Forget the trousers… that entire suit is utterly ill-fitting. Joe might not know where he is half the time, but at least his suit fits.
I’m quoting my late grandfather, but Albanese’s tailor should have been hanged with his tape measure, and buried at the crossroads with his scissors driven through his heart.
Dino Saur
October 27, 2023 6:22 pm
“The banality of evil”
Inner city intellectuals celebrating Hamas, beheaders and rapists of Israeli women and children and sacrificers of their own. If they cared about the Palestinians, they would call out Hamas and they would demand the release of the hostages. Their “passion” merely signifies a shallowness of character bereft of any real caring, a vacuous going through the motions to be agreeable.
October 27, 2023 6:23 pm
Jordan and Bjorn are really smart guys; but overly optimistic. If Trump does not get back in and do a massive clean out the West and therefore the world is fuked.
Trump couldn’t appoint or hire effective people to run a decent purge.
October 27, 2023 6:23 pm
Bruce, they’re trying so hard to hide it. It would be amusing if it wasn’t so corrosive.
Trump couldn’t appoint or hire effective people to run a decent purge.
Who could then?
Top Ender
October 27, 2023 6:28 pm
How the National Indigenous Australians Agency is facing 15 separate cases of fraud worth $12 million within its grants – and spent $607k ‘understanding treaty and truth-telling’
The FBI bit was, of course.
I do not believe there are enough adults in the US of sufficient horsepower to level their ship, either with persuasion, firings or enforced ‘balance’.
Electing the Trumpster will be like appointing Janet Albrechtsen to the ABC board. There is what we want, and then there is what is possible, and finally there is what actually happens.
October 27, 2023 6:39 pm
Oct 27, 2023 6:23 PM
Jordan and Bjorn are really smart guys; but overly optimistic. If Trump does not get back in and do a massive clean out the West and therefore the world is fuked.
Trump couldn’t appoint or hire effective people to run a decent purge.
He could sign an executive order that would state who is to be fired or what positions will be eliminated. He would need Republicans to be in the majority in the House and willing to withhold funding for those positions and if they don’t then he could rightly point the finger at the culprits.
October 27, 2023 6:41 pm
I almost had a brush with fame today at Sydney Airport’s domestic terminal. I had just got off a flight and headed to baggage claim. Paul Murray, the Sky host, was walking towards a gate. I didn’t stop to chat.
His seat is Watson which in 2013 had a population of 161,616, 32734 muzzies or 20.3% and his winning margin was 9.1%.
I am deeply ashamed to say that this creep is our local member.
I am beside myself with anger at the moment about this and other antisemitism.
Had a conversation with a woman I usually like as I was leaving work. European but rampantly pro-palestine. I can’t believe how easily this stuff has risen to the surface. In a normal world Burqa would be pelted with fruit and cream pies for his statements. Given he did the dirty on his wife that already speaks volumes about his character, such as he has one.
October 27, 2023 6:43 pm
Oct 27, 2023 6:28 PM
Trump couldn’t appoint or hire effective people to run a decent purge.
Who could then?
I reckon for Obama’s next term, the FBI will.
I expect you mean purge the non-swamp people. They are already half-way there.
October 27, 2023 6:45 pm
I can’t believe how easily this stuff has risen to the surface.
I can.
It has before, and it will happen again. Sadly, it’s often “nice” people…until they aren’t.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 27, 2023 6:53 pm
In a normal world Burqa would be pelted with fruit and cream pies for his statements
What’s wrong with dead cats and rotten eggs?
Real Deal
October 27, 2023 6:57 pm
What’s wrong with dead cats and rotten eggs?
I did originally write rotten eggs but changed it to cream pies. I’m such a polite person at heart you see.
If Trump does not get back in and do a massive clean out the West and therefore the world is fuked.
beg to differ on this. the “west” doesn’t depend on one politician to succeed or not – and this is by design.
October 27, 2023 7:03 pm
the “west” doesn’t depend on one politician to succeed or not – and this is by design.
I like the cut of your jib, sir.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 27, 2023 7:08 pm
Why specialist sexual assault courts are a terrible idea
janet albrechtsen Follow @jkalbrechtsen janet albrechtsen
6:47PM October 27, 2023
What country comes to mind when you hear official proposals for juryless trials and re-education camps? If you said China, you might have spoken too soon. Australia could be next if some misguided souls in the legal profession get their way.
No one doubts that sexual violence is a scourge we must try to stamp out. Perpetrators of this serious crime should be severely punished. That is non-contestable. Sadly, when it comes to sexual assault, fundamental principles at the centre of our criminal justice system have become contestable among those in power.
A report released in August and commissioned by the federal Attorney-General’s Department and the Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration reveals how easily fundamental principles of our criminal justice system could be done away with by those who ought to be best placed to understand their importance and champion them. This deeply flawed report is premised entirely on how to improve outcomes for “victim-survivors”. It contemplates further consideration of juryless trials, special training for counsel appearing in such trials and other specialist management of sexual assault cases. Not once does it canvas the possibility of a complainant making a false allegation of rape and how the justice system must deal with that.
Indeed, it adopts the phrase “victim-survivor”, not complainant, even though it canvasses suggestions to legal settings such as court proceedings before guilt has been established. This phrase is deliberately emotive and misleading. At law, until there is guilty verdict, there is no victim, only a complainant.
For other reasons, too, this report is nothing short of dangerous. Once we imagine the right way to increase conviction rates for sexual assault is to abandon trial by jury, curtail cross-examination or insist on specialist courts run by judges and lawyers who have been properly re-educated to believe in current dogma such as “believe all women”, we will have abandoned the proper administration of justice.
What is doubly remarkable is that the senior judge who heads up the AIJA congratulated the authors in the report’s foreword. Northern Territory Supreme Court judge Jenny Blokland is president of the AIJA, which was set up decades ago to make the administration of courts more efficient. Judges are suitably placed to speak about that administrative task, but when did it become the role of judges to get involved in controversial suggestions to secure higher convictions for sexual assault? Under our system of separation of powers, this is squarely a policy issue for the legislature, with input from Bar associations, law societies and other lobby groups.
Since when did seeking greater efficiency in the court system in a liberal democracy mean moving more seamlessly from accusation to verdict in any area of the law?
Call me old-fashioned about justice, if you will, but why didn’t Blokland at least offer a sober warning about the need to balance the interests of a complainant and a defendant? Hasn’t that omission potentially revealed something about this judge that might to be of concern to defendants? It concerns me, and I’m not in the dock in her courtroom.
Do Blokland’s congratulatory words about this flawed report represent the views of Murray Aldridge (a judge on the Federal Circuit and Family Court), Malcolm Blue (from the South Australian Supreme Court), Julie Ward (president of the NSW Court of Appeal), and Susan Thomas (Chief Justice of the New Zealand High Court) – all AIJA board members? Does the AIJA speak for other judges around the country in its endorsement of consideration of such novel and controversial suggestions?
It is one thing for a defendant to choose not to exercise their right to a trial by jury, where that is an option. It is entirely different for a government to remove the fundamental right of trial by jury from a defendant.
