Joseph’s Dream, Rembrandt, 1645
Joseph’s Dream, Rembrandt, 1645
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
I am suspect the whole thing is a set up to allow victims not to testify at all.
“Victims and/or accusers…”
If I was Lehrmann I would move overseas and start a life again. The LNP won’t touch him and given the woke nature of Australian businesses at moment I can’t see him getting a decent position.
Maybe he can get compensation from the ACT DPP or police. It wouldn’t be much.
Shirley not. Unless under mental impairment.
How about contempt of court after the mistrial?
The urban sprawl is only the half it.
The final straw for Sydney was walking one of the back roads to the old Grace Brothers shopping centre, this was to avoid the plague of hipsters from Sydney Uni that infest the main drag. A beautiful spring morning with blue sky and I happen upon some tramp that had lain out some cardboard boxes and set about jerking off on the sidewalk. He was not having much success and was smeared with that grey blue road grime that big cities seem to generate. What am I doing here moment ensued. Chippendale, Redfern, Darlinghurst and Glebe got 20 years of my life, that is enough. Not Newtown though, they were just wankers over there.
The presumption of innocence applies, at least as far as the law is concerned.
Hard to see how her book will progress to publication now.
Be interesting to see if Lehrmann writes a book?
BREAKING New medical evidence detailing the impact of a second trial on Brittany Higgins’ mental health is expected to result in the charge being dropped and the trial not proceeding
They can offer her euthanasia to deal with her mental health issues. This treatment seems to be catching on.
The lesson has been learned by men capable of learning. Do not go anywhere near any female at work. Do not talk to them, assist them, let alone go out with them or drink or socialise with them. If possible, do not speak to them.
They are poison and to be avoided.
Compartmentalise your life.
What a cynical view. Although I suspect you are correct. Certainly in any subsequent trial. No doubt Brittany’s mental state will preclude any further media appearances.
Sad but true.
I hope not; he needs to move on with his life.
In any case, he doesn’t seem the type to court publicity.
Cheerful melancholy.
Britnah will have to shut up.
Bruce would be more than entitled to take action against her if she plays the victim.
Shirley someone has informed her of the dangers.
calli at 8:13 – think it is already occurring. The sisterhood are bleating about being denied opportunities available to male colleagues.
Let’s hope she’s not still taking advice from Mz. Wilkinson.
Gez – you would probably have your lawyers write including a draft defamation writ for good measure.
Catching up on some earlier post…..
dover0beach says:
December 1, 2022 at 10:32 am
Is Russia a more Christian country? I read, 6% of the country shows any inclination towards Christianity. I read, Russians legally dump (abort) far more babies than the US.
A lot of these statements reflect the situation either during Yeltsin’s years, or the early years of Putin. The latest figure re abortion is that it has declined to what is about normal in the West.
Some 70% of Russians claim to have Christian beliefs to a greater or lesser extent, but Christianity has flourished under Putin.
With regard to abortion, note that whilst contraceptives are available and legal in Russia, the issue of cost previously played a big role. Unlike Australia where some 65-70% of women in the 16-49 age group use oral contraception at some point in that age period, the number would been substantially lower in Russia. In years past many Russian (and Ukrainian) women would have been simply unable to afford oral contraception and relied on condoms or, trust that the man will withdraw at the appropriate moment (yeah, I know, hahaha).
So, pregnancies were more common and consequently, abortion. For at least the last 15-20 years, and probably more, contraception prices have become progressively more affordable for the average woman and thus the abortion rate has declined.
I don’t claim to be an expert on this matter but I do recall that the contraceptive pill was very expensive, by Russian standards, ‘back in the day’. No, I’m not explaining how I know.
I believe that deep down Brittaneeeeeee the Knickerless knows she’s been used as a political pawn, by her current partner, by the amphibian, by Labor and the Greens, by da sisterhood and by unscrupulous media.
As for her mental health, she seemed very together and quite the prima donna when she walked out of that courtroom a few weeks ago, after the trial had been aborted, and performed her melodramatic grievance act in front of a fellating media. Her feigned victimhood was worthy of a “Raspberry Award”. It was both pathetic and sinister at the same time. She’s a disgrace.
I’m not lacking in compassion but I have zero compassion for Ms Knickerless, she’s been a willing accomplice in a media lynching, all aimed at destroying a fundamental legal principle that keeps our society afloat….which is the “presumption of innocence”. I reserve my compassion for Bruce Lehmann, his life is in ruins and yes, he should live this shithole of a country.
via Rabz, the Bruce of Newcastle says: December 1, 2022 at 11:43 am
I was just doing a cleanup and almost threw out a July 2022 budget update newsletter from the Member for Toohey (QLD) without first poking fun at it.
“The PalaceChook government is committed to preserving and enhancing Queensland’s unique lifestyle as we continue to grow. That’s why we are delivering a $49.1 billion pipeline of infrastructure over 4 years to ensure Queenslanders have the roads, transport, water, education and health infrastructure we need to protect the way of life we know and love.”
Hmm, yes. Finding the wherewithal to protect the way of life we know and love is better late than never, I suppose?
They also budgeted $1.2 billion in skills and training, plus $2 billion in renewable energy so that the lights aren’t on when the skilled workers arrive at their as-yet-nonexistent jobs.
You know, “to protect the way of life we know and love”.
I can kindof understand saying one thing then doing another, or even doing one thing then saying another, hindsight being what it is, but to do and say opposites at the same time in the same brochure, that’s pretty amazing.
Well that is full value out of this political newsletter, so I can safely throw it out now.
Wait no, the back page has a real doozy.
Setting up new racist institutions is a bit too adventurous for the chook, but funding an existing one is totally okay.
The most crazy and wrong plans get announced so candidly and boldly when delusion and nastiness are so epidemic.
Britnah will be able to talk about her trauma as a woman in a rape case.
This new development probably followed an offer by some legal/political bitch squad to be the front girl in a push to have men jailed by word of mouth.
Excellent stuff, Roger.
Is she buying her own copies or taking yours off the shelf ? You’ve got to do a weekly check.
” he should LEAVE this shithole of a country.”
In my view, women wanted to compete with men for work and reward. I can’t see any problem with that. I did just that, and succeeded. And it was …fun.
At some stage, certain women decided that competing wasn’t good enough. They wanted to cheat, and when found out cheating, to be applauded for “bravery” or something. Because tilting the advantage board in the other direction wasn’t good enough. Men had to be punished.
