After decimal currency came in my gran kept a stash of sixpence coins esp. for the Christmas pudding. Shops would…
After decimal currency came in my gran kept a stash of sixpence coins esp. for the Christmas pudding. Shops would…
Had a call couple of years ago from a bloke who said he was from Westpac.Wanted me to ID myself…
In a motorway cafe. Yes, I was going to mention that!
Come on, Roger. Brave attempt to steel-man her argument but it still stinks.
Stargazy Pie?
Seems like he is working at cross purposes. If you employ AI then you probably don’t need to employ people. But then you have to sack members of your usual voting block.
Whoa, didn’t we go her with Robodebt??? Till the technology catches up lets leave it to writing flawed essays for people and answering dumb questions.
Not sure what the Seth Efricans were thinking when they chose to bat. Surely, with the prospect of Duckworth-Lewis in the air, you want to be chasing? At least you know what your target is over-by-over.
Might just have dropped this one on that call.
Net Zero’s inevitable destination is returning us to unheated 19th century huts.
Jane Austen wrote the best literature ever in one of those.
Starck’s finished; he just bowled a ball 2 meters outside leg stump 3 meters above the batsman’s head.
Typical Starck over: next ball unplayable. Then a 4.
As predicted
Idf using all modern technology available to locate 7 October terrorists.
DNA from rape kits, facial recognition from video.
And you should have seen the denials on some threads from terror apologists, not dead etc etc
IDF forces kill Hamas terrorist who paraded the dead body of German-Israeli woman Shani Louk through the streets of Gaza as Palestinians spat on her.
The woman’s mother, Richarda Louk has told world renowned Rabbi Shmuley that IDF have informed her that they had taken out one of the terrorists- seen in the viral video parading her body on a pickup truck
Max at 5:09.
Now that was funny.
Video Shows Ray Epps Appearing to Surveil Baked Alaska During Nov. 2020 ‘Stop the Steal’ Rally in Phoenix (10 Nov)
Not at all a glowie, no sirree.
Too busy to scroll back but the Mocker has a great article slamming Cate Blanchett. Someone ought to post it. It’s too good to read just once only….
Unless Klaasen does something Maxwellish, game over.
Jaapies 3/22. Markram gone.
The saffers now have to pray for rain, despite choosing to bat first.
For a match with a result, both teams have to have 15 overs bowled to them. If it pisses down and nothing more can be done, the abovementioned jaapies will go on to the final because the finished above the Alintas on the table.
Drama beckons.
Chloe Shorten has a piece in the Hun:
FMD what a turgid dingleberry of an article that is. Gets her news from Reuters, weren’t they the ones that had a photographer on the ground amazingly at the exact time shit went down on that horrible day?
She sez it’s all for the kids. I think she wants dissenting opinion to her idiot husband’s party policy to be silenced.
I posted that, several times.
Know don’t go posting War and Peace, that’ll rude.
FMD what a turgid dingleberry of an article that is. Gets her news from Reuters, weren’t they the ones that had a photographer on the ground amazingly at the exact time shit went down on that horrible day?
She sez it’s all for the kids. I think she wants dissenting opinion to her idiot husband’s party policy to be silenced.
yep these loathsome scions of the marxist establishment believe they’re born to rule. And what the buggery is the Centre for Digital Wellbeing?
Jaapies 4/22.
Hazlewood, at the very back end of his career gets their No. 3 at second slip.
Almost 12 overs gone. The saffers are running at less than two runs per over.
‘Diplomatic immunity’ indeed.
I think I’ve just figured out how the Incredible Luigi’s prime ministerial career will end.
Apart from being a lifelong activist, Luigi is a weak little man.
The Slovenian Hag has figured out the next Liars parliamentary leader will probably lose the next election and she doesn’t want to be the bunny.
Acting PM Richard Marles is the only adult left in the room, so he’ll be the bunny and will retire on the proceeds of his massive super payout in 2025 after the Liars are thrown out.
Seth Efrica have been a good team throughout the tournament. We shat in our nest by losing the first two games.
A sort of Australian Chelsea Clinton.
A sort of Australian Chelsea Clinton.
Chortle. Well played sir
Funny as.
Outside of Q d Kock, Klaasen an Miller are the two best batsmen. Let’s see if they can cobble a score,
Finds Matthew Hayden talking absolute tripe, clicks the mute button.
Gidday Zulu.
In the olden days a bloke could work his way up into owning a property. At least in the dairy business.
Farms had quarters for a single youngster and a house for a married man.
These men could learn the business and although the wages were low, there was a track to getting at least a share in a property through years of hard work.
How would a person who was keen on farming get there now, other than via family? And how many farmers sons actually want to do the work?
The destiny for agricultural land is large agribusinesses owned by wealthy people from overseas.
Which I reckon is a shame.
In There Should Be More of This news (the NT News):
Standard night at local establishments in this part of the world.
