Peasant! 😀
Peasant! 😀
It’d be a bugger to keep the dust off
Strange, but as a comparison we are permitting our beautiful culture to be destroyed by Muslim hate without a murmer.…
Its easy to down thumb when scrolling Pogria.
LA will never be the same.Builders require building insurance. WTF is that coming from? Could they even get it?? And…
Tucker Carlson
Ep. 2 Cling to your taboos!
If La Amphibian mocks genuine Aboriginal names, why do I have to put up with the welcome to country bullshit?
Dot, you need not tolerate it. Ernie Dingo manufactured rubbish.
No way!? Quit foolin’!
1. Cheap screening to narrow candidates for further testing is a great initiative;
2. I have never heard a bowel cancer survivor moaning about the colonoscopy.
June 9, 2023 at 9:14 am
bowel cancer statistics around 11%
bladder cancer statistics around 2%
As usual, Grandpa Ed Cletus-Case is either incompetent at the most basic of searches, or deliberately lying.
Look you mouth-breathing idiot, WHAT ARE THE TIME STAMPS?
Cloud seeding has been successfully used by the Tasmanian hydro project to increase dam capacity.
It is not “chem trails” to vaccinate, drug etc us against our will with nanowrigglers.
By DEFINITION, a jet engine at high altitude and low pressure putting out water vapour, CO2, CO, NO2 and trace amounts of transition metal oxides is a “chemical trail”. After 9/11 a huge natural experiment occurred and we know jet travel has changed weather patterns.
Ive been asked to do a presentation for a class of boys next week on puberty/changes etc…
Pretty well all female teachers so they want somone safe the boys can quiz etc.
Been looking through a few sets of slides on the internet for bits to crib.
There are literally ones which dont refer to boys and girls but “people with a penis & People with a vulva.
Had a bit of a laugh at the Munich Olympic Park webcam. The last view before dark shows the Rammstein concert going on inside the stadium but as the webcam swings around you can see the multitudes of tight arses sitting on the hill across the lake from the stadium watching the show for free.
As someone said, in the American system you’re presumed innocent until it’s proven you’re a conservative.
As I perused the YouTube page yesterday (to see if there was anything new from The Drinker) I saw that the ABC had a video (I did not watch) the title of which indicated an article arguing that what had happened with PwC showed the folly of government using ‘outsiders’. For them the obvious solution is more government bureaucracy.
They have this insane socialist blind faith that bureaucracy is professional, meticulous, disinterested, and efficient – since they are not compromising on outputs by diverting money to profit.
The last point – about the evils of profit – is Numbers-grade stupid. So is the ABC. The ABC was set up to mimic the product of the private sector. It is now all but redundant, continuing to exist only because no one in politics wants to provoke the ire of the ABC (which political meddling was not part of the justification for setting up the ABC in the first place).
The private sector innovates, and thus the ABC is no longer needed – the internet, the different ‘G’ wireless, streaming services – all make the ABC excess to requirement.
But getting back to the public service, no one from outside the PS is satisfied with it. And the idea that it works well is an absolute nonsense. Byzantine procedures, sclerotic structures, petty fiefdoms, surly attitudes toward what they half-jokingly call ‘clients’, and with absolutely no incentive to improve. Woe betide anyone who takes on these leviathans. And if they are caught doing anything wrong (which they are usually able to hide since they also adjudicate on their own failures) no one gets fired. And they are monopolies, so they have the government by the throat.
The profit motive, on the other hand, sees all that as a threat and is engaged in ongoing war to combat it.
The matter with PwC actually shows the benefit of outsourcing. As with relationship between two distinct entities they can keep an eye on each other. They can be caught, they can be cut off, they can be replaced.
Boambee John says:
June 9, 2023 at 10:10 am
Came across this word yesterday, never heard it before, but describes Ed perfectly.
Ultracrepidarianism is the habit of giving opinions and advice on matters which one knows nothing about; the word first appeared as an insult in an 1819 letter by essayist William Hazlitt.
I lived with it for a year in Sri Lanka in 1973 in a low-country township. Every late afternoon for about four hours the power would go out. The country had no infrastructure to speak of apart from tea plantations back then, so it hardly mattered, affected the cities a bit more, they probably had more stable power even then. Everything was fairly pre-industrial and lots in the town had no electricity, cooking on kero stoves or wood fires, and using oil lamps just like the ones in museums that were used in Ancient Rome. Our only problem was that the fan didn’t work then. And I couldn’t heat up the baby’s meal, which I cooked from local produce as no baby bottles or baby food back then there. Candles if it was dark.
I feel perfectly ‘blooded’ to outages so will be fairly phlegmatic when Bowen’s Bongwater causes them here. Ugg boots, jumpers and fluffy rugs replace heating, and camping gear replaces everything else. The South Africa vid upthread is well worth a watch for its real-time civilizational collapse and what really happens when the power goes out and worse if the grid collapses. As well as household and hospital equipment, lifts, gates, traffic lights, petrol pumps and communications all fail – the stuff of daily life.
Yes. Another way of looking at the chaos going on there right now.
Our daughter is senior there, but is not involved.
We wonder if she might be headhunted away now if the firm declines.
June 9, 2023 at 10:27 am
Had a bit of a laugh at the Munich Olympic Park webcam. The last view before dark shows the Rammstein concert going on inside the stadium but as the webcam swings around you can see the multitudes of tight arses sitting on the hill across the lake from the stadium watching the show for free.
IIRC, that hill was made from the rubble cleaned up after WW II, and piled up in a single location.
June 9, 2023 at 10:11 am
It has been going on for years. This will be another “conspiracy” theory proven to be correct. It reminds me of all the retards rushing to .Gov and sponsored media affiliates
Look you mouth-breathing idiot, WHAT ARE THE TIME STAMPS?
saying “chemtrails” are nonsense. The MSM are coming out today calling it cloud seeding.
Cloud seeding has been successfully used by the Tasmanian hydro project to increase dam capacity.
It is not “chem trails” to vaccinate, drug etc us against our will with nanowrigglers.
By DEFINITION, a jet engine at high altitude and low pressure putting out water vapour, CO2, CO, NO2 and trace amounts of transition metal oxides is a “chemical trail”. After 9/11 a huge natural experiment occurred and we know jet travel has changed weather patterns.
You are years behind and got a lot of catching up to do. I am not going to hold your hand and walk you through the maze.
Dismissing it all in order to make you feel better … so be it. Billy man boobs Gates likes people such as yourself. He leans back in his chair and laugh his box off.
It is not “chem trails” to vaccinate, drug etc us against our will with nanowrigglers.
Nanowrigglers? Oh, are you referring to the Pfizer and Moderna patents that openly state the use of that tech? If you are using the term to take the pi55, point your penis upwards aiming for your mouth.
I give it a year until you wake up.
Maria Zeee is ahead of you.
Uncensored: PROOF of Geoengineering & Poisoning Humanity – Part 2
As well as household and hospital equipment, lifts, gates, traffic lights, petrol pumps and communications all fail – the stuff of daily life.
And Lizzie, card readers at the checkout and ATM’s for cash.
You’re looking for the Furniture Store. 3rd door on the far right.
It’s become clear that this statement is true, it’s just that the sharks that have been eating her prawn are Sharaz and co.
Yeah nah. She was trying to send a young man to prison for years in order to be a player. She was up for it and now that it has started to backfire, she shouldn’t be able to get away with any claim of being ‘young and naive’.
Bruce didn’t want the prawn and that’s what got her pissed off.
I suspect this is roughly where Sofronoff will end up – probably with a fairly harsh view of Drumgold’s performance.
In my crystal ball, the wash up is starting to look like:
• Albanese: slithers away unscathed;
• Plibbers: ditto;
Wong: • untroubled;
• Gallagher: formally defended, then cut loose in a reshuffle, parliamentary career over ‘mouth-shut public teat supplement scheme’ implemented;
• Higgins: finishes D.Juris at Bond, instant career as AssPro ‘Women’s Legal Issues’ at University of Outer Adelaide, Commissioner of Something;
• Sharaz: Dumped like a school bag, writes book, occasional outings as ‘bitter n’ twisted’ commentator on the shitty side of Canbra politics;
• Drumgold: traffic offences;
• National Anti-Corruption Commission: finds a number of important structural and separation of powers reasons why it is inappropriate to investigate…;
• Mrs Poiret: WEB, book “My Side of the Story” – written in an irritating, repetitive style, not dissimilar to Fromelles and Pozières.
Lehrmann? Not clearly visible.
It took us three hours last nite to watch the Chris Kenny show. We wanted to see it because there’s a lot going on and he’s quite good with it all (except for his blind spot on the Voice). It took so long because we had to stop the show at regular intervals between phone calls due to trouble at mill. With my eldest drunken son and his on and off again partner and their autistic child. Hairy and I, who only want a quiet life, had to act as an intervention, and get him via my tele-counselling, and Hairy’s peppered firm instructions, back to his place on the train and then calm her down with promises of a lunch with us soon to sort it all out. The options were we get him, a taxi gets him, we call the police to stop him ringing on her doorbell and waking the neighbours in the apartment block, or he leaves quietly and gets a train. Then, due to various misunderstandings that ensued from this, we had to cancel out the other grandson’s 20th birthday celebrations at ours tomorrow, delaying them for a week till things settle down again with his father who will once more go to AA, so he says. His mild autism doesn’t make this any easier. So I’m ringing around to family saying see you in a week, not tomorrow, and putting the birthday cake in the freezer to keep. Unless I give it to some Cats coming round on Sunday.
