This is unbelievably foul, yet you can’t stop watching. 😀 Where’s arky? https://x.com/OntWtf/status/1900348808690589867?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1900348808690589867%7Ctwgr%5E0eac7096d9dd30bef0594551254c79ef43326cae%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Face.mu.nu%2F
Yeah, she’s a woman. That is like shooting a unicorn*.
* That is an Archerism, but communicates the point that in the corporate world women are charmed creatures, no matter how many there are.
FatBoy supports the return of the Prussians to East Prussia and Konigsberg.
The laws of physics have been holding us back for ages. Except Malcolm Turnbull.
cmon, leave the munt on the previous page.
Optus CEO resigns after massive outage (Sky mainpage headline)
Doing a photo op in her mansion whilst half the country was in telecommunications meltdown because of her company was the let them eat cake moment. Bye lady!
Nov 19, 2023 7:07 PM
And it was utterly predictable.
The point was made here even before the bodies reached room temperature that this is exactly what would happen. I gave the historical example of why the widest dissemination of the atrocities should be made and how it was still relevant today.
It happens time and time again – Islam slaughters hundreds of people and within a week they are being portrayed as the victims.
I am so bloody well over the media and our spineless politicians. But I’m even more over the stupidity of our voters who vote them in.
Regrets. I’ve got a few.
I’m slow, Pogria got in first!
She deflected & lied her way out of the job. These two incidents (cyber, systems outage) could happen to any company but the response by CEO was the failure.
You do not, in fact, “gotta hand it to the Nazis”.
That wasn’t what was said, so ease off on the verballing. We all know that verballing is a leftard practice (“So what you are saying is …”), but it is best used in moderation.
PS, given the numbers of Nazis marching in Melbourne every weekend lately, have you taken the opportuinty to go out and “Punch a Nazi”?
Hey! I scored page podium.
Such a prestigious event, and I have nothing to wear.
(Well, obviously I have stuff to wear – I do not comment at the Cat au naturel, but I ought at least put on a clean shirt and a tie. Perhaps the wool challis tuquoise one with grey and orange motifs. Perhaps I have time to buff my shoes and mirror shine the toe-caps.)
Once she started blaming Singtel’s BGP service (upstream to Optus) and Cisco routers she was finished. I’d even guess she was being snowed by the tech team on the cause to help move her along. When it comes to security and infrastructure for company like Optus there is no space for a CEO that loses support & trust of the tech team.
Don’t look at me. I wipe my feet everytime the page flips and he still gets in. Someone who has stepped in him is not checking their shoes.
I suggest “Bandtmobile”.
Australians to decide name for country’s first-ever moon rover (Sky, 20 Nov)
He’s the biggest lunatic in the country.
ML – would have thought a silk robe, cravat and emerald-be-jwelled slippers for this time of day.
I keep that for thread podium. There is such a thing as overdressing the occasion.
It’s like being able to catch a tram to Malmo.
We really should name the moon rover with whatever the traditional Aboriginal name was for semi-autonomous self-contained lunar surface and near-surface exploring vehicles.
I thought it was quite revealing psychologically. To me it seemed to be a very female problem. When a drop-everything emergency happens a male CEO instinctively leads. And is seen to lead. All men know to do this without thought. Which in her case would’ve been to take reports’ questions somewhere in the bowels of Optus HQ with a backdrop of servers, computer screens and blinking lights. With the chief tech officer on hand to throw to. Doing a fashion shoot in your own mansion is the worst possible look.
The head of Optus, or Telstra etc should be an engineer. With huge experience in building and maintaining telecommunications infrastructure. This, now ex CEO of Optus, would have been completely out of her depth on the nuts and bolts of the operation.
In times like this I’m greatfull we had crass unsufticaded blokes like Churchill who could filtered out the vacillating.
Warwick – agreed. Ditto anything to do with electricity.
And many other organisations, too numerous to mention.
How about doctors and nurses with practical experience in charge of hospitals, and highly regarded teachers in charge of schools and universities etc.
Its probably a good pick for an interim CEO, in order to restore confidence in the Optus network & security of customer data. Anyone but the kind of know-nothing, look-good, invisible-in-a-crisis leaders we see too much of these days.
And yet they boarded the ship. I think they call this a “Do you feel in charge” moment.
Oh God, no.
It’s a business, not a playground.
My god the losers at HauteCrapper whinge about everything.
Like this:
“De Grey have agreed to drill the license area to test for mineralisation as part of their bedrock investigations for infrastructure purposes,” the company wrote on Monday.
**Close neighbourhood**
Its Roberts Hill project is relatively nearby De Grey’s famous Hemi gold deposit.
Mantle executives have long suspected the same geology supporting that discovery replicates underground at Roberts Hill.
And now, De Grey’s presence on-site adds weight to that suspicion.
De Grey will drill at Roberts Hill under an access agreement executed between itself and Mantle. The latter’s Mt Berghaus project is also covered by the agreement.
Mantle also retains full rights to all results and follow-up drilling.
Mantle will be directly provided with data from DEG drillers, which it says will allow for quick integration into ongoing and future drill plans.
And if there’s any major gold hits made by De Grey, Mantle notes its 2024 will pivot towards that target.
So basically good luck comes along and it’s yet another plot by the CEO to liquidate small holders or only give them supernormal profit in an unlikely buy out; even a merger between de Novo, Mantle and de Grey is somehow terrible news.
I’m flummoxed.
Is there any crime where you live? Are there cops there?
There were security forces on the Gaza border on 7/10 as well.
The point is that the pirated ship won’t remain pirated for long and there are forces there to make that happen.
Argentina elects ‘shock therapy’ libertarian Javier Milei as president
Austfailure will have to sink to Argentina like depths before we get anything like this ourselves.
The trouble is tech, finance, law … are all like a foreign language. As CEO you are supposed to be across them ALL. That’s why they get paid the big bucks. IT is possibly the worst area of all.
Not mine, but a funny meme for the Argies.
Luigi’s back ……
The butchery wasn’t justified but
People should be able to say what they want, but
Tell me. Is it true that, if a group of people kill others for long enough, the retaliatory deaths in their crew get to be used as an excuse to keep going?
Don’t have to be an engineer to lead a tech-based company like Optus, but when engineering is the problem it helps.
Nov 20, 2023 11:45 AM
Actually, MontyPox Virus may be onto something here.
