The Dreamer, Casper Friedrich, 1840
The Dreamer, Casper Friedrich, 1840
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
China Sails Warships Near Guam in Warning to U.S. Over Taiwan
The Chinese deployment of its aircraft carrier Liaoning, which Japanese officials confirmed, capped a year of tensions with the U.S., particularly over Taiwan.
John Campbell is a decent man. His new video should be shared.
Wonder if Elon Musk might allow it up?
If I knew anything about Twitter I’d try it there.
“the Taiwan question”
Should have updated before commenting.
Phew. We have just avoided a trip into North Korea. Hairy was searching it out for us last nite and informs me now. You can go but I won’t, I say. Just dump me in a hotel in Seoul. Argument averted though, because he says tours were available but they have now all been cancelled. DMZ is still OK and we will still go there. I agree to go too, sounds good, and there’s not much else to do in Seoul for three days .. suggestions welcome though.
In other news, the next door peewees have produced two chicks, now fledged. Just noticed them for the first time.
It’s good news for the local pair who have lived here longer than I have. Last year I watched in horror as a lace monitor craftily climbed the nest tree and ate the babies. They do it to the poor egrets too.
I have returned from the temple of Bunnings with the makings of a weekend garden project. Within 10 minutes I have managed to fook it up. It was so clear in my mind. In practice???
Not so good. The moral of the story? Don’t let me near garden projects. 🙁
I’ve seen a couple of friends of a similar age to me (yes, a real boomer) who are experiencing age related illnesses whilst also trying to look after their very old parents. It’s not a scenario many of us imagined when young and full of energy.
I suppose that the question of who owns satellite orbits must be on the agenda, given that there are now thousands of them and more planned.
There are agreements geostationary satellite slots which seem to be working. It is low Earth orbit where things are getting crowded. It is in no one’s interest to launch a satellite and have it taken out in a collision with one in an existing orbit so some care is taken in planning. Look up “Kessler Cascade”.
Take that back, Shallœ Kokkesmöker.
The Daily Exposé is as big a part of my life as my Shaman Spiritual advisor and Philippino Very High Return investment banker.
Stand aside woman, there are a lot of contenders.
Make me.*
* another stupid comment*
Jeffrey Tucker’s latest article in Brownstone is so very apropos of what has happened. I thought it worth posting, with some abbreviations:
Was it all just an illusion? An illusion that lasted forty years?
Surely not but something went very wrong, perhaps midway through the long stretch of seemingly growing freedom. When the time came to take it all away – and take it away they did! – the social, intellectual, and cultural bulwarks to hold freedom in place gave way. And we lost what we loved. For a time, the world went dark.
Everyone has their own historiographic timeline but my own traces the course of my life and career. I recall the great malaise of the 1970s, the shattered sense of national pride following the Vietnam War disaster, the gas lines, loss of trust, the inflation, the austerity. But what followed from 1980 onward – again, maybe more in the legend of my own mind more than in reality – was a morning in America and gradual emancipation of the world.
It seemed like nothing could finally harm the upward trajectory. It was best symbolized by the fall of the Berlin Wall and the strange melting away of the Evil Empire in the course of what seemed like a matter of months. In the great struggle between freedom and totalitarianism – at least that was the incantation of the civic culture at the time – the good guys won.
Yes, the opportunity for an ever more peaceful and free world was squandered with two successive Iraq wars, and other regional conflicts than the US had no business entering, but still, those seems like policy errors, not fundamental departures from the drive to freedom. The momentum toward a better world was still in place.
The rise and democratization of Internet technology after 1995 seemed to reinforce that trend. Government was getting out of the way and private entrepreneurs were building a new world all around us, one that could not be controlled by the old-world ruling class. Not even US presidents could mess it up: witness the presidencies of the Bushes, Clinton, and Obama. Looking back, they seem relatively uneventful. Reagan had left his mark – the ideals in any case – and nothing could change that.
I recall a lunch I had with an economist probably 15 years ago. He was likely the world’s leading expert on global development. I asked him what could happen to dislodge the course of history from its upward march, with ever more food and health and long lives for the world. His short answer: nothing. At least nothing that is likely to happen. The networks supporting trade and human rights are too strong to be broken at this late stage.
And in that same vein I wrote books about our Jetsons World, the Beautiful Anarchy all around us, the tweaks and fixes that could improve things even more, but I mostly spent those years urging all of us to better appreciate the blessings of liberty everywhere in evidence. I believed that this is all that was required to keep progress on track. Though I noted and warned of grave threats on the horizon, and there were plenty of dark days after the turn of the millennial, there was no way to know just how real and how close they were. The path to the light still seemed achievable.
Then came 2020. In a matter of weeks, the progress of decades was crushed underfoot. Hardly anyone could have predicted the trigger: fear of a virus plus an intellectually preposterous response, followed by an appalling three years of lies and coverups that continue to this day.
Perhaps on reflection that does make some sense. If you are the owner and operator of the Leviathan state in the second decade of the 20th century, and the loss of control of the people was palpable, and you were really clever about tightening the grip over the social order, what excuse might you drum up?
In the Middle Ages, it might have been easy to inspire mass compliance through religious tropes such as the mortal fear of heresy and devils and witches on the loose. In the 20th century, the mortal fear of enemies abroad with weapons of mass destruction and crazed anti-freedom ideologies worked wonders.
But in the 21st century, when the old excuses wore thin, and when our faith was in infinite progress, the best tactic might be to posit the appearance of an invisible pathogen that if we do not stop in its tracks, threatens to destroy us all. And looking back, it is obvious now that this narrative was in the works for years.
Thus did the modern state unleash mass fear of the most primitive of forces, one about which the knowledge of past generations had failed to port over to a new generation. Had people truly understood infectious disease, they would have known that this type of problem is not nearly as much of a pressing matter today as it had been in the past. And they would have dismissed the manufactured mania out of hand, especially once the data became available. Even then, we should have known enough to see through the ruse.
Over the previous two centuries, thanks to better hygiene, better sanitation, pervasive natural immunity acquired through ever more global integration, plus better and cleaner food and water, not to mention antibiotics, the great plagues of the past were largely gone. Adding to that, and all Hollywood fantasies aside, there is a dynamic inherent in any new virus that is self-limiting: that which is more prevalent is less severe and vice versa. As for a vaccine, it was once given that a fast-mutating respiratory virus eludes eradication or even control via shots, no matter what technology is deployed.
And so with a bit of knowledge, there would have been no panic at all, much less compliance with the sudden imposition of egregious demands that all venues where people gather must be closed. Also with just a bit of understanding of the importance of basic freedoms and rights for social and market functioning – and the public health consequences of trampling on them – the public would have resisted business, church, and school closures with every breath.
Somehow, this didn’t happen. To this day, we continue to wonder why this occurred. We find ourselves intrigued by every clue we can find. We’ve recently been enlightened, for example, by discovering the extent to which the tech venues that we believed were granting us more freedom had actually been taken over by deep-state actors who had every ambition to control what we said and to whom we said it.
We also had not fully understood the sheer political power of the big-box stores, the dominance of the major players in the social media industry, the chasm of interest that had opened up between hands-on work and laptop work, the endemic collusion of Big Tech and Big Media with government, and the ambitions of the administrative state to remind the whole population about who and what is in charge.
Still, something else had gone wrong that we had not noticed. The population as a whole had begun to take freedom itself for granted, and even began to believe it was an optional condition of life. What would happen if we just got rid of it for a couple of weeks? What’s the downside? Even something called “the economy” could be turned off and on again like a light switch and there would be no real consequences except a bit of lost stock-market returns, and who cares? Anything to control the bad bug on the loose.
And here we are almost three years later still living amidst the rubble, with shattered public health, a traumatized generation of children, a demoralized and terrorized population with crushed civic associations and friend networks, familial losses, the international conflicts, the loss of moral center, and a devastating loss of faith and trust in the elites of all institutions in society.
We cannot escape the suspicion that going into the pandemic period, something fundamental about culture and society had eroded to make this possible. What went wrong and how can it be restored? These are the burning questions of the day.
HIstorians say that past generations asked similar questions when surrounded by unexpected disasters. The Great War comes to mind. It took place following another 40 years of increasing progress. Every year from 1870 through 1910 seemed to unveil unthinkable improvements in the human condition: the end of slavery, the advent of mass printing, domestic electricity, the commercialization of steel and the building of great cities, lighting, indoor plumbing and heating, telephony, recording technology, and so much more.
The World Fairs, one after another, had highlighted it all and the masses stood in awe. So too did the Victorian-era intellectuals believed that humankind had discovered the path of progress and infinite enlightenment. With the right schooling and mass education, the institutions that had created so much progress for decades they believed to be sufficiently fortified and essentially impregnable.
Then through a series of discrete screwups among the diplomatic corp, and a foolish belief that a few armies marching here could shore up the practice of democratic government, up to 15 million died and another 23 million were injured. During the aftermath, the map of Europe botched so dreadfully that it paved the way for another round of killing only decades later.
One would suppose that by now we would have learned that there is no end of history. At least we should hope that there is not simply because there must be no end to the struggle for liberty: to win it and keep it. That means that the battle for the public mind in one’s own time is the most important one, if we believe that building and protecting civilization is worth the price.
Our generation has learned a valuable lesson. Never take freedom for granted. Never entrust that freedom to a handful of experts with power. Never believe that humankind is above and beyond the deployment of brutal methods of command and control. Should we ever again let down our guard, should we ever believe that there are truths so well understood that we need not teach them to the next generation, we can lose all that we have gained.