Not good enough girls. And girls you are, despite (for some of you) your raddled age. You are sad, bitter CHEATS. And those of us who have competed, achieved and lived happy, fulfilled lives see you…and despise you.
And if Ms Knickerless is truly mentally fragile, then she should depart public life, never to be seen or heard again.
Oh actually no, she should still face charges, firstly for illegally recording telephone conversations and secondly, for her contempt of sub judice outside court a few weeks ago. Am I being too mean? You bet I am.
Not sure how much Brittany could say without implying Lehrmann was a rapist, particularly now his identity is known. More than a bit of overlap with Porter – whose barrister was restrained from acting for him (at first instance).
How a major change in the law could affect the retrial of Brittany Higgins’ accused rapist
ACT Attorney-General has proposed changing the territory’s Evidence Act
Would allow complainant’s testimony in court to be recorded and used in retrial
Pence: This is why Biden has a ‘close eye’ on Elon Musk
Pence was surrounded by talking legs in stiletto heels. It may as well have been an ad for Mustang or Ford. I found it totally gross. It spoke of a man and his media buddies on a sales pitch.
Sorry, amortizer, but it won’t be Brittaneeee on the receiving end of euthanasia. Now that Pocock has enabled Gay Barr in the ACT to legalise euthanasia, it will probably be compulsory for white heterosexual Christian males. Bruce will need to reinvent himself as a poofter Marxist atheist asap.
Mind you, if Bruce really was a poofter Marxist atheist, he could never be charged with anything anyway.
Can the obviously destroyed Lehrmann now go after the great and good for defo? Presumably if his accuser is too damaged to testify in a criminal case she won’t in a civil? Evil people.
You are not being anything but fair.
The left have tried to weaponise the law against men.
It is a two edged sword.
God knows what this agenda has this to do with helping the economic underdogs.
Why does the left exist now?
Politics is about insiders and outsiders now.
Best scene that Slim Pickens ever did.
(Mr Pickens would’ve been excellent in Zulu too. /wolfman)
Why does the left exist now?
Politics is about insiders and outsiders now.
Class war by another name? The “elite” class and their credentialled hangers-on against the normal people?
What are the chances of Brucie taking some legal action of his own?
About the same chance as the West Indies have of winning the First Test.
Agree entirely with Cassie @ 8.31.
Meanwhile the skank and the pirate have skulkingly retreated and the ACT local mayor has made a dick of himself introducing retrospective legislation to assist the slapped.
Local blonk DPP finally woke up that they were on a hiding to nothing and suggested bow out on mental elf issues. Always reliable and the sisters can push that barrow including the bloke from ACT government hanging on to the slapped basking in the limelight.
Meanwhile Bruce has been fucked over and ruined and didn’t even get a leg over ‘cos she was non compos and spewed and probably pissed on the parliamentary lounge with no cotton tails to soak it up.
His missus was badgering him by phone so he wisely decided to fuck off.
I wonder if the insipid former PM will withdraw his “guilty” verdict passed under parliamentary privilege.
Surely you jest re Slim Pickens in Zulu ?
Some good sense from a Canberra law firm (Aulich) with, ironically, Labor antecedents:
Slapped = slapper. Fuck autocorrect.
so she was always a dud!
If there was any “censure” motion to be applied by an incoming government, that was it.
Using privilege to convict a free citizen pre-trial.
But…nooooo. Because that precedent will be useful in the future.
Another censure motion for SloMo would be a very good use of Parliamentary time and something the whole country could get behind.
I want my day in court. Sorry Bruce, not for you. Well done all.
Can the whole country get behind stopping the taxation?
Cue post 3638 Dec 2019
18 U.S. Code §?2385. Advocating overthrow of Government.
Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or
Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or
Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.
Using privilege to convict a free citizen pre-trial.
There is no such thing as a free citizen in Australia. There are only prisoners who have “privileges” not rights, bestowed by the warders at their whim.
The date of the above post is 2/12/19
Has Brittany been advised that it would be better to “retire hurt” and have a lucrative lifetime gig as a professional victim, than to risk another trial?
If Lehrmann was found not guilty, she’d be dropped instantly by the left and no future as a public figure at all.
Um…yes. 😀
Actually this evening I have been doing fillum YTs. I’ve worked out who should be the next Jame Bond:
This guy.
Welsh-English actor by name Rupert Penry-Jones. He’s bloody good.
If I was inclined to watch TV I’d watch Guillermo del Toro’s “The Strain”.
Not sure what it’s on, Amazon or Netflix. But 46 episodes of good stuff, looks like.
Kindly post at the furniture store as well… please
Rupert Henry-Jones – good suggestion re Bond.
He’s played a spy before in the outstanding TV series Spooks.
Slim Pickens wearing a loincloth and carrying an assegai?
Lee Enfield.
You just know this is how it must be.
Satellite images show close to two dozen long-range bombers and cruise missiles being prepared for combat at the Engels-Two airfield, near Saratov Oblast in Russia. Ukraine military officials assume they will be used to increase strikes on ground targets.
Considering the total fiasco at the FIFA world cup, surely it’s time for Rugby Union to step away from its Woke path and take its place as the only credible international football competition. I’d prefer to watch Namibia play Botswana than these jokers on display in Qatar.
Sorry guys. Links aren’t appearing. Tried twice.
My daughter is here and has discovered the Russian novelists.
Several years ago .. pre-BAT FLU my youngest daughter did her European stint by coach tour .. one of the places visited was Auschwitz Concentration Camp .. she was 20 at the time and other than odds and ends from school she knew nothing about WW2 or the camps ..
Once she came home she started researching and reading all she could about the “final solution” .. not bad for someone who had never shown any interest in whole book reading previously .. she’s turned 30 now and still at it and quite an expert on the subject these days, as well as developing a love of book-reading in general ..
Martini-Henri surely?
Mr Kelly – I wouldn’t say the world cup is a fiasco, but lots of interesting vibes are coming out of it. Qatar has now actually fessed that shedloads of guys died to build the stadia. And they banned beer. The punters notice such things.
What is wrong with this picture?
no wonder the EU is fucked
It’s not being mean to ensure that someone who makes shitty life decisions suffers the consequences of those decisions. Especially if the act of making those claims was encouraged by a belief that they were risk free because ovaries.
Diogenes – My dad has a 1913 Lee Enfield, which for my sins I used for shooting pigs with him. A serious piece. Rule 303.
