US 2022 Mid-Terms Thread

The latest indication of national sentiment:

Wow. Over half polled strongly disapprove of Biden. This carries over into the generic ballot:

Let’s look at latest polls for individual races:

GA Senate: Walker (R) +3 (RCP average Walker +0.6)

AZ Senate: Masters (R) +1 v Kelly (RCP avg Kelly +0.6)

NV Senate: Laxalt (R) +2 v Cortez Mastro (RCP avg Laxalt +2.7)

WI Senate: Johnson (R) +6 v Barnes (RCP avg Johnson +3.3)

OH Senate: Vance (R) +10 v Ryan (RCP average Vance +8)

NH Senate: Hassan (D) +3 v Bolduc (RCP avg Hassan +1.4)

PA Senate: Oz (R) +2.2 v Fetterman (RCP avg Oz +0.1)

Here is my prediction. In the Senate, like Gingrich, I think we are looking at a 53-55 R majority. In the House, I think we can expect something in the low 240s. Surprises in the Senate, I think, may include pick-ups in the NH and NV. I think Walker will win the GA Senate convincingly, less so Masters but he is a very good candidate and future of the party so I hope to see him get through and pick-up the Senate seat. Lake’s strong run for AZ Gov and the generic support for R should lift him over the line.

Time will reveal all.


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November 10, 2022 8:04 am

So much you lotting from the usual suspects.
So little reality.

November 10, 2022 8:06 am

It worked.
Just enough left wing loss to keep retards convinced their electoral system is working as it should while their main threats are taken out.
It would look too obvious to take Desantis out and he would have been on to the corruption in his state’s electoral system as he was already in power there.
Too hard to get him.
I’m again just aghast at the almost insane desire to believe in the electoral process against all evidence and with history and and understanding of technical capabilities to cheat overwhelmingly obvious.

November 10, 2022 8:07 am

No wonder some of you got jabbed when you didn’t have to.

November 10, 2022 8:10 am

And here we have the hysterical , propaganda swallowing head Nazi Frau notaclue talking about reality.

The hypocrisy born from zero self reflection.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
November 10, 2022 8:12 am

Arizona is a mystery to me.
Have you checked out the climate in Phoenix? They have on average 111 days at 38 degrees.
The heat gets to them and madness is always the liberals best bet.

November 10, 2022 8:15 am

The rich seem to think they have the moral high ground.

November 10, 2022 8:17 am

What an amazing place the USA is .. where millions of “normal” folk have vast wealth with very few poor around .. I mean, it’s gotta be the only reason why sooo many voted for higher everything! .. when it comes down to everyday living .. gas, up, food up, homeless up, unemployment up yet they rushed out and voted for more of the same .. USA glad it’s them that luvs it .. LOL!

November 10, 2022 8:18 am

There appears to be a residual distaste for Trump (even though he was not on the ballot) that affected either the number, or the intentions of Republican voters. He was stupid to sling off at DeSantis, and may well have cost Kari Lake the Governorship of Arizona, that I thought she should have won in a canter. Much as I believed Trump was an effective President, maybe it’s time he moved on. In fact, the upper echelons of both parties need to be moved on.

November 10, 2022 8:46 am

Seek refuge in the loving embrace of denialism, Cats! Reality too difficult for you? Just ignore it and devise your very own internal fantasy life, where you are always morally superior and everyone else is a figment of your fertile imagination.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 10, 2022 8:49 am


Cats can never be wrong

You are a Cat, and also the King of Wrongology.

November 10, 2022 8:49 am

Pennsylvanians vote for more crime, inflation, and children being taught men can have babies

Based on Tuesday’s election results in Pennsylvania, most of the state likes record-breaking crime and inflation. They also desire to have their children taught that men can be women, get pregnant, and have babies. That is what was on the ballot Tuesday night, and that is what ultimately won. For Republicans, it’s indeed a hard pill to swallow.

Sure, skeptics may disagree and blame the candidate’s quality or former President Donald Trump. However, the problems go deeper than that. There’s an ideological problem that Republicans have to acknowledge in the country, and it surrounds the fact that about half of the population doesn’t identify with conservatism or Republicanism. This is an even harder pill to swallow.

Whatever criticisms one might have about Oz, he was leaps and bounds better than Fetterman. However, I am saying that from a conservative Republican perspective. I am against radical gender ideology. I disagree with left-wing criminal justice reforms that have put criminals on the street and contributed to record-breaking homicide rates. Based on last night’s election results, the majority don’t agree with my viewpoint.

Crime was supposed to be one major issue affecting voters in this election. Yet, if a voter truly valued protecting people from criminals, and if crime was indeed the issue that many polls showed it was, then Fetterman wouldn’t have received as many votes as he did. This reflects a major problem for Republicans with voters.

There are other issues as well.

Looking at a map of the Pennsylvania Senate election, one can see that Fetterman’s victory was carried by the voters from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Allentown, and Erie. The rest of the state was predominantly for Oz. This is yet more evidence of the vast cultural divide in the state, indicative of the division across the country.

With nearly half the voters supporting such progressive platforms, it will be tough for Republicans to win future elections in Pennsylvania and throughout the country. It’s hard to compete in a reality in which so many people believe such nonsensical things. And that is true whether the candidate is Dr. Oz or any other candidate.

