The Strawberry Thieves pattern, William Morris, 1883
The Strawberry Thieves pattern, William Morris, 1883
He’s doing a lousy job of it.
Trump’s peace talks are just a charade. Russia wants to obliterate UkraineThis piece from The Age would be at home…
Short late bookshop-bonehead anecdote time. Local bootique bookshop, specializing in eco-catastrophe, coffee table glossy and misery memoir. Hip DINK behind…
Heard today that the Feral Government collects $1.40 in tax from smokers … per cigarette! Rsoles.
Mark Steyn used to say that the Democrat Party is the only party of the slaves still in existence in…
Biden’s ESG Investment Rules Threaten Your Retirement Savings
We are living in fairyland.
Too Late! At Davos, John Kerry Predicts ‘Worst Consequences’ of Climate Change Despite Carbon Cutting Efforts
Anchor, all I have is what CL posted over at The Currency Lad (see sidebar to link). This appears to be the latest.
As I understand it, the decriminalisation of being shitfaced in public continues apace here.
The reality is tens of thousands of people are pissed in public every single day of the year, and in every corner of the joint. The drama ensues, though, when a small fraction of these people are either angry punchy drunks, or punters so pissed they’re a danger to themselves and others – as is the case with the tart described yesterday as being comatose on a train and having pissed herself, and who effectively had also put a sign around her neck saying ‘Please rob and/or rape me.’
I have heard it said that the sentence for being pissed to such an extent was four hours in the tank, by which time it was generally assumed the punter would be compos enough to get home by whatever means without making a pill of themselves again. No record, no nothing.
A solitary incident of someone dying in the cells apparently meant that none of the above would be taken into account any more, and that the poor old ambos would take these belligerent dickheads to hospital instead – working on the apparent assumption that the health system is a well oiled machine, and has the capacity to deal with it on top of the standard flood of ED presentations – particularly on weekend nights.
It would appear the Vicco rulers have forgotten one of the great maxims – never tear down a wall until you understand why it was put up in the first place.
To inspire people, we need to tell a story not of sacrifice and deprivation but of opportunity and improvement in our lives, our health and our well-being—a story of humans flourishing in a post-fossil-fuel age.
There are none except for those rich enough to ride out this Madness.
In fact, I’ll do you a flavour – Here is C.L.’s post.
Or as one of the speakers (me) said at a freedom rally last year:
Jack Posobiec
The prostitutes in Davos this week are the only ones there honest about it
I have reached this point too. I think part of the problem is that most normal people are simply incapable of even conceptualising evil on this scale.
New World Odor™
Dr Naomi Wolf: “The Scale of Evil is Beyond Human Capability”
“I can’t understand this except by considering good and evil—and almost a metaphysical war on human beings,”
This is a short clip from a longer discussion which is linked.
Fauci touting Hydroxychloroquine as “a (cheap) drug that’s been approved for decades” to treat C•19 in 2020.
And in more ‘safe and effective’ news:
In Drspeak, the ‘PR Interval’ is the time delay between the atrium contracting, and the ventricle contracting (there is always some delay – the atrium contracts first to fill the ventricle, then the ventricle contracts to pump the blood around the body. Both are initiated by the same electrical source in the atrium, but the arrival of the electrical signal in the ventricle is delayed normally to synchronise the above). Prolongation of that time to longer than 0.2 seconds indicates dysfunction in the electrical system of the heart (you know, the system that causes ‘sudden death’ if it stops working – that system). As said atrium to ventricle electrical ‘wiring’ gets more and more dysfunctional, the PR interval gets longer and longer, ultimately leading to dropped beats. If it stops working completely, your heart either stops altogether, or at least slows dramatically – typically to 30 beats per minute or so – running only on an emergency backup system in the ventricle itself.
Still, if experts aren’t ‘baffled’, I’m sure its ‘nothing’ and ‘single pilot cockpits’ are going to be totally fine.
Laundering classified documents
Chalmers, Bowen and Elbow…the Three Stooges of Australian politics.
They’d be hilarious if their material wasn’t the life force of our nation – energy.
Madoff – Hiding the Real Fraud
From Armstrong Economics –
COMMENT: I know you saved Mercedes making back their $1 billion lost all because they listened to the fake news about how the pound and the dollar would crumble in the face of the euro. I read the 2011 Barron’s article on your forecast. It was OK to publish that when they thought you would be wrong. Where is the follow-up when you proved to be the only one who was correct? The same can be said of the New York Times and especially Bloomberg. It is obvious that they will not report on the success of your forecasts because they are leading society at the direction of the Deep State.
Keep up the good work. We need someone independent in this time of darkening clouds.
REPLY: Let me explain something. All the hype about Bernie Madoff is also FAKE NEWS. On December 10th, 2008, Madoff’s sons Mark and Andrew covered themselves most likely at their father’s direction, and told authorities that their father had confessed to them that the asset management unit of his firm was a massive Ponzi scheme. They even supposedly told them it was “one big lie”. The next day, agents from the FBI arrested Madoff and charged him with one count of securities fraud. There was no possible way the FBI would arrest someone like that without an independent investigation.
The Securities and Exchange Commission had previously conducted numerous investigations into his business practices. Never did ANY audit uncover such a massive fraud. It was then on March 12th, 2009, when Bernie Madoff simply pleaded guilty to 11 federal felonies and admitted to turning his wealth management business into a massive Ponzi scheme. He was not even indicted. He pled simply to what is known as an “information” so nothing was even presented to a grand jury. That is UNPRECEDENTED! As was the case one day after he allegedly confessed to his sons. There was NO FBI investigation! Things do not work that way.
The banks all claimed that they had “no idea.” Before Madoff died, he did an interview where the headline was that the Banks had to have known. There is ABSOLUTELY no way that the banks were NOT involved or had no idea. That is legally impossible. As a client of a bank of that size especially, the bank must fill its files with KNOW YOUR CLIENT rules.
In my case, we had companies set up for each note in Turks & Caicos. The bank actually sent someone down there to audit the legal structure behind every note we ever issued. That was the law! There is simply no way a bank can even claim it had no idea. That was a serious RED FLAG that the Madoff case was not what it appeared to be but nobody in the press even bothers to investigate anything anymore.
Everyone just skipped over the fact that the SEC conducted multiple audits and found nothing. That included looking at bank accounts and positions on hand. That did NOT add up to a PONZI scheme where you are taking money from one person to pay another which is the actual structure of Social Security. The current generation’s contributions are taken to pay the previous generation.
Add to that, HSBC, which has been itself indicted for money laundering more than once, stood out as the largest “victim” of Madoff’s scheme – $1.5 billion. HSBC pays countless fines for every scandal they seem to be in the middle of every financial crisis.
In my case, the Bank said they had no idea where the money was after they stole it. How does $1 billion leave a bank without a withdrawal of some sort? Had it not been for my clients standing with me and doing what I told them to do and then sued HSBC, they would have gotten nothing, the government would have claimed I lost it all and the bank was not responsible. The government then put a gag order on me to stop me from helping my clients against the bank! You do not do that unless the bank was guilty. If the bank was not trying to take my client’s money to cover their own losses in Russia, then why put a gag order on me if the bank did not do anything wrong?
Then to hide my profits, the receiver handed the notes we issued to HSBC for them to redeem for $606 million pocketing $400 million profit stolen from my company. A former employee bumped into a former HSBC official and he asked what the hell went on. The banker bluntly told him, the deal offered by the government was too good to pass up. When I asked a NY lawyer why no banker has ever been charged or goes to jail, he laughed and said: “You don’t shite where you eat!” New York is one giant cesspool in finance.”
Daily Tele poll:
Are you in favour of enshrining a First Nations Voice to Parliament in the Australian Constitution?
Yes 33 %
No 57 %
Unsure 10 %
3707 votes
January 18, 2023 at 6:19 am
I was going to write a missive about the anniversary of my termination by big oil and Australian government.
I’ve still got a story to write about travelling by plane sans mask in the midst of apps-and-rampant-jacks 2021. It’ll be something like an observer’s guide to how to handle the worst urges of proles and police… bookended by cerebral Catallaxy advice on the way in, and legal case notes and a GP committing perjury on the way out. If another lockdown ever looks likely, I’ll hack it out.
As if!
*sorry, the apps had been let go- G2G was the digital “papers bitte!”
A cowboy walked into a barber shop, sat on the barber’s chair and said “I’ll have a shave and a shoe shine”. The barber began to lather his face and sharpen the old straight edge while a woman with the biggest, firmest, most beautiful breasts that he had ever seen knelt down and began to shine his shoes. The cowboy said “Young lady, you and I should go and spend some time in a hotel room”. She replied “I’m married and my husband wouldn’t like that”. The cowboy said “Tell him you’re working overtime and I’ll pay you the difference”. She said “You tell him. He is the one shaving you”.
She married and had 13 children. Her husband died. She married again and had 7 more children. Again, her husband died. But, she remarried and this time had 5 more children. Alas, she finally died. Standing before her coffin, the preacher prayed for her. He thanked the Lord for this very loving woman and said “Lord, they’re finally together”. One mourner leaned over and quietly asked her friend “Do you think he means her first, second or third husband?” The friend replied “I think he means her legs!”
I’ve never wanted to look like models on the cover of magazines. I represent the majority of women and I’m very proud of that.
– Adele
It’s pretty gentle.*
Sudden sleepiness with lots of yawning, followed by a brief kip with a bit of drooling.
Unless you decide to stand up.