Nothing in this world operates as if by autopilot. There is no meta-narrative, no wind of change that operates independently from the choices we make. Ideas are the authors of history, and those are an extension of human minds. There is no sector of life that is not in need of moral courage and the determination to defend human rights against all invasion.
The coming year will undoubtedly be filled with more revelations, more scandals, more unearthing of the horrible missteps, more interest-group manipulations of the public mind, and growing cries for justice in light of all we have lost.
Behind the scenes, there is much more going on, including the formation of a serious scholarly and journalistic community that understands the stakes – a parallel social and intellectual network dedicated to a different path.
All of us need to recommit ourselves to recovering and rebuilding the path of progress, a job which can never again be entrusted to an entitled elite but which must be taken on in each of our lives.
We dare not relent lest the despotism we experienced only very recently be repeated and entrenched. We know now that it can happen, and that there is nothing inevitable about genuine progress. Our job now is to regroup and recommit to living free lives, never again believing that there are magical forces at work in the world that make our role as thinkers and doers unnecessary.
Bruce, my Currawongs also demand food. The family group arrives with their distinctive cry and have taken to sitting on the narrow steel rim of the new glass railings. It increases the cleaning but it worth it for the fun. They are getting very interactive with us now, and they definitely know me and also get excited at Hairy’s call for me to feed them. He sits reading out there a lot, so is a fixture for them.
The family of Kookaburras get fed elsewhere too, so they are less insistent. They just sorta drop in for a snack. Their huge beaks are less proficient at picking up larger pieces of mince and unlike the Currawongs they don’t do storage. The Currawongs do a great job picking big lumps of mince up in their beaks and patting them into lift-off shape on the surface, either railing or ledge. They then take them into their hidden larders for later use.
what is infinity minus infinity?
The exiled Chief Rabbi of Moscow has called on Russian Jews to leave the country as he fears the hardships caused by the war will see historical Russian scapegoating of Jews revived.
Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt left Russia in July when religious leaders were called upon to publicly support the war, something he couldn’t do in good conscience.
In the same month the government shut down the main charitable agency that facilitated the emigration of Russian Jews to Israel.
Re satellites – Trump was right to set up the Space Force.
If asked, Biden would probably say that it was the latest Star Wars movie.
Dover Beach:
In Kurt Schlicters latest book he posits a group of people who endured ‘Gender Affirming Care” when they were children/adolescents. Now ten years later, they have become aware of what was done to them while they were vulnerable, by whom, and their reasons.
Their reaction isn’t pretty.
A bit like the victims of these paedophiles – who never wake up to the fact that their prey who survive may just decide revenge is on the cards.
I think young girls getting mastectomies or puberty blockers is higher than young males losing their member. This has little to do within being anti-male or emasculation but rather the emphasis of artifice and will over nature and reason.
you can find satellites with Stellarium
use your scroll-wheel to zoom in
That’s cool. Thanks!
She makes a lot of sense.
Vicki, that was an emotive and good article you posted above. It rings true for the 80’s and the sense of hope of that time. I was busy having two childen with Hairy, seeing my other two through difficult teen years, doing an intensive one-year medical degree with a 9-5 daily coursework component followed by a thesis in the next year, and still maintaining links to my academic employment. Romania sorted out what seemed Europe’s final nightmare in 1989, shooting its disgusting leaders, and in spite of Kosovo we were told that history had ended with the fall of the Berlin wall. In 1987 Hairy stood for Federal parliament in the Hawke government in an unwinnable electorate (he lost) and I also did the candidate’s wife stuff. In the evenings we watched all the good Brit and Aussie shows on TV, no woke, and much fun. So that was then, and the article is good .. so far.
But what is missing is any awareness of the main game now – the fabrication of climate change armageddon as a mythic means to re-order the world, impose enormous restrictions on freedom, end capitalism (again), and usher in the equivalent of Year Zero into Western civilisation under the myth of Net Zero. Zero Covid has fallen off the back burner now, even in China, but will we ever learn to resist Net Zero when even articles like the above can’t really see it coming like the proverbial freight train down the rails already set?
Liberty quote though.
From Vicki’s article.
That Stellarium is great. I’ve set it ready for tonight. Thanks.
Surely Ed is the village idiot.
In the context of this blog rosie is something of a contrarian prepared to argue her case.
That may rub some people the wrong way, but if we all agreed on everything it’d be about as interesting as the AGM of a uni student union.
Your first sign will be the GPS going tits up.
It will then take about five minutes to verify the destruction of the Western ability to accurately deliver a retaliatory strike.
Our missiles and terminal guidance systems depend on our ability to deliver payloads very accurately.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
December 31, 2022 at 11:35 am
Phew. We have just avoided a trip into North Korea. Hairy was searching it out for us last nite and informs me now. You can go but I won’t, I say. Just dump me in a hotel in Seoul. Argument averted though, because he says tours were available but they have now all been cancelled. DMZ is still OK and we will still go there. I agree to go too, sounds good,
and there’s not much else to do in Seoul for three days .. suggestions welcome though.
I always enjoyed staying at https://www.swissgrand.co.kr/ – Located 7km and 15 minutes northeast of Seoul City Hall, Swiss Grand Hotel is the closest to nature. For your convenience, shuttle buses are provided to and from the hotel, downtown and Itaewon Hong Dae Station.
Sitting in the hot pools looking at the Snow outside, and walking up the trails in the hill behind, to walk along the ridges was invigorating
Westin Chosun was also great, but unfortunately O’Kims Bar in the basement where I spent many a night listening to Irish Singer Andrea Rice, is no longer there.
Also enjoyed the Honey Bee Show at Nestled at the foot of Mount Acha in eastern Seoul, Grand Walkerhill Seoul has long been more than just a luxury hotel that offers a panoramic view of the Han River.
The area
Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 140-200 South Korea
Neighborhood: Itaewon
Neighboring the immense Yongsan American Garrison, Itaewon was once shunned by locals as a seedy, red light district. But within the past few years, Itaewon and its surrounding neighborhoods such as Kyunglidan and Haebangchong have undergone a major revival to quickly become one of Seoul’s hottest areas. Here, trendy international restaurants dot the area alongside hip lounge bars and some of Seoul’s hottest club venues. After dark, Itaewon comes into its own as one of Seoul’s top party scenes. The crowd is a fascinating patchwork of all backgrounds and identities, including a small but thriving Muslim community (centered on Korea’s sole mosque), the LGBT community (with a string of popular bars and clubs), and a wide range of ethnicities and cultures scattered around. Those seeking a quiet respite should head towards the eastern end, in Hannam-dong, which not only has one of Korea’s best art museums, the Leeum Samsung Museum of Art, but plenty of mid-range to upscale restaurants and cafes.
and if you can take in a Korean Drum show or stay in a hotel near Lotte World – Different
Have Fun & Most of all they eat meat – Mongolian BBQs Seoul, love kimchi & Garlic – try the Metro, a lot of fun and if you have eaten kimchi and garlic you will smell like the rest of the travellers.
“Surely Ed is the village idiot.”
At times an entertaining village idiot
In the context of this blog rosie is something of a contrarian prepared to argue her case.
Agree 100%. Same with Lizzie, I find them both stoic and indefatigable in the face of frequent spite and nastiness. I admire their persistence.
That may rub some people the wrong way, but if we all agreed on everything it’d be about as interesting as the AGM of a uni student union.
Liberty quote. Thanks Roger.
Got the Teev on, and there are the same images of malnourished African kids I remember seeing in the 1960s when I was a kid. I think it was Biafra.
So, 60 years and billions of dollars later, here we are again.
Can anyone spot the problem?
ha! My Nigerian prince friend has been so enamoured by my virtuous prose he has promised to make me the sole beneficiary and inheritor of his multi billion dollar diamond mine fortune.
… may you never have to wonder again whether that gem on the ecliptic is Saturn or Jupiter
Tell me why we can’t find the figure easily though.
You can come off puberty blockers
You can get bolt ons
You can’t grow a second dick!
Hairy has a PhD in Science. It breaks his heart to see what is happening to genuine scientific enquiry in recent years as it has become politicised in so many ways. Similarly, I who became fascinated with the science of medical evidence noticed even then the beginnings of its politicizing directions. That it has got worse and that universities have fallen victim to scientism rather than science dismays us both.
Whereas the classical Christian view, expressed in this instance in the Westminster Confession of Faith, is…
‘God, the great Creator of all things, doth uphold, direct dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by his most wise and holy providence, according to his infallible foreknowledge, and the free and immutable counsel of his own will, to the praise of the glory of his wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy.
Although in relation to the foreknowledge and decree of God, the first cause, all things come to pass immutably and infallibly, yet, by the same providence, he ordereth them to fall out according to the nature of second causes, either necessarily, freely, or contingently.’
WCF (1646), V. On Providence
also the source of much spite and nastiness
also true
Apart from aches and pains and a major operation I’ve had a great year. Things are starting to come together again, I have a beautiful 2yo grandson who now calls me grangrad. Another grandson on the way. My son gave me a gift I never imagined. On Christmas day he asked if they could name their baby after our dead son to honour him. My son was only 4 weeks old when his brother died and never knew him. He has only ever instigated a conversation once about his brother and that was over 20 years ago. The pain never goes away and he is never far from our thoughts even though it may as well be forever. There’s a good chance the baby will be a ranga as both grandads are rangas. Thankyou Dover for putting up with us lot on this wonderful blog.
One of the ouens up here, is a veteran of the “Bush War” in Rhodesia. He gives the example of the French news crew throwing lollies in the rubbish bins in Salisbury, then filming the ensuing scramble as “starving African children, forced to forage for food scraps in the rubbish bins…”
So, 60 years and billions of dollars later, here we are again.
