Marianne Faithfull – The Ballade of Lucy Jordan (1980) 45 years.
Marianne Faithfull – The Ballade of Lucy Jordan (1980) 45 years.
Many have commented similar, regards his likely predilection.
FT: Sudan says it has agreed deal for Russian naval base
When the man comes around https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWTjZgNJOc0
Clash Report@clashreportEnd of an era.U.S. Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth to European countries:I’m here today to directly and unambiguously express that…
Sadly Barking, we are crashing and burning due to the floods – more tomorrow…
Week In Pictures.
Clown world latest. LOL.
Tom. I couldn’t click on Clown world. It just gave an error message.
JR, problem is at your end. Reboot your device.
The sea nowadays is several kilometres away but you could see the logic of the Spartans choosing the position.
How does that happen with global warming & the sea level rising ?
Has anyone seen how the Georgia grand jury just tried to indict three Republican Senators?
…and the NM Governor has banned guns in Albuquerque by DECREE, to be enforced by the NM State Police?
Nice republic you’ve got there. It would be a shame if anything happened to it!
Tom, thanks for WIP. But the clown world link fails for me too.
Powerline does not allow hot linking anymore, sadly
She issued an emergency order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque and the surrounding county for at least 30 days “in response to a spate of gun violence”… (meaning an 11 year old was shot and she wanted some publicity).
She has announced that Constitutional rights are “not absolute”, including the ones that specifically state they “shall not be infringed”.
The Albuquerque police Chief and the Bernalillo County Sheriff have announced they will not enforce the banning and there will very likely be a court ordered stay or injunction against it issued by noon on Monday. It is highly unlikely that the State Police will have many opportunities to enforce it, even if they decide to.
She is peeing into the wind and committing political suicide.
Piers Akerman:
Taken awhile .. but .. .. “think tank” experts have realised what the average folk in the street have always known .. companies are in business for profit! ..
Anti-Cop Minnesota Democrat Leader Suddenly Wants Tougher Crime Laws After Being Victim of A Violent Carjacking
In 2020, Shivanthi Sathanandan, the 2nd Vice Chairwoman for the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, demanded Minneapolis defund and dismantle the police force and the city proceeded to do exactly that.
And then reality dropped by for a visit:
The question of course is whether her lesson was truly learned and is lasting.
The Albuquerque police Chief and the Bernalillo County Sheriff have announced they will not enforce the banning
Zatara, what are the odds that some precinct & DA already have a target in mind.
Time will tell.
Gotta luv the media and speculation .. earlier this week a terrorist escaped a UK prison .. Immediately the intrepid “newshounds” leapt into action slavering with theories .. Terror group organization wins thru/gone forever as best fantasy reporting had him whisked out of the country in hours & ready for more “incidents” in the immediate future ….
Today reality setz in .. 3 or 4 dayz since his escape.. back inside, re-captured within kms of the prison ……!
Texas/Alabama Zatara.
Will be able to feel the noise through the TV.
Thankfully, Juanita won’t have to start paying for her own OS holidays tho .. Greg is still sucking on the public teat .. topping up his “pension” with a gummint jerb fer the boyz ..!
Well, this whole farce is unquestionably unconstitutional and will be thrown out of any court they are stupid enough to take it to.
So anyone who wants to play that virtue signalling game need to know it isn’t going to end well for them.
precinct folks work for the Chief so that would be a pretty ballsy (and final) political move on their part, and the DA doesn’t have an enforcement arm if the cops say they aren’t going to play.
I think this is a massive virtue signal that is going to bite the Dems in the butt.
Not exactly like sweet chili Doritos.
Teen’s Death Heightens Concerns Over Spicy Chips (6 Sep)
One chip costs $10, wow.
So spicy even touching it is dangerous. Yikes. Maybe they should be banned under the chemical weapons treaties.
Glad you got to Delphi, TE. The Charioteer is just amazing, the surviving figure of a group. Not to far from Delphi is Sophocles’ triple crossroads, made famous in the Oedipus cycle. It had symbolic meaning, but is also an actual place (like Thermopylae) off the motorway that now serves the traveller.
Where the roads from Delphi, Thebes and Daulis meet, and a young man seals his fate.
The Wallabies are back baby! Except not really. 36-15 over Georgia. Not exactly a ringing endorsement. First win in Eddie Jones’ second coming, only took 6 games.
Another exhibit on the Delphi museum is the “navel stone”. The ancients believed that Delphi was the “navel of the world” or centre of the universe. It resided once in the temple of Apollo. As TE mentioned, the sea has retreated (or the land silted over), as once pilgrims could land at Itea and walk up the Sacred Way to the temple from the shore.
How you should do it.
Dutch Police Clear Thousands of Climate Crazies from Highway with Water Cannons (9 Sep)
Might be a bit of politics in this. Normally the cops would just let them sit there, but there’s an election coming and the Farmers’ Party has been surging in the polls after the crazy climate laws were passed to confiscate farms over nitrogen emissions. If the police let them stay blocking the roads for days the proles might not like that and defect to the knuckle dragging farmers’ side.
Ireland got up 82 – 8 against Romania.
I might watch a replay.
Amhrán na bhFiann!
Give Ireland Back To The Irish
Those “Spanish Inquisition” jokes will never get old.
Land reclamation. Ancient landscapes have been altered quite a lot by that, especially infill over to offshore islands . Estuaries can also shift their course due to silting up. Some changes can be land rising and falling, which happens a lot in Scandinavia as land shifts slowly up after ice pressure during Ice Ages, occasionally causing a counterpressure fall elsewhere. Plus some sea-level fluctuations.
Like Top Ender, we went overland to Delphi but in ancient times it was easier by the sea routes. A magnificent remnant site. So many famous feet have walked up that paved sacred way. The great cleft in the rock has been sacred since the Neolithic.
From Piers Akerman (h/t Black Ball):
There’s your problem right there.
On Sky, acting PM Richard Marles is claiming Qatar Airways has “unused rights” to fly to Australia.
What he’s not saying is that the air rights Qatar isn’t using are to relatively small population centres like Darwin, Adelaide and Cairns, while — on Alan Joyce’s bidding — transport minister (and Ballarat fat chick) Catherine King in cohoots with Uncle Luigi has banned Qatar from flying extra services to Australia’s main population centres Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.
