Open Thread – Weekend 11 Feb 2023

The Shipwreck on Northern sea, Ivan Aivazovski, 1875

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Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 3:29 pm

A man’s wife doesn’t come home one night. The next morning, the wife tells her husband that she had slept over at a friend’s house. The husband then contacted all of his wife’s friends asking about it. None of them said that she was staying the night. A few nights later, the husband doesn’t come home one night. Just like his wife, the next morning he tells her that he had slept over at a friend’s place. His wife then contacted all of her husband’s friends to ask about and apparently the husband was at 8 houses, 2 of which said he was still there!

February 11, 2023 3:29 pm

Those of us who regularly use the scroll wheel when it comes to the blog idiots never have to pay attention.

Kezza, stop the bullshit! You’ve read everything posted here. Chubby cheeks, you’re such an angry, dishonest little squib.

She (Kez) claims to use the ferris wheel, yet knows Fatboy has been posting comments here today.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 11, 2023 3:30 pm

Frank what about Short Willie’s pronunciation of wiff and finking.

It is not the pronunciation, but the practice.

I reckon he does wiff a bit, especially when he is being a fink.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 11, 2023 3:30 pm

February 11, 2023 at 3:25 pm

W-Press, Calli. It’s wonky.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 3:31 pm

I came, I saw, I conquered.

– Julius Caesar

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 11, 2023 3:32 pm

I see Greyranga beet me to it.

Curses and fiddlesticks!

(I reckon Shorten does both of those too.)

February 11, 2023 3:32 pm

Monty, why are you so bitter and twisted today?

Coming from you OSC, I will take that a compliment.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 3:33 pm

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.

– Lao Tzu

February 11, 2023 3:34 pm

I disagree you short arse italian/oz. Go and live in Hungary and see it from their perspective. Living in MelBum and Sictoria you have NFI.

geez you’re obnoxious

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 11, 2023 3:35 pm

February 11, 2023 at 3:32 pm
Monty, why are you so bitter and twisted today?

Coming from you OSC, I will take that a compliment.

In that case you must get very few compliments.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

She (Kez) claims to use the ferris wheel, yet knows Fatboy has been posting comments here today.

It’s a bit hard to miss when half the commenters repost, copy, paste, & discuss it.
Bit like Duk’s railroading by the Canberra Sherriff, even my dog knows all about that, as so much of it was copied & discussed in countless posted comments.

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 11, 2023 3:35 pm

Get your bumper stickers here:

Joanna and Lindsay Hackett
[email protected]

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 3:36 pm

Just watching the remake of Whiskey Galore on SBS World Movies.

Brillo !!!!!!

February 11, 2023 3:37 pm

I disagree you short arse italian/oz.

Sure, but no one really cares, you aristocratic limey

Go and live in Hungary and see it from their perspective.

For what purpose would I want to go live there, Wodney? Why don’t piss back to where you came from.

Living in MelBum and Sictoria you have NFI.


By the way, something stuck in my head. I worked with an English “dude” whose father was once the CEO of Rolls Royce Engines. Nice guy. I learned at the time that working there was one of the highest paying jobs in the UK outside of the City (finance) in pretty much all catogories. How did you end up here in Australia with assisted passage? You remember telling us you worked there? 

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 11, 2023 3:38 pm

Attacks like this on Rosie are uncalled for.
They are perfectly justified as she posts bullshit. The HCQ /heart palpitations thing was dealt with by Duk and myself earlier. It was a bullshit study designed to fail.

So why not politely remind Rosie of this? Or simply review the substance rather than viciously attacking someone for making a comment that you disagree with?

A lot of people here post what I think is bullshit. But I either ignore it, or address it if I wish to do so.
That goes for everyone here, as we all have opinions, and most people manage to not be abusive.

Or do you have the view that only a ‘correct’ perspective may be addressed here?
That suggests to me that the idea of debate is long gone from Catallaxy, for it used not to be so.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 11, 2023 3:39 pm

Lady Gaga has a woman force vomit over her chest as she plays the drums during a show.

She’s at the wrong end of history.

It gets harder and harder to shock people (9 Feb)

“Sam Smith went Satanic at the Grammys.

But that’s probably not going to shock most people’s actual Grammy and Grampy:

David Burge @iowahawkblog
I regret to inform you that singing in a devil costume may not have the intended shock value on your grandpa, who was tripping balls while watching Ozzy bite the head off a live bat and Mick Jagger ride a 60 foot long inflatable dick 50 years ago
3:51 AM · Feb 7, 2023

A confession: I missed those two Boomer highlights.

Actually, though, the Ozzy-bat-biting incident wasn’t even during the 60s, it was in 1982. And it was an accident.

Yes, an accident. Sort of, anyway”

Read on. 😀

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 3:41 pm

Mind you attacks on Jerkoff Cretin are very valid as he leads with his short arse itlalian chin. What a Pompous Windbag he is too……………………………

February 11, 2023 3:41 pm


I tend to agree with some of what you said, but I also believe that every comment here is and should continue to be contestable.

Are you still living in darkness? Lapland?

February 11, 2023 3:41 pm

Can we come up with a term for journalists who feed BS and propaganda?

I think Gerald Celente’s term ‘Presstitutes’ suffices.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 3:46 pm

A noted psychiatrist was a guest at a blonde gathering, and his hostess naturally broached the subject in which the doctor was most at ease. “Would you mind telling me, doctor” she asked “how you detect a mental deficiency in somebody who appears completely normal?” “That’s easy” he replied “you ask them a simple question which everyone should be able to answer with no trouble. If they hesitate, that puts you on the right track”. “What sort of question would you ask, doctor?” “Well, you might ask them… Captain Cook made three trips around the world and died during one of them. Which one?” The blonde thought a moment, then said with a nervous laugh “You wouldn’t happen to have another example, would you?” “I must confess I don’t know much about history”……………………

February 11, 2023 3:46 pm

I like Sinatra’s one best – buck and a half hookers

February 11, 2023 3:46 pm

Johnny Rotten says:
February 11, 2023 at 3:41 pm

Mind you attacks on Jerkoff Cretin are very valid as he leads with his short arse itlalian chin. What a Pompous Windbag he is too……………………………

Wodney, I reckons the last least accurate comment anyone has ever made about me is that I’m pompous.

I notice you haven’t spite trolled the site with the Leavenworth veteran of late. Have I missed any of his Socratic views. You lowrent import.

February 11, 2023 3:46 pm

I did read on.

“I thought it was a rubber bat,” [as you do] Osbourne said. “I picked it up, put it in my mouth, crunched down, bit into it, being the clown that I am.”

As blood filled his mouth and people in the crowd looked on with horror, he realized he’d made a horrible mistake. “Bats are the biggest carriers of rabies in the world,” he said. “And I had to go to the hospital afterwards and they started giving me rabies shots. I had one one each rear [I think he means each cheek] and I had to have that every night.

As Burge opines, the Weimar vibe is getting stronger. Almost constant and this time universal.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 11, 2023 3:46 pm

How did you end up here in Australia with assisted passage?

Dunno, but the fact that he admitted to serially stealing from his employer
while a newspaper delivery boy in Gateshead, County Durham, might give a clue?

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 11, 2023 3:48 pm

buck and a half hookers

QANTAS Hostesses?

February 11, 2023 3:50 pm

Dunno, but the fact that he admitted to serially stealing from his employer
while a newspaper delivery boy in Gateshead, County Durham, might give a clue?

Lol, so he was thieving? No wonder he’d knee-pad the Leavenworth tenant if he could.

Wodney, were they doing police reports when you entered the country? Honest question.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 11, 2023 3:54 pm

no, she is not just reporting a ‘fact’

and now Lizzie, your’e turning it into a political football to suit your own ongoing agenda

And what ‘agenda’ would that be, Matrix? My only interest here is keeping the place as an open forum for everyone, not just a restricted ground for those who conform to a particular viewpoint on matters of contention. Rosie has done well here to speak up against some extreme positions about the Covid vaxxes, such as those put forward by Struth. I also dislike abusive language, especially when directed from men to a woman. In that regard, I am rather old-fashioned. As was Sinc .. as I recall.

If that makes me a ‘bad actor’ then I couldn’t give .. a flying fox.

February 11, 2023 3:54 pm

And just to waste a few more pixels…

Guys, make sure you cover up, sunscreen and a hat outside. I know you think you’re all indestructible, but you aren’t. The Beloved had a big melanoma scare this week due to his carefree macho ways…fortunately a scare only. He looks like he’s done a few rounds with Tyson.

Just spotted him – sleeves, broad hat and the big bottle of sunscreen is noticeably lower as he squirts pennyweed in the blazing sunshine. I think he’s learned his lesson. At least he still has ears.

February 11, 2023 3:59 pm

Please Liz. No swearing, as it’s not that sort of blog. No pretend swearing either, as it’s discourteous to the person it’s directed to and also to us readers.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 11, 2023 4:00 pm

Lizzie, I caught you’re comment re OOT and people o/s. I might just close comments 30 mins after new OT opens.

