Open Thread – Tues 28 March 2023

Autumn (The Spies with the Grapes of the Promised Land), Nicolas Poussin, 1660-64

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March 28, 2023 12:27 pm

Globally building and construction is responsible for 39 per cent of global carbon emissions with operational emissions accounting for 28 per cent and the remaining 11 per cent coming from embodied carbon emissions.

Yet climate criminal Adam Bandt wants Australia to build one million new houses.
article here

March 28, 2023 12:28 pm

The Sydney Morning Herald reports the shooting as thus. The use of a family photo is yellow journalism.

Those straight white male Senate Republicans literally murdered the children themselves, in fact their whole family did it.

Err, wasn’t it a disturbed cross dresser on his own?

March 28, 2023 12:28 pm

Fatbergs in Wembley? Maybe it will be an oat milk latte for me too.

Occasionally I have boarded the Orient Express and gazed upon the people of Wembley, Wembley Downs, Mount Lawley and once as far as Baldivis (though the camel was never the same afterward).

Fatbergs were not in evidence.

Those suburbs are more likely to yield hot singletons in designer exercise wear, or man-bunned scooter riders with large chai lattes. Baldivis? They might move there after the divorce.

I hypothestulate that the fault lies in the digestive tract of the sewage system of older areas…

March 28, 2023 12:29 pm

Oh the Bandt comment was in a tweet yesterday.

March 28, 2023 12:29 pm

Good to see people resorting to peat…

What are the odds the Scottish government will ban its use, with hefty fines attached?

They’ve already banned its sale.

March 28, 2023 12:30 pm

“My Lord Bebo” is no doubt a trusted blogger.

March 28, 2023 12:32 pm

Maybe that might provoke crofter a wee bit too much next winter.

March 28, 2023 12:34 pm

I read a local Nashville article on the shootings.
Apparently the police chief had said if there was ever a school shooting in his district there would be no hesitation.
Shooter started at 10.13 and was dead at 10.27.
Seems he meant what he said.

March 28, 2023 12:35 pm

Yet climate criminal Adam Bandt wants Australia to build one million new houses.

Someone on the wirless this morning advised me that Palaszczuk needs to build 11 000 new social housing units per year just to keep up with applications.

But this would merely be addressing a shortage caused by Palaszcuk and previous Labor governments. Indeed, it was only a few years ago she was caught selling off public housing in her electorate to Vietnamese ALP supporters.

Meanwhile, the lucky families are being accomodated in motels.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 28, 2023 12:36 pm

I hypothestulate that the fault lies in the digestive tract of the sewage system of older areas…

Some of the drainage practices of the food court might be a little unorthodox, although the council are usually all over commercial premises. The water mains were all relined a few years ago. Certainly required when you’ve got 5 storey, 30+ apartment blocks popping up around the place now.

March 28, 2023 12:37 pm

The only Maori word I know is Koteanga for car aerial.

March 28, 2023 12:41 pm

Posted on the ol’ fred:

Kneel says:
March 28, 2023 at 12:38 pm

“A truly Orwellian name they [Antifa] have given themselves.”

Not at all – it’s accurate.

“Anti” as in reverse, not “anti” is in opposed to.
Now it makes sense.
They WANT fascism, they just want to be the ones “on top”.

March 28, 2023 12:41 pm

Roger I agree about the banning of peat. It should only be used for Malt whiskey. Got to get serious about this.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
March 28, 2023 12:44 pm

Pesutto is a dripping wet idiot who has been talking about the SFLs’ need to be Labor light for years.

Not to mention a rolled gold imbecile.

He lets Dan Andrews set the agenda from which he dare not stray lest he differentiate the Liberals from Labor.

Andrews likely set up the women’s movement to be labelled Nazis by having a small group pretend to be Nazis in the vicinity of them, opposing a group of counter-protestors who were their to oppose and abuse the women’s protest.

How did the Nazis know the trans activists were there? Why did the police give the Nazis a free pass? Why didn’t the Nazis have swastikas? Why were they faceless?

More importantly though – who benefitted?

Andrews. He got his Nazi slur which every leftist in the country instantly followed, creating a narrative that only Nazis oppose radical trans activists, moving the Victorian Overton Window radically left, and the Gliberals fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but the real conspiracy theory is claiming the women’s group were in cahoots with the Nazis without any evidence whatsoever. Leftards saying it “backfired” supports my assertion that Andrews benefited, from their own mouths.

Their conspiracy theory is false, mine is more plausible.

Andrews now has not only the public service in his pocket, but the police, fireys, and the actual opposition.

Victoria is now a one party state.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 28, 2023 12:44 pm

Mole at 11:12.

Doesnt seem to be any doubt the bank boss was a Lolita express frequent flyer.
But it appears that he provided Epstein with a lot of banking services helping facilitate that.
Does the actual bank have liability because the bloke in charge was a shonk??

Firstly, they selected a shonk as CEO.
Secondly, Epstein was an extreme narcissist who had no real friends. He only had connections with people he could exploit, divided into three categories:-
.1 Young girls who could be sexually abused and badgered into silence;
.2 Rich men who could be blackmailed*;
.3 Influential high profile types who could provide a continuous stream of types .1 and .2. See Randy Andy and Ghislaine Maxwell.
So the connection with the bank CEO would have been firstly for direct blackmail, but with the main goal being to use the bank to launder blackmail funds from Epstein’s network.
* Let’s be clear. Epstein was no hot-shot investment banker. He was a blackmailer using his hobby of shagging under-age girls to shakedown other rich perverts. The bizarre thing is, many of these perverts dropped their guard because they thought they could trust a fellow pervert.

March 28, 2023 12:44 pm

Rand Paul staffer stabbed in D.C. with ‘life-threatening injuries

The Left are under the delusion that they can take the conflict hot and win.

March 28, 2023 12:48 pm

Gray Connolly @GrayConnolly · 3h
Outstanding piece by the liberally minded Claire Lehmann of @Quillette
on the rights of women & girls vs the asserted rights of Trans …. As I have noted, this is a collision of rights & legislators and governments will have to decide who prevails & what accommodations are made

Vile attacks prove ‘small subset’ of men are danger to women (paywalled)

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 28, 2023 12:49 pm


March 28, 2023 at 11:53 am

They are still almost twenty percent of the population.

D.v. I’ll be there in November.

Will polish up my Maori in the meantime.

Sweet, bro!

March 28, 2023 12:51 pm

meanwhile Australian government is making houses more expensive to build

The energy efficiency requirements are insane, without any consideration as to net benefit. Could a double glazed window ever save enough energy to make up for the energy required to make and mount that second sheet of glass?!

In Australia, the answer is almost certainly no.

March 28, 2023 12:54 pm

The only Maori word I know is Koteanga for car aerial.

Let me guess, derivative of coat hanger, because when some bro snaps off the original that’s what you use?!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 28, 2023 12:58 pm


March 28, 2023 at 12:28 pm

The Sydney Morning Herald reports the shooting as thus. The use of a family photo is yellow journalism.

Those straight white male Senate Republicans literally murdered the children themselves, in fact their whole family did it.

As predicted.
“Look what you made xe do!”.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 28, 2023 1:01 pm


March 28, 2023 at 12:29 pm

Good to see people resorting to peat…

What are the odds the Scottish government will ban its use, with hefty fines attached?

With jail terms for re-peat offenders.
I’ll be here all week.
Try the veal.
It’s wonderful!

March 28, 2023 1:05 pm

It’s interesting that some of us were taunted last night about witch burning when a couple of Bible quotes and a reference to wickedness were put forward.

Next thing you know, three adults and three little children are murdered in cold blood by a supposed target of the imaginary “burning”.

March 28, 2023 1:07 pm

From Bar Beach Swimmer:

Bespoke: This is why I can’t alie with the old guard feminist as some have done, Delta. They built the totem poll thinking they will always be on top. They started the demonisation of masculinity. This should not be forgotten.

Whatever happened in the 1970s is no reason for women of today to take one for the team.

I was a child in the 70s. But that logic would have me and those younger, or not even born at that time, to be the ones who must be put at risk, and not those women who wanted to “lord it over men”.

And what about women of that generation who were not part of that? Women like my mother and my aunts, as well as my many older female cousins? None of them behaved in that way – so why, along with my generation, and those who would come after, should they, and we, be made accountable and held up for such treatment?

How long would this go on for? It sounds too much like collectivism with the odour of guilt reparations swirling about.

Society and culture evolve. Sometimes that evolutionary process may end up a dead end, or worse. In this case, the “worse” of radical feminism, then, to the toxic transgender power grabs of now.

Feminism in the late 60s and 70s was a very broad ‘church’ indeed. You had everything from the pretty mild Womens Electoral Lobby to the separatist lesbians, who wanted to live a life totally devoid of XY people.

Interestingly, there was never much in the way of practical or other support from the men in Gay Liberation and its offshoots. Indeed, many of them actively disliked radical lesbians in particular. That’s not to say that there weren’t some very good interpersonal relationships at ground level. But when it came to politics, the men were not very engaged.

It doesn’t surprise me that the culture that adored drag queens and disliked lesbians is now openly anti-women.

As BBS said, it is wrong to punish a whole class of people because of what some of them did when many others were not involved or even actively opposed. I don’t think that you have to be a radical feminist to insist that intact males be banned from women’s changerooms, toilets, domestic violence shelters and so on. Indeed, it is hard to comprehend why this is even under discussion.

March 28, 2023 1:08 pm

So when do we here that the Nashville shooting was an anti-christian hate crime by a trans whacko?

my guess – never.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 28, 2023 1:08 pm

March 28, 2023 at 12:41 pm
Posted on the ol’ fred:

Kneel says:
March 28, 2023 at 12:38 pm

“A truly Orwellian name they [Antifa] have given themselves.”