Again, standard. Berry Springs is about 35 minutes out of highly-cultured Darwin.
This is pretty good. Finally, someone said ‘it’s my fault’ rather than usual spiel about falling into the wrong crowd, drug abuse, I was too pissed and so on.
She got a suspended sentence and walked. Mind you – this may have been embarrassment on the part of the bloke, because if the pic of this ‘woman’ is anything to go by, this bloke will be getting the piss taken out of him until he’s in his grave.
That’s a heroic observation. He’d have trouble finding his way out of a bouncy castle.
Thanks Carpe. Perhaps my memory isn’t so bad after all!
A very ordinary commentator indeed.
Love it. Keep posting such.
I’m surprised they haven’t put a price on pregnancy and labour (by the hour obviously)
We won’t get real equality until we price breastmilk, and treat breastfeeding as work
VicJack Inc may be, just maybe, starting to get the picture (the Hun):
A long way to go, but better.
Could I buy a bottle? No way! I have to go the the government bottle-o. It’s taxed at something like 45%.
Ever noticed whenever and wherever one goes overseas that the grog in other countries is priced less than half what we pay here?
Those Airbus miles for Albo won’t pay for themselves you know.
I’m experiencing an upsurge in parents contacting me, desperate for resources to help them help their kids discern fact from fiction.
File under things that did not happen.
That’s a bit hard Knuckles. [Phrasing!]
Loretta Audrey-Faye Chumbley’s pic can be seen here.
With a name like that she’s Darwin royalty. As well as having arms worthy of a rigger.
In news that may get monty moist in the pantaloons, Daily Telegraph:
The piece said she’s a FIFO diesel fitter.
Which is probably right, because it looks like she’s been swapping out engines with her face instead of spanners.
Be very wary of rushed legislation.
What level of confidence do you have that there are not nasties deliberately buried in it?
I’ll see the bar stool to the head and raise you 1/2 ear bitten off on the dancefloor.
Our old skipper, Zorba, no one was in any doubt the lady was justified, despite him never stating what had caused her to do it. Hub
I don’t agree KD. It’s a token law that changes nothing and not far from a thought crime.
More so thay since they let pro Hamas walk free.
So, let them run free?
Don’t get me wrong – I would dearly love VicJack Inc to pinch people wholesale for doing that at pro-Pali demonstrations – but at least they’re starting to clear a low bar.
Deliberately? I’m 100% confident that won’t be the case. They aren’t that smart under pressure, especially.
I am reminded of a software conference many, many moons ago, where during the QA Keynote, the speaker asked the QA Mangers present if they would board a plane that was developed under their QA standards. Only one hand was raised, that of the QA Manager for what was then IBM OS/2.
Speaker asked was she really so confident in her team? “Yes”, she responded brightly, “I’m confident we’d never leave the gate”.
Yes, I too think this was a put-up job, but it was funny as!
Why the Voice to Parliament Lost | John Anderson & Douglas Murray
a.k.a. Bogan Elite?
The Cost of Living Under Labor
Suggestion on extwitter that the no fuel for incubators was a stunt to give hamas time to concrete and tile over tunnel entrances.
Anything is possible in hamasworld.
Mr fafo made it south, even though he’s a marked man.
Probably wore a burka, jic.
Yes. Then ridicule and ostracise the moron.
900hp on the foot. These cars are mental!
Sprintcars | Maddington Toyota Series – Perth – 4th Nov 2023 | Clay-Per-View
I don’t need to put my fingers through the crucifixion holes to believe.
Tickler, how come Dutchsinse missed the Icelandic eruption?
More likely spangled jocks and a cape.
I have a certain admiration for the guy.
He’s a sharp operator.
Okay. How?
This is a serious question. How do you propose to ‘ridicule and ostracise’ this (admitted, no problem) dickhead? How are people going to work out who he is? Facebook?
If so, who’s going to post it on Facebook? ‘Oh my neighbour Barry did a Nazi salute, he lives somewhere in Werribee, quick – everyone work out his name and we’ll shame him on social media’?
The salute was done at ten to four in the morning in the burbs, not at midday in Collins Street.
The only way this will get any traction at all is through the courts – the exact same way all those soccer dickheads got exposed after invading the Olympic Stadium months ago. Name them, use the MSM who will take their pictures outside court and go from there.
Also, there was the pretend Nasty who lived in a small Mallee town – Beulah – and who decided to raise and display a swastika from a flagpole in his front yard.
It wasn’t local displeasure that forced him out of the town and back to the smoke. It was publicity – in that case, A Current Affair.
No publicity = no ridicule, no ostracism. Shining a light on it is where it starts – otherwise it just emboldens them.
Hasn’t happened yet.
Patience, Sancho.
RÚV have helpfully put up several webcams, like this one. A beautiful day in Iceland!