The best thing for Africa would be an armoured division under a benevolent white dictator.
Why you can’t trust ‘the science’ about anything anymore
To those who still care about science as a process that uses honest data to produce replicable results, the last couple of decades has been disheartening when it comes to everything from so-called “Anthropogenic Climate Change,” to COVID’s origins and treatments, to so-called “transgenderism.” Still, we consoled ourselves that there were certain things so cut-and-dried that they could not yield to politics. For example, how certain diseases affect men and women differently. A monkeypox study in The Lancet blows even that faint hope to smithereens.
To the extent the study implied that it was concerned with women, it was a fraud implying to superficial readers (e.g., the media) that women were as likely to catch monkeypox through sexual transmission as men were, taking this stigma off promiscuous homosexuals. And indeed, that’s exactly what happened.
That means, of course, that the study is dishonest when it writes that 89% of fake women caught the disease through sex; it was 100%.
This goes beyond an unreplicable study, which is itself a huge problem in what used to be known as science. It may even go beyond “mere” fraud. Fraud requires knowingly making a misstatement with the intention that people rely upon it to their detriment. What we may be seeing here is the result of at least two decades of academic brainwashing.
That is, the “scientists” involved may no longer be capable of understanding that men and women are biologically different. Their indoctrination may be so profound that they genuinely believe that a biologically intact man who has sex with other men but who nevertheless “identifies” as a woman is a woman for all purposes, including scientific analysis.
If the Lancet study reflects that level of delusion, we are in more dire straits than if this were just fraud.
This is a magical pre-modern world, one in which dreams, portents, witches, and evil spirits, along with all sorts of other imaginary things, control the world’s institutions. The premodern world was also a time of short lifespans, cold, dark, hunger, and great suffering.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
a truly fortunate gift to start the New Year. xxooxx Bless.
There are long term, decades long signals in demographics and all the economic and social trends that derive from demographics.
Good luck making decisions contra to those long term trends and expecting good outcomes.
Good news!
Utilising the age old adage of “if a hammer doesn’t fix it, try a hot glue gun” my garden project is back on track.
Moore’s Law news.
Taiwan’s TSMC begins mass production of 3nm chips (29 Dec)
I can’t see them doing much smaller than 2nm. That is about ten or fifteen silicon atoms wide. The quantum mechanical effects like quantum tunneling would be huge.
Interestingly the Chinese chip industry is lagging quite badly.
Spending Tens Of Billions Of Dollars Won’t Help China Catch Up With Taiwan And South Korea In Semiconductors (18 Dec)
They’re getting there slowly, but the good stuff still comes from Taiwan and South Korea. Which is interesting.
Johanna Africa’s population has more than doubled in that time as well. So much for famines.
The clown show is over.
He must run. de Santis can wait. He can get Tulsi as VP to pull Democrat votes.
If republicans won’t vote for Tulsi because she’s not Bob Dole or Mike Pence…they can’t be helped.
De Santis, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz can wait. They’ll be good.
Trump needs to win and all of the Kavanaugh, Trump etc false accusers, evidence fabricators and Democrat vote cheaters need to be held to account but especially the Bidens.
Poison the swamp, abolish the criminal FBI and CIA. Lock them up! This has Daniel Patrick Monihayn vibes. Plenty of Democrats who can think for themselves support what I am saying.
Dunno – some people I know must have grown a second dick – couldn’t get that stupid playing with one..
For me, “something” is the key word here.
I’m not a constant reader, but I don’t believe I’ve seen Rosie argue for the police State involving itself in personal health decisions, or mandatory vaccination, or any of the obvious harms that go with that.
If I get it correctly, Rosie is a vaxx sinner for becoming vaccinated by choice, for whatever risk-benefit she saw in that for herself.
Dover Beach is the mother of all blog daddies. Like a good umpire, we barely notice he’s there.
Dover, please ban Calli for posting links to anime horse porn. 😀
Look, it varies.
Doomsday is, coincidentally, always the last day of every month.
Up until the middle of the month the begging bowl is a generic “please may I have a cup of coffee, Sir.”
From the 15th onwards it is the countdown to Doomsday at the end of the month.
“Only x days left to save the Daily Exposé”.
It is always miraculously rescued by month end.
Aaaand … repeat.
The bastard. He promised that to me.
I hope he doesn’t accidentally get our banking details confused.
“You can’t grow a second dick!”
Confused and depressed adolescents are being fed lies….one is that you can change your sex, the other is that if you change your mind, it’s all reversable. The truth is that drugs such as cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers wreak enormous havoc on the body, and if you’re castrated you can’t grow back another penis, if you have your breasts chopped off or you have a hysterectomy at 18 years of age to remove your uterus in your quest to become a man, your breasts won’t suddenly magically appear again once you decide it was all a dreadful mistake and you won’t be able to replace your uterus and thus your ability to conceive is gone. Another fact is that the drugs and surgery remove any capacity for sexual pleasure. So young people lose the ability to orgasm. It’s beyond tragic, it’s catastrophic.
The whole “trans” nonsense is built on lies, lies and lies. As author and leading TERF Helen Joyce said at Cambridge a few weeks ago where she was invited to speak, an appearance that trans bullies tried to stop. Why? Because Joyce speaks and writes the truths about the obscenity that is this whole trans cult, she spoke some facts to the audience.
1. There are only two sexes, male and female.
2. We are a sexually dimorphous species, as are ALL mammals and indeed, as is almost all life on the planet.
3. You cannot change your sex, it is simply not possible.
4. Trans is fundamentally anti-science.
And she spoke numerous other truths. The whole trans cult is built on lies, and has been manufactured to cause confusion and mayhem.
So, so very hurtful.
Dover, can you please add Shallœ Kokkesmöker to the banned phrases list.
Make a wrong decision in the wrong point of the business cycle and you will just go broke.
Make a wrong major life decision in the inflection point of one of these forty or ninety year cycles and it will rip the bones out of your back over and over again.
The Longest Witch Hunt Goes On…
Democrats Release Trump’s Tax Returns Before Losing Power; Millions Paid, Millions Lost
Update: Trump Reacts
Democrats in control of the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee released six years of former President Donald Trump’s tax returns on Friday, an unprecedented intrusion that revealed nothing in particular.
The release marked the first time Congress had ever obtained and published the tax returns of any individual.
The six years of newly-released returns, covering the years 2015 through 2020, show that Trump paid a total of $4.4 million in federal income taxes over that period, with an adjusted gross income of -$53.2 million. “The Trumps paid some form of federal taxes every year, but they reported income-tax liability of $750 or less in three of the six years,” the Wall Street Journal noted. Democrats point to some potential problems. They claim that Trump’s tax returns as president were not properly audited by the IRS (a claim the IRS disputes). They also complained about charitable deductions and whether loans to his children should have been taxed as income.
However, there appeared to be few bombshells. In a statement on Truth Social, his social media platform, the former president said the returns showed “how proudly successful I have been” and warned that “the Democrats should never have done it.”
Republicans echoed the latter sentiment, saying the release of the tax returns seemed to have a purely political motive, and opened the door for Republicans to do the same in future.
I upticked it, Arky, because that is so. In broad terms I agree. You can’t go against the tide of human need and how many will need stuff, no matter what else you are planning for or the mass of humanity will bowl you over.
However …. get your trends and demographics right when you are decision making. For instance, so much decision making today works on the fake premise of climate change. Also, demographics are notoriously difficult to predict with accuracy and trends emerge not only from demography (they can actually affect demography). Trends are also subject to a lot of fluidity, depending on attitudinal variables which can come from left field. Carts and horses come somewhat to mind in all of this.
I think it was in Kenya, after independence, where the cops in Nairobi broke up a demonstration, using teargas and truncheons. The demonstrators were Kikuyu women, who had had enough of this “independence” lark, and could they have the British District officers back?
I’m with you GreyRanga, two new babies have joined the family, family member with serious medical condition stable, my biggest complaint is the asko dishwasher two years and ten months old which is a load of crap anyhow, this week, when I cannot get a service call has decided the start stop button should just do stop.
I bought it during lockdown because Asko offered to fold in the service call on the old one to the price.
My son used his brute strength and got it to start so we survive another day.
I know I can wash dishes by hand, but the sink is really small so it’s a pain in the neck.
Yes but the climate change scam came around because of the unique confluence of boomers being in the positions they were during its conception and broader geopolitical circumstances.
If it wasn’t climate scam it would be something else similarly destructive.
Today’s World vs Real World
she seems to think the “vax” is safe and rages against anything that says the contrary
Calls for ‘health care reparations’ omit the obvious
Coincidentally, after Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, the eugenicists’ mission for sterilization wasn’t much of a priority. When the American public turned against the eugenics movement, the eugenicists adopted a new strategy: concede ground in the sterilization movement, and simply kill the “defective stocks” and “human weeds” while they’re in the womb; it achieved the same goal as sterilization after all.
If leftist writers at Vox want to propose “health care reparations” to “specifically address past and present harms to Black people by the medical establishment”, then the only responsible approach would be to outlaw abortion as the continuation of the decried eugenics programs, thereby ending the “present harms to Black people by the medical establishment”, and force the aggressors (the left) to foot the reparations bill, not the American taxpayer.
Anyone inclined to believe mutilating kids isn’t a growth industry featuring careerist ideologues should check out the chancers at the Royal Children’s Hospital adolescent gender unit.
Going by the years they were hired, it appears the hirings came in waves 2012, 2015 and on until now.
What’s Old is Now New – The Bosses of the Senate
Citizens! The Declaration of Independence: Now Read It, and Learn
The Declaration of Independence makes clear points regarding tyranny, points now particularly applicable to the Biden administration given the current state of the federal government.