Arthur Moses SC, leading silk and former president of the NSW Bar Association and the Law Council of Australia, told me on Friday: “Bodies purporting to represent the judiciary should be careful not to advocate any policy reform that interferes with the right to a jury trial for certain offences. It could be misconstrued as elitist and suggesting citizens have no role in the justice system when the opposite is true. I would remind the authors to pay regard to the words of Thomas Jefferson: ‘I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which government can be held to the principles of its constitution’.”
Specialist sexual assault courts are a terrible idea. They risk becoming prosecuting courts, not courts overseeing the administration of justice. A separate system of different “justice” would allow these courts to believe they are so special that they can do away with the protections of the criminal justice system and indulge in unfair practices such as significantly curtailed forms of cross-examination. It would mean a person on trial for murder would have more rights than a person defending a rape charge.
Moreover, as Moses says, “Any further attempts to water down or restrict cross-examination in sexual assault cases could result in a court not obtaining access to all available evidence and hence convictions based on falsehoods.”
Moses is troubled that many of the recommendations to make changes to the criminal justice system are sought to be justified as “victim-centred measures” that “ignore the right of an accused to a fair trial by a competent, independent and impartial court”.
“Any person charged with a criminal offence, regardless of the nature of the offence, is entitled to the presumption of innocence. I am troubled that this report appears to ignore the indefeasible right of an accused to confront his or her accusers in a trial by challenging their evidence through cross-examination,” says Moses.
“Courts should not become instruments of injustice by adopting what are said to be ‘victim-centred measures’. Courts must always be instruments of justice balancing equally the duty of fairness to the accused, fairness to complainants and the overriding duty to the community in whose name it undertakes to administer justice impartially.”
Moses says he expects these suggestions “would be met with fierce opposition from the Australian legal profession” as it has been in Scotland, where pilots of juryless trials are being considered.
Now is the time for the country’s Bar associations and law societies to speak up loud and clear. Does the end (increased conviction rates) justify such means?
In the wake of the apparently comatose response of the ACT government and legal authorities to the damning Sofronoff report, we are already entitled to ask if key legal institutions, at least in the ACT, have decided that the need to get conviction rates up for sexual assault trials justifies any level of dirty tricks and unethical behaviour that helps increase conviction rates. Is this to be the new normal?
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 27, 2023 7:08 pm
It is so good to be back and able to watch The Late Show on Sky once more.
Liz Storer was fantastic last night. Telling it the way it is.
Glad someone put a transcript up here for those without Sky. It’s only half as good without her voice and intonations though, so you can see simply from the transcript how amazingly good it really was in person.
A beautiful woman with a very fine soul about her.
October 27, 2023 7:22 pm
I almost had a brush with fame today at Sydney Airport’s domestic terminal.
Daughter, Aussie passport, at Sydney after returning from USA. What a dog’s breakfast. 2 hours waiting for automated blue paper and auto photo – no lanes people pushing in only 4 auto thingies going for large crowds. American said he’s been all over the world – worst airport ever been in. !
Apologies if already posted, but today’s Pauline Hanson Please Explain cartoon looks to me like the Australian left, sick of being made fun of, has figured out how to infiltrate the only successful satire series by those outside the loony left bubble. Very dark.
October 27, 2023 7:27 pm
Trump couldn’t appoint or hire effective people to run a decent purge.
I think I will have to agree with that. Trump’s policy platform has been largely very good but his two downfalls are his unchecked narcissism and his abysmal selection of suitable people in powerful positions…
October 27, 2023 7:28 pm
Dino Saur
Oct 27, 2023 6:22 PM
At the risk of being labelled a tedious and repetitive poster … Oh. Aaaanyway… The state of our path-to-rigor-mortis society can be distilled to: Insiders vs. Outsiders. Gang culture.
Everyone knows that Outsiders are fair game, so even if you don’t especially want to be an Insider (which many of course do; acceptance, maybe popularity, protection (until you transgress the gang’s rules that is), the chance to live out anti-social fantasies perhaps, etc.), remaining an Outsider is risky. If we do possess a value system and are not (yet) willing to go through the ‘prospect’ challenge, perhaps it’s worth making similar gestures and pretending to be an ‘ally?’ It’s throwing a gang sign: ‘Hey, I’m not a threat.’ By doing so, the gang/insiders will hopefully choose a different victim.
I really don’t think conservatives have as solid a grasp on human psychology as is needed.
We are not the only ones reminiscing fondly of the old Hendo and Marr days on The Ol’ Leathery Green-Left Hour with the Media Watchdog taking a stroll down memory lane this week. Woof woof.
I think I will have to agree with that. Trump’s policy platform has been largely very good but his two downfalls are his unchecked narcissism and his abysmal selection of suitable people in powerful positions…
Where, exactly, was he going to find “suitable people in powerful positions”?
The eye opening thing is how totally the elite class has taken over. Tillerman, the CEO of Exxon, turned out to be a lefty deep stater, as was Meadows-of-the-wire, his chief of frikken staff.
He got Pompeo and Ben Carson. they were the only ones who weren’t seditious bastards. Pence turned out to be a traitor. Milley too, and Wray.
Then there was McConnell preventing anyone with MAGA sympathy from being approved by the Senate. Remember when it was going to take 11 years to get approval for all the appointees for Trump’s first 4 year term?
The problem is so deep it’s impossible. Anyone with sufficient expertise and experience is suborned. Only by appointing people from very low levels can you get past the deep state stratum, and they don’t have experience.
I don’t know what Trump has planned if he should unexpectedly win in 2024 but it could not be steady as it goes. He’s not dumb. The elites have gone totally nutty and fascist, and there are so few patriots remaining in that social stratum that I doubt he could even find enough experienced people, even if the Senate would approve them. McConnell, for example, despite his mental problems is clearly trying to live long enough to prevent that.
The best thing about Trump is he’s shone a light. Amazing how many vermin were in view when he did so. We never knew how bad the infestation was. Now we do.
I really don’t think the US can come back from its current condition, but Trump will go to his grave satisfied that he tried his damnedest.
October 27, 2023 8:08 pm
In other news…of Old Australia.
The Beloved just won the seafood platter at golf today! 😀
name it how you like – the house committee concluded he was the main actor in an attempt to overturn the election and stop congress proclaiming the election.
Like some of his policy positions, but his methods are “unsound”.
October 27, 2023 8:27 pm
beg to differ on this. the “west” doesn’t depend on one politician to succeed or not – and this is by design.
‘Put not your trust in princes…’
But hope Trump gets up, all the same.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 27, 2023 8:32 pm
The Beloved just won the seafood platter at golf today!
“Golf is a superior form of exercise, marred only by the need to hit the ball.”
Ulysses S Grant.
H B Bear
October 27, 2023 8:34 pm
Seafood platter, mmmm fancy. With sheep prices where they are you could probably get a whole flock and go the full Eid over the weekend.
Bruce of Newcastle
October 27, 2023 8:35 pm
name it how you like – the house committee concluded he was the main actor in an attempt to overturn the election and stop congress proclaiming the election.
Oh ROFL! Objecting about an election that was clearly stolen by the Democrats is supposed to be “insurrrection”?