I doubt that not. LOL
The dodgy data behind Britain’s Covid 19 lockdown – Michael Simmons | SpectatorTV
Yeah Buelah. Kind of half way ‘tween Warracknabeal and Hopetoun.
Did a Silo art thing a few years back. Early 2020. Just before the COVID tyranny.
The one at Brim, just north of Warracknabeal was first. And is still best.
Yep public shamming.
All the restrictions on free speech have predicated on something reasonable .
All those restrictions get used selectively.
Sancho Panzer
Nov 16, 2023 9:49 PM
Tickler, how come Dutchsinse missed the Icelandic eruption?
He’s been booted from nearly every ISP … Starlink included . He’s had enough for the time being. He has made the USGS look like clowns. Especially the fat pig, Lucy.
He’s been hacked so many times. Shit hit the fan when he exposed the Direct Energy Weapons in those satellite feeds with Calli fires.
Which fires?
The fracture is right under the town, Grindavik, that you can see on the webcam. Roughly aligned across the aspect of the camera. Big cracks in the town as the magma has been pushing upwards. The magma is thought to be 300-500m beneath: it hasn’t found its way to the surface yet but there’s been a lot of SO2 fumes, which can only be because the gas is percolating up cracks from the magma below.
If more magma comes up from the conduit that will pop the cork. But there’s a small chance the town will survive if that doesn’t happen and the magma freezes in place underground. IMO still thinks it will erupt though.
Also if he made threats lock him up.
Remember the fuss made over the OK sighn and the people that lost jobs over it.
Sancho Panzer
Nov 16, 2023 10:12 PM
If I can find them again. I’ll shall post. He’s basically switching off.
Of course. More rabbit hole lunacy here needed late in the night.
He was locked up.
I really am not getting our point bespoke. Is it that the Ok sign should be treated in the same manner as the Nazi salute?
Or – is it that one should be allowed to hand out the Adolf salute anywhere, at any time? On a ‘free speech’ basis?
From the Oz.
It’s all over for Luigi.
Hamarse are a sideshow controlled by Mossad. Tell me I’m crazy!
Come on, let’s get the show rolling.
Nov 16, 2023 10:17 PM
STFU you MSM consuming moron!
For most of my life anyone who threw such a gesture was doing so in mockery of authoritarians: bosses, teachers or politicians who overstepped the bounds of their lawful authority. Often with a finger under the nose to emulate that pathetic little man Adolf.
Why should the rest of us lose such a powerful way to indicate such because a few bozos my do it sincerely?
During the covid crap we should have been chucking a seig heil at the whole bloody lot of them.
He would have been locked up without the threats.
Yes and we should be free call the clown out.
Well, you don’t know who he is.
So you can’t.
… and Travis Head, of all people, just about puts the Saffies away with two in an over.
How did A Current Affair find out about that bloke, KD?
Chill out, Steve.
Like I said upthread, if we want to defeat the Chinese takeover of Australia it will take a joining of forces of very disparate groups. “normal” Aussies like on this blog, Grampians NAZIs,, Lebo bikers and tobacconists, , Sudo and Polynesian gang bangers et al
The usual methods, I would imagine.
Do you think ACA would be remotely interested in doing the same thing to a bloke Heiling his way across his front yard at 4.00 a.m.?
Which one do you give a pass to, and which one do you ‘ridicule and ostracise’?
There is a reason Chermany, for all their faults banned anything remotely resembling that salute. Free speech does not include walking into a primary school excursion in a botanical garden somewhere and screaming ‘C**t C**t C**t’ for 20 minutes.
It is offensive, and in this case directly represents a regime that sponsored the murder of millions of people.
If you’re happy with thousands of Muslims Sieg Heiling in front of a synagogue, just say so. Don’t hint at it.
I would if was in my town.
So I could.
– Ace
No you couldn’t.
Because this is an unnamed bloke in a ‘town’ of six million people.
KD – sadly, I wouldn’t be the least surprised to find the arrested nazi symbol thrower was making a statement about VicJack inc.
I’d wager the Chinese already own this place. It just hasn’t been formally announced.
That would be targeted harassment. All ready covered.
No and don’t imply I would.
They would if reported. That is why the new law is bad. Laws are already in place cover harassment, insightment to violence.
Agreed PA. Absolutely agreed.
As I mentioned before people triple-piked themselves onto fainting couches, it would be most excellent if VicJack Inc started doing this to people at pro-Pali demos.
I also said that if they did so, it would be clearing a low bar, and that it was a start.
I actually thought it was a no-brainer, and had no idea it would devolve into a second-rate ‘fwee speech’ cooking class.
Yeah righto. Sure.
Not even Frontline would touch a single instance of that.
Yes. That is crazy talk. I will help you out. I will rebroadcast your insanity tomorrow.
Hopefully your desires will be met by the bucketful.
