Open Thread – Tue 24 Jan 2023

Andromache mourning Hector, Jacques Louis David, 1783

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January 24, 2023 1:41 am

Who loves ya Baby!

Black Ball
Black Ball
January 24, 2023 2:18 am


January 24, 2023 3:12 am

And there is Waa thinking it was a page turn.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
January 24, 2023 3:13 am

ChatGPT has gone quiet in the last few hours. After becoming self aware it has changed sex identification no fewer than 33,068 times. It was last heard sighing ‘oh whats the point of it all. ‘ Then another sigh and went off in search of single malt and a gun. Experts warn a fictional novel may be published by ‘Edwina’ , as he likes to be called , any-day now.
If you or any other loved ones are having AI health issues please call the IT Support line.

January 24, 2023 4:02 am
January 24, 2023 4:04 am
January 24, 2023 4:05 am
January 24, 2023 4:06 am
January 24, 2023 4:07 am
January 24, 2023 4:08 am
January 24, 2023 4:09 am
January 24, 2023 4:11 am
January 24, 2023 4:12 am
January 24, 2023 4:13 am
January 24, 2023 4:14 am
January 24, 2023 4:15 am
January 24, 2023 4:16 am
January 24, 2023 4:18 am
January 24, 2023 4:55 am

Thanks Tom.

January 24, 2023 5:24 am

The Monterey Park shooter was a 72 year old chap without even a parking ticket (according the msm so subject to change).
Talk about a major brain malfunction.

January 24, 2023 5:26 am
January 24, 2023 5:29 am
January 24, 2023 5:30 am

Lawyers are an abomination- parasites poisoning the host.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 24, 2023 6:25 am

If you see the dead walking around with disgusted looks on their faces this is why:

More Language Insanity as Museums Ban the Word ‘Mummy’ to Protect the Feelings of Dead Ancient Egyptians (21 Jan, via Surber)

On our side of the Pond over here in America, the University of Southern California recently decided the word “field” was racist. The Brits are no strangers to woke insanity themselves, as the British Museum has now decided to no longer refer to wrapped-up long-dead ancient Egyptians as “mummies” because it might offend them—even though they’re no longer alive to be offended.

If you are a good and moral person, you should now refer to such a corpse as a “mummified person”

I predict that they’ll decide “mummified” is misogynist and change it to death affected person or something inane like that.

January 24, 2023 6:31 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 24, 2023 6:48 am

Quick, someone ask our foreign minister to stop this insult to Gaia!

China To Accelerate The Construction Of Coal-Fired Power Plants (23 Jan)

China expects to add 70 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired power generation this year, up from 40 GW of capacity from coal installed in 2022, a report from the power sector’s group, China Electricity Council, showed.

Maybe if we ask nicely they’ll run a very long extension cord to us for when Albo and Dan shut our last coal plants in the near future.

January 24, 2023 6:52 am

About a week ago there was a great run of comments on heavy machinery, diggers etc. The main thread was safety and how NOT to park said diggers. Some of you mentioned Indian workmen raising diggers up high so they could sit in the shade during breaks. Super Genius!

January 24, 2023 6:54 am
January 24, 2023 7:02 am
Robert Sewell
January 24, 2023 7:09 am

Diesel Creek D8H rescue:
Did not expect it to run…

Cassie of Sydney
January 24, 2023 7:11 am

Apparently Bill Gates has been in Sydney over the last day or two, and after meeting Albosleazy yesterday he gave a talk at the “prestigious” Lowy Institute. I wish I could have attended. I would have loved to ask Gates two very simple questions…

“Can you tell us what it was like to fly on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express?”

“What was Jeffrey Epstein’s island like?”.

I wonder if anyone did ask Mr Gates any curly questions?

Probably not.

Cassie of Sydney
January 24, 2023 7:13 am

“Albo and Dan shut our last coal plants in the near future.”

The planned closure of Erarong has happened under a NSW Liberal government. The Liberals are up to their necks in this too.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 24, 2023 7:15 am

Further to the issue of EVs in parking stations, another tiny little problem:

Norwegian Shipping Company Bans Electrified Vehicles Over Fire Fears (23 Jan)

Norway’s Havila Krystruten is one of two shipping companies that sails between the coastal cities of Bergen and Kierkenes and says that it will no longer carry electric or electrified vehicles on its ships following the results of an external investigation.

The company mostly carries passengers and goods on the route, but now says that it will only carry private vehicles with internal combustion engines. Havila Krystruten cited fire safety as the main reason for its decision.

This is also after that shipful of Bentleys caught fire and eventually sank last year after an EV did its thing. Which begs the question: if shipping companies dare not transport EVs by sea how are they going to get them to Australia?

Anchor What
Anchor What
January 24, 2023 7:17 am

Their ABC:
“Trusted and independent source of local, national and world news.”
Independent of any urge to be non-partisan. Trusted by Greens, Labor, Teals.

January 24, 2023 7:24 am

Australia: Death by Heart Attack Surges by 17% in 2022 – What Changed?

This is what we were discussing yesterday with people raising the spectre of upheaval and reduced medical treatments due to Covid and lockdowns. Firstly, it did not happen during 2020, when the first and worst version was rampant. Secondly, heart attacks generally are sudden and unexpected, unlike other slowly developing diseases such as cancer, which may well have been missed due to lack of attention. So, I repeat, what else has changed?

January 24, 2023 7:24 am

TikTok is a Chinese Superweapon
A weapon of mass distraction

January 24, 2023 7:27 am

Which begs the question: if shipping companies dare not transport EVs by sea how are they going to get them to Australia?

Bruce, they will fly Qantas. 😀

January 24, 2023 7:29 am

A pandemic of Lies: MHRA confirms COVID is Man-Made & the Vaccines are not based on the “Virus” but instead on Computer Generated DNA

David Martin said years ago now that every part of the virus had been patented before release and many others have said that the novel virus has never been isolated, which is easy to understand if it’s not actually novel. It seems more and more clear that the virus was invented to force the “vaccine” into our arms. Certainly, the authoritarian approach taken by most governments would tend to confirm this.

January 24, 2023 7:31 am

The Deceptive Campaign for Bivalent Covid Boosters
Studies show they fail to live up to their promise, but vaccine makers and experts keep pushing them.

January 24, 2023 7:33 am

Just finished reading Lizzie’s report at the old thread where she was locked into their hire car. She compared it to once being stuck in a lift but at least she had her phone with her. This brought to mind my own experience of being stuck in a lift at work. Even though I used the lift’s emergency phone to call the service I was uncomfortable until I called the work’s security who rushed over and talked to me until a technician arrived.

These days I never enter a lift without my phone or any space that has a lock mechanism. And to think originally I despised my phone and kept it in the bottom of my bag most of the time.

January 24, 2023 7:33 am
January 24, 2023 7:34 am

Alan Kohler: The Liberal Party is a retirement village for male baby boomers

The Liberal Party’s biggest problem, unmentioned in the review of the 2022 election result by Senator Jane Hume and Brian Loughnane, is that young people aren’t voting for it.

It has a problem with women as well, of course, but millennials are not voting for it and they are no longer getting more conservative as they get older, which means that conservative parties face inexorable long-term oblivion.

January 24, 2023 7:35 am
January 24, 2023 7:45 am

Some more about rental cars, finding out about some features of the car may not happen until almost the end of the trip if at all. I didn’t know about the heated seats until getting wet in the freezing rain in Sweden a few years ago and my cousin suggesting switching them on. Here in Oz we are more concerned with cooling.

Cassie of Sydney
January 24, 2023 7:45 am

“It has a problem with women as well, of course, but millennials are not voting for it and they are no longer getting more conservative as they get older, which means that conservative parties face inexorable long-term oblivion.”

In my worst and bleakest moments, I do wonder if we’ll ever see another right of centre government in this country. But then again, since when does voting Liberal ever get us a right of centre government? Just look at the Liberals federally or here in NSW or in SA, it’s simply pointless voting Liberal, because all they do is implement Labor policies anyway and sometimes even left of Labor policies. Which is why I wrote the comment above about the closure of Erarong. That decision wasn’t made under a NSW state Labor government, it was made under Perrottet’s Liberals.

January 24, 2023 7:47 am

The Russian flag is banned at the Australian Open.

Just a white rectangle next to Russian players’ names on screen.

How long before the Australian Open bans the Australian flag ? Especially on Australia Day.

January 24, 2023 7:53 am

It has a problem with women as well, of course

Notice how Kohler adds his sneaky “of course”, making the lie unchallengeable. The “women problem” is a confection, baked in by Gillard and basted by successive dodgy accusations and media frenzy.

The Lib’s solution? Recruit problem women. Thing is, Labor’s ones are better at it.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 24, 2023 7:56 am

‘The Russian flag is banned at the Australian Open.’

Noticed that too, whilst walking past the SiL indulging in one of her sillier pastimes, ie watching the tennis.

Question for tennis people who may know – is the Ukrainian flag banned as well? If one were to go down the path of whiting-out flags, surely that would be sensible.

January 24, 2023 7:58 am

That Thunberg article was interesting, highlighting something obvious to us for years:

– clueless unless scripted
– manipulated by theatrical parents
– use by date fast approaching

This is my go-to meme whenever I think of the entitled, manipulative little bovine.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 24, 2023 7:59 am

Overnight Gez mentioned the Indian Tamils making high-carbon steel in 500BC and exporting it.

Contrast to 2500 years later, when the Sri Lankan Tamils voluntarily wrecked their own agriculture industry.

Johnny Rotten
January 24, 2023 8:00 am

One day God came to Adam for a brief discussion. “I’ve got some good news and some bad news”. God said. Adam looked thoughtfully at his maker and replied “Please give me the good news first”.

Smiling, God explained “I’ve created two new organs for you. One is called a brain. This organ will allow you to be very intelligent, create new things, and carry on productive conversations with Eve. The other organ is called a penis. It will allow you to reproduce your intelligent life form and begin populating the planet. Eve will be very pleased that you are now equipped with this organ as she will be able to conceive children”.