Hitting the edge of a desk on the way down can get a bit messy.
*Depending upon situation.
“We know that existing systems haven’t worked on so many of the gap measures that we have tried to close the gap over a period of time there has been a growing gap rather than a closing gap,” he said.
The gap between Elbow’s right ear and his left ear is the gap that keeps growing.
I see virtually no one wants to imagine that Trump is wedged over the vaccines. No, I don’t like to think so, but I believe it’s true.
We’ll leave it until this time next year then. A year is a long time for the movers and shakers to memoryhole their activities and bury them with other catastrophes. By that time people will be too concerned about putting food on the table and heat into their homes.
Because few have the guts to say remote townships with no employment prospects are not viable.
“Madoff was fake news”
“I saved Daimler Chrysler Benz US 1 bn”
Delusional $&@#chop.
…and a convicted fraudster.
Sounds quite nutty
Top Ender, at 9.55am, the “no” vote in the poll on the blackfella Voice had increased from 57% to 62%.
I think the pessimists who fear the Voice will get up are way too pessimistic.
The political establishment seems intent and freezing us and starving us if the current yookay winter is any indication. I wonder what Tampon I thinks about it all. Full on class warfare it seems to me.
I hope so Tom. It’s clear the supporters want more the just a ‘Voice’.
They also sourced the children for adoption from a Christian special-needs adoption agency. Worth keeping in mind as these agencies here are prevented from exercising their judgement because LGBT is a protected class.
Notwithstanding the circumstances which led to the release of mRNA vaccines in 2020, it was Trump’s absolute ‘political’ imperative which set the entire timeline and haste for their release. The lack of sufficient trials, the ignoring of the limited trial results arose out of the election polls which placed Biden in the box seat at the time… No expense was spared and from April onwards Trump continually linked the availability of vaccines to the election.
These miracle vaccines were meant to be the election ‘game changer’…. and he was also under enormous pressure from the anti Hydroxychloroquine and anti Ivermectin forces so money was no object to detract from that pressure.
There can be no doubt that it was his direct pressure which drove the timeline for vaccines to be released and he reinforced that in Alaska this week with these words… Note the two ‘I’s’ in the statement. He is placing the magnifying glass directly on himself in yet another political imperative statement, this time for 2024.
“I was able to get something approved that, you know, that has proven to have saved a lot of lives,” Trump said, ignoring Brody’s request to weigh in on the anti-vaccine narrative. “Some people say that I saved 100 million lives worldwide.”
Now that he has personally identified and boasted that he was the reason for the untimely release and approval of mRNA vaccines he also needs to carry the full responsibility for the soon to be identified ‘epidemic of sudden deaths’ surreptitiously disguised as ‘Long Covid’…
100 million may fall a fair way short of the mark with the new epidemic…
If he wants to be taken seriously for 2024 he needs to STFU about his direct involvement in mRNA because at some time in the future when the penny drops the dickheads in the US are going to wake up and want to see the communication trail between Trump’s White House and big pharma during 2020…
His final legacy may end up being responsible for the ‘singular biggest killer in human history’….
Journalists getting some courage – check the tone of the article…
President Joe Biden smiled and laughed Tuesday as he ignored a barrage of questions about the classified documents scandal that has engulfed his administration while a shocking new report detailed a deal made by the Justice Department to keep the FBI away from the search.
The grinning Biden stayed silent at the end of his meeting with Netherlands’ Prime Minister Mark Rutte – while the media asked about the sensitive files found at his D.C. think tank and garage at his Wilmington home.
Daily Mail
Martin Armstrong talking about Ponzi schemes?
Well, he’d know I guess.
Meanwhile, in Scotchlandia, the Wee Krankie is donning the blue face paint again,
because Westminister will GTFO the Scotchlandian National Socialist Party’s
gender reform bill.
Planting the flag on this particular hill worth dying on is, naturally a green.
Re. the Voice, when Sleazy isn’t slushing his words, he’s fluffing and puffing his words. He generally gets away with it because most of the activist are in his lap. When pressed, he fluffs and he puffs and he is quickly exposed for the hollow man he is. His appearance on Fordham’s 2GB programme this morning won’t help the Voice. Whilst the Voice might be de rigour in Sydney’s east and north, I doubt it is de rigour in Sydney’s western, south-western and north-western suburbs, areas where real Australians reside. And it is these suburbs where people listen to Fordham and Radio 2GB. They would have heard Sleazy fluffing and puffing this morning and I suspect they won’t be impressed.
Thanks BB and Calli for the Blair story.
My favourite Blairism is The Stollen Generation.
It was for her own safety.
Dover, I wonder if there was someone in that agency who has placed themselves in a supply position? That’s what I would be investigating. It may well be that the same name pops up on fast track approvals.
Abusers always locate themselves where there is prey, regardless of the organisation.
Those poor little boys.
When was the last time anyone was impressed with Elbow?
He’s a third rater who only got the Labor leadership because he’s not Bill Shorten and only became PM because he’s not Scott Morrison.
Whenever he’s with ordinary Australians a scowl is barely concealed beneath the surface of his prematurely aged visage.
Just finished watching Neil Oliver’s interview with Dr John Campbell. Very good and well worth the time.
Although I did pull my punches a tad, by tentatively suggesting that it was “short-term stupidity wrapped up within long-term lunacy”.
A turducken of sub-mediocrity
JC says: January 18, 2023 at 12:00 am
Lo! Upon the stroke of midnight the mask did fall and the essence of JC was revealed, if but for a moment.
Digger, cobber, maaate, like all line-and-length lefties, your Trump Derangement is actually quite comical.
Rich can-do alpha male who becomes a successful politician is too much for the lefty brain because he won’t kiss their arses. The pure entertainment alone in the past seven years has been priceless.
An article celebrating racism, preferential treatment of a section of the community by race, and asking for more.
The researchers noted that one of the big factors pushing growth in the sector has been the Commonwealth’s Indigenous procurements policy, which was brought in last decade to encourage the federal government to source from First Nations business.
In the 2020-21 financial year, it led to 10,920 contracts worth $1.1 billion. The next year’s data is due shortly.
Meanwhile, separate data from Indigenous business organisation Supply Nation shows that last financial year its 700 members spent $3.8 billion with verified First Nations suppliers. That was a 62 per cent increase from the previous financial year and it includes spend from government, not-for-profits and corporate buyers.
Major bank NAB projects Indigenous business volume will continue to grow at a rate of 4 per cent to 2026, which is double projections for the broader economy.
Couple of the long nose tribe in the pics as well.
I ambled up to Ballarat to see Tim early last week and found him, eventually, looking like a 1970s remote-control toy — a big wad of multi-coloured wires coming out the back of his gown to the monitors, which, mercifully, weren’t beeping with any great urgency.
He was upbeat, in good spirits, had good colour in his face and was about two days from going home. I’ll leave it to him to tell the story of his scrape with the Reaper, but suffice to say we’re lucky he’s still with us. We both agree his great challenge will be learning to write without a fag in the ashtray by the keyboard. His post suggests he’s on the way to mastering the art.
Funny thing: Ballarat has two hospitals side by side, Base and St John of God. Tim was choppered into the former, treated and stabilised and then transferred to intensive care SJoG. So I turn up at Base Hospital and they can’t find him. They know he was admitted but present whereabouts unknown.
Eventually the mystery is solved and across the road I go. We talk Voice, why rallying is the best and purest motorsport, and much else besides that prompted enough mutual laughter to draw a dark glance from intensive care nurses.
A word about Tim. As noted at CL’s, the poor bugger has had some very bad luck healthwise over the past two decades or so. He never complains, just pushes through and rises above. I don’t think I could manage that combination of stoicism and good humour under such circumstances. He’s an example to us all — a genuine example of courage and a bona fide national treasure.
the ignoring of the limited trial results arose out of the election polls which placed Biden in the box seat at the time
Trump got wedged by those fake polls and panicked.
You certainly got my attention with this, duk.
I was sick a couple of months ago and after a faint and bash on the noggin, went off to the GP. Blood pressure 60/40 – four hours after recovery. FMD!
I don’t have Trump Derangement, Tom. I can see it panning out against him though regardless of his alpha-ing. All his enemies have to do is pull up file footage. They don’t even have to doctor it. And the MSM will do the rest.
Trump is persisting in placing himself at the centre of the vaxx story. This is stupid. Morrison did the same thing and look where that got him. Lefties like the Chook, Danster and McSneakers were all re-elected regardless of their abuses because the spotlight was elsewhere and opposition was either weak or complicit.
Again, I’d also recommend people listen to Dr John Campbell’s interview with Prof. Robert Clancy, where they discuss mRNA vaccines. The latter’s treatment in Australia, by both the media and his home university, remain a disgrace.
There goes your drivers licence, but you are in luck, the FAA still says you are good to fly!
Well isnt this special.
We will have a referendum, the details of which are aspirational, and if it doesnt get up Anal will legislate it in anyway.
Albanese won’t say if Labor would legislate Indigenous voice in event of referendum loss
Anthony Albanese was asked last night on Sky News and again on 2GB Radio this morning whether Labor would legislate the Indigenous voice if the referendum to entrench it in the constitution fails.
Albanese told 2GB Radio:
Well, one of the things that I’m not doing is leading with a position that assumes a loss of a referendum. That would not be a very sensible thing to do. And I am determined to do what I can, along with so many other Australians who will be campaigning for a ‘yes’ vote from across the political spectrum. And that is my focus.
