Open Thread – Mon 2 Oct 2023

Adam’s House, Edward Hopper, 1928

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Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 2, 2023 10:36 pm

Oct 2, 2023 10:33 PM
Steve trickler
Oct 2, 2023 10:10 PM

Freedom Media WA:

Live Stream – Senator Jacinta Price @:Perth Convention Centre.

Main stream media will not bring us events like this.

Thanks Steve

Spot on. You’re welcome.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 2, 2023 10:37 pm

Anyway, I have cast my ballot in the great “Voice” referendum, and I was even civil to the representatives of the “YES” vote.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 2, 2023 10:44 pm

I see Tassie had a big EQ the other day. I’m just catching up. Anyone down there feel it?

October 2, 2023 10:46 pm


This is all about predictions and counts for exchanging interesting perspectives. I just can’t see the laughing hyena at the top of the ticket except if the crook dies for the second time. The DNC can’t allow it.

October 2, 2023 10:51 pm

dearest sancho,

you know how you keep extemporizing about aircraft and all the gnarly technical detail involved with their construction?

well, it deffo sounds like a bit of a complex plane

did you design it … or just fly it ?

and the really important questions …

1- did the aircraft go in straight lines?


2- did it go in circles

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 2, 2023 10:55 pm

When your space chick just dumps you …

Well yes. Ok.

Planet Claire – B52s (1979)

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 2, 2023 11:02 pm

you know how you keep extemporizing about aircraft and all the gnarly technical detail involved with their construction?

Leave it be Matrix.
You must not question a God Oracle.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 2, 2023 11:03 pm

OMG, ABC TV’s Q&A tonight was a train wreck for Noel Pearson.

October 2, 2023 11:05 pm

Driller tries to join another stoush trying to create more trouble.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 2, 2023 11:08 pm

Driller tries to join another stoush trying to create more trouble.

You spent all afternoon manufacturing abuse.
Who the bluddee hell do you think you are to now whinge & whine that people may be using nasty words.

I cleaned you up at 8.30 tonight. Deal with it, you whining pussy.

October 2, 2023 11:13 pm
October 2, 2023 11:14 pm


The only things you do here is blowhard or try to topper stories that other people have introduced. When you’re not doing that you incite others and starttrouble. You shouldn’t be here. There’s nothing the blog would lose with your absence and more to gain. If you can’t go away stop inciting trouble, you sad loser.

October 2, 2023 11:15 pm

scratch “apropos”

… the word of the day is “extemporizing”

October 2, 2023 11:20 pm

7 -37j

sorry … bids are closed

… only wankers put in bids after bids are closed

October 2, 2023 11:22 pm

Biden polls the strongest of the Dems.

He’s not, because the polls are showing upwards of 65% of Demons want another choice. Without a choice then he’s the front runner by virtue of the fact that there’s no one running against him. By default.

The last Harvard-Harris poll had Harris beat everyone except Trump.

Okay, but we’re not not talking about a trump alternative.

Biden lost to Haley but Haley lost to Harris. The figures aren’t favourable to your argument.

How so, when the contender on the GOP is Trump at this stage.

We haven’t seen poll after poll in terms of how Newsom would go in any big way. I saw a poll about a month ago suggesting Newsom would beat Trump.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 2, 2023 11:25 pm


Roger, victor!

Foo Fighters – Learn To Fly (1999)

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 2, 2023 11:27 pm

You shouldn’t be here.

You’re in luck! 🙂
Your state government is about to throw a fortune at TAFE colleges.
You’ll be able to have lessons on how to use a “scroll wheel” (found on your mouse)

October 2, 2023 11:31 pm

Update on that felled tree.

not sure if link works?

October 2, 2023 11:31 pm

You’ll be able to have lessons on how to use a “scroll wheel” (found on your mouse)

You cause trouble every single time. There’s not an example in months that you haven’t been the troublemaker here by inciting stoushes. Yet I should learn to use a wheel? Lol. No wonder no one will lend you a cent.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 2, 2023 11:40 pm

There’s not an example in months that you haven’t been the troublemaker here by inciting stoushes

Examples would help.
Since you’re so determined to carry on like a 2yo, (or: situation normal) are you able to give a heads up on what comes next?

Am I, starting a stoush, lying, plagiarising, having sexual intercourse with my sister (in a crowded field of moronic things you’ve said, that series of accusations remains a standout), bankrupt, or cut off by the banks, who won’t lend me a cent?
Am I operating, a pub, a motel, a truckstop, or don’t own one at all?
Do I need to, clean the pool, wash the walls, wipe the bar, or wet myself because big bad you is going to sue me for some as yet unspecified slur on your .. ahem.. impeccable character?

Be handy to have a heads up, save some time ‘n’ all.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 2, 2023 11:42 pm

(gone to find whisky)

October 2, 2023 11:48 pm

a “scroll wheel”

oh, my aching keno balls … angular velocity increasing

what I really need is a piss-wreck gambler to teach me math

Knuckles … you still here ?

October 2, 2023 11:50 pm

(gone to find whisky)

excellent behaviour

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 2, 2023 11:57 pm

Gabor, to update your update, the National Trust removed that new sapling Five days ago.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 2, 2023 11:57 pm

(gone to a different bar to find whisky)

October 3, 2023 12:01 am

Mc Connells Irish

… not bad stuff

October 3, 2023 12:02 am

Examples would help.

Sure, today in the afternoon, when you began the afternoon incitement,
I’m pretty certain the blog owner is well aware, and if he isn’t, he can go through his own blog to see examples. You invite trouble every single time. You’re unstable because you’re a loser.

You started the family stuff by referring indirectly to my family background and making racist remarks. You started that today, and I won’t back down. You’ll get it in kind every single time.

Am I, starting a stoush,

Yep. You incite trouble.


You can’t help lying. In fact, you lie so much that I wouldn’t be surprised if you knew the difference between lying and truth.


Last night’s comment appears to have been

having sexual intercourse with my sister (in a crowded field of moronic things you’ve said, that series of accusations remains a standout),

Making family references and denigrating family is what you’ve done to me since forever. Making racist references is another example. If you don’t like it, then don’t do it to others because you’ll get it back too.

bankrupt, or cut off by the banks, who won’t lend me a cent?

You made the comment that if you had a terminal illness, you would go kill the bank staff as payback. You also boasted of owning 28 guns, and the police have visited at times for curious reasons.

Am I operating, a pub, a motel, a truckstop, or don’t own one at all?

I don’t believe you own anything.

Do I need to, clean the pool, wash the walls, wipe the bar, or wet myself because big bad you is going to sue me for some as yet unspecified slur on your .. ahem.. impeccable character?

You’re a slob and you behave like one.

Be handy to have a heads up, save some time ‘n’ all.

Heads up for what, champ?

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 3, 2023 12:05 am

Wow, rationalising, nay justifying, a series of accusations of incest.
You really want to go there champ?

October 3, 2023 12:09 am

Here’s what likely to happen here Driller. The blog owner will likely ban certain people from talking or indirectly referring to one another. If someone breaks that rule they will receive a temporary suspension. I can live with that rule very well because it’s just not worth it with some of the clowns here. It’s like a bad trade that needs to be cut. I’m not sure you and your new found pal will be able to survive with that rule. I sincerely hope my prediction comes to life.

October 3, 2023 12:11 am
October 3, 2023 12:12 am

Wow, rationalising, nay justifying, a series of accusations of incest.
You really want to go there champ?

No, of course I don’t want to go there, however if you directly or indirectly denigrate my family, my background, ethnic background then payback is a bitch and you could try that in court anytime you want, Cowboy. Pull the trigger 🙂

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 3, 2023 12:13 am

Then we’ll be seeing a lot less of you champ.
You started it this afternoon by injecting yourself into an exchange you weren’t involved in:

Robert Sewell Oct 2, 2023 12:49 PM
Find out who’s profiting and you’ll find out who is causing the problem.

Salvatore, Iron Publican Oct 2, 2023 1:11 PM
Find out who’s profiting and you’ll find out who is causing the problem.

Were that in the sunlit uplands of the Australian paradise, it would be whoever collects stamp duty, whoever collects sale commission, whoever collects fees for conveyancing.

JC Oct 2, 2023 1:18 PM
Who’s paying you protection money? The motel must be really hard up.
Stop the mind reading and pretense. Let the Turtlehead speaks for itself, or even directed to you so he pretends not to be to me.
By the way, last evening I didn’t appreciate your intervention about the plane story as it appeared to be plagiarized. I let it go as I was tired. Ran it through a plagiarism counter and it highlighted several sentences you obviously stole from a site. Next time, it would be a good thing to make citations, you blowhard goofball.

Now grow up.
It isn’t all about you. It isn’t all about shit you think is discussionworthy.
Now grow up.

If you cannot control yourself, do not try to drag others into your black dog fog.

October 3, 2023 12:15 am

The blog owner will likely ban certain people from talking or indirectly referring to one another

are you saying that I won’t be ask if you’re a retard?

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 3, 2023 12:15 am

however if you directly or indirectly denigrate my family, my background, ethnic background then payback is a bitch and you could try that in court anytime you want, Cowboy. Pull the trigger

Big words coming from one who was too gutless to put their chequebook where there mouth went.

Which will certainly happen any time you’re called to back your words. Grow up.

October 3, 2023 12:16 am

sorry …

are you saying that I won’t be able to ask if you’re a retard?

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 3, 2023 12:17 am

<—- awaiting "payback" from the scariest incest-obsessed black dog on the blog.
Should I continue looking for whisky, or will this "bitch of a payback" bite me sooner than that?

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 3, 2023 12:21 am

however if you directly or indirectly denigrate my family, my background, ethnic background then payback is a bitch and you could try that in court anytime you want, Cowboy. Pull the trigger

You need to clean your computer monitor after that spray, champ.

Fifteen years of calling everybody in sight names, there’s about 2 current commenters you have not abused or insulted, you reserve the right to rant on with vile abuse at anybody you please, whenever you please.

Then threaten to call lawyers if you get anything back at you.
Oh my lordy-lord, I couldn’t make up this stuff.