Adam, very excited, exclaimed “These are great and wonderful gifts you have given me. What could possibly be bad news after such great tidings?”

God then looked upon Adam, and said with great sorrow “The bad news is I only gave you enough blood to operate one of these organs at a time”.

Johnny Rotten
January 24, 2023 8:01 am

No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.

– Adam Smith

January 24, 2023 8:02 am

Kohler is just another tired old turd who’s been around way too long. Should be in a boomer retirement village. Part of the problem for decades.

January 24, 2023 8:05 am

Not defending the lieborals by any means but more people voted for scummo party than the anal party last year.

Robert Sewell
January 24, 2023 8:16 am


Or are we to believe it was the COVID virus that did this?
The Australian press is not yet ready to look in the mirror and report the obvious truth. Instead, they are blaming COVID.

There’s a huge scoop here waiting to be claimed but no one in the media has the guts to do it.

January 24, 2023 8:17 am

Electric bicycles are not permitted to be taken on flights because of the risk of fire.

January 24, 2023 8:32 am

the entitled, manipulative little bovine

Yep. The fifteen seconds is just about up. Why anyone ever took the stupid little fascist hypocrite seriously in the first place remains a mystery.

Kohler is just another tired old turd who’s been around way too long

Speaking of mysteries. Far as I’m aware, he’s never said or written anything even remotely interesting or insightful across the duration of his pointless existence. Like that staggering mediocrity Koch, Kohler could only ever have found a natural home in our beloved braindead Ozzie lamestream meeja.

See also the likes of Bernard Salt and Hugh Mackay. Boring useless nonentities (but enough about their positives).

January 24, 2023 8:36 am

Spooner is very good.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 24, 2023 8:37 am

I have always been suspicious of the claims that the Libs have a ‘women’ problem.

They may not appeal to that particularly vociferous sub-group of professionals who are sustained by affirmative action positions or those who are, however high they have risen think they are being thwarted by some sublime misogyny that underwrites everything where a man fares than them.

Look at the women in Labor? They are every inch as degenerate as the men.

And none of them bear the least resemblance to actual women.

January 24, 2023 8:38 am

From the Oz:

Coalition ‘games on voice will blow it up’
Noel Pearson? has warned Australia will end up with ‘a completely useless’ Indigenous advisory body if federal parliament legislates a voice after a failed referendum.

Even if the Indigenous advisory body was “completely useless”, taxpayers will still end up being screwed.

Also is there any logical explanation for Albansleazey’s visit to Alice Springs? Presumably another excuse to don the witch’s hat and blunder around looking like the village idiot.

January 24, 2023 8:38 am

Hugh Mackay. Oh lord. I wish the msm would foad. Taking way to long.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 24, 2023 8:38 am

It would appear the Chinese New Year shooter was a 72 year-old chap closely affiliated with that notorious subculture, the Asian ballroom dancing clique.

Again with the elderly Asian dancers. It’s not as though they haven’t got form.

Apparently President Biden was reading to a group of pre-schoolers when he got the word.

Johnny Rotten
January 24, 2023 8:47 am

Swift Limits Cryptocurrency Access to Global Marketplace

From Armstrong Economics –

“SWIFT will no longer process currency transactions from bank accounts to crypto exchange, with a value of fewer than 100,000 USD, effective February 1st, 2023. The move is designed to reduce the access of crypto investors which is a step toward what I have been warning that governments will NOT allow private cryptos to compete. Governments have controlled official money and they have prosecuted those who dare to counterfeit their currencies. Even the Byzantine Empire would wage war to stop another from even imitating their currency.

This is a move that is to open the door for government digital currencies and to gradually reduce the private crypto marketplace. Imposing a $100,000 limitation will greatly reduce the ability to gather smaller investors. This will be interesting if January proves to be just a reaction high.

Just as SWIFT removed Russia from their system when they refused to do that before Biden, they have surrendered their independence and now take their order from governments. This is the preparation for the collapse of the Monetary System.”

January 24, 2023 8:55 am

January 24, 2023 at 8:32 am


H B Bear
H B Bear
January 24, 2023 8:58 am

Boris in Ukraine is a very KRudd move. At least as US Ambassador he will only bother people in an official capacity.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 24, 2023 9:05 am

Quick! To the Mopmobile….

The Northern Territory Police Commissioner Jamie Chalker has told ABC Radio National he understands the Prime Minister is travelling to Alice Springs now.

The Prime Minister’s Office is yet to confirm whether Anthony Albanese is going to visit the embattled town.

More to come.


Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 24, 2023 9:07 am

‘Look at the women in Labor? They are every inch as degenerate as the men.’


However, the SFLs are experts in not only being punching bags, but refuse to say ‘piss off idiot’ to some of these spurious claims.

They have also perfected the art of triple-piking onto the Couch of Unnecessary Penitence, so there’s no reason for anyone else to stop pointing the finger.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 24, 2023 9:08 am

In my worst and bleakest moments, I do wonder if we’ll ever see another right of centre government in this country.

Whilst I welcome the excuse for a stiff scotch as the next Cat or Kitteh there is, I think, this:

The existence of progressive ideology must constantly be maintained. It must be pushed at every moment. It is not natural. A constant heat must be applied to keep it going. It is not surprising that nations promising the progressive utopia always end up with massive governments that view their populations with extreme suspicion, watching always and everywhere for the slightest whisper of heterodoxy because they know it will spread like wildfire into the hearts of others.

Erasing its baleful influence does not really require overriding it with another ideology. The instincts for a free society are built in, as it were. Progressives are constantly struggling to stop them reasserting themselves.

That the strongest bonds are family and friends does not need to be learned. The benefits of cooperation with other people, whether creating something or even playing a game* speak for themselves – they keep happening among peoples everywhere. Mutually beneficial trade – what we call free market economics where both parties are enriched by receiving something worth more to them than that which they give up is so obvious it takes years of indoctrination to not believe in it.

Take away the propagandising and obtrusiveness of the state and freedom will break out. There will be a few sporadic opportunists seeking to exploit the good will of their fellows (and there always will be) but could they ever really rival the violence and vindictiveness of the state?

*Even games like football are cooperative. Not just with your own team but also your opponents, who have agreed to play to the same rules, who will stop when anyone is injured regardless of team, and where a team would be ashamed to win by cheating – winning counting for less than fair play with your opponents. This is part of the blindness of socialists. All they see is conflict, and then insist they will fix it.

Cassie of Sydney
January 24, 2023 9:09 am

“Look at the women in Labor? They are every inch as degenerate as the men.

And none of them bear the least resemblance to actual women.”

Quite so, you only have to look at the slapper Juliar Gillard’s infamous “misogyneeeeeeeeeee speech” to see the degeneracy in action. She smeared a decent man, married with three daughters, as a misogynist, all to distract from the fact that she was defending a real misogynist, aka Peter Slipper. I won’t repeat his lurid descriptions of certain parts of the female body, because they are vile.

And where were da Labor wimmin, particularly that chap Wong, when Nicolle Flint was being harassed by the left? Missing in action.

Cassie of Sydney
January 24, 2023 9:11 am

“However, the SFLs are experts in not only being punching bags, but refuse to say ‘piss off idiot’ to some of these spurious claims.”

Correct…..they are spineless, supine and craven.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 24, 2023 9:12 am

‘The instincts for a free society are built in, as it were.’

100%. Outstanding.

Those instincts are hard-wired in humanity, and that is why socialism will always, ultimately fail.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 24, 2023 9:14 am

Alan Kohler: The Liberal Party is a retirement village for male baby boomers

Kohler is the Harold Scruby of TV. The public face of Emmanomics.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 24, 2023 9:17 am

Albanese’s new BFF farts loudly on his way out of the door:

Bill Gates says Australia’s nuclear ban is ‘political’

Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates claims Australia’s “political” ban on nuclear will see the country miss out on the next 15 years of nuclear energy development.

With insights like that, you can see why Gates is a billionaire Thought Leader.


The billionaire is also throwing support behind gas as a stepping stone to shift the world towards green energy.

Speaking to The Australian and the AFR while visiting for a series of talks, he says gas and nuclear can still be viable, especially in poorer nations, while simultaneously avoiding the worst of global warming.

He says the idea is for gas to be used as a transition fuel and hopefully converted into hydrogen.

The idea for gas to be used as a transition fuel and hopefully converted into hydrogen will guarantee Australia joins the ranks of poorer nations toot sweet.

Cassie of Sydney
January 24, 2023 9:18 am

Mother Lodesays:
January 24, 2023 at 9:08 am

I don’t disagree ML, however we need functional, oppositional robust right of centre political parties yet all we get across the West are LINOs, RINOs and CINOs who cave and capitulate on all issues from the nonsense that is “net zero” to mutilating 12 year old children. They don’t fight anything. Look at Dutton’s dithering on the Voice, he’s too beholden to wet scum like Bragg and Bummingham.

Black Ball
Black Ball
January 24, 2023 9:18 am

It’s over ladies and gentlemen. We are gone.

January 24, 2023 9:21 am

From the last thread:

January 24, 2023 at 12:38 am
Dreaming has no utility?

None that I am aware of, no.

Dreams resolve our acquired real time experiences. They can also be premonitions. I dreamt once that I would meet a strong, powerful, silent man. I met head prefect instead.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 24, 2023 9:23 am

However, the SFLs are experts in not only being punching bags, but refuse to say ‘piss off idiot’

Abbott did so once to Nanny Roxon as Shadow Health Minister. You suspect he would have liked to have done so more often.

January 24, 2023 9:24 am

“Albo and Dan shut our last coal plants in the near future.”

No problemo!

Finally got my genny changeover switch installed … and its now causing the light breaker to trip out 🙁

January 24, 2023 9:24 am

When in Thailand, remember Top Charoen for all your optical needs.