Responding to the suggestion if it were legislated anyway this would mean the vote in the referendum doesn’t count for anything, he replied:
It does count. The whole point of a referendum is that you change the constitution. And that will do just two things.
One, it will recognise First Nations people, Aboriginal Australians, in our constitution, in our nation’s birth certificate. That is something that’s been spoken about for decades, but never achieved.
And secondly, it will say that there needs to be a consultative body, not a body that makes determination or makes funding decisions, but one that enables Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to be asked about policies that will directly impact them so that we can close the gap in education, in health, in all of those issues.
That is what is being asked. Now, the issue of legislation for the voice comes after that, because the voice is subservient to the parliament. It’s not seeking to be above it, or even beside it. It’s just a body where the parliament will continue to be the decision-making body in Australia..
Anal ignores the written part in the Langton in-voice which demands funding for representation to be made at ALL levels of government, fed/state and Councils.
Ignorant dickhead or lying mendacious turd?
Trusted Blogger News:
Paki cricketer Babar Azam was widely reported across multiple media platforms as being in a whole pile of shit for sexting one of his teammates’ girlfriends, and promising to keep said teammate’s place in the team secure as long as she continued said sexting.
Minor problem – the site doing the original reporting, apparently belonging to one Dr.Nimo Yadav, clearly markets itself as a satire/parody site.
However, this didn’t stop a multitude of ‘gotcha’ Trusted Bloggers repeating this little nugget as gospel, and of whom all failed to pick up the ‘this site is satire’ disclaimers sown throughout the original post.
Once again, ‘oooh look’ triumphs over substance. Sounds really familiar.
There’s a distinction?
How long will this cast iron commitment by Anal last??
Voice will not impede normal process of parliament, PM says
The prime minister, Anthony Albanese, is now on ABC Radio Sydney talking about the principles behind the Indigenous voice to parliament and the fact the constitution will set out the principle and the detail will be legislated by parliament.
He acknowledges how the voice operates might change in future, just like other federal legislation changes from time to time. Albanese says it is the job of the constitution to set out the broad principles of the way that Australia functions. He says policy and outcomes will be better if Indigenous Australians are consulted on matters that directly affect them.
Albanese says on Peter Dutton’s call for more detail:
There is an enormous amount of detail out there already about how it might operate but it’s not prescriptive because it’s not something that is enshrined in stone if you like.
Albanese suggests there would be an obligation to consult on native title but a preference to consult on other issues – but says none of that would be subject to court challenges. He says the normal processes of the parliament can occur unimpeded:
It has no impact on our democratic system and our parliamentary processes – that remains completely intact. This is just an advisory body.
Lying liar lying lyingly.
January 18, 2023 at 10:38 am”
Thanks for that areff.
He’s an example to us all — a genuine example of courage and a bona fide national treasure.
Yes, he’s also an incredible wordsmith. They don’t make journos like you, Tim, Tom and my stepfather anymore.
I think the pessimists who fear the Voice will get up are way too pessimistic.
Depends on who is being polled.
Re the demonisation of gas:
The “fix” is in. It will just take Australians a while to realise it.
Builder friends tell me that already gas is banned in new apartment buildings. That being said, it can only be a matter of time before householders are required to replace gas appliances with electric.
Only this morning on ABC radio I heard a discussion of this very process. The industry guest was plying “induction” cooking as every bit as good as gas.
It is so depressing. There is no real opposition to the steady reduction of our freedom of choice in anything. No arguments or rational discussions are permitted. The Green Left ploughs inexorably on. They are so damn good at it.
“They also sourced the children for adoption from a Christian special-needs adoption agency. Worth keeping in mind as these agencies here are prevented from exercising their judgement because LGBT is a protected class.”
I remember a similar case here in Oz, about a decade ago, before they were exposed as pedos, the two men who adopted the boy were lauded by their ABC and scum like Marr.
There really is a massive story re the mRNA vaccines. Why did BigPharma go down this route rather than the tried and tested traditional vaccines? The systems failure across media, medicine, law, and the like in recognizing and dealing with the problems associated with the mRNA vaccines at the trial stage, once they were distributed to the community, and so on. For instance, in Australia, why are there no parallel legal cases that mirror those currently underway or even completed in the US that have reversed mandates or similar? Is it something to do with the legal regime here, are Australian law firms uninterested in pursuing litigation, or do they fear the consequences of such litigation?
Definitely worth a look. Some months ago Dover put up another video with Prof Clancy. In that video Clancy was rather neutral on the vaccines. In this recent video he clearly has changed his mind and is critical of the vaccine program.
I see our PM has been schooled in the philosophy of you will have nothing and be happy. He refused to answer questions during the election and still won. Why would’nt he use it for passing the Voice through referendum. You will know nothing and be happy seems to be his mode of government backed by the MSM. I the Prime Minister in my totalitarian greatness make and pass the laws.
Digger, cobber, maaate, like all line-and-length lefties, your Trump Derangement is actually quite comical.
Tom, Trump Derangement? You must be joking. I can point you to more than 500 posts to my US mates supporting Trump to the nth degree. I do not suffer Trump Derangement to any degree, quite the opposite. I would like him to succeed in politics because of his policies, not his character. I highlight his character because that is and will continue to be his downfall…
The more he highlights his involvement in mRNA, the deeper he is digging the hole that will be his demise…
It’s uncanny, Cassie. They literally engaged in the same crimes. They sexually abused their adopted sons, and pimped out their adopted children to other perverts. I’m sure there is a hell of a lot of this going on under the radar.
Money. Australia, Britain, and Canada are building mRNA facilities. There probably are other contracts being prepared. This is now a multi-billion-dollar business. As Clancy argued, mRNA has great potential but not yet, not by a long shot. I’ve been told that in Europe there are already large class action lawsuits for vaccine injury being prepared.
Again, I’d also recommend people listen to Dr John Campbell’s interview with Prof. Robert Clancy, where they discuss mRNA vaccines. The latter’s treatment in Australia, by both the media and his home university, remain a disgrace.
Given Bob’s reservations about the vaccines, I was surprised to hear that he has been vaccinated.
Even so, he was one of the first to question why the medical authorities (AMA, TGA et al) were not recommending the early treatments that were so promising from the get-go. His early articles in Quadrant were superb.
Dr. Phillip Altman also got the “heave ho” from the bureaucrats. Fortunately, being retired (as Bob Clancy is also, although he was, at least until recently, a member of medical committees) he has been able to voice his concerns without serious retribution. But, I can tell you, the surveillance and the treatment of both men has been astounding. With 40 years of experience in the industry, and a Doctorate in Pharmacology, Altman, in particular, is outraged at the abandonment of all established protocol in the implementation of the Covid vaccines in this country. He was in tears at a recent address in Melbourne. Like many other other dissenters around the world, he believes it is the greatest medical fiasco in modern times.
January 18, 2023 at 10:58 am
There really is a massive story re the mRNA vaccines. Why did BigPharma go down this route rather than the tried and tested traditional vaccines?
I still believe is has to do with patents. It is certainly the reason why Merck, which manufactures Ivermectin, refused to promote it as a treatment – since Merck’s patent has now lapsed.
Rubbish. The whole thing, including the virus itself, had been in preparation for DECADES. Trump was, most unfortunately, nothing more than a convenient patsy. As for the election, if you recall, the “vaccine” was not in fact released until afterwards, on Biden’s watch.
SloMo was a symptom not a cause.
At the time, Dover, Marr slanted his piece on the kiddie-fiddling pervs as being an attack on same-sex parents. He even quoted them as saying the shopping of their adopted son to various europervs was nothing more than an overseas jaunt to admire ‘interesting castles’.
It was Marr’s last Fairfax piece before departing to the Guardian with his substantial buyout. A fitting sign-off.
January 18, 2023 at 10:58 am
There really is a massive story re the mRNA vaccines. Why did BigPharma go down this route rather than the tried and tested traditional vaccines? The systems failure across media, medicine, law, and the like in recognizing and dealing with the problems associated with the mRNA vaccines at the trial stage, once they were distributed to the community, and so on.
If you want further information on these matters, follow Dr. Phil Altman’s Substack:
mRNA is a very good reason to get the hell out of Victoria. The Danfilth is building an mRNA manufacturing lab. He also, thanks to supreme slag Fiona Patten, has his emergency powers intact. So, how much imagination do you need to see another bug doing the rounds, the Danfilth ordering immediate vax production and then denying the right to work unless you’ve rolled up the sleeve.
Ask Sneakers about being the benefit of not being Emperor Barney. It’s a proven MO and it works (for a while at least). Still a long way till the Liars get a 2nd term.
The ABC and NAB are only somewhat retarded.
The ABC and CBA are full blown sub 60 IQ unfortunates.
Full retard.
Stick to loan applications, champion.
Australia could make all other “climate” policy redundant by making any nuclear industry or holistic regenerative grazing tax free for 30 or so years.
The excess atmospheric CO2 goes back into the soil and we would be using nuke power and exporting nuclear fuel. Electric cars are suddenly viable.
Why would I import “Australian” hydrogen is I can produce electricity at the lowest cost and synthesise diesel from the atmosphere anyway?
It is so depressing. There is no real opposition to the steady reduction of our freedom of choice in anything. No arguments or rational discussions are permitted. The Green Left ploughs inexorably on. They are so damn good at it.
Whilst our supposed conservative/right of centre parties, the Liberals and Nationals, do and say nothing to oppose any of this.
One of the doctors said they measured progress by the number of tubes and wires coming out of you. I think I was down to 7 at that stage, just one today and that may be there for a while if not the end of days.
