Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.
Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.
Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
We are doing 3.8’s over here. We are catching up, Americans….said with 100% respect. It’s great Clay bought all his…
Keir Starmer ‘sidelining’ Christianity to ‘promote Islam’
How does building something using a kit make you an engineer?
Other than plastic model aircraft/cars/boats you’d find out if you tried it. Most people seem to have trouble with flatpacks furniture.
Re the great quake: Had just gone to bed with my niece’s first and newly published novel, when the cat jumped up, all wide-eyed, and proceeded to dash about the room, eventually holing up in the walk-in closet.
Then at 11.40 came the temblor.
Coincidence? Or did Elsie know something?
It didn’t phase her, as she soon headed outside for some wee hours ratting. The pitiful result (just noticed), a tiny dead mouse left as a gift on the coffee table.
Governments have been around alot longer, they the biggest cult around.
There are good architects and sh1t builders. And there are sh1t architects and good builders. They key to happiness is avoiding both.
That’s a very good column. Where are they indeed?
Actress Jane Fonda is facing backlash after she called for men to face ‘arrest and jail’ for the destruction done to the planet as she blamed white men specifically for creating the ‘climate crisis.’
‘It is a tragedy that we have to absolutely stop. We have to arrest and jail those men — they’re all men [behind this],’ she said Saturday at the Cannes Film Festival.
She added there ‘would be no climate crisis if there was no racism.’
‘White men are the things that matter and then everything else [is] at the bottom,’ the outspoken actor said of the ‘hierarchy’ that gives men power.
Lizzie – have just read you previous post regarding the hunting boomerangs found near your early home in Mt Druitt. Wow! Do you still have them?
I have a 19th century boomerang which I bought in Cununurra a long time ago. A real treasure. I have another, of unknown age, which was given to me because the owner didn’t want it (!).
Hmmm – italic fail.
Not assemblers.
That’s one description. Not necessarily the one I would use. This is what happens when you order an extra side of Bacon with your j’ism.
I was surpised to see her at Cannes after her last outing on The View (or whatever).
Perhaps the organisers were operating on the principle that any publicity is good publicity.
Engineers, as practitioners of engineering, are professionals who invent, design, analyze, build and test machines, complex systems, structures, gadgets and materials to fulfill functional objectives and requirements while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety and cost.
Few engineers do all of those. Many actually never “invent” anything.
Build a homebuilt aircraft and you’ll do build and test machines, complex systems, structures, gadgets and materials to fulfill functional objectives and requirements while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety and cost all of those.
So, in his latest tweet, Mulvaney has “come out” as a lesbian.
So, he, is a man, who likes women…
Jane Fonda only wants a nice warm glass of milk to help her sleep.
“Now go to sleep or I’ll put you to sleep” – she belongs in aged care.
A fond little joke I tell myself every time I drive back to Sydney from Orange – among the many signs at the side of the road there is one that reads “Mt Lambie”, to which I invariably reply “Uh…I would very much rather not.”
Was it Quadrant’s server groaning and shaking?
Powerline linked a Quadrant story this morning!
Mulvaney would be impervious to dismissal as a public servant in Australia.
If everyone swallowed their pride and identified as trans lesbian women, the whole sideshow would end pretty quickly.
It seems ironic to me that the “Yes” advocates are screaming that any opposition to the Voice constitutes racism writ large. Yet their very attitude IS racist (as is their proposal, of course) since
i) they ignore the fact that there is a substantial opposition amongst Aborigines themselves and
ii) many, many advocates of the “No” vote (like myself) genuinely value our Aboriginal people.
Either he’s having a lend or he’s a serious nutcase…as well as having nuts in a case.
The weekend may have leaf blowers but you can’t beat an industrial mulcher firing up in the suburbs. Some tree is about to meet its maker.
It’s those lesbian relationships where one transitions that really puzzle me. I sorta get it.
There did used to be the vacuous truth that women would manage the world better than men – vacuously true in the same way that ‘All cats in my house are black’ is considered true if there are no cats in my house.
But we have seen increased participation of women in all spheres and what has become all too manifest to dispute is that they are able to match men, vice for vice.
Jane Fonda is just a dusty relic from the 60’s. Her man-hating opinion is an old shawl that was for left neglected in a Vinnies bin for decades until it came back into fashion again by a generation that will wear it again, but with a different meaning. Jane is a bra-burner feminist who is being cheered on by child mutilating tranny ‘allies’.
Did anyone say that?
We were commenting on the statistical fact that “medical perfessionals” have a susceptibility to substance abuse.
The fact that putting people under requires some degree of skill makes the propensity for a significant proportion of them to get juiced up even more concerning.
No, no, no, Sal.
It’s just been relocated to Wuhan – Courtesy of the Old Thiefs son.
It doesn’t.
It makes you an assembly worker.
No more, no less.
May 29, 2023 at 9:02 am
How does building something using a kit make you an engineer?
Trying to work out if the 3 screws left over were critical to the build??
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity:
They’re the sort of people who think they are really clever and assume their cruelty will never catch up with them. Hopefully it does and they wake up in six different lobster traps* because they’ve pissed someone off who wouldn’t put up with that shit.
*Gratuitous reference to a Mafia movie I saw once upon a time.
You seem to be tip-toeing around your earlier assertion that a particular racial group was responsible.
Just because the guys behind the counter appear to be from a particular racial cohort does not mean the owners share that DNA.