I was 232-22 in the MIDTERM ELECTIONS, and still have to listen to DEMS, RINOS, and the Fake News explain how poorly I did (Also, 98.6% in Republican Nomination Endorsements!). Without my Endorsement of Republican Candidates, the numbers would have been a disaster. Same for 2018 and the CORRUPT ELECTION OF 2020, where almost everyone won because, and with the help of, ME – EXCEPT ME – and that’s because the Presidential Election was RIGGED & STOLEN!
I wouldn’t say the world cup is a fiasco,
You have to remember that the media needs click-bait .. reporting on the actual games isn’t gonna get much further than the sports pages but the salacious waffle is what makes headlines .. Qatar not being a “fitba” super power left itself and FIFA wide-open for gossip & rumours .. of course, with most of the stuff having, at least, a whiff of truth & scandal attached has been a God-send for the gossip media ..
Yet this morning one of the most ridiculous VAR decisions I’ve ever come across, the Messi penalty after the event, hardly made it off the sports pages …….!
Where are the pitchforks for seven nilligan and pirate-pete’s wife?
I disagree.
She’s been used and spat out by the ‘believe all women’ brigade.
Both her and Lehrmann have lost a great deal in this fiasco. Regardless of guilt or innocence.
Wilkinson, Maiden, That womens advocate lesbian and seven nilligan should all be strung up by any law or disciplinary action (the PS advocate) possible.
The whole episode is repulsive.
From NSW Health web page. If vaccinations not required to work with aged and disabled should not be required elsewhere.
Vaccination requirements : As of 12.01am 1 December, there are no public health orders in force in NSW that mandate COVID-19 vaccination. The Public Health (COVID-19 Care Services) Order (No 3) 2022, which outlined vaccination requirements for aged care and disability workers to aged care facilities, ceased at the end of 30 November 2022. Some workplaces may still require mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 under their own applicable work, health and safety obligations. Employers should take all reasonable steps to ensure compliance with any vaccination obligations. If you have questions about any COVID-19 vaccination requirements for your workplace, speak to your employer.
Some handy ideas for any self respecting preper:
Baseload home power for the log cabin?
If you want Slim Pickens at Rourkes Drift he has to have the Martini-Henry.
For my sins, I spent many hours square bashing with 303s in the AirTC in the 70s and many fun filled hours shooting them at the range at Malabar and RAAF Wagga. The oldest stamp I remember seeing was 1942.
My daughter is here and has discovered the Russian novelists.
Good stuff. Gogol, Strugatsky Bros and Solzhenitsyn are great value.
Nabokov is something else too if you can avoid the L book’s obvious hazards.
And for soundtrack, Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich.
I know Nabokov and Shostakovich are kinda defectors, but there’s something in the dirt in the Russia.
Dairy stabbing: Man accused of alleged murder was deported from Australia this year
best gun!
An interesting point by Cassie at 8.30:
Not once, to my knowledge at least, has any thought been given to the prospect that Brih-nee Commando might be a dude.
What’s the furniture store BS?
December 1, 2022 at 7:03 pm
Having said that, my children and their families are hostages to the Great Metropolis (of Oz). They won’t be escaping any time soon.
Every time I go there, I’m shocked at the human warehousing taking place in the north west. It’s like an anthill.
come to the WASP Territory (I am a Catholic) of Northern Beaches – watching Grandkids 7/8/9 – 6/9/11 working out on Monkey bars with neurotic 18 month female beagle in back yard on 1357 sq m block of land, with eldest going to Balmoral baths tomorrow for traditional end of year junior school jump with school clothing into Baths water.
Me, off to Pizza Crows Nest, next week, Old Farts Lunch with Penfolds Bin 389 and Xmas Shirt
Life Ain’t Bad
My great uncle enlisted in the Second AIF, and served in North Africa – 2,32nd Battalion. The Lee Enfield he carried at both battles of El Alamein was made in 1913.
My father attempted to enlist in 1943, while underage. He suffered the indignity of his mother, turning up at the unit guardroom, brandishing his (unmodified) birth certificate. He went on to join the Volunteer Defence Corps – the Australian equivalent of the Home Guard. The Lee Enfield he was issued was brand spanking new……..
I just took a pee outside. as is my wont
stared at the starry void and saw Orion upside-down and glorious
and I remembered myself that countless generations have peed in their gardens and done the same.
Pleiades cant be far away but they’re obscured buy the Pepperina tree
mitre10 … bunnings are out
If your not a “fitba” viewer then try the Netflix sci-fi fantasy offering .. WARRIOR NUN .. 18 episodes across two seasons and thoroughly enjoyable entertainment ..
Still using old sock.
Now new one.
Anyone for Waffles*?
My wifey** chairs the catchment council. It started out as a farming community group co-founded by my dad, with a clear remit to monitor and improve groundwater and runoff water quality in the bays and bayous of this old flat corner of the earth. It’s now an unwieldy qango with interconnected dept of water-, and minister-driven obligations and targets and collaborations, mission statements and community accords, worlds’ best practise and regenerative- four staff, an office open three days a week, and spends most of its efforts hosting field days to promote the latest agri-economist expert and their Announceable*** insights into dirt and muck and growing stuff, because no-ones’s ever studied this stuff before anywhere ever.
One of their biggest make-work obstacles is Stakeholder Engagement. In particular, the Stakeholder Engagement which is connected to consulting, promoting and growing First Nationses Traditional Ownerses Cultural Knowledge.
You’d think it would be easy- think traditional hunter-gatherer stuff. Is the estuary good, are the billabongs drinkable, are the fish ok, are the crabs ok? But no, the Stakeholders need to be consulted on everything from pelagic seagrass far beyond the reach of wading spearfishermen to concrete-bounded dairy effluent treatment ponds.
The AGM summary just presented in a long list of calls not returned, despite the First Nationses having their own environment groups replete with offices and staff, about six First Nationses Corporationses with boards and directors and all that stuff, at least three local families who jostle to be the ones doing Welcomes To Countrys and Smoking Ceremonies and ribbon cuttings, and one enterprising dude who is flat out running a roster of school groups doing Cultural Immersion Tours where they do such rarified and deeply rooted local things like playing the didge.
The board also holds a salaried position open for First Nationses rep, which is sometimes filled for a few months, then apologies for a few months, then vacated by omission.
In short: the catchment group is legally bound to continually reach out to a group, and lay out red carpet for individuals, because they are Stakeholders… despite really having no stake other than gimme. But they are forsaken.
AND they’re still wide open for someone to pivot and suddenly say “but we didn’t have a Voice”.
