Today’s Daily Tele: PRESSURE BUILDS ON FRAGILE CEASEFIRE GAZA CITY: Israel has threatened to launch a “new” war on Hamas and…
Today’s Daily Tele: PRESSURE BUILDS ON FRAGILE CEASEFIRE GAZA CITY: Israel has threatened to launch a “new” war on Hamas and…
The Washington Post headline read “Australian hospital examines patient records after nurse claims to have killed Israelis.” Hope the search…
Rita Panahi: Australia is again making headlines around the world for all the wrong reasons thanks to another anti-Semitic incident.To…
Broken English
Just stay away from children, monty.
It’s acceptable to “punch a nasti”…
…and throw unknown substances over people.
You really don’t know who you are, do you?
Obviously Monty only wears genuine Spanx.
“Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
March 27, 2023 at 6:55 am”
Lizzie, you’ve said it best.
“You really don’t know who you are, do you?”
Sadly, he does.
OMG they stole her oxygen and they were serious!!
Hate speech is not free in a Western society. We fought wars over this stuff, we know where it leads. Why do all these neo-Nazis keep showing up in support of her message? Oh that’s right, it’s because she hates the same minorities that she does.
I wonder if this is still read in schools. At one time, it was seen as important reading in Civics.
Now bonfires of books are quite the thing. Along with other censorships.
“OMG they stole her oxygen and they were serious!!”
Another example of “unseemly”. I think it’s time this pervert apologist was given time out from here. There is ZERO justification for this support of violence towards Keen or any other woman. What the pervert apologist has done is to completely out himself as supporting physical violence, threats and intimidation against women (and men) who refuse to follow his ideological line. I call that fascism, and it isn’t just unseemly, it’s highly dangerous.
I hope the pervert apologist isn’t invited to any Melbourne Cat get together. If so, I’d call the police.
Meanwhile, someone should advise women and children to steer clear of this pervert apologist.
Well that escalated quickly. Monty is now saying women are Nazis for wanting to be allowed to speak.
You want to put them in gulags too son?
Top British Immunologists: COVID-19 MRNA Vaccine Platform Appears to be a Dead End
Yes it is, but a woman saying transgender women aren’t women, isn’t hate speech. They are entitled to that opinion and to express it. The diggers did not die so cannibal Scottish rad fems could declare their desire to eat TERFS.
Every comment posted by muntifa, who is becoming increasingly unhinged, reminds me in no uncertain terms how huge the bullet was that we dodged. Remember when Sinclair vouched for the munt and informed us that muntifa would be a wise and decent blog leader with which to replace the old Cat?
Munty reminds me of Rumpelstiltskin. The floors of his house must be in a terrible state.
Anyone decrying some of the words directed at monty from this blog over the years need only to scan the last couple of days OT to see why.
A weak man, with no principles.
We fought wars over the right to freedom of speech not for 1930’s style fascist blocking of all viewpoints but one dominant one. What you call ‘hate speech’ is just a means of oppression of alternative viewpoints to yours. Remember Orwell and the unity of hatred? War is peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength. You are doing a similar thing here with Hate Speech.
You tell me. The Melbourne turn-up of soy boys in black had nothing to do with Posie or her views. If you want to consider the word ‘confected’ with regard to these strange pseudo-Nazi appearances received with what a major Jewish organisation called unusual police acceptance, then I’m listening. These appearances are staged, and not by the women who wish to be heard.
The manner in which the media reported this uninvited and unwanted crew was a disgrace, indicating what ideological barrows they wished to push. At least in the end they were forced to rescind. Not like you M0nty, who is carrying the memes through to the bitter violent end of mob rule IRL by true thugs.
Brilliantly said Lizzie ! ! !
I have to admit that a certain poster on here has now gone beyond what is acceptable.
I appreciate Dover’s stance on free speech and I have always fully supported it but he/she has gone to far recently (I make a point of always skipping past his/hers comments but I still see a number of them in the comments from those I have a very high respect on this blog).
This is a great blog with a great variety of posts and opinions, long may it continue.
Who is more dangerous?
The person speaking their mind.
Or the person who deigns it “hate speech”?
It was fascinating to see yesterday in real time the media suddenly change its mind and do a brisk about turn.
It happened in all places on Outsiders on Sky. Katherine Deves was being interviewed speaking about how media reportage was always constructed implicitly from the politically correct ‘trans’ point of view.
As she spoke, a banner explaining what she was saying ran constantly underneath, which is done a lot on Sky programs. This banner declared the topic to be ‘Violence at Anti-Trans Rally’. Hairy looked at me incredulously. Do you see that? he enquired. Then, after a minute, there came a complete turn around and the banner suddenly changed to ‘Violence at Women’s Rally’.
lol. Can you imagine the sudden horror and consternation behind the cameras when the banner writers realised what they had done, that they were explicitly doing exactly what Deves was complaining about – i.e. misrepresenting what the meeting was all about.
If I may – he is the Liberal Party of men.
A lot of posturing, but ultimately stands for nothing and flops from cause to cause to cause in the belief his views are aligned with those of normal people – unaware those views are created by a Twitter-borne ephemera of social misfits and the genuinely retarded.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
March 26, 2023 at 10:23 pm
Father of Keith Kerinaiua blames himself for death of Declan Laverty at Darwin bottle shop
10:05PM March 26, 2023
Reading this it’s-everybody-else’s fault- but-attacker’s tale of woe is bad enuf but why is it always 251s who garner so much newsprint? ..
You can’t, seriously, tell me that if this had of been a white aggressor on either a white or 251 victim that the media would be falling over themselves to excuse the perpetrator ……
Racism is, apparently, OK when it’s reversed ..
There is NO, underlying, excuse for knifing any unarmed innocent! ….. EVER!
I already told you, Lizzie. It is because they know you are on their side on this issue.
Now, that doesn’t turn TERFs into Nazis per se. Hitler liked dogs, yada yada. But when the Nazis keep turning up in support of your rallies and your response is to double down, normal people like me conclude that you are on their side.
If you are actively in a coalition with Nazis where you stand side by side behind police lines, people who aren’t chronically online like us could be forgiven for thinking you are also a Nazi. It’s rather confusing to the lay person, isn’t it?
I am not surprised by today’s push to ban me. I am speaking hard truths you don’t want to hear. It’s up to db of course, it’s his blog.
So do I and I am loath to see anyone banned, but today M0nty proved that sometimes the axe has to fall.
Maybe a few weeks in the sin bin, or being moderated?
On the other hand, all or nothing, he would ban any of us in a jiffy, no need to offer the other cheek or be merciful.
Pogria is right.
Do not call yourself a “normal” person.
Monty is projecting again. Nazis are on your side son. Read some history.
It is amusing though that the Left is now against emancipation of women.
Sky News just managed to imply that thousands of Israeli protesters are on the street because the nasty Netanyahu government was trying to hobble the Supreme Court.
The facts are different, and you can go to Caroline Glick (try Facebook) for a more responsible view.
The left in Israel tries most of the same tricks that the left in the USA uses. They have an activist Supreme Court that wants to make law rather than leave it to the duly elected government. They also want to white-ant the Israeli Defence Force and use it against the duly elected government.
The government will legislate to clip the wings of the Supreme Court and restrict it to making decisions based on law rather than leftist wish lists.
Left-leaning media here and overseas are basically anti-Israel and pro Pallie, and never more so than when Netanyahu is heading the government.
The questions the ABC doesn’t ask.
Mills was thrust into homelessness after she was evicted from public housing in the city’s north.
She is banned from putting her name down for public housing for two years, and once she does apply, faces an eight to 10-year wait to get a unit in Darwin.
I would suggest the very good reason “our” ABC didn’t ask is cos they know (like most folk) you don’t get evicted fom gummint housing for trivialities .. other than a double digit gaol sentence or several months of non payments/fiddling rent eviction is a rarity ……..
I give you the perfect combination of Ms Vaar.. and that other species, the owl.
Jutta Leerdam
Just like everything Dan does in Victoria, there are no details so there are no problems. Very stalinesque.
No. Not if you have eyes to see and ears to hear. The Nazi alignment was confected, that is clear, and that has been said repeatedly by the women who were speaking. It had nothing to do with them.
Who did the confecting might be an interesting investigation. Who most wanted these women silenced?
I don’t want to ban you, M0nty, banning is against my principles, but but I’d like you to crawl away and not seriously pollute this blog as you have done on this issue. Take a voluntary break at least. You fly far too close to the wind by very overtly completely excusing violence, indeed pretending it didn’t happen, and supporting mob rule; especially when it is violence against women wanting to be women. It seems the NZ police took another view to yours on the risks to Posie.
Your appellation here will be Black Shirt for some time to come. You may not like it, but that is a hard truth with which you have to come to terms. I hope it gives you pause to reflect.
it gets better.
Thanks taxpayer!
well, yes
“I am not surprised by today’s push to ban me. I am speaking hard truths you don’t want to hear. It’s up to db of course, it’s his blog.”
No, you aren’t speaking “hard truths”, you’re speaking lies but you’re speaking something worse, far worse, you’re sneering and trivialising violence towards women whose views you don’t like. IT IS YOU WHO IS UNSEEMLY. This means you’d happily support violence towards myself, or Lizzie, or Tinta, or Pogria, or Rosie. You are obscene.
Oh and quaint that you refer to “db” and “his blog”, because I’ve noted over the last few months how you’ve made quite a few nasty remarks to him here, which I find strange,
because there’s no way you would have done that to Sinclair.
