Open Thread – Tue 22 Nov 2022

Canvassing for Votes, William Hogarth, 1755

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Bob Sewell
November 24, 2022 1:01 pm


“Energy giant AGL will close South Australia’s Torrens Island B gas-fired power plant in 2026 as expensive fossil fuel-based generators across the grid face escalating pressure from wind and solar pummelling their profits and viability.”


And that, Cassie, is why I’ve given up trying to convince stupid people of their stupidity.

November 24, 2022 1:07 pm

Plibbers all teary eyed and waffling along about blowing up sacred sites. FMD.

Just declare any asset the black armband industry spruikers own as a “sacred site”.

We should actually protect actual sacred sites, but let the traditional owners if they’d rather cash it in – self determination shouldn’t be held by majority white legislators should it?

Funny how many sites don’t exist until there is a crap tonne of gold or oil underneath many of them.

I gave a feeling that Shorten’s in laws assets all sit on sacred sites and were built with blackbirded and bonded servant labour.

Put it under the hammer and compensate the indigenous, I say, for great justice.

November 24, 2022 1:07 pm

@senator_sheldon Hi Tony, good to see you back threatening Qantas again like you did in 2011. But hey, your bio says you’re a Harvard graduate. How many weeks were you there, you genius.

November 24, 2022 1:08 pm

Plibbers all teary eyed and waffling along about blowing up sacred sites. FMD.

Did any of the local indigenous even know it was there?

November 24, 2022 1:09 pm

40mil, 15mil, 2mil……buys u a shoey.

November 24, 2022 1:11 pm

Further to that silly article:

How is this…misogyny?!

By Madeleine Keck
March 16, 2022
Australian men hold some of the most misogynistic views in the Western world, with the cohort ranking well above the global average in a country-by-country analysis on gender bias and online abuse by research firm Ipsos and the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership (GIWL).

The findings, published during Women’s History Month, showed 32% of Australian men agree that men have “lost out” economically, politically and socially “as a result of feminism.” The subgroup was the second-highest in the survey of 20,000 people in 30 nations, just behind Poland, and significantly higher than the 23% of men globally who agree.

Men unhappy in most feminist country, so they must hate women???

“I didn’t kill anyone”


November 24, 2022 1:13 pm

sheldon Hi Tony

Wasn’t Sheldo alleged to have been a commenter on the old Cat at one point? I seem to vaguely remember someone called Tony posting there who used to rabbit on about how wonderful unions were.

Back in the days of “Alan”, a Scottish(?) communist who was a huge fan of Vogon poetry.

November 24, 2022 1:14 pm

I mean it’s even more bizarre when the current ruling party has a policy of gender quotas, so if women are less interested in politics, men, by definition, must lose out to help women.

The alternative is that you reject basic arithmetic in toto (how utterly absurd).

“You must commit to the policy but you may not be even handed and analytical when thinking about how it affects society as a whole…”

Oh hi, Chairman Mao.

November 24, 2022 1:20 pm

The world should know the truth of what has been happening at Twatter

Seriously? You’d have to have been gifted with all the intellectual firepower of a braindead slug not to have been aware of what was happening at twatter.

Sylvester the cat
Sylvester the cat
November 24, 2022 1:24 pm

Sans underwear in the news again.

November 24, 2022 1:30 pm

@senator_sheldon Tony, it’s me again. Sorry to take your time, I know you’re a very busy senator. I just wanted to ask, your wiki bio says you worked as a cleaner, bartender and garbage collector. Which of these professions did you study at Harvard summer school?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 24, 2022 1:31 pm

Any word on the actual motivations of the shooter in Colorado?

November 24, 2022 1:31 pm

Not TonyN, shirley?

Real Deal
Real Deal
November 24, 2022 1:33 pm

Magnificent trolling, JC!

November 24, 2022 1:34 pm

Morning Tony N.
No, Tony N was once a mechanic in the RAAF and from WA. Our Tony, the senator threatening to destroy Qantas, is from NSW.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 24, 2022 1:37 pm

Sans underwear in the news again.

Secret wymminse business?

New twist in trial for Bruce Lehrmann, the man accused of raping Brittany Higgins (24 Nov)

The ACT Supreme Court will hold a closed hearing on December 2 over an application regarding the trial of Bruce Lehrmann.

The media will be banned from attending the legal hearing and from reporting what the application is about.

Following queries by, the court released a statement today confirming the Court will be hearing an application in proceedings on 2 December 2022.

All very mysterious. Even Samantha Maiden, who wrote the article, doesn’t know what it’s about.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 24, 2022 1:45 pm

I think people should be a bit careful and distinguish between ‘free speech’ as in the Constitutionally guaranteed right in the US (which is a guarantee that the government will not prosecute a person for what they say) and in the more colloquial sense such as being promised by Musk on Twitter (meaning no partisan censorship).

No one has a constitutional right to access Twitter.

I know AOC does not get the distinction, and thinks the 8$ blue tick is wrong because not everyone will feel like getting it. And blithely indifferent to the fact that Twitter satisfied no definition of free speech before and she was OK with that. But I expect conflating the two will be very important to the lefties angry to have lost their clubhouse who will challenge what is defensible under the one appropriate definition as being indefensible under the other.

But, anyway, just something worth noting.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 24, 2022 1:49 pm

The media will be banned from attending the legal hearing and from reporting what the application is about.

Lehmann will be strapped into a chair and a cage of starving rats be brought within a hair’s-breadth of his face, and they will ask him in mild tones whether he raped Brittnah.

Conference room 101, I believe.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
November 24, 2022 1:49 pm

Don’t you fucking start on the tractors, Speedy

Sylvester the cat
Sylvester the cat
November 24, 2022 1:53 pm

Let’s talk utes and capacity.

November 24, 2022 1:54 pm

C.S. Lewis, ‘The Most Reluctant Convert’
One man’s journey to faith makes for moving viewing.

Film critics have been generally favorable. The film has managed to avoid being seen as merely a “Christian film.”

It is too interesting, too well made and far too subtle to be written off as simply entertainment for believers.

November 24, 2022 1:59 pm

Okay, I won’t. Have you done the grocery shopping yet? Don’t forget the list the boss left on the fridge door. Don’t fuck it up.

November 24, 2022 2:07 pm

Artist of the Year – Ramesh Mario Nithiyendran

3rd-grade papier-mache ?

comment image

November 24, 2022 2:07 pm

~Six months these scumbags have been in power and look at this.

Sack Alan Joyce: Labor senator Tony Sheldon renews attack on Qantas boss

During the past few of days, they’ve threatened the RBA chief who really is one of them and now Alan Joyce. This going to be a fun couple of years.

November 24, 2022 2:08 pm

“nonsense terms ‘stochastic’ + ‘terrorism’? “

Stochastic essentially means: not random, but so complex as to appear to be random.
So the path cyclone takes is stochastic – it is constrained by the limits of natural law, but there are so many variables involved that prediction is at best a statistical likelyhood, not a solid prediction.

It would seem to me that all terrorism is stochastic – indeed, it hardly would be terrorism if there was not some element of apparent randomness involved.

November 24, 2022 2:09 pm
Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 24, 2022 2:14 pm

Stochastic essentially means: not random, but so complex as to appear to be random.

And because there is no measurement (of the masses of people and the way their minds are all working) and no single theory it is impossible to distinguish the stochastic from the random.

So it boils down to an accusation that will be deployed as they wish and without possible justification.’

But there are battalions of opinionistas out there now who have a new buzzword with which to impress those looking for excuses to unleash their own unhealthy urges.

November 24, 2022 2:17 pm

….But there are battalions of opinionistas out there now who have a new buzzword….

Yep, my point.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
November 24, 2022 2:19 pm

The push by some airlines and regulators for a one-pilot large aircraft is ridiculous as passengers and pilots themselves will never agree.

A one-pilot small aircraft with a handful of passengers is one thing but one pilot in charge of a 500-passenger jet – not a chance.

Can’t they just ‘blow up’ an automatic pilot in case of an emergency like in ‘Flying High’ the movie?

November 24, 2022 2:20 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 24, 2022 2:21 pm

Not TonyN, shirley?