The very first American document reads:
All men… are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness; that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government[.]
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for their future security.
America has had enough of the long train of abuses, especially, by Congress and the presidents in our history. Joe Biden is the worst example of an executive leader. He fumbles his way through the presidency with ideas from his woke staff led by Ron Klain and Susan Rice, not one original thought. The government power grab during the COVID disaster needs analysis and reform.
The sole role of the government, to secure our unalienable rights, is no longer the goal.
Our “civil servants” show no concern for our safety, they trod on our civil rights and decry human rights for the most vulnerable, and desecrate our economic rights for affordable property-ownership. Where is “the pursuit of happiness?” There remains no vestiges of the ideals the founders created, especially that pertaining to “the laws of nature and nature’s God.” God is an anachronism and anathema to modern society; especially to progressive Democrats.
Think back in history to the administrations and congresses that have wasted taxpayer money and have taxed citizens without their consent.
Absolutely getting smacked by Hughie atm. The BOM numbers are not doing actual events anywhere near justice.
I praise every single piece of the toxic masculinity that made building permanent shelter possible, as well as underground power.
Back fence invisible again. 65 degree rain. Trees going down across the road.
Very, very few trans vegans seen on the streets or living under bark during a (mercifully) brief trip out just before.
Lizzie – I only have two currawong pairs arriving: one pair has a single chick who sits in the jacaranda and goes arp arp! Then the mum and the dad come down, collect a lump of mince and fly back again and bodily shove it down kid’s throat. Cough, gurgle. Shut up, kid! It’s quite funny. Today there’re signs the parents want to get kid to start finding food for itself. That timing is about right since I usually start to see the young ones arrive in the new year.
Can be ticklish if both pairs arrive at the same time, as currawongs flip between territorial and laid-back mode after the breeding season. They’ll be territorial for another month or so.
This is the first time I’ve had a currawong pair feeding a chick though, normally they all nest too far away. I’ve had them with channel-bill cuckoo chicks a couple times, the poor currawongs get very desperate trying to feed the enormous and extremely loud stomach-on-wings.
Meanwhile the kookas are cackling with excitement from 5am in the morning, which suggests things are going well in the Cafe nestbox.
Robert Sewell
Our missiles and terminal guidance systems depend on our ability to deliver payloads very accurately.
Not necessarily in relation to ICBMs and SLBMs. The people who design them tend towards belt and braces. The pre-GPS systems were pretty accurate, particularly if the warhead is thermonuclear.
Instant Armageddon.
Absolutely getting smacked by Hughie atm. The BOM numbers are not doing actual events anywhere near justice.
I praise every single piece of the toxic masculinity that made building permanent shelter possible, as well as underground power.
Back fence invisible again. 65 degree rain. Trees going down across the road.
she seems to think the “vax” is safe and rages against anything that says the contrary
My view is that, mostly, we all make our own choices in this world. And you have to live with them.
The American Amish at Work in the Favourite Eating Place
WATCH: Epic Response to Brawl by Young White Girls Waffle House Employee, ‘Wonder Woman’ Makes It Even Better
The restaurant chain is also known for having to deal with other disasters that are anything but “natural” — namely, angry Amish customers.
But this all must lead to Waffle House employees being tough characters, as a video that just went viral revealed.
The video — taken at a Waffle House in Austin, Texas — has been viewed more than 14 million times, and shows one of the White female employees warding off an attack by a customer who threw a chair at her.
The look on her face was something else, as she caught the chair in midair, tossing it to the side, and glowering, as though to say, “Is that all you’ve got?”
Notice the Fat Female Amish Hippos fighting in the bottom video
It didn’t end well for one of the customers, when she tried to climb over the counter to get at the employee. The customer tumbled onto the floor and ended up getting punched by the employee.
People praised the quick hands of the “Waffle House Girl.”
Re 1, same reason abortion figures are very hard to track; they want to hide what is actually going on. Re 2, I think the young girls permanently disfigured and rendered infertile beg to differ. I think it is a travesty for both sexes and those involved put before a Nuremberg-like tribunal.
Hugh who?
And you should. Big white goods have distorted the natural order.
Liz, someone pretending to make accurate predictions about up and down turns in the economy is a bullshit artist posing as a thought leader. You can’t. No one can other than fluking it and it’s laughable.
We have general trends and the very, very long term trend has been for a general improvement in human well being. That will continue, obviously with hiccups along the way. Most of these enormous tech companies that we see now either didn’t exist before the financial crisis or were too small to have been well known at the time. Look at them now.
Tesla grew out of the financial crisis. Don’t allow mentally defective depressives scare you and others out of our optimism.
Prior to the financial crisis, the Dow Jones was 12,600. It’s now 33,000. The Dow is a decent marker for global health.
No. Not big white goods.
Big Appliance.
Novavax is safe – as safe as the Hep B. vaccine. It is essentially the same technology.
There are at least five (???) more vaccines that were developed globally on top of the three available to the general public in Australia.
Note well all medical treatments carry risk. Even starting to exercise to lose weight and drop BP.
Time for some lunch.
Dad kooka looking patriarchal.
Dad kooka looking less patriarchal.
Dad kooka looking not at all patriarchal.
Mum kooka was also around but she is shy.
apparently the russians are running out resources in this war
Sean Diego.
Been following this Asianomics channel for a while, run by a Taiwanese guy, so touches on a lot of interesting topics.
How nVidia won graphics cards:
Pssst! Both parties fight for Don King!
it’s all part of the eugenics industrial complex
Cassie of Sydneysays:
December 31, 2022 at 12:40 pm
“You can’t grow a second dick!”
Confused and depressed adolescents are being fed lies….one is that you can change your sex, the other is that if you change your mind, it’s all reversable. The truth is that drugs such as cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers wreak enormous havoc on the body, and if you’re castrated you can’t grow back another penis, if you have your breasts chopped off or you have a hysterectomy at 18 years of age to remove your uterus in your quest to become a man, your breasts won’t suddenly magically appear again once you decide it was all a dreadful mistake and you won’t be able to replace your uterus and thus your ability to conceive is gone. Another fact is that the drugs and surgery remove any capacity for sexual pleasure. So young people lose the ability to orgasm. It’s beyond tragic, it’s catastrophic.
The whole “trans” nonsense is built on lies, lies and lies. As author and leading TERF Helen Joyce said at Cambridge a few weeks ago where she was invited to speak, an appearance that trans bullies tried to stop. Why? Because Joyce speaks and writes the truths about the obscenity that is this whole trans cult, she spoke some facts to the audience.
1. There are only two sexes, male and female.
2. We are a sexually dimorphous species, as are ALL mammals and indeed, as is almost all life on the planet.
3. You cannot change your sex, it is simply not possible.
4. Trans is fundamentally anti-science.
And she spoke numerous other truths. The whole trans cult is built on lies, and has been manufactured to cause confusion and mayhem.
Don’t worry, they have conveniently fashioned VAD laws that will enable them to escape the mental anguish. How clinical and neat.
And definitely not a slippery slope, there’s no such thing as a slippery slope, donchaknow?
/heavy sarcasm.
COVID Tyranny: Federal Judge Rules ‘Public Safety’ Overrides Personal Medical Autonomy
A federal judge seated in Montana, The Honorable Donald W. Molloy, recently ruled that “public safety” trumps individual autonomy over what gets injected into your body.
The vague, undefined “hardships” that Judge Molloy references presumably include heart inflammation (myocarditis) (previously derided as “conspiracy theory” in corporate media), neurological conditions such as Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), and other serious health consequences.
This judge’s ruling is tantamount to medical terrorism for the sake of social engineering and Big Pharma profiteering – literally the most morally repugnant function that a government could serve.
The absurdity and immorality of Judge Molloy’s ruling are compounded by the fact that, despite the Public Health™ lie in the early days of the rollout that the jab stops transmission, we know now that it does not.
In fact, Pfizer never even tested whether their shots stop transmission before introducing them to market.
So where’s the “public safety” angle? The entire ethical justification for mandating vaccines – to stop community spread to vulnerable people – falls apart given that the vaxxed spread COVID just as the unvaxxed do. Even worse, the vaxxed facilitate COVID mutations that evade any protections existing mRNA shots might offer.
The bottom line is that if you don’t have control over what gets injected into your own body, you have no meaningful freedom in any sense of the word.
Any state that does not safeguard the right to full autonomy over what pharmaceutical products you do or do not take is, by definition, despotic.
I can’t remember what it was but someone posted about the chinese only being able to manufacture something quite simple about 2014. It’s too hard to go back and check. Should have bookmarked it.
We can’t trust the FDA
I take a lot of pharmaceutical medications. For heart problems, cholesterol, and other assorted maladies. I rely on both my doctors and the FDA to ensure they are safe and effective.
Of course I know that the process is imperfect, the evidence for safety and effectiveness is sometimes sketchy, and I have even dropped using some of the drugs because I don’t believe the benefits are worth the cost. I read the disclosures (mostly) and have even looked at studies that “proved” the effectiveness of newer drugs.
In other words, I don’t blindly trust the process, but my cynicism is not unbounded. There really are wonder drugs out there that save or improve lives, and I am not a hater of pharmaceutical companies. They genuinely do save lives. As profitable as they are, compared to Apple or Google they make peanuts and provide great social good. Apple alone made 3x as much in profits as the entire pharmaceutical industry.
But the FDA’s process is sketchy and getting more politicized, or at the very least more obviously so. And the example of how Biogen’s Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm has gone through the approval process proves it.
