Open Thread – Weekend 4 March 2023

Place de la Madeleine, Édouard Cortès, early 1900s

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H B Bear
H B Bear
March 6, 2023 10:09 am

Teh Paywallian legal guys have started on Monday. Comments on Prof van Wrongselen’s curiously timed departure and Federal Court troubles deep sixed, including my (now rejected),

I think Mandy Rice-Davies said it best.

March 6, 2023 10:12 am

The prolonged sitting could be the big effect I’m looking for.

gawd you post some scrambled gibber Bong John

March 6, 2023 10:12 am

experts warn

Sensible people warn that anyone taking any advice from any bulletin containing those two words is an idiot.

March 6, 2023 10:15 am

Damn horrid day today on NSW Central West tablelands. Ferocious wind from NW, as predicted. Warming up already.

We have done most of our preparations. 1,000l water tank on trailer with pump hooked up. Will unlock some side gates on the property for easy access for RFS – although they will cut fences where necessary. We have 3 proper fire hoses around the house, workshop and barn & chicken yard. Have another on a boundary fence and another at the second barn towards the rear of the property. Thank God we had a new bore pump installed only a couple of weeks ago, after the old one suddenly died.

We have friends on a property an hour or so away – hobby farmers- who told me last night they are returning to Sydney today. They have grass up to your waist & have just bought thirty or so weaners. Incredible. They will not take any advice.

Husband just heard that the conditions will be the same for a few days. It’s just “watch & wait.”

March 6, 2023 10:18 am

They have grass up to your waist & have just bought thirty or so weaners.

Animal lovers.

I worked with a bird who boasted of a property west of Brisbane. Her “farm”. The b*tch left cattle on it to die of thirst, because she failed to visit it regularly during the drought. I was supposed to be impressed by her loss.

March 6, 2023 10:19 am

I don’t know what it is about Hollyweird

nothing special – it is fundamentally no different from any other social echo chamber that people reside in. It is just the extreme end of the spectrum.

March 6, 2023 10:19 am

BTW technically, husband is ineligible to attend any RFS meetings – as he has not been vaccinated. Bet vaccination is not mentioned if the horizon turns red up the valley.

March 6, 2023 10:22 am

Not the point Lizzie. They were lying to their audience. They weren’t doing that for noble reasons, they were doing that to keep their audience. They didn’t believe what Trump was saying but they desperately wanted to keep his followers on their channel. You may be comfortable with journalists lying through their teeth but I despise that level of dishonesty.

Put aside any Fox duplicity, Dominion will have to disprove any allegation that their machines were either faulty or programmed to allow or not prevent cheating; simply relying on an allegation of some Fox talking heads allegedly saying one thing in public while another in private is not moot.

March 6, 2023 10:24 am

Ok Ive had enough being polite.

You chose to come here if you dont like it bugger off to whatever fly/malaria/dust/flea infested hole you came from.

Why racially marginalised women hide their identity by ‘code-switching’ to act ‘white’ at work

This is called “code-switching” — the way in which someone, consciously or unconsciously, adjusts their language, behaviour and/or appearance to fit into the dominant culture.

And according to a new report from the Diversity Council Australia (DCA), it is common in Australian workplaces.

DCA surveyed almost 400 self-identified “culturally and racially marginalised women”, defined as women who are black, brown, Asian, or any other non-white group and who face marginalisation due to their race.

The survey, undertaken between October and November last year, found most of them code-switched because they feared that if they did not, they would be overlooked by their managers for jobs and promotions.

The participants reported that “leadership models used for assessing talent in Australian organisations were inherently biased towards what the Diversity Council refers to as more masculine Western or ‘Anglo’ leadership styles which value extroversion and self-promotion”.

This, the report said, “has the effect of inadvertently excluding culturally diverse women from consideration for senior roles”.
I think its now obvious its unnecessary cruelty to have women and “diverse” people in the workforce.
We must, for the sake of their own good herd them into camps where we can concentrate on finding a solution, preferably final, for their woes…

/sarc, if its needed.

March 6, 2023 10:25 am

We have friends on a property an hour or so away – hobby farmers- who told me last night they are returning to Sydney today. They have grass up to your waist & have just bought thirty or so weaners.


March 6, 2023 10:29 am

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
March 5, 2023 at 7:24 pm

So many trees from other parts of the world do very well in Australia’s climate and soil.
If only the CSIRO could look at pros and cons of different sorts of reafforestation we would benefit.

we used to be quite experimental – there are old-growth groves of various species in state forests scattered about the country.

Olney state forest near Sydney is an example – various species of pine planted in the 1920’s

Olney is also a good example of why it doesn’t happen today – greenies are trying to stop native logging in Olney despite the fact it is all post-logging regrowth – two or three times over.

Cassie of Sydney
March 6, 2023 10:34 am

“Stop conflating the subject. This is about media integrity. “

Ah yes, that old chestnut “media integrity”. Since you seem so hot under the collar about it, particularly when it pertains to Fox, do you proffer any opinion about the media integrity as practised by the US MSM and also local media outlets here in Oz, such as their ABC, who for four long years, preached, screeched, shouted and pontificated as to how Donald Trump’s win in 2016 wasn’t just “fraudulent”, that he only won the 2016 election because of Wussian interference? Why, I even recall a three part Four Corners “special” on the ludicrous and debunked Wussia hoax story. Get back to me about media integrity when CNN, NBC and even our own taxpayer funded media outlet apologises and retracts its claims about the Wussia hoax, oh and whilst the ABC is at it, it can apologise for the lies manufactured about Pell and Porter.

The left loathes Fox, just like the left here loathes Sky. Their aim, their goal, and their dream is to shut both outlets down, thus depriving people like me with any access to news and right of centre opinion. Fox and Sky ain’t perfect but they’re a helluva lost better than their ABC, CNN, Seven or Nine.

As to whether the election was “stolen” in 2020, it was most certainly “shored up”, even progressive media outlets like the august (cough) NTY and WaPo have opined so.

Oh and as “proof” of whether the election was stolen, given that for three years media outlets, be it their ABC, CNN, NYT and other so called respectable outlets, denigrated, scorned and dismissed legitimate Covid theories such as the Wuhan lab leak as crank, fringe, and far-right, any bets I place will be on the “crank, fringe, and far-right” theory that the 2020 election was stolen.

March 6, 2023 10:37 am

Olney state forest near Sydney is an example – various species of pine planted in the 1920’s

In this neck of the woods we have a couple of large state owned pine forests planted around the same time that are still being worked.

March 6, 2023 10:38 am

March 5, 2023 at 7:56 pm
wondering what exactly the rangers do

the stupid thing is, of course, that the control of feral animals could be helped by allowing recreational shooters in at fixed times. This could be commercialised and you’d have people travelling from all over the world for the opportunity to shoot a wild buffalo and a couple of dozen feral pigs.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 6, 2023 10:40 am

Greenies have scored a bit of an own goal by stopping logging (unsurprisingly). A fully mature forest reaches an equilibrium between old and young trees. A properly managed forest will contain a greater proportion of younger trees still in a growth phase.

March 6, 2023 10:42 am

This could be commercialised and you’d have people travelling from all over the world for the opportunity to shoot a wild buffalo and a couple of dozen feral pigs.

Oh noes! One story of lost hunters turning up at night is enough to scare the tourism reliant, privileged landed gentry off the idea.

The fact is even many gun owners are anti gun, to the extent that they have a gun, and other people should not.

March 6, 2023 10:44 am

calli says:
March 6, 2023 at 10:01 am

Its a bit like the Mos Eisley cantina scene from the original Star Wars movie.

Report from Nelson Bay Centrelink.

Beautiful offices, spacious and full of light. Nice furniture. Really pleasant, well groomed women at the service desks. A sprinkling of old fogeys like myself, plus one young person. Booked in at the “Check-in” and waited to be called.

The real miracle…the “system” accepted my Drivers Licence. I’m a real person after all!

Lucky you.

The Queanbeyan Centrelink/Medicare office is dingy and crowded. The staff range from OK to indifferent, and a high percentage of them are obese women, for some reason.

I went in there once to inquire about the Age Pension, and after a half hour wait, was given a booklet of great complexity. I had trouble understanding some parts of it, so how people who are not ex-bureaucrats and/or do not have English as their first language do is a mystery.

Since I don’t have a driver’s licence, and my passport has expired, proving who I am is tiresome and time consuming. What’s more, no matter how many times I do it when interacting with government agencies, each time they refuse to accept past history and I have to start all over again. Since it requires a stat dec and certified copies of my birth and naturalisation certificates, among other things, online interactions are impossible for me.

The creeping push to force everyone to use apps, which are very vulnerable to hacking, not to mention requiring constant phone and computer upgrades, is insidious. Trying to get your bank or utility company to give you unalterable paper bills and statements is becoming more and more difficult. What they now do is stop sending them, and when you inquire (after 20+ minutes of ‘your call is important to us’) they say that you need to renew your request every so often, something they don’t mention at the outset.

I really feel for those folks in country towns where all the banks have closed their branches. Residents are effectively forced to use the bank’s software, plus businesses have big problems with banking cash and getting change for the till.

I see that there is a Parliamentary inquiry into regional/rural bank closures. I would bet everything I own that absolutely nothing concrete to address the abovementioned problems comes out of it.

March 6, 2023 10:44 am

Massive, swolen gunk spewing bald prick with ears opines..

Whats the bet the one “thought” that hasnt crossed its mind is “reducing government (27%of GDP) spending”?

‘Surely a better way’ to reduce inflation than rate rises: Pocock
The RBA board will meet tomorrow to make its decision about raising interest rates (which, if it does so, will be the 10th increase in a row). The board has said it won’t hesitate to raise interest rates again and again to get inflation down to its target band (between 2 and 3%), but the data shows whatever savings buffer some people had after the pandemic is diminishing.

David Pocock told ABC Breakfast TV it might be time to look at how we deal with inflation:

I mean, this is a big question. There’s so many Australians doing it tough. My understanding is that they are simply implementing the rules. I’d like to maybe see some discussion about the rules.

If – you know, to reduce inflation, is the best way just to give money to the banks? You know, there’s surely a better way of locking up some of the cash in the economy, whether it’s putting it into super, raising the GST, I don’t know* – but to have politicians criticise what seems to be just the process that has been set up by politicians is one thing.

What I do know is that there are so many Australians doing it tough and cost of living has to be a focus. We have to find ways to look after people in our communities who need the support.

*Awesome display of self awareness for a pollie…

March 6, 2023 10:44 am

Fox threw Trump under a bus.