Not at all – it’s accurate.

“Anti” as in reverse, not “anti” is in opposed to.
Now it makes sense.
They WANT fascism, they just want to be the ones “on top”.

The correct spelling is “Ante-fa”, they arrive and fascism follows.

March 28, 2023 1:10 pm


Boambee John
Boambee John
March 28, 2023 1:20 pm

March 28, 2023 at 10:39 am
“Either montypox is a really idiotic useful idiot or is not arguing in good faith. Maybe doing a st ruth.”

I don’t believe so.
As I have shown, if you engage without name calling, he will at least attempt an argument without resorting to name calling himself – usually.

Sure, it is somewhat an, errr…, extreme devil’s advocate position, but that is what I believe it to be.

And we need it, regardless of what you may think of the man or his posted writings (I don’t say “beliefs” because I am not convinced they ARE his beliefs…)

I disagree re ” if you engage without name calling, he will at least attempt an argument”. I spent quite some time and posted many comments on the SincCat, trying to get a straight answer from him re the atrocities of communism. He resolutely refused to even acknowledge they happened, and would never explicitly condemn them.

March 28, 2023 1:21 pm

Been looking at machinery in Thailand.

They have lots of quality used Japanese machinery. I love these Shizuoka mills, ran an Italian Rambaudi for a mate with the same layout. Excellent.

$4k-$5k Oz

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 28, 2023 1:22 pm

Gray Connolly @GrayConnolly · 3h
Outstanding piece by the liberally minded Claire Lehmann of @Quillette
on the rights of women & girls vs the asserted rights of Trans …. As I have noted, this is a collision of rights & legislators and governments will have to decide who prevails & what accommodations are made

This is on the money.
If Pessutto was any sort of true Liberal he would have framed the debate around competing rights and where concessions could be made and should not be made.
And use Dan Xi Man’s favourite term to dismiss the Nazis as a “distraction”.
Dan does that at nearly every presser:-
Journo: “Footage has emerged of you shooting Bambi at a Paedophile’s picnic, Mr Premier. How do you respond to that.”
Dan: “If you want to peddle that grubby stuff coming out of the far-right Nazis in the Liberal Party, fine. But, quite frankly, that’s a distraction from what Victorians want us to be doing. That is, getting on with the Chinese Big Build. That is why I am here today announcing* this $14 billion upgrade to the Upper Bumf@ck West level crossing.”
* Which he has announced five times before.
.1 Slug-gate.
.2 Knocking the kid off the bike.
.3 Red shirts.
.4 Hotel Quarantine.
.5 And when he was caught …[Snip. That is quite enough of that Sancho. That has never been proven … Dover].

March 28, 2023 1:23 pm

Gray Connolly @GrayConnolly · 3h
Outstanding piece by the liberally minded Claire Lehmann of @Quillette

1. Lehmann is a leftist whose diatribes against “anti-vaxxers” and in favour of police state “measures” during covid sank any reputation for reasonableness she may have curated up until that point.

2. Why are conservatives always chuffed when a “liberally minded” person acknowledges reality?

March 28, 2023 1:25 pm

Beautiful Howa lathe in Thailand. Only down side is that they have what I think is called an A2 spindle nose.

March 28, 2023 1:31 pm

Because she dared to speak against the prevailing orthodoxy?

March 28, 2023 1:33 pm

The Left are under the delusion that they can take the conflict hot and win.

Shakespeare (New Puffin version): First thing, we er,disbar all the Soros prosecutors.

March 28, 2023 1:34 pm

There have been over 130 mass shootings in the US so far this year. The common thread is not transgenderism.

March 28, 2023 1:35 pm

Why are conservatives always chuffed when a “liberally minded” person acknowledges reality?

We are content to receive the crumbs that fall from the table. It’s ridiculous and weak.

March 28, 2023 1:36 pm
March 28, 2023 1:37 pm

Because she dared to speak against the prevailing orthodoxy?

Which she has been doing a bit lately.

March 28, 2023 1:37 pm

March 28, 2023 at 1:34 pm
There have been over 130 mass shootings in the US so far this year. The common thread is not transgenderism.

you’re right. As a proportion of the population, transgenders are over represented.

March 28, 2023 1:37 pm

NSW Labor MP Jason Yat-Sen Li, the son of migrant parents from Hong Kong, …
“People are still angry about the fearmongering around China that was used as a political weapon. Chinese Australians became collateral damage,” Mr Li told The Australian Financial Review.

Now that is interesting. I would have imagined that Chinese emigres and their progeny would not usually defend the Chinese regime.

I understand their discomfort as the relationship with China declines. But it has always been a problem for foreign nationals whose country of origin has become embroiled in deteriorating relations. He may have some important decisions to be made in the next few years.

Indeed, many Australians have become dependant on Chinese economic agreements – especially in regional agriculture. A year or so ago I had a running battle in the Letters page of a rural publication with a feature writer who persisted in lauding the historical past of China and suggesting that we abandon the diplomatic arrangements with the US.

March 28, 2023 1:40 pm

I would have imagined that Chinese emigres and their progeny would not usually defend the Chinese regime.

I would. Not all the family got out. I can imagine a few good reasons why Yat Sen-Li might go soft.

March 28, 2023 1:40 pm

other than guns

I’m going to stop you there.

March 28, 2023 1:40 pm

Does anyone still actually buy the Sydney morning vomit? I know they were giving it away at my old gym over ten years ago. A zombie publication.

March 28, 2023 1:44 pm

Mass shootings includes non fatal shootings drive bys etc.
The sub-set ‘School Shootings’ numbers in 2023 aren’t quite as high.
Not surprisingly President Biden didn’t hold a press conference on the majority of these other mass shootings.

March 28, 2023 1:46 pm

I can imagine a few good reasons why Yat Sen-Li might go soft.


Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 28, 2023 1:47 pm

Now that is interesting. I would have imagined that Chinese emigres and their progeny would not usually defend the Chinese regime.

Second generation.

How many of the people who ran off to join ISIS or the Taliban, or plot to blow up Western countries are second generation?

I suspect there is a psychological dynamic at play, looking for something special about yourself that ‘recruiters’ play upon. Give them a noble version of the place their parent’s left. Doesn’t even need to be about money!

This bloke might have been seduced by the idea that this century will be the Chinese century and this is his connection to the winners.

Like with the splodey-dopes the approach does not have to land often, but out of all the numbers they try it on…

March 28, 2023 1:47 pm

Gray Connolly @GrayConnolly · 3h
Outstanding piece by the liberally minded Claire Lehmann of @Quillette
1. Lehmann is a leftist whose diatribes against “anti-vaxxers” and in favour of police state “measures” during Covid sank any reputation for reasonableness she may have curated up until that point.

CL, I recently attended an appearance of Lehrmann at the Sydney Institute. Since she studied psychology I asked her what she thought of Desmet’s theory of the “mass formation” syndrome in relation to the widespread acquiescence to the government’s Covid and vaccine policies. She appeared to stiffen, and rather airily dismissed the proposition. I actually was not previously aware that she was a supporter of the mRNA vaccines.

Overall, I found her a little “cool” – in the old sense of the word! She was speaking on the topic of the dissolution of standards of journalism, and could only cite (it seemed to me) social media as the cause.

March 28, 2023 1:48 pm

You came rushing here to regurgitate the mass shootings narrative and are trying to claim internecine gang related shootings are exactly the same as school shootings.
Not even the current President of the US agrees with you or he’d have been at the podium 130 times this year already.

March 28, 2023 1:50 pm

NSW Labor MP Jason Yat-Sen Li, the son of migrant parents from Hong Kong, …

“People are still angry about the fearmongering around China that was used as a political weapon. Chinese Australians became collateral damage,” Mr Li told The Australian Financial Review.

“Imagine if the country you are from and identified with is portrayed as an enemy, aggressor or threat to Australia and how difficult it makes thing like applying for a job or just going about your life. It goes to whether you feel like you can belong in a place.

Jason has made it clear that he never did “belong in [this] place”.

Perhaps the good Jason could join us Cats in the bunker as an honorary Australian-born, heterosexual, married, white male, STEM educated, mining, rural, Christian, vaccine-hesitant, non-pronoun-quoter. We dont feel like we are particularly welcome in Their Australia either.

March 28, 2023 1:51 pm

Mass shootings includes non fatal shootings drive bys etc.
The sub-set ‘School Shootings’ numbers in 2023 aren’t quite as high.
Not surprisingly President Biden didn’t hold a press conference on the majority of these other mass shootings.

Probably because it’s black gang members lighting up other black people in the ghetto areas of Chicago and Detroit….

Oh wait, I said the quiet part out loud…

March 28, 2023 1:51 pm

Jason has made it clear that he never did “belong in [this] place”.

Perhaps the good Jason could join us Cats in the bunker as an honorary Australian-born, heterosexual, married, white male, STEM educated, mining, rural, Christian, vaccine-hesitant, non-pronoun-quoter. We dont feel like we are particularly welcome in Their Australia either.</em

Right on!

March 28, 2023 1:52 pm

The common thread is guns, rosie. It is not hard to understand.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 28, 2023 1:53 pm

Imagine if the country you are from and identified with

Perhaps people in Australian parliaments ought to identify with Australia.

March 28, 2023 1:53 pm

Diversity is our strength…until we find ourselves at war with China.

March 28, 2023 1:59 pm

Once again, the huge volumes of Chinese national students becomes a matter of interest as the relations with the PRC decline.

I had one such kid, largely educated here, visit the farm. Lovely kid, very bright and voluble – interested in my library, the night sky, the ducks on the dam and so on. We discussed the introduction of facial recognition technology with big screens to reveal jaywalkers’ personal details. He replied to my objection: “But Vicki, it stops jaywalking!”