Now go put a crimp in someone’s IV tube.
A writer who says that there are no truths, or that all truth is ‘merely relative,’ is asking you not to believe him. So don’t.
— Roger Scruton
Always a surprise to me the relatively low number of dismemberments and deaths from those larger units.
Powerline linked a Quadrant story this morning!
Yes, this one:
An ikea engineer, if you like.
Both my daughter and son in law are double degree with honours engineers working in the energy/infrastructure sector managing major projects.
If people want to expand the definition of engineer to include flat pack assemblers* have at it.
I don’t think they’ll be taking anyone’s jobs.
*a very useful and necessary skillset in its own right
Roger @ 8:57am
Brilliant link, Thank You!
Smiles’ book “Lives of the Engineers” is freely available at archive.org, gutenberg.org etc, or in paperback, GASP! for more than $200 at a major bookshop!
Found an interesting book at an opshop about the “Navvies” constructing the tunnels for the first rail lines throughout England. Had always thought “Navvies” had something to do with “Navy” but the word seems to be a contraction of “Navigator”. The tunnels they built were “beautiful”, but the men (and the women with them) lived a life of utter squalor and degradation in the work camps along the lines.
That makes them excellent practitioners. Who do you think is most useful in the field? The person that must advert to rules and calculations to see whether X is dangerous, or the person that can do that on sight?
Leak has, I think, beaten the master at the masters game.
That was brilliant at the political level.
In the ACT, only 15 kilometres away from Casa Del Top Ender, there is a public holiday today – the only one in Australia. It is Reconciliation Day. Presumably all of those public servants are out there reconciling with each other.
An analysis of which state or territory has the most days off:
“So, he, is a man, who likes women…”
Actually no, Mulvaney simply wants to eradicate biological females, his new suit as a “lesbian” is simply to demean lesbians and to demean women. Mulvaney is a pervert, pure and simple.
The weekend may have leaf blowers but you can’t beat an industrial mulcher firing up in the suburbs. Some tree is about to meet its maker.
Always a surprise to me the relatively low number of dismemberments and deaths from those larger units.
We bought a reasonable “mulcher” for the farm last year. It still scares the hell out of me. However, it disposes of dead branches etc and converts to tan bark very effectively. I would argue that it is a “regenerative” practice, although they are loathed by the Greenies.
However, “safety first” is always in my mind when feeding the monster. You can’t hold too tightly to any branch – just aim it into the great mouth and let it go!
In reality you’ve got to able to do both – rules of thumb to get the job done, Standards Australia stuff to get it signed off. Either one on its own won’t do. Might get the job done until you want to sell the place.
Would this be the same Jane Fonda, who made the claim that the United States was fighting in Vietnam, to deny the North Vietnamese their independence and liberty?
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
May 29, 2023 at 9:54 am
The 1967 referendum was powerfully symbolic, a moment of national idealism. In that year, 90 per cent of Australians voted to remove a harmful, discriminatory relic. In 2023, our generation can go one better.
Words of wisdom, from Albo.
The 1967 referendum also introduced a harmful power to make laws affecting aborigines.
I agree with Hallward. Titles , schmitles. If someone wants to be called Engineer then so be it – like who cares about formal learning and piddling stuff like that.
Nurses are also doctors and henceforth the turtlehead will be known as either Doctor Turtlehead or Professor Turtlehead. It’s in keeping with the aviator’s dictum.
I hope I’m not adding too much post hoc here though.
Quite a few boarding houses in Britain pre-and post-WWII used to have a sign in the window: “no Irish navvies, blacks, or dogs” or a variant thereof.
It didn’t phase her, as she soon headed outside for some wee hours ratting. The pitiful result (just noticed), a tiny dead mouse left as a gift on the coffee table.
Areff – treasure your “Elsie” – she is a little gem!
You’re welcome…glad you enjoyed it!
I was living in Osaka when the Great Hanshin Earthquake hit. I woke up a bit before it hit than felt the 6 story building I lived in begin to shudder. I thought a truck must have run into the building but the shaking continued. I recall that it was magnitude 7 in Kobe and the northmost bit of Awajishima, and 6 in Osaka.
It took time for the full scale of destruction to come out. Every evening they would bring up new list of people found dead or injured on the TV.
About a week after it happened I made my way to a place I had lived previously called Ashiya, about half way between Osaka and Kobe. By then they had already started the clean up and the ’emergency’ had finished, but a lot of wooden houses had collapsed and concrete structures cracked through.
Weird thing was with two story wooden houses it was the ground floor that collapsed. I suppose it had more weight on it than the upper floor. But with the big concrete buildings closer to Kobe (Ashiya, being a more salubrious residential area, did not have large concrete structures), when a floor collapsed (pancaked, really) it was almost always the 4th floor. The number 4 is held to be unlucky Japan.
There were so amazing cock-ups in different levels of government response.
It was amazing how quickly they re-built though. I suspect the government knew to keep out of the way. Were it up to Australians to rebuild there would be all kinds of activist groups seeing the opportunity to have their pet peeves made concrete in the reconstruction – bicycle lanes, green spaces, restrictions of house size, shape, and materials, roads sealed off to make pedestrian spaces, electricity services to accommodate the foibles of renewables, and so on.
Being more the later than the former I’d say it depends on how much spare material you have on hand to fix a muck up.
