Open Thread – Wed 22 Nov 2023

The Old Temple, Hubert Robert, 1787

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November 24, 2023 11:44 am

It’s important to remember who’s most threatened when things kick off.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 24, 2023 11:44 am

Young people support Hamas baby murderers, imaginary global warming and continually failing Marxism. In short they’re dumber than rocks.

Young people ‘really unsure’ about AUKUS (Sky New, 23 Nov)

“A majority of 18–34-year-old Australians said they were unsure or didn’t know whether AUKUS makes Asia safer,” he told Sky News Australia.

One wonders if they have sufficient intelligence to learn Chinese when the need arises.

(On the other hand since the nuclear subs are unlikely to ever actually get built, maybe they know a lot more than I fully appreciate.)

November 24, 2023 11:44 am

Nov 24, 2023 11:24 AM

Do not underestimate the propaganda machine and reach of the Palestinian supporters.

A friend has an internet clothing business. For many years she has imported an Israeli brand of swimwear.



H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2023 11:46 am

It’s not all witness boxes and interlocutory hearings for Brittany. Clearly her mental health has improved too.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2023 11:48 am

No word on whether she has returned Linda Reynolds jacket. I hate people like that.

November 24, 2023 11:49 am

ALP may just hold by a fingernail some seats up this way if the LNP isn’t giving any solutions especially on crime.

As I opined previously, with just under a year to go, don’t underestimate the ability of Crisafulli and Co. to stuff this up.

Meanwhile, Palaszczuk is holding on to the leadership by her fingernails, having lost the support of the United Workers Union.

November 24, 2023 11:51 am

QLD Opposition Leader David Crisafulli plays it safe with vows to bolster public services instead of focusing on real issues of youth crime, propping up crucial sectors

David Crisafulli is more focused on fixing the LNP’s public service record when he should be tackling Queensland’s more pressing issues, writes Rocco Loiacono.

I’ve warned repeatedly about Northern Pesutto.

I know the exact moment I wrote him off. It was when he told Paul Murray that, if elected Premier, he wouldn’t amend Labor’s extremist abortion laws to restore conscientious objection rights to doctors who refuse to kill children and the elderly.

A gutless flake who doesn’t believe in anything.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
November 24, 2023 11:52 am

When you compare the proposed destruction of an entire mountain top in North Qld, to build a Wind Farm, with the “alleged” environmental matters in Tassie, it appears Koalas and birds have no rights compared to the Maguean Skate.

November 24, 2023 11:54 am

“A majority of 18–34-year-old Australians said they were unsure or didn’t know whether AUKUS makes Asia safer,”

They also had trouble understanding pronouns, where babies come from, reading books without pictures, and making correct change for an order of chips.

Winston Smith
November 24, 2023 12:01 pm

Nov 23, 2023 6:47 PM

99% of the Australian news media is fully on board with the federal government’s determination to import hundreds, if not thousands, of violent Arab welfare bludgers who will vote for the Liars and make it virtually impossible for a future LNP administration to govern through Arab street protests.

I doubt that it has ever been so obvious of what the Uniparty and Labor see as the Australian Future. They will impose a multiracial culture on us, via immigration – by the WHO – if necessarily at the point of a gun.
But here’s a dreadful thought – if Racism is the worlds biggest social problem, as multiple UN organisations claim, the only way to defeat it is by blending the different races – Black/White/Yellow etc.
And for that to happen, women will have lose the right to choose who fathers their children, and men will have to lose the right to pass their genes on to theirs.
Do you think that’s crazy? It certainly sounds it. Except we’ve been forced to spend $2 Trillion on global warming, which can offer no proof of its existence, just the say so of the very same people who claim racism is the worlds major social problem.

but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2023 12:01 pm

So far the only parties out of pocket seem to be Australian taxpayers (as usual, mugs) and Mrs Pirate Pete’s KC with $700k of invoices up for debate in the Federal Court. I’m still not sure Gallagher and Dreyfus are in the clear yet either.

November 24, 2023 12:03 pm

Do not underestimate the propaganda machine and reach of the Palestinian supporters.

And their cynical use of indoctrinated children.

November 24, 2023 12:04 pm
November 24, 2023 12:05 pm

Oh yeah, that would be an ‘Algerian migrant’ who did the stabbing.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
November 24, 2023 12:07 pm

As I opined previously, with just under a year to go, don’t underestimate the ability of Crisafulli and Co. to stuff this up.

Crisafulli is going hard with his ’Look! I’m Not Campbell Newman’ strategy:

Mr Crisafulli also believes the service delivery issues plaguing Queensland can be solved with more money: “When I look at the public service, and I look at what is being delivered, the answer is we actually need to attract more.”

Whatever he offers that segment of the voteherd, none of the bastards will vote for him.

(Good to see you back, Roger. Hope UnZud was a hoot.)

November 24, 2023 12:09 pm

Winston Smith
Nov 24, 2023 12:01 PM

Nov 23, 2023 6:47 PM

99% of the Australian news media is fully on board with the federal government’s determination to import hundreds, if not thousands, of violent Arab welfare bludgers who will vote for the Liars and make it virtually impossible for a future LNP administration to govern through Arab street protests.

Winston Smith,

I sent an email off to some Liberal Semators today raising a question re a point made by a comment on this Blog

A question to ask of PM Albanese & Foreign Minister Penny Wong

How many of the 1700 Israeli Visas were to Arab Israeli’s

The government has approved visitor visas for more than 850 people living in Gaza and 1700 to Israelis following terror group Hamas’ October 7 attack

November 24, 2023 12:14 pm


The IDF has carefully overtaken and explored the tunnel system that converges on Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital. The IDF seeks to expose the Hamas way of war as inherently criminal — a point that has gotten lost in the media shuffle.

Shifa Hospital director Muhammad Abu Salmiya was arrested yesterday along with several other hospital staff members while attempting to evacuate southward along the humanitarian corridor — i.e., the escape route. The JNS story quotes the IDF statement:

The IDF is exposing the tunnel system it has found underneath the hospital. As IDF Lt. Colonel Richard Hecht puts it here: ” We have moved past the blast door and discovered full subterranean complex, complete with a dormitory, kitchen, bathroom, and more. The scale of this tunnel, parts of which Hamas worked to bury is absolutely incredible[.]”

The IDF puts the tracking shot to good use in the Hagari video. It reminds me of the scene taking viewers into the Copacabana in Goodfellas. Where’s the kitchen? Like Henry Hill in Goodfellas — Hamas, they’re business is construction.

As one knowledgeable observer has counseled regarding the video tour of the tunnel system– take a good look around, you helped pay for it.

The tweet plaintively poses the question whether this is enough proof for you.

We know the answer to that question.

Query whether Israel will even be allowed to finish the job.

The video below provides an accelerated tour while the tweet poses the question whether “the world [will] condemn Hamas[.]” We know the answer to that question too. 1 Min 29 Secs

Below is Hagari’s statement on the IDF’s findings. The “important question” Hagari poses to “the international community” now that the IDF has provided “irrefutable proof” of the Hamas way of war is this one:

“What will you do to stop Gazans’ hospitals from being turned into terror bases in the future? Will you condemn Hamas, or will you continue to…remain silent?”

We know the answer to those questions too.

November 24, 2023 12:14 pm


Why not a special edition of TWiP for Thanksgiving? Why not indeed! It gives me an excuse to delay my day-drinking start time by a couple hours, though it will not delay or deter dinner table rants.

November 24, 2023 12:17 pm

Figures obviously plucked out of various house sized backsides:

approved visitor visas for more than 850 people living in Gaza and 1700 to Israelis

How is this obvious? Note the “figure” for Israelis just so happens to be exactly double the “figure” for palliweirdos.

Politicians and j’ismists really do take the general public for mugs.

Winston Smith
November 24, 2023 12:18 pm


Nov 23, 2023 6:54 PM
The current generation of schoolchildren must be the most historically illiterate since public schools started. Has it never heard of the Holocaust and WWII?

Those who can do. Those who can’t teach. I also assume it’s teachas that are putting these brats up to these disgusting antics.

All you can do is what I do – when the N&N make a statement they’ve obviously heard at school, I challenge them on it.

November 24, 2023 12:19 pm

The Democratic oligarchs funding pro-Hamas nonprofits

Biden’s pro-Israel stance is more rhetoric than reality

Last Wednesday, several dozen pro-Palestinian activists, their faces obscured by keffiyehs and Covid masks, attempted to block the entrance to the Democratic National Committee Headquarters in Washington, DC.

Reports of a riot may have been hyperbole, but footage showed a chaotic demonstration reminiscent of the racial justice protests of 2020. The organisers later accused the police of attacking the “non-violent” protestors; Capitol Police claimed that six of its officers were assaulted.

The protest was the latest instance of the growing hostility between the Biden administration and America’s activist Left, which accuses the President of complicity in an ongoing “genocide” in Gaza.

Depending on your perspective, this conflict can be read in one of two ways: either it is evidence that Biden, the old white moderate, is out of touch with his party’s increasingly diverse and Left-wing base; or it is reassuring proof that the adults in the Democratic establishment are still in charge of their party, despite their occasional indulgence of youthful radicalism.

This framing is flattering to both sides.

For the radical Left, which find its values endorsed by nearly every prestige institution in the country, from Harvard to the CIA, it provides reassurance that they really are an embattled, anti-establishment minority bravely speaking truth to power.

For the moderates, not least Jewish Democrats horrified to see Left-wing college students cheering the murder of Israeli women and children, it functions more as a defence mechanism, sustaining them in the illusion that the party is still run by and for people like them.

But the division between the activist Left and the party establishment is little more than a politically useful fiction.

In reality, the radical cadres are bankrolled by the same nexus of progressive oligarchs and dark-money slush funds that finance the party establishment.

The DNC protest, for example, was organised by two progressive “Jewish” NGOs, Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow — the same groups behind a rowdy pro-ceasefire protest at the US Capitol at which more than 300 people were arrested.

Both groups are funded by an array of big-money progressive donors, including George Soros, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the Tides network.

JVP, for instance, has received $650,000 from George Soros’s Open Society Foundation since 2017 and at least $350,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, as well as smaller donations from Tides and from the charitable wings of major financial institutions such as Vanguard, Fidelity, and Morgan Stanley.

INN, meanwhile, received $400,000 from Soros in 2019 and 2021 and $160,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund between 2017 and 2023.

It has also received donations from the Sixteen Thirty Fund, another massive dark-money group managed by Arabella Advisors.

November 24, 2023 12:22 pm

Mossad used their secret Jew Hair Rays* to spark off Dublin
and punish the feckin’ Oirish for their hamarse support.
* A Spleenville oldy, but goody.

November 24, 2023 12:24 pm

Can Europe become Western again?

By Victor Davis Hanson

For the first time in a millennium, Europe no longer plays a critical role in promoting Western civilization nor in world history at large.

Ostensibly it should. Some 750 million people live on the European subcontinent.

Europe still remains the most popular tourist spot on earth. Its hallowed architecture, art, infrastructure, and natural beauty still remind millions of visitors of the world’s once most dynamic and grandiose civilization.

Even now, European nations, in and out of the Europe Union, still produce a combined gross domestic product of $24 trillion, second only to the United States.