Gutfield and Tucker don’t need Fox, Fox needs them.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 6, 2023 10:45 am

Scotland Just Banned a Surgical Anaesthetic Because of Climate Change

They are talking about the volatile agent ‘Desflurane’, which is about a 5th generation version of the original ‘Ether’ or ‘Chloroform’.

What we know:
• The SNP are Green lunatics.
• Desfurane does the Devil’s Work ~3700 x CO2. Apparently.

What we don’t know:

Roughly how much Desflurane is deployed annually in a typical surgical hospital: tonnes? Hundreds of tonnes? Thousands of tonnes? Millions of tonnes?

March 6, 2023 10:46 am

If – you know, to reduce inflation, is the best way just to give money to the banks? You know, there’s surely a better way of locking up some of the cash in the economy, whether it’s putting it into super, raising the GST, I don’t know* – but to have politicians criticise what seems to be just the process that has been set up by politicians is one thing.

Cut government spending.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 6, 2023 10:48 am

Dealing with Centrelink is just one of those things you have to put up with in life. Like shaving or periods or both now it seems.

March 6, 2023 10:48 am

The fact is even many gun owners are anti gun, to the extent that they have a gun, and other people should not.

We also have people who like to drive a car/fly in a plane but believe other people should not.

The line between idealism and misanthropy is often indistinguishable.

March 6, 2023 10:52 am

Gutfield and Tucker don’t need Fox, Fox needs them.

I’d add Watters, Judge Janine, Steve Hilton and a few others to that list.

March 6, 2023 10:54 am

Gutfeld needs some good writers.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 6, 2023 10:55 am

At least when Brian Harradine was clogging the Senate he could be bought off with some minor Tasmanian bauble and didn’t have visions of greatness.

March 6, 2023 10:55 am

Greenies have scored a bit of an own goal by stopping logging (unsurprisingly).

The environment is to the Greens as the poor are to the Labor Party.

A means to an end.

March 6, 2023 10:57 am

Gutfeld needs some good writers.

STFU dickless; you wouldn’t know a good joke if it bit you on your empty scrotum.

March 6, 2023 10:59 am

I really feel for those folks in country towns where all the banks have closed their branches. Residents are effectively forced to use the bank’s software, plus businesses have big problems with banking cash and getting change for the till.

I see that there is a Parliamentary inquiry into regional/rural bank closures. I would bet everything I own that absolutely nothing concrete to address the abovementioned problems comes out of it.

Too right. Pollies should pause for a moment and visualise the angst of elderly rural Australians in country towns who don’t even use the internet – let alone know what an “App” is. I believe they are using the local post office where banks have closed – but who knows how long that facility will operate?

I had the opportunity to quiz Andrew Leigh regarding bank closures, but, of course, he agreed it was terrible (he had to drive 30 minutes to open accounts for his young sons), but had little else to offer.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 6, 2023 11:02 am

Lisa Wilkinson re-emerges at grungy Brisbane pub
Nick Tabakoff

9:42AM March 6, 2023

Ever since Lisa Wilkinson dramatically walked away from The Project four months ago, citing “targeted toxicity” from the media, she hasn’t been sighted anywhere on the screens of her employer, Channel 10 – despite still collecting a seven-figure annual salary from the network under her watertight long-term contract.

But Diary has learnt that while she continues to twiddle her thumbs with her actual employer, Wilkinson will be making some decent coin on the side this week, as she launches her long-awaited comeback to public life.

On Friday, Wilkinson will address a business luncheon in Brisbane, apparently to explain “how a young girl from Sydney’s western suburbs came to be such a force in Australian media and our cultural life”. To make a business case for charging patrons a lofty $140 a head to hear Wilkinson speak, the flyer gushes that she is “one of Australia’s most admired and respected media personalities, with a warm, intelligent and elegant presence gracing our television screens now for more than 25 years”.

It also rather grandly makes the claim that Wilkinson “caused a media storm across Australia and the world on the issue of the gender pay gap when she moved to Channel Ten as co-host of The Project”.

However, the venue for Wilkinson’s grand return seems a world away from the glamorous lifestyle and harbourside mansion of the woman whose signature was once relentlessly pursued by commercial TV networks.

Wilkinson’s much-vaunted comeback will be deep in Brisbane suburbia at one of city’s largest working class pubs, the Eaton’s Hill Hotel – 15km north of the Brisbane CBD and famous for its regular boxing events.

To put it mildly, it’s not the Savoy, and not exactly on-brand for Wilkinson.

The pub has been constantly in the news in Brisbane in recent years because of a number of assaults and other incidents involving patrons, including NRL stars, who’ve had rather too much to drink.

Diary’s Brisbane spies mischievously suggest that given the recent incidents, Wilkinson should consider beefing up her security for the event. Perhaps her high-profile husband Peter FitzSimons could act as a bodyguard.

March 6, 2023 11:02 am

Just returned from Coles, where they still haven’t stocked up on black pudding, and the casa de panna unsliced loaf has gone to $5. A year ago it was $3.50. Also bumped into a former neighbour, part of a young couple who used to live next door and threw everything they had into buying a place after being told interest rates would rise until at least 2024. True, they were stupid to believe it, but now she’s pregnant and will soon have to stop working, their mortgage keeps rising and he tells me he’s terrified his tradie work will diminish as folks cut back on expenses.

How many others like them? Things are bad already — and they’re going to get worse. Brace yourselves, comrades.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
March 6, 2023 11:03 am

Worries about the flu season are a bit late.
There’s a bastard of a thing going around that starts with a cough and then slowly spreads through your system. It lasts about 3-4 weeks.
I’m blaming the covid shots for stuffing up our immune system. I’m getting quite a few nods of agreement from locals that have had the stinking thing.

March 6, 2023 11:03 am

Nina Jankowicz has eight supporters and is getting subpoenaed soon!

“Scary Poppins” is Back! – Nina Jankowicz – Remember Her? ?

Mark Dice

March 6, 2023 11:03 am

grrrr… wouldn’t rise

March 6, 2023 11:05 am

The Queanbeyan Centrelink/Medicare office is dingy and crowded. The staff range from OK to indifferent

Some years ago I was forced to go to the Morley centrelink to have paperwork checked and accepted, I will never go to a centerlink again, death would be preferable.

March 6, 2023 11:06 am

Ever since Lisa Wilkinson dramatically walked away from The Project four months ago, citing “targeted toxicity” from the media, she hasn’t been sighted anywhere on the screens of her employer, Channel 10 – despite still collecting a seven-figure annual salary from the network under her watertight long-term contract.

Torpedoing a rape trial you have egged on behind the scenes certainly is toxic.

On Friday, Wilkinson will address a business luncheon in Brisbane, apparently to explain “how a young girl from Sydney’s western suburbs came to be such a force in Australian media and our cultural life”. To make a business case for charging patrons a lofty $140 a head to hear Wilkinson speak, the flyer gushes that she is “one of Australia’s most admired and respected media personalities, with a warm, intelligent and elegant presence gracing our television screens now for more than 25 years”.

She’s a breathless old lady who used to manage a teenage girl magazine.

Can you feel the intelligent and elegant warmth? Ahhh the serenity.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 6, 2023 11:08 am

Cut government spending.


Cut government spending on unnecessary shit.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 6, 2023 11:12 am

I will never go to a centerlink again, death would be preferable.

Try Centrelink in Northam – four police attendances there, in one afternoon, to break up fights.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 6, 2023 11:13 am

Despite never having been there I would not have high hopes for the Morley Centrelink.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 6, 2023 11:17 am

Indigenous governor-general a fitting sign of our maturity as nation
Cameron Milner
Indigenous leaders Noel Pearson, Professor Marcia Langton and Senator Patrick Dodson are among the worthy First Nations candidates for the G-G role.

12:00AM March 6, 2023

Labor has finally started the economic and cultural revolution it was always capable of despite the small-target election campaign. Fresh from doing super, Labor’s brains trust is turning its mind to institutions that need a cultural tune-up. The big one is who should be the next governor-general. David Hurley’s five-year term finishes in mid-2024 and under protocols the palace must be notified of a replacement in the second half of this year.

Hurley blotted his copybook by swearing in PM Scott Morrison to five portfolios. This led to the Bell inquiry, which concluded this should never be allowed again.

The office hasn’t been without scandal, perhaps no worse than the high-handed archbishop Peter Hollingworth, who was criticised for sullying such high office by defending historical sex abuse claims in the Anglican Church.

Labor, ever since the dismissal of Gough Whitlam by the rarely sober John Kerr, has always had a wary view of the powers of the position. Whitlam’s famous sledge of Malcolm Fraser, calling him “Kerr’s cur”, and the indomitable words, “God save the Queen, because nothing will save the governor-general”, are etched into every young Laborite’s memory.

There have been magnificent recent holders of the office, such as Major General Peter Cosgrove and the first woman to hold the position, Quentin Bryce.

Like appointing High Court judges, the Albanese government has an opportunity to install a lasting legacy. Party hacks and insiders are positioning Julia Gillard as the next woman for the role, especially after Kevin Rudd was so neatly dispatched to Washington to gag him from a running commentary on her candidacy – Penny Wong’s sublime planning to help a fellow sister.

Jim Chalmers, while fighting the cost of living and having conversations about super and taxing the family home, has been pushing former WA governor and his former boss, Kim “Bomber” Beazley, who is sharpening up his Canberra CV with a gig running the War Memorial and formally recognising the Frontier Wars.

The Frontier Wars were armed conflict between European-Australians and First Nations that saw massacres and slaughters by the Native Mounted Police in Queensland over 40 years, only ending formally in 1900. These wars should provide inspiration for who should be the next G-G.

This year we will get to vote Yes to the voice thanks to Anthony Albanese. In South Australia, Queensland and Victoria the process of truth and treaty is well under way where reparations can finally be made to First Nations peoples in our country. So, what stronger symbol of reconciliation and how far we have progressed as a country would it be to have our first First Nations governor-general? This doesn’t need a vote, it just requires the PM’s recommendation to King Charles III.

Albanese would go down in the pantheon of Labor if he were to appoint Gillard or Beazley, but he would be lauded in international forums such as the UN if he selects a First Nations G-G.

Australia is blessed with some of the most articulate and natural leaders in those working to make the Uluru Statement from the Heart a permanent part of the parliament and government. Champions such as Noel Pearson and Megan Davis spring to mind.

Pearson has spent his entire adult life advancing the interests of First Nations people not only from Cape York, but across Australia. His elevation, having fought the Wik case and formed the Cape York Land Council would be a fitting recognition.

Davis or Marcia Langton would provide gender balance as well as First Nations representation. A more political choice would be former Liberal minister Ken Wyatt. Albanese could also look to the Labor Party to provide a First Nations candidate. The Father of Reconciliation, Pat Dodson, already sits in the Senate and would make an inspired choice.