Slippery prick.
“And you can’t get a more Scottish name too.”
Indeed! However, at the end of the nineteenth century and at the beginning of the twentieth century, thousands of Italians migrated to Scotland, mainly from the south of Italy. Hence you now get very Scottish people with very Italian names such as Peter Capaldi (the actor) and Nicola Benedetti.
Lizzie – That’s the case with Greece and Turkey. They’re being pushed up the same way the Andes are. There’s a subduction zone off the coast, which is why Greece has several back arc volcanoes like Thera. It’s probably not the only reason though.
Here’s a little reminder of Italy in the Orkneys.
The POWs were there to build the Scapa Flow barriers, and they built a little chapel as well.
Something for my many fans.
New World Odor™
This NWO pseudoscience dictator-wannabe is at the G20 Summit to convince them that your health is their property to make money from.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Arkansas will ban COVID vaccine mandates for public employees.
And we will publish all potential risks related to the vaccine so Arkansans can make informed decisions about their health.
Heh. Parentheses bookending the removal of credibility.
Does anyone know if we can bring our own pens into the voting booth to mark the referendum ballot? Are pencils provided at the polling booths the only acceptable writing implements?
What I’m trying to say is will my ballot be deemed informal if I write NO with a ball point pen?
Perfectly put and 100% correct statement on the world today.
ULEZ: ‘To hell with spinelessness!’ | Neil Oliver
Orkneys – well worth a visit for Scapa Flow, the Italian Chapel, and the Neolithic sites of Maes Howe, Stone of Stenness, Ring of Brognor and Skara Brae ‘village’. Also Stromness – an ancient Viking port with a fishing industry with old stone architecture. Mostly flat land and relatively treeless, a fascinating place with the latest archaeology suggesting a ritual site as extensive as Stonehenge in England there at the very top of Britain.
Just a matter of time til it’s off limits to blowins
Auto Manufacturers Are Now Tracking Your ‘Sexual Activity’ And ‘Genetic Information,’ Along With ‘Predispositions’
ABC rah-rahing for Tokyo style high density.
Without cheap reliable energy it’s a stifling hellhole.
Not to mention the cultural implications of living cheek by jowl.
All these alleged pluses only exist in a world without children.
The four unique ways Tokyo approaches housing can offer lessons for Australia
The Courier Mail finally has caught up with Redlands Council Native Title case that might cost Council over $200m to fight.
That is just one council.
From the AEC website
From Indolent’s 9:02 a.m. link above:
Philanthropaths (if I interpreted Neil’s accent correctly).
The ‘managed extinction’ of humans.
The late Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh: “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.”
I canny watch the remainder.
We are experiencing the devolution of a species.
The more outrageous native title claims by fairboriginals the better.
Bourne, why would the cost to fight $200 mill?
A brilliant comment from Indolent’s link as I mentioned above:
Which stage are we up to?
Oh, it’s the claim for compensation.
Quite a detailed article on the subject today.
A Deeper Dive Into The Role Of Spike Protein In Myocarditis And Blood Clotting After COVID-19 Vaccination (9 Sep)
We’ve been discussing almost all of this on the Cat for some time, but it is useful to have it in one place.
Sep 10, 2023 9:20 AM
How come they know the cost in advance?
If the claim has merit, which I doubt, then it’s a waste of money fighting it, if not then it should be a simple matter for the courts.
I’m talking rubbish, nothing is a simple matter once the lawyers get their teeth into it.
Thats a perfectly logical if unintended result of where the green left wants to take humanity.
If the green left succeeds in its quest to deindustrialise then we are indeed overpopulated. Industrial civilisation can only survive with huge amounts of energy. Reduce that by relying on wind or the sun and we’re royally rooted.
Quenthland news (the Courier-Mail):
How many millions in total.
Nice work for native title specialists.
Just add it to the inVoice.
A Sydney council has thwarted attempts for an Indigenous land grab of prime beachfront real estate worth at least $100 million but more than 40,000 land requests are still pending across Australia.
What I’m trying to say is will my ballot be deemed informal if I write NO with a ball point pen?
I take an ink well & quill usually.
Get some odd looks.
Not sure if that’s due to the above or me being sans pants.
The Norman conquests of parts of Italy is fascinating to read about.
Those Normans were an adventurous bunch.
“The question of course is whether her lesson was truly learned and is lasting.”
I heard about this case on Rita’s Sky programme, and I’ve also read about it.
The thing is, it’s leftist scum like “Shivanthi Sathanandan” who helped to light the fire, who helped to stoke the fire, and she is someone who, as far as I am concerned, should be consumed by the fire she helped create
Two weeks ago I viewed Peter Boghossian’s sit down Youtube discussion with fellow Portlander exile, Andy Ngo. I should preface this. Boghossian is a lecturer in Socratic Philosophy, he lectured for years at Portland University (where Ngo also studied journalism). Boghossian has watched, intimately, the increasing degradation and now total collapse of many American universities by far-left propaganda and activism, where ideologies such as queer theory and its offshoot, transgenderism, critical race theory, and so on now run rampant. There’s no critical thinking anymore in these universities, it’s all critical theory, and anything that goes against progressive ideology is now “triggering” to university students, and Peter Boghossian was known to trigger students. So, Portland University became a dangerous place for Boghossian (and a few others), where he was not just marginalised, but also under physical threat from campus radicals. There is little difference between Portland University in 2023 and Peking University in 1970. That’s how bad it is. Boghossian resigned from Portland University in 2021, and has since moved out of the city. Both Boghossian and Ngo have known each other since 2015, and both have witnessed the terminal decline of this once very liveable city under its far-left blue administration. But neither now live in Portland. As mentioned above, Boghossian resigned from Portland Uni and he’s left the city. Andy Ngo, thanks to Antifa and other leftist death threats (you can still see graffiti in Portland calling for Ngo’s death…such written exhortations as “kill Andy Ngo) now lives in the UK, where he operates as a freelance journalist. What was Ngo’s crime? Well, he’s targeted by them because he was and remains a “curious” journalist. We can’t have that when dealing with the far-left. He also points the finger at much of the MSM who are intimately complicit with Antifa and BLM. In fact, as Ngo says, Antifa and BLM only gained traction because of the unholy alliance between them and the MSM. Mainstream media organisations in the USA have given cover to both BLM and Antifa. But I digress, both Boghossian and Ngo have first hand experience of the rapid decline of Portland and other west coast blue cities. Portland is now a dump, thanks to the far-left policies of the mayor, where drug addicts roam the streets and shoot up, where homeless camps are now even invading the more salubrious areas, where’s there’s shit on the streets, where the CBDs of these once economically viable cities have been ruined. If you want to talk about insurrections, here’s a real insurrection. Beginning in 2016, when Trump was elected, Portland was the epicentre of an Antifa insurrection, where there were frequent Antifa riots, however in 2020, after Flloyd’s death, Portland and Seattle became ground zero for Antifa/BLM riots and clashes. Ngo went undercover and chronicled those riots in Portland and Seattle (we all remember “Chas”), and these riots went on for over three months every single night. People died, women were sexually assaulted. During that “summer of love”, Portland’s CBD, where there were businesses and apartments with families living in them, was subjected to far-left riots, along with far-left thugs intimidating businesses and residents to dared to complain. Mostly, the police in these Democrat run cities and states, sat back and did nothing, because generally they were and remain fearful of the backlash. The police in Seattle, in Portland and in Minneapolis were and remain neutered, thanks to scum like Shivanthi Sathanandan, who called for the police to be defunded. Portland and Seattle are no longer “liveable” cities, they’re now simply large radical campuses, run by radicals. Business have left the CBDs, apartments remain empty. Portland is a wasteland, like something out of an Eliot poem.
