Open Thread – Tue 22 Nov 2022

Canvassing for Votes, William Hogarth, 1755

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November 23, 2022 7:14 am

All the triumphs of civilisation are produced by a tiny minority.

This morning, in between fixing a few bundles of Dendrobium kingiunum to some trees and other domestic mooching around, I was reading up on Norman Selfe. I stumbled across the name after seeing a picture of one of his houses – I had done some major work there many years ago.

What a guy! And…he went head to head with the government of the day (and Sydney University) over technical education. Ahead of his times in so many ways. Worth a look to see how far we have fallen as innovators and hard workers.

November 23, 2022 7:17 am

Clean-up from Halloween festivities? Pulled out of a skip and saved for next year?


It is NYC after all.

Cassie of Sydney
November 23, 2022 7:17 am

“The generation that’s going to be voting within the next 5 years aren’t going to be taking any of this woke or big government shit.”

I find the younger generation completely enthralled by this woke shit.

November 23, 2022 7:18 am

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
November 22, 2022 at 11:46 pm
Bullseye! by Jacinta Price.

The Leak cartoon of her phone call with Fitzsimian will never grow old.

Unpaywalled version:

November 23, 2022 7:21 am

Cassie of Sydneysays:
November 23, 2022 at 7:17 am
“The generation that’s going to be voting within the next 5 years aren’t going to be taking any of this woke or big government shit.”

I find the younger generation completely enthralled by this woke shit.

Kids used to rebel against the adults. What has happened? Brainwashing techniques are better nowadays?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 23, 2022 7:22 am

The electrification thing isn’t going well.

Costs of Wind and Solar Energy Are Skyrocketing | Power Line (22 Nov)

“The average cost of electricity generated by wind turbines has almost doubled in three years, and yet governments continue their irrational policies that can only drive the cost of power higher.”

Report: Used Electric Vehicles ‘Too Expensive’ Compared to Diesel, Petrol Alternatives (22 Nov)

“The average sticker price for an EV in the U.S. in May was up 22 percent from a year ago, to about $54,000, according to research from data and analytics firm J.D. Power, cited by the Wall Street Journal. The average price for an internal-combustion vehicle rose 14 percent over the same period to close on $44,400.”

Government to Beg Public to Turn Down Heating as Possible Blackouts Loom (22 Nov)

“UK government officials are set to urge the general public to turn down their heating as fears over possible winter blackouts loom. Britons are to be asked by their government to turn down their heating before Christmas in a bid to save energy, reporting on Monday morning has claimed.”

So Bowen claiming that renewable electricity is the cheapest is wrong. In fact it is more expensive than any other in overall grid terms. Especially as now we’re at the point where the energy companies are turning off people’s solar panels remotely during the day. That make the cost of production even worse since the original capital cost is being paid back by less production.

November 23, 2022 7:26 am

Cassie of Sydney says:
November 23, 2022 at 7:17 am

“The generation that’s going to be voting within the next 5 years aren’t going to be taking any of this woke or big government shit.”

I find the younger generation completely enthralled by this woke shit.

I know someone who was a candidate in what is now a Teal seat. This person reckons it was the young and the parents – particularly the mothers being hen-pecked by their kids to vote for the Teal because of gerbil warming. I suspect there’s a whole bunch of male and female Gretas in these idyllic burbs scared to death the climate will kill them. These enclaves hold close to the richest people in the world outside of a few other places.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
November 23, 2022 7:28 am

The media reports that the hundred undecided voters narrowly awarded the debate to TaliDan.
Considering that undecided voters are usually heavily peppered with lying leftists it’s not good news for the dictator.
Guy‘s blandness may be appealing to an electorate sick of Andrew’s precipitous actions.

November 23, 2022 7:31 am

Wonder how accurate those polls are, given how the Andrews government treated protests last year.

I’m cautiously optimistic.

The four protests lending up to the Pandemic Bill vote saw them increase dramatically in numbers, up to a point where there were undoubtedly several hundred thousand on the street. My first was not that large, but gee, it gathered pace quickly every week.

As I said yesterday, courage is contagious. People saw others doing it, and they stepped up accordingly. It got momentum, and it grew. Dan is getting cruelled by the average Joe on social media. The mainstream media (windsocks) are doing likewise. The smell of Dan’s filthy shit is blowing under everyone’s nose, and the dissent is growing. It has momentum.

Is that momentum going to grow enough before Saturday, and is it going to send the vote in the right direction? As I said, I’m cautiously optimistic. If all the kooks are confined to a couple of inner city, teal electorates, we might have a chance.

November 23, 2022 7:36 am


Really tough to beat them I think.

88 seats total
55 Liars
3 Greenscum

21 Libs
6 nats.

They have to turn 18 seats for a majority? Hard push I think.

November 23, 2022 7:37 am

Here’s a home truth.
Guy might not be any better. He might not have fought against Dan’s ‘Enabling Act’. He may have even done exactly the same thing, under the same circumstances. However, after next Saturday, either Dan or Guy is going to be Premier. Dan did it to us. He is the guilty party. Guy is not. Retribution is good enough for me at the moment. We might wish for more, but it’s a binary (and wholly unsavoury) choice.

November 23, 2022 7:38 am

change that, 17 seats.

November 23, 2022 7:44 am

Regarding the fragility of the German power grid, the whole edifice is managed by politicians, people who know next to nothing of how things work. Their first mistake is to rush to decarbonise to feel the green superiority rush. Next they relied on Putin for their alternative source of energy, a man who is capricious and ready to punish any slights. How could supposedly clever people be so stupid?

They finally have some technical people in charge now scrambling to find “alternative” energy sources in the form of going back to good old carbon. This makes me smile. Will it work? We and they are about to find out.

November 23, 2022 7:47 am
November 23, 2022 7:50 am

Kids used to rebel against the adults. What has happened? Brainwashing techniques are better nowadays?

The kids will eventually rebel against the current green orthodoxy but it may be too late down the track.

Cassie of Sydney
November 23, 2022 7:54 am

“I know someone who was a candidate in what is now a Teal seat. This person reckons it was the young and the parents – particularly the mothers being hen-pecked by their kids to vote for the Teal because of gerbil warming. I suspect there’s a whole bunch of male and female Gretas in these idyllic burbs scared to death the climate will kill them. These enclaves hold close to the richest people in the world outside of a few other places.”

Correctamundo. I can attest to this living in Wentworth. The Teal fan base was a combination of…

1. Young indoctrinated male and females, children of wealthy parents, at university or university graduates, many of whom would normally vote Green but who thought Allegra was just splendid.

2. Rich uber wealthy females, doctor’s wives, who profess to worry about “da climate” but live in huge houses, travel overseas regularly, are busy planning their next ski trips to Thredbo, Perisher and overseas. Now, walking around the streets where I live, with its big beautiful homes, many had Allegra Da Big Spenda posters festooned out the front. And whilst I think some adult males bought into the Teal cult, I believe many men voted Teal to stop their wives/partners haranguing them. I have some evidence of this.

3. The whole Teal campaign was cult like, it preyed spectacularly on wealthy narcissistic females, who screeched, shouted and screamed about “da climate”.

Back in early May, about two weeks before the election, a close friend rang to say that her elderly mother (aged 88) was being hectored daily by her brother and his wife (both extremely well off) to vote for Da Big Spenda. This close friend was also being hectored to by her brother, to the point where she walked out of a family Shabbat meal. I also know of other stories.

Another friend of mine, with a young newly married daughter, was worried Sharma was going to lose. She asked her daughter who she was going to vote for. Her daughter said Allegra, coz, coz, coz, Mum, Allegra will be sooooo good for “da climate”. This was a a few weeks before the newly married daughter was jetting off on a plane to travel overseas. Note that this very well of young women doesn’t give a toss about a family in say, Penrith, struggling to pay an exorbitant electricity bill, oh no, such concerns are trivial because what matters is “da climate”. All of this selfishness was personified in Da Spenda’s campaign slogan “a better climate for Wentworth”. In other words she and the morons who voted for her don’t give a shit about the rest of Australia.

The disconnect is incredible. You have to admire Svengali Simon, he knew exactly what he was doing, he did his homework, and he cleaned up, big time.

November 23, 2022 7:56 am

The outrage about Twitter is confection. They need an excuse to cut losses and leave before the level of fake likes and followers is known.

CBS News on Twitter for example; 9 million followers, 30 or so likes per story.

A human, singular celebrity with that ratio would be laughed back into small town obscurity.

November 23, 2022 7:56 am

Crossie says:
November 23, 2022 at 7:44 am

Regarding the fragility of the German power grid, the whole edifice is managed by politicians, people who know next to nothing of how things work.

I have no problem with politicians not being experts on technology and stuff, but I do have a problem with them selecting “expert” advisors who are aligned with their own ideology.

Why not get both sides and decide on merit?