Now there’s a thought.
Brittany needs a little help from the ‘elf – mental ‘elf. Which does great damage to people with genuine conditions. jupes is spot on.
So naive. The accusation of being a conservative is enough.
But only after a few reviews first…
Our new Premier has hit the ground … reviewing (DT, 9 Jun, paywalled)
Any watcher of Yes Minister knows that no government ever starts a review unless it already knows what that review will find. Therefore Mr Minns is trying to justify a whole swag of stuff. I couldn’t tell you what all of it is though, because I’m not a subscriber to the Daily Terror.
That’s likely. The tallest hill in Berlin, known as Teufelsberg (Devil’s Hill) where NATO had a signals intelligence station during the Cold War, was created from the rubble of the city.
“Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
June 9, 2023 at 11:01 am”
Lizzie, see you and Hairy on Sunday.
Narrowly avoiding ending up as a sous chef at a mid coast RSL.
lol. We decided on the train option because the other three weren’t available. He wouldn’t have got in a taxi and no driver would have accepted him being recalcitrant, going to get him was difficult because I don’t like night driving and Hairy might be just over .05 after a good red with dinner and why should we be the ones to go anyway, and the police seemed like overkill as it wasn’t really a domestic and my son would never forgive us; so a talk-down had to happen, walking him along to the train, and that took some time.
At the end of the movie ‘Parenthood’ the older guy with a tear-away son said ‘it never ever ends’.
So true. You love them, you want the best for them, they aren’t always angels. But they’re yours.
At some time in the future, both of those hills (and others likely to exist in Germany) will become havens for archeologists wanting an insight into Europe pre-1939. I expect that lots more than rubble ended up there. Personal papers, perhaps a bit charred, crockery, utensils, appliances and the like.
A little sidebar to this story is Mr Sharaz’s stillborn political career. Back in December when he and Britnah were wallowing in Bollinger courtesy of us, no doubt he was all over “senior Labor figures” about his inevitable pre-selection.
Those calls will be going to voicemail now, with no return call.
Possibly a bit of conveyancing and no fault divorce.
They will be practicing their Michael Jackson moonwalk as we speak.
Please Explain latest
It’s a ripper
It’s not just America — it’s sweeping the English-speaking world.
Our current ruling class are political radicals who want to destroy our civilisation and replace it with the extensively road-tested market failure, socialism.
Everyone else who don’t support their mad nosedive are called “conservatives” — that is, the opposite of radicals.
Civilisation can’t function when radicals are running the show. It is replaced instability and chaos.
PS: The Australian prime minister is a follower and admirer of political radical Leon Trotsky, who was murdered in 1940 — with an axe — by agents sent by his arch-rival Joseph Stalin.
Yes, Cassie. It will be good to catch up and eat cake!
5pm for sunset drinkies and something with rice later.
Fox executives are going to be banging their heads against walls and gnawing the curtains.
Tucker: “By 2008, it was obvious to anybody who was paying attention that Barack Obama had a strange and highly creepy personal life” (8 Jun, via Instapundit)
That’s from Tucker’s second drop today. Someone send some shrinks around to Fox News before they start to self harm in frustration and fear. What would life be like without popcorn, I ask you?
It is a better and more authentic life.
A-la the slapper in her days as a partner at that law firm.
Ps why are so many “young and naive” on the books? Are there no “qualified and experienced” left to employ?
Lizzie, I remember many blackouts in the early days of rural electricity in Australia too. After the problems of a primitive 32V rig driven by a Villiers motor, my Mum found even intermittent mains to be Looxury. Washing machine! With wringer!
Well the last two years she had more of that unreliability. Many days of blackout, forcing buying a new genset of her own.
Link please and page number.
“National Anti-Corruption Commission”
Anyone who thinks this federal NACC will ever be interested in looking at and probing anything dodgy in Labor, the Greens or the Teals is living in la la land. NACC’s sole existence, it’s raison d’etre, is to probe and destroy Liberals, Nationals and other politicians on the right.
ICAC here in NSW has already gone to sleep. It took it’s sleeping pill on Saturday night, 25 March 2023.
If only they had found what they had found when digging up the backyard. And lived happily ever after. Alas the fairytale wasn’t to be.
More from Billy man boobs Gates. The much vaunted expert in medicine, jabs, climate change
and farming etc, say the MSM whores from news outlets that have been given millions from the pr*ck.
Gates will never put himself in a situation where his claims can be challenged.
Trust him say the MSM whores, it’s safe and effective.
Bill Gates Plans to Microdose Humanity With Cancer Coating on ALL Fruit and Veg
No consensual after show Teutonic* poetry readings** for them.
*Of the Vogonesque oeuvre.
**May not involve any actual reading of poetry
its raison d’etre
A definite rarity for me but a tick for a supermarket .. if, like me; ya luvs peanut butter
Coles homebrand smooth/crunchy in a 988g jar for $6.50 is by far the best value on offer …
Tickler you are better off going and talking to Custard about caravans. This blog is off the pace.
Here they were both just riffing on a theme that by hiring Jacinta the Libs were behaving like racists who say they have many black friends, or their cleaner is black.
It comes over worse than that for them. Firstly, it sounds as if they actually go on like that, that they are speaking about their own friends and cleaner, and secondly they have a go at Jacinta over it, which is truly racist.
Race baiting is always a bellyful of mistaken laughs. Always a minefield.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
June 9, 2023 at 11:23 am
I was 1/2 way through my first term when the adrenochrome kicked in…
Information hegemony is the West’s greatest asset.
Hyundai Santa Fe precision driving team member Sam Maiden turns the shrill up to eleven:-
Somewhere, lost in the vortex of thousands of Brittany Higgins’ text messages being leaked to media outlets, is this simple truth.
Whatever you think of how Ms Higgins, in her own words, “weaponised” her own story, nobody deserves to have the private contents of their phone disgorged across the media.
Oh? Why not? And miss a chance at seeing a nasty vindictive cabal of Canberra nonentities receive their comeuppance?
I say bring it on, Sam, you superannuated old soak. By the way, are you concerned about other names of journalists that might be revealed in texts?
June 9, 2023 at 11:36 am
Nanowrigglers? Oh, are you referring to the Pfizer and Moderna patents that openly state the use of that tech?
Link please and page number.
Have a crack at finding out, sleuth.
Hint: Start with Karen Kingston’s findings. I’ll drop the links later. *
Your ignorance is on show here. Let’s see what you come up with first … will it be a reference to a fact checking site?
Get cracking on your goolag search.
* She has been front and center exposing the bastards and has all the publicly available docs.
Fixed it.
Whatever you think of how Ms Higgins, in my own words, “tried to get a (possibly) innocent man sent to jail for a decade to advance her political career” her own story, definitely deserves to have the private contents of their phone disgorged across the media.
When Marduk (God of Babylon) sent me to rule the people and to bring help to the country, I established law and justice in the language of the land and promoted the welfare of the people. At that time I decreed:
1. If a man brings an accusation against another man, charging him with murder, but cannot prove it, the accuser shall be put to death.
2. If a man has accused another of laying a spell upon him, but has not proved it, the accused shall go to the sacred river, he shall plunge into the sacred river, and if the sacred river shall conquer him, he that accused him shall take possession of his house. If the sacred river shall show his innocence and he is saved, his accuser shall be put to death.
3. If a man bears false witness in a case, or does not establish the testimony that he has given, if that case is case involving life, that man shall be put to death.
4. If a man bears false witness concerning grain or money, he shall himself bear the penalty imposed in the case.
“Whatever you think of how Ms Higgins, in her own words, “weaponised” her own story, nobody deserves to have the private contents of their phone disgorged across the media.”
Good golly gosh Miss Maiden, your hypocrisy is staggering. It’s odd, because I never heard a word from you when it was revealed last year how Sharaz and Higgins recorded a private telephone conversation they had with Senator Michaela Cash, a call that they then weaponised for their own malfeasant purposes. I happen to think Senator Cash didn’t deserve to have the private contents of her phone call disgorged across the media.
You know what Miss Maiden, I think you’re engaging in a desperate clean up here. You’ve been involved from the beginning in this sordid sage, just like you were involved in the very absurd and very sordid Porter allegations. You know more than you’re letting on and your involvement, along with Wilkinson’s…..STINKS.
As Chris Kenny said last night, the MSM, which includes the likes of grubs like Maiden, are up to their necks in this and they shouldn’t be let off the hook for their involvement.
Whatever you think of how Ms Higgins, in her own words, “weaponised” her own story, nobody deserves to have the private contents of their phone disgorged across the media.
Make yourself the story, you become the story.
Suck it up!
of tight arses sitting on the hill across the lake from the stadium watching the show for free.
If you drove past the SCG when Elton John was in town, you would have seen the same.
Hard to criticise them considering the cheap ticket were 250 bucks a pop.
Why can’t you just tell me – you’re the chump making the assertion that it’s all publicly available in the patent etc.
I bet they don’t mention anything like what you think they do.
The point is, Ms Higgins had the option of being known forevermore as “Witness H” or some other equally inventive court sanctioned nom de guerre.
As BJ says, she chose to play this out in the public sphere. She can now live with the outcome of that decision.
You wanted fame, baby.
Well here it is.
In spades.
And, yes, Sam Maiden’s cry for privacy and respeck rings a tiny bit hollow.
We exude power.