Thanks Dover, I think that might be very helpful to some who otherwise rely on guesswork or who simply don’t think about it.

Half an hour should allow for any immediate responses, and other matters could also be taken over to the new thread if anyone wants to make a further elucidation … or objection … or whatever.

If others think differently, let them put the oar in now before you trial this.

February 11, 2023 4:05 pm

Guys, make sure you cover up, sunscreen and a hat outside. I know you think you’re all indestructible, but you aren’t. The Beloved had a big melanoma scare this week due to his carefree macho ways…fortunately a scare only. He looks like he’s done a few rounds with Tyson.

Yea naaa. It’s just that northern Euros shouldn’t be here as the sun is so intense. The rest of us are fine. It’s no place of pinkers as Americans call northern euros.

February 11, 2023 4:06 pm
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 11, 2023 4:06 pm

Please Liz. No swearing, as it’s not that sort of blog. No pretend swearing either, as it’s discourteous to the person it’s directed to and also to us readers.

Oh mea culpa, honey bun, and a thousand apologies to readers and to all flying wildlife.

Luckily I don’t know the meaning of the word can’t, or else I’d be in further untold strife.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 11, 2023 4:07 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
February 11, 2023 at 3:38 pm
Attacks like this on Rosie are uncalled for.
They are perfectly justified as she posts bullshit. The HCQ /heart palpitations thing was dealt with by Duk and myself earlier. It was a bullshit study designed to fail.

So why not politely remind Rosie of this? Or simply review the substance rather than viciously attacking someone for making a comment that you disagree with?

Rosie, has been useful. She’s posted so many Big Pharma corrupted news and fact check sites on the jabs… I can’t fault her on that. A valuable resource, so to speak, when it comes determining truth and sorting out the bullsh*t.

In a nutshell, she’s a clown.

Just what have you been good for on this subject, Elizabeth? Piss poor from everything I’ve read. Like most of my family, you’ve been injected with muck. With that said, I hope you continue to travel and have fun roaming the world…just don’t your dare tell someone your decision to get the jab was based on good health advice.

You can’t back it up.

February 11, 2023 4:07 pm

As Burge opines, the Weimar vibe is getting stronger. Almost constant and this time universal.

yes and there is a school of thought that the importation of Weimer decadence was what corrupted the US.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 11, 2023 4:08 pm

And a triple entendre to you too, wretched keypad!
Such a nerve – I was only aiming for a double.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 11, 2023 4:13 pm

just don’t you dare tell….

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 11, 2023 4:14 pm

there is a school of thought that the importation of Weimer decadence was what corrupted the US.

It’s cyclical. Calli’s comment reminded me of Nero and Caligula, which was quite a while ago.
We need a Vespasian, a gruff general to right the ship.

February 11, 2023 4:16 pm

Yes in the US we’ve seen a transition from a repubilcan system to an aristocracy.

Oh come on
Oh come on
February 11, 2023 4:17 pm

Rosie has done well here to speak up against some extreme positions about the Covid vaxxes

Rosie consistently runs interference for Big Pharma. She’s a most reliable footsoldier of theirs. Always ready to dim the lights and insist you’re crazy for thinking the room’s not as bright as it was before.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 11, 2023 4:18 pm

Give us the latest earthquake forecast from 6PR, Tickler.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 4:19 pm

Just what have you been good for on this subject, Elizabeth? Piss poor from everything I’ve read. Like most of my family, you’ve been injected with muck. With that said, I hope you continue to travel and have fun roaming the world…just don’t your dare tell someone your decision to get the jab was based on good health advice.

You can’t back it up.

I agree 100%. Never had the Jab. Never been coerced. Never been beaten. Never believed the BS. As Winston Churchill said. Never, ever, ever give up………………To these CROOKS……………..FARK them all.

February 11, 2023 4:20 pm

Australia had the highest overall rate of melanoma of skin in 2020, followed by New Zealand.

I wonder if it’s to do with less ozone? The sun is really intense in oz compared to the northern hem.

February 11, 2023 4:25 pm

Guys, make sure you cover up, sunscreen and a hat outside. I know you think you’re all indestructible, but you aren’t. The Beloved had a big melanoma scare this week due to his carefree macho ways…fortunately a scare only. He looks like he’s done a few rounds with Tyson.

The ‘sun exposure = melanoma’ model doesn’t explain everything about melanoma causation. Yes, sun exposure is related to melanoma, yes, countries with higher UV exposure tend to have higher melanoma rates …BUT … said Melanomas DO NOT only occur in the sun exposed parts of the body.

The immune system, also, is obviously crucial in your own natural defence against melanoma (and likely all other cancers too), which makes the new ‘immunotherapy’ for melanoma so promising, but also the immune suppressing effects of the vax more concerning – cancer is spiking post vax. A plastic surgeon I know saw 6 ‘turbo cancers’ last year when he would normally see zero or 1. Most of these were melanomas.

February 11, 2023 4:25 pm

I am from Seymour

I think he will regret that admission.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 11, 2023 4:26 pm

Yea naaa. It’s just that northern Euros shouldn’t be here as the sun is so intense. The rest of us are fine. It’s no place of pinkers as Americans call northern euros.

We should never have let Poms (£5 or otherwise) in.
Just another example of how burdensome they are.

February 11, 2023 4:27 pm

Are we talking actual melanomas or other types of skin cancers? I have a feeling that the general public calls every kind of skin cancer “melanoma”.
What say you, Duk?

February 11, 2023 4:27 pm

To these CROOKS……………..FARK them all.

Wodney, does that include Mr. Leavenworth or not? Because I think you’re being very selective with your crooks, you limey slimeball.

Also, you told us you’re past 70. You’re loafing around here most of the day when not looking for long jokes to post, strongly suggesting you’re a retired shop steward, so I’m not buying how courageous you were in avoiding the job. Unlike the others here, you were not forced to choose between a job and the jab. So STFU.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 4:28 pm

No body is safe until Gates is behind bars…………………………

February 11, 2023 4:28 pm

dover0beach says:
February 11, 2023 at 2:35 pm
The Hungarian foreign minister issues an official statement after the worsening of Hungarian-Ukrainian relations: “Law after law, they reduce the rights of ethnic Hungarians in Ukraine.”


Not really. The Minister said they parked the issue when the war began because it wasn’t appropriate to say more at the time. Now, a new law has reinforced the marginalisation of Hungarians and other minorities.

Ukraine adopted the law “On National Minorities (Communities) of Ukraine” in the second reading. Legislators completely ignored the constructive proposals that were made earlier by Hungarian and other minority group organizations. The legislation not only strengthens all the restrictions that were previously codified in the Education and State Language Acts, but implements new ones as well. For example, it does not guarantee the preservation of compact ethnic settlement areas, or the use of one’s national symbols. The law interprets minority rights exclusively as rights that can be exercised individually by persons belonging to a minority group, which deprives national minorities (their communities, organizations) of any institutionally exercisable political, educational, and language rights, and therefore the ability to influence their own destiny.

……the (new) law in its current form (does not) implement the Ukrainian Constitution’s provisions, nor Ukraine’s international legal obligations as regards the protection of the rights of national minorities. The adopted law does not guarantee adequate institutional foundations or legal mechanisms for the implementation and protection of the rights of national minorities.

Hungarian support for Ukraine has been lukewarm (at best) with repeated polls showing the overwhelming majority (90%) of Hungarians not wanting to get involved. Late last year Hungary vetoed an 18 billion euro EU financial assistance package to Ukraine and this latest Ukrainian law impacting the Hungarian minority (200,000+ persons) is probably some quid pro quo. As an aside, the EU devised a ‘work around’ of the veto and the funds are/will flow to the Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Government are probably cackling in their boots. Got the money and slapped the Hungarians. Happy days.

The Foreign Minister is annoyed hence the public expression of displeasure. For local consumption but will solidify the Hungarian public against any assistance to Ukraine.

February 11, 2023 4:30 pm

Sal at 3.35 pm:

It’s a bit hard to miss when half the commenters repost, copy, paste, & discuss it.
Bit like Duk’s railroading by the Canberra Sherriff, even my dog knows all about that, as so much of it was copied & discussed in countless posted comments.

Some idiots are too stupid to realise the bleeding obvious when it is there, right in front of them.

February 11, 2023 4:32 pm

The ‘sun exposure = melanoma’ model doesn’t explain everything about melanoma causation.

How so? What would explain it when Australia, well populated with pinkers, has much less ozone and therefore high UV, and has the highest rate in the world?

BUT … said Melanomas DO NOT only occur in the sun exposed parts of the body.

It’s also found lodged on/in organs. it may be explained as secondary because it’s very “spreadie”, no?

February 11, 2023 4:33 pm

Brits have totally lost their sense of humour. Sad. But the story is funny.