* h/t JC
**my wife is also a vet
***h/t Utopia
Don’t forget she’s also on the catchment council, waffles.
Riveting comment and insanely riveting lives.
Go take out the garbage.
Incredible attempts to steer discussions this evening.
Waffler’s wife is a catchment councillor and Magic Marvin takes romantic piss under the stars.
We’re hanging out to see what comes next.
Yep, they’re not faking it, they’re genuine first nations stakeholders alright. That level of indolence is difficult to replicate with the right degree of authenticity.
Here you go Wally, Italian life in Melbourne, from the 1950s to the 1980s
Here you go, Drills. Rural life in FNQ from the 50s to the present.
You always point out nothing much has changed, right?
Johannes Leak. Boom!
Mark Knight.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Christian Adams.
Peter Brookes.
Patrick Blower.
Dave Brown.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Gary Varvel.
Gary Varvel #2.
Michael Ramirez.
Tom Stiglich.
Al Goodwyn.
Matt Margolis #2.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison. Spot on!
Shit! They dumped the trial because of health fears though. Obviously. Scumbags until the end.
I reckon the judge dumped the first trial because she didn’t want to hear a not-guilty result and claiming she’s not mentally competent is not a clear out for him.
The newly-weds are in their honeymoon suite and the groom decides to let the bride know where she stands right from the start of the marriage. He proceeds to take off his pants and throw them at her. He says “Put those on”. The bride replies “I can’t wear your pants”. “And don’t forget that” he replies “I will always wear the pants in this family!” The bride takes off her panties and throws them at him with the same request “Try those on!” He replies “I can’t get into your panties!” “And you never will if you don’t change your attitude”.
Getting older is a fact of life.
– Goldie Hawn
How crazy are the zombie left?
“Murdoch is suing Private Media, the publisher of Crikey, over an article published earlier this year that described the Murdoch family as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the attack on the US Capitol.
The trial is still three months away, but the parties are currently engaged in a preliminary battle over the disclosure of material and interrogatories – or formal questions – each side has posed one another.
Crikey has alleged in court that neither Lachlan Murdoch nor any member of the Murdoch family have publicly repudiated claims propagated on Fox News alleging electoral fraud in the 2020 US election.
Private Media’s barrister, Clarissa Amato, said Murdoch’s defence had so far produced no evidence showing that he did repudiate such claims. It is now seeking to put the question directly to Murdoch and ask him to show documentary evidence of having repudiated comments about electoral fraud made on Fox News.”
A shooting club was holding a competition. The winner was to get a somewhat ugly trophy, the second-placed shooter – a crate of fine champagne. By the end of the final round, two shooters were tied for first place, so they were told to do a tiebreaker round – 5 shots at maximum distance. To keep things more dramatic, they had to shoot at the same time. After both had stopped firing and were awaiting the results, one shooter turned to his rival and said with a little smile: “I’m sorry, pal. I put all five shots in the wall”. “I’m sorry, too” replied the other “because I put all of mine into your target”.
Armstrong Economics.
You are the son of a thousand fathers, each one a bastard like you!
JC says:
December 2, 2022 at 1:16 am
I was wondering where that was going, so I’ve read it to the end, not much wiser for it, best I can make out of it that Aboriginals are lazy buggers, and his wife is a vet.
He keeps repeating that, never a mention of what He does for a crust.
Since when was that profession an example of all good and noble in the world, that we should aspire to?
Nothing wrong with it mind, same as a bricklayer, only takes longer to get the papers.
As to making more money?
I doubt it.
Bricklayers eh?
Nazi passes eh?
Goat rodeo eh?
It’s all like, coming together, man!
Check your email.
When I grow I up, I want to be on a catchment council.
Dot says:
December 2, 2022 at 5:16 am
Too cryptic for me Dot, checked my Email, nothing but offers for penis enlargement.
How do they know?
This is good. It could blow up and bring it home to normies.
Elon, you first dude.
I reckon there’s going to be a huge schism looking forward 50 years or so. Neural implants could be used more and more but there’s a huge rub. Having some fucker mess around with your skull and brain to implant a chip is and will be quite risky. If you make it, your IQ will go up by multiples. 5000 IQ may not be outside the bounds of possibility in a 100 years. Do you take the risk or not? No pun, but this is going to be a huge head scratchier and another whine about “inequalady”.
Penis enlargement is for dickheads.
JC people with high IQ still make shit decisions. They just think they’re right. Decision makers want all the information but only focus on the minutiae to validate the reason for doing it. Which is generally to make them look like they’re doing something. Look at the Lying Slapper government passing 1800 pieces of legislation as if it was a good thing. I can’t think of one thing that benefited Australians. I stand to be corrected.
For some reason or other yesterday I was reading Patton’s wiki. This bit was fun:
“In 1915 Lieutenant Patton was assigned to border patrol duty with A Troop of the 8th Cavalry, based in Sierra Blanca.[50][51] During his time in the town, Patton took to wearing his M1911 Colt .45 in his belt rather than a holster. His firearm discharged accidentally one night in a saloon, so he swapped it for an ivory-handled Colt Single Action Army revolver”
The wiki says he had three kids, so fortunately no serious damage was caused that night in the saloon.
Xi seems to be blinking.
China finally eases COVID-19 restrictions after devastating protests gripped nation (1 Dec)
“Overseeing the rise in the numbers, Vice Premier Sun Chunlan claimed that the country is entering a “new stage and mission”, an indication of the government’s changing approach after mass protests against its zero-Covid policy.
The state media, Xinhua, reported that she said: “The country is facing a new situation and new tasks in epidemic prevention and control as the pathogenicity of the Omicron virus weakens, more people are vaccinated and experience in containing the virus is accumulated.”
Ms Sun also urged further “optimisation” of testing, treatment and quarantine policies.”
It’ll be interesting to see what happens when the inevitable occurs: a billion infected Chinese. Doubtful if their vaccine works any better than the ones we have.
“5000 IQ may not be outside the bounds of possibility in a 100 years.”
Not so sure an embedded twitter feed is going to make someone any smarter.
IQ tests do not sufficiently penalise people for confirmation bias.
IQ would be more effective as a predictor if they did.
King Rat.
Do You Have What It Takes to Be NYC’s ‘Bloodthirsty’ Rat Czar? (1 Dec)
“New York City is looking for a rat czar — someone to fight back against the city’s relentless rodent population.
Officially, the job being advertised is for a director of rodent mitigation, but a city hall spokesman referred to it as the “rat czar,” according to the Gothamist.
