The Rocky Mountains Lander’s Peak, Albert Bierstadt, 1863
The Rocky Mountains Lander’s Peak, Albert Bierstadt, 1863
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
No analogies between Hank 8 and Zelenskyy
Too obscure for me crotchless. Please explain sparing no detail, with full references, citations and nit-picking attempts at wit.
And for Poland, Poland (you must stop repeating yourself, yourself) Head Case and a Suitable Case for Treatment…………………….
Why Would Poland Ever Support Ukraine?
QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong.
I am from Poland and I know the history and our differences with Russia, but in this war, I’m against Ukraine. They don’t even want to apologize for atrocities committed on civilians but want us to help them. The west of Ukraine was always Polish but in our mind, it no longer belongs to us because everyone there was killed or run away. Donbas is different for the population is still Russian.
Three times a charm. After you wrote about Napoleon and Hitler trying to invade Russia, I wonder if you know about the year 1610 when Poland conquered Moscow, and of course, if Socrates has this data in.
Thank you for what you do.
REPLY: Oh yes. Even the first date in the list of International Panics was 1683 when the Turks invaded the region with the intent of conquering the Holy Roman Empire. What we call Ukraine today was the territory of other empires – never Ukraine. The Battle of Poltava on June 27th, 1709 was a turning point in Russian history.
This was a battle, where Peter the Great (1672-1725) and the Russians defeated the Swedish army at a turning point in the war with Sweden. Poltava is actually in Ukraine, and Ivan Mazepa (1639–1709), was the Cossack Hetman in Left-bank Ukraine, from 1687–1708. He remains a Ukrainian hero and a traitor to Russia to this very day. This was the decisive battle that placed Russia as a major power on the European stage of politics.
In 1569, the Union of Lublin created a dynastic link between Poland and Lithuania that established a constitutional union of the two States as the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Ukraine simply became part of Poland at this time and we see an influx of more people from Poland moving into Ukraine establishing Polish rule of law. Poland began to grant to Polish nobles and Ukrainian princes loyal to the king, territory that was controlled by the Cossacks. There was rising discontent regarding the treatment by Cossacks and this led to a rebellion in about 1590. Ukrainian princes were mostly replaced by Polish. Peasants lost their land ownership and civil rights to the Polish and we see European serfdom transforming Ukraine.
Ukrainian Cossacks were actually emerging as the defender against the invasion of the Turks and Tatar hordes. To this day, Crimea has a large population of Tatars. The Cossacks were causing diplomatic problems for Poland since the Turks in the Ottoman Empire has used the Cossacks as an excuse for wars against Poland. When Cossack’s leader, Ivan Pidkova, conquered Moldova in 1577, Poland captured and executed him in order to appease the Turks. Poland’s power was clearly declining. They tried to control the Cossacks by recruiting some of them into the Polish military system. However, this never really worked very well.
Ukraine was NEVER a country – EVER! They joined the German Nazis because Hitler promised to carve out a country for them. I have assembled the entire monetary history of the world. There were NEVER any coins ever issued by some pretend Ukrainian government. The first coinage that ever said the word Ukraine was issued during the German Nazi occupation.
This war in Ukraine is an invasion of Ukrainian into the regions that were formerly the Russian Empire. They were never under some sovereignty of Ukraine that never existed. The West simply wants to destroy Russia, This has been on the agenda for decades and the fall of communism never changed that policy. They will do the same with China. In truth, this is Ukrainians invading Russian terrorism where Russians have lived for centuries. The propaganda has flipped this completely around claiming Putin is invading Ukrainians when they began this civil war in 2014 and launched the first attacks on the Donbas.
The treatment of Polish, Jews, and Russians during WWII even horrified the German Nazis. What would Poland ever support Ukraine can only be that its leaders are told what to say and do by those behind NATO seeking World War III. The Polish people should wake up for they will be the next to be thrown on this altar of geopolitical sacrifice.
The Polish Association of Memory of Victims of Crimes of Ukrainian Nationalists documented 135 methods of torture and murder practiced by Ukrainian Nazis. Poland officially called the Ukrainian actions genocide. The Ukrainians have been protected by the CIA for decades ONLY because they hated Russians. They continue to protect the Ukrainian Nazis only because they are waging war against Russia. No Ukrainian was ever prosecuted for war crimes that made the Nazis look like amateurs.
The Ukrainians were unprecedented in their war crimes during WWII and the sheer outright cruelty has NEVER been addressed. They above all should have been hunted down more so than the Germans. The torture Ukrainas inflicted even on Polish and Hungarians along with Russians and Jews included:
Running children through with stakes
Cutting a person’s throat and pulling their tongue out through the hole
Sawing a person’s torso in half with a carpenter’s saw
Cutting open the belly of a woman in an advanced stage of pregnancy, removing the fetus, and replacing it with a live cat, before sewing up her abdomen.
Cutting open a pregnant women’s abdomen and pouring in broken glass
Nailing a small child to a door.
All the various wars and history of this region are included in the databanks of Socrates. That is how it was able to pinpoint Ukraine as the hot spot where all this will unfold. There is no account of war crimes that has EVER surpassed those inflicted by Ukrainians. It is an embarrassment that Europe and the USA would support Ukraine in this land grab. As for those that blame everything on Putin, get your head out of the sand and open your eyes for you are a casualty of this propaganda to promote WWIII.”
Get a load of these FBI douche bags.
FBI Agent’s Gun Goes Off On The Dance Floor, Shoots Man In Leg
I can think of a couple better. Any side.
Carlos Santana and Buddy Miles Live in Hawaii (Haleakala crater)
Moody Blues: Days of the Future Past.
Disclosure: Not a Springsteen fan.
I can’t help wondering about the differences between housing here in Italy and Australia.
This place is two reasonable sized rooms, now both bedrooms, a tiny narrow kitchen with two chairs and a bathroom with a modular shower.
Was it meant to be for a childless couple or were two rooms the norm for everyone and still better than where ever they lived before the war?
I’m not surprised Italian migrants loved building a variation of the Tuscan farmhouse when they could afford their own place in Australia.
And I look out my window, must have been a big dump of snow last night, the two mountains to the south, I think are now covered.
Looks like it’s going to be a sunny day.
Music is like art – there are no right or wrong answers, just opinions. But Springsteen is the wrong opinion to be holding.
Is this a quote you have on your fridge Groogs?
Nothing on my fridge, that’s why it’s lasted 20 years.
But, y’know, make the same mistake twice?