February 11, 2023 4:34 pm

Johnny Rotten says:
February 11, 2023 at 4:28 pm

No body is safe until Gates is behind bars…………………………

But not Armstrong, right? Socrates has been the more honest out of the two.

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 11, 2023 4:34 pm

Another attack on those who have done stuff in their lives. Hun:

Debate is raging over proposals for naming rights to Geelong Football Club’s soon-to-be opened northern stand.

The two-tier 14,000 capacity stand (set to be opened mid-season) will complete the Kardinia Park redevelopment after the Victorian State Government alone has contributed around $250 million.

The area and ground is controlled by the Kardinia Park Stadium Trust, a body that recently requested suggestions from the public for potential names for the new stand (the Trust was unavailable for comment on Friday).

Two early favourites emerged in recently retired captain Joel Selwood and club saviour and former president Frank Costa.

And while those two names have huge public support, a third suggestion with strong Government backing has emerged in the form of Djilang, which is the original Indigenous name for Geelong as used by the Wadawurrung tribe back in the early 1800s.

Gawd almighty and I thought Pascoe was telling porkies about black fellas settling in populations of thousands with thriving agriculture.
No doubt this city straddled the Barwon River with great pomp and splendor.
FMD this is getting real shit.

February 11, 2023 4:36 pm

I wonder if it’s to do with less ozone? The sun is really intense in oz compared to the northern hem.

The sun is actually closer to earth during the sthn hemisphere summer compared to a nthn hemisphere summer.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 4:38 pm

February 11, 2023 at 4:32 pm
The ‘sun exposure = melanoma’ model doesn’t explain everything about melanoma causation.

Good to see that short arse italian/oz changing the subject he he is caught out about UKR. And he the dope head is giving the Hungarian President advice from his bunker in MelBum. Wot’ a Tosser. Full of shite as usual. Pompous windbag. Delete.

February 11, 2023 4:38 pm

Are we talking actual melanomas or other types of skin cancers? I have a feeling that the general public calls every kind of skin cancer “melanoma”.
What say you, Duk?

Skin cancers include squamous and basal cell cancers, which typically occur in sun damaged skin, spread late and grow slowly.

Melanomas also typically occur in the skin, but NOT in necessarily in sun damaged or sun exposed skin, and spread early – they are much nastier, and are OFTEN spread when the first skin spot is found – sometimes no skin spot can be found to account for the secondaries,

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 11, 2023 4:39 pm

Johnny Rottensays:

February 11, 2023 at 4:28 pm

No body is safe until Martin Armstrong Gates is behind bars…………………………

……………………………………………………………………………………………………. LOL!!!!!

February 11, 2023 4:39 pm

The sun is actually closer to earth during the sthn hemisphere summer compared to a nthn hemisphere summer.

Okay, that would explain, Milt.

The sky is darker blue in oz that than say the US or Europe. Would that be ozone as I always thought it was?

It’s very noticeable. The sun is very intense in Australia vs the US or Europe.

February 11, 2023 4:39 pm

And while those two names have huge public support, a third suggestion with strong Government backing has emerged in the form of Djilang, which is the original Indigenous name for Geelong as used by the Wadawurrung tribe back in the early 1800s.

this is thin end of the push to remove British/Euro names from Australian places. Remember flanerfilth was pushing to change Sydney to Werong.

February 11, 2023 4:40 pm


When the Wods goes for the four exclaims it’s always very, very funny. A laugh a second.

February 11, 2023 4:42 pm

Although I never stay in hotels, or stand on balconies, what difference does it make where I am when I disagree about the vaxx injury theories, because that is all they are.
For example, not once when there has been vulturing on a ‘sudden death’ of a minor or even major celebrity have the family of the person pointed at a vaccine as the culprit.
Only the at a distance fanatics have absolute certainty about the cause of death.

February 11, 2023 4:42 pm

Well the sky in England in their winter is a much more watery blue than here.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 4:42 pm

A Danish man entered the international cow milking competition.

The man was considered a legend in Denmark and it was said that he could get any cow to produce 20 litres of milk at a time. The people of his country, including his wife and children, were sure that the Danish man would win the competition.

The American first went up on stage – the crowd cheered loudly. Two women then brought a cow on stage and walked her up to the American. The American got down on his knees and began milking the cow. He went all in and eventually ended up getting the cow to produce 8 litres of milk.

The crowd cheered loudly as he left the stage.

Then an Indian fellow went on stage. Another cow was brought in and he began milking her. He ended up producing 12 litres of milk! The crowd cheered even more loudly than before as he left the stage.

Then came time for the Danish man. The crowd cheered loudly as he entered the stage and kept screaming “Legend! Legend! Legend!” A cow was then brought to him. The Danish man began milking the cow. To everyone’s surprise he could only get cow to produce 4 litres of milk.

Disappointed, the crowd began to boo him off stage. His wife and kids were shocked and the people watching him from Denmark broke their television sets out of frustration.

As they were travelling back home, his wife said “You’ve disappointed your entire country. Don’t you feel even a bit ashamed?”

The man said “Ashamed? Absolutely. Those motherf*ckers gave me a bull!”

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 11, 2023 4:43 pm

…just don’t your dare tell someone your decision to get the jab was based on good health advice.

You can’t back it up.

It was based on a gamble against what were then unknowns, particularly for an elderly person with comorbidities. I knew that then and took the gamble, as did many other Cats on this site. I will point out that I also took the gamble of freely travelling the world during the early stages of the Covid hysteria, rejecting that hysteria for myself. The vaxxes may have been protective for some (data is variable and poorly disaggregated), but it is clear that the Covid vaxx side-effects have been totally untenable for widespread population vaccination. I have noted that here as more data comes to hand and from my own family’s experiences; vaxxes against weaker strains seem to be quite unnecessary, indeed counter-productive immunologically. Big Pharma is worth investigating re its Covid venturing, but it is also a fact of modern life, and we would be unwise to reject it entirely in its huge research functions.

I also wrote and published by June 2020 an article in Quadrant recognising the nature of some of the Covid ‘pandemic’ uncertainties and over-reactions. This is more than many others here did, and as an MPH I also signed the Great Barrington Declaration. Hairy and I during 2020-22 welcomed unvaxxed people to gatherings in our home with hugs and have never approved of anything mandatory about the Covid vaxx or any other.

‘Health advice’ always comes with caveats. If you’d had anything to do with medicine and medical research or epidemiology you would know that. I had that experience, and I knowingly took the gamble at the time. I have also taken one Novavax booster, even after having had Covid, to my original two AZ shots and my choice there was very much travel related. I do not intend to accept any further Covid or mRNA ‘vaccinations’. I have no idea whether I personally have received any ‘protection’ from Covid vaxxes. I am well and have travelled widely recently, with only a 3-day cold in the US to hinder me.

It is a mystery to me why I am constantly called up0n here to justify myself re taking the Covid vaxx. I am just one of many here who have done so, and willingly. If Covid were to flare again into something demonstrably highly dangerous to me, I would be looking at newer (maybe oral) vaxxes to assist my survival from 80 to 90! As well as looking at newer treatments.

February 11, 2023 4:43 pm

It’s also found lodged on/in organs. it may be explained as secondary because it’s very “spreadie”, no?

It wasn’t my area of practice, but IIRR, melanoma primaries usually occur in the skin (producing black freckles that spread locally). Their shape and early behaviour – only one, with obvious invasion at the edges, marks them as primaries. In contrast, secondaries are generally deep and multiple. On that basis, I think, they distinguish the primary from the secondaries, but they do spread early and sometimes no primary is found. The point being, I think, is that SOLO melanomas (ie likely primaries) are generally cutaneous, and secondaries multiple.

February 11, 2023 4:43 pm

Most admit I always were a hat and block out when I’m out in the sun in our summer.

February 11, 2023 4:44 pm

PS, am about to stop bludging and head out to feed and water the horses – if someone could let monty know?

February 11, 2023 4:45 pm

Miltonf says:
February 11, 2023 at 4:42 pm

Well the sky in England in their winter is a much more watery blue than here.

Also in Europe and the US. I always thought it was ozone. I also thought that maybe, it could also be more crap going into the local atmosphere because of the massive population differences. Dunno.

February 11, 2023 4:46 pm

I don’t know if Italians carry on like two bob watches about vaccine injuries, maybe some do, I do know they had quite a few deaths in their elderly population from covid, especially in 2020 and while only a few wear masks, careful hand sanitising is still very common.

February 11, 2023 4:48 pm

Nthn summer- 152 million km
Sthn summer- 147 million km

February 11, 2023 4:49 pm

Eyrie says:
February 11, 2023 at 4:27 pm

Sorry, I must apologise here. I used the term fast and loose.

The poor man has been zapped, frozen and scraped. Mercifully not sliced, as was my poor olive complexioned daughter (and just in time too).

February 11, 2023 4:50 pm

I would have thought the watery blue sky in England was also due to very high latitude-London- 51 degrees cf. Melbourne- 37deg.