Yes, the Krauts did have some problems after WW1 and the French did not help very much with their attitude with making the Germans cough up money when they were broke.. BUT. Who started WW1? And the French had already lost a war to the Prussians in the late 1800s And then the third (WW 2) came along. Not a good record for the Frogs.
However, the Krauts did not handle things any better between WW1 and WW2.
Trying to take on the whole of the English speaking World AND the Soviet Union was not a good move. And Japan and Italy both came a cropper after some initial wins.
Might is right.
Go Israel. Kick their HAM arses and Hezbollaaaaaah and IRAN and the rest of the rag heads.
Spurs supporters are with you all the way. COYS,
woman make shit CEOs and are mediocre in most roles. Putting a woman in a position of leadership is like expecting a child to lead adults.
In fact they should never have been allowed to vote. Every major problem in the west today can be traced to women blindly falling for socialism. The west is in terminal decline and women and their simps are spearheading this.
Was Marx a chick?
Truer words seldom spoken. Argentina’s new leader on the loathsome Left:
(apologies if posted earlier)
FFS, what do people expect? These people lie. They lie about anything that will give them a temporary advantage, even if it means they are pissing in their own drinking water.
Exactly this. Too many of these young hot-shots are there for the glamour of their high profile and have no concept of the hard graft involved in dealing with the inevitable tough stuff. I’ve no doubt her manifestly poor response was the result of unwarranted overconfidence bolstered by the overt nonsense of GRRRRLLLLPower.
Go Israel. Kick their HAM arses and Hezbollaaaaaah and IRAN and the rest of the rag heads.
Spurs supporters are with you all the way. COYS,
TOON stands with this ……!
Not at all. As I said in that comment, both sides have actual grievances (and interests) that are hard to satisfactorily accommodate. That is why the situation has always been difficult.
Wonder if my son will be on the OPTUS headhunt list .. when it comes to mobile phone admin & tech side trouble shooting he’s AAA level with another Oz multi-mob ..
Only drawback for him would be his age (CEO level that is) I suppose ……….
I vehemently disagree with this. My best ever boss was a woman in an industry where women made up roughly 15% of the workforce. That company was a true learning organisation as described by Peter Senge and it evolved organically as a result of her outstanding leadership. It was never proscribed in any five year strategic plan. In fact, there never was any five year strategic plan.
Do the work, develop your skills, be willing to be wrong or fail, own those mistakes, trust your people and get out of their way.
Swanning around a photogenic mansion when shit was going down would never have occurred to her. Relying on your female reproductive system to protect you from criticism is as ridiculous as it sounds. Yet, here we are, Ms Rosmarin, exhibit A.
> Australians to decide name for country’s first-ever moon rover (Sky, 20 Nov)
> We really should name the moon rover with whatever the traditional Aboriginal name was
You can’t send any rover to the moon.
Disrupts my song-lines.
You can’t prove it won’t.
Also, if the first Aussie moon probe isn’t called Roo-ver there is something seriously screwed up in our space agency. That name is just obviously leaps and bounds ahead of the rest.
hamas leaders showing they really are that stupid.
Beautifully written, calli.
There is only one side has actually made any efforts at accommodation though.
Very likely not, but that is true on both sides. That is why the situation is so intractable.
Nov 20, 2023 12:37 PM
A little bit unfair Zippster. Without a Woman, you would have never been born. Unless you came out of a test tube.
Even MontyPox Virus has a Mum somewhere or other. Maybe in a parallel Universe, but somewhere or other.
Go on twitter(X) and see who are the idiots siding with hamas. socialists, women and their simps.
The entire woke ideology only thrives because too many women (and their simps) love it.
The commies have now basically modified family laws to write fathers out of their children’s lives. They are constantly moving the bar down so a woman can steal a man’s wealth. In some places a woman doesnt even have to live with a man to lay claim to his money.
WHy do they need to do this? Because they know without the female vote they are toast!
End universal suffrage now!
Yes, quite a nice walk on the Upper West Side. The park is lovely around there.
Not at all. As I said in that comment, both sides have actual grievances (and interests) that are hard to satisfactorily accommodate. That is why the situation has always been difficult.
Nope! .. there is no possible excuse for what happened on Oct 7 .. and you tend to forget that Israelis have lived their daily lives with bombs raining down for years whilst everyone else (western democracy) plays the sympathy card for ‘terrorists” ..
The “average” Palis voted in HAMAS and rather than make any attempt to inprove the situation are happy to go along with it .. those, bloody, tunnels didn’t dig themselves and I’m, damn, sure it’d be beneath the “dignity” of the “elite” HAMAS “warriors” to have dun the general “pick ‘n shovel” work so that leaves the “average” Pali just earning a living to feed the family, I guess ……… FFS!
awesome … best rant ever
and he’s right about the difference between The left and everybody else
that, the standards they apply to their opponents make their opponents better people
even if The left wins, then we all lose again immediately after when they screw everything up … again
mUnty’s vanity
and this is why gets a lot of stick in this forum
not because it’s a sport
not because he’s wrong
but because despite his lofty sounding moralizing, everybody else knows all he and his ilk every really want is power
the devil wears a tuxedo to hide his tail
Yes, quite a nice walk on the Upper West Side. The park is lovely around there.
Is that the bit where Grant’s Tomb is .. I managed to fit it into my only NY visit in 2013 during my Gettysburg trip ……….
Also, if the first Aussie moon probe isn’t called Roo-ver there is something seriously screwed up in our space agency. That name is just obviously leaps and bounds ahead of the rest.
I like Boomer-ang as in –
It shouldn’t have. They’ve been plenty of like events, incl. in the last decade. In Syria, in Libya, in Iraq. I’m sure events in Spain in the 30s plumbed these depths as well. Same in Mexico in the 20s. And so on.
An easier solution is “responsibilitism”, or franchise qualified by value to society.
The lower house is elected by net taxpayers.
The upper house is appointed by the states or shires/counties.
The executive is elected by those who are veterans or otherwise honourably discharged.
At the local (shire/county) level, the franchise is qualified by property ownership.
It’s not perfect but…the best thing we could do is end compulsory voting.
Whats unfair? herding women into the workforce and higher education has decimated our birth rates. The west is being inundated by 3rd world barbarians as women no long have enough babies to stop the population from dying out. Double incomes is a economic death trap. Woke gender propaganda has driven marriage rates to an all time low. The west is being choked to death by internalised communism.
A woman’s place is in the home not in the office.
Here we go, Marty economics.