Nice, brand-new Sinn timepiece David is modelling there, by the way.
He’s just one more wife away from a Rolex.
We call it ‘walking the dog’ from long habit. Our dog is very fluffy, little and cute – but dead and gone for years now.
I can say that the acoustics outside the stadium in North Perth, the Quarry in Bold Park and Claremont Showgrounds are very poor. People leaving sellout shows due to health issues and giving away their tickets does happen.
Good get Cassie.
This is what I love about this place.
People here keep serving up trump cards to play when indignant lefties start beating the drum.
I am now holding the left and right bower should anyone start on about Britnah’s privacy.
June 9, 2023 at 12:11 pm
Steve trickler says:
June 9, 2023 at 12:02 pm
June 9, 2023 at 11:36 am
Nanowrigglers? Oh, are you referring to the Pfizer and Moderna patents that openly state the use of that tech?
Link please and page number.
Have a crack at finding out, sleuth.
Why can’t you just tell me – you’re the chump making the assertion that it’s all publicly available in the patent etc.
I bet they don’t mention anything like what you think they do.
Vaccine Nanotechnology | WATCH the New Stew Peters Documentary “FINAL DAYS” Featuring Karen Kingston TODAY | “DNA Is Highly Programmable Just Like a Computer.” – Dr. Andrew Phillips (Head of Bio Computation Microsoft Research)
Penis: a surgical option.
Vulva: external female genitalia, easily crafted from unwanted penises – and not necessarily associated with internal procreative bits and pieces.
Leaving a trail of questions (and girls more mysterious than ever).
With Dover’s indulgence – I have posted below the description of Dr. Robert Malone of the malignant persecution he has suffered at the hands of the pharmaceutical industry and their supporters in response to his criticism of the mRNA vaccines. As many will already know, Malone was also the first to discover the potential of lipid nanoparticles in delivering vaccines. As a result (& his lifetime experience in the field of immunology) he was well placed to understand the potential dangers of the new technology. Even so, he was one of the first of the medical professionals to himself be vaccinated in 2020 & suffered severe effects as a result. His campaign against the vaccines since has been unrelenting & he has faced major attacks as a consequence. This excerpt is from his sub stack today. I have posted it in its entirety because a link may not be possible & also because it demonstrates the current dangers to freedom of speech.
How is an individual, or a close couple, supposed to deal with the daily reality of organized censorship, gaslighting, defamation, and on-line bullying persisting for years and years? There are no well established guidelines, and those friends and colleagues who have experienced some form of this only offer general platitudes. Platitudes which range from some variation of “suck it up, snowflake” to blaming the victim. I often state that I refuse to define myself as a victim, but I do not know of a better term.
The first wave of attacks mostly came from corporate media, beginning in 2020 (before the vaccine rollout). The “official” corporate media/keeper of the approved narrative had enthusiastically embraced the promoted story line that Drs. Katie Kariko (a female scientist, VP of BioNTech and former Hungarian spy) and Drew Weissman (a former Anthony Fauci Post-doctoral research trainee)- both of whom have academic appointments at the University of Pennsylvania – were the persons who came up with the idea (ergo: invented) of using mRNA as a drug and for vaccines. Now just to say it, inventorship is not established by peer reviewed academic papers. It is something that is formally determined, via strict guidelines, by the US Patent and Trademark Office. Jill was particularly incensed by this promoted lie, as she had lived through the traumatic events associated with my having made those discoveries almost a decade before Kariko and Weissman did any work in the area, and was acutely aware that I had carried the mental scars of PTSD ever since. Frankly, still wanting to just bury my experiences at the Salk Institute and UC San Diego in my mind (even after all of the ensuing decades), at the time I just wanted to hide from all of the injustice.
But Jill is a warrior, and decided to make the real story public. She got out our boxes of old data and documents, wrote a summary of the events, scanned relevant documents including the original patent disclosures, the original Salk Institute patent filing (since abandoned without notice sent to me), the nine issued patents covering DNA/mRNA vaccines and the use of mRNA as a drug and sent copies of all of this to a wide range of recipients including Salk Institute and UC San Diego leadership. No reply from any of these was received. She also sent a copy to various professional colleagues including a Professor at the Karolinska Institute who we both know (who works on RNA vaccines), and who happens to be involved in the Nobel Prize selection process. In that case, to his credit, we did get a reply which included validation that he did remember about those events and that timeline – and that we had visited the Karolinska a couple of years later at his invitation to discuss the discovery.
You can find a summary of the details together with “receipts” at this website. Jill’s original document (letter) can be found here. And then there is the patent record, as well as my CV, which is easy enough for any journalist to look up. Of peripheral relevance is that the Kariko and Weissman patent issued to U Penn decades later makes no claims about using mRNA for vaccines.
Objecting to this promoted (false) narrative, combined with my appearance together with Steve Kirsh on the Bret Weinstein “Darkhorse” podcast in early 2021 whereby I questioned the safety studies of the nRNA vaccine and promoted early treatment, triggered a barrage of attack articles from corporate media, coupled with very aggressive editing of my Wikipedia page and the related Wikipedia references to mRNA vaccines to basically write me (and my scientific contributions) out of history. The campaign to get Kariko and Weissman the Nobel prize continued, and they were awarded the US Lasker award (considered the closest thing in the USA to the Nobel), as well as analogous awards from governments all over the world. Millions of dollars. For the record, my total compensation for all of those issued patents covering mRNA delivery and vaccination was one Susan B Anthony Dollar. Thanks, Vical and Salk Institute. Muchas gracias. Have a nice day.
What most amazed me about this early period of attacks was the willful ignorance of the corporate media authors (and many self-appointed social media “experts”) in completely overlooking the patent literature. In some cases these very public and widely circulated attacks were sponsored by various pharma-associated organizations such as the Wellcome Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Zuckerberg-Chan Foundation and others.
Then as I started speaking out about my concerns regarding the bioethics as well as toxicities of the genetic vaccines, and calling them what they were – gene therapy technology applied to vaccination – there came the second wave wave of attacks from corporate and social media basically asserting that I was a liar and/or a crank with an ax to grind. Attention seeking. Arrogant. Of course, before all of this, I had been attacked for trying to advance clinical research into the use of Famotidine and Celecoxib, with or without Ivermectin. An elaborate attack article including photographs of myself and our stallion “Jade” was prepared and published by the Associated Press. I can no longer find that article on the web, only this one. The story of the NY-based Northwell hospital chain involvement in all of this is one that I will tell some other day.
All of this seemed to be consistent with well known and documented biases and behaviors associated with corporate media, and for some (at the time but no longer mysterious) reason, any effort to discuss valid concerns regarding the ethics, safety and efficacy (or inventorship!) of the genetic vaccines was immediately and aggressively attacked by a wide range of corporate media channels. CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, Business Insider, Atlantic Monthly, Rolling Stone (!!) etc. The list went on and on. All superficial and poorly documented propaganda pieces composed by non-scientists. Which was basically what drove me (and Jill) to dive into the world of alternative media and the podcast.
Consulting with supportive colleagues who had very senior level media experience, the feedback was basically that this is just the way things are, the corporate media is wicked, cowboy up and get used to it.
Just to say, I did not sign up for this. No matter what people say, a constant stream of very high profile personal attacks in major media outlets is hurtful. You can try to put a smile on it, to remind yourself that all media is good media, but it still hurts. And it hurts those close to you.
And then there was the attempt by another physician (located on Maui, of all places) to get my medical license revoked. That one landed right before Christmas -2021, and the Maryland State medical board needed to have a prompt response, so that chewed up a good part of that holiday.
Whats to be done when your a wide range of corporate media, factcheckers, social media companies, and on line haters (who we now know were at least partially supported by the CDC) are doing their best on a daily basis to destroy your reputation and generally write you out of history, or defame, slander, gaslight and disparage? Not to mention the various small opportunists seeking to elevate their own profile by attacking you.
The general non-specific answer is you pay a lawyer to write and send a cease and desist letter. Sometimes that works, but the devil is in the details. Never any apology forthcoming though, or anything even close to a recognition that what they were doing was wrong. Rarely are the on-line or published attack articles taken down. It appears that some entity pays Google to keep the infamously poorly written and researched “Atlantic Monthly” attack article at the top of the Google ranking when one searches my name (Atlantic Monthly proudly notes the following – “The Atlantic’s COVID-19 coverage is supported by grants from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.”).
Then, having threatened to sue if the defamation is not rectified, you are left with two choices- tuck your tail and walk away, or follow through. Civil lawsuits alleging malicious defamation are among the hardest to prosecute and win. And notoriously expensive. So, unless you have the legal budget of someone like President Trump, you have to pick your battles, and build a strategy. Particularly when facing a barrage of cannon fire. Fortunately, our revenue from Substack allows us some greater freedom to pursue legal action, but it all comes out of our own bank account. No big donor has stepped up and said “oh, poor Robert Malone, there there, let me help you with your legal costs”. And the courts take forever to even decide if they will allow the case to proceed to the discovery phase.
I was prepared for this, sort of. To the extent that anyone can be. Jill and I consciously discussed and chose to expose ourselves to the risk of these types of personal attacks, although we had no idea of how nasty, persistent, long-lived and oppressive it would get.
What we were not prepared for, and still are reeling from, was the wave of attacks that followed. This is not my first rodeo as a whistleblower, the other one being the notorious Jesse Gelsinger gene therapy death in 1999 (also U Penn gene transfer experimental failure – notice a pattern here?). The consequences to my career were significant – due to my stepping forward and doing the right thing then. But just like during the COVIDcrisis, I had a duty to do what was right and I did it.
