Open Thread – Tues 28 March 2023

Autumn (The Spies with the Grapes of the Promised Land), Nicolas Poussin, 1660-64

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March 29, 2023 8:02 am

Come on, guys! Some people just have odd hobbies.

Annoying people should rate high in the skill set of Cats and Kittehs. Wear the Zero with pride.

March 29, 2023 8:07 am

Jacinta Allan has the reek of a woman desperately trying to remove superior female competition.

Not a good look.

March 29, 2023 8:08 am

Bit of pot calling the kettle black here this morning.

March 29, 2023 8:10 am
Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 29, 2023 8:10 am

Matthew Guy “The Cuts Guy” That ad got played on high rotation

Not so much the case now, but in decades past the success of a Liberal government was put down to unscrupulous grasping sociopaths (the Libs) having good luck, but when compassionate caring Labor got in and everything went to pot – ah well, that was bad luck and totally not their fault.

Now, of course, the Libs seem more like Labor if you left them out in the rain too long: wet, soggy, faded, and falling apart as soon as you touch them.

March 29, 2023 8:11 am

As RedState reported, dramatic body-cam footage of police confronting and killing the Nashville Christian school shooter emerged on Tuesday. It was a picture of heroism as officers rushed into the school to clear rooms and stop the carnage.
Within minutes, they had located the shooter, with one officer taking down the self-identified “transgender man” with a precision that only comes from actual training and the courage to use it. Another officer finished the ordeal after the shooter again tried to go for her gun.

The footage is incredible but also somewhat graphic so discretion is advised.
But while the sequence is harrowing, what stuck out the most about the video was the contrast it drew with what happened in the now-infamous school shooting in Uvalde. For months, the left-wing media have been running an apology campaign for the Texas town’s police department, claiming that the presence of a semi-automatic rifle made it essentially impossible for the hundreds of present officers to take down the shooter. As the story goes, the gun was so incredibly overpowering that the police shouldn’t have even been expected to try.

To illustrate that, a reporter for the Texas Tribune recently published a lengthy excusing of the Uvalde PD, claiming that the AR-15 the shooter had was simply far too dangerous for officers to confront.
“The first responding officers told investigators that entering the classroom would get them killed, repeatedly referencing the fact that the rifle’s bullets could penetrate their body armor, our investigation found.”

Do you know what I noticed about the body-cam footage from the Nashville shooting? I noticed that none of them had ballistic shields, something that Uvalde PD officers claimed they needed. In fact, only one of them had a helmet. Some only had pistols. Yet, they rushed in to do their duty.

How did that end? With the shooter dead and her rampage ended well before she could cause the same level of casualties as occurred in Uvalde. You see, school shooters are almost never trained shooters with any real tactical sense. Rather, they are LARPing, mentally ill delinquents playing out their fantasies in order to either commit suicide, punish those they hate, or push a political message (the transgender shooter in Nashville was apparently doing all three).

Any group of well-trained officers is going to have a very good shot at taking down an active school shooter if they do one important thing: Try.

This isn’t complicated. If you sign up to be a police officer, and you are given that great authority and all the preparation and equipment that comes with it, it is your duty to run into the line of fire to save lives. There can be no equivocation on that front. Otherwise, go find another job.

Those officers who stood around in Uvalde that tragic day should feel immense shame watching that body-cam footage from Nashville. They should feel guilty that they stood by as cowards while children were murdered in cold blood. And for what? Because they were scared of a certain type of gun? It’s an unthinkable excuse given the stakes.

Lastly, the press outlets that have made excuses for the Uvalde PD in an attempt to push an anti-gun narrative are ghouls. They would use the deaths of children to make a political point when there is ample evidence that the police simply doing their jobs would have seriously limited the damage done.”

I had thought about this disparity after I had watched the CCTV take down of the shooter. Very happy to see the GOOD media is putting this out there.

March 29, 2023 8:13 am

oops, formatting, the last two lines are mine.

March 29, 2023 8:13 am

Something completely silly to start the day.

Handy hint – You can also take them fishing to make the catch look larger.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 29, 2023 8:14 am

She is the pits calli.
Much like the whole government. Terry McCrann from Monday, apologies if posted:

It really is this simple: if as premier of a state you refuse to allow gas (and oil) to be developed or even discovered, you can hardly demand that other states must give you some of their gas.

But that’s exactly what the slipperiest premier in the land – someone with an unequalled talent for combining stupidity and breathtaking hypocrisy – is doing, without the slightest shred of self-awareness.

Victorian premier Dan Andrews is demanding that Queensland gas be diverted from exports to fill the looming shortfall in Victoria.

When Victoria, and specifically the Andrews-led Labor Government, only has itself to blame for not having plentiful, cheap, Victorian-sourced gas.

This is because this very same Andrews Government totally banned all onshore exploration for gas from its election in 2014. And so far as developing any gas that might already have been discovered: in your dreams.

This was not just about banning the wicked fracking, but even conventional gas discovery and development.

But now that it’s getting ‘awkward’ – as in, Victorians are not only paying sky-high prices but they might even find their gas turned off this coming winter – Andrews is demanding ‘everyone else’ fill the gap. Gee, incidentally, what a surprise: you don’t allow gas development and supplies end up running out? Who could have guessed?

Well, certainly not a political thug, who is entirely focused on political thuggery, as he demonstrated yet again, in once again sliming protesters he didn’t agree with, and shrugging off integrity questions.

The sheer, hypocritical chutzpah of Andrews is captured in his utter rejection of fracking – that’s to say, fracking in Victoria.

“So, if you want us to frack the place, ah, no, that’s not happening … that is not happening – and we couldn’t have been clearer,” he thumped the virtual table this week. But he wants Queensland gas to be diverted from export to Victoria. “So that our (actually, their) gas is for our businesses and our households and the rest of it, the bit we don’t need – well, sell that to the world,” Andrews added. “We shouldn’t have to compete against the rest of the world for something that comes out of our ground and our seabed.”

Well, all those vast exports out of Queensland – that gas coming out of “our ground” – is doing so via fracking.

So the nation’s premier hypocrite is quite happy for fracking to take place in Queensland to supply Victorians. Indeed, that the fracked Queensland gas actually be ordered south by the federal government.

But in Victoria? No way; that’s evil. The Andrews hypocrisy-stupidity cocktail operates on steroids.

For as The Australian’s Robert Gottliebsen has revealed, Victoria has plenty of gas available that could be developed without fracking.

But the Andrews government doesn’t want to know about it. And it doesn’t want to know about while embarked on the insanity of destroying Victoria’s cheap, reliable and what used to be plentiful coal-fired power generation. Coal is wicked because it’s a fossil fuel; but to the blinkered premier, the fossil fuel gas is still great, provided somebody else finds and develops it.

And if they have to frack it to get it for US; we’ll look the other way, while demanding they sell it to us, cheap. Just quietly even a fellow Labor Government in Queensland is going to be less than impressed by the Andrews chutzpah. Given what Queensland premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said about “Queensland hospitals being for Queenslanders” during Covid; I’m guessing she would say that if we are going to divert Queensland gas from export; we’ll be diverting it to Queenslanders not to free-loading Victorians.

As famed wit HL Mencken said: voters deserve to get it good and hard; Victorian voters who re-elected Andrews really ‘deserve it’.

March 29, 2023 8:20 am
Boambee John
Boambee John
March 29, 2023 8:21 am

March 29, 2023 at 8:01 am
Words fail me ..!

Colonialism, straight up!

March 29, 2023 8:23 am

March 29, 2023 at 8:13 am
Something completely silly to start the day.

Handy hint – You can also take them fishing to make the catch look larger.

that pic is a real hoot. I saw a funny pic last night online, had me laughing until the tears ran. I thought we could use it as the Cat’s “Commenter of Excellence Award.”

Muntsac would be the Inaugural winner. 😀

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 29, 2023 8:27 am

And Terry McCrann today on a triumvirate of turds:

The utter, seemingly mandatory stupidity, deep into certifiable insanity, driving the Albanese-Bowen-Bandt government is captured in the intersection – catastrophic collision would be more accurate – of the return to the massive immigration Ponzi and the religious pursuit of net-zero.

You would have thought, you would have hoped, that in the context of some lingering link to fact-based analysis, and indeed the most basic reality, someone, anyone, would have told ‘em – I’d accept, ‘merely suggested’ – that the two were utterly incompatible.

That this ‘someone’ would have said: prime minister, you can have the one or the other – setting aside, that each is in its own right outright lunatic stupidity. But you simply cannot have both.

That’s, even in the fantasy world in which Greens leader Bandt and Labor’s twerp-in-chief Bowen jointly reside. If you want to get to net zero by 2050, don’t aim to double the population to 50m by then. In case you haven‘t noticed, more humans mean more CO2 emissions. It’s not just happenstance that the US emits more than Australia, to take just one example.

Equally, if you are insistent on the ‘Big Australia’ future, you cannot sensibly aim for net zero.

It’s hard enough, it’s insane enough, ‘getting there’, with 26m Australians; to get there with 50m is beyond even the impossible.

The reduction in per capita emissions required is beyond achievable; even with the return to an 18th century no-energy future that you, Bowen and Bandt, are determined to impose on Australia. Hey, by the bye, there’s no way we are actually going to get to net zero by 2050 anyway.

Even if rather than bringing in more and more people, we sent half the current population ‘home’.

And ‘embraced’ that 18th century future of life that would be – increasingly, will be – nasty, brutal and short.

But let’s not quibble over different flavours of lunacy. This is where the rubber hits the road. Running into Covid it was becoming increasingly clear that the population Ponzi scheme of mass immigration had become, at best, a pointless merry-go-round. As someone pungently and accurately captured it: we had to bring in more and more migrants to build the infrastructure – from roads, to hospitals, schools and high-rise (Mr Constantine’s famed term, dog boxes) – to accommodate all the extra people.

I add: do we really think the sunlit uplands of a 21st century Australia Felix future will comprise 20-lane double-deck freeways?

Even if some, many, of the vehicles on them are electric; even if mostly parked, waiting for a charge, when the sun comes up or the wind starts to blow?

We are enjoined to bring in 400,000 or more every year – that’s, net; the actual number is far, far higher – to offset our ageing population.

It’s as if a migrant, miraculously, never grows old. Again, in the quirky, old-fashioned place known as reality, they do, just like everybody else. So, getting on the 400,000-a-year escalator now contains within it a necessity to get on an 800,000-a-year escalator in 20 or 25 years time.

And then a 1.6m-a-year escalator at some point after that; and so on, forever.

Furthermore, where are these people supposed to come from? Those to staff our hospitals, the nursing homes for that ageing domestic population?

Is there a factory out there that manufactures these people? No, we are quite happy to plunder other countries – from the developed to the developing. To take their essential, young, workers, to pamper our ageing baby boomers.

Talk about ‘white privilege’; this has to be the most egregious exercise on the planet. The breathtaking stupidity of it all is one thing.

One cannot but be in awe of the pompous all-unknowing, bottomless, incomprehension of a Bandt, of a Bowen.

But the added stinking hypocrisy takes it to new depths.