This is comedy. 🙂

October 3, 2023 12:23 am

Then we’ll be seeing a lot less of you champ.
You started it this afternoon by injecting yourself into an exchange you weren’t involved in:

My question to the turtlehead had absolutely nothing to do with you. And you insinuated yourself into that discussion to merely incite and cause trouble. Stupidly, you tried to move the discussion to Astrya, but the excerpt was about the US, you delusional moron. Turtlehead suggested there was profiteering; he was asked to show how this profiteering occurred.

JC Oct 2, 2023 1:18 PM
Who’s paying you protection money?

Exactly. You had no business getting involved in that discussion, and you made things worse like you always do when no one, not even the turtlehead, needed your assistance.

It’s uncanny how every single time you put yourself in the middle and generally make it worse for the dependent you’re defending, you’re a klutz. A complete moron. Astraya had zero to do with that excerpt, you delusional clown.

October 3, 2023 12:23 am

You started that today, and I won’t back down

stfu JC

you sound like a millennial

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 3, 2023 12:24 am

Spectacular ending.

Steve Inman:

So close yet so far.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 3, 2023 12:25 am

Sound advice. Stfu JC.
The black dog has got you, & got you hard, seek help dude.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 3, 2023 12:26 am

Not yet been bitten on the botty by the scary payback bitch, so gone to continue the search for whisky. (Trying a third barroom, fingers crossed.)

October 3, 2023 12:28 am

Making family references and denigrating family is what you’ve done to me since forever.

what a fkn moron !

has Mike Tyson ever punched you in the head JC?

October 3, 2023 12:34 am

You need to clean your computer monitor after that spray, champ.

No, I won’t.

Fifteen years of calling everybody in sight names,

Names, like Driller? LOL. Scary as. Hurtful as.

there’s about 2 current commenters you have not abused or insulted, you reserve the right to rant on with vile abuse at anybody you please, whenever you please.

I don’t reserve any, right. There about 8 idiots which includes you. And also there are far far more people who I get on well with, but you’re never one to exaggerate or lie, are you Cowboy?

In any event, you’re not the blog’s policeman, so anything if that goes on with others in not and never has been your concern.

Then threaten to call lawyers if you get anything back at you.

Is that the reverse, you implied that earlier even though you’ve denigrated my family background, my ethnic background and suggesting I wasn’t as manly as you because I don’t wear a blue collar my come backs are actionable? You started this, dickhead and if you don’t like it then don’t ever try that with me again. Pull the trigger cowboy.

Oh my lordy-lord, I couldn’t make up this stuff.

This is comedy.

Yes, you’re an empty loser pretending you’re something else. It’s comedy alright.

October 3, 2023 12:37 am

duel ?

I think we need to duel

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 3, 2023 12:38 am
Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 3, 2023 12:41 am

Relevant to practitioners of a skilled trade.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 3, 2023 12:48 am

Dearie me. JC should see a professional about the voices in his head.

October 3, 2023 12:52 am

That’s my voice in your head, you houso. Did you scrounge off the state all your lives living in a Dept or Defense subsided rental?

John H.
John H.
October 3, 2023 12:55 am

This was common knowledge in the 1970s, even earlier.
It really does appear that “modern” research has ceased producing any new information, just recycling the same old crap, to fill pixels and column-inches for a dumber, more ignorant population that learnt nothing of value at school/Uni in the last 50 years.
Just Google “Ed Witten, String Theory” for an example of the sclerosis in physics in the last 30+ years, also reflected in other basic sciences.
A real tragedy.

Back to calories and longevity:
Firstly, experiments in mice almost NEVER translate to humans.
Secondly, what these geniuses ignore is the greater importance of quality of life vs longevity.
Imagine experiencing partial starvation for 30 years, in order to live another 3.
Now imagine being stupid enough to think this is a reasonable trade-off.
Academics-only, thought-free territory.

There is plenty of new information just not in the public realm so much. It isn’t academics promoting the Walford model, it is Walford and few fools who never stopped to think about the broader physiological issues like poor immunity and fertility. In health there are suckers in every gym and supplement aisle. The latest studies argue forget about fasting, it is total weight loss and calorie intake reduction that matters. The issue isn’t caloric reduction per se but the lean muscle mass\fat balance. Gym nuts though are on a hiding to nothing, being buff doesn’t contribute to longevity, it may even increase cancer risk(2 studies with near identical results for >140mins per week)

String theory has been a disaster for physics. I’ve seen Weinstein get stuck into Greene. Witten is the only physicist to win a Fields Medal. Scary smart, Weinstein stated he will take on anyone but Witten scares him(Joe Rogan interview). The smartest man in the room ruined physics.

October 3, 2023 1:02 am

John H

I go to the gym three times a week and do strength exercises. I can’t be bothered with aerobic stuff because it’s boring just sitting on a bike. It’s nothing to do with bulking up, but to promote strength. Calorie intake—well, I’m a bit of a sinner, but not by much. Surely, doing strength exercises isn’t promoting a negative result. Also, my innards are in a state of godly perfection, as I was informed today.

October 3, 2023 1:05 am

Listened to some bryan ferry covers and realized that as good as his version of “these foolish things” may be, this one is better IMHO

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 3, 2023 1:09 am

A few scary moments here.


Harald Baldr:

2 Oct 2023
? HIMALAYA, MANASLU: Trekking during the rainy season in Nepal, when landslides are as ubiquitous as McDonald’s restaurants in USA, is a hazardous ordeal. These landslides take entire mountain sides down with them, including of course any trail or road that may be in it’s path.

I knew this before I set out on this trek up the Himalayan Manaslu circuit and I was indeed looking forward to it. But once I saw these landslides up close they were even more fun to traverse than anticipated.

Some of them however were so wild they looked and I thought them impossible to cross….

Landslide Disaster Trek Himalaya – Nepal

October 3, 2023 1:16 am

Voters Are Losing Faith in Joe Biden’s Democratic Party. How Much Will That Matter in 2024?
From questions of ideology to general competence, Democrats have lost Americans’ confidence since 2020, and the GOP is on the upswing

Key Takeaways

Voters are now more likely to see the Republican Party as capable of governing, tackling big issues and keeping the country safe compared with the Democratic Party.

By a 9-point margin, voters also see the Democratic Party as more ideologically extreme than the GOP.

The trends against the Democratic Party are largely driven by worsening perceptions among its own voter base, which suggests that the party will have to rely more than ever on negative partisanship to keep control of the White House.

More here:

John H.
John H.
October 3, 2023 1:31 am

Oct 3, 2023 1:02 AM
John H

I go to the gym three times a week and do strength exercises. I can’t be bothered with aerobic stuff because it’s boring just sitting on a bike. It’s nothing to do with bulking up, but to promote strength. Calorie intake—well, I’m a bit of a sinner, but not by much. Surely, doing strength exercises isn’t promoting a negative result. Also, my innards are in a state of godly perfection, as I was informed today.

3 times a week is good. I think those studies relate to people being very gung ho about training. Exercise is just hormesis, growth promoting, but to do that there must a little cell stress. I don’t like aerobics either but the studies point to much greater benefits from aerobics although doing both is ideal better. As Perls noted in “Living to 100”, centenarians were lean and wiry and “ate like sparrows”. Whatever, the brute fact is genetics plays a big part in longevity. Spending one’s entire life obsessing about obtaining a few extra years? Computer says no.

October 3, 2023 2:01 am

Salvatore, Iron Publican
Oct 2, 2023 11:57 PM

What a shame about removing that replacement sapling, but bureaucracy does what bureaucracy does best.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 3, 2023 3:23 am

I reckon Mercedes would be happy with this. It took a beating and held up well.



G-Wagon Durability Test #3

October 3, 2023 3:39 am

Stalin’s Quest for Ape-Men Super-Soldiers

Pure evil.

October 3, 2023 4:00 am
October 3, 2023 4:01 am
October 3, 2023 4:01 am
October 3, 2023 4:06 am
October 3, 2023 4:06 am
October 3, 2023 4:07 am
October 3, 2023 4:08 am
October 3, 2023 4:09 am
October 3, 2023 4:11 am
October 3, 2023 4:24 am

Interesting stats about Collingwood, not an AFL fan so can’t see the reason.
Steady stream of premierships, more or less until 1958 and then suddenly nothing.

What happened?

October 3, 2023 4:36 am

Steady stream of premierships, more or less until 1958 and then suddenly nothing.

What happened?

Gabor, the Pies inability to win a flag between 1958 and 1990 was known locally as the Colliwobbles.

In the 1980s, the Collingwood footy column in the local weekly, the Melbourne Times, was called Fantasy 58.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 3, 2023 5:09 am

the effective memory of the OT is rather equivalent to that of a malnourished, dementing 80 year old’s.

Gosh, Gilas. Glad I am not malnourished nor dementing. I manage at 81 summers to quickly scroll the Cat when I’m away, using the Control F search function for anything or person I really want to follow. It is not ideal but it helps. It’s still one of the best aggregator sites around with a personal element that makes it more fun too.

We’ve finished with the Italian Dolomites now, taking the autostrada down into the Brenner Pass, where the mess of everyone ducking and weaving lanes to get the right sort of payment on the plaza in Austria made Hairy say he never thought he’s say it, but the Italians are far better organised than the Austrians.

We’ve arrived in Salzburg to a hotel that is not Tyrolean, instead somewhat funky and Austrian antique’d, but a big spacious room, parking, and … an in-room fridge! The bad news is that one tyre on the SUV is showing something wrong that all of Hairy’s ministrations with the air pump in the garage couldn’t fix. They ridiculously only have a three foot extension on the pump. One of them is located near each bank of petrol bowsers. Hairy had to awkwardly bend over double to check the valve while I read out the numbers and pressed the plus button. Still it leaks and the computer is objecting strenuously. We have to get it properly seen to before we head off in four days into Germany for a side-trip to Berchesgarten (of Hitler infamy).

Tyre troubles are endemic in hire cars. Rats and bother.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 3, 2023 5:12 am

Walking uphill around some of those Dolomites has given me enough ‘cell stress’ to last for quite a while. 🙂

October 3, 2023 5:14 am

Baris live streaming now.
He’s throwing out so many RFK Jr numbers that I can’t keep up.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 3, 2023 5:15 am
October 3, 2023 5:20 am

It’s still one of the best aggregator sites around with a personal element that makes it more fun too.