“Measure twice, cut once.” – In the Bible somewhere I think.
Yes I did, Bear. Wifey left for the US last evening and I’ll be heading out in a few weeks. We should be there for the next 3 months with an in between in freaking Portugal that I was roped into.
I can’t freaking believe I was talked into going to Portugal when all I wanted to do was spend summer in the US instead spending time in a second world shithole where I know the food is crap.
By all accounts, Mulvaney still has a penis. Lesbians don’t like penis.
I suppose I would be an Ikea engineer.
Every time I set out to make something from their flat packs, I invariably end up with a configuration of wood and fabric which has never seen light of day before. Plus a few left over screws.
Is it only engineering if it serves a function? Because the stuff I make…
Probably because the engineers aren’t making the decisions – the accountants are, and they’re looking at the government subsidies.
I believe AB Commonsoli is also looking at parish mergers and closures in Melbournistan:
More malarkey from the “West Australian.” No mention of infanticide, cannibalism, inter-tribal warfare, savage and brutal tribal punishments. Comments not allowed.
Sal, you still haven’t listed the 55 licences you need to run your place.
You aren’t counting driver’s licences of the cleaners and the fishing licence of the yard-man by any chance?
Another issue might be if you are buying “licences” for cash from door-to-door licence salesmen*.
Please tell me you didn’t do that.
* May or may not be Indian.
Last night I posted a story about Liverpool plod taking 3 hours to answer a domestic violence call and claiming to not find the address left .. 20 hours later they managed to find the apartment (1km from plod shop) and the woman’s body …
This morning no sign of the story in the media other than a near bottom of page coupla paragraphs from the Mail online …… wonder why a plod stuff -up at this level getz the “sounds of silence” .. ?
Mulch and compost is the key to gardening- real cycle of life stuff. The amount of stuff you can just keep feeding into worm bins before they need emptying is amazing. Plants just love it – better than anything out of a bag.
Put down the bong, step away from the keyboard and think about this for a moment.
It may surprise you, but I worked for a large engineering company for a long time, and a yuuuge part of a principal engineer’s job involved a level of financials and economics.
Finding the cheapest compliant solution, working out RoI in feasibility studies, and iterating the engineering solution until the finances worked, etc.
Only Snowy Pumped Hydro 2.4.2 “engineers” have the luxury of not giving a rats about finances.
management of resources
An interesting euphemism for abandoning the weak, injured and aged to their lonely fates, and killing newborns when “resources” were insufficient or the need to move to new hunting areas meant that they would be a burden.
JC – find an air conditioned pub and have a port watching the cricket. The Ashes is on so you will need to choose carefully.
Those African kiddies walking five miles every day for water are living the modern dream.
I guess.
And yet the first thing they did when the Europeans turned up was to gravitate to at least the fringes where they could benefit from the products the Europeans brought with them. Or made in their quirty European-y way.
rosie’s near permanent incredulity vortex has all of a sudden condensed into certainty nodes?
OMG … the earth really did move
I have heard good things about Portugal. English folk I know hate American “non whole foods” food too.
Not allowed to test Orange Man Bad’s stuff.
Medical row in France over unauthorised COVID trial (MedXpress, 28 May)
These people still haven’t worked it out. Amazing. It isn’t the colour of your politics it’s the content of your research. No wonder people are turning away from the politicized medical profession with Nazis like these in charge.
when they bother me too much in meetings with their supercilious mien
I usually quip that things would be better if somebody took their coloured pencil set away
They get their daily steps in without going to the gym. So yes.
The life of the indigenous hunter-gatherers in pre-British Australia is stuff that modern dreams are made of. Their sophisticated traditional understanding and management of resources sustained a society that was largely in sync with the earth, sea and seasons, collecting what was needed and respecting the privilege.
Don’t cha just luv it! .. the 60 or is it 65 000 years “utopia” of the “dreamtime” shattered. overnight, by Jimmy Cook!
For some reason all these wierd & wonderful musings from “Tales My Nanna Told Me” tend to remind me of that old Rod Taylor movie .. The Time Machine .. and the tranquility of the Eloi in between Morloch visitations ……. !
This is just you reframing something, again.
With that level of comprehension, you’d be mincemeat if you ever had to explain yourself to a board of directors.
One of the guys from school became an architect. Borderline alcoholic, divorced another friend, ran into trouble with the taxman. Good fun at parties.
Noch nicht Oma!
dearest rosie,
thanks for the application but it has been unsuccessful on this occasion.
we did note your extensive expertise in dissembling .
we did feel though, that for getting things done experience in things constructive would have held you in better stead
you ikebana is beautiful btw
kind regards
He actually made the daily paper heckling Judith Lucy at one of her standup gigs. Funny guy.
He’s the guy?
“You’re not even funny in Melbin, Judith!”
That guy?
The sky turns red.
China’s first homegrown passenger jet makes maiden commercial flight (28 May)
China’s first domestically produced passenger jet made its maiden commercial flight on Sunday, a milestone event in the nation’s decades-long effort to compete with Western rivals in the air.
Beijing hopes the C919 commercial jetliner will challenge foreign models like the Boeing 737 MAX and the Airbus A320, though many of its parts are sourced from abroad.
Last month, Airbus said it would double its production capacity in China, signing a deal to build a second final assembly line for the A320 in Tianjin.