March 29, 2023 8:27 am

Black Ball, Andrews (and the Libs) actually got a lot of support for this policy from landowners and farmers, after all who wants some mob coming onto your land, doing what they want for many years then leaving and you have no control over it. I’ve said before that what we need here is to change the law so instead of the crown owning the minerals , they belong to the landowner. It works in the US.

As soon as a farmer etc sniffs a royalty stream they will be begging for the resources to be developed. Now I’ll wait for the usual suspects to say I’m a fool and that the crown owns the minerals and nothing will change that.

March 29, 2023 8:28 am

“I’ll be here all week.
Try the veal.
It’s wonderful!”

Shirley you mean “It’s veal-y good!”.
(h/t: Basil Fawlty)

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 29, 2023 8:29 am

“He’s failed to stand up against hate and bigotry,” she said on Tuesday.

It seems Jacinta Allan has fallen for the Labor snare of labelling women insisting on preserving the age old idea of what a woman is as being moved by ‘hate’ and ‘bigotry’.

Jacinta, then, must also be au fait with these agog fiends hovering around the ladies when she needs to powder her nose. Or perhaps she is not attuned to the threat as she does not personally feel agog-able.

Cassie of Sydney
March 29, 2023 8:29 am

“Just leave the party Moira. Hun:”

I would have said the same last week but I now think Moira should stay, and watch and enjoy the slow excruciating painful spectacle of Pussotto committing hari-kari.

March 29, 2023 8:35 am

Let’s have that transvestite’s manifesto for child murder now, you left wing f#%*ers.


March 29, 2023 8:38 am

Pogria, this is the textbook you seek.

The kitten is far too cute.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 29, 2023 8:39 am

And Rita Panahi before I get busy for the day:

The past week has demonstrated yet again that conservative women are held to a very different standard than other women in public life. Not only are they seen as easy targets by the increasingly feral Left but they remain unprotected by the “sisterhood” as well as their feckless faux-conservative colleagues.

Victorian Liberal MP Moira Deeming’s disgraceful treatment is the most glaring local example of a woman being subjected to bullying, victim blaming and character assassination – and that’s just from her own party leaders.

After being attacked by violent far-Left protesters at a Let Women Speak rally, she was incredibly held responsible for the actions of around 20 moronic Nazi protesters and on Monday was suspended for nine months by colleagues.

As I wrote last week, opposition leader John Pesutto could’ve taken a principled and populist stand for truth and women’s rights but instead he opted to be the premier’s and the media’s useful idiot.

To compound the insult, Pesutto falsely claimed on Monday that Deeming had made certain last-minute concessions, including condemning the women behind the event. She did no such thing.

But while Pesutto was telling tall tales to various ABC hosts, Deeming was muzzled. If she were a Greens or Labor MP, she’d be celebrated by the media, who have casually and repeatedly defamed her.

Even being a “woman of colour” is not enough to afford conservative women any protection or expectation of fairness. From Priti Patel in the UK to Nikki Haley in the US, it’s clear that racist, sexist attacks against conservative women are tolerated, or ignored, by the very people who claim to be appalled by such conduct.

On Friday, we saw another conservative woman reduced to tears in parliament after being attacked by Labor Senator Murray Watt for supporting Deeming.

Sarah Henderson has since referred the matter to the Senate President, saying Watt’s explanation “improperly misrepresented the abhorrent and offensive statement he made about me in the Senate”.

The treatment of women, particularly in Parliament House, has been elevated to a top-line issue by Labor and the wider Left, and yet there was no outcry from feminist pundits and politicians.

Where is their support for Senator Henderson and condemnation of comments that reduced a strong woman to weep in her workplace? The silence of those who claim to champion women has been deafening.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
March 29, 2023 8:43 am

Has Jacinta Allen got her polka dress ready?
She’s Andrews’ fall girl -not quite bright enough to know.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 29, 2023 8:46 am

Victorian Public Service Commission data shows the number of public servants increased from 34,000 to 55,000 (by 54 per cent) between 2015 and 2021.

And the government’s public sector wages bill ballooned from $24.2bn in the July 2014 to June 2015 financial year to $38.5bn in 2021-22.

Geez, Victorian public serpents do well. $38.5bn for 55,000 of the bastards works out at $700,000 a pop.

Must be Top Men.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 29, 2023 8:53 am

Indolent at 8:18 am

”Klaus” Encounter of a Turd Kind

Duly upticked.
[I know, I know, like a 10-year old with a fart joke…]

March 29, 2023 8:57 am
March 29, 2023 8:59 am

If Terry McCrann is whining, Labor must be doing something right.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
March 29, 2023 9:00 am

March 28, 2023 at 9:09 pm

But the country is out of control on many fronts – and being able to buy a semi-auto rifle as easily as they buy a bucket of KFC isn’t helping.

Another myth by the gun grabbers. A lot of lefties tried buying guns when their cities were being destroyed by BLM and Antifa. They were shocked that they couldn’t just walk into a gun shop and walk out with their weapon of choice. Which also destroyed the fallacy of voting being harder than getting a gun. Ironically, if voting was as hard as getting a gun, the US would not be in the state it is in.

PS. I don’t want a 7 day cooling off period while I’m waiting for my KFC.

March 29, 2023 9:07 am

Calli thanks, saved it for future use. 😀

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 29, 2023 9:10 am

If Terry McCrann is whining, Labor must be doing something right.

Which is what, phuckhead lesbian?

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 29, 2023 9:10 am

March 29, 2023 at 8:59 am
If Terry McCrann is whining, Labor must be doing something right.

Don’t the Daily Talking Points specify what the “doing something right” action is?

Do you have gas cooking, heating or hot water in your home or your various slumlord properties? If you do, when will you change over to “clean, green, solar and wind”?

March 29, 2023 9:13 am

Yes sfw you are a silly fellow.

Don’t you know everything is owned by the Voice?

Even the air that you breathe, you will have to pay rent for that, so it stands to reason the Voice owns all the minerals too, doesn’t it?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 29, 2023 9:13 am

Sweet! I got at least one zero yesterday. I will take that as meaning that I got under someone’s skin and they didn’t (or more simply couldn’t) mount a counterargument – which implicitly validates your argument.

Quite so.
Manipulating upticks is abhorrent behaviour.

March 29, 2023 9:14 am

Crossie says:
March 28, 2023 at 9:18 pm

Just one thought, at that stage Chinese voters will be able to vote up or down any referenda and thus cancel any Voice even if enshrined in the constitution.

If the Voice gets up and is able to control what the rest of parliament does, you don’t think they will allow a referendum to limit or abolish themselves now do you?

Once they are there nothing short of a revolution or foreign conquest will get them out. We’re playing for keeps here.

March 29, 2023 9:16 am

Not Wales though.

Imagine trying to wade through Welsh history as a New Briton.

” Deheubarth’s ruler Maredudd ab Owain deposed Gwynedd’s ruler Cadwallon ab Ieuaf of the House of Aberffraw in 986″

“Llywelyn ap Seisyll married Anghared, daughter of Meredudd ab Owain of Deheubarth, and ruled Gwynedd until his death in 1023, when Iago ab Idwal recovered the rulership of Gwynedd for the senior line of the Aberffraw house. Iago reigned over Gwynedd until 1039, when he was murdered by his own men, perhaps under the direction of Gruffydd of Rhuddlan, Llywelyn ap Seisyll’s eldest son.”

Say that five times fast!

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 29, 2023 9:19 am

PS, m0nty=fa

Are you yet able to define “woman”? Or is that beyond the mental capacity of the fools who draft the Daily Talking Points?

March 29, 2023 9:19 am

10% Chinese population by 2039, Crossie at 9.25pm?
You may be right – but given the gigantic immigration program just announced by the Govt. – who voted for that? – it looks like 10% Chinese by 2030.
If there is a war involving Australia and China in, say, 3 or 4 years – not probable but certainly possible, IMHO – how the f do we round up and intern maybe 2 million enemy aliens and agents?
We would have to introduce conscription for that purpose alone – although the cost could be offset a bit by the seizure of all Chinese owned property.
This is a huge issue – and the transgender squirrel darts thither and yon with the media in hot pursuit.

March 29, 2023 9:24 am

Season update:

After 90mm between Christmas and the end of January we had a dry spell of about six weeks, broken last week with general falls between 30-50mm. The moisture has been hanging around since and last night it all came tumbling down again as the low pressure trough and cold front makes it’s way across the area bringing another 22mm so far.
During the dry spell I clocked up about 100hrs on the Weedseeker with some excellent results. I’m finding I can get “blanket spray” results using the weedseeker with coverage anywhere from 20 to 80%, using a standard rec brew.

From any perspective rain at this time of year is fantastic and for grain growers with an already full subsoil profile it’s particularly good for weed management. We will have the chance to do a comprehensive “double knock” spray prior to sowing. In short; the winter growing weeds have started growing off last weeks falls and the rain last night will only accelerate this. The plan is to let them grow for two weeks then blanket spray with a knockdown herbicide (Glyphosate), then, a week later and prior to sowing hit them again with a different group of chemical (usually Paraquat) mixed with the pre emergent herbicide. This will kill any weeds that made it through the Glyphosate and pick up any late germinating ones as well. If done correctly it keeps weed chemical resistance to a minimum and can eliminate the use of more expensive “in crop” sprays.
On time sowing and vigorous early growth will suffocate any late germinating weeds. Well, that’s the plan.

Yesterday was seed grading. Pretty hectic to say the least but we finished at 8:30 last night just before the rain.
Long and mid season wheats, barley, durum and lentils for this year.

I have a Hardi boomspray in bits, a Flexicoil airseeder and bar that hasn’t been looked at, a 4WD tractor that needs some TLC, on top of the usual R&M and there’s three weeks to kick off!
Urea spreading in front of canola to do as well.

It’s a good problem to have.
Lets see what the season brings.

March 29, 2023 9:31 am

I would like a journo to ask this of Sleazy…

“Given a WA farmer is fronting court over building a bridge over a creek because the water spirit may be scared away, could the voice take action against the govt regarding the presence of a nuclear powered submarine scaring the coastal spirits?’

John H.
John H.
March 29, 2023 9:35 am

How does diet affect inflammation?

Full review article link at the bottom of the page.

She makes some excellent points. The article is technical, probably too much so for a general audience. I like her idea about medium chain fatty acids and there is a large body of research backing her claims about how some fatty acids induce inflammation. I’m not debating the article. No longer follow the literature so too ignorant. For those so interested the review article might be informative.

March 29, 2023 9:36 am

Conservative Christian Tanya Davies was one of the few NSW Liberals to record a swing towards her, leaving her the only Liberal in western Sydney. She spoke against vaccine mandates in 2021.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 29, 2023 9:38 am

It’s a good problem to have.
Lets see what the season brings.

50 Mil of rain on the ancestral acres over the weekend…

March 29, 2023 9:45 am

“Given a WA farmer is fronting court over building a bridge over a creek because the water spirit may be scared away, could the voice take action against the govt regarding the presence of a nuclear powered submarine scaring the coastal spirits?’

Albanese’s response would be that the Voice would be an advisory body only.

But once you get into the area of preserving indigenous “spirituality” (i.e. a totemistic belief system) what Labor-Green government is going to be courageous enough to reject that advice?

Be that as it may, I think the union movement presents more of a threat to the subs. The showdown will be in August, unless Albanese can square them away beforehand.