November 23, 2022 7:57 am

November 23, 2022 at 7:01 am
For instance, in the 20’s and 30’s my mother’s family was running diesel generators on Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides. Talking to a missionary family a couple of weeks ago, who live in the same location, nothing has changed. Except the price of fuel. They can only afford to run the thing for an hour or two a day, now. On the present trajectory that will be every two days.

Multiply that by a worldwide multitude of remote locations relying on refrigeration, for a start.

sounds like the perfect location for (gulp) – renewballs.

Seriously. This is the only type of place they make sense: remote ($$ fuel), contained (one source of electricity, no complex grid to deal with), plenty of sunlight and wind.

Put a solar array and a battery in place, keep the diesel genset as night/backup, and the diesel consumption can be cut by 50+%.

Its an expensive upfront investment, but pays off at today’s fuel prices.
eg: Lord Howe Island
Diesel consumption was 550,000 l/year. Not sure what their landed price is, but it all needs to be shipped from the mainland and they charge something like $4/l to the public at the servo.

Let’s assume $2.50/l. So about ~$1.4M/yr.

Solar array (1MW) with battery (3.7MWh) cost ~ $10.5M.
It now generates ~70% (annual average) of the power. So that’s saving of almost $1M/year.

November 23, 2022 7:58 am

(btw – I do realise diesel fuel excise is ~$50c/l and should be taken off the diesel price, but shipping the stuff on a weekly barge from the coast is pretty expensive, so I think the numbers still add up).

November 23, 2022 7:59 am

change that, 17 seats.

I agree, JC, it’s a big ask.

But let’s not forget that between that election and this one, Dan perpetuated the most appalling and disgraceful events in Australian history. Every action creates an equal but opposite reactions. Unprecedented actions with create unprecedented reactions.

Everything’s on the table at the moment, IMHO. Past results can’t be used to model futures ones, when such momentous, life altering events lay in between.

November 23, 2022 8:01 am


A break-in vs. institutional corruption, perversion and utter sleaze. Hmmm.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 23, 2022 8:03 am

A national disgrace.

Straya beaten – nay, flogged, in the Falling Over Without Being Touched championships.

By….. the French.

November 23, 2022 8:06 am

White House Announces ‘New Enforcement Guidance’ on COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

It said that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) still requires “nursing homes to educate their residents” on COVID-19 vaccines and to offer vaccines to residents.

“CMS will issue guidance today reminding health care providers of this requirement,” the fact sheet said. “In its guidance, CMS will make clear that nursing homes with low vaccination rates will be referred to state survey agencies for close scrutiny, and that facilities that do not comply with the requirement to offer and educate on the benefit of lifesaving COVID-19 vaccinations will face enforcement actions, including the need to submit corrective action plans to achieve compliance.”

Nursing homes must “educate” their residents.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 23, 2022 8:07 am

Is that house on St Helena still available?

Emmanuel Macron Comes Clean: “We Need A Single Global Order” (22 Nov)

November 23, 2022 8:08 am
November 23, 2022 8:09 am

Indolent, at the moment he’s my most favourite African American.

November 23, 2022 8:13 am


Sure, except he’s being too gentle. Hiden, his son and hiden’s brother should be in jail for many years under current laws.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 23, 2022 8:17 am

They’re doubling down on the clot shot.

And everything else.

HHS Report Recommends Mask Mandates for ‘Long COVID’ (22 Nov)

“A new Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) report suggests the need for masking and social distancing mandates to protect people from “long COVID.” “

This is insane. Masks and social distancing don’t work and long covid is probably due to the vaccines making people more susceptible to covid infection after 3-6 months. Persistent infections are just the sort of thing that cause autoimmune diseases.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
November 23, 2022 8:18 am

Rick, that Johnny would be a bit of a roadtrip to get back… looks on the good side of cast-for-age though.
Good tractors, 6000s in spuds and loader work is lovely. I’m wary of the Greenline Services mark-up and the diagnostic interfaces though, I’ve heard some nightmare stories of 20 man hours of separating the front end from the back to replace a $200 sensor… which looked to all intents like a $2 fuse.

November 23, 2022 8:20 am

Daily newsletter mailout from Rowan Dean’s Spectator Australia:

The Sky News leaders debate in Victoria [last night] was a borefest. Daniel Andrews is clearly running scared of an anti-Labor swing: he was a Stepford Andrews, determined to not look the arrogant political and policy bully everyone knows he is. As for Liberal Matthew Guy, he wants to be everyone’s friend. But this debate was no vote-decider or changer. The surreal highlight was watching Andrews actually acknowledge Guy and call him ‘Matthew’: name-checking a guy this Premier has, for the last four years, pretended doesn’t exist. What was annoyingly missing throughout was the elephant in the room: Andrew’s handling of the Covid pandemic, and his heavy-handed, anti-democratic, ‘my way or the highway’ leadership that sapped the spirits of millions of Victorians, and irreparably damaged lives and livelihoods. In closing, Guy should have said Victoria can’t move forward on anything, until those responsible – especially Andrews – are held to account for the past two and a half years.

I’m with Mater. The Melbourne middle class has its baseball bats out, but this weekend’s state election will be a rerun of of the May federal election with the loony left [a.k.a. the Teals] eating the state government’s lunch.

November 23, 2022 8:22 am

Let’s talk tractors.

November 23, 2022 8:22 am

The 2020 US Presidential election is still being prosecuted

The 2022 mid term elections are still being counted and disputed

AZ may well have another election and 3 million people are protesting in Brazil.

If Lake becomes governor she is the missile that will destroy the cheating election industrial complex.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 23, 2022 8:25 am

RINO Kinzinger takes on Catturd, loses abjectly…

Social Media Conservatives Mock Rep. Adam Kinzinger After He Threatens Catturd over Meme (22 Nov)

November 23, 2022 8:27 am

“Long has Twitter served as a safe haven of free speech for North Korea, Iran, Al Qaeda, and ourselves,” said Taliban Spokesman Badrash Onmyrhir, still tired from a long day of lashing young women for daring to remove their head scarves. “But with Trump’s return to the platform, we no longer feel safe from his violent and hurtful tweets.”


Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
November 23, 2022 8:28 am

“Long COVID” is too vague a term, it’s a chum bucket ready to tip any syndrome or sniffle into.
I’m starting to chip in “sounds like Short COVID” as I continuously hear about depressed and dysfunctional kids. “Johnny’s got obstructive disorder, Jo’s got anxiety, Jack’s got diabetes and Jenny’s got school refusal eh? Sounds like they’ve got Short Covid. It’s what you get when you LOCK PEOPLE IN THEIR HOMES, CANCEL ALL SCHOOL AND EVENTS, SLAP ON MASKS, JAB ARMS WITH DODGY NEEDLES AT THE THREAT OF UNEMPLOYMENT AND MAKE EVERYONE SHOW THEIR IRIS SCANS TO THE GAULEITERS JUST TO BUY BREAD.”

November 23, 2022 8:29 am

If Lake becomes governor she is the missile that will destroy the cheating election industrial complex.

Oh yea, Lake as the Arizona gov will ban mail-in voting in Michigan, Pennsylvania and other blue states. Explain how?

Arizona’s problematic counties stopped the off-the-street voting by (convenient)
problems with tabulation. Lots of folks walked off.

That didn’t happen elsewhere, so where’s the Lake-missile heading?

November 23, 2022 8:30 am

Tom says:
November 23, 2022 at 8:27 am

Hahaha Tom.

November 23, 2022 8:30 am

This is insane. Masks and social distancing don’t work and long covid is probably due to the vaccines making people more susceptible to covid infection after 3-6 months.

long covid is nothing to do with vaccine, the symptoms are entirely different

Cassie of Sydney
November 23, 2022 8:37 am

My uber progressive boss told me he wants to have his fifth jab. I said “really, how many jabs are you gonna have, 10, 15, 20?”

He didn’t respond.

Jabba dabba doo.

November 23, 2022 8:39 am

Tax filing websites have been sending users’ financial information to Facebook

facebook shows me ads for stuff from google. they all share data without consent and no way to stop it.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
November 23, 2022 8:40 am

And suddenly Shantaram has found a “wifey”.
Funny, for the life of me I can’t recall him talking about anyone other than Shantaram before. Well, apart from 1. posters here he hates, and then later on when he wants to appear “more human” 2. posters here he needs for affirmation.
It’s like his self-authoring book has come to the place where it says “you need to fill in your backstory a bit Karen, you’re starting to look like an egotistical only child with anger issues. Let’s talk about anger issues. Do you hate so many happy people because you hate your own parent so much?”

November 23, 2022 8:45 am

If Lake becomes governor she is the missile that will destroy the cheating election industrial complex.

Well, Obama did say that electing her would be a danger to “their” democracy.

November 23, 2022 8:49 am

sounds like the perfect location for (gulp) – renewballs.

I was thinking something entirely different. A mini-reactor.

They could locate it on one of the smaller islands. Plenty of water.