Labor also boasts Malarndirri McCarthy, its senator from the NT, as well as Rio Tinto director and former WA Labor treasurer Ben Wyatt as candidates. Linda Burney, after having delivered the voice in September, would also make a great candidate. These are just a few of the worthy First Nations candidates for the G-G role.

The opportunity for reconciliation and showing the PM’s true virtues would be to say it has to be a First Nations person in the position. The political icing for Albo would be appointing a Labor First Nations person to the role.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 6, 2023 11:19 am

While on the Bob Hawke surf team in the early 90s there used to be quite a good one on Wellington St. Got a Fast Eddy’s burger and a fortnight’s cash to tide me over.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 6, 2023 11:22 am

Pearson has spent his entire adult life advancing the interests of First Nations people not only from Cape York, but across Australia.

With bugger all success to show for his efforts (except for the “elites” of the aboriginal “industry”, who have done very well for themselves).

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 6, 2023 11:23 am

The left loathes Fox

I think that’s quite weird really, since much of Fox is pretty attuned to the Leftist line. Not Tucker of course, and other headliners like him. But the people they prefer to hire, like Wallace and Scarborough and Brazille, are grandees of the Left.

The Left does like a ritual stoning target though, and Fox seems to be it at the moment. I remember a decade ago that the Koch Brothers were the ritual stoning target, and the DNC used to put out endless screeches against them, mixed with please donate just $3 to save us from the Koch Brother nazis. Hinderaker was on the mailing list and did a long series on these hilarious missives.

Then after Trump appeared the Koches came out against him, and suddenly they were besties with the Left. All the previous castigation was instantly forgotten. I suspect the same would happen with Fox if Carlson and Gutfield get shown the door. Of course if that happens Fox will die horribly overnight as all the disgusted eyeballs head for the exits.

March 6, 2023 11:25 am

“Do you want to have a baby? But, on a planet rocked by the climate crisis, ecosystem collapse, famine and poverty, is having one just adding to the problem – and therefore unethical?”

We could fit 8 billion people in WA, and they would each get over 300 square metres of space, leaving the rest of the planet empty of people.
WA is somewhat less than one third of all Australian land area, so if everyone in the whole world got a 1,000 sqm plot, we could all live in Australia.
China is about 20% bigger than Australia, as is the USA , while Russia is more than twice the size.
We haven’t touched Europe, Africa or South America yet.
Planets are BIG.

We are hardly the teeming hoard of locusts they claim we are. I have no doubt we are capable of great destruction, but a little bit of trivia as above helps put it into scale for you.

March 6, 2023 11:25 am

To put it mildly, it’s not the Savoy, and not exactly on-brand for Wilkinson.

Come now…it’s got a Gin Workshop!

(You might even find Lisa there after the gig.)

March 6, 2023 11:29 am

Indigenous governor-general a fitting sign of our maturity as nation

Why would choosing someone on the basis of race be a sign of national maturity?

Is he having a lend?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 6, 2023 11:31 am

The other thing with the elites is they are now suppressing alternatives to Fox. So fairly recently DirecTV dropped both OAN and Newsmax. Newsmax was getting so big it was starting to exceed CNN numbers, and my impression they were where a lot of ex-Fox watchers were going to.

All this deplatforming is a tell that (a) the ordinary people are increasingly wising up to the elitist lies and (b) the elites are getting scared. Good.

Cassie of Sydney
March 6, 2023 11:32 am

since much of Fox is pretty attuned to the leftist line“. I think that’s “quite weird”. By the way, in case you haven’t noticed, Wallace is no longer at Fox.

March 6, 2023 11:35 am

I’m quite amazed there hasn’t been an indigenous G-G yet.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 6, 2023 11:39 am

We are hardly the teeming hoard of locusts they claim we are.

Exactly. We can afford to grow huge amounts of maize and oilpalm for biofuels. Burning food in cars is an indication of just how many people we could feed. I think we could handle 20 billion easily, especially with improvements in agriculture in places like Africa and South America. I remember when experts said India was going to starve. Now they export food to the world.

And productivity will get a wonderful boost from more CO2 in the atmosphere – already biosphere productivity is up 20% just from the CO2 alone.

Cassie of Sydney
March 6, 2023 11:39 am

As it’s been claimed here that Fox is pretty attuned to the Leftist line, given that that Fox has Jeanine Piro, Tucker Carlson, Jesse Watters, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Greg Gutfield, and others, I’d like to know just where the specific leftist attuning is happening.

March 6, 2023 11:40 am

Has there been an indigenous Governor yet?
If so, which state was first?

March 6, 2023 11:41 am

I’m quite amazed there hasn’t been an indigenous G-G yet.

Sir Isaac Isaacs was the first native born G-G.

March 6, 2023 11:43 am

Another promise broken?

we wont fund either case for the in-voice, but heres a lazy 9 mill to “educate” why people must say yeas or be worse than Hitler.

Albanese government authorises $9.5m spending for voice civics and awareness

The Albanese government has made a legislative instrument authorising $9.5m of spending for a voice civics and awareness campaign.

This could be controversial in the context of the Coalition calling for funding of the yes and no campaigns while Labor has held the line on no public funding for the campaigns.

The explanatory statement said:

The program is needed because all Australians over the age of 18 who are qualified to vote are required to vote in a referendum. Voters should understand the referendum process and what is proposed. The program would focus on delivering facts about the Constitution, referendums as the mechanism to change the Constitution, and information about the Voice proposal. The program would be separate to a campaign run by the Australian Electoral Commission on the mechanics of voting in a referendum. The program could start delivery as early as March 2023.

Funding of $9.5 million over two years from 2022-23 would be provided to:

– bolstering civics education on the Constitution and referendum process;

– improving the impact and reach of the Agency Voice website;

– developing a more comprehensive information program on the facts of the Voice proposal and relevant civics information;

– paid media placements for the Voice information program to significantly expand reach across the broader community; and

– activating the First Nations media sector to boost the delivery of civics education and information on the referendum and Voice proposal in First Nations communities across Australia.

Details are still a bit vague. The civics education would be provided by an unspecified a “non-government organisation” but the explanatory statement also notes it will fund an upgrade of the National Indigenous Australians Agency Voice website, including translating it into 30 languages.

It said:

Separate to the upgrades to the Agency website, funding would be provided to support the development of a more comprehensive information program on the Voice and relevant civics information. This program would focus on the available facts on the Voice. It would not be a ‘yes’ campaign – but would increase understanding of the issues relating to the referendum question.

Repeated reference to “the facts” suggests there could be some government-funded factchecking involved. Guardian Australia has asked Indigenous affairs minister, Linda Burney, if this is what it will be used for.

RMIT sheltered workshop to ruthlessly prune any stale, pale male “lies”…
Such as actual historical accounts .

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 6, 2023 11:44 am

By the way, in case you haven’t noticed, Wallace is no longer at Fox.

Yes. He flounced off. It was fun!

March 6, 2023 11:48 am

Chris Rock was smart in keeping fairly quiet about the slap after the event.

Has parlayed it into a big paying Netflix gig. No idea how much he got but my guess is easily US$15m

Will Smith and Jada must be in therapy as I write as Rocks show being featured in every news outlet due to it being one of the biggest non physical smack downs ever.

March 6, 2023 11:48 am

South Australia had Sir Douglas Nicholls.

Quite an accomplished man.

Sir Douglas Nicholls (1906–88) became Australia’s first Indigenous governor at the ceremony shown in this photograph. Nicholls had fought for Indigenous rights and worked for Indigenous welfare since the 1930s, was a pastor in the Church of Christ, a prominent VFL (now known as AFL) footballer and the first Indigenous Australian to be awarded a knighthood. Recommended for appointment by premier Don Dunstan (1926-99), he was addressing a crowd of about 1500 people.

Nicholls, a Yorta Yorta man born at the Cumeroogunga mission on the New South Wales–Victoria border, played an important role in the Indigenous civil rights movement. A speaker at the Day of Mourning held in Sydney in 1938, he worked for the Victorian Aboriginal Advancement League and was the Victorian Secretary of the Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders and one of the leaders of the campaign for the referendum of 1967.

Nicholls’ work for his people was recognised in a series of awards. He was made a Member of the British Empire (MBE) in 1957, and was the first Indigenous Australian to be awarded an Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 1968. As a result of his work with young people and his community, he was named Victoria’s Father of the Year in 1962. In 1972 he became the first Indigenous Australian to receive a knighthood for his work for the welfare of Indigenous people.

An outstanding sportsman, Nicholls played Australian Rules football for Fitzroy and was the first Indigenous member of the Victorian Interstate Team in 1935. In the same year, he became a lay preacher at Fitzroy’s Gore Street Mission Centre. Nicholls enlisted during World War II, but in response to a request from Fitzroy police was discharged so that he could continue welfare work with the local Indigenous community. The first Aboriginal Church of Christ in Australia was formed with Nicholls as its pastor.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 6, 2023 11:49 am

I’d like to know just where the specific leftist attuning is happening.

Cassie – You mustn’t read the website. As I said up thread I used to but gave up after it became too vomitworthy.

My problem is I don’t have the patience to watch videos, the information rate is too slow even on 2x and I already know and agree with what guys like Tucker are saying. But the stuff you see around the high profile right wingers is a tell of where the management is at, as I was saying also about local Newscorp sites. I can’t remember when I gave up on Fox News website, but it was several years ago. Maybe even before the 2016 election.

March 6, 2023 11:58 am

Diary’s Brisbane spies mischievously suggest that given the recent incidents, Wilkinson should consider beefing up her security for the event. Perhaps her high-profile husband Peter FitzSimons could act as a bodyguard.

Only if the DGSE aren’t involved.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 6, 2023 12:06 pm

Here’s a perfect example of the rubbish that Newscorp sites have to run.

Sydney braces for hottest day in two years as Bureau of Meteorology warns of three-day heatwave across parts of NSW (Sky News, 6 Mar)

Sydneysiders are set to endure their hottest day in two years as the city and surrounds enter a three-day heatwave.

Temperatures are forecast to reach 38C on Monday but could exceed 40C in some inland areas of New South Wales, with total fire bans in place across large parts of the state.

The Bureau of Meteorology confirmed the state will see temperatures reach up into the high 30s during the first half of the week, with overnight conditions to sit in the mid 20s.

The extreme heat is likely to continue through Tuesday and Wednesday before a cool change comes across the area on Thursday, easing heatwave conditions.

Gaslighting garbage. I had a look at the Ncl forecast: 37 C. Not even the old ton. In fact I can’t recall when we last made it to 100 F here. At least 3 years I’d guess. Getting this sort of putrescent sludge from Sky is an insult to our intelligence

March 6, 2023 12:08 pm

Race pimps gunna race pimp…

Ok, having people who look after abused/abandoned kids is good, and they are paid for it, which is also good.