November 10, 2022 8:54 am

Why Did the Huge Red Wave Fail To Materialize? Roger Kimball, The Spectator

How wrong can you be? About as wrong as I was about the character of the midterm elections. I thought there would be a red wave, fueled in part by high-octane orange fuel. Clearly I was wrong.

It is no consolation to know that I was hardly alone in my assumptions. Nor is it much consolation to hear from Donald Trump that it was a “GREAT EVENING” because there were “174 wins and nine losses.”

I didn’t check his math, but even if accurate it is obvious that there was no red wave. Several of his high-profile candidates lost, most conspicuously Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania. The fact that he lost to a man who is ostentatiously a mental incompetent added insult to injury. The most that John Fetterman will be able to do is show up to the Senate in his hoodie and vote “yea” or “nay” on the orders of his handlers.

A friend suggests that perhaps the Democratic strategy is to let Fetterman assume office and then have him resign, leaving Josh Shapiro, who won the gubernatorial race handily against Trump-endorsed Doug Mastriano, appoint a mentally competent successor. Rumors suggest that Scranton mayor Paige Cognetti is the likely replacement. That scenario appeals to the Machiavellian in me, but who knows if it is in the offing.

What does it all mean? One thing is that many widely held assumptions about the course of elections are wrong or at least inoperative in the current fraught environment.

I had assumed that with the president underwater, inflation raging, interest rates rises, thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants pouring over our southern border and crime spiking that Republicans would have the advantage. How could it be otherwise?

Some critics say that Trump was the issue, that the Democrats made “Trump is on the ballot” their war cry. They did do that, and of course they also shouted “abortion” every chance they got. But both issues had to cut both ways. Trump has a very extensive base and the meme that “Trump is on the ballot” had to have helped as well as hindered. As for abortion, while some candidates — Tim Michels, for example — made it a centerpiece of their campaign, most did not and, besides, late-term abortion is no longer a winning battle cry for Democrats, if it ever was.

How then to explain what happened? I frankly do not know.

Robert Bork, quoting Justice Antonin Scalia, titled one of his books A Country I Do Not Recognize. Perhaps that is a starting point. Perhaps Americans no longer care about prosperity, border integrity, physical safety or nurturing traditional bourgeois virtues. Perhaps they have signed up en masse for the woke agenda of political correctness and socialist conformity. I do not know.

Ron Elk
Ron Elk
November 10, 2022 8:57 am

Kari Lake still looks good to win the Governor race in Arizona, I would have thought, I haven’t seen anything that seems to change that so far this morning. You can see how powerful a tool it is to be able to slow the process down though and torture everyone for days and days. It’s just a comically corrupt system at this point.

November 10, 2022 9:00 am

What we need is more senility, brain damage and dead people in government in the west.

That will keep Putin in check, surely.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 10, 2022 9:01 am

Very happy to be slowly heading back to Florida now, where all’s right with the world there.

Disappointing indications so far but results have yet to be settled; prognostications are too early so far.
The US is a very wealthy country. Sadly, there is a lot of ruin in it before the hurts really start to sting.
De Santis has led the way to show how it can be saved, and that is the hope – but so many are very information poor, they are uninvolved in politics, although their patriotism is strong. There is also a lot of poverty in the South still – some of the rural housing is shacklike, especially for the black population.

Anchor What
Anchor What
November 10, 2022 9:01 am

Trump might need to move on, but if so, so should McConnell.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 10, 2022 9:02 am

November 10, 2022 at 8:46 am

Reality too difficult for you? Just ignore it and devise your very own internal fantasy life, where you are always morally superior and everyone else is a figment of your fertile imagination


Your lack of self awareness is such that you cannot realise that this is a good description of the fascist left everywhere in the Anglophone west.

Anchor What
Anchor What
November 10, 2022 9:03 am

so many are very information poor, they are uninvolved in politics, although their patriotism is strong.
If they are information poor it would be due to the overwhelming fake news MSM.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 10, 2022 9:22 am

Roger Kimball

Robert Bork, quoting Justice Antonin Scalia, titled one of his books A Country I Do Not Recognize. Perhaps that is a starting point. Perhaps Americans no longer care about prosperity, border integrity, physical safety or nurturing traditional bourgeois virtues. Perhaps they have signed up en masse for the woke agenda of political correctness and socialist conformity.

Read the comment above, that the brain dead one was essentially elected by four cities in PA. The big divide is between big cities dominated by the uber rich, upper middle class college graduates, and welfare recipients on the one hand, and the rural and small town/small city working class on the other. That is not going to change.

The challenge is to find a solution that allows those groups to live together. This is not made easier by the intellectual arrogance of the first group, nor by their fascist urge to control The Lives of Others.

One solution is more states. Divide existing states into city and regional states, let the two groups rule themselves. Then fight in the Supreme Court for the 10th Amendment, to strictly limit federal power.

Cassie of Sydney
November 10, 2022 9:33 am

Boambee Johnsays:
November 10, 2022 at 9:22 am”

Excellent comment.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 10, 2022 9:41 am

American News Nov 9, 2022

Pennsylvania state representative Tony DeLuca has been reelected despite his death last month, the Pittsburgh Post Gazette reports.

DeLucs’s death from lymphoma at the age of 85 occurred too late for changes to be made to the election ballots, or the candidate running for the district. His only challenger was Green Party candidate Zarah Livingston, over whom he had a sizable lead throughout the election. He won the seat with more than 85% of the vote.

