Open Thread – Tue 29 Nov 2022

Joseph’s Dream, Rembrandt, 1645

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Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 2, 2022 2:22 pm

Anyone else going to the Cowards and Traitors Ball at the Deniers Club tomorrow night?

December 2, 2022 2:22 pm

t’s ironic that someone who continually whinges about being verballed, just did it to me.

Please show me where I said that (reluctantly) accepting the jab was “heroic”.

And if I can, you can show me where I’m whinging about being verballed.

December 2, 2022 2:24 pm

Fuck me KD.
Right about now you’d be relying on Skidmark and Choo Choo and a few others to help you out.

Where are they KD?

December 2, 2022 2:25 pm

I agree with Farage – I looked at the transcript and then at the African woman’s outfit and thought…hang on a minute.

The creature is a racist sh*t stirrer, tape recorder at the ready to do a bit of witch-finding on the flimsiest of pretexts. The lady in waiting is owed an apology, just for being secretly taped, but she’ll get nothing.

Like my advice to men interacting with women at work, should that extend to “never speak to a black person”? Starting to look that way. Not because you are a racist, but because you simply can’t afford to put a foot wrong.

Anvil d'ACME
Anvil d’ACME
December 2, 2022 2:25 pm

I’ve watched the “Walking Dead” and I know the next phase that awaits the multi jabbed.

December 2, 2022 2:27 pm

Mem and others, I should have said we have been offered it by the bank, at a meeting in the bank. Its not a phishing thing, but take the point about separation of financial advice from retail and do remember the loss making tree plantation investments they were advising/pushing a good few years back, in which many lost a great deal of money. They do not do that now, it is different apparently.

Having said that, it appears to have a bunch of experts essentially doing what an estate planner would do, I guess we can speak to accountant and solicitor and see.

December 2, 2022 2:28 pm

If you guys are going to pick scabs, can you please eat them like good school boys?

I’m told they taste better with a bit of HP sauce, though you might prefer a fruit chutney.

December 2, 2022 2:29 pm

Was not allowing Sparkles and her puppy derg on the balcony racism or domestic violence? Or was it both?

So hard to tell these days.

December 2, 2022 2:31 pm

But, you keep bellyaching on and on and on and on forever bleating away as if you are the only one in your situation. Just STFU and move onto something else like Tonka Toys and Play School……………….

I’ve only just started.
I’m not the only one in what situation?
That I’ve got too much work now because the jabbed are getting sick all the time and are unreliable?

That I’m as healthy as I ever was..(just a few kilos too heavy)

That my loving wife gave me another hug this morning after reading about more sudden deaths as she knows I was the one who stopped her getting it.

You’re a newby Johnny Rotten.
If you saw the way many people here acted and what they said at the start of all this,…. some still….they may act like poor suffering angels now….you’d be laughing as hard as I am.

December 2, 2022 2:37 pm

Thanks Vicki

I wondered that – we are lucky to have email and phone for Agribusiness in NT great people but when we retire that aspect will be lost. Something I had not thought of.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 2, 2022 2:38 pm


but as a simple matter of expediency it seems like the Pell case mandates that juries can’t be trusted to read the evidence correctly according to the HC’s requirements,

It only got to the High Court because two of three Appeal Court judges couldn’t “be trusted to read the evidence correctly according to the HC’s requirements”.

Sleazy, even by your extremely low standards.

December 2, 2022 2:39 pm

It was a fair way back Mater, but if you or somebody can show me how to just search your comments, I’ll find it.

I don’t need you to, because I NEVER, EVER indicated that accepting it was “heroic”.

I’ve used the example of people going to war, and facing the bullets, as an example of how people often risk their lives (and do things they knew will probably harm them) for the wellbeing of those they love – and I’m not talking about saving them from Covid. Keeping the family fed and solvent would seem to qualify.

Neither fear of Covid itself, or of transmitting it to them remotely entered my head. Saving them from government brutality was my only consideration. No one in my family feared the Coof, just the government measures. The difference between my wife and myself came down to our individual ability to tolerate government bullying. Women, in general, are more susceptible to that.

You’ve constantly read into this argument and (probably because you don’t understand it) manipulated it to your argumentative advantage.

December 2, 2022 2:40 pm

“No, mater did…”

No, he didn’t – he stated the fact that he did what he did because he felt it the lesser of two evils; that he didn’t really want to, but felt compelled to.
I did too, and so I did what I did, once again with concern about the risks I was taking, but taking them anyway as part of what I felt was my duty to those around me.
Neither of us claimed heroism, but we did indeed both point out that real heroes often do things that appear in the cold light of day to be “crazy”, and for similar reasons of perceived duty of one sort or another.
Neither of us were in much of a position to stop the most imminent threat to those around us in any other way, so we winced and did what we had to do. It might come back to bite us – we knew that, but we did it anyway.

You, on the other hand, had sufficient resources and were lucky enough to be in a place where the restrictions were not so heavy, as to be able to avoid making such a choice. And you have “wiped” those around you who came to a different conclusion, based on their own personal circumstances – not just here, but your own family. At least, so it appears based on your comments here.
So take your “holier than thou” rhetoric and put it where the sun don’t shine.
I did not cause any of your hardship, nor you mine. The real enemy is those who would put such draconian, anti-freedom “rules” in place, and those who cheer them on. You know that, but still spend your energy on denigrating those who reached different conclusions than you, rather than focusing on those who did the real damage. That is your cowardice, in case you didn’t notice.

Finally, your own authoritarianism in this matter is no better than the grubs who created your hatred in the first place – those who took the vax gladly had their own reasons, and were lied to about safety and efficiacy. To treat the duped as fools is one thing, to treat them as enemies of freedom is a bridge too far – a bridge you have not just crossed, but burnt behind you. Well, that is your choice, and you will need to deal with the consequences – and it is your own denial of this reality that is most apparent to those who care to look at your increasingly intolerant rants.

December 2, 2022 2:43 pm

Cowards and Traitors Ball at the Deniers Club

Cant Im double booked with the shallow cocksmokers and compliant silly Moos AGM.

They have better canapes anyway.

December 2, 2022 2:46 pm

You make me sick Kneel.

You poor arse bandit.
Only you had it hard.
The rest of us had it easy.

That little stance says a lot more about you than you think.

Anvil d'ACME
Anvil d’ACME
December 2, 2022 2:46 pm

Raw sweetbreads ahhh !

December 2, 2022 2:46 pm

The Christmas season is so busy, Mole. Hard to know which marginalised and demonised group to party with.

My preference is The Dickless Uptickers – that way I can identify and denounce them.

December 2, 2022 2:54 pm

Nice comment Kneel. Excellent in fact.

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 2, 2022 3:00 pm

Daily Tele editorial:

Australia’s most high-profile legal case today became Australia’s most high-profile cancelled legal case.

The decision by ACT Director of Public Prosecutions Shane Drumgold SC to drop a sexual assault charge against Bruce Lehrmann means a second trial, scheduled for February 2023, will now not proceed.

As Drumgold explained this morning, his decision was made out of concern for complainant Brittany Higgins’ mental health.

“Whilst the pursuit of justice is essential for both my office and for the community in general, the safety of a complainant in a sexual assault matter must be paramount,” Drumgold said.

“In light of the compelling independent medical opinion and balancing all factors, I have made the difficult decision that it is no longer in the public interest to pursue a prosecution at the risk of the complainant’s life.

“This has left me no option but to file a notice declining to proceed with the retrial of this matter.”

Higgins, currently receiving mental health treatment in a Queensland hospital, released a statement today noting that “the last couple of years have been difficult and unrelenting”.

This is undoubtedly the case – and would also be the case for the accused, who now has lost the opportunity to clear his name in court.

The rights of the accused have been trashed throughout this entire process.

In February this year, months after Bruce Lehrmann had been charged, Brittany Higgins was given a platform at the National Press Club in Canberra where she directly declared Lehrmann to be guilty.

“I was raped on a couch in what I thought was the safest and most secure building in Australia,” Higgins said.

“In a workplace that has a police and security presence 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The parliament of Australia is safe — it is secure — except if you’re a woman.”

That Press Club appearance followed an apology to Higgins in parliament from then-Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who praised Higgins’s “courage” and said “parliament can’t be a place of cruelty”.

Then opposition leader Albanese added that Higgins had “torn through a silence that has acted as the life-support system for the most odious of status quos”.

This was all in advance of Lehrmann’s trial. Little wonder, then, that Lehrmann’s lawyer Warwick Korn took strong issue with those comments.

“In light of the complexity, difficulty and importance of the task before any jury already, the behaviour of our Prime Minister and others in these past 24 hours truly beggars belief,” Korn said.

Add to that the behaviour of prominent media identities who also spoke at length about the case, which at one point resulted in the initial trial being delayed.

The concept of “innocent until proven guilty” is not difficult to understand. Nor is it difficult to understand the need for judicious silence prior to a full hearing of evidence in court.

So we are now at a point where Lehrmann’s second trial has been abandoned, yet he is still viewed as guilty by many in parliament, the press and social media.

It is fair to ask if justice in this case has been served.

Ben English
Editor, The Daily Telegraph

December 2, 2022 3:03 pm

From the Oz:
Daniel Andrews the great political fertiliser: growing debt at historic levels
1 Dec 2022
According to Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews the psephology is settled. His resounding election victory, he declared last weekend, reflected the will of a community that was “united in believing in science”.

The theatrics and stage setting for this pronouncement were near-perfect. Admittedly the costume department could have provided him with a lab coat and clipboard for the part, but that oversight did not detract from the message. If you believe in science, you believe in Dan Andrews. Thanks to his leadership, Victoria recorded one of the lowest Covid death rates of the states and territories, bettered only by Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, Tasmania, New South Wales, Northern Territory, and the ACT.

The hallmark of the great actor is to deliver his lines flawlessly, and Andrews performed brilliantly. The public mood, he maintained with a straight face, was a “sense of kindness, that sense of connection, that sense that we are all in this together”.

As for what Andrews has done to the economy, let’s just say the self-professed science aficionado is the leading contender for this year’s Nobble Prize.

But no-one could doubt the definitive trait of Andrews’ last term of government was kindness, whether it be police enforcing Covid restrictions by handcuffing a pregnant pyjama-clad mother at home in front of her family or firing rubber pellets at anti-lockdown protesters. As for that sense of connection with family and friends during the world’s longest lockdown, how good is Zoom? And whether you are a former business owner gazing forlornly at the empty shopfront you once occupied or a state public servant who did not lose a cent during the pandemic, you would know there is a sense that we are all in this together.

The trepidation we felt at the thought of Andrews losing office has given way to immense relief, a feeling reinforced by the knowledge that tolerance inspires our leaders.

“I am so relieved that twice now Australians have resoundingly rejected hatred, nastiness, bullying & personal attacks in politics,” tweeted social commentator and author Jane Caro AO on Sunday. “Civility rocks.”

That is a good point, I thought. No doubt many a conservative commentator was disappointed at the result, but to my knowledge none of them angrily tweeted on the night that Australia was “f..ked”. Nor did they petulantly declare they were migrating to New Zealand or sticking “two rude fingers up to the truculent turds who voted to turn backwards” as Caro did in 2019 when it became clear the Morrison government would be returned. But please, Jane, tell us more about the necessity for civility.

In addition to science, the Andrews brand is synonymous with growth. Think of Victoria as a garden and its Premier a powerful fertiliser. Witness for example the expansion of the public sector. As The Weekend Australian reported in August, the number of state public servants in Victoria grew nearly 20 per cent – almost double the rate of population growth – between 2014 and 2021. And as the Herald Sun noted last year, the number of executives in Victoria’s public service is nearly three times what it was when Andrews assumed office.

It goes without saying that even great leaders cannot do it alone, hence why they draw on public resources to assist them. That is why more than 90 taxpayer-funded staff are assigned to Andrews’ personal office. Something to do with disseminating the thoughts of the Premier to his adoring audience, I believe. It is money well spent. After all, the man is incapable of providing a straight answer at press conferences.

Truly magnificent and wonderful projects are on the horizon. For instance, there is the Suburban Rail Loop. When it announced the plan for the 90km orbital rail line around Melbourne in 2018, the Andrews government estimated it would cost $50bn.