After what the French got up to in the Pacific, what’s a bit of fallout between friends?

November 23, 2022 8:50 am

There’s an article in the Oz to the effect that Origin energy fears an anti-green backlash because of rising energy prices – well duhhh! The comments are very entertaining, pretty much 100% against renewables and there is a lot of condemnation of our betters who are doing this to us. One comment I noticed was:

15 of Australia’s most experienced electrical and nuclear engineers are traveling to Canberra this Thursday to educate and inform the 227 mps and their staffers about the failings of the planned electricity grid. 

Lead by the firmer CEO of Ansto, Dr Adi Paterson, the politicians will be informed that excessive renewable energy from wind and solar will deliver poor quality electricity at a far greater systems cost than hydro or SMR technology

 Does anyone know anything about this? In my experience talking to liars politicians about this issue is like conducting a psychiatric examination of a person with a fixed paranoid psychotic delusion.

November 23, 2022 8:51 am

That didn’t happen elsewhere, so where’s the Lake-missile heading?

Leading by example, like DeSantis. Take no prisoners, with plenty of media experience to deal with the rabble. Also, cleaning up the voting rules and showing how it can be done. Just look at Florida.

November 23, 2022 8:52 am

I was thinking something entirely different. A mini-reactor.

good point – a small modular reactor would work well – but needs to be completely idiot-proof and maintenance free for such a situation.

November 23, 2022 8:53 am

Here we go. Another piece of gobbledy-gook climate propaganda supposedly based on science. It is full of contradictions and speculation.
Note the introductory para in the ABC report talks about this being a biannual (bi-annual) report. I think this is incorrect? “Bi-annual” means twice a year, or two times within a 365-day period. So if you hire a heating company to do a bi-annual cleaning of your furnace, they will send someone out once in the summer and once in the winter—of the same year. “Biennial,” on the other hand, means once every two years. The CSIRO website says :

This seventh biennial State of the Climate report draws on the latest national and international climate research, encompassing observations, analyses and future projections to describe year-to-year variability and longer-term changes in Australia’s climate.

So the ABC can’t even get its first para correct. You do wonder what else is misreported !

November 23, 2022 8:53 am

Sorry, sorry, sorry Tom. I went to press RTWT on your BB comment and pressed the Report of Doom!

It wasn’t the Taliban wot dun it.

November 23, 2022 8:56 am

idiot-proof and maintenance free

Heh. Like a genset. The horrors I have seen!

It would only be a small “boom” after all.

November 23, 2022 9:00 am

The blog has been around since 2001.

If you didn’t know X, it doesn’t mean it is untrue.

Anyway, we beat Lavatory Rodeo and their urban bugmen bigots into submission.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 23, 2022 9:06 am

Does anyone know anything about this?

I don’t know but in my experience ANSTO had been pretty good…unlike CSIRO which was off with the fairies. I haven’t had any contact with them for a fair while though.

ANSTO was always anathema to greens and lefties, so was somewhat immunized against progressivism since there was nothing they could ever do to make them liked. So they didn’t bother.

November 23, 2022 9:07 am

The kids will eventually rebel against the current green orthodoxy

Having a flat iphone and the power out is going to be a learning moment.

Most of them, being used to electricity on demand, won’t have thought to have charged power banks to plug in to.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 23, 2022 9:07 am

Tom: this weekend’s state election will be a rerun of of the May federal election with the loony left [a.k.a. the Teals] eating the state government’s lunch.

The Teals are just Greens in disguise…

November 23, 2022 9:07 am

Voy Forums (Jason) —> Typepad (Jason, Andrew, Theresa, Jeremy? Tom V)—> Blogger —> WordPress (Jason, Andrew Tom V) —> Sinc (+Kates, Judith [my infamous last ever comment on the site, “Last.” 🙂 as well as some ripping guest posts about Superannuation is a scam and a bill of rights]) —> Dover (some unpublished rambling about Sortition!). But also monty (hahaha) and almost me or Adam D.

A rich cultural tapestry.

Kind of like a “pile of worms”. :rolleyes:

November 23, 2022 9:10 am

Then in 2005, we had the great monetary thread of doom.

It made Bird turn full on crypto Wahibbi Moslem, anti semite (as we said on Sinc’s Cat, “anti-cementite”) and against capitalism.

It broke his brain. He couldn’t handle the intellectual pressure of reading von Mises and Rothbard.

November 23, 2022 9:14 am

BOM and CSIRO State of the Climate out today. Usual bullshit; no good news such as record agriculture or NASA’s greening of the planet. Usual tropes:

1 Temp increase of 1.5C over last 150 years. Ignores metrification in 1972 where faulty conversion added at least 0.4C to Australia’s temp. Plus the temp network has been adjusted 3 times over the last 10 years, each time showing an increase in the modern temp and a cooling of the past. The Australian temp increase is a scandal.

2 Sea level increasing. Contradicted by the Pacific Sea Level and Geodetic Monitoring Project run by the BOM since 1993 which shows no sea level rise, or ocean warming over the last 30 years.

3 CO2 levels highest they’ve been for 2 million years. Debatable because of problems with retrieving ice core data; but even if true, the increase is natural. CO2 increase is not due to human emissions. Figure 7.3 from AR4 clearly shows that. If humans only put out 3.67% of the annual emissions human CO2 can’t be responsible for the increase.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 23, 2022 9:14 am

I have some insights into the way the younger generation think due to two daughters, and their bevy of friends.

The boys are normal enough. They want a job, a car, and a good time, usually in that order except for some losers who want it the other way around. They chase girls, and most are sensible enough to want a real job such as being a tradie.

The girls are the Lefties. Particularly if they have been to uni. In the main they believe the seas are rising, we have to “tackle climate change”, and the world can be put right if we “tax the rich” more. They are sympathetic to anything “indigenous” and believe “crime can be fixed”.

This phase seems to last until they are sensible enough – if! – to find a bloke to have kids with. Then the balance turns around as they realise crime is real, and the world isn’t going to end. Their values orientate themselves around a secure home and the ability to bring up the rugrats in a sensible safe way.

November 23, 2022 9:25 am

“Murpharoo” at The Grauniad is reporting on a survey which has revealed that social cohesion is at a “tipping point” in Australia as economic pressures erode our sense of national belonging and our trust in others, including the government.

The spectre of American-style political tribalism is mentioned.

On a positive note, local communities and neighbourhoods remain resilient.

Under these conditions, alternative political parties should include subsidiarity in their platforms and encourage people to take back control of their lives.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 23, 2022 9:28 am

I’m watching Call the Midwife tonight. The early episodes before it became yet another soap. Raw and gritty. Last week it was the workhouse siblings.

Calli, I don’t know if you have read the original book by Jennifer Worth, a true life story that the initial TV series did well (as you say, before it became the soapie it is now). I came across this book looking for reading on a wet day in my sister-in-law’s bookshelf in the UK in 2002 when it was first published, and was hugely impressed by it. The glossary of cockney terms and the discussion on accents at the end of it was indicative of how seriously she took cockney culture. The singing of the nuns in Nonatus House in the TV series added more tears to the stories. Wiki adds this interesting fact re that name:

Nonnatus House was named after St Raymond Nonnatus, who was born by caesarean section and is the patron saint of childbirth and pregnant women. Non natus is Latin for “not born”

November 23, 2022 9:28 am

Having a flat iphone and the power out is going to be a learning moment.

It’s a truism:

“Only when the lights go out, will people begin to see.” – Mater

November 23, 2022 9:30 am

The Teals are just Greens in disguise…

Don’t take this as a defence of the Tea Ladies, please, but…

They may be many things but they’re not hard core Commie ideologues like the Greens.

November 23, 2022 9:31 am

Great to see the Chinks getting what they deserve after deliberately spreading this virus to the world, closing all domestic flights from Wuhan but continuing international flights.

TrialSite News has been covering the Covid epidemic in China and the nation’s efforts to quell the spread of the virus. China has had a zero tolerance Covid policy, as well as imposed strict lockdowns on the Chinese population. Regardless of the efforts of China’s government, Covid is still spreading in the Asian nation, particularly in large cities. Now, China once again is urging its population to stay home, especially in one city, Chaoyang, but the breakout of new cases isn’t limited.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 23, 2022 9:32 am

November 23, 2022 at 9:25 am
“Murpharoo” at The Grauniad is reporting on a survey which has revealed that social cohesion is at a “tipping point” in Australia as economic pressures erode our sense of national belonging and our trust in others, including the government.

Might I assume that there is no mention at all of the importation of very large numbers of culturally incompatible immigrants over the last three decades? No “elephant in the room” moment from “Murpharoo”?

November 23, 2022 9:33 am
November 23, 2022 9:35 am

JC have you not contemplated what the domino effect would be if AZ decertified 2020?

November 23, 2022 9:35 am

Having a flat iphone and the power out is going to be a learning moment.