Can I have some of what you’re smoking. It’d make me feel better about how things are right now.
I do hope he has a chance to put forward the vast amount of evidence in the Georgia court case. Starting with 2000 Mules, and going on with the footage from the counting rooms. Then to the election software and voting machines. Unfortunately I doubt he will have that chance since the case is a stitch up.
No Republican can win in 2024, it’s a cold stacked deck. But Trump is doing the best he can to unstack it. No one else is even trying. Not the Republican elites, they’re sh1t scared that their own voters, who are Trump supporters, will take the party away from them.
We have the same problem in Oz of course, the people running the Liberal Party are playing for the other side. At least in the US the primary system gives ordinary voters a bit of a say. Not here, it’s all settled in Photios controlled smoke filled rooms with Captain’s picks.
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 27, 2023 8:39 pm
Palestinian society has been ‘hijacked’ by Hamas
They’re going to fly Palestine into the ground!
Oh, never mind, they alreadydid.
(In the chart, peak poverty is the year Hamas took over Gaza.)
October 27, 2023 8:40 pm
Tom, the Please Explain team are having a break. That cartoon is not theirs.
Many thanks, Warwick at 7.59pm. As I say, the replacement cartoon is very dark — much better, IMO, to have no cartoon at all rather than one that undermines the series.
October 27, 2023 8:40 pm
At least in the US the primary system gives ordinary voters a bit of a say. Not here, it’s all settled in Photios controlled smoke filled rooms with Captain’s picks.
Damn straight.
October 27, 2023 8:41 pm
How the National Indigenous Australians Agency is facing 15 separate cases of fraud worth $12 million within its grants – and spent $607k ‘understanding treaty and truth-telling’
Just re watching The Big Sleep with Bogart and Bacall. He was a lucky man; she is drop dead gorgeous and by the look she gives him at the end it was all going his way:
name it how you like – the house committee concluded he was the main actor in an attempt to overturn the election and stop congress proclaiming the election.
Oh ROFL! Objecting about an election that was clearly stolen by the Democrats is supposed to be “insurrrection”?
Most people agree the election was not stolen. They could be wrong and I guess the evidence is there for anyone who wants to make that case, as Trump and Giulani did.
Most people agree that attacking government buildings and trying to disrupt the transfer of power is kinda close to an actual insurrection. And again, the people might be wrong but evidence seems to suggest its a fair description of the events on that date.
We have the same problem in Oz of course, the people running the Liberal Party are playing for the other side. At least in the US the primary system gives ordinary voters a bit of a say. Not here, it’s all settled in Photios controlled smoke filled rooms with Captain’s picks.
It’s always been that way. The illusion that the people were ever in control has been encouraged so as to keep us compliant.
What has changed is that some more of us have seen the corruption these days. It’s more blatant than usual. But the only thing we can do is whinge about it, and those who are in power are going to put a stop to that too.
October 27, 2023 8:47 pm
Then there was McConnell preventing anyone with MAGA sympathy from being approved by the Senate. Remember when it was going to take 11 years to get approval for all the appointees for Trump’s first 4 year term?
Trump did very well in the Senate approval for judicial appointments. Based on appointments per year of presidency since Reagan, Trump was at least 20% of the lot.
He appointed 58 per year compared to Reagan, Bush1 and Clinton with 48, Bush2 and Obama 41 and Biden has 35 per year so far…
McConnell is a snake but he is not the problem. The quality of Republican Senators who elect him is the problem…
October 27, 2023 8:48 pm
In the chart, peak poverty is the year Hamas took over Gaza.
And it hasn’t improved much since.
Those Israelis sure do have a lot to answer for.
October 27, 2023 8:49 pm
name it how you like – the house committee concluded he was the main actor in an attempt to overturn the election and stop congress proclaiming the election.
Any committee involving Democrats which is investigating Trump for “insurrection” is like fraudsters investigating the person they defrauded, to distract from their crime.
Most people agree that attacking government buildings and trying to disrupt the transfer of power is kinda close to an actual insurrection. And again, the people might be wrong but evidence seems to suggest its a fair description of the events on that date.
How do you rate storming the Senate to attempt to disrupt the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice? Or pulling a fire alarm to prevent an important vote on matters budgetary?
Bruce of Newcastle
October 27, 2023 8:51 pm
Most people agree the election was not stolen.
I really have to have some of whatever it is you are on. It’s clearly good stuff.
We Cats knew it was stolen within twodays. It was obvious. And became even more obvious as more stuff trickled out.
The fun thing is that pollsters have found that most Americans think the election was stolen, including more than two thirds of Republican voters. So your comment is not even correct.
What a mixed up world we live in when terrorists can fly around the world on commercial airlines to have “talks” with heads of state(s) .. Qatar Air flies a top level HAMAS leader to Moscow for “talks” with Vlad …. FFS!
One upon a time we killed terrorists not entertained them! ….. how reality changes to suit the agenda .. terror good, Israel bad … !
Or as in the UK .. give ’em welfare, citizenship and a discounted house ……..!
October 27, 2023 8:55 pm
Most people agree that attacking government buildings and trying to disrupt the transfer of power is kinda close to an actual insurrection.
Which leftists did on a far worse scale after Trump’s election in 2016, for those with very conveniently short memories.
And many Democrats and the MSM voiced their approval of it.
And during the 2020 BLM riots many buildings including federal ones were badly vandalised, and some even destroyed or burned, again often with Democrat approval.
Mark from Melbourne
October 27, 2023 8:56 pm
Backwards Kamala, I do like your style.
Sh!t stirring at its finest.
October 27, 2023 8:58 pm
Qatar Air flies a top level HAMAS leader to Moscow for “talks” with Vlad …
October 27, 2023 8:59 pm
That’s the third time in three weeks Hamas have visited Moscow, btw.
The 2020 election was stolen. I watched it happen in real time, FFS.
I’m not even a yank and so shouldn’t have given a rodent’s about Fatty Trump being (allegedly) punted.
Well yes, I wouldn’t have if the world hadn’t immediately turned to shite just afterwards.
October 27, 2023 9:02 pm
Most people agree the election was not stolen.
“Most people,” as in most MSM people reaching consensus?
They could be wrong and I guess the evidence is there for anyone who wants to make that case, as Trump and Giulani did.
Here’s my evidence.
Every single American institution has been seen to be corrupted. Every single one.
However, you and others expect the rest of us to believe that an election run by 50 states with each one running an election system that can’t be audited is the only thing that isn’t corrupted. That’s what you expect us to believe.
Within the week Trump was elected, Crooked and the Demons began the Wussia hoax that lasted 2 years. They hounded the guy to the last day in office. They made up riots etc. Oh, but cheating in an election would have gone just too far.
Most people agree that attacking government buildings and trying to disrupt the transfer of power is kinda close to an actual insurrection.
Most people who agree with the msm would believe that. A bunch of people who were basically unarmed went against the most powerful military in the world to take over the government, and then left after the protest. That’s an insurrection, yeah?
And again, the people might be wrong but evidence seems to suggest its a fair description of the events on that date.
Fair, who determines fair? You?