Hayek clearly showed the reparations the Germans were paying were NOT unduly burdensome and they weren’t “broke”. Stop misleading people, you asshat.
That’s even true in Iran, where women are not equal to men, but treated equally as tax serfs.
There are strategies and budgets in Australia today to get more women “in the pipeline” to senior management, where fertility is viewed as an “obstacle”?
Your society disappearing from low birth rates is an acceptable cost of making sure there are more women generals, CEOs, fire commissioners or vice-chancellors?
Mother Lode
Nov 20, 2023 11:56 AM
Hey! I scored page podium.
Such a prestigious event, and I have nothing to wear.
The Emperor or Empress has no clothes.
It shouldn’t have. They’ve been plenty of like events, incl. in the last decade. In Syria, in Libya, in Iraq. I’m sure events in Spain in the 30s plumbed these depths as well. Same in Mexico in the 20s. And so on.
True for umpteen past horrors ..! but the big difference now is we (ordinary folk) have access to the internet and the media don’t own the, majority telling like they once did ……
Unless your seriously, suggesting that far too many of the media didn’t try to obfuscate/cover-up or play down the slaughter of Oct 7 ….. or lap up the “bomb” in the hospital carpark …….
An easier solution is “responsibilitism”, or franchise qualified by value to society.
Net taxpayer as the basic qualification.
Thats after schooling etc is taken out.
With a few carveouts for those disabled etc, say an average time to qualify based on most of society.
Women qualify after 3 kids or net taxpayer.
You can disagree all you like. Its an outlier. I have had numerous female bosses in my lifetime and countless female employees. virtually all mediocrities.
They are virtually almost never a match for a male in the role. Women are now a liability in the workplace, if they complain of sexual harassment, ie someone made a pass at them, or some male got a promotion instead of them (ie descrimination). its your problem, not the staff members that caused it. They dont work hard or long hours, they gossip and cause drama. They collapse under pressure.
There is simply no value in having a women in a position that can be filled by a man.
Worst of all now, there is really very little incentive for men to get married or live with women, with the divorce rates so high and the anti-male family law system its a losing proposition.
70 to 80 per cent of Palestinians support the extermination of the Jews.
Because of the choices they’ve made, they have no rights to anything.
This is not a ‘both sides’ problem. It is very much a one side problem.
Rights – however fatuous to start with – can be forfeited. They are not absolute. A man in prison for the term of his natural life also wants to go ‘home’ but he’s not allowed to for very good reasons.
To use the age-old Catholic maxim, error has no rights.
Nov 20, 2023 1:18 PM
LOL. Hey knob head ,why don’t you know yer’ history.
Read this when you have some spare time at the Fat Pizza Bar –
You might learn something for a change and and stop being such a Pompous Windbag and Blog Milk Monitor.
here’s a side by side of thex stolen IDF vehicle
I have put my case before you .. told you the sort of bloke I am ..warts and all.
I just wanted to know the nature of the support I might find when the Muzzies put their stamp on where I live. Which is what they are doing right now.
Why would I put any effort into supporting such as you?
All’s you ever did was call me a rissole on your barbecue as you sneer at the great unwashed.
Palli flags are flying on local motor vehicles …
Do you care? No you dont … you just say the “Booka” is a shit hole.
That is what Propaganda is like … My great Uncle fought for the Wehrmacht and Bless Him explained to me what it was like to “go along to get along” … Propaganda
Having a sneering overclass that insults you and expects you take up arms for the Acen Regime .. despite it hates you and tell you to F OFF …
If Australia is under threat from Muzzies … I might be interested if my Elders and Betters didnt piss on me.
I dont care Frankly … if they dont sell my kids drugs … dont try to root my wife ..dont steal from me.
To Paraphrase … was it the Wild ones? ” What is it you are rebelling against?” “What have you got?”
But for me it is … Hey your House is on fire!! Coming right soon .. … and once I did … Put out a lot of fries … but now … Why ? Were these the houses that you slapped each other on the backs congratulating each other how wealthy and successful you are …
Whilst sneering at me because I live in an RV …
wanna know what ? this time i will watch it burn …
Nov 20, 2023 1:18 PM
Here we go, Marty economics.
LOL. Try Herbert Hoover who was the President of the USA. He was there at the time when you were never even thought of. Dipstick.
You are so full of shite.
And to those that call me some kinda spook …Hey Video or it didnt happen ? This is me after the last fire… it wont happen again …
Given the lack of generosity … the abject nastiness… I hasve been in rough crowds and the worst thing you can doo is sneer … But that is what you did to me … “Wun away vewy quickly you growtty litteman”
Hey you guys have more money than a Bull cant Shit …
Put out your own fires.
Reparations began at around 2.5 % of GDP eventually falling to 1.5% of GDP. It was never going to send the German economy broke. Your link doesn’t say what you think it does, you stinking rodent
Re women, there’s been a bit of a thing over the past few weeks online about Western girls being mentally unhinged in large numbers, being drawn to violent extremism (child trans-abuse, abortion, Palestinians etc) and, in fact, outnumbering men in climate-related and other mobs.
I think this is deeply primordial. I read somebody argue once that, generally, women want dominating men they control at the intimate, relational level. Far from being ‘dominated’ in this nuanced sense, these girls are being accompanied through life by emasculated boys and men – for whom they have contempt. They are, then, throwing in their lot with corporate and cultural invaders of the village in their own best interests because they perceive them to be in the ascendant.
I agree with you Dover.
Not sure about the Spanish Civil war so much but do think islamic jihad tactics haven’t changed much in centuries, except for advances in military hardware.
I’ve read about similar atrocities committed against Christian and Yadizi communities in Syria but al queda isis whoever didn’t think to go pro them.
we dont cry… we just step back when you need help.
Alan Dershowitz. The Case for Israel, p 28.
Because of the absence of precise census or land records, no one will ever be able to reconstruct, with any degree of certainty, the precise demographics of the area eventually assigned to the Jewish state by the U.N. partition of 1947 at the time Jewish refugees from Europe began to arrive there. But it is beyond reasonable dispute – based on census figures, authoritative reports, eyewitness accounts, and simple arithmetic – that the myth of displacement by the European Jewish refugees of a large, stable, long term Muslim population that had lived in that part of Palestine for centuries is demonstrably false.
What do you call a bird egg that is about to hatch, seemingly moving on its own accord?
I can’t wipe the smile of my face. Australian goes over there and kicks ass!
The Americans just got a lesson.