I’m not into banning, because unlike you I do believe in free speech. So I don’t care that you come here every day and splatter your unseemly bullshit here but there is one thing I will do and that is to rebut and ridicule you when you pepper this blog with your adolescent obscenities. And for those who say “scroll, scroll, scroll”, sure, they can scroll you but I won’t because the reason why we’re in this unholy and unseemly mess is because too many people for too long have ignored too many pernicious and sinister individuals like yourself.
Monty isn’t here to speak “hard truths”. He’s here to spoil the neighbourhood, as always.
Dave Sharma just illustrated perfectly why a Liberal Party that embraces him is doomed.
A Tom’s Toons addendum.
The Fail Toon publishing NZ Herald also employs the mØnty adjacent Shaneel Lal.
These four gents go out to play golf one day. One is detained in the clubhouse and the remaining three are discussing their children while walking to the first tee. “My son” says one “has made quite a name for himself in the homebuilding industry. He began as a carpenter, but now owns his own design and construction firm. He’s so successful that in his last year he was able to give a good friend a brand new home as a gift”.
The second man not to be outdone, told how his daughter began her career as a car salesperson, but now owns a multi-line dealership. “She’s so successful, in fact, in the last six months she gave a friend two brand new cars as a gift”.
The third man’s son has worked his way up through a stock brokerage firm and in the last few weeks has given a good friend a large stock portfolio as a gift. As the fourth man arrives, they tell him that they have been discussing their children and ask him about his son.
“To tell the truth, I’m not very pleased with how my son has turned out” he replies. “For fifteen years, he’s been in and out of work and I’ve just recently discovered he’s a bisexual. But, on the bright side, he must be good at what he does because his last three lovers have given him a brand new house, two cars, and a big pile of stock certificates”.
Posie Parker has appeared on a white supremacist show. She plays footsie with the Nazis, under the obvious target of the enemy of her enemy being her friend. It is not surprising in the least that they have turned out to support her multiple times, since she has a history of supporting them.
You can deny it all you like, but the Nazis are going to keep supporting your position in public. If you won’t face facts and instead descend into conspiracism, that’s your problem.
Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.
– Warren Buffett
Keep beating that dead horse Monty, surely it will get up soon.
“Nazis” in Ray Bans seem to be a thing lately. They’re so convenient!
Look this might be BS but it seems like Russia at least has a discipline and command problem. If they’re not deserters their company commander is a pawn with no authority or he has no spine, courage or honour.
Smart arsed western progressives chime in and declare Russia prevents revolutions by not having a professional NCO corps which also makes their military unprofessional.
The complaints are a lack of equipment and support. Other intercepted calls suggest a lack of pay. Plus one bloke wanted to go to Bali.
I’ve heard Russian gaols are not fun, Russian military gaols seem like hell.
Monty sees many things except his feet.
Just read quadrant article on the Voice and thought about Aboriginal culture . Can some one tell me this Aboriginal women were treated appallingly in their culture many still are. It is only by embracing Western culture that women like Thorpe, Langton have a voice now. As Jacinta says ‘What part of our culture would you like ‘
They are not screaming at the men in their culture they want to change ours.
Some of Albo’s money could go straight to putting up some demountables on Crown Land around Darwin, Alice Springs, and other places of internal migration in from remote areas. Toilet and ablution blocks could be provided, or they could be individually serviced by tank water and septic tanks, with water replenished and tanks emptied regularly.
They are cheap, permanent and can be up next week, and built for a variety of housing needs – short term or longer term. If they become destroyed they are easily replaced. Having large numbers waiting for architecturally designed and builder-built unit blocks is not the way to solve accommodation problems in these towns.
The only conspiracy theory being posited here monty is your fantasy that a left wing feminist is a “Christian” identitarian neo Nazi.
I read that article about re-writing Christie’s books with interest.
Are they cancelling Nubians now? They definitely live on the Nile, and some of them are boatmen.
And children with runny noses? Unpleasant, but a real thing.
What did he do or say?
utterly confused, delusional nonsense. has smutley had a nervous breakdown??
Sharma gave a lefty view of what’s happening in Israel. See my summary above.
‘Just Ridiculous’: Rand Paul Lashes Out Against FBI For Refusing To Declassify Covid-19 Findings
I have been reading a Movie thread over at Ace. The film is “A Man for All Seasons”.
The author has pointed out the parallels to our society now.
“From a narrative standpoint, however, a great story (by my lights) is the one that tells the tale that truly is eternal which brings us to A Man For All Seasons, 1966’s Best Picture Oscar winner.
It is as great as I remembered it being, but it also maps perfectly on to the recent struggle against the lockdowns, the whole red vs. blue pill, and the dangers of going against The Cathedral (in a practically literal sense). It is odd to see a movie you know well and love and yet be shocked into wanting to check the copyright to see if it was actually made yesterday.
this is the story of Sir Thomas More, who stood against King Henry VIII’s decision to split from the Catholic Church in order to secure a divorce—and who expects his adherence to the law to protect him as Henry’s sycophants (and Henry himself) try bullying, cajoling and finally tricking him into breaking the law. Anything to get his agreement, which only seems to be important because he won’t give it.
Successful, respected, principled, we see More lose all his worldly goods, we see his family turned against him (at least insofar as supporting his principles), we see him jailed and finally railroaded with an outright lie in a court of law. And, in a scene that is apparently close to historical truth, we see him executed. (Spoilers on a 500 year old event?)
Here, More is not even expressly going against Henry VIII: He’s simply not going with him, and that is enough to spur the escalating madness. Throughout the movie, More (who is not naive) is increasingly red-pilled, as he realizes if the King wants you dead, you’re dead, law be damned. Throughout, his friends and allies are imploring him to be reasonable, because it’s better than the alternative. (Relevantly, the issue of “right” or “wrong” isn’t really at play here, except in the sense that Henry feels he’s in the wrong, and he can’t feel that he’s the wrong.)”
Apologies for the word wall, I don’t normally indulge in them but I thought some here may find it as fascinating as I have, given the current situation in most Western countries.
‘The Navy Is Implying Here That Religious People Are Abnormal’: Tommy Tuberville Slams DEI Trainings
20 CONFIRMED INCIDENTS AND OPERATIONS: The DOZENS of Feds, FBI Agents and State Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol and Led the Protests
Come on man. This isn’t Spain. This is England!
Electric vehicles are huge money-losers for Ford
EXCLUSIVE: Federal Regulator Acknowledges Danger To Wildlife Caused By Offshore Wind Farms
A bombshell Biden story — and the media dutifully ignore it
Real Deal at 5:52.
Yeah, the point is that Earf Hour has died a natural death.
The fact that it got a brief mention on 3AW and it happened to be on the Sky website hardly qualifies as the sort of saturation coverage and reverent observance we used to see ten years ago.
I can remember restaurants solemnly setting out candles and chefs cooking by headlamps … on gas stoves!
Discover the untold story about Joe Biden’s role in starting the Iraq War. Do you know which Senator was most responsible for launching the war?
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks & stones.”
? Albert Einstein
The Vigilant Fox
Science™ ‘Brought to You By Pfizer’: 90% of Investigators Will Follow the Leanings of the Funder
Dr. @jathorpmfm was dumbfounded when authorities told the public there was no early treatment for Covid-19. “How do you know there’s no therapy for it that’s effective?”
And, he told Epoch Times that he has never taken any funding from pharmaceutical companies.
“I never wanted to take the money because we all know that 90% of grantors that give money for research — 90% of the investigators will always follow the fiduciary leanings of their funder. And that’s a fact of life.”
I was looking up John Bunyan yesterday. He was similarly treated – being gaoled for 12 years for preaching Christianity in an English village. Also chimes with the current time, since Christians are again being arrested in Britain for quoting the Bible or praying in an unauthorized place.
Paul Schofield was brilliant. Haven’t seen it for a while. Must do.
m0nty is the embodiment of Godwin’s law.
If you are talking about Posie Parker, she shouted very loudly at the Tasmanian gig that she wasn’t a feminist. I also don’t think she is in any way left wing. Apart from that, good post Dotty.
That is a beat up and you know it, Black Shirt.
My ‘position’? I support the right of women to be women, free from transgender intrusions into female spaces and designations. There is nothing ‘Nazi’ about that.
What neo-Nazi’s do is their pathetic business and I have no truck with it nor any other despicable totalitarian ideology, such as Communism, which aims to replace the family with the State.
Similarly, people wish to be transgender, that is their business, provided they keep away from inducting children under 18 into their fetish or confusion, or demanding in Communist fashion that the State do so.
Mainly, I will absolutely fight the worrying trends in society that are happening right now to revert to the ideological forms of the 1930’s, of mob rule by intimidation, to silence all dissenting voices.
I know enough history to know which side I wish to be on, and it is not yours, Black Shirt.
Or is that also Comrade? Perhaps you should let us know which one you prefer.
Kellie-Jay Keen is a feminist. Like me she does not support third wave feminism.
But carry on pervert apologist. Your whole is getting deeper.
Gonzalo Lira
I wish you were right, Kim, but unfortunately, there will be no retribution, no justice. Scholz, Biden and the Norwegians (Jens Stoltenberg) will get away with the Nord Stream Terrorist Attack scott-free.
Rosie@ 3:28am
I’ve always l acknowledged that, like all vaccines and medications, covid vaccines, in rare cases, have serious adverse side effects.
Did you? Really? Yet at the time of the roll out you attempted to nudge others to get the jab, admitting that you wanted out of lockdown and if that was the only way…
And rare, you say.
From your link: 60 new cases.
