Unpopular opinion- Tweenage girls should be made to watch MAFS. Their natural circuits for disgust and cruelty will kick in,…
Unpopular opinion- Tweenage girls should be made to watch MAFS. Their natural circuits for disgust and cruelty will kick in,…
They look like British tits. And not Boris’s man boobs.
MAFS is car crash TV.
I go on ‘You Choob’ and watch lots of good stuff. And cooking a nice Dinner with a few reds.…
Who Was Running the Biden White House?
Ignorant, rather stupid, and insanely opinionated. I can’t see that changing soon.
Only if I stop searching for the key
I know a teenager that because of the lock up/downs
they tugged their forelock obsessively
so much so that they tugged that forelock right out of their brain-box
naturally then, they moved onto other prenological regions until the tugging became pathological
his parents still voted for Dan
So, who will the real rulers be?
Crotchless pantie wearing aliens.
oh … the key
don’t mention the key
a good citizen would lock themselves in
and then throw it away
Brunettes of course, being the best.
Linda Burney let that particular cat out of the bag some time ago. Once the Voice is enshrined in the Constitution, “They won’t be able to get rid of it, the way they did ATSIC.”
I think she may have a misplaced nipple on one of her implants.
Think of the fun looking for it.
You do know don’t you Cohenite that no normal physiology in a female would keep the fatty boobs looking like that while the rest of the body is oestrogen starved by overuse and likely a diet of roids?
They’re not on roids. They don’t have enlarged jaws or clits. I use to train female body builders. Most don’t use the juice; a lot have breast implants though.
How can I say this…?
John Faine isn’t noticeably um…
Maybe he should ask sTan what the stuff is that he uses.
Ol’ Leathery is a bit old for circle jerks.
It’s a thin line between love and hate, I tells ya …
It’s a thin line between love and hate …
Thanks Rabz, I love that version of the song.
Shimmering … 🙂
The operative word here is “hell”.
How can I say this…?
John Faine isn’t noticeably um…
Jon Faine isn’t White, doesn’t identify as White.
…as we said would be the case a year ago when the idiots started pushing this stupid idea.
…and I predicted the States would have a go at making it all legal if the Referendum was turfed out the door – but even I didn’t think they’d be stupid enough to try it on before the Referendum!
Take everythang … 😕
Cassie, I think of all Rupert’s children from his second marriage Lachlan may be the only sane one. The other two are complete green nutters.
Or, my preferred version …
Baybah, Baybah, Baybah … You’re off the pace.
March 26, 2023 at 7:57 pm
“Labor’s brand now is technocratic competency” … these jokes just don’t stop. Albo, Chalmers, Bowen, Wong – their skills are limited to factional fighting and bullying women who don’t toe the lefty line e.g. Kitching.
But they almost certainly used mobile phones, the internet and (anti-)social media to do the factional fighting and bullying, isn’t that technocratic enough?
It’s as simple as that. Those who wish to attack others ad hominem need only identify as something else and it’s all hunky dory. Gotcha.
“Cassie, I think of all Rupert’s children from his second marriage Lachlan may be the only sane one. The other two are complete green nutters.”
James is a lefty and married to a hard core leftist, don’t know about Elizabeth, she isn’t that political, but I know for a fact that Lachlan is not.
Lizzie, not true though you have to go through the same process to remove it meaning another referendum.
We’re breaking new ground with this one!
Silvertail Vaucluse husband accuses spouse of voting Liberal & sends her to Coventry, because ashamed.
Until recently, this would have been the least believable root cause of a domestic blue in Vaucluse.
Cassie – They are trying to nudge the Right towards sanitized guys like DeSanitized.
They hate Trump supporters. But all Trump is doing is representing the tea partiers, who are more than half of Republican voters. No one else is representing them, because anyone who is representing them must commit to overturning the RINO elites who control the Republican Party central apparatus. Only Trump is doing that, which is why Waco is doing the Left’s head in today.
Same here. NSW Libs are totally controlled by the Kean/Photios wing. The advantage of the US system is the primaries allow the base a voice. Unfortunately we don’t have that direct democratic selection of representative candidates here. Therefore the Libs are dying from woke.
Just think of how Newscorpse behaves towards our rare equivalents of tea partiers. Latham, Shelton, Roberts. And add the editorial decision promote climate crap in late 2021. Sorry, Newscorpse and Fox have died to the right. I read many comments on numerous blogs, the general view is they are walking dead. Apart from rare heros like Tucker and Gutfield.
Cassie, Elizabeth is married to some black African UN guy and they are both, well UN minded.
Technocratic competence is not the same as Technology competence. If we round the word down to 4 letters, perhaps.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
March 26, 2023 at 8:09 pm
Former ABC broadcaster Jon Faine scolds ‘urban white commentators’ and urges support for the voice
Has Faine handed over all of his property to the local indigenous Land Council? At the very least, has he been paying rent on his land to the Council? Since he seems to have a religious devotion to the Great Cause, I suggest tithing – 10% of his income pa, backdated to his first job.
Oh, Rabz, she is beautiful!
Bruce, Sky Channel which is owned Newscorp have taken Latham back on board and I hope soon the other two will be engaged as contributors or commenters.
Ed Casesays:
March 26, 2023 at 8:16 pm
Chris Merritt very good on Outsiders today: in short the screech will promote a small band of 3rd nation elitists into the rulers of Australia.
Aborigines have an average IQ of around 60 and Torres Strait Islanders maybe 10 points higher.
Since IQ 70 is the cut off for Morons, these people won’t be ruling anything.
So, who will the real rulers be?
As has been stated here very many times, the urban fauxboriginal aristocracy will rule the roost. The bush abos will get the occasional patronising visit.
A bit on over-claiming in WWII, taken from my next book:
Pilots routinely claimed victories that weren’t, as can be established by looking at both sides actual records of loss. This is where the maintenance crews write off an aircraft or list the damage it took. For example, in an attack on Darwin on 25 April 1942 the defending forces claimed 12 of the raiding aircraft shot down – the records in reality show that the Japanese lost five.
The Japanese were equally enthusiastic in their crediting of ‘kills’. In the April ’42 engagement above the attackers claimed seven destroyed and two probables: the reality was three P-40s hit.
Not to be outdone the Japanese press repeated the extravagant claims. In the Japan Times and Advertiser for 17 June 1942, 20 “…modernly-equipped enemy planes” were claimed shot down. The 27 August edition claimed a further 14 “…P-40 and P-39 type enemy fighter aircraft” in the 23 August 1942 raid on Hughes airfield. The actual losses were four and nil respectively.