Ahoy, comrades!

John H.
John H.
March 29, 2023 9:45 am

Boambee Johnsays:
March 29, 2023 at 9:19 am
PS, m0nty=fa

Are you yet able to define “woman”? Or is that beyond the mental capacity of the fools who draft the Daily Talking Points?

By the number of shoes owned.

John H.
John H.
March 29, 2023 9:47 am

March 29, 2023 at 9:45 am
“Given a WA farmer is fronting court over building a bridge over a creek because the water spirit may be scared away, could the voice take action against the govt regarding the presence of a nuclear powered submarine scaring the coastal spirits?’

Albanese’s response would be that the Voice would be an advisory body only.

But once you get into the area of preserving indigenous “spirituality” (i.e. a totemistic belief system)

I have never understood what people mean by “spirituality”.

Robert Sewell
March 29, 2023 9:50 am

Anchor What:

So much so that it would take a Pinochetian Revolution to fix it.
Since the military is being denatured and attenuated, and the “bitter clingers with their guns and religion” are being targeted for wrong thinking, who will do what has to be done?

Speaking truths of this nature will make you the target of people here who just want to take their frustrations out on you. The fact they may agree with you will be irrelevant – you will be a handy target for a kicking.
Think carefully before you pick up this torch.

March 29, 2023 9:52 am

I have never understood what people mean by “spirituality”.

Religion of convenience.

Robert Sewell
March 29, 2023 9:53 am


But, reading the traveling experiences of the intrepid forumites who swear that the American people are by and large decent, welcoming and down to earth folks, then how come the administration, come deep state, of the US is such an abominable mess?

By and large, the American people are just that – good people.
The problem is the Administration isn’t representative of them.

March 29, 2023 9:53 am

CRP circulation levels are markers for risks associated with cardiovascular disease mortality, neurodegenerative disorders, and certain cancers. Plant foods, such as legumes, soy, and pulses, neutralize CRP levels, while dairy products reduce CRP levels.

My bet: conjuguated linolenic acids.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 29, 2023 9:54 am

Daily Mail.

Mother of seven-year-old girl allegedly bashed and stomped on by a teenager is furious that by-standers filmed the sickening attack and did nothing to save her defenceless child

Seven-year-old girl allegedly bashed by older girl in Cairns playground
Her mother is livid that bystanders filmed and shared video
She said they should have stepped in to help her

March 29, 2023 9:57 am

…but you need a caveat on everything.

If you don’t get K2 or choline, you cannot possibly reverse atherosclerosis or high cholesterol.

You are more like to get these from meat and eggs – they are still in dairy and seaweed however.

Now of course there is the issue of being too heavily geared to anti inflammatory modulation. Sure Inuit have very low BP, but they also become mildly hemophiliac. Their ability to clot even minor cuts diminishes significantly. Dr Mosely showed this when he did the 5:2 diet and heavily ate fatty fish.

March 29, 2023 9:58 am

I have never understood what people mean by “spirituality”.

Etymological origins in 17th C. French (deriveed from the Latin), where it was a synonym for religiosity or piety. Modern use is nebulous and wide ranging.

March 29, 2023 9:58 am

She said they should have stepped in to help her

Why do you think people are reluctant to help?

Robert Sewell
March 29, 2023 10:03 am

Bruce O’Nuke:

Those are heroic sales projections. Crazy may be a better word. Only a hard ban on ICE cars could justify anything like those numbers. But all an immediate ban on new ICE car sales will do is put a rocket under the used car market. And “used” cars from Mexico etc with 100 km on the clock will suddenly become common.

The issue is that Governments have assumed – as they so often do – they are the smartest people in the room, and have decided they are more capable of directing the market than the market itself. I say it repeatedly the governments of the West continue to get themselves and their people into deep shit because they don’t have the sense to step back and let the markets sort themselves out.
I doubt there is one problem today that doesn’t have its roots in Expert Technocrat Class meddling with a minor problem and stuffing it up.
Government action should be limited to regulating lightly and only where there is a problem.

John H.
John H.
March 29, 2023 10:03 am

Study Maps Out Links Between Psychosis and Our Immune System

This is a good development, although I am confused because the results suggest the opposite of what I was expecting. They headline suggests increased inflammation is the culprit, the cytokine profile suggests the opposite. I might be misreading it because most studies point to increased inflammation as the problem.

March 29, 2023 10:04 am

It’s certainly true that we have lost the normal boundaries that curtail human nature. However, what we are experiencing isn’t the usual drift from which one can easily correct course.

Rather, it is a deliberate attack on society that is feeding the rot and polluting the minds of so many.

You can trace the origins back to early Marxists and social engineering theories including those of Georg Lukacs. He realised that if the family unit and sexual morals were eroded, society could be broken down.

Their goal was to spread Communism and the means of doing so was attacking these vital pillars of the west.

It’s clear they have succeeded, with the help of many supposed non-communists.

I don’t think there is a declared commie in our parliament but so many pursue the goals of this dehumanising ideology.

The continuing push to diminish the standing and importance of the natural family is obvious. Children are being forced into institutionalised child care at ever younger ages, allowing the state indoctrination to begin earlier.

That’s why we have such an educational focus on climate change horrors, gender bending and racism. It’s not for the kids but for the benefit of the State.

The more they push children down the ‘helpless’ path of victimhood, the more reliance they have on the State.

No individual can stop climate change, but the government can. The patriarchy wants you to stop getting ahead, let the government help you. Racism is everywhere so let government reverse the racism. On and on it goes.

Nowhere is this more creepy than in the change your gender movement.

Suddenly we have children being encouraged to make irreversible, life changing decisions, sometimes before they’ve even started school. They can even choose to butcher their bodies with state sanctioned consent before they can legally buy a beer.

Children are also being exposed to adult sexual concepts at ever younger ages.

The pattern here is clear.

If you accept children have bodily autonomy and can make life changing decisions, then you can suggest they can also provide sexual consent or adult like entertainment.

That leads to performances like this from a 13 year old boy who claims he is a girl.

It’s really vile stuff.

It’s no coincidence that some of these historical roots extend into far left politics. A 1980’s working faction of the German Greens Party was directly involved in pro-pedophile activism (Arbeitsgemeinschaft “Schwule, Päderasten und Transsexuelle”.)

While those openly pushing this agenda have faded into the background, we’re now being more subtly herded to that end as our social mores are stripped away.

It’s all being done in the name of freedom, tolerance and equity. That’s delivering exactly what the Communists wanted all those years ago.

Now those very freedoms and ideals are being used as tools to enslave us all.

Have a great day.


Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
March 29, 2023 10:05 am

Looks like Bush has cracked it for early rain.
Smatterings around west Vic but not enough to call it a seasonal break or to get weeds growing.
I’m still spraying weeds in amongst trees that we couldn’t access last year because it was so wet. Nature’s heavy tanks – thistles and burrs.

March 29, 2023 10:08 am

I have never understood what people mean by “spirituality”.

The term is working as intended then.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 29, 2023 10:09 am

UK’s Guardian apologises for founders’ slavery links

8:01AM March 29, 2023

The owner of British newspaper The Guardian apologised Tuesday for the role of its founders in transatlantic slavery and announced a “decade-long programme of restorative justice”, following an independent investigation.

The more than two-year “academic review” into the newspaper’s early 19th century creation discovered its main founder John Edward Taylor and many of his financial backers had links to slavery, the paper said.

Researchers from the universities of Hull and Nottingham found that Taylor — a journalist and cotton merchant — and at least nine of his 11 financial backers had slavery links, primarily through the textile industry.
Read Next

The Scott Trust, which owns the media group, plans to invest more than £10 million ($12.3 million) into restorative justice, with millions earmarked for “descendant communities linked to the Guardian’s founders,” the paper added.

“The Scott Trust is deeply sorry for the role John Edward Taylor and his backers played in the cotton trade,” its chair Ole Jacob Sunde said.

The trust also apologised for early editorial positions that “served to support the cotton industry, and therefore the exploitation of enslaved people”.

“We recognise that apologising and sharing these facts transparently is only the first step in addressing the Guardian’s historical links to slavery,” Sunde added.

A lengthy “Scott Trust Legacies of Enslavement” report published Tuesday detailed the academic findings about the 1821 founding of the left-leaning newspaper by Manchester businessmen.

They include that Taylor’s partnerships and merchant company imported vast amounts of raw cotton produced by enslaved people in the Americas.

The researchers confirmed some of the paper’s early financiers, such as the merchant George Philips, co-owned sugar and other plantations that used slave labour.

The trust’s restorative fund will support projects, in parts of the United States and Jamaica where slavery once proliferated, over the next decade following consultation with reparations experts and community groups.

The Guardian said the trust will detail a precise figure to be invested and how it would be allocated within the next year.

It vowed to raise awareness of transatlantic slavery and its legacies, as well as increase media diversity, relevant academic research and the “scope and ambition” of the paper’s reporting.

The Guardian’s editor-in-chief, Katharine Viner, said it was “facing up to, and apologising for, the fact that our founder and those who funded him drew their wealth from a practice that was a crime against humanity”.

Ek roll ap die vloor…

March 29, 2023 10:11 am

Banning ICE vehicles is really dumb.

The LFTR in five minutes.

Note how liquid fuels can be made through well established processes used by chemists and chemical engineers for over a hundred years now. All you need is cheap energy – nuclear provides that.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2023 10:11 am

From Pogria’s quoted piece at 8.11:

You see, school shooters are almost never trained shooters with any real tactical sense. Rather, they are LARPing, mentally ill delinquents playing out their fantasies

Gee, it’s almost as if they, y’know, learned from playing Call of Duty.

March 29, 2023 10:12 am

I have never understood what people mean by “spirituality”.

I miss the new age movement, they were far more entertaining as a repository for lunacy than the woke crowd is now.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 29, 2023 10:12 am

John H

I have never understood what people mean by “spirituality”.

Whatever is convenient for it to mean at the time.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2023 10:12 am

Excellent season update Bush.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
March 29, 2023 10:14 am

A new narrative is just being formed about the Trans kiddie killer.
Anti-trans Christians forced the shooter to act. Christian school has only itself to blame.
Yep, they’re about to dance on graves

March 29, 2023 10:16 am

Conservative Christian Tanya Davies was one of the few NSW Liberals to record a swing towards her, leaving her the only Liberal in western Sydney. She spoke against vaccine mandates in 2021.

Tanya Davies – 2017

I hope we hear a lot more from her as Deputy of the NSW Libs .

March 29, 2023 10:17 am

Former British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has been formally barred by the party from running as a Labour candidate in the next election.

Jezza’s greatest sin was impatience.
He didn’t want to take the scenic route between here and there.

John H.
John H.
March 29, 2023 10:19 am

March 29, 2023 at 9:57 am
…but you need a caveat on everything.

If you don’t get K2 or choline, you cannot possibly reverse atherosclerosis or high cholesterol.

You are more like to get these from meat and eggs – they are still in dairy and seaweed however.

Now of course there is the issue of being too heavily geared to anti inflammatory modulation. Sure Inuit have very low BP, but they also become mildly hemophiliac. Their ability to clot even minor cuts

I have read that the Inuit “bleed like cut pigs”.