DeLuca was the longest-serving member of the state House of Representatives, having served for 39 years. The Pennsylvania House Democrats sent out a tweet of congratulations on Tuesday evening. […]

The real question now is how many dead people voted for a dead guy.

November 10, 2022 9:41 am

One Very Sweet Historic Victory Over DCCC Chair Sean Patrick Maloney

During a night when we were, I think it is safe to say, hoping to take down more Democrats, there was one takedown that has to be especially sweet.

That’s the race in New York where the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chair Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) just lost to Mike Lawler. Maloney just conceded.

It was a historical loss — Maloney became the first Democrat Committee chair to lose in four decades, since 1980 when Jim Corman lost and the first Committee chair of either party since 1992. when NRCC Chair Guy Vander Jagt lost his primary in Michigan.

Anchor What
Anchor What
November 10, 2022 9:43 am

From a comment under Thomas Lifson’s article at American Thinker:

Awfully hard to believe the tsunami was isolated to one state. Just as hard to believe the coincidence of the updated voting systems put in place after 2000. Kinda like the coincidences of all the incredibly close races always coming up with just enough blue votes at 3AM.

Davey Boy
Davey Boy
November 10, 2022 9:55 am

the midterms pretty much “met expectations”

November 10, 2022 10:08 am

Two more years for inflation to gallop in the US.
Despite what the doomsayers say, and I have no doubt there are pockets of serious corruption in the US’s sometimes bizarre electoral system, sometimes Republicans do win.

November 10, 2022 10:25 am

Awfully hard to believe the tsunami was isolated to one state

And you lot conclude, of course, that Florida was righteous and it was the rest of the country that was rigged. LOL.

November 10, 2022 10:42 am

The term “The Big Guy” resonates with me. Mainly with lackeys running around the ring placing bets. If you pay attention, bees always return to their hive.

I watched a dozen people line up on a track and all place exactly $1000 bets on the same horse.
Not suspicious at all, eh?
Everywhere at all times in all things there is always corruption.
The question is never: “Is this thing corrupt”? but: “Have we managed to keep corruption down to a level where this thing still functions”?

November 10, 2022 10:54 am

And you lot conclude, of course, that Florida was righteous and it was the rest of the country that was rigged. LOL.

Explain why that’s not possible. Explain why you have full confidence in Philly?


November 10, 2022 11:21 am

And explain how Maricopa machines ended ended up with the wrong ink but it’s only in that county as all others in Arizona are fine?

November 10, 2022 11:21 am

Explain why that’s not possible. Explain why you have full confidence in Philly?

All things are possible, JC. It is possible that you could go a year without causing a car accident.

Absent credible and specific accusations, bleating about cheating is a non sequitur.

November 10, 2022 11:22 am

There’s no audit trail in the US election system that can be relied upon, you obese idiot.

November 10, 2022 11:24 am

And explain how Maricopa machines ended ended up with the wrong ink but it’s only in that county as all others in Arizona are fine?

Do you realise, JC, that Maricopa county was blue by a couple of points last cycle, thus if you’re alleging fraud then logically it would be the Republicans who ratfscked it?

Please try to keep your conspiracy theories at least nominally plausible.

November 10, 2022 11:34 am

Do you realise, JC, that Maricopa county was blue by a couple of points last cycle, thus if you’re alleging fraud then logically it would be the Republicans who ratfscked it?


November 10, 2022 11:35 am

Do you realise, JC, that Maricopa county was blue by a couple of points last cycle, thus if you’re alleging fraud then logically it would be the Republicans who ratfscked it?

Please try to keep your conspiracy theories at least nominally plausible.

Okay, so the exact same problematic county in 2020 had another issue this time around. Also, why would the GOP be the ones cheating? Why wouldn’t isn’t it possible the communist tried to cheat again?

November 10, 2022 11:48 am

How then to explain what happened? I frankly do not know.

really. how about mass brainwashing of genZ and relentless gaslighting by media and a corruption as far as the eye can see. how about that

November 10, 2022 11:49 am

And you lot conclude, of course, that Florida was righteous and it was the rest of the country that was rigged.

Florida is what the result looks like when all demonrat avenues for cheating are closed off.

75% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction, so they voted to keep things pretty much as they are…..

November 10, 2022 11:51 am

Also, why would the GOP be the ones cheating? Why wouldn’t isn’t it possible the communist tried to cheat again?

Why would Democrats sabotage voting in Maricopa county when they won it last time? You are making zero sense, old man.

November 10, 2022 12:06 pm

All things are possible

non sequitur


Boambee John
Boambee John
November 10, 2022 12:08 pm


You are either incredibly naive, or think that everyone else here is stupid.

Maricopa County DemonRats would boost the number of DemonRat votes to affect the state-wide elections for the governor and senator.

Try to make your incessant gaslighting at least vaguely realistic.

November 10, 2022 12:13 pm

Why would Democrats sabotage voting in Maricopa county when they won it last time? You are making zero sense, old man.

They “won” it last time by cheating.

November 10, 2022 12:19 pm

They “won” it last time by cheating.

Wow, the conspiracy is more elaborate than I thought. Instead of cheating one way that no one has ever proved and for which there is no evidence, now they’re cheating a totally different way with no evidence to prove it either!

William of Ockham reckons you’re a moron.

November 10, 2022 12:24 pm

and for which there is no evidence,


November 10, 2022 12:41 pm

Roger Franklin’s US mid-term election blog.