Biogen claims to have a drug that will slow the process. The problem is that if it does anything at all, and that is in question, it doesn’t do much. Yet the FDA not only approved it despite Biogen’s own studies indicating that it didn’t work, it did so over the objections of its independent advisory committee.
The committee’s objections were so strong that 3 of the members resigned in disgust. An 18 month Congressional investigation found startling irregularities in the process of approving the drug.
Trevor G
Thanks for letting us know about the fortunes of the lollipop blog. There’s a funny story. We had a mentally depressed imbecile who told us he was leaving this blog because his leadership wasn’t recognized here and said the Lollipop blog was going to be his new home. He liked it there.
Someone kept an eye on the goings on they kept an eye with this Leader and it appeared the Lollipop blog owner couldn’t stand him. The blog owner responded nastily to every comment leadership left there. It was quite funny hearing about it.
You are mistaken Zippy, I don’t ‘rage’ I simply object to the constant banging of the drum for ‘trusted bloggers’ and idiots rushing breathlessly to tell us of the latest sudden death which turns out to be a suicide, or a death by pre-existing natural causes, and all without even knowing if that particular person is vaxxed.
It treats the rest of us like idiots, in exactly the same way as the climate elite who disenfranchise those who point at evidence contrary to their proclamations.
Last night it was a seven and nine year old, apparently confirmed by the TGA, eminently newsworthy, but no, not a single piece of evidence to support the claim.
And I’m not the only one here who thinks sites like the daily expose are cringeworthy nonsense, several here have pointed out the gaming of statistics by the same trusted bloggers who still get linked again and again.
4067% increase in miscarriages!
If it’s true that vaccine injuries are the real scourge of the pandemic then the endless sky is falling crap would be unnecessary.
And wow I haven’t heard a single ambulance today, despite living 800 metres from a major metropolitan one.
Must mean something.
Sean Diego is Sean Bean’s Spanish cousin. Thancho knows him.
kept an eye on the…
It would be interesting to ask them one question:-
“Of the hundreds (thousands?) of requests for service you have received, how many have you recommended not proceeding with re-assignment and diverted to other mental health services?”
I’ll bet the answer is close to zero.
December 31, 2022 at 12:57 pm
What’s Old is Now New – The Bosses of the Senate
America has had enough of the long train of abuses, especially, by Congress and the presidents in our history. Joe Biden is the worst example of an executive leader. He fumbles his way through the presidency with ideas from his woke staff led by Ron Klain and Susan Rice, not one original thought. The government power grab during the COVID disaster needs analysis and reform.
I don’t think America has had enough. Through all the hatred directed at the Trump presidency they did nothing. When the 2020 election was stolen they did nothing. When patriots (read Grandmas) were invited to walk through Capitol Hill and one of their number was killed in cold blood they did nothing. While the Jan 6 protesters still languish in jail without charge they do nothing.
None of them know when to act. They don’t know what is the line. The military has been emasculated. They don’t know either.
They laugh at us because ‘we gave up our guns’. They still have theirs and all this has happened. By the time they decide it is time to act, it won’t matter. They may as well move to the American Redoubt.
Sure is. Once you start banning things it becomes addictive and authoritarian.
What should they done?
I was assured it was safe and effective.
Wife was telling me about family friend who’s great great uncle was the first chinese constable in Victoria. His relatives have become lawyers for the last 4 generations.
The ABC reporting on a woman suing an old rocker for sexual exploitation when she was under age in the 70s:
A bit risky, isn’t it, given its own history with Jon Stephens and Bill Hurrey? Not to mention the long-standing rumours about the green room and after parties of a legendary ABC rock music program?
The politburo at the ABC worker soviet are obviously on their Well Earned Breaks. They would never have let this through if they were on deck. Only nasty clericses and nasty conservativeses ever do such things, don’t you know?
We’re one day off from the major flounce of last year. Funny as. The 2.00 am mental spasm. Hilarious. I’m hoping we get another one this evening.
Maybe, just maybe, being “inclusive” i.e giving free rein to the lgbqti+, formerly known as perverts, was a bad idea.
Don’t ban things, put a tax on it. Works for government.
FMD, I spotted the problem when I was a young man. When asked to donate to help feed African children I always said if I feed 20 now you will force me to feed 200 in 30 years time! Seems to me nobody looks at the result of charity.
John Campbell’s latest video is on the following paper: Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults. They find:
Incredible. And they are still failing to release the data for further independent review 2 years in; what a scandal and travesty.
McGauran, who led the way into every Green cul de sac, and worse, going.
Another organisation in a skinsuit.
Calli, this “stupidest blog post of all time”, of which you are so proud, which one was it? Enquiring minds…
16 and 25.
Not great but she should be angry at her parents.
Why is she entitled to millions of dollars now? She’s 65.
Ever suggested to a young gal she shouldn’t get involved with an older guy?
Funnily enough, Greta Thunberg at 19 is being called a child…
Slippery Slope
It’s a logical fallacy with no real basis tied to reality. It’s a simplistic version of the precautionary principle. In fact, I’d call it the precautionary principle for dummies or mentally depressed mutants. It presupposes there is a chain reaction to nearly all actions when in fact there isn’t.
We already ban things, so the most that can said is that we must have good justifications to ban, that we should be charitable and inclined not to ban, that we review what is banned periodically.
Incredible. And they are still failing to release the data for further independent review 2 years in; what a scandal and travesty.
Really, it is now well nigh impossible to dispute that the Covid vaccines should be immediately withdrawn from medical inoculations. Whatever you think about the extent of the danger, the rate of adverse reactions is way, way beyond what is acceptable by established protocols.
The only field of dispute relates to the risk/benefit of the vaccines in respect to mortality from the virus. And the data on THAT, when the reality repeatedly demonstrated by renown statisticians such as Dr. John Ioannidis, Prof. Fenton, Dr. Jessica Rose et al is accepted – will knock your socks off!
dover. I prefer the idea that bans (laws and regulations) should expire every x years.
It would give our politicians and bureaucrats something to do, other than meddle in peoples lives.
December 31, 2022 at 12:37 pm
Dover, please ban Calli for posting links to anime horse porn. ?
Where is this porse horn? Google can’t find it for me……………………
Define “rages”. I haven’t seen much rage despite some of the creepy personal criticism directed at her.
A bit like the accusation of “lashing out” when someone simply disagrees and says why.
Some people like a little drama in their lives, even if it is imaginary.
It was My Little Pony as The Wanderer. Gee you guys! 😀
It might be but informal fallacies always require some argument that it fails in some respect, here, that the slope in fact isn’t available once the disputed change occurs.
The only field of dispute relates to the risk/benefit of the vaccines in respect to mortality from the virus. And the data on THAT, when the reality repeatedly demonstrated by renown statisticians such as Dr. John Ioannidis, Prof. Fenton, Dr. Jessica Rose et al is accepted – will knock your socks off!
With my innate immune system and secret special self advice. I went Naaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, No Way. So no jabs for me. Easy Peasy when you know how.
Incredible. And they are still failing to release the data for further independent review 2 years in; what a scandal and travesty.
Yes and the only Trials that we need now should lead them all to the Dock. And then to the Slammer. For 100 years at least. Minimum.
Ahahaha! Here’s another one.
I presume he’s in a “No Standing Zone”.
If Cats weren’t allowed to commit logical fallacies, they would have little to say.
Amongst the other dramas over Christmas in our neck of the woods, our satellite connection with the internet went down on Christmas Eve. Yesterday, amazingly, a technician from NBN arrived to investigate the outage. He had travelled over 3 hours to get to our farm, having left from the western suburbs of Sydney.
After an hour of investigations and tests, he was still not any the wiser regarding the fault. He and husband had tested the main connection box, the satellite dish and virtually all of the wiring. Our NBN man was getting worried, as he had another job to do in Oberon, an hour away.
Then husband checked the progress of the wiring as in went into a tight corner under the house. Bingo! The outer casing of the wiring had been chewed away by the damn mice that we had been hearing in the walls of our new addition.
Fifteen minutes later, the blue light had returned to the internet connection box. Its pathetic how much joy can come from technology. Mind you, before the family left on Boxing Day son-in-law had hot-spotted our mobiles to our computers, but that was intermittent and a pain.
It isn’t.
Everyone has experienced a person who is desperate to get their foot in the door in any way possible. It’s a known psychology. Games use it. Casinos use it. Scammers use it. You break down initial concerns with an incentive then you systematically exploit by increasing the amounts involved or the perceived urgency. The fallacy in this case is actually the sunk cost one being experienced by the other side. “Oh well, I have invested so much”, “We’ve come this far”… The slippery dopers are actually exploiting an actual fallacy.
“You can’t grow a second dick!”
I disagree. Head Case and MontyPox Virus can, and there are plenty of others, and they all have a second dick. That is why they are all Dickheads on the Cat……………………
Hi monty
With my innate immune system and secret special self advice. I went Naaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, No Way. So no jabs for me. Easy Peasy when you know how.
JR – the data compiled by the statisticians actually shows that, in spite of its suspicious genomic sequence fiddling, Covid 19 was not the serious killer as depicted to most of the population. That is the important point which will eventually be understood.
Worth repeating.
King Lollypop was warned repeatedly about Bird, but either ignored it or was asleep at the wheel, which resulted in the Great Exodus.
Kudos to Dover for striking a balance between free-wheeling free speech with instaneous publication of comments and and the need to keep toxic, abusive and destructive elements at bay.
Something, it must be said, that the previous Doomlord didn’t always manage totally effectively.
Evidenced by the relatively Bird-free environment we now have and the closing down of one or two other toxic types (apart from one brief outburst the other day which was quickly mopped up and binned).