A city job posting says: “Do you have what it takes to do the impossible? A virulent vehemence for vermin? A background in urban planning, project management, or government? And most importantly, the drive, determination and killer instinct needed to fight the real enemy — New York City’s relentless rat population? If so, your dream job awaits: New York’s Citywide Director of Rodent Mitigation.” “
I would say the real enemy is New York City’s relentless Demorat population myself. There are millions of them.
The Radioisotope power source is unlikely to power your home any time soon.
They hope to go from microwatts to milliwatts from a cube 10 cm on a side, so a cubic meter might produce a few watts.
Ranga, Dogs. I agree. I just used “IQ” as an abbrev for intelligence. I don’t think IQ measures intelligence at all well and we’ve had discussions here before. I sometimes do these tests just to exercise my brain, along with some other puzzle sites. The IQ questions for spatial and pattern recognition are indeed useless in my opinion. The differences at times are so intricate that they become just worthless to say one is miles more correct than the other. Having said that, if implants can massively cause the brain to fire up, both laterally and high speed pattern recognition, that would be some achievement and that’s what I meant by 5000 IQ. That’s what I was suggesting -that at some stage in the future a chip implant linking to say a high end computer will be something. That would be in a hundred years or more though – way past my expiry date.
Getting jabbed and then using your pass to leave the country and tour Europe while your countrymen lose all by not submitting to tyranny is the epitome of being a good compliant Nazi.
These people are low grade shit.
NYC needs some kookaburras to control the rats. One landed on the back porch with a big and very dead one in its beak the other day. Gave it a few thumps to soften it up and flew off into the big tree in the yard.
How it managed to swallow the thing is a mystery, unless it broke it up first. I’ve seen them eat snakes like spaghetti, but a round rat?
It’s impossible to ever eradicate the rat population in NYC unless they come out with some sort of biological gizmo that makes them infertile after eating the crap or having it spread through the population. It’s too risky at this stage.
The trash accumulation is just too hard. They can’t use bins here as there’s just not enough space, so they use large bags and they left out overnight on the street – just in time for rats to eat through them. Garbage day means the street is littered with bags. There are also a zillion places for the fuckers to hide. Also the trash is left in the bags to accumulate and I believe there are two pick-ups a week , which is actually pretty good.
In other words, government is shoving the mandates to individual workplaces under the OH&S figleaf. Nothing has changed.
The only way it will be dropped is when workplaces are so skint for workers they have to drop it. May happen sooner rather than later in aged care.
Maybe some tawny frogmouths too. I mentioned that I managed to get a young one to accept a bit of mince several weeks ago: she’d just fledged and was having a rest on a fence. She did a threat display to scare me away, with beak open wide – huge gape! Easily big enough for a sizeable rodent. I suspect they are excellent rat control birdies.
About two trips ago, I saw a humongous sized bastard making it’s way into the side of a $30-40 million brownstone on the edge of Central Park. That was a high living rat.
Yes, I’ve seen it on NY streets, JC. And the enormous rats. You see their gleaming, beady little eyes reflected in the street lamps. Looks like London is about to have the same problem as well with the garbage strikes.
Sydney has its cockroaches. Biggest ones I ever saw lurked around the old old Anthony Hordern Building in George/Liverpool Street.
A different sort of giant cockroach has its lair down in Sussex Street. Apparently dines off conveniently located yum cha and has an affinity with brown paper bags. Nice full ones.
This, may I say, is horseshit.
It is the exact same concept as Andrew O’Keefe and Michael Slater and Bert Newtown’s fuckstick of a kid and all the other flogs who cry ‘but mental health’ when brought before the courts as some sort of cure-all and/or escape mechanism. The only difference is that these muppets wanted their behaviour excused because Doctor Bulkbill wrote them a certificate.
Brih-neee Commando, on the other hand, would rather not sit around court for another two months while this very obvious straw-clutching farrago of lies masquerading as a prosecution case parades around in public with shit-marked dunny roll hanging out of its knickers. A quick telehealth conference, and she’s suddenly not only absolved but even more a victim of The Patriarchy than before.
Higgins and Drumgold deserve as much contempt as O’Keefe and Slater, if not more.
We’ve already discussed Joe Biden’s nuclear waste guy, who stole a woman’s suitcase at an airport recently. But more info about him has been coming out, and wow there aren’t sufficient words in the English language to describe the guy.
Sam Brinton: Their physics, their husband | Power Line (1 Dec)
The Biden Administration has so many of these weirdos. Quite amazing.
“She’s been used and spat out by the ‘believe all women’ brigade.
Whilst I believe Brittaneeeeee the Knickerless has always been a political pawn in this disgraceful and sordid soap opera, she is no innocent in this and she willingly participated in this. She could have and she should have walked away, she’s had eighteen months to do so. For a start, she’s in her mid twenties, she isn’t some innocent young ingenue. She allowed herself to become the centrefold of this soap opera. Before she was finally made to shut her bloated mouth by Justice McCallum earlier this year, I observed her closely. She enjoyed being fawned over, she enjoyed the limelight and stardom, the adulation, the victimhood, and she performed da “poor Brittaneeee” shtick superbly. She was relishing it. Last December, two days before I went into hospital, I had my hair done (very important to look good in hospital), I always read crap magazines whilst having my hair done. I was astonished, gobsmacked actually, to pick up the latest Marie Claire and see who was on its cover, it was Knickerless and the little maggot from Hobart, both airbrushed to look like gorgeous super models except neither are, one is a pinched face, thin-lipped, nasty, and very vicious little brat, the other is a young woman who always reminded me of a beached up whale carcass. She and the little maggot were the stars of the Press Club, she had articles written about her describing her as “brave”, she was loving her celebrity circus. Clearly no one sat her down and suggested that perhaps she might keep a dignified silence in case a trial went ahead. Clearly, amidst all the wonderful media attention and celebrity, no one prepared her for a trial. The stench that something was not quite right was palpable from the beginning and it all culminated, like Vesuvius erupting, in that disgraceful “apology” by Scumbag in parliament. The truth is that there was NOTHING, ZERO, NADA to apologise for. But we all like a circus and this circus dragged on for over a year and whilst the circus was performing, the subjudice was happening, contaminating any prospective trial, trashing any notions of “presumption of innocence”, destroying a man’s life but ho hum, who cares about some young toxic white male.
Both her and Lehrmann have lost a great deal in this fiasco. Regardless of guilt or innocence.
