Wagner, the Good Government leader of New York from 1954 to 1965.

And then a few pages on in her photo album, the tweeds are replaced by bell-bottoms and Day-Glo colours and she’s a downtown hippie marching for peace and gay rights. A few more pages: in outdoorsy clothes at a nuclear weapons protest in Washington Square Park. A few more: testifying at City Hall against the rampant gentrification of downtown Manhattan in a 1990s business suit.

Times change, of course. The current crime wave is turning old liberals into cranky conservatives, which is what crime waves always do.

These days my neighbour is mostly nostalgic about the Pax Mafiosa that ruled Greenwich Village until the late 1970s. And sometimes, after a glass or two of wine, she’s even willing to set aside her progressive politics and say nice things about Rudy Giuliani, who presided over a steep drop in crime during his mayoral administration.

Mostly though, she sits on the front stoop of the townhouse she purchased in the 1960s and complains about all of the rich people moving into the neighbourhood.

Whenever I walk by with a coffee from the local coffee shop—which happens daily—the conversation is always the same.

“Whadya pay for that coffee?” she always asks.

“Five bucks,” I always say.

She shakes her head in disbelief. “Five bucks for coffee! Crazy. Wish I had your money.”

And then I smile and walk home and trudge up three flights to the apartment that I rent which is right next door to the townhouse she owns, which she purchased in 1966 for US$40,000 and is now worth around US$14 million. But whatever you do, do not mention this to her or suggest, ironically, that hey I guess gentrification isn’t so bad because, believe me, you will be in for a lecture.

But New Yorkers are always a little weird about money. The daffy and appealing heroine of Truman Capote’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Holly Golightly, is a boy-crazy, socially ambitious pauper who refuses to accept that she is broke. My neighbour, in almost every way Holly Golightly’s opposite, refuses to accept that she is rich.

A famous and successful chef once told me that he has never—not once!—ridden in an Uber. Too expensive, he said. And why, when the subway is only a few bucks? And then he added that his daughter and son-in-law confided to him that they haven’t taken the subway in twenty years. They think they’re rich, he said. (To which I did not respond: they will be, though, won’t they?)

New Yorkers are convinced that everyone else spends too much on coffee, or Ubers, or in general is foolish with money. They are also convinced that everyone else is richer than they are.

A hedge-fund billionaire once told me about a recent visit to his East Hampton house by a plumber, who came to fix a toilet that kept running.

“Rob,” he said, “he fixed the toilet in no time, took him all of fifteen minutes. And do you know what he charged me? Eighty dollars. For fifteen minutes work!”

The billionaire shook his head in affable shock. “Rob,” he said, “I think I am in the wrong business.”

So when my neighbour inveighs against “gentrification”, it should come with a trigger warning. What she means isn’t that the streets are cleaner and the shops more chic. What she means is that because of rising property values and a forty-year bull market, she is suddenly surrounded by people she has spent a lifetime campaigning against. Worse, she is now one of those people herself.

Manhattan, as everyone knows, has been in a continual state of gentrification since the Dutch settlers swindled the local natives out of the entire island. From that moment forward, New York was perpetually fixing itself up, moving north to the Harlem River, building and rebuilding subways and elevated trains and entire city blocks.

For instance, Canal Street runs east-to-west through the belly of the island and connects the Hudson River to the East River and across the Manhattan Bridge to Brooklyn. Robert Moses, the nearly unstoppable city planner who razed parts of the West Side to build Lincoln Center and replaced noisy, lively and untidy parts of the city with featureless, drab high-rise apartment blocks, had his eye on Canal Street for decades.

What he wanted to build was a Lower Manhattan Expressway—dubbed The LoMEx—which would replace noisy, lively and untidy Canal Street with an elevated highway for automobiles. Tear all that disordered rubbish down, was his general idea, and replace it all with smooth asphalt.

The plan was attacked by city activists like my neighbour and eventually scuttled, which is why Canal Street remains a splendidly ugly place, with sidewalk bazaars spread out on the pavement and hawkers selling counterfeits of nearly every luxury brand. Chic young women from uptown neighbourhoods walk along Canal buying fake Chanel bags and lookalike Hermès scarves, knockoffs of things they could not possibly afford to buy from the official, legal boutiques.

Chinese shopkeepers beckon passersby with offers of watch batteries, Nikon cameras, foot massages, T-shirts and reflexology treatments. On the eastern end of the street, a ramp curves up and onto the Manhattan Bridge, though Canal Street continues for several blocks in its shadow.

Which is where it gets interesting. A few streets past the entrance to the bridge is a cluster of small storefronts that are home to what is generally referred to as the Chinatown Bus, but what is actually a collection of independent companies running cheap bus lines between New York and unfashionable parts of the country.

The bus companies have Chinatown-sounding names—WandaCoach, ILoveBus, PandaCoach—but the passengers are a diverse collection of New Yorkers who are actually poor, unlike my millionairess lesbian next-door neighbour, who refuses to accept that she’s loaded.

Here is where you can buy a low-priced bus ticket to Greensboro, North Carolina, or Dayton, Ohio. Here is where passengers gather on the sidewalk surrounded by shopping-bag luggage, heading off to places it would otherwise take several unaffordable flights to reach. Kids are already in their pyjamas—most of these trips are ten or more hours—holding blankets and pillows and small bags of homemade snacks. It’s the kind of disordered and scruffy scene that would cause Robert Moses to have a nervous breakdown.