I concur, in my ten fifteen minutes breaks between doing my job I learn more about politics and stuff here than watching the idiot box.

Shall I be a correcting nazi?
Just for once, it’s “Berchtesgaden”

October 3, 2023 5:30 am

Baris is saying how RFK Jr’s key supporters are disaffected conservatives & what he calls “True Independents”.
Which a disaster for Trump.
These aren’t his numbers, he’s just going through someone else’s.
While the focus has been & will be on how many Dem or GOP voters RFK Jr will drag from each, Baris is saying that’s not the main game.
It’s the “True Independents”.

October 3, 2023 5:35 am

What’s clear is that the GOP candidate will determine their voter turnout.
And it doesn’t matter who the DNC candidate is, the DNC voter is going to turn out no matter what.
Meaning, whether it’s Biden, Newsom or man-bear-pig, the DNC voter will vote for them no matter what.

October 3, 2023 5:37 am

A lot gets made of the Trump-cult.
Who knows that percentage of the population or GOP base is really part of that.
But the vote DNC-cult is clearly a multiple of that.
2x or 3x, who really knows.

October 3, 2023 5:47 am

DNC-cult pointer.
Baris highlights when asked DNC voters say Trump is too old to run in 2024 (64%) versus DNC voters say Biden is too old (56%).

It’s a religion.

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 3, 2023 5:48 am

Yeah right. Daily Telegraph:

More than 1000 doctors have signed an open letter backing the Voice as the best way to close the health gap harming Indigenous Australians, while the Yes campaign highlights the stark reality of disadvantage in a chilling new ad.

As medical professionals lined up to back the referendum, the Prime Minister joined volunteers door knocking in Hobart’s battler suburbs where the Yes movement is hoping to win over undecided voters as pre-polling opens nationwide.

Hundreds of doctors have revealed they are voting Yes because they believe the Voice “presents a tangible, once-in-a-generation opportunity to begin to heal, build trust and unite to improve the health and wellbeing” of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Dr Adam Steinberg, who is a kidney specialist at Melbourne Hospital, said listening to patients was “fundamental to healthcare” and the persistent gap in health and wellness for Indigenous Australians showed current methods of engagement and consultation were not working.

“The Voice would ensure engagement with communities happened from the start of a health policy or service delivery, rather than something that comes up later in the process,” he said.

Dr Steinberg said the Voice would “embed” proper consultation from the very early stages of any health policy, and in turn give communities a sense of ownership over the outcomes.

General Practitioner Dr Catherine Pendrey, who worked in the Northern Territory for five years, said while there had been important gains in some areas of Indigenous health, the improvements had been “far too slow”.

“A Voice is about translating local approaches to health to a national level so all policies can be informed by those most affected,” she said.

Dr Pendrey said a Voice could ensure issues like housing, which has a direct impact on health, were adequately addressed.

“I’ve seen families and parents bringing their children into the clinic, doing the right thing, but if they’re living in very poor quality housing in overcrowded settings, it can be very challenging to overcome those barriers,” she said.

A new Yes campaign ad highlights the eight-year gap in life expectancy, higher infant mortality, lower employment rates endured by Indigenous Australians, followed by a sombre tagline “a no vote means no progress”.

Meanwhile Mr Albanese joined dozens of volunteers as they prepared to doorknock in the Hobart suburb of Goodwood, telling the crowd the Voice was neither a “radical” nor a “conservative” proposal, but instead simply a “mainstream one”.

“You get better outcomes, and much more efficiency when you listen to people,” he said.

“But you also get something else, you get Indigenous people taking responsibility for those outcomes, which is why this should be above politics.”

Mr Albanese said many Australians were only now focusing on the referendum question, meaning in the last two weeks “every conversation that people have will be critical”.

“That’s how this referendum will be won,” he said.

Mr Albanese said his “easy pitch” to voters was that the Voice was about recognising First Nations people, and giving them a Voice to provide non-binding advice on issues that impact their communities.

Armed with promotional posters, stickers and badges, the Yes23 voters were instructed to specifically look for “undecided” voters, and move on from anyone they meet who indicates they will be voting No.

With time running out until the October 14 poll, the Yes campaign’s strategy has been to concentrate volunteer efforts and resources where they are likely to have the highest impact.

Mr Albanese was flanked by Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney, Independent MP Andrew Wilkie and other local Tasmanian politicians as he praised the volunteers for their dedication to the Voice.

Ms Burney described the volunteer army as a “shot in the arm” for the campaign to “keep going”.

“It says to me, as a Yes vote will say on the 14th of October, non-Aboriginal Australia is with you, we’re seeing you and we’re hearing you,” she said.

“And for Aboriginal people that will be an enormous moment.”

The bolded part is the takeaway from this article. Albo, there doesn’t need to be a constitutional change to effect this. Should be above politics? It’s all political you stupid man.
All that needs to happen is the Aboriginal patients presenting actually listen to the doc’s advice. Eat well, stay active. Cut down on alcohol consumption.
It’s the voice within that dictates where you end up, not the 22 selected members of the Aboriginal aristocracy which the loudest shriekers seek to be part of. They’ve made a fortune from the misery with little positive impact.
As an aside, Clare Armstrong did the article.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
October 3, 2023 6:14 am

Thanks once again Tom.

October 3, 2023 6:24 am

Living in a rustedon Labor stronghold, there’s been a local house festooned with yes paraphernalia for months, but I finally saw some no signs near a major highway last night.
Suspect it’s pretty telling there’s not more yes voters out and proud. Even the places that had greens placards last election has nothing.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
October 3, 2023 6:34 am

Three groups spend other people’s money: children, thieves, politicians. All three need supervision.

– Dick Armey

October 3, 2023 6:58 am

Black Ball
Oct 3, 2023 5:48 AM

Yeah right. Daily Telegraph:

More than 1000 doctors have signed an open letter backing the Voice as the best way to close the health gap harming Indigenous Australians, while the Yes campaign highlights the stark reality of disadvantage in a chilling new ad.

Well, the ad is chilling, that’s the clincher persuasion tactic.
Now I am sold!

Hundreds of doctors have revealed they are voting Yes because they believe the Voice “presents a tangible, once-in-a-generation opportunity to begin to heal, build trust and unite to improve the health and wellbeing” of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Clearly, mass delusion didn’t end in April 1945.
Human stupidity, born of confirmation bias and weakness to blatant shamanism is strong with this group of over-indoctrinated cretins.

Dr Adam Steinberg, who is a kidney specialist at Melbourne Hospital, said listening to patients was “fundamental to healthcare” and the persistent gap in health and wellness for Indigenous Australians showed current methods of engagement and consultation were not working.

Adams knows more about what will follow from a successful referendum than anyone else in Australia. What a legend!
Of course, he didn’t to give details… because… it’s all so obvious, isn’t it?

“The Voice would ensure engagement with communities happened from the start of a health policy or service delivery, rather than something that comes up later in the process,” he said.

Dr Steinberg said the Voice would “embed” proper consultation from the very early stages of any health policy, and in turn give communities a sense of ownership over the outcomes.

Willingly allowing himself to be manipulated by the Liars, is Adam.
What a virtuous champ!
And this genius even managed to get a medical degree..

Says it all, really.

October 3, 2023 7:02 am

JR the last two groups are the same. Main stream criminals are what we expect. Politicians are the same except under the guise of pretending to help you, and people vote for these !@#$% to steal from them.

October 3, 2023 7:04 am

Thought exactly the same thing Gilas.

October 3, 2023 7:09 am

Further to thieves and politicians. You can protect yourself against thieves but not politicians who have enacted laws to protect themselves and remove the other competitors to prison. Politicians should be beaten mercilessly simply for existing.

October 3, 2023 7:14 am

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Oct 3, 2023 5:09 AM

using the Control F search function for anything or person I really want to follow. It is not ideal but it helps.

Yes, but only for the page you’re on.
I was referring to the ability to search all references to a particular word/topic within the Newcatallaxy universe.. 130 pages of 10 threads each, and counting…
Unless I’m mistaken, that’s not an option ATM, it also wasn’t an easy thing to do on the old Cat.

It’s still one of the best aggregator sites around with a personal element that makes it more fun too.


October 3, 2023 7:18 am

A lot gets made of the Trump-cult.
Who knows that percentage of the population or GOP base is really part of that.

Trump’s approval rating

Trump fanboys need to accept that not everyone thinks like us.

October 3, 2023 7:25 am

Oct 3, 2023 7:09 AM

Further to thieves and politicians. You can protect yourself against thieves but not politicians who have enacted laws to protect themselves and remove the other competitors to prison. Politicians should be beaten mercilessly simply for existing.

The fundamental problem with “democratic representation” is that it is now no such thing, a malevolent illusion which voters continue to partake in.

October 3, 2023 7:27 am

Pure evil.

Only a talking ape would say that.

October 3, 2023 7:28 am

It’s the voice within that dictates where you end up, not the 22 selected members of the Aboriginal aristocracy which the loudest shriekers seek to be part of. They’ve made a fortune from the misery with little positive impact.

You are wise, sensei Black Ball.

October 3, 2023 7:28 am

The fundamental problem with “democratic representation” is that it is now no such thing, a malevolent illusion which voters continue to partake in.

Yes, demarchy is superior to democracy.

Term limits
Recall elections
Jury nullification
CIR to vote down bad laws
Sunset clauses on all legislation

October 3, 2023 7:29 am

Use the NO pen sweep, Calli.

October 3, 2023 7:30 am

Apropos of Vicki’s posts yesterday.. there’s still time for Cats to volunteer for No.

Only 11 days to go, the No vote hasn’t won.. and may still lose… so get involved!

October 3, 2023 7:33 am

Apropos Mark Knight #2

“In fact you’d be surprised at how much can be avoided if people stop insisting on their personal freedoms. Because insisting on human rights is not only selfish, it’s stupid”

-Daniel Andrews- Sept 2020

October 3, 2023 7:35 am


Apparently Bambi is gay or trans now, or identifies as Thumper’s catamite (and we know what rabbits are like)

I dunno, maybe White Hart Lane are racist too. Punch those Nazis! Kimba? What a little Hitler!