In August the independent Parliamentary Budget Office forecast the project’s first two stages alone would cost more than double that at $125bn. True to form, Andrews repeatedly refused to provide an updated estimate during the election campaign.

Then there is his plan for the return of the government-owned State Electricity Commission. “Those power stations won’t be for profit, they’ll be for people,” Andrews declared at the announcement last month. That, together with the government’s plan to abolish coal-fired power plants by 2035, can only be described as a great leap backward.

The financial outlook for the state is, shall we say, interesting. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Victorians now have the second-lowest household disposable income per person in the country. What the state’s deficit will be for this financial year is anyone’s guess. Six months ago, the official forecast was $7.9bn. Last month Treasurer Tim Pallas announced a revised figure of $9.7bn.

Already the largest of the states and territories, Victoria’s net debt is forecast to reach $165.4bn – 24.6 per cent of gross state product – by mid-2026. To put that in perspective, NSW’s comparative figures for 2025-26 are $114.8bn and 13.7 per cent respectively.

At this rate older Victorians will look back with nostalgia to the Cain/Kirner years. Both these Labor premiers presided over financially ruinous governments. But compared to Andrews and Pallas they were as parsimonious as a Scottish moneylender.

Blame Victorian voters all you will for the result, but the Coalition forgot the rule that an opposition wins the election only if it distinguishes itself from the government, not mimics it. As to the Liberal Party supposedly being a safer pair of hands financially, forget it. That notion died at a press conference last week when a simple question revealed shadow treasurer David Davis was unable to quantify the Coalition’s total election commitment costings.

That’s not to say the Andrews personality cult played a marginal role in his return to government, for his following is as strong as ever. It would not matter if he shut down the entire state tomorrow over a solitary case of measles. His acolytes would immediately take to social media to thank him effusively for keeping Victorians safe.

In other news this week, Macquarie Dictionary has named ‘teal’ the word of the year. It is important to remember what it represents or rather represented, for you may be asked in a trivia competition one day. If the Victorian election is any indication, the teals will be to federal parliament what Martha and the Muffins were to music.


Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 2, 2022 3:06 pm

Reading this web jousting has made me think of beer. Dosing a thousand lambs might have added to the feeling.
I’m thinking of getting back on to the pale ales. Don’t know why I like them, I just do.
Has Pfizer put out a malty drop?

December 2, 2022 3:07 pm

I did too, and so I did what I did, once again with concern about the risks I was taking, but taking them anyway as part of what I felt was my duty to those around me.

Yout duty to those around you, your loved ones, your countrymen and your nation, was not to take it.
To not empower tyrants.

You, on the other hand, had sufficient resources and were lucky enough to be in a place where the restrictions were not so heavy, as to be able to avoid making such a choice.

You absolute ignorant PoS.

You know nothing about my situation and do not dare put yourself up there as if you know what it was like to be unjabbed, unmasked and refusing to do any of it, including QR codes.

You are the one who has no idea.

I did not cause any of your hardship, nor you mine.

No, I did not cause you any hardship at all.
Your compliance has caused millions hardship.

The fact remains.
If no one had complied it would have lasted 30seconds, but it’s still going now three years later.

And don’t give me the excuse that everyone else was doing it.
“I held out until everyone else had taken it”.
Except everyone else hadn’t taken it.
There is right and wrong.
There is no getting around it.
That’s the bit that you really don’t want to hear.

The real enemy is those who would put such draconian, anti-freedom “rules” in place, and those who cheer them on.

And those that surrender to them.

You know that, but still spend your energy on denigrating those who reached different conclusions than you, rather than focusing on those who did the real damage. That is your cowardice, in case you didn’t notice.

We know who did the real damage.
Tyrants are only as tyrannical as the people will put up with.
Xi is finding that out now.

Finally, your own authoritarianism in this matter is no better than the grubs who created your hatred in the first place

Arguing a point of view that sticks in your craw because it makes you look at your piss weak self is not being authoritarian.
I have no power over you, so stop exaggerating in an emotional wank.

– those who took the vax gladly had their own reasons, and were lied to about safety and efficiacy. To treat the duped as fools is one thing, to treat them as enemies of freedom is a bridge too far – a bridge you have not just crossed, but burnt behind you. Well, that is your choice, and you will need to deal with the consequences – and it is your own denial of this reality that is most apparent to those who care to look at your increasingly intolerant rants.

They were told the truth here.
They scoffed.
It came with a passport.
Therefore using the passport makes you a participant in a segregated society and as such an enemy of freedom.

That bridge is the truth and you need to man up and cross it.

And the consequences will be that the jab won’t kill me or my loved ones, but you.
Yet because people took it and used the passport, they destroyed this once great nation and enabled the tyrants to enslave the rest of us.

December 2, 2022 3:10 pm

Mater thinks that me arguing back is whinging about being verballed.
But good on you, Mater, that was some good stuff I said there.
Now how do you do it, so I can go back on what you said without a half an hour of scrolling.

December 2, 2022 3:12 pm

One other * significant Musk development is of course Starlink.

Undercut government satellite tech in cost and performance by orders of magnitude.

The NBN (thanks Krudd and Turnbull for that particular multi-billion dollar white elephant) should be sold off/shut down and subscribers given Starlink accounts.

* – I find it quite incredible that this bloke has so many huge achievements to his name.

December 2, 2022 3:16 pm

As a sidelight to the Dawson case, I understand that Strike Force Southwood, formed to investigate the wholesale sexual exploitation of students at Cromer and neighbouring state high schools, has charged several former teachers – including an ageing lezzo Lee Dunbar who has done time before.

She got a slap on the wrist (18months community) for the last case of abuse, and only 15 months in the slammer for the first conviction in 1996

December 2, 2022 3:17 pm

Oh, and that first victim was 11, FFS.

December 2, 2022 3:18 pm

Higgins, currently receiving mental health treatment in a Queensland hospital, released a statement today noting that “the last couple of years have been difficult and unrelenting


I do hope Mz. Wilkinson asked her P. A. to send flowers.

With a card reading, “The margheritas are on me when you get out, girrrl!”

December 2, 2022 3:20 pm

Oh.. and it you want to find out about just how much lezzos actually care about child sex victims, read this:

December 2, 2022 3:25 pm

“You make me sick Kneel.

You poor arse bandit.
Only you had it hard.
The rest of us had it easy.”

I didn’t say that – I said you didn’t face the same choices that Mater or I did.
I don’t begrudge you that, nor did I say you had it “easy”, what I said was that you weren’t in the position where your financial or moral imperatives and the laws and “rules” forced you to make a choice between two distasteful options. Sure, you had to sell your boat, but you had the boat to sell. Sure, you had to give up your job and find another, but you were in a place where you could find and do another job – even one where, by your own admission, you didn’t even need to wear a mask and where the cops turned a blind eye to you going to and from.

Ask yourself what you would have done had you not had a boat, if you had a mortgage to pay and others to support, if you were in metro Melbournidad or Shitney where the cops, as I noted before, were doing “walk-throughs” of my workplace to make sure we all had our appropriate space, that we were all wearing masks and so on, if you were told you were an “essential worker” and so had to “brave” the risk of interacting with many more people than those “non-essentials” (not that I thought it was a problem, but that’s what they said) – at least until such time as the vax became available and then you were no longer essential enough to be able to earn your own way in the world any more unless you took it.

I’ll tell you this much – Mater is much more moral and braver than I. He did what he did so as not to put those he felt responsible for into a position that he himself could have avoided. I, on the hand, did what I did merely to ensure they had a good home and reasonable food and clothes. His choice was based on principles, mine merely on necessity. So his is most certainly the more moral choice – I can only hope I would do the same, having not faced that choice myself.
You, on the other hand, have faced neither of those choices. Again, I don’t begrudge you that. But I do begrudge you pontificating on your own moral superiority when you have not faced the same circumstances and the same tough choices as those you denigrate. And then you turn the victims into the villains. I can’t decide if you are a shit stirrer or an selfish fuckwit, but as times goes on I am leaning towards the latter – certainly I am less and less inclined to even read your drivel, let alone respond to it. At best, your arguments are in bad faith, and at worst, simply designed to create discord for it’s own sake.

December 2, 2022 3:26 pm

Mater thinks that me arguing back is whinging about being verballed.
But good on you, Mater, that was some good stuff I said there.
Now how do you do it, so I can go back on what you said without a half an hour of scrolling.

Just this once, because you are wrong and it’s healthy for you to realise it.

My comment (that you are referring to and in which I’m apparently calling myself a hero for submitting to the jab – 73 upticks BTW):

Your response (which completely misinterprets what I said):

BTW, I don’t claim to be an ANZAC. Don’t need to! 😉

December 2, 2022 3:30 pm

I can move on.
Why don’t I.
Because of the stubborn denialism shown here.

Just admit you fucked up.

The issue would be over.

The problem is that on these pages you have not owned your actions and yet now want to proceed on in a fairyland of denialism as if nothing happened and it’s all over….and all is to be forgotten.

That’s fucking convenient, but it leads to worse outcomes.
Because you won’t see facts and admit the truth, you are lost.

You live in a fantasy world where Victorian elections are not rigged and you talk about whatever theatre the MSM throw up at you….. like a little whore having a root in Parliament house.
Now it might not be entertaining for old trophy wives, but there are serious issues at stake….like your mental health.

And nowhere is the problem more obvious than with a group of right wingers who cannot for a second entertain the notion they were hoodwinked to the point of jabbing themselves to death…….by the left…’s unacceptable.
They would rather go to their graves watching cricket and deluding themselves.
I can actually understand that……..

Except the bloody truth keeps smacking them in the face.
And it’s going to do it whether I’m here or not.

December 2, 2022 3:32 pm

Lordstown electric pick-up deliveries begin in the US
After a turbulent two years, US electric start-up Lordstown is celebrating its first batch of customer-ready vehicles.

The Endurance is equipped with four in-wheel electric motors producing a claimed peak power of 410kW – fed by a 109kWh battery pack for an estimated range of 322 kilometres.

The rollout of customer vehicles is a significant milestone for Lordstown, which came close to bankruptcy earlier in the year, before Taiwanese tech giant Foxconn – the company that manufactures iPhones for Apple – stepped in with a $US230 million ($AU343 million) lifeline to buy its factory in the city of Lordstown.

Anchor What
Anchor What
December 2, 2022 3:34 pm

Simone Young conducting Fidelio! Should be good, Sunday night on ABC FM.
Oh, wait. It’s to be a re-imagining of Fidelio, with a new setting by someone with “indigenous” background.
Let’s hark back to the original story for a moment – at least part thereof for the purpose of understanding what might go wrong or right on the night.

“Jaquino is a prison guard. He wants to marry Marzelline, the daughter of Rocco who is the warden of the prison.
But Marzelline has just fallen in love with someone she thinks is a man called Fidelio.
Actually Fidelio is a woman who has dressed up as a man so that she can get into the prison where her husband Florestan is a prisoner (he has been arrested for political reasons).
She is pretending to return Marzelline’s love so that she can find a way of rescuing Florestan. Rocco says he is happy for Marzelline to marry Fidelio.
Fidelio (Leonore) says she will help Rocco with his job of looking after the prisoners.
Rocco says she can do this, but there is one prisoner she is not allowed to guard.
He has been locked up alone for two years. Leonore thinks it may be her husband, but she is not sure.”
There you go! It has all the potential to be as woke a version as we might fear. But maybe not!
It could go this way instead (yes, I know I’m dreaming):
Florestan has been locked up by the corrupt Head of Justice for parading outside the Capitol on January 6th.
He has been locked alone for two years in the notorious A.C.D.C. prison, dank and dark, and treated poorly.
His wife Leonore wants to do whatever it takes to free him.
She will even pretend to be transitioning in order to win the approval of the current elites.
Furthermore, she has agreed to give testimony before the January 6th Star Chamber, in return for a favour.
There is some confusion when several women members of the government see her in her Fidelio persona and want to date her.
Some other women in the government suspect she is really female, and also want to date her.

December 2, 2022 3:37 pm

Ye seems to be mentally healthy.

Kanye West says ‘I like Hitler,’ defends Nazis in Alex Jones interview
‘Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler,’ the rapper said in an escalation of his previous anti-Semitic comments.

Of course it was on the Alex Jones show.

December 2, 2022 3:39 pm

St Ruth – you’ve officially joined the ranks of Monty and St. Ed in the Scrollable.