For those who weren’t here, and haven’t already read about it. Yes, it really happened. No, it’s not made up. Yes, it’s parody (or at least slightly tongue-in-cheek), but the outrage and panic was real.

Blackout in Melbourne’s inner-northern suburbs turns into #hipstergeddon

Sylvester the cat
Sylvester the cat
November 23, 2022 9:38 am

Cohenite, the response usually given to me when I point out the BS from CSIRO and BoM is: “Surely, all of the media, CSIRO and BoM would tell the same lie!” “Would they?”

November 23, 2022 9:38 am

BREAKING: Leaked email shows that Twitter employees must send Elon Musk weekly updates of everything they’ve worked on to ‘innovate rapidly,’ per BI.


Sylvester the cat
Sylvester the cat
November 23, 2022 9:39 am


Cassie of Sydney
November 23, 2022 9:41 am

“They may be many things but they’re not hard core Commie ideologues like the Greens.”

Correct, they’re much, much stupider.

November 23, 2022 9:45 am

Correct, they’re much, much stupider.
And the Teal policies will have much the same outcomes as desired by the hard core Commies. Lenin had a phrase for people like this ” Useful idiots”.

November 23, 2022 9:47 am

Might I assume that there is no mention at all of the importation of very large numbers of culturally incompatible immigrants over the last three decades? No “elephant in the room” moment from “Murpharoo”?

She does mention that European migrants are favoured over those from elsewhere.

Somewhat paradoxically, given the main take away of the survey, support for multiculturalism reportedly remains high. But then, that can mean different things to people, so a favourable response would not be hard to obtain by putting the question in an innocuous way.

November 23, 2022 9:47 am

custard says:
November 23, 2022 at 9:35 am

JC have you not contemplated what the domino effect would be if AZ decertified 2020?

No, until you brought it up. Az would decertify and re-run the elections under court supervision. There’s no domino. Also, I’m not entirely sure you’re barking up the right tree. Once elections are certified, they’re crystalized. Donesky and there’s no coming back.

November 23, 2022 9:49 am

Waffles, what brought on that anger spasm? Was it something I said?
If the tractor comment triggered you, frankly I’m a little offended as it appears to be racist. Can’t people of my ethnic group discuss tractors? 🙂

And I do have a wifey, for a very long time in fact. She’s not a vet though and I’m not a house-hubbie.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 23, 2022 9:49 am

Straya beaten – nay, flogged, in the Falling Over Without Being Touched championships.

They don’t put the effort into training.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
November 23, 2022 9:49 am

the introductory para in the ABC report talks about this being a biannual (

I think it’s been mis-spelled — seeing as it’s the ABfnC — the introduction should have read – Bianal because there’s twice as much shit in the introduction.

November 23, 2022 9:49 am

New drop Nov 18

SOS Offices.
Patriots in trusted positions.
Trust yourself.
You have seen the truth.
Time to show the world.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 23, 2022 9:51 am

We are currently watching each night on Netflix an episode of the 5th series of The Crown. The first episode, with us jetlagged on Saturday nite, seemed to us rather stilted and poorly scripted and we didn’t hold out high hopes, but persevered. It soon got a lot better. It has a slightly off-narrative structure, taking the interesting tack of looking intensively at certain often unremarked aspects of Royal matters, straying from the usual timeline path with this timej-umping focus. It seems less sequential than the previous series. For instance, last nite’s episode started in 1917 with a message delivered to King George V and Queen Alexandra, cross-cutting this with the Duke of Edinburgh’s interest in carriage racing and friendship with a bereaved young relative. In a round-about way we become sympathetic to the sadness felt by two old married people feeling they are growing apart, as the Duke becomes more Orthodox in his religious interests (given his ancestry) and the Queen feels somewhat abandonned and keen to protect the actions taken by George V and Queen Alexandra that led to the Czarist slaughter at Ekaterinburg.

I am pleased to report that in this series there is a lot of interpretive guesswork woven into what we know as history, which makes it more interesting, albeit highly contestable, because that is how history eventually becomes written as the living zeitgeist viewpoints fade.

An earlier episode put an unusual spin on the sadness and anger behind Princess Margaret’s alcoholism and tensions with the Queen. And the Prince of Wales’ love for Camilla (the tampon tale) is given a far more sympathetic hearing than usual vs the perhaps now fading view of ‘Diana magic’, with Princess Anne offering sisterly support to Charles vs the patriarch Duke whom Charles always disappoints.

November 23, 2022 9:52 am


Runbeck is the one triggering me. It’s very serious by the sounds of it. WTF does it mean?

November 23, 2022 9:52 am

Lenin had a phrase for people like this ” Useful idiots”.

I was going to offer this broad analogy:

The Greens are Bolsheviks, the Teals are Mensheviks.

November 23, 2022 9:54 am

TrialSite News has been covering the Covid epidemic in China and the nation’s efforts to quell the spread of the virus. China has had a zero tolerance Covid policy, as well as imposed strict lockdowns on the Chinese population. Regardless of the efforts of China’s government, Covid is still spreading in the Asian nation, particularly in large cities. Now, China once again is urging its population to stay home, especially in one city, Chaoyang, but the breakout of new cases isn’t limited.

Big_Nambas, I’m going to do a bit of speculating here seeing as Covid is not as dangerous to the general population as we were led to believe.

What if there is opposition to Emperor Xi and this is his way of quelling the unrest? Lockdowns serve several purposes, one is no visible protests. Another is everyone is isolated and don’t know there are others who think like them. Third, it shows the world the problem is Covid and not the dear emperor. It also masks any other problems and causes for unease and unrest among the population.

Sadly for us and the rest of the world, our “leaders” are watching and learning.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 23, 2022 9:55 am

CSIRO and BoM wouldn’t tell the same lie!

They both used to be great agony over budgets. Certainly CSIRO was. I think BoM was too. I recall once when CSIRO were told by the government they had to get 30% of the budget from the private sector. It was a lot of fun watching the slightly otherworldly CSIRO people visiting us to try to drum up business. It tended not to work because they weren’t very competent, even though they had good kit. (You could get decent work out of them but you had to scope it carefully, then straightjacket them ruthlessly to keep them from going off on tangents. That sucked so much mental energy from us to do all that it wasn’t worth the effort.)

Then global warming came and solved all their budgetary problems overnight…

November 23, 2022 9:58 am

We are currently watching each night on Netflix an episode of the 5th series of The Crown.

I have zero interest in the affairs (!) of the royal family and watch little TV, but I saw it reported that Charles is furious with Harry because there are details in the latest series that could only have come from an insider. I understand Harry & Meghan have a $100m contract with Netflix that has thus far produced little material of note.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 23, 2022 10:00 am

Having a flat iphone and the power out is going to be a learning moment.

I have a small gadget that you can charge via a usual phone charger, so it starts charged, and which you can in an emergency use to charge your phone in daylight hours as it has a small solar panel in it for that. It can also double as an emergency light, but I think the solar phone charge is the main deal.

Being without a phone in an enduring blackout means you can’t call emergency help.
Stupid to waste phone charge during a blackout on anything but emergency matters.

Charging your phone in the car would also be an alternative if you can spare the petrol.

November 23, 2022 10:00 am

I understand Runbeck prints the ballot papers

November 23, 2022 10:02 am

Oh , sounded really sinister, Custard.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 23, 2022 10:05 am

I have an historical and constitutional interest in the Crown, Roger, so look at various representations in the same way I look at interpretations of Henry the Eighth’s wives, admiring the inventive flexibility of some interpretations for their novelistic claims.

But like most others, I also do it for the sheer gossip value of it re people who are still living or not long dead. 🙂

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 23, 2022 10:07 am

Thanks for the tip re the author of Call the Midwife, Lizzie. Mrs TE likes the TV series, and also autobiographies, and so I searched the local library for the bio; they have it and I have reserved the first book for her.

November 23, 2022 10:08 am

I dont know what these Covid bedwetter countries like China are thinking. It is not possible for any vaccine to provide sterlizing immunity for upper respiratory tract viruses. Since this is true, it is not possible to vaccinate out of this pandemic. My observation from data online is that it is not until around 50% or so of the population has gotten Covid does it become a nothing burger. Locking down simply delays this process and stuffs the economy at the same time. Sweden had this right from day one.

November 23, 2022 10:13 am

The girls are the Lefties. Particularly if they have been to uni.

No. 1 son is in a relationship with (I believe that’s the term) a young lady with two degrees who refused to get vaccinated. It’s early days so we haven’t really gotten into politics but I suspect she’s a libertarian of sorts. She must be an outlier.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 23, 2022 10:16 am

the perhaps now fading view of ‘Diana magic’

The disclosures of her numerous infidelities did little to help any magic.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 23, 2022 10:16 am

I dont know what these Covid bedwetter countries like China are thinking.

Does beg the question what do they know that we don’t, since they engineered the virus. On the other hand it’s quite clear that none of the controls work in the long run, so they’re like someone trying to stop an advancing lava flow from burning their house down. Fairly futile.