Quite frankly I saw Bambi as Sunday Roast, walking around smugly and owing me 180 minutes of an intense grilling hot yoga workout in the kettle BBQ.

October 3, 2023 7:36 am

“In fact you’d be surprised at how much can be avoided if people stop insisting on their personal freedoms. Because insisting on human rights is not only selfish, it’s stupid”

-Daniel Andrews- Sept 2020

Did Jug Ears actually say this?

What a greasy turd.

October 3, 2023 7:43 am

Oct 3, 2023 7:28 AM

Yes, demarchy is superior to democracy.

A new word.. thank you Dot.

Term limits
Recall elections
Jury nullification
CIR to vote down bad laws
Sunset clauses on all legislation

Yes, these would derail the unrepresentative, legislative collapse we are experiencing
But only massive disruption, like a revolution, would allow a reset of the current system.
One thing is certain, it won’t start from this blog.

October 3, 2023 7:53 am

Clearly, mass delusion didn’t end in April 1945.

Nor did it in 2022 when the Kung Flu lunacy finally finished — to the distress of the painters and doctors union that had been enjoying its reign over us (as experts who knew pharque all about pharque all).

It turns out the doctors union is as power-hungry as the liars and the filth.

October 3, 2023 7:56 am

Salvatore, Iron Publican
Oct 2, 2023 11:03 PM
OMG, ABC TV’s Q&A tonight was a train wreck for Noel Pearson.

wow ‘indigeanity(sp?) is not race’. What a bunch of loons.

Who’s the indigenous ‘no’ guy? he’s very good. Clear and concise.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 3, 2023 7:59 am

One advantage of the overnight stoush is that it is easy to scroll past.

October 3, 2023 8:02 am

A further example of the idiocies of Australia’s national parks’ services, versus managed forestry.

Check out this bloke – an interesting walk through some of Tassies mining heritage.

Details of his persecution by national parks in another video.

October 3, 2023 8:03 am

Hundreds of doctors have revealed they are voting Yes because they believe the Voice “presents a tangible, once-in-a-generation opportunity to begin to heal, build trust and unite to improve the health and wellbeing” of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Would be a lot more convincing if they’d attached pix of dozens of quacks packing up home & family to move to various remote communities to ensure adequate medical help is available ……!

October 3, 2023 8:04 am

More than 1000 doctors have signed

number of registered GP’s in Oz – circa 41,000

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 3, 2023 8:04 am

If “indigeneity” is not race based, does that mean that everyone born in Australia can be indigenous? And more so if their parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc were also born here?

Droll Pearson might not have thought that one through.

October 3, 2023 8:05 am

Garrison stole that from a meme – he should acknowledge it.

October 3, 2023 8:10 am

Can you steal from a meme, or is that the nature of memetics?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 3, 2023 8:11 am

Hundreds of doctors have revealed they are voting Yes because they believe the Voice “presents a tangible, once-in-a-generation opportunity to begin to heal, build trust and unite to improve the health and wellbeing” of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

1000 doctors signing up. 41000 doctors in this wide brown land.

18000 preventable medical deaths every year.

Not winning the credibility stakes here, you stethoscope-waving frauds.

October 3, 2023 8:14 am

Disney remaking Bambi for “modern audiences” is like me saying I am going to paint over a Caravaggio for “modern audiences”.

October 3, 2023 8:15 am

We’ve finished with the Italian Dolomites now, taking the autostrada down into the Brenner Pass, where the mess of everyone ducking and weaving lanes to get the right sort of payment on the plaza in Austria made Hairy say he never thought he’s say it, but the Italians are far better organised than the Austrians.

Yep, Austrians are well behind everyone in Europe. In the eastern bloc you just stop at the border, register your number plates and credit card and off you go. In 2019 in Austria you still had to purchase a ticket and stick it on the windscreen. In some countries they still have booths on motorways and you just tap on and off with a credit card.

October 3, 2023 8:19 am

Would be a lot more convincing if they’d attached pix of dozens of quacks packing up home & family to move to various remote communities to ensure adequate medical help is available ……!

Don’t be silly, there are no Tesla charging stations out there.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
October 3, 2023 8:21 am

Boambee John
Oct 3, 2023 7:59 AM
One advantage of the overnight stoush is that it is easy to scroll past.

You must have been late in. It started yesterday afternoon and went on until sleep took over………………………….

October 3, 2023 8:27 am
October 3, 2023 8:33 am

Resources Minister warns against decreasing gas supply too quickly
3 October 2023

Resources Minister Madeleine King has warned that decreasing gas supply faster than demand will lead to “shortages, supply disruptions and high prices”, while also “worsening poverty and inequality”. Source: The Australian.

The Albanese Government will today release a discussion paper on its future gas strategy.

October 3, 2023 8:35 am

Literally, a fat, insane bitch.

Plus-size travel influencer who demanded other passengers pay for obese flyers’ extra seats now calls on hotels to enlarge HALLWAYS to help fat guests

Thankfully her advocacy won’t be around for too long.

October 3, 2023 8:37 am

If “indigeneity” is not race based, does that mean that everyone born in Australia can be indigenous? And more so if their parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc were also born here?

Great Gran an “indig” .. who’d a thunk it! ..
I’m voting YES wif Noel cos I’m going top ‘o the reparations( gimme the money) list …

October 3, 2023 8:39 am

Resources Minister Madeleine King

God help us. After this, she’ll be an “egg spurt”.

October 3, 2023 8:40 am

Oct 3, 2023 8:37 AM
I’m voting YES wif Noel cos I’m going top ‘o the reparations( gimme the money) list …

No you’re not — there’ll be the indige elite creaming all the cash. No-one else (especially those in need) will get a look-in.

October 3, 2023 8:40 am


I think that’s the word

October 3, 2023 8:42 am

From Dot’s link on the enormous traveller:

But others were more harsh: ‘How are you gonna ask for things to change but you refuse to change yourself.’

It dovetails with Black Ball’s observation on the Voice.

Instead of wanting the world to change for you, make an effort to change yourself. It just might be that you are the problem.

October 3, 2023 8:43 am

Another Australian Bushmaster donation by AirBusAlbo bites the dust

It can keep a “maaate” company ……!

October 3, 2023 8:46 am

Australia has more rooftop solar than coal power. What’s going wrong?

Ben Potter
Senior writer

Energy regulators and retailers are failing to manage the explosion of rooftop solar power and co-ordinate demand by users to stabilise the power grid – measures they admit are the “linchpin” of the energy transition.

Heading into a hot summer, barely 5 per cent of Australia’s record uptake of rooftop solar is being managed in a way that could help stabilise the grid, and only 3 per cent of peak summer demand could be met by so-called “demand response”, according to the Australian Energy Market Operator.

The Australian Energy Market Commission has acknowledged that “current mechanisms are not achieving what we need”.

“The AEMC knows that the effective integration of [consumer energy resources] into the market is the linchpin for a successful energy transformation,” a spokeswoman said.

The regulators are still rewriting the rules to better integrate rooftop solar and other consumer energy resources into the grid, to ensure they are managed to contribute to grid stability rather than undermine it. Critics say it’s taking too long.

“The National Electricity Market was originally conceived as giving the demand side equivalence to the supply side, as this is economically efficient,” said Saul Griffith, an engineer and entrepreneur who founded Rewiring Australia, which wants a big push for household electrification.

“A quarter of a century later, the market bodies have still not delivered,” Dr Griffith told The Australian Financial Review.

The uptake of rooftop solar by households and small businesses has exploded so much that its output rivals that of the entire fleet of coal-fired power stations at the sunniest times of the day.

This undermines the economics of coal plants, hastening their exit from the grid at a time when the rollout of large-scale wind and solar farms and new transmission lines needed to connect them to the grid has ground to a halt amid community hostility and gridlocked approvals.

Customer participation in the energy market and a more rapid rollout of solar panel batteries, electric vehicle chargers and load control software can deliver instant decarbonisation while the rollout of major infrastructure is bogged down, experts say.

Better control of household and business energy demand – or “loads” – can support the grid during supply squeezes instead of flooding it with solar power, help to avert blackouts and smooth volatile prices.

This is known as “demand response” and households and small firms can participate in it via “virtual power plants” organised by retailers managing the supply and usage of large numbers of customers to act like a large power station.

But the uptake of demand response has fallen far behind the rollout of rooftop solar.

AEMO said last month – as it warned of an increased risk of blackouts in coming summers – the extent of consumer participation had fallen short of its hopes, and it had trimmed the estimated contribution from it.

“Solutions which orchestrate and coordinate consumers’ generation and storage devices to support reliability have not yet demonstrated success at significant scale,” AEMO said in its 2023 Electricity Statement of Opportunities.

The agency now expects rooftop solar capacity to triple from just over 20 gigawatts today to 60 GW by 2040, and distributed batteries to jump from between 1 GW-2 GW today to 21 GW by 2040.

But it expects consumer energy resources organised by virtual power plants to increase from less than 1 GW today to 15 GW by 2040.

AEMO estimates just 911 megawatts of demand response is available for the summer, which is expected to be hot and dry, exacerbating strains on the grid.

Matthew van der Linden, founder of Flow Power, an energy retailer which specialises in offering demand response opportunities to customers, says households have more discretion over their energy use than commercial customers and can make a big contribution to grid stability.

“I actually am very optimistic about the impact on the load by consumers’ participation. It’s not immaterial – it’s not 5 per cent of your load – it’s more like 100 per cent of your load for a consumer that’s engaged,” Mr van Linden said.

Flow Power sells to commercial and industrial customers, and is trialling a retail offer aimed at households which it expects to launch next year. Mr van der Linden blames large retailers for the dashed hopes for demand response.

They “aren’t partaking in it in a serious way,” he says, and consumers need incentives to set their dishwashers and other appliances to run when it makes most sense for the grid and their hip pockets.