Rosie: The failures to recognise myocarditisin a timely manner in some young people and prevent their unnecessary deaths is particularly tragic.
Unnecessary deaths, yes.
While you may not be able to “crow on it” it’s still a “dung heap”.
What we got here is an Olympic standard understatement.
An Aboriginal would have to do “messiness” of epic proportions to get turfed from NT public housing. My guess is the “messiness” had got too much for her Aboriginal neighbours and they demanded she be moved … or they would move her themselves.
Gonzalo Lira
Notice the ethnicity of the French protesters.
I have said before, I believe that the real powder keg of social unrest in Europe is the immigrants from Africa and the Third World. They were promised a land of milk and honey—but now Europe is going broke.
Yes. That young lady was mentioned in a sermon a few weeks ago. No one seemed to know anything about it. Thanks Cats for posting the footage.
Also, why this sudden interest in women’s shapewear? Is it supposed to be wrong now? How about control panels in swimwear? Is that okay?
For a sub-culture obsessed with penis tucking, it seems a bit…hypocritical.
Rewriting history is not coming – it’s here.
Agatha Christie classics latest to be rewritten for modern sensitivities ###
We’ve seen this before, but it’s worth repeating.
Suzan Dahl
Meteorologist and founder of the Weather Channel, John Coleman, debunks the “climate crisis” myth in two minutes
Actual real life neo-Nazis disagree. They think your position is just swell.
So I guess you’ll drop support for a cause they keep on turning up to support? No? Ah well then. Trucks it is.
I think this whole thing is a rather meaningless circus in the culture wars, but I have the privilege to think that because I am not LGTBIQ+. People who are in one of those groups are steaming. I respect them enough to concede the floor to them on this issue.
The wider problem is that if this is what the Right thinks is important in the year of our Lord 2023, this is probably why they keep losing elections. I remember back when the Cat used to talk a lot about economics. Now it’s culture war and conspiracies, all the time. People like Posie Parker are grifters taking advantage of your bigotry. It used to be ten pound Poms transported to the colonies, now she’s the ten thousand pound Pom taking a collection in every city on a tour spreading hate. She doesn’t deserve your money or your support.
I don’t think the tomato soup was the first thing to be thrown at Parker. The day before I saw a clear liquid quirted at her from a jostling crowd of goons.
Far more worrying.
First it’s liquids, then eggs (though the cheapskates might find them a bit expensive these days), pies, fruit and then bullets.
These things always escalate if left unchecked on account of the childish mindset of the protesters.
Lizzie, there was no violence. No one was hurt, there were no injuries. Your flowery language is a vain attempt to confect something that did not happen.
Liar lying lyingly. Go away and review a less selective range of evidence.
Posie Parker’s message is hate and bigotry.
LOL. Bit rich coming from a supporter of rabid trans-women (???). Are you yet able to define a woman?
A bit of shouting and jostling was all she had to face.
Under 48 hours ago, you were gloating about her being egged (it was a tomato based substance, but details so not matter to lying leftards).
Note that you are being very selective, in the modern j’ismist fashion. Not even accepting that she was pushed and having liquid thrown at her, you have completely ignored the attacks on her supporters, more than one of whom was openly punched.
Go back to Phat Pussy, and continue the mutual stroking session with Steve and Homer.
You won’t shut up about it!
For a small group asking for understanding and acceptance – the Trans lobby do an awful lot of shouting and demanding.
Sounds like the violence came exclusively from Posie Parker’s lunatic fringe mob, doesn’t it?
Posie is happy to dump the term feminist now. So am I, because it is a devalued currency when today’s feminists fail to speak up for genuine oppressions of women and concentrate on middle-class wokeness, which can be quite detrimental to women’s real interests.
Posie generally allies with the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists known as TURFS. They include such feminist luminaries as Germaine Greer and J.K. Rowling and many lesbian women. None of them are Nazis. What a ludicrous idea that is being put forward by our resident Black Shirt.
Good to know the Anzacs fought for their right to wear dresses and heels and take a piss in the Ladies.
Culture wars are a feature of the times, m0nty. Why should they not be discussed here?
And the people driving these wars appear to be your allies, so it’s perfectly natural for you to want those opposing to shut up and talk about something more important like…money.
I worry for Posie and others very much with regard to thrown acids.
There is a long history in backward cultures of using these to shut up recalcitrant females.
“Black Shirt.”
I think ‘Black Shirt’ is a good name for the pervert and violence apologist. And like them, he also hates Jews.
Fine, but to the exclusion of everything else? A bit of variety now and then would be great.
I mean, it’s actually hurting your cause so as a great man once said, “please proceed,” but it’s boring af.
The “trans” activists turning up at demonstrations to silence women are violent homosexual men.
March 27, 2023 at 6:36 am
Just an assault but not violent.
I hope you remember that when one day someone pours an unknown liquid over your head.
And remember ‘this fruit kills fascists’.
A bit like “Fiery but mostly peaceful demonstrations”?
In the clown world of the fascist leftards, words mean what they want them to mean, and the same words will take on different meanings in a different context. Imagine the screeching from the leftards had a real woman poured tomato juice over a trans-woman (???).
The neo-Nazis supporting Posie Parker in Melbourne and Auckland were literally wearing black shirts, Cranky.
Lizzie, I thought you were better than this.
To paraphrase Orwell: Monty tells you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was his final, most essential command. His claim that there was no violence even though you’ve seen several videos of violence directed at women by TRAs (trans rights activists) this weekend in Auckland demonstrates this. He talks waffle about ‘Nazis, hatred and bigotry’ because he knows the substance of Posie’s and the like claims are reasonable and can’t be easily rebutted without appearing stupid and perverse.
5XL Black Shirt
Getting there…..
5XL Black Shirt with elastic cuffs
There we go.
Acid will not be thrown. It has a habit of soaking the thrower. It is more of an ambush weapon in an uncrowded space.
Dye and urine, and foostuffs are the go-to, depending on the level of degeneracy.
The group of Nazis who turned up to support Posie Parker yesterday were probably not Action Zealandia members. They are part of an emerging group of neo-Nazi traditionalist Catholics who promote extreme genocidal antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia and Islamophobia
Until actual evidence is posted to support this assertion, it would be wise to regard it as yet more fascist leftard propaganda and diversionary tactics.
Go for it m0nty=fa, provide some evidence.
March 27, 2023 at 6:49 am
fanatical devotion to the Pope
Proving once and for all you know zip about trad Catholics.
That they keep turning up to disrupt, you mean? NO. The cause is valid. It is not theirs.
Major changes are underway to the fundamentals of our existence – from the integrity of our sex to the integrity of our Constitution. These are all well worth standing up to fight against.
Then we can also talk economics. Which essentially means politics, and some culture wars.
Interference in markets – energy and capital markets and many other brakes on productivity.
But I don’t wish to debate such matters with a Black Shirt. It’s pointless.
Not good enough.
I want to see neo-Nazi traditionalist carnivorous Catholics wearing togas and brandishing tiki torches. And a mime. And a guy juggling white supremacist chainsaws.
Does anyone for a moment believe that liberals aren’t also remotely invested in these cultural issues? Are we supposed to believe that nothing would be happening if only conservatives focussed on the economic front? Just absurd nonsense.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
March 27, 2023 at 6:54 am
Ahhh…..he’s an expert on Spanx. Clearly the pervert apologist himself likes to put on women’s clothes. Does his wife know?
I had to look it up. How does m0nty=fa know what underwear was being worn? Is it simply a reflection of some perverse desire to look at women’s underwear? Keep him away from Mizzzz Knickerless!
m0nster is displaying signs of Catholicaphobia.
March 27, 2023 at 7:04 am
Obviously Monty only wears genuine Spanx.
They would need to be the soooper doooper extra strong XXXXXL version.
I’m taking the lead from Albanese’s Occupy Sydney Pride March Week Month Bums’n’Bunting Fest shoutout to the “78ers”, ie the original Gay Mardi Gras marchers (who fought hammer and tongs against the Bs, and probably fatally gave a chance to the Q-P groomers when they relented, but that’s another story).
Are you a feminist?
-yep, I’m a ’94. 1894. Youse 21st Century entitlemental twerps can get a load of yourself.
Are you a Science Denier?
-nope, I’m Year 10 Chem, Phys and Biol fundamentalist. Try me. Global Warming, Virology, Delusions of Gendeur, anything.
Do you support The Voice?
-Absolutely. Spirit of ’67, one man, one vote- if your side loses, get over it, or stand for election yourself.
Can someone please let me know what “rights” trans people do not currently have when compared to normal people?
What do they want other than to shut down anyone who dares question their ideology?
I am very much better than wishing to offer credence and support to a violent intimidating mob of women haters who garner support from a fellow traveller black shirt pretending reasonableness on a centre right blog.
They were literally on Posie Parker’s side behind the police cordon. You couldn’t get more obvious than that.
Culture wars were invented by agents of the rich as another way to fool idiots into voting for plutocrats. They couldn’t say the N word out loud any more, so they had to get more subtle. That is all it is.
Leading Hollywood indigenous film director Heather Rae exposed as a Pretendian.
“My mom was Indian and my dad’s a cowboy. I am not conflicted – I mean, there are times. It was interesting at home.”
Her parents divorced in 1969; both were recorded as white on legal documents at the time.
Native American researchers who specialise in exposing false claimants of Indian heritage have found no evidence of her claimed Cherokee ancestry, going as far back as 1600s Virginia.
But when the Nazis keep turning up in support of your rallies
Rendered correctly: “When the Nazis keep turning up in attempts to discredit your rallies.”