November 10, 2022 12:44 pm

Putin pulls out of Kherson city after weeks of holding out with his best troops there! Threw everything at the place hoping to stall till after the election.

November 10, 2022 1:24 pm

Let them eat cake.

And then hold onto your seats for Desantis in 24.

Interesting that they were chanting at his party “two more years” (instead of “four more years….”)

November 10, 2022 1:27 pm

And sorry for my ignorance but is a “run off” vote in Georgia just a revote or do they have some sort of preferential deal going?

(I’m off to a meeting but will check in later if some Cat is good enough to comment!!!)

November 10, 2022 1:36 pm

Dead Demonrat wins in Pennsylvania. No kidding, this is for real.

Dead Democrat Wins Re-Election in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania state representative Tony DeLuca has been re-elected despite his death last month, the Pittsburgh Post Gazette reports.

DeLucs’s death from lymphoma at the age of 85 occurred too late for changes to be made to the election ballots, or the candidate running for the district. His only challenger was Green Party candidate Zarah Livingston, over whom he had a sizable lead throughout the election. He won the seat with more than 85% of the vote.

DeLuca was the longest-serving member of the state House of Representatives, having served for 39 years. The Pennsylvania House Democrats sent out a tweet of congratulations on Tuesday evening.

November 10, 2022 1:43 pm


All this Trump v. DeSantis talk is juicy, but under the hood, there’s a far more pressing issue: Democrats fortified their COVID mass mail-in-voting apparatus. It’s a vote-harvesting juggernaut that will continue to produce competitive results no matter the GOP nominee.

and yep

Many factors went into last night. VBM falls short of explaining it all, but it’s crucial to understand VBM has changed the game in many ways. 2020 wasn’t a one-off. There is now a well-established Democrat machine that will harvest hordes of votes during “Election Month.”

November 10, 2022 1:46 pm

It’s true.

Pennsylvania voted for a dead guy, a stroke victim, and dude who sues nuns.

November 10, 2022 2:22 pm

Jack Posobiec ??
BREAKING: Kari Lake torches Maricopa County, unreliable voting machines

November 10, 2022 3:21 pm

struth says:

You still here?
Shouldn’t you be practicing “Rawhide” for your next packed out concert of 20 cowboys at Upper Bumfuckistan pub – that 16 footer won’t (re)buy itself you know, and how will you avoid the next mandate if you don’t have any assets to sell?
Or were you just venting at us because no-one who sees you IRL takes you seriously and you wanted to get some reaction?
Or maybe just hanging with the plebs trying to feel superior (not that you need an increase in hubris or self-assessed worth – you’re already full of that too).

Ah well, easy enough to scroll past I guess…

November 10, 2022 3:29 pm

“Fetterwoman is now a US Senator.

The Democrats are likely to get Donald Duck elected next.”

Well, this one sure looks and acts like Wile E. Coyote, so probably more like Daffy Duck next – it’s not hard to picture him doing the “Wabbit season! Duck season!” thing.
Much like Joe Biden, they “just need his corporeal form” – obviously.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 10, 2022 3:42 pm

Has m0nty-fa yet worked out that in state wide contests such as those for governor and senator, rorting the largest county to build up DemonRat state wide totals is well worth doing?

November 10, 2022 3:46 pm

“And sorry for my ignorance but is a “run off” vote in Georgia just a revote or do they have some sort of preferential deal going?”

In that state, you don’t just need to win, you need to get more than 50% of the vote.
So if no-one gets more than 50% (eg 48.2% D, 48.3% R, and the rest with independents/libertarians) then they have a “run-off” between the two top performers.

Not sure why, but them’s the rules…

November 10, 2022 4:01 pm

“Has m0nty-fa yet worked out that in state wide contests such as those for governor and senator, rorting the largest county to build up DemonRat state wide totals is well worth doing?”

Or even that when trying to win the presidency, you only need a few thousand votes in swing states to make the difference – Trump won by about 70 odd thousand in that measure, while Biden won by about 40 odd thousand in that measure. Why do you think it’s all “no evidence of WIDESPREAD voter fraud”? ‘Cause it’s not widespread, it’s very targeted to exactly where it is needed. Evidence? It was the swing states that had “a rest” overnight in 2020, and it’s the same states (minus Florida, which has some very good election integrity laws) that are “slow” this time.
In short, the “bigger” the area (state vs house district) the easier it is to target just a small amount of “fudging” in your favor. Universal mail-in voting (which is a D thing) is also ripe for fraud – there are many reports of people turning up to vote, only to be told “You already voted”.

November 10, 2022 4:04 pm

Vote dump update from 538:

We just got a new batch of ballots from Clark County, Nevada — about 14,000 worth — and they were good for Democrats. Cortez Masto cut her deficit by about 6,000 votes, and Sisolak cut his by about 4,000. As far as we know, there are about 70,000 ballots left to count in Clark County, and at that rate, Cortez Masto would be able to overtake Laxalt statewide. But that’s a big if.

Margin to Laxalt is now 20,000, so if the trend from that dump continues then CCM wins by 10,000. Many a slip twixt cup and lip, of course.

November 10, 2022 4:07 pm

You know, you look at Repubs in Florida, Virginia and Georgia. That’s the way the GOP ought to go. Youngkin won in a blue state (Virginia) and Kemp and DeSantis did really well in their respective states. It’s not that gloomy for 24 with the right candidate.