“Why would you participate if there’s no outcome in participating? And while you’ve got retailers offering dumb, flat rates, it just simply won’t work.”

Large energy retailers point to the rapid growth of their virtual power plants (815 megawatts for Origin, 1100 MW for AGL) as evidence they are not just hiding behind “dumb, flat rates”.

They plan to more than double these resources in a few years. James Magill, head of Origin Zero, said recently, and demand response “has become more viable and profitable for businesses”.

But this has not been enough to move the dial for AEMO – or the grid and critics point to conflicting incentives to sell as much of their own generation to customers as they can as well as rewarding customers for their own contributions to grid stability.

“Effective collaboration between governments, industry, market bodies and consumer advocates is required to efficiently integrate consumer energy resources into the market and power system for the benefit of all consumers,” said AEMO’s head of reform delivery Violette Mouchaileh.

Ms Mouchaileh said AEMO recognised the value of demand side participation in the grid, and is “leading new reforms, undertaking market trials with industry and consulting with consumers to better understand their needs and experiences in using their energy resources in virtual power plants”.

Its initiatives include a “scheduled lite” mechanism for integrating virtual power plants into the grid “to ensure they are visible, dispatchable and contribute to the firming capacity requirements of the power system”.

A spokeswoman for the AEMC said: “We are looking at a more comprehensive solution to integrating different kinds of price-responsive resources, such as CER [consumer energy resources], VPP [virtual power plants] as well as industrial energy users, into the wholesale market through our integrating price-responsive-resources-into-the-NEM [national electricity market] rule change.”

The spokeswoman said a “huge amount of work” on this problem was ongoing and included better market mechanisms and supporting measures, and “we’re seeking government support to progress this work with urgency”.

October 3, 2023 8:51 am
October 3, 2023 8:59 am

Biden Selling out the U.S.

The Biden impeachment investigation began this week. If your source of news is CNN,MSNBC, and the Big Four TV networks, you didn’t know about this, the fourth such inquiry in U.S. history, because they blacked it out.

It apparently wasn’t very significant to the press. Not like the round-the-clock coverage of the lie that Trump was colluding with Russia, a lie generated by Hillary Clinton and megaphoned by them. Have they noted that the FBI agent who helped launch the probe into this alleged collusion was ironically on the payroll of a Russian and an Albanian? He has admitted he was on the payroll of a rich Russian and is set to admit being the recipient of an Albanian payoff.

Here’s a handy source to the workings of the House Oversight Committee which you might want to keep for reference.

He was not the only one in D.C. on the payroll of foreign governments.

Professor Jonathan Turley has set out ten reasons why the impeachment inquiry is justified and in this list, you can see the multiple ways President Biden sold out our interests to Ukrainians and Chinese.

I don’t imagine for a minute that these payments are unrelated to Biden’s secreting of classified documents in unsecured locations at his home and in the Penn Biden Center. Paul Sperry reports this week that these documents “include national defense information related to China.”

And then there’s evidence that the government of Iran, the most serious threat to our interests in the Middle East, has placed those promoting its interests in key places in the Biden Administration. Earlier we learned that Biden’s Iran envoy Robert Malley is under investigation, his security clearance revoked, and he has been suspended from the State Department for mishandling classified information, the suggestion being that he shared this information with the Iranian Government. This week, Semafor and Iran National report that some of Malley’s acolytes are “linked to a pro-Iranian echo chamber” and have actively been promoting Iranian interests since at least 2015.

Hussein-Abdul Hussein explains how serious this is.

Is there a single foe compromising our national interest not welcomed by this corrupt administration?

October 3, 2023 9:01 am

“Study warns”

Now I avoided the mRNA vaccines and my caution was redeemed with some recent research papers.

“Foreign genetic material”

What are you going to do, eat only food stripped of plant, fungal or animal DNA?

I’m sure the “Mr Naturals” won’t want to eat hydrolysed pea protein extract, long life seed oil and refined corn syrup in exchange for avoiding bad DNA and RNA from our food.

October 3, 2023 9:02 am

The Link below deserved a Post on its own!

Here’s a handy source to the workings of the House Oversight Committee which you might want to keep for reference.

The Bidens’ Influence Peddling Timeline

Since taking the gavel in January, the Committee on Oversight and Accountability has accelerated its investigation of the Biden family’s domestic and international business practices to determine whether the Biden family has been targeted by foreign actors, President Biden is compromised, and our national security is threatened. Records obtained through the Committee’s subpoenas to date reveal that the Bidens and their associates have received over $20 million in payments from foreign entities.

Below is a timeline that details key dates in our investigation.

The main points of interest are:

1) Romania: On September 28, 2015, Vice President Biden welcomed Romanian President Klaus Iohannis to the White House. Within five weeks of this meeting, a Romanian businessman involved with a high-profile corruption prosecution in Romania, Gabriel Popoviciu, began depositing a Biden associate’s bank account, which ultimately made their way into Biden family accounts. Popoviciu made sixteen of the seventeen payments, totaling over $3 million, to the Biden associate account while Joe Biden was Vice President. Biden family accounts ultimately received approximately $1.038 million. The total amount from Romania to the Biden family and their associates is over $3 million.

2) China- CEFC: On March 1, 2017—less than two months after Vice President Joe Biden left public office—State Energy HK Limited, a Chinese company, wired $3 million to a Biden associate’s account. This is the same bank account used in the above “Romania” section. After the Chinese company wired the Biden associate account the $3 million, the Biden family received approximately $1,065,692 over a three-month period in different bank accounts. Additionally, the CEFC Chairman gives Hunter Biden a diamond worth $80,000. Lastly, CEFC creates a joint venture with the Bidens in the summer of 2017. The timeline lays out the “WhatsApp” messages and subsequent wires from the Chinese to the Bidens of $100,000 and $5 million. The total amount from China, specifically with CEFC and their related entities, to the Biden family and their associates is over $8 million.

3) China- Bohai Harvest RST Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. (BHR): More information will be provided in our upcoming Fourth Bank Memorandum.

4) Kazakhstan: On April 22, 2014, Kenes Rakishev, a Kazakhstani oligarch used his Singaporean entity, Novatus Holdings, to wire one of Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca entities $142,300. The very next day—April 23, 2014—the Rosemont Seneca entity transferred the exact same amount of money to a car dealership for a car for Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden and Devon Archer would represent Burisma in Kazakhstan in May/June of 2014 as the company attempted to broker a three-way deal among Burisma, the Kazakhstan government, and a Chinese state-owned energy company.

5) Ukraine: Devon Archer joined the Burisma board of directors in spring of 2014 and was joined by Hunter Biden shortly thereafter. Hunter Biden joined the company as counsel, but after a meeting with Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky in Lake Como, Italy, was elevated to the board of directors in the spring of 2014. Both Biden and Archer were each paid $1 million per year for their positions on the board of directors. In December 2015, after a Burisma board of directors meeting, Zlochevsky and Hunter Biden “called D.C.” in the wake of mounting pressures the company was facing. Zlochevsky was later charged with bribing Ukrainian officials with $6 million in an attempt to delay or drop the investigation into his company. The total amount from Ukraine to the Biden family and their associates is $6.5 million.

6) Russia: On February 14, 2014, a Russian oligarch and Russia’s richest woman, Yelena Baturina, wired a Rosemont Seneca entity $3.5 million. On March 11, 2014, the wire was split up: $750,000 was transferred to Devon Archer, and the remainder was sent to Rosemont Seneca Bohai, a company Devon Archer and Hunter Biden split equally. In spring of 2014, Yelena Baturina joined Hunter Biden and Devon Archer to share a meal with then-Vice President Biden at a restaurant in Washington, D.C. The total amount from Russia to the Biden family and their associates is $3.5 million.

Beyond this timeline, here are links to our First, Second, and Third Bank Memorandums that provide detailed descriptions and show actual bank records and wires.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 3, 2023 9:04 am

Good column by Mike O’Connor, including Voice poll, but I get “internal server error” so will try this link instead:


Top Ender
Top Ender
October 3, 2023 9:06 am


Will try column text without the link:

Nope…doesn’t like it.

October 3, 2023 9:08 am

The West Point conundrum: How do you fight for a country you’re taught to hate?

West Point has a storied place in American history. During the Revolution, Benedict Arnold tried to give the fort to the British.

After the Revolution, it became America’s first military academy, graduating such luminaries as Ulysses S. Grant, Dwight Eisenhower, Generals Omar Bradley, Douglas MacArthur, and George S. Patton, and many other men who have shaped our nation.

All the alumni were driven by patriotism even if, as with Robert E. Lee, that patriotism was misplaced.

Now, though, West Point has a “minor” that is the essence of anti-patriotism.

Welcome to West Point’s Diversity and Inclusion Studies Minor.

Diversity and Inclusion Studies (DISM) is an interdisciplinary minor administered by the Department of Behavioral Sciences & Leadership that consists of humanities and social science courses. America is a multicultural polity and demands knowledgeable and pragmatic thinkers who understand the range of human experiences. The Diversity and Inclusion Studies Minor (DISM) exposes cadets to varied perspectives & methodologies for understanding and studying the humanities. By carefully drawing from existing courses in multiple departments, the DISM complements and enhances the core curriculum, academic majors, and several West Point Centers and committees. Moreover, the DISM at West Point offers cadets a framework for critically and creatively thinking about the broader impact of diversity and inclusion at the individual, organizational, societal, and/or global levels – providing them with knowledge and insights that can help prepare them to lead in today’s Army.

That academic gobbledy-gook hides what DEI really is: The assertion that America is systemically racist—and sexist and homophobic, and all the other “isms,” “ists,” and “phobias” that drive leftism.

Under the DEI rubric, these horrors are baked into the American system. The Constitution, the 14th Amendment, the Civil Rights Act…none of them matter. America and its faults are so inextricably intertwined that you cannot have one without the other. Indeed, you can see the hostility to America’s institutions in the classes students must take for this minor:

In other words, America is an evil country, both root and branch.

October 3, 2023 9:15 am

In other words, America is an evil country, both root and branch.

All other Americans are evil? Seems like an extreme point of view. These people aren’t patriots at all.

The author is a female attorney who works from home. LARPing as a statesman too pure to take money off Fatmericans.