The first assembly site in the northern city opened in 2008 and produces four A320s a month, with Airbus hoping to increase that to six per month before the end of the year.
Next time you fly in an A320 don’t be surprised if the safety stuff is written in Chinese.
Well if you fly Cathay Pacific the safety stuff is written in Chinese now.
does your quipping make them shit their pants?
or do they just bill you extra while they listen to your quippery?
That Wong chap really put some pressure onto China about this:
Good lord who’d vote for him?
Noem, de Santis, Trump & Scott are the credible contenders there.
Err, Sal.
I spent every month thirty years on both sides of that fence.
Pro tip … it is nothing like Succession, Dallas, or Yellowstone.
Now go make that list of the 55 licences.
Christie needs to lose half his body weight.
Zero chance.
Not even of a cabinet position.
Sounds like double speak to me.
It is good to see Sofronoff dragging the whole sordid knickerless mess out into the open – now its Laura Tingle and Sharaz.
In defence of Judith.
We recently went to see a show featuring her and Denise Scott.
I was not looking forward to the Judith bits.
But, too my surprise, she had toned down the affected “Hughesy drawl” and was quite funny.
Two years of no ticket sales might make you think about what audiences want.
Getting on high time you acted like it.
If you conduct yourself as above, then yes it was.
Has any private or public research firm data mined the full set of yearly CURF and ATO data?
No, I don’t want to do that. I’m just wondering if the results are interesting.
publicly available CURF and ATO data…
and yes I know you can get “special run” ATO data.
Quick sticks!
The list of 55 licences.
most excellent. Suck it up, greens.
And, in keeping with the general tenor of this whole sorry shit-show, the press seem to have advance warning of the following day’s proceedings.
I really do hope the Great Leaker Britnah has a sook about that.
I think whoever pushed her pre-selection will have a twitching bot-bot right now.
I’ll take that as you conceding the point on your reframing & general conduct.
Thank you.
I am sure a nation as old as the original one here would have a constitution we could sign in a language that was not cultural appropriation
Lol. I think he has, many times, Drills. He’s quite accomplished in the corporate world.
Any chance of adding a couple more licensees and permits to the 9 AI came up with. Just for good orders sake, champ.
Yeah, but nah.
Those 55 licences.
What are they.
JC helpfully found about eight (max).
What are the other 47?
Should we donate to Senator Thorpe?
ie: It’s about race.
Abo’s at the top, the rest at the bottom.
Valid point Caveman, but up to the 19th, they were just gifted amateurs.
Then we’ll run with “Yeah”
Your conduct on here is on the Jackie Lambie side of “normal”
Read back & find out.
JC is busy performing a self-colostomy. Shouldn’t be too hard, be pretty much a self-decapitation.
If you’re purchasing a pub, don’t consult me (or anybody else on the internet) for legal advice – consult a qualified professional.
(Yeah, looking more & more like you never fronted a board of directors to explain yourself)
They’d run away from me or tell me things were basically the best of all possible worlds.
Turns out, I look like a Morlock.
Chud. I’ll take Chud.
Term used to describe people who profess beliefs that fall out of the average right-wing praxis, such as fascists, ultranationalists, tradcaths, anarcho-capitalists, and etc.
That chud never stops talking about racial crime statistics and Muslims, he must be very obsessed with them.
by bruhinator 2000 October 16, 2020
(How are most if not all of those ideologies compatible at all???)
I really only want one thing from the voice, and that’s a change of address:
The Fauxboriginals living in Canberra and the capital cities (and Noosa) swap addresses with the ones in Broken Hill, Alice Springs and Kununurra.
They’d agree to that, yes? Especially considering the attachment to land thing?
“Whether you have an engineering degree or not doesn’t determine who is an engineer.”
True enough.
I have an electronics trade certificate, but no engineering degree.
That didn’t stop me from designing and prototyping the electronics to interface a medical ultrasound machine to a data capture PC (actually a Sun Workstation, but close enough), nor from writing the software drivers to interface that hardware to the custom 2D signal and image processing software in use by that particular CSIRO lab.
It’s more a way of thinking or looking at problems that defines who is “good” at their trade/engineering – I know more than a few mechanics who see things in such a way (which I have divined from extended conversations with them) that I believe if they had the training on the details, would make excellent electronics tradies and/or engineers. In short, such people can see the overall system and “zoom in” to any particular part of it as required, rinse and repeat, often at several “levels” of “zoom”. Those who can’t do this are often still competent enough to “fix” something, but often struggle to decide what part is actually the issue, as opposed to finding the issue quickly and accurately. It’s more an art than a skill, in some ways – and I believe is something that you have, or do not have; you can’t really “learn” it. You can learn a trade or an engineering degree, but without with that ability, you will never be that good at it.
Now I’m actually interested in this.
Does one require 55 licences?
Or not?
Genuine question.
I really do hope the Great Leaker Britnah has a sook about that.
One of the benefits of the enquiry is that Higgins and her boosters have had to shut up.
Speaking of, whatever happened to Grace Lame?
You just did a bait and switch.
Piss off.
You know what Sal?
The people who most commonly came to grief addressing senior management committees and boards were middle managers whose confidence outweighed their competence by a factor of about three, and who held a simplistic and erroneous “SMH/ABC” view that all boardmembers are doddering old fools who were clueless about the real world.