These New Order Clips are just magnificent – “Everythang’s Gangrene … ”
Best played loud. 🙂
“Cassie, Elizabeth is married to some black African UN guy and they are both, well UN minded.”
Elizabeth was married to Elkin Pianim from 1993 to 1998. Elkin’s father is Ghanian and his mother Dutch. Elizabeth’s current husband is a very white Englishman, who’s an artist.
Robert Sewellsays:
March 26, 2023 at 8:36 pm
If they get special privileges that other citizens do not then that is discrimination against the majority. These “First Nations” become aristocrats with the power to affect the ordinary citizens while the reverse is not possible. This is undemocratic.
…as we said would be the case a year ago when the idiots started pushing this stupid idea.
…and I predicted the States would have a go at making it all legal if the Referendum was turfed out the door – but even I didn’t think they’d be stupid enough to try it on before the Referendum!
We can but hope (expect??) that the state Voices will make themselves so unpopular before the referendum that the referendum will be voted down in all states.
Oops, my info is rather out of date. Hard to keep up with all the Murdoch divorces and remarriages. It seems even in that department Lachlan is the steadfast one.
“Bruce, Sky Channel which is owned Newscorp have taken Latham back on board and I hope soon the other two will be engaged as contributors or commenters.”
Correct, and Pauline Hanson, Alex Antic, Gerard Rennick and others are regulars on Sky too.
For shame! Don’t you know Aboriginal souls will be crushed if the referendum is voted down?
The morning sun touched lightly on Miss Lucy Jordan …
Sorry but John Farnham is out of the question
Once upon a time, Rabz, you dressed so fine … 😕
Some serious rectification is going to be happening from this winter.
The Hun, doing its best to pull at heartstrings but succeeding only in handpattery:
Nineteen-year-old Lara Guglielmi was an active participant in the theft of what is, for most people, the second-most expensive thing they will ever buy* – along with the means to obtain and keep employment, socialise and generally live life like normal people.
I am led to understand that nobody, and I mean nobody gets into a stolen car without being under the impression it’s been thieved from someone who worked for it.
There’s a pic of the car, post-event. There’s a hole in the windscreen on the passenger side where someone’s bonce punctured it from the inside before being dragged back into the cabin and pinballed around a bit. So yeah. Died at the scene.
Here we go:
Made a mistake. Right up there with ‘got caught up in’, ‘fell in with the wrong crowd’, ‘the knife just went in/the gun went off’, ‘complex behaviour’ and ‘vortex of addiction’, all motherhood phrases used by defence counsel and/or handpatters to minimise behaviour.
You don’t mistakenly get into a stolen car with a cockhead driving it. Plus, this woman was nineteen years old. She could have ‘chosen’ to have her tits hacked off and grown a fake penis years ago, and nobody would have said a thing.
There’s barely a whimper in the piece about the poor women in the sporty Beemer they smacked into:
Back to stepmum Nikki:
Translated – ‘We want someone to sue for compo.’
No, being a thieving dickhead cost her her life.
*Except Commodores.
Wade through them and give us a one page precis, would you please?
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
March 26, 2023 at 9:03 pm
We can but hope (expect??) that the state Voices will make themselves so unpopular before the referendum that the referendum will be voted down in all states.
For shame! Don’t you know Aboriginal souls will be crushed if the referendum is voted down?
Perhaps the souls (and bank accounts) of the urban fauxboriginal aristocracy, but I doubt that there will be much more grief in Wadeye or Yuendemu than is usual for those and other similar locations.
At Casa Rabz or NSW as a whole?
Crossie – Sky News is a battleground between the two sides. This for example was on the Sky News website yesterday and today.
Lights set to be switched off for Earth Hour tonight (Sky News, 25 Mar)
Exactly the sort of rubbish that come downs from upon high in the Newscorpse org chart. The Sky News editors and opinion people know exactly what their viewers want, and it ain’t this rubbish. But every day you see oozingly green stories like this. The high table want their plebs to do their bidding but the plebs know if they do it they die. It’s an interesting tension between ideology and reality.
(I was busy doing other things but saw no signs that Cats either noticing nor observing Earth Hour this year. Not even to turn on all their electrical appliances. That’s how inane it now is. Yet Sky News was pushing it – which I take to mean orders from above.)
As has been stated here very many times, the urban fauxboriginal aristocracy will rule the roost. The bush abos will get the occasional patronising visit.
IQ 95 at best.
They won’t be ruling anything either.
who will the real rulers be?
Yes. Yes she is. I think the next one will be blonde. Good blonde as in Rabz’ pictured example, not matted wet hay blonde.
I would be prepared to take Miss Vlaardingerboek to see John Wick IV, and whisper sweet nothings in her ear during the underground fight scenes.
First time I’d heard this version.
Thanks Knuckles. Brutal but honest. If only parents would take off the rose coloured glasses early enough they might just save their child’s life.
“You’re the voice, try and understand it.”
I’ll say, probably why it won’t get used.
Eva Vlarrdiwqhrfo;bruk is one hell of a uterine birthing module.
I am very close to calling her a 10.
Perhaps I should’ve said Sky News is the last remaining battleground between the two sides.
The Oz and the Terror/Hun have already gone over. They’re unreadable.
As a distance call, sure.
But she might have elephantine legs, or narcolepsy or halitosis or barrack for Fremantle or something.
I could work with Tourette’s, though.
I know of one “First Nations” princess who is employed by a few universities and private companies as a consultant. She conducts seminars on aboriginal culture for the participating organisations’ staff. Everyone in her family is in the Aboriginal business including her three children. The only one not on the taxpayer teat is her white mother. By the way, she is blonde.
We can expect impeccable behaviour and ‘look, see, there’s nothing to worry about – “No” is for the hideous racist objections of Right-Wing Extremists’…
The problem for the high table these days is that the plebs can get stroppy and ignore the elite. We need to encourage them to do more of it.
Was that meant for today or yesterday? There was nothing in the news at Channel 7 or Sky today.
Eva Vlaardingerbroek was a regular on the Mark Steyn Show on GBNews (See YouTube) and will be a guest speaker on the Mark Steyn Cruise later this year
That’s where it’s all going to come crashing down. All those blonde haired, blue eyed, fair skinned “Aborigines” lining up for their “Compensation” and “Reparations.” At least one of them is on the record as claiming that “you don’t have to be dark skinned to claim Aboriginal status” – his great great grandfather was Aboriginal…..