Jeremy Clarkson’s behaviour has been difficult to fathom.
Having made an apology to the Marlkles and been pissed on for his efforts, he strangely repressed his natural tendency to be his own man.
For his popularity to become stratospheric, he merely needed to say; ” I have made a genuine apology; you have chosen to respond with arrogant contempt, so F O you are not worth the effort”.
Which made it so much fun when Hendo pointed out the obvious on The Ol’ Leathery Comedy Hour aka Insiders
They’re comfortable with lying, and the voters think to themselves they can’t possibly be lying about everything, can they? But they are.
For example with global warming the official temperature records are fake. Every now and then that gets shown by some extraneous source. Cats know that I point to the location of the snow line…which hasn’t moved on average for about 25 years. Another one like that appeared this week:
Climate conundrum: Study finds ants aren’t altering behavior in rising temperatures (17 Jan)
Entirely explicable if you realize that actual global and local temperatures haven’t been warming much at all this century so far – since ants react to the real temperature, not the fake one the weather services now produce.
The corruption of science by the climate activists and now the Covid industry is one of the most serious of issues. You can’t build a working civilization on fake science. That was Trump’s problem – he had to trust the CDC when the virus appeared, and had to assume they were professionals not partisan activists trying to get rid of him. Unfortunately it turned out that the CDC and all the agencies were totally controlled by the activist Left. And they were trying to get rid of him. As we now know, but didn’t so much know back in 2019.
Anal ignores the written part in the Langton in-voice which demands funding for representation to be made at ALL levels of government, fed/state and Councils.
Ignorant dickhead or lying mendacious turd?
To borrow from the Instapundit, ’embrace the power of “and” ‘
Clarkson now dealing with the Yanks at Amazon. Bit different from the dweebs at the Beeb.
I’d suggest by the time the next election falls due the public won’t know what’s hit them after having suffered the biggest fall in living standards in living memory.
And Elbow will have that scowl permanently etched on his visage.
Agree with Digger and calli and have thought this way since early 21.
I remember someone very early on (either Dot or Cohenite?) making a comment to the effect that the vaccines could end up being the worst thing Trump could ever have done.
If the vaccines go south in a big way they’ll wrap it all up in a bundle and hang it around Trumps neck.
Presumably keeping his contracts intact has a lot to do with that.
You’d assume he’s quite wealthy by now but he may also have a lot of overheads, both business and personal, to be mindful of.
But I like to think I’d have told them to sod off if I were in his position 😀
Got to be 50:50 at this stage. Won’t matter if it’s Spud or Caligula’s horse at that point.
January 18, 2023 at 10:53 am
And again driving to the morning meeting.
Some mong from the ACCC explaining if any of those icky/nasty/terrible gas producers had any questions on the cap policy they should drop the ACCC a line so they can clear them up.
I strongly suspect given the choice between contacting the ACCC and dangling their bits in an angry ferrets cage they would, to a man, pick the ferret.
Lots of “oh they are witholding gas supplies, we have “mechanisms” for that”..
Shit people with no skin in the game telling others how to run their businesses.
I think it’s easy to underestimate ego and the need for adulation in luvvies and musicians. Plenty could go and live in gilded isolation if they could only ffffffffade away.
ACCC in a nutshell.
“all wars are government programs”
That’s a Liberty Quote right there, Duk.
“Are you claiming they intentionally flunk the IQ Test and Nepal really has an average IQ of, say, 105?”
IQ tests measure what the writer of the test thinks indicates intelligence – this may not be the same for such widely diverse cultures as the USA and Nepal.
The “average” IQ of ANY country, state etc is, by definition, 100 – with the exception that if your sample is across multiple countries, then the total sample has an average IQ of 100. But in that situation, language and cultural differences likely explain the difference between countries, not actual intelligence.
For example, I’m sure the average Papua New Guinean can manage feats that the average Australian college professor would fail and visa versa. Does surviving in the jungle make you smarter than someone who knows nothing about the jungle and dies doing something really stupid? It does if you live in a jungle!
Woke airlines find that the knuckle dragging passengers don’t like fat tranny hostthings.
Will the airline industry ever steer away from gender conformity? (Phys.org, 17 Jan)
How awful! The researchers fail to mention what they found about Emirates. I suspect they might be a bit resistant to qwertification somehow.
They’ve already done it, Bush. After spending two years in the tribal army defending the Kung Flu vax, lefties welcome the failure of the vax because Big Pharma has gifted them the opportunity to blame Trump trump for it.
Trump was determined to be a can-do president and didn’t imagine for a moment that Big Pharma would produce vaccines that didn’t work, even though he ended up giving Big Pharma immunity from prosecution for the failure of the vax.
But his giant ego prevents him admitting he got played. This is an inherent problem with alpha male billionaires who decide to get involved in politics: they end up like all politicians, who can never admit their mistakes.
Take cover!
Madonna going on world tour:
I’m still perplexed as to why they sacked you after you complied. You hinted at a particular hostile manager.
Not hostile, just sub continental bullshit artist.
I believe that there was up to 10 in upstream at Longford and only myself in downstream. At a time when company was downsizing and offering redundancies.
Essentially I think they managed to get rid of a whole heap of people for $0, that would have otherwise cost them +$5M in redundancies.
Has Carrie Bickmore moved on already?
This hug is pretty borderline for a “male pal.”
Look at these virtue signaling lumps of crap.
‘Tax us now’: ultra-rich call on governments to introduce wealth taxes
Disney heiress and actor Mark Ruffalo among ‘patriotic millionaires’ who addressed world’s elite at Davos
Oh noes, we are too rich and not taxed enough, whiles heiress, who is strangely unable to unravel her ancestors trust funds/income streams.
And i seem to recall you are able to pay “extra” taxes on a voluntary basis anway.
Ex-Intel Official Who Called Hunter’s Laptop Story Russian Disinfo: Letter Signers Knew ‘a Significant Portion of That Content Had to Be Real’
‘Madonna going on world tour’
Speak of the devil!
Just like when Bono’s German supermarket owned in a tax haven went on the fritz (pun possibly intended this time).
Record Wheat Production
The ‘Well Hung Ploughboys’ come through again.
That being said, it can only be a matter of time before householders are required to replace gas appliances with electric.
can’t see it happening for a long, long time, at least not in NSW .. NSW Housing Commission has, approx., 250 00 properties .. 85% have gas for cooking/hot water/heating or a combination of the three .. the State gummint has/did have a contract with AGL and received a subsidy for gas installation on all new HC premises (since , at least, 1970) .. imagine the cost to NSW gummint to convert all the gas installed premises to all electric ……!
Because its a new manufacturing tech with virtually endless possibilities – its dead easy to insert the mRNA for whatever protein (drug) you want into it, and hey presto, the patients own body becomes the factory.
This was a feature not a bug – it was NECESSARY for all the usual checks and balances to fail for them to pull the whole thing off – they have spent a long time buying influence at the governmental (and supra – governmental) level and the last 3 years is just the culmination of that. Big corporations now run the world, with national governments captured to implement it all – this is called FASCISM btw.
Based on the appearance of the ‘male pal’ even this very hairy Bear (not the LGBTIQWERTY variety) could be in with a chance.
So far there are eight principles for the voice. This includes that the voice will have no veto power, that it will represent communities across Australia and that the members will appointed according to the wishes of their communities – that is, by election or some other means. It is now Labor’s challenge in coming months to articulate these principles clearly and offer assurances that, if the time comes, they will get a say in the final model.
I hope not! The plumber is here atm installing a bottle gas ‘instant system’ to replace the old solar which took minutes to deliver anything hot at the tap, and constantly ran the pump (discharging water) on hot days to cool itself.
I would think a path of less resistance would be grandfathering of the existing systems, and price pain on your gas bill – all to save said gas for burning in the powerplants making the electricity anyway.
Mounting unwinnable court cases since 1990.
The chaps in chambers must love them. Ironic that the biggest beneficiary of the Competition
watchdogpoodle is the biggest closed shop in the country (KCs and SCs).Expect the phase out of gas will be the usual salami slices and moving goal posts. Recommendations, Australian Standards, Building Permits, certificates of occupancy. The administrative full court press. With an exemption for State owned bodies of course.
As I understand it, the decriminalisation of being shitfaced in public continues apace here.
A solitary incident of someone dying in the cells
It would appear the Vicco rulers have forgotten one of the great maxims – never tear down a wall until you
You have to wonder would this law would have been changed if the “death in custody” that prompted it had been “white” instead of “251” ……….?
Now there’s something the ACCC should take a look at.
Big corporations now run the world, with national governments captured to implement it all – this is called FASCISM
Munty and friends chuck this work about with gay abandon.
But that’s exactly where we’re at. Fascism.
I’m not certain exactly who is in the lead in the “partnership” between Governments and Corporations.
However one thing is clear, they’re absolutely intent on f’cking you!
He can easily curveball that by suggesting that he was never for mandates and would’ve only supported use for 65s and older.
That puts the focus back on the miserable left.
It’s also very likely to be true.
Unfortunately the myocarditis and clotting problems are going to affect all mRNA vectors if they produce active groups that the immune system is supposed to kill. That’s because the lining of blood vessels and the heart are going to express these groups thereby attracting T and B cells, and thus causing inflammation of the blood vessel linings and the heart lining cells.
I don’t know how that can be overcome, other than producing non-immunoactive compounds or surface groups. In that scenario you shouldn’t then get the inflammatory reponse that is so deadly with the mRNA Covid vaccines.