Cleetus & Cars 2023! Winning run! RHD Toyota
This is breaking me as an Australian … we always step in and help… It is taken for granted…
But likes of Dot make me realize there is a fundamental rift in our Community …
Nov 20, 2023 10:06 AM
After WW1 and the casualties inflicted on the countryside, the girls didn’t sit around and cry about “There are no men to father my children – will I be doomed to die childless?”
No, they got off their arses and dealt with the problem by having ‘unconventional relationships’ with available men. Many of whom were married to their sisters and cousins, and no one gave a shit when the three sisters all living together in the family home fell pregnant under what had been 5 years earlier something whispered about among the country towns.
I have no doubt the Ukrainian and Russian women will stick with this generations hubristic demands of “Three sixes.” Those that do will be just editing themselves out of the gene pool – and frankly the gene pool will be better off without them.
Nov 20, 2023 1:46 PM
You Sictorian Pompous Windbag and Knob Head. Go and read Herbert Hoover’s Memoirs if you can read English that is. You may well learn something for a change.
Then come back here and argue your Head Case. If you can that is.
You are just bluster with NFI.
I wonder if Milei will be another Meloni?
Like steak night during bush fires.
It’s a chick thing.
@ Dot
OK apart from hillarious riddles about eggs, who are you, and what have you ever done? You have ceaselessly demanded of me to elaborate my life story and I have… as i always will in a social situation…
You are rude and always exhibit and A to B an back again evaluation and commentary of any issue or controversy … just so long as you think you are funny and can deliver a Bon Mot … you think you have this?
about Western girls being mentally unhinged in large numbers, being drawn to violent extremism
I put it more down to ignorance and the alure of the unknown.
It was a running joke at the detention centres how quickly our educated uni girl “free teh refugees” girls would drop knickers for people they had never met before.
By being effectively a blank slate for the girls to project their own narrative on they became whatever the ladies imagined.
Hoover was wrong though. 2.5% of GDP (and reducing to 1.5% of GDP) is less than our current debt servicing cost.
His cabinet and Congress disagreed with him too.
Maybe it was too punitive. It wasn’t crushing the German economy; Tooze notes how Hitler (who reneged on payment) actually made Germany worse off, looking at quality of life statistics like per capita indoor plumbing and child mortality.
They were costly, but not putative to German economic success.
Germany then put itself in terrific levels of debt with the fraudulent MEFO bills to fund heavy industry indirectly powering war production.
Andrew Bolt:
You told us without any prompting (and using your real name) you were in gaol for a very serious crime – a victim of false allegations and you can’t tell us what dates you were in prison between but you can tell us the prison and the term of the sentence.
Apparently telling us what years you were in Acacia for will dox you, despite you volunteering your name and conviction.
Absolutely bizarre.
Bruce O’Nuke:
My advice to any soldier thinking of trusting the army after this treatment is to remember that the army can enlist you, guaranteeing choice of Corps, choice of posting, etc etc. It can then, after enlisting the soldier, change ANY agreement with you on the basis of “Needs of the Service”.
I wonder if anyone has yet thought the dire needs of the US Army for recruits can quite easily lead to forcible draft?
Trust the government?
You’d have to be as thick as pig shit to do so.
Good rant but the guy looks a bit unhinged.
If my father is a guide, and his news sources are entirely mainstream, no, they largely didn’t.
Honest people don’t hide their deeds.
– Emily Bronte
Winston Smith
Apparently 40 out of 4000 or so have taken up the offer to return.
I wonder how many of them are near the “cash out” stage of enlistment?
@Black Ball
Much as it grieves me to say it.. I totttaly dont like what is happening …
But Hamas has this … like the Tet Offensive…
It will create a realignment of world resources… America … and the Jabbering Cadaver President have failed to maintain the “Rule of Law” they so fervently espouse… fumbling belligerence and internal politics have crippled them…
The planet is on it’s own …
As if this isn’t totallly confecccted.
Perhaps people(not only wimmin) line up behind bullies because they need someone to do the nasty stuff in defending them against the mean folks looking unlike them..
Was ever thus.
And Bolt on Albo’s fellating of China:
Could have bolded the whole thing.
What a duplicitous turd he is. FMD
Winston Smith
Nov 20, 2023 2:10 PM
Just remember what Ronnie Rayguns once said –
“I’m from the Guv’ment and I’m here to help you”
The worst words ever put together in the English language. EVER.
American EMPIRE: CRASH & BURNING in Real Time
Black Pigeon Speaks
I have been watching the ABC with, initially horror ..then derision .. now indifference …
We are being brutally lied to and by people so complacent and job secure they think they have the Social Circle enraptured … Well the Ultimo water cooler at least.
H B Bear
I do not understand why something that is defined as an essential service, shouldn’t be owned 100% by the nation it exists in.
This is NOT a call for nationalisation of assets.
Jane “the wallpaper tastes funny” Caro bringing the big, smooth brained depth of knowledge that informs us all of the important stuff.
Jane Caro
People keep telling me that public schools would collapse if private schools closed down. However, if you think it through, the opposite is true. Private schools need the public system to take the kids they don’t want & to market themselves against. Pub don’t need priv at all.
Is she actually saying “Private schools depend on public schools being shit”?
No the planet is not on its own Mr Bolton. Make a choice. Either you enjoy the status quo right now where the Left are riding roughshod over your freedoms. Or you can resist that as the new Argentine president has shown us.
and even if were true: who cares!
seems ppl have forgotten what the koran clearly lays out as the rules for every death cult member to blindly follow
Zippster, sad that you haven’t seen more competent females in action. I’d say part of that is the Swede thingy happening here in Oz i.e. women choose the softer options in workplace because they can and for most women its a rational choice. So given the choice between a hard analytical career like writing code for serious systems (STEM) and middle-management of not-so-important stuff most women in Oz choose the latter.
My experience working in ME and India is that female tech managers are, on average, much better than males. Two reasons, one is they have to be better to get ahead i.e. bias and two thats the best career path to earning more $$$ and supporting their family. Oz women don’t have that second obligation/motivation but I am sure they would step up if they had to.
Black Pidgeon has always been a source of unsourced meanderings… but He is often right … He rarely sees the outbreak of a new conflict … but is good at putting up a wet finger to see which way the wind is blowing ..
@Black Ball
Greatest of respect Mate… your comments have always made sence…
I dont see this as simple as Team Red VS Team Blue …pick your side.