Calling for certain race groups to be paid extra for caring for kids based on the kids race is being a vile slug of a human being who should be immediately sacked, fined, run through some kangaroo court process before being outlawed.

Calls to increase allowances for Indigenous carers to keep children connected with culture

Victoria’s former Aboriginal children’s commissioner has called for increased allowances for kinship and foster carers in a bid to increase the pool of First Nations people looking after children in out-of-home care, and ensuring they remain connected to culture.
“When children cannot be placed with family they should be placed with people within our community,” he said.

Jackomos said increasing remuneration was one way to incentivise more First Nations people to become carers and ensure Indigenous children separated from their families could remain connected to their culture.

“We need to make it attractive for people to step forward. And people are absolutely committed, but the problem is carers have become burnt out. There needs to be more after-care as well,” he said.

Andrew Jackomos, who held the commissioner role for five years between 2013 to 2018 and was the first person to hold an Aboriginal children watchdog role, has also appealed for greater safeguards to ensure Indigenous siblings in the out-of-home care system remain in contact.

The Yorta Yorta and Gunditjmara man said it was a challenge to get enough Indigenous carers to step forward when a First Nations child was removed from their family and could not be placed with relatives.

March 6, 2023 12:10 pm

As it’s been claimed here that Fox is pretty attuned to the Leftist line…

Yes, indeed.

It was central to the founding principle of Fox News in the 1990s that, unlike every other network, its panel discussions in issues in the news must include advocates for both sides of every argument.

It wasn’t because Fox is fairer than its competitors (though that’s how it has turned out); its Marketing 101 for a news channel (which Fox’s competitors refuse to do because their staff are all lefties).

In America, welcoming both Democrats and Republicans to your audience — especially when your competitors refuse to do so — virtually guarantees you will be No.1 in the ratings.

And that has been Fox’s unwavering and very successful commercial strategy for 30 years.

Fox News is No.1 in the US cable news TV ratings and is, therefore, a licence to print money.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 6, 2023 12:18 pm

And another bullshit climate story on the Sky News website. I hate this stuff. It’s dishonest.

United Nations comes together to protect the world’s oceans (6 Mar)

March 6, 2023 12:24 pm

Farmer Gez I’m getting quite a few nods of agreement from locals that have had the stinking thing.

They’ll probably still line up for more boosters though. And they’ll tell themselves that flu shots and measles vaccines have been “tested properly”.

This psy-op has been all pervasive for over 200 years.

March 6, 2023 12:24 pm

This is called “code-switching” — the way in which someone, consciously or unconsciously, adjusts their language, behaviour and/or appearance to fit into the dominant culture.

And according to a new report from the Diversity Council Australia (DCA), it is common in Australian workplaces.

This used to be known as integration and worked wonderfully for successive waves of immigrants and refugees who actually appreciated the country and society to which they came. The above are just leeches, out for what they can get out of us and not here to join us.

The so-called code-switching is not happening in any Australian workplace, everybody is bending over backwards to accommodate them so they are not labelled as racist. It seems it’s all in vain anyway.

March 6, 2023 12:26 pm

Only if the DGSE aren’t involved.

DGSE too busy stealing IP from everyone.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 6, 2023 12:27 pm

Just returned from Coles, where they still haven’t stocked up on black pudding, and the casa de panna unsliced loaf has gone to $5. A year ago it was $3.50.

Stuck in Brisbane, waiting for my workplace to dry out, I’m doing the family supermarket shopping.

Three things are quite clear in the Colesworth orbit:

• Prices are Down = package sizes are down;

• Fixed Low Price = we’ve both just put the prices up by 20%, and there’s going to be no competition;

• The bank statements tell me that the average price of the (limited and fairly consistent) Faustus Basket of Supermarket Goods has increased by many, many more than 8% YoY – nearly twice that.

In the result, no surprise that gross margins in retail trade are booming at 2x wages growth.

Silver lining, and all that…

(In a separate note, anyone willingly seeking out Coles black pudding as a preference is a lost soul.
Sorry, but this has to be said.)

March 6, 2023 12:30 pm

The Yorta Yorta and Gunditjmara man said it was a challenge to get enough Indigenous carers to step forward when a First Nations child was removed from their family and could not be placed with relatives.

What are the outcomes (to use the jargon) when indigenous children are placed with non-indigenous foster carers?

What benchmarks could be used to measure such outcomes? (I can think of a few – education levels completed for e.g.).

Have any such studies been done?

March 6, 2023 12:37 pm

(In a separate note, anyone willingly seeking out Coles black pudding as a preference is a lost soul. Sorry, but this has to be said)

They generally stock an Irish import along with a product made on the Gold Coast by the son of Hans. It may be that the latter is only available in QLD stores.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 6, 2023 12:39 pm

And that has been Fox’s unwavering and very successful commercial strategy for 30 years.

Was, Tom. Not now.

I don’t mind them having opinion people of both sides, in fact I like it. It’s the news stories that are slanted endlessly left, without caveat and without alternative. That gets up my nose.

Those two stories I put up just now for example: they’re reported as news. Lying crap is what they are. I looked at the first minute of the UN ocean treaty story, it was amazing. Sky announcer guy says his bit with a straight face, then runs what appears to be a far-left BBC or Guardian video without batting an eyelid. First comment comes from Hanoi Jane as to how important the treaty is, then next voiceover is all about CO2 and deadly heat. That was my limit, OFF goes the vid.

Not going to visit Fox News website as I just had lunch. I hate to get so nauseated as to lose it.

March 6, 2023 12:40 pm

Hey Dr Faustus,

I gave up searching for my preferred kind of black pudding years ago. It used to come in a U shaped sausage which was about an inch and a half in diameter. Quite dry and smooth in texture.

Does this describe the black pudding of which you speak?

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 6, 2023 12:49 pm

March 6, 2023 at 11:40 am
Has there been an indigenous Governor yet?
If so, which state was first?

Pastor Douglas Nicholls, South Australia, appointed in 1976.

March 6, 2023 12:55 pm

If – you know, to reduce inflation, is the best way just to give money to the banks? You know, there’s surely a better way of locking up some of the cash in the economy, whether it’s putting it into super, raising the GST, I don’t know

How about stop the Reserve Bank from printing more of the stuff. I dunno, but that may work.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
March 6, 2023 12:56 pm
Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 6, 2023 1:01 pm

I gave up searching for my preferred kind of black pudding years ago. It used to come in a U shaped sausage which was about an inch and a half in diameter. Quite dry and smooth in texture.

Peter: yes, that’s a typical presentation – often a bit more diameter.

Ideally – for me – the casing should be natural (plastic casing shrinks and crushes the slices when frying), and the content should have visible pieces of fat, not too much oatmeal filler, be lightly seasoned, and not choke you with preservatives.

Look for a Scottish, Northern English, or Irish butcher that make their own – although Schulte’s is pretty good.

March 6, 2023 1:02 pm
March 6, 2023 1:03 pm

I don’t mind them having opinion people of both sides, in fact I like it. It’s the news stories that are slanted endlessly left, without caveat and without alternative. That gets up my nose.

Bruce, please don’t use Fox News as a credible news source, because it isn’t.

The news department inside Fox News is staffed by lefties — just as Australian newsrooms are staffed 99% by lefties. In both cases, ethics and fairness are out the window because , for lefty journos, ethics and public interest are quaint 20th century ideas that have no place in the 21st century culture war between radicalism and conservatism.

The only thing I get from the Fox News website are clips from Tucker Carlson Tonight — a tiny island inside the network devoted to credible news-gathering for the two Carlson shows and the documentaries they are now generating.

PS: I rarely get anything from The Australian website (except for the Johannes Leak cartoon URLs), even though I am a subscriber, because it basically isn’t a news organisation that breaks news.

The Oz has chickened out: its reason for being is as a retailer of political opinion — and that gives The Oz a competitive advantage because its competitors publish only left-wing opinion while The Oz does left and right.

March 6, 2023 1:14 pm


Gaslighting garbage. I had a look at the Ncl forecast: 37 C. Not even the old ton. In fact I can’t recall when we last made it to 100 F here. At least 3 years I’d guess. Getting this sort of putrescent sludge from Sky is an insult to our intelligence

As I and others have also noted it’s very noticeable this season.
A half competent journo would demolish this crap with barely an hour of research and a few well chosen words and yet we don’t hear a peep.
It’s pathetic, it’s gutless and above all dishonest.

The generation of softcocks this is fostering…?
Words fail.

March 6, 2023 1:15 pm

March 6, 2023 at 8:10 am

Isn’t it funny how these same people love all the colours of the rainbow except the red, white and blue of the national flag?

Every time I see a rainbow I want to add to it an image of a dove with a twig in her mouth – hinting at the original meaning applied to the rainbow. Appropriate back!

March 6, 2023 1:17 pm

It used to come in a U shaped sausage which was about an inch and a half in diameter. Quite dry and smooth in texture.


March 6, 2023 1:18 pm

“I’m not techie enough to know why, but it may be that your own device “remembers” and goes straight to it, while others are barred.”

In simple terms:

You opened a page that has an embedded image.
You are posting a link to just the image.
The server won’t let you get “just” the image, the request to fetch the image needs the magic script of the web page, or the download is not allowed.
You can see it because it is already downloaded and in the browser cache on your PC, so when you enter the image URI, browser says to itself “hey, I just downloaded that – here ya go!”

March 6, 2023 1:23 pm

Gaslighting garbage. I had a look at the Ncl forecast: 37 C. Not even the old ton. In fact I can’t recall when we last made it to 100 F here. At least 3 years I’d guess. Getting this sort of putrescent sludge from Sky is an insult to our intelligence

November 2020 to be precise.

Same bullshit here in Sydney. March 2020 it got to 38C. So what?

March 6, 2023 1:26 pm

March 6, 2023 at 12:40 pm
Hey Dr Faustus,

I gave up searching for my preferred kind of black pudding years ago. It used to come in a U shaped sausage which was about an inch and a half in diameter. Quite dry and smooth in texture.

I’ve recently discovered a source of black pudding just up the road from my place of employment.

Scottish butcher – sells the stuff pre-sliced or in a sausage just as you describe.

They also sell a decent looking haggis.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 6, 2023 1:28 pm

In Far King Hell news:

Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, have received “email correspondence” about King Charles III’s coronation but are not yet confirming publicly whether they will attend, a spokesperson for the Duke of Sussex says.

It strikes me that if it’s not an automatic ‘Yes’ from the King’s son, heir, and #5 in line for the job, the Sussex’s tickets should immediately be given to Kim Jong Un.