Europe’s exports are among the world’s most coveted cars, sophisticated technology, and valued industrial goods.

Yet since World War II, Europe has played an increasingly reduced role in world affairs, despite its membership in the NATO alliance and the growth of the European Union.


The 20th-century traumas of World War I and II — in which some 70 million Europeans were killed — saw Europe commit near collective suicide.

The ensuing Cold War hinged on protecting a relatively unarmed Europe from an aggressive nuclear Soviet empire on Europe’s borders.

But as World War II and the Cold War faded into memory, Europe did not snap back and assume its centuries-old role as a world leader and beacon of Western Civilization.

Instead, a weary Europe outsourced its security to the United States.

It redefined itself as a postmodern, pacifist, socialist utopian project — most recently predicated on redistributionist entitlements, open borders, and radical green policies that have all inevitably ensured European decline.

Europeans grew louder and whinier the less relevant they became.

Although Europe has large sources of untapped hydroelectrical, nuclear, coal, and natural gas power, its green religion has all but shut down new nuclear and fossil fuel generation and closed existing plants.

The result is that the cost of European energy is prohibitive for both the public and industry.

Recent economic growth was essentially zero throughout the Eurozone.

The European cradle-to-grave social net, and its hyper government regulations and restrictions on economic activity increasingly are unsustainable.

Few European nations spend even a mere two-percent of their GDP on defense. And the result is that both Europe at large and its NATO members cannot defend their continent without the assistance of the United States.

Nor can Europe project power beyond its shores to preempt dangerous threats on its own horizon or to its allies.

Europe is also shrinking and aging.

Its collective fertility rate of 1.5 is far below the rate of replacement.

Most young people in Europe — the ancient home of Christendom — express neither belief in God nor any faith in organized religions.

In many European countries, foreign-born emigrants comprise 20 percent of the population.

Most of them have arrived poor, without education, in mass, illegally, with little desire to fully integrate, from inimical countries, and holding political and religious views hostile to Europe.

The other half of the West is in little better condition.

The United States is reeling under $33 trillion in national debt.

November 24, 2023 12:28 pm

For the Young of Australia!

Dear Useful Idiots: Hamas Nazis and Other Jihadists are Using You
And coming for you.

The impact of the terror attacks in Israel on October 7 has been so severe that there are now “before October 7” and “after October 7” eras.

The world is not the same. The issue of jihad war, and the evidence of 1,400 years of expansionary jihad violence, is in focus. What Hamas did on October 7 may be new to the West, but it has many historic antecedents. It is part of what jihad is.

In the recent past, we saw it with the Islamic State; even now, Christians in Africa are experiencing a genocide at the hands of brutal jihadists.

But now jihad has, once again, struck Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East.

And please, we need to stop the nonsensical view, advanced by many, about the West caring about Israel only because it’s made up of “white people.”

If you go to Israel, you will see Mizrahi Jews, Ethiopian Jews, B’nei Menashe (Indian) Jews, Kaifeng Jews (Chinese), and among them all, multitudes of Arabs living their daily lives in Israel in peace.

I have personally had Arab cab drivers tell me that they hate the Palestinian Authority and love living in Israel, where they can work and are treated better by the Israeli government.

Israel is one of the most diverse countries in the world, and its varied citizens live together in peace, except, of course, for the Palestinian “resistance.”

The lies about Israel being an “apartheid state” are grossly off-base, and anyone peddling them doesn’t deserve to be trusted as a source of information.

November 24, 2023 12:28 pm

Chicago, Where 24 Were Just Shot, Demands a Ceasefire in Israel

Maybe Chicago should cease fire in its own streets?

Winston Smith
November 24, 2023 12:32 pm


I pity the people who live more than a few kms from a hospital who are in the same predicament.
Do they roll the dice on calling an ambulance?

A common issue out bush.
Just remember that the person on site is always half the time away that an ambulance is. (The ambulance nearly always being at the patients ultimate destination.)
One of the guiding principles of evacuation of a patient is the concept of not going from one level of care to a lower level. That’s to say, a clinic with the minimum of equipment like defibrillator, oxygen, monitors etc is superior to the back seat of a Patrol with limited O2, etc etc.
However the nearest ambulance is at least an hour away, and the RFDS can be anywhere between an hour to eight hours away depending on availability.

In the end all you can do is your best with the equipment you’ve got, and remember the human body is a splendid piece of kit and can put up with a lot of abuse before it chucks the towel in.

November 24, 2023 12:35 pm

Nicholas Kristof and His ‘Sweet’ Palestinian Lady

Approving the rape, torture, and murder of Israelis.

November 24, 2023

Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times doesn’t much care for Israel or its way of conducting itself.

He recently had some unpleasant experiences in Jerusalem: “‘New York Times’ writer Nicholas Kristoff [sic] lost sight of facts, nuance – opinion,” by Barbara Sofer, Jerusalem Post, November 17, 2023:

Kristof describes going somewhere in Jerusalem, probably to find an authentic Gaza news source.

He makes an appointment with “some Gazans who were temporarily allowed to visit Israel and became stuck in east Jerusalem.”

He doesn’t explain why they were in Jerusalem in the first place and how they “got stuck.”

They’re certainly not hostages.

Perhaps the Gazans were receiving medical treatment not available in Gaza’s hospitals located above those billion-dollar tunnels.

Each tunnel costs as much as a high-end MRI machine.

The gravel imported for the simplest tunnel could pay for a lot of ketamine and propofol, common anesthetics.

Kristof is remarkably incurious about what those Gazans are doing in Jerusalem.

As the writer of this article notes, they might well be in Jerusalem to receive treatment from Israeli medical personnel that is not available at home.

Among those Palestinians who have sought treatment from Israeli doctors in Israeli hospitals have been the head of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar (whose life was saved by Jewish doctors) and his daughter, the late PA propagandist Saeb Erekat, as well as Mahmoud Abbas, his wife, his brother, and his brother-in-law.

And there is another possible explanation.

These Gazans he met in Jerusalem might have been among the 20,000 Gazans who have been granted Israeli work permits; which allows them to earn, working in Israel, between three to five times what they would earn if they remained in Gaza.

It may be that the Gazans Kristof met in Jerusalem had been working in Israel on October 7 and have been prevented from returning because of the heavy fighting that has been going on ever since.

Once safely there (whew), Kristof’s unnamed source was a “sweet” (his description) 57-year-old Gazan woman who approved of the Hamas act on October 7.

Kristof doesn’t mention if she was specifically satisfied with the beheadings, rapes, burning babies, but his “sweet” source did think it was okay to murder five-year-olds because “they are all Jews and Zionists.”

No shared humanity here.

This, to use his own words, “ breaks his heart” because her bigotry was, in his opinion, nurtured “not only by Hamas propaganda but also by Israeli bombing.”

This “sweet” Palestinian lady — who approves of rape, torture, and murder of Israelis — wins Kristof’s affection nonetheless.

Besides, her views, according to Kristof, don’t come from the texts and teachings of Islam, or from a lifetime of being schooled in hatred of Jews, but are an understandable reaction to Israeli mistreatment.

He does want to make clear this lady’s “bigotry” — a mild word for her murderous race-hatred — is due not just to Hamas propaganda (based on verses in the Qur’an), but also, more importantly, to Israeli bombing.

But the Hamas attack had been in the works for almost two years.

It was not prompted by any bombing from Israel, of which there was very little during that time.

And there had been no Israeli bombing in the run-up to the October 7 attack.

But Kristof wants to make sure that Hamas’ atrocities are blamed at least partly on…Israel.

November 24, 2023 12:39 pm

How Obama is Running America’s Response to Oct. 7

“They hold the Iran file.”

Like Robert Spencer, many people wonder why Joe Biden and his henchmen “are considering sending $10 billion to the Islamic Republic of Iran, the chief funder of Hamas.”

David Samuels had some thoughts on the subject in “The Obama Factor,” a landmark Tablet interview with David Garrow, author of Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama.

“Why are they still fixated on Iran after the Iran deal failed, it’s premises are exploded?” wonders Samuels, Tablet’s literary editor.

“I don’t follow the Iranian stuff super carefully,” Garrow replied, “but I have been puzzled at the Biden administration’s continuing attachment to the Iran deal.”

Samuels is on to it.

“The easy explanation, of course, is that Joe Biden is not running that part of his administration. Obama is.

He doesn’t even have to pick up the phone because all of his people are already inside the White House.

They hold the Iran file. Tony Blinken doesn’t.”

November 24, 2023 12:40 pm


Apparently Bruce did buy Britt a drink.

Case closed, it seems.

November 24, 2023 12:42 pm

“They’re All Individuals”

I’m not.

November 24, 2023 12:43 pm

There is, of course, no such stuff. Nobody is born with a religion.

Fact check: FALSE ……. Geordies are born “Toon” .. Toon is a religion ……

November 24, 2023 12:44 pm

But the Hamas attack had been in the works for almost two years.

So the idea originated and strategies were mainly developed during the prime ministership of Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid, during the gap between terms of Netanyahu and Likud.

November 24, 2023 12:44 pm

Nov 24, 2023 10:48 AM

Nothing better to do than fling dung?

Perhaps an insight from APS days or the tradie topic du jour instead?

November 24, 2023 12:46 pm

OK – This is a New One

Harvey Norman – You’re almost there!

You’ve hit heavy traffic but don’t worry, you’re in our virtual queue.

This will ensure a smooth experience when you shop the
best Black Friday deals.

Estimated wait time: 00:14:00
Your position in line: 23929
Last status update: 12:45:25

Keep this page open and it will automatically refresh when your turn comes.
Once you’re in, you’ll have 10 minutes to access the website.

Thanks for waiting to shop!

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 24, 2023 12:52 pm

I also assume it’s teachas that are putting these brats up to these disgusting antics.

When did the Departure from Education approve the principle of teachers taking the day off to attend political protests and dragging their still-developing charges with them. Are they guaranteed a balanced forum from which to receive impressions? Will they be evaluating subtle arguments – as opposed to merely chanting slogans and waving placards?

Of course not. They are being taught to conform to a collective playing at the expense of learning how weigh ideas and decide things for themselves. They will leave school as unrealised human beings.

Like with Hamas, children are being squandered for immediate gain.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 24, 2023 12:56 pm

Comment, from the Oz.

32 minutes ago
It’s a pity we can’t have a mock up of a town (like Sovereign Hill’ but of a state run by an Islamic theocracy The kids could spend a few days off from school there and see how it compares to the western democracy they are used to

November 24, 2023 12:59 pm

Annoying car technology to be tested in the real world

One of the world’s leading experts on crash avoidance says cutting-edge features designed to keep drivers safe on the road are not having the desired effect.

Technology designed to keep drivers safe is failing drivers by being too annoying, according to a prominent safety expert.

Michiel van Ratingen, secretary-general of Euro NCAP, says car makers are doing a poor job of making sure warning and assistance systems work properly in the real world.

Car makers hoping to earn a coveted five-star safety rating must equip vehicles with modern technology intended to keep drivers safe.

The features include lane-keeping assistance that can steer wayward cars toward the centre of the lane, speed-sign recognition features that can sound an alarm if you exceed the posted limit and driver attention monitoring that warns if the driver is distracted.

Manufacturers score points for including those features.