November 23, 2022 10:17 am

Re: Long Covid and vaccine.

Zipster, you are right in that Long Covid is not the product of the vaccine per se. It seems clear enough that Long Covid is just a new nomenclature for Post Viral Syndrome which has been recognised for many years. This syndrome appears to be the result of a dysregulated immune or nervous system. To my knowledge, it has never been systemically investigated and for many years has pooh-poohed by the medical profession. I witnessed my poor mother’s suffering for many years with this syndrome after contracting Ross River Fever.

Very likely, the Covid spike pathogen has a mechanism of dysregulation that we imperfectly understand at this time. No doubt some individuals are more susceptible than others to its effects.

On the other hand, I am strongly suspicious that the vaccines may exacerbate that susceptibility. It would be interesting to see how often, if at all, the unvaccinated succumb to Long Covid. Theoretically, there is no reason why they should not – just as with any similar virus – but I doubt if we have any statistics. Maybe the FLCCC does.

November 23, 2022 10:18 am

(MAL “Raid” case)

“Plaintiff President Donald J. Trump, through undersigned counsel, respectfully moves this Court for an order requiring the Government to provide him and his counsel with an unredacted version of the August 5, 2022, search warrant affidavit.”

November 23, 2022 10:19 am

BTW, Geert Van Den Bossche, who has been so right about the post Covid world, has always insisted that the unvaccinated have little to fear about “immune escape” of the virus in respect to more severe immune responses to further mutations of Covid.

November 23, 2022 10:23 am

The doco Died Suddenly has already over 1m views. Watch the entire movie on Twitter

November 23, 2022 10:26 am

Socialists need other people’s money.
You’d have to be an evil Capitalist to think they should be happy to
freely give their labour to throw off the shackles of Capitalism.

November 23, 2022 10:29 am

Victorian motorist’s anti-Daniel Andrews plates cancelled by Vic Roads

A Victorian motorist has hit out after having anti-Daniel Andrews number plates cancelled by the state’s roads corporation.

A Victorian motorist has expressed his frustration after having anti-Daniel Andrews number plates cancelled by the state’s roads corporation.

The man, who is only identified as Peter, said VicRoads banned him from using plates that spell DANOUT on his Commodore station wagon.

“Freedom of speech obviously not allowed in Victoria,’ he told 3AW on Monday.

“They’ve offered me a refund but I don’t know, I’ll have to do something different. I’m very, very annoyed.”

Peter went on to mention he had brandished registration plates that read RUDDUD, in reference to former prime minister Kevin Rudd, since 2008.

November 23, 2022 10:29 am

No. 1 son is in a relationship with (I believe that’s the term) a young lady with two degrees who refused to get vaccinated. It’s early days so we haven’t really gotten into politics but I suspect she’s a libertarian of sorts. She must be an outlier.

Marriage material.

November 23, 2022 10:31 am

Now, for the article of the century.

Because she’s the hag Australia deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we’ll mock her. Because she can’t take it. Because she’s not our hag.

I know many here have woken in the morning and thought themselves impoverished by not reading an article on Jane Caros vagina.
I am a river to my people..

Menstrual and menopause leave would be a win not just for women, but for all of Australia
Jane Caro

Ivividly remember sensing the tell-tale wetness between my thighs that signalled the need to change my tampon.* I remember how horrible it was if it happened in the middle of an important meeting.** The dread of leaving a stain on my clothes, or worse, the chair – why must they be upholstered in cream?*** I remember the impossibility of concentrating as I obsessed over impending mortification. I knew that the meeting that would laugh at a fart would gasp in horror at a spreading red stain.

It’s been 13 wonderful years since I last had a period. I call this stage of life the sunny uplands of post menopause. It’s why I believe that, contrary to conventional wisdom, ageing is easier for women than men. Some things in our lives vastly improve – for blokes it’s all deficit. It’s amazing how much head space not bleeding every 28 days can free up.****
That is why I am so delighted Australian unions are planning a campaign to introduce menstrual and menopausal leave for workers who need it.*****
followed by
I am delighted for all sorts of reasons. Firstly, because – at long last – it recognises the disproportionate price women pay for producing the next generation. When it comes to sexual reproduction, men get all the fun, while women do the work.
Cheaper childcare and investing in public education would also help.
I dont think this use of figures is helping her as much as she imagined it would.
Given Australian women remain No 1 in the world for educational participation and achievement according to the World Economic Forum, but have fallen to 70th for economic participation and achievement

A ritual abasement at the clay god of progressivism.
Making earning a living easier for women and anyone with a functioning uterus makes it much easier for them to decide to have children.

* Change the bloody thing you disgusting reprobate. It not “bung in for a week and ignore”.
** 30+ years of a bleeding vag and “i have an important meeting today, Ill duck to the ladies and swap out my fanny rag so i dont gush bodily fluids over the table” ever sprang to mind?
*** Da Patri-Archie!!
**** So women are defective men because they obsess about bleeding vages?
***** Magic money economics, where benefits to the ladies dont cost men anything..

November 23, 2022 10:38 am

Long Covid

I think the media ‘nudge’ units beat this up to push people to get the gene therapy.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 23, 2022 10:41 am

Interesting bets on tech. Both Clippy-level epic faceplants. I don’t think Microsoft spent $10 big ones on Clippy though.

Amazon Alexa is a “colossal failure,” on pace to lose $10 billion this year (22 Nov, via Instapundit)

Meta has burned $15 billion trying to build the metaverse — and nobody’s saying exactly where the money went (14 Oct)

If I was Elon I wouldn’t be offering Metaverse or Alexa coders any job at slimmed-down Twitter.

November 23, 2022 10:43 am

It seems clear enough that Long Covid is just a new nomenclature for Post Viral Syndrome which has been recognised for many years.

Rejigged to extend the narrative.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 23, 2022 10:45 am

I know many here have woken in the morning and thought themselves impoverished by not reading an article on Jane Caros vagina.

I think that’s why my application for the SMH Chief Editor position was not shortlisted.

November 23, 2022 10:45 am

I spent some down-time getting further into Richard Weavers 1948 classic Ideas have Consequences over the last few days.

Its amazing how spot on it is with regard to the current waves of obsessive psychoses and their destructive influence on a cohesive society.

November 23, 2022 10:46 am

Marriage material.

Most indubitably!

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 23, 2022 10:51 am

Making earning a living easier for women and anyone with a functioning uterus makes it much easier for them to decide to have children.

How trans exclusionary can you get!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 23, 2022 10:57 am

Its amazing how spot on it is with regard to the current waves of obsessive psychoses and their destructive influence on a cohesive society.

Haven’t read it, but Orwell wrote his classic in 1948 also. Many people have noted in recent years how the Left seem to be using that novel as a manual rather than a warning.

November 23, 2022 11:02 am

Making earning a living easier for women and anyone with a functioning uterus…

Erm…and just who, other than a woman, would have a functioning uterus?

November 23, 2022 11:04 am

On the other hand, I am strongly suspicious that the vaccines may exacerbate that susceptibility. It would be interesting to see how often, if at all, the unvaccinated succumb to Long Covid

Every survey I have seen shows that a majority people with long covid who have the vaccine get worst. the next highest group is no change and some smaller percentage get better. The official narrative is that the vax reduces incidence of long covid by 10% or so, but of course they have plausible deniability as to vax injuries.

The post infection symptoms that are the most severe are usually delayed by months are have little correlation to the severity of the original infection.

Everyone knows what the problem is and that is the toxic spike protein which as been shown to persist in the blood for at least as long as this attack started.

It is absolutely not in Big Pharma’s interest to draw attention to this as the vax is a spike protein factory delivery system. The captured medical establishment play, hear no evil, see no evil, and thou shalt not speak any evil.

Vax injuries are far more destructive than the viral infection, as the immune system will destroy the cells that manufacture the the toxic spike protein. Despite the official narrative that this doesn’t happen. One obvious reason is that the mRNA has been modified to survive for weeks if not months, whereas normal viral mRNA lifetime is measured in minutes. Also likely is a cell that is overloaded with toxic spike protein and may destroy itself, resulting in the immune targeting antibodies to the cells normal contents and developing auto-immune disease.

We were mislead by china into thinking this is a respiratory disease, it is not, it is primarily a vascular disease.

What I find utterly bizarre is people who claim the virus is harmless and rail agains the vaccine or vice versa. Both deliver a toxic S1 payload, the vaccine far more so.

Winston Smith
November 23, 2022 11:06 am


And whilst I think some adult males bought into the Teal cult, I believe many men voted Teal to stop their wives/partners haranguing them. I have some evidence of this.

Cassie, how is a spouse going to monitor what the other writes on their vote slip when the voting is done in a booth?
Or is it a postal vote being done at home under supervision by the other?
I must assume that is where it is happening – and that it is illegal.