Yet, she does.

Cassie of Sydney
October 3, 2023 9:16 am

Thanks Top Ender. I think O’Connor speaks for many of us. I don’t recognise this country any more either.

I note in O’Connor’s piece the following…

“Surveys have shown that there a number of people who are saying they are undecided.

It is difficult to believe that too many people are undecided by now.

I suspect that there are a lot of people who intend to vote against the referendum but who are frightened to say so for fear of being howled down and who as a consequence are saying that they are undecided.”

I think this is correct, and it confirms what Sancho and others here on this blog have said for a while now, that the word “undecided” is code for “shy”, “scared”, “frightened” and “mute”…..NO voters.

Having said that, I’ll only count my lucky stars late on the night of 14 October 2023.

October 3, 2023 9:18 am

Definitely Ticks All the Boxes!

Newsom Fills Feinstein’s Empty Senate Seat With Wealthy Black Lesbian From Maryland


In 2021, California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) vowed to replace any Senate vacancies with a black woman.

On Sunday, he did just that following the death of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D), appointing the first black lesbian to ever openly serve in Congress.

Laphonza Butler, president of of pro-abortion organization EMILY’s List who served as a senior adviser to Kamala Harris’ very failed 2020 presidential campaign, and currently a resident of Maryland, was announced as Feinstein’s replacement in a Sunday night announcement by Newsom.

Butler will finish Feinstein’s term, which runs until 2024, after which she may face off with Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who had been hoping Feinstein would live till the election so he could slide into the Senate.

“As we mourn the enormous loss of Senator Feinstein, the very freedoms she fought for — reproductive freedom, equal protection, and safety from gun violence — have never been under greater assault,” said Newsom, adding “Laphonza will carry the baton left by Senator Feinstein, continue to break glass ceilings, and fight for all Californians in Washington D.C.”

Butler was born in Magnolia, Mississippi, where she began her career as a union organizer. In 2009, she moved to California, where she served as president of SEIU United Long Term Care Workers, where she was instrumental in raising minimum wage, and hiking taxes on wealthy Californians. She also served as a University of California regent for three years, until she moved to Maryland in 2001.

After advising Kamala Harris on her 2020 campaign, Butler left SCRB strategies to become Airbnb’s director of public policy and campaigns in North America.

While working for Harris, she was hired by Uber during an organized labor dispute – when Harris’s brother-in-law, Tony West, was Uber’s chief legal officer.

Laphonza Butler tried to undercut Uber drivers’ organizing efforts in order to engineer a backroom sweetheart deal for SEIU to represent them. She’s a standard issue soulless party operative, and thus an appropriate choice for Newsom.

— Leighton ? Woodhouse (@lwoodhouse) October 2, 2023

Many have made light of the fact that Butler doesn’t actually live in California.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 3, 2023 9:18 am

We used to point the big finger at South Africa?

October 3, 2023 9:20 am

The JMSDF IJN tools up.

October 3, 2023 9:21 am

Top Ender
Oct 3, 2023 9:06 AM


Will try column text without the link:

Nope…doesn’t like it.

Top Ender,

yes I have sent off email of AFR Article that got Internal Server Error to Dover

No obvious Rhyme or Reason when they occur

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
October 3, 2023 9:27 am

Definitely Ticks All the Boxes!

Newsom Fills Feinstein’s Empty Senate Seat With Wealthy Black Lesbian From Maryland


She does more than that with boxes!

October 3, 2023 9:30 am

Newsom picks a union busting, big Tech lawyer.
Yep, the DNC is the party of the working class.

October 3, 2023 9:33 am

the word “undecided” is code for “shy”, “scared”, “frightened” and “mute”…..NO voters.

Not convinced that there will be widespread, organised vote tampering, but the large cohort of “undecideds” provide an opportunity for plausible deniability – oh look! They decided to vote Yes at the last minute.

As you say, my chooks will be counted in the weeks proceeding the referendum. The events of the past four years mean I have little (not yet zero) trust in our country’s institutions.

Sadly, I think this is just the way the revvos like it.

October 3, 2023 9:35 am
October 3, 2023 9:35 am

Why Australia Should vote “NO” – from Viv Forbes

Monday, 02 October 2023

Why I will vote “No”.

by Viv Forbes of Australia’s Saltbush Club

October 3, 2023 9:36 am

YES campaign dirty trick called out by spineless Electoral Commission.

Tuesday, 03 October 2023

Vanity Voicers caught cheating.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 3, 2023 9:37 am

Can I put a “thumbs down” on the ballot paper?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 3, 2023 9:38 am

The referendum to have received the most support occurred in 1967 and regarded counting Indigenous people as a part of the population and gave the Commonwealth to make laws for Indigenous people. The outcome was a resounding Yes with 91 per cent of Australians voting for change.

At this time, no Indigenous people could vote. The success of the 1967 referendum was solely determined by all non-Indigenous people. It was the first time all Australians came together and united for Aboriginal people in a referendum. It is a similar situation this year. Even if all Aboriginal people voted yes, we are only around 3 per cent of the population. The success of a referendum will not be up to us, it will be up to you. Non-Indigenous people will determine the outcome of the referendum. The power lies in your perspective, your choice, and your vote.

Emma Garlett , from the West Australian. Words fail me, they honestly do.

October 3, 2023 9:39 am

Australian Electoral Commission tells Yes23 Voice to Parliament campaign to remove signs from proximity of voting centres as its colour could ‘potentially mislead’ voters

The Australian Electoral Commission has released a lengthy statement after one eagle-eyed local spotted a major issue with the Yes23 campaign’s signs outside one early voting centre.

The Australian Electoral Commission has advised the Yes23 campaign to remove signage, which uses an almost identical colour the independent agency is known for, from “close proximity” to voting centres after eagle-eyed locals noticed the similarity.

One voter had taken to social media on Monday afternoon sharing a photo of two “Vote Yes” sandwich boards placed on a strip of grass outside one voting centre.

They noticed the similarity in the purple colour used on the Yes campaign’s signs to the AEC’s “Voting Centre” A-frame poster that was in the middle of the image.

Another voter later re-shared the image and pointed the purple on the two signs had an “almost” 100 per cent match, according to a colour-picking tool on a computer.

The AEC confirmed it had reached out to the Yes23 campaign about the colour of their signage, before later releasing a full statement.

The electoral body said it had been made aware of the signage in at least one early voting centre that “could potentially mislead voters” about the source of the message.

“To be absolutely clear – the signs were erected by the Yes23 campaign, not the AEC,” it said in a lengthy statement on Monday night.

“The signs featured the legislatively required authorisation statement. However, the signage prominently use white writing against a background that is a similar shade of purple to the AEC’s longstanding branding and were erected outside at least one early voting centre in close proximity to the AEC’s ‘voting centre’ sign.

“The combination of using purple and white colours in proximity to AEC signage could mislead a voter about the source of the signage, and by extension, the source of the message on the signage.”

The independent federal agency has approached the Yes23 campaign to ensure the signs were not placed near voting centres. The Yes23 camp agreed to the request.

The AEC said in the statement it has flagged to campaigners in previous years they should avoid using similar colours or shades to its official branding.

However, it did not have legal authority to prevent this, or people from campaigning outside six metres from an entrance of a polling centre, from happening.

The AEC stressed this was not the first time something like this has happened, noting it “occurs frequently at every electoral event”. has reached out to the Yes23 campaign for comment.

Comments Interesting

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 3, 2023 9:41 am

BB above:

“But you also get something else, you get Indigenous people taking responsibility for those outcomes, which is why this should be above politics.”

Not under the Calma-Langton model, which makes very clear that none of the Federal or Regional Voices will have any form of “program delivery responsibility”.
One way advice only.

That was a dangling ACME anvil that the First Nations industry saw a mile off…

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 3, 2023 9:43 am

Australian Electoral Commission tells Yes23 Voice to Parliament campaign to remove signs from proximity of voting centres as its colour could ‘potentially mislead’ voters

The battle for the lo-info voter.

October 3, 2023 9:44 am

New Electric Vehicle Battery Factory in Kansas is Demanding So Much Energy that State Needs to Keep Coal Plant Open Just to Power It

A new electric vehicle battery factory in Kansas is demanding so much energy that the state is delaying the retirement of a coal plant to make sure the facility has enough power.

For those who need more irony in their diet.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 3, 2023 9:44 am


nearly forgot

good morning mongs

October 3, 2023 9:48 am has reached out to the Yes23 campaign for comment.

Guessing the Yes23 campaign said no.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 3, 2023 9:49 am

Oct 3, 2023 8:46 AM
Australia has more rooftop solar than coal power. What’s going wrong?

Quite clear that the commissars from AEMO wish to take control of your rooftop solar and dictate to industry when they may operate.
Ideologues never consider personal freedoms as an impediment to their plans

October 3, 2023 9:52 am

Voters will ‘punish’ Labor government if Voice referendum fails, a senior press gallery journalist has argued

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will bear the majority of responsibility if the Voice referendum fails, with voters likely to “punish” the government, a senior Canberra press gallery journalist has argued.

The Albanese government will “be punished” if the Voice to Parliament referendum fails, a senior Canberra Press Gallery journalist has argued.

Speaking to journalists in Tasmania, Prime Minister Albanese said the Voice would offer “hope” and a “vision for the future” before accusing the No campaign of spreading “a whole lot of disinformation” about the proposal.

However according to The Australian’s National Editor, Dennis Shanahan, voters will blame the government if the referendum fails.

“I think there’ll be a debt later for Labor if the yes vote fails, and it will be punished for being seen to be distracted by the referendum away from cost of living,” he told Sky News Australia’s Peta Credlin.

Shanahan said that the Prime Minister would bear “the majority of the responsibility” if the referendum fails, as well as the “responsibility for division in the community during the debate on the referendum.

“There is no doubt about that. This is his idea,” Shanahan said.

The senior press gallery journalist said that while the prime minister was pushing a proposal that several Indigenous leaders had made it clear they wanted, he had ignored the need for bipartisan support.

“This was the model they wanted and yet one of those architects himself, Noel Pearson, said that it was necessary for a bipartisan model to actually get it through a constitutional amendment,” he said.