But the results can be overbearing, combining flashing lights, ringing alarms and haptic vibrations in a cocktail of distraction.

Having pushed manufacturers to include such safety features, van Ratingen says safety authorities made a mistake by assuming manufacturers would implement them in a refined way.

“When we started to develop these tests our understanding was that vehicle manufacturers would not bring these systems in that would be upsetting their customers, right?” he said.

“So we focused basically on evaluating whether in critical scenarios where these systems should actually intervene, whether they would actually do a good job … that’s the basis from which we give five stars now.

“As it turned out, many vehicle manufacturers have basically used it as a blueprint for the system, which was never the intention for us.

“They basically said ‘okay, if I meet the test that’s fine’ … what we actually see happening is that they are not properly evaluated in the real world.

“We actually assumed that they would actually have the ethical courage to implement a good system. And if they could not deliver that, they wouldn’t go for it.”

Visiting Australia to extend an agreement between Australia’s ANCAP and its European Equivalent, van Ratingen says the safety bodies will start evaluating driver aids in real world conditions.

A survey by Canadian insurance company Allstate found in 2021 that 56 per cent of drivers admitted to disabling safety features on a regular basis.

Of those drivers, 63 per cent said it was because the features are annoying.

America’s JD Power research group found in 2019 that more than 60 per cent of owners sometimes disabled lane keeping assistance features, and that only 21 per cent “don’t consider the alerts annoying or bothersome”.

Van Ratingen says it is the responsibility of car manufacturers “to make sure that these systems are not annoying”.

“I think it’s now time for us to recognise that is part of the ecosystem, part of the equation,” he said.

“You can’t have a good system that only performs well on the track and not in the real world.”

November 24, 2023 1:01 pm

“I don’t follow the Iranian stuff super carefully,” Garrow replied, “but I have been puzzled at the Biden administration’s continuing attachment to the Iran deal.”

It’s the attachment to the Billions in the “Deal”. What’s so puzzling?

November 24, 2023 1:02 pm

News this morning seemed to say ten houses lost in Wanneroo area.

Two years ago my niece lost her house and sheds but saved her horses in the Gidgegannup (Perth hills) horror fire. She was in front of these fires yesterday, rescuing 40 horses of her customers and contacts, now arranging feed and board for them.

November 24, 2023 1:04 pm

“When did the Departure from Education approve the principle of teachers taking the day off to attend political protests and dragging their still-developing charges with them”.

If a teacher wants to take their class to the zoo or a museum they need permission slips.

Controversial political protests? No worries.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 24, 2023 1:05 pm

Apparently Bruce did buy Britt a drink.

So if I buy a round at the pub does that mean I just sexually assaulted half a dozen guys?

November 24, 2023 1:06 pm

Detail shows Oscar Piastri is low-key baddest man in Formula 1

Oscar Piastri has rolled into the final Formula 1 Grand Prix of the year with an ensemble that proves he is a very bad man.

Oscar Piastri is all of us after watching Australia’s Cricket World Cup triumph.

The McLaren driver made a statement strutting into the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix on Thursday night (AEST) with an iconic Australian ODI cricket team shirt from the 2003 World Cup — also won by Australia.

Photos shared by the team’s social media accounts shows Piastri was wearing a replica green and gold number with former fast-bowler Brett Lee’s No. 58 on the back.

The vintage piece displays the Southern Cross standing out on a golden canvass with wide green stripes under each arm.

Oscar Piastri

Bowled up to the paddock like this today

for your 2003 WC shirt

The shirt is a slap in the face for plenty of figures in the F1 paddock and he let Sky Sports Indian F1 commentator Karun Chandhok know about it.

His ensemble also rubs Australia’s win in the faces of the Old Enemy with the F1 grid dominated by Englishmen.

Piastri’s teammate Lando Norris, former world champion Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes driver George Russell are all English.

Brett Lee was quick to respond to Piastri on Instagram.

“Absolute legend mate @oscarpiastri! It suits you. Go the Aussies,” he posted while sharing Piastri’s photos.

Winston Smith
November 24, 2023 1:09 pm


The 16-year-old girl, who was one of the hundreds of students who walked out of class to attend a pro-Palestinian rally on Thursday, said the borders of Israel should not exist. “I don’t really think it’s important to stay in school when matters like this really matter,” she told The Australian.

Welcome to your new life then, girlie if some idiot thousands of km away from you and their religion means more than an education..
Your caravan in Shithole Van Park awaits you, your three kids to three different druggie mates, and constantly looking under cushions for spare change for smokes.
Decisions – even stupid ones – have consequences.

Winston Smith
November 24, 2023 1:13 pm

Wally Dalí

Nov 23, 2023 10:00 PM
I’m serious
the shit in the heads of my own kids and their cohort is a much bigger threat to our culture that Ahmed’s sister
I blame the parents

Unfortunately, the radicalisation ratchet in any cult only goes one way, and history proves it always ends in the mass grave.

November 24, 2023 1:17 pm

Like with Hamas, children are being squandered for immediate gain.

Australia’s education system is a thinly disguised 10-12 year Marxist Indoctrination Program , churning out thousands of activists and agitators every year. It’s going to bring this country undone eventually, I’m certain of it.

November 24, 2023 1:18 pm

I pity the people who live more than a few kms from a hospital who are in the same predicament.

One time our son started choking and we called triple0 ( 8km to the Mater Kids in Annerley, 2km from Oxley ambo station) – uttered the words the Specialist told us to ” suffers spontaneous respiratory failure” … ” Sorry nothing will be there for 30 minutes” … Took the decision to drive. Luckily there was a RBT just up the road so we got a police escort.

November 24, 2023 1:28 pm

“The easy explanation, of course, is that Joe Biden is not running that part of his administration. Obama is.

He doesn’t even have to pick up the phone because all of his people are already inside the White House.

They hold the Iran file. Tony Blinken doesn’t.”

Obummer is a crypto-shiite

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
November 24, 2023 1:29 pm

The 16-year-old girl, who was one of the hundreds of students who walked out of class to attend a pro-Palestinian rally on Thursday, said the borders of Israel should not exist. “I don’t really think it’s important to stay in school when matters like this really matter,” she told The Australian.

Welcome to your new life then, girlie if some idiot thousands of km away from you and their religion means more than an education..

Looking at the picture in the Unlinkable OZ, the hijab surrounding the pixelated face suggests this young lady is already a part of their religion.

She went on to say:

“I think (Hamas) are doing a good job. I think they should stand up and protect … Palestine.

“After what they’re putting my brothers and sisters through, I don’t think (Israel) should really exist.”

Luckily, Handsome Boy is on the case:

“As the conflict continues, anti-Semitism is on the rise but we will not let it find as much as a foothold here. Australia will always denounce it and reject it utterly, just as we do all forms of racism and prejudice.”

Empty words, empty suit.

November 24, 2023 1:29 pm

Australia’s education system is a thinly disguised 10-12 year Marxist Indoctrination Program ,

Now they want their claws into 4 year old kinder kids.s. hours a week 30 of “pre-prep”.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 24, 2023 1:32 pm

When I were growin’ up, aye, we bairns were sent to the local school to learn our letters and sums.


But seriously, when I went through primary school in the 70’s I had next to no impression of my teachers’ politics. There were no cynical or disparaging remarks at the expense or in favour of any politician. They did not even play to the idea that politicians were corrupt, venal, Machiavellian, or wicked. I heard about politics in my home, but not from teachers.

Except for one who taught us geography, which one day managed to turn around into a panegyric of Labor – their glorious achievements, their devotion to wukkaz, and their 4-yearly David and Goliath contest in elections.

I never really warmed to him after that. I felt that he had breached propriety, but it was later when I understood the relationship between teacher and student better that I grasped just how foul an abuse of his position it was.

He was dusky of complexion looking what I would now recognise as sub-continental. Teaching in a Catholic school I would guess he might have been Goan.

Still, if he was trying to lure me to the cause of Labor he had the opposite effect. My Dad was upper management and he worked like a galley slave. He finished work, came home, had dinner, then went to his study to work some more. At the same time the unions were constantly striking for more money of less work, holding the population hostage with petrol and train strikes.

To borrow an image from Nietzsche the presumption of the blue collar unions that they and they alone provided the services we relied on every day was as absurd as if the mouth insisted it was most important part of digestion since if it was not there we would be able to digest nothing.

November 24, 2023 1:34 pm

Meal price hike at local Chinese restaurant sparks outrage from customers

Aussies have been appalled by the jump in prices at a Chinese restaurant, declaring it “shrinkflation manifest”.

What is the charge for a meal? A succulent Chinese meal? Apparently, thanks to inflation, far more than the average Aussie can accept.

In the space of two years, one Chinese restaurant on the NSW South Coast has raised the prices of its family meal packages by up to 63 per cent, much to the shock of its customers.

Two photos of the takeaway menu – one from July 2021 and the other 2023 – were shared to Reddit this week showing the sharp jump in prices, sparking outrage among Aussies.

“This is just taking the piss. This kind of price increase is absurd,” one user replied.

The photos showed three family packages, the smallest – three dishes, plus spring rolls, fried rice, and a free soup or prawn chips – costing just $46 in 2021.

Today, that same meal costs customers $75. A 63 per cent price increase.

The four dish family package jumped from $60 to $89 (more than 48 per cent increase).

And the five dish package jumped by almost 53 per cent, from $72 to $110.

I will stick with – KFC – The $6.95 Giant Snack Pack comes with Nuggets and Popcorn Chicken® on a big ol’ bed of Chips.

Popcorn Chicken®
6 Nuggets
2 Portions of Chips

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 24, 2023 1:41 pm


Of course not. They are being taught to conform to a collective playing at the expense of learning how weigh ideas and decide things for themselves. They will leave school as unrealised human beings.

Sound a lot like a youth movement in Germany in the 1930s. What was the name of that movement again?

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 24, 2023 1:44 pm

Nov 24, 2023 1:01 PM
“I don’t follow the Iranian stuff super carefully,” Garrow replied, “but I have been puzzled at the Biden administration’s continuing attachment to the Iran deal.”

It’s the attachment to the Billions in the “Deal”. What’s so puzzling?

A few billions handed over, then 10% for the “Big Guy”, what is the puzzle?

November 24, 2023 1:45 pm

And the Australian Labor Party keeps importing Palestinians & Supporting them – Loverly People

Pro-Palestine protesters called out over Melbourne Central McDonald’s act in food court

. Students attended pro-Palestine rally in Melbourne
. Marched to Melbourne Central shopping centre
. Supporter seen standing on McDonald’s counter

Palestinian supporters have come under fire online after dozens stormed a busy McDonald’s outlet and created havoc.

Photos have emerged online of wild scenes extending to the centre’s food court, with a male wearing a face covering and holding a large Palestine flag captured standing on the McDonald’s counter as a large crowd watches on.

A shocked onlooker shared photos to Reddit, claiming that the male screamed ‘get back to work, you b****’ when the McDonald’s store manager asked to him to get off the counter.

The fast good giant has received global backlash from Palestine supporters over the decision by McDonald’s Israeli outlets to offer free meals to its defence forces during the ongoing conflict.

‘The free palestine movement is great, but i just don’t see what they think this achieves?’ the onlooker captioned the photos at Melbourne Central.