Presumably Martin Armstrong picked the quaddie at Moonee Valley today?
Added to the sidebar.
Does Mother know you call it “my fridge”? She wouldn’t be very happy would she?
This is from yesterday. None of this is a surprise as there has been speculation for some time whether Jamie Lee is a hermaphrodite. Her facial structure is rather masculine.
Her children are adopted, in case you were wondering.
Socrates did, the self aware AI.
I think you have to email him to find out. I expect Rotten got a heads up.
How about Russia?
This seems conveniently pro Russian…it’s free real estate!
Which is why their election was run by SPETSNAZ?
Wouldn’t a self aware MS DOS supercomputer know all of written human history by now?
REPLY: Oh yes. Even the first date in the list of International Panics was 1683 when the Turks invaded the region with the intent of conquering the Holy Roman Empire.
This is a really good piece about Musk and when he first went into Twitter. He does have attitude and makes it known he’s the boss.
Really good piece, but unintentionally so.
Damn, one html tag goes missing and everything gets ballsed up.
Must build that self aware supercomputer with 1985 MD-DOS tomorrow…
“There is rising discontent that Zelensky has betrayed Ukraine and some are hinting that perhaps it is payback for the Neonazi’s persecution of the Jews and how he married a Christian and baptized his children, all to blend in to hide his Jewish heritage.”
WTF. This is garbled, mangled nonsense. For a start, Zelensky has never hid the fact that he is a Jew.
Exactly Cassie. We have to put up with the Martin Armstrong pigeon crapping here all of the time.
Now read the letter of demand from Twitter employees to Musk
The Irish harp flag pretty much explains the whole country. They’re musicians who like harps with naked women carved on them. On their flag. No reasoning with the Irish. Nor with musicians. See Bono.
The Irish for example have been saying Orange Man Bad for three hundred and thirty three years (the 333rd anniversary isn’t until 1 July, but hey). Tragics! They’re the forerunners of the insane Left.
(My dad’s family are pretty likely Irish heritage, but he’s never been interested in genealogy stuff so I can’t say for certain.)
he does have a point…
Michael Yo standup
I reposted the first 3 instalments on my FB page – 2 readers and rising! – just waiting on part 4.
1 like!
I’m on the way to Blog stardom!
whatever it was, it was most definitely not vaccines.. so says MSM.
He’s gone clean.
Wagner mercenaries register as ‘management consultancy’ in latest attempt to normalise image (19 Jan)
Well sort of clean, since private military companies are illegal In Russia. I suppose “management consultant” would do just fine as a title though.
Till you’ve lived in a peat bog I wouldn’t be casting the first stone. A great place to play golf in summer.
I dunno who Chris Minns is but he just put this on Twitter
“For over 250 years, NSW has had no treaty – today we begin the process of changing this.
Committing $5 million to a 12 month consultation process with First Nations communities on a treaty process for NSW.
A process that will be led by First Nations communities.”
A lot of faux aboriginals are going to become powerful and wealthy, the poor buggers in the bush will stay the same.
FBI Agent’s Gun Goes Off On The Dance Floor, Shoots Man In Leg
If you’re looking for idiots with guns, there are better places to look than your local gun club.
I think Vikpol out scores SSAA VIC on negligent discharges by 10,000:1
giving air to some scammer who regurgitates zero hedge does not reflect well on Rotten.
The sight of the blonde – haired, blue eyed, fair skinned “Aborigines” collecting their “compensation” and “reparations” should be good for a laugh.
And that’s not even touching the issue of whether the States can sign valid treaties with their citizens.
CHATGPT has got this:
>write a consultation paper on a treaty with Australian aborigines
:The following is a consultation paper on the potential for a treaty with Indigenous Australians, specifically focusing on the Aboriginal population.
Indigenous Australians, specifically the Aboriginal population, have a unique and complex relationship with the Australian government and non-Indigenous Australians. The history of colonization, forced removal of Indigenous children, and lack of recognition and rights for Indigenous peoples have led to a current state of disadvantage and mistreatment.
The purpose of this consultation paper is to discuss the potential for a treaty between the government and Indigenous Australians, specifically the Aboriginal population, as a means of addressing past wrongs and creating a path towards self-determination and reconciliation.
Key Points:
A treaty would serve as an official acknowledgement of the sovereignty of Indigenous Australians and the government’s responsibility for past actions.
A treaty would provide a framework for addressing issues such as land rights, compensation, and reparations for past harms.
A treaty would create opportunities for self-determination and decision-making for Indigenous Australians in matters affecting their communities.
A treaty would foster a spirit of reconciliation and understanding between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
A treaty with Indigenous Australians, specifically the Aboriginal population, has the potential to address past wrongs and create a path towards self-determination and reconciliation. It is important that any treaty negotiation process involves extensive consultation with Indigenous communities and is guided by the principles of self-determination and fairness.
It should be noted that the treaty process is complex and has been ongoing debate in Australia for decades. This paper is only a starting point for further discussion and research on the potential of a treaty.
““For over 250 years, NSW has had no treaty – today we begin the process of changing this.”
I’ll say two things…
1. As for “NSW has had no treaty “, that’s because there’s no need for a treaty.
2. Minns can eff off. What’s interesting is that as we near the election, Minns is revealing Labor’s true colours.
3. Tania Mihailuk is right about Minns, he’s the puppet, the hard left are controlling him.
So much for Labor being better than the Libs. They will waste time with this wankery while the state roads are covered in potholes.
The following is a consultation paper on the potential for a treaty with Indigenous Australians, specifically focusing on the Aboriginal population.
Here’s my paper:
You surrendered to the first group of people who turned up with grain, livestock and weapons. You don’t get a treaty after unconditional surrender.
Well the Poles covet western Ukraine , part of their old country. And Poland tried to take a slice of Czechoslovakia in ’39 when they invaded until they got flattened a little while later. So they have territorial ambitions perhaps modestly so.
Annual 2023 Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. Day History Quiz
Question 1) Name the judge who has sealed King’s FBI surveillance file until the year 2027.
Answer) The Honorable John Lewis Smith, Jr.
Question 2) According to whose 1989 autobiography did the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., spend his last night on earth in an adulterous liaison after delivering his “Mountaintop” speech in Memphis?
Answer) Reverend Ralph Abernathy in And the Walls Came Tumbling Down states that King slept with two different women in succession.
Question 3) According to whose 1989 autobiography did the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., spend his last morning on earth physically beating a woman?