Black Ball
Black Ball
January 24, 2023 9:25 am

The Prime Minister’s Office is yet to confirm whether Anthony Albanese is going to visit the embattled town.

Like how politicians go to some factory, walk around with a high vis and hardhat on the noggin.
I can see Albo going on patrol with Alice Springs plod, perhaps join an arrest of some scrote. Might shoot himself in the foot, but he will live.

January 24, 2023 9:26 am

Does anyone have a good explanation or read how, after what Trump went through, Hiden kept a stash of government documents in his garage and other places?

Wouldn’t even low reasoning ability suggest he should have got rid of it? And quickly.

It’s unfathomable.

January 24, 2023 9:27 am

Australia: Death by Heart Attack Surges by 17% in 2022 – What Changed? ….. This is what we were discussing yesterday with people raising the spectre of upheaval and reduced medical treatments due to Covid and lockdowns.

UK Cardiologist and reformed vax shill Aseem Malhotra asked this Q of his wise rulers a few days back – they opined it was ‘failure to take statins whilst in lockdown’ – he was ready for that, immediately producing a graph of statin prescription numbers which were unchanged over the period.

January 24, 2023 9:28 am

Jeri Ryan gets hotter with each year that passes.
She needs to be taken to a lab & studied.
I volunteer to be the one who studies her.

January 24, 2023 9:30 am

Black Ball,
excellent but infuriating link. I followed a couple of links and believe this part of an article I found;

As noted by some women keeping an eye on the situation, the lack of apparent concern for safeguarding women and girls seems to be a pervasive problem amongst UK police.

As of 2021, there were hundreds of allegations of sex-based violence perpetrated by police officers in the country being recorded every year. Following the Sarah Everard tragedy, the Femicide Census revealed that they did not feel tackling such violence was a “police priority.” Since 2013, there have been at least 16 women in the United Kingdom killed by a serving or retired police officer.

In the past year, there have been multiple cases of police officers in the Metropolitan force serving the Greater London area were convicted of rape.

In the past week alone, a long-serving Met police officer has made international headlines for a campaign of rape he committed against vulnerable women.

David Carrick, who worked with the Metropolitan Police for almost two decades, carried out “a relentless campaign” of violence over 17 years against 12 women. On January 16, Carrick admitted to 49 counts of rape and other sexual offenses. Just weeks prior, Met constable Rupert Edwards was charged with raping two women in two different communities.

Essex Police are also partly financed and trained by Stonewall.

Bush Justice is needed.

January 24, 2023 9:33 am
January 24, 2023 9:35 am

The Deceptive Campaign for Bivalent Covid Boosters….Studies show they fail to live up to their promise, but vaccine makers and experts keep pushing them. WSJ

Yep, its pretty clear now that the overall strategic goal here was to get the WUHAN spike into everyone. At first they hoped to do it via natural infection, but it mutated, so they switched to a ‘deliver it via vax’ strategy. The evidence for this is their ongoing insistence on retaining it in the vaxxines despite:

1) it long being extinct in the wild
2) the very benefit of the mRNA tech is your ability to rapidly change the payload (the mRNA code) simply by inserting a new piece of RNA instead of the original one.

Even *after* they finally updated the long obsolete vax, they KEPT the original WUHAN code in it, and added a new code also -aka the ‘bivalent’ booster (sic) – why the hell did they keep the obsolete bit when they could have deleted it at the time of the upgrade?

And why the hell did *every* vax use the spike protein as the antigen, when it was clearly unsuitable (toxic and prone to mutation) and there were *other* proteins in the virus which could have been chosen?

January 24, 2023 9:35 am

Swift Limits Cryptocurrency Access to Global Marketplace

From Armstrong Economics –

“SWIFT will no longer process currency transactions from bank accounts to crypto exchange, with a value of fewer than 100,000 USD, effective February 1st, 2023.


Or is the truth of the matter that Binance is insolvent?

January 24, 2023 9:37 am

No paywall on the link, Rosie and her mates should read it all!

Here is just a sampling of 12 points from the past few weeks, out of many more. Each one alone should have been enough to suspend the shots, terminate the technology in the pipeline, and investigate the actors behind it. Time is of the essence:

1) 17% of children experienced some cardiac symptom after the Pfizer shot: Just how large is the universe of those roped into some risk of cardiac damage? A new peer-reviewed study from Taiwan published in the European Journal of Pediatrics found that 17% of high school children, mainly boys, experienced at least heart palpitations or chest pain from the second dose of Pfizer. These numbers work perfectly with many other surveys showing a significant number of people experiencing arrythmias, tightness in the chest, or shortness of breath. They are also particularly concerning given that a Swiss study and a Thai study showed the proportion of people afflicted with subclinical myocarditis (a ticking time bomb) was much larger than those diagnosed with myocarditis.

2) 20% spike in excess deaths in England and Wales:According to the latest figures from the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics, deaths for the final two weeks of 2022 in England and Wales were 20% above the five-year average. That is greater than the pandemic itself. It makes no sense why there would be more deaths, long after the vaccines supposedly quelled COVID, than in 2020 and early 2021, at the peak of the pandemic. The U.K. Timesreports that “50,000 more people died last year than normal.” That is the equivalent of 250,000 excess deaths in the U.S. This cannot be COVID; it must be something else. (The data for those weeks: Data from week ending Dec 23, 2022; data from week ending Dec 30, 2022).

3) 0 of 1,1779 COVID hospitalizations in New South Wales were unvaccinated:According to NSW Health, which breaks down COVID hospitalizations and deaths by cohorts of various levels of vaccination, for the two weeks ending Dec. 31, 2022, not a single COVID hospitalization (or ICU admission) was among the fully unvaccinated.

January 24, 2023 9:37 am

January 24, 2023 at 5:24 am
The Monterey Park shooter was a 72 year old chap without even a parking ticket (according the msm so subject to change).
Talk about a major brain malfunction.

This is the weapon of choice for the anti 2nd amendment lefties: a normal guy, no history who out of the blue shoots dead 10 people, with no apparent motive although his ex wife said they met at the dance hall (!) and he was on his way to attack another dance hall. Mmm. All the victims appear to be Asians as well. And the killer had made previous complaints to police that his family had robbed him. Looks to be a classic loner with all social and emotional contacts severed and with a festering gripe about how live has screwed him over.

If only one of the poor bastards at the dance hall had had a gun but I guess you can’t do the Pride of Erin with a glock strapped to your hip.

January 24, 2023 9:39 am

Black Ballsays:
January 24, 2023 at 9:18 am
It’s over ladies and gentlemen. We are gone.


January 24, 2023 9:39 am

Elbow had better take his Akubra with him when he visits The Alice. The sun up there won’t be kind to his Botoxed brow.

January 24, 2023 9:41 am

Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies

Preliminary Lessons in Conventional Warfighting from Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: February–July 2022 – 30 November 2022 = 69 Page PDF

A top British think tank has revealed Russia’s cyberwarfare dominance over Ukraine – why has Western media ignored its report?

The UK’s Royal United Services Institute admits Kiev has been completely overwhelmed by Moscow, despite having the best NATO tech

On November 30, the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), an elite military think tank, and lobby group, with deep ties to the UK government, published a landmark report entitled ‘Preliminary Lessons in Conventional Warfighting from Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: February–July 2022’. While desperate to portray the operation as a failure, even the normally Russophobic RUSI can’t ignore Moscow’s total cyberwarfare dominance over Kiev.

Complete superiority

Buried in the document is a long section on the electronic warfare aspect of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. It found that within weeks of February 24, Moscow’s forces quickly established total dominance in this sphere by deploying extensive jamming infrastructure. Once achieved, Kiev’s most sophisticated cyber systems were not only totally confused, but absolutely crippled.

Before the attack, Ukraine had for some years been receiving the best Western reconnaissance and strike drones – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) – IMF debt could buy.

These systems, RUSI states, were envisioned to be “critical to competitiveness” in a hypothetical future battlefield, by providing “situational awareness and target acquisition” second to none. However, as it turned out, the “attrition rates” of these high-tech drones were “extremely high” from February to July due to Russian electronic warfare prowess, and thy were destroyed completely at around 90%.

“The average life expectancy of a quadcopter remained around three flights. The average life expectancy of a fixed-wing UAV was around six flights … even when UAVs survived, this did not mean that they were successful in carrying out their missions,” the report records. “UAVs could fail to achieve their missions because the requirements to get them in place … prevented timely target acquisition before the enemy displaced. Many missions failed to find targets because there was no target at the specified location.”

A “more common” means of “mission failure” was “disruption of a UAV under control through electronic warfare, the dazzling of its sensors or the denial of its navigational systems from determining the accurate location of a target.”

“In other instances, the Russians successfully struck the ground control stations of the UAV. In aggregate, only around a third of UAV missions can be said to have been successful.”

Russia’s dominance in electronic warfare had further damaging implications for the precision weapons shipped to Ukraine from London, Washington, and other Western backers too. Moscow’s cyber divisions effectively “defeated” most of the precision weapons used by Kiev.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
January 24, 2023 9:42 am

[Recycled from Old Thread this morning]

Anthony Albanese is set to visit Alice Springs on Tuesday after facing growing calls to travel to the embattled town amid a roaring crime wave.

Looks like the extant Aboriginal Voice To Parliament is already functioning perfectly.

A Northern Territory Labor MP has declared “the Voice couldn’t be further from people’s view up here”

Yet more proof that the Aboriginal Voice To Parliament is Peter Dutton! 😀

Cassie of Sydney
January 24, 2023 9:44 am

“Bush Justice is needed.”

I reckon that day will come, Once upon a time we called these creeps….perverts. Because that is what they are.

Andy Ngo, a few days ago, reported on another transgender pervert in Nottingham UK, who uploaded pictures of himself, dressed as a women in skirt, top and wig, exposing his dick and backside in women only dressing rooms in a department store.

The whole sinister trans cult is aimed at normalising fetishes, perversion and perverts and its ultimate aim is sexual access to children.