It’s unclear how Moses felt about poor people, but one thing is certain: he hated the way they looked. The public housing towers he built were designed to tuck all the ugliness away, to store it in silos and out of sight.

Moses believed in gentrification by bulldozer. The roadways he built and the public spaces he proposed required whole neighbourhoods to be demolished, crowded places where family squabbles spilled out onto the street and each block was festooned with hanging laundry. Wouldn’t this place be nicer, he thought, if we could flatten all of this crap?

My neighbour is utterly unfamiliar with the Chinatown Bus. If I could somehow persuade her to leave her sentry post on the stoop and head downtown with me, she probably wouldn’t notice the passengers waiting on the Canal Street sidewalk, at least at first.

She’d cluck-cluck at the fashion victims buying fake handbags—Gen Z materialism!—and point out the prices at the trendy drinking spots around the corner of Canal and Orchard—foodie elitism!—but she would overlook the queues waiting for a PandaCoach to Indianapolis.

But then, progressive activists always have trouble with the working poor. They prefer the kind of abject Dickensian poverty that can be ministered to, the kind that calls out for boldly intrusive policies and new government interventions. For a certain kind of urban activist, a poor or homeless person is only interesting if there’s a political axe to grind. Addressing the city’s homeless problem, for instance, is merely a vehicle for more housing subsidies and real estate regulations—despite overwhelming evidence that the two issues are wholly unrelated.

But poor people actually making do? That would be an affront to the progressive sensibility, which requires a villain—the evil landlord, the corrupt cop, the systemic bigotry that permeates all of American life, yuppies, gentrifiers, whatever—to denounce in an angry demonstration on the steps of City Hall.

I’m convinced that my neighbour’s first response—bless her—upon noticing the ad-hoc bus station on the corner of Canal and Forsyth would be to wonder if the companies were regulated tightly enough, if the buses were environmentally safe, if the passengers were required to wear masks. She might even agitate for their banning completely, on the grounds of safety, or equity, or some other nonsense.

In New York, people have a hard time being honest about money. Some buy fake purses to look richer. Millionaire homeowners grumble about gentrification. Billionaires envy the plumber. About the only honest, well-adjusted people in town are down on Canal Street, waiting for the WandaCoach.

November 11, 2022 2:52 pm

The Kleptocrapts basically enlist 100’s if not 1000’s of volunteers to go door-to-door with pre-filled votes for the Dem candidate(s) and “encourage*” those answering the door to sign?

Not pre-filled, they pick up the ones posted out that have not been (or were likely to be) returned*. They may be filled out by the voter, maybe not. They may offer some “help” to fill it out.
They can then be left anonymously in handy drop boxes where no one asks questions about why you have 50 votes to hand in (again) today.

* This service is not generally available in R leaning suburbs unless the stupid party sends out canvassers.

November 11, 2022 2:58 pm

As Mater posted here yesterday, Pennsylvanians just elected a dead Democrat to the State legislature. Getting Fetterman over the line would have been a walk in the park.

November 11, 2022 2:59 pm

There is always 25% of the herd that just want to be different.

Except for the clotshot.

November 11, 2022 2:59 pm

seems to be part of some negotiations between russia and the US.

it’s may have slipped past your highly developed perceptions and information gathering but russia has for the moment stopped annihilating uke critical infrastructure.

with some luck the war will end

I can see a ceasefire possibly happening over winter, but that will only give both sides time to regroup for more fighting in the spring from reinforced positions.

November 11, 2022 3:00 pm

with some luck the war will end

I hope so.
A pyrrhic “win” for the Ukes and the end of any territorial ambitions by Putin is a good an outcome as any.
Pity the poor 200,000 or so casualties (100,000 a side is the estimate) and their families.

November 11, 2022 3:02 pm

Thanks for the explanation Turnip!!!

November 11, 2022 3:06 pm

I can see a ceasefire possibly happening over winter, but that will only give both sides time to regroup for more fighting in the spring from reinforced positions.

Wars changed a little bit I think.
Both sides seem to have extremely good knowledge of where each others troops/supply dumps etc are down to an almost squad level.
Makes concentrating for a surprise assault unlikely.
Im guessing the Ukes have better day to day intel due to USA/EU assistance, particularly satellite and comms/codebreaking.

Unless one side finds a way to ‘clear” areas from eyes in the sky for extended periods of time then its a horrible grinding of men vs artillery and missiles.

And more important for our region, does China fancy its chances while the world is distracted by Russia/Ukraine?

November 11, 2022 3:13 pm

The Wall Street Journal loved Low Energy Jeb Bush, and a succession of other people as they rapidly disappeared from sight, finally falling in line with me after I easily knocked them out, one by one. We’re in exactly the same position now.

I tipped this. Trump has not changed, he sees DeSantis as just another Jeb! style Establishment squish, and he eats those types for breakfast with a kipper.

The pattern since 2016 has been Trump gaining greater hold over the Republican Party while losing elections more and more bigly. That trend will continue past 2022.

November 11, 2022 3:14 pm
November 11, 2022 3:18 pm
November 11, 2022 3:21 pm

Wars changed a little bit I think.