February 11, 2023 4:50 pm

It’s very noticeable. The sun is very intense in Australia vs the US or Europe.

I must say that whilst I did find the Middle Eastern Sun *extremely bright*. We wore sunglasses on a cord around the neck, and as we went outside, would reflexively jam the eyes tightly shut whilst groping for the sunnies.

Having said that, the sun did seem much less burny than the Australian sun, possibly because the air was *always* hazy from smoke and desert sand dust in the air. I wonder if it was filtering the UV.

February 11, 2023 4:51 pm

One day my husband was shaving with just his undies on when I noticed on his back a mole had turned cancerous. As an old nurse I recognised the charcoal look of the mole as being cancer. I straight away got him to go to the doctor who confirmed the diagnosis and referred him to a professor at RPA hospital.
He was operated on with a fifty percent chance of beating it because of the depth of the growth. He had 147 stitches back then (such is no longer allowed to because classed as disfiguration). The professor who did the op said he was a keen gardener who liked to eradicate the weed and their roots.
There was no chemotherapy or radiotherapy (thank God) back then in 1987 for melanoma but thanks to the brilliant surgery he survived another 19yrs till bowel cancer took him.
One thing I noticed when we would go for yearly skin checkups at the private rooms of the surgeon was that most of the patients in the waiting room were very fair in appearance, looking Scottish or Dutch. My husband was Dutch.
My husband had been in Dutch New Guinea for two years in the Dutch Marines wearing when off duty only shorts, and had on arrival here is Aus worked for two years in shorts without a shirt as a carpenter doing framing in Qld.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 4:52 pm

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

– Confucius

February 11, 2023 4:53 pm

Don’t people get cross when facts get in the way of their theories.
X committed suicide, y had a long history of alcohol and drug abuse.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 11, 2023 4:54 pm

Surprising finding in battle to eradicate homophobia in sport

An Australian world-first study has found that education sessions delivered by professional athletes about the dangers of homophobic slurs is ineffective in curbing harmful language among young rugby union players.

According to the study, 55 per cent of players who took part reported using homophobic language with teammates in the preceding two weeks.

A follow-up survey found that 61 per cent had reported using the same language following the education session.

It strikes me that the study is telling us the main danger stems from running woke coaching sessions with young men engaged in sport.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss takes the piss back.

February 11, 2023 4:55 pm

February 11, 2023 at 4:30 pm
Sal at 3.35 pm:

It’s a bit hard to miss when half the commenters repost, copy, paste, & discuss it.
Bit like Duk’s railroading by the Canberra Sherriff, even my dog knows all about that, as so much of it was copied & discussed in countless posted comments.

Some idiots are too stupid to realise the bleeding obvious when it is there, right in front of them.

Exactly. Hard to scroll past the idiocy and abuse when otherwise readable commenters keep quoting it.

February 11, 2023 4:56 pm

How can you gaslight people who have already made up their minds and consider themselves well-informed?

Gaslighting is done on the uncertain, the frail, the vulnerable. That’s why it works.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 4:57 pm

A couple are spending their first night together after tying the knot.

The new bride leans over to her husband and says “I have a confession to make”. “Oh yeah? Who was the guy?” “Tiger Woods, the golfer”.

The husband nods and says “Well, he’s rich, famous and handsome. I can understand that”.

The couple then makes passionate love.

When they finish, the husband reaches for the telephone.

“What are you doing?” asks the wife. “I’m hungry. I’m calling room service”. “Tiger wouldn’t do that”. “Oh yeah? What would Tiger do?” “He’d come back to bed and we’d make love a second time”.

The husband drops the phone and makes love to his wife a second time.

When they finish, he goes back to the phone.

“What are you doing now?” she asks. The man replies “I’m still hungry, so I’m going to ring room service for some food”. “Tiger wouldn’t do that”. “Oh yeah? What would Tiger do?” “He’d come back to bed and we’d make love a THIRD time”.

The husband puts the phone down and heads back to bed.

Exhausted after the third lovemaking session, he picks up the phone and starts to dial.

The wife asks “Are you calling room service?” The man replies “No! I’m calling Tiger Woods to find out what’s par for this hole!”

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
February 11, 2023 4:58 pm

Speaking of lies and disinformation, The Daily Mail has an article titled Cock-and-bull stories: As Theo James admits to wearing a prosthetic in THAT White Lotus scene a look at other stars who’ve used fake phalluses on set.
Evan Handler, Mark Wahlberg, Will Poulter, Daniel Radcliffe, Josh Hutcherson, Chris Hemsworth, and Jonah Hill have all had “enhancements” to preserve the mystique of Hollywood magic.

M0nty, your game is up.

February 11, 2023 4:59 pm

The summer sun in vicco is savage even when a cold southerly is blowing. More so than in Sydney I reckon. Could be lack of ozone. Not sure.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 11, 2023 4:59 pm

just don’t you dare tell….

Aha. The wagging finger writes, and having writ, moves on.

Well, at least we’ve still got piety and wit left. 🙂

February 11, 2023 5:00 pm

A Zombie Apocalypse Of Morons…

Eggs. It’s definitely the eggs. Not just eggs. Meat, too. Stay away from both. Eat your bugs and be happy you dirty little grubs.

It would seem there is an epidemic of crooks posing as researchers. I don’t know where they find these people but they ought to be put up against a wall for facilitating crimes against humanity.

Of course, this comes on the back of newly released video footage of Project Veritas, which is — ahem —compromising.

The MSM immediately had a cardiac moment themselves and began furiously publishing hit pieces on Project Veritas, conveniently steering away from the actual footage and topic.

So now what?

Sadly, probably nothing. It’s not like the police are going to go and arrest Pfizer management as they should. How many times have we seen egregious crimes being committed in the open with zero accountability and recourse? I’ve lost count.

The Zeitgeist Is Definitely Changing

Remember how we discussed in a recent issue that most people are actually “vaccine hesitant?” That is a loss of trust.

And now this. Not good for trust.

A recent Rasmussen report concluded that 57% of Americans want the CDC investigated.

Now, we need to be cautious with any poll done as the sample size and the region (or regions) it’s conducted in can skew the results wildly.

Still, this is almost certainly much, much higher than it would have been back in 2020. That’s good. More folks are waking up.

What else?

They Knew: Why Didn’t The Unvaccinated Do More To Warn Us?

Hahaha! This one. I swear, I’m not making this up, though I’m still unsure if it’s a parody. You never know these days. I mean, the MSM is going to put the Onion out of business, so…

They knew: why didn’t the unvaccinated do more to warn us?

The unvaccinated knew what we didn’t. Some of them said too little. Most said nothing at all. A lot of blood is now on their hands.

As the world struggles to come to terms with the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, one question that continues to surface is why the unvaccinated didn’t do more to warn us about the potential dangers of being injected.

While well intending citizens lined up, did the right thing, and received their COVID19 vaccinations — now seeming to do more harm than good –– their unvaccinated friends stood by and let them do it. Some of them said too little. Some said nothing at all.

Even though they knew what we didn’t.

Our blood is now on their hands.

Those are strong words. But the unvaccinated had access to important information about the potential side effects of vaccines. They knew about the risks of severe allergic reactions, blood clots, and other serious health complications. They knew that vaccines did not immunize us. They knew it wasn’t effective, and that they can cause more harm than good.

They knew all of that, but instead of warning us, the unvaccinated chose to remain silent. They chose to look the other way and not speak out about the potential dangers of vaccines. They let millions of good folks who did the right thing (at the time) fall to death and disease, and many antivaxxers even gloated online about how their coin flip had been the right bet. The more diabolical even urged folks they disagree with to “get boosted.”

It has become all too clear. The silence of the unvaccinated was a dangerous, sociopathic, and irresponsible decision that has had serious consequences for those of us who received the vaccinations.

And silence is, after all, consent.

It is time for the unvaccinated to take responsibility for their actions and to work with the rest of us to find a solution to this crisis. We cannot afford to let their selfishness and lack of action continue to harm our communities. It is time for the unvaccinated to step up and do the right thing.

The unvaccinated should by any moral measuring stick have done more to warn about the potential risks — to help us make informed decisions about our health. And they must now ask us for our forgiveness.
And, hand to heart, we may just give it to them.

Because we are good people. We took those injections because it was the right thing to do — until it wasn’t.

But wait, that’s not all. Check this beauty at the end.

Inclusive! Unless you want to leave a comment.

Gotta love the rainbow colors. Soooo inclusive, but not if you want to comment.

And what of the moderators? “Traumatized?” What are they made of? Cardboard.

So why are we seeing this? Remember when you were a kid and you did something wrong, (stole some chocolate out of the cupboard or whatever) and then lied about it? And the closer you got to having the lie being revealed the more you understood you needed to change strategy. The lie no longer worked. You needed something else. A justification or someone to blame. “Well, Mum it was that neighbour of ours, you know Joey. Yeah, it was Joey who came over and I thought it might be OK to offer him some… you know, being a good neighbour and all that.”