March 28, 2023 2:00 pm

I’m going to stop you there.

In case you hear something that challenges your pre-packaged idea.

Mass shootings of the usual sort are copycats, taught to pointless losers, and rewarded by media’s profiteering behavior, especially its partnership with activists to generate copy.
When you add in any old gang related and honor killings among the criminal class ‘children’ of Democrat-run racialised poverty cities, you get a mishmash of motivations but the common thread is leftist denial of reality for the exciting thrill of punishing innocent people for being hypothetically white, male, and not of your class.

March 28, 2023 2:00 pm

Looking forward to Sarah Ferguson’s 3 part expose of how Chinese interference in Australian elections favours the Labour Party.

March 28, 2023 2:03 pm

You think gang violence in the US would miraculously end if guns were banned.
I don’t think so.
Nor is it going to happen.

Police revealed she was in possession of three weapons, one AR-style rifle, one AR pistol and one handgun with two believed to be obtained legally and locally.

incidentally why aren’t you jumping up and down about the much higher murder rates in countries like El Salvador or South Africa?

March 28, 2023 2:04 pm

March 28, 2023 at 11:47 am
I thought the reporting on Bidens joking about ice creams before switching to being all sombre about the school shooting has to be exaggerated.

It wasnt

Even worse is the press catamites hooting and clapping at the mindworm infested old perverts spiel.

Watched that. Biden is a genuinely bad person, formerly treasonous and completely corrupt, now demented and perverted.

March 28, 2023 2:04 pm

The Chinese Liberal candidate in Chisholm last year lamented that the Chinese had (been directed) to vote Labor.

March 28, 2023 2:09 pm

The common thread is guns, rosie. It is not hard to understand.

Transdick spews bullshit again!. A paragon of consistent crap. The common thread is blacks and gun free zones, particularly schools. The black mass shootings in demorat areas and the occasional muslim terrorist act garner no press at all; while the shootings in white area, mainly schools, get all the press and none of the analysis. John Lott:

Nashville Covenant School Shooting was in yet another gun-free zone

March 28, 2023 2:14 pm

Ethnicity of mass shootings in the US.

White 15.6%; rest mainly black and latino. No breakup for trannies who mainly concentrate on sex crimes.

March 28, 2023 2:23 pm

“… at most fight war with playstation”

You DO know that US DoD made a supercomputer out of Sony Playstations, right?
Several hundred networked together makes for a LOT of compute power when you use the GPUs.
Fell over when Sony decided they would “lock down” being able to run a different OS on Playstations.

Cassie of Sydney
March 28, 2023 2:26 pm

“The Beer whisperersays:
March 28, 2023 at 12:44 pm”


Cassie of Sydney
March 28, 2023 2:30 pm

“1. Lehmann is a leftist whose diatribes against “anti-vaxxers” and in favour of police state “measures” during covid sank any reputation for reasonableness she may have curated up until that point.

2. Why are conservatives always chuffed when a “liberally minded” person acknowledges reality?”

Correct. I’ve heard Lehmann speak a number of times and I have found her to be a fence sitter.

March 28, 2023 2:30 pm

Have to agree.

Not a wise decision.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 28, 2023 2:41 pm

ACTU’s nuclear-free defence policy at odds with government’s AUKUS plan

Foreign Affairs and Defence Correspondent
Updated 2:13PM March 28, 2023, First published at 1:45PM March 28, 2023

The union movement is at odds with Labor over the government’s nuclear submarine plan, with ACTU president Michele O’Neil declaring today that unions backed a “nuclear free defence policy”.

Ms O’Neil said the policy was a longstanding one, and the union movement was seeking more detail from the government on the AUKUS plan so ACTU affiliates could discuss the policy.

“The ACTU has a longstanding policy of opposition to nuclear power, nuclear waste and proliferation,” Ms O’Neil told the National Press Club.
Read Next

“And we also have a longstanding policy position that supports a nuclear free defence policy.

“These are not positions that have been developed in the last weeks or months. They‘re decades long, and our position hasn’t changed.”

Her comments are a blow for the Albanese government, and follow Paul Keating’s condemnation of the plan and isolated concerns expressed by Labor backbenchers and some former Labor MPs.

March 28, 2023 2:41 pm

I can’t get that link to work

March 28, 2023 2:42 pm

It’s more than a monastery, btw; it’s the seat of the primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, who has condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine and last year declared itself ecclesially independent of Moscow.

March 28, 2023 2:42 pm

The ageing men of my town have become insubordinate. They whisper revolt and speak of the freedoms that once were. They will not go gently into that good night. They are making plans, always making plans.
Rebellion foments in their HQ like mould in a geriatric’s sock drawer. It was built as a place to foster camaraderie. No one predicted they would hunker down in there (sans women, natch) to hatch their anarchist schemes.
When I heard they’d planned a regatta I guessed they missed the salt air, the roll of the open sea, duelling with Hardy and Bertram in the wilds of The Pacific beneath taut canvas. Their regatta would be youth momentarily regained, a bracing voyage back into the past. Then I noticed their boats were to be no longer than 60 centimetres. A model boat regatta on the mouth of The Erskine River – old geezers ankle-deep in brine twiddling joysticks the size of cornichons and barking orders at crews no bigger, or realer, than Tinker Bell.
1 of 3 27/03/2023, 4:58 pm

Authorities on high alert as old blokes float their boats
Thankfully, GORCAPA (Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority) got onto them early. Apparently that authority monitors community newsletters and Facebook groups and such, essentially spying on coastal citizens so they can’t just willy-nilly swim, sail or sing without permission. GORCAPA sent an event application to the old sailors with six pages of questions to answer. GORCAPA want a risk assessment done. I understand this. In places the delta of The Erskine River is deep enough to bog a corgi, and quite the deathtrap for dachshunds.
GORCAPA’s event application asks: What is the description/purpose of the event. (sic) What are you trying to achieve? Who is your target audience?
What are you trying to achieve? The question is existential in nature but might be answered simply and truthfully by writing, “I’m trying to beat Bob this year. He’s a canny yachtsman, old Bob. And we’ll all be trying to beat Louis, who sails a foot-long replica of Australia II that doubles as a hat rack when not afloat. It’s galling to be outsailed by a hat rack.”
Another question reads: Have you discusses (sic) your event with any of the following authorities? Dept. of Transport. Vic Police. Ambulance Victoria. DEWLP. Parks Victoria. Marine Safety. Other. “Hello, is that the police? Never mind the meth epidemic. Shut up and listen. I want to discuss short boats at length.”
GORCAPA claims this septuagenarians’ regatta is an “event” for which its permission is required. I know a lawyer who has tried and failed to get a definition of “event” from GORCAPA. If it considers your outing an “event” its permission is required, and you can expect to pay a fee.
2 of 3 27/03/2023, 4:58 pm

Authorities on high alert as old blokes float their boats
The authority is run out of Torquay, a town that has become a type of dude ranch for surfers
and a proving ground for bureaucratic monsters. Many a budding public servant comes into Anyone able to see the dawn of dystopia in a regatta of toys is a gifted bureaucrat, and the
their full mastery of perfectly irrelevant matters in Torquay. Every building there is grey. person running the inquiry into the elderly mariners of Lorne will be shire president before
They walk grey dogs and think grey thoughts and when they defecate it is so grey you’d think too long, I’ve no doubt. But if their idea of lawlessness is puny craft captained by landlocked
they’d shat out their brains. Maybe they have.
boomers wearing garish Crocs while their BPMs redline in the frenzy of a tacking duel the
size of needlepoint, well … mine isn’t. My own idea of dystopia is a country where a couple of friends decide to get together to sail little boats, but the authorities are watching, and demand to know what they’re up to. What are you trying to achieve? “Fun” seems an inadequate, almost embarrassing, response in these times. The authority isn’t handing out any more permits for fun, anyway.
So I don’t know if Lorne’s flock of Captains Sparrow will strap on their eye patches, raise the Jolly Roger, and launch their craft this Easter. A night in the caboose with a dodgy prostate is hard time. We are more likely, those of us with the right kind of vision, to see a ghostly flotilla of wrecked dreams afloat on The Erskine this Resurrection Sunday. Let GORCAPA demand a fee for that.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 28, 2023 2:45 pm

March 28, 2023 at 1:52 pm
The common thread is guns, rosie. It is not hard to understand.

An equally common thread is that all the shooters were alive. It is not hard to understand. Your stupid comment deserves a stupid response.

Perhaps if you were to recognise that certain groups in the US predominate in shooting deaths (both as the cause and as victims), you might be able to see the prime issue. But, like the crimes of communism, that would require you to look at actual data.

Young, black, inner-city men are disproportionally represented in both groups. Swallow your leftard arrogance and recognise reality. It is the first step towards even looking for a solution.

March 28, 2023 2:46 pm

Can someone explain to me why we pay Federal MPs $A208K plus freebies a year for part-time work?
Just received the latest wank-fest, how-good-is-we-to-you, from Fairfield Council and it lists Dai Le, Federal member for Fowler, as a, current, Fairfield councillor …

March 28, 2023 2:47 pm

Her comments are a blow for the Albanese government, and follow Paul Keating’s condemnation of the plan and isolated concerns expressed by Labor backbenchers and some former Labor MPs.

The next ALP national conference is in Brisbane in August.

That gives Elbow less than 20 weeks to turn decades of ACTU policy around.

Ahoy, comrades!

March 28, 2023 2:49 pm

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan sent a letter Monday to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen seeking an explanation for why journalist Matt Taibbi received an unannounced home visit from an IRS agent.

Nothing to see here, move on.