Once the Kherson withdrawal is done, it will be much more artillery and drone bombardment and less infantry battles, with the Dniepr as the major natural barrier.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see Ukraine turn its immediate attention northeast to try to permanently cut off rail links to the south, leaving the Russians to exhaust their ammo shelling Kherson for no material advantage. For this reason, I reckon a ceasefire is unlikely because they don’t want those rail links to stay open for months safely resupplying Russian forces on the left bank of the Dniepr.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
November 11, 2022 3:27 pm

A friend is visiting from NZ. I had her pinned as a leftie however her rant against ‘Cindy’ ahern was enlightening. The highlights…
The country is a mess.
Not fully open yet. Still playing with the covid thing. Large building company sells approx 3000 homes p.a. has sold 800 in 10months. Advised staff to they are cutting costs by 30% including salaries. If you do not like that they will offer ypu 30 days pay redundancy. Interest rates around 7-8% for overpriced houses. Half the country is plain lazy and happy to sit at home and live off govmint. Food prices are exorbitant. Common place for people to fill up shopping trolley with foods and walk out without paying. Qld and Vic offering nurses $20k or free study to come over and work. Tradies getting offered $25k in Qld to start. People are leaving in droves.
Meanwhile Cindy ‘has her head up her arse and the sooner she goes the better!’

As a Victorian glasshouse inhabitor i shall leave the rock throwing to others.

But hey marxism, what could go wrong?

November 11, 2022 3:27 pm

In order for my book on Milligan not be libelous I’m proposing a very cleverly disguised cover:

Nil Again! The Fact Fuck Who Couldn’t Get A Fuck

(Sorry Munt, it’s not about you)

November 11, 2022 3:33 pm

BREAKING: Federal judge rules Biden’s plan to cancel hundreds of billions of dollars in student loan debt is unconstitutional and must be vacated – Reuters

No matter, those votes were banked 3 days ago

November 11, 2022 3:34 pm

It’s become more targeted than that JC and it’s not just harvesting votes in urban areas. We need to stop making excuses for RNC.

Explain how.

I saw the comment you made yesterday. They go around to their apartments and get them to sign on the dotted line?

November 11, 2022 3:34 pm

My proposed book will cover lurid details of Nil Again’s Vic Plod shady dealings (all very circumstantial but written in the same style as hers: From the complainants’ views).

Interviews with Pristian Corter, Andrea Laming, Bruce Layerman, George Bell, allegations of leave theft from their ABC, facts presented on ABC financially supporting personal book writing and insider allegations of Nil Again bullying other ABC journos.

I love the smell of napalm.

November 11, 2022 3:35 pm

President Trump Fires Back Against Ron DeSantis, Con Inc and Coordinated Narrative Midterm Effort
November 10, 2022 | Sundance

President Trump can see and hear the same things everyone else can see and hear, including the coordinated media and GOPe effort to diminish him and the MAGA movement within the Republican club.

November 11, 2022 3:36 pm

You’re an American constitutional lawyer of high regard. Could Scotus intervene and stop vote harvesting and force more transparency?

Is that possible?

Good question head prefect, you’ve got a brain in that pretty head and slim model like body draped in stylish chinos and a form fitting collared t-shirt. But enough of that. Voting laws are state based. After the Trump steal in 2020 there was a class action by a number of states seeking Scotus involvement in rectifying alleged voter fraud in blue states on the basis their corruption affected other states in a POTUS election. Scotus refused: the state right, defects and all, trumped any possible effect on the interest of other states in not having corruption in one state contaminating a federal election.

November 11, 2022 3:36 pm

And fairly strong rumours that Nil Again is a raging alcho.

November 11, 2022 3:38 pm

Isn’t there a US Mid Terms thread on the Cat?

November 11, 2022 3:40 pm

President Trump can see and hear the same things everyone else can see and hear, including the coordinated media and GOPe effort to diminish him and the MAGA movement within the Republican club.

industrial scale cheating goes hand in hand with GOP backstabbing.

Don’t fall for it.

November 11, 2022 3:42 pm

Ok, so I’ll comment on US…

Baris says “Ryan and Mcarthy are going to go full anti-Trump (and they’ll use Desantis if they have to).”

But I don’t see Desantis as being that different to Trump. He’s no RINO!!! So I’m not sure how that stacks up..

November 11, 2022 3:45 pm

“Fair Work Commission has awarded five astute Sydney Trains drivers backpay for the entire period they were stuck on leave without pay due to their private medical choices.”

November 11, 2022 3:47 pm

FWC actually acknowledged bodily integrity as a “fundamental right” (!), and suggested that employers are exposed in circumstances where they have implemented vaccine policies absent a public health order.

November 11, 2022 3:49 pm

The “funny” (not haha funny) thing about Munt and his mates like KRudd and the whingers about Murdoch is that they have never, not even once, been able to explain why Murdoch never backed Trump in 2020, nor his efforts to have the election audited, nor his mid terms just now and are blaming him for the result:

Oh, but sure Mr KRudd, da ebil Trump666 and Murdoch666 are “in bed together.” There’s only two possible explanations (and in both cases Krudd and Munt et al are wrong):

1) Murdoch does not support Trump at all, or
2) Murdoch has a (more) diverse press (than most) with some elements that do and some elements that don’t support Trump.

November 11, 2022 3:49 pm

I have been warning employers for years now not to fall into the trap of arguing that their Work Health and Safety duty to reduce risk as far as reasonably practicable involves things that they have no knowledge or expertise in, like virology. Many have only caught onto the folly of this approach recently. Some are still digging.

November 11, 2022 3:50 pm

Half the country is plain lazy and happy to sit at home and live off govmint.

The Scotland of the South Pacific.

Anyone with any get up and go got up and went.