Answer) Reverend Ralph Abernathy in And the Walls Came Tumbling Down. Rev. Abernathy had been described as the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.’s closest associate – prior to his book being published.
64-year-old Madonna has mastered the art of transitioning to a blow up sex doll
Question 4) How did other civil rights leaders respond to Abernathy’s public revelation of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.’s behavior?
Answer) The Reverend Jesse Jackson (a model of virtue himself), Reverend Andrew Young and NAACP president Reverend Benjamin Hooks signed, along with twenty-five others, a statement accusing Abernathy of “a dreary attempt to diminish the life and work of the only [Emphasis added] spiritual genius America has produced.” People Magazine, Volume 32, Number 18. William Raspberry, Black syndicated journalist, called it “the betrayal of a trusting friend.”
The journalist credo of “the people’s right to know” only extends so far, you know. Or, in other words, “All the News that’s Fit to Print.”
Question 5) Who was the U.S. Attorney General who ordered the FBI to wiretap the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.?
Answer) Robert F. Kennedy. See David Garrow’s biography Bearing the Cross.
Question 6) Who was the Assistant Director of the FBI who wrote a letter to Sen. John P. East (R-NC) describing King’s conduct of “orgiastic and adulterous escapades, some of which indicated that King could be bestial in his sexual abuse of women.”
Answer) Charles D. Brennan
Question 7) Who called King a “hypocrite preacher.”
Answer) President Lyndon B. Johnson.
Question 8) What U.S. newspaper reported that King had plagiarized his doctoral thesis at Boston University.
Answer) The Wall Street Journal on November 9, 1990. In 1991, The Journal of American History admitted that “plagiarism was a general pattern evident in nearly all of his [King’s] academic writings.” The Wall Street Journal only printed the story after it was all over Europe following the coverage in the London Sunday Telegraph of December 3, 1989. The Wall Street Journal article forced other American media outlets to cover the story.
Question 9) Whom did the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., plagiarize in more than fifty complete sentences in his doctoral thesis?
Answer) Dr. Jack Boozer of Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.
Question 10) Who was the Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities who purposely suppressed knowledge of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr’s plagiarism of his doctoral thesis?
Answer) Lynne Cheney, wife of former Vice President Richard “Dick” Cheney and mother of Congressperson Liz Cheney.
Question 11) What was Martin Luther King’s real name?
Answer) Michael King, Jr. In 1935 his father, Michael King, declared to his congregation that he would henceforth be known as Martin Luther King and his son would be known as Martin Luther King, Jr. Neither ever lawfully changed their name.
Question 12) In his first public sermon at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in 1947 who did the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., plagiarize?
Answer) Reverend Harry Emerson Fosdick, a prominent liberal pastor of the early 20th Century.
Question 13) Name the man who served as the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.’s personal secretary from 1955 to 1960, joined the Young Communists League at New York City College in 1936, went to prison for draft evasion in 1944, and in 1953 was sentenced to 60 days in jail in California for “lewd vagrancy and homosexual perversion.”
Answer) Bayard Rustin.
Question 14) According to whom had the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., “privately described himself as a Marxist.”
Answer) His biographer, Pulitzer Prize Winner David J. Garrow.
As we celebrate Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Day, let us look at some of the things he said challenging capitalism and the social order which may be left out of some history books and corporate media coverage. Conservatives such as Newt Gingrich, who called Dr. King the greatest Georgian of all time, probably agree with these comments.
Question 15) To whom did the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., write the following:
“I imagine you already know that I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic… [Capitalism] started out with a noble and high motive… but like most human systems it fell victim to the very thing it was revolting against. So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness.”
Answer) the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., – Letter to Coretta Scott, July 18, 1952 during their courtship.
That is very kind and beautiful of you, Pogria.
I have been blessed in many ways, and I will be forever thankful. And there’s no need to unload all of life’s tragedies on a blog, least of all to people going through their own unique hardships.
Old Ozzie:
I must admit it does seem to tie a lot of odd things together, and explains how the US, along with the rest of the Democracies, are becoming less free and more controlled.
Question 17) Who said: “In a sense, you could say we’re involved in the class struggle.”
Answer) Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Slain Civil Rights Leader to New York Times reporter José Igelsias, 1968.
Question 18) Who said: “And one day we must ask the question, ‘Why are there forty million poor people in America? And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth.’ When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy. And I’m simply saying that more and more, we’ve got to begin to ask questions about the whole society…”
Answer) Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., speech to Southern Christian Leadership Conference Atlanta, Georgia, August 16, 1967.
Whoops…that would be my tragedies. To paraphrase Tolstoy, we are all unhappy in our own way. The trick is to rise above and triumph.
Ah Greta, when are you going to pull your head out of your arse.
Bloomberg News
20 January 2023 at 12:42 pm AWST
China is planning to accelerate construction of coal- and natural gas-fired power plants this year, even as massive investment in renewables means clean power will dominate generation capacity.
Some 70 gigawatts of fossil fuel capacity will be added in 2023, up from 40 gigawatts last year, according to a report released Thursday by the China Electricity Council, the power sector’s top lobbying group. The target comes as Beijing places more emphasis on energy security due to power shortages and volatile global fuel prices.
Two of this weekend’s key takeouts, Cats:
– The increasingly megalomaniacal hypocrisy and insanity of the WEF.
– Tucker’s incendiary revelations.
Next Premier of NSW, come March.
I want reparations! My gt^6 granny was a slave on a sugar plantation in Jamaica, where the rum for the Rum Corps came from. I’m only asking for $5 million like that committee in California decided was appropriate. That’s really very reasonable and appropriate, although I might settle for $3 million like Brittany if they ask nicely.
Was there ever a race that mounted such a futile resistance, or was conquered so utterly?
Question 19) Who said: “Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children.”
Answer) Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr’s speech to the Negro American Labor Council, 1961.
Question 19) Who said: “We must recognize that we can’t solve our problem now until there is a radical redistribution of economic and political power… this means a revolution of values and other things. We must see now that the evils of racism, economic exploitation and militarism are all tied together… you can’t really get rid of one without getting rid of the others… the whole structure of American life must be changed. America is a hypocritical nation and [we] must put [our] own house in order.”
Answer) Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr’s, report to SCLC Staff, May 1967.
Question 20) Who said: “The evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and evils of racism.”
Answer) Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr’s, speech to Southern Christian Leadership Conference Board, March 30, 1967.