Don’t bother responding as I’ll never know you did.

December 2, 2022 3:41 pm

“Just admit you fucked up.”

I didn’t – I did what I had to do, my duty as I perceived it, as distasteful (and indeed, even dangerous) as it was. As, I gather, did Mater and many others.

“The issue would be over.”

No, it wouldn’t. It will be over when those who forced this crap on us are called to account.
I don’t know that I’d go so far as to say (yet, at least) that the answer is piano wire and lamp posts, but accountable they must be.

Seems you’d rather be told you were right all along than fix it so it doesn’t happen again. Sounds selfish to me…

December 2, 2022 3:42 pm

Anchor – the only ABC I “consume” these days is ClassicFM.

But boy have they been pushing the idigen line hard recently. Some pieces are quite nice, orchestrally. But they obviously missed the memo on British invasion and that violin bows were used to gauge their eyes out while double basses held babies dead wombs*.

*may or may not be historically accurate but Bruce told me so..

December 2, 2022 3:42 pm

All Australian elections, the results of which I don’t like are rigged, how they do it, I don’t know, but that’s my feelz so it’s true.
Thousands of people I never met are dying from covid vaccines, again I have no evidence but my feelings on the matter are very strong indeed so it must be true.
It’s definitely the pfizer even though most older Australians got Astrazeneca but who cares, I’m right I’m right I’m right, stamps feet.

Johnny Rotten
December 2, 2022 3:45 pm

December 2, 2022 at 3:30 pm
I can move on.
Why don’t I.
Because of the stubborn denialism shown here.

And by who? Or whom? Please direct your vitriol to the people that you think are being denialists. Don’t just blast away at everyone on this Blog. That is BS Big Time and is a very weak attack strategy. Piss poor in fact.

If people here on this Blog have offended you then have a pop at them. Don’t just use a Blunderbuss and blast away at the whole Blog. As that is so weak as piss and so simple as just like you are or must be to carry on like you do.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 2, 2022 3:52 pm

On judge only rape trials, I could consider the option, but not a sole judge. At least three, and unanimous verdicts only.

Johnny Rotten
December 2, 2022 3:53 pm

A newlywed farmer stops in at the tavern for the first time after his honeymoon.

He is greeted fondly and his friends buy him a few rounds. He gladly downs them then orders a drink of his own.

A few drinks in now, his ear pick up three of the older farmers talking.

“You see this! Mary damn near bit my neck off yesterday! I was howling like a dog for an hour!” one says.

“Pffft that’s child’s play!” another man slurs. He unbuttons his shirt and shows off his back covered in red criss-crossing cuts. “Helga was running hot and decided to grind me up against my fence and ruined my best shirt. I couldn’t put my shoes on this morning ’cause of my damned back!”

“That’s nothing!” one of the men says as he hikes up his pants leg and shows of a fresh red lump. “Bella though she’d try something new and ended up almost kicking my beans off! Couldn’t walk for hours!”

The young farmer, having just had the most wonderful honeymoon, trots over and drops his pants showing off his family jewels, chaffed and red from nonstop love making.

“My Elizabeth and I did everything you could think of for 2 weeks straight! Beat that!”

The men stare in silence and until one man speaks up “Who names a horse Elizabeth?”

December 2, 2022 3:55 pm

“All Australian elections, the results of which I don’t like are rigged,…”

More by the media than anything or anyone else Rosie. So more “manipulated” than “rigged”, if you ask me (which you didn’t, but I’ll toss to 2c worth in anyway!)

The issue, I believe, is that the media now consider themselves drivers of popular opinion rather than reporters of fact.

True, there have always been some in the media that had such a view, but now it seems that even the most junior also hold it – they want to “tell a story” to “make a difference” rather than state the facts. The difference between “This is horrible, something must be done!”, and “Here is what we know, here is what one side says, here is what the other side says.”

Which is pretty depressing given we are supposed to be in an “information age”. Can we please finish with the information age, skip the knowledge age and enter the wisdom age? No? Bugger.

Johnny Rotten
December 2, 2022 3:55 pm

There are sadistic scientists who hurry to hunt down errors instead of establishing the truth.

– Marie Curie

December 2, 2022 3:57 pm

And now for something completely different…

One must thank Dover-san, for this blog is an outstanding source of news, jokes, trivia and all-round excellent blogging.


For its unfortunate tendency to descend into a high-frequency relapsing form of argumentation, verbal jousting, insult-throwing and pandering to endless trolling by well-known irredeemables.
All of which kinda spoils the read-in experience for us, quiet tragics for reasoned argument.

Instead of focusing well-earnt invective on the leftist haters/hypocrites/ratbags, we seem to focus on dismantling each other.

… And that, dear Kats, is how you lose a war.

December 2, 2022 3:57 pm

Friday afternoon, innocently sitting around doing not much of anything…

Time for the Comfy Chair.

December 2, 2022 3:59 pm

You said it better than even The Pythons, Gilas.

But they’re funnier. 😀

December 2, 2022 4:00 pm

More by the media than anything or anyone else Rosie. So more “manipulated” than “rigged”, if you ask me (which you didn’t, but I’ll toss to 2c worth in anyway!)

I’d 100% agree with this. Case in point: The Voice…

Zero funding for the “yes” or “no” campaigns which is highly irregular. Albo knows TheirABC are already “on the job” and most Lamestream media, large organisations and sporting associations are already on board so why risk funding the “no” side?

December 2, 2022 4:02 pm

Inquiry into Australia’s transition to a green energy superpower

Submissions open. My submission:

Name one place in the world where renewables, wind and solar have worked.

December 2, 2022 4:07 pm

How can the media have rigged the Victorian election?
The Herald Sun bagged Labor loudly and repeatedly , the Guardian had a go from the left, the Age had nothing much good to say.
Labor won, comfortably.
So much for the Murdoch manipulation method.

December 2, 2022 4:09 pm

I am very used to Victorian parochialism Kneel, but spare me the “only you suffered” routine.

I live in a small country town they clamped down on hard.
There are only a couple of ways in and out.
When it suited you Victorians you mocked just how hard we were being treated by Palletjack up here, but now we had it easy!
Make up your fucking minds.

When covid hit I was a professional entertainer in the wet season and a remote area tour driver throughout the dry.
Look up Outback Spirit Tours.
I was doing the Lake Eyre trips and the Arnhem Land trips.
Needless to say, they are not in Queensland.

These jobs may not be careers to you but required many unpaid hours of ‘study” and rehearsal.

Both gone in an instant.
Careers they most certainly are because you can’t just get a cert 4 and do them.

I was flown around the nation first class before this.
Port and fruit platters waiting in rooms etc.
Some of you may remember Australian Pacific Tours.

Mrs Struth worked from home.
I had a few acres and a couple of trucks once……..still have one Kenworth, but scaled down and came into town.
I own two paid for old cars….prefer them…. as well and an old Queenslander paid off.

Because I didn’t want live beyond my means.
Mrs Struth and my ambitions were to holiday around the world.
I’d made sure I’d been paid to see Australia.
And holiday overseas was what it was all about with us.
That was our life’s goal.

I could see things were turning to shit, so I didn’t go in for massive loans.
I didn’t think it was going to be this bad anyway.

Be honest, how in debt were you trying to keep up with the Jone’s and with yer flash cars?

Then of course scaling down to my level, a regional home and cheap cars would have been unthinkable.
So you had to take the jab.

No you didn’t.
This is Australia.
Let’s not forget that even so, I gave Mater the option of staying with me for a while until he could sort himself out, instead of taking the jab.

I am spotlessly clean.
My home is immaculate and so are my vehicles.

But I’m not rich.
But I’m not in debt either.

After losing both jobs I went back trucking after some time but it was interstate so being unjabbed and untested that came to a swift end.
Kneel were you even here when the little Gang of sneerers knew all about the transport industry and computer log books….remember bing bong……?
So anyway that came to an end as well.

Pubs opened back up but I was not allowed through the door.
My workplaces.
On principle I will not play music in the pubs that banned me for being unjabbed…..and I was on the club circuit, RSL’s Pubs and SLSClubs etc…won’t ever go in as a customer, so I started playing again in small pubs but covid had killed the pub scene and pubs were closing everywhere.

So now I drive a b double cane truck and can only find time to abuse you when it rains.
The farmer I work for can’t find workers that aren’t constantly getting sick.

You would look down at me and what I possess, but I own it all, and if you were willing to live like me, you may have been able to tell them to shove their jab as well.

But that just wasn’t an option.
You’d rather die than live like Struth.
And die you will.

December 2, 2022 4:12 pm

Incidentally in good news.
Look at how few first preferences Patten got,l this time, and no doubt in prior elections, talk about unrepresentative swill.
Yet with just a few thousand first preference votes she got her way on a number of issues.

looks likely that Somyurek will shove Fiona Patten out.

Johnny Rotten
December 2, 2022 4:16 pm

Name one place in the world where renewables, wind and solar have worked.

Only in the blank spaces between the ears of all of those who will believe this stuff will work. Such as, ‘Pollies’, Nutters, Academics, Intellectuals (alleged), Dreamers, Grifters, Crooks, Schemers, Loonies, Dribbling Joe, Non Engineers, Public Serpents, Hangers On, Dickheads, Plonkers, The Church, King Charles De Turd, His Missus, More Hangers On, And the the List is endless……………………..

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 2, 2022 4:17 pm

On the subject of elections, how did the “popular” vote go in the US mid-terms? From the lack of gloating, I suspect that the DemonRats failed there.

Which is probably an indicator of why it is not being mentioned.

December 2, 2022 4:20 pm

Let’s not forget that even so, I gave Mater the option of staying with me for a while until he could sort himself out, instead of taking the jab.

You live more than 5km from my front door, it involved crossing two state borders, and I was unvaccinated at the time. It also didn’t resolve my issue my children. In not a coward who abandons my kids to the vagaries of Emperor Dan. I still had to look them in the eyes, and live with myself.

A kind offer, I grant, but so fucking unrealistic, under the circumstances, bringing it up is almost laughable. It shows how removed from Victorian reality you actually were.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 2, 2022 4:20 pm

Shit there’s been a need for heavy scrolling the last few days.

If I was a DPO from the seventies I’d be on sick leave with RSI wearing a wrist brace.

December 2, 2022 4:21 pm

“But I’m not rich.
But I’m not in debt either.”

IIRC, you said you gave up ” a couple of hundred thousand” in work over what, 2 years?
Not saying that makes you rich, but I know plenty that get by on way less than that, and they work damn hard to do it too.
Not everyone is debt free, and it is not because we want to “keep up with the Jones’”.
FYI, my car is 20 years old.
There is very little work for my skillset outside the cities – that was never a problem for me, but it is what it is.
Not everyone is the same.

Johnny Rotten
December 2, 2022 4:22 pm

But that just wasn’t an option.
You’d rather die than live like Struth.
And die you will.

I have some news for you. We are all going to die.

December 2, 2022 4:23 pm

And die you will.

On this we can agree.
Nothing more certain.

December 2, 2022 4:26 pm

looks likely that Somyurek will shove Fiona Patten out.

Oh – please. Let it be so.

December 2, 2022 4:30 pm

The NBN (thanks Krudd and Turnbull for that particular multi-billion dollar white elephant) should be sold off/shut down and subscribers given Starlink accounts.

NBN must be worried, I had a long questionnaire from them about it all, where I mentioned Mr Musk several times. It amused me in all the questions, that reliability of SkyMuster was not something they thought worth asking about. They tremulously (if one can in a questionnaire 🙂 ) asked if they offered me xx faster for xx less would I stay? I thought why aren’t you offering that already for the last years you have ripped us off?

I said no, it would have to be reliable and at least as good as what the city blokes get.

December 2, 2022 4:34 pm

You live more than 5km from my front door, it involved crossing two state borders, and I was unvaccinated at the time. It also didn’t resolve my issue my children. In not a coward who abandons my kids to the vagaries of Emperor Dan. I still had to look them in the eyes, and live with myself.

A kind offer, I grant, but so fucking unrealistic, under the circumstances, bringing it up is almost laughable. It shows how removed from Victorian reality you actually were.

There were all those restrictions but at different times.

It was open to your kids as well.
And your wife.
The point being those 5 k restrictions weren’t there the whole time and state borders opened and closed.