It was and remains quite clear that the pseudo-Nazis at the Melbourne rally were approved of and supported by the VicStasi. They were allowed into the area reserved for the Women’s rally by Vic Stasi, and later escorted from the area by them. At least one of them gave a big grin and a wave to the anti-women group.
Also literally a VikPol kid was there too, what a douchebag.
It can’t glow any brighter than that.
At best,VikPol are Nazis.
Posie Parker’s message is hate and bigotry. She does not deserve politeness in response.
Who’s looking after the milko’s kiddies while dickless is busy here lying and fulminating.
One of the locals was involved in a project, involving demountables being built to supply housing while the regular houses were repaired. By the time the regular houses were repaired, the demountables were wrecked – remonstrating with the tribal elders elicited the excuse that “the young fellas were bored.”
5 minutes of Hollywood actors and woke writers lying about Trump. Never watch their movies or read their books again!
why else do you think he cuts such a dashing figure while golfing?
Paul Joseph Watson
ZK2A what a fantastic find. White man Bruce Pascoe will claim the rocks they saw were the 3rd tribes fortress protecting the sovereign state.
Small technicality but it was the Brown Shirts SA under Ernst Rohm who instigated the early thuggery and terrorising of Jews and anyone else who was against National Socialism.
Rohm was a firmer leader of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party DAP.
Sorry Monty but socialists are always nasty and violent, even when they’re in dresses.
They have all the rights of any citizen. What they seek are ‘new rights’ that would require non-gendered public facilities, non-gendered legal documentation and socio-linguistic multi-gender recognition. What is at issue is that these new rights would impinge on the natural rights of what is normal in human life, the presence of two differentiated sexes. Most particularly, and where it is more obvious, is that transgender males turning female impinge on all of the existing rights of the female sex.
One could summarise it as about toilets and sporting events – but it is much more than that.
A sane society would accept some people, rarely till recently, will change genders, but document that change for passports and other legal matters. Disabled facilities are available when change rooms and toilets are at issue or are not unisex in their design (as many are these days). If these are not available then men feeling a bit female should simply use the male facilities, rather than impose on the genuine females who have separate facilities for good reason. A considerate approach by all would make this work without social disruption.
Royal Australian Air Force has an “Indigenous Adviser” to the Chief of Air Force – a Group Captain no more, no less.. Words fail me,they honestly do.
Obviously, transfemales, not being physiological women, should not complete in sports with women.
The obvious fact is finally being recognised by many sporting bodies.
Also, sheer insults, such as women being asked if they are male or female as they enter maternity wards to give birth, or who are required to chestfeed not breastfeed, should not be tolerated. If a pregnant woman on male hormones claims to be a man in a maternity context, she should be kindly told she is actually a female today. I’d also ask her to stop the male hormones before she does further harm to her baby.
March 27, 2023 at 9:22 am
Culture wars are a feature of the times, m0nty. Why should they not be discussed here?
Fine, but to the exclusion of everything else? A bit of variety now and then would be great.
Give us your thoughts on economics, then. Oh, sorry, I forgot that you failed there. And you’re not too hot on military matters either.
Is there any subject (other than leftardism) that you actually know something about?
It’s been a remarkably successful tactic.
I went from being appalled by the failure of psychiatry
and the cynical exploitation by alleged surgeons,
skipped indifference, lingered briefly at not giving a shit
and am currently at the active contempt stage.
GG trannies.
wars over what a bunch of sheilas had to say in a park?
gawd yr a tosser
just for the record … Posie Parker never invaded Poland, nor ravaged Europe and Africa
In an urban area, not under tribal elders excuses, the young fellas should simply be charged and made to pay for the damage like any other tenant. Amazing what a little financial punishment can do to improve housekeeping.
Fantasy football.
No. Wait.
Mooching off other people’s incomes.
“They were literally on Posie Parker’s side behind the police cordon. You couldn’t get more obvious than that”
Nup, more lying from the pervert apologist. I’m in touch with a woman who was there.
Does his wife know he’s a pervert apologist?
NZ’s Minister responsible for Prevention of Family Violence and Sexual Assault
Thanks Jacinda
March 27, 2023 at 9:25 am
To paraphrase Orwell: Monty tells you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was his final, most essential command. His claim that there was no violence even though you’ve seen several videos of violence directed at women by TRAs (trans rights activists) this weekend in Auckland demonstrates this. He talks waffle about ‘Nazis, hatred and bigotry’ because he knows the substance of Posie’s and the like claims are reasonable and can’t be easily rebutted without appearing stupid and perverse.
Dover’s blog, take the hint.
You are posting some wonderful stuff this morning. Several upticks from me.
Antifa also wear black shirts …. hmmm
It is time to nail your colours to the mast. Whose side are you on?
Trains or trucks?
m0nty – this is idiotic. Just because two movements may have common ground, doesn’t mean they align on all their ideals.
Using this logic, all lefties and greens are nazis, too.
Oh, and apparently lesbians are also nazis
March 27, 2023 at 9:46 am
That they keep turning up to disrupt, you mean?
They were literally on Posie Parker’s side behind the police cordon. You couldn’t get more obvious than that.
In Melbourne, the police (VicStasi) literally allowed them into the area reserved for the Women’s demonstration, then escorted them out, letting them stop for a salute, without taking any action to restrain them. If you are too stupid to see what was happening, that is your problem.
Now bugger off to Phat Pussy, and wank yourself there.
Monty – the blogs own Spode
nazis everywhere.
“A nazi once said “its a nice day” – you also have been seen saying the same thing, therefore you are a nazi”…
You fat no dicked buffoon.
When satire becomes reality: Nearly 100 Babylon Bee joke stories have come true
Nearly 100 Babylon Bee punchlines turned into fulfilled prophecies, CEO Seth Dillon says
The Bee maintains a running list of its satirical headlines that became real — or at least partially real — stories after publication. The fulfilled prophecies include a wide range of topics and include jokes about Democrats and Republicans alike.
Heres Montys redsirts in action…
A third of the nearly 400,000 public sector workers across the state are women, and a third are aged under 35, Mr Samaras told the panel on the ABC’s election coverage on Saturday night.
“They have effectively now become, across the country, but particularly in New South Wales and Victoria, Labor’s new working class,” he said.
“There’s a slow realisation that this particular group, largely females, tertiary educated, are overwhelmingly the biggest supporters of the red side of politics.”
Severely educated Karens, suckling lovingly on daddy governments engorged largesse.
So Labor will dodge the “why have you abandoned the working class” by nominating uni/Karens as the true horn handed sons of the soil.
Minshull’s attendees are Radical Feminists and lezzoes.
These people aren’t representative of anything good.
Why wasn’t the Permit refused?
Monty is off to find someone to cut his toenails.
Vandal Matt Kean screws the Liberal Party then runs away
“Spend more time with the family” excuse is code for “I will use my spare time to undermine a nearby Federal Member of Parliament so I can get his seat”.
Expect the hysterical PR counteroffensive to rectify that one, happening soon.
From Zulu’s link at 9:41 am.
Bremond, who wrote that the fleet had been blown off course days earlier due to a storm, said that they did not precisely know by what people inhabited the land.
“Perhaps there is no one but for a few people; what makes one think this is that the earlier navigators having been in these lands found the mark of the foot of a man which was a foot and a half long.”
Hard to ignore.
Is this more evidence of the Giants; with many in academia ( they, most, all sing from the same song sheet ) claiming are just myths?
So many questions… ( :
This is more trolling than anything, but I don’t think that was intentional
Cue retard level IQ quips like “libertarians are FASCISTS!”
Australian libertarians have mostly steered clear of the current conflict in women’s rights. As a leader in the Australian libertarian movement, I think it’s time to speak out respectfully in defence against of our principles. Here’s why:
So, what is happening to the euro now that Deutsche Bank looks shaky?
Snookered him by God, Sir.
If he chooses trucks, he’s siding with troubadouring Tip Top drivers and all they stand for.
And we all know who were fond of sending trains to Poland.
Thems the rules.
Fatman seems to be engaged in a twerking frenzy today. Something must be up on the home front.
ffs Ed
an invading army doesn’t need a permit
they just hoick up their skirts and jack-boot wherever they want
and, herstory is littered with examples
for once their murderous advance was nipped in the bud and New Zealand was saved.
‘Hang out and be a dad’: Lib leadership in doubt as Matt Kean says no
Samantha Hutchinson National reporter
NSW’s high profile former treasurer, Matt Kean, has ruled out a tilt at being the opposition leader, filling a vacuum left by Dominic Perrottet, saying he has a young family who he wants to spend more time with.
Mr Perrottet resigned from the Liberal Party leadership in his concession speech on Saturday night after the Coalition’s crushing defeat.
Some in the Liberal Party are hoping he could be convinced to fill a casual vacancy in the Senate formerly occupied by the late Senator Jim Molan. Preselection for the position is scheduled for late next month, in a deliberate decision not to clash with the state election.
Already, the starting list for preselection is long, with names circulating including former Wentworth MP Dave Sharma, former NSW transport minister Andrew Constance and one-time Bennelong candidate Giselle Kapterian.
The NSW Liberals face an uncertain week as the parliamentary team sizes up potential replacements to lead the party, with former sports minister Alister Henskens and attorney-general Mark Speakman emerging as two potential contenders amid the fallout of the shock loss.
But the biggest surprise came from the ebullient deputy Liberal leader Mr Kean, the leader of the dominant moderate faction, who announced on Sunday he had decided against standing for the leadership. He also revealed he had decided against a return to the top rungs of the parliamentary team.