The only person who’s lost a great deal in this sordid affair is Bruce Lehmann, which is why last night I wrote that my compassion and sympathy is with him and NOT HER. Lehmann is now basically unemployable, his life trashed, he will always be the “rapist” because remember, progressive and leftist scum don’t give a fuck about the rule of law and innocence or guilt. We’ve seen this with Cardinal Pell. This is how the left works now. Once smeared, you’re stained for life. As mentioned earlier, he should leave this shithole of a country and start a new life elsewhere. Oh and I believe Bruce Lehmann IS innocent.
And Knickerless will be okay, she already has some government gigs, she’ll be used and abused by the left, the MSM and what’s left of her new friends (most of whom have no doubt run a million miles) and she’ll be rolled out like some Maritime Museum’s whale carcass to be an exhibition piece to talk about rape, sexual violence, and the toxicity of white males (although her current partner is himself a white male, funny that), she’ll be gasped at, gawked at, always da victim, and whilst they’ll be careful not to mention Lehmann’s name, Knickerless’ fame and victimhood will be enduring.
The whole episode is repulsive.”
You don’t say, well from day one it was deliberately designed to be. It was a home made brew with the following complicit toxic ingredients, a boyfriend with political motivations to attack the Coalition government, a hypocritical and repugnant amphibian from Sydney’s North Shore and her equally repellent husband, Labor Mean Girls (up to their necks in this), various Green scum like Hanson-Dung, ABC scum like the queen of scum aka Nilligan, in fact the conga line of scum is long. The Brittaneeeee story was manna from heaven for the progressive scum brigade to attack the Morrison government, and to be used as a cudgel to bring down the Morrison government. It has a political hit job from day one and it worked a treat, because Scumbag and his motley crew were so fucking useless, meek and craven in the face of the endless garbage, lies, and political malfeasance.
And now, after all of this, she’s pulled out, she’s been a willing participant in destroying a young man’s life.
I repeat, I have NO sympathy for this young woman.
You know you’re in trouble when the beer sponsor drops off (the NT News):
It is said by some that after the chopper crash became known to the company another two choppers went out to the scene, one of them carrying the off-duty copper who also got charged. Allegedly the crashed chopper’s hours meter was tampered with, a dodgy harness removed and replaced and the dead bloke’s phone disappeared – because it not only had GPS data on it, but also a pile of information relating to said dead bloke’s side crumpet his missus didn’t know about.
In the resultant fallout, the off-duty copper’s two year affair also came to light. The Outback Wrangler himself had been porking his secretary as well. Everyone gets a go, apparently.
This chopper-riding egg-catching gig seems like just the ticket. And there’s some vacancies.
I have to agree, Cassie. She went along with it for gain. At any time she could have pulled the pin.
It’s one thing to have your “story” blared and championed by media and celebrities, quite another to have it tested in court. And it just didn’t stand up, regardless of the added might of the DPP behind it. Which heartens me about the robustness of our courts…so far.
And now they are mumbling about changing the legislation surrounding testimony in order to get the results they want.
And I should add that whilst the Brittanneee circus has rolled on since February 2021, there are women and girls out there who’ve suffered REAL sexual violence and rape. But their stories aren’t juicy enough because there’s no politics involved and in many cases, no white males. And evidence for this? In March of last year, when that leftist love fest, aka the “Women’s March 4 Justice” occurred in Canberra, Jacinta Price and other indigenous women were in Canberra at the same time trying to alert and talk to the MSM and politicians about what was happening to indigenous women and children in remote communities. But what happened?
Nobody on the left was willing to talk to her and her fellow indigenous women, because they were too busy fawning over Higgins.
What a disgrace.
The ACT justice system is a clown show and Chief Justice Lucy McCallum has been the chief architect of its destruction — the worst judge ever appointed to any jurisdiction in Australia.
She wouldn’t know what justice was if it bit her on the tit.
Health Secretary Xavier Becerra Advises ‘Updated’ Coronavirus Shot for Those Who Got the Jab 2 Months Ago
Seems that blokes who dangle from choppers to grab eggs from angry crocs in swamps don’t have sound judgement.
Oldest Known Dog Bone Hints Our Best Friends Were With Us Earlier Than Thought
China’s Lockdown Enforcer Announces ‘New Phase’ in Coronavirus Abuses
This could lead to a lot of fun, but not in the way the Dems think.
Biden Administration Gives Trump Tax Returns To House Democrats (2 Nov)
“President Joe Biden’s administration has handed over years of former President Donald Trump’s federal tax returns to the U.S. House of Representatives.
“Treasury has complied with last week’s court decision,” a spokesperson for the Treasury Department, which includes the IRS, told The Epoch Times on Nov. 30.”
The fun will come when the Republicans in the House subpoena the tax returns of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, who are ex-Presidents like Trump is an ex-President. Then, as soon as Biden steps down, subpoena his too. They should be very interesting reading. Nancy Pelosi’s would also, I suspect.
Elon Musk meets Tim Cook, says Twitter row was ‘misunderstanding’
Dog The Bounty Hunter co-star David Robinson dead at 50: Wife reveals he died in her arms ‘suddenly’ while on a work Zoom call in their dining room – but denies ‘rumors of heart attack and stroke’
But what is a woman?
KDs observation may explain the whole sordid affair best.
Second worst, as Andrew Bolt, Toyota and the coal industry could tell you, if they dared to.
Just read about the ‘report’ into Brittany’s mental health.
I expect it is by its nature confidential but I would love to find out where it lays blame for her condition. Is it the trial as such, or is it the media about the trial. Or being pulled so many ways at once by the people who want to be publicly seen as her champion.
They had their agenda of course, but I think Louise Milligan’s tin ear has put this in difficulty since she has now mobilised lady layers to speak up and defend men accused of sexual misconduct and the dangers of railroading them merely because BelieveAllWomen.
Their best hope of salvaging the situation is the create the impression that it was the trial that led to Brittany’s parlous mental state to hint that trials are ineffective in securing justice – although they should also be able to shop that a substantial number of these trials fail due to the mental state of the accuser. They will just have to talk loud and long to make sure no one gets to voice that thought in public.
Naturally, because they all assume Lehrmann is guilty (either personally or as a proxy for the rest of the male half of the human race) there is no concern for his mental health.
Damn straight. Imagine leaving that sort of material on your phone.
If – IF – you want to go down that path, at least have the goddamn sense to get yourself a burner phone from the servo or JB and do it properly.