If that paridgm was ever usefull? The point I am making is why should I pick team anti commie? When I was in VN … whilst the …water cooler wisdome was VN was a Commie dictatorship it was far from that… VN was way more free of over regulation than we are here in Australia … Sure ! Sometimes to their detriment .. but it is easy to get things done .
and forcing them to scramble out of the water to save themselves from more serious hurt.
Injury, using hurt sounds like a 5 year old wrote this?
Where was it from?
Your spruiking for something that will never return. Eather move to the middle east or champion that’s constructive and achievable .
Recent Tim Pool episode mentions the conviction of BLM guy John Sullivan for Jan 6 offences.
He was subject of much discussion on the Cat just after J6 as it was his footage that showed shooting of Ashli Babbitt. CNN and ABC Oz both paid him for the footage. However was clear from plenty of footage that he was there to stir up trouble.
Going to be interesting to see what his sentence will be compared to what other J6 guys have got for far less.
Plenty of outrage on Twitter due to recent release of Capitol footage showing people being let in.
One clip shows a man let in doing nothing but walking in peacefully. He was arrested later and plead guilty. However after the plea deal the DOJ wanted him sentenced as though a terrorist. This would have increased jail time from about 10 months to 9 years He hung himself in his garage.
Another clip shows a guy in handcuffs being uncuffed inside Capitol and then fist bumps one of the cops. Suggestion is he was an undercover.
The J6 arrests and imprisonment of people who were let in and caused no damage or harm is a sign that there is no chance of a fair trial in DC. Plus that FBI is now an organisation working against the people.
The J6 Commission should itself be investigated but we know never going to happen.
It’s another version of the “Don’t kick the arses you may have to kiss tomorrow.”
If her team refuse to back her up, and instead are pissed off with the boss, then the boss needs to start thinking about “Why is it so?”
Cranky just got triggered.
@Black Ball
But my wider point is, why should I lend my shoulder to the wheel of a people that hate me and sneer at me? The Cats to me seem like a sample group of the entitled self satisfied folks with their “hands on the tiller” … show me a bowline .. tie a knot .. dive overboard and disentangle the rope from the propeller … no they wont because they dont know how to… but when suckers like me get tasked to …. who have tugged to forelock to Team “Not being a Commie” … get back on deck ? Will they make me a coffee? No they wont … they will just spit on me and call me a “Booka” OINK …
Not happy Captain !
Hey look at you !
And here is me being far more unpleasant to these folks as you ever were…
Hope you thriving Mate … ? Even if I think you are mistaken I would never wish ill on you or anyone …
Only please be a little less mistaken in future.. 😉
Same happening here. No longer a jab requirement to join ADF. Unjabbed joined to be a medic. Did all the training etc but then had an attachment with NSW Health which required him to be triple jabbed. Not only that it was in quick succession. So they got him anyway as too far in to quit.
“It can then, after enlisting the soldier, change ANY agreement with you on the basis of “Needs of the Service”.
It’s another version of the “Don’t kick the arses you may have to kiss tomorrow.”
If her team refuse to back her up, and instead are pissed off with the boss, then the boss needs to start thinking about “Why is it so?”
Let’s hope it happens to Tennis Elbow and Blackout Bowen. Trouble is, what comes after? The Libs? LOL.
And to help Junior Cretin with his/her/its/Whatever limited comprehension –
The central difficulty during my term as President was, obviously, the worldwide “Great Depression.” Domestically it first appeared in late 1929, eight
months after my inauguration, and continued in the United States not only
during my term but for eight years more, until the start of the Second World War
in 1941.
That fateful eleven-year period is the subject of this volume of my Memoirs. I
have divided it into three major parts:
The Great Depression
The Presidential Election of 1932
The Aftermath
As in the previous two volumes of my Memoirs, I have treated the material
topically rather than chronologically, so as to present a clearer picture of the
events, policies and forces in motion at the time.
I wrote the sections on the Depression and the Election of 1932, for the most
part, less than three years after I left the White House. Later I clarified and
condensed some parts, in particular eliminating documents which had become
public. These I have indicated by references. The section on the Election of 1932
is more detailed than would be necessary but for the fact that this election was a
turning point in American life —and possibly in that of the world.
The section entitled The Aftermath, concerning the continuation of the
Depression from Mr. Roosevelt’s inauguration in 1933 until 1941, was written
from 1942 to 1944. I have included here, from later dates, some quotations
which bear on this period.
Throughout I have endeavored to treat persons and events with the
vi ] Introduction
restraint of a post-mortem. While occasionally mentioning my own views, I have
rested criticism of Mr. Roosevelt’s policies by other persons upon statements of
his sometime associates rather than on quotations of his Republican opponents.
As this volume will demonstrate, the “Great Depression” did not start in the
United States. To be sure, we were due for some economic readjustment as a
result of the orgy of stock speculation in 1928-1929. This orgy was not a
consequence of my administrative policies. In the main it was the result of the
Federal Reserve Board’s pre-1928 enormous inflation of credit at the request of
European bankers which, as this narrative shows, I persistently tried to stop, but
I was overruled. Aside from the inevitable collapse of this Mississippi Bubble,
some secondary economic forces also contributed to the October, 1929, events.
But even this slump started in foreign countries before it occurred in the United
States, and their difficulties were themselves a contributing factor to the stock
market crack. Our domestic difficulties standing alone would have produced no
more than the usual type of economic readjustment which had re-occurred at
intervals in our history.
Eighteen months later, by early 1931, we were convalescing from our own ills
when an economic hurricane struck us from abroad. The whole financial and
economic structure of Europe collapsed at this time as a result of the delayed
consequences of the First World War, the Versailles Treaty, and internal
The immediate effect of Central Europe’s collapse was the terrible
unsettlement of all economically sensitive nations everywhere. Among the dire
consequences were Britain’s suspension of payments to foreigners, abandonment
of the gold standard by scores of nations, trade wars, political revolutions in
more than a dozen countries outside of Europe, and disaster for the American
The eventual effect of this gigantic catastrophe was to kindle political and
social revolutions in all the defeated nations of Central and Eastern Europe.
Communism reached its dread hand into those areas, and Fascist dictators arose
as the antidote. In the end, these forces were to plunge the world into a Second
World War
More from Argentina’s new president.
Serious man crush for this bloke.
Strange that Bolt didn’t notice the “hurt” being caused to Daniel Duggan and the Duggan family at the behest of the Biden administration. He has never slammed the Albanese government over that.