But here’s the rub, as Boghossian says to Ngo in their Youtube chat, if voters in these blue cities like Portland insist on continuing to vote for these shit radical far-left administrations, as Boghossian says….they “should be force fed the shit they vote for”. In 2020 so many in these cities were crying, screaming, shouting, and screeching for the police to be defunded, so Boghossian says, then do what they want, defund the police in these blue cities like Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis. And when far-left scum like Shivanthi Sathanandan desperately, urgently, needs the police, there are no police to be found, because that’s what she called for, that’s what she wanted.
As an aside, back in March of this year the Ramsay Foundation for Western Civilisation brought out Peter Boghossian to lecture about Socratic philosophy here in Oz. I went to Boghossian’s Sydney lecture here at the State Library, and it was a great lecture. It was only four days after the Kellie-Jay Keen Let Women Speak rally here in Sydney (which I attended), and only a three days before the now infamous Melbourne Let Women Speak rally (by the way, Boghossian and Keen are friends, Boghossian is also a friend of Brett Weinstein, Gad Saad, Jordan Peterson and other dissenters). At the end of his lecture, Peter spoke generally about the state of US universities, and he said that, if this same lecture was at an American university or public library, there’d be armed security at the door to stop the feral protesters. He said that there’s hope for OZ, to which I piped up, “well, not really, I went to a protest only a few days ago, in a Sydney Park, where police and police on horse back were needed to hold back far-left protesters. We might not nearly be as bad as the USA yet, but it’s happening here”. And then, of course, a few days later came Melbourne, followed by Hobart, followed by Canberra…..and then the infamous violence in an Auckland Park where we all viewed scenes of baying mobs out for blood. As I tried to explain to Boghossian, we’re no different to the USA, we’re just behind the USA in scale. It’ll come here, and the first city to fall will be the once liveable city of Melbourne, where people also vote for far-left governance.
Apologies about the long rant!
They don’t know the ultimate cost, it’s an estimate of ‘up to $200 million’ presumbly on what appeals etc there are.
The claimants have been gifted $28 million stolen from Australian taxpayers to run their claim..
The failed Yorta Yorta claim went all the way to the High Court.
Any guesses on how much that cost the taxpayer?
And the two land councils duking it out to claim the entirety of Port Philip.
They’ve been in the federal court more than once, more many millions.
It’ll be interesting to see how the Oirish handle it.
The peninsula?
Why they did this remains a mystery …
The InVoice brought to you through parliament with a grossly disproportionate number of representatives with law qualifications.
Since Native Title is predicated on Australia being settled, not invaded, take one of the juiciest claims to court, quoting the many “aboriginal” activists now screeching “Invasion”.
Then watch them tie themselves in knots.
Good comment @ 9:34 a.m. Mr. J.C.
Cassie: No apologies required. Your passion inspires others.
Rita Panahi on fire this morning, she said….
Conservatives have to find their Voice.
Lawyers are always over-represented. Liars tend to jump ship at senior associate level at Slugs and Grubs or an equivalent. Lieborals typically wait till they make partner, not equity though.
Why they did this remains a mystery
The lure of fried Mars Bar fetucine was irresistible
It’s a Courier Mail journalist’s guesstimate, plucked out of a secret database:
The matter isn’t going to trial. Redland Shire, woke as anything, is seeking a determination that: “is in no way intended to obstruct the Quandamooka applicant’s claim for recognition of their native title. Rather, Council seeks to clarify where native title exists by working through its list of properties within the Quandamooka Coast Claim area.”
That said, the whole matter is something Australia should watch with concern.
The Quandamooka Native Title claim covers a closely developed area (as well as beaches and waterways) extending from outer Brisbane suburbs through the Redland Bay townships to the Gold Coast. If successful the claim would have a massive and uncertain impact on the utility of the residents – parks and reserves gone, public utilities in uncertain control, rates adjusted – and then the issue of compensation.
Obviously they’re just Queenslanders, but the precedent set here will quite possibly travel.
from The Misguided Pursuit of Recognition, in Quadrant.
There are gorgeous parts around Columbia, City College, Covent Avenue, Riverside Dr, and so on. Beautiful brownstones, great buildings near or along the river, parks, etc.
I could get behind such a project.
Ah yes, “mental illness”, nothing to see here…Zain Khan
Aaaaand where they invented the full English breakfast.
There is some long-hanging fruit here for a genuinely conservative centre-right party:
TE: We said hello to the Oracle – and of course she said she knew we were from Down Under.
They want to do everything and anything to tilt the field for the Dems. Turds like Reiner should be exiled.
Australia should be terraformed but it offends petals who’d rather complain about congestion in Sydney than moving to Mudgee or Myrtleford.
“Noooo! We can’t have more production, towns, growth or affordable housing! I won’t be able to complain anymore!”
and then A N Wilson returned to his Christian faith.