The Florida result was enhanced by all the NYer’s who fled there.

To win the WH the GOP has to engineer the following;
1) Trump has to gracefully step aside now. He alone is the biggest obstacle to assuring a GOP victory. I love the guy and admire his accomplishments but he stands in between victory and runner up. He should also gracefully accept the 2020 election result and remove that turd from the table.
2)Concentrate on the family issues- education of kids and keeping them out of the hands of deviants in the education system, spiraling cost of living (inflation), energy security, the recession and the economy (1Q 23) , out of control immigration, crime gone crazy, beefing up US defence particularly Grey Zone Warfare.
3) Repeat 2, over and over. And for good measure over and over again. Forget all the bullshit about 2020, the J6 Capital thing, forget about Trumps Russia rubbish, Roe etc – all of it doesn’t matter to families, it’s history – working families want it to be about THEM.

If they can do that as well as get their ground game improved they have a shot. No matter what it will be very close so they MUST be committed and consistent.

Otherwise forget it. The GOP can’t change any damn thing until they get the WH.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 10, 2022 4:09 pm

. As for abortion, while some candidates — Tim Michels, for example — made it a centerpiece of their campaign, most did not
Not the centerpiece, maybe, but it cost them.
and, besides, late-term abortion is no longer a winning battle cry for Democrats, if it ever was.

How then to explain what happened? I frankly do not know.
I’ll hep ya:

Hershel Walker, has no issues about abortion for women he’s impregnated, just for everyone that he hasn’t impregnated yet.
Mehmet Oz, doesn’t want any body [other than Hershel Walker] to be able to access abortion.
RNC treating people like idiots.
Example: Hey, here’s Hershel Walker, and, can you believe it, he’s a Black Republican.
[poorly hidden messages]:
1. Hey, dumb blacks, vote for the party of Lincoln.
2. Hey, dumb Whites, here’s a guy on a moral par with OJ Simpson, but vote for him anyway.

November 10, 2022 4:35 pm

1) Trump has to gracefully step aside now

Cats for the last seven years: Haha Trump is escalating every time he gets challenged, what a legend, he just keeps going like the Energizer Bunny, I will stan him for life, woot!!

Cats today: nah Don you can stop escalating now, time to down tools

Somehow I don’t think Trump will go quietly into that good night.

November 10, 2022 4:53 pm

Cats today: nah Don you can stop escalating now, time to down tools


Keep gleefully wallowing in that leftist cess pool of yours. Where the deviants and freaks enjoy their putrification of everything decent and worthwhile to sensible people. With supporters as stupid as you who elect dead people. And encourage shitting on public sidewalks, enabling the grooming of kids by creepy trans freaks , welcome child traffickers and drug cartel thugs at the borders of their country, genocide the elderly in their old age homes.

Readers and regs here know you fully support all that rotten pile of shit listed above, and more. Because Biden and the left generally appeal to brain dead nit wits like you. You’re too dull to see they are preying on you. They fullfill your need to make all those horrors become somehow “normal” for society’s sad useless numpties like you.

Frankly, you’re just sick. But, thriving in your sick leftard world.

Cassie of Sydney
November 10, 2022 4:56 pm

November 10, 2022 at 4:53 pm”

Well said.

November 10, 2022 5:00 pm

Cheers Cassie.

November 10, 2022 5:06 pm

Your last statement regarding my good self would be seen as a cry for help by any psychologist worth their salt.
Teenage girl grizzles are…er…like…gay.

November 10, 2022 5:13 pm

Nice tantrum Makka, but you’re still not getting an ice cream.

November 10, 2022 5:26 pm

I’m leaving the post-mortem for next week but listening to Baris this morning on Charlie Kirk Show suggests its premature to move on from Trump.

moving on from Trump is exactly what the marxists want

November 10, 2022 5:33 pm

Pennsylvania state representative Tony DeLuca has been re-elected despite his death last month, the Pittsburgh Post Gazette reports.

the weekend at biden’s cast is expanding. no doubt he will play a prominent role in the nihilist globalist agenda. let’s face it deluca is a pure nihilist now.

Leon L.
Leon L.
November 10, 2022 5:35 pm

Democracy is dead.

The results from yesterday in the USA are just missing the “once upon a time” introduction.
There certainly is going to be no “they lived happily ever after.”
Demonrat one party rule with no possibility of losing power until the people no longer go along with the charade.

Elections will never see a popular result, because that would have happened yesterday with fair elections.
Anyone saying it will be different in the future hasn’t worked out the modus operandi from yesterday.
Until the conservative side of politics adopts the same tactics, there is no way forward.

Things must get worse.
It will not matter whoever the republicans put up as a presidential candidate.
I would note that Trump is really the only one addressing the criminal fraud of US elections in the republican movement.

It is not who you vote for, but who counts the votes.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 10, 2022 6:33 pm

moving on from Trump is exactly what the marxists want

You’re the marxist that doesn’t want Trump to go, Zippy?

November 10, 2022 6:49 pm

mOron, you’re mistaken. No surprise there. That was a character analysis. I hope I didn’t leave anything out.

November 10, 2022 6:51 pm

I think you will find the reason that Desantis won so handily in Florida is that he cleaned up the voting system and the voting rolls.

There was a “result that day”, as there should be. If every state in America followed his lead, most of the country would be solid red. Winning the legislatures is key, and it should be the Republicans top priority.