I remember one particular dickhead project manager who was “invited” to go through some project over-runs at a board meeting. I had already briefed him that we needed to clearly delineate genuine scope change which we could bill to the customer and inefficiencies or cock-ups on our part which we would have to swallow.
“Nah, we can bill it all” he says.
His moment in the sun arrives and he starts listing all the alleged scope changes which the customer is refusing to pay for. He goes for about ten minutes until the line was fully played out and the Chairman (who had said nothing to this point) starts to reel him in.
“You mentioned XYZ as out-of-scope but I see it is in the baseline WBS at 6.2.3 for $2.6 million. What is the issue? Is that something else?”
He then did a passing imitation of a goldfish low on oxygen, but the “recovery line” (or quip if you prefer) was terminal.
“Yeah, nah … that’s it … but I don’t think they will pick that.”
He was gonski that day.
What he didn’t know was that we were courting that client for a part on a mega-project. Telling them porkies so the PM could get his project profitability bonus on a relatively minor project wouldn’t have been a good look.
Sure, there are some tokens and lightweights on boards.
But a good 75% of them are as sharp as tacks. Assume otherwise at your peril.
Is that like giving someone saline instead of morphine, Nurse Faulty?
Any business needs a few just to exist. While some are technically not a licence they do add up …
Registered name
ASIC registration if Pty ltd
GST registration
If over a size payroll tax registration
Directors registration
Workers comp registration
If a building your business owns has lifts – machinery registration
That’s what I can think of from the top of my head.
Thorpe’s jump into the pseudo legal world of the HRC is a gift in so many ways.
It confirms to the average Aussie that she is a self absorbed, stupid, howler.
It sticks it up the Greens, not that they ever respond to any claims of malfeasance.
Best of all, it demonstrates yet again that the HRC is nothing other that a toy of the rad lunatics.
Finally, Albanese and his shop stewards will eventually have to take sides. That will be beautiful to watch.
This is an Iron Truth.
At a conservative estimate, 97.3% of truly crap engineers have an engineering degree.
That rises to 100% of the pre-graduates, who have finished their 3 or 4 years of academic studies, but have not managed to accumulate the 90 days practical experience required to graduate, who write to me in late November offering themselves as “unpaid interns” until March.
Scammers and spammers are infuriating, but occasionally can be amusing.
I got one from someone in the Middle East who is obviously on fraudster work experience:
“Hello Dear,”
May 29, 2023 at 12:16 pm
That Wong chap really put some pressure onto China about this:
Perhaps they still have bad memories of the Gang of Four?
Not exactly the same as assembling a kit aeroplane.
I wasn’t arguing that you required a piece of paper, but the nature of the work.
I have a now deceased relative who revolutionised a particular manufacturing process, no formal university qualifications.
I’d call him an engineer.
“It’s about participation, it’s about equity, it’s about elevating the position of First Nations’ people.
So, raising the position of a particular racial group is nothing about race? Double speak much?
That should be great for you, JC -you’ll be able to come back and tell us all about the famous people you dined with, like you did last time.
Will you be taking Sancho along with you to open the Limousine doors? He should be able to manage that. Make sure he wears white gloves, but.
Oh. And pants.
JC: You’re in for a pleasant surprise. Portugese food is beaut — little crisp-friend sardines washed down with vino verde come straight to mind. You’ll eat well, believe me
It’s a bait and switch technique he learnt from JC, who is a master at it.
It’s why I read everything he tries to take on with DB – you can see all the tricks he uses on us and DB just keeps pulling him up on it.
Pathetic really – he can’t and won’t argue honestly because he’s a liar and it just keeps coming to the surface.
Daily Mail.
“Chicken Little.” Good one, Albo. Wood duck.
Speaking of which… there’s very little diversity at all in the National Peoples’ Congress of the Republic of China.
In an alternate universe, headline:
Xi considering Uyghur “Voice” to Congress.
Nah. Lucy was doing her usual why can’t I get a man shtick. He stood up and said “I’ll root ya. C’mon, let’s go.”. Apparently got into when he got home.
It may surprise you, but I worked for a large engineering company for a long time, and a yuuuge part of a principal engineer’s job involved a level of financials and economics.
Finding the cheapest compliant solution, working out RoI in feasibility studies, and iterating the engineering solution until the finances worked, etc.
Knew a Japanese guy who worked for Kawasaki Heavy Industries as an aero engineer for 40 years. He was their team leader when they sent a team to Boeing for 5 years working on new airliner designs which mainly concerned closing the business case on various airframe designs. In most cases it didn’t close.
He was so annoyed that after 40 years he’d never seen a design through from concept to first flight that he got a retirement visa and lived in Australia for 5 years while he built his own aircraft, a Jabiru. He flew it for 500 hours then sold it and moved back to Japan.
Where have we heard that before? I know,
La Tingle certainly bringing some interest to NPC lunches to offset the chicken roll and steamed summer vegetables.
JC – we were in Portugal in 2017. Basically, we were travelling through Portugal (driving down from South of France where we were staying with friends) to Spain – which was a main aim. But, as usual, we encountered unexpected gems which were some of the memorable discoveries of our many trips.
I am, of course, always interested in Roman ruins – so, those south of Aveiro (& near Coimbra as I recall) , as well of course those at Evora (known also for its Gothic architecture). But the most spectacular hotel I have ever stayed at is Bussaco Palace Hotel at Luso. This was a residential summer palace of Portuguese royalty and has the most beautiful gardens and dining rooms, as well as a beautiful stairway of Portuguese tiles. But the most memorable experience for me was the forest walk which reproduced the Via Dolorosa with stations housing extraordinary scenes of lifelike figures. It was enchanting.