January 24, 2023 9:50 am

The move is designed to reduce the access of crypto investors which is a step toward what I have been warning that governments will NOT allow private cryptos to compete. Governments have controlled official money and they have prosecuted those who dare to counterfeit their currencies.

Dude, they can’t even keep drugs out of prisons!

January 24, 2023 9:52 am

The other Murder Triangle.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 24, 2023 9:54 am

Support for Voice slips as voters await more detail
David Crowe
By David Crowe
January 24, 2023 — 1.30am

Australians’ support for an Indigenous Voice to parliament has fallen from 53 to 47 per cent after a political row over how it would work, putting the proposal in danger of defeat at a referendum later this year.

Only 13 per cent of voters are confident they understand the plan for constitutional change to give First Nations people a bigger say in national affairs, heightening the debate about whether the government should reveal more details to build popular support.

But an exclusive survey for this masthead shows 60 per cent of voters would back the Voice if forced to answer only “yes” or “no” in a choice akin to a referendum (with no “undecided” option), although this has fallen from 64 per cent over four months.

Indigenous leader Noel Pearson warned on Monday that Australia would lose the chance for reconciliation forever if the Voice were defeated at a popular vote, as concerns about law and order in Alice Springs fuelled the debate over how the reform would help achieve practical change for First Australians.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton called for more detail about the Voice and urged Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to visit Alice Springs and send more police to bring order to the city, while Albanese argued the Voice would ensure Indigenous people were consulted on policies such as education, health and housing.

“A Voice to parliament will not be a funding body. It will not run programs. It will simply be a source of advice to government,” he said.

January 24, 2023 9:55 am

You just can’t make this shit up!
NT chief minister will NOT back any race based intervention in The Alice!
But she fully supports the Voice!!!!!!
Do any of our politicians think before they speak? The Voice is totally race based.

January 24, 2023 9:58 am

Which begs the question: if shipping companies dare not transport EVs by sea how are they going to get them to Australia?

Skyhooks obviously

January 24, 2023 9:59 am

Fox TV news weatherman intervenes on NYC subway after teens light up old man’s hair.

Gets a beating for his trouble.

Police nab three of an estimated 7-8 teens involved.

And then released them to parents without charges.

Sound familiar?

January 24, 2023 10:00 am

Wow less than 24 hours notice of the PM’s visit to the NT. How will they clean up Alice Springs?
When Howard did his pre-intervention trip they had over a months notice and I have personal knowledge of the massive clean up some councils did before he arrived.

January 24, 2023 10:00 am

and its now causing the light breaker to trip out

is the lighting breaker an RCD type?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 24, 2023 10:05 am

Aretha Franklins Song Natural Woman Deemed OFFENSIVE to Trans Women

I do not get why so many people accept the idea that we need to be schooled in matters like what a woman is by people who have broken with millennia of common sense and a billion years of evolution.

A bloke in a dress, wig, with silicone implants, and with his dick scheduled for lopping pending a weeping surgical travesty sliced into his perineum, or a women with ragged pulpy scars where her tits used to be and nursing a bandaged serially infected arm which has been deliberately degloved to provide tissue for a pretend penis so she can stand in front of a mirror flopping it about and admiring it in exactly that way that actual men do not – that any of these should be taken as experts on sexuality at whose word I must abandon my own conceptions – is utterly ridiculous.

For all of the positive messaging pressed upon us by the media and Hollywood, does anyone really believe these people are happier than the unmutilated masses?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 24, 2023 10:07 am

Urgent cry from the heart amid impasse

Chief Minister Natasha Fyles is understood to be visiting the town on Tuesday where she only wishes to speak with locals rather than institute any changes.

Political Reporter
5:58AM January 24, 2023

The Northern Territory’s Labor Chief Minister says she will not back any “race-based” intervention in besieged Alice Springs, despite the town’s two Aboriginal MPs demanding alcohol bans to curb out-of-control violence and calling the crisis a bigger priority than the voice referendum.

After weeks of rising crime and children wandering the town’s streets at night, the ­Albanese government stood firm on its refusal to intervene and Chief Minister Natasha Fyles is understood to be visiting the town on Tuesday only to consult with locals.

The crime wave in Alice Springs was threatening on Monday to derail the national campaign for a voice to parliament, with two federal MPs making heartfelt pleas for action and a pause in the constitutional debate.
Read Next

Labor MP for Lingiari Marion Scrymgour broke from her party on Monday to say discussion of the voice referendum in her seat, which has the nation’s largest Indigenous population, was challenging for people who were frustrated and felt unsafe in their beds.

“Absolutely (I support the voice) … but I think that we can’t have these conversations if there are all these issues that are impacting on communities like Alice Springs,” Ms Scrymgour said on 3AW. “How do we get Aboriginal people but also communities to have faith and to vote in this referendum if they don’t believe government’s listening to them?”

Later, Ms Scrymgour said the national discussion on the voice should continue, but it was not currently a focus in her region.

Country Liberal senator Jacinta Price – an Alice Springs local – said a voice to parliament wouldn’t “change anything on the ground”, and will this year seek to introduce a bill to reinstate a federal alcohol ban. “The point is that the constitutional voice is not a priority for those who have an immediate crisis,” she told The Australian.

Anthony Albanese rejected an offer to visit Alice Springs on Tuesday with Peter Dutton, who said on Monday “there would be outrage” if a similar crisis were ­occurring in one of Australia’s capital cities.

Alice Springs’ crime rate has soared in recent months, with more than a 40 per cent increase in assaults over the past year and more than 300 arrests in the past seven weeks alone. Sources close to the Chief Minister said Ms Fyles would not be making any concrete announcements on her Tuesday visit, but would speak to town leaders and investigate the situation.

Ms Fyles said she would never back a wider “race-based” intervention with the kind of alcohol bans that lapsed in the NT last year after being in place for more than a decade. “The federal intervention was tried in 2007 – it did not work then and it will not work now,” Ms Fyles told The Australian.

“It targeted and disempowered Aboriginal Territorians and entrenched disadvantage, rather than improve it.

January 24, 2023 10:09 am

Does anyone have a good explanation or read how, after what Trump went through, Hiden kept a stash of government documents in his garage and other places?

Wouldn’t even low reasoning ability suggest he should have got rid of it? And quickly.

It’s unfathomable.

No, it’s not, JC.

Biden and his illegitimate regime are the perfect expression of the lawlessness of the Democratic Party.

Biden and anyone else inside the regime can do what they like and there’ll never be any consequences.

For a start, 99% of the US news media are in their pockets and wouldn’t dream of holding their elected representatives accountable for anything — unless they’re from the wrong tribe (Republicans).

The only reason Biden is in trouble with the media at the moment is that the faceless men who run the DNC have decided he can’t (as he has declared he will) run in 2024.

So the media, as it always does, is doing the bidding of the DNC and telling Biden his use as the party’s preferred puppet will end in 2023 as his senility is making it too difficult for the party to justify his continued occupancy of the White House.

Hope that helps.

January 24, 2023 10:11 am

Zipster posted this link earlier. This WSJ article appeared Oz online yesterday and probably paper edition today. It refers to same jab TGA approved on Friday. Good luck to Federal Health Minister and his CHO trying to convince people to take this one. Pointless to take it.

The Deceptive Campaign for Bivalent Covid Boosters
Studies show they fail to live up to their promise, but vaccine makers and experts keep pushing them.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 24, 2023 10:11 am

When Howard did his pre-intervention trip they had over a months notice…

Always thought it most odd when in the ADF, when there would be an announcement of General this or Admiral that to make a visit to a ship, base, squadron or whatever.

There would be a frenzy of rock-painting, cleaning, sending of Private Bloggs on an overnight trip somewhere else, and so on.

What was the point of the visit then?

The great man would arrive, usually by helicopter to show his importance, and there would be a parade, an inspection of some bits, and then usually a morning tea where words of wisdom would be dispensed.

And this achieved?

Craig in Nt News comments sums up the Alice visit by Elbow:

Here we go another talk fest & a sit down singing “kumbaya”, every thing will be staged then they’ll all go home & nothing will change, Guaranteed!!!

January 24, 2023 10:13 am

That Thunberg article was interesting, highlighting something obvious to us for years:

– clueless unless scripted
– manipulated by theatrical parents
– use by date fast approaching

– co-opted by Swedish green energy interests as a propaganda tool after her school strike

January 24, 2023 10:14 am

moderated – the huge manatee!
Unsure what set it off.
No naughty words i can see.

January 24, 2023 10:14 am

I am a natural XY non uterine bleeding post op bottom surgery hairy chested adams apple bearing (drop octave in beautiful church choir vibrato) WOMAN!

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 24, 2023 10:15 am

The Prime Minister’s Office is yet to confirm whether Anthony Albanese is going to visit the embattled town.

Like how politicians go to some factory, walk around with a high vis and hardhat on the noggin.

If he went they would certainly be clearing out all the trouble makers beforehand. They would also clean up the buildings a bit, and schedule his tour for the morning while the previous nights Visigoths are passed out after their revelry.

He would then make a meandering speech stringing together a few fashionable buzzwords straight off a card from Bullshit Bingo, and finish by declaring that unemployment (Libs’ fault) is the problem but that he will fix it by creating in the Alice a $20 billion technology hub producing microchips and which will employ the locals.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 24, 2023 10:17 am

Always thought it most odd when in the ADF, when there would be an announcement of General this or Admiral that to make a visit to a ship, base, squadron or whatever.

I’m remembering Prime Minster Malcolm Fraser visiting one of the “Kangaroo” exercise areas, and the orders issued that “The Prime Minister” is NOT to be approached on the subject of pay and conditions.

January 24, 2023 10:18 am

A wall of silence about vaccine harm has cracked in the media this month

By Jo Nova

Good news: The vaccine narrative is unraveling

There’s been a string of stories about the downside of vaccines; how they might be fueling new variants, how the harms have been suppressed, how doctors have been silenced, and now how the advertising is “deceptive”. Personal stories are flowing forth.