Question 21) Who wrote: “…The curse of poverty has no justification in our age. It is socially as cruel and blind as the practice of cannibalism at the dawn of civilization, when men ate each other because they had not yet learned to take food from the soil or to consume the abundant animal life around them. The time has come for us to civilize ourselves by the total, direct and immediate abolition of poverty.”
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Answer) Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr’s book Where do We Go from Here?, published 1967.
Question 22) Who said: “You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry. Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong with capitalism.”
Answer) Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr’s speech to his staff, 1966.
Grooglery, Yellow Card. Cut and Paste word walls. You’re infringing Rotten’s MO.
Don’t I know it. Trying to rise above it as we speak.
The triumphalism will be indulged in once the “rising above” has been achieved.
There is nothing inevitable about the latter, as much as I’d like to imagine it so. 😕
There’s only 3 MLK Day questions to go.
Learn more about one of America’s most shameless grifters!
Beautiful Perth summer day, just over 40 at my place and officially 39.7 for Perth.
Great day and the doctor is in with a vengeance, temps dropping and could be a cool evening.
Love this place!
Question 23) Who edited the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr’s, book Stride Toward Freedom?
Answer) Communist Stanley Levison. He often was a ghostwriter for Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. Although Jewish and Communist (and an active Communist at least up to 1962) he was a key member of the Southern CHRISTIAN Leadership Conference (SCLC) where disbelief in Christianity was no more of an impediment to membership than to the Rev. Dr. King being a Christian minister.
What the hell are you doing posting all that stuff? Surely you’re not Armstronging the site?
Question 24) Who made the following speech?
“That’s exactly what we mean–from every mountain side, let freedom ring. Not only from the Green Mountains and White Mountains of Vermont and New Hampshire; not only from the Catskills of New York; but from the Ozarks in Arkansas, from Stone Mountain in Georgia, from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia–let it ring not only for the minorities of the United States, but for the disinherited of all the earth–may the Republican party, under God, from every mountainside, LET FREEDOM RING!”
Answer) Sound familiar? Archibald Carey, Jr., spoke these words at the 1952 Republican National Convention. Carey and the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., knew each other and corresponded. You can hear Carey’s actual address on the net at: https://soundcloud.com/wbez/archibald-carey-jrs-1952-gop
Question 25) What student of the Gospel wrote the following concerning the physical resurrection of Christ from the dead? “From a literary, historical, and philosophical point of view this doctrine raises many questions. In fact, the external evidence for the authenticity of this doctrine is found wanting.”
Answer) This was written by student Martin Luther King, Jr., while studying at Crozer Theological Seminary, Chester, Pennsylvania.
… any access to McDonalds, KFC, Hungry Jacks, etc …
What was the phenomenon that put a stop to this regrettable practice of chowing down on fellow humans?
The most mighty force for good in human history, Cats. 🙂
Question 26) What student of the Gospel wrote the following concerning the virgin birth of Christ? “[I]t seems downright improbable and even impossible for anyone to be born without a human father…. First we must admit that the evidence for the tenability of this doctrine is to [sic] shallow to convince any objective thinker.”
Answer) Written by Martin Luther King, Jr., while studying at Crozer Theological Seminary.
Question 27) What student of the Gospel wrote the following concerning the reliability of the Old Testament: “If we accept the Old Testament as being ‘true’ we will find it full of errors, contradictions, and obvious impossibilities–as that the Pentateuch was written by Moses.”
Answer) Written by Martin Luther King, Jr., while studying at Crozer Theological Seminary.
I don’t mind at all how readily the frogs get out on the street and mix it up with the cops:
Fair suck, JC.
MLK Jr is a secular saint, Noel Pearson is giving similar speeches and being acclaimed as a great leader.
Let’s not get carried away here?
Mechanical Pron!
That mill looks a lot like a “knock-off” of a J-series Bridgeport, probably the most manufactured and “cloned” workshop machine in history.. But, if a “knock-off” is accurate to requirements and not flogged-out mechanically, with a little TLC, it will go for years in a “non-industrial” environment.
Any tradie who turns up to Casa Panzer with that story isn’t getting the job.
We don’t need anyone that stupid working on our place.
Question 28) What civil rights historian pointed out that the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., probably got preferential treatment at white schools as opposed to historically black schools?
Answer) Historian Ralph Luker pointed out that Martin Luther King, Jr., averaged C+ at historically black Morehouse College. At Crozer Theological Seminary he averaged an A-. Luker edited the King papers.
Question 29) What national journalist said that the people do not have any right to know about the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr’s infidelities (and presumably other shortcomings) and that the media should simply “print the legend.”
Answer) Bryant Gumbel.
Question 30) Who said: “I just can’t see a picture of Martin Luther King without thinking, you know, that man’s terrible,”
Answer) Jacqueline Kennedy. https://www.politico.com/story/2011/09/jackie-o-not-an-mlk-fan-063078 Daughter Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg did some repair work by saying – after Jackie was dead – that her mother had learned to admire Dr. King.
Question 31) Who said:
“Mr. Abernathy and King were many things to each other – colleagues in the black church, cellmates, strategists, co-conspirators for justice – but at the personal level, they were best friends. But in friendships in which one person greatly outshines the other, a curious mixture of love, envy and competition can sometimes lead to a lingering, often unspoken resentment. Mr. Abernathy’s reasons for providing a detailed description of his friend’s last evening and early morning – during which King had sexual encounters with two women and a confrontation with a third close woman companion – can be known only to him . It is sadly ironic that the disclosures will almost surely do more damage to Mr. Abernathy himself than to the reputation of King.”
Answer) Henry Hampton, producer of the PBS documentary “Eyes on the Prize,” in a review in The New York Times.
I want reparations! My gt^6 granny was a slave on a sugar plantation in Jamaica, where the rum for the Rum Corps came from. I’m only asking for $5 million like that committee in California decided was appropriate. That’s really very reasonable and appropriate, although I might settle for $3 million like Brittany if they ask nicely.
I would like reparations from the Romans and if not them then the Vatican or any relations of those British invaders in 55 BC. A nice cool $10 million should do it nicely. Off to the Hague now to make my claim. Ta very much.
Question 32) Who commented about stories concerning the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr’s sexual misconduct: “The man has been dead for 50 years. I don’t know why anybody would write a story like this. I have been hearing these rumors, even when Martin was alive, but I never saw anything, and I have never found anybody who said they saw something personally, or they heard something personally.”
Answer) Former United Nations Ambassador, United States Congressman and Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young. Apparently, he never spoke to Rev. Ralph David Abernathy or read his book.