“I have decided not to throw my hat in the ring for the NSW Liberal leadership,” Mr Kean said. “I have a young family and I would love to spend a little more time with them. The election result will enable me to do that.”
Mr Kean said his young son had turned three and he wanted to spend more time with him, in a statement which also praised Mr Perrottet for his service.
“Now is the time for me to hang out and be a dad,” he said, adding that he would continue to serve his constituents and the Liberal Party, “though not as leader and not as part of the leadership team”.
On Sunday, MPs said the bulk of discussion around potential leaders had centred on Mr Henskens and Mr Speakman, both of whom are barristers and senior counsels. Both had been touted on Saturday evening as potential starters by outgoing transport minister David Elliott.
“I would have thought the three leading candidates will be Alister Henskens, will be Mark Speakman and of course will be Matt Kean,” Mr Elliott said.
On Sunday, Mr Henskens didn’t rule himself out of a leadership tilt, telling Sky News that he would wait to discuss the party’s direction with colleagues and members. “There are a whole lot of seats that are still undecided, I’m much more interested in scrutineering … than talking about leadership,” the frontbencher said on Sky News.
When asked about the result, Mr Henskens was quick to assert that it was not the “landslide” the Labor Party endured in 2011, when it lost 15 seats to the Coalition at the end of Kristina Keneally’s term. He also argued the party had suffered a “perfect storm” of hurdles including a dozen retirements, difficult redistributions as well as an “It’s Time” factor which had set in after 12 years in government.
He said Labor ending up with 45 to 48 seats, in a parliament which required 47 votes for a majority, would produce a “hotly contested political environment”.
Mr Henskens entered parliament in 2015 after a long stint at the bar, and rose to the ministry in 2019 as families and community services minister. In the last government, he also assumed responsibility for sport, enterprise, investment and trade in a reshuffle after Stuart Ayres’ resignation from the frontbench.
Mr Speakman, who represents the seat of Cronulla and has also been regarded as a potential successor to Scott Morrison in the federal seat of Cook, joined parliament in 2011 after a career at the Bar. He held the heritage, environment and domestic violence ministries before being appointed attorney-general in 2017.
Within the party itself, some wings are yet to give up hope of Mr Perrottet changing his mind to stay on as leader to steer the reconstruction phase, even as they know the chances are slim.
A resolute Mr Perrottet addressed Liberal HQ in Sydney’s CBD just before 10pm on Saturday where he declared it was “very clear” the party needed a “fresh start” after the election defeat.
A third of the nearly 400,000 public sector workers across the state are women, and a third are aged under 35, Mr Samaras told the panel on the ABC’s election coverage on Saturday night.
“They have effectively now become, across the country, but particularly in New South Wales and Victoria, Labor’s new working class,” he said.
“There’s a slow realisation that this particular group, largely females, tertiary educated, are overwhelmingly the biggest supporters of the red side of politics.”
It has been quite obvious for some years that the Liars are now the party of the tertiary credentialled (but not educated), publicly funded (not all of them are public servants, there are many NGOs that are publicly funded), often inner-city dwelling, frequently female, demographic.
The (real) working class can kiss their arse, they’ve found a new voting demographic at last.
Gotta hand it to the Froggies .. when they ain’t impressed wiv gummint .. they just ain’t impressed!
elastic is gone on all the double-Ds
and his missus is getting the shits
I’ll bet he called her a TERF and now its on like donky kong
Culture wars were invented by agents of the rich as another way to fool idiots into voting for plutocrats.
You know who else blamed the plutocrats?
Also Plutocrat was often used as a coded way of referring to Red Sea Pedestrians in Germany.
Dont be a Hitler supporter monty/Spode.
In that speech, Goebbels claimed that “English capitalists want to destroy Hitlerism” in order to retain its imperial status and harmful economic policies.
This was portrayed as Jewish, so as to attack both Communism and plutocracy, describing Jews as being behind both. Anti-capitalist propaganda, attacking “interest slavery”, used the association of Jews with money-lenders.
Nazi propaganda and officials such as Robert Ley describe Germany as a “proletarian nation” as opposed to the plutocratic England, a political divide that Goebbels described as “England is a capitalist democracy” and “Germany is a socialist people’s state.
Boris has found his natural role. Buffoon and object of ridicule.
First we take out all the CCTV cameras.
hunting for his own pecker
The AFR View
Another election slide into bigger spending, debt and government
Australia’s post-2008 political slide continued in NSW on Saturday, without any sign of the microeconomic reform agenda that created the nation’s modern prosperity.
Much like federal Labor last May, premier-elect Chris Minns has led NSW Labor back to office with no real policies to guide the nation’s most populous state through the gathering global economic slowdown and beyond.
Saturday’s NSW election continues Australia’s post-2008 global financial crisis political slide into bigger spending, bigger debt and bigger government, without any sign of the mainstream microeconomic reform agenda that Labor and Liberal governments implemented in the 1980s and 1990s to create Australia’s modern prosperity.
Mr Minns’ unfunded promises to boost the pay, conditions and staffing ratios of frontline essential workers and alleviate the cost of living by abolishing the public sector wage cap copied Anthony Albanese’s election tactic of promising more funding for the “care economy” and support for a minimum wage increase in line with inflation.
There is no sense of where the money is going to come from in NSW, at a time when the budget priority should be repairing the hole blown in the public finances by the pandemic, paying down debt, and making the state a more attractive place in which to invest.
Mr Minns’ pledge to enshrine government ownership of Sydney Water in the state’s Constitution is a stunt wrapped up in a slogan. But Labor’s populist campaign against privatisation rules out using public asset sales and the user-pay principle to fund the cost of time-saving, congestion-busting infrastructure projects.
The only fiscal plan seems to be to call on the Albanese government to revisit Scott Morrison’s generous GST distribution deal with Western Australia.
Squabbling over shares in the declining revenue raised by Australia’s so-called “growth tax”, introduced 23 years ago, to fund more redistribution and higher social spending today is symbolic of the entire political system’s failure to progress the fair dinkum incentive-sharpening tax, workplace and regulation reform agenda needed to help grow a bigger pie.
Federal Labor sloganeered about “getting wages moving again”. But it has paid lip service to the Productivity Commission’s latest productivity-enhancing to-do list to sustainably grow real wages, while delivering the retro “pattern bargaining” political stitch-up that benefits the institutional interests of Labor’s union paymasters.
Beholden to the unions
Mr Minns’ maiden speech to parliament in 2015 flirted with reducing union control in the ALP. But he is now beholden to Labor’s industrial wing.
The NSW Rail, Tram and Bus Union’s disgraceful and highly political rolling industrial action – which blackmailed the Coalition into retrofitting NSW’s new fleet of trains with guard compartments at a cost of $1 billion – helped to get Labor elected on Saturday.
State Labor governments’ ideological refusal to allow coal and gas to be included in the National Electricity Market’s capacity mechanism has added to the risk of the grid going dark amid the transition to renewables.
Will Mr Minns back starting Narrabri to tackle the east coast gas crisis and help bring down electricity prices?
His campaign thought-bubble about the state buying the Eraring coal plant to help keep the lights on suggests wall-to-wall mainland Labor governments won’t necessarily increase the policy clarity and certainty around Australia’s energy transition.
The NSW Liberal Party avoided a repeat of the teal wipeout in blue-ribbon inner Sydney seats that helped to sweep away the Morrison government, but lost traditional swing seats in aspirational western Sydney.
NSW voters have turfed out what was, overall, a good government. Mike Baird’s asset-recycling infrastructure program literally got Sydney moving again after a decade-and-a-half-long stall under Labor.
Gladys Berejiklian’s vaccine-led reopening strategy was the blueprint that led the country safely out of the COVID-19 gilded cage.
And Dominic Perrottet led the national debate about structural reform of tax and federal-state financial relations.
Mr Perrottet was also elevated to premier before his time, after Ms Berejiklian was forced to resign by the Independent Commission Against Corruption inquiry into pork-barrelling allegations that don’t meet the average person’s definition of genuinely corrupt conduct.
Would a personally popular female premier, who was strongly associated with the government’s infrastructure achievements, and who saved Australia from the pandemic, have lost on Saturday?
It’s scandalous that 18 months later, the ICAC is yet to deliver its verdict on Ms Berejiklian.
Leaving Mad Kean aside, no man who seriously values time with his young family should be in politics, which is all consuming, including weeknights and weekends. Perrottet should grasp the opportunity to disappear into private life.
Good god man, there’s no need to eat those lead paint chips, you’re stupid enough already!
What percentage are TERFs?
Could get interesting.
He’s actually one of life’s genuine winners. He can literally do whatever he likes now, other than get in the scrum for the brass ring.
Yes, on our chequebooks, but he and his wife never have to work again other than BS consulting positions. Early retirement on a very decent wicket.
He means ‘double down on what we were doing when we lost’, doesn’t he?
One of the downstream effects of the West’s collapse into a barely functioning dystopia controlled by childish, violent leftwing bullies (at the whim of autistic, anti-social HTML coders at the social media monopolies) is that serious thought and/or commentary about anything has had to go underground and is largely unconsumed by the masses.
Paul Joseph Watson’s latest treatise on the childlessness of millenials is a classic (h/t Zipster).
Karens in white singlets.
with former sports minister Alister Henskens and attorney-general Mark Speakman emerging as two potential contenders amid the fallout of the shock loss.
Great selection! .. I’ve never heard of either of them! .. still, other than troughin’ extra bucks from the tax payer what use is an opposition “front” bench at any level of gummint?