Stupid boy.

March 6, 2023 1:33 pm

Albo’s not committed to the homo cause until he gets buggered in the middle of Sydney Harbour Bridge on an ABC special broadcast to the nation.

March 6, 2023 1:36 pm

There’s a bastard of a thing going around that starts with a cough and then slowly spreads through your system. It lasts about 3-4 weeks.

Mrs D has it now, 2 weeks ago she looked like death for a few days. Unlike anything she has had before, she has been in bed most of the time and she says today is the first time in weeks she has felt human. Still has coughing fits.

March 6, 2023 1:42 pm

This is called “code-switching” — the way in which someone, consciously or unconsciously, adjusts their language, behaviour and/or appearance to fit into the dominant culture.

I must have been “Code Switching” in my first job as my culture was a beer drinking, rugby playing teenager that would tell off colour jokes and would try to spend all days talking to girls.

It was just called growing up back then.

March 6, 2023 1:43 pm

To mark NAIDOC Week, The Greek Herald spoke with Andrew Jackomos PSM to hear all about what it was like growing up with Alick and Merle as parents, and how his work continues to be influenced by them and his Greek Aboriginal heritage.

His parents look like decent people, what happened to him?

March 6, 2023 1:43 pm

Can someone please remind me of the brave public service solicitor who didn’t like something the government was doing so he trotting over to the opposition to discuss the proposal with them?

March 6, 2023 1:44 pm

Malcolm Turnbull is being quite gracious describing Tudge at the robo debt RC.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 6, 2023 1:56 pm

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has told the Robodebt royal commission it never occurred to him that the scheme was not lawful.

The debt recovery program — which has been found to be unlawful — began in the months before Turnbull became prime minister and continued throughout his time in the top job, amid an increasing outcry about the fairness and legality of the scheme.

Oddly enough, at the very time Turnbull was happily discussing the issue with Tudge, questions about the legality of the scheme were all over the press, Bruvva Bill was waving the issue around for all he was worth, Slater and Gordon was warming up the orchestra – and the Commonwealth Ombudsman had started its own investigation.

So, obviously, the issue of legality would never have occurred to Miserable Ghost.
Oddly, nobody at the Royal Commission seems worried about that…

March 6, 2023 1:56 pm

Same bullshit here in Sydney. March 2020 it got to 38C. So what?

Duncanm, it’s the first time this summer that the forecast temperature actually happened. It’s 38 on my verandah at the moment.

March 6, 2023 1:59 pm

Gaslighting garbage. I had a look at the Ncl forecast: 37 C. Not even the old ton. In fact I can’t recall when we last made it to 100 F here. At least 3 years I’d guess. Getting this sort of putrescent sludge from Sky is an insult to our intelligence

Well, I don’t know what it is like in Newcastle in the suburbs- but it very marginal here in the bush.

Yes – it is 37 degrees so far – but it is blowing a damn fierce norwesterly. Classic grassfire conditions.

March 6, 2023 1:59 pm

Mrs D has it now, 2 weeks ago she looked like death for a few days. Unlike anything she has had before, she has been in bed most of the time and she says today is the first time in weeks she has felt human. Still has coughing fits.

Sounds like what I had for two weeks last September which then hung around for another six weeks until it petered out. It really put a crimp in my gardening work last spring.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 6, 2023 2:01 pm

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has told the Robodebt royal commission it never occurred to him that the scheme was not lawful.

A lot of things have never occurred to Malcolm, which hasn’t hindered him in the past.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Indigenous governor-general a fitting sign of our maturity as nation
Cameron Milner
Indigenous leaders Noel Pearson, Professor Marcia Langton and Senator Patrick Dodson are among the worthy First Nations candidates for the G-G role.

That’s gotta be a mickey-take.
The only worthy candidates are Warren Mundine & Bess Price.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
March 6, 2023 2:07 pm

It strikes me that if it’s not an automatic ‘Yes’ from the King’s son, heir, and #5 in line for the job, the Sussex’s tickets should immediately be given to Kim Jong Un.

It’s not as thought the 6 months post-QE’s death has been enough time to make a decision.
Yet another attention-seeking ploy, while they work out how to make money out of the situation.

March 6, 2023 2:12 pm

It’s amazing how social media can pivot so seamlessly to International Women’s Day from the whole Pride thing.
It’s Wednesday for those who observe.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 6, 2023 2:13 pm

Marcia Langton as GG would be excellent entertainment.
She’d go through the chattering classes like a tyrannosaur.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Dr Faustus says: March 6, 2023 at 1:28 pm
In Far King Hell news:

Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, have received “email correspondence” about King Charles III’s coronation but are not yet confirming publicly whether they will attend, a spokesperson for the Duke of Sussex says.

It strikes me that if it’s not an automatic ‘Yes’ from the King’s son, heir, and #5 in line for the job, the Sussex’s tickets should immediately be given to Kim Jong Un.

It will have been an automatic ‘Yes’ from the Sussexpits. The rest is just theatre to keep their ‘renegade’ brand alive.

Them who ain’t at the coronation ain’t able to make a series of ‘insider’ Netflix, podcasts, & interviews about how ‘marginalised’ ‘oppressed’ (etc) they were.

Their marketability depends upon them being there.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

The inflation problem is easily solved.
No need to give money to banks.

Simply legislate that all prices are frozen as of today.
Nothing can go up in price = inflation fixed.

Nothing could possibly go wrong with this.
(I’m sorta half-expecting one of the more innumerate & poorly advised in parliament to come up with some version of this – or perhaps Sally “ease flooding by turning on all your taps” McAnus)

March 6, 2023 2:21 pm


I think you mean Justin Gleeson SC, fmr SG of the Commonwealth.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 6, 2023 2:23 pm

That’s gotta be a mickey-take.
The only worthy candidates are Warren Mundine & Bess Price.

The first role of an indigenous Governor General would be to accept the surrender of the “First Nations” and their incorporation into the Commonwealth, on completely equal terms.

Bar Beach Swimmer
March 6, 2023 2:24 pm

March 6, 2023 at 9:01 am

If there is one, I’d like to read the response to that.

March 6, 2023 2:24 pm

Pauline’s best speech:

The biggest problem facing Aboriginal Australians today is their own lack of commitment and responsibility to helping themselves.

March 6, 2023 2:32 pm

Justin Gleeson

Thanks Dot.
Why didn’t Saint Justin get up on his hinds legs over Robo-Debt like he did with other issues?
Another Abbott failure.
Gleeson should have been replaced in 2013 when he won.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 6, 2023 2:32 pm

The biggest problem facing Aboriginal Australians today is their own lack of commitment and responsibility to helping themselves.

You can lead a horse to water…

Even if you buy into the idea that the problems in the community are not their fault that does not mean that they can be remedied with absolutely no need for effort on their part.

If my house is struck by lightening it is not my fault, but I cannot just expect a new house to be spirited into existence entirely on my behalf. If someone mounts the curb and knocks me down and breaks my legs, it is their fault not mine. But nevertheless there is a simple point where I have to contribute to my return to health – I will have to eventually get up on my own legs and start the painful process of walking, building up muscles, knitting strength into the bones. No way around it. No one else can do it for me and my innocence and pain does not summon such a person into being.

But it is the thinking of the current time that there, somewhere, is.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says: March 6, 2023 at 11:02 am
Lisa Wilkinson re-emerges at grungy Brisbane pub
Nick Tabakoff
Diary has learnt that while she continues to twiddle her thumbs with her actual employer, Wilkinson will be making some decent coin on the side this week, as she launches her long-awaited comeback to public life.
Wilkinson’s much-vaunted comeback will be deep in Brisbane suburbia at one of city’s largest working class pubs, the Eaton’s Hill Hotel – 15km north of the Brisbane CBD and famous for its regular boxing events.

To put it mildly, it’s not the Savoy, and not exactly on-brand for Wilkinson.

What dickhead wrote that?
Eatons Hill Hotel is indisputably the flashest pub in Brisbane. If it isn’t the most expensive build & the carefully designed joint outside the CBD, it’ll do until we think of what does hold that title.

It even has its own distillery on-site (not craft brewery, distillery)

Sydney has Rooty Hill RSL club – To call Eatons Hill Hotel & Function Centre a peer would be to raise that status of Rooty Hill.

To call it grungy serves only to exhibit the ignorance of whoever wrote that piece (apparently some Sydney based feller with a CBD-centric view of the world)

March 6, 2023 2:40 pm

Why hasn’t Justin Gleeson been called to give evidence at the Robodebt RC?
He was the SG during its planning & start.
Surely he hasn’t been given a pass because he’s an ALP booster?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 6, 2023 2:43 pm

It will have been an automatic ‘Yes’ from the Sussexpits. The rest is just theatre to keep their ‘renegade’ brand alive.

Yes indeed. 100%.
Spare 2.0, My Racist Coronation Humiliation is thundering down the pipes.

Bar Beach Swimmer
March 6, 2023 2:47 pm

International Women’s Day

That’s because of its origins:
From Wiki:

In 1917, Bolsheviks Alexandra Kollontai and Vladimir Lenin made IWD an official holiday in the Soviet Union.[26] On May 8, 1965, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet decreed International Women’s Day a non-working day in the USSR, “in commemoration of the outstanding merits of Soviet women in communistic construction, in the defense of their Fatherland during the Great Patriotic War, in their heroism and selflessness at the front and in the rear, and also marking the great contribution of women to strengthening friendship between peoples, and the struggle for peace. But still, women’s day must be celebrated as are other holidays.”[26]

After its official adoption in Soviet Russia, IWD was predominantly celebrated in communist countries and by the communist movement worldwide. Communist leader Dolores Ibárruri led a women’s march in Madrid in 1936 on the eve of the Spanish Civil War.[16] Chinese communists observed the holiday beginning in 1922,[16] though it soon gained traction across the political spectrum: In 1927, Guangzhou saw a march of 25,000 women and male supporters, including representatives of the Kuomintang, the YWCA, and labor organizations.[27] After the founding of the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949, the State Council proclaimed on December 23 that March 8 would be made an official holiday, with women given a half-day off.[28]

Adoption by United Nations
IWD remained predominantly a communist holiday until roughly 1967 when it was taken up by second-wave feminists. The United Nations began celebrating International Women’s Day in 1975…

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 6, 2023 2:48 pm

To call it grungy serves only to exhibit the ignorance of whoever wrote that piece (apparently some Sydney based feller with a CBD-centric view of the world)

Indeed 2.0.
Eatons Hill is a pretty decent venue in a somewhat MacMansionland suburb – certainly not grungy.

It’s just that its big enough put on bogan activities.