But then there came the attacks from within. From those that we had assumed were on our side in this fight. I cannot easily express how demoralizing it is to be cyberstalked, maliciously defamed, gaslighted on a constant daily basis by people that you thought were colleagues. Or their surrogates. Literally for years now. Et tu, Brute? To paraphrase from Julius Caesar- And you too, Brutus? Even you, my devoted friend, have turned against me? Then I may as well die. “Et tu, Brute? Then fall, Caesar.” To have people that you once tried to help and mentor turn on you with on-line hate and venom, day after day after day. Or encourage surrogates to do their dirty work for them. That is indeed the unkindest cut of all.
If the only remedy for left wing corporate media malicious defamation is the cascade of “cease and desist” followed by lawsuit if no action is taken and the behavior continues, then should this only apply to those on the left who are attacking? What if the people, ostensibly on the same side opposing the same foes as you are, are also engaging in cyberstalking and malicious defamation (of you)? Should they get a pass? That makes no sense to me. Wrong is wrong. Damage is damage. Harm is harm, and hurt is hurt. Cyberstalking and malicious defamation are crimes against persons. Psychological pain inflicted on ones self and ones loved ones is still pain no matter the age, prior good works or background philosophy of the one inflicting the pain.
So many haters, so little money. You have to pick your battles. I have now been accused of being a mass murderer because I supported the “Mass Formation” model of Mattias Desmet (thereby in some way enabling the “global predators”), and for having invented the core mRNA vax platform technology (30 years ago), and attacked for not working full time to mitigate the damage caused by my technology. I have been accused for being a mass murderer for speaking out against the vaccines (the primary complaint of the Maui physician seeking to have my Maryland medical license revoked). We once counted six different forms of accusations during COVID that I am asserted to be a mass murderer. I have been accused of having blocked the use of Ivermectin and promoting Remdesivir (both of which are clearly false claims). And recently, of somehow being involved in enabling both the 9-11 hijacking airline attacks AND the anthrax spore attacks. Repeatedly accused of being “controlled opposition” and an employee of the CIA, both of which accusations are verifiably false and seem mostly to serve the interests of governmental and pharmaceutical industry actors. The attacks are incessant, sometimes 3-5 times per day. A very small cohort of people in the medical freedom movement have put out literally 1000s of tweets and Substack articles, which get amplified and crossposted. Constantly. Month after month after month. All designed to delegitimize me in some way.
My criteria for taking legal action has been whether or not someone seems to be doing significant reputational damage, while also factoring in the quirky nature of various clauses in defamation law. In some cases I have proceeded to delivering a cease and desist and that was enough. Dr. Richard Fleming was one such case. I sent him a letter, and he stopped. Seems rational enough. Thank you, Richard (and I seriously mean that). Turns out that response is the exception rather than the rule. Others double down, go public, get even nastier and more personally vindictive. So then you have the same dilemma. Act on it or not. Fish or cut bait. First stop is to ask a mutual colleague to intervene. In almost all cases they refused.
So you then pay the lawyer to prepare and file the suit. And in some cases the accused gets even nastier, and seeks to cause yet more pain. Endless pain, stress, financial cost, in a bizarre form of a do-loop.
And as if this is not enough, then there are all of the armchair quarterbacks, some of who are employers, friends or associates with the ones doing the harassment and defamation. “Why are you suing the ____ (fill in the blank)!!??!!” “You just want to destroy the medical freedom movement!” (whatever that is). “You are just doing it for money!” (what a horrible business plan that would be, given the paltry odds of winning a defamation lawsuit).
No, I am suing because I am having something taken from me, and it is both wrong and illegal. My reputation, my peace of mind, and that of those close to me. Cyberstalking, cyberbullying, malicious defamation. These things are wrong. They are not what civilized, mentally healthy people do to each other. And they often seem to involve some odd perverse obsession. But it is also true that hate and defamation is a very good business model and a great way to build up a follower base. People are building their audiences by employing this strategy based on tall tales,lies, name calling and hate. But maybe, just maybe, if I win a case, this will become a disincentive for those prone to this sort of behavior in the future, to me and to others.
And then there are the ones that are shunning me because I am (legally) fighting back against those that are doing this to Jill and I. That part is a real mind-bender for me. Somehow fighting back against those who are aggressively cyberstalking and defaming me on a daily basis makes me the bad guy. Now if that is not pretzel logic, I do not know what is.
I suppose, in an intellectual sense, it is a fascinating question to ponder – what makes these people behave in this way? Why do haters hate? Why do others support them? I do not have an answer, only informed speculation. Personally, I think it somehow relates to the mental state of other types of stalkers, such as the ones that shot President Regan and John Lennon. And it clearly relates to envy, jealousy, and greed. Spreading hate can be quite lucrative in the age of the internet, where attention seeking behavior can be monetized. So there is that.
In an effort to comprehend (as if that will make it better somehow to understand the motivation of those trying to hurt me), I seek information from those with more experience in these matters. Most of whom seem to either be psychiatrists or lawyers who specialize in defending people who are being defamed and/or cyberstalked.
One such example is Minc law. I do not know this firm, and they do not represent me in any way shape or form. But what they have to say about these topics on their webpages strikes me as providing a lot of useful tips and insights. Useful to me, and perhaps also to you.
So, here are a few selected tidbits of wisdom from their on-line text:
Cyberstalking Definition
Cyberstalking, also known as internet stalking, is generally understood to mean the use of the Internet or other electronic communications and mechanisms to stalk, harass, or attack a person, entity, or organization. It’s considered a form of cyberbullying – an electronic form of bullying and harassment – and the terms are sometimes used interchangeably. However, do note that cyberbullying typically concerns itself with the bullying and harassment of minors.
When approaching the definition of cyberstalking, cyberstalkers generally boast the following four objectives:
Identify and locate the victim,
Watch and surveil them closely,
Emotionally harass and abuse them, and
Criminal manipulate them and instill fear.
Cyberstalking will also include one of the following elements:
Libel, or
False accusations.
Furthermore, cyberstalking may also include more sinister and unnerving actions, such as; identity monitoring, direct and indirect threats, identity theft, vandalism, solicitation for sexual acts, and the gathering of information with intent to later harass. And, internet stalking doesn’t just relegate itself to those seeking to harass and terrorize innocent victims online – it’s often accompanied by real-life stalking.
Both cyberstalking and real-life stalking are criminal offenses. We’ll address this below in Section 4: State and Federal Cyberstalking and Internet Harassment Laws.
Cyberstalking may also commonly be referred to as:
Internet harassment,
Internet stalking
Online stalking,
Online harassment,
Online sexual harassment,
Online bullying, and of course
Cyber-trolling is considered harmless, and generally a single instance, while cyberstalking alludes to an extended campaign of harassment, threats, and bullying. Another fundamental element of cyberstalking is that there is usually a strategic element behind it.
Online Harassment Protection Tip: Documenting online harassment, defamation, and other malicious attacks is extremely useful in aiding your potential case and content removal. We generally recommend also having a trusted friend or family member assisting in the documentation process, as it can ultimately help refute claims from the opposing party that you’ve tampered with the evidence.
Cyberstalking of Public Figures & Celebrities
Cyberstalking sometimes is accompanied by an element of delusion, something commonly found in most celebrity and public figure cyberstalkers. Cyberstalkers and cyberharassers often reveal that they viewed themselves as having a close connection with the celebrity or public victim, due to constantly reading about them online, watching their television shows or movies, or viewing them via popular media channels.
In one of the most famous cases of cyberstalking, actress Patricia Arquette decided to delete her Facebook completely after severe internet stalking. 7 She warned Facebook friends and users to refrain from accepting friend requests from persons they didn’t actually know.
Online Harassment Tip: Remember, online harassment is a broad category, and can include everything from attacks and derogatory comments about one’s race, gender, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or religion, all the way to email obscenities and threats. Doctoring photos in an explicit and offensive way may also be considered online harassment.
5 Steps to Protect Against Cyberstalking & Online Harassment
Are you wondering what you can do if you are being cyberstalked or harassed online? Look no further. In this section, we’re going to take you through five actionable steps you can take to protect yourself against cyberstalking and online harassment.
When combatting cyberstalking, online harassment, and other Internet harassment, it’s important to stay vigilant and proactive. Oftentimes, there are tell-tale signs which can shed light on a perpetrator’s future intentions and actions. Additionally, it’s extremely important to understand what doesn’t constitute cyberstalking, online stalking, and online harassment, as this could help prevent bringing a frivolous claim and provide you with some peace of mind.
So, what are five actionable steps you can take if you are being harassed online?
1. Preserve & Document All Evidence
Cyberstalkers and online harassers are oftentimes highly tech savvy, and know how to hide their tracks. This can entail having past threatening messages/content removed or changed, which could ultimately make for a tough case when bringing a cyberstalking action.
We always recommend preserving all communications, content, and evidence of threats, comments, and attacks by cyberstalkers and online harassers. Doing so can ultimately help strengthen your case and refute any claims by the perpetrator that you fabricated evidence. We also recommend having a trusted family member or friend assist in the process to further legitimize its authenticity.
Due to the poor construction (and lack thereof) of adequate internet stalking and cyberbullying legislation in the United States, it’s important to paint a clear picture of what exactly happened.