March 28, 2023 2:50 pm

Authorities on high alert as old blokes float their boats…
The authority is run out of Torquay, a town that has become a type of dude ranch for surfers
and a proving ground for bureaucratic monsters. Many a budding public servant comes into Anyone able to see the dawn of dystopia in a regatta of toys is a gifted bureaucrat, and the
their full mastery of perfectly irrelevant matters in Torquay.

What a great piece, ChrisL!

All power to the grey-haired ones!!!! May they generate their own little anarchic group. We may need them one day.

March 28, 2023 2:50 pm

“Perhaps I’m hopelessly wrong.”

Yeah, nah.
“Lots of high-paying jerbs in renew-a-bubbles!”
I wonder who’s paying for those “high paying” jobs? Could it be the embattled consumer?
Surely not!
After all, renew-a-bubbles will give you “cheap, clean energy”, right?
They are going to lower your energy costs by “investing” in renew-a-bubbles, aren’t they?
Of course! Politicians wouldn’t promise you the world and then hand you an atlas, would they?
No siree, no white elephants here! (that’d be racist, you know…)
Lots of cash invested, lots of high paying jobs, AND lower bills AT THE SAME TIME.
See, they are so much more cleverer than you could hope to be, to be able to get all three happening at the same time.
You believe them, don’t you? Certainly those investing are confident of the viability of their investments, and that’s not GovCo, is it?
QED, innit?
What could possibli go wrong, and what on earth makes you think that when a GovCo contrived scheme goes belly up, you’ll have to pay for it?
We’re saving the world from slightly hotter weather in a hundred years – WHY WON’T YOU THINK OF THE CHILDREN?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 28, 2023 2:54 pm

Daily Mail. Neville Chamberlain was unavailable for comment.

Greens senator reveals his one-word solution to how Australia should protect itself – instead of spending $368billion on nuclear subs – during fiery clash with US defence expert

Greens senator stunned top US politician in submarine row
He said defence policy should be diplomacy not military

March 28, 2023 2:55 pm

[Lehrmann] was speaking on the topic of the dissolution of standards of journalism, and could only cite (it seemed to me) social media as the cause.

that’s pretty historically ignorant.. people have been bemoaning the falling standards of journalism and media for a hundred years.

If anything, the standards of mass media and ‘journalism’ set the benchmark for the behaviour of people on social media; the celebration and publication of that which should be private (grief, shame, etc).

March 28, 2023 2:56 pm

March 28, 2023 at 1:52 pm
The common thread is guns, rosie. It is not hard to understand.

the common thread is nutters behind guns. It isn’t hard to understand.

March 28, 2023 3:01 pm

Peter Frampton @peterframpton

I have posted this before but ..

26 years ago, a gunman entered Dunblane Primary School in Scotland, killing 16 kids and a teacher. The UK govt responded by enacting tight gun control legislation. In the 9400+ days since, there have been a total of O school shootings in the UK.

Robert Sewell
March 28, 2023 3:03 pm


The union movement is at odds with Labor over the government’s nuclear submarine plan, with ACTU president Michele O’Neil declaring today that unions backed a “nuclear free defence policy”.

I guess we’ll find out who runs Australia – the ACTU or the Labor Party.
It sure as shit isn’t the common people.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 28, 2023 3:05 pm

March 28, 2023 at 3:01 pm
Peter Frampton @peterframpton

I have posted this before but ..

26 years ago, a gunman entered Dunblane Primary School in Scotland, killing 16 kids and a teacher. The UK govt responded by enacting tight gun control legislation. In the 9400+ days since, there have been a total of O school shootings in the UK.

Serious question, m0nty=fa. How many were there in the 9400+ days before?

March 28, 2023 3:05 pm

Ewan Flyers @EwanFlyers

There were 0 mass shootings at schools in the UK before Dunblane, it took one incident for change to happen

There were 6 mass shootings at schools in the US before Columbine in 1999. There have now been 376 since.

March 28, 2023 3:06 pm

Darren Bunquere @bunquere

Every single school, mall, church and workplace in the UK is a gun-free zone and yet school shootings stopped forever when gun controls were brought on after the Dunblane massacre. Parkland and Columbine had armed guards, they weren’t “gun free”.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 28, 2023 3:07 pm


PS, what is the trend in knife crimes, particularly murders, in those 9400+ days?

March 28, 2023 3:07 pm


Heres the previous years tolls.

So far this year /decade (2020): 0
2010–2019: 0
2000–2009: 0
1990–1999: 1, with 17 deaths
1980–1989: 0
1970–1979: 0
1960–1969: 0
1950–1959: 0
1940–1949: 0, a school was bombed in the Blitz killing 38

One event in over 70 years.
Why no shootings in the 50 previous years?

You fat dickless tool.

March 28, 2023 3:07 pm

pig iron man @pigironman1

Dunblane, Scotland: March 1996. Port Arthur, Australia: April 1996. Both the UK and Australia took measures, and made tighter gun law ownership. America had their chance with the Columbine massacre in 1999. It did nothing except increase gun production.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 28, 2023 3:08 pm


Same question re knife crimes in malls, churches, workplaces.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 28, 2023 3:13 pm

No wonder monty wants to only talk about guns.

He didn’t much like the qwerty terrorist bombing of the ACL either.

Nashville PD releases images of two rifles and handgun used by trans shooter to murder six: Rifle daubed with word ‘HELL’, while pistol had shooter’s new name Aiden (28 Mar)

Nashville police have shared photos of the three weapons used by the trans school shooter who killed six, including three nine-year-old children and three staff members on Monday.

Audrey Hale, 28, is a transgender woman and alumnus of the school who wrote out her plans in a detailed manifesto.

Police shared pictures of three weapons Hale had been carrying when she shot her way into the Covenant Church/School building.

The weapons are believed to be two assault-type rifles and a 9 millimeter pistol. Officials said on Monday that two of the three weapons used in the shooting were bought legally.

She was also carrying a significant amount of ammunition.

One of the rifles was daubed with the word ‘HELL’ while the pistol had the shooter’s new male name, Aiden, inscribed upon it.

Yep a tranny terrorist.

March 28, 2023 3:18 pm

Below from The Oz.
Simple, a union free workplace. Pretty sure the pay is going to be ridiculous.

“The union movement is at odds with Labor over the government’s nuclear submarine plan, with ACTU president Michele O’Neil declaring today that unions backed a “nuclear free defence policy”.

Ms O’Neil said the policy was a longstanding one, and the union movement was seeking more detail from the government on the AUKUS plan so ACTU affiliates could discuss the policy.

“The ACTU has a longstanding policy of opposition to nuclear power, nuclear waste and proliferation,” Ms O’Neil told the National Press Club.

“And we also have a longstanding policy position that supports a nuclear free defence policy.

March 28, 2023 3:19 pm

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan sent a letter Monday to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen seeking an explanation for why journalist Matt Taibbi received an unannounced home visit from an IRS agent.

Out of hundreds of millions of taxpayers, the guy who has been embarrassing the government suddenly gets a tax audit.

As Mark Steyn said, the process is the punishment.

March 28, 2023 3:24 pm

Top Ender


Are you sure you have the traditional spelling right on that one?

March 28, 2023 3:28 pm
March 28, 2023 3:30 pm

Peter Frampton @peterframpton

I have posted this before but ..

26 years ago, a gunman entered Dunblane Primary School in Scotland, killing 16 kids and a teacher. The UK govt responded by enacting tight gun control legislation. In the 9400+ days since, there have been a total of O school shootings in the UK.

Yes, and there were zero in the UK before Dunblane.
And there were zero before the copycat series in Australia started with the Milperra Massacre a misnamed bikie shoot-out the seed event for Australian imitators. Media coverage of Dunblane was pretty obviously the final inspiration for the Port Arthur killer, but he got his guns following previous media advice about ‘loopholes’.

After the 1996 laws were passed and the orgy of media and Government hate for the people who didn’t do it had subsided into the warm glow of the Sydney Olympics, a leftist female senator partnered with ABC to spruik the idea that normal pistol club licensing was a ‘loophole’. For no obvious reason an international student at that time got pistol licenses; it is rumoured that fear of accusations of racism were the reason he was supported by the pistol club as weird people usually are not supported. And at the height of media hysteria about the Washington snipers (themselves retarded black activist copycats inspired by the 9/11 murders) that same international student committed a multiple shooting at Monash University.

Leftists deny responsibility for unintended effects because their intentions are pure; but their actions are seething with hate for their political opponents. They would rather many innocents die than accidentally let a Kulak have his life.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 28, 2023 3:32 pm

Stolen elections have consequences.

Brazilian Gov’t eyes declaring ‘permanent climate emergency’ for over 1,000 cities (27 Mar)

Brazil’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change Marina Silva Sunday admitted that President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva’s administration was considering the possibility of declaring a state of climate emergency in 1,038 municipalities mapped as most vulnerable, Agencia Brasil reported.

Couldn’t be about all those protesters after the election was stolen…could it? The Left really does like emergency powers doesn’t it. And if there isn’t an emergency they’re rather good at manufacturing one.

Coming to a place very near you just after the lights go out.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 28, 2023 3:33 pm

I am a man. Simple. I do not consider myself as one (which makes it sound like it is an opinion) or see myself as one – there is no intermediary act that reveals man-ness to me. I am a man. That is how normal people speak.

I was born a woman (‘another little split arse’ said my nanna, who delivered me at home, where my father was desperate for a son) and I grew up as a girl, a young adult human female, who became a woman, an adult human female. I particularly ‘became a woman’ when I had my first menstruation aged nearly 13. All real women go through this biological rite of passage, a little more intense than a young boy’s growing penis awareness I suspect.

As a woman I had mostly socially sanctioned sexual intercourse with males and gave birth to four live children (not all at once!). This also reaffirmed that I was a woman, as did continual menstruation until menopause, which also reaffirmed that part of my life as a woman was ‘changing’; a time of reflection and renewal as a woman looking back and looking forward.