Crossie – at Casa Rabz – small steps.
“There was nothing in the news at Channel 7 or Sky today.”
I haven’t seen any spruiking by Sky of “Earth Hour”.
I am all for the Voice if a compromise is granted.
Any local shire, territory or State can by way of CIR, secede from the Commonwealth or their State or territory.
Go right ahead. 🙂
Is likely an Aboriginal cultural consultant!
DeSantis is not Republicans’ answer to Trump. He has failed badly during the FBI raid on Maralago and the NY DA attempting to indict Trump. Instead of objecting on principle he stood back too long. The Republican base no longer trusts him particularly since Karl Rove started talking him up. Hinderaker from Powerline is poo-pooing Trump but Republicans will simply have to come to terms with the fact that it’s Trump or nobody.
Which is a problem when you’re very strident about the supreme magnificence of brunettes. 😕
Classic example* …
*Miss Ellie, being a brunette masquerading as a blonde …
Crossie – The story about Earth Hour was on Sky News’s web page yesterday and this morning. I was amused since unlike other years no one on the Cat even mentioned Tim Blair’s Hour of Power(TM).
Apparently the Opera House observed Earth Hour by going dark. For the Planet. It’s a wonder that it hasn’t been submerged by the rising seas yet.
She may welcome me to country as often as required.
How on earth does this work!?
High Yield NDIS Investment Properties
Looking To Invest In NDIS Properties? Our Properties Provide 10-15% Investment Yield.
Which reminds me, fly screens need replacing as the old ones are disintegrating.
Ed Casesays:
March 26, 2023 at 9:13 pm
As has been stated here very many times, the urban fauxboriginal aristocracy will rule the roost. The bush abos will get the occasional patronising visit.
IQ 95 at best.
They won’t be ruling anything either.
HOW DARE YOU doubt the intellectual brilliance of Perfesser Pascoe!
And the many other academics claiming to identify as aboriginal. Are you some kind of waaaycisssst?
Probably some variation of the way nursing homes work. Sell your house to buy in but you only get a percentage back when you pop your clogs.
I’m Stranded… 😕
So the numbers were not in Keens favour and rather than show that by standing, he chose not to advertise.
When he does run he can pretend he would have won if he had stood.
There was a commenter on Amanda Stoker’s Sky programme tonight who, when asked how she intends to vote on the Voice, said definitely no. She explained that as a first generation migrant who came to Australia because it was a home of democracy she was not going to vote now to become a second class citizen. I have a strong suspicion that most, if not all, migrants will vote the same way.
ooh ooh ooh …
Invading on our privacy …
Unknowing we mime, I tells ya! 😕
Big in the ‘merica!
That is true unless they pay the difference between the government’s contribution and the actual cost. Works out the same in the end. Mum was paying the difference so that we get the whole deposit when she was gone.
Did dinner last night with my step-bro and SIL last night. It was fun. Fast service, yummy food, decent price. Part of the conversation:
SIL: Don’t you have flies.
BoN: No.
SIL: Mosquitoes?
BoN: I have no mosquitoes and no spiders either. My noisies ate them all.
She was amazed by this, but it’s true. Talking about my hobby with family is entertaining because it causes a lot of scrunching of brows and crossing of eyes. But if you want to avoid having to replace your screens befriend a couple dozen noisy miners.
Helen: Re your recent question on where to find Beyond Paradise.
In addition to other sites, it is streaming on Binge.com
A brief reference to it on 3AW, which was the only media mention of it.
The Gabba went 24 hours early with their lights out, but maybe not intentional.
I did briefly dim the lights in Rabz’s piranha tank last night, but that is all.
It’s bad enough I have a flock of cockatoos chewing up my cypress tree so I will pass on the miners.
What a pity Gwyneth Paltrow has gone bonkers; comes from bottling your quim odour I suppose. She was superb in Shakespeare in Love.
Ooh shiny! I haven’t seen that one before Rabz.
Sorry haven’t been playing musical tennis with you because I’ve been distracted.
Now all finished so I can enjoy your vids!
“I did briefly dim the lights in Rabz’s piranha tank last night, but that is all.”
You did, which is why I allowed you a second serving of cake.
My eating habits were being compared unfavourably with those of the denizens of the Amazon.
Also they seem to use the same corrective orthodontist as Tennis Albo.
Adam Creighton has done a good article about Twitter files and mentioned that in 2021 The Weekend Australians story about death of Any would not have been published.
However I only came across it by looking at his Twitter. I can’t see it online via PC or my mobile which is odd. Over 200 comments so far. Article went up at mid day and presumably going to be in tomorrow’s paper version.
I linked Sky’s Earth Hour spruiking story at 9:12pm Cassie.
As I said it was on the website yesterday and this morning.
I was amused. Reading the signs of higher plane influence is fun.
Unexpected visit to local hospital emergency (as they tend to be) this evening.
No ambulances ramping but walk ins were being made to sit outside until there was room inside which dissuaded one couple who decided whatever it was, wasn’t that bad.
As there was a one visitor limit I hovered outside, most of the insiders waiting appeared to be young children with coughs and colds. I suspect GPs now charging hefty fees for after 5pm consultations might have something to do with it.
No complaints about the care of my delivered by ambulance emergency wardee.
Jihad Watch
Just the crew to protect the ladies.
I told someone this evening that Dan Andrews was going to implement a permanent lights out and in bed by 9pm for Victorians.
Unfortunately these days some jokes aren’t that obvious.
Why Russia can’t take the skies over Ukraine
The surprising thing about this analysis is that it was made a year ago and is prescient.
There were several vaccine deaths in Australia in 2020, all of which got mentioned, a lot, indeed it lead to many people preferring to get Pfizer over Astrazeneca.
My advise to potential future car thieves, wear your seatbelt.
This is the mob TRAs, media, etc. ginned up with their mendacity.
The media thought the water would start pouring out of the pipe in Kal (530 km away) as soon as they turned the tap on in Perf.
Australian Media:
Completely f’cking stupid since at least 1903.
Current AA missile defense is really nasty. That’s why the whole “let’s give Ukraine F-16s” thing is such an inane distraction. Even if they had some they couldn’t actually use them. They’d be shot down instantly. Manpads and tracked AA systems are so good now that the Donbas battlefield is actually at a pre-Somme level, since during the Somme battles they at least had a little rudimentary air support.