This is shifting the blame to Joey while attempting to put oneself in a positive light. “Oh gee love, that was rather thoughtful of you to want to offer our neighbour something. I guess you’re not such a bad kid, after all. I’ll let this one go then.”

THIS is what they’re trying.

What it means is an act of desperation as what has been as obvious as mud to us from early 2020 finally — and at an accelerating pace — becomes too big an elephant to hide.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 5:00 pm

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.

– Michael Jordan

February 11, 2023 5:01 pm
February 11, 2023 5:01 pm

Not bad for one week.

Ben Fordham
Karl Stephanovic
Rita Panahi

Has anybody seen Bolt do a hard hitting article or segment on his show?

The problem is we get the occasional column like Rita’s but meanwhile the “presstitutes” (TM Flying Duk) run dictation for the Government’s next propaganda jab release.

Still waiting for Newscorp coverage of the McCullough/Kory events and the manner in which they are covered.

So far never seen Dr’s such as Phillip Altman, Robert Clancy (the one Craig Kelly was quoting to Allison Langdon), Melissa McCann, etc given space to counteract the non stop pro jab campaigners most of whom have very clear conflicts of interest.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 11, 2023 5:01 pm

He had 147 stitches back then (such is no longer allowed to because classed as disfiguration).

Goodness me.
Is there really some sort of stitched-based limit?

And what happens if your condition requires more than that? Sorry, Dr Faustus, we could fix you, but it’s much better for you to die and leave a beautiful corpse…

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 11, 2023 5:03 pm

It was based on a gamble against what were then unknowns

Yes. Trump for example had to accept the “expert” advice from Fauci and the CDC. Which led to Operation Warp Speed. It’s only now that we know those people were complete lefty wackos.

The HCQ anathemization came because Trump recommended it. The Left couldn’t accept that so got it banned. Ivermectin was banned thereafter because it was like HCQ, even though Trump was careful to say nothing about it.

And here we are, now, stuck in a fascist health system controlled by utter maniacs.

About the only good thing out of this whole mess is that the expert class have soiled their own nest, big time. That goes increasingly for all the elites’ pet ideologies including global warming.

Interestingly the AI chat bot thinks there’s 100% chance of another US civil war happening shortly.

ChatGPT AI predicts 2nd American Civil War — Probability ‘Is Actually 100%.’ (10 Feb)

February 11, 2023 5:04 pm

I don’t think so.
An very elderly relative was knocked over by a car and got 200 stitches, that would have been seven or eight years ago.

February 11, 2023 5:04 pm

It’s staples now, Faustus. And some sort of superglue.

Stitches are for macho men who want to woo crazy hot chicks.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 5:05 pm

They Knew: Why Didn’t The Unvaccinated Do More To Warn Us?

Because we were not listened to.

February 11, 2023 5:05 pm

Still waiting for Newscorp coverage of the McCullough/Kory events and the manner in which they are covered.

Occupied with other things;

” News Corp to cut 1,250 jobs after second quarter earnings miss”

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 11, 2023 5:07 pm

If you want to read something worthwhile, that article upthread linking to a woman who used to work in the gender dysphoria clinic of a major US hospital is well worth perusing. What is going on there, and in the more than 100 other similar US hospital-attached clinics, is nothing short of institutionalised child abuse, as she documents in her emails.

Children as young as eleven are being given puberty blockers being assured that they will do no harm, and the whole sexual development and physical integrity of the child is then put assunder. Females given testosterone bleed from torn vaginas if they have intercourse, and males given oestrogen develop urinary problems, plus in both sexes there is sudden diabetes and high blood pressure and many other physiologically deleterious changes occur in these kids. Added to that is the surgical manipulations of these young bodies which also produce horrifying results both psychologically for the child and also physically.

As might be expected from such brutal tinkering. Save the Children.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 5:08 pm

The unvaccinated knew what we didn’t. Some of them said too little. Most said nothing at all. A lot of blood is now on their hands.

Rubbish. You stupid farkers were not listening. Your problem now about being jabbed. Not mine as I never got jabbed and never needed to.

February 11, 2023 5:11 pm

calli says:
February 11, 2023 at 5:04 pm

It’s staples now, Faustus. And some sort of superglue.

Stitches are for macho men who want to woo crazy hot chicks.


it was staples back in 1949 when as a 4 year old kid, I was having a tug of war with another kid (a bit older) on the edge of a high drop and I was hanging over on the drop side, he let go & I split my leg and foot on the way down- staples rather than stitches at RNSH

February 11, 2023 5:11 pm

Hydroxychloroquine was conditionally approved for covid treatment and then removed because it was causing heart arrhythmias
side effects
it is great for malaria though

February 11, 2023 5:12 pm

Government backing has emerged in the form of Djilang, which is the original Indigenous name for Geelong as used by the Wadawurrung tribe back in the early 1800s.

Is there any documentation supporting this claim or did someone just make it up because it sounded “right”?

If it was the early 1800’s, there must be a record of it.

February 11, 2023 5:12 pm

Goodness me.
Is there really some sort of stitched-based limit?

We were informed of this on the last visit we made to the Prof’s rooms.

When my husband had a colostomy back in 2003 the surgeon told us that the govt was counting how many ops he had performed requiring colostomies as they wamted to restrict the numbers of those they classed as having a disability.

February 11, 2023 5:14 pm

The unvaccinated knew what we didn’t. Some of them said too little. Most said nothing at all. A lot of blood is now on their hands.

You do realise this a spoof, don’t you?

Shirley you aren’t taking it seriously.

February 11, 2023 5:15 pm

Most said nothing at all.

If this blog is anything to go by, there’s your clue.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 11, 2023 5:15 pm

Aha. The wagging finger writes, and having writ, moves on.

Well, at least we’ve still got piety and wit left.

Didn’t notice the piety there.

February 11, 2023 5:16 pm

mOron is inspired by these grubs;

Righteous Tyrants
No, they’re not cutting off food supplies or building labor camps but these modern-day tyrants seek the same ends: crush the opposition and control the masses.

James Baker, Vijaya Gadde, Yoel Roth, and Anika Collier Navaroli took the quasi-stand this week at a House Oversight Committee hearing to explain their roles in colluding with the government to suppress free speech during an election year, particularly related to the New York Post’s coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop story in October 2020. Baker, the former general counsel for the FBI when the bureau used fabricated political opposition research to defraud a secret federal court and obtain a warrant to spy on Donald Trump, was fired by Elon Musk as Twitter’s general counsel after it was discovered Baker was vetting company files made available to independent journalists.

February 11, 2023 5:20 pm

How about the tears washing out a word of it?

On a wall in my house sits an illuminated version of that quatrain on vellum. I bought it from a calligrapher who had a gallery somewhere down on the South Coast.

February 11, 2023 5:21 pm

calli says:
February 11, 2023 at 5:14 pm

The unvaccinated knew what we didn’t. Some of them said too little. Most said nothing at all. A lot of blood is now on their hands.

You do realise this a spoof, don’t you?

Shirley you aren’t taking it seriously.


the aricle did say – Hahaha! This one. I swear, I’m not making this up, though I’m still unsure if it’s a parody. You never know these days. I mean, the MSM is going to put the Onion out of business, so…

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 11, 2023 5:22 pm

Stitches are for macho men who want to woo crazy hot chicks.

Ahah. So that explains why I keep getting late night calls from Amber Heard.

February 11, 2023 5:22 pm

The McCrispy sign next to the crematorium sign posted by Pogria is so funny. Locals said it was in poor taste. Well it would be coming from Macca’s.

February 11, 2023 5:24 pm

This was published in July 2022, I’ve linked it here before.
Did anyone confirm if Clive Palmer actually took hydroxychloroquine when he was sick?
Didn’t think so.
Hydroxychloroquine for COVID19: The curtains close on a comedy of errors

February 11, 2023 5:26 pm

Baker, the former general counsel for the FBI when the bureau used fabricated political opposition research to defraud a secret federal court and obtain a warrant to spy on Donald Trump, was fired by Elon Musk as Twitter’s general counsel after it was discovered Baker was vetting company files made available to independent journalists.

Makka, I watched parts of the hearing when those summarily fired former Twitter employees were giving testimony. I may have missed it, but I was shocked that Baker wasn’t asked to explain his firing for messing with Twitter’s files. That would have highlighted how dishonest he was and couldn’t be believed about anything. I can’t believe Jordan never asked him. Did he?

February 11, 2023 5:27 pm

What this blog needs is more discussion about the Tartarian Empire and the lost civilisation of the Tartarians.

Robert Sewell
February 11, 2023 5:28 pm


I dunno, I reckon capital punishment for treason is a winner, especially when people realise that potential candidates are primarily politicians and bureaucrats.