November 11, 2022 3:51 pm

In other good news, with 99% reporting Lauren Boebert is up 50.2%; and Marjorie Taylor Greene is up 66% with 99% counted. At least 2 of the GOP will have balls.

Black Ball
Black Ball
November 11, 2022 4:00 pm

Steve Price in today’s Hun on VicPlod:

Forty years-ago, Victoria had a police force with about 7500 members and under the Liberal government of the time was starved of funds
So tight was the budget for the force that it had run out of bullets and had to cancel target practice for members and recruits.
Legendary Commissioner Mick Miller was in charge and the Premier was Dick Hamer.
Miller made no secret that he was battling Spring St for more money.
He had asked the government for an extra 292 patrol cars and instead was given just 30 and they were all four-cylinder sedans. The security firm Mayne Nickless routinely lent the armed robbery squad walkie-talkies and there were 48 police stations in the state with single man operations.
At those one man police stations, officers were forced to use their own private cars to get to jobs. Back then the chief detective was Chief Superintendent Phil Bennett, known as “Fat Harry.”
In those years 1979-81 I worked in the Russell St police headquarters building for the then afternoon daily The Melbourne Herald. It was common for Chief Superintendent Bennett to alert the press room to an armed holdup on a bank.
He would even, on occasion, offer one of us working there a lift to the scene of the crime in his unmarked patrol car. Phil was a genius at getting publicity for his troops and ahead of his time in realising that having the media on-side helped when negotiating with government.
On a slow news day, he would even dig out an old cold case and give you a fresh line for a front page to keep his name in the paper.
Those were the blessed days before Victoria Police decided it needed a media unit to handle inquiries and when reporters like me made contacts by drinking lots of beer in the Police Club with detectives most nights.
In those days, the police were fiercely independent of government and not concerned with the social niceties of a particular brand of politics.
Police recruits were chosen on their height and physical prowess back then – seen these days as discriminatory.
Both uniformed and plain clothed police were hard and tough on criminals and celebrated when they locked up a crook.
Yes, there was a level of tolerated violence to gain a confession and I remember well the tiny padded, rooms next to the homicide squad’s office.
Armed holdups, vicious murders, domestic violence, rapes and street crime was the priority.
Compare that cash strapped non-politically correct Victorian police force with what we have today. Let me be clear, this is nota criticism of the majority of serving police in the city, suburbs and regions.
These men and women have an incredibly tough, low-paid and dangerous job protecting us all with a recent example of that a violent attack in St Kilda.
A video shows two police surrounded by six people with one of the officers ‘rag dolled’ with his head repeatedly smashed into the roadway. Charges have been laid and we will follow that through the courts.
This is though, an observation that the Victoria Police at the very top level has been politicised – probably starting back with then Police Commissioner Christine Nixon, who was imported from NSW. We all remember her failures during Black Saturday.
State government spending on police since has exploded with the annual costs around $4bn a year, now outstripping what the state spends on education or health according to a parliamentary inquiry into the state’s criminal justice system.
Police numbers have now hit 22,000, making Victoria the most policed state in Australia. There are 16,098 sworn police and 3375 public servants on the payroll. The other numbers are made up of protective service officers and police customer officers.
Recruit numbers are hard to work out and promises by Premier Daniel Andrews back in 2016 to top up the force by 3100 recruits are rubbery at best.
A potential recruit I know went through the whole process, where you have to self-fund all your own medical costs, only to be ignored for months after passing the rigorous physical tests.
That person eventually gave up on their ambition, citing low pay and lack of feedback as the main reasons.
Vic Pol now present as one part paramilitary government political tool, and one part government PR unit.
Take Covid – when police command allowed the force to arrest people for going to a playground.
Commissioner Shane Patton warned fines would result and his members were forced to police curfews, break up protests including using shields, batons, rubber bullets and fine people trying to simply have a chat in a park.
Meanwhile, post Covid, the Victorian government tells you to call a 1300 number to report non-urgent crimes, like your house being burgled or your car stolen.
In the real world, Melbourne now sees almost daily car jackings – a crime never heard of in the past – violent home invasions that have terrified people even in leafy Brighton and lawless gangs armed with knives roaming the streets.
Youths have no fear of police or of arrest because they know soft magistrates appointed by Labor mates will just give them bail, time after time.
Government and police command will quote crime stats at you but being frightened to catch a tram after 10pm for fear of being stabbed or bashed means stats don’t matter much.
Victoria and Victorians need better from our police and law and order should be an election issue. But sadly, Victorians are so weary and downtrodden, it’s not.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 11, 2022 4:01 pm

waiter! saucer of milk to Cassie

I think you’ll find it is just a return of serve. Fair bump – play on.

November 11, 2022 4:17 pm

BREAKING: Federal judge rules Biden’s plan to cancel hundreds of billions of dollars in student loan debt is unconstitutional and must be vacated – Reuters

How? Hamilton had nationalised commerce banks and they can regulate interstate commerce.

Winston Smith
November 11, 2022 4:17 pm


It’s going to take me a while to determine who’d I prefer out of DJT and Desantis. Sure, I haven’t read everything but Trump would destroy the swamp this time around (if elected). Desantis is a bit inexperienced and would prolly suffer DJT’s fate by not dismantling the swamp in his first term.

I’ll go with my gut instinct on this one – Trump over DeSantis.
Trump because he knows in his belly just how deep the swamp is, and has pretty well sussed out who the swamp is. He will go in boots and all because his ‘legacy’ demands it.
DeSantis has made many good decisions and his instincts seem good. But he’s a newbie to the swamp dwelling crowd and I just don’t think he’s got the instincts for sussing out the RINOs who will bring him down.
It’s the vibe, and I’ll stick with the one who has a reputation for kicking nuts. He needs to be reminded whose side he’s on, not just his own.