March 6, 2023 2:49 pm

“…I’m sorta half-expecting one of the more innumerate & poorly advised in parliament to come up with some version of this…”

Well, with NSW readying for an election, the oppo is already saying they will cap road tolls at $60/week.
That’d be a 20% discount for me – if I used the M7 daily, but I don’t. It’s not shorter, it’s not quicker, it doesn’t save me fuel, so be buggered if I’m paying $15/day to use the bastard.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 6, 2023 2:51 pm

Stop conflating the subject. This is about media integrity.

Pull the other one, John H. You can’t mention media integrity and the democrat attack on Fox in the same breath. It’s a Democrat operation straight out of their usual playbook. If Tucker carried on talking about things you claim that he was rather dubious about, then I’d cut him some slack because this result stank. Tucker likely thought that more investigation was surely needed, even of the voting machines. History will indeed tell.

John, in Science you are empirically analytic. On politics you fall into the trap of replying to the claim of ‘some’ with your claim about ‘my friends’. Neither is a statistical reality but ‘some’ is a little more quantifiable in population terms than your friends are, which in all honesty you would have to admit. I’ve seen percentages somewhere that suggest the ‘some’ who believe the election in 2020 was stolen are quite substantial proportions of the total population – not surprising given the closeness of the result and the poor quality of Biden vs Trump as a candidate.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 6, 2023 2:54 pm

Spare 2.0, My Racist Coronation Humiliation is thundering down the pipes.

High Slander II: The Sickening

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 6, 2023 2:59 pm

Phew, it’s a bit of a scorcher today even in SYD but worse out in the western suburbs. Summer has arrived late. I am in the aircon and enjoying it away from the jackhammering going on next door and the general heat. I slept late after hauling back to bed and then Hairy took me out to Rose Bay for a summery lunch because of the noise. Thus, sorry to be so late in responding to you, John H.

If you really want to have a go at media integrity I’d suggest there’s a lot more meat on the copious corpse of it in the MSM apart from hitting on FOX, a much smaller proportion of the MSM I’m sure you’d agree, probably not MSM at all. You don’t see FOX in all international hotel rooms, but CNN and BBC are always up there carrying on.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 6, 2023 3:06 pm

Spare 2.0, My Racist Coronation Humiliation is thundering down the pipes.

He can commiserate with Joe Biden, who isn’t attending.
Instead Joe will be pursuing his Irish roots.
Mr Biden is keen on his roots.

Joe Biden will almost certainly not attend the coronation of King Charles III. The official reason is that he is making a trip to Ireland that simply can’t be canceled.

Why is Joe Biden really skipping Charles III’s coronation? (5 Mar)

C’mon Joe, name Sparkles as your 2024 running mate. You know you want to!
(I admit she’d actually be better than Kamala. Which is an amazing thought.)

March 6, 2023 3:10 pm

Speaking of US media, remember how some chap wrote in his book that Trump would spend hours a day watching gorillas on TV?
Media lapped that shit up.
Amplified it, no end.

Bar Beach Swimmer
March 6, 2023 3:11 pm

Dot @ 2:24pm

(From Pauline’s speech)

We still have Aboriginal kids not going to school. The wonderful air-conditioned school in Doomadgee has around 400 students enrolled, but they’re barely able to roll-call 50 per cent of students on any given day. They’ve got just one child in the whole school with a 100 per cent attendance record.

Lazy parents.

You can’t blame the whites when it’s your own negligence. We can throw all the money in the world at building these schools, with three meals a day for $2 to make sure Aboriginal kids are given a wholesome meal while they’re at school, but, if they don’t turn up, how do they get ahead in life?

See Bill Leak’s famous cartoon depicted this very point.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 6, 2023 3:12 pm

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has told the Robodebt royal commission it never occurred to him that the scheme was not lawful.

That does not sound like Potential Greatness.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 6, 2023 3:19 pm

Indigenous leaders Noel Pearson, Professor Marcia Langton and Senator Patrick Dodson are among the worthy First Nations candidates for the G-G role.

FMD. So having someone who thinks it’s ‘Aboriginal land, always was, always will be’ as the King’s representative here, someone who hates Australia and who are the real racists to hold that role should never be entertained.
So what of Teh Voice if one of these arseholes get the gig? Will that be torpedoed?

March 6, 2023 3:21 pm

Christians unite in outrage over The Project’s obscene joke

Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP wrote to Network Ten and its owner Paramount Australia to express his “sadness and deep disappointment”, and described an apology offered on the 1 March episode by hosts Waleed Aly and Sarah Harris as “forced and insincere.”

“The crude remark was of a sexual nature and highly inappropriate,” Archbishop Fisher wrote.

“That a ‘news and current affairs’ program would so flagrantly mock the beliefs of more than half of all Australians is extremely upsetting and frankly incredible.

“One gets the impression that the panelists are either unaware or indifferent to the hurt they have caused not only to Christians but people of faith throughout the nation.”

Archbishop Fisher invited the panelists and hosts of The Project to attend Easter services at St Mary’s Cathedral, to help them better understand the reverence Christians have for Jesus Christ.

The day prior to the interview, Mr Kaye tweeted, “LGBTQIA+ existence predates religion. We were here before you and your god and we will outlast you.”

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 6, 2023 3:23 pm

Sounds like what I had for two weeks last September which then hung around for another six weeks until it petered out. It really put a crimp in my gardening work last spring.

Sounds like what Hairy and I had for three coughing days in Florida last October. We had to stop travelling and throw ourselves into a beach condo to recover. Nice place to be sick in, and we both had our own cough mixtures; lots of choices for self-medication in the US. I think my sinus issues and lingering bronchitis are remnants of it still – now being clear up by taking antibiotics for something else. it’s an ill wind etc.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 6, 2023 3:26 pm

with three meals a day for $2 to make sure Aboriginal kids are given a wholesome meal while they’re at school,

There are those schools where Aboriginal children turn up in their “street clothes.” They are issued clean school uniforms, and, if need be, their “street clothes” are taken away and washed. They change back before going home….school uniforms were too likely to be “humbugged.”

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
March 6, 2023 3:26 pm

Home Invasion update: the chap pled guilty to all charges today. 18yo. Thick as a two planks. According to observers the dumbest of the lot. Its his first offence and a fkn doosey. He has screwed up the start of his life right royally.

The ring leaders with offences a mile long were tried in Childrens Court. Wrist Slaps all round.

Sentencing for 18yo at a later date. Min 3 yrs jail. Lucky not to get him and his family booted out. But this is Oz.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 6, 2023 3:32 pm

Although it is a fair assumption on something reaching Cabinet passing through all levels of the APS SES and PM&C. Can’t really blame Waffleworth for this one.

March 6, 2023 3:34 pm

The biggest problem facing Aboriginal Australians today is their own lack of commitment and responsibility to helping themselvesothers.


March 6, 2023 3:37 pm

“Pull the other one, John H.”

Or “get your hand off it” more likely.
Tucker is unashamedly opinion. More so, it is media opinion, so you need to show malicious intent – reckless disregard for the facts and all that. The “facts” such as we know them, are fairly bare and there is plenty of room for interpretation of what little is known might actually mean.

Things like “2000 Mules” show what appears to be evidence of illegal activity – evidence of such high quality that it can be used by the military to target attacks, and has been ruled by the courts to be as good as GPS.

What really happened in the 2020 US election? Who knows, certainly not me.

But I’ll say this about it – when one side (the losers) says “hey, wait a minute, this looks suspicious…” and the other side (the winners) says “Nothing to see, move along…” rather than “Here’s the data we have, go for your life!”, it looks kinda bad, you know?
And this as well – when a bunch of “big data” people look at the data going to the governors office, and they see vote counts going down, it’s a red flag. Sure, people make mistakes, it happens. But these should be few and far between, with explanations well documented. The reality is it happened to more votes than the margin of victory (in selected states), and very few if any have been explained. There could be honest reasons for this, but they have not been shown. That’s a problem.

The very same people who spent four years telling you Trump colluded with Russia and failed to find any evidence of that, refuse to even check – weird, right? The people who for decades said “Don’t trust THE MAN, man!” are now saying “Government told me, and they wouldn’t lie – you’re a conspiracy theorist!”

Lastly, I would suggest that any law enforcement agency that investigates a person for potential criminal activity, rather than meticulously documenting a crime and then investigating to discover who may have done it, is the arm of an antisocial, fascist scum government, should never be trusted and should be defunded into non-existence at the first opportunity. FBI, anyone? DoJ, perhaps? If the shoe fits…

March 6, 2023 3:38 pm

The day prior to the interview, Mr Kaye tweeted, “LGBTQIA+ existence predates religion. We were here before you and your god and we will outlast you.”

Kaye is not only malicious, he’s as thick as two planks.

I presume he means amoebas.

March 6, 2023 3:43 pm

I think that Behind The News on the ABC they made us watch in primary school was more intellectually honest than The Project.
Not sure if it’s still around.

March 6, 2023 3:43 pm

Thanks for the Powerline explanation Kneel. I was thinking the cache, but I only know enough about computers to get me into a heap of trouble.

It’s unfortunate other Centrelink offices aren’t as good as the one here. I thought I’d give credit where credit is due. Suspect it has a lot to do with staff quality as much as anything – these jobs here are hard to get. And also everyone knows everyone else. In bigger places there’s a certain anonymity that lets jerks and drones get away with it.

March 6, 2023 3:44 pm

“I presume he means is an amoebas.”


March 6, 2023 3:47 pm

In primary school we used to watch Infinity Limited & Behind The News.
I shudder to think what Behind The News would be like now.
Infinity Limited was outstanding.

March 6, 2023 3:49 pm

What really happened in the 2020 US election?

A lot. On many…many fronts. It was massive and varied and not confined to any one “fix”. So brazen, so utterly gigantic in scope that it’s hard to fathom in its complexity.

if you like, it was a con within a con. A local ripple in a worldwide scam. The trick is knowing whether the larger fraud was set up to enable the smaller one. If so it succeeded beyond wildest expectations.

March 6, 2023 3:50 pm

” In bigger places there’s a certain anonymity that lets jerks and drones get away with it.”

And, too, there’s the “I was following the rules” excuse – there is ALWAYS a rule to say what you did is OK. And another one to say that it’s not in that particular circumstance. But these are inevitably separated by pages of dense verbiage, so not your fault you missed it, right? You meant well, didn’t you? So next time you know to look harder for an excuse to say “No”. It’s always about the “No” – “No” is power, there’s no power in saying “Yes”.

March 6, 2023 3:50 pm

I still don’t know why people are conflating Tucker and Fox, Fox deserves to be shitcanned.

“Accept the election results”

Okay, Mike “Traitorous Bastard” Pence!

March 6, 2023 3:51 pm

I shudder to think what Behind The News would be like now.