Official Australian Government cumulative figures are now >95% who as at 23 Nov 2022 have received at least one Covid 19 vaxx. Latest figures 97.3% of over 16’s.
There was a small upsurge around July this year.
Our World in Data figures at put it as follows:
At least 1 dose
Fully vaccinated
probably using another denominator, whole population not just over 16
In other words, Struth and uptickers, most adult Australians, >95% of them, Nazi’s apparently (sarc), have accepted vaccination against Covid, as I said. I fully support though the right to refuse vaccination of those Australians who decided against having this debatable shot. My decision was to have it. That does not make me a Nazi. Nor other Cats who accepted it, even if pushed.
I have never supported Covid vaccination of anyone under 16, nor indeed younger people in general.
They are not in any category likely to be badly affected by infection with Covid. So there is no case.
This is what Gonzalo Lira has been saying for months. That Russia’s focus was not so much on territory but on decimating the opposing army. I’m quite worried about him because he hasn’t posted anything for a week. He’s in Kharkiv. His last clip was about a blackout there and it’s quite possible that there’s another longer one now. His Twitter feed was blocked, ironically not for his war commentary but for telling the truth about the jab, a couple of months before Musk’s takeover and hasn’t been reinstated yet.
The Trumpification of Elon Musk
This – intentional or not – is possibly the best berley trail ever laid on this august journal of record.
The only way to lay a glove on these behemoths.
Insider Paper
JUST IN – Florida to pull $2 billion worth of its assets managed by BlackRock, the biggest such divestment by a state opposed to the asset manager’s environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) policies. – Reuters
From memory, he was admitted into a clinic soon after the story broke and his name started doing the rounds. At the time, his mental health was the subject of derision.
Catturd ™
One of the biggest con-artists and thieves in history remains free today – and we all know it’s because he was a huge Democrat donor.
Justice is dead in America.
Well said, Cassie, at 7.52 re the Britany hoo haa being such a political circus while the real rape situation of aboriginal women and others with no profile were being ignored.
Catturd ™
Which insane lunatic wore it better?
One of the replies hit the mark – ‘They’re both good actors.’
Maybe the You Go Girl! mob will realize that sending a girl at 19-y-o into the bowels of parliament, for what they breathlessly caption in their selfies as their “dream job”-with neither tight mentoring and support, or accountability for their f*ckups- is a mistake sure to end in tears.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Brinny is in any way a naif- but she was obviously not tough or smart enough, and got used by Sharaz and Wilkinson et al.
Someone in the medical system with conscience and, perhaps, a sense of history.
Anti-vaxxer nurse who injected up to 8,600 elderly patients with saltwater instead of Covid vaccine walks FREE from court in Germany
Crocodile Wrangler Matt Wright.
Guaranteed his mates call him Shagger.
Fairest thing in the Britanny case would be for all charges to be dropped due to the inability of the accuser to be coherent when her claims are put to Court. Leherman might then stand a chance of getting another job somewhere. Britanny of course will always be well taken care of in this regard by the Labor friends.
The charges against Leherman appear to have been made without any genuine police or other evidence to start with. No different to the Kathy Sherrif charges vs Shorten, which weren’t investigated at all.
Aaron Kheriaty, MD
Biomedical Security State, Chinese edition. It’s for the sake of your health, don’t you see?
Wally, she was 25 when the “incident” took place. I know she’s been carefully styled as an innocent teenager by her handlers, but she wasn’t.
These women are as hard boiled as it gets. Don’t be fooled by the dewey eyed veneer.
apple is run by a WEF fag
Death Signal: Canadian Doctors Are Dying at 4x Prior Rate Under 40, 8x Prior Rate Under 30
I’m a lateral thinker JC. Linear thinkers get pissed because they don’t know how I arrived at a conclusion that is usually the right answer. In my limited experience lateral thinkers are not in management coz they’re more interested in doing things. One of the problems being a lateral thinker is too many things interest me. We see linear thinking in government all the time. Once a path is entered there is no turning back even when early on the wrong direction is realised. These days no one can be wrong, we see it on a daily basis. More information doesn’t lead to the right decision but confusion with information overload. I find it interesting with my 2 yo grandson. My wife offers him choices of food, he can’t make up his mind. I offer him one thing, if he doesn’t want it I put it away and don’t offer anything else. He soon learnt to say what he wanted. Too much choice is not good for us. One of my sons manages a business and knows where every cent goes. His personal finances are a mess. Being good at one thing certainly doesn’t translate to being good at others even over the difference of the work private divide. I like the way AI can solve problems in a way we don’t see due to conditioning. I’m not saying the answer is palatable but gives an insight to other ways. We may have progressed technically but we’re still biologicals slowly developing. Come back in another million years and none of us will recognise what we have become.
Yes, I agree. The problem was that she was embued with modern feminism, which says you-go-girl, do what you like, drink and party, and no need to keep a rein on giving men an informal come-on. Then, when you are caught in a compromising situation, you are not able to either avoid it or handle it.
And nor is he. This was a young man, also caught in a complex web of expectations.
Let’s not forget that.
We will never know what really happened on that night, and best now to draw a line under it by withdrawal of all charges.
19 when she got given the job tho iirc
Yes Lizzie, and the Easter Bunny is real too.
You have been nothing but a gullible twat throughout all of this.
There is no way on gods green earth that over 60 % of Aussies are vaccinated.
I know this may be a shock to you but communist propaganda is usually just that.
But again, because you are in denial you still come on here and quote Government bullshit.
That’s my excuse too, Grey Ranga, for some remarkable underachievements. lol.
As for AI, it is the human factor in decision making that advances us. Don’t diss it too much.
Some call it curiosity. AI isn’t much curious.
Lehrmann, insipid pasty little muffin top that he is, should never have to work again.
He should be racking up the civil suits. Channel Ten, Lisa Wilkinson personally, FitzSimons, the Federal Government, Scott Morrison personally, the ACT Government, any media outlet that broadcast her and Tame’s allegations at the National Press Club, and so on and so on.
Not to mention the equally chubby Victim Commissioner or whoever she was that stood next to Brih-neee while she gave her post-trial speech that the judge specifically ordered her not to give.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
December 2, 2022 at 6:32 am
Xi seems to be blinking.
China finally eases COVID-19 restrictions after devastating protests gripped nation (1 Dec)
The Insanity of ‘Zero Covid’
Many have wondered about the utter insanity of China’s “zero covid” policy and why its being maintained after a couple of years experience in which it fails repeatedly, and the virus keeps popping up.