November 23, 2022 11:06 am

Crossie says:
November 23, 2022 at 9:54 am

Cant argue with that could be true

November 23, 2022 11:06 am

The boys are normal enough. …… The girls are the Lefties.

This makes sense in evolutionary terms.

The males job was to go out and kill shit and bring it home. They were practical, physical workers who understood ‘if you dont hunt you dont eat’ and for whose genes, survival required competition and winning. (ie conservative traits)

The females job was to stay home, mind the kids and make sure that the food that was brought home was divided up ‘fairly’ so even the smaller weaker kids weren’t out -competed by their siblings. (ie socialist traits).

This is why women are, on average, to the left of men on the political scale – it was their job.

Similarly, it explains why men are generally more interested in secure borders and politics than women: The men were constantly at risk of getting raided and killed by the surrounding competing tribes. The women were not – they were only ‘at risk’ of an upgrade – if the raiding males were superior and killed her husband, she got a new, ‘stronger faster’ model. If they weren’t, she already had him.

It was ever thus.

November 23, 2022 11:11 am

I spent some down-time getting further into Richard Weavers 1948 classic Ideas have Consequences over the last few days.


But you’ve got me perplexed now Duncan; I just went to pull my copy off the shelf and it’s not there. Either I’ve misplaced it among my books or I’ve left it around the house somewhere so inconspicuous that I haven’t noticed it. No peace until I locate it now!

November 23, 2022 11:13 am

Being without a phone in an enduring blackout means you can’t call emergency help.
Stupid to waste phone charge during a blackout on anything but emergency matters

My experience of 2 widespread three day blackouts in the Adelaide Hills was that the mobile phone towers themselves started dropping offline after 48 hours or so. They had some sort of backup batteries/generators but only for a limited time. After that, you got ‘no signal’ even if you could charge your phone.

I also had fun watching the Bunnings staff trying to placate a long line of customers at the single operating checkout in their semi dark store when telling them ‘cash only’ as they tried to buy their generators.

November 23, 2022 11:16 am

It’s been 13 wonderful years since I last had a period

Thanks for sharing, Jane.

Oh, and it’s “sunlit uplands”, you journalist of excellence you.

November 23, 2022 11:18 am


Periods Anonymous.

Let’s give her a round of applause.

November 23, 2022 11:22 am

On the other hand, I am strongly suspicious that the vaccines may exacerbate that susceptibility. It would be interesting to see how often, if at all, the unvaccinated succumb to Long Covid

I wouldn’t fully dismiss ‘Long something’ (aka Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) as a genuine illness. I had CFS for 2 years in the early 2000s and it damn near killed me. It was like having the flu every day. Brain fog, fevers, sweats, ’empty’ flat battery muscles, painful muscles and joints, sore throat and nausea. It came on *between* back to back deployments to East Timor and I suspected it was an immunological reaction to some bug I encountered over there, although, knowing what I know now, I wonder if it was triggered by one of the multiple vaxxes the military gave me for the trips (Japanese Encephalitis, Hepatitis, MMR, Varicella, Twinrix, Mencevax – I still have my yellow needle book).

The medical profession was useless and dismissive (sound familiar?) and I eventually self cured it with steroids, but it was a real illness and a real bastard.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 23, 2022 11:24 am

Zippy – The biggest difference is that the vaccine seems to knock out enduring coronavirus immunity, so that after the antibodies decay for a lot of people the person is more susceptible than if they hadn’t had the vaccine in the first place. That’s based on the large Danish and Israeli studies.

So in that scenario long covid is more likely since the immune system is trying to tackle a recurring infection. There are many stories of vaccinated people getting covid multiple times. When you get such repeated challenges you can get the immune system latching onto an innocent target in its effort to find the interloper.

I have a lot of pollen allergies from that, since I was susceptible to influenza before the flu vaccines came out. Other people get what is effectively long covid after other viral infections – especially glandular fever, which for some people causes CFS. And CFS is long covid as far as I can tell, I having as friends several unfortunate people who’ve had CFS. A seriously debilitating autoimmune disease.

I agree with your comments about the spike protein, it is nasty. Covid is better than the vax though since it is a gradual attack, whereas the vaccine is injected in one big slug. So if you do have some coronavirus immunity it can suppress the virus in the early replication phase.

As far as I can tell I’ve not had covid – or if I have had it has been unnoticeable. I’m not vaccinated.

November 23, 2022 11:30 am


Misplaced in a pile of “to reads”.

Just opened it to this passage, on the mass media of teh day, newspapers…

‘I have felt that the way newspapers raked over every aspect of Adolf Hitler’s life and personality since the end of the war shows that they really have missed him; they now have no one to play anti-Christ against the bourgeois righteousness they represent.’

The “bourgeois righteousness” of today is left-progressivism, and the media now cast Donald Trump as anti-Christ.

November 23, 2022 11:30 am

It will be interesting to see if the future children of vaccinated people have an increase in birth defects, compromised immune systems, stillbirth or other problems.

Anyone have any theorizes?
Medical isn’t a strong suit for me.

Peter Greagg
Peter Greagg
November 23, 2022 11:31 am

Had a catchup with a former work mate last night.
Generally a good time was had.
He is usually sensible – in favour of small government, lower taxes, rule of law, secure borders, etc.
He is very aware of the Climate Scam.
He used to post at the old Cat, and usually has very sound views, IMO.
I mentioned to him that I was of the opinion that Trump had the 2020 election stolen from him.
My friend was extremely surprised that I had that view.

Normally I don’t try and correct “wrongthink”, but given this guy is usually very sensible, I would like to show him some evidence that he might like to consider that, maybe the election was stolen.

Can any Cats point me to something(s) that are short(ish) and compelling?

Thanking you in hopeful anticipation.

November 23, 2022 11:32 am

By 2050, according to the UN, populations will be in decline in more than half Europe’s 52 countries, including Italy, Spain, Poland and Germany. In five – Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Serbia and Ukraine – they are projected to fall by more than 20%.

November 23, 2022 11:36 am

Can any Cats point me to something(s) that are short(ish) and compelling?

2000 Mules, if you can dig it out from behind a paywall somewhere

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 23, 2022 11:36 am

Hearing about womens plumbing issues helps keep me in touch with my feminine side. Just like mUnty. Thanks Jane, always appreciate your insights.

November 23, 2022 11:39 am

Can any Cats point me to something(s) that are short(ish) and compelling?

Hunter Biden’s laptop. Over 10% of voters would have not voted for biden if they’d known about it but it was censored. Also get him to look at 2000 Mules. And this:

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 23, 2022 11:39 am

Another episode of series 5 of The Crown opens in the Middle East, with long sequences showing the rise and rise of an ambitous chancer called – da da! – Mahommed al-Fayed. We attend then the birth of his son and heir, Dodi. It’s again a round-about way of introducing the episodic theme of race and ethicity, of Dodi and Diana. Mahommed, shown initially to be an awful skin-colour racist, aims to achieve status in British eyes, status of a very British type, so he then hires the Duke of Windsor’s very dark-skinned African butler whom the Duke had trained in the classic ways of Royal life and dress. Eventually Mahommed manages to purchase the iconic Harrods, which entitles him to sit next to the Queen at Ascot, but he ends up snubbed and seated next to Diana instead, where at the last Dodi gets introduced to her by Mahommed. The episode ends with Mahommed blinking away tears at the death of his African butler who shared all of his Royal ambitions, and Mahommed’s shattered dreams of Royal glory. We don’t know now if this is the last we’ll see of Dodi and Di, but of course as Mahommed also owns the Ritz, either that story is so well know the series will not cover it, or we are in for Mahommed in confrontation with the Duke of Edinburgh.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 23, 2022 11:42 am

Peter Greagg – Joanne Nova has had some good articles on it.

2000 Mules: The election was “organized crime” (5 May)

The new battlefront in war is election machines (Apr 2021)

These cover two key videos, if that helps your efforts. Many more if you look at her election corruption category:

Particularly if you go back to the days just after the 2020 election itself. Hammer and Scorecard are especially interesting given that the CIA are clearly as corrupt as the FBI. They sure aren’t going to be adhering to their remit of staying out of domestic stuff, not while they are core assets of the Left.

November 23, 2022 11:47 am

This ain’t Lavern and Shirley. 1958 homicides = 29

MILWAUKEE — The City of Milwaukee broke its homicide record for the third year in a row on Saturday, bringing the total number of homicides in the city to 194.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 23, 2022 11:47 am

More on election stealing Bayou Rennaicance Man had some fine memes this week.

Memes that made me laugh 134 (21 Nov)

A couple of them are on the Dem steal, this one being the most fun.

Peter Greagg
Peter Greagg
November 23, 2022 11:47 am

November 23, 2022 at 11:36 am
Can any Cats point me to something(s) that are short(ish) and compelling?

2000 Mules, if you can dig it out from behind a paywall somewhere

November 23, 2022 at 11:39 am
Can any Cats point me to something(s) that are short(ish) and compelling?