TonyN was well known to Sandgroper Cats…

November 24, 2022 2:24 pm

I’m not seeing Pope Francis giving the Germans the green light?
German bishops at stalemate with Vatican over women, homosexuality

November 24, 2022 2:27 pm
November 24, 2022 2:31 pm

I’m not seeing Pope Francis giving the Germans the green light?

More importantly, he hasn’t given them the red light. All German bishops who refuse to affirm Catholic orthodoxy should be excommunicated right now.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 24, 2022 2:33 pm

What Is Skoliosexuality?


I thought it would have something to do with scolioisis (with a ‘k’ in Greek so probably historically spelt thus).

I see the original meaning of ‘bent’ has been retained though.

(What about non-spinary?)

November 24, 2022 2:45 pm

It’s very possible CL, while at the same time he’s asset rich. it’s not surprising he took hits in the GFC and carried accumulated losses forward in other years.

I don’t think it’s changed, but in the US you can..

Year 1 profit $100
Year 2 profit $100
Year 3 profit $100
Year 4 loss ($500)

You can go back to years 1&2&3 and claw those profits against year 4 loss and you can claim the taxes you paid in those years. You can also carry forward the accumulated loss beyond year 4 into year 5.

The American tax system is a maze.

November 24, 2022 2:47 pm

(What about non-spinary?)


Slim Cognito
Slim Cognito
November 24, 2022 2:56 pm

I’m kind of surprised he can still afford the plane.

The plane is probably why he is making a loss.

November 24, 2022 2:57 pm

IMO this article gives Catholics a lot to think about at presemt.

In Communion—But Not Happy—With Pope Francis
How can a Catholic be in communion with the pope if he doesn’t want anything to do with him?

November 24, 2022 2:59 pm

I recall back in the 90s, Trump said he signed every single check – large or small – that was owing. He was mostly concerned with cashflow.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
November 24, 2022 3:03 pm

All these tears and breast beating about Juukan Gorge (where?) is nothing but a cash grab and an opportunity to extort more cash and concessions from the miners.
The blowing up of Juukan as part of the expansion of Rio’s Brockton 4 iron ore project was done legally and with the full knowledge of the local “traditional owners”.

Soon after the town based grifters and activists smelt a dollar and the site was suddenly declared sacred and about 100,000 years old.

Have a look at Google Earth image of the area and the huge extent of Rio’s Hamersley Range operations at this long/lat – 22°37?3?S 117°9?28?E

November 24, 2022 3:05 pm

Capt Burkas comment is disgusting and can only come from one lost to denialism.
Look at the back peddling by others here.
An insane little blog these days.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
November 24, 2022 3:07 pm

Format error on the longitude/ latitude above. Try this

22°37?3?S 117°9?28?E

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

I recall back in the 90s, Trump said he signed every single check – large or small – that was owing. He was mostly concerned with cashflow.

I do the same. Surprisingly (to me) not everybody does. Particularly some smaller operators who you’d expect would be right across their business operation.

Nope. Turns out some people really are either innumerate or while excelling at something (say spraying pests) they’ve no grasp of numbers.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
November 24, 2022 3:10 pm

22 degrees 37 minutes 3 seconds South
117 degrees 9 minutes 28 seconds East.

Bloody spell checker and or climate change responsible.

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
November 24, 2022 3:11 pm

In better news, the ABC is rebooting
Mother & Son. Denise Scott is the mother. Son is a POC, naturally.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Pedro the Loafer says: November 24, 2022 at 3:03 pm
All these tears and breast beating about Juukan Gorge (where?) is nothing but a cash grab and an opportunity to extort more cash and concessions from the miners.

After the utter lies told about Coronation Hill (NT) in the 1990s I have difficulty accepting anything.

Especially if it comes from TV. Every journalist who made a video “Coronation Hill report” knew very well they weren’t within hundreds of miles of the place.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 24, 2022 3:11 pm

The blowing up of Juukan as part of the expansion of Rio’s Brockton 4 iron ore project was done legally and with the full knowledge of the local “traditional owners”

That was always my understanding, Pedro. One or two of the “townbased grifters and activists” smelt a dollar…

November 24, 2022 3:19 pm

Deaths from the jab can’t be denied.

But it seems they can!!!
But it’s ok if your own governments are genocidally killing you off as long as it’s only a certain percentage according to the sick fucks here

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2022 3:24 pm

In better news, the ABC is rebooting
Mother & Son. Denise Scott is the mother. Son is a POC, naturally.

Hopefully the ALPBC is sending a contingent from the Hive to Wilcannia for shooting. Somehow I doubt it.

November 24, 2022 3:24 pm

“I’m kind of surprised he can still afford the plane.”

If you owe the bank $100,000 the bank owns you.
If you owe the bank $100,000,000 you own the bank.
Not literally, but figuratively, of course.
Trump owns the bank (figuratively).

Besides, it’s tax numbers, not reality – the two are only vaguely related at this scale.

EG, Elon says twitter is (was) losing $4M a day – nearly $1.5B a year. Mind boggling that they kept going for so long, right? Obviously, there’s a lot of value in controlling the political conversation, and Twitter wasn’t afraid to exploit that. There is no other reason they could still be even remotely “afloat” with that sort of loss.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2022 3:27 pm

Rio have onboarded Sneaker’s ex-Treasurer to the Board. I don’t think they will have any blackfella issues for a few years.

Sylvester the cat
Sylvester the cat
November 24, 2022 3:40 pm

Small Sylvester:
“Tell me grandfather, why did you not revolt and fight back against the jabs?
I’ve seen the footage of people standing in line on their way to the jabs.”

Old Sylvester: “Lets go catch a tweety bird.”

November 24, 2022 3:43 pm

Demonrats, they’re just the worst.

Noncitizen Bill Makes Aliens and Diplomats D.C. Voters
Congress can stop a law that gives the franchise to any adult 30-day district resident.
By The Editorial Board

The entrance of John A. Wilson Building, which houses the Executive Office of the Mayor and the Council of the District of Columbia.

Hard as it is to believe, the mayor of Washington, D.C., might soon be elected with votes from illegal immigrants or the staff at the Chinese embassy. Last month the D.C. City Council passed a bill to expand the franchise in local elections to any adult with 30 days of residency. Mayor Muriel Bowser did not sign or veto it, so the bill was officially enacted Monday without her signature.

A few jurisdictions have moved to let noncitizens vote in local races, but the D.C. plan stands out, given how it follows progressive ideas to a bizarre conclusion. New York City passed a noncitizen voting law that a court ruled this year was a violation of the state Constitution. But that proposal at least required noncitizen voters to have U.S. work authorization. No such limitation appears in the D.C. bill, meaning illegal aliens and foreign college students would be able to vote, and that’s not all.

“There’s nothing in this measure to prevent employees at embassies of governments that are openly hostile to the United States from casting ballots,” the Washington Post reported. A writer at the lefty New Republic agreed with that assessment: “A Russian diplomat could live their entire life in Moscow or St. Petersburg, take a job as a cultural attaché at Russia’s D.C. Embassy in August 2024, move into their new apartment that September, and cast a ballot in D.C.’s local elections that November.”

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 24, 2022 3:47 pm

Change of career path maybe?

A high school principal has been suspended for allegedly sending teachers racy videos of scantily-clad young women in classrooms.

Queensland Education Minister Grace Grace declared that “this behaviour is completely unacceptable’’.

“It is an operational matter which I have raised directly with my Director-General, and I fully support the decision to suspend the principal while a thorough investigation is carried out,’’ she told The Australian.

“The community and I rightly have high expectations of our principals, school leaders and staff.

“Anyone who thinks it’s appropriate to share material like this is deeply mistaken and will face consequences.’’

The suspension came after The Courier-Mail revealed that teachers at James Nash State High School in Gympie had complained about some of the explicit content in staff emails allegedly sent by principal Jackson Dodd.

One memo, allegedly sent in February this year, contained a link to a YouTube video of the 80s song Sexy + 17 by Stray Cats, which shows a topless woman in underwear.

The caption above the link to the video stated: “This might be a little close to home.”

Teachers were also allegedly sent a music video of the 80s hit song Centrefold by the J.Geils Band, with scantily clad young women clutching school books and sitting on school desks wearing negligee.

Mr Dodd has been principal of the school for five years.

He could not be contacted for comment.