A fun thing has been the Russians using their S-300 missiles as surface to surface weapons. It makes sense since they have a production line in operation, but the Ukies dare not fly anything anywhere within range of a S-300 battery. So the Russians have all these missiles uselessly sitting around with very good targeting software. And so they’ve been using their anti-aircraft missiles for shooting up Ukie electrical substations. Neat, even if the electrical substations aren’t, like, flying
You did, which is why I allowed you a second serving of cake.
Fruit cake I hope.
My Gran made the best and she sadly passed away in the early 80s
Also…sadly…. I cannot replicate it even though I have her orginal hand written recipe.
The father of the Indigenous teenager charged with murdering a 20-year-old bottle shop worker says his son is the victim of “a racist system” that causes kids to run amok in the Northern Territory
What a f’cking idiot.
They are told they are victims of a racist system, which in turn they believe licenses them to do all kinds of stupid shit, which in turn sees the sooner or later meet the full force of the law.
I watch Sky everyday and I did not see any spruiking of Earth Hour.
How on earth does this work!?
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Looking To Invest In NDIS Properties? Our Properties Provide 10-15% Investment Yield.
They tax the balls off you and then allow that money to be pillaged by grifters.
He’s riding the bipolar horse.
Change of heart? Kanye West declares: I like Jewish people again (26 Mar)
Mental illness is nasty. I wish him well and I really hope he keeps taking his medication, even if it sucks.
There were several vaccine deaths in Australia in 2020, all of which got mentioned, a lot, indeed it lead to many people preferring to get Pfizer over Astrazeneca.
The only reason those deaths were reported in 2020 was because the condition that those people died from was was definitely linked to AZ. iirc, nine people died from thrombosis with thrombocytopenia – while some others did survive the condition – and as a result, the govt advised that people under 60 should not get AZ.
The govt could not dispute that those deaths were caused by AZ. Whereas with every other condition, complication and/or death, that has occurred since the vaccine roll-out, could be passed off as the result of something else. It is only now that reports in the media (and elsewhere) are finally accepting the possibility/probability that numbers of people have died from these jabs, not just AZ.
Cassie – Um, look at the link. The story is from yesterday. It was on their website, which is where I saw it. I look at the Sky News website two or three times a day too.
You’ve now made me actually watch the video in the story. Fortunately it was short. I was amused by the straight face from the poor presenter guy.
I can’t do anything than give evidence. This is evidence. I doubt the local Sky News editors want to run this rubbish, but the rest of the Newscorpse/Fox diaspora is infested with it.
He has more loose screws than a hardware store in a tornado(h\t foghorn leghorn). Not a change of heart, a change of income.
Not true either.
There were several Pfizer related deaths reported as well.
article from October 2022. It’s up to families as to whether names are provided.
a NZ case reported last September
October 2021
Sixty new cases of myocarditis in TGA’s latest safety report
Eminent Oxford Scientist Says Wind Power “Fails On Every Count”
It could be argued that the basic arithmetic showing wind power is an economic and societal disaster in the making should be clear to a bright primary school child.
Now the Oxford University mathematician and physicist, researcher at CERN and Fellow of Keble College, Emeritus Professor Wade Allison has done the sums. The U.K. is facing the likelihood of a failure in the electricity supply, he concludes.
“Wind power fails on every count,” he says, adding that governments are ignoring “overwhelming evidence” of the inadequacies of wind power, “and resorting to bluster rather than reasoned analysis”.
Professor Allison’s dire warnings are contained in a short paper recently published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation. – 10 Pages
He notes that the energy provided by the Sun is “extremely weak”, which is why it was unable to provide the energy to sustain even a small global population before the Industrial Revolution with an acceptable standard of living. A similar point was made recently in more dramatic fashion by the nuclear physicist Dr. Wallace Manheimer. He argued that the infrastructure around wind and solar will not only fail, “but will cost trillions, trash large portions of the environment and be entirely unnecessary”.
In his paper, Allison concentrates on working out the numbers that lie behind the natural fluctuations in the wind. The full workings out are not complicated and can be assessed from the link above. He shows that at a wind speed of 20mph, the power produced by a wind turbine is 600 watts per square metre at full efficiency. To deliver the same power as the Hinkley Point C nuclear plant – 3,200 million watts – it would require 5.5 million square metres of turbine swept area.
Professor Allison has done his sums based on basic physics and freely available information. “Whichever way you look at it, wind power is inadequate. It is intermittent and unreliable; it is exposed and vulnerable; it is weak with a short life-span,” he concludes.
Rosie stop being unfair by providing evidence of what is happening in the world.
On skates! Awesome vid.
In another life used to go down to the Canterbury ice rink, don some rented blades, and skate to the music. Here’s one they often used to run.
Mi-Sex – Computer Games (1979)
At uni you try this sort of stuff. Skiing too. If you survive you graduate! Then played around with in-line skates for a while but they really weren’t as good. Too much friction. Now sadly gone out of style.
Daily Mail.
Woke censorship hell in New Zealand
The MSM in the southern isles of New Zealand are patting themselves on the back; the transactivists are whooping; and the mayor of our capital city, Wellington (Green party); and Labor M.P.s are high-fiving for refusing to tolerate a rather forthright atheist pro-woman woman, Posie Parker, who is fighting for women’s rights in this intolerant transgender/multigender world.
We sent her packing because we hated what she was saying. She could only respond from afar after being escorted out of New Zealand.
The intolerance and hate on full display are reminiscent of the Antifa and BLM protests and regular attempts to shut down free speech, by government and the MSM in the U.S.
In New Zealand, one is not allowed to hold views opposing mainstream thought, and one cannot propose another narrative, another way of looking at things. It is impossible to present reason. In the U.S., you can do that and have people support you, given the size of the population and the strong Christian foundation. Even some of the U.S. Catholic bishops are starting to get a backbone.
Here, anyone, I mean anyone, who questions the COVID-19 narrative for origins, vaccine mandates, adverse reactions, or mask effectiveness is an extremist and a conspiracy theorist. Anyone. If we question LGBTQI++++++…forget it.
We do not have a constitution; we have a toothless Bill of Rights, which the transactivists violate every day with their accusations of bigotry and slander against well reasoned, educated, and caring Christians brave enough to make even a side comment on Twitter or Instagram, or like a Facebook post of Tucker, or have a MAGA hat in the background of a video call.
Unfortunately, I am unable to even peep, as I am a government employee.
Like many in the U.S. who are afraid of what is happening in high schools and colleges and Ivy League institutions, I now genuinely fear for our country. Our current opposition leaders in the National Party support the WEF and the U.N. 2030 goals and stifle their own M.P.s.