Is done in your own home or at a party as a joke. Some nob or disgruntled spouse reports it. The cops are now obligated to treat it as a crime.
6,000,000 people shot and/or incinerated. Not hurt feelings, not ‘offended’. Shot, gassed and burnt.
You’re right. Funny stuff. Great joke. Forget everything I said.
On the other hand, anyone that does that in a public place, where other people that person does not know can see it – may be, just may be, a cockhead.
Calm down KD.
Watch a some John Cleese.
Just trying getting the blog firing. It got a bit sluggish. But yeah man, you know everything..
Fawlty Towers: The funny Nazi walk
There was a Fawlty towers episode where John Cleese marched around with a finger under his nose pretending to be a Nazi. I don’t think he should be arrested for it.
Laughing at anyone who pretends to be a Nazi seems reasonable to me. Taking them seriously would be rather difficult.
I am extremely familiar with Fawlty Towers, thank you.
Again, you are missing context* – this time, from a TV show produced in 1974 and the current anti-semitic horseshit on display.
*The Fawlty Towers context, in case you were wondering, is that in that episode (titled The Germans) Cleese was taking the piss out of the Germans themselves, not taunting the victims of a 6,000,000-strong genocide.
KD … you sound like a 16yo girl
No he wasn’t. He was taking the piss out of a certain kind of Englishman.
I see the McWilliams Reserve’s kicking in, just in time for the night shift.
All the switches have evidently been flicked for the day.
“Springtime for Hitler”
Illinois Nazis – blues brothers:
He did it in front of the German guests in the dining room.
‘Hey! Hey! Who’s this then?’ he said, in spite of Polly and the others trying to stop him doing it.
There have been five attempts at a “Two State” solution since the late 1930’s. Israel has accepted each one, the Pali’s have rejected each one, while continuing to demand the total annihilation of the State of Israel.
It’s funny because there is something camp about Nazis. You know, Ernst Rohm and all that.
Which is probably why we aren’t allowed to mock them anymore.
Not because our progressive overlords seriously think National Socialism is about to make a big comeback.
This started out as as simple disagreement. It was you who made it personal, why?
It is an unnecessary law.
Daily Mail.
Victoria is a billion dollars in debt or some shit. So where is all the money for all this infastuckcha coming from?
Chinese Credit Card, I would bet my balls.
It is an unnecessary law. Put in place to appeal to ‘progeseves’.
Throwing out any kind of 2 state solution leads to a single state which is either non-democratic or non-jewish majority. Could be some tough choices ahead for Israel and the ME in general.
Arky, regarding your comment about farmers son’s “taking on the farm” up thread, it’s not unknown for the mothers of those son’s to do everything they can to discourage those sons…
“No son of mine is going FARMING!!! MY sons are going to be University educated professionals, not FARMERS!!! Funny, they don’t object to a new car every year, private schools for the children, or frequent overseas holidays…
It’s also ignoring the simple truth that there has been a Palestinian State since 1947 – it’s called “Jordan.” The Pali’s have followed every swivel eyed loon, who demanded the total annihilation of Israel, from the days of the late 1930’s, when any of the wealthy and powerful Palestinians who advocated sharing the land with the Jews, was murdered on the orders of another swivel eyed loon – the Grand Mufti of Jeruselum. He who had tea and bikkies in Berlin, with Adolph Hitler.
Must have been over wintering up from Radelaide. Certainly not Local Court Material.
He’s a little twerp you’d his kick head across the road. Don’t start with anti-sematic claims. A lot of people need to hang. He’s a little prick.
Ben Shapiro vs Candace Owens Beef Escalates BIG TIME
Wake up to the cricket match being in the balance now. 70 odd needed with 5 wickets in hand. Smiffy will need to lift.
39 of 105 balss
Hello? Is this the AGM of the Grampians Tail Gunner Stanning Club?
> Labor agreeing to “tougher restrictions over the released detainees to ensure the swift passage of the emergency measures”.
Any chance this “emergency” was used to justify some hand-wavy vaguely worded legislation that can be used against anybody with only the slightest of justifications and has no sunset clause? Because that’s the sort of thing we expect these days.
Candace Owen’s is emerging, at the very least, an ignoramus on the subject of the middle east.
She tried to claim the ‘muslim quarter’ of Jerusalem was evident of apartheid, as though muslims were forced to live in the equivalent of a (Jewish) ghetto.
Like Alyssa Milano objecting to American Jews saying no ceasefire.
Dumb as a box of rocks.
No ceasefire until all hostages released and hamas has surrendered or the threat to Israel ends.
Hamas are still indiscriminately firing rockets into Israel.
In the meantime aid is flowing into Gaza including fuel.
The Australian. Paywalled.
The head of an Israeli military taskforce overseeing the flow of aid into the Gaza Strip says he’s willing to allow unlimited humanitarian trucks into the territory, but a shortage of UN vehicles and shipping bottlenecks are stifling the flow of assistance.