November 24, 2022 3:52 pm
H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2022 3:52 pm

They’ve put up the curtains around the Brittany sideshow tent.

November 24, 2022 3:55 pm

2GB sought comment on the matter from cardiologist Ross Walker.

With a career in cardiology of more than 40 years, Dr Walker is a well-known name in Australia as he’s also the host of 2GB’s Healthy Living radio show.

Further, he is an academic research staff member with the National Institute for Integrative Medicine and has written several books and contributes papers regularly to medical journals.

Here is what Dr Walker had to say about the mRNA ‘vaccines’ and heart conditions:

The Pfizer vaccines… the Moderna vaccines… I don’t think we should be having the mRNa vaccines.

I’ve seen in my own practice as a private cardiologist 60-70 patients over the past 12 months who have had similar reactions to this.

Whether it’s pericarditis or the more serious myocarditis.

I’ve seen a lot of people get chest pain, shortness of breath, heart palpitations.

Let that sink in.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
November 24, 2022 3:55 pm

Sylvester = Sancho
Change my mind

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2022 3:56 pm

Circulating anything by the J.Geils Band should be a sackable offence. Ditto Supertramp and Steely Dan.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
November 24, 2022 4:00 pm

The Killers have about four and a half albums worth of songs about young women with Daddy issues

November 24, 2022 4:01 pm

Wally Dali says:
November 24, 2022 at 3:55 pm

Sylvester = Sancho
Change my mind

No. Believe what you want. Empty the dishwasher.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
November 24, 2022 4:03 pm

And Karen comes in to bat- looks like I’m on the money

November 24, 2022 4:07 pm

Dickhead… “no” means, I’m not bothering to try and change your mind one way or another. Believe what you want, you waffling doofus. Make sure you vac under the bed.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Crikey, the Virginia Wal-Mart shooting was the boss. Called ’em all together for a staff meeting, then drew his piece & opened fire.

His frustration is understandable, but what was wrong with just whipping a few?

November 24, 2022 4:15 pm

“But it’s ok if your own governments are genocidally killing you off as long as it’s only a certain percentage …”

No-one said that.
You appear to have been saying they want to/will kill us all though.

For the original strain, IF as believed at the time, fatalities were >5%, then a vax that only knocks off 1% is, as the medicos suggested at the time, “better, on balance” and many might have seen this as a risk worth taking.

What was wrong was a mandate – or at least, the exclusion from society and life (including the ability to earn an income) for those who thought, in consultation with their own independent doctors advice, that their own personal risk factors indicated no advantage to taking the vax.

Not that they (the medical-industrial complex / GovCo) had a “dangerous” vax, but that they coerced large numbers to take it, instead of following their own “guidelines” for every other disease and/or condition: viz, that it was ultimately the patients own personal choice whether or not to have the advised treatment, that it was only after “informed consent” absent coercion that it could be used, and that only those shown to present a danger to others could/should be quarantined (or believed to present such a danger, but in that case, only until the facts for each individual could be determined – “we think you have it, so you have to quarantine”…”Oh, you don’t – sorry about that, carry on”).

It’s a scale thing that makes you think things are worse than they really are.

If I sell 100 phones and 1 in every 100 fails, you are unlikely to know someone with a failed phone, and even if you do, it’s only one – these things happen. But if I sell 100 million phones, and 1 in every 100 fails, that’s a million failures, and there’s a good chance you will know about it and think “A million failed phones! There must be something wrong with them! I’d never buy one of those pieces of crap.”
In the USA, over 100 million got vaxxed – do the numbers yourself.

While it’s true that peoples lives and quality of life are significantly more impactful than a phone purchase, and therefore we should want safety to be significantly more important, the principle is the same – the scale trips you up, because you only see absolute numbers, not those scaled appropriately to show risk, and certainly not in any sort of balance against the risks of the disease itself (such as they were known at the time). In doing so, you are as bad (or worse) than those who would advise you to “trust the experts” instead of asking questions of those you trust and making your own choice based on your own unique circumstances.

But you don’t want to hear any of that, because the actual facts don’t suit what you’ve already decided, which is the motivations of people you’ve never met and don’t know in any meaningful way – they may be liars by default (ie, politicians), but that doesn’t mean they are mustache twirling 007 style villains chuckling at the stupidity of the plebs while they plot to kill us all, just that they are subject to the same failings as the rest of us are. We are, after all, only human – and as per “Men in Black”, it’s a truism that “…a person is smart. People are dumb, panicky animals…”. Politicians are not exempt from that, and neither is the MSM.

November 24, 2022 4:16 pm

Shit, another one?

The gunman who opened fire at a Virginia Walmart has been identified as Andre Bing, a manager at the store, who killed six co-workers before taking his own life.

A Facebook Live video apparently made by a Walmart employee had been circulating online showing a co-worker whom she calls “Andre.”

The young man is seen joking with the workers before he walks away when the woman points her camera at him. It was unclear when the footage was shot.


November 24, 2022 4:16 pm

Circulating anything by the J.Geils Band should be a sackable offence. Ditto Supertramp and Steely Dan.

Not to mention the Eagles, a favourite band of POC taxi drivers across the globe.

November 24, 2022 4:19 pm

sending tachers racy videos of scantily-clad young women in classrooms …

… and various sanctimonious imbeciles were duly outrageously outraged (again).

Talk about a storm in a d-cup.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Work performance at Wal-Mart, particularly when the wishes of the boss are involved, should be up by at least 5% for at least the next week or so.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 24, 2022 4:20 pm

Crikey, the Virginia Wal-Mart shooting was the boss.

He’s also black, which is why the whole thing is going to disappear quietly in 3…2…1…

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 24, 2022 4:21 pm

A high school principal has been suspended for allegedly sending teachers racy videos of scantily-clad young women in classrooms.

I did wonder why Numbers went silent……..

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

sending tachers racy videos of scantily-clad young women in classrooms …

Would it have been more acceptable had the video ended with the young women’s tits being cut off as part of their transition?

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 24, 2022 4:21 pm

Not to mention a sub waiting there to spirit him back to his spiritual home in Beijing.

More likely to be Holted than Epsteined?

November 24, 2022 4:27 pm

Lol, Wally. It did cross my mind with silver.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 24, 2022 4:28 pm

Re the single pilot issue, Tom, if it is not on the agenda (and I seriously hope it is a beat up) why was the head of some pilot’s association banging on about it on Bolt the other night? Are they just getting their retalliation in first? Or is there some other agenda?

November 24, 2022 4:29 pm

And…on the strength of that, a knitting lesson


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 24, 2022 4:31 pm

Secret application in Bruce Lehrmann rape trial to be heard

Kristin Shorten
Investigative Journalist
An hour ago November 24, 2022

A secret application in the rape trial of Bruce Lehrmann will be heard in the ACT Supreme Court next week.

Chief Justice Lucy McCallum has confirmed that the court will hear the application – which was filed on Tuesday – on December 2 but the media are not allowed to attend or report on the matter.

Justice McCallum said that non-publication orders had been made in respect of the application which was filed on November 22 forbidding publication of the content of the application and evidence intended to be given in support of the application

The Bench wishes to establish, beyond doubt, whether Brittany was wearing knickers…

November 24, 2022 4:35 pm

On the single pilots, they’re running it up the flagpole to see who salutes.

Which makes me wonder what real changes (ie. deals) are going to be done behind the scenes.

November 24, 2022 4:39 pm

“Anyone who thinks it’s appropriate to share material like this is deeply mistaken and will face consequences.’’

It’s no worse than what you see at the beach these days.

Calm down Grace Grace, if that is your real name.

November 24, 2022 4:40 pm

As a matter of fact, I am glad I don’t have teenage daughters.

Bathing suits these days are scandalous, and I am not a prude.

November 24, 2022 4:42 pm

In other news, the Beloved has just bought a device (with his birthday money :D) that tells him how far away the pin is.

So…he has been downloading, registering and mucking around + cussin’. Which is pretty standard for golfers anyway.

Finally…a Eureka! moment. He has triumphed over the code writers and other dark magic practitioners and has a useable device. I hope it results in another win – the prize is a golf ball. Sounds like a reasonable cost/benefit.

November 24, 2022 4:44 pm

Bother. That was meant to be a big grin. Even 70 year olds get Birthday Money.