October 27, 2023 9:02 pm
I’ve just watched a fascinating youtube video – Did Isr@el Steal P@lestini@n Land? – from the Ayn Rand Institute (which I know nothing about), regarding four maps of Isr@el which apparently constitute a very successful pro-P@lestini@n propaganda tool. It’s 35 minutes long, and the two presenters digress now and then, but I’ve learned quite a few facts (which I intend to research and confirm) I hadn’t been aware of.
Black Ball
October 27, 2023 9:03 pm
He received no support from her, all she had to say was that she disagree with what he wrote on Twitter about that creepy sinister homosexual Greenfilth but he’s entitled to his opinions. Instead, she joined in on the ludicrous condemnations.
Or I think in her heart she believes what Latham said. But tries to curry favour with those inner city idiots who would never vote for her.
Leaders lead in wartime and make no mistake, we are at war with the Left on multiple fronts. Doesn’t have to be shooting guns.
Black Ball
October 27, 2023 9:05 pm
Oct 27, 2023 9:02 PM
Great analysis
Bruce of Newcastle
October 27, 2023 9:05 pm
Being ushered around the Capitol, between the guide ropes, is “attacking government buildings”?
I’m amused that Mr Bowman who disrupted Congressional business got a fine of $1000 and 3 months probation, where the guys who were guided into the Capitol got four years in a hellhole.
My favourite bit was in the swing states when counting stopped Trump was well ahead but when counting resumed the next day he was behind. That is a genuine fuking miracle.
Bruce of Newcastle
October 27, 2023 9:16 pm
The royal “we”. You don’t speak for all Cats.
Cassie – You know very well the 2020 US election was stolen. I have given evidence. It’s quite clear. Then there’s the 2000 Mules doco and the footage from the counting rooms, plus the fraudulent mail in votes, the fake electoral registrations, the dozens votes coming from the same addresses. and so on.
I do not use the royal we, I am no fan of royals per se. I am a scientist who is interested in what data says. That, regarding the 2020 US election, is conclusive.
October 27, 2023 9:18 pm
It was stolen from the point of view of the public being denied details/truth about very important stuff.
HB laptop for one.
The made up bullshit of the Russia collusion and peeing prostitutes, another.
Face it, people.
Not everyone can detach themselves from their opinions of the man and what the man actually did.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 27, 2023 9:19 pm
Anyway, “Sliante” to all you mob.
I’m reading an account of the fall of Singapore – the Japanese version – written by one Masanobu Tsuji – Chief of Planning under General Yamashita. He makes the point that, far from being expert at jungle warfare, two of the three Japanese divisions involved in the campaign were deployed from the front in China, and had never seen the jungle. The foreword is by one Gordon Bennett….
Pauline needs to bow out of public life. Like, immediately, man (or womanage) …
She’s not the sort of personage that is going to attract disaffected normal people to her cause. She’s not been on message of late and is increasingly indulged by those fake Sky after Dark “conservatives”.
It has to stop.
If I had my way, Lizzie S would be my preferred “conservative” spokeswomanage.
You don’t easily counter a Brunette Amazon Goddess. 🙂
October 27, 2023 9:20 pm
We Cats knew it was stolen within two days.”
The royal “we”. You don’t speak for all Cats.
It was pretty obvious. The biggest giveaway was the response to calls for an audit. If the Dems believed they’d won legitimately they’d have all been in favour of an audit. They fought against any audit anywhere as hard as they could.
October 27, 2023 9:20 pm
I suspect that the terrorist in this case was one of the Gazan ‘civilians’ taking advantage of the situation. $370 can buy 2 lives.
Bruce of Newcastle
October 27, 2023 9:24 pm
The tell in the election is how violently the Democrats and the deep state reacted to the challenges. The persecution of everyone who has had any temerity to question the 2020 result is severe. If there wasn’t cause to suspect the election was stolen they would not react so hyperbolicly. So the intense response both confirms the election was in fact stolen and that they’re widely broadcasting that anyone who says anything about it will be hounded into penury. It’s a very revealing warning.
Or “hyperbowliklee”, if you’re after a slightly more phonetic pronunciation … 😕
Bruce of Newcastle
October 27, 2023 9:33 pm
”We Cats knew it”
Yep. I was there at the time Cassie. We did.
When there’s an election we all go into overdrive, you know that. We’re junkies. You are too. I’d say that by the next day there was a pretty clear consensus the election was dirty, and in another day or so it was as clear as crystal. I’d linked the posts from Joanne Nova as she posted them on her blog. The 3am ballot drops and the Benford’s Law failure were immediate signs of what had happened. Over the next week we had all sorts of stuff come out, of apparatchiks caught on video putting Biden ballots through machines over and over, to Republican scrutineers being ejected and boards put over the windows so they couldn’t see in. It was fascinating to watch evil in action.
I said above, and I’ll say it again, you don’t speak for all Cats. I know you might want to, I know you might imagine you do, but you do not speak for all Cats.
October 27, 2023 9:41 pm
Went to see the Moon movie – whatever it’s called. It was very good, but 3 1/2 hours is just too long to sit through. Wifey reckons I slept for about 30 mins (with snoring). I don’t feel I missed any part of the movie, which suggests it was too long. 🙂
A policy platform for any normal “politician” attempting to gain some traction with the electorate:
Well, the first thing I would like to say is that normal people should vote for me for the following reasons:
I am not a communist
I am not a hypocrite
I am a capitalist
I think gerbil worming is a load of fact and evidence free anti-scientific bullshit
No more immigration
No more socialism
No more dividing people
No more tolerating criminality and lawlessness
No more corruption
No more inexcusable wastage of taxpayers’ money
No more internationalism
No more placing Ozzies last
No more monoversities
No more ALPBC
No more korporate kronies
No more kiddies being told they aren’t normal
No more magickal OPM grubbing stone age imbeciles
No more guilt …
So yeah, feel free to cast your vote for me and my fellow non-collectivists.
You know you want to … 🙂
Bruce of Newcastle
October 27, 2023 9:48 pm
No Cassie I don’t speak for you, you are yourself. I respect that. I especially respect your deep local knowledge when it comes to election matters and politics, and I find your stories about such things fascinating. Please continue to write about this!
Nevertheless the data is clear that the 2020 US Presidential election was stolen, and it seems certain that the 2024 election will likewise be. It’s sad to see the end of such a nation. I do not know what will rise in it’s place, and I won’t be around long enough to find out unfortunately. The next few decades may be quite busy in a “may you live in interesting times” sense.
Never say never, Fatty Trump isn’t going to win NY
JC – if he had rightfully been Prez for the last two and three quarter years, we wouldn’t be facing the seemingly never ending cavalcade of utterly bizarre sh*t we’ve had foisted on us ever since.
Stolen elections have consequences. 🙁
October 27, 2023 10:13 pm
Andre Rieu needs to get off his butt.
Really put that Scorsese pretender in his place.
October 27, 2023 10:17 pm
Oct 27, 2023 10:13 PM
Andre Rieu needs to get off his butt.
Stop trying to get a reaction, Jorge. 🙂
October 27, 2023 10:18 pm
I’m on a documentary tonight.