The Christian M.P.s have been silenced. If National is elected in this year’s general elections, they will only make it worse for families.
If Labor continues, it will be just horrid. We are in 1984. It is frightening.
We have an amazing National Anthem. One line in particular is our only hope: “God defend our free land.”
Philip Johnson is the pseudonym of a frazzled government employee, observing the world from his couch.
Yeah, true John. But he is bipolar, and you know what they’re like when they stop taking medication. Which is what I suspect is behind the recent explosions. Our old friend Birdy is a standard example – he’s an awesome commenter when he’s sane.
Figure of Fun: Saudis depict Joe Biden as bumbling fool in state television parody
If Saudi Arabia’s China-brokered “peace” treaty with Iran wasn’t clear enough about Saudi contempt for Joe Biden, here’s an indicator that erases all doubt:
According to the New York Post:
Saudi Arabia’s state-run television network aired a skit where the actor playing the president stumbles as he climbs the staircase leading to Air Force One while the comic portraying Vice President Kamala Harris looks on in horror.
The skit poked fun at the real-life gaffes of the 80-year-old Biden, who has had a penchant for frequently losing his balance.
In another snippet from the show “Studio 22” that went viral on Friday, the actor portraying Biden is seen wrapping up a speech and waving from a podium at the White House to two flags behind him.
He then salutes and steps down from the podium, taking a couple of steps forward and extending his hand to another person, only to realize there’s nobody there.
The state television network, eh? That’s one heck of a kick in the pants to the lowly state of the U.S. presidency that Joe Biden has taken America to.
gawd I hate watching people fight who can’t fight.
From one of those links:
However, the TGA notes that as these events can occur due to other causes, including common viral infections, and that ‘it is expected that not all cases are related to vaccination’.
That is how they continued to downplay every condition other than the AZ clots.
As to the date – I was referring to your reference to 2020, but the vaxx roll out was in 2021 – beginning from March iirc. And those AZ deaths occurred not long afterwards – I think around May/June.
The fact is that there now is a change in the msm to the reporting of vaccine related deaths. Finally, the msm are noting that healthy people have died.
But pleased to see that you, too, Rosie, are finally accepting that the jabs have real and dangerous risks to people’s lives. Now, that’s a change worthy of praise.
Bruce normally I’d never make a comment like that but I’ve been waiting a long time to use that Foghorn Leghorn quip. Also, mental illness and being an ahole are not mutually exclusive.
Berlin weans itself off Russian gas to become US LNG addict – German MP
The politician pointed at Washington as the beneficiary of the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage
The sabotage of the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines has turned Germany’s dependence on Russian natural gas into an addiction to liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the US, a member of the German Bundestag, Andrej Hunko, has said.
Germany has paid heavily for last year’s explosions on the pipelines, which were built to deliver cheap natural gas from Russia, The Left party politician told China’s Global Times newspaper in an interview on Thursday. He noted that the sabotage left Berlin without an option to “choose which gas is better and cheaper and which is ecologically better.”
“Before, it was a decision under political pressure, whether to use gas or not. But now there is no infrastructure to use gas,” and “this is the biggest impact,” Hunko said.
Germany used to meet up to 40% of its demand with gas from Russia. Last year, Berlin managed to reduce its reliance on the fuel from the sanctioned country by replacing it with imports of LNG from the US, “which is by far more expensive and worse from an ecological point of view,” according to Hunko.
The politician said the explosions were an act of an “economic war” targeting not only Germany but the entire EU.
The Nord Stream 1 pipeline, which runs under the Baltic Sea and carried natural gas from Russia to Germany, along with the newly built but never used Nord Stream 2, were ruptured by underwater bombs last September, rendering them inoperable.
“Who benefits from this? It’s clear. It’s mainly the countries that export the gas to Germany; it is mainly the US,”
Hunko said, adding: “this means not only higher prices for gas for the German population, but also a problem for German industry.”
Prior to the conflict in Ukraine, Germany was already experiencing economic difficulties due to a shortage of qualified personnel and muted productivity growth. Skyrocketing energy prices have since dealt a serious blow to the economy which is based on low energy prices and exports, Hunko noted.
He warned that the surging cost of energy and raw materials, and the resulting restraints on investment, are forcing some major businesses to leave the country as “it is no longer as interesting for big companies to stay in Germany”.
Some businesses have already migrated to the US, the politician said, arguing that this indicates an economic competition between the US, Germany and Europe.
Good on you Sydney forumites having fun meeting, but I have the feeling some of the responses here regarding said meeting are somewhat of a /sarc nature?
Or am I reading it wrong?
EU nation scolds Germany over lack of support for Ukraine
Berlin is “not as generous” as it should be in providing Kiev with money and arms, the Polish PM has alleged
Germany is failing to support Ukraine with the required amount of military and economic assistance, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki claimed on Friday.
In an interview with Politico, Morawiecki issued a stark rebuke of Berlin’s position on the Ukraine conflict, arguing that it has “not [been] as generous as they should have been.”
Germany should be “sending more weapons, sending more ammunition, and giving more money to Ukraine, because they are the richest and the biggest country by far” in the EU, he said.
Despite his stinging criticism, Morawiecki insisted that he was “not attacking” the German government, but rather “stating the obvious.”
The Polish premier noted that Germany had changed its position several times during the conflict, as exemplified by its decision to greenlight deliveries of Leopard 2 main battle tanks. “Three months ago, Germany said it’s not possible — now, it’s possible,” he recalled.
However, Morawiecki still took a swipe at Berlin’s energy policy, which until recently was heavily reliant on Russian fossil fuels. “Through their very mistaken gas and oil policy towards Russia, they are co-responsible for what is happening, for this mess on the energy market.”
Last month, the PM lambasted Berlin for its dependence on Russian energy, comparing it at one point to a drug addict who had “sold its soul” to Moscow. Those comments were later echoed by Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak, who accused Germany of allowing Russian President Vladimir Putin “to get the money he used to strengthen his army” by selling gas.
The remarks sparked outrage in Berlin, with Germany’s ambassador to Warsaw, Thomas Bagger, hitting back by saying: “Does the minister know how many billions of zloty Poland transferred to Moscow every year in exchange for Russian energy?”
According to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, since January 2022, Germany has in total committed more than €6 billion ($6.46 billion) of various types of assistance to Ukraine, with about a third being military aid. Russia has repeatedly warned the West against supplying Kiev with arms, arguing that such policies only prolong the conflict while making it a direct participant in the hostilities.