November 11, 2022 4:17 pm

Lauren Boebert is an OWL.

November 11, 2022 4:18 pm

more confirmation of change US policy re ukraine
“imperative for the war to end”

US Treasury Secretary in India: Janet Yellen speaks on US, India economic relations | WION

Modern supply side economics is this MMT in drag?

November 11, 2022 4:19 pm

The Scotland of the South Pacific

Och Bro, that one will leave a mark.

Chat with a building contractor onsite, they do a lot of worth through midwest WA.
I asked about the houses in northampton which were still tarped/plasticed up with no rooves, were they people with no dough or waiting on work. (From cyclone Seroja 2 years ago)

Waiting on workers was the response, may be up to 2 more years before most are done.

Im flabbergasted that it could take insurance companies 4 years to source workers & arrange repairs of rooves.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 11, 2022 4:19 pm

when police command allowed the force to arrest people for going to a playground.

Unfortunately it’s everywhere in the Anglosphere.

UK Court Sentences 72-Year-Old To Six Months For Selling Mince Pies During Lockdown (10 Nov)

November 11, 2022 4:20 pm

Outstanding Woman of Letters?

November 11, 2022 4:23 pm


No e-girls, ever!

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Im flabbergasted that it could take insurance companies 4 years to source workers & arrange repairs of rooves.

I’m not.
It is not difficult to find workers. It is impossible to find workers.

November 11, 2022 4:24 pm

Yellen rebrands Biden economic agenda as ‘modern supply-side economics’
“Our new approach is far more promising than the old supply- side economics, which I see as having been a failed strategy for increasing growth,” Yellen said. “Significant tax cuts on capital have not achieved their promised gains. And deregulation has a similarly poor track record in general and with respect to environmental policies — especially so with respect to curbing CO2 emissions.”
“Modern supply-side economics seeks to spur economic growth by both boosting labor supply and raising productivity, while reducing inequality and environmental damage,” Yellen said. “Essentially, we aren’t just focused on achieving a high topline growth number that is unsustainable — we are instead aiming for growth that is inclusive and green.”

November 11, 2022 4:25 pm

“[Snelling] is anti-establishment, especially to the police. He doesn’t like being told what to do. He treated police with resentment,” Judge Fletcher said.

That’s his crime right there. Forget the pies and the county border.

When will Neil Ferguson be sentenced for visiting his bit on the side?

November 11, 2022 4:30 pm

November 11, 2022 at 4:23 pm

No e-girls, ever!

Ahhh I have a case which may be the exception…

During my last little night at the pub with a mate we chatted to the poor young lady (she could afford clothes and was only in her underwear) behind the bar quite a bit, guessing from her accent where she was from etc (I guessed Spain, ended up northern Italy).
Put a few bob in her titty jar etc.
Now for the dilemma.

She handed my mate her onlyfans details on a business card…

Now is it still simping if he peruses what hes already seen in the flesh?

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

frollickingmole: Apropos Mr. Peter Gerard Scully, late of Melbourne & for the next 129 years + one lifetime will be resident of Davao Prison (not sure Correctional Centre is in the Philippine lexicon)
Here is an article from 2017 in the Cebu Daily News that gives some clue what he was up to. About one third of the way down the page, under the heading Worst Video are several paragraphs that tell you as much as you want to know.

Trigger warning: What gets read cannot be unread.

Anyone not of the opinion he deserves every minute of the Life + 129 years to which he’s so far been sentenced?

November 11, 2022 4:39 pm

dover0beach says:
November 11, 2022 at 4:35 pm

Explain how.

Think of how Zuckerberg’s bucks did it.

Were Zuckerbucks around this time though?

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

He was charging USD $10,000 per view

November 11, 2022 4:41 pm

The Scotland of the South Pacific

Och Bro, that one will leave a mark.

Including a number of my ancestors, I could have added.

To Virginia in the mid-1600s and NSW in 1836.

November 11, 2022 4:46 pm

She handed my mate her onlyfans details on a business card…

onlyfans, the logical end point of liberalism…

November 11, 2022 4:47 pm
Johnny Rotten
November 11, 2022 4:48 pm

There was an engineer who had an exceptional gift for fixing all things mechanical. After serving his company loyally for over 30 years, he happily retired. Several years later the company contacted him regarding a seemingly impossible problem they were having with one of their multimillion-dollar machines.

They had tried everything and everyone else to get the machine to work but to no avail. In desperation, they called on the retired engineer who had solved so many of their problems in the past.

The engineer reluctantly took the challenge. He spent a day studying the huge machine. At the end of the day, he marked a small “x” in chalk on a particular component of the machine and stated “This is where your problem is”.

The part was replaced and the machine worked perfectly again.

The company received a bill for $50,000 from the engineer for his service. They demanded an itemised accounting of his charges.

The engineer responded briefly:
-One chalk mark $1
-Knowing where to put it $49,999

It was paid in full and the engineer retired again in peace.

Winston Smith
November 11, 2022 4:50 pm

Top Ender:

But then, progressive activists always have trouble with the working poor. They prefer the kind of abject Dickensian poverty that can be ministered to, the kind that calls out for boldly intrusive policies and new government interventions. For a certain kind of urban activist, a poor or homeless person is only interesting if there’s a political axe to grind. Addressing the city’s homeless problem, for instance, is merely a vehicle for more housing subsidies and real estate regulations—despite overwhelming evidence that the two issues are wholly unrelated.