Was Noah’s Ark a large coracle?
Did it come to rest after the flood, not ON Mt. Ararat, but in the Ararat area?
The Ark Before Noah (youtube) deals with the first question, and though almost 1 hour in length, is very interesting. A charismatic, eccentric, academic tells the story of how his reading of a Babylonian tablet led to the construction of a scale model of an ark in the form of a large coracle, that may or may not have been the basis for the elements of the biblical Noah’s story.
Taylor Swift released a concert movie at the same time.
Her movie has creamed the Scorsese.
Not to mention the release this weekend of her version of “1898”, the lyrics of one of the songs is posted below:
Well, I’m a vacuous blonde bimbette
Did I tell you I’m like, totally het?
I’ve never had an original thought in my life
But I tells ya I’ll never be ya trophy wife!
Yeah it’s like, 1898, baby, 1898!
My legs have got that matchstick look
I’ve never evah like, read a book
My fans are all as dumb as me
For my songs they’ll even waste money!
I was referencing your comment about the Hair Monster, not Swift.
October 27, 2023 10:44 pm
In the wake of the apparently comatose response of the ACT government and legal authorities to the damning Sofronoff report, we are already entitled to ask if key legal institutions, at least in the ACT, have decided that the need to get conviction rates up for sexual assault trials justifies any level of dirty tricks and unethical behaviour that helps increase conviction rates. Is this to be the new normal?
One might wonder, given the previous propensity for the lefty legal fraternity to run a bit dead on the sexual abuse of minors, if they will create a carve out to excuse perpetrators of these kinds of offences? Believe all women but the kids were asking for it?
October 27, 2023 10:45 pm
October 27, 2023 10:46 pm
That’s the third time in three weeks Hamas have visited Moscow, btw.
Wifey reckons I slept for about 30 mins (with snoring).
I would never complain about your snoring head prefect.
October 27, 2023 10:55 pm
ZK2A I’m good. Just paying attention.
October 27, 2023 11:00 pm
I remember 1898 like it was ….just like yesterday, I couldn’t get my internet to work.
October 27, 2023 11:06 pm
What’s happening on the Q front. Lost touch since you found the blog out of sorts and left in a huff.
October 27, 2023 11:07 pm
I’ll check in again tomorrow
October 27, 2023 11:12 pm
I don’t think I left in a huff. Trump didn’t walk out and give them the keys. This is likely to be seen soon given that he has said he will be putting into evidence of foreign interference in the 2016 and 2020 elections.
Thanks, Squire – “Owls” are a reference to poor ol’ Cronkite, who appears nowadays to be lusting after carbon based lifeforms that resemble personages of indeterminate sex …
JC – if he had rightfully been Prez for the last two and three quarter years
Oct 27, 2023 10:45 PM
EO 13818 EO 13848
I’m surprised it took Qustard a whole thirty seven minutes to show up after that giant red rag was waved in the wind.
I swear I was going to reply to Rabz with a joke about Trump still being president while invoking the spirit of Custard, when I scroll down and find he’s already appeared.
Boambee John
October 28, 2023 8:52 am
I am a capitalist
No more korporate kronies
Korporate kronies are inevitable with capitalism.
Change “I am a capitalist” to “I support free enterprise”.
The three-bedroom home where Ms Tobin has been living has a maximum “per participant” price of $42,000 per year, but NDISP had been claiming her full $90,000 annual NDIS housing allocation to enable her to remain as a sole occupant.
I’m quoting my late grandfather, but Albanese’s tailor should have been hanged with his tape measure, and buried at the crossroads with his scissors driven through his heart.
“The banality of evil”
Inner city intellectuals celebrating Hamas, beheaders and rapists of Israeli women and children and sacrificers of their own. If they cared about the Palestinians, they would call out Hamas and they would demand the release of the hostages. Their “passion” merely signifies a shallowness of character bereft of any real caring, a vacuous going through the motions to be agreeable.
Trump couldn’t appoint or hire effective people to run a decent purge.
Bruce, they’re trying so hard to hide it. It would be amusing if it wasn’t so corrosive.
Trump couldn’t appoint or hire effective people to run a decent purge.
Who could then?
How the National Indigenous Australians Agency is facing 15 separate cases of fraud worth $12 million within its grants – and spent $607k ‘understanding treaty and truth-telling’
Daily Mail
I reckon for Obama’s next term, the FBI will.
I reckon for Obama’s next term, the FBI will.
Oh ok, you’re taking the piss.
Maybe he smelled of elderberries.
And throw in the hamster and it’s done!
The FBI bit was, of course.
I do not believe there are enough adults in the US of sufficient horsepower to level their ship, either with persuasion, firings or enforced ‘balance’.
Electing the Trumpster will be like appointing Janet Albrechtsen to the ABC board. There is what we want, and then there is what is possible, and finally there is what actually happens.
He could sign an executive order that would state who is to be fired or what positions will be eliminated. He would need Republicans to be in the majority in the House and willing to withhold funding for those positions and if they don’t then he could rightly point the finger at the culprits.
I almost had a brush with fame today at Sydney Airport’s domestic terminal. I had just got off a flight and headed to baggage claim. Paul Murray, the Sky host, was walking towards a gate. I didn’t stop to chat.
Why tony burqa is a muzzie man:
His seat is Watson which in 2013 had a population of 161,616, 32734 muzzies or 20.3% and his winning margin was 9.1%.
I am deeply ashamed to say that this creep is our local member.
I am beside myself with anger at the moment about this and other antisemitism.
Had a conversation with a woman I usually like as I was leaving work. European but rampantly pro-palestine. I can’t believe how easily this stuff has risen to the surface. In a normal world Burqa would be pelted with fruit and cream pies for his statements. Given he did the dirty on his wife that already speaks volumes about his character, such as he has one.
I expect you mean purge the non-swamp people. They are already half-way there.
I can.
It has before, and it will happen again. Sadly, it’s often “nice” people…until they aren’t.
What’s wrong with dead cats and rotten eggs?
What’s wrong with dead cats and rotten eggs?
I did originally write rotten eggs but changed it to cream pies. I’m such a polite person at heart you see.
beg to differ on this. the “west” doesn’t depend on one politician to succeed or not – and this is by design.
I like the cut of your jib, sir.
It is so good to be back and able to watch The Late Show on Sky once more.
Liz Storer was fantastic last night. Telling it the way it is.
Glad someone put a transcript up here for those without Sky. It’s only half as good without her voice and intonations though, so you can see simply from the transcript how amazingly good it really was in person.
A beautiful woman with a very fine soul about her.
I almost had a brush with fame today at Sydney Airport’s domestic terminal.
Daughter, Aussie passport, at Sydney after returning from USA. What a dog’s breakfast. 2 hours waiting for automated blue paper and auto photo – no lanes people pushing in only 4 auto thingies going for large crowds. American said he’s been all over the world – worst airport ever been in. !
Apologies if already posted, but today’s Pauline Hanson Please Explain cartoon looks to me like the Australian left, sick of being made fun of, has figured out how to infiltrate the only successful satire series by those outside the loony left bubble. Very dark.