He also welcomed home Cheng Lei like she was a heroine rather than a voluntary propagandist of the Chinese Communist Party.
Odd fellow, sometimes.
Bolt lost me when he cucked out to the Lawfare mob. Mark Styen didnt , told ’em to take a long walk on a short pier, and he won out ..Bolt could have done but didnt.
Honest people don’t hide their deeds.
– Emily Bronte
Emily, genius that she was, was never married; and a virgin.
Nov 20, 2023 2:49 PM
But, but, the gruinaid calls hm a “far right libertarian”, the worst of the worst.
Going to be a lot of iron ricebowls smashed if he gets his way. Can you imagine the unemployment rate in Canbrrrrraaaahhh if similar were done?
Watching John Wick 4. Not bad for a comedy.
Prepare your banner –
Dont .. just dont … American gun play and violence as entertainment … Neither informative nor illuminating … Russians make far better movies.
If you have ever trained on a firearm … the responsibility that should go with it … the fact that it isnt fun..it is real and ernest. … Despite Hollywood would have us belive it is just pop corn …
Best never need to use one …
At least in Montana…
‘Monty Python’ became my religion when I was 10. It led me out of the depths of darkness. I loved ‘The Goodies,’ too, and ‘The Two Ronnies.’ I watched those shows on the public television station in Chicago.
– Bob Odenkirk
Cranky just got triggered.
Show a little compassion, mate.
Self-awareness 101.
@Real Deal
Monty has always been a dick like that … with him always a “drive by” … never a cogent statement of a position.
Private schools would still not take the kids they did not want. What does she think happens? Why would privates schools be accepting less preferred students over the ones they do accept if these less preferred students had no where else?
She will be sitting in some bar tonight, perhaps with friends, perhaps holding court to a few neophytes who are starstruck by being near someone from the SMH, and she will be delivering lines like these with sagacious solemnity (an inward thrill at her cleverness) with not one person there pausing to see how that supposedly works.
Being a frightbat, I will guess she went to a private school. There always seems to be daddy issues and missing the schoolgirl rebel clique at the bottom of a frightbat’s wellspring of self importance.
You are trying to hard bird.
Nov 20, 2023 3:05 PM
Just what we need – a “school strike for Palestine” on Thursday.
Prepare your banner –
Israel stole Palestine’s climate
More like this –
@Johnny Rotten
Like it or not it is happening.
Other than just “harrumpff ” what are we going to do about it?
‘Hurt’ was the editor’s idea.
The draft article said ‘boo-boo’.
another narrative, how the Palestinians welcomed Jewish refugees and were subsequently betrayed.
Much respect to Dover.
I know you folks are well educated … but perhaps some of you might have missed it
“Dover Beach” by Matthew Arnold
read it again and again …
The ABC obits Rosalynn Carter as Ms Carter.
It’s Mrs Carter, dickheads.
Cassie has been a model of decorum.
Mark Bolton
Nov 20, 2023 3:15 PM
Are you Struth in disguise or that other Dick Head? The one who got banned? Maybe Junior Cretin invited you on here. LOL
@Johnny Rotten
and here is the difference between us. I dont throw out gratuitous insults… there are many reasons why, but for me, the most compelling one is courtesy ..
Nov 20, 2023 3:30 PM
The ABC obits Rosalynn Carter as Ms Carter.
It’s Mrs Carter, dickheads.
More like Carter the Farter. Me-thane anyone? Or more CO2 from my silly billy Gob?
Mark Bolton
Nov 20, 2023 3:36 PM
There is one born every minute. The trouble is they live. Just like Junior Cretin.
@ Johnny Rotten
“More like Carter the Farter. Me-thane anyone? Or more CO2 from my silly billy Gob?”
Oh Gosh Johnny !! ~boom tish~ … you are in fine form ! What a Zinger !!
Dont forget to tip the waitress …
Some smug, upper middle class judge declares that a guy’s interest in doomsday prepping is all sorts of bad and anti-social and pathological and so on:
I’m not sure what the threshhold for or definition of a ‘doomsday prepper’ is, but in any event it is not up to the judiciary to buy into what it is or whether they agree with it.
Since when did judges decide on ‘strange’ and ‘unusual and unhealthy interest’ as a criterion? Never, in Common Law.
If he has the money, he should appeal.
Nov 20, 2023 3:31 PM
Cassie has been a model of decorum.
Really? She does use rude words when she wants to and gives Junior Cretin compliments.
Does that count as decorum?
Luigi’s tin ear letting him down again….
Military sonar systems can be deadly, so why is Anthony Albanese not making more noise?
It’s unclear how high the People’s Liberation Army-Navy destroyer had its active sonar turned up when it knowingly targeted multiple Australian divers in international waters off Japan on November 14.
Military-grade active sonar systems send out piercing metallic pings at up to 235 decibels – nearly double the noise level of the world’s loudest rock bands.
At lower levels, the audio shockwaves can disorient nearby divers and puncture their eardrums. At higher levels, they can rupture internal organs and cause fatal brain haemorrhages.
It’s unclear how high the People’s Liberation Army-Navy destroyer had its active sonar turned up when it knowingly targeted multiple Australian divers in international waters off Japan on November 14.
It was enough to cause at least “minor” injuries, though Defence is yet to provide further details.
The incident happened a day before Anthony Albanese flew out for the APEC leaders’ summit in San Francisco, and should have been top-of-mind for him as he went into the talks.
Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s Senior Analyst Malcolm Davis says Prime Minister Anthony Albanese “owes”… the nation an “explanation” about what he told Chinese President Xi Jinping at APEC after a military incident. Mr Albanese is under pressure to explain whether he raised a military incident with Mr Xi after More
Albanese had several “pull aside” meetings with Xi Jinping there, and also spoke to China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi.
Did he raise the dangerous and potentially fatal targeting of the Australian divers by the Chinese military?
We may never know, but it seems unlikely.
Albanese enthused in his final press conference of the trip – an hour before the government released news of the sonar attack – about the “positive” momentum in stabilising the countries’ relations.
The body language of at least one of his encounters with Xi also suggested a warm encounter.
The Prime Minister is yet to face the media yet to say whether he protested the attack, rolling out colleagues and even former PM Kevin Rudd to try and clean things up.
Cabinet Minister Tanya Plibersek deflected with the well-worn “He’s not Scott Morrison” defence, pointing to Morrison’s leaked text messages with Emmanuel Macron.