I agree – but the statement was a bout CP full stop.
I wouldn’t trust the bastards with that kind of power – we’ve already seen their abuse of the Australian people who reject their demands to conform, to be very wary of them.
But yes, the prospect of seeing some of these treasonous bastards doing the Dangle Dance would be quite satisfying.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 11, 2023 5:28 pm

The worst is Justin Langer.
I felt some sympathy for him when he got tipped out as coach but, after hearing him drone on in TV commentary, I can see why the players were calling, “Please make it stop!”.

Langer is like having a talking desk calendar.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 11, 2023 5:30 pm

I wonder if it’s to do with less ozone? The sun is really intense in oz compared to the northern hem.

Sunlight and Melanoma aren’t connected, though your GP will lie and say they are.
If that were true, then brickies, scaffolders, riggers, fruitpickers, veteran tennis players would be way out in front in the Melanoma Stakes.

The reality is that the typical Melanoma victim is a female factory worker or a housewife with unshielded Fluorescent lighting within a metre of her head for hours at a time every day for years.
Blokes who work in the sun are vastly underrepresented, I’ve never heard of it.

February 11, 2023 5:30 pm

I don’t think so, rosie.

It tastes funny.

Cassie of Sydney
February 11, 2023 5:31 pm

My comment was blocked but is now at Dash Cat.”

I’ve just looked at your comment on Dash Cat, it seems you’ve been politely warned by the proprietor, Adam.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 11, 2023 5:33 pm

Have some sympathy for Climate Change Pat and his touring team of hydroponic orchids.
The ever present advertising of cement, steel and oil in India must have caused significant trauma and constant triggering for the team. It’s lucky they made it onto the field after hours of counselling in the eco-friendly safe room. Brave boys!

February 11, 2023 5:33 pm

I know it Calli, my teenage son ordered that on our first venture to France many years ago, because of course we had no idea.
After that it was mostly Vegemite baguettes.

February 11, 2023 5:36 pm

I may have missed it, but I was shocked that Baker wasn’t asked to explain his firing for messing with Twitter’s files. That would have highlighted how dishonest he was and couldn’t be believed about anything. I can’t believe Jordan never asked him. Did he?

I didn’t see it but I read another article questioning why Jordan didn’t, so I assume he never did.

I think Baker is CIA, and part of Brennan’s commo gang. Moving between key posts of influence. FBI now Twitter. Where to next, we’ll see where he pops up.

February 11, 2023 5:36 pm

Republican Senator “Can’t Rule Out” Revelations In Explosive Hersh Report

Republican Senator Mike Lee of Utah is a lone Congressional voice this week who admitted that Seymour Hersh’s explosive report How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline has given him serious pause.

He wrote on Twitter that he “can’t immediately rule out” the idea that the US was behind the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline sabotage. Importantly, he inquired of fellow Senators over whether they had been tipped off or notified by the Biden administration of any covert ops related to the Nord Stream pipelines.

Mike Lee

I’m troubled that I can’t immediately rule out the suggestion that the U.S. blew up Nord Stream. I checked with a bunch of Senate colleagues. Among those I’ve asked, none were ever briefed on this. If it turns out to be true, we’ve got a huge problem.

Importantly, the Hersh report asserted that Congress wasn’t notified of the secret plan carried out by the CIA utilizing an elite team of Navy deep-sea divers because it was intentionally downgraded from being deemed a covert operation (which would require Congressional notification). Hersh had cited a source “with direct knowledge of the operational planning.”

Instead, says the Hersh report, the sabotage operation became formally a “highly classified intelligence operation with US military support” and that the change meant that there was “no longer a legal requirement to report the operation to Congress.”

Despite Sen. Lee highlighting the revelations, the White House press pool has remained silent in terms of pressing the Biden admin. on the Pulitzer Prize winning journalist’s findings.

However, on Thursday a reporter in the State Department’s daily briefing room did inquire of the Hersh report. State Dept spokesman Ned Price tried to bat it down and move on, dismissing Hersh’s reporting “utter and complete nonsense” and which should “be rejected out of hand by anyone looking at it through an objective lens.”

Watch the tense exchange below:

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 11, 2023 5:37 pm

Although I never stay in hotels, or stand on balconies, what difference does it make where I am when I disagree about the vaxx injury theories, because that is all they are.

Much like the theory that the jab would not allow transmission of the glorified flu or be cured by them.
And rosie you wouldn’t be where you are now without the vax. It was never about health.

February 11, 2023 5:40 pm

Vaxx passports are not required to enter Italy.

February 11, 2023 5:41 pm


Could it be that folks who are always in the sun are far less prone to melanoma as their bodies adjust? Australia, by virtue of our climate, is an outdoorsy sort of place, but with the highest incidence in the world, which has a great deal of relevance, I think. If your claim was right, then incidence would be evenly spread over the world, especially in places with tough winters that cause folks to remain indoors more and therefore be bombarded with artificial light.

Perhaps it could be something to do with lack of vitamin D. I read somewhere that older folks are more prone to melanoma. Perhaps they’re indoors more and lack vitamin D or their bodies are less able to make adjustments. If you see a person with great hunks of their scalp dug out, foreheads or even faces lopped off, it’s always old folk.

Robert Sewell
February 11, 2023 5:42 pm


We have no nukes. We therefore should be arming ourselves not anyone else.

“The worst thing about being unarmed is that it allows people to despise you.”
Some bloke way back then.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 5:44 pm

February 11, 2023 at 5:27 pm
What this blog needs is more discussion about the Tartarian Empire and the lost civilisation of the Tartarians.

What this Blog needs is more about everything with the Political situation in Southern Siberia. FFS.

Get a grip you blaggers, er, I mean blockheads, er, I mean bloggers…………………….

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 11, 2023 5:44 pm

Thank you calli for your clarification.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 11, 2023 5:44 pm

I shouldn’t have thrown country boy Murphy into the mix.
Seven wickets is no mean feat on debut.

February 11, 2023 5:47 pm

The two people I know from my yoof who died from melanoma were a blonde surfer boy and a red headed girl who always burned at the beach. The first didn’t get to 21, and the second to 30.

February 11, 2023 5:47 pm

I just messaged my dad and brother that we can win this.

Next ball. Oh dear!

February 11, 2023 5:48 pm

Another Oracle that know me better than I know myself.
I got vaccinated at my daughter’s urging because I have risk factors that are none of your business.
The travel option at the end of 2021 was a bonus.
There are now zero requirements to get vaccinated in order to travel to Europe but nevertheless I got a booster because I deemed it prudent.
I have no more concern about vaccine side effects for this vaccine than I do for any other medication or vaccine in terms of risk, because there is always some risk.
And I won’t have any concerns until someone provides credible evidence, not sky is falling headless chicken nonsense every time some minor celebrity dies.
As I’ve pointed out before, the vast majority of Australians over 60 were given Astrazeneca, the vast majority of excess deaths in Australia are people over 60.
The next Australian mortality report will be released on 23 February 2023.
What will you all do if things are heading back to normal.
Meanwhile only having less that two months to live according to Truth by Struth I’m enjoying myself in my usual modest budget kind of way.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 5:48 pm

February 11, 2023 at 5:40 pm
Vaxx passports are not required to enter Italy.

BUT, they are to leave Convict’s Paradise. The Biosecurity Act says so………………………Our Left Wing Nut Job Feral Guv’ment says so……………………………..T.W.A.T.S……………….

February 11, 2023 5:49 pm

No worries, Black Ball. Stupid, stupid EU had restrictions in place last year, then dropped them all.

Because, somehow, covid wasn’t as dangerous any more.

I guess it had served its purpose.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 11, 2023 5:49 pm

Shakin’ Steven,
Please check the blog rules.

Chill, dude.

February 11, 2023 5:50 pm

Hey Wodney Woddenhead.

This is the headline for a story at Barron’s.

Ponzi Schemes Surged in 2022. Many Involved Crypto.

Do you know if Madam Socrates has been peddling crypto?

February 11, 2023 5:50 pm

And speaking of gaslighting, can Cats please desist in upticking their own comments? It’s embarrassing.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 5:51 pm

February 11, 2023 at 5:40 pm
Vaxx passports are not required to enter Italy.

BUT, they are to leave Convict’s Paradise. The Biosecurity Act says so………………………Our Left Wing Nut Job Feral Guv’ment says so……………………………..T.W.A.T.S……………….

But certain Tennis Elbow Players are able to come and go now without being jabbed. Desperate Dan the Dustbin Man now allows it in the state of Sictoria…………………Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 11, 2023 5:51 pm

If you see a person with great hunks of their scalp dug out, foreheads or even faces lopped off, it’s always old folk.

That’s right, but I think you’ll find that’s from Basal and Squamous Cell Carcinomas, not Melanomas.
What’s done to oldsters in Homes is disgusting, but Fluorescent Light contains UV-A light, which is harmless, UV-B light, which is beneficial, UV-C light, which will eventually cause Cancer.
Perspex shielding stops the UV-C rays, but you’ll notice in Supermarkets
the Checkout and Deli Operators work under Fluoro light which are quite close.
The light is diffused but not shielded.
Anecdotally, I’ve heard cancer rates among some female Supermarket staff, particularly women in the Deli, is pretty high.