Didn’t think much of Porto – although I know it is very fashionable. Did like Sintra – another ex vacation palace of Portuguese royalty in the mountains away from the heat. But too many tourists there.
Finally, I will not forget our visit to Herdade dos Grous Vineyard near Albernoa. Although it has a vineyard and cellar (lovely wines) – the guest facilities are fantastic – very beautiful and spacious rooms. And a fantastic restaurant/dining facility. However, it is fundamentally a top rate holiday property in the countryside with so many guest facilities – bike riding, swimming etc etc. The best -however – were the stables! They breed the famous Lusitanian (Portuguese) horses, & guests can ride them. I hate to confess that I chickened out. They had chosen a beautiful grey gelding for me. But he was SO big! I have not ridden for years, so I was a bit reticent. I have regretted it ever since.
“Libertarians”: full on behind useless credentialism.
The veneer of these liberty loving, free living outlaw types gets very thin at times, eh?
From, “Don’t worry about an industrial base “champ”- you’ll be 3D printing your car in a few years time” to “Make anything without a university degree and all the required government certification? No way”!
Apparently if you design and make anything without a full on engineering degree you are akin to a flat pack furniture assembler, almost a criminal in fact.
I appreciate prosecuting Dawson is really just crossing the Is and dotting the Ts but if you prosecuted every teacher who rooted a pupil in the 70s the courts will be full till Christmas. You have to wonder if this is really a worthwhile exercise.
Wow, a wordwall of more than 300 words, to say what he got nailed with in two sentences @ 11.49
& makes out he’s presenting new information & isn’t the one responsible for drongo level posting.
“Reframing” may not be a strong enough meaning.
Chutzpah = the word for this (learned on the Cat – I begin to see why that word gets used here)
Ha, “That was sensational”!
Plenty of tasty waves through Portugal. Then onto Morocco when it starts to get too cold.
Really hope Albo calls me Uncle Remus.
The leader of the we make nafink cult makes another cameo .
The former fitter and turner who went into teaching because……. Fitting and turning was so beneath him.
Every. Single. Day. Faufacts or Nein (whatever it is these days) is writing a pro Voice article:
They’ve had one, seriously, every single day for several months now.
Has anyone thought of writing to Hendo or someone to ask how many ABC presenters on flagship programs oppose the voice. We know the answer but would generate a good story.
“major announcement from mcclown imminent”
Boambee John:
It’s about the money they can scam off the rest of Australia.
Now, where did the $34 Billion go, champ?
“Not exactly the same as assembling a kit aeroplane.”
No Rosie, it’s not – I didn’t have everything I would need on-hand in a kit, nor did I have instructions on how to do it. I had to obtain the factory service guide from the manufacturer, complete with circuit diagrams, figure out what the research people actually wanted from it in data terms, figure out where to “cut” which wires as it were, and how to “grab” the data into a PC. Also had to “drive” outputs from the PC as well (for example, TGC).
It was a totally custom design for that specific piece of medical equipment and the specific computers they were using in the lab (not actually a PC, but a high-end workstation), to get the very specific type of data they wanted – they didn’t want the “intensity” of the echoes (“brightness” of any spot on the screen) , they wanted the “raw” ultrasound data (the “waveform” of the ultrasound signal) and they then did their own “beam forming” etc in software, so we had to sample at roughly 10 times the resolution you’d see on an ultrasound machine screen (for anyone who cares, we sampled 8 channels at 20Ms/sec – no mean feat in 1990. I wanted to go at as much as 100Ms/sec, but the other engineers were not convinced about my method to do so, and had already spent a lot of cash for parts, so we simply had to keep going at the lower rate)
Speculation McClown is resigning as Premier… imminent.
How about a patronising nickname for the indigenous so-called ‘leaders’ whom, over many decades now, have kept their bruthas and sistas in cultural and economic cages, for the purpose of selling tickets to the freak show?
Could it be that he was up to no good and is about to be exposed? Is he getting out while the going is good?
Put down the bong, step away from the keyboard and think about this for a moment.”
Now now roger – remember that a nightmare is a type of dream…
If only it was balloons!
Shock resignations are all the go. Dimma, Clarko, … . Sneakers hasn’t had an original thought in his life. Kerry must have given him the nod.
Crossie – there were many rumours he was having an affair. Never proven and I don’t promote but that one was widespread…
Leadership is incapable of following a discussion. I never mentioned a thing about credentialism even indirectly, and this illustrates perfectly why he’s thrashing around the site, running off for periods of time and promising to never return. He loses arguments and is unable to accept that a great deal of what he says is stupid.
What I suggested was that I have a lot of respect for qualified engineers because I think it’s one of the most difficult spaces to qualify. In my opinion, mechanical engineering is the most difficult discipline.
Qualified engineers are a grade above qualified toolies. That’s how life is.
To this idiot, it appears I’m rooting for credentialism. FMD
I love Portugal, have been there several times as recently as February this year, and I love the place, Algarve, Lisbon, Porto, Braga but the cuisine is very average, though maybe the fine dining is better.
And as per usual, he’ll be four hours late to his own press conference… #McClown
If The Buzz was knocking off a Green stranger things have happened. After Roger Cook State Liar talent looks pretty thin on the ground.