Good point about choline DOT. Very under-appreciated nutrient. Vegans can be at risk of deficiency.
Recently watched a vid about a recent study on K2 supplementation to stabilize\prevent aortic value stenosis. Very good study. Nil effect! I’ve been taking K2(MK4+MK7). Everything else I’ve read suggests big benefits for K2s. Confused, one good study does not cancel out many other good studies.

Came across some concerning data on statins. Inhibition of MK 4 synthesis, even in human vascular smooth muscle cells(culture study). In rodents, statins increased vascular calcium deposition. Now I’m conflicted, started a statin 2 weeks ago. Had resisted but cholesterol stubbornly high(genetic, probably APOE 4). Now I’m wondering … .

BTW, just to confuse the picture, statins are not just about lowering cholesterol. Statins also reduce inflammatory markers and increase nitric oxide production. There is debate over which change is more beneficial. High dose statins that reduce LDL <70 has been shown to reverse atherosclerosis. IIRC 70 is 1.8 in our tests.

Delta A
Delta A
March 29, 2023 10:22 am

March 29, 2023 at 9:24 am
Season update:

An excellent wrap, Bushie.

I’m sure many Cats are interested in reports from farmers. And now I know what ‘seed grading’ entails.

Thanks for posting.

March 29, 2023 10:22 am

On Sunday I mentioned this article in The Oz by Adam Creighton but only now posting it in full.

Tales of vaccine injury were purged from the internet

The Australian’s expose of the post-Covid vaccination death of Amy Sedgwick on Saturday would have been purged from the internet if it had emerged in 2021, under pressure from US-government funded ‘information experts’ working in partnership with Silicon Valley social media giants.

A ‘censorship-industrial complex’ of US taxpayer-backed NGOs, Stanford University academics worked in partnership with Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Google (YouTube), and Pinterest to take down or flag as misinformation “stories of true vaccine side effects”, discussion of “natural immunity” and the possibility Sars-Cov2 leaked from a lab.

According to the latest batch of internal Twitter documents released by its new owner Elon Musk, who promised to shed light on the company’s censorship efforts, a Stanford-based group called the Virality Project, working closely with US government agencies, co-ordinated an industry wide effort to censor posts that would have promoted “Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy”.

“It absolutely would have been taken down under Virality guidelines,” said Andrew Lowenthal, an Australian digital rights advocate who worked with veteran American journalist Matt Taibbi to unearth the latest batch of Twitter Files, released last week and dubbed the Great Covid Lie Machine.

“Had Kerryn Phelps taken to Twitter to describe her and her wife’s vaccine injuries, these too would have been labelled misinformation,” he told The Australian, referring to revelations in January about the former AMA head’s vaccine injuries.

Starting in early 2021 the Virality Project, working alongside Pentagon-funded Graphika and people with strong ties to the US department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, trawled hundreds of millions of social media posts daily using advanced AI in order to flag “potential violations” and “misinformation events”.

READ MORE: ‘Our healthy 24yo daughter fell off a cliff after Covid jab’
These included posts that discussed “breakthrough infections”, “celebrity deaths after vaccination” or criticism of Anthony Fauci, after a trove of the US government’s top Covid-19 adviser’s emails from early 2020 were released under Freedom of Information laws, suggesting he didn’t believe masks were effective to stop the spread of respiratory viruses.

In March 2021 Virality told Twitter it was flagging posts “concern about vaccine passports” (which were later introduced in many US cities), “fear of mandatory immunisations” (the US government afterwards made them compulsory for all private sector workers until the Supreme Court overturned the order), and “true stories about people experiencing blood clots”.

In June 2021 the group told Twitter it would “hone in” on an “increasingly popular narrative about natural immunity” (which research later established was at least as satisfactory as Covid-19 vaccination).

“The moral depravity is astounding and quite possibly criminal,” Mr Lowenthal, a former fellow at Harvard‘s Berkman Klein Centre for internet and Society, told The Australian.

“The Virality Project is just part of a broader cultural shift that reverses long standing liberal/left commitments to free expression and allows censorship in the name of protection and safety”.

The Stanford Internet Observatory, one of the groups involved in the speech crackdown, said Mr Taibbi’s claims were “inaccurate and based on distortions of email exchanges in the Twitter Files”.

Since acquiring Twitter in October Mr Musk has given journalists access to internal company documents which have revealed a high degree of communication between US government agencies, including the FBI, and the social media giant over decisions to ban stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop (which turned out to be true), doctors who disagreed with lockdowns, and former president Donald Trump.

Media stories about vaccine injuries and their censorship have started to proliferate in the US amid greater candour by regulators and governments about the possibility of vaccine side effects, including death.

Florida’s health department in February revealed reports of “life-threatening conditions increased over 4,400 per cent” since the roll out of Covid-19 vaccines in 2021.

Ernest Ramirez, whose 16-year-old son died five days after his Covid vaccination from an enlarged heart in April 2021, had his GoFundMe page to raise money for the funeral taken off the internet in 2021.

In January two polls of Americans found almost a 60 per cent wanted congress to investigate the safety of Covid-19 vaccines and 7 per cent, or around 12 million, said they had experienced a “major side effect” after receiving one of the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson Covid-19 shots.

March 29, 2023 10:27 am

I shouldn’t troll boomers and penny stock cultists on HotCopper.

“Yes, your company is on the up and up, but it isn’t worth whatever you need to buy that $30 mn compound off Port Douglas with a private marina and dry dock…”

John H.
John H.
March 29, 2023 10:30 am

March 29, 2023 at 10:12 am
I have never understood what people mean by “spirituality”.

I miss the new age movement, they were far more entertaining as a repository for lunacy than the woke crowd is now.

A dear old friend of mine who died several years ago told me a funny story about the new age gurus. His girlfriend kept insisting he meet Ram Dass. Ram Dass was the assistant to Timothy Leary and when all that blew up he took off to India. He returned to the USA as Ram Dass the guru. My friend went to meet him and the first thing Ram Doofus said to him was, “I hope you can handle being in the presence of a superior mind.” My friend punched him in the jaw. So Zen!

March 29, 2023 10:31 am

My friend punched him in the jaw. So Zen!

A student of Alan Watts I presume.

March 29, 2023 10:32 am

I never liked Horse Face.”

Donald Trump on Stormy Daniels

March 29, 2023 10:35 am

QLD government to ban public display of Nazi symbols:

‘The new offence will outlaw the public display, public distribution or publication of prohibited symbols in circumstances that “might reasonably be expected to cause a member of the public to feel menaced, harassed or offended”, reports The Guardian.

OK, no fan of Nazis here…but why no protection for a Sudanese refugee Christian who feels menaced or offended by Islamic symbols? Is the fear in her mind not reasonable, given that she may have experienced family members being murdered by Muslim revanchists in her land of birth?

Once you introduce feelings into the definition of a crime, where do you reasonably draw the line?

March 29, 2023 10:36 am

132 and Bush,
agree with KD and Delta about the farming updates. Always interested in what farmers are involved with. The new technology and machinery are astounding. I am my own weedseeker lol! Eight litre, battery operated spray pack. Can’t use the 15 litre hand pumped back pack anymore. I tip over and end up like a turtle!
I also wondered what the seed grading was about. That is some serious gear. I have three big piles of trees and bushes that I culled from around the house area. Have piled them in the paddock. Was going to burn during the winter, but am considering getting these guys in to clean up. I also have a small forested area that has a ton of deadfall and blackberries and they could turn everything into mulch and make the area useable whilst keeping the healthy trees.

March 29, 2023 10:38 am

You learn something every day!

Mark Latham’s firebrand move to bolster One Nation’s power in the NSW upper house, by resigning his seat mid-term and running again at Saturday’s state election, has succeeded.

The former federal Labor leader returned to elected office at the 2019 NSW election, but resigned from the Legislative Council earlier this month, in the middle of his eight-year term.

The high-profile politician’s win means he’s doubled One Nation’s presence in the state’s upper house, because the seat he resigned will also be filled by a One Nation candidate.

Mr Latham, One Nation’s NSW leader, was on top of the party’s Legislative Council ticket, putting him in the box seat to re-enter the chamber.

Number two on the One Nation ticket is former NSW Labor MP Tania Mihailuk, who defected just weeks out from the election.

On election night, Ms Mihailuk said she had no regrets about leaving Labor and was confident of increasing One Nation’s numbers.

“I have been really delighted with the results we have seen in Western Sydney, the coast and Upper Hunter,” she said.

“One Nation right now has two members, and I think we will get four. I think One Nation has done well at this election.”

However, as the count progresses, it looks increasingly unlikely One Nation will win two seats this time.

The ABC understands that if the party is unsuccessful in winning a second seat, Ms Mihailuk will fill the vacancy left by Mr Latham’s resignation from the seat he won in 2019.

ABC chief election analyst Antony Green said it would take about three weeks to finalise the upper house numbers, with two thirds of the votes yet to be tallied.

Former Greens MLC Jeremy Buckingham looks set to return to the chamber, for the Legalise Cannabis Party.

The single-issued party has polled 4 per cent of the vote so far, putting them ahead of the Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers Party, and, the Animal Justice Party, which are fighting for the remaining seats.

Above the line votes have landed Labor with eight seats, the Coalition with six, and the Greens with two.

Rodney Smith, Professor of Australian politics at Sydney University, said Mr Latham’s profile was critical in the move.

“By resigning his seat and contesting this election, again, his name on the ballot paper for One Nation will attract voters who otherwise wouldn’t have voted for One Nation,” he said.

“What he’s doing is saying, ‘alright, I’m going to take advantage of a rule just like other MLCs have in order to advance the interests of my party.

“If voters don’t like that, they’ve got alternatives, they can turn their back on One Nation.”

Professor Smith said the move, while unusual, was not unprecedented, and pointed to other strong upper house candidates who had previously repositioned themselves, to contest seats the lower house.

“If that person doesn’t succeed, they’ll put them back in the Legislative Council, whether that’s, you know, any different, or different in scale?”

“In both cases the parties are trying to get an advantage from a recognisable personality.”

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 29, 2023 10:39 am

I miss the new age movement, they were far more entertaining as a repository for lunacy than the woke crowd is now.

Too true.

March 29, 2023 10:42 am

Vid of the cops going in and removing the turd shooting kids at the school in the USA. (police worn cameras)

Whoever the bloke giving the orders is hes great.
Every time the assault was stalling or slowing he poked, prodded and kept his team moving forward.

Well worth a watch for excellent team tactics under a massive cloud of uncertainty.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 29, 2023 10:42 am

QLD government to ban public display of Nazi symbols:

Does this mean burning the Australian flag will also be banned?

John H.
John H.
March 29, 2023 10:43 am

March 29, 2023 at 10:31 am
My friend punched him in the jaw. So Zen!

A student of Alan Watts I presume.

Not at all. My friend never tolerated any of that stuff. That’s why I loved his response to that doofus. I appreciate that Watts demystified a lot of Eastern thought and made some interesting observations about society and human behavior. There is one speech he gave near the end of his life that strikingly anticipated the risks of 21st century social media.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2023 10:44 am

Watched the Nashville bodycam footage a few more times. Not the TV version, the other versions.

Cracking footage. No mucking about. In. Clear. Next. In. Clear. Next.