Excellent piece. That’s the Leftist conundrum, right in front of us. People don’t matter unless they can be harnessed to The Cause.

Johnny Rotten
November 11, 2022 4:50 pm

It is better to be looked over than overlooked.

– Mae West

November 11, 2022 4:50 pm

Scully, a father of two, slipped out of Melbourne and fled to Manila in 2011 where he allegedly established a lucrative business by videotaping lewd actions of minors.

Francisco said Scully would cater to clients, mostly child predators, from across the globe, who paid for live-stream videos of children being tortured and sexually abused. The fee for every transaction was US$10,000.

That was the ones i had heard of, no idea of the depravity and money they were making though.

This is a good little starter for anyone unaware of just how awful/prevalent it is over there.
And how is scumbags from wealthy countries enabling it.

November 11, 2022 4:51 pm
November 11, 2022 4:56 pm

I was on a work trip to the Philippines and the govt generously agreed to send me off to the island of Bohol as a thanks. I obliged. How could I not knock back a night’s stay, all expenses paid, night on an exotic island!!!

I went down to a local drinking hole on the island later that evening and had some dinner and some (ok, many) very cheap Philippine beers. As I was leaving much later on with a handful of people left, I heard an old guy talking in an Aussie accent. Having a bit of “dutch courage” I introduced myself and he asked me to sit down and have some Philippine rum with him (some sort of “specialty”).

I had a few and he called over the 12 year old-ish girl who was helping out around the bar and called for another bottle. As she walked away he said something like “she’s sweet” and “I’ve had experience there.”

I stood up immediately, told him he was a f’n c and could ggf’d (perhaps even more colourful) and I was going to report him to the Feds when I got back to Australia. That’s the last I remember, when I (thankfully) woke up the next day (thankfully on the floor of my hotel room), some Phillipine officials had been knocking on my hotel door for hours in the morning and had gone to get the manager to get the key.

I had black bruises all over the entire left side of my body. Like, seriously black – not even blue or red. I told the officials but I didn’t remember much except that he, I thought, looked like Colonel Sanders.

Never heard anything again. The bruises took about 8 weeks to go away.

It was my first and only ever encounter with such a fuck – whom I’d gladly cut his balls off and feed them to him (and I’m Christian).

Johnny Rotten
November 11, 2022 5:01 pm

Will 2022 be the most Corrupt Election since 53BC?

From Armstrong Economics –

COMMENT: Marty, I love all that you do.
I want to challenge anyone to find a county in the USA that is more corrupt that Harris County Texas (Houston) regarding vote fraud, nothing to see here keep moving:
Harris County Elections administrator can’t answer why polling locations ran out of paper
Harris County Elections Administrator Clifford Tatum said his office started receiving paper ballot shortage calls as early as 7:30 a.m. on Election Day. (21 republican locations and up to 100,000 votes) an Author: Jeremy Rogalski Published: 7:25 PM CST November 9, 2022

Nearly 127,000 Harris County drive-thru votes appear safe after federal judge rejects GOP-led Texas lawsuit The Republican plaintiffs in an appeal asked that drive-thru voting be halted on Election Day, but did not immediately ask again that ballots that have already been cast be tossed out. BY JOLIE MCCULLOUGH NOV. 2, 2020UPDATED: NOV. 3, 2020
Houston Scrambles After Blaze That Destroyed Voting Machines
Houston firefighters poured water on the smoldering shell of a warehouse that caught fire around 4 a.m. on Aug. 27. Credit…Brett Coomer/Houston Chronicle, Via Associated Press By James C. McKinley Jr. Sept. 10, 2010.

REPLY: This is my big concern. Reports are coming in from all over. This election will never be accepted. I have warned that this election will be so corrupt, it will probably go down in history with the most corrupt election during the Roman Republic where there were so many bribes, and interest rates soared during 53BC. When Caesar crossed the Rubicon in 49BC, the people cheered and it was the oligarchs who fled to Greece – all the Senators. Unfortunately, Cicero was one of the oligarchs and his FAKE NEWS wrongly influenced many including the Founding Fathers of the United States. Had they seen the other accounts, they may never have chosen a Republic without term limits and prohibited any change to anything major absent a 2/3rd vote.”

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 11, 2022 5:04 pm

Halls Creek chief executive wants specialist First Nations court to tackle youth crime
Sarah CrawfordThe Kimberley Echo
Fri, 11 November 2022 11:30AM

An East Kimberley town wants to see tribal justice introduced as the community desperately tries to come up with solutions to tackle the rising rates of youth crime.

Shire of Halls Creek chief executive Phillip Cassell will make the call for the establishment of a specialist court for the town — where Aboriginal elders would sit on the bench with a magistrate — at a community safety solutions forum to be held in December.

The police and mental health commissioners as well as the director generals of the departments of Justice, Health, Education, Communities and Local Government have been invited to the forum to help tackle a wave of vehicle thefts, robberies, break-ins and vandalism plaguing the town.

Mr Cassell said he had the backing of local elders and police for what they describe as “tribal justice”.

“The police are very interested in it, the elders here are very interested in it. They are all fully supportive of moving in this direction,” he said.

He said they want to establish something similar to Murri Court in Queensland.

At Murri Court, elders and a community justice group work with offenders on addressing the causes of their offending and keep the magistrate informed of their rehabilitation progress prior to sentencing.