I don’t know you from a bar of soap except a few phone conversations. but I wanted you to have choices.
You probably had people everywhere that could have taken you if you lost your home and job.
Better that than the jab….in my opinion.
Obviously not in yours.

As we lose people daily and I note Rosie still comes on here even now, scoffing at the excess deaths….can you believe it?

All there is left to do is to sit and wait.

I’m betting that very soon, (actually it’s already started) many more are going to work out just how dumb and selfish Rosie is.
How inherently evil she is in pushing the jabs.
And that’s exactly what she’s doing.
How the little club of sneerers kept the waters muddied and confused , not by being smart, but by being here 24/7

Or should I say, …….up until their last breath

Where’s choo choo?
And now, where is Sancho of the skidmark?

He may be acting, he’s such an attention seeker …..and this blog, like choo choo, was his life.

Johnny Rotten
December 2, 2022 4:34 pm

Secrets of the Universe

From Armstrong Economics –

For Jerky Crunt and his Cronies and BTW, where is Mrs Stencho Pantyhose. I see that Dotty dotty is still around here being potty potty. And potty mouthed………………………

COMMENT: Martin –
Thank you for your efforts to write your discoveries down into publications so that they will be available for the benefit of civilization after you have passed on. I am very much looking forward the “The Geometry of Time”. Like many groundbreaking thinkers of the past, you may end up being someone who suffered resistance and exploitation during your lifetime for your ideas, but who was respected for their contribution long after. And if you are given an ear by governments when this debt crisis blossoms and their backs are finally against the wall, it wont hurt to have polished manuscripts of all your work, backed up by all the the historical evidence of its validity, to pass-out to them. In fact, that may be the point where you can, late in life, make you biggest lasting contribution. If governments, central banks, and economists would give real consideration to how historically accurate your analysis of cycles has been and to your solution to the debt crisis, and if there is by-then a large number of your publications of your legacy-knowledge in circulation, your work may finally grow from ‘cultish’ adoption to more widespread adoption.

That, IMHO, would be a good thing for everyone (and for their children to-come).

REPLY: Thank you. I have learned over the years that I cannot change things. When I was called in back in 1985 and the were creating the G5 (now G20), at first I thought – Wow! I made it! Then you realize that after everyone testifies, they stand up and announce their predetermined conclusion. So I wrote to Reagan because the conclusions were nothing what anyone testified about. I was told that I went out of committee and I would never be called again. I replied, good! Who needs this!

Anyone who claims they advise CIA or whatever, they do not listen. I have been called only because I wrote to Reagan and told them to screw off. The people they pay are just pawns. Every bill they pass they need some study and they tell you what the conclusion is to day. They said back in 1985 if I was a “good boy” I could earn $5 million a year. I said no thanks.

Because I wrote to Reagan back in 1985, when the 1987 Crash took place they were forced to call me since our model forecasted that even right to the day – which was the ECM target.

Every since, we get called when they want the TRUTH rather than someone who will say whatever they need to keep the fees flowing.

Like Keynes, before the Great Depression they considered his ideas as absurd. When it all comes crashing down, then, and only then, will they consider adopting the ECM and living with the cycle instead of fighting it. The Secret of the Universe is that absolutely EVERYTHING is cyclical.

I have three more books to finish. The Geometry of time, The ECM Book, and a In the Blink of an Eye. Dealing with so many governments around the world over the past 40 years has indeed given me both a front row seat and a unique perspective. All I can do is hope to pass this along for what comes after 2032 when we get to hit the Cntrl-Alt-Delete button on governmental structures and redesign this mess from scratch once again.”

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
December 2, 2022 4:34 pm

duncanm says:
December 2, 2022 at 3:20 pm

Oh.. and it you want to find out about just how much lezzos actually care about child sex victims

Thanks for this: it is an eye-opener. But not enough for Gillard’s gaggle of leftist political hack royal commissioners to investigate state schools.

Real Deal
Real Deal
December 2, 2022 4:41 pm

He may be acting, he’s such an attention seeker …..

Oh the irony.

Physician, heal thyself.

December 2, 2022 4:47 pm

Don’t be like that, Real Deal.
You love me.
Tell me you love me.

Anvil d'ACME
Anvil d’ACME
December 2, 2022 4:48 pm

Cmon Doover, unmoderate me

December 2, 2022 4:49 pm

Are the CIA links to Pussy Riot true or unconfirmed?

Big, if true…

December 2, 2022 4:50 pm

Lying by omission as usual

Please note the offender was also Aboriginal, as clearly outlined in the earlier police reporting, on bail for a previous unnamed offence.
The 17-year-old appeared in the Perth Children’s Court this morning on charges of grievous bodily harm and breach of bail, and was remanded in custody.

The court heard the bail charge was unrelated to the assault.

Yet the gruinaid chooses, deliberately and with deceptive intent, to omit that fact. All to help generate that “Australia is racist and dangerous for Aboriginals” vibe they love to promote.

The 17-year-old boy who allegedly threw the concrete block faced Perth children’s court on Wednesday charged with grievous bodily harm and breach of bail.

He was remanded in custody and is due to return to court on 9 December.


ABCcess applies Euphenasia* to the story as well.
A 17-year-old boy made a brief appearance in the Perth Children’s Court on Wednesday, charged with grievous bodily harm.

He was remanded in custody.

Police said they believed the boy was one of about 15 youths who had gone to the shopping centre “looking for trouble” and had become involved in a melee in the car park.

* When you use words like “aspiring rapper” or “colorful media identity” to avoid anything else.

There was a time when id blithely be unaware of this sort of slanted reporting, but if they are going to “big up” the victims identity then they should do the same with the turd who killed her (and her unborn bub)

December 2, 2022 4:51 pm

December 2, 2022 at 2:25 pm
I agree with Farage – I looked at the transcript and then at the African woman’s outfit and thought…hang on a minute.

The creature is a racist sh*t stirrer, tape recorder at the ready to do a bit of witch-finding on the flimsiest of pretexts. The lady in waiting is owed an apology, just for being secretly taped, but she’ll get nothing.

Like my advice to men interacting with women at work, should that extend to “never speak to a black person”? Starting to look that way. Not because you are a racist, but because you simply can’t afford to put a foot wrong.

Population estimates by ethnic group and religion, England and Wales: 2019

1. Main points

. In 2019, the most common ethnic group in England and Wales was White (84.8%), decreasing by 1.2 percentage points since the 2011 Census; the next biggest change from 2011 was within the Other ethnic group which increased by 0.9 percentage points.

. London was the most ethnically and religiously diverse region in England and Wales where the largest ethnic groups were White British (43.4%), Other White (14.6%) and Black African (7.9%); people with a religion other than Christian accounted for over 25% of London’s population compared with an estimated 10.6% of the overall population.

. The North East and Wales had the highest proportion of White British people, an estimated 93.1% and 92.2% respectively. These regions had lower proportions in the Black African, Indian, Other White and Pakistani ethnic groups compared with England and Wales overall.

. people from Asian ethnic groups made up the second largest percentage of the population (at 7.5%), followed by Black ethnic groups (at 3.3%), Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups (at 2.2%) and Other ethnic groups (at 1.0%)

When asking, I always ask “Where was your Family originally from? – Mine was from Italy and Ireland”

And I still like the

tells royal commentator Hilary Fordwich the royal family should pay reparations — immediately regrets it

“Well, I think you’re right about reparations in terms of if people want it, though, what they need to do is you always need to go back to the beginning of a supply chain,” Fordwich responded. “Where was the beginning of the supply chain? That was in Africa, and when it crossed the entire world, when slavery was taking place, which was the first nation in the world that abolished slavery? The first nation world to abolish it, started by William Wilberforce, was the British. In Great Britain, they abolished slavery.”

“Two thousand naval men died on the high seas trying to stop slavery. Why? Because the African kings were rounding up their own people, they had them in cages waiting on the beaches. No one was running into Africa to get them,” she continued. “And I think you’re totally right. If reparations need to be paid, we need to go right back to the beginning of that supply chain and say, ‘Who was rounding up their own people and having them handcuffed in cages?’ Absolutely. That’s where they should start.” She added, “And maybe, I don’t know, the descendants of those families where they died at the, in the high seas trying to stop the slavery, that those families should receive something too, I think, at the same time.”

Lemon appeared to be at a loss for words after Fordwich’s response and scrambled to end the interview. “It’s an interesting discussion, Hilary,” he said. “Thank you, very much. I appreciate it. We’ll continue to discuss in the future.”

Don Lemon asks guest about Royal Family reparations for slavery and her response has him GOBSMACKED!

Anvil d'ACME
Anvil d’ACME
December 2, 2022 4:51 pm

Big, if true…

Yes a big

December 2, 2022 4:51 pm

Elon Musk

Replying to
Just clarifying that his account is being suspended for incitement to violence, not an unflattering pic of me being hosed by Ari.

Frankly, I found those pics to be helpful motivation to lose weight!@KanyeWest
has been permanently suspended from Twitter

December 2, 2022 4:52 pm

Like many groundbreaking thinkers of the past

This is so vomitous I am crappping vomit and vomiting crap.

December 2, 2022 4:54 pm

You probably had people everywhere that could have taken you if you lost your home and job.
Better that than the jab….in my opinion.
Obviously not in yours.


Real Deal
Real Deal
December 2, 2022 4:54 pm

“How to win friends and influence people.” by Dale Carnegie. Good book, Struth. I’m sure it comes in audio for slow readers. Pop it in the cassette player when next visiting the Hay Truck Stop to use the ablutions seat.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 2, 2022 4:56 pm

Are the CIA links to Pussy Riot true or unconfirmed?

More likely the Leningrad Cowboys.
The CIA are pretty gay these days.

Johnny Rotten
December 2, 2022 5:01 pm

December 2, 2022 at 4:47 pm
Don’t be like that, Real Deal.
You love me.
Tell me you love me.

Keep taking the pills and the Men in white coats will be around shortly to take you away…………………..

December 2, 2022 5:02 pm

Barking Toadsays:
December 2, 2022 at 4:20 pm
Shit there’s been a need for heavy scrolling the last few days.

If I was a DPO from the seventies I’d be on sick leave with RSI wearing a wrist brace.

Recommend Apple Magic Mouse for one finger speed scrolling

Speedy as Gonzales or Road Runner

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 2, 2022 5:03 pm

Where’s choo choo?
And now, where is Sancho of the skidmark?

They’ve checked their email.

Do you even remember crowing about the death of one of the abovementioned for weeks, and for the same reasons, right up to the point he wandered back in? Do you lack that much self-awareness?

I wouldn’t be hitching your wagon to that particular 16 foot Hartley if I was you. Not telling you what to do.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 2, 2022 5:04 pm

Solicitor with fear of heights sues over upstairs court
Rex MartinichAAP
December 2, 2022 9:29AM

A solicitor with a “fear of heights” has sued Queensland authorities for $73 billion after claiming he was disadvantaged by his case being held in a first floor courtroom.

Gold Coast solicitor Adrian Praljak took action in the Federal Court against the State of Queensland, claiming Southport Magistrates Court had breached the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act.

Mr Praljak stated he was required to appear in a courtroom that was not located on the ground floor and, as a result of his acrophobia diagnosis, he pleaded guilty under duress, to domestic violence and unlawful stalking charges.

He sought an apology from the State government and compensation “no less then (sic); $50,000,000,000. United States Dollars not including tax”, that charges be quashed and his career as a solicitor be “100% restored”.

On March 22, 2018, prior to a hearing scheduled for May that year, Mr Praljak contacted the magistrates court and asked to appear by telephone or in a courtroom on the ground floor due to vertigo and anxiety.

The court responded that the case involved a specialist domestic violence team and it could not be moved and they had records to show Mr Praljak had attended the same courtroom in the past with no issues.

“As an outcome, I have been left with a criminal record, without any realistic means and as a self representing person, to have a correction of justice,” Mr Praljak stated in an affidavit.

“I am a citizen of this country, I am a taxpayer. However, the legal system has not abided by its principles, nor has it allowed any fair trial for myself and the circumstances around this case.”

The State government responded that the court’s administrative decisions in Mr Praljak’s earlier criminal case had been granted legislated immunity from legal action such as that brought by Mr Praljak.

In a judgment handed down on Wednesday, Federal Court Justice Timothy McEvoy described Mr Praljak’s claims as “untenable”.