Pol Reiner, otherwise known as Rob Pot.
Everyone really. We shouldn’t have kidnapped & coerced people, let alone “freely choosing” 15 year olds in porn.
PornHub/MindGeek is Canadian IIRC.
I envy America in their wealth of natural lakes and weirs/dams built anew or augmenting natural basins.
Even an arid State like Wyoming is dotted with lakes.
Even the cucks on Reddit are voting NO.
It’s over for the PM-cels.
You could get Elbow behind it too, if you told him
it would make him our very own Divine Augustus.
Could be.
The bulk of the Scozzesi population lives in Glasgow – traditional home of deep fried things that should not ever be deep fried. Including pizza.
Battered and deep fried, ham and pineapple pizza.
Some demorat skank bans guns in New Mexico.
UNCONSTITUTIONAL: New Mexico’s Democrat Governor Suspends Second Amendment Rights in Albuquerque with 30-Day Ban on Open and Concealed Carry
Not a joking matter.
Breakfast of Champions. The infusion of elderly, haddock-flavoured frying oil adds to the savour of the base.
Climate Protester Who Glued His Feet to the Floor Complains About Being Put in Psych Ward (9 Sep)
The main problem with this is they let him out again.
I have to admit he had style.
Mangosuthu Buthelezi, Zulu Nationalist and a Mandela Rival, Dies at 95 (9 Sep)
Inkatha were a pretty thuggish bunch, so I won’t shed any tears.
On the other hand he played king Cetshwayo in Zulu. That counts for a lot.
Rob Reiner, once a Meathead always a Meathead.
Interesting post, particularly the comments regarding the Rivonia trial.
Rob Reiner, once a Meathead always a Meathead.
They really hate regular Americans
So, if the land council had been able to get title to that reserve down by Balmoral beach in Mosman…what would they have got out of it?
They can’t move people onto it. They could have made up some BS reason it is sacred (and our elites mistake their emptiness for openness and would never think to contest something that itself has absolutely no evidence behind it).
I suppose they would have charged the council for maintaining it.
Or were they merely intending to convert it into cash: once they win the claim they would be unable to sell it. Instead the lodge the claim and leave it to the council to pay them to go away: to sell it before they own it.
Of course, ‘All in the Family’ was nothing more than an attack on regular Americans- the producer was cranky that Nixon was elected in ’68.
The right to bear arms shall not be infringed, even if they have hands.
Alabama 6-Year-Old Suspended for Using ‘Finger Guns’ During Cops and Robbers Game (9 Sep)
When I was that age every stick was a rifle, and we had awesome fun with them. Pow pow pow! The fun police though seem to want to turn boys into miserably depressed and neurotic morons.
The mentally ill individual behind the wheel of that car in Melbourne was ranting and shouting but police refuse to release any information about his rants.
Let me guess.
Overthrowing other people’s governments: The Master List
By William Blum
Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government)
China 1949 to early 1960s
Albania 1949-53
East Germany 1950s
Iran 1953 *
Guatemala 1954 *
Costa Rica mid-1950s
Syria 1956-7
Egypt 1957
Indonesia 1957-8
British Guiana 1953-64 *
Iraq 1963 *
North Vietnam 1945-73
Cambodia 1955-70 *
Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 *
Ecuador 1960-63 *
Congo 1960 *
France 1965
Brazil 1962-64 *
Dominican Republic 1963 *
Cuba 1959 to present
Bolivia 1964 *
Indonesia 1965 *
Ghana 1966 *
Chile 1964-73 *
Greece 1967 *
Costa Rica 1970-71
Bolivia 1971 *
Australia 1973-75 *
Angola 1975, 1980s
Zaire 1975
Portugal 1974-76 *
Jamaica 1976-80 *
Seychelles 1979-81
Chad 1981-82 *
Grenada 1983 *
South Yemen 1982-84
Suriname 1982-84
Fiji 1987 *
Libya 1980s
Nicaragua 1981-90 *
Panama 1989 *
Bulgaria 1990 *
Albania 1991 *
Iraq 1991
Afghanistan 1980s *
Somalia 1993
Yugoslavia 1999-2000 *
Ecuador 2000 *
Afghanistan 2001 *
Venezuela 2002 *
Iraq 2003 *
Haiti 2004 *
Somalia 2007 to present
Honduras 2009 *
Libya 2011 *
Syria 2012
Ukraine 2014 *
Q: Why will there never be a coup d’état in Washington?
A: Because there’s no American embassy there.
Sep 10, 2023 11:39 AM
Good to see you around again, OldOzzie.
Mother Lode – I think there is much plain old “envy” in the Land Claims and indeed, the entire “Voice” debate.
The land claim at Balmoral involves a beautiful tract of restored native bush and cleared area adjacent to the beach and set amongst some glorious homes. It was the recovered area which the old tramway once utilised. At the closest point to the beach, and opposite to a very spectacular beach restaurant, is a large rock shelter where an Aboriginal shell midden was excavated years ago. When the excavation was completed and recorded, the site was restored a a very large sign which describes the site and the previous Aboriginal presence – which is great. I suspect that the presence of the rock shelter instigated the Land Claim.
What would the Land Council do if they succeeded with the claim? I suspect that they might erect a lot of signs, Aboriginal flags and generally disguise the site.
When in Sydney, my husband and I meet friends every morning at a coffee shop not more than 15 car spaces from the site. That land claim is a beautiful piece of Australian beachside bush that is enjoyed by walkers every day of the year.
I meant to say “ disrupt the site” – although they may well “disguise” it as well!
Yes, 37: No, 61.
It’s dead.
Why will there never be a coup d’état in Washington?
Not a coup d’état in Washington in 2020- more a strike by the state
Is US economy experiencing potemkin growth? Interesting argument.
Old Ozzie!
Good to see you. I asked around about you yesterday. Don’t worry us like that again. 😀
Cue the Albo Downfall memes. I would have Albo in a batik shirt if I had better photoshop skills.
Dire New Western Reports Call to Ditch NATO Tactics
Plus a roundup of other grist from the Western propaganda mill
9 SEPT 2023
The one thing they can’t kill is the Australian public’s bulls**t detector.
Old Ozzie
Italy isn’t on the list. And by the grace of God, the CIA managed to keep the place from going commie, which I think was in the very late 40s.