2. Install an Email & Content Filtering System
The installation of an email and content filtering system could help assist in the prevention of malicious cyberstalkers and online harassers gaining access to your personal details (and your child’s). Phishing scams and malware are popular methods by which online perpetrators gain access to one’s computer, pictures, and personal information.
A comprehensive email and content filtering system can help weed out all the junk, while protecting you and your online persona.
Installing an email and content filtering system is an essential for parents looking to protect their children from online harassment and cyberstalking, as minors are more likely to fall victim to online phishing and malware scams.
Furthermore, make sure to switch out old passwords every month or two, and refrain from entering personal information into unsecured websites online. This is an extremely important thing to remember if you are leaving a relationship, as intimate cyberstalkers are some of the most common types on the Internet. Always look for the green “SSL” certificate at the beginning of the URL address search bar.
Do note that just because there is an SSL certificate installed, does not mean it is always safe to enter your information. However; it generally is an indication that the website went through property security hoops and processes.
3. Don’t Respond or Retaliate!
Internet harassment and cyberbullying can be extremely overwhelming and invasive, leaving you in a state of disbelief and highly stressed. This can lead to heightened emotions, and a desire to respond to the perpetrator. Don’t!
We strongly recommend refraining from responding or retaliating against the online harasser or cyberstalker, as it could result in the further spread of personal information or physical violence. Engaging with irrational and malicious online stalkers is often futile, as they are often unpredictable and seeking out an emotional response.
The reality of the situation is most cyberstalkers don’t care whether your response to their threats and attacks is positive or negative – they are simply looking for a reaction.
Even if an online stalker threatens to release intimate photographs, personal information, contact your friends and family (or employer), or disseminate unsavory material, don’t respond. All of your energy should be focused into compiling and documenting the evidence.
4. Understand the Most Common Defenses to Cyberstalking & Internet Harassment
While we’ve touched on the various definitions of cyberstalking, cyberbullying, and online harassment, it’s important to understand the flipside of the coin when protecting yourself against cyberstalking and Internet harassment.
When bringing a cyberstalking, Internet harassment, or online stalking claim, perpetrators (and defendants) may likely rely on one of the following defenses, which will enable them to skirt liability for their actions.
No Imminent Threat of Danger: A good portion of cyberstalking and online harassment legislation in the United States requires there be an imminent and credible threat towards a victim. Ultimately, if a perpetrator has no actionable way to carry out their threat, then a cyberstalking charge may not likely stick. Furthermore, a defendant might argue that they are dealing with a “hypersensitive” plaintiff, where a reasonable person would not perceive such words and comments to mean cyberstalking/threats.
No Actual Intent: One of the fundamental elements of stalking and cyberstalking is the element of intent. If a defendant never intended to place the victim in fear, then there may possibly not be an actionable cyberstalking claim in. For example, this could occur in instances where a party makes a one off joke or statement.
Not Made Repeatedly: One of threats or instances are not typically considered cyberstalking, as the consistent and repeated “stalking” is required. Sporadic conduct may act as a legitimate defense to internet stalking charges unless it can be proven that there was a “continuous purpose” behind it.
False Accusations: We’ve addressed the notion of false accusations in a previous, comprehensive blog post, “Suing Someone For False Accusations: U.S. False Accusations Law Guide” which we recommend checking out in further depth. Simply put, false accusations are claims and allegations that are unsubstantiated and not verifiable as fact. False accusations might be made by a former spouse in order to further a specific goal, however; it may not always mean cyberstalking or stalking is at issue.
5. Consider the Photographs & Information You Make Public
While there’s no guarantee of complete protection from online harassment and cyberstalking, it’s worth noting that the less you put out there (online), the less malicious cyberstalkers and online harassers have to draw from and use against you.
Simply put, the smaller the target, the better your chances of not falling prey to malicious online harassers.
Before putting content, photographs and media, and other personal information online, remember to ask yourself if you are comfortable with it possibly being seen and used by millions of visitors. It’s also not unheard of for internet harassers to use photographs from social media profiles to post to “rating” websites or doctor them completely – making it appear as though the victim is engaging in an unsavory or illicit act.
For example, if you run your own parenting website, consider refraining from placing photographs of your own children and family on the website, as this could draw unwanted attention to your personal life.
Or, if you run a personal blog solely meant for keeping friends and family members in the loop, consider setting up a verified login and registration system, so unauthorized parties are unable to gain access.
Finally, consider re-evaluating your current social media privacy settings, to prevent unauthorized third-parties from gaining access to your photographs and personal life.
I do not claim to be an expert on cyberstalking or malicious defamation, but it seems I am rapidly becoming one due to the school of hard knocks. Living the age of COVID as a whistleblower has certainly provided me with a rich tapestry of examples to draw from.
What I know is that if you have never experienced unrelenting daily unjustified attacks in press and social media for years, then you cannot understand what it is like. This is painful, demeaning, threatening, and for someone who already has an elevated PTSD set point, sometimes it can provoke a sense of breathless panic.
But that is what courage is all about, isn’t it? Courage is encountering fear, panic, anxiety and still persevering. Day in and day out. Many people have this kind of quiet courage, but you would never know it. But they are all around us.
When both on-line and in person, please keep in mind that your capacity to hurt others by your words and actions is significant. Maybe that is part of the motivation- for those who feel powerless in their own lives, causing others pain and suffering can give them some sense of power over others.
Here in this part of Virginia, we have a word for these sorts of folks. We call them assholes. They are everywhere, but for some reason seem more highly concentrated in the big city. I think it is harder to remain an anonymous asshole in a small rural town.
Please try to be kind to others. We all have a bit of inner asshole, and it comes out from time to time. But try to not let it get the better of you.
Thanks and best wishes to all, from here down on the farm.
Now that this essay is finished, I have to go figure out why we have a sudden pump failure in a 400 foot deep well….
BTW “Jill” is Malone’s wife.
Dot, you need not tolerate it. Ernie Dingo manufactured rubbish.
generally, you do have to tolerate it .. most of this ‘welcome’ rubbish occurs at events that you’ve already paid to attend .. soooooo .. captive audience ………
Research by Bit Chute, courtesy of Emeritus Professor Stew Peters.
Okay, dude. Tell us where the nanna wrigglers bit you.
When in any public position know the legalities and also the politics that can come against you. Therefore write down immediately factors that emerge from any phone call or meeting so that there is a dated diarised record of it. Never say anything in a text or an email or other written communication about anything to do with work that you wouldn’t like to have made public. These are not secure documents.
This was advice I received from a true friend when I first headed up a university department, and it is something that Hairy has always said as well. I found it very useful at times that I did this.
Thank you Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare for your reply (June 9, 2023 at 9:34 am).
The background to my question – I have seen some 1984 documentation for a teacher “Mrs Albanese, Serial No. 8160776”, accompanied by photos which include a woman who (to me) bears a striking resemblance to Albo’s mum.
Of course, it could just be a coincidence and be related to a completely different person. Of course.
• National Anti-Corruption Commission: finds a number of important structural and separation of powers reasons why it is inappropriate to investigate…;
Sounds about right! .. when I tried to get ICAC, back around 2005, interested in the drugs & money trail in this “houso” estate .. lotza interest until I started naming names then ..
“Ooooh! we can’t investigate that it involves plod .. we isn’t allowed to investigate plod .. you’ll have to go to the Plod Integrity Commission” ..
Plod investigate plod …… I gave up!
Also, know that anything you write anonymously here on the Cat or elsewhere online has to stay within the legal limits of being non-defamatory and certainly not any infraction of the criminal law.
Full documentary here.
Skip to 38:46 for Karen Kingston. People need to keep in mind that not all the batches of the jabs were the same. Big-Pharma were given carte blanche to run amok. The synthetic venom peptides evidence in the jabs ( batch depending ) is a doozy yet to be debunked. There is a sh*t load of evidence ( pun intended ) for that. Stool and blood samples from the jabbed confirm it.
Considering the global experiment had free reign , who knows what other muck will be exposed to be in the concoctions . The investigations are still ongoing.
Final Days Worldwide Premiere
Yeah, he’s a predator.
They’ve exploited Higgins, who had a legit grievance, and Lehrmann is disgraced, though he’s turned up on the front page of The Oz giving his opinions of Sharaz, probably redefinin g chutzpah at the same time.
Shatterzzz, same when I complained about the dealers and their customers working my son’s public housing block. Police took the complaints, said they would investigate, but when I named the guy opposite my son’s they shoved me off to a ‘community welfare officer’, who said oh yes, we know about Donnie (not his real name), he’s a sad case, blah blah blah, and nothing was done; the dealing and crowding just continued on and on. The police said they had to catch him in the act and were clearly reluctant to do so as there’d be a merry-go-round of courts and welfare.
Nabbing him wouldn’t be hard, I muttered under my breath.
Just stay a couple of hours in my son’s flat and listen for it.
But I could see it was going nowhere.
She likes blokes with low T.
If you drove past the SCG when Elton John was in town, you would have seen the same.
Hard to criticise them considering the cheap ticket were 250 bucks a pop.
This sort of criticism only occurs when you realise you never thought to do it until you see someone else doing it .. especially, if your one of the mugs who paid $250 .. LOL!
Also, know that anything you write anonymously here on the Cat or elsewhere online has to stay within the legal limits of being non-defamatory and certainly not any infraction of the criminal law.
Uh huh.
Putting in an application for a Mods job, are we?
Also, know that anything you write anonymously here on the Cat or elsewhere online has to stay within the legal limits of being non-defamatory and certainly not any infraction of the criminal law.