‘How does annoying minimum-wage McDonald’s workers who have nothing to do with McDonald’s as a multibillion dollar corporation help free Palestine?

‘I thought it was only the Israel branch of McDonald’s that provided food to Israeli soldiers? Branches of McDonald’s have different Franchisees and don’t directly contribute to or benefit from one another.’

The photos sparked online fury towards Pro-Palestine supporters.

‘He really isn’t doing much to attract sympathy for his cause is he?’ one commented.

Another added: ‘Let people eat their lunch and don’t scare hospitality workers. Protest on the street, not in a food court.’

Many agreed the fast food giant was unfairly targeted.

‘The Australian McDonald’s owners don’t have anything to do with Israel’s McDonald’s behaviour.

This does the opposite of help the pro-Palestine movement while simultaneously p****** off food service workers who don’t get paid enough to deal with this s***,’ one wrote.

From the Comments

– Send them to live in experience

– It starts out small and ends up big.
Government needed to nip this in the bud on day 1.
Next they will be rioting and burning down the joint.

– Attention seekers…reality check needed. How does standing on a store counter waving a flag create change? Peacemakers from many nations have tried and failed. At least own your ridiculous behaviour by not covering up.

November 24, 2023 1:47 pm

the hijab surrounding the pixelated face suggests this young lady is already a part of their religion.

I knew a lady who had a slight brush with the romantic idea of islam and in a conversation with me indicated that she would be happy to wear abaya and hijab. I explained that they weren’t a fashion choice but acceptance of being a chattel of a cult.

She was shocked and suggested I was a bigot.

The scary part? She was a 60+ year old licensed mental health professional.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 24, 2023 1:50 pm

Nov 24, 2023 1:37 PM
Also, isn’t it time that Turkey was thrown out of NATO?

Turkey is in NATO because it benefits the US which is why the US bend’s over backwards to please it. You want Turkey out? You will need to explain how the US maintains the benefits of Turkey in (projection into Mideast/Caucasus region) without Turkey’s airbases/ logistical support.

Which Turkey denied on at least two occasions? Not exactly a reliable arrangement.

November 24, 2023 1:50 pm

Proposal to rename geographical features referred to or named by naturalist George Caley in 1805

Project not proceeding

Dear Northern Beaches Ratepayer,

Thank you for your interest in the proposal to rename geographical features referred to or named by naturalist George Caley.

Between 1 October and 14 November 2021, we asked for your feedback on the proposal to rename three geographical features, referred to or named by naturalist George Caley in 1805. We received 472 submissions during the public exhibition – thank you for your feedback.

A report outlining the engagement outcomes was presented to Council at the meeting on Tuesday 13 December 2022, recommending that the Geographical Names Board of NSW be informed that Council does not support the proposal to rename the three geographical features.

View the Council Minutes (Item 13.2, page 22).

The Geographical Names Board of NSW have also confirmed their consultation demonstrated a lack of support for the George Caley names.

We have decided not to proceed with this project.

More information about the proposal can be found on the project page.
Visit the project page


Jessica Currie
Coordinator, Recreation Planning
Open Space & Recreation Planning

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of these lands and show respect to Elders, past present and emerging.

November 24, 2023 1:57 pm

Labor Clare O’Neil. Minister for Homeland F-ups.

Stunned bunny Labor Clare O’Neil doesn’t know where to turn with the conga line of screw ups surrounding her.

So when in doubt, make a froth and bubble announcement.

Hundreds of murders, rapists, and other violent criminals who should be deported now wandering in the community looking for new victims.

And today, a boat load of Centrelink Seekers show up on the West Australian coast – totally missed by border patrol.

But it’s OK – she has a pamphlet to launch with a video to match.

The Labor Homeland Affairs F-up Minister is as useless as tits on a bull.

Real Deal
Real Deal
November 24, 2023 2:03 pm

But seriously, when I went through primary school in the 70’s I had next to no impression of my teachers’ politics. There were no cynical or disparaging remarks at the expense or in favour of any politician.

That was my experience in the 70s at primary school too. The only time politics impinged on my primary schooling was I year 5 on November 11 1975. We as a class were out of the classroom playing continuous cricket with vigaro bats – possibly the most boring sports game ever invented. Our class teacher Mr T, came down just before home time to tell us that Mr Whitlam had been dismissed and Mr Fraser had been made prime minister.

We all cheered, knowing little of the difference between the two, only that to 11 year olds Whitlam came across as a pompous old fraud.

Our teacher, while bemused at our cheering just smiled and gave no political affiliation away.

That changed in high school with all the teachers’ federation activists.

November 24, 2023 2:04 pm

Riot breaks out in Dublin, Ireland, after Algerian migrant stabs group of children outside school

Comment: Reports from on the ground allege that the perpetrator is an Algerian migrant:

Police Officers of the Garda Síochána are being Surrounded and Attacked in some Locations of Dublin, Ireland tonight following the Stabbing Attack by an Algerian Immigrant.

David Vance

After the stabbing today of several children by an alleged Algerian migrant, furious Irish people descend on Dublin centre screaming “Get them out”… Enough is enough.

November 24, 2023 2:05 pm

Turkey is in NATO because it benefits the US which is why the US bend’s over backwards to please it.

This arrangement is a throw back to the Cold War. Turkey was a major listening post and CIA hub into the USSR. As well as a warehouse for various weapons. These days it’s the moslem detente sounding board benefit into the ME and Balkans.

Turkey does a good job of self promotion.

November 24, 2023 2:07 pm

You will need to explain how the US maintains the benefits of Turkey in (projection into Mideast/Caucasus region) without Turkey’s airbases/ logistical support.

By their access to bases in Greece, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Iraq, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi, UAE, Egypt, Djibouti, Pakistan, India….. and Jordan.

Turkey was critical in the cold war to outflank the USSR and keep control of the Dardanelles Strait onside. That time and its requirements have passed.

Incirlik, a Turkish Air Force base, is the only US “base” in Turkey. There are no US units permanently based there other than the security, maintenance, and administrative force. It is a deployment base as Butterworth once was for the RAAF.

November 24, 2023 2:08 pm

Forgot Kuwait.

November 24, 2023 2:14 pm

Justice Lee said what happened in a criminal trial – alleged victims can testify “in camera” – had no direct application because it was a civil matter. And it wasn’t as if Lehrmann’s accuser – Brittany Higgins – had been in a cone of silence.

He noted Higgins and others had volunteered to give evidence for Ten, did not maintain anonymity – as was her statutory right – in the criminal trial that was aborted in the ACT, and had “engaged in extensive publicity in relation to the factual substratum of this proceeding”.

This is what the public expect from a judge.
Not the thumb on the scale shit we saw when the criminal case (show trial) was being heard in Canberra.

November 24, 2023 2:17 pm

After many years of sitting, neglected, Suzie Q the GSXR600 burst back into life this afternoon.
New fuel pump doing its thing.
I love the sound of it. Before buying her 25 odd years ago I test rode all the Japanese sports bikes of that era. 636 Kawasaki, ZX9R, Honda 600 and 900 CBRs, and the Yams. Even rode a Ducati and drooled over several MV Augusta’s and Aprilias. It was the best era of sports bikes. Suzi Q was special. The noise of her carbies slurping fuel was just something else. To hear that sound again is good.
Finish off reassembly and a bit of painting and new decals and back on to the Model A Ford.

November 24, 2023 2:21 pm

But seriously, when I went through primary school in the 70’s I had next to no impression of my teachers’ politics.

My Algebra teacher had been a B-17 turret gunner with the 8th Air Force. Half of his face had been burned away when his battle-damaged aircraft returned to Norfolk.

If it didn’t involve variables, formulas, etc. the budding rebel leftists in class never dared ask him a question.

Winston Smith
November 24, 2023 2:21 pm


Brilliant, incisive, and most importantly, the truth.
The basis of a democratic society is the circulation of information untainted by ideology or power.
Our media has betrayed us.

Multiple upticks.

November 24, 2023 2:22 pm

This is being disputed, but posting all the same.


In case there was any doubt about who is in charge and where pressure should be applied, Qatari news is reporting that Thailand went directly to Iran and has apparently reached a deal to get the 23 Thai hostages released without any preconditions.

Time will tell.
It wouldn’t be surprising if Shinawatra was trying to broker a deal via his towel head mates.
Sure it would be great to get the hostages back, but his intentions would be about pay-back domestically.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 24, 2023 2:22 pm

Bruce Lehrmann has admitted to buying Brittany Higgins drinks in the hours leading up to the alleged rOpe, after earlier this week telling the federal court he did not buy her an alcoholic beverage.

So that’s where we are. Men buying alcohol for women (who accept and drink it!) is now in a hazy grey area as to whether that is a permissible part of heterosexuality.
The hazy part is…well if everything is hazy you may have had too much.

Perhaps women who want to get frisky just need to say “you don’t have to get me drunk, I’m already up for it” and decline further booze precisely to save their beau from such legally hazardous situations as this one.

November 24, 2023 2:24 pm

I knew a lady who had a slight brush with the romantic idea of islam and in a conversation with me indicated that she would be happy to wear abaya and hijab. I explained that they weren’t a fashion choice but acceptance of being a chattel of a cult.
She was shocked and suggested I was a bigot.
The scary part? She was a 60+ year old licensed mental health professional.

Not like Teal Dr. Monique Ryan? Surely not!

November 24, 2023 2:28 pm

PM’ ‘trappings’ of office and wealth reflected in how ‘out of touch’ he is

Next Level Strategic Services Director Cameron Milner says the Prime Minister’s “trappings” of office and wealth are reflected in his “out of touchness” on cost of living.

“He’s had 27 years in parliament and he’s now a rich person – he has a multimillion dollar rental portfolio, he’s a long way distant from his time as being a kid in the housing commission,” Mr Milner told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

“The person who’s doing the job for Albanese is Jim Chalmers – Jim Chalmers is actually, every single day doing what he can as Treasurer of Australia.

“But he’s got one hand tied behind his back because the Prime Minister’s not at the prime ministerial desk.

“He’s at someone else’s desk having a state reception or being feted.”

Winston Smith
November 24, 2023 2:29 pm

Cassie of Sydney
Nov 24, 2023 7:14 AM

Riots in Dublin overnight about immigration. When will Europe wake up?

Europe will either wake up with a Janbiya at its throat, or it will engage in the sort of brutal, near existential war that it is fond of engaging in.
There is no halfway point.

Winston Smith
November 24, 2023 2:34 pm

Bungonia Bee:

Tucker is correct. The next year is make or break for the republic.

Too much bad juju coming together at the moment – yes, I think 2024 is going to be a make or break year.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
November 24, 2023 2:38 pm

But seriously, when I went through primary school in the 70’s I had next to no impression of my teachers’ politics.

I had a mate in University studying to be a teacher. I was ribbing him on all the crazy stuff to could get into the heads of kids. He went into detail how they were expected to walk the tight-rope and not come down on any side of politics. He gave several examples which I took note of and then duly forgot.

That was the early ’80s. Sounds like that was too hard and now, Teachers are encouraged to lead the way to shitholification.

Cassie of Sydney
November 24, 2023 2:38 pm

I have a friend who is currently at Sydney Town Hall watching the “school strike for Jew hatred” that is happening as I write.