Reading the Weekend Paywallian 24 of 25 Liar refendum proposals have failed. I would definitely have this one in my weekend multi.
What’s in the G20 leaders’ declaration?
The document focuses heavily on climate and sustainability issues, and addresses the conflict in Ukraine
The world’s 20 largest economies released a joint declaration after a summit in the Indian capital of New Delhi on Saturday.
The document was hashed out amid major geopolitical tensions between a number of members, while the conflict in Ukraine threatened to derail its adoption.
1. Ukraine
The declaration was always unlikely to take an explicit side on the conflict in Ukraine, due both to disagreements among members, and host nation India’s neutral position on the matter.
With the paragraphs on Ukraine the last to be finalized, the declaration states that all nations “must refrain from the threat or use of force to seek territorial acquisition against the territorial integrity and sovereignty or political independence of any state,” adding that “the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is inadmissible.”
With Russia and Ukraine each striking territory claimed by the other, this wording offers a technical compromise that Russia’s representative, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and his Western counterparts could both accept.
Noting that “the G20 is not the platform to resolve geopolitical and security issues,” the declaration nevertheless calls for a revival of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which Russia withdrew from in July over the failure of the US and EU to keep their promise to facilitate exports of Russian food products and fertilizers.
The declaration explicitly calls for the “unimpeded deliveries of grain, foodstuffs, and fertilizers/inputs” from both Russia and Ukraine.
2. Sustainable growth
3. Climate agenda
4. The multipolar world
My nephew (in-law) works for the family business. We talked about the Squeal and he’s voting no, although his voting patterns suggests he’s a tiny bit left. Anyway, he told me he has real leftie pals and was shocked to hear they all voting NO. Sure, it’s anecdotal, but other people here have commented about similar observations.
I think it is funny that the NSW Liberals are now actually and verifiably to the left of the Labor Party.
NSW govt makes contentious decision over fears blackouts would derail renewable transition (Sky News, 10 Sep)
I couldn’t tell you who the NSW Lib leader is, but whoever he, she or it is, they don’t have many friends. Nor voters.
Surely this is a send up.
Saturday, 09 September 2023
The AFL has a white man with a tree growing out of his head welcoming us to our country.
That’ll do me!
Perfect Image Summing up Vote NO Australia
JC please expand for non economists like myself:
Is rate of return interest rates or just business profitability ? And doesn’t that come back to business operators/ investors/ shareholders in the country of origin which is not the US ?
After the Russian gas pipes were blown there was some speculation about how this was part of a plan to stiff the euro and strengthen the USD. Some analysts suggest Ukraine is just part of this: the euro is doomed. Waddya think ?
A massive LOL there for Ivan and his propagandists.
Surprisingly snoozer Paul Kelly had quite a good history on the Voice referendum and how the teenage Trot is (has) blown it with the help of a few prominent blackfellas. The defeat should see them all disappear from public life, although I doubt it will.
Groogs is that you?
Lived experience™? with the Quandamooka on Stradbroke Island suggests that there may be no particular master plan or strategy at work. Far from commercial use or wise cultural renewal, grant of NT control seems to instantly turn into inter-family squabbles and neglect.
Plod have charged him but aren’t giving out a name. Or a description. Funny that.
Man charged with murder and attempted murder after horror Bourke Street crash in Melbourne CBD (Sky News, 10 Sep)
I’m amused that Sky has fuzzed his face in this report. Yesterday they didn’t, but they’ve now taken out the photo that I saw from the original report. He was, let’s say, dusky with a beard. There’s still a long shot photo of him sitting on top of his car in this Sky report, though it might get deep sixed soon too.
Sep 10, 2023 12:11 PM
Australia 1973 – 1975*
A massive LOL there for Ivan and his propagandists.
Labor prime minister covered up Australia’s role in 1973 CIA coup in Chile
Alleged CIA involvement in the Whitlam dismissal
The British-American coup that ended Australian independence
In 1975 prime minister Gough Whitlam, who has died this week, dared to try to assert his country’s autonomy. The CIA and MI6 made sure he paid the price
He looks very like Bob Marley.
People here are justified in putting the boot into the Vicco lieborals (except Bev MacArthur and Moira Deeming of course) but in the despicability stakes, the NSW branch must take the cake. Sure the last Vicco lieboral gubmint was wishy washy but you could live with them unlike the abomination north of the Murray that has done serious long term damage and is left of Liebor. FMD I can’t believe they reelected Kean filth in Hornsby either. Faaark.
Bruce of Newcastle
Sep 10, 2023 12:19 PM
The mentally ill individual behind the wheel of that car in Melbourne was ranting and shouting but police refuse to release any information about his rants.
Let me guess.
Plod have charged him but aren’t giving out a name. Or a description. Funny that.
Alleged killer driver, 26, is charged with murder over deadly Bourke street crash – as chilling photo shows him sitting on top of his smashed car and his mother speaks out
A driver has been charged with murder and attempted murder after he allegedly killed an elderly motorist and injured several others when he slammed into cars and a crowd of pedestrians in Melbourne’s CBD.
Zain Khan, 26, was on Saturday night charged with one count of murder, three counts of attempted murder, three counts of intentionally cause serious injury and two counts of conduct endangering life.
He allegedly drove his mother’s white Toyota sedan down Bourke St and into a crowd of pedestrians before colliding with two other vehicles at about 6.20pm on Friday.
Sep 10, 2023 11:39 AM
Overthrowing other people’s governments: The Master List
By William Blum
Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government)
Australia 1973-75 *
So the Yanks aren’t all bad then?
The Quandamooka Native Title claim covers a closely developed area (as well as beaches and waterways) extending from outer Brisbane suburbs through the Redland Bay townships to the Gold Coast. If successful the claim would have a massive and uncertain impact on the utility of the residents – parks and reserves gone, public utilities in uncertain control, rates adjusted – and then the issue of compensation
This has been going on for years and at first householders thought they were included, which caused some heartburn, until it was cleared that homes were not included. However the case is being used apparently as a test case for the whole of Australian surburbia . The Redlands council is fighting it and with no money apart from rates, which are high enough now who knows what will happen.