Question 33) What Pulitzer Prize winning King scholar found it impossible to get an article discussing King’s sexual escapades printed in the United States?
Answer) David W. Garrow. When Garrow’s article was finally published in the United Kingdom, American media outlets coupled the story of that publication with decades-old accusations of sexual impropriety against Garrow with explanations that they would not cover the unverified accusations made against King (while discussing the accusations against Garrow). Besides, we can always wait until the Federal Bureau of Investigation files are opened in 2027.
Eddles – was MLK a spook, flamer or both, I asks ya?
Enquiring minds and all that.
Bon if you’re to get 3mil first you’re gonna have to go HBB and chuck up over the carpet and furniture all the time being watched by special ed and the comes the good bit. It’s gonna hurt you more than ed.
Ed Casesays:
January 21, 2023 at 6:17 pm
Question 1. Wot’ the Fark are you still bleating on abaat’?
Question 34) What was the response of professional historians and journalists to Garrow’s article?
Answer) The publication, based on inadvertently released FBI records, was “irresponsible.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/05/30/irresponsible-historians-attack-david-garrows-mlk-allegations/
Question 35) Why did Garrow, who previously dismissed FBI records’ reliability, accept these releases?
Answer) “All of the King recordings are under court seal at the National Archives until Jan. 31, 2027. Garrow acknowledges that he has not listened to them or viewed transcripts. But he argues the new documents pose “so fundamental a challenge to [King’s] historical stature as to require the most complete and extensive historical review possible.”
“Despite this, he thinks the summaries made by FBI agents who were spying on King are accurate, he said in an interview with The Post. Different types of records warrant different levels of trust in their accuracy, he said. The files claiming King was communist “are coming literally third- or fourth-hand from a human informant,” he said, so their accuracy is “highly dubious.”
“But with the electronic surveillance records, those are very highly reliable, other than when the FBI can’t understand who’s talking,” Garrow said.
Question 36) Who stated that the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., fathered a baby girl with “the wife of a prominent Negro dentist in Los Angeles, California….”?
Answer) A report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation dated March 12, 1968 carried this information “from a very responsible Los Angeles individual in a position to know.”
It’s amusing that the part of Ukraine that is fervently nationalist is the part that was part of Poland during the interwar years, and Hungary before WW1.
Question 37) Stanley Levison, in February, 1962, passed the word to Gus Hall, General Secretary of the Communist Party USA, “King is a whole-hearted Marxist who has studied it [Marxism], believes in it and agrees with it, but because of his being minister of religion, does not dare to espouse it publicly.”
Answer) From the Federal Bureau of Investigation report dated March 12, 1968.
Re my earlier post on China.
The 2.9 gigawatt (GW) Eraring coal-fired power plant – Australia’s largest.
So China is building 38 of Eraring sized plants while we destroy all hope of a good economic future, and all for nothing as global warming is a scam.
FMD we are so dumb.
Ed Case, no more spamming please.
Question 38.3 (recurring)
Will you stop posting this rubbish?
Snap, Dover.
Question 38) The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) sent the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., a letter which apparently also included a tape of one of his sexual escapades. Here is an excerpt of the FBI letter:
The corporate media states that the letter was intended to make the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., commit suicide. What was the information which could have caused him to commit suicide?
Answer) Guess we will have to wait until the complete FBI files are released in 2027 – if they ever are. President Kamala Devi Harris may have something to say about that.
Michael Clarke > Harry Sparkles. Amirite?
And, finally,
Question 39) Have these issues troubled the establishment the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and slain Civil Rights Leader Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., worshipers?
Answer) What do you think? Why?
You’ll hafta wait until 2027 to find out, Rabzy.
Interesting how Gates filth is polluting our shores at the moment. Seems this 90s person has come out of the woodwork for some reason. How come these mega rich grubs want to make us poor?
Okay, that’s it.
I had a similar experience with my bloody bank (which shall remain nameless) yesterday, JC.
Escalate, always. 🙂
Nobody wants to go to a Rolling Stones concert to see them do Beatles covers. Give us uncut gluten Groogs. Original material only.
Put a brave face on it Rabz. It works.
That seems awfully harsh.
Sorry Rabz. That was to your 6:08 comment.
I’m on Qld time. 🙂
It’s amusing that the part of Ukraine that is fervently nationalist is the part that was part of Poland during the interwar years, and Hungary before WW1.
Yeah, but they were under the gun in Poland.
The Nazis captured Bandera and put him in a camp for a while, but when they let him go he went back to murdering Poles in the tens of thousands.
So, whatever happened during that 20 years when Galicia was part of Poland, it led to fearful animosity.
Will Putin allow Polish troops to cross the Ukraine border again?
The twitter letter of demand:
It starts with “We demand of current and future leadership:”
I would have given real folding money to have been next to Elon when he opened that one.
Milts – a phenomenon known as the “god complex”.
Once you achieve a certain level of wealth (ill gotten or otherwise) you can attempt to achieve all sorts of nefarious objectives.
We appear to be witnessing (and will be inevitably intimately involved in) an epic global struggle between good and evil.
I’d hoped that it would all blow up after I’d departed this planet, being the useless expedient coward that I am. Now it’s looking like that won’t even be possible and I’ll be thrust, like my ol’ man, onto the front lines.
This inevitable conflagration will likely see evil triumph over good. I’d rather not be here to witness its aftermath.
January 21, 2023 at 6:25 pm
Re my earlier post on China.
The 2.9 gigawatt (GW) Eraring coal-fired power plant – Australia’s largest.
So China is building 38 of Eraring sized plants while we destroy all hope of a good economic future, and all for nothing as global warming is a scam.
FMD we are so dumb.
The full closure of the Liddell Power Station will take place in April 2023. It will be the first of AGL’s thermal generation sites to be converted into an integrated, low-carbon industrial energy hub, which will support energy reliability and regional economic development.
Sigh……………….NO it won’t. They only have 3 months left to get it up and running.
LOL. That will be around 10% of the reliable 24/7/ NSW Electricity Grid to be shut down. Just in time for the March NSW State Erection which hopefully Labour will win and cop it on the chin. ‘Blackout’ Bowen has promised to replace Liddell with 24 Ever Ready 6v Batteries and an overnight recharger. That should work out nicely for Syderkneeee…………………………………….Winter is coming…………………..
The Fukawi Peoples Republic of Somewhere?