He has texted me to say that they are chanting the now fashionable cry for genocide……

“from the river to the sea, Palestine will be Juden free”.

My friend tells me that there are many “Muslim students” in attendance along with more than a few non-Muslim girls and boys, all screaming the same call to genocide.

He has also told me that he has complained directly to one of the cops in attendance, he told the cop that the cry was anti-Semitic, the cop replied that they are “monitoring” the situation. Yeah, right. I tell you what they are doing, they are tolerating the intolerant, this is exactly what I wrote about here last night. We are ploughing our doom by tolerating this hatred, first it will be us Jews, then it will be the rest of you. It is why I call them the NSWaffen Police now. Quite apt I think.

In the meantime, I hope the parents of these ferals are proud.

By the way, who thinks that a hundreds of Neo-Nazis would be tolerated espousing racist slogans at Sydney Town Hall? Nah, I don’t think so.

November 24, 2023 2:40 pm

What Bruce’s enemies are pointing out is that he told Police he had not bought Britt any drinks. Now that they have discovered this “lie” that proves he has lied about everything.
One Twit was gleeful that he had taken a 15 minute break to gather his thoughts when it got a bit feisty…..forgetting that Britt conveniently disappeared for days during the trial and never took the stand again when her lies were displayed to the court.

How to get a fair trial these days?

November 24, 2023 2:41 pm

Europe will either wake up with a Janbiya at its throat, or it will engage in the sort of brutal, near existential war that it is fond of engaging in.

Thank goodness Poland said feck no to the EU illegal immigration demands and still has her Hussars.

They rescued Europe from the dipshits once at the Gates of Vienna, they may be needed again.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 24, 2023 2:41 pm

12 minutes ago
Lehrmann denies touching, kissing Higgins at bar
Ellie Dudley
Ellie Dudley

Bruce Lehrmann has denied touching Brittany Higgins’ legs, putting his arm around her or kissing her at a bar on the night she was allegedly raped.

Network Ten’s barrister Matthew Collins KC put to Mr Lehrmann on Friday afternoon that he had been physical with Ms Higgins at the 88mph bar after he left The Dock Hotel.

Dr Collins also suggested Ms Higgins was very drunk, and tripped over in front of Mr Lehrmann and Liberal staffers Lauren Gain and Austin Wenke.

“You observed her fall and graze her knee in front of the booth and you assisted her back up onto the couch,” Dr Collins said.

Mr Lehrmann replied: “No, that did not happen.”

Dr Collins indicated that Ms Gain and Mr Wenke were “hooking up” while at the 88mph bar.

“As that was happening, you were sitting close to Ms Higgins,” Dr Collins said.

Mr Lehrmann: “Yes.”

Dr Collins: “Touching her on the legs and on the thigh?”

Mr Lehrmann: “No I was not.”

Dr Collins suggested Mr Lehrmann put his arm around Ms Higgins and kissed her. Mr Lehrmann denied these allegations.

November 24, 2023 2:42 pm

Nov 24, 2023 1:18 PM
I pity the people who live more than a few kms from a hospital who are in the same predicament.

One time our son started choking and we called triple0 ( 8km to the Mater Kids in Annerley, 2km from Oxley ambo station) – uttered the words the Specialist told us to ” suffers spontaneous respiratory failure” … ” Sorry nothing will be there for 30 minutes” … Took the decision to drive. Luckily there was a RBT just up the road so we got a police escort.

In a workplace directly across the road from an ambulance station, it took half an hour for them to show up when someone with significant health problems collapsed.

The absolute state of the Victorian healthcare system.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 24, 2023 2:43 pm

For those who don’t get The Spectator, this is my article, which was the lead cover piece this week. It’s mainly there to remind people of the Ben Roberts-Smith affair, but has some resonation with the Israel war:

The problems in making warfare ethical

By Top Ender

Warfare is an enormously complex and difficult part of human societies. Today in many countries there is an effort to engage in it ethically. But this is fraught with problems. How would YOU react in the situations shown in bold below?

Experienced soldiers of the past realised that new recruits must be urged to be lethal, for good reason. Were Australian forces using this handbook wrongly? A pocket book for troops, published in 1941 for the Australian Army, urged:

Shoot to kill. If you do not, to-morrow morning, some of those men will sit behind fresh machine-guns. Their bullets will flay your flanks, kill good soldiers, perhaps kill you…He who lets an enemy escape may be the means of the death of his best friend.

Sixty years after the WWII ended World War II Australia’s Nancy Wake, who was parachuted into France to work with the Resistance, was still accepting the need to be savage. She was made a Companion of the Order of Australia, and commented when asked by the media about her wartime experiences: “I killed a lot of Germans, and I am only sorry I didn’t kill more.” Would you condemn Nancy for this?

There is considerable hypocrisy in such attitudes. You go to war to win, not to lose. Societies with their backs to the wall want people like Bomber Harris to come to the fore, and so he commanded the 1000 bomber raids that levelled much of Germany in WWII. Decades after WWII the same society says it is fine to allow people to pour paint over his statue in London.

Societies must realise, as General Sherman said: “War is cruelty and you cannot refine it”. It is ridiculous to want attack dogs to guard you and then when they’re sent forward ask that they “be nice”.

Taking prisoners is extremely dangerous

Modern commentators usually argue prisoners must be given every opportunity to surrender. But injured Japanese in WWII were approached with extreme caution, because previous bitter experience taught Allied soldiers they would fight to the last, often with a grenade hidden inside a loincloth. So they routinely shot fallen Japanese to ensure they weren’t still dangerous.

It’s not always possible in warfare to take prisoners or treat them humanely. In WWII Australian soldier Richard Weston was with three British tanks herding a large group of Afrika Korps prisoners to the rear. They were delayed, and the Germans took the opportunity to run. Within seconds all three tanks opened fire with their machine-guns and kept shooting till none was left standing. Is this a war crime?

Should we investigate, and take away the Victoria Cross of Australia’s Albert Jacka? In the Western Front in WWI Jacka stormed a trench with four enemy in it who were firing at him, inflicting several wounds. He kept going, however, and eventually the Germans “…flung down their rifles and put up their hands.” However, he shot three and bayoneted the fourth, explaining: “I had to do it – they would have killed me the moment I turned my back.” Would you remove Jacka’s VC?

In New Guinea Australian soldier VX66349 noted his distress when “a patrol of ours found one of our mates, who had been missing. He’d been tied to a tree by the Japs, with a length of bamboo forced into his back side.” The soldier died a little while later, and VX66349 concluded: “I went a little insane for a while, and when we’d cornered some Japs later on, the things we did to them now seem horrifying – but I guess that’s war”. Should we now find this soldier and prosecute him?

Are they civilians, or enemy? You have seconds to find out…

Civilians are often not. Context is everything. From the Vietnam War, perhaps one of the most famous pictures is of a South Vietnamese soldier in a street shooting man wearing civilian clothing. It has been played thousands of times: the message was loud and clear – this is the kind of atrocity that the South Vietnamese army did to their own people, with the backing of the US.

However, the Western media did not usually report that Nguyen Ngoc Loan was executing the leader of a team of Vietcong terrorists who had killed the family of a fellow officer including his 80-year-old mother, his wife and his children. Was Nguyen Ngoc Loan wrong?

If a civilian picks up a weapon he instantly becomes a combatant. War crime or reality? Marine John Daube recalled:

One day a Vietnamese boy about eight years old approached our group wearing a knapsack. It looked like the bookbags kids use today. It was in the middle of the summer, so we were pretty certain there was no school. A reflection of the sun highlighted a wire that ran over the kid’s shoulder and down his arm. One of the Marines shot him. As the child fell, he pulled the wire and blew himself up.

These are some of the dilemmas of warfare. Those who seek to condemn military forces for their actions would do well to reflect on their complexity before they begin.


Top Ender is a military historian. In his service career with the Australian Defence Force, he led a US Intelligence team in Baghdad in 2006 in some of most bitter fighting of that war. His book The Truth of War – from which much of this material is gathered – is released by Big Sky Publishing in November 2023.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 24, 2023 2:44 pm

The Truth of War, BTW, came out in 2013 as Lethality in Combat.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 24, 2023 2:47 pm

I have a friend who is currently at Sydney Town Hall watching the “school strike for Jew hatred” that is happening as I write.

I’d give the little arzewipes a trip across Europe – by cattle truck – terminating at Auschwitz, and a tour of the gas chambers…

November 24, 2023 2:48 pm

Ireland has been a lost cause for a long time. See:

They might not be too happy about the recent stabbings but I suspect it will take a lot more than that to get them to comprehend the danger they’re in. By then it will probably be too late.

The country of Joyce, Yeats, Beckett, Sterne, Wilde at al is not long for this world.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 24, 2023 2:49 pm

The Labor Homeland Affairs F-up Minister is as useless as tits on a bull.

Why would Shorten be riding a bull?

Winston Smith
November 24, 2023 2:50 pm

Cassie of Sydney:
We got the riding crop. Then one day after a particularly enthusiastic “Lesson learning” and being refused dressings for the wounds, I thought “Is this the worst they can do to me?” and decided it probably was.
So “Up yours.” was the lesson learnt.
Kids are unpredictable.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
November 24, 2023 2:52 pm

Reposted for excellence:

It is ridiculous to want attack dogs to guard you and then when they’re sent forward ask that they “be nice”.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
November 24, 2023 2:53 pm

Dolly Parton at the Cowboys for Thanksgiving

Still getting out her big guitars at 77.

November 24, 2023 2:53 pm

For those who don’t get The Spectator, this is my article, which was the lead cover piece this week. It’s mainly there to remind people of the Ben Roberts-Smith affair, but has some resonation with the Israel war:

Yep. Saw it. Well done Top Ender!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 24, 2023 2:59 pm
November 24, 2023 2:59 pm

Cassie, I feel your pain and frustration. But the cops can’t fix the betrayal of their country by decades of politicians and courts.

The laws of western countries presuppose a citizenry which respects the concepts of civility and law. When they massively import people from cultures which worship a vicious cult (for whatever their brilliant reason was) they get what they were too cocksure to prevent.

And here we are.

November 24, 2023 2:59 pm

But seriously, when I went through primary school in the 70’s I had next to no impression of my teachers’ politics.

I very distinctly remember becoming alert to the difference in point of view between myself and an adult. It was in Primary school and the teacher explained that although we humans were aiming to send a rocket to the moon, God would never allow us to pollute another planet. I disagreed in silence.
I also remember arguing with the French teacher in Year 7 as to why we couldn’t learn Latin or Greek instead, which would be so much more useful to Australian kids since we had lot of Italian and Greek people here and no French. Lost that one.
I was never aware of any politics as such at High School, however I did benefit greatly from the movement of girls being able to take “science” rather than “commercial” subjects in 1967/68. I was shocked when Whitlam was elected in 1972, I attended RMIT evenings and had to walk past the State Library forecourt protests. I was in the UK in 1975 and went to Australia House to vote him out. I think my political stance back then was influenced by my father, but then again towards the end of his life he decided to not vote for anyone several times, and so far I have not done that, but I can be unorthodox at times. I am proud that my daughter is a strong believer in democracy and when our votes cancel each other out, we at least celebrate that fact.