The State Liar machine is full of them. Simone McGurk in WA is the archetype.
Ukraine Offensive Takes Shape, With Big Unknowns
Weapons and training from NATO allies will be pivotal, while targeting will seek Russian weak spots
After months of new weapons deliveries from the West, Ukraine is poised to punch back at Russia’s invasion forces in coming weeks—a high-risk campaign that will set the course of subsequent battles and potential peace negotiations.
Ukraine’s operational plans remain confidential, but some aspects of what is to come are discernible from a look at the equipment each side has—or doesn’t have—and their recent performance on the battlefield. Both are struggling to make gains and have been burning through munitions at rates not seen since the two world wars.
Ukrainian forces have been training for months in Western Europe and the U.S. to use modern equipment and to operate on a battlefield in large formations. Kyiv’s prospects will depend on its ability to coordinate different types of troops, including artillery units, tank corps and foot soldiers, in what are known as combined-arms maneuvers.
Despite the training and the influx of North Atlantic Treaty Organization equipment, Ukraine won’t be able to launch a NATO-style assault, because neither side controls Ukraine’s skies. To dislodge an entrenched enemy, as Ukraine wants to do, the textbook approach for the U.S. and its allies would begin with a massive air assault using aircraft and cruise missiles. That is how the U.S. launched both wars in Iraq.
“We would attack from the air and establish air superiority,” said John Nagl, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel who is now an associate professor of warfighting studies at the U.S. Army War College. In Ukraine, he says, neither side has a real air-power advantage.
Ukraine has only a limited number of fighter planes and attack helicopters to deploy and needs to protect them, so is unlikely to risk them in a frontal attack on awaiting Russian forces, Mr. Nagl said.
Instead, strategists say, Ukraine will probably launch a big attack—or multiple smaller attacks—using ground-based precision long-range weaponry including rockets and artillery, much of it donated by Western allies. U.S. M142 Himars or M270 mobile rocket launchers and big cannons such as howitzers can fire satellite-guided explosive projectiles over distances up to 50 miles.
That range, combined with intelligence from Ukrainian and Western sources, should allow Kyiv to target Russian forces far behind front lines. Ukrainian troops over the past year have scored big hits against Russian logistics bases, command centers and supply lines. The goal of such strikes is to isolate units on the battlefield, undermine their ability to fight and sow disarray within Russian ranks.
Following an initial fusillade of artillery and rockets, Ukrainian ground forces are likely to advance in large numbers, much as U.S. troops would. A big difference is that U.S. or allied forces would be led by a vanguard of modern main battle tanks, while Ukrainian forces will only have a small number of them.
Britain has promised to deliver 14 of its Challenger 2 tanks, and at least 22 German-made Leopard tanks are arriving from Poland and Norway, with more expected soon from other countries, including Germany.
The U.S. has pledged M1 Abrams tanks, but they are slated to arrive only later this year.
Ukraine also has several hundred Soviet-era tanks from its own armories, ones donated by former Warsaw Pact neighbors, and others captured from Russian troops. How many Kyiv has, and has lost in battle, is unclear.
While those older models lack Western tanks’ armor or ability to target and fire on the move, many have been updated by Ukraine or its allies with some modern equipment, such as night-vision gear, targeting computers and secure communications.
Behind a front wave of tanks would likely follow dozens of armored fighting vehicles. Some, such as the French AMX-10s and U.S. Bradley Fighting Vehicles, resemble tanks, thanks to their treads or gun turrets. The Bradley carries an enormous machine gun able to fire up to 300 rounds a minute and destroy a Russian T-72 tank from over a mile away. It also carries TOW antitank missiles that can destroy a target from more than 2 miles away.
Behind or alongside those vehicles with big guns, Ukraine is likely to deploy armored infantry carriers like U.S.-supplied Strykers. The fast and mobile eight-wheeled vehicles can transport foot soldiers to take and hold territory, or to fend off Russian infantry that might threaten Ukrainian forces.
“While I’d prefer to be in an M1, the truth is that infantry fighting vehicles are going to be able to do a lot of damage,” Mr. Nagl said.
John Spencer, chair of urban warfare studies with the Madison Policy Forum, a think tank in New York, said making some tangible progress now—before other weaponry like the Abrams tanks arrive—is important for maintaining Western support.
“A Ukrainian spring offensive with Leopards and Bradleys in the lead will do more for them in the alliances than any actual ground they take back,” he said. “Ukraine has to have movement and has to have wins.”
Where Ukraine will strike Russian troops remains an unknown. Mr. Spencer said Kyiv would likely stay flexible, probing to find Russia’s weakest defenses and holding back a strike force that can be deployed elsewhere. He said this strategy allowed the Ukrainians to reclaim thousands of square miles in the northeastern Kharkiv region last fall, after messaging for months that they would launch an attack in the southern Kherson region.
Phillips O’Brien, a professor of strategic studies at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, said Kyiv would like to sever the land corridor Russia has established along Ukraine’s southeast by pushing from Zaporizhzhia toward Melitopol and the Sea of Azov. Success would bisect the Russian forces and cut supply lines to those further west, in the direction of the Russian-occupied Crimean Peninsula.
Moscow, anticipating such an assault, has spent months building up defensive fortifications in the Zaporizhzhia region, which some analysts said could lead the Ukrainians to instead try another approach.
“One thing they have been good at is seeing where they can take advantage of weaker points in the Russian line,” Mr. O’Brien said of the Ukrainians. “The key thing is to have some success.”
Physical defenses are only an obstacle if well defended, said Mr. Nagl. If Russian troops don’t man trenches, Ukraine can bulldoze them and advance, he said.
Mr. O’Brien said he worried that the weapons deliveries from the West could pressure Ukraine to launch an offensive without all the capabilities it needs to succeed—particularly longer-range weapons that could help cut Russian supply lines. Since last year, Ukraine has asked the U.S. for Army Tactical Missile System, or ATACMS, which has a range of about 190 miles.
The Biden administration, which has pledged more than $32 billion worth of weapons and other security assistance to Ukraine, has declined to provide ATACMS over concerns Ukraine could use it to strike Russian territory and spark a wider conflict with the West.
But Mykola Bielieskov, research fellow at the Kyiv-based National Institute for Strategic Studies, a government-backed think tank, said the long fight for Bakhmut had depleted the Russians, potentially giving Ukraine a chance to make progress.
“Now, a unique window of opportunity might be opened to do an offensive, with Russia weakened given its unsuccessful offensive and before another possible round of Russian mobilization,” he said. But he added that both sides were now facing the same problem, after a year of fighting: “difficult mobilizing resources to sustain the same level of fighting.”
For Ukraine to succeed against Russia’s deeper resources and entrenched defenses it will need a combination of skill and luck, finding and quickly exploiting weak points, say strategists. While Kyiv’s forces are more motivated and, in some cases, better armed than Moscow’s troops, Russia has had months to prepare for a Ukrainian attack and shown greater willingness to expend lives and materiel.
“This is going to be very, very difficult,” said Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in an interview. “The big potential and brutal force of the Russians cannot be underestimated.”
Sistas are the new bruvvas.
“They have effectively now become, across the country, but particularly in New South Wales and Victoria, Labor’s new working class,”
And the breakdown of figures explain why women dominate the, near, top jobs in sooo many gummint areas (State & Federal) especially the “social services” section(s) ……
Glenn Greenwald And Russell Brand: They Are Trying To Silence Dissent
Journalist Glenn Greenwald talks about the big-picture societal struggle behind the decline in public trust of experts and establishments in Western society, with “Stay Free” host Russell Brand.
They discuss questions such as: “Why are the elites no longer even pandering to ordinary people? Do they think advances in AI technology and the militarization of police mean they no longer have to pretend to listen to us?”
What I concluded… was that the elite class has two options.
You can appease the anger of the masses, give them just enough to keep them just enough satisfied so they don’t want to get off their couches and risk things.
Or you can say you don’t give a f@ck about them, ”
They probably will get to the point where they want to revolt, and so our strategy instead will be to militarize.
To build a para-militaristic society where we keep them under constant surveillance, make sure the weapons we have are far greater than the weapons they have, so if they do want to try something, they’re going to be crushed by force.”
And that will either deter them and convince them ahead of time that it is futile, or if they try it, they will in fact be crushed.
And clearly, the elite class has chosen that second option.
Yeah that’s not a heartening note to end on, Glenn. The elites have armed themselves to the teeth. Gone are the glory days when it could be considered compassion to hurl dollar bills out of the limousine at the rats and scumbags in the gutter. I think that you’re right…
I doubt the ACTU online shop even stocks blue singlets any more. Been replaced by purple hair dye.
3 and 4 don’t work. In 3 he just hand passes what is to occur in public spaces by deferring to private property rights. What is going to occur in public toilets? In changerooms? And so on. In 4, the issue can’t be ‘consent’. As I said over at C.L.’s, if these are genuine medical interventions then they can’t properly be restricted to adults simply because children can’t consent to a procedure; we don’t deny children access to medical interventions like chemotherapy or amputation in cases of gangrene or the like simply because they are children. And if they are not genuine medical procedures, then the medical system has no claim to actually provide them to adults either.
Stumbled upon Hunters the other day.
Inglourious Basterds do New York, more or less.
Al Pacino keeps the scenery chewing down to a minimum.
Glenn Greenwald And Russell Brand: They Are Trying To Silence Dissent
From the Comments
– Interesting read….hence, the Tyranny of Oligarchy.