Ok, yes, if you are dying of cancer then it would be an acceptable informed risk. But not for a generally non-fatal infection like a cold or the flu.
In to town today for lunch and to do some window shopping. Kicking the tyres on a new Swiss watch. Just have to convince myself that I need it.
They can mandate it on future builds but it’s hard to see how it’s politically or practically viable to require householders to replace their gas appliances.
While Australians pay lip service to the green agenda surveys reveal they’re unwilling to sacrifice their hard earned for it.
Many of the climate worriers’ desderata are going to be checked by pragmatics & politics.
January 18, 2023 at 12:54 pm
Big corporations now run the world, with national governments captured to implement it all – this is called FASCISM
Munty and friends chuck this work about with gay abandon.
Mention how real (actually existing, to use a leftard phrase) fascism works, and watch m0nty=fa bury his head in his ample rectum.
In to town today for lunch and to do some window shopping. Kicking the tyres on a new Swiss watch. Just have to convince myself that I need it.
With or without pants?
There was a case in the UK about 2007, where a state adoption agency asked no questions ‘because gay couple’, and those same crimes were committed.
Then there is that underage boy drag dancer in the news last year…
Both communists of the old past, and queer theorists of the old past, decried the nuclear family and wanted access to the children from a young age to construct their minds without defenses against bad ideas and exploitation, which a family will inculcate. (See also Ignatious Loyola, to construct a STRONG mind wanted them from age seven.)
US State of Wyoming to Ban Electric Vehicles by 2035; Legislation Explained
The backers of the bill say the goal is to ensure the stability of the oil industry, which forms the industrial backbone of the state. The incoming resolution is titled ‘Phasing Out New Electric Vehicle Sales By 2035.’
Proud and Valued Industry
According to the proponents of the bill, oil and gas production has long been one of Wyoming’s ‘proud and valued industries’ and there is a need to preserve this industry. The oil industry has created ‘countless jobs’ and contributed immense revenues to the state.
The bill also says that the critical minerals used in electric batteries are not easily recyclable or disposable. The legislation was proposed by a group of Republican lawmakers led by state Senator Jim Anderson. “The Legislature would be saying, ‘If you don’t like our petroleum cars, well, we don’t like your electric cars,’” said Anderson, according to Cowboy State Daily.
However, the bill’s supporters also say that the legislation will largely be symbolic in nature. Even if it’s passed it will not be binding they say.
“I’m interested in making sure that the solutions that some folks want to the so-called climate crisis are actually practical in real life …I just don’t appreciate when other states try to force technology that isn’t ready,” said GOP co-sponsor Sen. Brian Boner said, according to the daily.
“One might even say tongue-in-cheek …. But obviously it’s a very serious issue that deserves some public discussion,” he added.
68,000 Jobs
According to the Daily Mail, there are about 100 companies that are engaged in the oil and gas sector in the state. These companies operate a combined 30,000 miles of pipelines in Wyoming and give jobs to as many as 68,000 people.
“The US has consistently invested in the oil and gas industry to sustain gas-powered vehicles and that investment has resulted in the continued employment of thousands of people in the oil and gas industry in Wyoming and throughout the country,” the bill says.
“On the other hand, the shift to electric vehicles would ‘have deleterious impacts on Wyoming’s communities and will be detrimental to Wyoming’s economy and the ability for the country to efficiently engage in commerce,” it adds.
Yes. Probably his best “out” and as you say probably true.
They’ll find a way though.
Bullshit. Ask what are your wants, not needs. Read the window sticker on an HSV ute.
“I just want one.”
Yes it is.
Write it.
Not a lawyer – which the below will likely make absolutely clear.
If the constitution is amended in favour of the voice it can impact the activity of the Federal Government, but can it dictate also to the states, much less local government areas? Can the Australian constitution mandate that the states set up state equivalents to the Federal level Voice? Tabling their reports to state legislatures which the states must treat a certain way?
My instinct says not. But the Uluru Voice from the Hip Pocket I believe requires state equivalents.
And local councils exist under the aegis of state governments, don’t they. They are not actually governments themselves (which would be a great shock to them since they insist on having foreign policies and the like).
Centrelink vocals will be interesting
regarding FlyingDuk’s contention:
Almost certainly. And for exactly the same reason that Favourite Ice-cream Flavour + Conscientiousness would also be a much bigger driver of academic and professional success than Favourite Flavour alone.
Because Conscientiousness is by itself a large predictor of long term success and the largest *personality* trait predictor of job performance in workplaces [paywalled ref]. I note that last ref does not say it compared traits to IQ so I can’t say IQ wouldn’t also be number 1 if they’d studied it.
Nassim Taleb points out that IQ predictive power breaks down above 110, and that its power at lower-than-average is trivial and unsurprising. He also points out the data around jobs and IQ is confounded as they stop being independent observations when employers begin believing in IQ tests and only hiring people who did well at IQ-like tests. To say nothing of the huge range that exists in each job:
Another quote from the headstuff article above is interesting:
Possibly the IQ is significant only when you don’t have enough, and capital injection ($ status) is very predictive as long as the IQ is at least normal even without high concientiousness. Almost as though money and IQ are contributing the most on opposite sides of average general-intelligence, while high conscientiousness is an optional bonus which is 40% determined by genetics:
I read somewhere that traits are unchanging by definition, so it is unsurprising that 0% of the trait is attributed to free individual choices, unless you count the choice of which people to befriend.
Another study found:
This does not say it was an IQ test, so again we can be derailed by difference between IQ and intelligence generally. But their interpretation could still throw a spanner in the works of “IQ + Conscientiousness”.
This does seem to be a complicated area where there are no easy answers and a lot of variance in the data. It is safe to say qualitatively that one would prefer to have more of all three factors (IQ, conscientiousness, and parental socio-economic status) and that any discussion of exactly how much effect each factor contributes to success is an attempt in tradeoffs to make the best of a deficient situation.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Gets a Promotion, and Eric Swalwell Can’t Swallow
It looks like Marjorie Taylor Greene’s outward support of Kevin McCarthy has paid off, earning the controversial representative a major promotion. Specifically, she’s receiving a position on the Homeland Security Committee.
One of those who received a demotion was Eric Swalwell, once a member of the powerful House Intelligence Committee. Upon hearing of Greene’s ascension, he simply couldn’t swallow.
The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife. In Swalwell, we have a guy who has been credibly accused of having an affair with a Chinese spy named Fang Fang, and he still believes he has the credibility to question who is qualified to be on certain committees. The lack of self-awareness is astonishing, to say the least.
Rubbish. The whole thing, including the virus itself, had been in preparation for DECADES. Trump was, most unfortunately, nothing more than a convenient patsy. As for the election, if you recall, the “vaccine” was not in fact released until afterwards, on Biden’s watch.
Wrong, the vaccine was definitely released under Trumps watch which didn’t end until January 20, 2021.
Trump’s initial drive was to have it available before the election, then he switched when it became unachievable to before the end of 2020 while he was still president and that is what happened.
Biden received his first shot on TV on 21 December, one day after FDA gave emergency Use Authority, while Trump was still president.
On 16 March 2020, the first ‘mRNA’ vaccine designed to fend off the SARS-CoV-2 virus was injected into Jennifer Haller in Seattle. This date marked the beginning of human clinical trials to test the safety of a new COVID-19 vaccine from the biotechnology company Moderna.
The shot was administered only 66 days after the sequence of the virus’s genome was released to the world, an unprecedented turnaround time that many people hope will foreshadow the future of vaccine development and international collaboration. In December 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration issued emergency use authorization for mRNA vaccines developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, making them the first mRNA vaccines available to the public.
Did you make yourself unemployable?
if you are on bottled gas, LPG, it shouldn’t be a problem. I don’t believe they will come after us, yet. I had an instantaneous gas hot water system installed earlier this year. There was a Solar heater but that broke down before Christmas. Hate Solar anyway.
I read what you and others had written here about emergency generators as I live in a country area where blackouts are common. I did my research and have decided to go with an LPG system. It makes sense as I already use gas for back up heating, cooking etc. My main reason was LPG will never “go off”, unlike diesel or petrol.
The poor users of Natural gas are the ones the retards are after. Our turn will come, but we still have time.
Very true.
And remembering the pharmaceutical companies held off announcing the vaccines until after the election he can’t have had a policy on the types of vaccines, their purported benefits or deleterious effects.
The mandates were the most insidious part. If they did not exist the only people taking the vaccines would have been ones wanting them. Side effects then become a matter of dishonesty (where risk is known but fobbed off) and defective products from the pharma’s – where they have come a cropper before and for which there is a precedent in making them pay compensation.
Stupidity & Arrogance of NSW Local Government – Northen Beaches Leads the Way
Residents at busy Aussie beach fume over council’s move: ‘Ludicrous’
Residents are asking why council would do this at one of Australia’s busiest beaches.
Residents of a busy beachside suburb in Sydney have vented their frustrations at new traffic control measures introduced last week, describing the move as “ludicrous”.
Up to 14 concrete blocks, or median islands, are being installed along the beachfront in Manly, on Sydney’s northern beaches, but locals argue they are “pointless” and even “dangerous”.
The reason for the concrete islands was to reinforce the newly introduced 30km/h speed limit and help protect pedestrians, the Northern Beaches Council explained to Yahoo News. They said “lowering the speed of the traffic will reduce the severity of any accidents” and the concrete blocks would help to narrow the travel lane, further reducing the speed of vehicles.