“This was recognized by one of the architects of the voice model. And yet Anthony Albanese has failed to do that, by ignoring all of the traditional methods to ensure that you actually persuade the people how to vote.”

The Australian’s National Editor said that far from being convinced by a disinformation campaign, voters were concerned with the referendum question and the government had failed to convince them of the strength of their argument.

“This is demonstrated by the fact that Labor voters are turning against it because they don’t like the arguments. They are not being told enough,” he said.

The senior journalist said the lack of support for the Voice in the polls indicated the government’s proposal was being rejected by a significant percentage of Labor voters.

“We’ve got to remember on these sorts of issues, people don’t vote on partisan lines,” he said.

“Look at the same-sex marriage plebiscite, there are a huge number of Labor electorates in Western Sydney, where the vote was against same sex marriage. They were Labor voters with set in safe Labor seats, and they voted against the same sex plebiscite.”

“Now. I think that this is what is happening here…when you look at the fact that Labor’s primary support at the election, only 18 months ago, was only just over 30 per cent, you have to have Labor voters voting against the referendum in large numbers to get the indicated level of support in the polls for the no vote.

“I think that people don’t like the idea, regardless of their political persuasion.”

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 3, 2023 9:57 am

My wife pointed out the sexist ministry that Jacinta Allan had appointed in Victoria.
Sixteen women and seven men.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 3, 2023 10:03 am

Duncanm: The indigenous bloke who on ABC Q&A last night took on Noel Pearson, is Wesley Aird, Director of the Centre for Indigenous Training, in Brisbane.

That piece of video is worth downloading & saving. Pearson put his foot right in it. Karvelas was desperately trying to save face for Pearson, it wasn’t working.

Mr Aird presented facts, neither Pearson nor Karvelas responded well to facts. It was a train wreck for Noel Pearson.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 3, 2023 10:04 am

Sixteen women and seven men.

Gender Equality Now!!!

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 3, 2023 10:08 am

Would be a lot more convincing if they’d attached pix of dozens of quacks packing up home & family to move to various remote communities to ensure adequate medical help is available ……!

Even the outer suburbs and Bulk Billing is a stretch. C’mon man, as they say.

October 3, 2023 10:12 am

My wife pointed out the sexist ministry that Jacinta Allan had appointed in Victoria.
Sixteen women and seven men.

Perhaps more to the point, how many are Labor hacks implicated in the red shirts scandal?

Like Ms. Allan herself.

October 3, 2023 10:14 am

Farmer Gez
Oct 3, 2023 9:49 AM

Oct 3, 2023 8:46 AM
Australia has more rooftop solar than coal power. What’s going wrong?

Quite clear that the commissars from AEMO wish to take control of your rooftop solar and dictate to industry when they may operate.
Ideologues never consider personal freedoms as an impediment to their plans

Farmer Gez,

agree – as I have said previously Sister-in-law in Mackay had to replace Solar Panels & Inverters after 9 years – expensive exercise

Another interesting article that didn’t post

Electric trucks may be 33pc less productive than diesel

Cassie of Sydney
October 3, 2023 10:16 am

“Sixteen women and seven men.”

Methinks John Knox was right when he penned his “The first blast of the trumpet against the monstrous regiment of women“.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 3, 2023 10:18 am

Perhaps more to the point, how many are Labor hacks implicated in the red shirts scandal? Like Ms. Allan herself.

Subsequent election results suggest Victoriastanis do not see this as an issue.

October 3, 2023 10:23 am

Had an anthropologist over for dinner last night.

Does a lot of field work with “TOs” (traditional owners) up north.

He reported, to his great consternation, that they routinely “touch up” rock art to make it more appealing for the tourists.

And, further, that different mobs often have long standing grievances one against another. Therefore, the notion that 20 odd people could represent their varied interests fairly to the federal government is risible.

One mob will get the inside running and allocate any resources on offer to themselves to the detriment of their traditional adversaries.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 3, 2023 10:23 am

Quite clear that the commissars from AEMO wish to take control of your rooftop solar and dictate to industry when they may operate.

The Commissars are diligently carrying out ALP policy: Community Batteries and Solar Banks – powered by the people.

But be of good cheer: the scheme was designed by Top Men at KPMG – so nothing can go far wrong.

October 3, 2023 10:24 am

Are Small Nuclear Reactors The Answer To Big-Tech’s Energy Crisis?

TUESDAY, OCT 03, 2023 – 04:00 AM
Authored by Felicity Bradstock via,

Microsoft hints at its nuclear plans by posting a job for a “Principal Program Manager Nuclear Technology” to explore integrating SMRs into its operations.

Small Nuclear Reactors offer quick deployment, reduced costs, and enhanced safety features, with over 80 designs under global development.

Challenges like sourcing materials for SMR development, particularly from politically complex regions, may delay their commercial rollout.

Microsoft could be the first of several companies to prepare to use small nuclear reactor (SMR) technology for its high energy consumption, as AI and other technologies become more widely used.

There has been great enthusiasm around the potential of SMRs, which could be built faster and at a much lower cost than a traditional nuclear reactor.

This month, Microsoft posted a job opportunity for a “Principal Program Manager Nuclear Technology,” suggesting its interest in using SMRs in the future, to support its energy-intensive operations.

As companies begin to use a vast range of digital technologies in their day-to-day operations, their energy consumption could increase substantially, making the use of low-carbon nuclear power increasingly attractive.

SMRs are advanced nuclear reactors that have a power capacity of up to 300 MW(e) per unit, equivalent to around one-third the generating capacity of a traditional nuclear reactor.

SMRs are much smaller than traditional reactors and are modular, making it simpler for them to be assembled in factories and transported to site. Because of their smaller size, it is possible to install an SMR on sites that are not suitable for bigger reactors. They are also significantly cheaper and faster to build than conventional nuclear reactors and can be constructed incrementally to meet the growing energy demand of a site.

There are strong safety margins included in SMR production, meaning that the potential for the unsafe release of radioactivity to the environment is significantly reduced. These systems can be shut down automatically, without human assistance, in the case of a malfunction. At present, there are over 80 commercial SMR designs under development worldwide, aimed at responding to a range of needs. Although companies are still trepidatious about investing in SMRs as their economic competitiveness in use has yet to be proven. As energy companies begin to roll out SMRs within the next decade there will be a greater understanding of their applicability and the costs involved.

Despite still being in the development stage, Microsoft appears to be one of the first companies to demonstrate its interest in SMRs.

As companies continue to digitalise operations and conduct high-energy operations, they will need an increasing amount of energy to power their activities.

For example, AI researchers suggest that training a “single large language deep learning model” such as OpenAI’s GPT-4 creates around 300 tonnes of CO2. The average person is responsible for creating around 5 tonnes of CO2 a year, showing just how significant this is.

Microsoft now appears to be drawing up a roadmap for the use of SMR to power its computation needs.

October 3, 2023 10:28 am

EV’s suddenly become uninsurable (unless you are rich)

By Jo Nova

Remember how we predicted insurance costs would rise when people realized that almost brand spanking new EV’s were being written off for scratches, because no one could test their battery and be sure it would not ignite? And then there was the news that after an accident, electric cars need to social distance, taking up as much as 50 times as much parking space, in case they blow other cars up? Well, insurance companies have realized this too. One underwriter has paused offering EV’s insurance entirely, while other companies are ramping up the rates by 60 – 900%.

What a shock:

‘The quotes were £5,000 or more’: electric vehicle owners face soaring insurance costs

Zoe Wood, The Guardian

In the Facebook group, members share stories of horror renewal quotes, with increases ranging from 60% (up to £1,100) to a staggering 940% (a jump from £447 to £4,661, according to a screengrab shared by one driver).

“I spent weeks on every comparison site as well as trying individual insurers and specialist brokers, but either they wouldn’t cover the car or the quotes were £5,000 or more,” says David, whose only change in circumstance was three points on a licence.

Privilege, Vitality, Axa and the specialist broker Adrian Flux were among the brands he found were “unable to insure him at this time” before he nailed down a policy with Direct Line, albeit at a price.

Analysts say claims costs are 25% higher for electric cars, and that they also take about 14% longer to repair than a diesel or petrol equivalent.

One former BBC reporter Alex Gerlis bought an EV, insured it with John Lewis, only to find after a year John Lewis said it had stopped insuring EV’s altogether.

Gerlis thought this “flew in the face” of the company saying it wanted to fight climate change and complained.

This may have been the first time he realized that not everyone who “wants to fight climate change” is happy to lose their money on it.

If you own an EV and it is insured, you might be lucky if someone were to run into it in the car park.

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 3, 2023 10:30 am

This detail has snuck through with all the focus on the leadership change in Victoriastan. Natalie O’Brien in the Hun:

Australia’s first convicted terrorist has been released on parole a year before his 20-year sentence for planning a terrorist attack on home soil was due to expire.

Faheem Lodhi, now 53, is now back in the community and working successfully in his former profession as a draftsman and architect.

The Pakistani-born Lodhi, who claims to have seen the error of his ways, apologised for his actions and asked for forgiveness. He is understood to have been released without any court-sanctioned supervision or control order in place.

The Australian Federal Police have been contacted for comment. A spokeswoman for the Federal Attorney-General’s Department said they do not disclose details of individual federal offenders or decisions about parole.

Lodhi is one of only a couple of convicted terrorism offenders ever to be released on parole, which does have conditions, before serving their full sentence. It is a move that has given hope to other jailed offenders working towards release.

It has been 19 years since Lodhi’s plan for an attack came unstuck as ASIO spies watched him perform a dead letter drop of his plans in a garbage bin in Sydney’s west.

He was planning to blow up the national electricity grid and create a mass casualty bomb on military bases.

Lodhi was caught after attempting to order chemicals, and collecting maps of the nation’s electricity supply and aerials of military bases including Holsworthy and Victoria barracks in Sydney.

At his trial, the jury was told Lodhi had been linked to fellow notorious terrorist, Frenchman Willie Brigitte, who was dispatched to Australia by the al-Qaeda backed Pakistani terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Brigitte was later jailed in France and after his release had gone on to be linked to other attacks including the 2015 Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris. It is believed he was killed fighting in Syria in 2017.