“He did not see that the continuity of an oligarchy need not be physical, nor did he pause to reflect that hereditary aristocracies have always been shortlived, whereas adoptive organizations such as the Catholic Church have sometimes lasted for hundreds or thousands of years. The essence of oligarchical rule is not father-to-son inheritance, but the persistence of a certain world-view and a certain way of life, imposed by the dead upon the living. A ruling group is a ruling group so long as it can nominate its successors.” (George Orwell, 1984)
And Cooments just for Monty
He’s a real nowhere man
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
Knows not where he’s going to
Isn’t he a bit like CAMEL LALA?
GAY NAZI, please listen
Take your time, don’t hurry
Knows not where he’s going to
Isn’t he a bit like CAMEL LALA?
GAY NAZI, please listen
– Lennon and Harrison are laughing from their graves. McCartney, i’m not so sure.
In my files I have an ET of a booklet written by Goebbels in 1929 to explain Nazism to the German worker. It was reprinted several times into the 1930s, which means several hundred thousand copies were distributed.
In concluding the section subtitled “Why are we Socialists”, he writes…
“The worker has a claim to a living standard that corresponds to what he produces. We have no intention of begging for that right. Incorporating him in the state organism is not only a critical matter for him, but for the whole nation. The question is larger than the eight-hour day. It is a matter of forming a new state consciousness that includes every productive citizen. Since the political powers of the day are neither willing nor able to create such a situation, socialism must be fought for. It is a fighting slogan both inwardly and outwardly. It is aimed domestically at the bourgeois parties and Marxism at the same time, because both are sworn enemies of the coming workers’ state. It is directed abroad at all powers that threaten our national existence and thereby the possibility of the coming socialist national state.”
The section includes a cartoon of a Communist and a Social Democrat (roughly equivalent to Anglo Labour parties) accusing each other of abandioning the working class, captioned ‘Der Denkender Arbeiter kommt zu Hitler’ (‘The thinking worker comes to Hitler’).
By 1933 the Nazis held more seats in the Reichstag than the Social Democrats and Communists combined.
No words available to describe the level of contempt for Kean. A rat, but that’s harsh on the animal species.
No words available to describe the level of contempt for Kean. A rat, but that’s harsh on the animal species.
Thanks Dover. You can disagree with people without calling them NAZIS!
The opportunity cost of providing such services in a stretched health system.
The opportunity cost of developing such surgical procedures when there are more serious illnesses about. Then again playing devil’s advocate, some might say it is a case of walking and chewing gum at the same time and cosmetic surgery is here to stay.
WesternDecliner, are you a traditionalist appreciator or a degenerate ?-oomer?
I don’t judge, as Aaron Clarey says, “Enjoy the Decline!”.
Supernintendo Chalmers says: “It’s a hell of a toboggan ride!”
Major focus will be on A Welcome to Country each time a RAAF plane lands back at base.
“Royal Australian Air Force has an “Indigenous Adviser” to the Chief of Air Force – a Group Captain no more, no less.. Words fail me,they honestly do”
Interesting point by Gray.
How? Leather face is as in touch with the commoners as the Marquis de Sade was.
“See! They agree with me on Twitter!”
Anybody know if that already happens?
Better add a Chinese cultural adviser to each armed forces unit so we can negotiate surrender more easily .
Someone remind Barrie that Labor under Elbow got fewer primary votes than the Libs under the roundly detested Morrison.
Andrews makes flying trip to China in breakthrough visit
Gus McCubbing Reporter
Daniel Andrews is set to fly to Beijing as he seeks to boost the number of Chinese students studying in Victoria, noting that two-way trade was worth more than $40 billion last year despite COVID-19 shocks.
The Victorian premier’s four-day trip will be his seventh visit overall to China and his first since 2019. It is also the first visit to China by an Australian state or federal leader since the pandemic.
Victoria has about 42,000 Chinese students enrolled in higher education, but Mr Andrews said before his flight to Beijing on Monday night that he wanted to increase that by up to 20,000.
The Victorian premier, who in 2020 controversially signed up to China’s Belt and Road initiative, will be briefed by Australia’s ambassador to China, Graham Fletcher, on Tuesday and meet senior representatives from China’s education department. He will later meet senior officials in Jiangsu province and the city of Chengdu, in Sichuan province, before returning on Saturday morning.
“China is incredibly important. Our two-way trade in 2022, with all those COVID shocks, was still in excess of $40 billion. This is our largest and most significant trading partner,” he said on Sunday.
“We’ve got about 42,000 Chinese students enrolled in Victorian higher education settings – those students are a really significant part of our Victorian economy. Close to $14 billion worth of economic activity can be traced back to our international education sector.
“This is a great city and a great state to study and learn in. International students are more than welcome. And they are very strongly supported.
“We have to always impress upon all of our partners, China being the leading partner, that we want their students to come here and if they do, they’ll be they’ll be part of a respectful community, a community that values them.”
Asked why he was travelling without a media contingent, Mr Andrews said the trip would involve back-to-back meetings without any “picture-friendly” tours or major events.
He said he had spoken to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who was “very supportive” of the visit, and that he did not expect to be questioned about Australia’s $368 billion AUKUS submarine deal.
“I’m a state leader – matters of defence policy, strategic policy and foreign policy are a matter for the federal government.
“This trip is about making sure we have as many students choosing to come to Melbourne as possible … not going to Canada, or to the US, or to England instead, or indeed Sydney, Brisbane or Perth.”
Mr Andrews said that although the Victorian government’s views on human rights were “very well known” by all its trading partners, he would not discuss the detention of Australian writer Yang Hengjun and journalist Cheng Lei in China with any Chinese officials.
“There are a number of people that are in custody. I just want to make it very clear, that would not be something that I would raise because they are deeply sensitive matters,” he said.
“They’re best dealt with by the Australian foreign service. Some things are absolutely appropriate to raise. Other things you need to be very careful when you are the leader of a sub-sovereign state.”
Assistant Trade Minister Tim Ayres will visit China this week in the first trip to the country by a federal government representative since Australia announced details of the AUKUS security pact. He will attend the Boao Forum for Asia, alongside an Australian delegation that includes Fortescue Metals Group founder Andrew Forrest.
“The Boao Forum provides a platform for high-level dialogue between governments, business, academics and other non-government organisations to discuss regional economic and trade issues,” Mr Ayres said in a statement.
“In addition to engaging in a series of meetings to discuss trade and investment, I will participate in a panel session exploring the future of clean energy.”
He will be the first Australian minister to attend the forum since 2016.
Last year, Victoria attracted more international students from India than from China.
It is the dominant state of choice for Indian international students, and drew 53,189 or 41.2 per cent of the 128,979 students enrolled in Australia last year, according to the Department of Education.
Mr Andrews visited China once each year from 2015 to 2018, and twice in 2019.
Introducing Air Vice Marshal Paul Keating and Air Commodore Boob Car.
Introducing Colonel Dan Andrews.
They aren’t trying, they succeeded decades ago. Does anyone remember Manufacturing Consent? Apart from a few strident left wingers how many read texts like Manufacturing Consent? Since when have the elites been pandering to ordinary people? Greenwald and Brand are to be commended for pointing out the issue but I much prefer people apply a historical perspective to it. That won’t happen because today subjects like history and philosophy are regarded as irrelevant. Fools be people who think like that. It isn’t my generation that is going to raise this into a public issue, it is the Millennials etc. People complain about how the younger generations won’t work for companies with toxic work environments or expect them to work for free. The younger generations have seen us played as suckers throughout our lives and decided not to be so naive and conformist if not obsequious. Good luck to them because if things don’t change advanced nations will be composed of peons in perpetual servitude to the oligarchy.
This is a great city and a great state to study and learn in.
It was, now it’s a f’cking shithole thanks to you.
Has to be a translation error.
Rand Paul CONFRONTS Moderna CEO Over Vaxx Side Effects
The Jimmy Dore Show
#529 in Get Woke – Go Broke:
We’ll be tuning in tonight. From ABC’s Watchlist:
There are elements of Greek tragedy in it all, unfolding, as the camera lingers on Logan’s cragged face.
The acting and camera work in the last episode of the previous series, which we watched last night as a refresher, is just superb. In the final series we hope the standard keeps up. It’s compelling to us in a special way, because there are four children inheriting – for Logan Roy has an older son from a previous marriage – who fits the bill for my first generous but off-whack slightly autistic son, Shiv is too close for comfort to our own corporate high flying daughter, Ken is a wheeler and dealer like my second son, whose deals, like Ken’s, never come off, and Roman has the caustic one-liner wit and self-doubting uncertainties of my son with Hairy.
Then there’s Greg – their cousin, always a rabbit in the headlights, monstered by smarmy Tom, Shiv’s sucking up husband, plus there’s Gerry, the corporate legal handmaid and older woman in Roman’s life. Always putting flies in the ointment is Caroline, the aristo British mother of the three, and a lingering figure of mysterious Parisian jet set provenance is Marcia, Logan’s new wife, previously married to a Lebanese arms dealer. Plenty to chow down on for Monday night’s premiere of the final series.
Washington’s chronic disinterest in conflict exit strategies doesn’t bode well for Ukraine
The US has started or inserted itself into multiple wars in recent years – none of which ended in peace and stability
Rachel Marsden is a columnist, political strategist, and host of independently produced talk-shows in French and English.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again today that if coming out of this meeting, there’s some sort of call for a ceasefire, well, that’s just going to be unacceptable,” US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said on FOX News Sunday referring to the meeting in Moscow between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
The truth is that an off-ramp from armed conflict has never really proven to be a desired outcome for Washington.