November 24, 2023 3:04 pm

Nick Greiner sells $14.5m Point Piper apartment in secret deal

Bonnie Campbell
Luxury property reporter

Former NSW Liberal premier Nick Greiner and his partner, marketing expert Carolyn Fletcher, have quietly sold their Point Piper apartment for $14.5 million in an off-market deal, according to local real estate sources.

The whole-floor, harbour-view apartment is one of only four residences in the Pacific Point boutique block built in 1989. Mr Greiner has owned the apartment for just under a decade, having paid $5.5 million for the Wolseley Road base in 2014.

The 2014 purchase timed with the sale of Mr Greiner’s Centennial Park home for $6.25 million, which was put on the market following his separation from Kathryn Greiner after more than 40 years of marriage.

Now, Mr Greiner – who served as premier from 1988 to 1992 – has drawn the curtain on a rather impressive Harbour Bridge and Opera House panorama. Along with iconic Sydney views, another drawcard feature of the 322-square-metre Point Piper pad is the exclusive use of a 152-square-metre courtyard – larger than the entire footprint of an average apartment.

While the low-key nature of the deal meant no fresh marketing material was available, the property’s listing in 2014 shows the apartment comes with three double bedrooms, open-plan living that connects to a full-length balcony, gourmet kitchen, parking for three cars and access to a shared swimming pool. The Wolseley Road apartment was previously owned by Sophie Bentwood, the granddaughter of the late Eve Schwarz.

November 24, 2023 3:15 pm

Tucker is correct. The next year is make or break for the republic.

Too much bad juju coming together at the moment – yes, I think 2024 is going to be a make or break year.

Just received an email from my 17yr old grandson saying he is so happy, it being a great day to be Dutch. He was surprised with the result and thinks the world may be slowly turning.

He said Italy, Argentina, Holland, and next USA!

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 24, 2023 3:16 pm


Incirlik, a Turkish Air Force base, is the only US “base” in Turkey. There are no US units permanently based there other than the security, maintenance, and administrative force. It is a deployment base as Butterworth once was for the RAAF.

I there are no US units permanently based there that indicates strongly that the nukes have been removed?

Johnny Rotten
November 24, 2023 3:24 pm

Nov 24, 2023 1:34 PM
Meal price hike at local Chinese restaurant sparks outrage from customers

So, those customers and other potential customers should not buy this restaurant’s over priced meals. Simple. This place will soon get the message when turnover crashes.

Also, maybe people should cook more at home in this ‘Cost of Living’ crisis.

November 24, 2023 3:29 pm

Report: CNBC Eliminates Climate Desk, No More Dedicated Staff Covering Climate Change

The Comcast-owned business news cable network hasn’t publicly commented on the decision, which was first reported by Bloomberg Green journalist Akshat Rathi.

CNBC has dismantled its climate desk and will no longer have staff dedicated to covering climate change.

— Akshat Rathi (@AkshatRathi) November 21, 2023

Rathi cited a LinkedIn post by recently laid-off CNBC “climate innovation and technology” reporter Catherine Clifford, who recounted a conversation she had with her “editor’s boss.”

“As part of wider newsroom headcount reductions, there would no longer be any staff at CNBC dedicated to covering climate, this boss said,” Clifford wrote. ” The climate desk was being dismantled and my position covering climate tech and innovation was being eliminated, this boss told me.”

Parent company NBCUniversal, which is owned by Comcast, recently enacted layoffs across multiple divisions, though it remains unclear if the CNBC cuts were part of those layoffs.

Comcast is feeling the heat as more and more Americans continue to cut the cord, opting for à la carte streaming entertainment options over pricey cable packages.

This has meant dwindling revenue for channels like CNBC and MSNBC, which receive a chunk of your monthly cable TV payment, even if you don’t watch them.

As Breitbart News reported, a recent study predicts that cord cutting will shrink the cable TV industry to only 38 percent of U.S. homes in just four years.

November 24, 2023 3:36 pm

ABC ‘owes Australian viewers’ and ‘Jewish community’ an apology

Sky News host Sharri Markson says the ABC owes Australian viewers and the Jewish community an apology.

Ms Markson’s comments come after Jewish groups sent a letter to the ABC “demanding” UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine Francesca Albanese “not be given a platform” on their show ‘Q+A’.

“Because of all the disgraceful and anti-Semitic views she’s expressed in the past,” she said.

“The ABC ignored the letter and had her on the show anyway.”

Ms Markson was joined by commentator Jason Morrison and former speaker of the house Bronwyn Bishop to discuss this.

November 24, 2023 3:39 pm

‘Insanity’: Blackout “No Brains” Labor Chris Bowen backs connecting Snowy 2.0 to energy grid

Sky News host Chris Kenny “cannot get over” Labor Energy Minister Blackout Chris Bowen’s plan to connect Snowy 2.0 to Australia’s power grid.

Labor Energy Minister Blackout Chris Bowen said on ABC Radio that the government is in the process of connecting Snowy 2.0 to the power grid.

“Snowy 2.0, at the moment, consists of a tunnelling machine stuck in a tunnel,” Mr Kenny said.

“Best guess, it might produce some electricity in 10 years’ time – the insanity of this thing.”

There are predictions that Snowy 2.0 won’t be finished until 2029 as the project continues to face cost blow outs.

November 24, 2023 3:39 pm

Teacher politics? I was taught by a lot of good people.
One wore a Moratorium badge, when Perth schools were suspending teachers who wore them.
His name was Marco McClintock, a terrific man who taught me tech drawing and woodwork. Also was of the view that Jap bikes were made of ‘case-hardened lead’.

Incidentally, Dr Seuss’s book ‘To Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street’ had a little boy called Marco as the protagonist; this man had been that actual boy.

Then we had an English teacher who was rabidly against the Liberal Party: ‘I should know, I used to vote for the bastards!’ No-one felt obliged to follow his example at the time but I smile when I think about it now, because of voting Michael Trumble down as best I could.

November 24, 2023 3:41 pm

I’d give the little arzewipes a trip across Europe – by cattle truck – terminating at Auschwitz, and a tour of the gas chambers

My youngest daughte, on a tourist bus holiday across Europe had Auschwitz as a stop .. Don’t think she’s even heard of the place or knew much about the “Holocaust” .. came back totally affected at what she’d seen/heard on that day ..
Since then (2012) she has watched and read everything she can find on the “camps” and is now quite an expert on the subject …………

November 24, 2023 3:41 pm
November 24, 2023 3:46 pm

Dutton questions ‘ideologies’ of Palestinians granted refuge in Australia

‘Do we know people’s ideologies?’: Peter Dutton challenges government’s moral assessment of Palestinians granted refuge

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has raised questions around the moral “ideologies” of the Palestinians granted temporary refuge in Australia, arguing the Albanese government’s background checks have been inadequate.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has questioned if the Albanese government has vetted the 860 Palestinians granted temporary refuge for their “interest in the West”, playing into a concerns around “Australian values” which triggered extensive media debate on Thursday.

Since the Department of Home Affairs announced this week visas had been issued as a means of reprieve for Gazans trapped in the conflict between Hamas and Israel, concerns have been raised as to whether ample security checks were carried out in the process.

Labor Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong assured the “appropriate” protocol was followed although avoided providing specifics of how the individuals were assessed for their immigration suitability.

Speaking at a press conference on Friday, Mr Dutton criticised Prime Minister Anthony Albanese directly accusing him of accepting refugees who could pose potential threats to Australia’s national security through terror-affiliations.

“Have the biometrics been taken of these people? Do we know that answer?” he said.

“That’s a question to be asked of the Government. Have the biometrics been checked or is this just a process that’s being conducted from behind a computer with bureaucrats sitting in Canberra.

“Has there been a face-to-face meeting with a government official?

Have interviews been conducted?

Do we know people’s ideologies, interest in the West, why do they want to come to Australia?”

Mr Dutton noted that while a “majority of the people may be good”, it was crucial to treat intake through humanitarian programs in the same way as regular immigration and carry out thorough background assessments.

Questioning about the visa recipients’ moral principles was first raised to Mr Albanese during a media conference, when a journalist asked him if his government had assessed whether the Palestinians were “aligned to Australian values and not anti-Semitic”.

The expression was quick to be lambasted by news pundits and netizens, with many labelling it “disgusting”, “Islamophobic”, and equivalent to treating refugees “like criminals”.

Journalist Rachel Withers said it was “grounded in the kind of racism that is so prevalent in Australia”.

“But perhaps the more important question is this: what are “Australian values”?

Based on what we have been seeing lately, those values seem to be selfishness and xenophobia,” she wrote on X.

Prime Minister Albanese responded to the question by stating the 860 Palestinian visa holders went through “the same security checks” which have been in place for all prospective visa holders for “a long period of time”.

Mr Dutton, however, asserted that the vetting process was a lengthy one given that Australia typically sought intelligence and biometric holdings from United States and other Five Eyes member databases, and that it was not possible to have these results returned in a matter of days.

“You can’t reach into the US system and get these checks back overnight, if the government has done that, I’d be very happy to stand corrected,” he said.

“(We are) not saying that people shouldn’t come at some point, but they should come when the adequate checks have been conducted… because clearly the inadequacy of these checks could result in a catastrophic outcome in our country.”

Mr Dutton added although the visas were granted on a visitor basis for a maximum permitted stay of 12 months, the Government would not be able to control lodgements of Protection visas which would allow permanent Australian residency, once the Palestinians were on home soil.

“Once they’ve lodged that claim their status changes and it’s very difficult then for that person to be repatriated back to their country of origin,” he said.

November 24, 2023 3:47 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 24, 2023 3:49 pm

Since then (2012) she has watched and read everything she can find on the “camps” and is now quite an expert on the subject …………

One of the clan had a similar experience, on a trip through Europe – he descended on my library to borrow a couple of titles on the subject.

November 24, 2023 3:50 pm

Looks like Lehman’s is in a big tangle. I think he will lose his deposit to pay Wilkinson’s legal fees.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2023 3:53 pm

OldOzzie at 12:24

Can Europe become Western again?

Western Europe is basically a repository for the history of the West. Anybody visiting Paris or Berlin today will find the streets lined with immigrants, kebab shops and mobile phone resellers.

November 24, 2023 3:53 pm

Going off the “enthusiasm” of the plod involved “arresting” the bloke with the Israeli flag it’s easy to understand how they pepper -sprayed OAPS, arrested pregnant women and floored that bloke at the railway station .. it’s not the “cause” that motivates them but the opportunity to strong-arm the weakest link(s) … legally ………!

November 24, 2023 3:55 pm
November 24, 2023 4:01 pm

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has raised questions around the moral “ideologies” of the Palestinians granted temporary refuge in Australia, arguing the Albanese government’s background checks have been inadequate.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has questioned if the Albanese government has vetted the 860 Palestinians granted temporary refuge for their “interest in the West”, playing into a concerns around “Australian values” which triggered extensive media debate on Thursday.

Has anyone else noticed this new and bizarre use of the word ‘around’? It’s become increasingly common in news articles. Dutton hasn’t asked questions ‘around’ the moral ideologies of Palestinians – he has questioned the moral ideology of the Palestinians. I guess journalists and academics are so used to skirting ‘around’ issues that they now talk about having discussions around a subject instead of discussions about a subject.