Justice McEvoy stated Mr Praljak’s case relied solely on an affidavit that was more than 1271-pages long and was “comprised largely of material which is not apparently relevant”.

“It also includes a number of vague allegations of ‘criminal offences’ against non-parties to this proceeding,” Justice McEvoy stated.

Justice McEvoy found the magistrates court acted under legal immunity and also invoked precedent that allowed cases to be terminated if they were “hopeless or foredoomed to fail”.

“It is apparent that the application seeks to use the court’s procedures for an illegitimate purpose,” Justice McEvoy stated.

Justice McEvoy did not grant leave for Mr Praljak to pursue his case for discrimination under the Australian Human Rights Commission Act and dismissed his application with costs.

December 2, 2022 5:06 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 2, 2022 5:07 pm

Making this statement, according to KD, is me claiming to have landed at Gallipoli

Correct. Because that’s what you said. You said the unjabbed were in the boats rowing to the Gallipoli shore, and that the jabbed were waving them goodbye from the ships.

I appreciate you may not remember what you write when Mr Dark ‘N’ Stormy pays a visit, but I can guarantee others do. As an example, you also said this:

We are all Anzacs.

Direct quote. As I said, you show the totalitarian streak of Liability Bob as well as his predilection to steal the achievements of other people.

December 2, 2022 5:10 pm


Seeking relevance by tagging the victim train?

No ‘God I’m glad Mum changed her mind” no it’s “she didn’t want me” Waaaah
How much more could she have achieved if her Mum had not changed her mind, I wonder?

It still surprises me these people are unable to find joy except in look at me look at how rotten I feel and the righteous tiara over the top of look at how good I am being twisted and twisting a mothers love and sacrifice to something of no value. Yet here she is 40 and almost past having children and hasn’t achieved what her mum did with a child, by herself and with a severe illness.

If it is so horrible being alive and ‘unwanted’ for a few weeks of her pre birth life why doesn’t she take herself off the the library with a revolver?

December 2, 2022 5:11 pm

eugyppius: a plague chronicle

We are witnessing an unprecedented, comprehensive failure of policy, medicine and science. The world will never be the same.

Switzerland, Facing an Unprecedented Power Shortage, Contemplates a Partial Ban on the Use of Electric Vehicles

It turns out that you can have battery-powered cars, or you can have renewable energy, but you can’t have both.

The Federal Council of Switzerland has therefore published draft legislation, which outlines four tiers of escalating measures to conserve electricity and avert potential blackouts. The first prescribes a lot of temperature restrictions for things like refrigerators and washing machines. The second includes more unusual rules, such as the demand that heating in clubs and discotheques “be set to the lowest level or switched off completely,” and that “streaming services … limit resolution of their content to standard definition.” The third foresees cutting business hours, banning the use of Blue Ray players and gaming computers, and also limiting the use of electric cars, which should be driven only when absolutely necessary. A fourth and final tier mandates closure of ski facilities, casinos, cinemas, theatre and the opera.

A lot of these rules look unenforceable, but they said the same thing about contact restrictions during the pandemic. It turns out that the state really can prevent you from socialising with people in your own home if it wants to, especially when there’s no shortage of prying neighbours eager to snitch.

Feasibility isn’t the point, though. It’s the optics here that are most astounding. Electric vehicles, which politicians have heavily subsidised as one of their primary policy responses to climate change, are just now crashing against that other great arm of the green agenda, namely renewable energy. You can’t drive everyone into ever greater dependence upon the electrical grid, while also orchestrating an energy transition to wind (which hardly blows in Germany, except in the north) and solar (which generates no meaningful power in the depths of the Central European winter).

Gas from Russia was the magic ingredient that kept the whole renewables charade going, and we’re out of that now. There’s no way to cover up the failure; not even the green-friendly German media has any excuse or messaging angle here.

December 2, 2022 5:12 pm

Kneel @ 3:55pm


My thoughts on the subject too…

December 2, 2022 5:14 pm

You are a dishonest turd monty. The High Court did not say juries can’t be trusted. They said a jury, acting rationally, must have seen doubts about Pell’s guilt. On the evidence put to the jury, a finding of guilty did not meet the standard required. You have had more than two years to acknowledge this fact.

December 2, 2022 5:16 pm


EV Charging Stations Offer Convenience, New Attack Vector

The potential vulnerabilities found in charging stations run the gamut, from skimming someone’s credit card information, locking a charging station or a network of charging stations or hacking into the larger electrical grid.

(TNS) — Cybersecurity researchers at Sandia National Laboratories recently published a paper sounding the alarm on potential cyber attacks on electric vehicle charging stations and urging action before there is an explosion in the number of charging stations.

The U.S. went from having about 2,000 public charging stations in 2011 to 50,000 in 2021, according to the Department of Energy. And the number of stations is expected to boom to 500,000 in several years, said Jay Johnson, a cybersecurity researcher at Sandia and the lead author of the paper, which was published in the scientific journal Energies.

There was $7.5 billion allocated to build the network of charging stations in an infrastructure bill signed into law last November.

Sandia’s cybersecurity work focuses on vulnerabilities in the nation’s critical infrastructure. The DOE’s Vehicle Technologies Office and the Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security and Emergency Response funded the paper on charging stations.

The labs are also tasked with handling cybersecurity for the country’s nuclear weapons program, said Brian Wright, a cybersecurity researcher at Sandia who was part of the project.

The potential vulnerabilities found in charging stations run the gamut, from skimming someone’s credit card information, locking a charging station or a network of charging stations or hacking into the larger electrical grid, Johnson said.

He said some type of ransomware attack could cripple charging stations.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 2, 2022 5:17 pm

OldOzzie @ 5:02.

That’s the mouse I use. Scrolling need is so heavy that it struggles.?

December 2, 2022 5:20 pm

We are witnessing an unprecedented, comprehensive failure of policy, medicine and science. The world will never be the same.

cui bono?

December 2, 2022 5:22 pm

Barking Toadsays:
December 2, 2022 at 5:17 pm
OldOzzie @ 5:02.

That’s the mouse I use. Scrolling need is so heavy that it struggles.?

Possibly my magic mouse speed enhanced by iMac – Processor 3.6 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9

Johnny Rotten
December 2, 2022 5:25 pm

Right v Wrong

From Armstrong Economics –

And more good stuff for Jerky Crunt and his mates……………………………..

QUESTION: Marty, I have been following you now for a few years. You seem to be never wrong. You always say it is not your opinion. Is there some secret to how you do this? Nobody else seems to even compare. Or is it all just the computer?

ANSWER: We all are human and as such we make mistakes. I was one of the first International Hedge Fund Managers. I had even warned Congress back in 1985 that they should merge the CFTC and SEC because complying with one meant you went to prison with the other. They forced funds management offshore. We are all connected. You cannot have gold rise to $10,000 and the dollar turns to dust and nothing else happens. The world economy is like a set of dominoes. If you get the first one right, all the rest will follow.

These people who try to forecast one market can NEVER be correct for the wildcard always comes externally. Right now, the Ukraine war is impacting the global economy and markets. You could not asses the impact by simply watching the Fed. If it were not for (1) the stupid lockdowns of COVID disrupting the supply chain, then (2) this proxy war against Russia and imposing the absurd sanctions on them when they are a key supplier around the world in many areas, then inflation would not have risen and the Fed would not be raising interest rates.

Everything is connected. We cannot escape that. Without Socrates monitoring everything around the world and writing its own reports on over 1,000 instruments globally, there is nobody who can possibly compete with a personal opinion. The world is far too complex for an individual to see everything from a personal gut feeling.

Because I had focused on currencies from the collapse of Bretton Woods and was called into the first bank failure in 1973 because of a 7% move in currencies, my company attracted clients from around the world. I had to see the world through everyone’s eyes – not just the dollar. In July 1985, I took the back cover of the Economist for 3 weeks announcing the been of deflation/peak in the dollar, and the reemergence of inflation which led to the Japanese Bubble in 1989. Interest Rates peaked to the very day at 1981.35. The end of that wave was 1985.65 the month of July. It was the beginning of a Private Wave which will end 2037.25.

We published charts back in Barron’s during the early 1980s showing gold in dollars compared to a basket of currencies. We ended up with the largest institutions in the world because our reports went out on telex and the communication costs per market were $225 per day. Only the biggest institutions could afford our services. Then came fax, and then email which has expanded our reach to everyone these days. But make no mistake about this. People may criticize me and others are desperate to try to prevent people from using us. It is either because they cannot compete and pretend this is my opinion rather than a computer, or they want to manipulate the markets and we just get in their way.”

December 2, 2022 5:28 pm

Marty, I have been following you now for a few years. You seem to be never wrong.

Martin Armstrong IS Jesus Christ.

December 2, 2022 5:31 pm

comment image

December 2, 2022 5:35 pm

Just watched that Farage clip.

Well said. Bint is trying to have a bob each way.

Johnny Rotten
December 2, 2022 5:39 pm

December 2, 2022 at 5:28 pm
Marty, I have been following you now for a few years. You seem to be never wrong.

Martin Armstrong IS Jesus Christ.

No Dotty Dot, as usual you are way too deluded. Martin Armstrong is a Human Being and not JC. JC on this Blog is Jerky Crunt…………….BTW, where is Mrs Stencho Panthose? Got banned perchance?

December 2, 2022 5:41 pm

Obama Just Made a Hilarious ‘Freudian Slip’ Attack on ‘Uncle Joe’

Barack Obama was in Georgia, campaigning on behalf of Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) for the Dec. 6 runoff against Herschel Walker.

Once again, the Democrats were playing the Obama card because of Joe Biden’s supreme unpopularity in the state. They can’t even bring Joe in to campaign; he’d likely sink their chances.

But the thing about Obama is he’s forever the narcissist and divider. He’s supposed to be there on behalf of Warnock. But somehow he managed to say the quiet part out loud about Joe Biden.


“We all know some folks in our lives who — we don’t wish them ill will. They say crazy stuff & we’re all like, ‘Well, you know, Uncle Joe, you know what happened to him.’ They’re part of the family but you don’t give them serious responsibilities.”

December 2, 2022 5:45 pm

Anchor – the only ABC I “consume” these days is ClassicFM.

But boy have they been pushing the idigen line hard recently. Some pieces are quite nice, orchestrally.

Only to be ruined by someone wailing over the top. Awful.

Johnny Rotten
December 2, 2022 5:46 pm

A guy was on trial for murder and if convicted, would get the electric chair. His brother found out that a redneck was on the jury and figured he would be the one to bribe. He told the redneck that he would be paid $10,000 if he could convince the rest of the jury to reduce the charge to manslaughter. The jury was out an entire week and returned with a verdict of manslaughter. After the trial, the brother went to the redneck’s home, told him what a great job he had done and paid him the $10,000. The redneck replied that it wasn’t easy to convince the rest of the jury to change the charge to manslaughter. They all wanted to let him go”.

December 2, 2022 5:47 pm

looks likely that Somyurek will shove Fiona Patten out

Election night: Ch 7 had a panel with Kennett, Bracks and others going at it. Seated at the end of the long desk was a former hooker and massage parlour madame. When she spoke it was like a madame listing the services available to a bunch of newly arrived johns. They listened with rapt attention.

Hard not to laugh then want to throw up.

December 2, 2022 5:49 pm

Armstrong Economics! You go girl.

Johnny Rotten
December 2, 2022 5:50 pm

In science, we must be interested in things, not in persons.

– Marie Curie

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 2, 2022 5:52 pm

The new Indiana Jones trailer is out (1 Min 44 Secs) and I’m getting a bad feeling about this

Interestingly he doesn’t mention the most controversial aspect.

Harrison Ford’s De-Aged ‘Indiana Jones’ Will Terrify You in New Movie Trailer (1 Dec)

“Disney may have officially reached peak deepfake horror.

If the late Carrie Fisher’s appearance in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker from beyond the grave didn’t petrify you, LucasFilm and Disney have teamed up once again to reach for new levels of CGI abomination. … But it’s the de-aging of the beloved hero that has already lit up Twitter, with users calling for the end of de-aging technology in Disney franchises, and saying the brief shots of a younger Indiana Jones look like video game characters. … Even Ford admitted that the de-aging process was “spooky,” but praised its final result in a recent interview in Empire.”