EU imports of Russian fish soar
The Netherlands, Poland and Germany ranked as the biggest buyers in 2022, the Russian Fishery Industry Association has reported
Exports of Russian fish to the European Union in 2022 surged by nearly 20%, according to the latest review released by the Russian Fishery Industry Association (VARPE).
EU imports of fish from the sanctioned country saw a year-on-year increase of 18.7%, to 198.8 thousand tons, the report shows based on Eurostat’s data. Meanwhile, the value of Russian fish exports to the bloc soared 57.6% to €940 million (over $1 billion) with the Netherlands, Poland and Germany the biggest buyers.
White fish accounted for 47% of the total volume of shipments, and for 54.7% in monetary terms. Meanwhile, pollock products made up 41% in terms of value and 32.3% in monetary terms.
Russia accounted for 4.5% of the EU’s 4.4 million tons of fish and seafood imports in 2022.
The EU is one of the most attractive world markets for fish producers, while Russia, along with China, Norway and the US is one of the major suppliers of white fish to the bloc.
According to the president of VARPE, German Zverev, the uptick in exports was likely down to wholesalers and processors increasing their stocks in anticipation of possible sanctions on Russian fish.
Zverev expects Russia to become the world’s number one producer of Atlantic cod as soon as this year, providing the country’s producers good opportunities to strengthen their influence in that segment of white fish sales. However, he said that continued uncertainty about future sanctions would continue to impact the industry.
Played a show for the first time in years- worked out it was the first time since 2009 that i’d been paid for a gig!
Found a new favourite band too-
Kveletak. Means “chokehold” in Norwegish. Gotta love an outfit with their own team song.
The crowd in Waco, Texas for tonight’s Trump Rally is HUGE. This is the first rally since President Trump announced he was running for office in 2024.
The rally also was placed only days after the corrupt Soros-backed DA in New York said that he was going to arrest President Trump on bogus charges last Tuesday. This outraged any independent American thinker and even helped President Trump’s popularity.
President Trump’s attorney Christina Bobb was there and she also worked with RightSide Broadcasting for the event. She shared the below video with the TGP of the massive crowd at the Waco Airport. There was an overflow crowd.
John – Foghorn Leghorn is awesome. Those cartoons could never be made today, sadly.
As a kid we had a chookyard, fine memories!
The unmistakable sounds of Stive Morgan ( if you know him ) coupled with a visual treat. It looks fantastic on a big screen.
Stive Morgan – Deepness Dawn (2023)
Both Russia and Ukraine have limited air force capability. Ukrainian s300 batteries are a serious threat keeping Russian aircraft confined. Ukraine’s air force must nearly finished by now. The provision of patriot batteries to Ukraine could make a huge difference. There are rumours the USA has provided HARM anti-radiation missiles but I can’t see Ukraine having the aircraft to deliver those. If those missiles can be fitted to their existing aircraft the Russian batteries will be under serious threat.
The fighter aircraft provision is a waste. The F16 is very unsuited to Ukraine. Long training time for both pilots and ground crew. If anything it will be older models, probably without ECM capability, and were going to a boneyard anyway.
Earth hour? Passed us right by. Usually I turn on all lights harbourfront just to annoy the dress circle.
And I see back thread that M0nty has now lost any credibility he may have had regarding normal human decency. A howling lunatic fringe mob in NZ trying to tear apart a woman who is speaking to supporters at her own organised occasion is said by M0nty to be on the side of right, justice and free speech. Noone invited them. To call this characterisation Orwellian is far too kind. To condone and support this is outright fascism of the most brutal and demeaning sort. No other word for it.
You’ve lost my vote for being allowed grace and favour to comment here, M0nty.
As for thinking once that you could provide an open-hearted forum as an alternative Catallaxy when Sinc’s Cat went down: in your dreams, black shirt. You’ve drawn the battle lines, a shocking hill to die on in my opinion.
A dark short via Omeleto. No spoilers from me.
Sasha is a tattoo artist working on a client named Alexei at the end of his workday. Sasha himself is covered with tattoos, which he and his client chat over as Sasha works away. As the pair talk, Alexei discovers Sasha is a family man, having reformed himself from a questionable past.
But when Sasha is asked about one of his tattoos, Alexei reveals that he knows more about the symbol than Sasha lets on. He also knows much more about Sasha than previously thought, even as he reveals an agenda of his own.
Twitter has gone nuts over Posie Parker and what happened in NZ.
Very much a left and right debate.
Parker doing multiple Tweets and JKRowling expressing support.
NZ reputation taking a hit.
There is a vast difference between some producer putting it up on a website, and them choosing to run it on the TV news (which is what Cassie was talking about).
Bipolar disorder is not an excuse to be a total prick and/or an anti-Semite.
What has really happened is that Kanye West didn’t find a quarterly royalty cheque from Nike in his letterbox and now realises anti-Semitism is bad for Kanye Inc.
Someone linked to a Psych on Twatter a while ago who indicated that Kanye West had narcissistic personality disorder and his outbursts were entirely voluntary and controllable.
Kanye – “The Nano-Wrigglers Made Me Do It”.
No sarcasm from me. I have no idea what Rabz’s house looks like but I have seen him refer to it as “the cottage” so I think it’s amusing to call it Casa Rabz.
Via Tony Heller:
Mel Gibson Exposing Corruption Circa 1987
26 Mar 2023
Hollywood and the press have been trying to cancel Mel Gibson for decades.
Interesting random drills:
Ah no, not really.
I’ve always l acknowledged that, like all vaccines and medications, covid vaccines, in rare cases, have serious adverse side effects.
The failures to recognise myocarditisin a timely manner in some young people and prevent their unnecessary deaths is particularly tragic.
Unlike some I’m not constantly wishing and hoping for more unnecessary deaths so I can crow on a dung heap about my superior wisdom.
The actuarial paper linked by Dr Faustus suggests the likelihood that excess deaths in Australia is being caused by vaccines as ‘low’.
On the evidence presented that seems a reasonable assessment.
A comment by Adam Creighton was presented as a matter of fact, no, it was merely a matter of opinion, I happened to disagree.
Interesting piece on the French pension system.
The French have protested against a planned pension reform. But in fact, the country’s pension system is fairly generous when compared with many others in Europe. In several countries, people work much longer.
Relax everyone, Berlin will save the planet, all by herself.
Berlin votes on Sunday on making the city climate neutral by 2030, in a binding referendum that will force the new conservative local government to invest heavily in renewable energy, building efficiency and public transportation….Climate activists who initiated the vote say the government’s target is too far in the future to prevent global warming from exceeding 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Morten Morland.