The ramifications, if it passed, are pretty horrific in terms of impact on everyday Australians, as the claimants can charge whatever they choose, close whatever they choose do whatever they choose. Sporting grounds, parks, public property etc are all involved. Check out what has happened to North Stradbroke Island as a starting point, and that is mild in comparison of what could happen.
I LOL’d hard.
What is this, TankiegalaxyFiles?
Not Presbyterian, or JWitness then.
What a surprise.
Sep 10, 2023 12:30 PM
The British-American coup that ended Australian independence
I LOL’d hard.
What is this, TankiegalaxyFiles?
Try Reading – Make improve your Intelligence – Or Maybe Not!
Not really. I think this list may be derived from Covert Regime Change: America’s Secret Cold War (2018). Moreover, it’s pretty intellectually lazy to now ascribe anything that doesn’t peddle GAE-talking points as ‘Russian propaganda’, but then it worked for the Dems in 2015-20.
How odd that we’re not listening to their lies?
Where’s the trust? US climate deniers have no faith in university researchers (Phys.org, 8 Sep)
Yup. Maybe think about that climate bedwetting expert peoples. There’s oodles of data showing that CO2 does very little, like this one today.
Oh and a fun coda: Caltech Drops Calculus, Chemistry, and Physics Course from Admissions Requirement (4 Sep)
The return comes back ROI, but by definition a deficit on the capital account means that investors see higher returns elsewhere. A capital account deficit means money is being sent elsewhere.
The only way out for nations with aging populations and the much smaller generation down the line is to export because the things that created demand such as family/home formation is there in the numbers as before. Consequently, they have to run a trade surplus.
Jorge, I dunno about the pipelines. Some say it could have been the Americans, but dunno. The gas issue makes Europe even more dependent on the US.
a Camry driver ?
Wow…Texas goes on the road & beats Alabama.
And at the G20 in India with Airbus/Boeing Albo in attendance……………
This from the Indian hosts –
“If you have an economy that is growing at 7% pa, electricity from coal will also grow,” the minister said. “We will meet the energy requirement for our growth because we have a right to grow. The hypocrisy of developed countries is amazing.”
Mr. Singh pointed out the inconvenient fact that renewables are not a realistic alternative to fossil fuels for generating large amounts of electricity. The requirement to back up wind and solar with batteries increases their cost by nearly fivefold, he said.
The cost of renewables is not just an issue in developing economies. Even in the wealthiest countries, wind and solar are notorious for increasing the overall cost of power.
Tennis Elbow and Blackout Bowen, are you listening? FFS.
Thanks OldOzzie, I should’ve thought to check on the Mail. Even they don’t have the close up photo that Sky had yesterday though.
Ukraine counteroffensive: ‘I’m ready to die . . . 90% of the guys here will die too’
Elite Ukrainian troops tell Anthony Loyd the terrible price they are paying to break through Russian lines during the summer counteroffensive
Careless of life, drained of fear, intimate with killing and death: the blank-eyed soldiers of the elite “storm” units in the vanguard of Ukraine’s counteroffensive have a very different battlefield prognosis from that of their generals and political leadership following the breach of Russia’s first line of defence at Robotyne.
“To fight and stay effective in this place you have to run after death, not let death run after you,” said “Boyets”, a 23-year-old storm group member from the Skala Battalion, a special tasks unit fighting on the main axis of attack south of Robotyne. “I am ready to die, only because I have to be.”
BoN: This may be the same photo you’re thinking of.
Is this the photo you mean?
(H/T Shy Ted at Adam’s)
Snap, Sal.
Anthony Albanese defends being overseas during crucial week for Voice referendum
Under fire for being overseas during a key week of Voice campaigning and parliament, the Prime Minister says he’s just doing his job.
SumMed up by the words beginnng Weekend Edition
” Sounds like a Song Again doesn’t it – The Prime Minister is On The Road Again”
Mr Singh is absolutely correct with his maths, but misunderstands our wonderful Govt.
The Marxist Sleazy and the ALP don’t gave a rats rear about economic growth in Australia. Moreover, as a died in the wool elitist Commo, what he wants is more people to become reliant on Govt to maintain ever reducing living standards.
This CCTV captures (briefly) Mr. Khan proceeding along Bourke Street, between Swanston & Russell streets.
Ta, JC.
I couldn’t tell you who the NSW Lib leader is, but whoever he, she or it is, they don’t have many friends. Nor voters.
The Man on the Clapham Omnibus could have told you that the Eraring Power Station would not be closing down in 2025 as the Ruinaballs are not up to it. And never ever will be.
Or in Australia, that would be ‘Blind Freddy’.
The Libs deserve to go bankrupt as they are bankrupt of any good ideas or talent. FFS
Mr. Khan proceeding along Bourke Street
Why do the meja call people up for serious crimes by their honorifics?
Sep 10, 2023 8:50 AM
So beautiful I had to give it a downtick! 😛
The other major ‘contribution’ by the NSW lieboral party is Michael Trumble and I am certain they discretely supported steggles against Abbott.
Just looking through appendices of the above and she notes she found no evidence of US involvement with Whitlam’s removal. But she did find covert US political interference in France and Italy.
The mentally ill individual behind the wheel of that car in Melbourne was ranting and shouting but police refuse to release any information about his rants.
Let me guess.
He didn’t like his AFL team losing once again.
They didn’t call him by that title miltonf, I did.
It was the quickest & easiest descriptor I could think of.
To The Last Ukrainian
The war is a disaster in every sense.
It was Vladimir Putin who initially noted that the West is willing to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian.
Well, it looks like it’s finally happening—we’ve run out of Ukrainians, or at least we ran out of the ones willing to die for their country. Ukraine is running short of the young, fertile, and productive.
When Russia launched its full-scale invasion of its neighbor in February, 2022, the media lit up with stories of bumbling, murdering Russkies and heroic Ukrainians. The legend of the Ghost of Kyiv, the mystery pilot destroying legions of Russian fighter planes—eventually debunked as propaganda—raised expectations of a quick triumph of the underdog.
Many Ukrainians volunteered in these early days of war. Out of 6.1 million living abroad, some returned to defend their country. Martial law was swiftly imposed, barring able-bodied military age men from crossing the border. In the the rapidly aging post-Soviet nation, military age was defined as 18 to 60.