I know what you mean but the fallacy is true only if there isn’t a slope, but if you can demonstrate the slope you have the slippery slope without the fallacy. This is why I prefer a reductio to the slippery slope style arguments.
Plus lots. Dover does an excellent job. He’s kept the inane abuse down, and most of the loonies out, and we’re remarkably free to say anything about anything.
Rosie, in Topsy Turvy land is there a null position or is it only Topsy or Turvy?
December 31, 2022 at 2:41 pm
With my innate immune system and secret special self advice. I went Naaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, No Way. So no jabs for me. Easy Peasy when you know how.
JR – the data compiled by the statisticians actually shows that, in spite of its suspicious genomic sequence fiddling, Covid 19 was not the serious killer as depicted to most of the population. That is the important point which will eventually be understood.
Maybe by many others but I ‘sussed’ it out from from Day One……………………..
Why not simply applythis for the venomous and vituperative?
Or a twentyfour hour timeout to cool down?
Most trolly abusers appear to not have much to do. Nothing useful, that is. I sometimes wonder if they’re paid to discredit opposition blogs. There’s always the sociopathy angle, too. And drunkblogging which can be entertaining up until the moment the vomiting starts.
I wouldn’t vote for Tulsi because she’s Tulsi. Bob Dole and Mike Pence have nothing to do with it.
Tulsi is a Democrat who is being touted as acceptable to wavering voters.
But she will only vote the Democrat platform – like Pence – when it is important enough to do so.
Tulsi is just another Lucy to Charlie Brown.
The Democrats have been pulling this shit for decades and the Republicans are either utterly unaware or in the stands laughing at Charlie Brown.
Old Ozzie:
We need the Sweet Meteor of Death to smack a bit of common bloody sense back into the human race.
I am back home at Casa Pedro after a trip to the Big Smoke for the semi-annual family pig out and punch up laughingly called “Christmas Dinner”.
I was remarkably non violent this year, despite my idiot BiL running off at the mouth with all the lefty talking points du jour.
Possibly the death stare from my pint sized sister kept the peace. She can be the Queen of the Mean Girls.
The Dorpers are lazing about in knee high grass despite being hired as organic lawnmowers, the lazy bludgers.
The resident hound is doing high speed laps around the house in excitement (or terror, who knows) and some dill, probably me, left the tap on the rainwater tank dripping for days. I now have a magnificent stretch of green weeds under the tank stand and about 1000 litres of fresh water soaking the ground.
Bonus is I pinched four bottles of Jamieson’s Run plonk from the idiot BiL to be consumed at leisure alongside a small dose of schadenfreude.
Perth looks way better looking in the rear view mirror.
Boambee John:
I assume that “Thermonuclear” relates to boosted (fission/fusion) or (fission/fusion/fission) warheads, not just tactical (fission) warheads. Most of the big buggers are designed to dig ICBM silos or the Russian war fighting HQs out of the ground, as opposed to tactical warheads used against fixed targets like bridges/HQ/undispersed formations, etc.
Nevertheless, degrading a CEP of 50/100 meters to a 500 meter is going to allow a fair degree of survivability of enemy assets that need to be destroyed. I’m sure one of the targeting options would allow the US to use 1Mt instead of the Trident dial-a-yield weapons.
The point I’m trying to make is the US has gone to accurate small yield weapons over 5/10Mt Notveryaccurate Russian and Chinese weapons. This makes the loss of the GPS much more of a hindrance to the US than to Russia/China.
Unless of course the US has an alternate GP System up there and that would explain the use of the unmanned mini Shuttle thingy (whose name escapes me atm) to launch a new set of satellites about the size of a Lego Brick.
Funnily enough, Greta Thunberg at 19 is being called a child…
By the same people who want to lower the voting age to 16. They also want to raise the age of criminal liability towards that same magic number, 16.
December 31, 2022 at 2:50 pm
Kudos to Dover for striking a balance between free-wheeling free speech with instaneous publication of comments and and the need to keep toxic, abusive and destructive elements at bay.
Plus lots. Dover does an excellent job. He’s kept the inane abuse down, and most of the loonies out, and we’re remarkably free to say anything about anything.
I completely disagree. There are some here who are his/her/it/whatever louts who do not seem to like free speech and seem to want a stoush everytime that they wake up. Which is around once every 100 years.
HT/ internet.
December 31, 2022 at 2:19 pm
dover. I prefer the idea that bans (laws and regulations) should expire every x years.
It would give our politicians and bureaucrats something to do, other than meddle in peoples lives.
And also limit the number of things that they have time to do.
Greta turns 20 on Jan 3. Sorry, she’s been a legal adult for a few years now.
Despite hysterically claiming that evil energy users “stole her childhood”. No doubt she’ll claim they’re about to “steal her future” if she doesn’t get what she wants.
December 31, 2022 at 1:51 pm
Stop being a prick. All the best in the New Year.
If you remove the satellites, you remove the over-the-horizon drone capability.
You start having to put people in harms way again, and reduce on station duration.
If for no other reason, this is a very good motivation for any opponent to target them.
Wouldn’t they also use some form of INS like as laser gyro or star navigation so they only really need GPS as a starting point which can be preloaded, GPS can be used as the primary guidance system or validation/error correction for the others?
December 31, 2022 at 2:34 pm
If Cats weren’t allowed to commit logical fallacies, they would have little to say.
It isn’t polite to talk about yourself.
Jury nullification
Referenda to veto bad laws
Sunset clauses on all legislation
Recall elections
Steve tricklersays:
December 31, 2022 at 3:03 pm
December 31, 2022 at 1:51 pm
Stop being a prick. All the best in the New Year.
You are far too kind. The he/she/it/whatever is a load of shite.
Let the drunk blogging commence.
Andrew “Cobra” Potateo
His followers, the Tatertots.
He’s gonna be top bottom in cell block G.
I love you Abbie Shapiro and Brittany Venti. You have made anime real, like the anime Trump on 4chan promised.
Pedro I loved Perth until I reluctantly left. Glad I’m not there now. Heading towards Mongbourne with more money. Tell me is there not a place on earth the left don’t stuff up? They just love OPM never knowing how to earn it themselves.
If Beau Gan PhD is not an Obvious Spook, he is earnestly mistaking Dover0beach for a Government.
Oh, and for those bitching about Adams blog, helpful hint, don’t go there.
Thanks for all your hard work Dover, Have a great New Year everyone!
That’s a bit harsh. Although hearing Lord Mayor Baz on the radio made me cringe just a little bit. Which reminds me, shouldn’t Lisa Scaffidi be in gaol by now?
December 31, 2022 at 1:57 pm
While the Jan 6 protesters still languish in jail without charge they do nothing.
What should they done?
Good question.
I don’t know if it has been allowed to go too far to sort out politically. I don’t think they can vote their way out of it even if the population change their political slant.
The change in the fabric of America would have to be so all-encompassing that it would be akin to a revival and it would have to be long lasting. It would have to change even those currently pulling the levers of power. I’d like to see that happen.
How do you think they can solve it?
And more fore JayCee to mull over as he/she/it/whatever just LOVES MARTIN ARMSTRONG…………lol
Federal Reserve & Misconceptions
From Armstrong Economics –
“There is an onslaught of misinformation about the Federal Reserve from everything that it can go bankrupt, and the Treasury will become a second central bank, and of course, the Fed is really the cause of inflation and its balance sheet. The proposal by Janet Yellen to buy in long-term debt and swap it with short-term is not “creating” money for the Treasury has no such power. It was a proposal for a debt swap to shorten the yield curve since the long-end is volatile. The first proposition that the Fed can go bankrupt only suggests that people do not comprehend that the Fed is different entirely from the European Central Bank.
The Fed has the authority to create elastic money for it followed the very idea of J.P. Morgan and how he saved the economy during the Panic of 1907. The Fed can create money when there is a shortage due to economic contractions (hoarding), and it can then reduce its balance sheet reducing the money supply. When the Fed was created, it was established with branches around the country because the Panic of 1907 exposed that there were regional capital flow problems. The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake drained the cash from the East where all the insurance companies were.
As we can see from this clip of rates in 1927, each branch was independent. There was an excess case in Kansas City so they lowered the interest rates there in hopes that capital would migrate to the other districts to earn more interest. All of that was eliminated by Franklin D. Roosevelt who wanted (1) to stack the Supreme Court to approve his Marxist agenda, which failed, and then he usurped all the power of the Federal Reserve and created the Washington headquarters and the President then was to appoint the head of the Federal Reserve and to illegally lobby him to ensure that his presidential agenda was to be the policy at the Federal Reserve. There was no more independence of the branches.
When Biden was running in 2020, he actually proposed requiring the Federal Reserve to regularly report on what they are doing to close economic gaps that exist along racial lines in the United States. Biden has viewed the Fed as a social tool and he has been making efforts to manipulate the Federal Reserve which will be extremely dangerous if they are carried out. Now, the Biden Administration is talking about closing branches of the Federal Reserve and replacing those board members with his hand-picked political cronies. In January 2022, he was pushing for black economists to be appointed to the Federal Reserve Board. My concern is that academics have ZERO experience and do not really understand the global economy trapped by domestic Keynesian Economics.