At least in our family. Because they’re all really big kids. But with crummy joints.

November 24, 2022 4:46 pm

I don’t know who Sylvester is but 3.40 tells me it definitely isn’t Sancho.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 24, 2022 4:47 pm


No matter what we think, want, or feel, Twitter is not, has never been, and likely can never be a public square. …
Twitter is a private company, and as such can have whatever rules it likes—and it can apply them with whatever level of consistency it likes.

Strange that the progressive ilk never objected to the analogy of Twitter being the new town square while they had control of it. True it was never the new town square, but now they can *say* so.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2022 4:47 pm

The Bench wishes to establish, beyond doubt, whether Brittany was wearing knickers…

In the matter of Higgins: Ex Parte Gargooglery
Does Groogs even have standing? I guess arguments will have to be heard.

November 24, 2022 4:49 pm

I agree CL.
I remember Cardinal Pell saying words about the Germans a while back.

November 24, 2022 4:50 pm

Re the single pilot issue, Tom, if it is not on the agenda (and I seriously hope it is a beat up) why was the head of some pilot’s association banging on about it on Bolt the other night?

I didn’t see the Blot interview, Lizzie, but any pilot or pilots association calling for single-pilot cockpits in heavy airliners (above 50 tonnes maximum takeoff weight) is a clown who knows such a proposal will never be approved in the West or any other civilised jurisdiction like Japan.

It is reckless fruitloop territory.

Someone is evidently taking advantage of Blot’s ignorance of commercial aviation and its regulation.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2022 4:52 pm

Bathing suits these days are scandalous, and I am not a prude.

More crimes against Lycra.

November 24, 2022 4:55 pm

It’s like an Elvis sighting, Rosie.

Bob Sewell
November 24, 2022 4:56 pm


It’s no worse than what you see at the beach these days.
Calm down Grace Grace, if that is your real name.

The original variety of Virtue Signalers resurfaces for another run.
Mind you, for all the support for whatever hedonistic perversion is top of the power pole these days, this one from all accounts sounds like a distinct ‘Meh.’

November 24, 2022 5:01 pm

Libs odds of winning on Saturday have dropped to 6.40/1 Labor up a little at 1.16/1

Sylvester the cat
Sylvester the cat
November 24, 2022 5:09 pm

Bathing suits these days are scandalous, and I am not a prude.

Just how us perverts like it.

November 24, 2022 5:21 pm

He took advantage of the Black Friday sales.

No wonder the purchase is a product of the Dark Arts.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 24, 2022 5:32 pm

I used to be incredibly annoyed by Professor Trigg who, unless she was some half baked adjunct somewhere was misusing the title.

Yes, indeed. Even if she was an adjunct professor (a short-term recognition of some immediate utility), then the title is not strictly speaking hers to use beyond the university, as it simply notifies a transient linkage. What is most likely is that Triggs had been made Emeritus Professor, which leads to an ongoing title from the university offering that honor.

Hairy was once a professor holding a Chair in STEM, and other positional academic titles, garnering great respect. Now retired, he only uses the title of doctor, for his PhD is a personal award. In my view, any professorial title used currently is likely to be a devalued one, as so many universities in Australia and elsewhere award professorships like indulgences to favoured lefties who have a spurious research track record and nothing much else that distinguishes them. This is truly sad for the genuine scholars still there whose worthy appointments are also devalued. Academic life has no appeal to either of us these days (witness my brush with two climate cult academics on a recent flight). Luckily we have both worked in the real world of industry; we were then, and still are, more grounded in experience than most in academia.

Bob Sewell
November 24, 2022 5:35 pm

Kari Lake Files First Complaint Against Maricopa County, Says She Has Whistleblowers And Smoking Gun Evidence Of Uncertified Printers And Dominion Employees With “Unfettered Access”

Included in these filings are 23 exhibits of evidence, including unfulfilled public records requests to the County, signed affidavits from roving attorneys, poll workers, and voters who were unable to vote, the Arizona Elections Procedures Manual, and the recent demand from the Attorney General’s office.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 24, 2022 5:37 pm

Someone is evidently taking advantage of Blot’s ignorance of commercial aviation and its regulation.

The Pilots’ Association was coming out against a perceived move by the airlines, Tom. I don’t know how genuine their fear was, or where it stemmed from, what actions etc.

They were not in favour of dropping the second pilot. Far from it.

Blot must have felt there was some substance in their desire to go public re their concerns.

Bob Sewell
November 24, 2022 5:38 pm

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it is working with scientists to develop a new name for the monkeypox virus that will not be “discriminatory and stigmatizing,” an effort to employ “woke” ideals in virology.
“If you want to know who rules you, find out who you are not allowed to laugh at or criticise.”

November 24, 2022 5:42 pm
November 24, 2022 5:49 pm

Kneel has it bad too.
If you have to go into a word wall of bullshit to try to pretend it isn’t happening.
……it is.

Choo choo agrees with me for once.
Poor choo choo.
I wonder if all the pro jab bullshit rosie blathered on about had any effect on his decision to jab humself to death.

But kneel.

A 747 is crashing every week in Australia alone.
Above the normal death figures.
You all know people who are now sick more often or who have died too young since the jab was introduced.
If you were being honest.

The government killed these people.

And here’s the point you won’t go near…..

It’s only the start.

Next year as the death rate cranks up I’m sure the unvaxxed will be causing it.
Or mean words.
Or the Salmon mousse.

They are already starting the propaganda now regards the increasing death rates.

The deaths from this forced jab a thon far outweigh all deaths from all vaccines combined since vaccines were invented.
These jabs are not vaccines.
They do not work in anyway as advertised because no one has a cure or can prevent you catching a cokd

But many people want you dead.
Like Bill Gates.
The person who’s jab you took.
He wants billions dead.
But here we find people castigating me for pointing out that talking about murder…..mass murder…..genocide….without considering percentages is terrible of me…


Have you become that fucked up?

It’s only a little bit of mass murder so far….why is struth making such a fuss?

God help the mentally sick denialists.

November 24, 2022 5:50 pm

The Pilots’ Association was coming out against a perceived move by the airlines, Tom.

Ah. So it’s part of the unions’ campaign to smear their mortal (and very effective enemy) Alan Joyce, who’s currently the best CEO in world aviation.

If the world’s biggest carrier, American Airlines (with whom Qantas is affiliated via the Oneworld alliance), wants to grow, it should hire Alan Joyce as its next CEO.

Joyce may be a pouve, but that has also made him a nerd and mathematics genius. He knows more about commercial aviation economics and how to fly aeroplanes for profit than anyone else on earth.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 24, 2022 5:50 pm

The Pfizer vaccines… the Moderna vaccines… I don’t think we should be having the mRNa vaccines.

Vicki, we hear less about the Astra-Zenica vaccines re cardiac issues, although they had a disastrous time with vascular problems sometimes causing fatal heart attacks and other serious blood clots. The death rate of at least one in a million was well-recognised for AZ. Most Australians had the AZ vaccines first off, Hairy and me as well, and we had a Novavax booster. Yet cardiologists seem mostly to warn and concentrate on Pfizer and Moderna, not the AZ with its different vector to the cell and then its DNA mode of expression. Is this a bias towards the American experience data?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 24, 2022 5:53 pm

It’s just heartbreaking

Got to be a pisstake…got to be.
Um, is it?

November 24, 2022 5:55 pm

Not that they (the medical-industrial complex / GovCo) had a “dangerous” vax,


firstly the trials showed more people died on the vax than the placebo group and then they blended the groups
secondly the medical establishment is supposed to work on the first do no harm principle
thirdly everything they said about the “vax” was wrong.
fourthly when mRNA was first tested on animals way before the attack many died, what did they do to fix the issue? I can find nothing
fifthly an utter failure of intelligence to confirm all the propaganda out of china was just that propaganda
sixthly numerous people warned that you can’t vaccinate your way out of pandemic
seventhly the idea that it only severely impacts 1 out of thousand or whatever, is now going to be applied to all medicines?

November 24, 2022 6:02 pm

A study was done years ago
People were given a boring tedious repetitive task.
Half were paid.
Half were not.
They were then asked to describe how bad the task was.
Overwhelmingly, those who were paid described the task as it was ..tedious and boring.