January 21, 2023 at 6:25 pm
Question 38.3 (recurring)
Will you stop posting this rubbish?
He/She/It/Whatever can’t help it. All to do with having a hissy fit apparently.
Rabz when they told me the ‘price of freedom is eternal vigilance’, they weren’t kidding.
We appear to be witnessing (and will be inevitably intimately involved in) an epic global struggle between good and evil.
yes abortion, euthanasia, sexualizing small children- unimaginable evil
In Britain they’re actually trying to freeze people to death in their own homes.
Not to be confused with the Hekawis, whom people of a certain vintage would be familiar.
Anyway- after Trump and Brexit they don’t even try to pretend anymore. Even little Johnnie Howard stopped pretending.
BTW, Tucker’s incendiary revelations have been immaculately researched and impeccably presented.
Blob Woodward. Spook. Gee, who’da thunk it.
Watergate always seemed to be an utterly absurd sideshow, given Nixon’s involvement in matters of much greater importance – and Gerry Ford always struck me as an utterly bland (and very convenient) two dimensional cut out character.
Bringing into existence the only American president ever attacked by a rabid swamp rabbit.
Resulting in a subsequent electoral outbreak of Nostalgia …
Calli, I think it went something like this*, all happy families are alike but unhappy families are all unhappy in their own way.
*I’m too lazy to dig up the actual quote.
Is crotchless on meth or speed or both?
Answer: who gives a flying f..k; just STFU.
Milts – hence the saying, “evil triumphs when good men do nothing”.
Casa Panzer may have not have been facing wipeout/starvation due to Slomo’s lockdown.
Just a thought.
As said upthread, the Monty class are totally unaware of the hardships lockdown brought to the working population.
Here in NE Vic the weather is beautiful, so good that I’m thinking that summer is over. After the NY we had a few days in the low to mid 30’s, since then it’s moved to what I’d call an early Autumn pattern. Low wind, beautiful days mid to high 20’s with cool nights. Night before last it dropped to 4.5 C.
It’s so much like the 70’s. If it follows that pattern then in 4 or 5 years we can expect a mega bushfire year.
Worth reading.
Rabz, you haven’t been sent to Davos for your sins by any chance?
The Tucker Carlson analysis on Kennedy-Nixon-the old thief was riveting and horrifying but explained so much.
Power accounts in the U.K. work the way Road Tolls do here.
You’ve gotta have enough credit in the account to cover usage.
Now, the Toll companies can’t stop you from driving on their Public/Private roads, tunnels and bridges, but, due to the wonder of the Smart Meter, the Power Company will cut you off the moment your account goes into debit.
Libraries and other Council buildings are designated Heating Hubs, so pensioners don’t have to turn on the heat during the day.
snap Rabz lol
I think that was Jimmy Carter. Ford’s distinction is that he has not been elected, he was simply made a president.
Crossie – I’m going undercover next year in my capacity as the “Guest Perfesser in Residence” at the Henry Kissinger Peace Academy.
While wishing I had even a tenth of the courage of Avi and his Rebel News colleagues. 😕
On the All-In podcast this week, one of the chaps said he had to pay $US40k to be a WEF young leader & that was 20 years ago.
Raises the question, do politicians have to pay to be part of it?
If they did, how did most of them pay for it.
If not, wouldn’t they have to disclose the cost of it?
It would be like being gifted a golf club membership.
Avi is one hell of guy.
calli says: January 21, 2023 at 6:35 pm
Sorry Rabz. That was to your 6:08 comment.
I’m on
Qld time.? Eastern Standard Time.🙂 😉 😉
Bluey said:
Well done, Bluey. Just wanting to highlight your correct description of the event and encourage it by others. The business was not, as is so often recited by the chattering classes, destroyed by covid. It was destroyed by the government reaction to covid. It costs a bit of extra breath or keystrokes to add those 4 extra words but the difference is between fiction and fact.
Just had some Calabrian ‘3 Bridges’ 2020 Durif.
Durif also called ‘petit Syrah’.
Very not pricey at a mere $26, intense dark colour and layers of flavours, tannins a powerful with oak tannins first then skin tannins – not a casual drink.
Strong mint flavours I would normally associate with Cabernet Sauvignon – perhaps it only identifies as Durif.
It would be perfect for braised lamb shanks – which, naturally, I do not have. Rich, savoury, fatty foods at least. Let the fattiness linger in your mouth and take a swig, let the fats pull the tannins out, and savour the underlying wine.
Happily recommended. Just not with lean meats or cheese.
Or Coco Pops.
Don’t apologise.
You’re on proper time.
Neil Oliver ‘…it’s a racket!’
Crossie – I was referring to the Carter replacing the Ford.
It may be “proper time”, but the light is low and everything feels wrong.
I understand how it is above Capricorn, but the dawn comes way too early.
At present I’m viewing a painter’s sky. I understand the need to understand clouds.
Fifty years and one hour behind NSW.
* Trigger warning: Hideously uglee house sized backside and cellulite laden thighs dragon
Do you think I’ve said “understand” enough?
Watergate always seemed to be an utterly absurd sideshow, given Nixon’s involvement in matters of much greater importance
Nixon was a shit but not for the reasons the Left likes to imagine. His real crimes:
Imposing price controls
Severing dollar’s tie to gold
First US deficit budget (’69)
Launching Occupation Health & Safety nannies
Embedding environmentalism (because everyone was in a Silent Spring panic)
I could go on, but that’s enough
Not if you’re reporting for Big Brother’s “callisthenics”.
No, Squirette. All in context and not jarring in the slightest.
“I could go on, but that’s enough”
The war on drugs began under Nixon, in 1971. It was and remains a colossal failure.
Durif is rather nice. Bitey, yet smooth. Like a shiraz-malbec blend. I used to buy a durif up to a couple years ago, quite cheap – $12 a bottle range. Then lost the urge for some reason. Sadly without going to the shop I can’t recall the winery.
Viogniers and shiraz-viogniers are quite yummy too.
WTF is Bill Gates doing in Australia ?
He came here for a photo op with Albo ?
Who is he meeting ?
Did he stop off on the way or on the way back ?
What deals are being done ? What announcements are being prepped ?
Fans of Jamie Lee Curtis, there is this. Nothing on the net to support it so could be a fake. Or the net could as easily have been altered. Who knows but when you’re in the news for dubious art you might be about to be exposed.