It was Paul Volcker who Chaired the Fed into the high in the interest rates back in 1981 who concluded in his Rediscovery of the Business Cycle that “it was not until the events of 1974 and 1975, when a recession sprung on an unsuspecting world with an intensity unmatched in the post-World War II period, that the lessons of the ‘New Economics’ were seriously challenged.” However, former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke has suggested that the Fed’s failure to contain inflation during the 1970s traced back to the political forces that shaped the Fed chairs in charge that he expressed in his book “21st Century Monetary Policy.” He wrote that the inflation of the ’70s puzzled economists relying on the 1958-ventage Phillips Curve, which would have predicted high inflation only in combination with extremely low unemployment rates. Bernanke admitted that the Phillips curve had “broken down” during the 1970s.
law-johnThe critical problem with the entire way we view inflation rests on the QTM (Quantity Theory of Money) and the assumption that a mere increase in supply must produce inflation. There is absolutely nothing in the economic data that supports these old theories that were based upon (1) fixed exchange rates, and (2) the supply & demand theory dates back to the days of coinage. It was John Law who came up with the supply/demand theory that everyone else plagiarized, including Adam Smith. John Law’s writings influenced many, although they would never admit it. He was clearly the FIRST to use the term DEMAND and he was certainly the FIRST to join it with the word SUPPLY, for only a trader could have seen this connection in the price movements of anything.
The greatest fallacy of Keynesian Economics, Supply v Demand, and the Phillips Curve is that they have ALL failed because the US dollar is the reserve currency of the world and by default, the Federal Reserve has become the central bank of the world. With Biden desperate to get his hands around the neck of the Federal Reserve and force it to yield to his political agenda, threatens more than merely the US economy – but the entire world. Bernanke acknowledges in his book:
“Martin, my boys are dying in Vietnam, and you won’t print the money I need,” President Lyndon B. Johnson reportedly told then-Fed Chair William McChesney Martin Jr. at his Texas ranch after the central bank announced a half-point increase to its key discount rate over inflation fears, Bernanke writes. White House tapes, meanwhile, reveal President Richard Nixon frequently appealing to Fed Chair Arthur Burns’ Republican-party ties to clear the runway for more easy-money policies, with one call going as far as urging the Fed chair not to make any policy decisions that could “hurt us” in the November 1972 election.
I warned the Fed back then that buying in 30-year bonds during the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis, would NOT stimulate the domestic economy for one simple reason and this is why both the goldbugs and central bankers have been wrong. The domestic money supply DID NOT increase to stimulate when China was saying thank you very much and swapping their 30-year holdings for 10-year or less. The assumption that any central bank can control the domestic economy is absurd. The holdings of debt are global. Therefore, buying in 30-year bonds to reduce the supply in hopes of reducing the mortgage rates failed because the money did not stay in the USA. That is why the Fed then began to buy the mortgaged-backed securities because that was a more direct impact domestically.
As the money supply increased and the national debt rose consistently, gold declined from 1980 into 1999 for 19 years. All the theories of inflation driving gold higher were simply wrong just as the central bankers relied on the very same theories.
It was World War I and II that drove the gold to flee to the United States so by 1950, there was no choice but to make the dollar the reserve currency. Yet more significant was the realization that the factor which produced that result was ENTIRELY external to the domestic economy. Therefore, all the economic theories were bogus because they were all focused on domestic policy thanks to Karl Marx whose central theory was the government possessed the power to eliminate the business cycle by confiscating all private assets. That altered human nature and created economic stagnation. Nevertheless, Keynes and everyone else have sought to accomplish the very same authority that Marx maintained existed.
This focus on GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has reversed the GNP (Gross National Product), which was more global in its scope. If we attributed world trade to the flag the company flies rather than where it sets up a plant, then you would see that the United States has a trade surplus and not a trade deficit. This is also a backdrop to the reserve status of the dollar. Perhaps the greatest of all the wild proposals is that somehow Bitcoin will rise from the ashes and become the new Reserve Currency of the world. So all governments will issue debt in Bitcoin? Politicians will never be able to run for office and Socialism must collapse if there is a fixed amount of money. That is what the elastic money supply was to help – depressions and recessions.
Rather than betting on the power grid to survive if governments collapse, I think we will see the pre-1965 silver coins return for a medium of exchange and gold for larger transactions. I have said plenty of times, GOLD will NOT rise as a hedge against inflation, it is a hedge against the collapse in confidence of the government.
As I have written before, when the Japanese government lost the confidence of the people, they lost the ability to produce any money for 600 years. The people used the coins of China and bags of rice – no Japanese coins were ever acceptable for 600 years, which was the same time interval it took to reestablish gold in Europe following the fall of the Roman Empire.”
Robert Sewell
Nevertheless, degrading a CEP of 50/100 meters to a 500 meter is going to allow a fair degree of survivability of enemy assets that need to be destroyed. I’m sure one of the targeting options would allow the US to use 1Mt instead of the Trident dial-a-yield weapons.
The point I’m trying to make is the US has gone to accurate small yield weapons over 5/10Mt Notveryaccurate Russian and Chinese weapons. This makes the loss of the GPS much more of a hindrance to the US than to Russia/China.
The US went to accurate, low yield, warheads well before GPS came along. The same systems should still be available.
And city busting (MAD) is the ultimate threat if all else is denied to them. Would Emperor Xi be willing to take the risk? The Soviet Politburo wasn’t.
They also use say 8 400 kt MIRVs over a single 5 mt bomb, the 8 submunitions use less material but are more efficient (as least in destroying structures, platforms etc), the 5 mt weapon wastes a lot of energy.
I love Marty Armstrong the way someone loves their haemorrhoids.
Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither.
– C. S. Lewis
I’m not saying people in my area have bad teeth, but one woman just smiled in the supermarket, and the barcode scanner picked it up as a set of saucepans.
A stewardess goes to the flight deck and says “Captain, I believe we have a human trafficker on board. There is a pretty, younger lady back there next to this ugly, horrible, fat, old, slobbering sexual deviant!”. The captain says “You’re new here, aren’t you? This is Air Force One”.
The Philips curve exists, it is simply vertical in the longer term. The same observation can be made throughout different national economies.
The US profits greatly from seignorage as the default global currency.
Martin Armstrong should have read a few books whilst he was in prison.
Yet he appears incapable of learning or contrition.
Johnny Rottensays:
December 31, 2022 at 3:08 pm
JC, is cool. He can pay the tab at the bar.
I know India isn’t Africa, but, during the violence and bloodshed that marked the partition of India, after independence, Mahatma Gandhi and his entourage were passing a refugee camp, when a voice, raised to a stentorian bellow, demanded “BRING BACK THE BRITISH RAJ!!!”
Let me be serious for one moment.
Bob Dole was already senile when he was nominated and Tulsi is objectively better than Mike Pence who had a claim to fame to be conservative as 1. having executed murderers….2. very old fashioned re his wife.
He then stabbed Trump in the back.
Tulsi has put all of her beliefs out there. She is right of most of her party and the useless saps like Flake, Murkowski etc.
What is the worst thing the US regime is doing now?
Name two politicians against that.
Tulsi is for gun control but it doesn’t matter, the Trump Supreme Court which will last decades is not.
Not too bad here. Grey and drizzly, with frequent squally showers.
Looked at the BOM rain radar. Can see Darwin to the north of us and Batchelor to the south of us both getting hammered, with a lovely little gap in the middle stretching from Dundee to Berry Springs.
Rotten earlier.
Ease up.
St Ruth hasn’t been here for days.
But way to disprove your point.
You get to criticise Dover’s running of the blog (by his ‘failure’ to ban anyone you dislike on a whim) and your comment will be allowed to stand.
Try that at the Furniture Store or the Lollipop Blog and see how long you last.
Right on cue.
Just as we were talking about trusted grifters on the innernet.
Thanks JC. I am thankfully an incurable optimist and usually happy just to be alive and well.
I’ve seen enough change in my life, looking on through the tele, but working and travelling a lot too, for me to see that catastrophists are always caught out by events, for people are curious, creative and can’t be held down for long.
I don’t know.
the Federal Reserve has become the central bank of the world.
Yes it has as all the other Central Banks around the World are ratshit. The US Dollar rules supreme. It is the World Reserve Currency. No other currency can hold a candle to it. So accept it or keep bellyaching on and on and on and on and on and………………………….bellyaching.
FMD. Hun website lead story:
More doctors have piled on Victoria’s Australian Medical Association president Roderick McRae for his belief that Chinese visitors to the state pose a huge Covid risk and will further stress our health system if restrictions are not placed on their arrival at Melbourne Aiport.
Melbourne doctor Kate Gregorevic took to Twitter on Saturday to say “I absolutely do not stand” with Dr McRae’s opinion and wanted the AMA to release a statement saying it ”does not support labelling people from an ethnic group or country as a threat”.
Other medical professionals and academics also reacted in anger, calling Dr McRae’s views “appalling”, “stinking with racism” and “reprehensible”, with some saying it was beliefs like those expressed by the AMA chief that had led to their departure from the AMA.
The outrage followed a tweet from top Melbourne doctor and past AMA vice president Stephen Parnis on Friday, slamming Dr McRae’s China Covid comments as “crude, inflammatory” and ones he would expect “from an extremist politician, not a current state AMA leader”.
Dr McRae had earlier warned Australia should prepare for an avalanche of Covid cases and needed to view “every jet that comes into Tullamarine from China (as) just riddled with Covid-19”.
He went on to question: “Do want to fill our hospitals with tourists from China coming to see the Australian Open, or do we want to look after Victorians who have already got deferred care, larger cancers in their bodies?”
It comes as France and the United Kingdom join Spain and Italy in requiring travellers arriving from China to provide a negative Covid test result before boarding flights.
The US will impose mandatory tests on travellers from China from January 5 and India and Japan have already introduced border restrictions.
Australia to date has not introduced any restrictions on Chinese visitors to the country.
Dr Parnis tweeted on Friday afternoon that Victoria’s response to Covid in December 2022, needed “of necessity”, to be very different to that of early 2020.