Mr Cassell said he believed a similar court in Halls Creek could have a big impact on rates of re-offending.

“I don’t think it would be as successful in the cities, I think it is more relevant out here in regional and remote areas where there is a stronger attachment to culture and a traditional way of life,” he said.

The Law Society of WA backs the idea.

Greg McIntyre SC, who chairs the Law Society’s Indigenous Legal Issues Committee, said the current system was not working.

“Detaining kids at Banksia Hill and the Casuarina prison special wing is clearly not working and the Supreme Court said recently it is not operating in a way that is lawful,” he said

Didn’t “tribal justice” involve genital mutilation with sharp stones?

November 11, 2022 5:07 pm

From Armstrong Economics –

From his fake computer I presume. Armstrong is a con artists that did time for fraud.

November 11, 2022 5:07 pm

Now is it still simping if he peruses what hes already seen in the flesh?

I’m sure she will uncover a few spots not seen in the flesh behind the bar.

Winston Smith
November 11, 2022 5:08 pm


Anyone with any get up and go got up and went.

The sooner we start colonising the moon and Mars the better. The reluctant ones can sit on their arses here on Earth, consuming soy chips and producing more colonists.

November 11, 2022 5:12 pm

FM – that sounds a lot like the FM hotel to me!!! (**hint**)

November 11, 2022 5:19 pm

My lips are sealed Lysander..

The sooner we start colonising the moon and Mars the better. The reluctant ones can sit on their arses here on Earth, consuming soy chips and producing more colonists.

Any excuse…

I can see somewhere like Mars being the go-too place for anyone with a desire to leave the soys behind.

November 11, 2022 5:21 pm

LOL! No worries FM. 😛

November 11, 2022 5:23 pm

I was at the Jurien Bay pub with a Minister one evening having a nice civil meal, very quiet, very sober. It was around 6.30pm. A few families around.

By 8.15pm, the lights when down and I noticed all of the families were gone and the skimpies were out.

My advice, as a political adviser, and a person of taste (i.e. not a fan), was “lets not have our photos on the front page of The Worst Australian” and “let’s get the fuck outta here”

November 11, 2022 5:25 pm


Just like how Putin made me find one of those soggy “random” potato chips in a salt and vinegar pack of chips this arvo.

November 11, 2022 5:28 pm


The old Russian hacker chestnut.

November 11, 2022 5:31 pm

The spinifex do tend to ramble through the centre of the Cat’s town on a Friday arvo… while those of us in The Worst still have lots of posts to post!

November 11, 2022 5:33 pm

New York Post front page:

“Trumpty Dumpty.”

November 11, 2022 5:36 pm

Senator Ryan on Trump today:

“I think we’re going to have to do a lot of soul-searching and head-scratching, looking through and parsing the numbers as to why we didn’t perform as well as we would have liked to,” Ryan said. “Ron got re-elected, I’m very happy to see that. It was a mixed blessing night, but we should have done better than we did.”

“I think Trump’s kind of a drag on our ticket,” Ryan said. “I think Donald Trump gives us problems, politically. We lost the House, the Senate and the White House in two years when Trump was on the ballot, or in office.”

“I think we just have some Trump hangover. I think he’s a drag on our office, on our races,” he added.

“It’s really clear to me, and the evidence is pretty stark, that if we have a nominee not named Trump, we’re so much more likely to win the White House than if our candidate’s named Trump,” he continued.

“We have to offer the country a better way forward. I think we have to offer the country solutions,” Ryan said. “We have to offer the country a really clear and compelling choice as to how our party is ripe and ready to solve big problems confronting the country and that we’re putting leaders forward that people can vote for that they want to vote for.”

November 11, 2022 5:37 pm

“Trumpty Dumpty.”

Jokes on them. Humpty Dumpty was a canon was it not.

November 11, 2022 5:38 pm


Russia got my cat pregnant.
And made my milk go sour
And shat in my pants after my last night of blackout drinking.

November 11, 2022 5:42 pm

Poop, looks like the wussians got my details via the hack, just got an email from my health insurer.

?????? ????
rezvyy krot
(which is frisky mole in russian apparently)

November 11, 2022 5:43 pm

Cobblers pegs (Bidens pilosa) in my garden…


Hang on a minute…

November 11, 2022 5:50 pm

I don’t agree with Abbott’s idea of national service. All it will do is further indoctrinate the young into Woke, HomoGlobo ideology.

November 11, 2022 5:50 pm

I find it curious that the horticultural Latin name for a hideous, noxious weed has that particular genus and species.

Linnaeus was prophetic.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 11, 2022 5:57 pm

New York Post front page: “Trumpty Dumpty.”

Mudrock press. Very likely ordered editorial line to take.
Paul Ryan’s mate Lachlan is going to be very pissed off if Trump stands.
That’s because he will win the primaries in a canter.
Trump’s Tea Party people will crawl over incandescent broken glass for him.
And slagging him off is a really great way to get him to stand.
I love the primary system, it’s so much fun!

November 11, 2022 6:01 pm

November 11, 2022 at 4:17 pm
Lauren Boebert is an OWL.

A cute owl.

November 11, 2022 6:08 pm
Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 11, 2022 6:11 pm

Russians hide my socks – always just one of a pair.

Sick bastards.

November 11, 2022 6:11 pm

m0nty says:
November 11, 2022 at 3:21 pm

Wars changed a little bit I think.