Lodhi was born in 1969 in Pakistan to a good family and had a normal life in the Punjab region of the country.

He attended Lahore’s prestigious National College of Arts and graduated with a degree in architecture. But he wanted a new life and chose Australia.

He emigrated to Australia in 1998, with his future wife Doctor Aysha Hamedd and settled in the Sydney suburbs of Lakemba and later Punchbowl.

He went to the University of Sydney and gained a Bachelor of Architecture and a project management certificate from TAFE NSW.

He would visit his family back in Pakistan but authorities suspected he did more on these trips and became the go-between for foreign militants travelling into the secret mountain training camps of al-Qaeda linked terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba.

It was there in early 2003 he also met two other Australian men of Pakistani and Arabic descent who would later be charged with unrelated terror plots.

After his terrorism conviction, Lodhi spent his first few years in the Goulburn Supermax jail.

But he eventually undertook rehabilitation programs and has since denounced extremism.

He was gradually stepped down to lower security classifications and was most recently a C classification (low-risk) inmate at the Wellington Correctional Centre near Dubbo.

Lodhi worked in the prison print shop there and was said to be popular and to have made a lot of friends.

Lodhi became eligible for parole in 2019 but the then-federal Attorney-General Christian Porter has twice refused to release him.

He appealed unsuccessfully in 2020 despite his lawyer telling a court hearing Lodhi had become a “model prisoner” who had “admitted his guilt and been able to face the pathway that led him to offending and the erroneous path he took.”

Fair bit of a saccharin hit that second half of the article. Model prisoner, naughty Christian Porter not releasing him. I would imagine he would still be on the radar of the relevant authorities.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 3, 2023 10:31 am

Fun thing with SMRs is the fuel has to come from somewhere. And the only somewhere right now is…

West breaking free of reliance on Russia for nuclear fuel (Oz, 2 Oct, unpaywalled)

Greens will be getting their radiation-proof protest gumboots on in preparation for the inevitable howling.

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 3, 2023 10:32 am

Sorry this was in the Hun so I thought he was in the state. My bad. Coffee time!

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 3, 2023 10:32 am

they routinely “touch up” rock art to make it more appealing for the tourists

The more discerning amongst tourists up north often ask about that. if the paint has lasted X thousands of years, outside, in a tough climate, then British Paints – who apparantly need new talent – might be on the blower.

I think the ansswer is “shhhhh”.

October 3, 2023 10:32 am

Reporters or Accessories? The Media’s Coverage of the Biden Allegations

For some in the media, no allegation that might link President Joe Biden to unethical or even criminal behavior seems to be considered credible or worth investigating.

Times have certainly changed. I remember when any hint of impropriety involving the White House administrations of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and, most especially, Donald Trump would catapult journalists into action, seeking to discover whether any of the suggested improprieties could be connected to those presidents.

Many people believe that the ethical and professional conduct of some journalists and news organizations went out the window with the dawning of the Age of Trump.

Soon after the New York City businessman declared his intention to seek the presidency in June 2015, many journalists began to openly declare their disdain, even hatred, for him.

So that’s it. Like the original Hunter Laptop story, first reported by the New York Post in 2020, will much of the mainstream media take the White House at its word, or will they do their jobs for a change and investigate these latest allegations?

Comer is correct when he states that Hunter Biden’s business dealings, if proven to be true, could negatively impact U.S. national security. It’s a possibility that journalists should acknowledge. And they should be willing (if not eager) to investigate, to find the truth and reveal it to the American people — whether it proves the truth of President Biden’s denials or of the Republicans’ accusations. Protecting or harming either political side should not be part of the equation.

But by seemingly turning a deaf ear and a blind eye to allegations of potential wrongdoing involving some members of the Biden family, could some members of the media be seen as figurative accessories-after-the-fact?

Findlaw defines an accessory as: “The accused assisted that person with the specific purpose or design to hinder or prevent that person’s apprehension, trial, or punishment.”

Rather than doing their jobs, are some journalists choosing to hinder news investigations out of an allegiance to Biden, the Democratic Party, or their personal biases?

Perhaps — but one thing surely is certain: Journalism in the Age of Trump has changed for the worse.

Real Deal
Real Deal
October 3, 2023 10:36 am

A retired diplomat call Senator Henderson and her colleagues “supremacists”. calls Henderson bizarre and threatening. They published Henderson’s entire letter but not the retired diplomat’s. There is more to this than they are reporting. Something smells.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 3, 2023 10:37 am

Chairman Dan’s last ministry was eleven men and twelve women.
Ros Spence is the new Ag minister.
City girl, who from reports asked for the ministry.
That’s not good.

October 3, 2023 10:39 am

My wife pointed out the sexist ministry that Jacinta Allan had appointed in Victoria.
Sixteen women and seven men.

Brought to mind this series by the Two Ronnies:

October 3, 2023 10:40 am

City girl, who from reports asked for the ministry.
That’s not good.

On a mission to make life more difficult for farmers?

October 3, 2023 10:41 am

My Home & Contents – Change on Last Year 34.8%

Crippling Home Insurance Price Surges Squeeze American Homeowners

Factors driving home insurance price increases.


. The home insurance industry’s behavior is negatively impacting Americans, fueling inflation, reducing affordable housing options, and encouraging dishonest practices in the home repair industry

. Over eight years, a Texas homeowner saw his annual premium increase from $1,006 in 2015 to $3,271 in 2023, a 225% rise, averaging 18.4% annually

. Despite low inflation rates in the broader US economy from 2015 to 2020, the home insurance sector experienced exceptionally high premium increases

. State regulations treat home insurance as a utility and allow annual premium increases, often well above inflation rates, leading to widespread premium hikes

. Insurance companies approve homeowner repair requests without rigorous scrutiny, leading to an industry of storm chasers and contractors exploiting homeowners and contributing to supply chain issues

For a publication that believes in the fundamental power of free markets and capitalism, we are alarmed at how the home insurance industry’s corrupt behavior hurts Americans, fuels inflation, lowers affordable housing options, and inspires dishonest practices in the home repair industry.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 3, 2023 10:48 am

On a mission to make life more difficult for farmers?

Farmers are hated by Gaia, surely you know that Roger. There’s a Planet to save.

I have no idea who Spence is but Labor wymminses do seem to be more radical green than the men are.

John H.
John H.
October 3, 2023 10:49 am

Ergothioneine for longevity? I don’t watch his vids but the mysteries of the algorithm put it up in my youtube page. I did a quick literature look. The research is promising. There is something to this. Across countries studies there is an inverse relationship between ergothioneine and mortality.
This study points makes an argument I saw in other abstracts.

The take home lesson: eat mushrooms.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 3, 2023 10:50 am

Roger Oct 3, 2023 10:23 AM
He reported, to his great consternation, that they routinely “touch up” rock art to make it more appealing for the tourists.
One mob will get the inside running and allocate any resources on offer to themselves to the detriment of their traditional adversaries.

Can confirm.
I’d always thought everybody knew both those facts.

Cassie of Sydney
October 3, 2023 10:50 am

They published Henderson’s entire letter but not the retired diplomat’s. There is more to this than they are reporting. Something smells.”


October 3, 2023 10:52 am

Lodhl got stuck in pokey for 20 years planning to blow up the National Electricity Grid? Unsuccessful you say. Instead we have a bunch of useless politicians and bureaucrats doing his work. Seems to me the terrorists are the government and there useful idiots.

October 3, 2023 10:52 am

Can confirm.
I’d always thought everybody knew both those facts.

He’s only a young feller and it all came as a bit of a shock to him.

October 3, 2023 10:54 am

John H, I’m only eating the mushrooms so I don’t get hit on the head.

October 3, 2023 10:54 am

I have no idea who Spence is but Labor wymminses do seem to be more radical green than the men are.

Ms. Allan is certainly a hard leftist.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 3, 2023 11:03 am

I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

Gaza perfume company launches missile-themed fragrance (JPost, 2 Oct)

Bottles of the different scents will represent different Palestinian factions and militia groups.

Eau du Jihad! Presumably there won’t be a fragrance for the aroma of IDF bomb blasts.

Cassie of Sydney
October 3, 2023 11:05 am

“Ms. Allan is certainly a hard leftist.”

Equality of outcome is her goal, and she’s proud of it.

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 3, 2023 11:06 am

Yes I think a trigger warning is required here. Some pics will repulse you. A couple will enrage you. Via David Thompson

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 3, 2023 11:08 am

From the Hun.

Jacinta Allan’s government makes shock first move to introduce new tax

Treasurer Tim Pallas has announced the new Allan government’s first move will be to introduce a new tax to force vacant landholders to develop or sell their land.

October 3, 2023 11:11 am

Treasurer Tim Pallas has announced the new Allan government’s first move will be to introduce a new tax to force vacant landholders to develop or sell their land.

Will this apply to the biggest land bankers in Australia ?
Mirvac, Meriton & a range of rich listers?
Or is it just the aspirational investor?

October 3, 2023 11:13 am

A lot of countries have use it or lose provisions when it comes to property.
But they typically apply to everyone.

October 3, 2023 11:16 am

Extension of vacant land tax in Victoria.You will have to explain why its vacant.How dare you decide what to do with your own land so people will either pay the tax , develop it or sell.
The arrogance continues.

October 3, 2023 11:16 am
October 3, 2023 11:17 am

Yes I think a trigger warning is required here. Some pics will repulse you. A couple will enrage you. Via David Thompson

Trannies are sick fuks. A society which allows them to run rampant is just as sick.

October 3, 2023 11:17 am

Does the Victorian land tax apply to all property?
Or just government releases?
If it’s a new government release, a use or lose provision is more than fair.
As long as it’s not retrospective & only applies to government releases.

October 3, 2023 11:18 am

Can’t be long before owning private property requires a social license in VIC.

  1. As I remarked this morning, Burke has really plumbed new depths. The participation in this assault on our society by…

  2. I reckon it is a way to very openly cut across a whole bunch of back-door corrupt dealings that have…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x