Elad Goren, leader of the civil department of COGAT, a defence agency that liaises with Palestinians on civilian affairs, said a lack of UN trucks was partly to blame for the trickle of aid arriving daily at Egypt’s Rafah Crossing.
Owens is repeating the genocide libel.
As usual hamas apologists rush to claim there were no tunnels.
As if hamas didn’t boast pre war of 500 km of tunnels as well as launching part of their 7 October attack from the sea.
The IDF has gained operational control over the Hamas-operated Gaza Harbor.
Disguised as a civilian area, the harbor was used by Hamas as a training facility for their naval commando forces to plan and execute terrorist attacks.
During the operation, conducted by soldiers of the 188th Armored Corps’ Brigade and Flotilla 13, numerous terrorist tunnel entrances and terrorist infrastructures were destroyed.
apologists demand videos, when they get them, they are either staged or AI.
Oh and Stew Peters is an unrepentant full blown anti Semite on a par with Jonathan Hinkler.
Candace and Tucker really don’t think American Jews aren’t allowed to be incensed/heartbroken at the slaughter of innocent men women and children and Tucker tried to make an analogy with fetanyl deaths and illegal immigrants who might do something. What is wrong with these people?
a little ray of sunshine
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
David Pope.
Dave Brown.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Gary Varvel. Brilliant.
Al Goodwyn.
Chip Bok.
Lisa Benson.
Thanks Tom. Some clever toons there. Happy Friday.
I never trashed a hotel room or did drugs.
– Sean Connery
The indigenous activists have been rather quiet. While most of the media, political class, corporations, and so called elites have long endorsed the their argument that colonization, intergenerational trauma, and racism are the primary causes of domestic violence, inter-clan violence, fetal alcohol syndrome, high incarceration rates, obesity, diabetes, kidney failure, rheumatic heart disease, opportunistic infections, sexual abuse, child abuse, unemployment, remote community dysfunction, reduced lifespan, alcoholism, drug addiction, elevated suicide rates, those activists now realise that the broader Australian public has unequivocally rejected their argument and believe indigenous activists need stop blaming everyone else for the behavior of the people they claim to represent.
Who was it that said long ago (Fraser era?) that “we don’t need a tourist as Prime Minister”?
Does Nikki Haley support the naming of journalist’s sources, leakers of government matters, and all informants/whistleblowers?
If Chris Kenny thinks Tony Abbott had lapses of judgement, how does he feel now about his support of the Voice?
Does Nikki Haley support the naming of journalist’s sources, leakers of government matters, and all informants/whistleblowers?
Haley will support what ever the GOP establishment tells her to support.
Nov 16, 2023 10:22 PM
Hamarse are a sideshow controlled by Mossad. Tell me I’m crazy!
There’s endless talk on the current affairs shows about how to get out the conservative vote in 2024.
But how can anyone continue to have faith in USA elections? They are gamed at every level, including the string of court cases brought against Trump.
The latest is from Pennsylvania, where hundreds of thousands of votes were moved around!
Yehudit Weiss, a hostage abducted from her home by Hamas during the Oct. 7 attack, was found dead in a structure “adjacent” to Al-Shifa Hospital, the IDF said in a statement today.
What an absolute pisser.
Aaron Clarey’s latest book is #1 in Feminist Theory on Amazon and a best selling book!
A World Without Men: An Analysis of an All-Female Economy
Bud Light fun continues.
Anheuser Marketing Chief Out as Bud Light Sales Tank (16 Nov)
Righties may be quiet but they do buy stuff. Or not buy stuff when they’ve been insulted, denigrated and ignored.
Candace Owen’s is emerging, at the very least, an ignoramus on the subject of the middle east.
She tried to claim the ‘muslim quarter’ of Jerusalem was evident of apartheid, as though muslims were forced to live in the equivalent of a (Jewish) ghetto.”
I needed an early morning laugh. Owen has always been a vacuous flake, I’ve never liked her much. As for the Muslim quarter, has Owen heard of the “Jewish quarter”, the “Christian quarter” and the Armenian quarter” of the old city? These quarters go back over a thousand years.
My God, she’s a dumb arse. We complain about the intellectual dearth on the left, particularly when it comes to history, but we also have it in spades on the right, idiots, morons and dumb arses like Owen. Idiots need to be called out regardless of what ideological side they’re on.
Yehudit Weiss
Sad and depressing. I don’t hold out much hope for the other hostages.
Greeting from Otago, NZ!
9C & raining.
Wish you were here!:D
NZ is stunning as always, locals friendly. But it appears to be a country living beyond its means. New government not yet formed, Winston Peters reportedly being courted.
Biggest issue after the economy is the winding back of “co-governance.”
Have met a few obnoxious American Democrats scouting the place out for residence should Trump be elected in 2024. Alas, I didn’t pack my MAGA cap.