Oh, okay. I better change “superannuated old soak” to “superannuated old sook.” Apologies. Phew!
Didn’t Karen Kingston get sacked in 1998, from the sales division of Pfizer?
I am not a fan of emergency use by mandate, a poor safety record, corruption and nepotism, but what has this to do with young Dutch Nonsense/Montana Doofus’ inability to read the timestamp changing on a radar map? How does this “prove” “nanna wrigglars”?
If he seriously thinks that the five to eight-hour period was a matter of seconds, then the cloud front that moves in the radar image is most probably tearing through southern Quebec at HYPERSONIC speeds.
Why haven’t we heard of this apocalyptic polar hurricane?
The Arctic Ocean was angry that day my friends.
When Peter Reith died, did he bequeath his 1980s spectacles to David Sharaz? They look identical.
Why haven’t we heard of this apocalyptic polar hurricane?
Because they don’t want people snooping around either pole.
No doubt you’ve seen the structures in Antartica?
Makes the Bruce Pascoe Dark Emu megacities seem like wigwams.
The real issue is that the Morrison Government pulled a coverup, it was exposed, and keeping the Higgins issue alive benefits the Labor Party because it reminds female voters what a squalid, seamy shitshow the Morrison Government really was.
So, Gallagher’s gone, but even if Plibersek and Albanese follow her out the door, it won’t change the perception of the Federal Liberal Party among female voters.
Venom peptides are used to treat hypertension.
If someone died of the jabs, did they die from hypotension or not?
A simple yes or no will do.
Yes or no for groups on average or generally, please.
People take venom peptides all of the time.
Front. Mol. Biosci., 13 May 2022
Sec. Cellular Biochemistry
Volume 9 – 2022 |
This article is part of the Research Topic
Venom Peptides: A Rich Combinatorial Library for Drug Development
View all 14 Articles
Editorial: Venom Peptides: A Rich Combinatorial Library for Drug Development
Good advice.
Especially for Googlery.
Who is being watched.
And, since June 1st, not just by me.
June 9, 2023 at 12:30 pm
Research by Bit Chute, courtesy of Emeritus Professor Stew Peters.
Okay, dude. Tell us where the nanna wrigglers bit you.
Hard to get bitten with none of that crap inside me. That’s a question you should ask yourself if you did proceed down that path. Fingers crossed for you if you did.
Most of my family unknowingly played Russian roulette with the damn things.
Sharaz posing with his fancy watch.
A gift from the Australian taxpayer via his fiancée?
Are we really back to nanowrigglers?
I thought they were impregnated into face masks.
A throwback to Joe Aston’s brilliant report on Ms Maiden from the AFR in 2018. Brilliant reading.
The Liberal Party finds itself in a similar position to the CLP after their Lindy Chamberlain shenanigans came unstuck.
Basically, Peter Dutton needs to bite the bullet and reach out to Higgins, toss Reynolds and Cash overboard and make a public apology.
Yeah, Labor paid Higgins overs to keep her sweet, but that’s their problem, not hers.
June 9, 2023 at 12:57 pm
Venom peptides are used to treat hypertension.
If someone died of the jabs, did they die from hypotension or not?
A simple yes or no will do.
Yes or no for groups on average or generally, please.
People take venom peptides all of the time.
No sh*t, Sherlock. You can purchase them online too. Some have legit use in medicine, like blood pressure medication. In the C-19 jabs, it was nefarious.
Hi there. You seem to be waving. I wouldn’t swim a swell like that.
From the AFR:
Message received:
NACC = National Anti-Conservative Commission.
Regarding the “privacy” of the recordings done by Cane Toad, Shiraz, No-Knickers and others, there is no doubt they were intended to be public at some stage in the future.
Each player had cast themselves in a role which was to be publicly projected at some point:-
For Cane Toad this was going to form the basis of her Woodward and Bernstein moment, and her Walkleys triumph.
Shiraz was going to come out of it as the well connected and wily “young Turk” political power broker.
Britnah, of course, would play the role of the part martyr/part warrior Grrrl Power icon.
Well, that’s how they imagined it.
They now just come across as four dim, but vicious, narcissistic fckwits.
Granted, Britnah and Shiraz have the $3 meg, but the dreams of big-time political jerbs are shattered.
And Cane Toad’s TeeVee career (such as it was) is shot. Which means she gets to spend more time with Bandana Man.
Cruel and unusual punishment.
Serious question – Cryptocurrency.
I’ve been made aware that a new cryptocurrency is being launched next week, and I need to possess a basic understanding of the concept of crypto and blockchain rikky-tic.
Is it possible for a vege-maths redneck such as myself to gain a working understanding in a brief period of time, and how would I go about that please?
I realise this is an odd question coming from me, but I’ve just stumbled upon the brains behind this Thai-Australian venture (a neighbour), and am desperate to inveigle for myself some type of employment opportunity (other than writing software, which I’m incapable of).
Any sincere suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
Graphene Oxide is a registered Vaccine Adjuvant.
So, yeah, it’s in there, along with Snake Venom, some say HIV, get your booster today!
Any chance you could post that Real Deal?
It is paywalled.
Perhaps we can offer her a gig hosting Parents& Citizen’s quiz nites at the local bowls club.
I think someone here yesterday suggested Danoz Direct adverts.
Great analysis at 1310hrs Sancho. Viscious f-wits.
Trump has been indicted twice now, and there are still at least two even more dangerous tranches of indictments to come (Georgia electoral fraud and DoJ J6 incitement). That’s not including the NY financial suit that could put him out of business.
No wonder the Republican primary is so crowded, they are all betting Trump goes to gaol.
Here it is, Sancho.
Karma Bus gets Newcorp’s Samantha Maiden again
Joe Aston
The only tears shed were her own when, last Friday, political reporter Samantha Maiden was shown the door of the Canberra Press Gallery by her current employer Sky News. She is suspended from duties while a law firm investigates multiple complaints made against her by colleagues in Sky’s Parliament House bureau.
Before Sky, Maiden worked her way through the bureaux of ABC News, Ten News, Seven News, AAP, The Adelaide Advertiser, The Australian and The Sunday Telegraph.
While working at the latter two years ago, driving home from Mark Textor’s birthday party near Goulburn, NSW Police observed her “driving on the wrong side of the road around a left hand bend”. After two police pursuits – two! – in which she failed to stop, Maiden “narrowly missed a parked car and came to a stop in a cul de sac”. Back at the cop shop, she blew 0.136. She pleaded guilty and was back behind the wheel seven months later.
Out: Sky News anchor Samantha Maiden.
Now relieved of her parliamentary pass, how will Samantha film her home-made episodes of Top Gear downstairs in the car park each lunchtime?
Maiden famously opined about the “pretty loose” behaviour of politicians [like Jamie Briggs] and their staff “running the risk of behaving like Les Patterson.” There but for the grace of God, went she – or, in post-Reformation English, ain’t karma a bitch?! Or in Peter Dutton’s word, a witch…
And only a year before her Gone in 60 Seconds-meets-Sir-Les cameo she predicted that “the karma bus is coming for Joe Hockey”, calling the then Treasurer “a flog” for good measure.
Well, well, having got off lightly nearly flattening the good people of Lamarra Place in her Hyundai Sante Fe, the karma semi-trailer has made easy work of Maiden – then lapped Parliament Drive to get her a second time. Outstanding.
Muddy, we are so pleased you asked!
Ye Olde Doomlord can certainly help.
Here is Chris’s basic guide to making money in Crypto, meanwhile.
1. Write a cheque to ‘Chris’s Mindanao Alluvial Gold Mines NL’
2. Something quantum nanoscale capitalise synergy something something
3. Profit!
Someone near and dear has been investing in crypto via a very similar scheme. Turns out that if you never try to get money out, even through a major price collapse, there are no realised losses! I can’t wait to put my super in it.
Here’s some retarded furry communist MAPs explaining BTC:
They were trying to get Lehrmann thrown in jail for ten and Scotty out of office.
Save me the tears girls.
ICOs can be rather scammy.
However, here is a good explanation of BTC.
Muddy says:
June 9, 2023 at 1:12 pm
Serious question – Cryptocurrency.
Is it possible for a vege-maths redneck such as myself to gain a working understanding in a brief period of time, and how would I go about that please?
To avoid that feeling of never knowing when you’re being scammed you’ll need a working understanding of the Elliptic Curve Cryptographic protocol SHA-256 (Rijndael), as proposed by the NSA (trust them?… sure can!).
Not easy.
Trump indictments are sealed but rumours are that it is for obstruction of justice, conspiracy and illegal retention of classified documents.
Very Nixonian.
This guy is a legend. He founded Ethereum.
Rational Wiki is a good reverse indicator.
There are a lot of shit coins – but I will keep on buying SHIB.
Pat Robertson dead, James Watts dead and Trump indicted on obstruction and conspiracy. What a day.
Real Deal at 1:21.
Top stuff.
I didn’t realise how many employers she had burnt through.
James Watt, I should say, no trailing S.
Damn! Farmer Gez,
a heads up would have been nice in that link. Beware anyone who scrolls down that link. yikes!
“I didn’t realise how many employers she had burnt through.”
I’ve heard she’s not well liked.
Thanks, Chris.
I think?
I don’t actually have any money to invest, but I’d like to know the basic theory behind the concept of crypto. The Covidiocy robbed me financially, and I’m still trying to re-enter the workplace and begin again at a not-so-young age. Hence why I’m keen to investigate any opportunity for a career.