What’s happening in Arizona is total bullshit. Without fair elections, there can be no chance of change.

November 10, 2022 7:03 pm


Should John “Hello, goodnight everyone.” Fetterwoman run for POTUS?

In theory he could be Senate President pro tempore.

Which is in the line of succession.

November 10, 2022 7:09 pm

Nah Dot, there is already a Democrat President.

Should Trump install Lauren Boebert as his VP pick? She might be at a loose end pretty soon.

November 10, 2022 9:44 pm

Conclusions from the still undecided but mostly done 2022 US midterm elections.

– The Narrative from practically everyone, from pollsters to pundits, from quacks to quants, was that the Republicans were going to dominate due to short-term economic factors like inflation. This was false. The real narrative should have been drawn not from so-called “fundamentals”, but trends in recent by-elections where abortion was not necessarily the most important issue but did turn out to be decisive to the end result.

– Every abortion-related ballot measure was decided in favour of women’s rights. No doubt Democrats are looking at a lot more of those to juice turnout in 2024 if the issue is still live. Marijuana ballot measures had a more mixed set of results.

– Unmarried women saved the Democrats from what otherwise would have been a real red wave. It is perhaps too simplistic to put that down just to Roe, because there are a lot of Trumpy reasons why young people and women in particular would vote Democrat. The crosstabs don’t lie on that though.

– Much-mooted Black and Hispanic shifts to the Republicans largely didn’t happen, apart from Cuban Americans in Florida. Everyone can probably forget about that now.

– Florida was a big win for the Republicans and, while it has been largely unreported, Texas was also as rock solid GOP as ever despite recent murmurings about demographic shifts. The Democrats threw a lot of stupid money at races they got whooped in in those states. Maybe they will learn a lesson, maybe not. 50-state strategies belong in the Howard Dean era.

– Kemp and Raffensberger were returned comfortably, underlining that strong and ongoing defiance of Trump is not actually career-ending in the GOP. Many 2020 denialists were elected in safer seats, but a lot lost in closer ones. One suspects that Trumpist denialism is going to be a cultural marker going forward but nothing much will happen about it, a bit like how everyone has gotten on with life post Obergefell and forgotten about it.

– There were no scandals over 4am MASSIVE VOTE DUMPS. Such dumps did occur on a small scale in places like NV, GA and AZ, and they may end up being crucial to the results there, but for some reason the right-wing media hasn’t been all over them like a cheap suit like they were last time. In fact the media has been in a state of shock, just about. Tucker Carlson looked like he was on quaaludes in his first post-election opener, starting with a whine about how long AZ is taking to count its votes but not alleging any tally-changing shenanigans. Despite a raft of 2020 denialists gaining office, there was almost no 2022 denialism spoken about in media of any type today. Where are the much-ballyhooed army of GOP lawyers going on Newsmax and OANN screaming about irregularities? Very low energy by the wingnut wurlitzer. Do they need to be turned off and on again?

– Trump remains unrepentant, and indeed he is already escalating the turf war with DeSantis. If there’s one thing he knows how to do, it is play the Republican Party like a fiddle. The mournful op-eds about how the party all need to move on to the next guy are going to be short-lived, because Trump ain’t done by a long way. He still calls the shots… he may have missed the target this time but he owns the gun, the ammo and the shooting range.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 10, 2022 10:14 pm


Have you yet worked out why the DemonRats would wish to rort places like Maricopa County, or do you remain terminally stupid?

November 10, 2022 10:23 pm

Have an original thought, BJ. Just one. All I ask.

November 10, 2022 11:11 pm

Monty, funny you haven’t mentioned NC. R did very well there.

Quite. Also forgot to mention the NY House pickups, from which the conclusion can be drawn that all state courts should allow gerrymandering if it’s not going to be banned.

Democrats got a sweep in MI and took back multiple governorships, so there’s that.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 11, 2022 7:29 am


Confirmed, you are indeed terminally stupid, and you are also too cowardly to admit your error.

November 11, 2022 8:19 am

Should Trump install Lauren Boebert as his VP pick?

Possibly a very good idea monty.

Well done.

November 11, 2022 8:49 am

Laxalt lead down to 16,000. I would expect NV to be a Democrat hold along with AZ, bringing them to 50 votes with GA to come. Amazing result.

November 11, 2022 8:57 am

Liberal Hivemind:

We have the Data

November 11, 2022 9:23 am

Rich Baris “The People’s Pundit @Peoples_Pundit

Folks, Maricopa@intends to drop the DEM friendly late arrivers and then close up shop for the remainder.

They are holding batches back that are extremely Republican and selectively drops g pro-DEM vote.

Take the weekend off. If they sleep on a holiday, we know nothing.

Winston Smith
November 11, 2022 11:11 am


And I didn’t realise how much Tulsi excites you; your crotchless panties are literally pulsating.

Monty recognises a fellow traveller.
One of the rare occasions he will be judged right.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 11, 2022 11:56 am

Speakers of the Floridian dialect of American required for a transcription task.

At 5 mins into this video of DeSantis’ victory speech, just after he has heaped praise on his wife, the crowd begins chanting something.
Can anybody tell me what they are chanting?

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 11, 2022 12:01 pm

Did I see some statistical data suggesting that the Republicans won the popular vote by around 6 million votes? By the standards of the leftards, clearly the DemonRats were resoundingly defeated, and thus illegitimate.