Until the shooter’s fire directed them to where SHE was. Again, practised movements – not SF-quality, but enough for their training to have given them sufficent skills and muscle memory. Locate. Drop. Close in. Finish off.

Perfect. As mentioned by others upthread, I trust all those squeezers standing outside that Uvalde school in Texas have left the country by now.

Finally, you will note that the cops displayed teamwork throughout, from entering the front door to the finale. This teamwork is something that cannot and will never be taught via video games of any type.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2023 10:46 am

Sorta snap, mole.

March 29, 2023 10:47 am

Finally, you will note that the cops displayed teamwork throughout, from entering the front door to the finale. This teamwork is something that cannot and will never be taught via video games of any type.

Only a boomer on Haute Crapper would say that. Do you still own a flip phone?

March 29, 2023 10:49 am

Pogria says:
March 29, 2023 at 10:36 am

132 and Bush,
agree with KD and Delta about the farming updates. Always interested in what farmers are involved with. The new technology and machinery are astounding.

I also wondered what the seed grading was about. That is some serious gear. I have three big piles of trees and bushes that I culled from around the house area. Have piled them in the paddock. Was going to burn during the winter, but am considering getting these guys in to clean up. I also have a small forested area that has a ton of deadfall and blackberries and they could turn everything into mulch and make the area useable whilst keeping the healthy trees.


That 299D with hm315c Mulcher

Check out this video of us land clearing and mulching. This is a very efficient and safe way of hazard reduction

That is one impressive little machine!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2023 10:50 am

You leave my Nokia 2660 alone.

March 29, 2023 10:50 am

Does this mean burning the Australian flag will also be banned?

I’ll assume that’s rhetorical…but answer regardless 😀

The legislation specifically applies to Nazi symbols, with exlusions for Hindus, Buddhists and Jains for whom the swastika is a religious symbol.

As I said, no fan of Nazis, obviously, but aside from the questions raised above, why the fixation on Nazis? They’re hardly an existential threat to our polity. Present laws already cover inciting violence against particular groups; if a more effective deterrent was needed then increase the penalties attached to those offences.

March 29, 2023 10:50 am

New Agers in the eighties.

One guy was pissed that they were developing Raby Bay (somewhere in QLD) so he put a cone of negative energy on the suburb which then proceeded to suffer from subsidence. He was wracked with guilt apparently.

A woman we knew that had a thing for chicken dinners. Obviously eating meat is sinful but those sweet sweet drumsticks spoke to her. Finally she came up with the idea that it was cool because she had cracked a deal with all these chickens up on the astral plane before they all incarnated, a deal about how it was OK to eat them and still leave her karmically unscathed. Problem solved, guilt free KFC.

Notable in both instances is how the religion is conveniently flexible for getting what you want from life.

Another friend worked in McWhirters (spelling) in Fortitude Valley as a fortune teller. Parting the beaded curtains in some shopping mall booth would reveal a velvet covered desk with some tarot cards and some incense. Apparently her best paying customers were some rustic women whose main questions for the wisdom of the great beyond was “so when’s the council going to fix me fukin’ drains then”.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 29, 2023 10:54 am

Once you introduce feelings into the definition of a crime, where do you reasonably draw the line?

Edging up close to the apparently elusive definition of ‘woke’ here, roger.

Elevating subjective personal feelings to a self-proclaimed state of grace that demands social and legal penalties of others.

March 29, 2023 10:54 am

Dot says:
March 29, 2023 at 10:47 am

Finally, you will note that the cops displayed teamwork throughout, from entering the front door to the finale. This teamwork is something that cannot and will never be taught via video games of any type.

Only a boomer on Haute Crapper would say that. Do you still own a flip phone?

Bit Behind the Times Dot – Do you still own a flip phone?

CES® 2022 Innovation Awards Best of Innovation Honoree Galaxy Z Flip3 Bespoke Edition

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 Named One of TIME’s Best Inventions of 2021

A good thing just got better

Folds into your pocket. Slides into your purse. Slips into your skinny jeans. Then you can take it out and it flips open into a full-screened 5G smartphone that flexes to your favorite angles.1

Rethink smartphone, make a statement.

March 29, 2023 10:55 am

For those speculating on the zero upticks.
I have bribed Doverlord to subtract ticks every time someone passes one of my amazing, skilled and enlightening links, to stay hip with the kids daddy-0
Its not punishment, its “nudging”.

March 29, 2023 10:56 am

This teamwork is something that cannot and will never be taught via video games of any type.

Heard of online multiplayer games, have we?

March 29, 2023 10:57 am

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 Named One of TIME’s Best Inventions of 2021

Yes. 2021! Plus I was making a joke and being facetious.

March 29, 2023 10:58 am

My friend punched him in the jaw. So Zen!

Instant karma’s going to get you
Gonna knock you off your feet

March 29, 2023 11:01 am

awesome bit of kit isn’t it? I found one of their leaflets in my letterbox about 6 months ago and put it aside to check out later. After the fire scare a couple of weeks back, I dug out the leaflet and had a good look at their website. Much impressed.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2023 11:03 am

Heard of online multiplayer games, have we?

Yes ‘we’ have heard of online multiplayer games. My point, from experience, is this:

You do not get exposed to the concept of teamwork, pressure and doing things inherently dangerous while under said pressure while sitting on a couch in your jocks, slouching forward looking at a TV and getting fed Doritos by the cat.

This has previously been discussed. This is why all the active shooters with no experience – BUT plenty with ‘online multiplayer games’ – end up shot at the first contact with responders, as just happened in Nashville.

This is simple. One is reality. One is fantasy.

One requires spatial knowledge, an element of fitness, muscle memory and teamwork in a real life environment, and actual skill with firearms. The other requires movable thumbs.

March 29, 2023 11:06 am

Dot says:
March 29, 2023 at 10:57 am

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 Named One of TIME’s Best Inventions of 2021

Yes. 2021! Plus I was making a joke and being facetious.

Apologies Dot – my wife says I don’t get sarcasm

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2023 11:06 am

And, in the immortal words of the bloke on the TV ad just before his missus starts nagging:

Befooore ya staaart….

The ‘training rooms’ where you stand and aim weapons calibrated for simunition at big screen with pictures of goodies and baddies going about their business on them are two-dimensional shitfests and no better than plinking at metal duck with air rifles during the Show.

March 29, 2023 11:07 am

Apologies Dot – my wife says I don’t get sarcasm

(Chortles, fnarr, fnarr)

Good lord, well played, that is very meta.

March 29, 2023 11:10 am

Edging up close to the apparently elusive definition of ‘woke’ here, roger.

Douglas Murray has some good insights on the origins of woke in The Madness of Crowds.

John H.
John H.
March 29, 2023 11:12 am

March 29, 2023 at 10:56 am
This teamwork is something that cannot and will never be taught via video games of any type.

Heard of online multiplayer games, have we?

The genre is very popular. There is a late night TV show, LPL Pro or something like that, which broadcasts multiplayer game competitions. There are studies indicating improved cognition from first person shooter games. The games I like, strategy\building games, according to the studies don’t offer cognitive benefits.

The military is using simulators, even some games. That goes as far back as Larry Bond’s Harpoon, a DOS based naval battle simulation game. The modern version, Command from Matrix Games, is very modern and very expensive. Not sure if multiplayer capable.

March 29, 2023 11:13 am

Really the Media has lost it

NY Post – Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale identified as transgender and had detailed manifesto to attack Christian academy

Nashville police revealed that the 28-year-old who shot and killed six people at the Covenant School, including three children, identified as transgender and had a detailed manifesto to attack the Christian academy.

Officials said Audrey Hale, a former student, entered the school Monday morning by shooting through a door on the side of the building.

While inside, Hale killed Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs and William Kinney, all age 9, as well as custodian Mike Hill and substitute teacher Cynthia Peak, both 61, and school head Katherine Koonce, 60.

Following the shootings, Hale was killed when they encountered officers on the second floor by 10:27 a.m., 14 minutes after the alarm was raised.

Asked whether Hale’s identity could be a factor in the motive, Drake said authorities “feel that she identifies as trans, but we’re still in the initial investigation into all of that and if it actually played a role into this incident.”

In online profiles, Hale had indicated they used he/him pronouns and also went by the name Aiden.

It is unclear whether Hale identified as a man or woman at the time of the slayings.

Hale was killed when they encountered officers on the second floor by 10:27 a.m., 14 minutes after the alarm was raised.

What’s with “they”Hale was killed when She encountered officers on the second floor by 10:27 a.m., 14 minutes after the alarm was raised.

March 29, 2023 11:16 am

The military is using simulators, even some games.

They also use old style hex and counter war games, which have become quite sophisticated in recent years.

Robert Sewell
March 29, 2023 11:18 am


Note how liquid fuels can be made through well established processes used by chemists and chemical engineers for over a hundred years now. All you need is cheap energy – nuclear provides that.

I get what you’re saying – but the issue is “Why isn’t it happening?”
And that usually comes down to politics and political decisions.
Meanwhile China moves ahead in the only race that matters – cheap, reliable energy. How humiliating if they were to grow big enough to drown us economically. Their funding of the Greens and other anti technocratic organisations is paying big dividends.
We may yet lose this war.

Anchor What
Anchor What
March 29, 2023 11:19 am

Gateway is a bullshit site mostly peddling dishonest crap. It can’t be relied on for any story.
There’s less bullshit and dishonesty there than right here.

John H.
John H.
March 29, 2023 11:21 am

March 29, 2023 at 10:55 am
For those speculating on the zero upticks.
I have bribed Doverlord to subtract ticks every time someone passes one of my amazing, skilled and enlightening links, to stay hip with the kids daddy-0
Its not punishment, its “nudging”.

Please be advised I typically forget to uptick. Completely unconscious on my part, nothing to do with the following. In a recent video by Hossenfelder on the wisdom\madness of crowds she states that collective decision making doesn’t work when the individuals are aware of the decisions others are making. So perhaps we shouldn’t be so ready to uptick. It’s only a blog, no matter.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 29, 2023 11:23 am

Chickens coming home to roost in Victoriastan. Bad news if you’re a turkey and didn’t realise you were voting for Christmas.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 29, 2023 11:30 am

Anyone make sense of this Venn diagram?
Calli I believe is a great discerner of Venn diagrams.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 29, 2023 11:38 am

March 29, 2023 at 10:35 am
QLD government to ban public display of Nazi symbols:

‘The new offence will outlaw the public display, public distribution or publication of prohibited symbols in circumstances that “might reasonably be expected to cause a member of the public to feel menaced, harassed or offended”, reports The Guardian.

Any public display, public distribution or publication of communist symbols is likely to cause me to feel menaced, harassed or offended. Please ban them.

March 29, 2023 11:41 am

QLD government to ban public display of Nazi symbols:

‘The new offence will outlaw the public display, public distribution or publication of prohibited symbols in circumstances that “might reasonably be expected to cause a member of the public to feel menaced, harassed or offended”, reports The Guardian.

So, no more Ukraine flags or gay pride flags then?
They are definitely symbols of modern day Nazism…

So is the American flag come to think of it…
And every other western country…

John H.
John H.
March 29, 2023 11:43 am

I gave MT an uptick and responds to me with contempt.