February 11, 2023 5:52 pm

Entering Italy this year at passport control this year I was the only person eligible for the Commonwealth US epassport fast track, the border police officer didn’t even bother to stop talking to his colleague to look at my face before stamping my passport.

February 11, 2023 5:53 pm

You don’t need a vaccine passport to leave Australia either.

Cassie of Sydney
February 11, 2023 5:54 pm

I’ve just returned from spending the afternoon with my mother and my sister. Last night my mother had a fall, at about 9.30 p.m. She was unable to get up. My stepfather is 91 years old and a virtual cripple so he was unable to assist her however she managed to move, snake like, to the couch where she grabbed her handbag and foraged for her phone to ring my nephew who lives in Bondi Junction. My nephew and his wife immediately went over and were able to help her up, and dressed her head as she’d smashed her head whilst falling down and there was a lot of blood. My mother said to my nephew that there was no way, no way in the world that she would willingly go to St Vincent’s emergency in Darlinghurst, especially on a Friday night. Over the last three years she’s been taken to St Vincent’s emergency about four or five times and has ended up waiting/sitting on a stretcher for hours. It’s abysmal. I don’t blame her for not wanting to go to hospital. Surely there must be a better way for hospitals to operate? Anyway, it appears that it’s a recurrence of her gout. My sister collected me today and we went over this afternoon and my mother was in good spirits, despite her hair being matted with dried blood. I looked at her head and luckily there was no deep gash however it was badly bruised. She was very coherent and happy to see her two daughters. We had collected food from a patisserie in Darlinghurst and took over some delicious tarts and baguettes. However, she’d taken out her frustration on my poor stepfather who cannot remember her falling. My stepfather told me that he was very glad that we were there. I asked him if he remembers anything and he said no and he said she blames him for her fall. When we walked into the apartment, it was stifling because all the windows were closed and it was dark. They don’t like putting on lights or air-conditioning.

Elderly parents, never easy.

February 11, 2023 5:56 pm

Just. Stop. Lying.

It’s pathetic.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 11, 2023 5:56 pm

The two people I know from my yoof who died from melanoma were a blonde surfer boy and a red headed girl who always burned at the beach.

Thanks, Calli.
Do you remember where these 2 people spent most of their time when they weren’t sleeping, Surfing or Burning at the Beach?

Robert Sewell
February 11, 2023 5:57 pm


At some point, electronic warfare counters on the battlefield will become so pervasive,
Lo Tech will be the new game changer.

A point I’ve tried to make multiple times. A nuke can be delivered by a donkey just as well and with more accuracy at ground level than a billion dollar missile system.

February 11, 2023 5:58 pm

calli says:
February 11, 2023 at 5:47 pm

The two people I know from my yoof who died from melanoma were a blonde surfer boy and a red headed girl who always burned at the beach. The first didn’t get to 21, and the second to 30.

Wifey had a huge chunk of her butt cheek cut out really deep when she was ~33. She would sunbake all summer at the beach on weekends. She now gets yearly checkup and doesn’t go out in the sun without sunblock.

It’s obviously not 100% old folks, but they’re a frequent sight with most of their scalps cut out.  I’ve also seen a few elderly people with what appear to be parts of their skulls scooped out too.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 6:00 pm

February 11, 2023 at 5:53 pm
You don’t need a vaccine passport to leave Australia either.

Rubbish. Try and leave without one. The dick heads here are still sacking people here for not being jabbed. Wake up you idiots……………….

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 11, 2023 6:02 pm

The ABC commentary tools are laughing that pictures of world cricket greats are throughout the Nagpur stadium without context or notation of their career stats.
Indians don’t need to be told like morons the feats of cricket greats. They’re cricket lovers and will tell you players from all counties going back fifty years that they admire.
I was told numerous times how sad it was that Rod Marsh and Warnie had died. They’d often put a hand on my shoulder in genuine condolence.

February 11, 2023 6:04 pm

Cassie, I sympathise. Very, very close to my experience over the past week too. It’s hard work but a privilege to look after them.

And it drives you crazy!

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 11, 2023 6:04 pm

Davey hanging in there.
This Test was gone yesterday, but if they drop Usman and replace him with Renshaw and swap Lyon out for Ashton Agar, I think they’ve got a chance in the series.

February 11, 2023 6:04 pm

calli says:
February 11, 2023 at 5:50 pm

And speaking of gaslighting, can Cats please desist in upticking their own comments? It’s embarrassing.

I’ve noticed Woddenhead has a tick or two even before he’s finished with the


February 11, 2023 6:05 pm

Tartarians? Are they the ones with bad teeth?

February 11, 2023 6:05 pm

At least you tried Calli.
What Mr Twain said.

February 11, 2023 6:07 pm

The Indians even know how grade cricket is going.

February 11, 2023 6:08 pm

Elderly parents, never easy.

Good luck Cass. I know exactly how you feel. At least you have a sis. I was the only one. I did everything for them in the last few years. You feel frustration now, but the satisfaction of knowing you helped will be a great memory once they’re gone. The guilt trip that you never did enough always remains, though, but it’s just your mind playing tricks.

February 11, 2023 6:11 pm

Indians don’t need to be told like morons the feats of cricket greats. They’re cricket lovers and will tell you players from all counties going back fifty years that they admire.

More victims of colonialism!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 11, 2023 6:12 pm

The first sentence of calli’s link to the Australian Government website.

Travellers entering or leaving Australia do not need to provide evidence of vaccination status. 

Hey Woddenhead.
Stop reading the ramblings of that convicted criminal Martin Armstrong.
You are picking up his penchant for lying, you pathetic limey misfit.

February 11, 2023 6:12 pm

Wrong JR, I didn’t need one.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
February 11, 2023 6:12 pm

I spent nearly all my working life out in the open, often in the blazing heat of WA’s NorWest and Goldfields.
Acutely aware of skin cancer risk, I almost never went outside without a broad brim hat and long sleeves but still managed to score some nasty skin cancers on my face and hands.
I had these removed and the resulting scars only add to my rugged good looks and manliness.

Among pale skinned Aussies, skin cancers are a very real risk, don’t overlook that little scab or patchy dry skin, it may very well kill you.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 6:14 pm

WIll Russia Have Any Choice But to Nuke Ukraine?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, does your computer suggest that Russia will launch nuclear weapons on Ukraine?

Your computer seems to be the only straight no-nonsense in the middle of this insanity.

Thank you


ANSWER: The West is the aggressor and they are out to destroy Russia pretending that they are saving the planet because it is a major fossil fuel producer. That is not nonsense, It is real.

What I can say is that there is an element inside Russia who have been pressing for them to just nuke Ukraine pointing out that when the US did that to Japan, it ended the war. They see this now as a war against NATO, which has been perfectly fine if every Ukrainian citizen dies for their end goal. To appear more human than the United States, Russia would give the civilians 72 hours to leave the area. They would justify themselves by pointing to the USA which gave no effective notice to civilians other than listing a number of cities and not really explaining what would happen with one nuclear bomb. It gave the impression of just bombing where people could take shelter below ground. Russia would make it clear this is a tactical or strategic nuclear weapon so leave now. Zelensky would be the first to flee.

The West has been pushing for war and the US/NATO have been hoping to destroy Russia conventionally and then just walk into Moscow to a TICJER-TAPE PARADE that they expected and never got. These people are delusional. Russia is now well aware that this is a strategic war to destroy their country once and for all. The attack on the pipeline demonstrates that this was a permanent action to cut off all fossil fuel sales to Europe. The West is pushing Russia into a corner and they now realize this is to destroy Russia as a nation. That will not leave many options. The US and NATO are not prepared to leave Russia still standing as a superpower and one of the largest producers of fossil fuels.

The US leaflet they dropped on some 50 cities read:

The ‘LeMay Leaflet’
“Read this carefully as it may save your life or the life of a relative or friend. In the next few days, some or all of the cities named on the reverse side will be destroyed by American bombs. These cities contain military installations and workshops or factories which produce military goods. We are determined to destroy all of the tools of the military clique which they are using to prolong this useless war. But, unfortunately, bombs have no eyes. So, in accordance with America’s humanitarian policies, the American Air Force, which does not wish to injure innocent people, now gives you warning to evacuate the cities named and save your lives. America is not fighting the Japanese people but is fighting the military clique which has enslaved the Japanese people. The peace which America will bring will free the people from the oppression of the military clique and mean the emergence of a new and better Japan. You can restore peace by demanding new and good leaders who will end the war. We cannot promise that only these cities will be among those attacked but some or all of them will be, so heed this warning and evacuate these cities immediately.”

February 11, 2023 6:14 pm

If I know the location of the launderette at Lyme Regis for our trip in June, I definitely know what’s required to get out of this stupid country.

There’s been a LOT of loose talk about gaslighting.

How about a bit of self-reflection?

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 11, 2023 6:14 pm

Perhaps we can just say with healthy smatterings of certainty that Australia aren’t that good overseas.