Trump couldn’t appoint or hire effective people to run a decent purge.
I think I will have to agree with that. Trump’s policy platform has been largely very good but his two downfalls are his unchecked narcissism and his abysmal selection of suitable people in powerful positions…
Dino Saur
Oct 27, 2023 6:22 PM
At the risk of being labelled a tedious and repetitive poster … Oh. Aaaanyway… The state of our path-to-rigor-mortis society can be distilled to: Insiders vs. Outsiders. Gang culture.
Everyone knows that Outsiders are fair game, so even if you don’t especially want to be an Insider (which many of course do; acceptance, maybe popularity, protection (until you transgress the gang’s rules that is), the chance to live out anti-social fantasies perhaps, etc.), remaining an Outsider is risky. If we do possess a value system and are not (yet) willing to go through the ‘prospect’ challenge, perhaps it’s worth making similar gestures and pretending to be an ‘ally?’ It’s throwing a gang sign: ‘Hey, I’m not a threat.’ By doing so, the gang/insiders will hopefully choose a different victim.
I really don’t think conservatives have as solid a grasp on human psychology as is needed.
the “west” doesn’t depend on one politician to succeed or not – and this is by design.
I like the cut of your jib, sir.
You guys aren’t taking the piss, you’re on it.
Its Friday PM in Oz – we are doing the patriotic thing i.e. taking and consuming the stuff
a song to start the weekend … shake it down now
Brick House
American said he’s been all over the world – worst airport ever been in. !
Obviously been to more airports outside the US than in it… nothing is worse than some US airports…
Daily Mail.
Never been to POM then?
Sydney can be hell at peak times, but so can LHR and don’t get me started on the aptly named Schiphol. 😀
Yikes! I’ve lost my gravatar! Try again…
American said he’s been all over the world – worst airport ever been in. !
Never been to POM then? Sydney can be hell at peak times, but so can LHR and don’t get me started on the aptly named Schiphol. ?
Hopium and copium. Almost as good as Southwark.
Tom, the Please Explain team are having a break. That cartoon is not theirs.
When dogs have rabies…
And these dogs deliberately infect their children and incubate the rabies virus.
Connect These 5 Dots & You Won’t Be Able to Unsee It | Dinesh D’Souza
We are not the only ones reminiscing fondly of the old Hendo and Marr days on The Ol’ Leathery Green-Left Hour with the Media Watchdog taking a stroll down memory lane this week. Woof woof.
Is Serfdom Humanity’s Default?
Where, exactly, was he going to find “suitable people in powerful positions”?
The eye opening thing is how totally the elite class has taken over. Tillerman, the CEO of Exxon, turned out to be a lefty deep stater, as was Meadows-of-the-wire, his chief of frikken staff.
He got Pompeo and Ben Carson. they were the only ones who weren’t seditious bastards. Pence turned out to be a traitor. Milley too, and Wray.
Then there was McConnell preventing anyone with MAGA sympathy from being approved by the Senate. Remember when it was going to take 11 years to get approval for all the appointees for Trump’s first 4 year term?
The problem is so deep it’s impossible. Anyone with sufficient expertise and experience is suborned. Only by appointing people from very low levels can you get past the deep state stratum, and they don’t have experience.
I don’t know what Trump has planned if he should unexpectedly win in 2024 but it could not be steady as it goes. He’s not dumb. The elites have gone totally nutty and fascist, and there are so few patriots remaining in that social stratum that I doubt he could even find enough experienced people, even if the Senate would approve them. McConnell, for example, despite his mental problems is clearly trying to live long enough to prevent that.
The best thing about Trump is he’s shone a light. Amazing how many vermin were in view when he did so. We never knew how bad the infestation was. Now we do.
I really don’t think the US can come back from its current condition, but Trump will go to his grave satisfied that he tried his damnedest.
In other news…of Old Australia.
The Beloved just won the seafood platter at golf today! 😀
He tried “trump” style and also insurrection … what is left in the locker for reforming such a corrupted system as BON described?
Alamak – When did Trump try insurrection? Please educate me I’m all ears.
He did not try “insurrection.”
Quit the leftist gaslighting meme.
name it how you like – the house committee concluded he was the main actor in an attempt to overturn the election and stop congress proclaiming the election.
Like some of his policy positions, but his methods are “unsound”.
‘Put not your trust in princes…’
But hope Trump gets up, all the same.
“Golf is a superior form of exercise, marred only by the need to hit the ball.”
Ulysses S Grant.
Seafood platter, mmmm fancy. With sheep prices where they are you could probably get a whole flock and go the full Eid over the weekend.
Oh ROFL! Objecting about an election that was clearly stolen by the Democrats is supposed to be “insurrrection”?
Can I have some of what you’re smoking. It’d make me feel better about how things are right now.
I do hope he has a chance to put forward the vast amount of evidence in the Georgia court case. Starting with 2000 Mules, and going on with the footage from the counting rooms. Then to the election software and voting machines. Unfortunately I doubt he will have that chance since the case is a stitch up.
No Republican can win in 2024, it’s a cold stacked deck. But Trump is doing the best he can to unstack it. No one else is even trying. Not the Republican elites, they’re sh1t scared that their own voters, who are Trump supporters, will take the party away from them.
We have the same problem in Oz of course, the people running the Liberal Party are playing for the other side. At least in the US the primary system gives ordinary voters a bit of a say. Not here, it’s all settled in Photios controlled smoke filled rooms with Captain’s picks.
They’re going to fly Palestine into the ground!
Oh, never mind, they already did.
(In the chart, peak poverty is the year Hamas took over Gaza.)
Many thanks, Warwick at 7.59pm. As I say, the replacement cartoon is very dark — much better, IMO, to have no cartoon at all rather than one that undermines the series.
Damn straight.
That would be the Voice we already have.
Without ever having voted on it.
Just re watching The Big Sleep with Bogart and Bacall. He was a lucky man; she is drop dead gorgeous and by the look she gives him at the end it was all going his way:
A stacked, partisan anti-Trump committee.
You are full of it.
Most people agree the election was not stolen. They could be wrong and I guess the evidence is there for anyone who wants to make that case, as Trump and Giulani did.
Most people agree that attacking government buildings and trying to disrupt the transfer of power is kinda close to an actual insurrection. And again, the people might be wrong but evidence seems to suggest its a fair description of the events on that date.
Off to buy some tickets in a chook raffle.
Time is a train …
Makes the future the past …
She’s standing in Zoo Station …
Li’l face pressed up against the glass …
It’s always been that way. The illusion that the people were ever in control has been encouraged so as to keep us compliant.
What has changed is that some more of us have seen the corruption these days. It’s more blatant than usual. But the only thing we can do is whinge about it, and those who are in power are going to put a stop to that too.
Then there was McConnell preventing anyone with MAGA sympathy from being approved by the Senate. Remember when it was going to take 11 years to get approval for all the appointees for Trump’s first 4 year term?
Trump did very well in the Senate approval for judicial appointments. Based on appointments per year of presidency since Reagan, Trump was at least 20% of the lot.