Victorian Covid cases have dropped by more than 30 per cent in welcome news for the state as it prepares to celebrate New Year’s Eve.
The Victorian Department of Health on Friday said there were 16,568 new Covid cases reported in Victoria this week, a decrease of 31.4 per cent on the week before, but warned this was likely linked to reduced reporting over the holiday period.
There were 745 Covid patients in Victorian hospitals, with 44 in intensive care, Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton said in his weekly report.
“Covid hospitalisations edged higher in the past week, having stabilised earlier in December,” he said.
And 69 Victorian Covid patients died during the week; an average of 10 people a day.
There had been a 47.5 per cent increase in the number of daily Covid deaths in the past month when compared to the previous month, Professor Sutton said.
“The genomic outlook is rapidly changing and is difficult to predict with evidence of newer subvariants, in particular XBF, out-competing other subvariants over several weeks. This has contributed to hospitalisations, putting continued demand on the health system,” he said.
“Social gatherings and events over the holiday period have added to the transmission risk . .
the risk of Covid infection can increase through large family and social gatherings. It is important to consider older family and friends and those who may be more vulnerable to severe Covid illness.”
It comes as fears grow over the risk Chinese visitors may pose to the state over summer.
Australia’s leading infectious disease expert on Thursday called on the federal government to introduce restrictions on Chinese travellers amid concerns deadly new Covid variants could be released from the country.
Covid testing measures were scrapped for travellers entering Australia in early 2022 and are now only used in high-risk medical or aged care environments.
“Both Australia and China are experiencing a lot of Covid cases right now with similar subvariants, so letting people with the same set variant into Australia from China doesn’t add much to our risk,” Professor Robert Booy from the University of Sydney said.
“However, given that so very many people are getting infected every day in China, there is a real risk that a new subvariant and perhaps even a new variant could arise in China.
“We have an opportunity to screen people coming from China by their symptoms and by excluding people who have respiratory symptoms.”
I assume the good doctors screaming wacism will be putting up these new arrivals at their digs? Have these idiots levelled the same claim against the senile arsehole in the White House?
There’s no hiding from this or avoiding the issue directly.
Sancho Panzersays:
December 31, 2022 at 3:31 pm
December 31, 2022 at 3:19 pm
And more fore JayCee to mull over as he/she/it/whatever just LOVES MARTIN ARMSTRONG…………lol
I love Marty Armstrong the way someone loves their haemorrhoids.
Right on cue.
Just as we were talking about trusted grifters on the innernet.
Welcome back Mrs Stencho Pantyhose. You have not been missed.
And if you believe the test results given in China I have a bridge to sell you.
on the innernet.
And please get your monkey to type proper on yer’ keyboard.
I hope Marty Armstrong doesn’t believe his own make believe nonsense and fantasy.
The sons of Clovis I of the Franks began minting gold coins, depicting themselves as Romans with togas and diadems.
Go and look it up. Easy to find and verify.
We’re just going to play along again.
Unscreened Chinese visitors welcome…new Covid mutation causes hospitalisation…lockdowns and restrictions. Rinse and repeat.
But at least we aren’t waaaaaaycist!
I assume the good doctors screaming wacism will be putting up these new arrivals at their digs? Have these idiots levelled the same claim against the senile arsehole in the White House?
So who WHO does the testing? And is it accurate? Well NO. So stop the farkers from coming here.
Whatever happened to “an abundance of caution”?
I suppose it doesn’t matter if you’re on the payroll. And they are on the payroll. Obviously.
Emma Freedman on the horse racing coverage. “Very warm in Melbourne, 27 degrees…”
I hope Marty Armstrong doesn’t believe his own make believe nonsense and fantasy.
I do not trust a dotty dot like you. I would rather believe Martin and his research. Your research would be shite at best.
Lizzie – just for you as you are travelling through SIN – I think this was an SQ 380, but happy for anyone to identify from the Tail Emblem
I have been in a lot of cross wind landings, but this is a Doozy! What a Pilot, I would have done a Go Around!
A crosswind landing is a landing maneuver in which a significant component of the prevailing wind is perpendicular to the runway center line. This is an A380
I don’t want them stopped. I want them treated exactly the same way they have treated us.
Test them and if they’re sick, quarantine them. We have no defence at all against the latest iteration of the illness.*
But that won’t happen. Our media and governments are gagging for another BIG wave. It is a vehicle towards more laws, more restrictions. A gift in fact.
* I’m treating this as if it’s true. It may well not be. But it will be used.
The issue is that these Chinese have had many boosters, making them mobile infection vectors.
Basically, it’s Biological Warfare.
The foul new religion is insinuating itself even into Texas. Why is this happening?
DeSantis seems to be strong enough to defend children, but is about the only one.
What? What did I miss?
They’re like a newborn weeing in their nappy. I’m a little uncomfortable…waaaahhh!
It is made up you fool. He makes several undeniable scientific, historical or economic errors every time he writes an opinion piece, and as for his magical computer that can predict the US Presidential system being taken over by a Parliamentary form of government…good lord you need help if you believe that.
The issue is that these Chinese have had many boosters, making them mobile infection vectors.
Basically, it’s Biological Warfare.
It’s hard to come to any other conclusion.
Last year we had interstate travel banned, tested or not.
Mongs gotta mong though.
Good. Goooood.
Roderick’s fallen for the ‘I’m the Pres, so everyone’s with me’ line. There will be tears dripping through scrawny, Catweazle-esque beards into the chardonnay.
Tulsi is for gun control but it doesn’t matter, the Trump Supreme Court which will last decades is not.
Is she?
Yeah, I know I believe everything which comes out of her perfect lips because she’s gorgeous.
that can predict the US Presidential system being taken over by a Parliamentary form of government
Congress is a Parliamentary Government.
Are you lying again?
As I am in the process of Upgrading Spa Pool Heater and will make sure Spa fully balanced & kept that way – good news New Spa Heater has built-in Sacrificial Anode, and also learnt when switch off heating, continue running Pool Pump for 15 Mins to cool Spa heat exchanger. I had only been continuing running Pool Pump for 3 mins on old Spa heater.
How To Raise PH Level In Pool? Simple And Effective Steps
All else know by me, but a new one for me
Aeration Of Pool
Aerating pool water is another useful step to raise pH. Use water jets to keep the water moving towards and around the pool surface. Carbon dioxide will be driven out in this process and raise the pH with no effect on the total alkalinity. It is a time consuming process and may take many days to complete but still the most reliable method for maintaining a stable and low pH.
December 31, 2022 at 3:56 pm
Martin and his research
It is made up you fool. He makes several undeniable scientific, historical or economic errors every time he writes an opinion piece, and as for his magical computer that can predict the US Presidential system being taken over by a Parliamentary form of government…good lord you need help if you believe that.
Well if you believe that then go and tell him and have the discussion. Otherwise STFU.
Dr Parnis in 2020
I don’t think government wants more covid lockdowns, one because they are politically unpalatable and two because they are an economic nightmare.
And also because it might interfere with their summer holiday plans.
I saw quite a few couples wearing masks at the supermercato this morning , nice clean ones, people I would describe as self funded retirees including one lady wearing a home made cloth.
Good for them.
OK, that’s the last air crash investigation or cross-wind land I watch before landing at Heathrow.
In fact, make that before I return back into Australia. Mostly, I trust the A380. Sadly not all our flights are on it. I will let you know how business class pans out on Korean Airlines or whatever he’s booked to Seoul. I concentrate on the cuisine and the service not on the piloting when I am in flight mode.
The pH also has an effect on the interior lining of the pool. I have an automatic acid doser as mine is usually too high.
You can also add some Therolux minerals into the pool if you want the water “softened” and less chlorine-y. Did that before the kiddies came up to avoid the red eye problems – they’re in the pool for hours and turn into little prunes otherwise.
What research? Armstrong is a unrepentant convicted fraudster.
Another mediocrity from the hoWARd era let’s us really know what that government was really all about…
Former US president Donald Trump is still capable of “wreaking hell” on the Republicans, former Howard government minister Peter McGauran says. “He has his base and they are the preselectors in many seats,” Mr McGauran told Sky News Australia. “What the Republicans overwhelmingly want or certainly need is common sense, balance and inclusiveness and Donald Trump doesn’t represent any of that.”
One day in the future, Donald Trump has a heart-attack and dies. He immediately goes to Hell, where the devil is waiting for him.
“I don’t know what to do here” says the devil. “You are on my list, but I have no room for you. You definitely have to stay here, so I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’ve got three folks here who weren’t quite as bad as you. I’ll let one of them go, but you have to take their place. I’ll even let YOU decide who leaves”.
Donald thought that sounded pretty good, so the devil opened the door to the first room. In it was Richard Nixon and a large pool of water. Nixon kept diving in and surfacing, empty handed. Over, and over, and over he dived in and surfaced with nothing. Such was his fate in hell.
“No” Donald said. “I don’t think so. I’m not a good swimmer and it would ruin my hair. I don’t think I could do that all day long”.
The devil led him to the door of the next room. In it was Ronald Reagan with a sledge-hammer and a room full of rocks, all he did was swing that hammer, time after time after time.
“No, this is no good; I’ve got this problem with my shoulder. I would be in constant agony if all I could do was break rocks all day, commented The Donald.
The devil opened a third door. Through it, Donald saw Bill Clinton, lying on the bed, his arms tied over his head, and his legs restrained in a spread-eagle pose. Bent over him was Monica Lewinsky, doing what she does best.
Donald looked at this in shocked disbelief, and finally said “Yeah man, I can handle this”.
The devil smiled and said… “OK, Monica, you’re free to go”.