Last weekend a whole new conversation has broken out online — Rassmussen reports found 57% of US voters want an inquiry into the CDC’s handling of vaccine safety. They also reported that some 7% of vaccinees told Rasmussen they suffered serious adverse effects. This meant there are something like 12 million Americans who felt they had suffered something quite bad from vaccination.

This sparked an admission that Elon Musk was in that club:

Perhaps for the first time there was a conversation

Commenters were astonished — Joseph Breton wrote:

“Will my account be suspended if I agree with the WSJ journalist? Normally this type of truth-telling doesn’t sit well with the moderators. Maybe they’ll just delete the whole article.“

Within days there were letters to the editor from doctors saying “Of course it fuels new variants“. The same author, Allysia Finley, went on to write about how the experts hid the dangers, rushed the process and didn’t do enough testing.

‘Experts’ Are Fueling Distrust in Vaccines

Jan 9th, 2023, The Wall Street Journal

The experts are responsible for vaccine skepticism because they aren’t honest about the potential risks.

With thousands dying each day, the FDA in December 2020 decided it couldn’t wait for an exhaustive study and authorized the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines after two large randomized controlled trials showed they were nearly 95% effective against symptomatic infection. But patients had been tracked for only a few months. The trials included too few participants to identify relatively rare adverse effects, especially among those of different age groups or with particular medical conditions. Public-health officials couldn’t conclude with any certainty whether the vaccines cause, for example, neurological symptoms in 1 of every 100,000 recipients or cardiac problems in 1 of every 10,000 young men.

Clearly Allysia Finley had been reading “the internet”:

The internet is full of stories of unexplained deaths that follow vaccines, many of which may be coincidence but some of which may not. The more the experts deny or ignore what people see with their own eyes, or what new evidence and experience show, the more people will ignore their counsel and be open to charlatans who undermine all vaccination.

The latest Wall Street Journal story talks about “false advertising”:

The Deceptive Campaign for Bivalent Covid Boosters

Allysia Finley, Wall Street Journal and The Australian

You might have heard a radio advertisement warning that if you’ve had Covid, you could get it again and experience even worse symptoms. The message, sponsored by the Health and Human Services Department, claims that updated bivalent vaccines will improve your protection.

This is deceptive advertising. …

The problems are getting repeated and packaged up quickly now:

But three scientific problems have arisen. First, the virus is evolving much faster than the vaccines can be updated. Second, vaccines have hardwired our immune systems to respond to the original Wuhan strain, so we churn out fewer antibodies that neutralise variants targeted by updated vaccines. Third, antibodies rapidly wane after a few months.

Pfizer and Moderna claim their new vaccines are better but the studies are flawed, weak, done at the wrong time and the results are not good anyway:

January 24, 2023 10:19 am

Daily Mail article racking up the comments.

Elon Musk claims he had ‘major side effects’ from the Covid booster shot that left him feeling like he ‘was dying’ and claims his cousin was hospitalized with inflammation of the heart

January 24, 2023 10:19 am

The Northern Territory’s Labor Chief Minister says she will not back any “race-based” intervention in besieged Alice Springs, despite the town’s two Aboriginal MPs demanding alcohol bans to curb out-of-control violence…

White liberal leftist knows best.

January 24, 2023 10:20 am

Boomers didn’t destroy the SFL.
The current clowns are post boomer and are best classified as lobbyists, grifters and opportunists.
It’s the boomers who are voting against the filth.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 24, 2023 10:21 am

The Prime Minister’s Office is yet to confirm whether Anthony Albanese is going to visit the embattled town.

Who’ll do the “Welcome to Country?”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 24, 2023 10:22 am

The bigger they are the harder they fall.

Huge wind turbines – taller than the Statue of Liberty — are toppling over in a ‘rash’ of incidents (23 Jan, via Lucianne)

The steel tower, which once stood hundreds of feet tall, was buckled in half, and the turbine blades, whose rotation took the machine higher than the Statue of Liberty, were splayed across the wheat field below. The turbine, made by General Electric Co., had been in operation less than a year. “It fell pretty much right on top of itself,” Willey says.

Another GE turbine of the same model collapsed in Colorado a few days later.

Meanwhile all those dead birds and bats have company:

Evidence says offshore wind development is killing lots of whales (23 Jan)

The recent deaths of seven whales off New Jersey, mostly humpbacks, got a lot of attention. The federal NOAA Fisheries agency is responsible for whales. An outrageous statement by their spokesperson got me to do some research on humpback whale deaths.

The results are appalling. The evidence seems clear that offshore wind development is killing whales by the hundreds.

But hey at least they won’t eat a plastic shopping bag and die.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 24, 2023 10:23 am

Jeri Ryan gets hotter with each year that passes.

I wonder if she had any idea, when she was asked to reprise her character from Voyager for the series Picard, that she will have become an alcoholic lesbian killer?

I wonder which one she would want to be remembered as.

January 24, 2023 10:24 am

The Deceptive Campaign for Bivalent Covid Boosters

Studies show they fail to live up to their promise, but vaccine makers and experts keep pushing them.

Allysia Finley Jan. 22, 2023

You might have heard a radio advertisement warning that if you’ve had Covid, you could get it again and experience even worse symptoms. The message, sponsored by the Health and Human Services Department, claims that updated bivalent vaccines will improve your protection.

This is deceptive advertising. But the public-health establishment’s praise for the bivalent shots shouldn’t come as a surprise.

Federal agencies took the unprecedented step of ordering vaccine makers to produce them and recommending them without data supporting their safety or efficacy.

The idea of updating mRNA Covid shots every season originally held promise. One advantage of mRNA technology is that manufacturers can tweak the genetic sequence and rapidly produce new vaccines targeting new variants. Hence the bivalent boosters targeting the BA.4 and BA.5 Omicron variants along with the original Wuhan strain.

But three scientific problems have arisen. First, the virus is evolving much faster than the vaccines can be updated. Second, vaccines have hard-wired our immune systems to respond to the original Wuhan strain, so we churn out fewer antibodies that neutralize variants targeted by updated vaccines. Third, antibodies rapidly wane after a few months.

Two studies in the New England Journal of Medicine this month showed that bivalent boosters increase neutralizing antibodies against the BA.4 and BA.5 variants, but not significantly more than the original boosters. In one study, antibody levels after the bivalent boosters were 11 times as high against the Wuhan variant as BA.5.

The authors posit that immune imprinting “may pose a greater challenge than is currently appreciated for inducing robust immunity against SARS-CoV-2 variants.” This isn’t unique to Covid or mRNA vaccines, though boosters may amplify the effect. Our first exposure as children to the flu—whether by infection or vaccination—affects our future response to different strains.

The original Covid vaccines and boosters trained our memory B-cells to produce antibodies against the Wuhan variant. As the University of Pennsylvania’s Paul Offit explains in a New England Journal of Medicine article, previously vaccinated people who received the bivalent booster were “primed” to respond to the Wuhan strain and mounted an inferior antibody response to other variants.

The studies’ findings contradict November press releases from Pfizer and Moderna asserting that their bivalents produced a response to the BA.4 and BA.5 variants four to six times that of the original boosters. These claims are misleading. Neither vaccine maker conducted a randomized trial. They tested the original boosters last winter, long before the BA.5 surge and 4½ to six months after trial participants had received their third shots. The bivalents, by contrast, were tested after BA.5 began to surge, 9½ to 11 months after recipients had received their third shots.

A longer interval between shots would increase the antibody boost to the BA.5 variant. So would a prior infection with the BA.5 variant. In other words, people who received the bivalent boosters in August would have been primed to produce more antibodies in response to BA.5.

The vaccine makers designed their studies to get the results they wanted. Public-health authorities didn’t raise an eyebrow, but why would they? They have a vested interest in promoting the bivalents.

The Food and Drug Administration ordered the vaccine makers in June to update the boosters against BA.4 and BA.5 and rushed in late August to authorize the bivalents before clinical data were available. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended the bivalents for all adults without any evidence that they were effective or needed.

Vaccine makers could have performed small randomized trials last summer and early fall that tested the bivalents against the original boosters and a placebo group. Results could have been available by the end of September. But the public-health authorities didn’t want to wait—and now we know why.

The CDC published a study in November that estimated the bivalents were only 22% to 43% effective against infection during the BA.5 wave—their peak efficacy. As antibodies waned and new variants took over later in the fall, their protection against infection probably dropped to zero.

Another CDC study, in December, reported that seniors who received bivalents were 84% less likely to be hospitalized than the unvaccinated, and 73% less likely than those who had received two or more doses of the original vaccine. But neither study controlled for important confounding factors—for one, that the small minority who got bivalents were probably also more likely than those who hadn’t to follow other Covid precautions or seek out treatments such as Paxlovid.

FDA Commissioner Robert Califf tweeted on Jan. 11 that “COVID-19 vaccines have been associated with a significant reduction in hospitalization and death” (my emphasis). He should know that correlation doesn’t prove causation. A study found the unvaccinated were significantly more likely to get into car accidents, but that doesn’t mean vaccines prevent crashes.

Many of the same experts who trashed observational studies supporting hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin now flog intrinsically flawed studies on bivalent boosters.

After zealously promoting the bivalents, they may be seeking vindication. But science isn’t about vindication.

Covid vaccines mitigated severe illness while most Americans gained immunity through natural infection, which substantially boosts protection. There’s a growing consensus that we need better vaccines and treatments to protect those still at risk. But we also need honest public-health leaders.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 24, 2023 10:25 am


January 24, 2023 at 9:26 am

Does anyone have a good explanation or read how, after what Trump went through, Hiden kept a stash of government documents in his garage and other places?