I am a woman. It is a lived biological experience to be a woman.
No man can do it. Ever.

Menstruation is our definitive signal that we are women. Our receptive genitals flag our reproductive purpose. Childbirth ‘fleshes’ it out. Breastfeeding reinforces it. Trannie tinkering can only imitate it.

Menstruation is our first definitive signal that we are women. So sad that many young girls today are resistant to welcoming with pride all that follows on from that, and are impressed to ‘trans’ to men.

Robert Sewell
March 28, 2023 3:33 pm

From the Gateway Pundit:
All this stuff is probably more than the Australian army has in its inventory.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 28, 2023 3:36 pm

“The ACTU has a longstanding policy of opposition to nuclear power, nuclear waste and proliferation,” Ms O’Neil told the National Press Club.

“And we also have a longstanding policy position that supports a nuclear free defence policy.

In which electorate was the ACTU elected?

Robert Sewell
March 28, 2023 3:39 pm

From the Gateway Pundit:

The left-wing utopia of Portland is an increasingly violent place and facing a growing homeless crisis. Local officials do not seem terribly interested in finding solutions or protecting citizens.
Failed Portland Democrat Mayor Ted Wheeler appeared to laugh and scoff at a woman during a virtual city council meeting when she raised concerns about the homeless crisis in the city and the safety of Portland’s citizens.
An 82-year-old died after he was brutally beaten in an unprovoked attack at a Portland bus stop.

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 28, 2023 3:41 pm

What’s with M?0ri, Arky?

Apparently you also can’t put Maori words in the dictionary, cos white power etc.

Just saw a sign asking supermarket customers to return their “trundler” to the correct place in the car park.

March 28, 2023 3:42 pm

March 28, 2023 at 2:42 pm

Many thanks for an enjoyable read chrisl. May the greys sail on – and raise middle digits.

March 28, 2023 3:43 pm

March 28, 2023 at 3:01 pm
Peter Frampton @peterframpton

I have posted this before but ..

26 years ago, a gunman entered Dunblane Primary School in Scotland, killing 16 kids and a teacher. The UK govt responded by enacting tight gun control legislation. In the 9400+ days since, there have been a total of O school shootings in the UK.

given there are only two recorded school shootings in the UK since the mid 1800’s, that statement is statistically meaningless.

March 28, 2023 3:44 pm

I say again: it is more important to activists and their journalist partners to take from the innocent who are their political opponents, than to achieve the supposed violence prevention aims of their gun control legislation.
It is a product of their thinking pattern; construct a way of perceiving themselves as ‘the just and the good’ and those who disagree as evil.
Then any action is justified purely because their side want it. If it includes injustice against political opponents but no real benefit, too bad they deserved it.
The innocent deserved it.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 28, 2023 3:45 pm


But re-posting it here made m0nty=fa feel that he is contributing to national salvation.

March 28, 2023 3:46 pm

So, let me get this right… killing kids outside of the womb not ok. Inside the womb = you’re awesome?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 28, 2023 3:47 pm

More in peace-loving tranny news.

Now trans activists burn Harry Potter books: JK Rowling ridicules Australian campaigner over video showing copy of the ‘Goblet of Fire’ being torched – as Brit women’s right’s protester Kellie Jay-Keen leaves Down Under after violent clashes (27 Mar, via Instapundit)

JK Rowling has ridiculed a trans rights activist who posted video of a Harry Potter book being burned, mocking the firestarter’s copyright mark as ‘Just in case people try and submit to the Academy Awards without your approval’.

The disturbing footage from Tess Hall was put on a public Twitter feed and showed a fire pit before the novel was added in.

It came in the wake of violent scenes as women’s rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen -also known by campaign name Posie Parker – was attacked in New Zealand.

Ok I grasp that the Harry Potter books aren’t at the rarefied heights of literature, but burning them in a protest seems to me to be very Nazi.

March 28, 2023 3:52 pm

” There’s a story there, an interesting story, …”

Yes Cassie, but it doesn’t “make a difference to the world”, it doesn’t “tell a story” – it only tells THE story, not A story, not the story they WANT to tell.
They need a narrative, and the left is the only side they trust to provide one – this they have learned in their journalism degree course.

Plus, from the editorial point of view, if they “make a mistake”, then the original story is click-bait for the left, while the retraction is click-bait for the right. They make money on both the original (wrong) story AND the “correction” – it’s a no-brainer.

So you are screwed by the journalists training and by their editors financial requirements.

Not sure it is fixable at this point… unless James O’Keefe’s new start-up really takes off and someone tries it here. Maybe that will happen, but I wouldn’t hold my breath for it.

March 28, 2023 4:02 pm

“Nobody identifies as Frank ‘N’ Furter any more.”

No more sweet transvestites from transsexual Transilvania?
It’s discrimination, I tells ya – pure and simple.
Bastards – how dare they? HOW DARE THEY?
I’m crushed – utterly crushed.
Damn it, Jannet, this is unacceptable!

March 28, 2023 4:02 pm

March 28, 2023 at 3:01 pm
Peter Frampton @peterframpton

I have posted this before but ..

26 years ago, a gunman entered Dunblane Primary School in Scotland, killing 16 kids and a teacher. The UK govt responded by enacting tight gun control legislation. In the 9400+ days since, there have been a total of O school shootings in the UK.

Frampton is a transdick too. Gun crime did decrease after Dunblane (which would not have happened if there had been a guard at the school). But there were no weapons since England did not have a large black market of guns so when the legal guns were mopped up the muslims and other crims had to resort to knifes and acid.

A more relevant stat is what happened in NSW after Port Arthur and little Johnnie’s confiscation of legal weapons. Legal gun ownership greatly increased and gun crime greatly went down.

March 28, 2023 4:04 pm

Why am I to believe Democrats such as Joey Biden and other leftists about gun control when Holder was running the Fast n’ Furious scam?

It would be like listening to Mitch McConnell or George W Bush talk about drug prohibition after the Air America and MK Ultra scandals.

March 28, 2023 4:08 pm

“Can Mr. Burns define the end point of reconciliation?

Just so we all know when it’s achieved.”


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 28, 2023 4:11 pm

Along with a few bits re Antifa I put this up at the end of this old thread this morning re someoen’s comment re Sat’dy nite. Always forget that the thread renews on Tuesdays. This is worth a look, so here it is again.

TV screenshots from Saturday night, contrasting the stark difference in ethnic makeup between supporters of the Greens & of One Nation.

It’s Earth Hour every night on the Korean peninsula.

On the Northern half of it, that is.

March 28, 2023 4:17 pm

Audrey Hale, 28, is a transgender woman and alumnus of the school who wrote out her plans in a detailed manifesto.

Wait, what?
If it’s a cock in a frock, it’s called a transgender woman. Why then, isn’t a chick with no dick called a transgender man?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 28, 2023 4:18 pm

Daily Mail.

Afghan man was ‘shot three times’ while ‘lying on his back with his hands raised’: Details emerge of war crime allegations against SAS trooper – as he’s released on bail due to fears of Muslim extremists in prison

SAS soldier charged with murdering Afghan
Oliver Schulz, 41, granted $200,000 bail
Fears held for Schulz’s personal safety

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 28, 2023 4:23 pm

Another trip around the sun. Cause for a beer or 20 and dinner.

March 28, 2023 4:25 pm

Afghan man was ‘shot three times’ while ‘lying on his back with his hands raised’

Did he try to move from there or challenge his captors? Where is the evidence?* Almost a decade to get one committal hearing and hounding this guy for two years? Will it be like the Canadian (?) cuck who “heard but didn’t see” an “execution? Or an unnamed Afghani who may be Taliban but cannot give evidence in Australia?

What a shitshow.

*Horrible situation, how does an ordinary cop let alone a civilian prove their innocence in similar circumstances?

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 28, 2023 4:30 pm

May have been posted here but Shannon Deery has an article from yesterday:

On Saturday new Opposition leader John Pesutto was depicted in the media as a sheriff who’d ridden in to clean up Liberal town.

That he was laying down the law in his quest to set the party straight has been his message since he began his bid to expel Moira Deeming.

On Monday, the sheriff may well have signed his own death warrant.

In singling out Deeming for expulsion, Pesutto fired his only bullet and ended up shooting himself in the foot.

Whether the wound is mortal is yet to be seen.

Second chances are rare in politics. They’re rarer in the Liberal Party.

It doesn’t take much to ignite the fuse to set off the ongoing internal factional warfare that relentlessly plagues the party.

Pesutto only won December’s leadership ballot by a single vote. He may have galvanised his support base in the almost four months since.

Furthermore, he’s widely acknowledged as having done an admirable job since taking the reins of the party.

Yet minutes after news leaked that the vote to expel Deeming had been abandoned, even some of his most fervent allies were questioning his future.

The damage done to Pesutto’s authority, and questions around his political judgment, will now plague him for as long as he remains leader.

He’s gone from a man of impeccable and strident conviction, to someone believed to be pliable to change based purely on political outcome.

Those who opposed him as leader will now be emboldened by this misstep.

Let’s not forget, for a week since announcing he would move to expel Deeming, Pesutto remained resolute.

Her attendance at a Let Women Speak rally on the steps of parliament had exposed links to far-Right extremists, and she had no place in his party, he said.

“There wasn’t really any alternative but to do this, the reason being any question of an association, even indirectly, with Nazis, white supremacists, eco-fascists or whatever else is so odious in 2023 – as it should be – that I can’t see a way back,” he said.

“Under my leadership, we will never have anything to do with it, and more to the point, we will oppose it wherever we see it.”

On Saturday, after a week of opposition to the move Pesutto doubled down.