It was always bad, smug, awful, I troll teacher friends about it and have deprogrammed my nephew.

March 6, 2023 3:54 pm

Still remember seeing school teachers in shock after the Berlin wall came down.
Some crying.
They weren’t tears of joy.

March 6, 2023 3:55 pm

Simply legislate that all prices are frozen as of today.
Nothing can go up in price = inflation fixed.

Nothing could possibly go wrong with this.
(I’m sorta half-expecting one of the more innumerate & poorly advised in parliament to come up with some version of this – or perhaps Sally “ease flooding by turning on all your taps” McAnus)

They have partially – caps on coal and gas prices.

Oh I know lets subsidise (insert name of thing eg public transport fresh food, rent) !

This did not turn out well when the Nazis tried it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 6, 2023 3:55 pm

I shudder to think what Behind The News would be like now.

Has Big Ted come out yet?

March 6, 2023 3:56 pm

” The trick is knowing whether the larger fraud was set up to enable the smaller one.”

Well, we had to get everyone aboard the WHO pandemic control treaty, right? The one that specifically says (for the US) that the parliament has to say “No” before they can stop it, rather than the usual it only applies if the parliament says “Yes”.
And Trump was never going to be on board with that. Biden though – well, you just need to divert some of the US funding of the WHO (which Biden re-instated) towards some company or other of his families ownership that is tentatively linked to him, and viola! Where do I sign?

March 6, 2023 3:58 pm

Dot, you should think about tuning into the Tigers WestLife podcast, especially on a Monday night when the boys rotate through the playlist of why the Tigers lost on the weekend.

Johnny Rotten
March 6, 2023 4:00 pm

Bar Beach Swimmersays:
March 6, 2023 at 2:47 pm
International Women’s Day

Is there an International Men’s Day?

March 6, 2023 4:00 pm

“This did not turn out well when the Nazis tried it.”

It’s hardly been a bastion of success with renewables either.

March 6, 2023 4:05 pm

Bruce of Newcastle says:
March 6, 2023 at 12:06 pm

Here’s a perfect example of the rubbish that Newscorp sites have to run.

Sydney braces for hottest day in two years as Bureau of Meteorology warns of three-day heatwave across parts of NSW (Sky News, 6 Mar)

Sydneysiders are set to endure their hottest day in two years as the city and surrounds enter a three-day heatwave.

Temperatures are forecast to reach 38C on Monday but could exceed 40C in some inland areas of New South Wales, with total fire bans in place across large parts of the state.

A pleasant 28C tops today here, with light nor-westers. Nothing like the searing heat and hot blasts during the bushfires a few years ago. Nothing approaching a ‘heatwave.’

This propensity of the BoM to equate even a mild summer with catastrophe is about as convincing as the private jet crowd telling us that we should live more frugally.

March 6, 2023 4:09 pm

The car registered 43 degrees this afternoon in the carpark, drifting down to 39 as I drove it through the gate at home. Shade temp around the 37 mark.

The Beloved offered the roofers next door some iced water and a dip in the pool. They declined…they had their own fridge with them! Off to the beach after work.

The do things differently here. 😀

Bar Beach Swimmer
March 6, 2023 4:10 pm

Is there an International Men’s Day?'s_Day

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 6, 2023 4:13 pm

I know I shouldn’t, but “Sally “ease flooding by turning on all your taps” McAnus” – it’s a joke, isn’t it?

March 6, 2023 4:14 pm

Dot, you should think about tuning into the Tigers WestLife podcast, especially on a Monday night when the boys rotate through the playlist of why the Tigers lost on the weekend.

Seems a bit repetitive. I regret not getting a inaugural game jersey for Dolphins, wish I had the money to burn for top tier membership.

March 6, 2023 4:14 pm

Is there an International Men’s Day?'s_Day


Do we perchance have a minister for men?

Bar Beach Swimmer
March 6, 2023 4:15 pm

The very same people who spent four years telling you Trump colluded with Russia and failed to find any evidence of that, refuse to even check – weird, right? The people who for decades said “Don’t trust THE MAN, man!” are now saying “Government told me, and they wouldn’t lie – you’re a conspiracy theorist!”

worth repeating.

March 6, 2023 4:19 pm

Seems a bit repetitive

Oh it is.

March 6, 2023 4:23 pm

Crossie says:
March 6, 2023 at 12:24 pm

This is called “code-switching” — the way in which someone, consciously or unconsciously, adjusts their language, behaviour and/or appearance to fit into the dominant culture.

And according to a new report from the Diversity Council Australia (DCA), it is common in Australian workplaces.

Question One: In your country of origin, what accommodations are made for people from other cultures in terms of workplace practices and promotions?

Question Two: In practice, how is an employer expected to understand and ‘include’ dozens of cultures?

Question Three: What aspects of ‘acting white’ are you referring to? We have been told that everything from understanding mathematics to punctuality could be construed as ‘acting white.’ Please explain.

Question Four: There is a phenomenon where black kids who work at succeeding at school and elsewhere are shamed as ‘acting white.’ Do you agree that this exists? Why is trying to better yourself ‘acting white?’

March 6, 2023 4:25 pm

Oh I know lets subsidise (insert name of thing eg public transport fresh food, rent) !

This did not turn out well when the Nazis tried it.

Theres an excellent looking book on the German railways system and how the “cap the prices” policies of the nazis led to it going from an absolute powerhouse in terms of efficiency and ability to repair/replace damaged gear to a near basket case just before WW2.

The Most Valuable Asset of the Reich: A History of the German National Railway, Volume 1
Alfred C. Mierzejewski

The largest enterprise in the capitalist world between 1920 and 1932, the Deutsche Reichsbahn (German National Railway) was at the center of events in a period of great turmoil in Germany. In the first detailed history of this important organization, Alfred Mierzejewski presents a sophisticated analysis of the Reichsbahn’s operations, finances, and political and social roles. In addition, he uses the story of the Reichsbahn to gain new perspectives on modern German economic and political history.

Mierzejewski describes and analyzes the beginnings of the national railway in Germany and the problems that it faced. He examines the Reichsbahn’s noncapitalistic, “commonweal” approach to economic management and shows how the railway was used to hold Germany together, especially in the face of Bavarian particularism. Mierzejewski’s account also provides unparalleled insight into Germany’s reparations policies, demonstrating that Germany was fully capable of paying the Dawes annuities and that the government’s claims that reparations paid by the Reichsbahn hurt both the railway and Germany were groundless. A second volume will cover the period from 1933 to 1945.

Also the perfect present for the budding Donitz in your life.

March 6, 2023 4:27 pm

So brazen, so utterly gigantic in scope that it’s hard to fathom in its complexity.

It is funny how broad you imagine the conspiracy to be with tens of thousands of participants… but exactly zero whistle blowers.

It’s almost as if you just made it up.

March 6, 2023 4:32 pm

Why would they blow the whistle? They got what they wanted.

March 6, 2023 4:33 pm

In addition, you made up the “tens of thousands of participants”… not me.

You don’t need that many.

March 6, 2023 4:33 pm

Johnny Rotten says:
March 6, 2023 at 4:00 pm
Is there an International Men’s Day?

Why yes, there is. November 19th.

And by coincidence, November 19th is also International Toilet Day. The symbolism is unmistakable.

I was going to say – I shit you not, but that would have been too obvious.

Real Deal
Real Deal
March 6, 2023 4:35 pm

We were here before you and your god and we will outlast you.”

Kaye is not only malicious, he’s as thick as two planks.

I suspect he hasn’t read Psalm 2 either.
The Almighty does laugh at these pesky hubristic humans.

Bar Beach Swimmer
March 6, 2023 4:40 pm

FMD. So having someone who thinks it’s ‘Aboriginal land, always was, always will be’ as the King’s representative here, someone who hates Australia and who are the real racists to hold that role should never be entertained.

What I can’t understand is that habitually now people’s previous opinions and actions – sometimes decades old – are dug up as a way to have the person removed from their position or have the offer made to them, withdrawn.

When Lidia Thorpe refused to take the oath in the Senate and was pushed to by the President of the Senate, in the background could be heard at least one Senator who said that no-one is happy with the Oath but it has to be performed, she invalidated to candidacy as did those there who acknowledge their refusal to make a sincere declaration.

Our society/culture used to place high regard on oath-taking. That is still the case when giving evidence in a court of law because of the risk of being charged with perjury. But when it comes to taking an oath of service to public life, sincerity has become as an optional extra and deliberate lying is accepted, as in the case of Lidia Thorpe.

Whether Marcia Langton or Noel Pearson, or any other Aboriginal who has previously questioned the sovereignty of the Australian people, through the Crown, to this land, is announced the next GG, they, too, should already be disqualified. Just like anyone else whose previous utterances/behaviours have ruled them out of the position they were pursuing. Otherwise, it makes a mockery out of the role they are to assume.

March 6, 2023 4:43 pm

Whether Marcia Langton or Noel Pearson, or any other Aboriginal who has previously questioned the sovereignty of the Australian people, through the Crown, to this land, is announced the next GG, they, too, should already be disqualified.


March 6, 2023 4:44 pm

the nazis led to it going from an absolute powerhouse in terms of efficiency and ability to repair/replace damaged gear to a near basket case just before WW2.

You should watch some TIK videos.

March 6, 2023 4:47 pm

It is funny how broad you imagine the conspiracy to be with tens of thousands of participants… but exactly zero whistle blowers.

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears.

Private philanthropy stepped into the breach. An assortment of foundations contributed tens of millions in election-administration funding. The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative chipped in $300 million.

Except for the full length piece in Time magazine congratulating themselves for how they did it.

March 6, 2023 4:49 pm

The ‘Bald & Bankrupt’ travel blogger got himself jailed then booted from Russia for saying naughty things about the Pute. So he claims. It is probably true.
Now there are commentaries appearing on YouTube accusing him of everything short of fathering Megan Markel’s puppies.
Russia must indeed be a sad place if they feel the compulsion to beat up on an obscure Pommie travel blogger. Cost benefit is obviously not a meaningful consideration in Muscovy.

Bar Beach Swimmer
March 6, 2023 4:52 pm

if it’s not an automatic ‘Yes’ from the King’s son, heir, and #5 in line for the job, the Sussex’s tickets should immediately be given to Kim Jong Un.

It strikes me that if he really believes what he’s been saying about his family and the institution of constitutional monarchy, he would renounce not only his current title(s) but his place in the line of succession.

But not going to happen.

March 6, 2023 4:52 pm

The news breaks keep repeating how it’s the hottest day in two years. It still hasn’t hit 40 here and now it won’t, at least not today.