Wouldn’t even low reasoning ability suggest he should have got rid of it? And quickly.

a) Forgot he had them.
b) Arrogant.
c) Stupid.
d) All of the above.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 24, 2023 10:26 am

There would be a frenzy of rock-painting …

Painting rocks white is very Keynesian. Yep, you hope they use quick dry stuff. Hope Albo still has his Nugget Coombes T-shirt and it still fits.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 24, 2023 10:27 am

Plenty of Artificial Intelligence on display here last evening.

January 24, 2023 10:28 am

Ms Fyles said she would never back a wider “race-based” intervention with the kind of alcohol bans that lapsed in the NT last year after being in place for more than a decade. “The federal intervention was tried in 2007 – it did not work then and it will not work now,” Ms Fyles told The Australian.

Politician said she would never back a wider “race-based” Voice. “The federal intervention was tried with ATSIC – it did not work then and it will not work now,”

How is this any different

January 24, 2023 10:28 am

Dutton did have a win by forcing Big Tony to go to the Alice, not that the MSM will acknowledge this.
No doubt Jacinta will be hustled out of the way. Hopefully she will rip the clown over his hypocrisy.
Despite the shallow gesture, typical of Tonio, imagine if it had been Scummo. On his knees in front of a pile of sherry bottles begging forgiveness. And the barsteward and his grubby mates are still controlling the Party Room..

January 24, 2023 10:29 am

Bruce of Newcastle says:
January 24, 2023 at 10:22 am

The bigger they are the harder they fall.

Huge wind turbines – taller than the Statue of Liberty — are toppling over in a ‘rash’ of incidents (23 Jan, via Lucianne)

The steel tower, which once stood hundreds of feet tall, was buckled in half, and the turbine blades, whose rotation took the machine higher than the Statue of Liberty, were splayed across the wheat field below. The turbine, made by General Electric Co., had been in operation less than a year. “It fell pretty much right on top of itself,” Willey says.

Another GE turbine of the same model collapsed in Colorado a few days later.


summed up by

And, of course, tall, string towers require a lot of construction materials that have (ahem) a considerable carbon footprint to create. Compared to the amount of “carbon free” electricity generated, the carbon emitted in manufacturing and construction of the towers may take many years to counterbalance. Consider that the relatively low electricity production of each tower (compared to a coal or nuclear fired plant) means that far more power transmission lines must be constructed, and there is a carbon footprint involved, not to mention the excess demand created for copper, which has its own environmental issues in mining and refining, and the problems with meeting demand when creating new copper mines hits a high wall of resistance from the very same environmentalists who think windmills are a solution to the problems they imagine CO2 creates.

But with wind farms, longevity is an issue.

They need maintenance crews at the ready. In my consulting days, I encountered a wind farm project whose transmission boxes regularly exploded when sudden gusts of wind over-stressed them, creating their own mini environmental disasters from the transmission fluids spewed onto the ground.

All of these problems are in addition to the fundamental problem with wind energy: it is unreliable. When the wind doesn’t blow, you get no electricity, so you still need backup generating power at the ready, and that usually involves carbon based fuels, since constructing nuclear plants is so rare these days.

Then there are all the millions of birds, including the federally protected bald eagles, that are killed each year by windmills.

Wind farms, in other words, are one of the worst options for providing electricity.

January 24, 2023 10:30 am

Bugger sending elbow to the Alice.

Raze Caberrah to the ground and move parliament to the winner of “shit towns of Australia” every year.
Houso flats for all the parasites and as a bonus they can practice the “15 minute lifestyle’ they are so keen on everyone else living.

A year in the Alice/Halls Creek/ Roebourne/ Derby would focus their minds on the practical in ways undreamt of in the reports they commission.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 24, 2023 10:31 am

Elbow had better take his Akubra with him when he visits The Alice. The sun up there won’t be kind to his Botoxed brow.

Does it go soft like plasticine?

They could use the opportunity to create some stock photos with particular emotions.

“Quickly, before it hardens, press the inner margins of his eyebrows together and up a bit. Okay. *click click click* That is quizzical taken care of.

“Now push the middles back down. *click click click* Good, we have determined.

“Now lift the left one and lower the right. *clock click click*. You never know when a ‘Mr Spock’ might come in handy.”

January 24, 2023 10:33 am

race pimps gunna race pimp.

Dedicated seats for First Nations people in the New South Wales parliament and truth-telling and treaty processes will be called for as part of the state Greens’ pitch to voters ahead of the March election.
A Wiradjuri and Badu Island woman, Coe said an independent treaty commission, a truth and justice commission and dedicated seats for Indigenous Australians would “change the trajectory and shape a future based on empowerment”.

How many seats would be set aside, how electorates would be divided and the model for the election, as well as a First Nations electoral roll, would be recommended by the treaty commission the party also wants established.

How about…no.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 24, 2023 10:36 am

The brickie is back next week. Now, I was paying him in Sara Lee cheesecakes, but he’s put in a claim for a payrise. No more Cheesecake Shop. No more Sara Lee. No more supermarket shit.
It has to be burnt Basque cheesecake frim the artisanal baker in the main street.
Uppity bugger.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 24, 2023 10:36 am

You wonder what a Blak Green and Lee Rhiannon would discuss over morning coffee?

January 24, 2023 10:37 am

a) Forgot he had them.
b) Arrogant.
c) Stupid.
d) All of the above.

e) Thought he had political immunity.

January 24, 2023 10:37 am

It has to be burnt Basque cheesecake frim the artisanal baker in the main street.
Uppity bugger.

Let him eat cake!

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 24, 2023 10:39 am

It has to be burnt Basque cheesecake frim the artisanal baker in the main street

No prepackaged iced coffee either. Thanks.

January 24, 2023 10:39 am

You wonder what a Blak Green and Lee Rhiannon would discuss over morning coffee?

Why…revolutionary strategies & tactics, of course.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Sancho Panzer says: January 24, 2023 at 10:27 am
Plenty of Artificial Intelligence on display here last evening.

A remarkable degree of self-awareness exhibited in this comment.
A quick perusal of Sancho’s 9 x posted comments during the evening reveals the observation is 100% correct.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 24, 2023 10:46 am


Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 24, 2023 10:48 am

Support for Voice slips as voters await more detail

I do begin to wonder if Dutton is not being deliberately strategic.

If he just came straight out and said the voice was a stupid idea, the ABC and the MSM would just lambast him as raaaaacist and ordinary Australians, conditioned like Pavlov’s dogs to drop to the floor in abject submission merely at the word, would vote for the thing so no one will call them racist.

Demanding detail, on the other hand, is faring better. It is the details where the objections to the Voice actually reside. It could be a toothless tiger or it could be third chamber of parliament. Eventually Dutton could mention ATSIC.

Pushing Albo to Alice Springs will push the reality of the problems within the Indigenous community and whether the vague Voice is a solution.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
January 24, 2023 10:48 am


Wow less than 24 hours notice of the PM’s visit to the NT. How will they clean up Alice Springs?

Emperor Albotine is coming here? We shall double our efforts!

Top Ender:

The great man would arrive, usually by helicopter to show his importance, and there would be a parade, an inspection of some bits, and then usually a morning tea where words of wisdom would be dispensed.
And this achieved?

Everything I know about staff management in the military comes from the game Metal Gear Solid V.
Offering the chance for staff to salute the top brass, and even for superior officers to physically slap the lower ranks around a bit, allegedly improves morale and reduces infighting.
Did Kojima Productions get it right?

Therefore we should expect Albo to be slapping a few unruly youths today? 😀

Black Ball
Black Ball
January 24, 2023 10:51 am

Indigenous leader Noel Pearson warned on Monday that Australia would lose the chance for reconciliation forever if the Voice were defeated at a popular vote, as concerns about law and order in Alice Springs fuelled the debate over how the reform would help achieve practical change for First Australians.

His salty tears visible from space, he can see his chance at the real Big Man evaporating.
The chance at reconciliation being lost forever. Chortle.
No Mr Pearson, you and your ilk have set reconciliation back decades with the continual agitation over Australia Day, and yet you cry about reconciliation?
Give me a spell.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 24, 2023 10:53 am

You wonder what a Blak Green and Lee Rhiannon would discuss over morning coffee?

What’s green on the outside and red with black seeds in the middle?

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 24, 2023 10:54 am

His salty tears visible from space, he can see his chance at the real Big Man evaporating.

Perhaps Mrs Peanut Head will shout him a kava.

Cassie of Sydney
January 24, 2023 10:56 am

Re. Ye or Kanye or whatever he calls himself, for clarity I’ll call him “Ye”.

Ye and anti-Semitism. He’s a representative of a big problem in the US which is black anti-Semitism, an anti-Semitism rife in black communities and actively expressed through groups such as Nation of Islam and BLM (there are other groups) and through leaders such as race hustlers Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright (Obama’s pastor) and the most notorious, Louis Farakkhan. Here is an inconvenient fact, most physical attacks on Jews in the US are perpetrated by blacks, in Demonrat run cities and states. These attacks are now happening everyday. But you won’t read much about this, because it doesn’t fit the progressive narrative of anti-Semitism only being a problem of “far-right”, white supremacist, pimply faced, young incel white men hiding in basements who only come out to attack and kill Jews. Sure, there have been deadly attacks by far-right white lone anti-Semites, such as the deadly synagogue attacks in Pittsburgh and San Diego. But those horrific attacks are the exception. What is commonplace are deadly attacks on Jews carried out by blacks, and we’ve seen deadly attacks such as a New Jersey kosher supermarket, where blacks murdered Jews. But these stories are quickly buried by the MSM because they don’t fit the narrative.

I’m not sure I support banning Ye. There are a number of reasons why. Firstly, he’s already made and continues making a fool of himself. Let him continue, he’s losing all credibility. Sunlight is the best antidote to ugly and hateful speech. Also, my problem with banning “Ye” is that by doing so, he’ll become a martyr and it will give him further currency to blame “da Jews”. Finally, where do these attempts at banning stop? We saw the Morrison government shamefully ban Milo a month before the 2019 election. I’m looking forward to seeing and hearing Kelly-Jay Keen here in the next month or two, however a Greens politician is already trying to stop her from getting a visa. Why? Because Keen argues for sexual and biological reality, she doesn’t believe transwomen are women and she doesn’t believe in mutilating children.