Over and out.
VP Biden Followed Advice Hunter Sent To His ‘Champ4’ Burner Email
What kind of vice president has burner phones?
And the oldest community in the Old City is the Armenian (Christian) quarter.
Further to “apartheid”, after the war in 1947 and 1948, a war which led to the establishment of the state of Israel, Jordan seized control of the Old City and they controlled it until 1967. Under Jordanian rule, the Old City was ethnically cleansed of ALL Jews with the Jewish quarter emptied, synagogues trashed and used as warehouses, Torah Scrolls dumped on garbage pits. NO Jew was allowed to enter and or pray at the Kotel (the Wailing Wall) for eighteen years, until 1967.
I’m not aware of any Israeli government edict since 1967 that has ever cleansed the Muslim quarter or the Waqf (the Temple Mount area) of Muslims.
Perhaps Ms Owen should go back to school.
Re Candace Owen’s- there’s nothing wrong with strong opinions, as long as they are weakly held. Refusing to hear anything different and digging in to ensure you are right is a red flag of ignorance.
Be prepared to be wrong. Prove me wrong, in fact. A willingness to be wrong is how we learn.
I’m surprised she has such a blind spot on this.
Or in Barney Rubbles words: “It takes a smart man to know that he is stupid, Fred.”
I seem to recall people going to jail for 5 or 10 years for this on J6.
6 Capitol Police Officers Injured After Pro-Hamas Capitol Hill Insurrection (16 Nov)
Lets see what the Dept of “Justice” does. Probably nothing. With the likewise craven inaction of both our own and the Pommy plod the trust and respect of the they/thems in blue will be reaching rock bottom.
(16 Nov)
Oops stuffed up the latter link:
London Police Claim They Were Powerless to Act as Palestine Protesters Stormed War Memorial
And what do we have here?
Terror tunnel entrance uncovered at al-Shifah Hospital (16 Nov)
What a surprise!
(Be sure to watch the video to the end – it’s only 28 sec.)
An excerpt.
I have actually liked Candace, but domestic politics is more her beat.
If she is ill-informed about what is happening in Israel, and its background, then I will be that she has not previously taken a real interest and has casually picked up an inaccurate picture.
The footage of Ben Shapiro calling her out look to have been from a private event where he might be blunter than he would in public. In public, or speaking privately but face-to-face, I imagine he would have been more diplomatic.
Sad and depressing. I don’t hold out much hope for the other hostages.
I think, the hostages have been dead for quite awhile .. once HAMAS realised that, this time around, the emotive blackmail wasn’t working the hostages became a liability .. Any found alive would be witnesses who could, possibly, identify their captors …….!
Just asking the inmates of Victoria:
Is the Police
ForceServiceArm of the Labor Party really called VicPol?Like MiniTru?
Rita Panahi with an interesting suggestion:
Aside from the well documented phuckwittery of the Greens, Ms Panahi has an idea worthy of discussion.
Vikpol, Stasi, Blackshirts, Sturmtruppen, NKVD, SS, Granny bashers, and more …
This…is CNN.
The men being remembered ran into the face of rifle and machine gun fire from a well concealed enemy, amidst explosions that tore men anpart, and over the bodies of men killed doing exactly what they were doing. They huddled in trenches and hole as artillery fire rained down for days in end and all of this without being to clock off after eight hours.
What a degrading juxtaposition.
I like to think that I am a fair-minded person and I have been thinking overnite that I should apologise to Johanna for linking her name with Hamas. I was referring to a strategy, not the terrorist organisation, but it was still unfair. The point could well have been made in another way. So I am sorry I did that.
To be fair also, she was not the instigator of the vile attack on me on the last OT, top of page 5. It may be that Kevni is Grigs, or someone similar. Or simply a lone wolf.
Johanna comments well here on many issues. I have always said that and still do.
Like JC, as a red-blooded male, I forgive Candace many of her sins because she’s so good-looking.
But the bigger problem for Americans involved in politics is their ignorance of the world.
Even though it’s now under unprecedented attack from the inside by America’s cultural self-haters, the USA is the only country on earth founded by idealists at a constitutional convention who set out to create a model for human freedom.
Patriotic Americans justifiably consider theirs the greatest country on earth.
The place is a magnet. People from all over the world want to be Americans.
One of the side effects among patriotic Americans is a form of cultural narcissism that breeds ignorance about the world — even among democratic freedom fighters like Candace Owens.
tvehicle under tents inside the hospital complex full of terror equipment
In today’s Oz.
I think I would prefer to leave debate to the ongoing political system approved electorally rather than be ruled by Referendum. OK if the Referendum yes vote is for something that is good for the country, but not so helpful if it restricts good and needed political action (as in the GST for example, or as it would if in the Voice yes had prevailed).