Dead Carrie Fisher and “de-aged” Harrison Ford. Not looking good for aspiring NIDA grads these days.

Johnny Rotten
December 2, 2022 5:52 pm

December 2, 2022 at 5:49 pm
Armstrong Economics! You go girl.

For once, you have taken the blinkers off. You Cart Horse……………

December 2, 2022 5:52 pm

The High Court did not say juries can’t be trusted. They said a jury, acting rationally, must have seen doubts about Pell’s guilt. On the evidence put to the jury, a finding of guilty did not meet the standard required.

Given that precedent, I don’t see how juries can be trusted with important trials. They are capricious and wilful, not versed in the law and lacking discipline. Better off to leave it to judges who know what they are doing. Then we won’t get shemozzles like the Lehmann jury.

December 2, 2022 5:53 pm

Old Indy with Nazis can’t possibly be as bad as Old Indy with Cate Blanchett.

The only sequence from the movie that was remotely fun.

December 2, 2022 5:53 pm

This incident occurred yesterday. I waited until my daughter returned from school today to find out if there had been any follow-up.

My youngest daughter attends a state government high school. Yesterday, classes were abandoned for an hour and two entire grades of the junior level were summoned to hear a presentation on racism and why it is inappropriate to measure a person’s character merely on the colour of their skin. Ok, so far so good. Then, the presentation morphed into sexual orientation and lo, a transvestite appeared and began to make comparisons with racism to discrimination of people with different sexual orientations. The whole thing was a set-up. The assembled teachers were nodding in agreement and it was obvious this was the real agenda. The racism angle had been used as a cover.

Anyway, my daughter told me she felt uncomfortable with this. She thinks trans people are ‘weird’ and ‘gross’ and that the anti-racism aspect (which she agrees with) had been hijacked. Further, she thinks it’s very unfair that men can compete in some women’s sport and is unhappy that males can, under some circumstances, enter female bathrooms and changing rooms. In any case she said she was repelled by the transsexual and their presentation, so she got up and left the auditorium to wait outside. She was the only one who did so.

Within a minute or so, a teacher appeared and asked why she left. My daughter replied that she doesn’t agree with what the person was saying, felt very uncomfortable and that she has no opportunity to directly dissent – this was a lecture not a forum that permitted debate.

According to my daughter, the teacher was aghast and suggested that she ‘have a drink of water’ and return. My daughter declined saying she will sit out the presentation in the corridor. Apparently, this response was not received well by the teacher who became ‘dismissive’ of my daughter’s opinion.

I guess that the look on my face foretold my response and my daughter pleaded that I not ‘do anything’. Don’t go to the school, don’t go to the teacher, don’t call/write to the Education Dept,… nothing. She was comfortable that she had expressed herself adequately and didn’t need my intervention.

So, it ended up like this. I congratulated my daughter on her stance and told her I was proud of her. I re-confirmed that she was not required to justify her opinion on these matters and she did the correct thing by walking out. A silent protest can send a very powerful loud message. I re-confirmed that she has our family’s 100% support and under no circumstances will I allow her to be bullied into compliance.

I’m still seething, and Mrs Speedbox went off her nut, but will respect our daughter’s request that I don’t pursue the matter. I have related this story so Cats have yet another example of the march through our institutions by those with a manipulative social agenda. And shame on the school for the facilitation.

December 2, 2022 5:53 pm

December 2, 2022 at 4:52 pm
Like many groundbreaking thinkers of the past

This is so vomitous I am crappping vomit and vomiting crap.

To be fair, the first part of the description could be true.

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 2, 2022 5:54 pm

Still no condemnation from monty over Shannon Brandt.

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 2, 2022 5:55 pm

Refresher here

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 2, 2022 5:55 pm

That’s the mouse I use. Scrolling need is so heavy that it struggles.?

Get a young person to show you how to adjust the sensitivity of the mouse. Assuming Apple allows you to do it in the first place.

Robert Sewell
December 2, 2022 5:57 pm

The Frolicking Moll:

He is not required to prove his innocence.
The prosecution IS required to prove his guilt.

Not when Justice is prefaced with Social Justice.
When you realised that, you realised just how dangerous was the socialisation of our language. Words don’t mean the same things we learnt in school. They now mean something quite different.

December 2, 2022 5:57 pm

Juries have to be trusted. Otherwise the responsibility falls onto one arbitrator who could be compromised.

The appeals courts are there for a reason. And there’s always the High Court.

The system isn’t perfect but it’s the best in an imperfect world.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 2, 2022 5:59 pm

Marty, I have been following you now for a few years. You seem to be never wrong.

mUnty, I have been following you now for a few years. You seem to be never right.

December 2, 2022 6:01 pm

Bet her out of there, Speedbox. We went without a lot of good things to have our children educated out of the vile state system.

It was worth every penny.

December 2, 2022 6:02 pm

@elonmusk Elon Musk
I tried my best. Despite that, he again violated our rule against incitement to violence. Account will be suspended.

Ye’s Twitter account permabanned. Not for the Alex Jones interview, but for a separate offensive image he tweeted.

December 2, 2022 6:02 pm



December 2, 2022 6:06 pm

Monty still desperately fishing for a “Ye WaS riGHT!!!III!!!”.

Sobbing through his icing sugar haze he moans ‘I know they are garage nazis, I just KNOW they are” before hes distracted by another glycemic crisis.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 2, 2022 6:07 pm

Old Indy with Nazis can’t possibly be as bad as Old Indy with Cate Blanchett.

Oh I don’t know Calli, Cate Blanchett playing a Stalinist seemed fairly believable actually.
I confess I loved nuking the fridge, but I love the Fallout games also.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 2, 2022 6:09 pm

Juries were originally a collection of people gathered together in the basis that one of them would have direct knowledge of the incident in question, not unreasonable in a Middle Ages village. From there it became something closer to what we have today – a judgement by peers using their various experiences. There has been mountains of work done on the pros and cons of jury trials with no real balance on either side.

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 2, 2022 6:10 pm

Sobbing through his icing sugar haze he moans ‘I know they are garage nazis, I just KNOW they are” before hes distracted by another glycemic crisis.

Chortle worthy

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 2, 2022 6:10 pm

The bloke is as Guilty as fuck.
Any questions being asked as to why his entire Defence was Gratis, on the house?
Any estimates as to what it woulda cost?

December 2, 2022 6:13 pm

I don’t often give advice, but children who try to buck the system are at a grave disadvantage. They will force compliance one way or the other and will not have any problems with conscience in breaking her.

She knows this because she doesn’t want you to intervene. This means she is already in a toxic and unequal environment. And knows it.

She needs to be able to learn free from all of this garbage.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 2, 2022 6:15 pm

Daily Mail

EXCLUSIVE: How Brittany Higgins skipped town during the trial of Bruce Lehrmann for a beach getaway – and the behind-the-scenes moments from the trial we couldn’t tell you about until now

The second trial of Brittany Higgins’ accused rapist has now been abandoned
Juror misconduct saw the trial spectacularly thrown out of court in October 
Brittany Higgins left Canberra for Port Macquarie after finishing her evidence
The high-profile trial had twists, turns, tears, outbursts, and ‘gotcha’ moments
Ms Higgins was fiery and emotional when on the witness stand during the trial
Bruce Lehrmann remained glued to his notebook and did not look at Ms Higgins
There were several moments in court that could not be reported – until now 

December 2, 2022 6:17 pm

Monty still desperately fishing for a “Ye WaS riGHT!!!III!!!”.


What I fishing for is for any of you to acknowledge that Trump knowingly associated with that jerk, who had a long history of anti-Semitism even before recent events, as a dog whistle to the racists in his base.

But of course that is a bridge too far for you lot, you see that as going against the cause so you will try desperately to ignore it or misdirect.

December 2, 2022 6:17 pm

I was at a community organisation (musicians) AGM yesterday. They sponsor some rather heavyweight local music festivals that are popular and attract a lot of visitors.
Because of COVID hangover effects they, for the first time, sought some Govt support. In response to biblical quantities of applications, data, attestations, proof of working with Martians training and endless irrelevant woke, they were offered $10,000 by the State Tourism and $5,000 by the Local Govt.
Well no actually.
There would be no actual money. The 10 and the 5 would be spent on ‘promotion’.
This year the group hired a survey and event analysis outfit to oversight their operations and make recommendations. Their surveys failed to identify one single event attendee who learned of the events from Government ‘promotions’.
And here is the kicker. The group is swamped with demands for reports concerning the utilisation of the Govt funds, its effects and full accounting details for the money that they never saw.
Finally, every tinpot bureaucrat with an agenda to promote is crawling all over the Group looking for non-compliances.
Item One: The Group will never again seek Govt
financial support.

December 2, 2022 6:17 pm

Yeah, I knew the word was ‘get’. I’m bloody furious Calli. We have always intended to send her to a private school but not for another two years. Her older brother and older sister followed the same path and went to private school from the beginning of year 10. But, events may overtake us. This youngest one is only finishing year 7 this year.

But I’ll say this: I’m proud she had the guts to stand up and leave.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 2, 2022 6:17 pm
December 2, 2022 6:18 pm

How Brittany Higgins skipped town during the trial of Bruce Lehrmann for a beach getaway – and the behind-the-scenes moments from the trial we couldn’t tell you about until now

Mental ‘elf.

December 2, 2022 6:23 pm

Higgins had the weight of the media, celebrities, social media and the ACT DPP behind her. The ACT government is considering introducing legislation to help her. The PM got up on his hind legs under privilege and said he believed her.

She’s had any number of advocates and urgers and enablers. All repeatedly in contempt of court for commenting on the case yet without penalty.

And still the case was pulled. Because “mental health”… meaning that she threatened to commit suicide.

I don’t believe any of it.

This guy is accused of an extremely serious crime. A crime so heinous it is considered only slightly less than homicide. The victim has been lionised. The accused’s reputation is in ruins.

What more do these harpies want? Do they want Lehrmann dead?

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 2, 2022 6:23 pm

December 2, 2022 at 5:57 pm
Juries have to be trusted. Otherwise the responsibility falls onto one arbitrator who could be compromised.

I could agree with judge only trials for hard cases, but on conditions.

A single judge should not make the decision, just as a single juror should not.

There must be a minimum of three judges to hear “judge only” cases, with unanimous decisions only. Then the Appeal Corut should be a minimum of five, at least four of whom must agree to overthrow the decision of the three judge panel.

December 2, 2022 6:24 pm

Anyone know why City Lawyers has been sin binned on twitter?

Which taboo did they mock?

December 2, 2022 6:25 pm

Montys glycemic crisis must have kicked in when myself and a number of other people made comments along the lines of “kayne was a mentally ill dickhead/tool”.

Also time travels in one direction, Trump associated with him on prison reform, if Trump was to associate with him again after this then hed be rightly condemned. (assuming he didnt get back on his meds and recant his statements etc)

And dont be shy wobblejowls, please enlighten us as to what the “the cause” you are referring to is.
Or is it just another pimple dicked smear from your imagination.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 2, 2022 6:26 pm

Ed Casesays:
December 2, 2022 at 6:10 pm
The bloke is as Guilty as fuck.

Do you have any actual, you know, evidence for this assertion?

December 2, 2022 6:27 pm

You make a very good point Calli. I hadn’t thought of that.

December 2, 2022 6:27 pm

We have always intended to send her to a private school but not for another two years. Her older brother and older sister followed the same path and went to private school from the beginning of year 10. But, events may overtake us. This youngest one is only finishing year 7 this year.

The Catholic school system is no better, and I’m not convinced that other private schools are still free of it, either.

A recent speech by the school captain at the graduation assembly highlighted the challenges faced by graduates in a society being disrupted and negatively impacted by undesirable right wing elements and influences.

I doubt it can be escaped. All you can do is de-program them regularly.

December 2, 2022 6:27 pm

Possibly my magic mouse speed enhanced by iMac

I throw the magic mouse in a drawer never to see the light of day, a little fully configurable light weight wired logitec that has high resolution and doesn’t need batteries works so much better

December 2, 2022 6:29 pm

“Knowingly associated with a jerk…”

What you and Kanye have in common is genuine antisemitism.

You should have been at the dinner instead of Catboi Fuentes.

Kanye does have value, he and his ex wife were absolutely right about overcriminalisation.

He is wrong on a few things and maybe everything else.