November 11, 2022 1:03 pm

Interesting analysis in the Speccie re the mid-terms:

The case of the missing red wave
Andrew L. Urban

What follows is conjecture, not evidence. But there is no way anyone can dispute it. So here goes.

The US midterms this year throw into sharp relief the essential disconnect between polling and voting, where voting is not compulsory and polling is random. The respondents to polls are not the same people who vote. It is even possible that not a single poll responder has voted. Had those who thought the country was going in the wrong direction when answering pollsters’ questions been required to register their matching vote at the same time, the result would certainly have been different.

When 75 per cent of poll respondents say America is going in the wrong direction and the votes that are cast don’t show matching inclinations to change the driver, the only explanation can be, I argue, that the majority of the voters were not the majority of the polled. That mismatch is a key factor – but not the only one.

‘Getting the vote out’ is the American mantra in elections, precisely because voting is not compulsory. Of the myriad reasons why some voters decline to vote when the crunch comes, complacency is tops, cancelling out the top motivator, fear. Complacency can be generated by sheer laziness, but also by a belief that your vote won’t make any difference.

That complacency is fed by the hubbub of expectation; the accepted wisdom was that there would be a red wave to carry Republican candidates to Washington in greater numbers than their Democrat opponents. This had become the persuasive narrative, across the political and media spectrum.

It is not hard to imagine how that would, on the one hand, motivate Democrat-leaning voters and demotivate Republicans. The other factor feeding into this mood would be the hassle involved in voting, when the sheer volume of paperwork required is demotivating. These midterms involve not just electing a lone member of your local electorate – a choice between perhaps half a dozen candidates typical of Australian elections – but a gamut of other representative positions up and down the scale of elected offices.

In midterms, the race is on for the 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 33 or 34 of the 100 seats in the Senate. Also, 34 of the 50 states elect governors for four-year terms, (Vermont and New Hampshire elect governors for two-year terms). Also on the ballot are many mayors, other local public officials, and even citizen initiatives. There is a lot of voting to do. (Imagine our own senate election papers multiplied…) Presidential elections generate average voter turnout of 50 – 60 per cent, but midterms average about 40 per cent.

But which 40 per cent? Obviously not a homogeneous cohort. Arguably in this election, Democrats were motivated more by fear of loss of power than Republicans. That is my number one argument. Republicans were also motivated by fear – fear of staying on the wrong course and maintaining the policies that led the country there. But that fear was moderated, muted if you like, by the belief that so many voters will prefer Republican representatives (and many sure did, in Florida above all) that it can be left to them. Save all the hassle, whether doing the paperwork at the ballot box or via mail, it’s the same (perhaps a tad more with mail-ins…)

The upshot of my argument is that the polls weren’t necessarily wrong about a red wave; they simply sampled a cohort whose majority didn’t vote. Lucky for Biden …

Food for thought . . .

Leon L
Leon L
November 11, 2022 1:07 pm

From Sundance at The Treehouse.

Folks, relax. We’ve seen enough, and we’ve seen this exact playbook before.

The delayed “official results” from Colorado, Arizona and Nevada are all part of the organized narrative engineering from SoS offices, party officials (local and state) and corporate media. It’s transparent now.

Perhaps all is not lost.
The GOP club still needs a clean out.

November 11, 2022 1:13 pm

“Your last statement regarding my good self would be seen as a cry for help by any psychologist worth their salt.”

Perhaps it might – but if said psychologists are part of the WEF controlled medical-industrial conspiracy out to kill us all (your stand, not mine), then that assessment would hardly bolster your argument that I’m in need of help, would it? Indeed, one might even assume that such people might want me out of the way, as anathema to their designs. Heh – who knew you’d be on their side?

Then again, one wonders what your extended rants might cause the self same psychologist to glean about you – certainly wouldn’t be terribly flattering, I dare say.

November 11, 2022 1:16 pm

“Conclusions from the still undecided but mostly done 2022 US midterm elections.”

and what you may have missed:

November 11, 2022 1:44 pm

“…I didn’t realise how much Tulsi excites you…”

I have to say I’m more than a little surprised at the hate generated against that woman.
She is part-way through the process that spans everyone from Bill Maher (pointing out illiberal leftist talking points, but still stuck in the MSM bubble) through Tulsi (gone from the Dems, but still not far enough along to join the Repubs) to Dave Rubin (former centre-left Dem, now a rusted on Repub living in the free state of Florida after getting sick of trying to save LA from “ultra-left” idiots).

Such people are at least prepared to argue the points – they may not agree with the right on all things, but are prepared to accept that not everyone sees things the same way and that compromise is required to prevent a collapse into chaos, civil war, or a “peaceful divorce”. And they eventually (as Dave Rubin did) come to the conclusion that most on the right will actually listen to what they have to say, and some will even agree with them – at least to a point, and on some things.

If you are not convinced, I can only suggest you have a look at Joe Rogan’s podcast episode when she went on – some of the nice things about Rogan’s podcasts are that it is very long form (not “sound bites”), he lets people say what they want to without trying to put them “in a box”, and he normally has done some homework and has some insightful and appropriate questions for his guests. Because of that, they often reveal things about their nature that you just don’t get anywhere else (case in point: Zuckerberg on censorship)

The point is: Tulsi is basically anti-establishment and centre-left. She is not, IMO, the enemy, but rather someone prepared to be part of the back-and-forth that gets us what we all need – recognition that we have a point, and compromise to something we can all accept, if not rejoice about. If it had to be a Dem, I’d much rather Tulsi than Clinton (Mr or Mrs), Obama or Biden as US president, that’s for sure!