Those who did it for free said it was no problem. …all good.

Why would they not admit the obvious?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 24, 2022 6:04 pm

What cocktails, cigarettes and unhealthy meals meant for ‘society girls’
On this day 100 years ago
Wednesday November 23 2022, 12.01am, The Times

From The Times: November 23, 1922

Dr Agnes Savill delivered a lecture on “The Dangers of Society to Health” at the Institute of Hygiene last evening. She said that the development of communities was found in the earliest stages of human society, and this gathering together of families to share a common life had many advantages, provided the individuals concerned were of a high grade and had a sound organization.

Dealing with the society life of girls, Dr Savill said that a girl who left school for business life might not have an excessive amount of work, but she usually had exhausting journeys to get to it.

The girl who went to university was liable to over-study, or to study all day and indulge in social functions till late at night, while the girl who could command her parents’ wealth left school for a life of continual excitement which resulted in mental and physical deterioration.

“Nowadays,” she said, “the girl dispenses with a chaperon, and even if she retains the old high standard of chastity her mind too often becomes poisoned, her ideals recede, she accepts the inferior outlook on life, and when she marries the standard of her relationship to her husband, home, and children is not a high one.

“I have seen some of these girls after a few years of society life aged by ten years and, before the age of twenty, as worn out and nerve-tired as if they were forty.

The hectic life of continual excitement, the absence of all repose, all time for meditation, the perpetual change, the cigarette smoking, irregular and unhealthy meals — no wonder these girls become the prey of disease. And though the physical consequences are disastrous, even of greater importance is the evil effect of this life upon the character.

“Society life is responsible for deficient sleep and consequent deterioration of the nervous system. It encourages the pernicious habit of the too-frequent cigarette. It encourages the girls to take cocktails and whiskies-and-sodas, which ruin their digestion, impair their livers, and upset the nervous system, and it encourages them to take rich foods, which upset the rhythm of the body.

“The ill-health of modern society girls is in a measure the fault of their parents, who have it in their hands to postpone the downfall of our modern civilization.”

November 24, 2022 6:13 pm

Watching a replay of the Japs kicking Deutschland arse. Amazing stuff!

The Krauts look totally bewildered.

November 24, 2022 6:20 pm

They’re gamed you boring dickhead

its amazing what a lightening-rod you are for ill sentiment JC

you must be very special

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 24, 2022 6:26 pm

“The ill-health of modern society girls is in a measure the fault of their parents, who have it in their hands to postpone the downfall of our modern civilization.”

‘Society girls’ were young women of the immediate post-World War 1 period, deciding to live it up and abandon previous constraints. The world had changed. By the 20’s the ‘flapper’ had arrived.

We can laugh now, but many of these young girls, overdosing on alcohol post-US prohibition, and with role models in the new Hollywood era, did end up in a bad way. Come on down, Zelda Fitzgerald.

The above plea for old verities still has resonance today. Not chaperones, but simple good sense.
And parents who set boundaries and who care.

November 24, 2022 6:26 pm

So much crank about Bill Gates and whoever is unflavour of the months allegedly killing people via the vaccine.
The decimation of the west actually caused by abortion.

November 24, 2022 6:26 pm

5 Stars and Excellence – Kudos to the Australian Passport Office

Passport Renewal lodged 18 Nov 2022 received today 24 Nov 2022

November 24, 2022 6:27 pm
November 24, 2022 6:28 pm
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 24, 2022 6:28 pm

Today’s ‘society girl’ – Brittannneeeeeeeee

November 24, 2022 6:33 pm

Cancer, early warning signs

Dr. John Campbell

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 24, 2022 6:36 pm

A country that is becoming ‘uninhabitable’ has little chance to wage and win a war. When there is no transport, no electricity, no heat and no communication everything becomes incredibly difficult.

The refugee stream all this will cause will increase pressure on Europe to push Ukraine into negotiating for peace with Russia. Tough conditions will be applied but there is no other way out of this mess.

The water supply also requires electricity. No flowing water is pretty much the end game here.
Transmission equipment is being badly hit, and very hard to quickly replace.
Negotiations surely must follow now. There is not much spare electricity in Europe right now.

Our 70 odd tons of good black Aussie coal requested by Zelinsky will be put to post-war reconstructon, by the sound of it, for it will arrive too late to help the current electricity crisis in Ukraine.

November 24, 2022 6:37 pm

Russia moves closer to total ban of ‘LGBTQ propaganda’

The State Duma has adopted a bill on the “protection of traditional values” at a second reading

Russia’s State Duma has taken another step towards a complete ban of ‘LGBTQ propaganda’ in the country. The relevant legislation was approved by the lower house of parliament following a second reading on Wednesday. It introduces significant penalties for the distribution of materials promoting non-traditional relations, pedophilia, and gender reassignment.

The bill “on the protection of traditional values” is widely seen as a follow-up to a 2013 law, which prohibited the spread of LGBTQ materials among those under 18. If enacted, the law would ban this kind of ‘propaganda’ among “both minors and adults,” according to a statement issued by the Duma. It would apply to “the media, the internet, literature and cinema.”

It would also expand requirements imposed on the advertising industry, which prohibit the demonstration of non-traditional sexual relations or preferences.

Breaching the new regulations would result in a fine of up to 400,000 rubles ($6,600) for individuals and up to four million rubles ($66,000) for corporate entities. Foreign offenders would also be expelled from Russia.

“We must do everything to protect our children and those who want to live a normal life. Everything else is sin, sodomy, darkness, and our country is fighting this,” said Vyacheslav Volodin, chairman of the State Duma.

On Wednesday, lawmakers rejected amendments that would introduce criminal liability for repeated offenses.

Another proposal, which was not supported by Duma members, suggested banning video games that depict LGBTQ relations and acts of violence. According to Alexander Khinshtein, chairman of the Duma’s Committee on Information Policy, video games should be subject to separate regulation.

The third and final reading of the bill “on the protection of traditional values” is planned for Thursday.

The Fear of Fear Itself: The Gripping Truth Out of Ukraine

From the Comments

– One thing the Eastern communist have over the Western communist- Is that they don’t demand you bow down and respect, or even worship, a lost soul’s perversion. (anything to cause confusion and the breakdown of family) Go Russia!!!!!! You’re one of the few countries standing up to the creepy new world order- Nato.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 24, 2022 6:48 pm

Watching a replay of the Japs kicking Deutschland arse.

The Zero is better than the Messerschmitt 109?

November 24, 2022 6:49 pm

November 24, 2022 at 6:37 pm
Russia moves closer to total ban of ‘LGBTQ propaganda’

The State Duma has adopted a bill on the “protection of traditional values” at a second reading

Being a disgusting homo has always been a choice.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
November 24, 2022 6:54 pm

I love the tame language used to describe Lim. I work in Sydney’s CBD and over the years I’ve seen a lot of Danny Lim. He isn’t some quaint “well known eccentric and 78 year old character around Sydney making his usual protests about whatever”. He frequently walks around Sydney’s CBD carrying extremely offensive and sometimes libelous placards. I remember a few years ago he was draped in a poster that called Tony Abbott a “fuckwit”, he’s also carried similar rude signs about other conservative politicians. When confronted, he’s quite aggressive. His posters almost always contain the word “c-nt”. Many people have complained to the police.

Anyway, whilst I hope Mr Lim will be okay, as I said above, if the police used excessive force then they should be disciplined however perhaps it’s time for Mr Lim to retire from walking around draped in rude and offensive placards and instead go and play MahJong.

On reflection, it is quite disheartening to get such a response on these pages. The response of ‘offensive’ is usually first resort of leftist authoritarians. It’s a sad day when police action against a lone 78 year old man ends up with hospitalisation and suspected brain damage.

instead go and play MahJong

At what age to you suggest that our elderly citizens, serial nuisances or otherwise, be sent to the scrap heap or maybe better still done away with altogether?

November 24, 2022 6:58 pm

maybe better still done away with altogether?

when did anyone say that?