Let’s be honest though.

Jews haven’t been helping themselves in recent years. It’s like they were cursed with the fmr Iraqi Information Minister as their PR guy.

Epstein, Weinstein & Bankman Fried.

It’s so bad a conspiracy minded person might assume they’re white supremacists LARPing.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 2, 2022 6:29 pm


What I fishing for is for any of you to acknowledge that Trump knowingly associated with that jerk, who had a long history of anti-Semitism even before recent events

Two names: Barack Obama. Jeremiah Wright.

December 2, 2022 6:32 pm

A recent speech by the school captain at the graduation assembly highlighted the challenges faced by graduates in a society being disrupted and negatively impacted by undesirable right wing elements and influences.

Ask him how if Jacinda Arden was Polish PM in 1939, how they would have been better off.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 2, 2022 6:34 pm

Haven’t followed The Australian‘s witch hunt of the Qld Forensic Lab, until today.
Here’s the central issue:
The Qld Lab has the highest Testing threshhold in Australia.
Samples falling below that threshhold are reported by the lab as having
“insufficient DNA” or “no DNA detected” to Police and in Formal Court Statements.
Bottom line:
Murdoch reckons there aren’t enough Australians in Jail and he’s going to change that.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 2, 2022 6:35 pm

Fun in Lebanon.

Lebanon Pushed Into Deeper Crisis As Parliament Again Fails To Elect President (2 Dec)

“The Lebanese parliament on Thursday failed for the eighth consecutive time to elect a new president, as a majority of lawmakers continue to oppose the options laid on the table. … Following the voting session, Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri announced that a ninth attempt to elect a president will take place next week.

So far, no candidate has been able to secure the support of enough lawmakers, in either the first or subsequent rounds of voting. Former president Aoun’s own election in 2016 came after a more than two-year vacancy at the presidential palace, as lawmakers made 45 failed attempts before reaching a consensus on his candidacy.”

This of course is the Republic model our pollies like best.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
December 2, 2022 6:38 pm

Mr Al Shrapton as well BJ.

December 2, 2022 6:38 pm

The Catholic school system is no better, and I’m not convinced that other private schools are still free of it, either.

The only real alternatives now are truly independent Christian schools (by which I mean independent of church education bureaucracies), classical academies (of which there are few in Australia, but many in the US usually run by Christians) or homeschooling.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
December 2, 2022 6:40 pm

And the brother fornicator from Minnesota.

December 2, 2022 6:40 pm

@elonmusk Elon Musk
I tried my best. Despite that, he again violated our rule against incitement to violence. Account will be suspended.

He must be superman.

Musk sacks 7000 employees who used to do this.
A one-man dynamo.

December 2, 2022 6:41 pm

I acknowledge that Trump knowingly associated with that jerk, who had a long history of anti-Semitism even before recent events, as a dog whistle to the racists in his base.

December 2, 2022 6:42 pm

and lo, a transvestite appeared

That’s some nativity play.

December 2, 2022 6:45 pm

‘Warm and productive relationship’: Anthony Albanese hosts Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin at Kirribilli House

Ms Marin in her incompetence is the one likely to trigger a NATO Russian conflict, what will she do then, party in a bunker.

December 2, 2022 6:51 pm

At best, your arguments are in bad faith, and at worst, simply designed to create discord for it’s own sake.

the reason I don’t really join in with these vaxx shit-fights is that in text we often end up resolving to an “absolute” that doesnt, and cant, capture nuance (yes, ive copped shit for mentioning nuance here before)

I dont think st ruth is doing either bad-faith or shit stirring.
not entirely anyway … maybe a little of both?

my reading is that he’s utterly disappointed
hoped the best would say no.
head the bastards off
tried to live that example and paid for it

disappointed it never got up?
I dont blame him. so am I.
and I’ll side with him today … I am disappointed in youse too but mostly … Im disappointed in myself

I could have lied and bullshitted and got between the cracks and I reckon I could have gotten away with it too.
but the risk to everything and everybody in my small circle (fuck the greater good), was too big.
I had to make choice.

wrong, right or otherwise … I did.

but it was a shit-sandwich that I bit into
and I chewed and swallowed it anyway

Except the bloody truth keeps smacking them in the face.
And it’s going to do it whether I’m here or not.

and who’s to say struth isnt wrong about that?
many here poo-poo the idea that real harms are incoming
youse could put up all sorts of faith based bullshit and hope
nobody knows for sure.

myself, I have no faith that more fuck-wittery isnt coming
for sure because the bastards that brought it are emboldened and there’s little scrutiny or push-back.
they’re getting away with it.

like struth, Im dumb-struck at how collectively we are spineless and dis-empowered
and the parallels between the vaxx-push and the creeping communism/fascism … worry me deeply
and that … is what hear when I read stuth-i-ness

I don’t think its a wrong or right conversation to have
I do think its necessary

and I very much enjoy reading Kneel …its measured and thoughtful
on the other hand, I like reading struth too … he’s trying cut though so much bullshit and appeal to values we all used to hold.

what I am, is sorely pissed off with those that catered this party

and I’ve got a problem with those that claim lately to enjoy shit-sandwiches very much


December 2, 2022 6:54 pm

Speedbox, I’m glad I’m out of it all now and just observing at second hand with the grandchildren.

And I’ve pulled a child from one private school after a gross injustice (another child attacked her with a weapon, yet she was expected to apologise to him…turned out his parents were big contributors to the “building fund”) and put her into another. Private schools aren’t all sweetness and light, but you have to vote with your feet. Also, your children can’t be used as some sort of “bridgehead” for your own world view.

If you must, a Christian School with good academic and social credentials. They are rare but do exist.

December 2, 2022 6:56 pm

The critic has a great piece on the Royal Godmonther getting the Godfather treatment by a professional race pimp.

If that assessment sounds harsh…

Look — as much as Lady Hussey was boorish, being interested in someone’s heritage is not itself wrong. Ms Fulani wears Pan-African colours. Her BA and MA are in African Studies. In a memoiristic piece for “Future Hackney”, she wrote about attending an “African dance group” when she was young. “To hear Africans with strong accents, learn about the food and the drumming touched my heart,” she wrote:

It was all so beautiful, the clothes, the beads, the cowrie shells, and the stories. My connection with Africa became my lifelong story. It’s identity, because ours was robbed from us. Overtime, Black people have been forced to try and be something they are not.

She also discussed being a teacher in Hackney. “We took young people to Africa every year to learn about their culture and their roots,” she wrote, “It was also important to me that my own children visited Africa … I wanted to share my culture with them in my way.” If her connection to Africa is her “lifelong story” — and represents, to her, “my culture” — of course people can ask about it. Saying otherwise is like saying that I can wear a Man United shirt and a Man United scarf and take offence if people say, “Oh, do you like Man United?”

December 2, 2022 6:58 pm

Chris Dawson is an evil turd but if he were black would we be hearing this much about his crimes.

The story has led every bulletin today until supplanted by the other example of an evil white man’s perfidy.

December 2, 2022 7:02 pm

Outrageous decision just now in a Sydney court

Climate activist Violet Coco given 15 month sentence, 8 months no parole after she blocked 1 lane of the Harbour Bridge for 25 mins in April

It’s clear climate protesters are being targeted for disproportionate punishment

The photo of the poor lass tells the story.

December 2, 2022 7:05 pm

Some Canadians Will Have to Explain Their Wealth or Lose It
Unexplained Wealth Orders are coming to British Columbia.

December 2, 2022 7:06 pm

Yeah I dunno Dot, you are skating on thin ice there.

Plenty of bad eggs in every race.

December 2, 2022 7:07 pm

Dickless upset about juries and advocates judges: sure: Fleur Kingham, Bromberg and the 2 clowns on the Victoristan Appeals confirming the lower court jury conviction of Pell.

The fact is Law is run by humans and increasingly left wing ideology and personal views are tainting its objectivity; just as alarmism is corrupting science.

December 2, 2022 7:08 pm

Plenty of bad eggs in every race.

And dickless dickheads.

December 2, 2022 7:08 pm

I acknowledge that Trump knowingly associated with that jerk, who had a long history of anti-Semitism even before recent events, as a dog whistle to the racists in his base.

Good dogs.

December 2, 2022 7:09 pm

I were Brucy (and knowing my career was now in tatters because an accuser couldn’t accuse), I’d be with my lawyers taking the handles of every twat tweeting about his obvious guilt toward a fee for retirement.

December 2, 2022 7:09 pm

It’s clear climate protesters are being targeted for disproportionate punishment

The sentence may be a bit harsh but the right to peaceful assembly and protest doesn’t include the right to block a lane of traffic in peak hour.

Robert Sewell
December 2, 2022 7:09 pm


True dat Bob. Didn’t mean to sound bitter if it came across that way.

No, I understood your point.
We are in a position where the political return on resources is more important than the economic return.
It’s how economies die.
(I’m the one who should be bitter, but I’m over that…)

December 2, 2022 7:09 pm

looks likely that Somyurek will shove Fiona Patten out.

where’s that crow mUnty ?

I thought he said it was a done deal?

Cassie of Sydney
December 2, 2022 7:10 pm

“Two names: Barack Obama. Jeremiah Wright.”

Two more names: Bill Clinton. Louis Farrakhan.

December 2, 2022 7:10 pm

December 2, 2022 at 7:02 pm

Jesus, down on that twitter feed there is a pic of the Bittered sav standing next to dentata Immaculata.

She isnt aging well.

December 2, 2022 7:11 pm

It’s clear climate protesters are being targeted for disproportionate punishment


“Disproportionate punishment” would have been to run her over and keep the traffic flowing.

December 2, 2022 7:12 pm

Agree Cohenite.

I can’t recall the last time Leftards used evidence for anything: Be it GetPell, Climate, Colonial Invasion, What is a Woman, Higgins and many many more examples.

As I always say on Twaddle, it proves the Left are more into **Feels** than **Facts** (I use that sentence deliberately but is also accurate).

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 2, 2022 7:13 pm

Some Canadians Will Have to Explain Their Wealth or Lose It

I’d like to see certain Australian politicians in the same situation!

December 2, 2022 7:18 pm

Have a great weekend Cats.

Don’t forget to check out my war with Dee Madigan on twitter from this arvo on Pell!

December 2, 2022 7:20 pm

So, it ended up like this. I congratulated my daughter on her stance and told her I was proud of her. I re-confirmed that she was not required to justify her opinion on these matters and she did the correct thing by walking out.

good man Speedy
and your daughter … awesome!

December 2, 2022 7:20 pm

Elbows mob have decided that the best way to soothe the pain in their dicks from masturbating with steel wool is to stop mucking around and get out the cheese grater.

Communications Minister Michelle Rowland has defended the Labor government’s policy to return the national broadband network closer to its original design despite fresh admissions it will not be able to recover $31 billion invested into the project.

Speaking alongside Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin, as the pair announced a major upgrade that aims to boost internet speeds for 7 million Australians by 100 times, Rowland said the current government’s policy would future-proof the NBN.

“I think by coming in, myself and Finance Minister [Katy] Gallagher as shareholder ministers, we have effectively undertaken a regulatory reset,” Rowland said.

“We will keep the NBN in public ownership for the foreseeable future whilst we finish this job of making it a better network.”
But fibre [to every home] has always been a Labor initiative. We’ve come full circle here today,” Rowland said. “We are absolutely committed to upgrading the network to providing more access to fibre rather than copper.

Rowland added the Labor government will continue to commit more money to the fixed wireless network to boost connectivity for people living in the bush, saying that improvements would encourage people on the satellite network to switch.

The new deal between Nokia and NBN will deliver greater volumes of data to consumers at higher speeds. Nokia’s technology will see those on fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP) networks, and people who join FTTP in future, be able to access multi-gigabit speeds. The NBN can currently only accommodate up to 1 gigabit per second, but the new Nokia infrastructure will increase this to up to 100 gigabits per second.

At a tour of Nokia’s 5G Innovation Lab, Finland Prime Minister Sanna Marin said she was pleased about the cooperation between Australia and the 157-year Nordic company.

“We have to make sure that when we are digitalised in our societies, we are doing it in a secure and safe way,” Marin said.

The 10-year partnership for an undisclosed sum between the two companies will make NBN the first operator in the Southern Hemisphere to roll out Nokia’s technology.