March 6, 2023 4:52 pm

The car registered 43 degrees this afternoon in the carpark, drifting down to 39 as I drove it through the gate at home. Shade temp around the 37 mark.

Yes Calli – pretty hot up here. Valley filling up with smoke – but fortunately (for us) it is being pushed over by NW winds from a big fire at Hill End.

All schools in NSW Central Tablelands were closed today. Overreaction? Not if you live in this area & are aware of the huge overgrowth of grass after La Nina.

Cassie of Sydney
March 6, 2023 4:52 pm

“Our society/culture used to place high regard on oath-taking. That is still the case when giving evidence in a court of law because of the risk of being charged with perjury. But when it comes to taking an oath of service to public life, sincerity has become as an optional extra and deliberate lying is accepted, as in the case of Lidia Thorpe.”

Indeed, I remember watching the footage of Thorpe’s attention seeking in the senate, when she had to take the oath, she deliberately mocked the oath and mumbled her own words, belittling the late Queen in the process. She was finally forced to recite the oath properly otherwise she’d be ineligible to sit in the senate, and I suspect she’s enjoying the dosh she gets from her plum senate gig. I was reminded of Sin Fein nationalists who were elected to the UK parliament but they refused to take their seats at Westminster because they’d have to take the oath to the Queen. Those men, agree or disagree with their cause, actually stood for something and had principles. They weren’t attention seeking adolescents like Thorpe.

March 6, 2023 4:53 pm

Ideally – for me – the casing should be natural (plastic casing shrinks and crushes the slices when frying), and the content should have visible pieces of fat, not too much oatmeal filler, be lightly seasoned, and not choke you with preservatives.

Don’t know where my mother got it, but we had blutworst with fried apple for breakfast in the 1960s, in The Shire. Very good it was, too.

In the late 70s/early 80s there was a restaurant in East Sydney called The Carpathian which served that kind of food. It even looked like a central European restaurant, with windows at the front and curtains over the lower half. It was cheap and cheerful, rosti with everything, lashings of gravy over mashed potatoes, perfect for impoverished students, artists, or (as in my case) low paid workers.

If one was feeling rich, The Balkan for chicken livers fried in garlic, with bread to mop it up. To this day, my mouth waters at the thought. Damn, they were good!

The Frogs (and the Italians) did a magnificent marketing exercise with their food and wine, but there is plenty of excellent food and wine all over Europe.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 6, 2023 4:54 pm

March 6, 2023 at 4:32 pm
Why would they blow the whistle? They got what they wanted.

March 6, 2023 at 4:33 pm
In addition, you made up the “tens of thousands of participants”… not me.

You don’t need that many.

m0nty=fa’s entire personal self image depends upon the fascist left being as pure as the driven snow. Any break in that belief will destroy him psychologically. He must believe!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 6, 2023 5:01 pm

Within a few hours we knew the election was stolen due to the statistics. Then the numerous methods used slowly came into view. It was stolen alright.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
March 6, 2023 5:08 pm

m0nty spitballed:

It is funny how broad you imagine the conspiracy to be with tens of thousands of participants… but exactly zero whistle blowers.
It’s almost as if you just made it up.

It is funny how you ignore the dozens of witnesses, not just the famous Dominion subcontractor Melissa Carone. In Michigan alone there were at least 6 polling place workers and observers who testified to irregularities in procedure and unusual ballot numbers, plus 2 technical witnesses testifying to statistical unlikelihood in the county results, and that’s aside from the over 100 affidavits that Giuliani adduced to the Senate committee. Witnesses in Pensylvania and Arizona had similar concerns.
Not witnesses to conspiracy technically (intent not proven), but witnesses to an election run so badly its result should not have been believed, but there was no re-run and no substantial audits took place.

In one state alone there were way more than zero whistleblowers. How did you arrive at the belief that the total number across the country was zero? It’s almost as if you just made it up.

March 6, 2023 5:15 pm

It was just m0nty’s fancy way of calling me a liar.

For my part, the evidence is overwhelming, and the motive is as clear as a bell. What interests me is the way it slotted seamlessly into Covid, like a hand in a glove.

March 6, 2023 5:26 pm

Steve Hilton incontrovertible evidence chunk virus came from the lab with yank oversight; first 20 minutes:

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 6, 2023 5:26 pm

Whether Marcia Langton or Noel Pearson, or any other Aboriginal who has previously questioned the sovereignty of the Australian people, through the Crown, to this land, is announced the next GG, they, too, should already be disqualified.


Lydia Thorpe for GG?

March 6, 2023 5:31 pm

Indigenous governor-general a fitting sign of our m’aturity as nation
Cameron Milner

Excuse me, but I am baffled by this. What does ‘maturity as a nation’ mean? Sez who, judged by whom?

Another one of those elisions beloved of those who wish to avoid the truth.

March 6, 2023 5:40 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says:
March 6, 2023 at 5:26 pm

1. We’re not sovereign, your life sucking during COVID showed this:

*national cabinet meetings, not strictly ultra vires, were never really intended to exist.
*mandates being turned out by CHOs and ‘Elf Minister’s rear ends more quickly and savagely than Cromwellian England.

2. If Australia is sovereign, the pathetic simp PM, Scott Morrison, towed the line as the compromised and corrupt WHO said so.
3. Australia does not hold sovereignty over parts of Aboriginal lands, either legally by choice (Arnhem Land) or by anarcho tyranny (much of the rest of NT).
4. If we are sovereign people, the process is deeply flawed, the PM effectively holds sovereignty in his inherited, formally royal, executive prerogatives and effective right to determine what subjects go to referendum or not.

It’s good to let the radical separatists show their hand and freedom of speech is too important to curtail even one bit. We all acknowledge that Senators have a certain degree of dignity by virtue of their office, a sort of elected, temporary nobility, but we saw that Thorpe was especially prone to lacking humility.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Dr Faustus says: March 6, 2023 at 4:13 pm
I know I shouldn’t, but “Sally “ease flooding by turning on all your taps” McAnus” – it’s a joke, isn’t it?

Do you mean my typo, or the turn on the taps line?
(On reflection, I like the typo – sticky keyboard sometimes throws up this stuff)

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 6, 2023 5:55 pm

Oh and Liverpool 7-0 Manchester United. Chortle

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 6, 2023 6:06 pm

Wally Dalí thunders:

Newspoll on super changes is devastating.
It’s absolutely appalling that Dutton et al don’t even look like they’re ready to fight the change.

If News Poll is correct, then it’s a non issue in the Electorate, so let Albanese have a win.

Churchill said “Oppose everything”,
but his record of 2 General Election defeats versus one tiny win suggests his advice is worthless.

March 6, 2023 6:13 pm

Via Michael Smith News.

Accurate report. That’s exactly how Albanese pronounces it.

This was the accompanying photo.

See if you can pick why it’s funny. It took me a minute or so. 😀

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 6, 2023 6:19 pm

Do you mean my typo, or the turn on the taps line?

Didn’t notice a typo until you mentioned it.

March 6, 2023 6:31 pm

I don’t think too many here need this lesson. I knew it was rubbish as soon as I found out CO2 was an essential trace gas of which mankind produced about 3%. But, of course, the 97% does not count, only our miniscule contribution is causing the earth to overheat. Obviously, Mother Earth know the difference.

New World Odor™


The CO2 causing climate change narrative is a hoax and a complete lie. It does NOT follow the real science & data.

March 6, 2023 6:32 pm

Dr Faustus,

she actually said that. She stated that the people in the flood areas should have their water rates waived while they turned on all their taps so the strain on the surrounding areas below Warragamba would be eased. Thus all the water would flow merrily down the storm water drains and out to sea. Simples.

You should be able to find it online easily enough.

March 6, 2023 6:34 pm

The Australian TGA confirmed they NEVER analysed the patient level data from the Pfizer clinical trials.

They just took the word of Big-Pharma and assumed the American FDA had done the work. We never checked the individual patient data here in Australia.

March 6, 2023 6:35 pm

Spiked has an extremely excellent piece on the UK Covid tsars little purple circle.

The gibbett is too good for him and those around him.

A few months later, Hancock was increasingly irate about the Sweden issue, the possibility that this nation that didn’t enforce a sweeping lockdown might be doing quite well. I am sick of the ‘fumming Sweden argument’, he said. ‘Supply three or four bullet [points] of why Sweden is wrong’, he demanded of his aides.
Ms Oakeshott is a backstabber and a money-grubber for revealing these WhatsApp messages, some are saying. Oh stop it. Nothing could be more in the public interest than knowing the thinking behind an ideology and a policy that wrecked civil liberty, suspended democracy, sickened the elderly, hurt the working classes, quarantined the developing world, and led to a suspension of that most key of civilised endeavours: the education of children. A pandemic hit, and the political elite, and the media elite, opted for social tyranny, censorship, non-debate, classism and fearmongering over taking a more rational, liberal, focused approach to the risk of disease. We need to know all about this, so that we might guard against it in the future.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 6, 2023 6:38 pm

The day prior to the interview, Mr Kaye tweeted, “LGBTQIA+ existence predates religion. We were here before you and your god and we will outlast you.”

Reuben Kaye, eh?

His appearance rips off Julian Clary, who is forgotten today, plus he’s not funny.
I’d say he’s not Gay, but is a Spook playing a part in confirming a Narrative.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Dr Faustus: Are you fair dinkum unaware of Sally McManus’ message to the people of Sydney: “Turn on the taps, to ease the flooding

Have I misread a wry double meaning or something.
Coz she fair dinkum actually said exactly that

March 6, 2023 6:40 pm

McManus story here.

Probably not a fully functioning adult.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 6, 2023 6:41 pm

Makes sense. And turn off your electricity at the wall so it doesn’t run out over the carpet.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Snap Pogria.

March 6, 2023 6:46 pm

LGBTQIA+ existence predates religion

Hows it stack up against evolution?
Any tribes of exclusively gay primates competing for space Im missing?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 6, 2023 6:46 pm

Dr Faustus: Are you fair dinkum unaware of Sally McManus’ message to the people of Sydney: “Turn on the taps, to ease the flooding”

Shamefully, yes.
I thought I was a keen student of public stupidity: but apparently not.

Anchor What
Anchor What
March 6, 2023 6:47 pm

And there is plenty of other evidence that has now emerged concerning very real election irregularities, such that I would think the Democrat Donkeys can bray all they like,
It looks like John H. is simply another leftist troll that this site can’t vomit out.

Anchor What
Anchor What
March 6, 2023 6:49 pm

Sorry, quote was by Lizzie B who cottoned on to the troll a long way up thread.

  1. The production in that film is great. It is modern production that sucks. Too many cuts and too much loud…

  2. The Israeli soldiers didn’t want to be contaminated by touching it, so they used a piece of timber to lift…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x