November 24, 2022 7:00 pm

November 24, 2022 at 5:42 pm
It’s just heartbreaking;

It’s hilarious. One tweet on that thread is from some bint called Jennifer who was born a woman but identifies as a man who identifies as a woman, called a trans trans. This is either outstanding piss taking or terminal insanity.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 24, 2022 7:01 pm

Everyone’s favourite celebrity chick-choker’s at it again (the Tele):

Fallen TV star Andrew O’Keefe has again been arrested and charged, this time allegedly testing positive for drugs, six months after he was released to rebuild his life in a seaside rehab.

A court heard on Thursday afternoon he denies testing positive to drugs.

Whoops. A terrible accident, surely. Not his fault, surely. He’s been to rehab, surely.

Officers knocked on the door of O’Keefe’s Vaucluse unit and spoke with the 51-year-old on Thursday, NSW Police said in a statement.

Not short of coin, then. And:

O’Keefe was swabbed and returned a positive result for methamphetamine and cocaine, police allege, before he was arrested and taken to Waverley Police Station.

Straight to court. Then:

His barrister, Sebastian De Brennan, told the court the drug swab was contaminated and O’Keefe denied the breach.

Mr De Brennan told the court O’Keefe’s friend had been spotted leaving the home and was found with illegal drugs.

Ohhhhhhhh. So O’Keefe’s mate was pinched around the corner from O’Keefe’s house, and the gear was found before his mate spilled his guts leading to the knock on the door and a positive test. But it was ‘contaminated’. Riiiight.

Magistrate Jacqueline Milledge granted O’Keefe bail at 4pm.

I’ll give him 48 hours before he’s back in the bin.

November 24, 2022 7:02 pm
November 24, 2022 7:02 pm

The Zero is better than the Messerschmitt 109?

Good analogy TE. The Japs gave a lot away in height, but more than made up for it in energy, grit and speed. Like a dog after a bone and the Germans were way too complacent.

The German Manager Hansi Flick looked like a deer stuck in headlights- “wtf just happened here?!”

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 24, 2022 7:05 pm

I note St. Ruth was here before.

Thank God. I thought he’d been sent to the….. camps.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 24, 2022 7:05 pm

Friendly Jordies house in Sydney burnt down.
So, if you’ve got a Twitter a/c, tweet him some sympathy.
Likely connection to BumSex gone wrong, so don’t mention that.

November 24, 2022 7:07 pm

One tweet on that thread is from some bint called Jennifer who was born a woman but identifies as a man who identifies as a woman, called a trans trans.

It used to be called schizophrenia.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 24, 2022 7:11 pm

Haha, do it. Do it!

Qantas cabin crew vote to strike (Sky, 24 Nov)

Stay out for a month. A year! Three years! Gaia will love you for it.

Cassie of Sydney
November 24, 2022 7:12 pm

“At what age to you suggest that our elderly citizens, serial nuisances or otherwise, be sent to the scrap heap or maybe better still done away with altogether?”

And where, pray, did I say or write anything like that? That’s right, no where.

November 24, 2022 7:17 pm

Makka says:
November 24, 2022 at 5:42 pm
It’s just heartbreaking;

Looks like the lezzos have worked it out.

November 24, 2022 7:17 pm

“At what age to you suggest that our elderly citizens, serial nuisances or otherwise, be sent to the scrap heap or maybe better still done away with altogether?”

Well. That escalated quickly.

November 24, 2022 7:19 pm

One tweet on that thread is from some bint called Jennifer who was born a woman but identifies as a man who identifies as a woman, called a trans trans.

Wasn’t that the plot of Victor Victoria ?

November 24, 2022 7:20 pm

Hmmmmm…Dr Kidd warning us to be masked in crowded places. Endlessly.

Schools Spectacular pupils packed into an auditorium, frocked up and performing. Much…much adulation and excitement from the Seven spokesmouth.

Mixed messages Government. No wonder everyone thinks the thing is a joke. Except Dr Kidd who appears to be a total weirdo.

Dunny brush
Dunny brush
November 24, 2022 7:20 pm

Went to a conference today. Welcome to cuntry went for 45 minutes. On the plus side it was morning tea by the time the smoke and pagan spiritualism left the stage. Women complaining took up rest of the morning. Then lunch. Fun times

November 24, 2022 7:21 pm

Macron’s sour grapes on nuclear subs reek of hypocrisy writ large

If French President Emmanuel Macron is to be believed, his country is a good friend to Australia. So good in fact he feels he can stick his Gallic nose into our affairs and publicly lecture us on defence policy. According to him, we would be acting provocatively if we acquire nuclear-powered submarines as planned.

You will be relieved to know he is motivated solely by concerns for our security. The good news is that everything will be OK if we go back to the original plan of paying the French $90bn to build a fleet of conventional submarines. That way we will not upset China.

“The choice made by [former] prime minister [Scott] Morrison was the opposite,” Macron gratuitously postulated last week in Bangkok, referring to the previous government’s decision to form AUKUS along with the United States and Britain. It was a case of Australia “re-entering into nuclear confrontation” and becoming “completely dependent” in commissioning a “submarine fleet that the Australians are incapable of producing and maintaining in-house”, he said.

Lo and behold, China’s state-owed Global Times favourably noted Macron’s criticism, saying in an editorial he “was trying to remind Australia” that conventional submarines are a “better option”. AUKUS, it said, “undermines Australia’s sovereignty and serves to provoke China”. To summarise, Frog and Panda are firmly in accord about what Australia should not be allowed to do defence-wise.

Macron’s advice should not be dismissed out of hand. After all, if there is one aspect of military affairs in which the French are par excellence, it is avoiding confrontation. Rather than countering Beijing’s expansionism we should not do anything hostile, at least overtly. For example, we could follow France’s lead and secretly plant a bomb on a civilian protest vessel harboured in a friendly country.

Marcon’s outburst was that of a peace poseur, and his hypocrisy writ large. To begin with, France possesses five nuclear attack submarines (SSNs). The most recent of these to enter service, the Suffren, can launch cruise missiles capable of hitting a target up to 1000km away. In addition, the French Navy also boasts four nuclear ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs). Conversely, Australia will have eight SSNs, none of which – unlike the French boomers – will be armed with nuclear warheads.

As for Marcon’s sudden concerns about Beijing’s sensibilities, that is rich. Just last year then armed forces minister Florence Parly proudly announced the French SSN Emeraude had successfully concluded a passage of the South China Sea. This was, she said, a mission to “enrich our knowledge of this area and to affirm that international law is the only rule that is valid, whatever the sea in which we sail”. A sea of double standards, you might say.

Emmanuel Macron was ‘quite scathing’ of AUKUS nuclear subs plan while in Bangkok for APEC
French President Emmanuel Macron was “quite scathing” of the AUKUS nuclear submarines plan, says Sky News… Political Editor Andrew Clennell. Mr Clennell said Mr Macron went on about AUKUS again while in Thailand for the APEC summit, criticising former prime minister Scott Morrison. “But I guess, in a More
These facts should have been put to Macron in the form of a public rebuke. But when asked about his criticism, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese could only lamely remark with a feeble grin that the president was “entitled to put forward the views he does in a very forthright way”. Why the weak response, especially when the subject concerns a challenge to our sovereign rights?

Answer: someone is embarrassed at the realisation he has been played for a fool. When this issue blew up last year, the opposition, under Albanese, abandoned the longstanding rule that international disputes concerning national security warranted cautious bipartisanship. Unquestionably and opportunistically, Labor sided with Macron.

When Morrison defended himself following Marcon’s denunciation, Albanese bizarrely accused him of “gaslighting” the president. And to think just last week at the G20 summit Albanese told journalists of Labor’s “mature” approach to foreign affairs, saying “We need to not try to score domestic political points in our international relations”.

Then shadow foreign affairs minister Penny Wong even compared Morrison to former US president Donald Trump. “It is vandalism, the way in which this has been dealt with by the government,” she said. “It is a wanton disregard for our international reputation.”

Praising Macron, then climate change minister Chris Bowen cited “national interest” in spruiking for the French. “It’s shocking that Australian foreign policy and his clumsy handling has got us in this situation,” he said, “because he [Morrison] is fundamentally dishonest in everything he does”.

When the new Prime Minister made an official visit to France this year, his hands were clasped firmly on his lapels as he boasted of the rectified relationship. “There have been some difficulties and that is true,” he told a meeting of France’s peak employer federation, the Movement of the Enterprises of France. “I resolved those difficulties on May 21.”