In a piece I wrote last year for The American Conservative, I collected draft-dodging stories from the back pages of Ukrainian media. I took care to avoid Russian sources that could be dismissed as propaganda. I also found what was then a very unusual New York Times item that described popular Telegram channels that alert subscribers of real time locations of conscription officers issuing summons on the streets of Ukrainian cities.
An interesting twist on the real time draft-dodging tools was a March 2023 post on a censored and hyper patriotic Kharkiv Live channel recommending this type of group chat to over a half a million of its subscribers. Vocally expressed nationalistic sentiments, as it turned out, don’t necessarily translate into willingness to take up arms — or even support of mass mobilization.
A recent survey found that just 6 percent of respondents in Kharkov are planning to enlist if the situation deteriorates. This number is the lowest in the country, but other regions are not far behind. Kiev, for instance, is at 12 percent. Because this is a wartime poll conducted in a country under martial law, I’d take its findings with a grain of salt.
Meanwhile in Ireland
They didn’t call him by that title miltonf, I did.
It was the quickest & easiest descriptor I could think of.
OK try this from new.com.au
It’s understood Mr Khan is under police guard at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and could not be interviewed for almost 24 hours after the crash.
The problem with the Australia 1973-75 claim is that there was no strong change in foreign policy post-75. The claim involves the possible closing of Pine Gap. Maybe, but Whitlam was probably just throwing crumbs to the rad left without ever intending of following through.
Well duh.
“Intellectually lazy”
(Cough cough)
A: Washington 2020*
To The Last Ukrainian
It is kind of funny.
Minns can try to keep the power on because his green creds are vouched for by his being Labor and he can therefore indulge in a bit of pragmatism to keep voters onside.
The Libs would refuse to engage on the issue of climate change, and even as the lights flickered and went out they would refuse to consider keeping Eraring online because they are worried the Greens might not vote for them.
The Libs are a taxidermic facsimile of a freedom championing party – like a stuffed lion that gives you a start until you notice those terrible blood-stained teeth gleam with varnish rather than hunger, varnished too are the curved claws, the eyes do not burn with with a primordial flame but simply catch the window light with coloured glass. And the careful pose looking like a split second snatched from a mortal tragedy is just a careful combination of stitching, wire, and grainy stuffing , stiff, heavy, and without an life essence – the very opposite of what it pretends.
It really is not a descent into vulgarity to say the Libs are stuffed.
Ukraine has HARM and AMRAAM missiles but the Mig 29 is a poor platform for HARM missiles. Some of the F16s being provided will be SEAD optimised. That could present a serious threat to Russian air defenses and combined with later model AMRAAMS present a serious threat to Russian aircraft. I’m surprised at how many F16s Ukraine is receiving(60). Old stock that was going to be mothballed anyway, but some have undergone important upgrades.
Does it matter? Probably not but don’t under-estimate the potential impact of these aircraft. There is the possibility of the HARMS and later model AMRAAMs pushing the VKS behind the battlefront. There won’t be dogfights, those days have largely passed. The F16s will primarily be used for ground attack and suppression of surface to air missiles.
Get off the taxpayer teat and make yourselves useful you miserable clowns. Shannon Deery reporting:
A former secretary of a union saying they need gender equality. Mmmyes cool story bro.
President sorry, not secretary
Apropos of sitting in the pub knocking back a Guinness and treading the Cat – I gather there is to be a new stage production called ‘The Dismissal’.
I saw it in the side of a bus – with a picture of (someone playing) Norman Gunston carrying a LifeSize cardboard cut out of Gough.
I suppose it is coming up to a half century since John Kerr granted the nation a reprieve long enough for the goodly people to turf that incompetent socialist out on his buttocks.
But it is an odd juxtaposition – usually referenced to ‘dismissal’ presage hagiographies of the disastrous oblate turd – but including Norman Gunston?
This is sicko stuff and an abuse of the downtick system purely for personal abuse, in this case towards a thoughtful and not too well old man who has contributed solidly.
This ridiculous downticking is obviously meant to distress and drive people away.
It’s also happening to centre-right opinions (e.g. from Salvadore and Bruce, Newc on this page) to which few here would have objections and is clearly meant to be a personal slur. The downticks are never followed up with any explanation in argument.
They are simply a blight on the blog.
And, yes, I know Gunston inserted himself brilliantly in the theatrics of Goof playing the victim (he tried to bluff the GG and lost), but Norman did not feed into the Whitlam mythos.
He was the only authentic person there – a comedian being a comedian.
Tony Burke doing his Union Paymasters bidding.
From the Oz yesterday.
And Albo news Ellen Ransley reporting in the Daily Telegraph:
So Marles says he wasn’t consulted over the decision to kibosh Qatar Airways. Was it Tom upthread who noted Marles on Sky this morning saying this airline could double it’s routes to regional cities?
A very unsavory looking gentleman with a very serious warning. There is no doubt that schools are being temporarily closed in both the U.K. and the U.S. Whether the second part of his prediction is true is unclear. However, on recent experience I see no reason why there would be the least hesitation in carrying this out if they thought it was best way to enforce compliance on a newly sceptical populous. After having outright murdered seniors in nursing homes and hospitals and prevented people from using effective treatments I can’t see why they wouldn’t attack children. In fact, they already have by pushing the vax on the very young.
Chris Sky
WORLD WARNING* as I told you they would be closing down schools to install weaponized viral delivery systems to create a new outbreak centered around our children. They have now closed hundreds of schools across the usa and London England…
This ridiculous downticking is obviously meant to distress and drive people away.
Not too sure about that but we do need a dropkicking and a dipsticking option.
In any event, it’s thumbs up or thumbs down at the moment and it seems to work on Jo Nova’s Blog without too many issues.
Time will tell.
IIRC, he was the first reporter to get a post-dismissal interview with Whitlam.
They’d have to shove some farce/comedy into it – as 3/4 of the country would have no idea what ‘maintain the rage’ even means.
Not for nothing but you’ve been a huge proponent of ticks and now that it’s been re-implemented you’re calling it ridiculous. Grab on a handle and hang on for at least 24 hours.
Re Old Ozzie’s contributions:
Fantastic. I don’t have enough time in my days to keep up with the reading of local & world events. Oz – you bring them right to my computer screen…..and for that I am very grateful.
Obviously people are going to use the down tick just because they don’t like the commentator. Imagine what would happen if Monty showed up. The down ticks are being done reflexively on some comments. That’s pathetic.