March 29, 2023 11:45 am

“So, if you want us to frack the place, ah, no, that’s not happening … that is not happening – and we couldn’t have been clearer,” he thumped the virtual table this week. But he wants Queensland gas to be diverted from export to Victoria. “So that our (actually, their) gas is for our businesses and our households and the rest of it, the bit we don’t need – well, sell that to the world,” Andrews added. “We shouldn’t have to compete against the rest of the world for something that comes out of our ground and our seabed.”

Repeat after me … Queensland gas is for Queenslanders 🙂

March 29, 2023 11:47 am

Anyone make sense of this Venn diagram?

The current madness in the form of a diagram.

Could be quite helpful, actually.

Put that before most people and begin to explain it and watch their reactions.

Robert Sewell
March 29, 2023 11:50 am

farmer Gez:
Mentally unbalanced people meet other mentally unbalanced people and get drugs that increase their mental unbalancing.

A new narrative is just being formed about the Trans kiddie killer.
Anti-trans Christians forced the shooter to act. Christian school has only itself to blame.
Yep, they’re about to dance on these kiddies graves.

Prepare for many more of these deranged acts. Biden has finally found a way to demand personal firearms be stolen from you.

March 29, 2023 11:51 am

“our gas is for our businesses and our households and the rest of it, the bit we don’t need – well, sell that to the world. We shouldn’t have to compete against the rest of the world for something that comes out of our ground and our seabed.”

Isn’t this National Socialism, Premier Andrews?

March 29, 2023 11:56 am

Paris KIA helmet research:

Cassie of Sydney
March 29, 2023 12:01 pm

Okay, the Liberal Party kicked out Gareth Ward last year and rather than resign, he sat as an independent. Last Saturday, Ward contested Kiama and has won…

Charged MP Gareth Ward retains NSW seat

Former Liberal MP Gareth Ward has retained the seat of Kiama as he fights allegations of sexual assault.

The tight seat, which Mr Ward has held since 2011, has been called, as the now-independent led by 50.8 per cent in the two-candidate preferred against Labor’s Katelin McInerney.
The ABC chief elections analyst Antony Green called the seat as Mr Ward led by 615 votes with almost 80 per cent of the vote counted.

He had earlier flown past Liberal candidate Melanie Gibbons, who was parachuted into the seat.

Then-Liberal MP Mr Ward was suspended from parliament in March after a motion was passed without opposition following police laying five charges against him including sexual intercourse without consent, three counts of assault with an act of indecency and one count of common assault.

Newly elected Labor Premier Chris Minns indicated on Tuesday he would make a decision on whether to suspend him from parliament until his matter is finalised after the seat was called.

Mr Ward was arraigned yesterday in Nowra District Court.

He stood up in the courtroom and answered “not guilty” to each of the charges as they were read out to him.

One of the alleged incidents occurred in February 2013 and involved a 17-year-old. The second alleged incident – sexual intercourse without consent – took place in September 2015 and involved a 27-year-old man.

Outside court, Mr Ward told waiting media he would win the case, as well as the election, and said he “passionately believes in the presumption of innocence”.

He will attend a Sydney court again next week.

Clearly the voters of Kiama not only liked their member, they also believed in that now unfashionable notion of the presumption of innocence, an notion that, along with fiscal responsibility, free speech, individual liberty, religious freedom, freedom of association, and so on, the Liberal Party no longer believes in.

March 29, 2023 12:03 pm

The ‘training rooms’ where you stand and aim weapons calibrated for simunition at big screen with pictures of goodies and baddies going about their business on them are two-dimensional shitfests and no better than plinking at metal duck with air rifles during the Show.

Better tell the Australian Army because that is what they do a lot of the time. Zero training value?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2023 12:08 pm

Zero training value?

Zero for teamwork. Zero for working under actual pressure. 100% for fat Army Reserve chicks on annual training ‘camps’.

The Australian Army is nothing – nothing – like it was 20 or more years ago.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2023 12:09 pm

Better tell the Australian Army

Waaaay, way ahead of you.


March 29, 2023 12:10 pm

With Canbra involved that’s not surprising. Nothing good comes out of Canbra.

March 29, 2023 12:11 pm

ABC: Justice Brereton to lead anti-corruption commission.

March 29, 2023 12:12 pm

Whoever the bloke giving the orders is hes great.
Every time the assault was stalling or slowing he poked, prodded and kept his team moving forward.

He did an excellent job. But what if you don’t have such a trained and focussed individual there? It stalls.

You see the problem right at the start. Rifleman to the front, go! Rifleman just standing at the doorway wondering if he is about to die. He shoves him into the hallway, go!

If you think police are going to rescue you, it’s going to be the absolute exception. Fortunately this case was the exception.

March 29, 2023 12:15 pm

Tucker Carlson Tonight on the mass murder of Christians and their children in Nashville TN and the rise of the transsexual terrorism movement.

March 29, 2023 12:16 pm

Anti-trans Christians forced the shooter to act. Christian school has only itself to blame.

How long till munty arrives here spewing out this talking point like it’s his own opinion?

It’s like gravity, a law of physics, it will happen.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2023 12:18 pm

The premise:

Multiplayer online gaming helps with reality

Exhibit A – Aliens: Fireteam Elite:

There’s nothing quite like gunning down freakish monsters with buddies in online co-op action. Aliens: Fireteam Elite puts you in the boots of a hardened Colonial Marine who’s tasked with rescuing survivors and investigating a xenomorph outbreak on a Weyland-Yutani colony.

Uh huh.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2023 12:20 pm

Exhibit B- Borderlands 2:

You play as a Vault Hunter, a treasure hunter looking for an alien vault on a barely colonized planet. Throughout the guffaw-filled adventure, you collect hundreds of different guns, each with its own unique stats and attributes. The heavy metal lets you mow down a seemingly unlimited number of robots, mutants, and Mad Max-style raiders.

Wow. It’s like looking out the lounge room window. So real.

March 29, 2023 12:22 pm

The closest thing to a firefight that any general civilian can subject themselves to is paintball…

It’s certainly nowhere near what reality would be, but it’s a lot closer than online gaming or simulators are

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 29, 2023 12:25 pm

Exhibit C – Call of Duty – Modern Warfare:

The Call of Duty franchise has been all over the place in recent years, with a focus shift from WWII campaigns to space adventures to battle royale action. Although Call of Duty has strayed from its roots, the Infinity Ward-developed reboot of the seminal 2007 title grounds the first-person shooter series.

New to the game is a rewards-based morality system that ranks your ability to properly discern innocent people from legitimate threats in the singleplayer campaign.

That ‘ranks your ability’, rather than charging you with murder after persecuting you for years, as just happened with a real operator instead of a cat-fed couch stoner slug.

Once again. Reality trumps fantasy.

March 29, 2023 12:25 pm

“…and being able to buy a semi-auto rifle as easily as they buy a bucket of KFC isn’t helping.”

Oh – I didn’t realise that you needed to fill out and sign government paperwork, then wait 5 days to buy KFC in the USA. Look, I know KFC is likely a pretty big health risk, but that seems more than a little over the top if you ask me. Hard to see how KFC is “fast food” under those circumstances too – would they be guilty of false advertising to describe themselves as “fast food”?

March 29, 2023 12:32 pm

Below part of article from The Oz today. Spectator mag did a much more detailed article last week. Major study having its $20m funding pulled. Some like me might even think they don’t want to know the results. Imagine if you are a Govt that mandated relatively untested vaccine to millions and your own survey showed an inconvenient amount of adverse effects.

“Queensland Health is pulling funding from a major study into the long-term effects of Covid-19 and the impact of vaccines, throwing the research trial which already has 10,000 participants into doubt.

The QoVAX study, the largest of its type in Australia, is examining how people’s immune systems respond to vaccines and to the virus itself and is seen as important real-world research to help manage future Covid variants.

Initiated in May 2021, the Queensland Health-led project was to look at health outcomes in participants for up to five years and involved some of the state’s most important research bodies: The University of Queensland, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute and Queensland University of Technology. Recruitment only finished in September last year.

However, a Queensland Health spokesperson confirmed on Tuesday that funding will cease in June this year but did not explain why. “Ongoing funding is being sought through a range of grant programs and academic partnerships to leverage the sample and data assets collected through the trial,’’ the spokesperson said”.

Now imagine if you worked on it and wanted to tell the inside story. If you do your career and job prospects finished.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 29, 2023 12:32 pm

The closest thing to a firefight that any general civilian can subject themselves to is paintball…

I had a boss that decided that paintball was an exercise in “team-building,” and staff were expected to give up some of their weekends to play paintball.

Half a dozen of the ex – servicemen on the payroll got together and organized an area ambush that the Viet Cong would have envied, and paintball was dropped from the agenda soon after…

March 29, 2023 12:40 pm

Dan Andrews going to China and we are looking to increase our migrant and student intake.

Hmmmm. Remind me which party Chinese Australians have supported in recent elections. Like the flood of Mexicans into USA who are expected to vote Democrat.

China won’t have to take us over militarily. It will come from massive growth of their population from within.

March 29, 2023 12:44 pm

Just me, perhaps. But showing the video of a school-shooter incident might just encourage more to act out their chosen death in a similar way.

If I’m just a little out of touch then can we look forward to and a dedicated youtube channel showing all these great “teamwork” events on weekly, if not daily, basis?

March 29, 2023 12:45 pm

Zero for teamwork. Zero for working under actual pressure. 100% for fat Army Reserve chicks on annual training ‘camps’.

The Australian Army is nothing – nothing – like it was 20 or more years ago.

This may be so. I would like to be able to contradict you, but I don’t know enough.
However, the Army reflects the nation. It rots from the head – a political class trained to be active parasites, not builders.

March 29, 2023 12:49 pm

“…and being able to buy a semi-auto rifle as easily as they buy a bucket of KFC isn’t helping.”

A surprising number of lefty reporters fail the “KFC Bucket Test”.

“We’re going to show our viewers how easy it is to buy an assault rifle!”

“Sorry sir, I’m unable to sell you this rifle, NICS says there’s an outstanding warrant for your arrest for an assault in a restaurant in Albuquerque in 2018. I’m calling the police now ok?”

March 29, 2023 12:55 pm

Half a dozen of the ex – servicemen on the payroll got together and organized an area ambush that the Viet Cong would have envied, and paintball was dropped from the agenda soon after…

We had a team building exercise where we had to transmit a sentence over about 100m by hand signal. Ex military (Oz, Nz, Sing, Taiwan) were still arguing over who’s system to use by the time we’d completed transmission! 🙂

March 29, 2023 12:56 pm

Because leftards target advertisers at media that dares to broadcast programs that don’t conform with the approved leftard narrative on everything from Kung Flu to transgender terrorism, I am forced to watch fund-raising commercials from the enviroloons featuring endless hours of animals being tortured by Third World human trash to pay the bills at the Foxtel channels.

These enviroloon-animal rights organisations are swimming in cash. They don’t deserve the discount advertising deals they’re getting from Foxtel. Time to review your tariff structure, Foxtel – especially when your ads are pissing off your audience.

March 29, 2023 12:58 pm

I gave MT an uptick and …

what are you a 13yo ?

honestly Bong John, you post so much gibberish I’m surprised you don’t cop more shit.