Speaking at the Élysée Palace, Albanese marvelled at his great rapprochement. “My presence here following the invitation of the president represents a new start for our countries’ relationship,” he said. “Trust, respect, and honesty matters.”

So too does ingratiating oneself with foreign leaders at taxpayer expense, evidently. Under the terms of the contract, the French government majority-owned Naval Group was entitled to $136m if the Defence department elected not to go ahead with the submarine deal. Feeling generous, the Albanese government paid the organisation a whopping $835m. Why the largesse given the previous government had lawfully terminated the contract?

For all his animus towards the former prime minister, Macron has all but vindicated Morrison for his belated notification that Australia no longer wished to do business. As the president’s recent behaviour has shown, Morrison knew Paris would have done its utmost to sabotage AUKUS before the pact could be announced.

His successor did everything to duchess Macron only to be duped himself. But give Macron his due, for he is simply treating his Australian counterpart with the respect due one who sides against his own country for political expediency.

It is an uncomfortable bed Albanese has made for himself. Only now has he discovered that the French could not give a sheet.


November 24, 2022 7:23 pm

Went to a conference today. Welcome to cuntry went for 45 minutes.

As a kid, the good parish priest could outturn a mass in under 45 minutes.

Or your weekly offering back, guaranteed.

November 24, 2022 7:24 pm

Not sure that playing Mahjong is the “scrapheap”. It could just as easily be Contract Bridge or Bingo.

I’m still not sure how cuffing and poleaxeing an elderly nuisance is in the public interest.

November 24, 2022 7:25 pm

We identifies as Trans^n so we cannot be trumped on the victimology totem pole.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 24, 2022 7:26 pm

At what age to you suggest that our elderly citizens, serial nuisances or otherwise, be sent to the scrap heap or maybe better still done away with altogether?

The exact age they start behaving as Lim does, whether it be 18 or 78. Here’s part of Lim’s political career:

During the 2016 Federal election, Lim ran for the Australian Senate and received 0.01% of the vote in New South Wales.[4] He also ran as an Independent for the Legislative Council in the 2019 New South Wales election, gaining 644 votes (0.01%).

Whoever authored the quoted content might change his mind about 15 minutes after Lim camps at his front door and flicks the nuffy button.

November 24, 2022 7:28 pm

Likely connection to BumSex gone wrong, so don’t mention that.

I think…you may be doing it wrong.

November 24, 2022 7:29 pm

Under the terms of the contract, the French government majority-owned Naval Group was entitled to $136m if the Defence department elected not to go ahead with the submarine deal. Feeling generous, the Albanese government paid the organisation a whopping $835m.


What’s $700m of tax payers hard earned between friends?

November 24, 2022 7:29 pm

Good grief, Dot! In the church on my yoof the sermon was a Moore College 40 minute, 3 point bum numbing wonder!

Mercifully, our Presbyterian pastor limits his to 20 minutes – still three points, natch.

Praise the Lord for comfortable chairs. The old pews were so hard we’d sit on the kneelers.

November 24, 2022 7:36 pm

I’m still not sure how cuffing and poleaxeing an elderly nuisance is in the public interest.

I had an argument/stoush/disagreement with one of my wife’s cousins over ‘state sanctioned murder’ the other night.
Calli, I wish I have thought of your comment at the time.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 24, 2022 7:36 pm

The issue when lefties cry ‘offended’ is that they are offended by other people exercising their own recognised rights. When a lefty is offended by opinions (and demanding no one should be permitted to hold them), offended by words (and therefore no one should be permitted to say them) or offended by what people do in their own time (and therefore no one should be permitted to do it), they are saying that other peoples established rights be curtailed for the sake of their own newly proclaimed right not to be offended. And with no regard for the fact that they might offend others, they just aren’t such panty-waists.

But there is such a thing as being offensive, just as there are such things as decorum, respect, and decency. The value of the last three can be seen in how socially corrosive their absence is.

Mr Lim would seem to be a matter of this last.

No doubt he would insist on additional Mah Jong tiles with various obscene meanings.

November 24, 2022 7:37 pm

Yep. We (Dot) identifies as transcendent.

November 24, 2022 7:38 pm

Feeling generous, the Albanese government paid the organisation a whopping $835m.

A billion NOT to build a road. $835 mill NOT to buy a fleet of guinea pig Frog subs. Billions annually NOT to run multi Billion $ desal plants. Lordy, Aussie taxpayers must be made of money.

November 24, 2022 7:38 pm

Well, Beertruk, it may be that sometime soon I’ll be an “elderly nuisance”. It would be nice if the police treated me kindly.

The trajectory looks very inauspicious.

November 24, 2022 7:43 pm
Cassie of Sydney
November 24, 2022 7:45 pm

“I’m still not sure how cuffing and poleaxeing an elderly nuisance is in the public interest.”

The scuffle happened in the QVB building. Apparently a shop owner in the QVB protested, and why shouldn’t they? Lim is a well known Sydney CBD pest. You can be sitting at cafes and he’ll approach you. He’s quite inappropriate HOWEVER that doesn’t warrant or justify excessive police force but as I said last night, Lim was involved in a similar altercation with the cops a few years ago.

Anyway, he’s been released from hospital.

Cassie of Sydney
November 24, 2022 7:46 pm

Mother Lodesays:
November 24, 2022 at 7:36 pm”

Thanks, you’ve said it best.

November 24, 2022 7:47 pm

I’m still not sure how cuffing and poleaxeing an elderly nuisance is in the public interest.

He was refusing a lawful direction and resisting arrest.

I’d suggest cuffing is standard procedure in such circumstances and the two officers were following what they’d been trained to do (they looked young and not yet practiced in the art of persuasion or the application of discretion).

The extended police leg that resulted in the fall was ill advised in the circumstances. Was the injury intended? Hard to prove.

Let’s hope everyone, not least Mr. Lim, has learned something from this.

November 24, 2022 7:47 pm

Oops…formatting fail. Mea culpa.

November 24, 2022 7:50 pm

Under the terms of the contract, the French government majority-owned Naval Group was entitled to $136m if the Defence department elected not to go ahead with the submarine deal. Feeling generous, the Albanese government paid the organisation a whopping $835m.

He really is the master of happy endings

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 24, 2022 7:50 pm

As for his hitting the ground, I don’t pretend to know all the details.

But isn’t it possible that the two offices were trying to escort him, or at least restrain him with a grip that seemed appropriate to his frail frame and he moved abruptly (some of these Asian types can be quite spry despite their age) and, escaping their grasp, lost his balance and hit the ground.

Not saying the police must be in the right, but based on Cassie’s experience it would seem at least possible such an excitable fellow may have contributed through his own injury.

November 24, 2022 7:51 pm

Yes sure I’m going to watch a YouTube crank when I can view Victorian birth registrations for myself.
It’s monetised nonsense for the wishful thinkers.

November 24, 2022 7:53 pm

Vicki mentioned this. Below is from Daily Mail article. The Dr has a 2GB/4BC radio show on Sunday’s. I believe this comes from Ben Fordham interviews.

Cardiologist calls for an end to mNRA booster shots – as teen, 18, tells how her reaction to the jab saw her miss her Year 12 exams: ‘I’ve had 60 to 70 in my practice who’ve had similar reactions’
Sydney teen diagnosed with heart condition after first Covid jab
Monica Eskandar missed her HSC exams after being diagnosed with pericarditis
Now top Sydney cardiologist Dr Ross Walker has called for a ban on mRNA jabs
He’s seen a rise in heart conditions over past 12 months relating to Covid jabs
He believes other Covid vaccines are ‘just as good’ as Pfizer and Moderna.

Real Deal
Real Deal
November 24, 2022 7:57 pm


Circulating anything by the J.Geils Band should be a sackable offence. Ditto Supertramp and Steely Dan.

What about the Alan Parsons Project?

Asking for a friend.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 24, 2022 7:59 pm

What’s the actual nature of Danny Lim’s activism?
Has he got a beef against any particular group?

November 24, 2022 8:00 pm

He really is the master of happy endings

Unless you happen to be a productive Australian citizen/resident.

In which case you’re just lumbered with the bill/consequences.