February 11, 2023 6:15 pm

What about them?
Excess deaths started occurring before boosters.
And if you’re going to blame pfizer because there is something inherently wrong with the vaccine then why aren’t excess deaths concentrated in under 60s?
And why keep spouting about sudden deaths in young people?
All I see is assertions without evidence.

here’s the graph

Cassie of Sydney
February 11, 2023 6:16 pm

Why do old people like sitting in hot room and in the dark? Is it because they grew up in thriftier times? When we arrived my mother was wearing her winter dressing gown and had winter slippers on.

Robert Sewell
February 11, 2023 6:17 pm


“We need to celebrate our diversity, not just tolerate it.”
Hear that? We need to celebrate it.
Won’t be long before he makes it compulsory.

You will clap for me.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
February 11, 2023 6:17 pm
February 11, 2023 6:18 pm

Thanks for the advice Pedro

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 11, 2023 6:20 pm


February 11, 2023 at 6:12 pm

Wrong JR, I didn’t need one.

The main focus is the destination country.
We are planning to go to Japan (hi Razey!).
As far as I can tell the requirements for entry to Japan are triple vaxxed or a negative PCR test within 72 hours of departure.
OK, it’s a nuisance, and might cost a bit more, but there is no prohibition from this end.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 11, 2023 6:21 pm

Among pale skinned Aussies, skin cancers are a very real risk, don’t overlook that little scab or patchy dry skin, it may very well kill you.

These are basal or Squamous Cell Carcinomas, not Melanoma.
The chances of a Squamous Cell Carcinoma killing you are 1 in a million.
There’s only so many times you can have them burnt or frozen off before there’s no skin left, so think carefully.

February 11, 2023 6:24 pm

Cassie, I have noticed this too. I think it’s because they feel the cold (regardless of the room temp) a lot more than us. Dad’s been in trackies and slippers all summer. And they go to bed almost with the sun and up before dawn.

Life has been reduced almost to a room. They have a garden that they look out on but rarely venture into. Mum goes shopping and that’s it. They led such big lives too.

February 11, 2023 6:24 pm

Cassie of Sydneysays:
February 11, 2023 at 6:16 pm

Why do old people like sitting in hot room and in the dark? Is it because they grew up in thriftier times? When we arrived my mother was wearing her winter dressing gown and had winter slippers on.

Just a suggestion but does your mother suffer from poor circulation resulting in muscle spasms and/or cramps? If so, that’s why she’s dressed the way she is. She doesn’t want to get cold and bring on the ‘pain’.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 11, 2023 6:25 pm

When we arrived my mother was wearing her winter dressing gown and had winter slippers on.

When you get older, your metabolism slows down to such an extent that you can easily get a chill and kick the bucket.
You’ll find that old people get to be old by dressing warmly.

February 11, 2023 6:27 pm

a third suggestion with strong Government backing has emerged in the form of Djilang, which is the original Indigenous name for Geelong as used by the Wadawurrung tribe back in the early 1800s.

Strange how the “traditional name” sounds like a mis-pronunciation of Geelong with a “The” in front of it….

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 11, 2023 6:32 pm

And if you’re going to blame pfizer because there is something inherently wrong with the vaccine then why aren’t excess deaths concentrated in under 60s?

Because the Government “health” department pitched the Vaccine to old people first and Aged Care residents in particular.
Once they were mostly 100% shot, they expanded the rollout to 50-65s, now it’s babies on up.
Bottom Line:
Despite claims that more or less everyone had The Shot, the reality is that most people not living in a Nursing Home won’t volunteer to go to their GP just to get a needle in the arm.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 11, 2023 6:35 pm

Australia trail the Injuns by 220 on the first innings.
Now 3/34.
Kahwaja, Labuschagne and the Cheating Houso Ranga all back in the sheds.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 11, 2023 6:36 pm

Groogs knows old womens fashion. No Googlin’ required there.

February 11, 2023 6:37 pm

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, does your computer suggest that Russia will launch nuclear weapons on Ukraine?

Your computer seems to be the only straight no-nonsense in the middle of this insanity.

Yes, the MS-DOS stick picking programme from 1985.

February 11, 2023 6:38 pm

I was told numerous times how sad it was that Rod Marsh and Warnie had died. They’d often put a hand on my shoulder in genuine condolence.

Cuddles in memory of Marshie and Warnie! Nice!

Robert Sewell
February 11, 2023 6:38 pm


Former insider, Jamie Reed, outlines the travesty that is very likely occurring at over 100 pediatric gender clinics in the US given her experience at one of them, at The Free Press

The ranks of “Los Mutilados” are getting longer. The idiots have no idea of the vengeance that will be revisited on the people responsible for this abuse of the kids that trusted them.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 11, 2023 6:38 pm

One for Calli.

Have your say on Port Stephens Council’s rate rise request (Ncl local news, 11 Feb)

Port Stephens Council says it’s facing an $80-million funding gap, if it doesn’t increase its rates next financial year. The pricing regulator is now considering a request to raise rates by a whopping 31 per cent.

I have to say a 31% rates increase is quite chunky. What are they doing, saving the planet from global warming?

February 11, 2023 6:42 pm

Has KD been called to India yet?

February 11, 2023 6:43 pm

What are they doing, saving the planet from global warming?

Those hydrogen powered trucks won’t fund themselves.

They’re in the black, but that future spending won’t fund itself.

Of course, with OPM you can spend what you like. No idea of doing without or cutting back. That would be too sensible.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 11, 2023 6:43 pm

31% is a bit rude. Who do they think they are AGL?

February 11, 2023 6:43 pm

Smith and Handscomb will not only save this test but win it.

February 11, 2023 6:44 pm
February 11, 2023 6:46 pm

another blistering take down

Great theatre. Amounts to nothing.

February 11, 2023 6:47 pm

More secrets of the spy balloon: Shooting down the balloon worked as a military drill for the U.S.
China Insights
As subsequent events unfold, we have noticed that this incident is inconsistent with Xi’s agenda of trying to de-escalate international relations, particularly with the U.S. It should have revealed the internal strife within the CCP. The top brass of the PLA could have deliberately launched a balloon to sabotage Blinken’s visit to China.
It would be tricky for Taiwan’s defense, and it may take a relatively long decision time to respond to this kind of ambiguous provocation, thus losing the opportunity to act in a timely manner.
From a military perspective, the good thing about the balloon incident is that the U.S. military has made full use of this unexpected event to achieve the effect of a real-world combat exercise.

February 11, 2023 6:47 pm

Re Geelong, a few years ago I read William Buckleys story, sort of a biography. He recounts his many years living with the aborigines of the western side of Port Phillip Bay. I don’t recall him referring to the name of the district as the aborigines knew it anywhere. I will read it agin to check but have three other book son the go at the moment. Perhaps someone here with time would check it out. Buckley had many years living with the Port Phillip tribes, the so called ‘Historians’ of today discount his memoirs as he was illiterate and they were were transcribed by others.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 11, 2023 6:47 pm

I’ve met bastards like you Jupes at the betting ring.

Robert Sewell
February 11, 2023 6:48 pm


If I could ask a favor? Any chance of a link to the stickers? I’m buying some more.

Yes – the email address is the contact point. I can’t give the Bank Details.
[email protected]
It’d be nice if Joanna had a web site but she doesn’t. I gather she and her husband are just people who have decided to slap something together to make a difference.

February 11, 2023 6:48 pm

You don’t need a vaccine passport to leave Australia either.

Start of 4Q last year I needed to produce a vax certificate to leave. Destination country didn’t require vaccination.

Not requiring one to leave is a recent event as the Australian Mongocracy continues to be bludgeoned with reality.

Right now 90% of the population are not technically vaccinated, most have had COVID and you can now travel anywhere without a certificate. WTF was the last two years of Bullshit about? “We done f’cked up!” Ain’t going to cut it.

Oh, and the countries now full of vax injured, and f’ck knows how that’s going to change with time.

Johnny Rotten
February 11, 2023 6:49 pm

February 11, 2023 at 6:37 pm
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, does your computer suggest that Russia will launch nuclear weapons on Ukraine?

Your computer seems to be the only straight no-nonsense in the middle of this insanity.

Yes, the MS-DOS stick picking programme from 1985.

Dotty Dot of Dottiness. Did you really ask that question or was it to the stupid AI (Anal Interface) on ChatGPT that you love so much. What a load of Bollocks. If that is Artificial Intelligence then you really are a Dotty Dot. And you are now a Dot on the Landscape for evermore……………..LOL

February 11, 2023 6:53 pm

Smith and Handscomb will not only save this test but win it.

Care to rephrase that?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 11, 2023 6:53 pm

Now 3/34.

Now 4/52. Jadeja has to be man of the match surely.

Got to say Mr Murphy, as a spinner, getting 7/124 on debut, on an Indian track, day two, is something he can tell his grandkids about. Good work sir.

  1. Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x