“The scenes on the steps of parliament last Saturday were an affront to the values we hold dear as Victorians,” he said.

“Nazis have no place in our community and those who share platforms with or associate with extremist groups, including neo-Nazi activists, have no place in the Liberal Party.

“This is not about freedom of speech. There is a range of sensible views that must be heard in relation to issues, including women’s rights.

“But with all rights come responsibilities. We must draw a line at hate speech, discrimination and violence. Freedom of speech should never include hate speech.

“That’s why I’ve acted.”

He fended off pleas from Deeming herself, federal intervention and calls from colleagues to shift his stance.

But at the end of the day, Pesutto couldn’t get enough of his colleagues on board to back a motion to expel Deeming.

Quite simply, they didn’t back their leader.

Most believed that the looming punishment did not fit the crime, and questioned whether the case against Deeming warranted such a serious sanction.

Pesutto insisted the move was about the future of the party and his plans to show it can embrace diversity.

He wants to steer well clear of fringe culture wars in the hope he can broaden the appeal to mainstream Victoria.

That’s all well and good.

But it fails to recognise that a large part of the party are not convinced that’s the right direction for electoral success.

When Pesutto walked into the party room on Monday morning, he was already doubtful he had the numbers to win an expulsion motion.

During a marathon two-hour meeting, it became clear to him that he would lose.

Such a result would have made his position as leader untenable.

That he could spin that into a compromise, and emerge selling the move as a win for the party and his leadership is admirable.

But it doesn’t truly reflect the position of the party.

It is a party that doesn’t know in which direction it’s headed, its leader being pulled in opposing directions.

Over the past week it has focused solely on itself, arguing over whether or not to expel one of its own.

Meanwhile Daniel Andrews spruiked cheaper V/Line fares, opened a level crossing removal and launched another round of its $250 power saving bonus.

It’s reinforced the view that the Liberal Party is a broken, feuding rabble that has again shown it’s not yet close to being a viable alternative government.

For too many so used to electoral defeat, success has become about internal victories, not forming government.

Winning culture wars is now more important than winning elections.

With the exception of Deeming, there are probably no winners in this.

In the end Pesutto found his hill to die on, but instead he rolled back down it.

March 28, 2023 4:34 pm

A more relevant stat is what happened in NSW after Port Arthur and little Johnnie’s confiscation of legal weapons. Legal gun ownership greatly increased and gun crime greatly went down.

Only a blithering idiot would conclude that. Try looking at the figures more closely, cohenite.

New University of Sydney figures on gun ownership in Australia:

-Australian civilians now own more than 3.5 million registered firearms, an average of four for each licensed gun owner.
– The proportion of Australians who hold a gun licence has fallen by 48 percent since 1997.
– The proportion of Australian households with a firearm has fallen by 75 percent in recent decades.
– Data indicates that people who already own guns have bought more rather than an increase in new gun owners.

A few more guns, a lot less owners. How does that compute to lower crime, you nincompoop?

The truth is that the historical drop in gun crime happened directly after the NFA, bottoming out ten years later and largely being static since then. That distinctive graph correlates directly with Howard’s buyback and destruction of 650,000 firearms coming into effect, not the boringly steady rise in gun ownership since.

March 28, 2023 4:34 pm

Police say the 28-year-old suspected of killing six people at a Christian school Monday actually had another location chosen but decided to forego it because it had a higher level of security.

Breitbart has the story.

Opinions munty?

March 28, 2023 4:34 pm


The police aren’t there to protect you, that’s not how America works now”

The police haven’t been there for the people for a very long time. They’re there to protect the crooks from mob justice, if it wasn’t for the police what would happen to thieves, rapists, murderers etc?
Mob Justice, the problem is that mob justice is indiscriminate, often gets it wrong and innocent people suffer or the guilty pay a much higher price for their crimes than the crime warranted.

Now it’s all about the crooks, the trial, the punishment (rehabilitation?) everything, the victims are merely the framework upon which the police and courts hang their shingles.

March 28, 2023 4:35 pm

Kesgrave schoolboy shooting: Teenager detained for attempted murder

Jacob Talbot-Lummis, 16, wounded his victim, who was aged 15 at the time, as he was leaving home for school in Kesgrave, Suffolk, on 7 September 2020.

Of course being on the way to school doesn’t count when an agenda bubble is at risk of being popped. That “tight gun control legislation” some are bragging about must only apply to school grounds because that evil gun recognized the loophole and hunted him down elsewhere.

March 28, 2023 4:42 pm

muntsac posted this upthread;

“26 years ago, a gunman entered
Dunblane Primary School in Scotland,
killing 16 kids and a teacher. The UK
govt responded by enacting tight gun
control legislation. In the 9400+ days
since, there have been a total of O
school shootings in the UK.

Shifty twat did not post the rest of the article.

“Frampton did not mention that a surge in attacks with bladed weapons, like knives, followed the adoption of restrictive gun controls in the UK.

For example, on January 11, 2023, the UK Parliament’s House of Commons Library published information showing “In the year ending March 2022, there were around 45,000 (selected) offenses involving a knife or sharp instrument in England and Wales (excluding Greater Manchester Police Force). This was 9% higher than in 2020/21 and 34% higher than in 2010/11.”

The House of Commons Library also noted “In the year ending March 2022 there were 261 homicides (currently recorded) using a sharp instrument, including knives and broken bottles.”
On February 9, 2023, the Press Association pointed out that “the number of people killed with a knife in England and Wales in 2021/22 was the highest on record for 76 years.”

Par for the course chubby.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 28, 2023 4:43 pm

Phuck off monty. You have nothing of substance to contribute to humanity. You love cocks in frocks harassing women whom you ideologically oppose.
You love men running down conservative teenagers in cars. And having conservative women shot at.
You defend the pedophilic theses of Yoel Roth.
And you love babies being murdered at the whims of ‘choice’.
Just go, and go now.

March 28, 2023 4:43 pm

Another factor in chewing on electoral stats is the non-enrolment rate.

1.7% in NSW.

Okay, now add in blank and informal votes for the LC.


Green/LNP/ALP LC primary vote: 70.09 out of all valid votes cast.

Split among four parties, the Opposition, Government and Government cross bench partners, this is what the ACTUAL mandate is, as a % of voters.


It’s less than 2/3.

It’s less than 60% of us. Across four parties that form two coalitions! It is FIFTY something per cent!

March 28, 2023 4:44 pm

For Black Ball.

Sorry, I polished off the Moet last night. True story.

March 28, 2023 4:49 pm

The truth is that the historical drop in gun crime happened directly after the NFA, bottoming out ten years later and largely being static since then.

It was happening since the 1970s and the 1940s and 1950s were very non violent in Australia considering the sheer volume of firearm ownership that was unregulated or turned a blind eye to.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 28, 2023 4:52 pm

Letter today from Chetna Mahadik of the IPA, on the sorry state of Australian education.

I spent a year of my life in London. I remember quite distinctly the first time I found myself feeling sorry for the British people. I was travelling in a London tube (the city’s metro) scanning through The Evening Standard newspaper when I came across yet another article hectoring the English about a harmless national tradition by finding some meandering connection to colonisation.

I remember wondering how it must shrink the spirit of a people to never be allowed to take pride in their history, culture, and identity. Growing up in India, I never had to worry about that. My schools, teachers, and community had no qualms instilling the idea in me that – despite our current problems and historical misdeeds – we were essentially a good country. To grow up without such certainty in your own essential goodness must be so destructive to the soul.

Sadly, as the latest IPA research report, De-educating Australia: How the National Curriculum is Failing Australian Children, reveals the National Curriculum is determined to teach Australian children that they shouldn’t take any unadulterated pride or joy in modern Australia’s history or achievements.

The report is authored by Dr Bella d’Abrera, Director of the IPA’s Foundations of Western Civilisation Program, and Colleen Harkin, National Manager of the IPA’s Class Action program.

Bella and Colleen have carefully examined the version 9 of the National Curriculum, which was rolled out this year by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), and they show how year upon year and subject upon subject, the same message is drilled into our children – Australia’s history is one continuous tale of dispossession, oppression, and genocide of Indigenous Australians, and our material prosperity is based on the abuse of the environment.

This relentless indoctrination is achieved through the cross-curriculum priorities of ‘Sustainability’ (which is really a distorted version of the climate change narrative) and ‘Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures’, which require that these issues are embedded in the teaching of all other subjects, be it physical education, history, science, or maths.

So it is that young Prep children find themselves rapping about sustainability before they have even learnt the alphabet.

To further sap their confidence, our children are taught to put their faith in the vague idea of global citizenship as against a clear and concise national citizenship. The problem is that while national citizenship holds within itself both rights and responsibilities, global citizenship asks our children to take on the responsibility for all of humanity without offering any meaningful rights in return.

In the report’s conclusion, Bella and Colleen capture the essence of the new National Curriculum:

They [ACARA] have created a curriculum that will elicit feelings of guilt about the past, anger about the present, and sheer terror about the future.
So can we save Western Civilisation?
I am so happy to follow up my introduction with just the perfect antidote to the doom and gloom promoted by the National Curriculum. Smart people around the world and from many different backgrounds are speaking up against this indoctrination of children in the English-speaking world.

Last Thursday, IPA Senior Fellow John Roskam spoke to one such unlikely defender of the heritage of Western culture, Marie Kawthar Daouda, a lecturer at the Oriel College at Oxford University, for IPA Encounters. In the hour-long conversation, Marie, a woman of African descent who grew up in Morocco, mounted an eloquent and powerful defence of the intellectual heritage of Western Civilisation – Chaucer, Shakespeare and Homer should be studied and understood because they are powerful works of art which help us understand the human condition. They have as much to offer to children growing up in Morocco, as they have to young children growing up in the UK, US, and Australia.