November 24, 2023 4:02 pm

Meal price hike at local Chinese restaurant sparks outrage from customers

I’m not much of an eater-out but, once in awhile, go Chinese with my youngest tho coupla weeks ago we were op-shopping and had lunch at a Hungry Jacks .. I was quite surprised to realise the bill for 2 at Hungry Jacks ( burgers, chips and drinks) came to around $5 more than our usual Chinese eat-in meal (starter, main & drink) ….

November 24, 2023 4:08 pm

Good question – the bad guys are winning.

Why is it every time there is a pro-Hamas rally in Sydney calling for genocide and the destruction of Israel, the Police keep arresting the bloke with an Israeli flag?
— Daniel (@VoteLewko) November 24, 2023

– The way the police were handling him does not suggest he was being removed for his safety.

Maybe, just maybe, the police found it easier to arrest a lone Israeli rather than tackle the main issue which is rampant Palestinian sympathisers supporting barbarian Hamas terrorists.

– New South Wales coppers don’t want to offend a certain voting block that lives in Western Sydney?

– That ‘voting block’ own Ho Chi Minns’s New South Obeid Labor Party and the Labor Party own the New South Obeid Police Farce.

Feel free to call on them any time if ever you have a 95-year-old dementia afflicted walking-frame-bound female Nursing Home resident who needs to be Tasered to death…they’re demonstrably good at that.

Anti-Semites, violent Leftard hate-preachers and racist terrorist-sympathisers…not so much.

– Same reason they didn’t take the easy shot through the single pane plate glass front window and finish Man Monis, saving two young Australian’s lives……..political cowardice.

November 24, 2023 4:09 pm

Black women most likely to die in medieval plague, Museum of London says

Black women of African descent were more likely to die of the medieval plague in London, academics at the Museum of London have found.

The study is the first archaeological exploration showing how race may have influenced a person’s risk of death during what was known as the Great Pestilence or Great Mortality.

The research is based on 145 individuals from three cemeteries.

The outbreak is believed to have claimed the lives of 35,000 Londoners.

The research concluded that higher death rates amongst people of colour and those of black African descent was a result of the “devastating effects” of “premodern structural racism” in the medieval world.

Gotta get that white racism narrative in there somewhere…

November 24, 2023 4:10 pm

Warning to Cats…in my hasty packing to get home I now find I’m $100* worth of camera batteries the poorer. I foolishly packed them in my checked luggage and they were pulled out and destroyed.

So…the moral of the tale is – put them in the carry-on.

* the cost of generic replacements. No way I’m shelling out $$$ for Canon batteries

November 24, 2023 4:11 pm
November 24, 2023 4:13 pm

So….Brinny fell over and grazed her knee did she? Gosh, I wonder what made her so unstable. Probably the same substance that made her unable to put her shoes back on.

I can’t help thinking of Kath and Kim at the races and that bit of carrot in the fascinator.

November 24, 2023 4:13 pm

Astonishing new image shows $300k Bentley flying through the air before exploding at Niagara Falls checkpoint

I walked across from USA to Canada at Niagara Falls in 2012 but on a footbridge ..
Yet that pix looks around the same area .. never noticed a vehicle crossing ……. maybe it wasn’t there back then ……..

November 24, 2023 4:18 pm

Disabled people were secretly given Do Not Resuscitate orders, Scottish Covid-19 inquiry hears

Since a certain uber-crowd think we need 2 planets of resources by 2030, the obvious plan is to cut usage by half or more likely … cut the popu…..

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2023 4:19 pm

300k Bentley flying through the air before exploding

Sir Owen would approve.

November 24, 2023 4:21 pm

Black women most likely to die in medieval plague, Museum of London says

Read yesterday historical records only, specifically, mention 2 black women dying of the plague in London and being buried side by side (buried together was the crux of the story) ..

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
November 24, 2023 4:22 pm

Top Ender @ 02:43PM.

Thanks for posting that. 16yr old Hamas supporters might want to rethink their views of IDF actions.

If we send people to war, expect them to kill.

November 24, 2023 4:30 pm

The guy who squibbed the Tinder date with that piece of work must consider himself the luckiest man alive.

November 24, 2023 4:38 pm

Looks like Lehman’s is in a big tangle.

Like Brittney was during the trail so she went AWOL instead of continuing to be cross examined?
This time she won’t have the protections afforded to a rape complainant and her story will be exposed further. This time she’ll have to explain about the bruise on the leg that appeared days after…why she claimed to see a doctor but didn’t…the dress that was hidden away under the bed( except for all the times it was being worn), what happened to all the material deleted from her phone before it was given to police.

Never judge a case after only one side has given evidence. Most people on twitter had judged before any evidence based on him being Liberal, but I expected better around here.

Johnny Rotten
November 24, 2023 4:39 pm

Labor Energy Minister Blackout Chris Bowen said on ABC Radio that the government is in the process of connecting Snowy 2.0 to the power grid.

For that to happen, Snowy 2 ‘Hard’ would need to be generating electricity and for the power lines to having been constructed.

Florence says NO and the power lines are not there yet.

So, the electricity added to the power grid will be NIL energy units.

And the only ‘You Nit’ here is Blackout Bowen, the Minister for ‘Stuffing Things Up’.

November 24, 2023 4:42 pm

Breaking news :

New research has come out about the army of King Harold at the battle of Hastings in 1066.

It has been shown that black soldiers were killed at a higher rate than the pureblood white Saxons.

This is because the Normans / French were racists. Harold was also a racist as he placed them in the frontline to face the cavalry.

Coming soon in revised history books.

November 24, 2023 4:42 pm

Nov 24, 2023 4:10 PM

If the replacements aren’t genuine, Calli, can you at least be sure they’re not out of Chinese cheap scooter battery plant #5?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 24, 2023 4:50 pm

Harold was also a racist as he placed them in the frontline to face the cavalry.

Wasn’t Harold black?

November 24, 2023 4:52 pm

Top Ender
Nov 24, 2023 2:43 PM


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 24, 2023 4:54 pm

34m ago
Four-day truce underway
Agency writers
Agency writers

A four-day truce in the Israel-Hamas war took effect at 4pm Australian time (7am Friday local time), with hostages held in the Gaza Strip set to be released in exchange for prisoners in the first major reprieve in seven weeks of war that have claimed thousands of lives.

Starting from 4pm, the pause was set to silence guns and stop bombings in a conflict that erupted after Hamas’s murderous raids into Israel on October 7.

Later on Friday – or the early hours of Saturday, Australian time – 13 hostages held in Gaza will be freed, followed by an undefined number of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails, according to Qatari mediators.

Over the four days, at least 50 hostages are expected to be released, leaving an estimated 190 in the hands of Palestinian militant groups.

Over the same period, 150 Palestinians prisoners are expected to be released. For Gaza’s two million-plus residents, the deal spells a respite from weeks of sustained Israeli bombardment.

The territory’s Hamas government says the war has so far killed about 15,000 people and displaced countless more.

The exact number of casualties is impossible to independently confirm, but it is clear that for many Palestinian and Israeli families, the pause in violence has already come too late.

“The living here are the ones who are dead,” Fida Zayed, a Gazan whose 20-year-old son Udai was killed in a recent air strike, told AFP.

“The last thing he said to me was that he was waiting for the truce on Friday,” she told AFP. “He asked me to prepare him a feast of rice and chicken.

“I hope me and my children die here so we don’t have to mourn each other.”

November 24, 2023 4:58 pm

Nelson, even the “genuine” replacements are made in Chy-nah.

Only rubes part with hard-earned.

As for the lost batteries – they guys were doing their job and they did it thoroughly. Nothing to complain of there.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2023 5:00 pm

Black women most likely to die in medieval plague, Museum of London says

That gives new meaning to stretching the data.

November 24, 2023 5:02 pm

You go to war to win, not to lose.

Top Ender, this is the crux of it. Especially if someone decides to make war on you.

November 24, 2023 5:08 pm

Breaking news :

New research has come out about the army of King Harold at the battle of Hastings in 1066.

It has been shown that black soldiers were killed at a higher rate than the pureblood white Saxons.

This is because the Normans / French were racists. Harold was also a racist as he placed them in the frontline to face the cavalry.

Coming soon in revised history books.

About ten years ago the SBS or ABC aired a three or four part documentary about the battle of Hastings and the lead-up to the invasion.

Part of it was re-creation featuring live actors.

Blow me down, but they had a black man as a senior member of the nobility advising Duke William of Normandy!

Pretty sure that never happened.

November 24, 2023 5:09 pm

A gutless flake who doesn’t believe in anything.

+1000 CL, as soon a proles in the regions realise he’s going to poodlefake around with crime with no teeth they will jump elsewhere like PHON or even Katter who has a policy to send them west to boot camps. The resulting preference flows won’t benefit the LNP. They have a chance in Townsville to have a clean sweep of the 3 seats for the first time in a decade. Also like NZ with a unicameral parliament they can easily put checks on the ridiculously light sentencing being handed out here.

Nup lets just reinforce failure.

Well & truly lost me now.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2023 5:09 pm

The Media Watchdog describes Teh Ponds Institute as of the Left. Err, woof woof.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 24, 2023 5:11 pm

Just when you thought the Greens couldn’t sink any lower…

November 24, 2023 5:14 pm


The only bike I had was a Yamaha sr185.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2023 5:25 pm

The Media Watchdog gives Fraser era Lieboral squishee Ian Macphee a well deserved serve. Well Lesnore Taylor really.

November 24, 2023 5:39 pm

Nothing to complain of there.

Apologies for quoting myself, but at least the baggage “searchers” only had to rummage through neatly packaged travel cubes and not a mountain of hideous dirty laundry.

Standards must be maintained.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 24, 2023 5:43 pm

Perf record November heatwave looking in jeopardy. BOM and ALPBC jump the gun again.

Cassie of Sydney
November 24, 2023 5:59 pm

Earlier this year our own Mark Latham, after first being called ‘a disgusting human being’ by a very sinister and creepy homosexual, responded to that insult in a tweet in which he made explicit references to the rather revolting facts around anal sex. Latham is now the subject of legal action by that very sinister and creepy homosexual, and I think Latham has also lodged a complaint. Remember, Latham is a straight white male, he is not a member of a protected minority.

In the UK, Laurence Fox has had a very similar experience. In a twitter spat in 2020, after first being called “racist” by two sinister and creepy homosexual activists, Fox responded by calling them both “pedophiles” and so the two sinister and very creepy activists initiated legal action against Fox. Fox is countersuing both of them plus a third activist for firstly calling him “a racist.” Remember, Fox is a straight white male, he is not a member of a protected minority.

It’ll be interesting to see how both play out. We don’t live in good times.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 24, 2023 6:07 pm

Black women most likely to die in medieval plague, Museum of London says

There were two black women in London, and both (100%) died, whereas only 30% of the tens of thousands of white women died?

November 24, 2023 6:08 pm

Good to see you back, Roger. Hope UnZud was a hoot.

Thanks Faustus.

Enjoyed it so much (2nd time around, but 1st time to the south island) my wife and I momentarily considered moving there. Then we looked at house prices.

NZers are unassuming and friendly folk but I worry for their economy. Crossing the Cook Strait I noticed the port was filled with containers full of consumable goods but the only product being loaded to go out appeared to be rough timber.