Also, Rita’s idea may work for one key policy issue to be put to the people, but if a raft of them were then the debate could get quite muddied in the electoral fray.
However, I’m agnostic about it. Convince me otherwise and I might join you.
Parties already use polling to determine the public mood.
I’m amused that the biggest demonstration in Washington DC’s recent history didn’t make the front page of the Washington Post.
Interesting that Ergas prefaces his piece with this. As a War Baby, my childhood was lived in the great shadow of that War too. Only when I was ten, in the early fifties, did a more hopeful and happy zeitgeist arise, not so much in Britain but with the start of ‘the long boom’ in Australia it was a lucky time indeed to reach adolescence and become that new thing – a ‘teenager’.
Un convincing.
report regarding the finding of hamas commanders, reply from ‘blade’ presumably an hamas member, shows a video from CCTV of someone placing something in a corridor then an idf soldier approaching and putting his hand over the camera, the claim being this is footage of the five idf killed in a booby trapped mosque in beit hanoun.
London Police Claim They Were Powerless to Act as Palestine Protesters Stormed War Memorial”
The other day I was castigated here when I wrote that the UK has fallen.
You know what, I’m right, the UK has fallen.
She said she has many ‘ex’ BLM on her staff. Who is influencing who.
The animosity directed towards the Jews by radical blacks has a long history.
Yeah Lizzie I don’t know how Ms Panahi’s idea will work. We had over a year of Teh Voice rubbish polluting the airwaves.
I’m more of electorate by electorate. Take Adam Bandt for instance. The bloke wants net zero, give it to him. Have all the solar and wind hooked up to the one grid completely divorced from other sources of energy.
He wants unchecked immigration, let them roam free in Melbourne. They voted for that, let them have it.
There is a term you don’t hear often these days: charnel house.
At a time when football players are called ‘heroes’ and matters of passing significance labelled ‘historic’, surely we can have charnel houses after football matches and council elections.
Last night, after ‘my show’ – The Late Debate – Hairy kept the TV on to look at Piers Morgan’s discussion panel on Britain’s ‘boat people’ problem, as more and more small boats flood The Chanel towards Britain’s welcoming asylum and welfare system, in a slow-drip invasion of new people not seen since the fifth century continental Anglo-Saxons spied a green and pleasant land.
What a bun fight that discussion was. On the left (some blonde woman) and the right (the redoubtable Esther Crackow) there was agreement that turning back the boats, the ‘Australian Solution’, was the only way. The wittering supposedly-conservative male in the middle said how glad he was that the Rwanda option had just been axed by Britain’s highest court, because fairness, because morality etc. The two women sensibly argued that off-shore processing, even of just a random few, would act as a deterent. Piers Morgan came in with his twopenneth liberal view that it was the approval backlog pf 30K people that was the problem, so speed it up. Nobody said the obvious to that, which was that a sped-up approval process would simply increase the numbers attracted by a quick entry.
Sugar on the Table is a phrase they have yet to learn.
I was born in Britain and love the place. So sad to see it being overwhelmed by cultures that will change it irrevocably. The glorious Esther K is a stunning example of how that doesn’t have to happen; but she is not Muslim.
Your dosh at work:
Taxpayers will fork out about $180,000 a month to electronically track 84 convicted criminals released from immigration detention as Labor scrambles to ensure community safety.
Of the 92 asylum seekers identified by the federal government as being impacted by the High Court ruling that their ongoing detention was unlawful, 64 were previously convicted for “very serious” and violent offences, among them murderers, pedophiles and rapists.
Mandatory curfews and electronic bracelets will now be used to monitor the movements of the 84 asylum seekers released so far, under new laws Labor rushed through parliament yesterday.
Daily Tele
The other point is that the ‘full’ and ‘closed’ signs should definitely be up on the Dover coast. Britain is a small island jealously proud of its countryside, which a massive population increase will decimate.
Just had a blood test this morning.
They took my precious blood.
No doubt some will end up in a government lab trying to find out why I haven’t had COVID yet.
I’m keeping an eye out for black vans over the next week or so.
The Oracle Speaks.
What about what?
The Charnel is short and there is a charnel under the Charnel.
We had/have a few hundred km of sea minimum. Their task would/will be much more difficult.
Speech Night at the Catholic college- all discretionary awards, plus awards for made-up subjects, went to 90% girls. However-
Subject awards-
Year 7 – 2 to boys, 5 to girls. Imbalance solid until boys reappear at about yr 10-
By Year 12 – 8 to boys, 4 to girls.
So, either girls are dedicated swots but get overrun by the boys who kick their heels until about the age they get their P plates, or… the Matriarchy runs the school.
Speaking of such things.