Hunter Biden’s laptop. Over 10% of voters would have not voted for biden if they’d known about it but it was censored. Also get him to look at 2000 Mules. And this:

I will see what he thinks.

Peter Greagg
Peter Greagg
November 23, 2022 11:49 am

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
November 23, 2022 at 11:42 am
Peter Greagg – Joanne Nova has had some good articles on it.

2000 Mules: The election was “organized crime” (5 May)

The new battlefront in war is election machines (Apr 2021)

These cover two key videos, if that helps your efforts. Many more if you look at her election corruption category:

Particularly if you go back to the days just after the 2020 election itself. Hammer and Scorecard are especially interesting given that the CIA are clearly as corrupt as the FBI. They sure aren’t going to be adhering to their remit of staying out of domestic stuff, not while they are core assets of the Left.

Thanks BoN.

Sylvester the cat
Sylvester the cat
November 23, 2022 11:50 am

a functioning uterus

I used to have one of those. Four speed automatic, V8. A great vehicle.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 23, 2022 11:51 am

I had previously commented it was a change for the CIA to be rigging US elections for a change.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 23, 2022 11:51 am

H B Bear says: November 22, 2022 at 11:44 pm

The law really needs to go further and provide where body cameras were present and the resulting video footage is unavailable a decision maker can draw an adverse inference against the party who would otherwise seek to rely on that video evidence.

Oh, the security cameras above your driveway were off or ran out of storage space? Well I guess you faked the break in to make a false insurance claim. Bailiff, set that man in the black mask and trenchcoat free and slap the cuffs on the plaintiff here.

Be careful about rules made up on the spot to suit the present circumstance, as they may be applied more broadly than you predicted.

It’s getting to the point, as FlyingDuk found, that you almost have to put yourself under your own total surveillance not merely to prove what attacks were attempted upon you, but to prove your alibi about what you didn’t do.
It prompts the question, is the principle of “innocent until proven guilty” fundamentally timeless, or was it merely a pragmatic result of technological limitations that are now obsolete?

November 23, 2022 11:52 am

I used to have one of those. Four speed automatic, V8. A great vehicle.

Same here, though mine is a donkey … (1HZ Landcruiser)

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 23, 2022 11:52 am

Another episode of series 5 of The Crown opens in the Middle East

Betcha The Crown doesn’t have anything about all those sword dances Charlie the Third had been doing with the Saudis, nor that he learned Arabic so he could read the Koran in the original language.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 23, 2022 11:53 am

Don’t tell me. The gearbox dropped out.

November 23, 2022 11:53 am

Who is Larry Romanoff?

A deranged friend keeps on sending us lunatic ramblings about Khazar Jews stealing 321 trillion USD.

This is Russia’s justification to steal Ukraine? Screw Putin.

November 23, 2022 11:54 am

Zyconoclast, Chinese population will be declining even more due to the one child policy over several generations. I wonder why so little speculation about that circumstance. Is it forbidden?

November 23, 2022 11:55 am

Jane Caro sooks about tampon leakage? Surely she has heard about panty liners as a backup for important events such as meetings?

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 23, 2022 11:57 am

No surprise a lot of dashcam footage is Russian. The Rule of Law, a functioning judiciary and the Separation of Powers provides much more protection to everyday life than most people realise.

November 23, 2022 11:58 am

This song came on in the car on my way to the shops this morning and I realised that is is now more relevant than when it came out forty years ago.

Another brick in the wall, Part 2.

Winston Smith
November 23, 2022 12:00 pm

What does this mean in real life on my FB page? They keep putting it up, but I’ve yet to see it make any material difference.

Account Restricted
Your posts will be moved lower in News Feed for at least 90 days.

After these couple of messages, I’m reverting to my old nom de blog – Robert Sewell aka Bob the Boozer from Barcaldine.

Robert Sewell aka Bob the Boozer from Barcaldine.


H B Bear
H B Bear
November 23, 2022 12:02 pm

Berka – if you are concerned about that you could confine it to public officers or people required to maintain video surveillance while fulfilling a public function. CC cameras provide lazy policing and all too often aren’t working when required.

Robert Sewell aka Bob the Boozer from Barcaldine.


My uber progressive boss told me he wants to have his fifth jab. I said “really, how many jabs are you gonna have, 10, 15, 20?”

I love the reply:
“It’s not a Vaccine – it’s an IQ test.”

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 23, 2022 12:09 pm

I would think that a lot already occurs, “Oh, he confessed but there is no video record of interview. Mmmm … yes … continue.”

November 23, 2022 12:10 pm

Jane Caro sooks about tampon leakage? Surely she has heard about panty liners as a backup for important events such as meetings?

maybe she should transition and have all those annoying female parts cut out, she has no use for them anyway.

November 23, 2022 12:11 pm

I predict that nothing will come of Hunter Biden’s laptop scandal. MSM will cover for him by insisting that it’s an old story, nothing to see here, move along. It always worked for the Clintons.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 23, 2022 12:12 pm

Lisa Wilkinson is ‘out of touch with reality’: The Project host’s biggest ‘mistakes’ are laid bare by a rival TV host

Rita Panahi on free Daily Mail site

November 23, 2022 12:13 pm

I find the younger generation completely enthralled by this woke shit.

Not in my daughters class. Suicides due to lockdowns and then the LGBT “contact teacher” got binned for being a pedo. I think they’ve worked things out.

November 23, 2022 12:15 pm

I find it odd that Twitter staff are so flabbergasted at being fired while those still there are made to actually be productive. I bet they wish now they had let Elon Musk off the hook when he was trying to back out of the purchase.

November 23, 2022 12:16 pm
H B Bear
H B Bear
November 23, 2022 12:23 pm

Jane Carl’s panties? I think we’ll leave that one up to Groogs.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 23, 2022 12:24 pm

Re menstrual and menopause ‘leave’ and Jane Caro’s view – what a beat-up that is.

Yes, a bad period or a hot flush night can mean women may miss a day’s work occasionally. So what? A pulled muscle from taking out the garbage or fixing the car can do the same thing to men. Soldiering on is not just for women. Go on HRT for menopause, and take some of the special prostaglandin inhibitors if your period is truly miserable (as can sometimes happen) and see a doc for medical treatment perhaps for a more serious gynae problem such as endometriosis if severe pain continues. Consider taking a less high pressured job if you are getting lots of hormonal problems – women weren’t meant for some of the stress situations they end up with in the workplace when trying to be men (an unfashionable view, but it’s true).

Giving special leave conditions for being female is a backward and expensive step when most women don’t have serious problems with their female functioning and handle matters sensibly and with foresight. Such leave would also work informally to dissuade employers from employing more women. Normal sick leave should suffice to cover the serious female medical problems that can sometimes arise. Pregnancy leave for women is now fairly universal, and that is leave where it is needed. Offering some mandatory ‘parental’ leave to men at the birth of their child seems to me to be enough of a social expense for any society. Leave it at that, and go no further.

November 23, 2022 12:31 pm

Just finished watching Died Suddenly

Pretty gruesome footage of blood clot removal.

This whole thing is pure evil.

November 23, 2022 12:32 pm

Weaver has some real bombshells. I spent much of the time reading a passage and having to take a breather for its impact of obviousness.

And here enters one of the alarming facts of our cultural condition. It is the “spoiled child” psychology which appears in all urban populations. This malady, described by Ortega y Gasset in The Revolt of the Masses, afflicts any people who have lived so long in an artificial environment that they have lost a sense of the difficulty of things. Their institutionalized world is a product of toil and discipline: of this they are no longer aware. Like the children of rich parents, they have been pampered by the labor and self-denial of those who went before; they begin to think that luxuries, though unearned, are rightfully theirs.”

Robert Sewell aka Bob the Boozer from Barcaldine.


I was thinking something entirely different. A mini-reactor.

Great minds etc, etc.
It would be worthwhile just to see the reaction from the Greenies.

November 23, 2022 12:38 pm

Jane Caro 1: Pay equality now!
Jane Caro 2: trans women are women
Jane Caro 3: Menstrual leave, please

This time, 1+2 does not equal 3

November 23, 2022 12:38 pm

It is the “spoiled child” psychology which appears in all urban populations.

There is generally a vast gulf in the thinking and attitude between urban and rural populations.

One is generally pretty deluded.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 23, 2022 12:40 pm

Betcha The Crown doesn’t have anything about all those sword dances Charlie the Third had been doing with the Saudis, nor that he learned Arabic so he could read the Koran in the original language.

It does have Charles glowing that his poll numbers went up when he declared himself Defender of Faiths, rather than The Faith. A rather silly thing for him to do, imho. Queen Elizabeth the Second had no concerns about her historical monarchical place and constitutional duties as a Defender of The Faith. The institution of Monarchy as it has developed in the UK has more importantly than anything to stick to its knitting, with all the pomp, circumstance and ceremony that entails. QE11 knew that.