But what will happen to the codpiece? Will it be put in the McGowan Hall of History, along with his brass plated first stool, and his first ever used condom?
Who will polish the coruscating gemstones in it? Who will pay the bill for the rotating laser lights on them?
Where are the WA Liberals?
Oh, you might like to scroll down the page for an interesting pic of one Trudeau.
Relax. If the iron ore price stays where it is the lights aren’t going off anytime soon.
Haha, what a champ.
I’m not normally a twatter fan, but Bear Necessities’ link above provides a handful of interesting memes.
there were many rumours he was having an affair.
Is chronic self love classified as an affair ?
I know sancho’s done everything
and according to himself, pretty much knows everything
… and he really is a technical powerhouse
… and … and legal scholar
…and … and … and also our best test-pilot
but before we make any commitments or promise customers stupid stuff
I think it would be prudent to do some diligence now
sancho …we are gonna need a full CV with academic transcripts
and sancho, so we don’t everybody’s time, how long do you think that might take to pull together?
an estimate COB please
H B Bearsays:
May 29, 2023 at 2:24 pm
I appreciate prosecuting Dawson is really just crossing the Is and dotting the Ts but if you prosecuted every teacher who rooted a pupil in the 70s the courts will be full till Christmas. You have to wonder if this is really a worthwhile exercise.
More worthwhile than the Pell prosecution/persecution. At least a proportion of them will actually be guilty. And it will remind the deliberately blind that this was not only a religious issue.
Perhaps get a few retired politicians in the dock also?
What I said last night:
You’d have to be unhinged to interpret this as support for credentialism.
To wit:
1. Some of it is pure protectionism.
2. The rules make no sense.
Let’s keep it real.
I have a friend who became an engineer though the trade to technician then engineer path. He was thinking of picking up another engineering qualification and converting to electromech with two years of university physics and maths, but stopped caring after his son was born.
He’s good at his job. He doesn’t have a superior attitude to other professions.
He’s humble. He doesn’t fetishise his new credentials. Which probably makes his actually good at his job.
These premiers with their enormous staffs & bloated packages get exhausted?
His (now ex) wife wasn’t very impressed, so I’m told.
May 29, 2023 at 2:47 pm
Anthony Albanese ridicules those who question the Aboriginal Voice – and gives them a patronising nickname
How about a patronising nickname for the indigenous so-called ‘leaders’ whom, over many decades now, have kept their bruthas and sistas in cultural and economic cages, for the purpose of selling tickets to the freak show?
Ringmasters? Shortened to Mass’as?
what? all two of them? (Lower house anyway)
The same genius accusing people of supporting credentialism is the same person who on the lollipop blog wrote that less expensive imported goods vs domestic is purchasing at below cost. I’m serious.
Poor old bugger – some US states are (un)just thieves.
begs his ball sack for a custom gold coin holder
Ok, Portugal is not on the list this time, but in July will be in Spain. The food had better be good.
Obviously the factions will play the key role in who takes McClown’s place but he was a bit of a “peacemaker” between warring factions (not always).
The problem is that the MPs of the Left Faction (called “progressive”) is massive and has about 65% of the vote. Liar Roger Cook is part of that faction and was also Deputy Premier.
I know Perth’s “MetroNet” has been a budgetary mess but as far as tracks laid, tunnels dug etc.. but Saffioti would be the next potential key player as her name would be known by most WA-ers. Nobody would’ve heard of any of the others and they’re all pretty lite on ttytt. She’s not aligned to any faction so could be a replacement… or not… She has actually streamlined planning approvals, stripped local governments of planning powers, streamlined apartment development approvals etc… She, IMHO, is the least worse Liar MP in WA.
I’d have thought it was a duty of a citizen to inform the police a crime was being committed. If so, the company may have just made a big mistake.
Who was the smirking woman to McGowan’s left?
Also from GP:
You do not want to threaten an Italians children with diseases like that. They take it as the existential threat it is.
Amber Jade is more radical (and not in the good sense) than the Greens..
Only caught a glimpse but I think it was his “wife” on the right side of the screen.
Labor will still win in ’25. But McClown’s dictatorial style made sure that only his name was known amongst voters.
And of course you’re going to be exhausted when you vet everything your Ministers want to say and hijack every Minister’s event because you only trust yourself.
Kohl’s Is Selling Transgender Themed Clothing For 3 Month Old Babies.
May 29, 2023 at 8:46 am
1. The Bud-Lite abortion has sent every major corporation in the US that serves the nation scrambling to make sure that shit doesn’t happen to them.
2. ESG has been reversing since about the middle of last year, with investors turning a jaundiced eye to that bullshit.
From what I have read it’s actually the opposite, all these companies are still going full steam ahead and sponsoring the Pride Month activities in the US in all major cities.
Crossie is right.
JC, you need to get your fat head out of the Financial pages and look at what is happening all around you. Screaming abuse at people who disappoint you isn’t helping.
McGowan’s worn out.
A prolapsed arsehole.
What happens if the Voice referendum fails? Labor urged to have ‘contingency plan’
This is another reason why Albanese is becoming increasingly screechy and abusive about the Voice.