He appointed 58 per year compared to Reagan, Bush1 and Clinton with 48, Bush2 and Obama 41 and Biden has 35 per year so far…
McConnell is a snake but he is not the problem. The quality of Republican Senators who elect him is the problem…
And it hasn’t improved much since.
Those Israelis sure do have a lot to answer for.
Any committee involving Democrats which is investigating Trump for “insurrection” is like fraudsters investigating the person they defrauded, to distract from their crime.
Corrected. There are Tailors and there are Cutters.
So spare us the Cutter …
Backwards kamala
How do you rate storming the Senate to attempt to disrupt the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice? Or pulling a fire alarm to prevent an important vote on matters budgetary?
I really have to have some of whatever it is you are on. It’s clearly good stuff.
We Cats knew it was stolen within two days. It was obvious. And became even more obvious as more stuff trickled out.
The fun thing is that pollsters have found that most Americans think the election was stolen, including more than two thirds of Republican voters. So your comment is not even correct.
What a mixed up world we live in when terrorists can fly around the world on commercial airlines to have “talks” with heads of state(s) .. Qatar Air flies a top level HAMAS leader to Moscow for “talks” with Vlad …. FFS!
One upon a time we killed terrorists not entertained them! ….. how reality changes to suit the agenda .. terror good, Israel bad … !
Or as in the UK .. give ’em welfare, citizenship and a discounted house ……..!
Which leftists did on a far worse scale after Trump’s election in 2016, for those with very conveniently short memories.
And many Democrats and the MSM voiced their approval of it.
And during the 2020 BLM riots many buildings including federal ones were badly vandalised, and some even destroyed or burned, again often with Democrat approval.
Backwards Kamala, I do like your style.
Sh!t stirring at its finest.
That’s the third time in three weeks Hamas have visited Moscow, btw.
Most people are idiots, imbeciles and morons.
The 2020 election was stolen. I watched it happen in real time, FFS.
I’m not even a yank and so shouldn’t have given a rodent’s about Fatty Trump being (allegedly) punted.
Well yes, I wouldn’t have if the world hadn’t immediately turned to shite just afterwards.
“Most people,” as in most MSM people reaching consensus?
Here’s my evidence.
Every single American institution has been seen to be corrupted. Every single one.
However, you and others expect the rest of us to believe that an election run by 50 states with each one running an election system that can’t be audited is the only thing that isn’t corrupted. That’s what you expect us to believe.
Within the week Trump was elected, Crooked and the Demons began the Wussia hoax that lasted 2 years. They hounded the guy to the last day in office. They made up riots etc. Oh, but cheating in an election would have gone just too far.
Most people who agree with the msm would believe that. A bunch of people who were basically unarmed went against the most powerful military in the world to take over the government, and then left after the protest. That’s an insurrection, yeah?
Fair, who determines fair? You?
I’ve just watched a fascinating youtube video – Did Isr@el Steal P@lestini@n Land? – from the Ayn Rand Institute (which I know nothing about), regarding four maps of Isr@el which apparently constitute a very successful pro-P@lestini@n propaganda tool. It’s 35 minutes long, and the two presenters digress now and then, but I’ve learned quite a few facts (which I intend to research and confirm) I hadn’t been aware of.
He received no support from her, all she had to say was that she disagree with what he wrote on Twitter about that creepy sinister homosexual Greenfilth but he’s entitled to his opinions. Instead, she joined in on the ludicrous condemnations.
Or I think in her heart she believes what Latham said. But tries to curry favour with those inner city idiots who would never vote for her.
Leaders lead in wartime and make no mistake, we are at war with the Left on multiple fronts. Doesn’t have to be shooting guns.
Oct 27, 2023 9:02 PM
Great analysis
Being ushered around the Capitol, between the guide ropes, is “attacking government buildings”?
I’m amused that Mr Bowman who disrupted Congressional business got a fine of $1000 and 3 months probation, where the guys who were guided into the Capitol got four years in a hellhole.
Jamaal Bowman Pleads Guilty to Misdemeanor for Falsely Pulling Fire Alarm Before Congressional Vote (26 Oct)
They were careful to downgrade the charge to a misdemeanor since a felony would boot him from his well padded seat.
Two tiered justice systems are symptomatic of failed states. The US is damned close to that point.
So when does the spooky muzak get cued, Rog?
“We Cats knew it was stolen within two days.”
The royal “we”. You don’t speak for all Cats.
Oct 27, 2023 9:02 PM”
A good summary, JC.
Most people agree the election was not stolen
My favourite bit was in the swing states when counting stopped Trump was well ahead but when counting resumed the next day he was behind. That is a genuine fuking miracle.
Cassie – You know very well the 2020 US election was stolen. I have given evidence. It’s quite clear. Then there’s the 2000 Mules doco and the footage from the counting rooms, plus the fraudulent mail in votes, the fake electoral registrations, the dozens votes coming from the same addresses. and so on.
I do not use the royal we, I am no fan of royals per se. I am a scientist who is interested in what data says. That, regarding the 2020 US election, is conclusive.
It was stolen from the point of view of the public being denied details/truth about very important stuff.
HB laptop for one.
The made up bullshit of the Russia collusion and peeing prostitutes, another.
Face it, people.
Not everyone can detach themselves from their opinions of the man and what the man actually did.
Anyway, “Sliante” to all you mob.
I’m reading an account of the fall of Singapore – the Japanese version – written by one Masanobu Tsuji – Chief of Planning under General Yamashita. He makes the point that, far from being expert at jungle warfare, two of the three Japanese divisions involved in the campaign were deployed from the front in China, and had never seen the jungle. The foreword is by one Gordon Bennett….
“Cassie – You know very well the 2020 US election was stolen.
A wannabe thought leader telling me what to think.
I do not use the royal we.
Yes you did, upthread, is your memory failing Bruce? You wrote the following words….”We Cats knew it”. You don’t know what other Cats think.
Dear oh dear.
Pauline needs to bow out of public life. Like, immediately, man (or womanage) …
She’s not the sort of personage that is going to attract disaffected normal people to her cause. She’s not been on message of late and is increasingly indulged by those fake Sky after Dark “conservatives”.
It has to stop.
If I had my way, Lizzie S would be my preferred “conservative” spokeswomanage.
You don’t easily counter a Brunette Amazon Goddess. 🙂
It was pretty obvious. The biggest giveaway was the response to calls for an audit. If the Dems believed they’d won legitimately they’d have all been in favour of an audit. They fought against any audit anywhere as hard as they could.
I suspect that the terrorist in this case was one of the Gazan ‘civilians’ taking advantage of the situation.
$370 can buy 2 lives.
The tell in the election is how violently the Democrats and the deep state reacted to the challenges. The persecution of everyone who has had any temerity to question the 2020 result is severe. If there wasn’t cause to suspect the election was stolen they would not react so hyperbolicly. So the intense response both confirms the election was in fact stolen and that they’re widely broadcasting that anyone who says anything about it will be hounded into penury. It’s a very revealing warning.
Or “hyperbowliklee”, if you’re after a slightly more phonetic pronunciation … 😕
Yep. I was there at the time Cassie. We did.