Andy Davey.
Dave Simonds.
Peter Schrank.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Tom Stiglich.
Gary Varvel.
Bob Gorrell.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
The questions the ABC doesn’t ask.
‘Dire’ homelessness situation in the NT worsening amid 10-year waits for public housing
Now Agatha Christie novels are being rewritten: Author’s Poirot and Miss Marple mysteries have had original passages reworked or removed by publishers to avoid offending modern audiences
Diesel ute towing boat blocks Tesla Supercharger bays for hours
an apparently endless article on archaeological finds
A group of children allegedly used a stolen car to break into a Braitling business and steal alcohol, police said.
NT Police Southern Watch Commander Michael Fields said the driver allegedly reversed the car into the shop front and caused major damage at 3.30am on Sunday.
“Four (alleged) offenders got out of the vehicle and they’ve stolen an unknown quantity of alcohol then driven off,” he said.
“Then the same vehicle has been driven along a pedestrian walkway in the Coles complex in Alice Springs CBD.”
Mr Fields said the driver allegedly crashed the car into four support poles and lodged the car on a handrail.
He said police chased the group on foot when they fled the scene.
Police arrested a 13-year-old boy and girl and a 12-year-old boy.
Mr Fields said the two 13-year-olds were taken to Alice Springs Watch House and expected charges to be laid.
He said the 12-year-old boy was taken home and would be referred to youth diversion.
NT News…youth diversion – “don’t you realise what you did was wrong? Now go away and don’t do it again.” That’ll work!
Lizzie, there was no violence. No one was hurt, there were no injuries. Your flowery language is a vain attempt to confect something that did not happen.
Posie Parker’s message is hate and bigotry. She does not deserve politeness in response. She does not deserve violence either, but she did not suffer any. A bit of shouting and jostling was all she had to face. Her pitiful whining only underlines that she is a bully who can’t take the heat.
Your support for her reflects poorly on your character.
Some discussion last night regarding Earth Hour. IIRC when it received a big push a decade or so ago it was the then Fairfax newspapers who promoted it in a big way.
I think they may have had some sort of ownership or co-ownership of the whole thing. Maybe Nine Media still own it and that would explain why they may have pushed it and noone else has.
The hairy Biden leg.
‘Blonde! Shining in the sun!’
Hahaaa. Great touch.
Evidence to support this claim?
Monty really doesn’t like to let women speak.
bit of shouting and jostling
Thanks for the link rosie.
Sounds like the violence came exclusively from Posie Parker’s lunatic fringe mob, doesn’t it?
in the UK
good to see J K Rowling speaking up
Apparently some ‘trans women’ are very angry lesbians won’t have sex with them and they’d like to make them do what they want.
Might I say how not refreshing it is to see the toxic TERF wars imported from Old Blighty. As if we haven’t got enough of our own problems. Now we get Pommy gits whining about how terrible everything is all over the news. Give us a spell.
Pouring tomato juice over someone isn’t an assault in Monty clown world.
And just because someone claims to have received death threats doesn’t mean they actually received death threats.
Look at me!
I’m the real victim!
Now Monty thinks some people should be forced to have sexual relations with crazy people because transfeels trump.
Has been known to be other substances in the past, that would be OK too?
And how do you know what it is thrown at you? Do you behave differently when you know it’s just tomato juice and not blood mixed with something else?
nup no hint of violence in the trans community
It’s humiliating, sure, but no I don’t think that is violent in any way.
Posie Parker can afford the dry cleaning bill for her Spanx given she would have been well paid for her tour.
“I did not beat anyone, I just dropped juice.”
If you see the pictures of Ms Keen, that must have been some cup of dropped tomato juice.
A bit like an assassin saying “I didn’t shoot him. He just fell on the bullets.”
all class
Breathless anticipation (the Hun):
Please, please write that book. Oh please let this be true.
No! Don’t listen to them Andy! You know best!
Just an assault but not violent.
I hope you remember that when one day someone pours an unknown liquid over your head.
And remember ‘this fruit kills fascists’.
What’s with the stupid Spanx references?
She is wearing Spanx, rosie. Or some cheap knock off.
They were designed as minimal maintenance point to point day fighters so I can’t see how this is true. ECM can be packed into a pod that goes on a hard point. They are the SEAD weapon of choice for the USAF. Army and navy nuts may not recognise them as game changers. They certainly are. ECM in a pod, next gen BVR AAMs and AGM HARM-88Gs.
This with last gen MBTs vs Russia’s non existent or pre cable TV tanks is why Putin is squealing.
Now we know
Oh look, the Jew hating, misogynist, pervert apologist is here again, splattering his “unseemly” support for “violence is okay towards people he doesn’t like”. Which means he’d support violence against any of us here, particularly us women.
Does his wife know he’s a pervert apologist and spruiks violence against women?
Anyone with a modicum of decency should be appalled and alarmed at what ensued in Auckland, but not our resident pervert apologist, he thinks it was a hoot.
Here’s Claire Lehmann’s piece in today’s Oz….it’s a good piece
“Vile attacks prove ‘small subset’ of men pose danger to women
Over the weekend Kellie-Jay Keen (also known as Posie Parker) was physically attacked while trying to address an audience in Auckland, and was reportedly doused with tomato soup.
While trying to address a small audience as part of her “Let Women Speak” tour, barricades were ripped down, and Keen was surrounded by a baying mob. Keen’s supporters – some of them elderly women – had to be evacuated by police, and were visibly shaken. After the mob stormed the podium and Keen was rushed away, all that was left was an empty podium and a banner that said “Let Women Speak”.
Following the attack, Keen tweeted: “Please can anyone attending to #letWomenSpeakAuckland to speak please let me know if they’re safe. The situation here is shameful. I’m very afraid for the women here. The women hatred is extreme.”
This type of aggressive trans activism is not unique to New Zealand or Australia. Last week, Ana Kasparian, a high-profile progressive political commentator in the US tweeted: “I’m a woman. Please don’t ever refer to me as a person with a uterus, birthing person, or person who menstruates. How do people not realise how degrading this is? You can support the transgender community without doing this shit.” To which a trans activist replied: “oh f..k off with this stupid made up bullshit. Trans folks are having their existence criminalised in state after state and you want to whine about this shit.”
Over in the UK, JK Rowling, has been harassed, bullied and threatened relentlessly for her advocacy of women’s rights. Transgender activists have staged protests outside her Scottish home. She has received so many death threats she says she could “paper the house with them”.