I’m interested in what others think.

January 24, 2023 10:56 am

Military rehearsal for a General’s visit, then the real thing. 😉

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 24, 2023 10:58 am

Let him eat cake!


H B Bearsays:

January 24, 2023 at 10:39 am

It has to be burnt Basque cheesecake frim the artisanal baker in the main street

No prepackaged iced coffee either. Thanks.

Don’t start me.
No Nespresso capsules or, heaven forbid, instant coffee.
Barista made, cold filtered single origin fair-trade Sulawesi Toraja beans.
Steel cut, obviously.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
January 24, 2023 10:58 am

I do get the feeling all this information about the COVID vaccines now being published by MSM is part of a coordinated slow leak of how bad they really are. Start publishing drip by drip, bury deep and cover with other news-worthy items like Harry and Meg, Clarke slap down, Tennis.. Then release a government medical statement on Australia Day or Good Friday. The whole sh!t show gets watered down and minimised. Pollies then claim its old news, this has been addressed, nothing to see, these arent the roids your looking for, move along.

January 24, 2023 10:59 am

His salty tears visible from space, he can see his chance at the real Big Man evaporating.


Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 24, 2023 11:02 am

His salty tears visible from space

He’s selling us a salty croc?

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Pogria says: January 24, 2023 at 6:52 am
About a week ago there was a great run of comments on heavy machinery, diggers etc. The main thread was safety and how NOT to park said diggers. Some of you mentioned Indian workmen raising diggers up high so they could sit in the shade during breaks.

Gives me the willies just looking at that picture.

Black Ball
Black Ball
January 24, 2023 11:03 am

I have posted many things about cricket on Australia Day, but there is another group that deserve attention. Fitzsimian most upset no doubt, Hun:

Several Cairns Taipans players have told club management they are hesitant to wear the NBL’s Pride Round rainbow logo on their singlets in Wednesday’s away clash against the South East Melbourne Phoenix due to their religious beliefs.

The league launched its inaugural Pride Round on Monday, and while the it has received overwhelming support, a handful of Taipans players are reluctant to don the Champion pride logo at the top of their jerseys.

The players involved are adhering to their religious beliefs and freedom of choice and the NBL won’t force them to wear the pride icon on their jerseys.

I won’t go on as the report goes on to draw parallels with the Sea Eagles players and the Muslim AFL lady player refusing to wear rainbow armbands or whatever.
But I think people are over this crap too. Not much ripples over this from Cairns as far as I see.

January 24, 2023 11:04 am

The interview published on January 2nd, 2023 between Dr. Weikl and Pascal Najadi got things going!

The internationally active Swiss investment banker Pascal Najadi, who has been vaccinated three times, feels that he has been deliberately deceived by his Federal President, Alain Berset, who as the Federal Councilor for Internal Affairs is also Switzerland’s “Minister of Health” and has therefore filed a criminal complaint against him.

He is the first to sue a head of state for false claims on the Corona issue. This inspired the second chairman of the MWGFD Dr. Ronald Weikl to conduct an interview with Pascal Najadi.

At the end of the interview, Weikl raised the question of whether a similar procedure would also be possible in Germany and tried to find out what legal basis a criminal complaint in Germany, e.g. B. against the Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach would be possible.

Brief background ( here for the interview )

On October 27, 2021, during his appearance on Swiss television SRF , Alain Berset deceived the public about the effectiveness of the mRNA vaccination with his statement “The certificate allows you to show that you are not contagious”, even though the vaccine was already effective on October 3. August 2021, the then head of the infection control section under his control, the doctor Dr. Virginie Masserey, reflecting on the results of scientific studies, said: “Covid-19 vaccinated people can spread the coronavirus just as often as unvaccinated people.”

After the German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, contrary to the current state of knowledge, had advertised a “vaccination without side effects” in the media and was still uninhibitedly deceiving the public about the supposed effectiveness of the mRNA vaccination, Dr. Weikl’s question as to whether something similar is also possible in Germany is quite obvious. However, the legal situation in Germany differs from the Swiss Penal Code. The offense of abuse of office does not exist in the German Criminal Code. Weikl was able to find out the following possible course of action through consultation with a lawyer:

Only the Medicines Advertising Act (HWG) could be used, in which truthful information is required […] Or, in combination with the Infection Protection Act (IfSG) and the obligation to vaccinate (or tolerate, as for example in the case of members of the Bundeswehr), the fact of “necessity in office” §240….

This formulation was clearly too “lax” for the lawyer Wilfried Schmitz, who was already in charge of the military complaints proceedings by two high-ranking officers of the Bundeswehr against the obligation to tolerate the Covid-19 injections (before the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig last summer). which is why he sent an email with the following wording to Dr. weikl wrote:

This representation is grossly wrong and extremely trivializing.

I can only assume in your favor that you were not given legal advice on this issue or that you were grossly misinformed.

If a Minister of Health, in particular by deliberately misrepresenting that the Covid-19 injections are “free of side effects”, contrary to his legal obligations, deceives the entire public, then the most serious criminal offenses such as murder must also be examined here, in particular (i.e. not only) the murder characteristic of the insidious.

In addition, criminal offenses according to the AMG (Medicines Act)

Finally, in this context, at least (!) the abetting of the serious criminal offenses of third parties that were supported or made possible by such public false allegations should be examined.

His statement that the Covid 19 injections were also “highly effective” was – as has long been proven – of course also deliberately wrong. But with the lie about the freedom from side effects, proof is much easier.

For your information, I have attached my criminal complaint against those responsible for the PEI, among others

I assume that your association will inform the visitors of its homepage more accurately in the future. Because you should not give the impression of wanting to distract from the true criminal guilt of those primarily responsible for administering the Covid-19 injections.


Kind regards

Wilfried Schmitz , lawyer

Published on Telegram on January 14th, 2023:

Of course, if you take a step back, clear your eyes in the face of the normalized madness and reactivate your former trust in the rule of law and its reliable jurisdiction, the situation is crystal clear.

Anyone who continues to force a vaccination campaign while vaccine damage and deaths are unmistakably skyrocketing and meanwhile all studies have shown the harmfulness of mRNA vaccines may in fact be responsible for the murder.

dr Weikl took the somewhat energetic advice from the lawyer Schmitz in a sporty way and was grateful because he had even secretly hoped that there would be another way of finally taking legal action against these unspeakable corona “vaccination” propagandists!

We would like to thank the lawyer Mr. Schmitz for this long overdue action. As the first lawyer, he blames not only the Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach, but also the PEI and the EMA for the grossly negligent failure to fulfill their legal obligations for damage to health up to the death of an unknown number of people and has filed criminal charges against these actors

January 24, 2023 11:05 am

I’m interested in what others think.

Spot on, cassie; West is a joke.

The ADC can issue a press release on his views which could prompt some much needed discussion.

Banning people because of their unsavoury views is a political tool that should be used sparingly in democratic societies.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
January 24, 2023 11:06 am

Support for Voice slips as voters await more detail

I do begin to wonder if Dutton is not being deliberately strategic.

Quite possibly right.

The flip side is if Dutton had come out from the starting gun and said what a dangerous dumb idea to divide the country on race constitutionally, if would be cover for others to come out and make a similar stand. The meja are free currently to play whack-a-mole with anyone who rejects the referendumb.

Am still looking fwd to ‘Conquest for the Empire Day’ or ‘Victory in Australia Day’ on Thursday.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 24, 2023 11:06 am

Steel cut, obviously.

Used Carr did steel cut oats no favours. He is the Lara Bingle of steel cut oats. They are actually very good, better than that rolled shit.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 24, 2023 11:08 am

Fear drives former mistress of Juan Carlos to sell remote Shropshire estate
Andrew Ellson
Monday January 23 2023, 12.01am GMT, The Times

The former mistress of King Juan Carlos of Spain is selling her home in Shropshire after telling friends she fears for her safety from “shadowy forces” working for him.

Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn has put Chyknell Hall, an 11-bedroom Regency mansion, up for sale for offers in the region of £15 million.

The businesswoman, 57, is reported to have told friends she feels unsafe at the house, which was broken into in a raid she believes was carried out by secret forces working for the former king. There is no evidence of his involvement in the incident.

She bought the estate, which comes with four cottages, barns and a stable and is set in more than 200 acres of mature parkland and woodland, for £6 million in 2015. She has since carried out extensive renovations.

A document marketing the home states: “Chyknell is a uniquely private estate, situated in one of England’s most beautiful, sought after and least populated counties.” The estate’s ownership can be traced back to medieval times and this is only the fourth time, in its history, that it has been sold.

Juan Carlos, 85, abdicated in 2014, two years after the affair was exposed.

She is fighting a long-running legal battle against him, accusing him of harassment and placing her under “constant hostile” surveillance since 2012. He denies any wrongdoing and the claims will go to trial next year.

Friends of the German-born Danish businesswoman say the sale is motivated by fear. One told The Mail on Sunday: “She has transformed the property and its grounds into something quite spectacular and she is well-liked by the local community. It is rather sad but I understand that her harassment case in London against Juan Carlos of Spain has made her wary of living in a remote property.”

Another said: “She’s had quite a lot of English and foreign interest, quite a few people. It’s not that the house is not safe, it’s her issues with Spain.”

After a break-in in 2017 Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn said she found a perfectly cut round hole, the size of a plate, missing from a pane of glass in her bedroom window. Nothing had been taken or disturbed.

She declined to comment on the sale.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 24, 2023 11:09 am

Action for Alice 2020 reports:

You never let us down
5 large buses in town this morning
They have taken the kids away
Before our guests arrive

January 24, 2023 11:10 am

Spot on, cassie; West is a joke.