When there’s an election we all go into overdrive, you know that. We’re junkies. You are too. I’d say that by the next day there was a pretty clear consensus the election was dirty, and in another day or so it was as clear as crystal. I’d linked the posts from Joanne Nova as she posted them on her blog. The 3am ballot drops and the Benford’s Law failure were immediate signs of what had happened. Over the next week we had all sorts of stuff come out, of apparatchiks caught on video putting Biden ballots through machines over and over, to Republican scrutineers being ejected and boards put over the windows so they couldn’t see in. It was fascinating to watch evil in action.
“Yep. I was there at the time Cassie. We did.”
And I was there too.
I said above, and I’ll say it again, you don’t speak for all Cats. I know you might want to, I know you might imagine you do, but you do not speak for all Cats.
Went to see the Moon movie – whatever it’s called. It was very good, but 3 1/2 hours is just too long to sit through. Wifey reckons I slept for about 30 mins (with snoring). I don’t feel I missed any part of the movie, which suggests it was too long. 🙂
A policy platform for any normal “politician” attempting to gain some traction with the electorate:
Well, the first thing I would like to say is that normal people should vote for me for the following reasons:
I am not a communist
I am not a hypocrite
I am a capitalist
I think gerbil worming is a load of fact and evidence free anti-scientific bullshit
No more immigration
No more socialism
No more dividing people
No more tolerating criminality and lawlessness
No more corruption
No more inexcusable wastage of taxpayers’ money
No more internationalism
No more placing Ozzies last
No more monoversities
No more ALPBC
No more korporate kronies
No more kiddies being told they aren’t normal
No more magickal OPM grubbing stone age imbeciles
No more guilt …
So yeah, feel free to cast your vote for me and my fellow non-collectivists.
You know you want to … 🙂
No Cassie I don’t speak for you, you are yourself. I respect that. I especially respect your deep local knowledge when it comes to election matters and politics, and I find your stories about such things fascinating. Please continue to write about this!
Nevertheless the data is clear that the 2020 US Presidential election was stolen, and it seems certain that the 2024 election will likewise be. It’s sad to see the end of such a nation. I do not know what will rise in it’s place, and I won’t be around long enough to find out unfortunately. The next few decades may be quite busy in a “may you live in interesting times” sense.
Sophie Ellsworth is one of the best journos around.
there is only one good mars population joke.
Ok, maybe two, if you consider Gazorpazorp to be mars.
Never say never. Trump isn’t going to win NY, but boy this is a real eye-opener.
Biden’s lead over Trump evaporates to 9 points in NY amid migrant crisis
Taylor Swift released a concert movie at the same time.
Her movie has creamed the Scorsese.
Young girls putting pressure on Dad to take them. She has 94.5 million followers on X.
JC – if he had rightfully been Prez for the last two and three quarter years, we wouldn’t be facing the seemingly never ending cavalcade of utterly bizarre sh*t we’ve had foisted on us ever since.
Stolen elections have consequences. 🙁
Andre Rieu needs to get off his butt.
Really put that Scorsese pretender in his place.
Stop trying to get a reaction, Jorge. 🙂
I’m on a documentary tonight.
Was Noah’s Ark a large coracle?
Did it come to rest after the flood, not ON Mt. Ararat, but in the Ararat area?
The Ark Before Noah (youtube) deals with the first question, and though almost 1 hour in length, is very interesting. A charismatic, eccentric, academic tells the story of how his reading of a Babylonian tablet led to the construction of a scale model of an ark in the form of a large coracle, that may or may not have been the basis for the elements of the biblical Noah’s story.
Not to mention the release this weekend of her version of “1898”, the lyrics of one of the songs is posted below:
Well, I’m a vacuous blonde bimbette
Did I tell you I’m like, totally het?
I’ve never had an original thought in my life
But I tells ya I’ll never be ya trophy wife!
Yeah it’s like, 1898, baby, 1898!
My legs have got that matchstick look
I’ve never evah like, read a book
My fans are all as dumb as me
For my songs they’ll even waste money!
Yeah it’s like, 1898, baby, 1898!
Yeah it’s like, 1898, baby, 1898!
Colourless bureaucrats don’t turn me on
Justin Beaver is like, da bomb!
Poor ol’ Rafe is like, kinda cool
But Harry Clarke is just a tool
Yeah it’s like, 1898, baby, 1898!
Yeah it’s like, 1898, baby, 1898!
Yeah it’s like, 1898, baby, 1898!
Coda …
How the hell would Swift know Harry? They dated? 🙂
94.5 million JC. FFS.
And not a word about the climate or Hamas or Trump.
The true roots of Islamic Jew-hatred
Muslim Pentagon Chief of Staff w/Terror Ties Attacks Israel, Cheers Hamas Supporters
Interesting post – my compliments, and thank you.
I was referencing your comment about the Hair Monster, not Swift.
One might wonder, given the previous propensity for the lefty legal fraternity to run a bit dead on the sexual abuse of minors, if they will create a carve out to excuse perpetrators of these kinds of offences? Believe all women but the kids were asking for it?
That’s the third time in three weeks Hamas have visited Moscow, btw.
Mossad asleep at the wheel!
+0, -11
and that folks … is how ticks work
I love youse all
Looks a bit different
Custard! Good to see you back! How’s your mother’s ducks?
Wifey reckons I slept for about 30 mins (with snoring).
I would never complain about your snoring head prefect.
ZK2A I’m good. Just paying attention.
I remember 1898 like it was ….just like yesterday, I couldn’t get my internet to work.
What’s happening on the Q front. Lost touch since you found the blog out of sorts and left in a huff.
I’ll check in again tomorrow
I don’t think I left in a huff. Trump didn’t walk out and give them the keys. This is likely to be seen soon given that he has said he will be putting into evidence of foreign interference in the 2016 and 2020 elections.
EO 13818 EO 13848
Custard – good to see you’re back, Squire.
Please don’t tell us you’re now into allegedly cute Owls … 🙁
Pink and Bleu …
I don’t know what you are referring to Rabz (owls)
I’ve always liked your music selection btw
Thanks, Squire – “Owls” are a reference to poor ol’ Cronkite, who appears nowadays to be lusting after carbon based lifeforms that resemble personages of indeterminate sex …
It is not a good thang. 😕
I prefer young personages to be exquisite …
Ultimately, we exist on this planet for a very short time.
Take what we can get.
Jump Around … 🙂
New OT up.
Oct 27, 2023 10:07 PM
Oct 27, 2023 10:45 PM
I’m surprised it took Qustard a whole thirty seven minutes to show up after that giant red rag was waved in the wind.
I swear I was going to reply to Rabz with a joke about Trump still being president while invoking the spirit of Custard, when I scroll down and find he’s already appeared.
Korporate kronies are inevitable with capitalism.
Change “I am a capitalist” to “I support free enterprise”.
Why would you cut off your nose to spite your face?
But in July, the NDIA began enforcing a “per participant” cap on the amount they were able to claim for a house.
The three-bedroom home where Ms Tobin has been living has a maximum “per participant” price of $42,000 per year, but NDISP had been claiming her full $90,000 annual NDIS housing allocation to enable her to remain as a sole occupant.