This is understandable when the US establishment elites seem to have more to gain than to lose from continued conflict in Ukraine. “The Ukrainians have proven that they are a really good investment for the United States,” former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said last December. “They are not asking us to be there to fight their war; they’re fighting it themselves.”
But it’s the US establishment that reaps the benefits of billions of dollars of US taxpayer cash poured into the military-industrial complex under the guise of defense spending for Ukraine.
There’s also the added bonus of having the entire European Union now more dependent on US energy, and its businesses bailing to the US in the wake of Brussels cutting itself off from the cheap Russian energy, on which the continent’s economy was built.
The month of March serves as a convenient reminder that US-led wars don’t have exit strategies, only segues or bridges to even more quagmires. Two such events come to mind that were both started in March of years past, in Iraq and Libya.
The invasion of Iraq was itself just a segue from the invasion of Afghanistan which was set off when a group of Saudis attacked the US homeland on September 11, 2001. But who cares about details. Better to take everyone out that isn’t clearly onside with Washington, just to be sure. While the notion may sound ridiculous, it was the actual basis for a defense policy strategy concocted in 1992 by then undersecretary of defense, Paul Wolfowitz, under Defense Secretary Dick Cheney. It underscored the need to orient US defense actions to “prevent the re-emergence of a new rival” to the US in the wake of the Cold War.
Clark said that in the wake of 9/11, an officer from the Pentagon conveyed to him the contents of a memo from then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s office that indicated the US was “going to attack and destroy the governments in seven countries in five years.” Those countries, Clark said, were Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran – all considered to be client nations of Russia. There was a rush, the general said, to bring them under US control.
So it’s no wonder that there was no real effort to end any recent US-led wars beyond leveraging them to spring-board from one country to another while leaving behind weapons, Western-trained jihadists, and general chaos when the neocons who supported the very idea of it dominate the national security establishment. The fact that all of it risked spilling into neighboring nations at worst just served as a convenient pretext to take out yet another adjacent unsympathetic government or leader.
Who’s to say that the weapons dumped into Ukraine today and US-backed radicals won’t ultimately plague other European nations someday, requiring Washington-style assistance with securing ‘freedom and democracy’?
With Russia expanding its influence globally as a result of helping other countries clean up Western interventionist messes, a new threat to Washington’s global dominance emerged and the Cold War was conveniently rebooted.
This new Cold War is just Washington’s exit strategy from the decreasingly lucrative terrorism war – which is really the only kind of exit strategy it seems to be interested in.
Loading up Ukraine with weapons and training neo-Nazis on the Western border of Russia was only one aspect of a hybrid strategy to frame Russia as the new scarecrow, which also conveniently spawned the emergence of entire new multibillion dollar defense and security industries, like ‘cybersecurity’, to target the ‘Russian threat’.
Western leaders are now talking about the need for a Ukrainian battlefield victory against Russia and denouncing negotiations. Why let peace get in the way of a cash cow? European nations have also started following in Washington’s footsteps in using the Ukraine conflict as a pretext for bolstering their own industrial bases by ramping up weapons production with the help of billions in cash from Brussels.
With Western Europe’s industries suffering from high energy costs, it’s a poor consolation prize for having followed Washington into yet another misguided military adventure.
But the real concern should be for Ukrainians who apparently haven’t grasped the fact that a victory for Washington, in Ukraine or anywhere else, has never meant an exit or end – just the prolongation and continued expansion of chaos.
Fresh from announcing a ban on the Nazi salute, Dan jets off to cement relations with a country that actually confines a minority in concentration camps.
Fatman seems to be engaged in a twerking frenzy today. Something must be up on the home front.
Wife read what he posts.
Milkman moving in.
nzherald copping some stick – as well they should.
Mortgage customers showing early signs of stress: NAB
James Eyers and Ayesha de Kretser
Mortgage borrowers are starting to show the first signs of strain, as the effect of ten consecutive interest rate rises compounds growing cost of living pressures, forcing banks to proactively call customers who are at risk of getting into trouble on their repayments.
Ahead of The Australian Financial Review Banking Summit on Tuesday, National Australia Bank’s head of retail banking, Rachel Slade, said the number of customers reporting financial difficulties is “just starting to tick up”.
“We are hearing it: a subset of customers is starting to feel the pinch, and are getting more worried about their financial future,” Ms Slade told the Financial Review ahead of her appearance at the event in Sydney.
“We are not seeing spikes in arrears at the moment, but it is easy to look at averages in portfolios. We have to get down to the individual customer and look at the edges for the customers we have to get to first.”
The early signs of mortgage stress come as analysts remain cautious about the risk of bad debts growing and as global regulators tighten supervision of bank capital ratios after weeks of global banking turmoil. Growing concerns about Deutsche Bank over the weekend follow the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and forced takeover of Credit Suisse.
This has raised questions about whether Australian banks might be offered leniency if they need to offset pressures for struggling customers with policies such as repayment deferral – as they did during the COVID-19 pandemic – or whether higher costs will be forced onto shareholders.
According to NAB’s Consumer Stress Index for the first quarter of calendar 2023, which has not yet been published, customer stress has risen for the fifth consecutive quarter, although it remains below the average for the past ten years as customers are given some comfort from the low unemployment rate.
Since May last year, the RBA has pushed the official cash rate from 0.1 per cent to 3.6 per cent, taking total annual repayments on a $500,000 mortgage up by $11,800 a year – and almost $17,700 annually for a $750,000 loan.
Customers are also facing higher grocery bills and stubbornly high petrol prices. Average prices for food at Coles and Woolworths rose 8.8 per cent in February, after a 9 per cent print in January, according to UBS.
NAB’s survey also pointed to growing disparities between younger and older Australians. For the fourth quarter of 2022, it found financial hardship remains most widespread in the 18-29 age group and increased steeply to 57 per cent from 45 per cent in the third quarter. Hardship also rose in the 30-49 age group but was unchanged for those aged 50-64 and over 65.
There are also signs of stress in personal lending. Around 1-in-20 customers experiencing hardship told NAB it was caused by being unable to meet minimum credit card repayments or not having enough to pay off personal loans.
He also states Victoria’s stance on human rights is well known. On that, he is correct. China has no human rights and neither does Victoria.
The fibro shack with a backyard dunny worth more than $2 million
Long-time owners of traditional beach shacks are facing hefty land tax bills because nostalgic Sydneysiders with cash to burn have pushed up property prices.
Barry Spooner still remembers digging the dunny behind his family’s fibro shack in Bendalong on the NSW South Coast.
His mother, Mabel Jane, won the right to buy the block of land for £200 (about $400) in a lottery in 1959 on the proviso that she develop it, not a hard ask for a family of brick-carters from Sydney.
But thanks to a COVID-related property boom in regional areas, the NSW valuer-general now says the land on which the shack sits is worth more than $2 million and a hefty land tax bill means Barry’s family may have to part with it.
The Spooners were sent their first bill for $1200 last year. They paid it without issue, but were shocked to open this year’s assessment and find they owed almost $7000. They fear next year’s bill will be more than $16,000, as the taxable value of land is based on a three-year average.
University of Sydney housing economist Cameron Murray said land tax was an effective way to manage the property market.
“The point of it is to piss off property owners, so they do something productive [with their land]. It punishes you for not using your property as productively as possible,” Murray said.
“If you can’t afford [the tax bill], you sell … That’s a great choice – I’d love to be having that dilemma.”
We should totally be importing food from a shithole that routinely adulterates and falsifies its products.
The report last Thursday by the JRC said honey imported from the UK had a suspicion rate of 100% and “this could be the result of honey produced in other countries and further processed in the UK before its re-export to the EU”.
In 2022, the UK imported more than 38,000 tonnes of honey from its biggest supplier, China, where there is a known risk of adulteration with sugar syrup. Country of origin labelling is not required for a blended product from more than one country, so many shoppers don’t know a cheap pot of honey probably originated in China.
A neat sidestep around regulations – import the 99% syrup from china, blend with 5% Pom honey and its origin is disguised for sale into the EU/export & local markets.
Might have been his family’s idea to steer him toward a career that kept him out of the house. Greens are such killjoys and having one in the house with children always a bad idea. You know, kid’s imagination about driving a race car or fighting monsters in rocketships or shooting bad guys. Only to be tut-tutted by a smug condescending charisma-singularity trying to convince you it is more exciting to imagine you are a windmill (“Stand outside with your arms out and every time you feel some wind start spinning!”), or pretending that you are a fungus in an old-growth forest, or lying down in front of the clothes trolley when Mum is hanging out the washing because clothes pegs are not sustainable.
John H:
Thanks for the Pacific Wall video last night. Perhaps our big brains in the DoD have something under control at last.
Just had a look at the first preference votes in the last federal election. If PHON< UAP< LDP and the many similar minor parties had been one bloc, they would've got around 16% of first preference votes. Likely more, because as a united party they would be way more attractive to jaded Lib voters. The Greens got 12.25% and did well.
There is a future for a new right of centre party, if only they could get together and merge. I doubt it will happen as they seem to hate each other more than they do the Libs or Labor. Point in case, the LDP preferencing Animal Justice ahead of similar parties in the Vic upper house last state election. They did it to (hopefully) improve their chance of a seat even if meant Animal Justice getting a seat as well. It didn't work out for them but it shows how petty they are, and how much they hate similar parties.
I did point out to them that their supporters would rather see PHON or similar get up if the LDP didn't and the last thing their core would want is Animal Justice succeeding. They didn't care, it was all about their chances.