It’s ever been thus with Labor.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Mother Lode says: November 24, 2022 at 7:50 pm
As for his hitting the ground, I don’t pretend to know all the details.

Have you not seen the video?

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 24, 2022 8:01 pm

He believes other Covid vaccines are ‘just as good’ as Pfizer and Moderna.
That’s the way!
Don’t say anything that might provoke the dreaded TGA to suspend your licence forever.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 24, 2022 8:02 pm

Have you not seen the video?

No. Just speculating from the broad strokes I read this morning – hence the question form.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 24, 2022 8:04 pm

Oops. Not question in form, but couched in speculative rather than asserting terms.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 24, 2022 8:10 pm

Has he got a beef against any particular group?

The mutton lobby, I believe.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 24, 2022 8:12 pm

Saw Danny Lim in action in that big Sydney arcade thingie a few years back.

His schtick consisted of screaming something at the top of his voice while waving a sign, while promenading along the mezzanine, up to the landing, cross over, and repeat. Poor shoppers and merchants avoiding and refusing him entry. At one stage he made as if to climb over the railing and jump.

Rozzers turned up eventually and carted him away.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 24, 2022 8:14 pm

Canadian author and psychologist Jordan Peterson has told an audience of Coalition and One Nation MPs that modular nuclear reactors and natural gas are the key to lifting people out of poverty, and that Australians must avoid “the lurking potential catastrophes that are associated with this completely fabricated energy crisis in Europe”.

Speaking at Parliament House on Thursday, Dr Peterson accused the left of being willing to sacrifice the poor for political purposes.

“If the left has the opportunity to, let’s say, save the planet, or serve the poor, they’ll instantly pick save the planet,” he said.

“And then if they have the opportunity to pick save the planet or destroy capitalism, they will instantly pick destroy capitalism.”

“If you’re willing to sacrifice poor people to your environmental delusions, there’s something wrong with you,” he said, adding that “modular nuclear” and liquid natural gas would have to be a major part of the world’s ongoing energy mix.

Mr Peterson’s comments were echoed later in the day at forum to promote nuclear energy as a part of Australia’s energy mix.

Former ANSTO chief Adrian Paterson said “modern small modular reactors should absolutely be adopted in Australia in order to provide reliable, predictable and safe energy for our grid.

“Nuclear power absolutely stacks up economically, because what you want is predictable, always-on power,” Mr Paterson said.

“One of the things about why it is so difficult to rely on intermittent renewable source s of powers is that it doesn’t stack up 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

“We are living in an era where we are trying to take carbon out of our energy supply, and then we need electricity for our cars and other things with a high penetration of renewables.”

“But the physics and engineering just don’t support that,” he said.

Daily Tele

Pity the Libs didn’t push this one hard when they were in office, along with actually doing something in many other areas. They might not be on the outer now.

November 24, 2022 8:15 pm

Saw Danny Lim in action in that big Sydney arcade thingie a few years back.


He’s not a harmless eccentric, he’s an attention seeker.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2022 8:15 pm

Andrew O’Keefe must be very close to running out of being famous by virtue of proximity. He and Slater should get a cell together and swap hard luck stories.

Bob Sewell
November 24, 2022 8:18 pm

Old Ozzie:
What did the gay movement expect when it enrolled the state to enforce the perversion our children?
The State has not yet woken up to the fact their alliance with the perverts is rubbing off on it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2022 8:19 pm

Sydney has a lot of malignant weirdos wandering around the CBD. Take Clover Moore for example …

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 24, 2022 8:23 pm

Danny Lim was wearing a Stinky shirt on coming out of hospital.
Which rather reduced my interest in his case.

“Respect Existence or Expect Resistance” eh Mr Lim? I expect intelligence and resist stupidity myself.

November 24, 2022 8:24 pm

Circulating anything by the J.Geils Band should be a sackable offence. Ditto Supertramp and Steely Dan.

How about some Christopher Cross then?

November 24, 2022 8:25 pm

Roger says:
November 24, 2022 at 7:29 pm
Under the terms of the contract, the French government majority-owned Naval Group was entitled to $136m if the Defence department elected not to go ahead with the submarine deal. Feeling generous, the Albanese government paid the organisation a whopping $835m.

What’s $700m of tax payers hard earned between friends?

This is absolutely FUCKING outrageous.

Who the fuck does Also think he is . . . if he wants to blow Macron I suggest the ALP or himself funds the extra $700M – after all that would be a drop in the ocean given the amount of union money the Liars party have access to.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2022 8:29 pm

The mutton lobby, I believe.

Big Mutton still have a lot of pull with the Nationals.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 24, 2022 8:30 pm

Here’s the YouTube vid of 2 cops restraining Danny Lim’s
arms and driving him face first into the tiles.
The sandwich board reads Smile For Peace.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2022 8:31 pm

Albo is worse than when Julie went overseas with the chequebook.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 24, 2022 8:32 pm

First comment:
Felix Newman
1 hour ago
In Victoria this is just a normal interaction with police.

November 24, 2022 8:36 pm
November 24, 2022 8:37 pm

Albo is worse than when Julie went overseas with the chequebook.

At least then we still had some money in the account to cover those cheques.

At present we’re just charging it to future generations.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 24, 2022 8:38 pm

Wait for it.

November 24, 2022 8:39 pm
H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2022 8:40 pm

At least then we still had some money in the account to cover those cheques.

Are you sure? RBA Bonds on Issue would suggest otherwise.

Cassie of Sydney
November 24, 2022 8:41 pm

“He’s not a harmless eccentric, he’s an attention seeker.”


November 24, 2022 8:44 pm

Alan Moran has a good article at the Speccie on Victoristan and the hunchback’s renewable mania:

My comment:

Another good article Alan. I am afraid, however, that people will not wake up until the lights go out; and even than the first reaction will be the problem is we don’t have enough wind and solar.

The lie of man-made climate change is the first part of this massive attack on the West; renewables are the second. Every time I see a wind turbine or a solar farm, I compare them to the Easter Island statues: pointless emblems of a society in decline, destructive decadence. Of course, renewables are supported by other groups: spivs and grifters, commies, power motivated, z grade academics and bureaucrats, cowardly pollies and useful idiots. Renewables are a classic example of something being defined by its supporters. In short, they are useless and promulgated by every bad motivation.

As I write this Victoristan is being powered by 70% coal and gas and 17% hydro and 12% renewables.

These bare facts are bad enough, but the real kicker is this: already installed in Victoristan are more renewables than the demand for electricity in that state. There is already enough renewables installed in Victoristan to supply electricity to that benighted state: IF THEY WORKED. They don’t. They:

1 Only produce electricity for ~ 30% of the time as averaged over a year
2 They produce in surges, unpredictably
3 They produce the WRONG sort of electricity, DC, not AC
4 They require huge backup, massive extra infrastructure and grid construction
5 Their materials come from the most polluting and expensive mining known
6 When their productive life ends there are huge disposal issues
7 They cover vast areas of land and destroy huge numbers of wildlife
8 They have failed everywhere in the world where they have been installed

Yet every government in this wretched nation, ALP/Greens and LNP support them only differing marginally in degree.

When the lights go out and this economy is destroyed there must be an accounting of those responsible for this self-0created disaster.

November 24, 2022 8:46 pm

Are you sure? RBA Bonds on Issue would suggest otherwise.

I could be wrong.

Based on memories of R-G-R running through Costello’s legacy of surpluses.

November 24, 2022 8:48 pm

Cassie, serious question. If the “attention seeker” was seeking attention over something we approved of, would you have a different opinion?

I’m really loath to start a stouch, but I can’t stop thinking of the “diseased nanna” who was pepper sprayed. I know he’s a serial nuisance. It may well be that Dave Sharma could have complained the same of you when you approached him in the street. DrDuk had the same treatment from his MP.

We have to be very careful here. Do we really want to condone the physical mistreatment of citizens who are expressing an opinion, regardless of how obnoxious they are?

Bob Sewell
November 24, 2022 8:48 pm
Any thoughts on this?
It looks to me like a renationalisation of the grid – along with government looting of the earnings, and Union featherbedding just like the good old days.

  1. We should thank our lucky stars that Biden won the crooked election in 2020. Without that, we would not have…

  2. And if that were true, the South would have won the civil war, Ford wouldn’t have built the River Rouge…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x