I know the Doomlord is a pro at this, but I wouldn’t bother him with such elementary queries.
Monty moistening himself again.
Bitcoin (code: BTC, XBT;[note 1] symbol: ?) is a digital commodity that derives almost all its current “value” from fetishization and speculative mania. It’s also a slow, inefficient, and wasteful payment network. The payment network is mostly only useful for pseudo-anonymity, crime, or for avoiding censorship.
I am sending this to a Bitcoin obsessed friend. Making him splutter will make my day.
Grauniad now reporting seven federal felonies for Trump, including violating the Espionage Act, wilful retention of national defence information, obstruction of justice, conspiracy, false statements and concealment under title 18 of the US criminal code.
Don’t fret mole, I’m sure this is as bad as it gets.
Biden only noticed 2.5 years into his term?
The January 6 accusation against Trump is straight-up absurd.
He made a public statement to stay home. There is no possible mens rea or gens rea.
It’s as bad as him diving through the Presidential Limo and taking control of the wheel like in a mad cap 1980s cop buddy comedy fillum. Completely silly.
It will be interesting if Trump subpoenas Ray Epps.
Thanks Dot and Gilas.
I’m unsure if the website launches next week, or if that’s the ICO.
The founder is Australian but is basing the company in Thailand because apparently they do a bit of manufacturing of non-IC vehicles, and the currency will initially be tied in with renewables. My neighbour gave me a rough explanation – something about wallets, recharging payment, etc. – but it went over my non-scientific head.
As stated above, I’m not in a position to invest, but I want to be able to understand what it is so I can keep in touch with this bloke and maybe convince him I could be useful in some employment type of manner. Very ambitious of me, I know.
Muddy, to be serious, the best way to make a new living at a later age after losing everything is to get a truck licence or forklift ticket and use it to get a FIFO job in the mines. A friend lost the lot, house included, by incautious involvement with a startup. He followed the above plan and now makes a good living and socking what he can away for later. Any good job these days can serve, of course, but I don’t know where you are coming from experience or location-wise.
If you do this FIRST, then you can stick 10% of salary in any startup or cryptocoin you like and see where it goes. And dont fear you are not good enough; the mining contractors are still finding it hard to keep good positions filled.
That’s five days of training and maybe $3k and you can earn a decent living. Pretty good advice really.
Then you put $200 a week away in SHIB…
What’s that Monty?
You with no champagne.
You think we are all going to cry at your gloating over the deaths of people aged 93 and 85?
It’s as bad as him diving through the Presidential Limo and taking control of the wheel like in a mad cap 1980s cop buddy comedy fillum. Completely silly.
Gorilla channel..
That is all.
Ive found some footage of dot from his earliest days of THOT patrolling.
(the kid is ruthless)
Thanks Chris and Dot.
I do have some part-time work, but it’s not a long-term option. If I didn’t have my dog, I’d do as you suggest and head to the mines. I have plans, and things are progressing, but the challenge is getting through in the meantime (and finding more subscribers for my OnlyFans).
Someone mentioned here the other day the slag from the Australian who rang Lehrmann’s boss at British American Tobacco for no other purpose than to get him fired.
Rosie Lewis.
I am getting a mental picture of Rosie just casually wandering down to Janet Albrechtsen’s office, having not been near it this millennium, for a quick chat (and a bit of upside-down reading to try to establish the source of the leaks).
I can also picture the chatter in the lunch room falling silent when Rosie walks in.
Another who has nailed her colours to the wrong mast.
Trump can run from jail, Monty. It would guarantee his victory. I really hope they put him in the slammer. They would reap the whirlwind.
I think the correct term is “basting”.
From Farmer Gez @01:25pm
Thar drivel by Samantha Maiden just confirms to me what a blonk she is. Slurp some more turps slapper.
Michael Lee will oversee the Lehrmann, Channel Ten case.
The most black & white judge on the federal court.
At least it won’t turn into a circus like other defamation cases.
Muddy says:
June 9, 2023 at 1:46 pm
I’m unsure if the website launches next week, or if that’s the ICO.
The founder is Australian but is basing the company in Thailand because apparently they do a bit of manufacturing of non-IC vehicles, and the currency will initially be tied in with renewables. My neighbour gave me a rough explanation – something about wallets, recharging payment, etc. – but it went over my non-scientific head.
Best of luck, but on the surface this looks like a scam-in-the-making.
currency will initially be tied in with renewables.
The pitch alone rings alarm bells…
Unlike other defamation cases that grow tentacles, Michael Lee has repeated ruled in defamation cases “what was known at the point in time the alleged defamation took place”.
Who knows how it plays out.
But it means years of dragging in former partners, changing legal strategy mid-case (he’s hit the roof a couple of times on this in recent years) and what happened post the alleged defamation won’t get a look in.
As it should be.
They were trying to get Lehrmann thrown in jail for ten and Scotty out of office.
Half right.
Lisa Wilkinson did her best to get Lehrmann off without facing charges with her Logies Speech, the real target was Morrison’s involvement in the coverup and the corrupt nature of the Government.
Lehrmann was just incidental, the tapes reveal Higgins just wanted him to be unemployable in any high profile job, and she got her wish.
Obviously, what happened post the defamation comes into it if the plaintiff wins with regards to damages.
But not in the case itself.
For example, if Lee was hearing the BRS case, it would have been unlikely the buried USB’s drives in his back yard would have made it in.
Ed Case
Any time, any day – lunacy arrives.
By the way, BitCoin isn’t BTC and BTC isn’t BitCoin.
B e very wary of any advice Dot gives out.
Including stupid shit like paying for a forklift licence as a pathway to a high paying FIFO job.
The bloke should be swinging from a lamp post … after a fair trial.
And now is being employed by the CSIRO. What a f-ing joke!
Real Rukshan:
Victorian CHO Brett Sutton Suddenly Resigns
Kyle Becker
There are 250 “out-of-control” wildfires now raging across Canada.
This Tik Tok user believes he may know why.
Further to Maiden, the ultimate hypocrite, who was up to her ears in the Porter garbage, herself being one of the ex-Adelaide cabal of well-heeled wimmin that also included Wong, Hanson-Dung, and Crabb, who were all eager to swallow and spruik the nonsensical and fabulous ravings of a deluded woman who’d died by her own hand, and who’d held a torch for Christian Porter for decades, all of which was yet another clear and transparent hit job on the Morrison government, Maiden was up to her neck in it, yet when Nicolle Flint got up in parliament to speak about her real experiences at the hands of GetUp, Labor, and the Greens before and after the 2019 election, when she was stalked (requiring police protection), when she was physically harassed, when she had her electoral office was frequently plastered with graffiti and excrement, when that well known cockroach by the name of Mike Carlton, on Q&A, wondered why someone hadn’t strangled Flint, Maiden appeared on Insiders and, with her usual smirk, not only trivialised Flint’s experiences, she also mocked them.
So, when slimy, sanctimonious Samantha Maiden writes that “nobody deserves to have the private contents of their phone disgorged across the media“, hmm, I’ll consider that statement when Ms Maiden condemns what happened to Nicolle Flint, but here’s the thing, Maiden is a gold star hypocrite.
BTC isn’t BitCoin and no one in the mines has a MR, HR or forklift ticket.
Thanks for the great life advice Head Case.
Don’t you get sick of Goodbye Horses on repeat?
The founder is Australian but is basing the company in Thailand because apparently they do a bit of manufacturing of non-IC vehicles, and the currency will initially be tied in with renewables. My neighbour gave me a rough explanation – something about wallets, recharging payment, etc. – but it went over my non-scientific head.
This sounds like a circus.
I would view the capital being risked in similar way I would view the money I rarely put down at the blackjack table.
Ie, budget to lose the lot.
Cassie, I greatly admire your forthright command of the language.
Maiden appeared on Insiders and, with her usual smirk, not only trivialised Flint’s experiences, she also mocked them.
Uh huh.
You did similar regarding Fiona Martin’s harassment in the lead up to last year’s election, remember?
who were all eager to swallow and spruik the nonsensical and fabulous ravings of a deluded woman
So you’re saying she didn’t have stigmata?
Take a look at this!
This IS HOW…..TRUDEAU HAS ALOT TO ANSWER FOR- He stated they were natural fires….
If we didn’t know before, we certainly do now. We are dealing with outright murderers.
Field Marshal mUntgomery brings news of Muellerween, Herr Fuher.
Running for office from jail is not unprecedented in American politics. Hopefully we get to find out how that works for a Presidential campaign. Not well, I suspect.
“So you’re saying she didn’t have stigmata?”
LOL…..and Janet A, in the Oz, was also behind unmasking the deluded ramblings and ravings of Porter’s accuser……”Kate”.
Some of my boomer mates had similar reasons for re-entering the workforce and became bus drivers.
High demand for good drivers, paid training, sign on bonus for qualified drivers, stay-on bonus, options of full time or casual, 5 weeks annual leave, local firms hiring all the time, plenty of overtime.
One bloke made a mozza by working split shifts, and another did very well in becoming an instructor of new drivers.
DeSantis says Trump a victim of law enforcement ‘weaponization’ under Biden
The spiral writing and multi colour textas were clues. Didn’t translate well to TV for Four Corners.
Running for office from jail is not unprecedented in American politics.
Yeah, I think Herman Talmadge ran for Governor of Georgia from the slammer and won.