Fierce backlash from Manly residents
Although intended as a safety measure with the support of Transport of NSW, residents have complained the blocks themselves are a hazard and in less than a week, have already caused problems along the busy North and South Steyne roads.
Placed in the centre of the road, the islands have made it difficult for vehicles to access parking spots along the beachfront. Some residents have already complained of punctured tyres and damage to their cars after attempting to reverse only to hit the concrete block — which are said to be high with square edges — behind them.
“Whoever decided to do this rubbish at council needs to be sacked on the spot. How stupid is this? What purpose does it serve?” one person raged on Facebook sharing another post on Sunday. The post was accompanied by two videos showing a car trying to reverse out of a parking spot.
The frollickingMoll:
Then why bring it in?
The longer these lying bastards lie and shade the truth, the more obvious it becomes that the voice will have long reaching effects on the Australian political scene. And ones we may not necessarily like.
If you think there is hope for the future, look at this meme, can you still say there is hope for the future?
Supermarket line yesterday.
Six foot three bloke in a dress with lipstick and makeup.
Everyone smiling kindly and acting “so stunning and brave”.
Is it really kind to pretend he isn’t a complete visual train wreck who isn’t in any way shape or form going to pass as remotely female in any setting retaining a skerrick of adhesion to reality?
The females are supposed to act cool sharing the public loos with this?
What do you tell your daughters? Wait till you get home to use the bathroom?
8 months ago I had a severe dose of Covid. I take methotrexate for arthritis and had to notify Qld Health. They responded really quickly and I landed up in their ” virtual ward” which was numerous phone calls from doctors, pharmacists and nurses. Anti viral drugs arrived within a day along with an oximeter and a thermometer. Had to record results 3 times day and a nurse phoned to check. After a miserable week I got over the Covid and a had a few more calls from nurses and a doctor. Can’t fault any of them.
However Myocarditis set in. All the fun symptoms of fatigue, heart palpitations, tight chest and feeling bloody awful. Specialist sent me off for a CT scan after waiting a few months to see if things would settle down. Fortunately results were okay but after 8 months of feeling shit just 2 weeks ago things returned to normal albeit I am very unfit. GP had warned me off any form of exercise until I got over the Myocarditis and my was horrified when I said I was retiring and intending sailing up the east coast from Brisbane. A short sail up the Broadwater on Sunday kinda proved her point as I was totally exhausted by the end of the day. Tiller steering and bracing against the lean for several hours took its toll.
But all this left me wondering. I had all Covid jabs and my wife refused to have the fourth. I caught Covid from her and she has had no issues once she recovered. Was it the fourth jab which compounded the issue with Myocarditis or just my bad luck? I had the anti viral drugs and do they have side effects? Is because I take Methotrexate? The specialist I have been seeing and the our GP have no answers other than to prescribe anti cholesterol drugs and aspirin as a preventative measure. The only take I have on this is that Myocarditis is not something you can take casually. You spend a lot of time thinking about mortality when you have it!
“Everyone smiling kindly and acting “so stunning and brave”.
Is it really kind to pretend he isn’t a complete visual train wreck who isn’t in any way shape or form going to pass as remotely female in any setting retaining a skerrick of adhesion to reality?”
Well, you have to admit that is both stunning and brave to think that most people would accept it, so I guess they are kind of right, just not the way said “she” would like.
About IQ tests:
I knew they were bullshit when mine got done in 4th Form.
Steve Kirsch’s newsletter
The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. We should be concerned. Very concerned.
After the vaccine rolled out, the FAA secretly widened the EKG parameter range for pilots so they wouldn’t be grounded. It looks like the vax gave at least 50M Americans heart damage.
In the October 2022 version of the FAA Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners, the FAA quietly widened the EKG parameters beyond the normal range (from a PR max of .2 to unlimited). And they didn’t widen the range by a little. They widened it by a lot. It was done after the vaccine rollout.
This is extraordinary. They did it hoping nobody would notice. It worked for a while. Nobody caught it.
But you can’t hide these things for long.
This is a tacit admission from the US government that the COVID vaccine has damaged the hearts of our pilots. Not just a few pilots. A lot of pilots and a lot of damage.
The cardiac harm of course is not limited to pilots.
My best guess right now is that over 50M Americans sustained some amount of heart damage from the shot.
That’s a lot of people who will be very upset when they realize the vaccine they took to reduce their chance of dying from COVID actually worked in reverse making it:
You also have an excellent chance of getting a lifetime of heart damage for no extra charge.
But don’t worry; you can’t sue them. They fixed the law so none of them aren’t liable (the doctors, the drug companies, the government).
After all, you took the vaccine of your own free will. It’s not like you were forced (or coerced) to take it or anything like that! And there were plenty of people warning you not to take the shots (even though they censored most of them).
In this article, I will explain the evidence and thinking behind all my claims.
As I learn more, I will refine the estimate.
On October 24, 2022, the FAA quietly, without any announcement at all, widened the EKG requirements necessary for pilots to be able to fly.
The PR (a measure of heart function) used to be in the range of .12 to .2.
It is now: .12 to .3 and potentially even higher.
This is a very wide range; it accommodates people who have cardiac injury. Cardiologist Thomas Levy is appalled at this change:
Dutton should seize on what Luigi said in his interview with Ben Fordham where he said he could legislate for the Voice even if it does not get up in the referendum.
He could take the view that we can see how it works before putting it into the constitution, and leave Luigi explaining that even though the Voice does not need to be in the constitution we still need somehow to put it in.
Was it Langton or Burnie who said inserting the Voice in the constitution would have the desired effect of making it unable to be dissolved by a later government. Truly, the one thing about ATSIC that worked properly was its being wound up. In every other respect it was a cluster fark.
The Voice people would make such a beast immortal.
all to save said gas for burning in the powerplants making the electricity anyway
You’ll need about 1.5 to 3 times the amount of gas allowing for the 30-35% thermodynamic efficiency of the power stations and transmission losses. You get some back if you run electric heat pumps for hot water and home heating. Count on say twice as much gas required.
Sancho Panzer:
That’s the blackest of black humour I’ve ever seen.
+++ (In category)
I knew they were flawed when they said I was of only average intelligence.
There really is a massive story re the mRNA vaccines. Why did BigPharma go down this route rather than the tried and tested traditional vaccines? The systems failure across media, medicine, law, and the like in recognizing and dealing with the problems associated with the mRNA vaccines at the trial stage, once they were distributed to the community, and so on.
The short answer is money and regaining of lost financial influence and power. Trump tore billions out of big pharma with his cheap medicine for all policies and then he offered billions back to them to develop the vaccines before the election. They grabbed the opportunity with both hands because they had the principle and early trial of mRNA technology in the drawer looking for a purpose. They knew it would take years for traditional vaccine development and all previous attempts had failed so their way to assure Trump it could be done and reverse their financial fortunes in a very short timeframe was through mRNA…
There will eventually be someone in the US who opens Pandoras Box and demands access to communications between Fauci, the White House and Big Pharma from January 2020 onwards and I expect that will be very revealing.
Pal of mine has implemented a really good idea for solar hot water heating. His electric storage hot water runs on off peak but has a port for a second element. He bought a second element which runs from 40 volts or so and connected it to about 3 x 200 watt second hand solar panels. Looks daft at first glance to turn sunlight into high grade electricity to then turn it into low grade heat but the used panels were cheap as was the second element. Reckons he never uses any off peak as the tank is up to temperature all the time.
Also no horrible plumbing issues.
I’m losing count of the number of times I have tested positive to the plague.
5 , 6 who knows?
First dose was uncomfortable for 3 days or so. The others were nuffink.
With China at the 130? mark, does this give an indicator of how badly the socialist environment reacts against its people vs free enterprise which allows the individual to to reach their own limits?
Any good meme deserves a meme in return.
From BRM this Monday.
PM downplays detail concerns about Voice, likening to Sydney Harbour Bridge
Anthony Albanese refused to outline the finer details of the Voice in a fiery interview with Ben Fordham.
Are you in favour of enshrining a First Nations Voice to Parliament in the Australian Constitution?
Yes 19 %
No 72 %
Unsure 9 %
8312 votes
I notice at the 1000 steps in Ferntree Gully the male and female toilet blocks have been removed.
Replaced by a huge row of unisex stalls.
The end of the urinal.
The politics of gender has altered the physical environment. The power of ideology.
nuffink – Prime Minister talk for nothing, something* or lots**.
*something – see sumfink
**lots – as in “I did nuffink wrong.”
You disgusting hypocrite.
When the AFL smashes up your little IP thieving gig, no one will have you as you will never pass a pre employment physical.
Have all the jabs and boosters you want monty, you monstrous 160 kg idiot.
Dot makes a reasonable point. You need to apologise .
Public drunken-ness, *per se* should not and can not be a crime because there is NO VICTIM.
By all means criminalise the behaviour that results (property damage, disorderly conduct, scaring others etc), but until said behaviour happens, no crime can have been committed.
BTW, I know it offends most people’s desire to be kept safe, but ALL other forms of ‘endangerment’ of others (speeding, drink driving, reckless/negligent conduct) similarly cannot in of themselves be criminal acts – they only become so when actual harm to someone else ensues.
January 18, 2023 at 1:41 pm
If you think there is hope for the future, look at this meme, can you still say there is hope for the future?
It’s OK as the little girl thinks that they are just dress up dogs from Disney. Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Clearly the corporations are now wearing the pants in Mussolini’s ‘marriage between the corporation and the state’.
you can get tested for vax injury here
Linda Burney – Once the voice is in the Constitution, “they won’t be able to get rid if it, the way they did ATSIC.”