March 29, 2023 1:07 pm

These enviroloon-animal rights organisations are swimming in cash. They don’t deserve the discount advertising deals they’re getting from Foxtel. Time to review your tariff structure, Foxtel – especially when your ads are pissing off your audience.

It’s the same on FTA – along with the wails to save starving African and war-torn babes in arms. Bullshit meter goes off the scale.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 29, 2023 1:09 pm

Daily Mail.

Dramatic moment Lidia Thorpe accuses white female senator of being a ‘RACIST’ on the floor of Parliament for interrupting her during acknowledgement to country

Lidia Thorpe interrupted in acknowledgement of country
She accused Hollie Hughes of racism in the workplace
Hughes demanded she withdraw the comments

Seems every time we mine for minerals, we are raping Mother Earth, and it’s all a product of colonization.

John H.
John H.
March 29, 2023 1:10 pm

I just gave you another uptick. Anyone who only responds to me in the negative all the time is a sick puppy. Why even bother, I and most people ignore heaps of material we think is wrong. I hardly cop any shit. It is only you and two others that do that. You weren’t slapped at birth you were thrown around the operating room and then starved for 24 hours because mercy killings weren’t allowed back then.

March 29, 2023 1:20 pm

Roger says:
March 29, 2023 at 9:36 am
Conservative Christian Tanya Davies was one of the few NSW Liberals to record a swing towards her, leaving her the only Liberal in western Sydney. She spoke against vaccine mandates in 2021.

She is my MP. Isn’t it amazing how if you represent your voters’ concerns in parliament they will vote for you.

March 29, 2023 1:24 pm

Latest hot topic on their ABCcess.

Why 1/3 of people think wimmins might make up stories of sexual assault just to get revenge on an ex-root/partner.

The obvious answer = More propaganda about “believe all wimmins” needed.

March 29, 2023 1:26 pm

Why 1/3 of people think wimmins might make up stories of sexual assault just to get revenge on an ex-root/partner.

Family court data in America and Australia says yes.

March 29, 2023 1:27 pm

She is my MP. Isn’t it amazing how if you represent your voters’ concerns in parliament they will vote for you.

Mark Textor did not return our calls.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 29, 2023 1:29 pm

Family court data in America and Australia says yes.

Allegations of sexual assault or domestic violence were seen by the sisterhood as a perfectly legitimate tactic in the Family Law Court.

March 29, 2023 1:33 pm
March 29, 2023 1:39 pm

I have never understood what people mean by “spirituality”.
Religion of convenience.

It’s a claim made by women who like to meditate and light scented candles.

March 29, 2023 1:40 pm

who only responds to me in the negative all the time is a sick puppy

What do you want a participation medal?

Bong John … just stop talking crap all the time

March 29, 2023 1:41 pm

Mill of the week! Beaver Mk2. Beaver Mk1 was a disaster, they put the narrow guide on the Y axis in the centre of the slide rather than centring over the screw. End result of this was excessive slide wear. Mk2 corrected this by placing the narrow guide over the screw.

March 29, 2023 1:48 pm

Finally, you will note that the cops displayed teamwork throughout, from entering the front door to the finale. This teamwork is something that cannot and will never be taught via video games of any type.

Something some may not have noticed, this was not a team of 3-4 cops that specifically practiced together. It was a scratch team organized literally on the run out of whichever officers made it to the incident site first.

First cop on the scene does a rapid survey/recon and takes charge. As the rest arrive he calls “I need 3 on the right”, etc. etc. until the perp is down. As they approach the now perforated perp he reminds them not to break discipline by ordering one to “cover left” (their rear blind spot in this case).

Very impressive indeed.

That’s the sign of excellent organization and realistic training at their agency.

March 29, 2023 1:52 pm

It’s a claim made by women who like to meditate and light scented candles.

“I’m not religious, I’m spiritual.”

March 29, 2023 1:54 pm

“What do you want a participation medal?”

Yes – more than one, in fact.
Big and shiny, if you please.
Oh – and national recognition for the pain and suffering of reading M0nty’s posts.
Since you ask…

March 29, 2023 1:59 pm

That’s the sign of excellent organization and realistic training at their agency.

That training would now be requisite for US police, I would think.

If it was Australia they’d have been waiting outside for the special response team.

March 29, 2023 1:59 pm

Crossie says:
March 29, 2023 at 1:20 pm

She is my MP. Isn’t it amazing how if you represent your voters’ concerns in parliament they will vote for you.

A week before the election:
Sportsbet odds
Liberal $1.25, Labor $4.00.

The Badgerys Creek State Election candidates pitch for your vote
By Weekender Newsroom – March 17, 2023.

March 29, 2023 2:02 pm

When they tell you what they’re going to do, believe them:

March 29, 2023 2:03 pm

It’s a claim made by women who like to meditate and light scented candles.

“I’m not religious, I’m spiritual.”

The word is also applied by and to many of the people who daily read the bible and pray, who some might term religious.
I might be one such, but I regard the term with suspicion.

March 29, 2023 2:03 pm

Painting the hallway today, Parliament on the radio. just heard the egregious Lydia Thorpe carry on about the racist shooting of a “blackfella” in Mareeba the other day. She went on and on about how police use force and brutality on blacks way more than whites and it’s because of racism. I looked up the shooting, seems he had a woman hostage, then charged at attending police with a knife. She reckons they shot him because of racism. After the way the NT police treated Rolfe I’m amazed that the police did anything at all.

Who would be a copper anywhere with an aboriginal population?

March 29, 2023 2:03 pm

FBI and Chris Wray Missed Nashville School Shooter’s Manifesto and Final Messages – Instead Focused on Empowering Female Officers in “Diversity” Pledge on SAME DAY as Shooting

In the wake of the Nashville shooting and prior, the highly politicized FBI was taking a pledge to recruit more women “in an effort expected to advance diversity, strengthen partnerships, and enhance operational success.”

At 12:41 pm CT on Tuesday, the FBI’s official Twitter page shared this news. On February 27, the day that three young students and three teachers were murdered by a transgender who kept a manifesto and mapped out her plan in Nashville, TN, the FBI published their report about joining “a push to recruit more female sworn law enforcement officers and to empower them professionally.”

Less than one hour earlier, The Gateway Pundit reported that the school shooter, Audrey Hale, sent highly alarming text messages to her friend, outlining her plans for the day on Monday right before murdering innocent students and teachers.

“I’m planning to die today,” one message said. “THIS IS NOT A JOKE!!!!” Hale continued. “You’ll probably hear about me on the news after I die.”

Where was the FBI when these messages were sent? Were they too busy spying on peaceful conservatives and reading their messages?

In addition to the text messages and detailed manifesto that police say mapped out the shooting, Hale was posting concerning artwork on her website before the shooting.

Chris Wray’s statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion following the horrific and thoroughly planned school shooting can be found below:

March 29, 2023 2:04 pm

For mathematically minded Cats, here‘s a “simple” VPython simulation of one of the stable solutions of the 3-body problem, using Newtonian mechanics.
It is an Euler Method numerical solution of a classic dynamics problem consisting of difficult differential equations with no general analytical solution, something that was proven >100 years ago by Poincare`.
One can change body masses M, initial velocities V0, starting coordinates (.pos vectors), time length and speed of simulation (lines 27.28) and watch the unpredictable results.
But.. simulating a “stable” orbital system with the initial parameters shows the correct, stable orbits only for ~ 60,000 iterations, even in this simplified simulation.

Why? Because of the cumulative error in x64 CPU floating-point arithmetic, which approximate transcendental numbers (pi and trigs) to ~15 decimal places (53 binary bits) only. What then follows is the result of the accrued rounding errors in the iterated functions (lines 29-40).
Beautiful graphics, but wrong.

The point of this?
Simulating a complex system, even simplified, while keeping just 4 independent parameters constant. produces significant incremental errors after << 100,000 iterations, despite 15-decimal point precision (equivalent to a ±0.5mm error in 1 billion Kms).
Also, because 3-body orbital physics IS inherently chaotic, no amount of floating-point precision will produce long-term accuracy. Only analytical solutions can.
Anyone proficient in high-school maths, and beyond, would understand this.

Yet we are expected to believe that 3D circulation climate models, with dozens of changing, DEPENDENT parameters, in an even more chaotic system, can accurately predict weather or climate, calculated by iteration, usually in ?t intervals of 2-3 hours, 3+ generations from now.

Widespread innumeracy/stupidity are costing us a Civilization.

March 29, 2023 2:05 pm

Gotta love Americans, if not their government at the moment. The latest EAA Sport Aviation arrived on line.
You may have seem memes with the Bally Bomber in them (do not wash your bomber in warm water). A 1/3 scale B-17 the guy flies.
Another bloke is developing a reduction drive for a Honda L series car engine for small aircraft like Piper Cubs etc. He is trying to make it lighter and figured he’d know he’d gone too far when he ended up in a farmer’s field due engine failure. So he thought he’d like a multi engine aircraft. Two is problematical for small aircraft as it is very difficult to get good single engine performance, so more than two is good.
He’s opted for 4 so I mean just obviously you have to build a 1/3 scale B-29 to fly in. It is getting close to completion.

March 29, 2023 2:08 pm


I suggest that 63 + 1 = 0.

March 29, 2023 2:09 pm

Like media bagging prime ministers for not forming a national cabinet for bushfires while looking concerned for the TV cameras, Gateway Pundit’s bagging the FBI is a bit unfair.
Still the FBI deserve a lot worse.

March 29, 2023 2:11 pm

Some in the US media are complaining that:

“The shooter has been identified by his deadname.”

Well folks, SHE is being identified by the name she used on the forms for the background checks required to purchase the weapons she used in a horrific attack on innocents to support your cause.

So nah, I think we’ll stack to that name.

Cassie of Sydney
March 29, 2023 2:12 pm

I find the “I’m not religious, I’m spiritual” shtick ludicrous. As far as I’m concerned, spirituality comes from religious belief.

March 29, 2023 2:12 pm

EVs Are The Yugo Of The 21st Century

I & I Editorial Board – March 28, 2023

Way back in the mid-1980s, communist Yugoslavia exported the Yugo, a compact car that sold for around $4,000. It was so poorly made that bumping into a pole at 5 mph could total it.

Fast forward to today, and a new class of cars has a similar problem. A minor accident can cause a total loss, even if the car’s been driven only a few miles. The only difference is that these cars aren’t cheap imports from some godforsaken socialist state. These are state-of-art electric vehicles that come with an average sticker price of $55,000.

Why are insurance companies totaling low-mileage EVs that have been in a fender bender? For the same reason you could total a new Yugo when backing out of a parking spot. The cost of repair is exorbitant.

As Reuters reported recently, “For many electric vehicles, there is no way to repair or assess even slightly damaged battery packs after accidents,” which means the only viable option is to replace the battery, which represents about half the cost of the car.

Insuring an electric car is already 27% more expensive, on average, than a gasoline-powered one. If insurers keep totaling new EVs with minor damage, those rates will only go up.

This won’t be a problem just for EV owners. You can bet that the environmentalists pushing electric cars will soon start complaining that insurance companies are “discriminating” against EVs and demanding that they spread those costs around more widely – forcing owners of conventional cars to subsidize EVs.