“It doesn’t help international relations to behave in that way,” she told Sunrise.
Rudd, who was shadowing Albanese at APEC, sounded equally evasive on ABC radio.
“We do not comment on the detail. (It’s) longstanding practice of governments – Liberal, Labor and Callithumpian,” he told ABC radio on Monday.
But leaders, including Albanese, reveal details of their conversations with other world leaders all the time.
After his meeting with Xi in Beijing this month, the PM revealed a raft of topics he and the President discussed, including trade, detained Australian Yang Hengjun, and the global security environment.
So, Albanese will continue to face questions on whether he raised the Chinese ship’s dangerous conduct which injured Australian personnel.
The public also deserves to know more about the incident itself. How many divers were involved? What is the nature of their injuries? How many pulses were they exposed to? How far away was the Chinese ship when it engaged in such unsafe conduct?
The government’s disciplined performance in restoring ties with Beijing has been a net positive for the government – that’s where things need to be to raise difficult bilateral issues.
But if the PM failed to raise the incident – to “disagree where we must in the national interest”, as he has vowed to do – he will be rightly accused of kowtowing to Beijing.
Dodging the question or refusing to say amounts to much the same thing.
Might help.
@Johnny Rotten
and you dont ?
Police were alerted to Spiers’s interest in weapons in June last year, when his ex-partner sought an intervention order against him.
Another woman using the state to avenge herself on her ex.
Many such cases.
Never go full Bird.
@Johhny Rotten
Much as I thought the Sex Pistols were cringe .. and the Australian “shout back” .. the Celibate spoke far more to me as a young Auzzie.. as was Dave Warner and Radio Birdman … we kinda let it, be us and, be fun and instructive …
John Lydon has turned out to be quite the chap …
Why put on that mantle and pretend to be all punk and uproarious … bit late now Mate?
Plenty of scope once you start pulling on these kinds of threads.
@ Johhny Rotten
“Memento mori” .. Mate that clock is ticking!… dont waste the rest of your life thinking that being nasty and cracking pathetic jokes will ease your way into that “Good Night”
See You On God’s Chosen Shore ..or at least I hope tp ..
I’ll open the book on Javier Milei’s survival as President before the Biden, WEF, EU, UN coup has him out.
I bid less rhan six months.
Mentions hamas now resorting to suicide attacks, saw on extwitter three hamas suicide bombers attacking Rantisi hospital.
our friends at raptor news. Interesting that tunnels curve up to give blinds spots.
@ Johhny Rotten
as to the egg gag ? I an riven with curiosity … punch line please? … enqueuing minds and all that …
Being a frightbat, I will guess she went to a private school. There always seems to be daddy issues and missing the schoolgirl rebel clique at the bottom of a frightbat’s wellspring of self importance.
Not forgetting issues associated with gin.
Simps are always going to simp
Not much ‘Peace Out’ going on today, from the bloke who yesterday referred to this august journal of record and all in it as a petri dish.
It’s good stuff.
@ H B Bear
“Another woman using the state to avenge herself on her ex.
Many such cases.”
Yup and it is beyond ugly …
Outright rubbish. There are excellent, great, good and totally crap male managers. There are excellent, great, good and totally crap female managers. Reproductive organs do not define leadership ability.
Your perspective is what drives the whole quota/Emily’s List/give-a-girl-a-go/rails-run-for-females nonsense.
Personal circumstances are a bigger influence on career choice. Capability is unrelated to
And yet Clarkefield (excellent pub, a short run to where I used to live in Romsey) is over 3,420km from the ‘Booka.
Capability is unrelated to gender. Why does this damned phone continue to torture me?
BovverBoy is a top world recognized economist .
It’s having – at minimum (per adult):
.1 More than a dozen cans of baked beans,
.2 More than two chooks,
.3 Owning a firearm,
.4 Owning a still,
.5 Having access to a back hoe/16 pigs/a yabbie infested dam,
.6 Owning a Geiger counter or similar.
.7 Having a wine cellar made from a 40 foot container and having a suspiciously small amount of wine in it – <10 dozen.
Would you like a man to help you?
An excellent discussion between John Anderson & the brilliant Niall Ferguson on the Israeli/Palestinian issues.
Since we live in a state that embraces Law and due process. And since The Courts are Open to us all to witness. Does it not behove us to occasionally go watch a trial? See what is being done at out presumed behest ?
I do .. I am bored by football.
As ever I am not trying to tell anyone how to think … just that we would better serve ourselves and our Community by availing ourselves of the facts.
1 More than a dozen cans of baked beans,
.2 More than two chooks,
.3 Owning a firearm,
.4 Owning a still,
.5 Having access to a back hoe/16 pigs/a yabbie infested dam,
.6 Owning a Geiger counter or similar.
.7 Having a wine cellar made from a 40 foot container and having a suspiciously small amount of wine in it – <10 dozen.
Don’t have number 4 or 6. But have the rest – although the wine cellar is very small & the actual cab sav small vineyard is yet to yield.
And as for “prepping” – we are b—-y serious. The Covid years were a “prep” in themselves. I can only see our society heading in one direction – & apparently some pretty serious intellects at the ARC agree!
Love the clip at 2.49, Areff, Thankyou.
The guy looks like the love child of
George Best and Ayn Rand.
He may be a bit crazy but given Argentina’s position: “ …never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy.”
@!Knuckle Dragger
Nov 20, 2023 4:13 PM
“Not much ‘Peace Out’ going on today, from the bloke who yesterday referred to this august journal of record and all in it as a petri dish.
Well it is and by extension, so is it, for us all…
Peace ? Yeah sure ! it works for me, but I have never responded to any of you without having first being challenged … Look if those types of criticisms of me, were well founded I would just apologize…
Fogger devices to make your Coles shopping experience more interesting….
AI reboot: control-altman-delete
This can be paraphrased much more concise and rudely: Their little groins are tingling and moist at the idea of all those masculine hordes of barbarians at the gates. Western women are now like that girlfriend who flirted with the bouncer and then started crying when he took it out, and suddenly expects you to take on the tattooed skinhead monster.
This chap has had a fairly appropriate sentence for his crime.
The man was sentenced to 24 years and six months in jail.
He will have to serve 22 years and six months before he can be released.
With time already served he will first be eligible for parole in 2045.
Kiddie abuser, so his jail time will be done in dog years
Argentina’s New President Javier Milei Unleashes Budget Cuts, Rejects Leftist Ideologies and Socialism
Petri Dish ?