I disagree with the use of the anonymous ticks. It should be like on FB where the ticks are authored. The anonymous ticks adds another layer of psychological game playing which is unnecessary; especially has it has a tendency to reinforce groupthink behaviors. Whatever, it’s not that I care that much. I’m stuck here writing this while waiting for a response from a peace keeper in Syria and he is much more interesting than some of the material here!
Yes but did you notice it is happening only since ## has woken up and returned?
The blog was relatively free of the downticks this morning.
One idiot can rot the system, I give you that.
I have a name in mind of one whose appearance on the blog and activity neatly coincides with the unusual number of downticks for others and upticks for himself.
European Union Collapse: Germany’s Gloom Deepens
Me, I blame martie. 🙂
Sep 10, 2023 1:55 PM
Re Old Ozzie’s contributions:
Totally agree, I don’t read all of it, some I’m not interested in, and time is also short some days.
So Marles says he wasn’t consulted over the decision to kibosh Qatar Airways. Was it Tom upthread who noted Marles on Sky this morning saying this airline could double it’s routes to regional cities?
I would like to know why the RAAF flies to so many cities around Australia when sporting events are on. Do they have a special licence?
I was under the impression that the RAAF was here to defend Australia and its people.
Musk Says ADL Cost X $22 Billion In Losses
Me, I blame martie. ?
It’s all in the AI of the beholder. LOL.
Magpies Brayden Maynard sent straight to the tribunal by Laura Kane – Executive General Manager of Football.
Most ex-player commentators thought it was an unfortunate incident but it was in play and not avoidable due to the pace of the game.
After completing a Bachelor of Laws (Honours), Ms Kane worked for a law firm representing victims in the Royal Commission into institutional responses to child abuse, before taking up her role at North Melbourne. Kane also has experience in community football leadership, having served as President of the Melbourne University Women’s Football Club.
The ladies will ruin every sport they administer. They cannot help themselves.
What with?
Yeah, a sentient AI built by Martie in the mid 85.
You ridiculous, immoral, loudmouth limy fcckwit. You have as much cred as that fraudster. You deserve each other you limy wolfgang.
My grandson (14 years old), asked me who she had played for?
IMO, he was on the money.
the lamb shoulder is in the oven
lamb, prunes, onion, carrot, garlic, fennel seed, sumac, oregano and vegetable stock.
only 5 hours to go
… time for Triffid taming
Sep 10, 2023 2:12 PM
LOL. More abuse from the Sictorian short arse pompous windbag. How obtuse. No Class that’s why.
He/She/It only gets like that when not having taken enuf’ of those anti-arrogance pills. Maybe get down to Chemist Warehouse and load up asap. Prices are going up dontcha yer’ know just like your anger levels.
LOL, You Farking fat T.W.A.T.
Sep 10, 2023 2:30 PM
the lamb shoulder is in the oven
lamb, prunes, onion, carrot, garlic, fennel seed, sumac, oregano and vegetable stock.
only 5 hours to go
Where are the Spuds?
Oh of course, they are in the Liebooral Partee roasting away nicely……………………
I’d be classier if I posted swill from a deranged ex-con with delusions of grandeur? If only!
Sure. Keep posting scrawl that a convicted fraudster developed AI in the mid 80s and keep showing your disgusting face here.
More abuse? Seriously, Wodney you mentally not there. You can’t run a consistent train of thought from one sentence to another. Ask the ladyboy to stick you in a home.
Sep 10, 2023 2:12 PM
And for Fark’s sake learn to spell for a change. Limy is spelt Limey. You closet Yank.
Back to School on Monday for you, you Dipstick. Sicktoria, the Ejucashion State.
More like a right farking state.
Been in Bruce of Newk territory today.
The whippet alerted me to the presence if a possum on the ground in the back yard late this morning.
The whippet, in my observation, does not possess a lot of brain power, but does have enough to know old men possums should be treated with some care, so it was one of those “I could use some help here” sort of yelps, all while he pawed the ground to intimidate the possum to get it to go away.
So I called the wildlife rescue people. At noon. 12.13pm I was called by one of their people that she was on her way, from the other side of town. 1.00pm, possum collected and gone. Amazing service.
I put through a donation; would have doubled it, had not the rescuer told me that if he survived, the possum would be delivered back to me.
Oh, a thank you to Russ Hinze for building the Gateway Bridge, even if it was so he could get to Eagle Farm/Doomden races from the Goldie quickly.
Sep 10, 2023 2:44 PM
Yes and the Dipstick and Dropkick options will be so appropriate for you.
You Sad T.W.A.T.
Sicktoria deserves Plonkers like you for when Chairman Dan’s Chinese Mates turn up.
Sicktoria then goes back to being a Colony from whence it came.
An for ‘Jer Cough Cretin’ and his/her/its Cronies some more Marty – LOL
Interview on Will of the People with Bill Brennan
“Click on the audio player above to listen to the full interview.
Join us this week on Will of the People as Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics provides his thoughts and musings about the cycles we are living in, the economy, the prospects for war in the not so distant future and what the Fed and the Administration has in store for us over the next 15 months and why we need to pay attention to all of as it is interconnected.”
This is a legitimate question, bearing in mind the behaviour of police during the fire, who seemed to be more concerned with stopping people leaving than helping them out. Frankly, I’m surprised they obeyed order in the circumstances. What did they think would happen?
Lahaina FIRES Investigations| A PLANNED MASSACRE?| ROADBLOCKS compromised safety!
OldOzzie at 11:39
Jo Nova’s blog is much more issue specific than the Cat is. Downticks there are issues driven. No so here.
I guess time will tell indeed in the land of unintended consequences.
On Radio National just now:
‘It’s probably offensive and sexist to refer to daddy longlegs spiders as “daddy” because the larger ones are females’ and it diminishes their femininity or something.
We develop ever-smarter tech for an ever-more-stupid population.
Me too, John H. I pop in and out of here in non-busy moments. Plenty of other things to do. Most of my morning has been taken up with organising the setting up of a family history website – with someone else doing the tech of course. 🙂
I’ve also read a PhD thesis on early Anglo-Saxon kingship. It wishes for an earlier dating of Gildas than 545, and I am happy to oblige. Publishing soon.