Once the Kherson withdrawal is done, it will be much more artillery and drone bombardment and less infantry battles, with the Dniepr as the major natural barrier.

Who Monty reminds me of when he starts pontificating on military stuff:

Coffee (but no Donut) Ambush

If Sean Bean looked like Monty, it’d be even more ridiculous.

November 11, 2022 6:11 pm

I was leaning toward Desantis for POTUS (and I hope he does get there, one day) but after the NY Post cover, I’m rootin for DJT.

How could I have forgotten that nothing beats Trump666 Derangement Syndrome.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
November 11, 2022 6:12 pm

Hathaway might be James Hathaway, played by the dishy* and very anti-Establishment Laurence Fox. ?
* Dr Laura Hobson’s description, not mine.

I believe you Calli.

November 11, 2022 6:24 pm

I believe you Calli.

Curses! I thought I had you all fooled.

November 11, 2022 6:28 pm

China in Focus – NTD
Xi Jinping Tells Chinese Military to Devote All Energy to Preparing to Fight Wars
02:32 Xi Jinping Tells Chinese Military to Devote All Energy to Preparing to Fight Wars
03:48 Top U.S. General Secures Military Support for Taiwan
05:11 U.S., Japan Hold Joint Military Drill near Taiwan
05:33 Calif. Education Board President Gets Chinese Award
09:09 Nvidia Makes New Chips for China, Evades Export Ban
10:29 Germany Blocks Chinese Investment in 2 Chipmakers
12:55 U.S., Taiwan Start Trade Talks, Deepen Relations
13:59 North Korean Missile Is Soviet-Era: South Korea

November 11, 2022 6:35 pm
November 11, 2022 6:36 pm

02:32 Xi Jinping Tells Chinese Military to Devote All Energy to Preparing to Fight Wars

Reminds me islamic beheadings where they do endless dry runs until the victim is relaxed enough to do the real thing

November 11, 2022 6:38 pm

Xi Jinping Tells Chinese Military to Devote All Energy to Preparing to Fight Wars

What…no classes in Xi doctrine?

I doubt it!

Anchor What
Anchor What
November 11, 2022 6:46 pm

The Taliban have banned women from going for a walk in the park, even if accompanied by a male relative.
Stand by for a resumption of public executions down at the local arena.

November 11, 2022 6:50 pm

Stand by for a resumption of public executions down at the local arena.

I support this policy in Victoria. Hunchback can go first.

Anchor What
Anchor What
November 11, 2022 6:50 pm

Don’t expect a turnaround in the USA.
It’s stuffed unless they have a 1970s lookalike Chilean General hit man to restore order.
Big job.
The zombie left are back in Chile, however. Whether history repeats or rhymes is up to you.
Ditto Spain.

November 11, 2022 6:51 pm

Xi Jinping Tells Chinese Military to Devote All Energy to Preparing to Fight Wars

And when the war comes, our military savant (Monty) will be found to be medically unfit for service, and we’ll be doomed.

He’ll be forced to continue living in a basement, scribbling war winning strategies on a blog where his God given gift will be wasted.

Mon Tzu.

November 11, 2022 6:52 pm

She handed my mate her onlyfans details on a business card…

Now is it still simping if he peruses what hes already seen in the flesh?

Is he a pay pig?

Look 1/5 of university age women in Australia at one time had a Seeking Arrangement account.

A girl I went to uni with told me she wanted a sugar daddy. I think she meant me.

So I pulled out a chart for CAD:ASX and explain to her the importance of Mt B being approved.

November 11, 2022 6:53 pm

And when the war comes, our military savant (Monty) will be found to be medically unfit for service, and we’ll be doomed.

He’ll be forced to continue living in a basement

Isn’t that where he always is anyway?? Writing his award winning pieces for Records Weekly?

November 11, 2022 6:57 pm

The Taliban have banned women from going for a walk in the park, even if accompanied by a male relative.


The Taliban have banned sex, even between husband and wife.

“It might lead to walking in parks”, said a spokesman.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 11, 2022 6:58 pm

“Welcome to Country” preformed before the Remembrance Day commemoration. Words fail me, they honestly fvcking do.

November 11, 2022 6:59 pm

The TaliDan have banned women from going for a walk in the park, even if accompanied by a male relative.

So 2021…

November 11, 2022 7:01 pm

Ciao Cats, have a good weekend and hopefully a few big Red (non RINO) ballots drop tonight….

See ya on Monday!

November 11, 2022 7:01 pm

This is really fantastic news. I’m so glad to see Europe stepping up to help Ukraine keep the lights on with 500 power generators. Ukrainians will thank them, and enjoy a toasty warm winter.

November 11, 2022 7:06 pm

No, I think his attitude is that, at least re DeSantis, I’m calling in my favor.

How fitting that db should applaud Trump cosplaying as Vito Corleone.

If DeSantis runs, he should expect a horse’s head in his bed.

November 11, 2022 7:07 pm

November 11, 2022 at 7:01 pm
This is really fantastic news. I’m so glad to see Europe stepping up to help Ukraine keep the lights on with 500 power generators. Ukrainians will thank them, and enjoy a toasty warm winter.

500 x 2 kW Hongda gennies. Ukraine will be a beacon of light from space.

Black Ball
Black Ball
November 11, 2022 7:12 pm

Nothing is sacred anymore Zulu

November 11, 2022 7:18 pm

Kari Lake lost the election to Stacey Abrams in Arizona

Late night ballot dumps to the rescue???

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x