November 11, 2022 1:48 pm

That there is dead silence about Mitch McConnell’s and his fellow swamp rats’ guerilla campaign to sabotage these mid-terms for Trump and the RINOs are positioning themselves for the new leadership they expect to be bestowed upon them in their slim majorities, shows how successful McConnell’s strategy has been and that people aere too dumb to see through it.

John of Mel
John of Mel
November 11, 2022 2:14 pm

Can anybody tell me what they are chanting?

“Two more years”

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 11, 2022 4:47 pm

That there is dead silence about Mitch McConnell’s and his fellow swamp rats’ guerilla campaign to sabotage these mid-terms for Trump
Trump is the saboteur.
He doesn’t want any Repubs stealing his thunder for the Primaries in 15 months time.
Another reason he selected duds like Walker and Oz over candidates that likely woulda won.

November 11, 2022 6:30 pm

Trump is the saboteur.

Exactly what Marxist trolls are desperately trying to convince everybody. Indeed they fear him as a disruptor to the Democrat’s cosy arrangement with the RINOs. To such an extent that the odious Senator Murkowski and Liz Cheney have been exposed as Democrat sleepers masquerading as Republicans.

November 11, 2022 6:49 pm

US, China tiff over Xinjiang: Chinese solar energy cargo seized at US port | Latest News | WION
US has been one of the most vocal critics of China’s alleged oppression of its minorities and in a latest show of anger, Washington has blocked its major solar shipment. According to the federal customs, thousands of shipments of solar energy components have been sitting at the US port.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 11, 2022 7:04 pm

There’s two different chants being said and while the “two more years” is the first one, I was more mystified about the 2nd one that takes over at 5:09

Sounds like “She’s fair, she’s fair” but maybe my interpretation is biased by the FLoFl’s appearance.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 11, 2022 7:06 pm

Zipster you are spammingposting on the wrong thread. The open thread is thatta way.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 11, 2022 7:59 pm

Sarah Palin managed to lose Alaska’s only HoR seat, held by Republicans since Nixon’s days.

November 12, 2022 12:15 am

To sum up, first no polls can ever be trusted again. These were used this time to gaslight Republicans the blame could be laid at Trump’s feet. Two birds with one stone, depress Republicans and get rid of Trump.

Second, Republican leadership must go, they are now the enemy of their own party and voters. McConnell and McCarthy must be relieved of their positions and
Rona McDaniel sent back to the Romney family.

I consider McConnell a bigger threat to the US than even Biden and his idiot admin because he refuses to even object to the Dems’ cheating and using the FBI and other agencies against his own people.

This was probably the last time Americans voted believing that it mattered.

November 12, 2022 2:54 pm

Wall Street Journal just called it for Kelly.

Mark Kelly Wins in Arizona, Boosting Democrats’ Prospects of Keeping Senate Majority

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 13, 2022 8:09 am

Dave Wasserman
New House math:

Dem called/likely (212), incl. #AKAL, #CA09, #CA21, #CA47, #CA49, #CO08, #ME02, #OR06
GOP called/likely (217): incl. #CA03, #CA27, #CA45, #CO03, #NY22, #OR05
Toss Ups (6): #AZ01, #AZ06, #CA13, #CA22, #CA41, #WA03

Dems need to run the table on Toss Ups for 218.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 13, 2022 11:45 am

AZ Gov
The official gap between Lake and Kelly used to be 1.3%, then it was 1.5%, now it is 1.7%.
If there’s any Republican-dense counties still out there, they are being held back and hidden pretty well.
Gap widening, not narrowing in the manner predicted last week.

Votes in: Estimated 90%
Votes counted: 2,192,981

My math says Lake needs to average at least 58% of the uncounted votes to win.

November 13, 2022 12:21 pm

My math says Lake needs to average at least 58% of the uncounted votes to win.

They can’t let Lake win because she can clean up the fraud and cheating in time for 24

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 13, 2022 5:31 pm

Extra 3% counted and the gap narrowed to 1.5%!
But the share Lake needs of the remaining votes in order to overtake Hobbs before they run of out ballots is now 60%.
This indicates Lake has been getting more than 50% but less than 58% of the votes counted during the last day.
Her win rate is exactly enough to make Lake fall short by a handful of votes at the end. WhAt BaD LuCk.

Less of a bag-grab and more of a laser-guided precision strike.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 14, 2022 12:36 pm

Big ballot drop in AZ Gov race during the last hour, now claiming 98% of votes have been counted.
The gap narrowed, but the trend is not enough to put Lake ahead.
Lake has been winning less than 55% of recent ballot batches, but now would need 77.3% of remaining votes to overtake Hobbs, which is probably impossible.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 15, 2022 4:34 pm

Lake got drained.
Yesterday the counting finished at 98% of ballots counted.
Overnight another 117,000 votes were added but the % of ballots counted has remained at 98%. Previously a 100,000 ballot drop increased the % by 4pcpts.

Working backwards from the vote totals and reported percent counted, the estimated total ballots to count was until yesterday hovering between 2,436,000 and 2,456,000.
The vote total is now 110,000 higher than the highest previous ballot estimate.

Votes that did not come from ballots.
Heh, howabout that, huh?

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x