As a woman of Indian heritage who nevertheless defends Western Civilisation, the conversation helped me understand better why I do what I do. Speaking up for Shakespeare doesn’t mean denigrating the Ramayana (an ancient Indian text Indians take pride in). They are all gifts to humanity and should be cherished.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 28, 2023 4:53 pm

Sorry, I polished off the Moet last night. True story.

Very unthougtful calli lol. I will have to make do with a call to the local beer dispensing premises ?

March 28, 2023 4:53 pm

Thanks Pogria. It looks like she opted for the place she knew which also happened to have low security.

A real hero. Tell me again who the true victims are.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 28, 2023 4:53 pm

Her attendance at a Let Women Speak rally on the steps of parliament had exposed links to far-Right extremists, and she had no place in his party, he said.

Did he actually watch the footage? Or just a few photographs the MSM had chosen for effect.

Did he see the women at the rally greet, acknowledge, or cordially interact with the quasi-Nazis?

And someone get him some photos of legit neo-Nazis and let him compare.


March 28, 2023 4:54 pm

Also, if the creature was “transitioning” F to M, was she on a raft of male hormones? And who the hell prescribed them?

March 28, 2023 5:00 pm

Security videos of the Nashville shooter

Note the official Nashville Police account ‘dead-naming’ the hell out her.

“Active shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale”

March 28, 2023 5:05 pm

That was very hard to watch, Zatara. The evil cos-playing cow.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 28, 2023 5:05 pm

“Frampton did not mention that a surge in attacks with bladed weapons, like knives, followed the adoption of restrictive gun controls in the UK.

For example, on January 11, 2023, the UK Parliament’s House of Commons Library published information showing “In the year ending March 2022, there were around 45,000 (selected) offenses involving a knife or sharp instrument in England and Wales (excluding Greater Manchester Police Force). This was 9% higher than in 2020/21 and 34% higher than in 2010/11.”

The House of Commons Library also noted “In the year ending March 2022 there were 261 homicides (currently recorded) using a sharp instrument, including knives and broken bottles.”

So, in the true spirit of leftard dishonesty, m0nty=fa quietly left out the bit about a huge increase in knife crime after Dunblane, in a vain attempt to strengthen a pathetically weak argument.

He is too historically ignorant to comprehend that murderers will find a weapon. If a gun is not available, they will choose a knife, or poison, or a rope. He cannot even consider the possibility that focusing on known target groups could help, because at least some of the potential groups are leftard “pets” (the mentally ill, particular ethnicities or religious groups, other leftards).

Weaker than the proverbial, dishonest as the day is long, ignorant. And they are his good points.

March 28, 2023 5:08 pm

M0nty taunted us yesterday about witch burning on account of our bigotty bigotedness.

Strangely prophetic, but not in the way he imagined.

Well, there’s one witch that got burned. Thank you Nashville police.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 28, 2023 5:08 pm

Re Bendigo at Easter, Mater has texted me that he has to go interstate on urgent family business so won’t be organising any meet up of Cats there. Sad, but as I told him, family comes first.

If any local Cat or Kitteh there is wanting to meet up sometime on Easter Saturday (only non-Opera day for us) best to get in touch with me, getting email from Dover. We can meet somewhere in town Sat arvo or evening. Otherwise Hairy and I will hit the Bendigo High Life, just the two of us.

I’ll take a book. 🙂

March 28, 2023 5:08 pm

Such an over-arching policy (to seek what works best and to measure what we are doing to make sure it does as we intend!) would see us asymptotically approach the “ideal” set of rules, even as technology and societal values change.

Or we could do it the more usual but less scientific way.
1. Have a vision of the way things ought to be.
2. Recruit lots of credulous idiots.
3. Infiltrate the organisations, educational systems, political parties.
4. Threaten those who won’t join you with mob violence and cancelling.
5. Condemn rationality, logic and appeal to facts as evil. White supremacy is useful here, as is refusing to teach truthful history.

The above works much better than your system. Yours only works for the intelligent and genuinely educated. Hardly anybody.


Cassie of Sydney
March 28, 2023 5:09 pm

“Second chances are rare in politics. They’re rarer in the Liberal Party.”

I really think the Victorian Liberal Party should give “second chances” a miss. They gave Matthew Guy a second chance. That worked out well, didn’t it!

Someone should tell Pussotto….”In the name of God, go”. It’s over.

March 28, 2023 5:14 pm

looks as though he/she/ze had been channelling Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris.

Thank God it was stopped before it became worse.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 28, 2023 5:16 pm

A comment there from a Republican senator speculating on whether the ‘trans’ woman who wished to be called Aiden was under drugs and/or had a large amount of circulating testosterone artificially in her body.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 28, 2023 5:19 pm

As Calli says, a chilling video of this demented person’s arrival, entry, and confident prowling for victims as she shot her way unhindered into a primary school building, apparently selected over other targets because it wasn’t security protected.

March 28, 2023 5:21 pm

Boambee John,
with your comment regarding if someone wants to kill, they will find a weapon, any weapon. Iirc, in the nineties in NZ, a particularly nasty piece of sh*t killed seven members of his family, including three children I think it was, with a softball bat.
Where there’s a will…

March 28, 2023 5:24 pm
March 28, 2023 5:26 pm

Dot says:
March 28, 2023 at 4:43 pm

Another factor in chewing on electoral stats is the non-enrolment rate.

1.7% in NSW.

Okay, now add in blank and informal votes for the LC.


Green/LNP/ALP LC primary vote: 70.09 out of all valid votes cast.

Split among four parties, the Opposition, Government and Government cross bench partners, this is what the ACTUAL mandate is, as a % of voters.


It’s less than 2/3.

It’s less than 60% of us. Across four parties that form two coalitions! It is FIFTY something per cent!

It would be interesting to see what level of support the four main parties get in addition to other parties due to compulsory voting. Does anyone have a figure? I think Federally it would have more of an effect because of compulsory preferences.

March 28, 2023 5:29 pm

Top men, swarming from all over to feast on Australian government-backed, low-risk high-return investment opportunities.

Oddly, nobody in the media seems to have picked up on all this.
Perhaps I’m hopelessly wrong.

This is from this morning about Origin being taken over by Brookfield. I am now convinced that everyone in our media is a complete ignoramus. If it’s not on Twitter or TikTok they don’t know about it. They wouldn’t even know where to look for info or whom to ask. There are no specialists on anything in the media as they have all retired or died.

March 28, 2023 5:30 pm

muntsac holidays in New York.

The 65 year old Baby Daniel wasn’t a loony, not even deeply confused. Just a transexual of a rare subspecies. Ask m0nty.

March 28, 2023 5:30 pm

OldOzzie says:
March 28, 2023 at 9:30 am
Nordic nation’s military bans use of TikTok – media

Sweden’s Defense Ministry has reportedly barred employees from using the Chinese-owned app on their work phones

For all their loopiness Swedes have a far better government that we do.

March 28, 2023 5:34 pm

Had the ABCcess on while looking for a water leak onsite.
Yankee Kow talking about a “vibrant indian slum the size on Central park”, quite apart from comparing it to somewhere 99% of Australians have no idea the size of my ears pricked as to why a slum was being given a tongue bath by the presentrix.

A couple of minutes in and it became clear – the beautiful, multicultural, vibrant, etc etc slum had been slated by the Indian government for redevelopment by…



You have to hand it to them, their obsessions with attacking what they see as class/enviro enemies is unbounded.
The number of other stories about slum redevelopments in the last year or so? Im guessing zero.

RABZ the lot of them.
Salt the earth.
Sell the employees for spare parts in Pyongyang.

March 28, 2023 5:38 pm

Cassie of Sydney says:
March 28, 2023 at 5:09 pm

“Second chances are rare in politics. They’re rarer in the Liberal Party.”

I really think the Victorian Liberal Party should give “second chances” a miss. They gave Matthew Guy a second chance. That worked out well, didn’t it!

I don’t think they gave Guy a second chance because they thought he was any good. What passes for a talent pool in the Vic SFL is extremely shallow. Guy’s predecessor was my local member, Michal O’Brien. A man of such underwheming presence and charisma bypass as to be practically invisible. The rest of them are just as bad if not worse. I agree that Pesutto is a dead man walking and needs to go but finding an alternative among that rabble will be very difficult. Leading the Vic SFLs is a malignantly poisoned chalice. The whole party needs a clean out.

The reason why we are stuck with Andrews here is entirely due to the hopelessness and ineptitude of the SFLs. If there was a hint of a competent opposition he would never have got this far.

March 28, 2023 5:38 pm

A few more guns, a lot less owners. How does that compute to lower crime, you nincompoop?

230,000 more weapons; 37,000 more licences; and less gun crime. Read a graph transdick. And Sydeney uni; that’s funny. And thanks for the compliment. Now get the milko’s kiddies off to bed.

March 28, 2023 5:40 pm

On Saturday new Opposition leader John Pesutto was depicted in the media as a sheriff who’d ridden in to clean up Liberal town.

Pesutto jumped at the first media lure and was caught hook, line and sinker. He deserves to be gutted and pan fried. Ms. Deeming on the other hand acted with decorum and nous. Perhaps they should trade places. Come to think of it I can see her doing a far better job of leading the Vic Libs than the last few suits.


March 28, 2023 5:40 pm

Is “Bit Boy Crypto”, BEN Armstrong, related to MARTIN A Armstrong???

March 28, 2023 5:45 pm

Monty dancing la cucaracha on his phantom dick, in golf shoes again?
When will he learn to actually use something other than Reddit facts for his pronouncements.

March 28, 2023 5:50 pm

Frampton did not mention that a surge in attacks with bladed weapons, like knives, followed the adoption of restrictive gun controls in the UK.