I don’t know…how many wines have you had 😀
Hey, Miss Emily …
I’ve long found it odd that Zelensky is so passionate about Ukrainian independence. As we know, Zelensky is Jewish and his mother tongue is Russian. I know quite a few “Ukrainian Jews”, or that should be Jews who were born in Ukraine, or Soviet Ukraine as it was, up until 1991. Almost all of Ukraine is one big Jewish cemetery, even more so than Russia. The pale of settlement, a region where some of my ancestors had the misfortune to live, was a vast stretch of territory that extended from the Baltic, what is now the Baltic states, right down through Poland and Ukraine to the Black Sea. It’s why Odessa still has a very large Jewish population. It was in this “pale” that most of Eastern Europe’s Jews lived, it was a prison of sorts however for three hundred years those imprisoned Eastern European Jews developed a unique and beautiful culture that, since the Holocaust, is now lost, vanished, gone. Some called it “Yiddish Land”. Ukrainian Jewish history is a history of death, of murder and misery, a history of pogroms and massacres, even in 1919 and 1920, post revolution, up to 100,000 Jews were murdered in Ukraine. As for the Jews I know who were born in Ukraine, not one of them thinks of themselves as “Ukrainian”, or Russian for that matter. You’ll get your head bitten off if you dare call them Ukrainian or Russian. Each and every one of them is quite hostile towards both Ukraine and Russia. At the same time, I don’t know one Jew who was brought up in the old Soviet Union (which includes Ukraine) who is leftwing. In fact, almost each and every one of them loathes the left. I have a friend who was born in Odessa and every time, over the years, I’ve tried to talk to her about growing up in Soviet Russia, if she does respond, she speaks about how under the Soviets she and her family had stamped on their internal passport the word “Zhyd”, which means “Jew”…note, NOT Russian and NOT Ukrainian.
That’s not to say Ukrainian independence isn’t a worthwhile thing, perhaps it is, although personally I don’t much care either way and I find the current obsession with “plucky little Ukraine” rather strange and rather unsettling. I’m not pro Putin’s war but nor am I pro Ukraine independence and I’m certainly not pro countries like Australia flooding Ukraine with arms and advisors in order to pursue a proxy war against Russia, and basically that’s what is currently happening. I don’t believe the West gives a rat’s arse about Ukrainian independence or the Ukrainian people, what they’re doing is pursuing a geopolitical war against Russia, we’ve seen it before, be it in Vietnam or Korea or recently in Iraq and Afghanistan. But back to Zelensky, I find him disingenuous. He’s a ham actor, quite a good one, strutting about in army jackets, luring clowns like Johnson and Biden, Morrison and now Albanese, to support him. I suspect he’s being paid lots of dosh for his acting. But the tragedy is that the more he struts, the more people die. And yes, I’m not absolving Putin from any of this but I think it’s high time that Ukraine and Russia sat down at a table and talked but it seems that the West doesn’t want Ukraine to talk to Russia. I’ve long wondered, “where are the peace keepers”?; and “where are the UN resolutions to try and end the conflict”? Nothing, silence. Odd. Anyway, perhaps I’m being unfair about Zelensky and I’m quite happy to be called out for being wrong about his intentions, but you know what? I don’t think I am. I’m curious as to whether Zelensky really believes in Ukrainian independence, because somehow I doubt his grandparents, who did live through hideous Jewish persecution, would have.
Just sharing thoughts, I sat in the sun today for lunch with family and drank too much vino so am feeling somewhat weary and sunburnt. Not a great combination. I think I need to take some panadol.
Tucker Carlson: This is the purest expression of power
And night closes swiftly on the day’s acts like a theatre curtain.
My first exprience of Durif was a couple of vineyards on the VIC side of the NSW/VIC border. Very rough.
Took me some time to explore them again.
Glad I did.
Nixon also championed gender equality
Wodney Wottenhead is complaining abour reams of spam being served up.
Igor Chudov
Europe reported 35% excess deaths in the last week for which full data was available.
Nobody cares about it except you and me. The press is silent.
Retweet this to make MORE people aware.
One man’s spam is another’s trusted blogger.
Unless you are talking about Kangaroo Court.
Ha ha.
I watched an episode of “Flight of the Conchords” last night.
Brit (Brett) was complaining that “eny relationship wuth a woman only lasts sux or sivin weeks. Whuch us weird. Because thet us how long ut takes to git to know someone.”
I reckon a lot of Kiwis suffer from that.
Talk about not “ageing well”. Even more staggeringly unfunny now than it was back in the day (thanks chiple jay!)
The only (inadvertently) funny character was Murray, who was a z-grade Norman Gunstan knock off.
But hey, why the long face, I asks ya?
Leaving aside what the West wants for a moment, one problem – which I’ve mentioned here before – is that Zelensky is not authorised to strike any deals with the Russians that involve ceding territory. Well, he can enter negotiations and come out with a proposal, but it would have to be ratified by a popular referendum, and the consensus is that the Ukrainians, being more pissed off than usual with the Russians for some reason, would not be inclined to agree to it. And I can’t see Putin agreeing to UN peace keepers in the regions of the Donbass he claims, either.
The pale of settlement, a region where some of my ancestors had the misfortune to live, was a vast stretch of territory that extended from the Baltic, what is now the Baltic states, right down through Poland and Ukraine to the Black Sea. It’s why Odessa still has a very large Jewish population.
Odessa was never in the Pale of Settlement.
It was a prosperous Port built by Greeks, who were a majority until the 1870s.
Nice view of Vesuvius out my train window.
Been a lot of rain, the ground is saturated.
It’s a good thing that my future employer is onto it.
Amazing how the prognostifications* of seventies collectivists have more resonance nowadays than back when they were first uttered.
Selling wars door to door, indeed, Tovarisch.
Having read a number of accounts of the Michael Clarke fracas I think it was a mistake to take the Stefanovic surname.
How does that explain her having a large photo of a naked child squashed into a box as the centrepiece on her wall.
I’d be inclined to lay most of the blame for the slaughter on Putin.
He coulda stepped in when the Maidan Coup happened, but didn’t.
He coulda ended the War inside 2 weeks, but didn’t.
Now he’s chasing up more Conscripts to throw into the meat grinder.
Firstly, Victoria had the toughest lockdowns of anywhere, bar none, and no tradie worth his salt had the begging bowl out. And even when there were ambiguous rules about domestic work, ways were found around it. Nearly every job involved “essential services”. Victorians are creative and resourceful like that.
Secondly, if someone did knock on my door with a “work for food” offer (assuming I could validate their credentials and assure myself they weren’t a complete dud) I wouldn’t give work to anyone without paying them a fair wage.