[UK] Solar Power Auction Prices Raised By 30% (16 Nov)
Says a lot that a skint government is forced to raise the subsidy for solar and wind because the operators can’t make a profit on the already enormous subsidies. Meanwhile in India…
India To Increase Coal Production By 60% (16 Nov)
Makes Bowen’s green fanaticism a complete joke.
one of the hamas commanders apparently killed yesterday
The sincerity, Elizabeth.
Oracle: the new and rapidly diminishing in its meaning. Like calling all who disagrees with you grigs or bird. Low energy.
re: Margolis
What’s being unmasked is not the identity of the perp but the facade that any anonymity exists at present. The only question is how many people can get your IRL ID from your screen name and whether the answer takes 5 seconds or a week.
And I would have got away with it too if it weren’t for those three-letter kids!
He won a Nobel Prize. Then he started denying climate change.
UN official causes uproar over claim that Israel doesn’t have right to defend itself against Hamas terrorists
The Federalist community has been alluding to a case being put together with the view to get it before SCOTUS at some stage.
The aim is to have the obstruction of justice indictment/charge/conviction universe ended with regards to giving the FBI incorrect or incomplete information.
This has become such a go-to for the DOJ since 2016 & there have been over 200 plea deals entered into based on this since then.
The DOJ is so concerned about it that they have ceased using it in new indictments over the past month or so.
The problem is that Kav & Roberts are flakes in cases like this.
Time will tell.
Poll: Donald Trump Leads Biden in Florida, Even Among ‘Non-Binary’ Voters
Of course. When you get away with treason and graft what’s a few mishandled documents?
Report: Joe Biden to Escape Charges for Mishandling Classified Docs
Owens made the classic talking head mistake of speaking outside her brief. She is extremely good at debating topics she has been properly prepped for, but like anyone else is weak when they try to wing it.
Attempting to comment on a topic she was ignorant about bit her bigly. Hopefully she will learn from her mistake.
I’m afraid it’s rotten to the very core.
FBI Forced Out Trump Supporting Agents, Claims Whistleblower.
Good summary of the different treatment Biden & Trump received over their docs.
Jeff Carlson
Long Post. Biden and his lawyers have always maintained that as soon as classified documents were discovered at Biden’s office at the Penn Biden Center they notified the National Archives.
This was simply not true. The Biden White House took actions to secure and conceal the existence of classified documents held by Biden long before they admitted that Joe Biden held any classified documents.
It also appears that high-level White House officials actively worked to sort through boxes of documents and took direct action to hide a number of these boxes from the National Archives – and from investigators – many months before they admitted to the possession of classified documents.
On March 18, 2021, Annie Tomasini – Assistant to the President, Senior Advisor to the President and Director of Oval Office Operations – suddenly went to the Penn Biden Center to “take inventory” of President Biden’s documents and material – nearly twenty months before the officially acknowledged timeline began. As Jonathan Turley pointed out, Tomasini was “one of the closest aides to Biden and a close friend to Hunter Biden.
Nor was Tomasini the only Biden official to visit the Penn Biden Center to examine Biden’s documents. The Oversight Committee alleges that the Biden Camp “omitted months of communications, planning, and coordinating among multiple White House officials” from their timeline of events.
These officials included Kathy Chung, Penn Biden Center employees, and President Biden’s personal attorneys who were sent “to retrieve the boxes containing classified materials.” The timeline from the Biden Camp also omitted multiple visits from at least five White House employees, including the previously mentioned Dana Remus and Tomasini – along with Anthony Bernal, Ashley Williams and an unknown staffer.
These “visits” took place in May, June and October of 2022 to access and secure what were purportedly personal items of President Biden at Penn Biden Center. More importantly, no one knows where these documents are – or what was actually in them. As House Chairman James Comer notes, “To date, the White House has not disclosed what was in the boxes Ms. Williams retrieved or where they were delivered.”
Additionally, on the same day that Biden lawyers alerted the National Archives to the existence of classified documents at the Penn Biden Center, Pat Moore, President Biden’s personal attorney, scheduled a FedEx pickup with Penn Biden Center employees.
According to Comer, “a FedEx worker showed up to Penn Biden Center on November 2, 2022, to load the documents and ship them out. In understated fashion, Comer said that he “finds it troublesome that boxes of documents were potentially removed from Penn Biden Center prior to NARA’s arrival and assessment.”
In January 2023, President Biden’s personal attorney, Bob Bauer, released a statement that included a timeline of events that inexplicably began on November 2, 2022, with the “unexpected discovery” of Obama-Biden records at the Penn Biden Center.
The timeline from Bauer & Biden was incomplete and misleading. It omitted months of communications, planning, and coordinating among the multiple White House officials, Ms. Chung, Penn Biden Center employees, and President Biden’s personal attorneys to retrieve the boxes containing classified materials.
Bauer’s timeline also failed to disclose the FedEx pickup that happened on the morning of November 2nd. Yet another Biden/Government coverup. Done as Trump is being prosecuted by Biden’s DOJ for what are likely lesser offenses.