Hence, the whole mRNA project is ‘too big to fail’
m0nty says:
January 18, 2023 at 1:36 pm
rickw says: January 18, 2023 at 6:19 am
I was going to write a missive about the anniversary of my termination by big oil and Australian government.
But it isn’t worth it.
Nasty as always, you are m0nty.
In the end, he yielded and got vaxed and still got canned.
Those in power can’t have dissent, bugger regards to performance or efficiency.
But you’d have no idea about that, so all good.
If Trump admits to being in error with the initial vaccine decisions, the media, Democrats, and the entire political establishment will blame him for every minor headache suffered since then.
The admission alone would be worth it’s weight in gold to the swamp. You’d hear nothing from now until the next election on how Trump killed millions of Americans with his murderous vaccine policy.
DAMN!!! I got offered a job in Cheyenne, WYOMING in 2003, seems I should have taken it. I was doing a ‘Natural Horsemanship’ course in Colorado at the time – my room mate was a gasser from Cheyenne – what are the odds?
Arky complained:
The nicest conceivable explanation is https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/10b91wd/a_little_creativity_goes_a_long_way/
Tucker Carlson: Voters are no longer in charge
rickw says: January 18, 2023 at 6:19 am
I was going to write a missive about the anniversary of my termination by big oil and Australian government.
But it isn’t worth it.
Did you make yourself unemployable?
Where to start.
It isn’t worth putting anything down, because it’s not going to make Australia’s fascists wake up. Yourself included.
Did I make myself unemployable? By refusing experimental treatment I didn’t “make” anything happen, the Australian Government did.
Employment? Am I employable in Australia? Yes, as long as I don’t mention that I was terminated for refusing to take the vaccine. Taking such a stand is unthinkable to Australia’s fascist population, in their eyes it’s a portent of something more sinister. Not the case with Americans and Brits, in fact the reaction is the opposite.
Far better to devote my energy towards extricating myself from Australia and the Australian Governments taxation regime, than producing any commentary on Australia’s New Fascism.
(And yes I’m employed, currently working in the Maldives.)
Cassie on Jan 17th at 2:30 ish pm.
Well said re Sky.
The Liberals have been handed two gifts to attack and wedge Sleazy and Labor….
1. The “Voice”.
2. Gas.
However, as per usual, they’re intent on wasting and squandering both gifts. On the Voice, whilst Sleazy huffs and puffs, the Liberals under Dutton, beholden to wet scum like Bummingham and Bragg, skirt around the issue, preferring to deflect, deflect, deflect. Ben Fordham, this morning on 2GB, has done more to expose Sleazy’s Voice blancmange than the Liberals have been able to over the last six months.
On “gas”, why can’t they initiate an effective scare campaign warning people how Labor, the Greens and the Teals are coming for our gas stoves? Why not? This would work, particularly in middle and working Australia, where the swinging electorates are located. They’re ripe for the picking. It’s okay to force someone living in an electorate like Warringah and Wentworth to install expensive “induction” cooktops and buy all new pots and pans for these induction cooktops, they’ll be able to afford the luxury. However, someone living in the western suburbs of Sydney will not be able to afford the luxury of “induction cooktops”. The Liberals need to hammer home this message, that Labor is now the party of the inner-west and the wealthy Teal electorates. They no longer care about the working class.
I think I should be advising the Liberals, but they wouldn’t listen to me. I’m too sensible.
TAX FRAUD: Biden Didn’t Report The $50k Per Month In Rent That Hunter Claimed He Paid
I am no longer a Dr, but believe any Dr who has done his homework would respond as below:
1) If you take MTX, that implies you have rheumatoid, which is an auto-immune condition. Given what we now know about the vaxxes also causing auto – immune problems, in retrospect, the vax might not have been a good decision for you. ALL vaccines, by their very nature, stimulate the immune system, its their job.
2) The data is now pretty clear that COVID *itself* doesn’t cause myocarditis, but the mRNA vaxes +/- COVID infection do.
3) If you had 4 Covid shots and still got serious COVID, whyso? I know its not the case, but its almost like the COVID Shots dont work – if thats the case, why risk the side effects for no benefit?
Which ones? Ivermectin has a very good side effect profile, Remdesivir and Paxlovid not so much. Ivermectin is also advocated by the ‘FLCCC’ for recovery from both long covid and spike injury, so might be beneficial here.
Aspirin is probably a good idea as COVID is a clotting disease. Statins have also been used in COVID/Long covid for their generic anti-inflammatory effect. If the statin is being prescribed a prophylaxis for coronary disease, you should read Dr Malcolm McKendricks ‘The Great Cholesterol Con’ and make up your own mind.
A dress-up wolf is better. Someone to respect.
Childhood dream comes true for man who spends £18k on a realistic wolf costume (12 Jan)
Quite awesome costume designing. I wouldn’t want to be a girl in a red hoodie if I was going to encounter this guy.
If the constitution is amended in favour of the voice it can impact the activity of the Federal Government, but can it dictate also to the states, much less local government areas? Can the Australian constitution mandate that the states set up state equivalents to the Federal level Voice? Tabling their reports to state legislatures which the states must treat a certain way?
Given its one of the commitments/recommendations which Anal has said hes in favour of.
Parliament and Government
There would be a set of consultation standards providing guidance on when, how and on what types of matters the National Voice should be consulted by the Australian Parliament and Government:
an ‘obligation to consult’ the National Voice on a defined and limited set of laws
an ‘expectation to consult’ the National Voice on a wider group of policies and laws based on a set of principles
standards for how consultation should be conducted
All levels of governments to be involved
Feedback consistently indicated that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices being heard at all levels of government would be crucial to success, particularly with Local & Regional Voices. This feedback focused on the need for commitment from all levels of government, mechanisms to ensure state and territory engagement, ways the proposed models may work with existing local, state and territory representative bodies, and the need for governments to build capability and change their approach to working with community.
Advice function features
The National Voice cannot be required to provide advice. The Australian Parliament and Government may request advice.
Consultation with the National Voice would ideally occur at the earliest possible stage in the development of relevant laws or policies. This should occur at multiple stages throughout the development process.
Its explicity designed to be as anti-democratic as possible.
Membership of the National Voice should be as small as practicable to ensure the maximum workability and flexibility of the body.
Totally not a national government in all but name
The National Voice should have scope to take on a role in the future at appropriate international forums, consistent with the role of indigenous voices in other countries.
The exact nature of this role is not prescribed here. This could be discussed further between the National Voice and the Australian Government.
Silos of maaaates all well funded..
The National Voice may establish committees on particular policy or representation matters as needed. Committees may have external members as determined by the National Voice.
Heres a suggestion.
All Aboriginal mining royalties are to be quarantined to pay the costs of the in-voice.
The membership of the National Voice should be supported by a CEO and policy and administrative support staff. This would be the Office of the National Voice. This structure should be entirely separate from any existing body and under the control of the National Voice members and co-chairs. The key functions of the Office would be to:
provide administrative support to the members and co-chairs
undertake research and policy development
support stakeholder relationships
support the Youth and Disability Permanent Advisory Groups
facilitate Whole of Government engagement and engagement with the Parliament.
You know the funniest bit about the in-voice report.
According to a search of the document there are 3- 3- references to funding.
Heres the only one with any “detail”.
Recognise the importance of ensuring sustainability and security for an Indigenous Voice. This requires the provision of funding certainty and appropriate safeguards as part of any enabling legislation, including the establishment of the National Voice as a new independent Commonwealth entity.
January 18, 2023 at 9:51 am
“Madoff was fake news”
“I saved Daimler Chrysler Benz US 1 bn”
Delusional $&@#chop.
…and a convicted fraudster.
Dotty Dot, as the World’s Greatest Economist…………..And commentator. More like an Ostrich with it’s head in the sand………………dot, dot, dot, dash, dash, dash, dot, dot, dot…………The new morse code for SOS. Save Our Silliness………………..
BoN, Dead’s Deadpoll today has a meme on that theme:
Wolf menacing Little Red Riding Hood.
LRRH: Gosh Mr Wolf I’d be glad to give you my basket of goodies except that my goodies are really a concealed carry 9mm pointed at your big bad you know what.
Working from home ‘has not worked’, Wall Street bosses tell Davos summit – as Citigroup chief says slackers should be hauled back into the office until their productivity improves
. Jane Fraser said that it was important for employees to collaborate
. Other Wall Street bosses have expressed frustration at staff working from home
. Ms Fraser is more open to idea of flexible working than other banking bosses
. But, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, she said a line had to be drawn
. Larry Fink, of BlackRock, simply said that ‘remote working has not worked’
There is no one working in Australian Federal/State/Local Goernment Offices – what a lurk and burden on Austtralian Taxpayers
re FlyingDuk:
> I am no longer a Dr, but believe any Dr who has done his homework AND HAD NOT BEEN STRONGARMED BY THE A.M.A. would respond as below
Fixed it for you.
Also, on myocraditis, since the flu has caused myocarditis in bad cases in every flu season, what studies have shown that neither SARS-CoV-2 nor subsequent Covid19/ARDS has caused myocarditis?
“I think I should be advising
the Liberalspoliticians, but they wouldn’t listen to me. I’m too sensible.”FIFY.
Nearly over my 2nd dose of vax induced shingles (sort of, shingles rash, fortunately without shingles pain)
Instead of one arm its now one arm and one leg. Itchy as buggery.