Did Edwards also run in Louisiana while serving a Life Sentence.
Huey Long’s brother also won from jail, iirc?
Nice conspiracy theory but sorry to disappoint.
The Death Star helicopter in Canada is lighting up a back burn control line.
You can use dozers as well if you can access the the country.
One attends a soirée at Lord Texta’s Country House at one’s peril. Think of some of the scenes in Brideshead Revisited or the communist degenerates’ gatherings in Transatlantic.
Great to see Munty up and about!
Groogs, don’t overthink this. Brittany needs you now more than ever.
EXCLUSIVE: Julian Assange loses his appeal against extradition to the US on espionage charges
This man has been tortured for how many years? For what? And not a peep out of our government, as far as I know, the whole time.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
June 9, 2023 at 12:33 pm
When in any public position know the legalities and also the politics that can come against you. Therefore write down immediately factors that emerge from any phone call or meeting so that there is a dated diarised record of it. Never say anything in a text or an email or other written communication about anything to do with work that you wouldn’t like to have made public. These are not secure documents.
A colleague in the pubic service claimed to apply the “A Current Affair” test to anything he wrote: “Would I wish to defend this on A Current Affair?” If not, re-draft until he would be.
Democrats’ Indictment Frenzy Isn’t Just About Taking Out Trump, It’s About Eliminating Wrongthink
Piece of shit Sutton will never face justice.
Da fuq? It’s pretty much entirely self-inflicted.
Kevin McCarthy
Today is indeed a dark day for the United States of America.
It is unconscionable for a President to indict the leading candidate opposing him. Joe Biden kept classified documents for decades.
I, and every American who believes in the rule of law, stand with President Trump against this grave injustice. House Republicans will hold this brazen weaponization of power accountable.
When was the last time they held anyone on the left accountable for anything?
He’s phoning it in since Uncle George took him off a retainer. The Grigbot seems to be operating on some beta OS too.
Now there’s a thought.
Liberal TikToker goes viral after complaining that the only masculine and chivalrous men she can find are conservative
Hunter Biden surrounded by nude women, drugs — and family — in recently released trove of laptop photos
Any indictments on the horizon?
Ed Casesays:
June 9, 2023 at 12:43 pm
Yeah, he’s a predator.
They’ve exploited Higgins, who had a legit grievance, and Lehrmann is disgraced, though he’s turned up on the front page of The Oz giving his opinions of Sharaz, probably redefinin g chutzpah at the same time.
Grandpa Cletus has the sads. It seems that his favourite niece might not have given him the full story before sending him out to defend her. Hint, Grandpa: When she told you she went drinking late on a Friday night without knickers, that was time to think the case through.
Quite timely really. Will there be showgirls?
FOX threatens to sue Tucker Carlson over breach of contract
Shocking, or Inevitable? Gallup Survey Shows Most Dramatic Shift to Social Conservatism in a Decade
June 9, 2023 at 2:22 pm
Kyle Becker
There are 250 “out-of-control” wildfires now raging across Canada.
This Tik Tok user believes he may know why.
A comment on twatter.
Kyle Becker:
I think the concerns about smart cities (or ’15-minute cities’) is valid but he has no concrete evidence that anything but fires and dry weather caused the fires.
A cursory or superficial comment on show there. Dry weather causes ignition?
Sat imagery confirms otherwise and those suggesting his comments have merit probably watch the MSM.
Absolute clown*
* = F*ckwit.
Plenty of people shoot their mouth ( via keyboard ) before doing some digging.
No Such Thing as Anglo-Saxons? The Attack on Our History & Heroes.
Ed Casesays:
June 9, 2023 at 12:56 pm
The real issue is that the Morrison Government pulled a coverup, it was exposed, and keeping the Higgins issue alive benefits the Labor Party because it reminds female voters what a squalid, seamy shitshow the Morrison Government really was.
Finally, Grandpa Cletus comes out as nothing but a Labor Party shill. But he forgot that at CL’s blog, he defended the quick settlement of the big payout on the grounds that those sensitive new age Liars wouldn’t have wanted to have the mediation play out over a period, to protect the sensitive feelings of someone who goes out drinking without knickers.
But now he says it benefits the Liars to keep the whole affair in the headlines to demonstrate “what a squalid, seamy shitshow the Morrison Government really was”. So why did they cover up the payout process? Wouldn’t that have been a new opportunity?
So, Gallagher’s gone, but even if Plibersek and Albanese follow her out the door, it won’t change the perception of the Federal Liberal Party among female voters.
Grandpa still repeating ad nauseum the Liars line about the Liberal Party having a “woman problem”. Hey, Grandpa, remember Bill Shorten? Remember La Tingle and Plibbers casually mentioning some Liars “woman problems” around the time of the last election, but both immediately taking a vow of silence on the matter?
You might be stupid, but others are not.
Idiotic moron.
I think I see the problem. Have you tried scrolling past?
Top Endersays:
June 9, 2023 at 9:22 am
Went over to The Sydney Morning Herald to see if they had anything on the Higgins affair – nothing at first glance on their website – but of course they had this:
Be brave, strip soldiers’ medals, says expert who sparked war crimes inquiry
By Matthew Knott
The sociologist who triggered the Brereton war crimes inquiry has urged Defence Minister Richard Marles to stare down veterans’ groups by stripping medals from soldiers who oversaw alleged wrongdoing in Afghanistan, saying it will reflect poorly on the nation if no action is taken.
Samantha Crompvoets, an expert on organisational culture, was commissioned by the Department of Defence in 2015 to produce a report that led to military personnel disclosing claims of unlawful behaviour including alleged war crimes.
Here’s the bint:
Sociologist earns ten times more than frontline troops
Defence handed sociologist Dr Samantha Crompvoets and her company almost $6.5 million to investigate cultural issues but paid SAS soldiers just $169.77 each day they were in Afghanistan.
This bitch and the dogs who hired her should be dropped into Kabul.
Speaking of the media here’s Heston Russell tearing some Sky media hack a new arse about BRS:
“Millionaire sociologist becomes Queen of Antipodes for one day”
Boy howdy, am I disappointed in my countrymen.
June 9, 2023 at 1:30 pm
Pat Robertson dead, James Watts dead and Trump indicted on obstruction and conspiracy. What a day.
The fat fascist fool gloats over the deaths of two people he has never met, because he sees them as class enemies.
However, he is the one without any class.
McCarthy just passed the Bill to ensure the FBI and DOJ got every last dollar they wanted.
I said two weeks ago the Republicans had one chance to stop the Democrat Cheka otherwise they will all be in prison within 5 years.
They blew it.
Their “budget victory” has guaranteed the collapse of civilization.
That is by design.
June 9, 2023 at 1:36 pm
Monty moistening himself again.
He’ll go blind!
Groogs is always worth the price of admission.
June 9, 2023 at 1:36 pm
Grauniad now reporting seven federal felonies for Trump, including violating the Espionage Act, wilful retention of national defence information, obstruction of justice, conspiracy, false statements and concealment under title 18 of the US criminal code.
Enough about Shrillary, what have they got on Trump?
It’s a horrible clip to watch. Look upthread for the other one playing to the same tune.
Dan Andrews providing a delivery bus service to such people in VIC? Think about that.
dj cugini – the real streets dont believe the pipe! (cugini official)
Now Sharaz’s cavoodle has been dragged into it. Poor pup.
The cavoodle?
Did it bite Lisa?
Ho hum. Carlson has been war-gaming his response to Fox’s threatening letters for weeks.
Unlike five years ago when he bragged Fox management had his back, there’s a spring in Carlson’s step now he doesn’t have to worry about Mudrock’s idiot children caving in to the Washington establishment.
Canadian fire fighters have set more than 100 miles of backfire lines in the last two weeks. Backfires create lines of already burned ground which limit the expansion of forest fires.
The video in that link was of a line being set via helicopter, not state-sponsored arson.
Ed Casesays:
June 9, 2023 at 2:17 pm
They were trying to get Lehrmann thrown in jail for ten and Scotty out of office.
Half right.
Lisa Wilkinson did her best to get Lehrmann off without facing charges with her Logies Speech, the real target was Morrison’s involvement in the coverup and the corrupt nature of the Government.
Lehrmann was just incidental, the tapes reveal Higgins just wanted him to be unemployable in any high profile job, and she got her wish.
Grandpa Cletus starts to “walk back” the shilling for Labor.
“Lehrmann was just incidental”? The man she accused of rape was “just incidental”? Idiotic moron.
PS, you have not yet explained the “legacy man” issue. Or is it just something that you made up, like so much else?
Streets of Philadelphia…
Rocky Balboa – Lil Marie and Rocky Reunite
H B Bearsays:
June 9, 2023 at 2:44 pm
Groogs, don’t overthink this. Brittany needs you now more than ever.
She is his favourite niece, after all.
Worse. Death threats.
A precise and accurate valuation. I trust you got your 0.02%.
Nice conspiracy theory but sorry to disappoint.
The Death Star helicopter in Canada is lighting up a back burn control line.
You can use dozers as well if you can access the the country.
As well as that Gez – we saw a mushroom shaped cloud (similar to that in photograph) suddenly appear when a fire literally exploded over the ridge in our valley in the 2019 Gosper Mt fire.
June 9, 2023 at 3:04 pm
Grandpa Cletus has the sads. It seems that
I think I see the problem. Have you tried scrolling past?
There is a certain morbid fascination in watching to see if he can become even more deluded.