Answers the question “why did the Finnish bint come to Australia”

December 2, 2022 7:28 pm

December 2, 2022 at 6:51 pm

I disagree, His endless sòoking Nagging and fixations divide and frustrate alies. Also I don’t buy that the current situation pushed into it. He is a liability.

Robert Sewell
December 2, 2022 7:29 pm

Johnny Rotten:

Only in the blank spaces between the ears of all of those who will believe this stuff will work. Such as, ‘Pollies’, Nutters, Academics, Intellectuals (alleged), Dreamers, Grifters, Crooks, Schemers, Loonies, Dribbling Joe, Non Engineers, Public Serpents, Hangers On, Dickheads, Plonkers, The Church, King Charles De Turd, His Missus, More Hangers On, And the the List is endless……………………..

All the above bed wetters are squealing their lifeboat is sinking at their end.
The problem for them is that the boat has been aground since the last Ice Age.

Robert Sewell
December 2, 2022 7:32 pm

Johnny Rotten:

I have some news for you. We are all going to die.

That puts my new investment in “Fountains of Eternal Youth” in South America in a bit of a pickle.

December 2, 2022 7:32 pm

The sentence may be a bit harsh but the right to peaceful assembly and protest doesn’t include the right to block a lane of traffic in peak hour.

but but but the sky is falling!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 2, 2022 7:35 pm

The Lehrmann trial is over – but it will never really be over
Jacqueline Maley
By Jacqueline Maley
December 2, 2022 — 2.04pm

It’s over – there will be no retrial of Bruce Lehrmann for the alleged rape of his former colleague Brittany Higgins.

The case, which has caused a massive media storm, which played its part in bringing down the Morrison government, and which has wrecked the mental health of the complainant, will be laid to rest.

The accused, who always maintained his innocence, will be able to move on with his life. Higgins, we hope, will heal.

But it’s not over, not really.

It is clear that the trial process, which has been a mess despite the best intentions of authorities and court, greatly traumatised the complainant.

She is in hospital under medical supervision.

Future complainants have been taught a valuable lesson: it’s probably not worth it.

The process of pursuing justice might destroy you. You literally might not survive the onslaught of social media abuse, hostile media commentary and bruising cross-examination that will accompany the trial of your accused.

You will be forced to defend yourself, right down to the details of text messages you sent several years ago.

Photographs of the dress you were wearing when you were allegedly raped will be made public, pictures of the couch on which you were allegedly raped will be exhibited in court.

Lehrmann, who says he has also had thoughts of self-harm, lost two jobs over the alleged incident and will struggle to find employment.

Even those who are inclined to believe Higgins’ allegation must admit that Lehrmann has been denied natural justice.

It is understood he is contemplating civil remedies to redress his loss of reputation and employment.

While the case has been extraordinary, the allegation made by Higgins – that a young man took a heavily intoxicated woman to a private space so he could have sex with her without her consent – is as common as dirt.

Walk into a room full of enough women and it’s bound to have happened to at least one of them.

The fact that it is alleged to have happened in federal parliament – an environment that has long been risky for female workers, and which is notorious for its boozy culture – is also unsurprising.

What was unusual was that the allegation went public and that it was prosecuted.

When Higgins told her story publicly, several things became obvious.

Firstly, the culture of Parliament House was unprofessional and toxic, especially for women.

Predation and alcohol abuse were so baked into that environment that women never even spoke of it – it was just the air they breathed and the unsteady ground on which they walked.

Secondly, the Lehrmann trial has made obvious how fundamental is the clash between an alleged victim’s right to free speech and the principles of the justice system.

Higgins and the media who reported on her faced, and still face, significant legal peril for simply telling her side of the story.

Thirdly, the case has made it impossible to ignore how badly our system smashes complainants.

Bruce Lehrmann was charged with raping fellow political staffer Brittany Higgins in 2019. But a second trial has been abandoned after the first was aborted.

Despite some modest reforms, cross-examination of alleged sexual assault victims is brutal to watch and must be far more brutal to experience.

There were legislative moves afoot to excuse Higgins from having to give evidence in person again; but the accused’s defence team would have every right to argue the necessity of re-examining the complainant in person, based on any fresh evidence.

The principles of the right to a fair trial and the protection of a complainant’s mental health were in total conflict with each other in this case.

That conflict was irresolvable, which is why the retrial was abandoned.

The bleakest truth is this: it was impossible to sit through the cross-examination of Higgins and conclude it was worth it; that vindication and peace lay at the end of that process.

Higgins was in open distress during the defence’s questioning of her.

She wept, became frustrated, was offended, and needed to take a week’s break in between sessions on the stand.

In announcing his decision to abandon the retrial, ACT Crown Prosecutor Shane Drumgold paid tribute to Higgins. He maintained there had been a reasonable prospect of conviction that justified proceeding with the first trial.

Drumgold said Higgins had faced “a level of personal attack that I have not seen in over 20 years of doing this work”.

She had done so with “bravery, grace and dignity”, he said, and expressed his hope “that this will now stop”.

But although the trial process has ended, this business is not finished.

Future complainants are likely to conclude the criminal justice system does not serve them and that it is preferable to speak up and seek justice in other ways, however risky that may be.

The justice system, which rests upon the fundamental principle of the presumption of innocence, will find itself increasingly embattled in a contemporary media environment that has little respect for that principle.

And those accused of sexual crimes might decide that exercising their right to silence does not adequately protect them from the damage done by such allegations.

We are witnessing a shift in the balance between victims’ rights, the principle of freedom of speech and the precepts of justice.

The Lehrmann trial, a tragedy for all involved, is only the beginning.

Cassie of Sydney
December 2, 2022 7:36 pm

Just watched the Farage clip re. Lady Susan Hussey, it was a set up. Good on Farage for speaking up. Thank God there’s still people like him brave enough to speak truth.

As for Prince William, jumping on the bandwagon and demanding Lady Susan’s resignation, he’s going to have to tread very carefully here. If he wants to ally himself with woke progressive ideology, an ideology that hates the monarchy and agitates for its collapse, then William will reap a nasty whirlwind, which is a future of no crown for his son and if not a cellar in Ekaterinburg, then he and his family will find themselves exiles roaming the globe, like so many of their European relatives did after the collapse of the monarchies following the two world wars. In fact, that was the story of Phillip’s Greek and Russian families, perhaps the late Prince Phillip should have given his grandson some history lessons. Phillip lost over 18 members of his family to the Bolshevik revolutionaries, all brutally murdered.

The support for the monarchy lies in middle England, who are seeing their country trashed by progressivism. If William abandons them, the monarchy falls.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

calli says: December 2, 2022 at 7:11 pm

It’s clear climate protesters are being targeted for disproportionate punishment

“Disproportionate punishment” would have been to run her over and keep the traffic flowing.

Nay Calli: That woulda just been “clearing an obstruction to traffic”
Woulda been a touch difficult to do it though, as she was driving a pantech.

December 2, 2022 7:38 pm

Albo not taking long to commit Australia to fixing the Libs’ sabotage of the NBN. Good.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Photographs of the dress you were wearing when you were allegedly raped will be made public, pictures of the couch on which you were allegedly raped will be exhibited in court.


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 2, 2022 7:43 pm

Monty, if buying a car, would choose an Edsel for its advanced technology.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 2, 2022 7:44 pm

as a dog whistle to the racists in his base.

m0nty=fa heard the “dog whistle”. What does that make him?

Johnny Rotten
December 2, 2022 7:45 pm

December 2, 2022 at 7:38 pm
Albo not taking long to commit Australia to fixing the Libs’ sabotage of the NBN. Good.

You Plonker. The KRudd kicked this mess off and the TurnBullShit didn’t stop it. Blame the Laybore Dopes first though……………………………….There was never any sabotage. Only more Debt created……………..

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 2, 2022 7:46 pm

Cassie of Sydneysays:
December 2, 2022 at 7:10 pm
“Two names: Barack Obama. Jeremiah Wright.”

Two more names: Bill Clinton. Louis Farrakhan.

Al Sharpton, a generation of senior DemonRats.

December 2, 2022 7:47 pm

Yeah I dunno Dot, you are skating on thin ice there.

Assuming Jews are not self aware may be the bigotry of low expectations.

Jews in New York raise money for torah and Hebrew studies with a kid’s character called fiveish, an anthropomorphic five dollar bill, who happens to be very generous.

I reckon the creators get a kick out of trolling anti semites with that.

If you must, a Christian School with good academic and social credentials. They are rare but do exist.


December 2, 2022 7:49 pm

Albo not taking long to commit Australia to fixing the Libs’ sabotage of the NBN. Good.

How long and at what direct financial cost?

December 2, 2022 7:49 pm

calli says:
December 2, 2022 at 6:54 pm

The truth of the matter is that my daughter is a gifted athlete in a particular sport. Although only 12 years old, her training regime is extensive at 30 hours per week resulting in exceptional multi State and national competition outcomes. It is realistic to say that she is probably a strong candidate for Olympic and Commonwealth Games selection in a few short years.

The point of revealing that is because I am now troubled by your earlier comment. I hadn’t considered if my daughter was to be ostracized by the teachers (and potentially other students) because of her views, what impact that might have on her general nature and more specifically, on her competitiveness and focus. It would be a tragedy if after all her hard work, and she has voluntarily given up a lot, if bullying or ostracizing caused her performance to fall away because she was otherwise troubled or upset. I hasten to add that neither Mrs Speedbox or myself ‘push’ her, we support her – my daughter loves her chosen sport and happens to be damn good at it.

Cassie of Sydney
December 2, 2022 7:50 pm

“She had done so with “bravery, grace and dignity”, he said, and expressed his hope “that this will now stop”.”

Nup, it isn’t Knickerless who’s handled herself with bravery, grace and dignity, it’s Lehmann, and he’s going to need all the bravery, grace and dignity he can find moving forward.

Oh and “mean girl” skank Penny Wong was asked today at a press conference about Knickerless, and she used those same words to describe her, “bravery, grace and dignity”….LOL…..ho hum, funny that. Worth remembering that Wong has never used such words to describe Kathy Sheriff. But you see, it isn’t “believe all women”, it’s only “believe some women” so as to target conservatives.

Further to Lehmann, I hope he pursues civil charges.

Johnny Rotten
December 2, 2022 7:52 pm

Robert Sewellsays:
December 2, 2022 at 7:32 pm
Johnny Rotten:

I have some news for you. We are all going to die.

That puts my new investment in “Fountains of Eternal Youth” in South America in a bit of a pickle.

Yes it will slightly but you can always use a Family Trust and carry on with your life in Heaven…………

December 2, 2022 7:53 pm

He is a liability

depends on context

I doubt fad-fascism considers anybody here to be useful or necessary

… the best part is that even mUnty doesn’t rate by that standard despite him trying to make all the right noises

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 2, 2022 7:53 pm

Even those who are inclined to believe Higgins’ allegation must admit that Lehrmann has been denied natural justice

He got Rolls Royce standard Legal Representation, and it didn’t cost him a penny.

It is understood he is contemplating civil remedies to redress his loss of reputation and employment.

Kidding, right?
Unchallenged Evidence portrayed him as a callous arsehole.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 2, 2022 7:55 pm

December 2, 2022 at 7:49 pm
Albo not taking long to commit Australia to fixing the Libs’ sabotage of the NBN. Good.

How long and at what direct financial cost?

The cost was described up-thread as “undisclosed”. Rough translation: “eye-watering”.

And all so m0nty=fa can speed up the fantasy football.

December 2, 2022 7:58 pm

Speedbox, keep an eye on her. You know your child. This may be a storm in a teacup, or it might have deeper ramifications. She may have mates who wish they were as brave as she was. If so, they are solid gold friends, especially for girls. Early days.

Just have an exit plan.

December 2, 2022 7:58 pm

But you see, it isn’t “believe all women”, it’s only “believe some women” so as to target conservatives.

The Left politicises everything.


Boambee John
Boambee John
December 2, 2022 7:58 pm

Richard Cranium

Unchallenged Evidence portrayed him as a callous arsehole.

That wasn’t the accusation.

  1. I suggest anyone wanting to understand MAGA from a slightly deeper point of view than just listening to a thousand…

  2. Pure delusion. Hutchinson saw the writing on the wall and put it up for sale. Naturally, BlackRock, the world’s largest…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x