“Zero covid” was always medically and physically bankrupt. Even masks are bankrupt as we knew all the way back to 1981 with Neil Orr’s seminal study on the matter in operating rooms where everyone was a trained professional. That’s the best possible test environment with no confounders, since everyone is trained and all the things in the room are sterilized — and everyone scrubs in before entering.
China believes they can “test and interdict” Covid. False, as now proved by more than two years of them literally welding people into their apartments or forcibly relocating them to “quarantine camps.” The virus hangs out patiently and then infects people; all you’ve done is change the time to infection and the build of natural recognition of the virus and thus protection, not the outcome.
So why do they keep doing it?
That’s predicated in their social-political system. China’s leader, in this case Xi, is seen as being effectively “God” who cannot be wrong. To admit that he was wrong means he loses his “stick” and thus his claim on the leadership! This has been a feature of China’s social and political system for millennia. This is intertwined with the CCP and its premise of communism; you can’t choose a political party or set of beliefs in China and be a politician, there is only one choice and it is always correct: Communism, Chinese Style, and the collective decision of same is infallible.
In short China can’t change its position in this regard as they’ve gone “all-in” publicly early on and to make said change is to admit they were wrong, which they will not do. Were Xi to do so he would lose his position and quite-possibly his head.
That’s why they are even now building more isolation “camps” and quarantine facilities — despite it being known that their policy in this regard is epidemiologically bankrupt and it is physically impossible for it to succeed.
Incidentally, we in the western world can learn from and exploit this foolish position of the Chinese government and people. It provides us with a very nice little niche in their alleged “bedrock” under their civilization and government into which we can insert a very large prybar and bring the entire thing down without firing a single shot.
Chalk me up. lol.
Best to ignore any further discourse re this.
Dozens of Scientists around the World claim to have discovered Graphene & Nanotechnology in the COVID-19 Vaccines
Mitch McConnell Rips Democrat Election Denier Hakeem Jeffries for Calling Trump a ‘Fake President’
… yet another syringe full of bullshit
Indeed it was. All support to the female and none to the male.
Reminds me of forays into the Family Court with my son. Women from everywhere raced to offer me copious forms of care and assistance (legal, tea and biccies, a special room, counselling, referral) and backed off immediately when they knew I was there in support of my son. We sat alone for hours in the public waiting area, both dismayed.
That’s true since she clearly forgot to wear her knickers. Obviously an oversight! It takes real talent to forget to put on your own underpants. Even Malcolm Fraser remembered to keep his undies on that time in Memphis, despite forgetting the rest of his clothes. Hmm, Brittany could be Prime Ministerial material, carefully forgetting stuff is essential to the job.
All these things, at some level, were factors. But.
Higgins was a grown adult, and had been running in the big yard with the big dogs for some time. She cannot now go all misty-eyed ‘but just a girl who was compromised and now whatever will I do because I am soooo unprepared. I can’t even deal.’
That is a 44 gallon drum of frozen nope sitting on the front lawn.
Lehrmann was not ‘caught up in a complex web of expectations’. He was the unfortunate sucker the giant spinning Wheel of Fortune landed on, because every single day in this country thousands of people meet up for a sneaky knee-trembler.
What happened to Lehrmann will (or should) resonate with every bloke in the country, who while reflecting on their younger years – or current – come to the conclusion that this could very, very easily have been them.
It still happens now, just without the publicity. It’s not a complex web at all. It’s people being dickheads and trying to bury hurt pride, or embarrassment.
The Greens laugh at jab injuries & shut down debate about jab mandates – Senate Speech 1.12.22
Senator Gerard Rennick
Lizzie and Rosie, and many other women, however nice they may be, need to STFU when things get serious.
Women are nest builders requiring the defence of the nest by the males.
Males have defended the nest for the entire time the two sexes (which are the only two), have existed.
Once women feel threatened they lose their shit in what the Ancient Greeks called Hysteria.
Men are wired through necessity to think more clearly in times of stress and battles so as to survive the fight.
We have seen these truths shown to us again, very clearly, over the last 3 years.
You can be assured, for example, that Rosie has no real men in her life.
Stoicism is being a man.
Being a boofhead belting people dressed in a Vicplod uniform is not.
The reason we have the women hysterical and dribbling shit, is that men, soft and weak, have abandoned their responsibilities being a man is all about.
Cynicism, as we now see with Lizzie, is not a female’s strong point.
Easily led to believing such crap as Astrology, and any multitude of the latest bullshit, men can make easy money out of them, hence the price difference for the same products packaged differently for the sexes.
They may be nice to look at, and they definitely have their place in the world, but it’s not at the head of the table.
Sounds sexist.
It’s unfortunately the natural order of things and is the truth.
Tee hee
musk: AI is getting pretty good
I’m so old I remember when greenies were anti-Big Pharma.
its becoming quite clear that she is not.
Here’s an example of Struth’s man vs. child.
Who do you reckon would be left standing in a conflict?
Wait for it…
Wait for it…
Wait for it…
“He got off on a technicality!”
A strategic feint.
They’ll now be looking for all the protesters they can identity.
In isolation, this statement has a degree of reason about it.
Unfortunately for loud screechy fabricators, it is also a massive generalisation because if this tenet was followed, chicks all over the country would be beholden to superb ‘male’ hard-wired hunter-killer specimens like David Koch, John-Michael Howson and Joe Hildebrand.
If men have ‘gone soft’* as indicated by the pantless van driver above, then the nesting women – the fairer sex – should no longer be compelled to ‘believe all men’.
Not at all, you waspish old man. Gather ye the context.
Mater is not a Nazi. Mater accepted the vaxx due to his own reasons, not anyone else’s business.
He tells us he felt pressured to accept it, as indeed most Cats were, for the social and medical pressures of all sorts were huge. Most here, including me, took the vaxx latish, with due consideration of our personal social and medical situations, not early adopters at all.
I always read Indolent’s links to hear from alternative perspectives. Occasional critiques he offers have statistical and/or biological validity or point towards some interesting anomaly, although many others don’t. I leave it to others to comment here on that, I don’t come here for vaxx arguments. Rosie has done some sterling work, at some personal cost in terms of abuse. I get enough abuse for other things and don’t need to add to it over medical and epidemiological issues.
The uptake data btw is substantially correct. Australia has a recognised very high vaxx uptake.
Some might say it proves what sheep we all are; or alternatively, how civic minded we are.
Take your pick.
Anyway, I’m heading for the highways now. Y’all take care of yourselves now.