This is the reality women face today. If we do not like being called “birthing persons” we’re transphobic. If we do not want to share bathrooms with biological males, we’re bigots. And if we want to organise demonstrations in support of women’s rights, we’re likely to be mobbed, and conflated with Nazis by leading “progressive” politicians.
Women across the world have suffered campaigns of abuse and intimidation just for making factual statements such as “a woman is an adult biological female”. Women across the world have experienced bullying simply because they do not wish to share bathrooms, changerooms, domestic violence and rape shelters with biological males.
Imagine, if you will, going back in a time machine to the Ye Olde Days of the early 2000s, and informing the world that women in the future would be systematically abused and threatened simply for arguing girls and women should be allowed to access female-only spaces. They wouldn’t believe you. Just ask Sall Grover, a Gold Coast business woman, who has been taken to Federal Court by a trans activist after attempting to create a female-only social networking app. Or Melbourne philosophy professor, Holly Lawford-Smith, who has been subjected to countless episodes of deplatforming and censorship, for views that would be considered commonplace as little as 10 years ago.
But this is the world we live in. And this shouldn’t be happening. All my life, I’ve been told that women’s rights are important, that women should not live in fear, and that violence against women is not OK. Why has our culture changed so rapidly? Who decided this was “progressive”? And why are women who speak out about these issues demonised so widely?
Like most people who live in a pluralistic liberal democracy, I have no problem with consenting adults doing whatever they want with their own lives. I support the rights of trans individuals to live their lives with dignity and safety. At the same time, however, liberalism requires reciprocity, and acceptance that other people wish to live their lives with dignity and safety as well.
I am not so naive as to imagine trans’ rights are never going to come into conflict with women’s rights. And in considering the necessary trade-offs it helps to remember why women have had sex-based rights in the first place. I have always disagreed with a certain type of feminist who argues that men-as-a-class are somehow responsible for all sexual crimes against women. But it is undeniable that a small subset of men are extraordinarily dangerous to women. These men do not suddenly become less dangerous after putting on a wig.
Recent scandals overseas highlight how far the threat to women can go. Ireland and Scotland have “self-ID” laws (similar to Victoria), which allow one to be legally recognised as a different sex on the basis of self-identification alone. No surgery or diagnosis of gender dysphoria is required.
In Ireland, journalists recently exposed the fact that a biologically male sex offender, who calls himself “Barbie Kardashian”, was serving time in the women’s section of Limerick Prison.
In 2021, Kardashian – who has 15 previous convictions including sexual assault – was found guilty of making extreme threats to rape, torture and kill his own mother. In Scotland, a serial rapist who donned a blonde wig and changed his name to Isla Bryson while in custody, was initially housed in a female prison until public outcry forced authorities to revisit their policies. Scotland has now “paused” the housing of trans inmates in female prisons. Yet a six foot five paedophile with a history of assaulting girls and beating up male prisoners reportedly remains housed in the women’s estate.
Like the farcical situations in Scotland and Ireland, Corrections Victoria’s policy is to house inmates according to their self-identified gender. How many male sex offenders are currently housed in the female prisons is unknown. While Corrections Victoria’s policy is to house trans inmates according to their self-identification, it also has a policy of not tracking them at the same time. So it is impossible for researchers to know what the outcomes of self-ID policies will be.
While women today enjoy almost all the economic and political opportunities men do, this doesn’t change the fact that our biology leaves us, in certain situations, physically vulnerable. It should not be controversial for us to have our own bathrooms and changerooms, seconded away from male bodies. It should not be controversial for us to be called “women”, and it should not be controversial to let women speak.
Those, such as the resident pervert apologist, who sneer at and belittle at what happened to Keen in Auckland, don’t deserve a platform here. One thing is very clear, the Jew hating, misogynist, pervert apologist does not believe in free speech or women’s safety.
I love it when new age feminist men make judgemental comments about women’s clothes.
“A bit like an assassin saying “I didn’t shoot him. He just fell on the bullets.””
I didn’t rape her, she was asking for it.
I too object to purple haired pension age obese Scottish harridans declaring they want to be cannibals and eat J K Rowling and Posie Parker.
Maybe London needs to subsidise oat farmers or sunshine. Or promote the wonders of intermittent fasting and alternatives to murder.
Among their weapons are fear, bigotry and a fanatical devotion to the Pope… I’ll come in again.
Proving once and for all you know zip about trad Catholics.
By definition they would be heretics if that is truly a belief of theirs.
So no, they’re as “Catholic” let alone as Christian as Joe Biden or Kristina Keneally.
They’ll have to write the chocolate ration bit out of 1984 since chocolate is racist.
And completely remove all words from Fahrenheit 451 except for the last full stop.
Ahhh…..he’s an expert on Spanx. Clearly the pervert apologist himself likes to put on women’s clothes. Does his wife know?
The choice is to believe you or believe my lying eyes? The eyes have it. The mass of video footage and verbal reportage shows that what happened was a screaming mob descending on a female gathering with intent to frighten, to cause harm, to drown out the speaker, to pull her down physically and do whatever damage they could. The tiny and fragile female speaker was gasping for breath and being seriously pushed around. As for my language, you don’t like language that tells it to you straight, do you?
Stop trying to wriggle out of your totally untenable position, black shirt. Your character is lost here. You have no leg to stand on. Crawl away in shame.
Utter nonsense. If you disagree, take it apart, in any mob forum. That would be free speech. Here, your views about this mob attack receive justified condemnation. It may be cutting, but it is verbal not physical. We are not turning up at your business to shout you down nor even switching you off – yet. Posie Parker wishes to speak in public, which is her absolute right, as a member of the female sex. Her concerns are about the intrusions of men into female spaces, the current denigrations of womanhood and the takeover of the language of being female by ideologues. Women are women, not chestfeeders or other desexing descriptors of our functions. Your support for the absolute thuggery used against Posie Parker shows exactly who here is endorsing hatred and bigotry.
I have no time for supporters of violence such as you. I am happy for my character to stand on that.
my personal observations and preferences are your judgements
You can hear “genocidal antisemitism” at any mosque on a Friday, oh I forget, they’re allowed “genocidal antisemitism” because they have “legitimate grievances”.
Why yes, yes it is Monty.
‘Worst place’: Anti-trans rights activist Posie Parker hits out at New Zealand after fleeing the country (Sky News, 26 Mar)
So friendly and welcoming that the police told her to flee for her life. I can’t recall Christians forcing anyone to flee for their lives.