And a “fair wage” doesn’t mean 2 litres of Coke and a bag of fried dimmies from the bain marie.
Sounds like art. Let’s ask Malcolm Turnbull.
How does that explain her having a large photo of a naked child squashed into a box as the centrepiece on her wall.
Comet Pizza?
Does this wordwall have a point?
Cool! Pompeiians and Pliny the Elder might disagree with me saying that.
Naples is built right on top of a volcano btw. Italians though live for the day, not for the future.
Right Next Door to Mount Vesuvius, an Even More Destructive Volcano Lies in Wait (17 Dec)
Following the screechee urgings of the Nader, who vomited forth a “silent spring” for auto manufacturers …
Clearly you have never heard Waltzing Matilda an ode to the Victoriastan tradie by Tim Minchin or had one of your jumbucks stolen and stuffed into a tuckerbag. No wonder Pony Girl shut the border.
You need to drink another bottle, hit the hay before 11:00 and write Sunday off.
The “paying tradies with food” story is 93.1% bullshit.
mmm Russia took Crimea in 2014. I dont buy this argument.
Thanks for that Rabz, a nice gentle single that I hadn’t heard before.
Nixon also championed gender equality
Nixon also introduced the Category into the 1971 Census.
How that came about is that Nixon was informed of the horrifying rates of Negro Criminality [13% of the Population commits 75% of the Murders].
His solution was to introduce the Hispanic Category, putting Black Puerto Ricans [The Central Park 5, read about it], Dominicans [think
Haitians who speak Spanish] and Black Cubans into a category that included most of Central and South America.
Calli, if you’re in Noosa, you’re more than 400km south of Capricorn.
(Unless I’ve cluelessly misunderstood the meaning of “Above Capricorn”)
You’re almost spot on the time zone, only 3 degrees east of it (Goondiwindi, Biloela & Rockhampton are the three major centres located bang on the time zone meridian).
Daylight comes early & likewise sundown, or so it seems there. 😉
To use a phrase defence barristers are fond of, he often “gets caught up in an unfolding situation”.
Davos’s seedy underbelly EXPOSED: How pointing at the ceiling in a bar is all it takes to order sex at annual summit for the super-rich – and business for the legal prostitutes is booming
F*cking technocrats, Cats.
The irony is, I have to get around in a suit in my professional capacity looking like the Nader (minus the monstrous dandruff).
“You need to be taken seriously”
I’m an economist, for goodness sake. Being taken seriously is a rare and inadvertent hazard of the occupation. Most people I encounter either die laughing or go to sleep almost instantly. 😕
BTW, Cats, did I tell you the joke about the two types of economists?
Those that are wrong about everything 91.3% of the time and those that are wrong about everything all the time.
Thanks peoples, I’m here all week, try the grasshopper and cockroach salad! 🙂
Your genteel Victorian experiences may not be representative of Australia in general, nor of the experiences of bush itinerants.
You’re just as stupid as Shantaram (I’m crediting you with not being his sock, a courtesy not all Cats grant to you)
The war on drugs began under Nixon, in 1971. It was and remains a colossal failure.
The Eagles song “Smuggler’s Blues” sums it all up in 3 or so minutes.
The double episode of “Miami Vice” by the same name was pretty good also.
“It’s the lure of easy money, it’s got a a very strong appeal”
Although it was chivalrous to come to avenge his wife’s SIL’s honour and not just have her as a joint signee on the Channel Nine corporate card.
I’m not sure JC would have socks. Particularly with loafers one would hope.
That would explain how Bob Katter keeps getting re-elected.
If Jamie is a boy there should be more of it: warning, she’s (sic) topless. She was often topless.
Just heard that Elvis had died. Can anyone confirm?
Nigel Farage
Tony Blair at WEF says we need “digital infrastructure” across the globe to record “multiple shots” of vaccines in the future.
What a fateful situation. The Constitution appears to tie up any peace proposal involving the ceding of territory, and, politically, Ukraine is effectively now a one party state where the media is also controlled by the party.
Valid point.
Thank you for the sartorial update.
Not all of us are as good with matching up fashion items as Shantastruth.
But Ukraine hasn’t ceded it; they don’t recognise Russian sovereignty over it.
In fact they’ve talked of taking it back, which would be a bridge too far militarily.
If you’re suggesting Ukraine should accept a modus vivendi with Russia re the other disputed territories, I agree. The problem I was pointing out is that most Ukainians don’t, although that could change.
Hey babe, is this where you exist? 🙂
Costello or Presley?
This bunch just got $3 million of your tax money.
Nice work if you can get it.
This ought to be keeping the US State Dept. up at night.
I hope it is, because there are times when hope is all you have…but I doubt it.
Just leave it up to your man. But it doesn’t hurt to check. Good help and all that.
There’s two of them? OMFG!
Cronks – I’m with JC on this. You have a very regrettable tendency to post pictures of less than aesthetically pleasing womanages*.
Just stop it, FFS.
*For example, you seem to have managed to find the least attractive photo of JLC in her prime that is known to exist – this is not something to be even remotely proud of.
A quick opinion please, on the policy & government positives of Daniel Andrews. 😉
(No need to mention that he’s trained the cops to balance a spinning ball on their nose while standing on one leg atop a stepladder, we already know that.)
“I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered!”
— Mr. Doctor, Devil Doll
See you The Church and raise you Icehouse. 1981 was a good year.
Icehouse – Love In Motion (1981)
LOL – Roy and HG essayed this (envy) phenomenon back in the nineties.
Wally turns up at the SlaNel Plastic Surgery and Imported Designer Meats Clinic and Butchery:
Wally: “I want to look like Elvis”
The Team: “No worries, consider it done …”
Wally: “Sh*t” 🙁
This bunch just got $3 million of your tax money.
Nice work if you can get it.
The people handing out grant money are clueless.
One of my favourite Patsy Cline numbers:
Crazy – Willie Nelson Diana Krall and Elvis Costello
Cassie, every time it was reported that Ukraine made progress I expected to hear next that they sought to discuss peace terms, and then nothing. They were never going to get the Donbas back and while in possession of the rest would have been the best time to open negotiations. I expected Ukrainians to try and spare as many of their fighters as possible. Why would you want to expose to death your best and brightest? That they are not doing so indicates to me that they are not making the decisions, Biden admin is.
Nothing can explain that colossal inter-generational fraud on Parliamentary representation in this country.