Assuming a person with murderous intent – such people can not be legislated or nudged out of existence – would you rather have that person wielding a switchblade or an AR-15? Which do you think has potential for more deaths?

The fact that knives are less deadly than automatic weapons is completely incontrovertible, yet your feeble brains fail to register it.

March 28, 2023 5:54 pm

The only thing that would get me to leave this place if you lot become boring. There still remain some people with a functioning brain worth having a quiet stoush with on here, but an increasing number of you are painfully uneducated and/or senile.

A small collection of my Billy Bass singing fish is somewhat amusing. A whole room full of them would get real old real quick.

March 28, 2023 5:58 pm

The fact that knives are less deadly than automatic weapons is completely incontrovertible, yet your feeble brains fail to register it.

Consistent with your life view we hope you are never shot but only stabbed.

Retards like you can never understand it’s not about the assailant but the law abiding citizen having the right to self-defend with a gun. You can never eradicate illegal weapons which will always be used by crooks, trannies and other loons and terrorists. The issue is should law abiding citizens have a right to have have equal firepower to these groups. The answer of course is NO; because these groups are designated victims by transdick leftoids like yourself and normal citizens have no rights by comparison.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 28, 2023 5:59 pm

The Dunning -Kruger is strong with this one.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 28, 2023 5:59 pm

Not you Cohenite. 😀

March 28, 2023 6:00 pm

The fact that knives are less deadly than automatic weapons is completely incontrovertible, yet your feeble brains fail to register it.

Not on September 11, 2001.

March 28, 2023 6:00 pm

The only thing that would get me to leave this place if you lot become boring. There still remain some people with a functioning brain worth having a quiet stoush with on here, but an increasing number of you are painfully uneducated and/or senile.

A small collection of my Billy Bass singing fish is somewhat amusing. A whole room full of them would get real old real quick.

Oh noes! I am so saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. LOL!

March 28, 2023 6:00 pm

painfully uneducated

The gall. The f^%$ing gall.

March 28, 2023 6:00 pm

Monty tries to switch from “there are less gun holders in Australia since Howards confiscations” to “well a gun is worse than a knife” to slither away from his dicklessness.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 28, 2023 6:01 pm

March 28, 2023 at 5:50 pm
Frampton did not mention that a surge in attacks with bladed weapons, like knives, followed the adoption of restrictive gun controls in the UK.

Assuming a person with murderous intent – such people can not be legislated or nudged out of existence – would you rather have that person wielding a switchblade or an AR-15? Which do you think has potential for more deaths?

The fact that knives are less deadly than automatic weapons is completely incontrovertible, yet your feeble brains fail to register it.

And yet, while gun deaths in the UK had never been high, knife attacks soared after Dunblane. Dare to consider the thought that something else is in play, much as it might challenge your preconceptions.

March 28, 2023 6:02 pm

I’m more than happy to bore you to tears m0nty. I can add it to my already impressive list of superpowers.

March 28, 2023 6:03 pm

You can never eradicate illegal weapons which will always be used by crooks, trannies and other loons and terrorists. The issue is should law abiding citizens have a right to have have equal firepower to these groups.

No. The issue is too many guns, and access being too easy.

I realise the US borders Mexico so it’s a harder situation than Australia and Britain which are islands. Giving up is not working, and has not worked for decades. The results speak for themselves, even if you don’t want to listen.

March 28, 2023 6:06 pm

One thing for sure you couldn’t drown in the SFL talent pool anywhere. The Liars are are full of munties. I reckon 20 Cats and Kittahs could run this place. Mutley and Nut Case need not apply. If I have anything to do with it we will have a complete separation of powers between the government and judiciary. All the the judges and lawyers can argue over Tassie. If they don’t like that, Heard Island is next. Any politician receives the average wage. I’d do it for free. Not that I particularly want to.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 28, 2023 6:08 pm

March 28, 2023 at 6:00 pm
painfully uneducated

The gall. The f^%$ing gall.

Steady on Dot. We are being spoken to by someone who failed Economics 1, had a nervous breakdown as a result, eventually got a “degree” in leftard stenography, sorry, J’ism, and now runs a fantasy football site. Alongside this intellectual giant, we are as but worms under his shoes.

So m0nty=fa will understand, that’s sarcasm. He is actually a moron, and needs to have these things explained.

March 28, 2023 6:08 pm

The Nashville shooter is a “she”as far as the media are concerned. It’s almost as if they have never heard of transgender. This is a concerted effort to keep the transgender aspect hidden. I wonder why?

Do they realise that they are committing that most egregious of woke sins, misgendering the killer?

March 28, 2023 6:09 pm

Does the media’s misgendering of the Nashville killer mean that everyone is allowed to do that now?

March 28, 2023 6:09 pm

Yep a tranny terrorist.

Clearly god has a sardonic sense of humour and even he thinks monty is a pest.

March 28, 2023 6:09 pm

The results speak for themselves, even if you don’t want to listen.

Sure do. Since Port Arthur more legal guns and owners and less gun crime.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 28, 2023 6:10 pm


No. The issue is too many guns, and access being too easy.

So, are you even a little bit concerned about the soaring rate of knife crime? Or is that all too hard for you?

March 28, 2023 6:12 pm

The results speak for themselves, even if you don’t want to listen.

We did listen dickless- you lied about the numbers of gun license holders in Australia.

So you have form as a liar.

March 28, 2023 6:12 pm

I realise the US borders Mexico so it’s a harder situation than Australia and Britain which are islands.

For 1 Zimbabwean Dollar, name the United States Attorney General who facilitated illegal firearms importation into America.

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 28, 2023 6:13 pm

The NT government has announced new restrictions on bail for violent offenders just over a week after a 20-year-old bottle shop worker was stabbed to death in Darwin.

Chief Minister Natasha Fyles said the proposed amendments, which are expected to be debated in parliament as early as Wednesday, would legislate a presumption against bail for violent offences involving a weapon.

There will also be a presumption against bail for co-offenders who participate in violent offences involving a weapon, even if they do not possess the weapon themselves.

NT News

Delta A
Delta A
March 28, 2023 6:14 pm

Otherwise Hairy and I will hit the Bendigo High Life, just the two of us.

I’ll take a book.

I love Bendigo.

During our 10 years travelling, we visited Bendigo about four times, staying up to a fortnight each time. So much to see, starting with my favourite, the Chinese museum, gardens and temple. And the Easter Festival, when Dai Gum Loong (a 125 m Imperial Dragon) will weave his way along the Gala Parade, enabled by up to 150 operators.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 28, 2023 6:14 pm

The only thing that would get me to leave this place if you lot become boring.

The arseholery in this statement is boundless.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 28, 2023 6:15 pm

but an increasing number of you are painfully uneducated and/or senile.

Does anyone else see the irony here?

March 28, 2023 6:16 pm

mem says:
March 28, 2023 at 5:40 pm
On Saturday new Opposition leader John Pesutto was depicted in the media as a sheriff who’d ridden in to clean up Liberal town.
Pesutto jumped at the first media lure and was caught hook, line and sinker. He deserves to be gutted and pan fried. Ms. Deeming on the other hand acted with decorum and nous. Perhaps they should trade places. Come to think of it I can see her doing a far better job of leading the Vic Libs than the last few suits.

That is the best idea I have seen so far. All those who object to Moira leading the Vic Libs can leave the party and join Labor or the Greens. If she was then left in the party with a handful of other MPs that would be an enormous improvement.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 28, 2023 6:16 pm

Monty far to fat to actually challenge anyone who he deems as a physical threat, hence his attacks on you know, women.

March 28, 2023 6:18 pm

it is wrong to punish a whole class of people because of what some of them did when many others were not involved or even actively opposed

well … fmd

feminism has made some extraordinary leaps and bounds this week hasn’t it.

Andrea Dworkin will be putting a complaint into the Devil for sure

March 28, 2023 6:21 pm

The common thread is not transgenderism.

yes retard we know.

we know, it’s guns that kill people

… not loopy retards

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 28, 2023 6:23 pm

I realise the US borders Mexico so it’s a harder situation than Australia and Britain which are islands.

Perhaps a wall would work?
It’s an idea.

(Monty is now tacitly supporting Trump policy. Well, that’s fun.)

March 28, 2023 6:24 pm

“Otherwise Hairy and I will hit the Bendigo High Life”
Don’t wear anything with pineapples on it.

Anchor What
Anchor What
March 28, 2023 6:24 pm

Calli at 8.47am:
“Men in the 70’s were more than happy to trade their traditional roles for no strings attached sex. It seemed like a good deal at the time.”
It’s not a deal that I recall being offered. At the time it looked a lot more like advocacy for lesbianism as an alternative to the male chauvinist pigs.
Greer’s book The Female Eunuch spent a lot of effort trying to deny that men and women were different. Therefore they should deny their emotional cores and get out and have a career instead of being invaluable and irreplaceable in the role of wife and mother. That hasn’t worked too well.

Anchor What
Anchor What
March 28, 2023 6:26 pm

If I ever meet Lizzie (in the flesh, so to speak) I will certainly wear a pineapple pendant.

March 28, 2023 6:27 pm

Matrix, I think you deserve my Dot Award for today.


Anchor What
Anchor What
March 28, 2023 6:27 pm

Moira Deeming is way too good for the (hoik, spit!) Liberal Party.

  1. France’s conservative media C8 shut down, accusations of censorship of a zelenskyish sort!

  2. And yet China has four militarised bases in the Antarctic on Australian soil (or ice) without a single protest. Anal…

  3. Dude created the largest private airforce in the world, I think he knows what ‘living the dream’ is frankly…

  4. Absolutely criminal. Britain has gas reserves for hundreds of years but the government is sabotaging efforts to use them.…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x