Charles needs to butt out of religious variety or he will get drawn into a swamp about it.
Far better to just exist as The King, a figurehead for everybody, honoured by time.

November 23, 2022 12:41 pm

Such leave would also work informally to dissuade employers from employing more women

ding ding ding…. we have a winner.

Caro and the caromites seem to think the real world adjusts to suit their foibles.
In actual fact they just added another weight to the scale against employing a young lady for a job in the first place.

November 23, 2022 12:42 pm

Climate report. 1910 is the year to start at, as BoN has mentioned here before.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 23, 2022 12:44 pm

For Western Australian Cats – Carmen Lawrence – remember her?- has weighed into the issue of juvenile detention. Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse!

Robert Sewell aka Bob the Boozer from Barcaldine.


For those who weren’t here, and haven’t already read about it. Yes, it really happened. No, it’s not made up. Yes, it’s parody (or at least slightly tongue-in-cheek), but the outrage and panic was real.

I have to admit the Hipstergedon bit was quite funny. It reminded me of packs of Hipsters with flat batteries swapping hand drawn pictures of burgers and coffees in an attempt to communicate from a recent novel.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 23, 2022 1:00 pm

It’s been 13 wonderful years since I last had a period

Thanks for sharing, Jane.

You just know when she typed that she thought she would be shocking people with her unflinching directness.

There is a difference between the daring of articulating an idea so disruptive to individuals and society that there has been tacit agreement to never even acknowledge it exists, and the daring of blabbing out stuff merely distasteful.

Jane cannot see that difference.

November 23, 2022 1:05 pm

For Western Australian Cats – Carmen Lawrence – remember her?

How can we miss her if she never goes away?

November 23, 2022 1:17 pm

Jane Caro’s panties. A wide-ranging discussion for sure.

Robert Sewell aka Bob the Boozer from Barcaldine.


Marriage material.

Close enough, but if she has a firearms permit that should clinch the deal.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 23, 2022 1:20 pm

Aping cats.

Scientists Confirm You Can Communicate With Your Cat by Blinking Very Slowly (21 Nov, via Instapundit)

” “As someone who has both studied animal behavior and is a cat owner, it’s great to be able to show that cats and humans can communicate in this way,” psychologist Karen McComb of the University of Sussex in the UK explained when the results of the study were published.

In the first experiment, owners slow-blinked at 21 cats from 14 different households. Once the cat was settled and comfy in one spot in their home environment, the owners were instructed to sit about a meter away and slow-blink when the cat was looking at them.

Cameras recorded both the owner’s face and the cat’s face, and the results were compared to how cats blink with no human interaction.

The results showed that cats are more likely to slow-blink at their humans after their humans have slow-blinked at them, compared to the no-interaction condition.”

I’m sure your cat knows you are faking it though.

November 23, 2022 1:23 pm

The electoral fraud is the icing on the cake for the Democrats.
Their systemic use of early voting.ballot harvesting etc is way more important.
The Republicans are way off the pace and in many jurisdictions are beaten before the they start to campaign.
Eg Katie Hobbs had something like 400000 early votes twice her margin.
The fraud is sexier but is small beer

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
November 23, 2022 1:26 pm

Blinking at a cat.

That really adds to the sum of human knowledge.

I am enlightened.

November 23, 2022 1:28 pm

November 23, 2022 at 1:05 pm
For Western Australian Cats – Carmen Lawrence – remember her?

They do say that bad pennies come back to haunt.

November 23, 2022 1:31 pm

It’s getting to the point, as FlyingDuk found, that you almost have to put yourself under your own total surveillance not merely to prove what attacks were attempted upon you, but to prove your alibi about what you didn’t do.

Fortunately, my earlier visit, from SAPOL, taught me the necessity of ALWAYS filming any interaction with the police,

It prompts the question, is the principle of “innocent until proven guilty” fundamentally timeless, or was it merely a pragmatic result of technological limitations that are now obsolete?

Its already gone (if it ever existed) – even at my first bail hearing, the magistrate referred to me as the ‘offender’ and the AFP allegations as ‘The fact sheet’.

In case you missed it, we now live in a 3rd world country where everything is corrupt.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 23, 2022 1:32 pm

Doing that last comment was interesting. While I was typing one of the Cafe kookas decided to nuke an enemy in my backyard. Attacking kookas are very loud, and he’d done this several times this morning. Finally this time I worked out who he was attacking – a large and very handsome bluetongue lizard.

So I collected the bluey who immediately bled on me. Hole poked in his side by the A-10 attack bird. I bribed him with a bit of mince, which he consumed despite pain. Yum. Then he bit my finger and I started bleeding along with lizard.

Back inside with bluey, tissues to sop up the bodily fluids. Then a wash with water, dry with tissues, some Savlon and a couple bandaids. Bribes with mince worked very well at keeping the bluey quiet through all this.

Then off down the street to a place well away from dogs and kookas, a few more bits of mince and he’s off into the undergrowth. Fair well, lizard.

On hindsight I should’ve used duct tape instead of bandaids, as they didn’t stick on that good, but blueys are tough critters and I think he has a chance. My finger had stopped dripping by this time, which also was good.

November 23, 2022 1:36 pm

the “spoiled child” psychology which appears in all urban populations. This malady, described by Ortega y Gasset in The Revolt of the Masses, afflicts any people who have lived so long in an artificial environment that they have lost a sense of the difficulty of things.

‘City living’ itself is extremely toxic, and not just for humans:

November 23, 2022 1:38 pm

I’m a bit late to the party, duk, but hearty congratulations on sticking it up ’em!

November 23, 2022 1:41 pm

And here enters one of the alarming facts of our cultural condition. It is the “spoiled child” psychology which appears in all urban populations.

Historical note – Weaver was associated with the ‘Southern Agrarians’, a group of writers & thinkers from the South who proposed an alternative vision to Northern industrialism & urbanisation.

It’s an interesting movement to look into.

November 23, 2022 1:41 pm

Taaa Megan – they don’t like it up em!

November 23, 2022 1:42 pm

Progressives used to mock cultures that isolated menstruating women, calling them unclean, and now they want to mimic them.

November 23, 2022 1:43 pm

The Liberals are furiously harvesting email addresses. I have just received one from “Matt” Guy begging me for a donation. I have never willingly subscribed to receive emails from the Libs. I have had occasion to email my local member, but unsubscribed from the email list some time ago. Obviously, my addy is still on their database. Unsubscribed – again and email binned!

Sylvester the cat
Sylvester the cat
November 23, 2022 1:45 pm

Where does a fella put the ute when it is leaking oil?

November 23, 2022 1:49 pm

Like the children of rich parents, they have been pampered by the labor and self-denial of those who went before…

Reminds of your urban bourgeois types outsourcing the risk of the virus to their Uber Eats and grocery delivery drivers from the safety of their inner city apartments while working from home.

“We’re all in this together.”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 23, 2022 1:54 pm

Must be an election coming.

NSW patients warned to expect delays in hospitals on Wednesday as thousands of nurses and midwives walk off the job (Sky News, 23 Nov)

“New South Wales nurses and midwives staged a walkout on Wednesday calling for understaffing and worker burnout to be addressed and for the three per cent wage increase cap to be removed to match skyrocketing inflation.”

Have they considered if they get a pay rise that the government will close more beds and they’ll be forced to work even harder to cope with the patients in fewer beds?

Robert Sewell aka Bob the Boozer from Barcaldine.

Colonel Crispin:

It’s getting to the point, as FlyingDuk found, that you almost have to put yourself under your own total surveillance not merely to prove what attacks were attempted upon you, but to prove your alibi about what you didn’t do.

That’s why I have installed a car camera.
Resisted for years, but it was actually the Duk episode that changed my mind.

November 23, 2022 1:58 pm

Gee, it took incredible courage.

Robert Sewell aka Bob the Boozer from Barcaldine.


Jane Caro sooks about tampon leakage? Surely she has heard about panty liners as a backup for important events such as meetings?

Jane Caro is 65 years old and still hasn’t got her act together about one of the most distinguishing features of a woman?
Is she stupid or just slow?

November 23, 2022 2:01 pm

Our bluetongues are out and about too. Just found one of the smaller adults on the front path – not good. The kookas are lurking around keeping an eye on any movement.

The enormous one who lives under the aircon unit was out this morning too, soaking up the brilliant sunlight. The one who lives under the pool coping has been doing some tunnelling – it now travels under the concrete slab we poured as a base for the limestone paving and up beside the house. They are handsome devils, but no way I’m putting my finger anywhere near a mouth.

  1. Put by mistake at the end of the last thread. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare  October 17, 2024 7:13 pm Today was…

  2. Also learnt today that my SIL has Jewish “descent”, if that is even a thing. Apparently her maternal great grandmother…

  3. Remembering the TITANIC .. the “iceberg” defends itself .. LOL!

  4. Al Smith dinner speeches: Donald Trump delivers remarks at the Al Smith dinner ( Pretty funny stuff!!!

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x