If his Referendum fails, he’s lost both credibility in the present parliament and his life membership of the ALP Hall of Fame as the ’PM who Entrenched Labor Government in the Constitution.‘
He will also face unbearable pressure from the Crossbench From Hell to give the forks to an electorate which has just turned down the Voice and start the flow of Munni and self-government preference – via legislation that nobody has ever discussed out loud.
Uncle Luigi’s bum is twitching like a rabbit’s nose.
Ok, Portugal is not on the list this time, but in July will be in Spain. The food had better be good.
It’s not. But then there is Granada – Alhambra….ahhh….and…Cordoba -La Mezquita..ahhhh…..Toledo – the beautiful walled city…ahhh…&…Seville & nearby Italica….ahhhhhh…….
Barcelona?…cant stand it.
Turtlehead, I’m not sure if it’s just the drugs you’re doing or you’re just thicker than what I’ve thought. You’ve stated this twice today.
I nicely explained to Crossie why I disagreed with him.
I’m nice and polite to folks I like and respect, and Crossie is one of them. You’re not on that list.
You also mentioned earlier that I disagree with the blog owner at times. There’s nothing wrong with that as I respect him too. He set up a very successful blog for which he should take pride.
Disagreeing with people is fine, but you’re a freaking moron who will never get my respect because you’re pathetic and dishonest to the core. Everything you accuse me and others of is a what you do. Now bugger off and think about some other crazed opinion you can post because that’s all you do. Most people here realise that you’re a hyperbolic imbecile looking to be someone. You’ll never be the person you aspire to as it’s just not doable.
And remember, don’t fill up with an Indian attendant behind the counter.
At the risk of triggering the ‘your economics hurt my feelings’ crowd, hunter gatherers likelt lived on the edge, resources wise, most of the time.
As such, rational ‘resource management’ was essential for survival. Cultures that ignored this would have been replaced by those that didnt.
‘Welfare’ only becomes viable once societies advance far enough to produce excess resources which can be put to this use.
If the trend continues, welfare then consumes said excess resources (and more) until that society collapses.
Exhibit A: The West.
My favourite city in Spain is San Sebastian. I also like Madrid.
Our daughter is going to Rome in 8 weeks with a group and driving through Spain to Portugal for the World Youth Day… she’s never been outside of Australia so anything, no matter how unremarkable some parts might be, outweigh the remarkable parts!!!
Perhaps it’s just the Gloomy Monday effect, but I’m becoming increasingly concerned that the Voice will get up.
Fiddling around with the numbers, a significant proportion (~45%) of the Australian voteherd are Millennials, or Gen Z – who have only really experienced government over the past 20 years as a ‘Follower of Fashion’ and a ‘Giver of Nice Things’.
At a high risk of reactively ticking and flicking Albanese’s “None of us has anything to lose. But we have something wonderful and so very real to gain…” shtick.
I do hope I’m very wrong.
(I think I meant that the other way around lol!!!) 😛
Received today
Calvary Hospital update
Over 32,000 people have signed the Save Calvary Petition – however, it seems, we have yet to be heard.
We now know that the Prime Minister of Australia, Mr Anthony Albanese as an elected representative of the country, supports the compulsory acquisition of Calvary Hospital. This acquisition is not being done according to the rule of law or on just terms.
Can anybody imagine the great Labor Prime Ministers, John Curtin, Ben Chifley, Bob Hawke, or Paul Keating, doing such a thing?
What’s at stake here is not the Labor Party, not the Catholic church, but the rights of ordinary citizens to have proper land and property rights.
Contact Hon. Anthony Albanese MP, Prime Minister, urgently to tell him how you feel and think.
Fr Tony Percy
Calvary Hospital Update – Tony Percy:
Petition to save Calvary:
The only towns I’ve stayed in Spain that I’ve mildly regretted is Huelva and Vigo.
Girona, Barcelona, Malaga, Granada, Seville, Bardajos, San Sebastian, Zaragosa, Santiago de Compostela, Pontevedra, Salamanca, Valladolid, Merida, Carceres, Avila, Bilbao, Figueres, Cordoba, Valencia and Leon were all well worth it.
Also day tripped to Toledo, Segovia, Tarragona and Montserrat.
Love Gaudi.
And there is still a bunch of Spanish places on my to do list.
On McClown’s sudden departure – good riddance, you obnoxious fascist imbecile. An absolute lightweight. Never heard him say anything even remotely interesting or insightful, not that I ever bothered listening to him anyway – that pathetic lisp made him sound seriously gay.
It defies all logic that people vote for such nonentities, which is why it was so idiotic of the gliberals to appoint that greenfilth ponytail, Yak Cockup as opposition leader. What a stroke of genius that was.
Oh and Madrid.
There are a couple of young people from my parish going to WYD.
I hope your daughter loves it Lysander.
Uh huh.
But fair.
The bush telegraph says Mark McGowan resigned, to be clear of the fiasco that the Voice referendum will bring.
Doc Faustus:
The real issue that is quietly sneaking through the State Parliaments is that even if the Federal Referendum fails, the States are introducing it via the back door.
Labor knows it will be in forever because they are already touting they are the only ones who can work with the voice. And there is not a Conservative Party that will be able to win an election promising to nullify it.
This one is for ALL the marbles.
Australia is about to get its own House of Lords, staffed with the spawn of the Canberra Aboriginal Elite.
It’s a valid point, 2A, but we can only hope the Voice fails and it’s unborn sister self aborts.
hopefully transitioning into true lockean liberals. Unlikely, but you never know.