Thanks a lot Australian parliament, you evil pieces of crap.
January 18, 2023 at 2:16 pm
m0nty says:
January 18, 2023 at 1:36 pm
rickw says: January 18, 2023 at 6:19 am
I was going to write a missive about the anniversary of my termination by big oil and Australian government.
But it isn’t worth it.
Did you make yourself unemployable
Nasty as always, you are m0nty.
In the end, he yielded and got vaxed and still got canned.
Those in power can’t have dissent, bugger regards to performance or efficiency.
But you’d have no idea about that, so all good.
Despite his pretensions, m0nty=fa has clearly demonstrated his support for fascist actions. He needs to be careful, Ante=fa might recognise him on the golf course.
And more for Dotty Dot, Mrs Stench Pantyhose and Jerkoff Cretin (JC) and others of that ilk…………
From Armstrong Economics –
“Remember the 1995 collapse of the British Barings Bank because of a “rogue” trader? Nicholas William Leeson was an English former derivatives trader whose claimed fraudulent, “unauthorized and speculative trades” resulted in the 1995 collapse of Barings Bank, the United Kingdom’s oldest merchant bank. Leeson was convicted of financial crime in Singapore court and served over four years in Changi Prison. At the time, I owned a Brokerage House I was asked to bail out by the Japanese government. At our Hong Kong office, Barings wanted to open an account to trade with Leeson in charge.
I knew the corruption of the banks and if the trade went wrong, they would claim he was not authorized. That was the standard operational procedure. Knowing the inside of the industry out, I insisted on a letter from the Board of Directions expressly laying out the credit line for Leeson they requested from my company. I got the letter. So when Leeson supposedly went belly up, guess what. I was quietly paid when everyone else it was said Leeson was a rogue trader. All fake news!
The New York Post journalist Isabel Vincent who wrote Gilded Lilly, the wife of Edmond Safra, had called me and asked that since I had said that Republic National Bank, Edmond Safra’s, had been illegally trading in my accounts, did I think they were laundering money for the Russian mafia “as they were doing in Madoff’s?” I said I did not know. All I could tell was there were countless errors constantly being put into my accounts and then backed out. At first, I assumed they were “parking trades” in my accounts to use my cash for their margin. Of course, if the “error” was backed out to a different account, they indeed then were engaging in money laundering – not parking.
The court-appointed forensic accountant even wrote to the court about the unprecedented errors in the accounts. The government refused to provide account information to allow them to audit what was going on. The court-appointed counsel, David Cooper, I believe was doing everything he could to help the government cover everything up. The forensic accountant then sent letters to the Judge, and he took no action.
You now have the FTX scandal. You will see that there will NEVER be a trial that would expose all the money laundering where the Democrats had Zelensky, which supposedly needed money to defend his country and feed starving Ukrainians, hand the money to FTX who then happened to be the #2 donor to the Democrats for the midterms. Guess what! Sam Bankman-Fried was charged in the most corrupt court in the nation – the same Southern District of New York where all these questionable financial cases are charged.
The Court of Appeals admitted on page 97 of US v Zichettello, that judges are altering transcripts and changing the very words spoken in court. That is 20 years in prison if you or I alter court documents. They do it all the time. When I confronted Judge Richard Owen about this practice, so many people showed up in court to see what would happen. The lawyers told me you can’t accuse a federal judge of committing a crime. I said you all say they do it. They responded. Yes, but you cannot accuse them of doing it. The judge got scared and admitted it in public but claim it wasn’t material.
All the press was there AP, New York Times, Bloomberg, NY Post, you name it. NOT a single member of the press reported what took place that day. OMG! Exposing the federal court’s corruption? Impossible!”
If a case is a high profile, you will NEVER see the truth in the media.
They are part of the corruption and conspiracy against the Constitution!”
I had all Covid jabs and my wife refused to have the fourth. I caught Covid from her and she has had no issues once she recovered. Was it the fourth jab which compounded the issue with Myocarditis or just my bad luck? I had the anti viral drugs and do they have side effects? Is because I take Methotrexate? The specialist I have been seeing and the our GP have no answers other than to prescribe anti cholesterol drugs and aspirin as a preventative measure.
Tekweni – very sorry to hear about your problems after Covid. It is a shame that you have not been aware of the recommendations of the frontline Covid physicians of the FLCCC and other medical specialists familiar with Covid and the vaccines. They are very certain that the more boosters you have, the greater the likelihood of adverse reactions and other complications. Many are also not impressed with the anti-viral drugs administered. For example, many believe that the most widely prescribed anti-viral, Paxlovid , may cause “rebound Covid”. I certainly know that two of my friends had a new infection with Covid weeks after apparently recovering with Paxlovid.
I am not a medical doctor – so cannot suggest any medication. However, I know that frontline doctors like Dr. Shankara Chetty recommend aspirin and antihistamines to combat the inflammatory reactions often seen in Covid patients after the 8th day. I would suggest you look at the FLCCC website for the recommendations of the frontline physicians such as Dr. Pierre Kory and others for helpful medication.
Take care.
A barb directed at a bloke who could run himself “on the smell of an oily rag” if the situation dictated…
…from a bloke who actually resembles an oily rag!
QANTAS flight due in Sydney from Auckland has issued a mayday alert.
Engine problem.
Termination of employment for Rickw was always on the cards – that was a real risk as businesses ground to a halt and tried to survive. If you think you have excess staff, a perfect opportunity to dispose of those you don’t want at minimal expense. Also – the people who think they can control others don’t like to be challenged.
I just hope Rickw has gone on to, or will go on to bigger and better things. That was my prayer for him from day one of his resistance.
Gloating over his predicament is pretty poor.
If Trump admits to being in error with the initial vaccine decisions, the media, Democrats, and the entire political establishment will blame him for every minor headache suffered since then.
I am not suggesting that Trump admit he was wrong with anything…. Far from it. I am suggesting that as more people die suddenly and he keeps talking about his vaccine development initiatives and funding of the mRNA versions someone is going to eventually put two and two together and ask for the communications between his White House, Big Pharma and Fauci from early 2020 and that may not be good for his future, politically.
He continues to highlight his influence in their development and he firmly believes that the vaccines are his to exploit in his political rallies like he did in Alaska just a couple of days ago. Continuing to do so in the current excess deaths environment is fraught with danger and blame could be (rightly or wrongly) pointed his way….
Stoking a fire such as this is not generally beneficial… He should focus on Biden and the state of the nation and STFU about mRNA vaccines.
Greg Gutfeld has an hilarious discussion about Geena Davis moaning that Bill Murray raised his voice at me on a film set.
I am a far better economist than Old Man Greta Thunberg Pokemon (Marty A Armstrong), as I have not stolen $3 bn of investor’s money.
I actually have a degree, not some crank theory (EVERYTHING IS PI!) and don’t have a non-existent AI supercomputer in my back shed.
Ok the supply chain for medical stuff is seriously going whacko.
Amoxcil pediatric suspension not available in WA. (I can make do with capsules broken open and mixed in with food/yoghurt according to chemist)
Some other antibiotics a little scarce.
And bad news for assholes.
Barium (yes for the old barium scans) is unavailable as well as it is not manufactured in Australia and overseas supplies havent arrived or are scarce..
Qantas flight from Auckland to Sydney Airport issues mayday alert.
Travelling OK on Flightradar.
Marty A Armstrong (Old Man Greta Thungberg Pokemon)
I call bullshit.
Thank god he never owned a brokerage if he couldn’t run a single managed fund.
What a bullshit artist.
Wodney Woddenhead.
Let me get this right, the crook and your buddy, Martin Armstrong is referring to Nick Lesson as a rogue trader implying he and the Barings lacked scruples? Armstrong claims the banks was corrupt!
Was posting this crap some sort of sick joke or are you really so twisted and stupid?
Barium sulfate is one of the easiest compounds on Earth to make. You get barium chloride and sodium sulfate and mix them together. Used to be early high school chemistry before they went insanely HSE.
QANTAS flight due in Sydney from Auckland has issued a mayday alert.
Engine problem.
Apparently has lost use of one of the two engines.
Recognise the importance of ensuring sustainability and security for an Indigenous Voice. This requires the provision of funding certainty and appropriate safeguards as part of any enabling legislation, including the establishment of the National Voice as a new independent Commonwealth entity.
No one really knows what ‘The Voice’ is so how can they vote on it when there is no detailed wording to vote on? It’s like signing a blank cheque and the other person fills in the Payee and dollars and cents bit afterwards ………………..Tell them that are dreaming (The Castle).
QF144 turning onto final and all looks jolly.
“We’re all counting on you, Stryker!”
Be parked at the terminal in ten minutes.
“Gloating over his predicament is pretty poor.”
Indeed, but Monty Pox is poor, just like his fellow travellers on the left. Whenever a right of centre commentator, such as Andrew Bolt, or conservative politicians such as Abbott, Morrison, Anning*, Farage, and others are bashed, head butted, milk-shaked and egged, Monty and his comrades think it’s very, very funny.
Even Tony Abbott’s lesbian sister, Christine Forster, who’s no conservative, attending a Liberal fundraiser dinner with her “wife”, Virginia Edwards, was the subject of physical violence from oh so peaceful scum protesters here in Sydney a few years ago. As she said, it’s terrifying. It was full on physical assault.
The left promote violence, the left love violence.
* Oh and whatever you think of Fraser Anning, he didn’t deserve to be egged, it is physical assault.
One engine is plenty.