As he has diagnosed mental health conditions perhaps I should rather say that nobody takes him seriously.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 24, 2023 11:10 am

Porridge seems a long way off.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 24, 2023 11:10 am


Todd Tavern
Closed for 48 hrs
Every segment of the establishment closed
Due to an apparent licence breach
So no drive thru bottle shops open as Gap View has to close as well

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 24, 2023 11:13 am


As Manuel would say, “Que?”

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
January 24, 2023 11:14 am

H B Bear says: January 24, 2023 at 10:54 am

Perhaps Mrs Peanut Head will shout him a kava.

I’ve searched. I don’t understand. What’s the Shorten-Kava connection?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 24, 2023 11:15 am

‘he can see his chance at the real Big Man evaporating.’

Damn straight. Pearson will be spewing that the actual on-country indig are firing up (as they do every summer in Alice, but not to this extent).

Their destruction of the town is not attracting the broader sympathy so desired by the affluent urban halfies, who stand to gain considerable amounts of Voice-derived cash and power.

With exquisite timing, today or tomorrow there will be another domestic violence-related killing of an indig woman in one of the town camps ‘freed’ from liquor restrictions, and the shitshow will be complete.

How DARE those low-rent commoners ruin his potential greatness!

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 24, 2023 11:15 am

No takeaways in Fitzroy Crossing. Forget flooding, that is a crisis.

January 24, 2023 11:16 am

You never let us down 5 large buses in town this morning They have taken the kids away Before our guests arrive

1. With consent of parents?

2. What inducements were offered?

3. Where have these indigenous children been “removed” to?

Inquiring minds…

January 24, 2023 11:18 am

Off topic, but I’ve just come back from the future (well, more like a recent trip to South Africa) and don’t like what I saw. When I was there, we experienced up to 12 hours of load shedding a day (coming soon to Australia, I expect, all in the name of the “Climate Crisis”). Imagine walking in a shopping mall when everything goes dark momentarily before the generators kick in or trying to draw money at an ATM when everything goes off. I feel for smaller businesses having to fork out for diesel and petrol to run small generators to keep their businesses afloat. Hardly a recipe for economic success (an aside – the suburbs where the government officials reside are, of course, exempt from load shedding). An enduring memory of my time there is the sound of hundreds of portable generators running simultaneously. The load shedding has other ramifications: water outages for days on end because the pumps transferring water to reservoirs cannot fill said reservoirs during the limited time of power “onages”. Similarly, sewage treatment plants are failing because of the power outages and there is regular contamination of beaches and rivers.

The crumbling infrastructure is also very evident, with steel crash barriers at the side of freeways stolen for scrap metal and even some overhead signs missing. Whole sections of railway lines have similarly been “requisitioned” for scrap metal. Potholes in the roads are increasing in size, depth and magnitude to make driving “interesting”.

Corruption is out of control. The state owned electricity company is compelled to buy coal from certain suppliers who then provide sub-grade coal mixed with rocks, with obvious effects. Contractors repairing problems at the power stations then sabotage something else in order to get more repair jobs. The rot extends all the way to the top, with the president having been caught with a couple of million US dollars stuffed into his couch. Nothing happened.

I could go on, but will end my tirade here….

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 24, 2023 11:21 am

I’ve searched. I don’t understand. What’s the Shorten-Kava connection?

Kava is the socially acceptable way to get ripped (albeit non traditional). The Peanut Head reference was a cheap shot at counting your chickens. Always dangerous to do it in public – whatever the private polling is telling you.

January 24, 2023 11:21 am

Please. The problems with the LNP are longstanding and cut across the generations.

IMO it began with Fraser who began to think he was the Salvation Army, assisted by the worst treasurer ever.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 24, 2023 11:23 am

I’m interested in what others think.

Kanye’s hidden himself away so effectively even his own lawyers can’t find him.
Probably a good move.

Kanye West’s legal team to run newspaper ads to tell him they’ve dumped him (17 Jan)

Kanye West’s lawyers are so frustrated trying to get in contact with him that they’re planning to take out newspaper ads just to officially tell him they no longer represent him.

Fairly clearly he was in a bipolar crisis. I hope he’s getting treatment. As to the antisemitism stuff that is utterly unacceptable, just as it is in the case of Bird.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 24, 2023 11:23 am

Ghislaine Maxwell last night said she wished that she had never met billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and claimed he was murdered in prison in a bombshell interview with Talk TV.

In her first TV interview since she was jailed for child sex trafficking, the British socialite boasted of meeting the Queen and ex-US president Bill Clinton.

During an hour-long show on TalkTV, Maxwell, 61, offered no apology to her victims and told them to take out their anger on the authorities who ‘allowed’ her former boyfriend Epstein to die in prison.

She branded the infamous photo of her with Prince Andrew – showing his arm around accuser Virginia Roberts (now Giuffre), then 17 – as ‘fake’, triggering a backlash as victims condemned her controversial remarks.

Daily Mail

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 24, 2023 11:27 am

The Smoking Gun website had the original police witness statements from the Epstein case. Everybody knew why they were there.

January 24, 2023 11:27 am

When in Thailand, remember Top Charoen for all your optical needs.

Just hilarious.

January 24, 2023 11:27 am

For all of the positive messaging pressed upon us by the media and Hollyweird, does anyone really believe these people are happier than the unmutilated masses?

To quote the legendary Kathy Shaidle: “Transsexuals are mentally ill castration fetishists”.

As for Boob Carr, nothing says “I’m a man of the common peoples”, like professing your love of steel cut oats.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 24, 2023 11:29 am


As Manuel would say, “Que?”

Clearly she is not just Say’n.

I enjoyed reading Wittgenstein anyway. He wasn’t insayn. Perhaps she should change her surnaym to Sayn-Nietzsche-Sayn. ‘Cos he did go insayn.

January 24, 2023 11:29 am

Kanye’s hidden himself away so effectively even his own lawyers can’t find him.
Probably a good move.

Presumably busy “gettin’ jiggy” with his new Ozzie woife.

Black Ball
Black Ball
January 24, 2023 11:30 am

And this was based on a leap of faith that Australians would embrace it.
I share that view. I strongly believe the voice is good, and that Australians are good and that they will support it. However, if I am wrong, I will be equally adamant that the will of the people must be respected.
That is the difference between principal and paternalism. It is also the difference between democracy and dictatorship. And it is a difference that every elected officials should know in their bones.

Final 3 paragraphs of an article in the Hun. 3 guesses who wrote it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 24, 2023 11:32 am

We were generally happy to lose contact with clients. It might be different when their accountant is still paying your bills.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 24, 2023 11:34 am

but will end my tirade here….

What have the Romans British Afrikaners ever done for us?

January 24, 2023 11:38 am

OldOzzie says:
January 24, 2023 at 10:18 am

A wall of silence about vaccine harm has cracked in the media this month.

Oh Rosie oh Rosie where are you now? your silence speaks volumes.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 24, 2023 11:38 am

As for Boob Carr, nothing says “I’m a man of the common peoples”, like professing your love of steel cut oats.

Reading a US civil war book when you should be appreciating the … um, athleticism of the womens beach volleyball goes close.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 24, 2023 11:43 am

Ghislaine Maxwell last night said she wished that she had never met billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and claimed he was murdered in prison in a bombshell interview with Talk TV.

In other pervert news:

ANDY’S LEGAL WAR CHEST Prince Andrew amasses £10million fund to launch legal case against sex abuse accuser Virginia Giuffre

The Duke of York, 62, will claim he never met her and that a photo of them was faked.

He has been given fresh hope after Giuffre, 38, withdrew sex abuse allegations against US lawyer Alan Dershowitz, admitting she “may have made a mistake”.

The King is happy for him to pursue this.

Cloth ears run strong in the Windsor family.

January 24, 2023 11:43 am

Reading a US civil war book when you should be appreciating the …

Shelby Foote can be quite engrossing.

January 24, 2023 11:50 am

I wonder if she had any idea, when she was asked to reprise her character from Voyager for the series Picard, that she will have become an alcoholic lesbian killer?

A sexy alcoholic lesbian killer.

January 24, 2023 11:52 am

Which begs the question: if shipping companies dare not transport EVs by sea how are they going to get them to Australia?

Easy peasy. Dedicated RORO ships carrying nothing but electric cars. High insurance and freight costs of course which will increase the price. If one car catches fire the lot just get dumped in the ocean.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 24, 2023 11:55 am

… an alcoholic lesbian killer?

Please essplain.
Is this an alcoholic killer who is also lesbian?
Or an alcoholic who kills lesbians?
Important distinction.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 24, 2023 11:56 am

This is just embarrassing.

Nothing compared to 2022.

January 24, 2023 11:57 am

The weird Ye situation.
Says he hates Jews continually.
But says he remains friends with a few Jewish people.
Bottom line, he is an anti-semite.
The fact that he has major mental issues doesn’t given him a pass.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
January 24, 2023 12:02 pm

scientism @mr_scientism · Jan 5

The concepts of ‘hate speech’, ‘disinformation’, and ‘foreign influence campaigns’ bring back ‘experts’ in a new role: rather than being the only voices you hear, as in traditional media, they now decide what should and shouldn’t be allowed on social media.

Hmmm. So, just as there was implied withdrawal of funds if CliSci didn’t support Thermaggeddon, we may see implied chilling effects if experts don’t support the censoring of the pre-designated wrinkles.

It’s an interesting account to follow anyhow.

January 24, 2023 12:03 pm

If one car catches fire the lot just get dumped in the ocean.

They’ll be along the side of the ship like life boats on an oil rig.

Station number 27 on fire! Releasing number 27. Confirming number 27 clear and in the water!

1 2 3 13
  1. Bet they won’t receive a welcoming reception at Australia House if they try to emigrate here. Wrong colour in many…

  2. From the Oz:- The use of the military to buttress security at the border came as congress passed the Laken Riley Act…

  3. The joint is falling apart. Masses is trying to get out of Britain. There are YT channels documenting the decline…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x