In a normal market, carmakers would work out such kinks before mass producing a vehicle, much less converting their entire fleets over to a new and relatively untested technology. If they couldn’t resolve problems of affordability, reliability, and repairability to consumers’ satisfaction, automakers would scrap the effort and move on to something else.

But our elites think they know better. And they want new cars to be 100% electric within a decade. So, carmakers feel like they have little choice but to plow ahead.

Which brings up another way that today’s EVs are like the Yugos of yesteryear.

One auto critic said of the Yugo that it “had the distinct feeling of something assembled at gunpoint.”

That was probably literally true in the case of the Yugo. But it is essentially the situation with EVs today.

Consumers aren’t banging on dealership doors demanding EVs. Ford reported last week that its e-car division is losing billions of dollars a year.

Car companies are pouring money into electric cars only because the government is holding a gun to their heads, saying build EVs or die.

March 29, 2023 2:15 pm

Yet we are expected to believe that 3D circulation climate models, with dozens of changing, DEPENDENT parameters, in an even more chaotic system, can accurately predict weather or climate, calculated by iteration, usually in ?t intervals of 2-3 hours, 3+ generations from now. gives you the choice of 3 global 3D circulation models and an Australian region one. You can see for yourself how well/poorly the predictions do. ECMWF is the latest model with highest resolution.
Choose where you are, look at surface wind, rain, thunderstorms etc 10 days out and look at how it changes day by day, 9 ,8 7 etc as that day gets closer. There are times it seems to work OK and times it is hopeless.
The 50 years time folk will tell you they do lots of runs of the models and average them.
Would some of the mathematicians here like to tell me whether that makes any sense and is mathematically consistent?

March 29, 2023 2:16 pm

Pure uncut Copeium, straight from the Tasmanian triangle….

People without children start social groups due to moral stigma and social isolation

After a long period of loneliness, Rochelle Steven was at the point of “total despondency” when she typed “child-free women’s social group” into an online search engine.

“Working from home and also being a woman in her late 30s with no kids — that’s actually two of the really key mechanisms that women use to make friends,” Ms Steven said.

Realising she needed to build connections, she hit the enter key in her Google search.

It’s brought her in contact with a group of women who have now changed her life.

“If I had not been so down, I might not have taken that leap,” Ms Steven said.

“It was kind of this lifeline for me.
I joined, I fronted up to a social gathering with these women … [aged] in their 30s to 50s [with] no kids — either by choice or not — so it’s very much a judgement-free zone.”

Ms Steven is a member of one of multiple Perth social groups created by people without children to socialise and make new friends.

he proportion of women not having children at all has continued to grow in Australia since the mid-1980s, despite fluctuating fertility rates.

While their reasons vary, some have experienced a social stigma for not becoming a parent.

For Ms Steven, the group has not been an escape from those social pressures but an opportunity to address her loneliness.

As a consequence, Ms Steven chose to seek out women who were child-free.

“I did decide to actively find a group of women who were in a similar stage of their life, both [in terms of] choice and age and interests,” she said.

During her 20s, Ms Steven decided she did not want children. This was initially for lifestyle reasons and later due to ethical concerns about human population and consumption.

Kimberley Tassoude, co-founder of a social media group called Perth Australia Childfree, says non-parent communities provide a safe place to share feelings and experiences.
“I believe my most amusing one was being called an ’empty vessel’ by someone who was a little angry,” she said.

“I’ve also been told I’m mentally ill for not wanting children.”

Ms Tassoude has also been told that she is “a waste of food” and that “if a woman is not going to reproduce then she basically shouldn’t be here”.

March 29, 2023 2:19 pm

Shocking Biden hot-mic reveals how handlers program his every move


Yes, this is 100% real.

From the Comments

– How is brandon’s behavior any different then Fetterman’s actions?

– Well, he is out in public. So we know, think, he is alive.

– The United States of America
July 4, 1776 – November 2, 2020
Requiescat In Pace

– Bathroom trips have gotta be a hot mess.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 29, 2023 2:19 pm

Painting the hallway today, Parliament on the radio. just heard the egregious Lydia Thorpe carry on about the racist shooting of a “blackfella” in Mareeba the other day.

Why Lidia Thorpe is still sitting in the Senate is beyond me. Can’t the major parties have her censured or expelled?

March 29, 2023 2:25 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says:
March 29, 2023 at 2:19 pm
Painting the hallway today, Parliament on the radio. just heard the egregious Lydia Thorpe carry on about the racist shooting of a “blackfella” in Mareeba the other day.

Why Lidia Thorpe is still sitting in the Senate is beyond me. Can’t the major parties have her censured or expelled?

You are a kidder. Which major party do you expect to do something about her? Labor won’t as she takes the heat off their idiocies. Liberals won’t as it takes guts and principle to stand up to the thuggish Thorpe.

March 29, 2023 2:26 pm

I never watch body-cam footage released after mass killings etc but I picked up on somebody’s Twitter page that the video didn’t include the murders or anything close-quarters gruesome.

The resolve, focus, intelligence and commitment to sacrifice themselves for children if necessary was, quite simply, magnificent. They ought to be decorated not only by their Department but by Congress.

March 29, 2023 2:26 pm

That is fun Eyrie.
“I just wanted to!” is good enough for me!

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 29, 2023 2:28 pm

March 29, 2023 at 11:51 am
“our gas is for our businesses and our households and the rest of it, the bit we don’t need – well, sell that to the world. We shouldn’t have to compete against the rest of the world for something that comes out of our ground and our seabed.”

Isn’t this National Socialism, Premier Andrews?

Of course. Modern leftards have realised that fascism gives them both power over the lives of others, and greater opportunities for grift than communism does.

John H.
John H.
March 29, 2023 2:29 pm

March 29, 2023 at 1:52 pm
It’s a claim made by women who like to meditate and light scented candles.

“I’m not religious, I’m spiritual.”

I imagine you haven’t seen the latest series of advertisements with young attractive women wearing their magic crystals. Late night, running for some months now. Must be selling well. One of the images is a woman meditating.

The late to the game New Age guru, Deepak Chopra, an endocrinologist, made a bucketload promoting his nonsense. I used to refer to him as Deep Pork Chops.

March 29, 2023 2:32 pm

Progressive privilege: Shouting down the women


Make no mistake – progressive privilege is real, and so is mental illness. Both are rampant in this country, and yup – I’m calling out all the misguided coddling while ACTUAL WOMEN GET CANCELLED.

Because actual women are, in fact, the ones being pushed to the back of the room, destroyed little by little, while feminists stand in the corner with their thumbs up their arses. Or worse yet? They’re aiding and abetting the cancellation. So-called feminists are so busy falling right in the woke line and fawning all over the biological men who appear to so effortlessly rule them.


Patriarchy wins again, huh U of Pitt?

March 29, 2023 2:33 pm
March 29, 2023 2:33 pm

Eyrie says:
March 29, 2023 at 2:15 pm gives you the choice of 3 global 3D circulation models and an Australian region one. You can see for yourself how well/poorly the predictions do. ECMWF is the latest model with highest resolution.
Choose where you are, look at surface wind, rain, thunderstorms etc 10 days out and look at how it changes day by day, 9 ,8 7 etc as that day gets closer. There are times it seems to work OK and times it is hopeless. one would expect from modelling a chaotic (non-deterministic) system.
This was normal and expected, until Climate “scientists” came along.
The error can be measured by changing initial conditions/assumptions (see t-zero constraints in dealing with systems modeled by differential equations), but cannot be reliably predicted.

The 50 years time folk will tell you they do lots of runs of the models and average them.
Would some of the mathematicians here like to tell me whether that makes any sense and is mathematically consistent?

No. Error bars have a nasty habit of increasing linearly-to-exponentially, even in deterministic systems, which climate models are not.
The average of chaos is still chaos.

Robert Sewell
March 29, 2023 2:36 pm


Why Lidia Thorpe is still sitting in the Senate is beyond me. Can’t the major parties have her censured or expelled?

She’s waiting for a spot on the Voice – President will do – to open up.
Plans on being Australian Zillionaire of the Year for the next 20 or so.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 29, 2023 2:36 pm

Daily Mail. Your taxpayers dollars at work.

READ: The entire exchange between Hollie Hughes and Lidia Thorpe

Senator Thorpe: I want to acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the lands—

Senator Hughes: How many times has that happened today?

Senator Thorpe: Is that racism? Can I just call out racism in this chamber right now, please? Acting Deputy President, I call it out.

Senator Hughes: Point of order.

The Acting Deputy President (Senator Linda Reynolds): Point of order?

Senator Hughes: We’ve just had an accusation made in this chamber, and I would like Senator Thorpe to withdraw.

The Acting Deputy President: Senator Hughes, you have a point of order?

Senator Hughes: Yes. I’d just like to point out that Senator Thorpe has just made a comment about me that I think she should withdraw in its inference—in fact, its direct calling.

The Acting Deputy President: Senator Thorpe?

Senator Thorpe: Acting Deputy President, what are you asking me to do?

The Acting Deputy President: Senator Thorpe, I’ve just had a point of order that you actually made—

Senator Thorpe: Do you want me to finish reading it?

The Acting Deputy President: I did hear what Senator Hughes said, and—

Senator Thorpe: And you don’t see that as racist?

The Acting Deputy President: That is not my call to make. However—are you making a point of order?

Senator Thorpe: I’m making a point of order that I am in my workplace, and I don’t need racists being racist to me while I’m reading my speech. Can you make sure that I am not targeted with racism while I’m trying to do my job, please?

The Acting Deputy President: Senator Hughes?

Senator Hughes: I don’t think it’s appropriate for Senator Thorpe to be referring to anyone in this place as racist, and I would ask her to withdraw. That is absolutely inappropriate, and I will not be referred to by you as anything, let alone that. You need to—

The Acting Deputy President: Senator Hughes, take your seat. Senator Hughes, you are not helping. Senator Hughes and Senator Thorpe! Thank you. Senator Thorpe, I heard what Senator Hughes said, and I didn’t hear anything that was –

Senator Thorpe, if you would like a review of the Hansard, I can certainly ask for a review of the Hansard.

Senator Thorpe: I would like that please, because I will not stand for racism in my workplace.

The Acting Deputy President: Senator Thorpe, you are not helping the situation by repeating that claim about Senator Hughes. I would ask that you withdraw that imputation.

Senator Thorpe: I will not withdraw until you understand that I have just been racially vilified while I’m reading my speech.

Senator Katy Gallagher: If it might assist the chamber, there is obviously a disagreement that has gone on here. I think your suggestion that the Hansard be reviewed and that the President or yourself come back to the chamber at a later date might be the best way to facilitate this evening.

Senator Hughes: I would just like to make the point that the constant reference to Australians who were born here from a different heritage being referred to as colonisers is not helpful in any way. Perhaps we need to refer to the Hansard in more ways than one.

The Acting Deputy President: Senator Hughes and Senator Thorpe: I will confer with the President, and also the Clerk. We will review the Hansard, and we will come back and report back to the Senate.

Senator Thorpe: Acting Deputy President, I appreciate that. Can I continue to read my speech?

The Acting Deputy President: You have the call.

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  2. JC, I know you said he was reasonably padded, but I always pictured him as a weaselly, snivelling, little runt.…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x