“Their little groins are tingling and moist at the idea of all those masculine hordes of barbarians at the gates. ”
Full disclosure .. back in the day I prepared the medium that went into Petri Dishes…
I never really got to see what went on to grown in them … Perhaps now I am ?
Some of the callers to 2SM are defending Hamas; one today said it is not part of Hamas’s charter to destroy Israel. Here is Hamas’s Covenant from 1988. ALL of it is about destroying Israel, the Jews and anyone who sides with them, ie the West.
The point is not that this bastard was a liar but that the announcer had no idea how to repudiate the mongrel. So I’ll have to do it on Wednesday when I’m not busy.
Nov 20, 2023 12:53 PM
You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. – Orange Dover.
I didn’t think they did that in prison.
On board Jordan Peterson’s ARC, I met people of courage and vision
By Monica Doumit – November 18, 2023
Does it not behove us to occasionally go watch a trial?
Watch reruns of Boston Legal.
What Hamas did to Israeli women deserves only one punishment: death
For Israeli women, there are not even the crumbs of indignation, but.I didn’t expect anything from the UN, #MeToo or woke feminists. Op-ed.
Giulio Meotti – Nov 20, 2023, 7:20 AM (GMT+2)
The hypocrite feminists launch campaigns for “pink quotas”, for “inclusive writing”, for the prices of pads, for “neutral pronouns”, to overcome the “patriarchy”, to pass laws against those who whistle at a girl on the street, believe every claim on #MeToo – and they don’t say a word about it.
“A woman was raped surrounded by her dead friends. Another had her breasts cut off and the terrorists played with them. A Holocaust survivor saw her granddaughter raped and murdered. A fourteen-year-old girl was found with her legs spread and semen on her back. She had been shot in the head. Most of the women were shot multiple times in the head. Some bodies were so badly damaged that after three days blood was still dripping. They mutilated the genitals of several women.”
The Israeli police investigation into mass sexual violence by Hamas terrorists involves allegations ranging from gang rape to post-mortem mutilation.
“The police are collecting evidence of sexual violence from witnesses, surveillance footage and interrogations of arrested Palestinian jihadists,” says David Katz, head of the Israel Police Lahav 443 investigative unit. The investigation will last “six to eight months”.
Police showed reporters a recorded interview with a female survivor of the Supernova rave party who witnessed the gang rape and murder of a woman. “They bent her over and I realized that they were raping her, one after another. Then they handed her to a man in uniform. She was alive. Standing up and bleeding from her bottom. They held her by her hair. A man held her shot in the head while he raped her, while she had her pants down.”
The most important women’s organizations within the United Nations failed to say anything.
The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) spoke amorphically about the “gender dimensions of conflict.”
Even Fania Oz-Salzberger, the daughter of Amos Oz, the famous left-wing Israeli writer, wonders “where are the feminists”.
I didn’t expect anything from the UN, #MeToo or woke feminists.
Just two years ago, Iran was elected to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
Four European countries have voted in favor of ayatollahs torturing those who do not wear the headscarf.
But the farce doesn’t stop there.
Because not only Iran was elected to this commission. There is the China of forced abortions and sterilizations.
There is Pakistan, where a thousand Christian girls and other minorities are kidnapped, raped, converted to Islam and forced into forced marriages every year.
There is Mauritania, where many women are still enslaved.
For Israeli women, there are not even the crumbs of indignation, like for the gender identity of Western men.
Sexual mutilations. Gang rapes. The word “pogrom” on October 7 does not really reflect what happened.
The Hamas murderers are a manifestation of Evil. But organised. And that makes it even more beastly.
But most Western media refuse to talk about it.
This is why today they speak of an “ceasefire”, as if there were a war between two equal parties.
Such evil must not go unpunished. Israel must continue until the last Hamas terrorist is killed or captured
@OH KD ..
and here I was thinking you were so up and ready for a debate? and this is your best? another “ad hom” snipe?
Is this how you prepare for honest and open discourse?
That is the problem … most folks get thier understanding of the Law from Fiction …
It is fixable … we can retrain …
That is the problem … most folks get thier understanding of the Law from Fiction …
Boston legal is a documentary, just like Judge Judy. Rake was fiction.
You haven’t cracked the code yet, KD. Let me assist.
He was used as a Petri Dish in prison.
Stepped out onto the balcony today and overheard a guy below on his tablet listening to a press conference by Benjamin N. I caught his attention and said that I am 100% with Israel. He made friendly noises in reply.
What I noticed was that he kept looking around as though he might be being followed, maybe paranoid, maybe not.
Oh, and I see that the charlatan, ‘perky tits’ Lizzie (aged 80) has returned.
Being able to throw a party where expensive food and drink are provided, and being civil and even entertaining to attendees, is no test of character.
But, you know that better than most.
and so what if I was in prison ? How does that materialy diminish me… ? Make my thoughts and feelings void? Who are you to say that just because you never did Crowbar Colledge it makes you wiser and and more authoritative than me ? Maybe you are the one that missed out? Maybe you might have learned something … Got some “corners knocked’ off?
But in good faith I still am ready to do this “big debate” that you claim is the strength of The Cat ?
Arky said:
Male comic book fantasies writ large.
Much respect to Dover. I know you folks are well educated … but perhaps some of you might have missed it. “Dover Beach” by Matthew Arnold
Huh? I always thought Dover was Ben. As in Ben Dover. Geddit.
hahahahahaha ……jeez I’m funny sometimes ….I crack myself up.
(apologies Dover, couldn’t help myself.) 🙂
@ The peanut gallery
~slow clap~ at the ready wit and mockery …
It seems the Abo bloke starving himself to death on the lawns of Canberra has chucked it in. “My body called it quits”. Oh well. But he did get a conga line of supporters coming for a photo op……. even the Deputy Mayor of Shoalhaven.
Perhaps go for the burning monk method next time. Then there are good photos and awards. Nothing interesting about a skinny bloke.
What was the issue again? Sorry I forgot.
Purposeful sexual degradation, purely to demonstrate the theological superiority of their Islam over Jewish dogs, as they call us, for their own disgusting satisfaction.
much hillarity … I am sure but fact is any of us can wind up in jail… Only reason you think you cant is because of your complacent attitude.
What I can do now, that I couldn’t do then …is coach a bloke to really not cop it way bad when he gets there …. opinionated self important “know it alls” … really get the worst of it …
JB, are you on another meth bender?