I hope the new government can reverse Ardern’s legacy, such as it is, particularly her divisive and sneaky Maori “co-governance”, which only Maori activists seemed to support.

November 24, 2023 6:08 pm

In the UK, Laurence Fox has had a very similar experience.

Calvin on that, Cassie:

Please cross the Tiber, C.R. We need you.

November 24, 2023 6:09 pm

Great. Just watched some extremely stupid young schoolgirls clad in Palestinian “fancy dress” screeching about freeing “Palestine” as a single pro-Israel demonstrator is arrested for “disturbing the peace” by the NSW Rum Corps.

Where do I start?

Schoolgirls supporting rape, murder, torture, infanticide, kidnapping?

Police arresting a lone male counter-protester?

Teachers* supporting and promoting same?

* these things clearly have no idea of the history of “Palestine”. Perhaps they should go back to school

November 24, 2023 6:15 pm

Perhaps they should go back to school

“school” is the problem

Cassie of Sydney
November 24, 2023 6:18 pm

I’ve just read back and was shocked to read the vicious spray this morning about Lizzie. Clearly the writer of those words is unwell or deeply unhappy, but that’s all I’ll say about that person.

I’d like to say a few words about Lizzie, a woman who I’m privileged to know and like enormously. Last Saturday, me, Lizzie, Hairy, Rabz, Jupes, Jupes’s wife and Gilas convened at Rabz’ place for a fabulous afternoon of great conversation and good food. We laughed a lot! Knowing Lizzie personally, I can attest to Lizzie’s character and her intellect, but what I most love about her is that she’s kind, decent and lots of fun.

I know that reading this morning’s vicious spray will upset Lizzie. All I can say to Lizzie is ‘don’t get upset, just ignore that person, you have many people here love and like you a lot’.

I should remind people here that this same person lectured me last week about ‘getting a grip’. Fair enough but perhaps it’s time for this person to get a grip about Lizzie.

November 24, 2023 6:18 pm

Please cross the Tiber, C.R. We need you.

Robinson recently joined the Free Church of England.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 24, 2023 6:20 pm

Blow me down, but they had a black man as a senior member of the nobility advising Duke William of Normandy!

Historians right now are busy finding qwerties wherever they can. Willy probably was one, since he was No’man.

Historians find shock clues that reveal Roman emperor was ‘trans’ (21 Nov)

On the other hand Roman emperors did have a name for liking weird sexual fetishes, so there’s that.

November 24, 2023 6:23 pm

Teachers* supporting and promoting same?

Teachers who prior to 7 October were greatly exercised by the purported threats of toxic masculinity & neo-Nazis.

MT is right – school is the problem.

November 24, 2023 6:28 pm

All I can say to Lizzie is ‘don’t get upset, just ignore that person, you have many people here love and like you a lot’.

Yes indeed!

And its quite frustrating when a person who clearly would otherwise have great respect, lets themselves down by such displays.

November 24, 2023 6:33 pm
November 24, 2023 6:41 pm

“school” is the problem

Like last time. Talking heads like Bolt will display outrageous outrage, politicians will concern troll. Then some minor distraction comes along all will be forgotten.

November 24, 2023 6:48 pm

How are fellow colonisers doing today? Hopefully, my last day of isolation was yesterday and I can finally leave the “box” I’ve been living in and walk around the colony.

November 24, 2023 6:48 pm

Just popped in to C.L.’s and saw this.

Keep the world clean.

Apart from the disgusting child holding the sign, what the hell is a Senator doing standing in front of it? And why is this thing still a senator?

This is no Abbott standing in front of stupid “Ditch the witch” sign. This is an Australian senator knowingly standing with a genocidal and anti-semitic NAZI placard.

This piece of shit has to go. Now.

November 24, 2023 6:49 pm
November 24, 2023 6:51 pm

Malcolm Roberts again.

What Australia Needs

November 24, 2023 6:53 pm

Talking heads like Bolt will display outrageous outrage, politicians will concern troll. Then some minor distraction comes along all will be forgotten.

And the children might grow up and feel ashamed of this episode.

The teachers I have no such hope for.

November 24, 2023 6:54 pm

Europe will either wake up with a Janbiya at its throat, or it will engage in the sort of brutal, near existential war that it is fond of engaging in.
There is no halfway point.

Europeans have no armies nor weapons so how will they defend themselves?

Cassie of Sydney
November 24, 2023 6:55 pm

This piece of shit has to go. Now.

Agee, but she won’t, there’s one rule for the right and no rules for leftist scum like Faruqi. And watch the MSM, their ABC, Nine Newspapers, The Guardian et al run cover for the despicable slag. Imagine if this was Dutton. The double standards, the hypocrisy, is staggering and endless.

Faruqi is a Jew hater, she’s smiling, she doesn’t have to hide it anymore, not that she’s ever really tried.

November 24, 2023 6:55 pm

And I disagree with Smith. “Leave the kid alone”.

No way. That smug little bitch would happily see my beautiful grandchildren murdered and wouldn’t turn a hair. She has been brought up to hate them viscerally.

The “kid” needs to be acquainted with a clue bat.

November 24, 2023 6:59 pm

school is the problem

it is the point where all the conditioning begins

once the dough is formed (heads full of shit) it’s off to university for a proper baking

after that they fill the world with lawyers, sociologists, psychologists, politicians … and even more teachers

November 24, 2023 7:01 pm

A message to my reflexive downticker…

You know you are quite mad, don’t you? And clearly beyond rational reflection? Seek help, for you are obsessed.

November 24, 2023 7:03 pm

Am of the same opinion Cassie.

As for Farooqui, if there is not a censure motion tabled at the next sitting of the Senate then the LNP & office of the Senate President will hear from me.

November 24, 2023 7:08 pm

good people,

your society is not being pulled apart by a bunch Ahmed’s

look around

it’s your friends, family and neighbors

it’s the teachers and psychologists

depending mostly on how old they are … it’s your own kids

November 24, 2023 7:08 pm

After two weeks off, the Please Explain cartoon series is back.

November 24, 2023 7:08 pm

This is no Abbott standing in front of stupid “Ditch the witch” sign. This is an Australian senator knowingly standing with a genocidal and anti-semitic NAZI placard.

Great comparison.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 24, 2023 7:16 pm

school is the problem

Lefties have been scratching their heads about why people are fleeing the school system.

What’s behind the increase in homeschooling (lefty Axios, 12 Nov)

Lots of orbiting around the problem without actually addressing it. It’s amusing.

Te way things are going it would not take a whole lot to set up an accreditation system to provide diplomas. Christian seminaries basically do that, and the degrees are recognized within Christian circles. There’s no real need for a Higher School Certificate or a bachelor’s degree if for example the kid trains to be actually competent in running a family business. Then once they have a business in operation it doesn’t matter what the lefty hoi polloi think of their lack of credentialist credentials.

November 24, 2023 7:18 pm

The Irish aren’t going to take this shit, no matter what cousin Drew has to say.

Conor McGregor
Isn’t that something. The absolute picture of weak and feeble. The most divisive of all is the weak man. One of the most horrific crimes this nation ever seen has occurred, we do not care anymore what you sad cases have got to say. In a war you are nothing. We are not backing down, we are only warming up. There will be no backing down until real change is implemented for the safety of our nation. We are not losing any more of our woman and children to sick and twisted people who should not even be in Ireland in the first place. Call it what you want. We do not care. May God help us all. Ireland for victory.

Get a load of the vid

and more:

Conor McGregor
Innocent children ruthlessly stabbed by a mentally deranged non-national in Dublin, Ireland today. Our chief of police had this to say on the riots in the aftermath. Drew, not good enough. There is grave danger among us in Ireland that should never be here in the first place, and there has been zero action done to support the public in any way, shape or form with this frightening fact. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Make change or make way. Ireland for the victory ?? God bless those attacked today, we pray ?

November 24, 2023 7:19 pm

depending mostly on how old they are … it’s your own kids

It might be yours but it bl**dy well isn’t mine.

November 24, 2023 7:21 pm

What do conservatives do, other than diagnose other people’s problems?
It seems to me that THE PROBLEM is conservatives. Not conservatism, but conservatives.*
The world has more than enough G.Ps. What we need is more surgeons.

*With a small number of exceptions, as always.

November 24, 2023 7:22 pm

good people,


November 24, 2023 7:23 pm

If Faruqi escapes censure it will represent the nadir of the Australian parliament.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 24, 2023 7:27 pm

Wasn’t Harold black?

Harold was ultimately of Viking stock, and the Vikings (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish) were black, so I would imagine yes, Harold was.

The white supremacist re-writing of history is now finally being addressed.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 24, 2023 7:28 pm

The world has more than enough G.Ps. What we need is more surgeons.

Spare us the cutter!

November 24, 2023 7:30 pm
November 24, 2023 7:31 pm

It might be yours but it bl**dy well isn’t mine.

well, count your blessings

who said it … was it Cassie?

… they’re somebody’s bloody kids

November 24, 2023 7:31 pm

I tried but the boredom crushed me at 90 minutes .. NAPOLEON .. very poor and if you aren’t acquainted with a fair knowledge of Napoleon’s life your gonna be baffled .. It opens with the guillotining of Marie Antionette .. why? .. I haven’t a clue Napoleon never knew nor met her but I think it’s just to throw the date 1789 & the “revolution” in (she wasn’t executed until 1793) .. Toulon occupies all of 5 minutes beating Egypt’s 3 minutes …. Lot of time spent on Josephine but otherwise 2/3 minute episodes of various events leading up to the 1804 “crowning” somehow none of the Italian campaigning rates a mention and we arrive at Austerlitz without much explanation plus I had no idea Napoleon won the battle on his own I’d always thought their were several marshals involved …. then I quit! .. duuuh! .. maybe10 minutes of action in the 1st 90 during which Joaquin ‘s facial features never alter ..
The movie plays on the basis you know who is who cos there is very little/no introduction to various characters tho other than Napoleon & Josephine no one else is on camera more than 2 minutes anyway! ..
It could improve in the 2 hours left but ……….. 4/10 (being generous) & go for a download .. it ain’t worth paying to see ……..!

November 24, 2023 7:31 pm

JC @ 7:18.
That Irishman shows how its done.

November 24, 2023 7:32 pm

Did someone mention good people?

It was time for some music…even if it’s prog rock.

November 24, 2023 7:32 pm


even Woodstock drinkers

… but that’s where I draw the line

November 24, 2023 7:33 pm

The scary part? She was a 60+ year old licensed mental health professional.

Scary yes but not surprising. I’m convinced a lot of people in mental health are psycho themselves.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 24, 2023 7:34 pm

What was the proportion of schoolboys to schoolgirls at the Pals of Palestine events?

I ma be being unfair, but I imagine a lot of the male teachers are betas or simps, but they would not be much respected by boys newly flushed with testosterone, buzzing as if it was adrenaline.

November 24, 2023 7:36 pm

He went into detail how they were expected to walk the tight-rope and not come down on any side of politics.

At high school in the late 70s very early 80s, teachers were more than happy to ram their left wing ideology down students’ throats. Even in primary school for that matter.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 24, 2023 7:37 pm

I may be being unfair…

November 24, 2023 7:38 pm

If Faruqi escapes censure it will represent the nadir of the Australian parliament.

The radicals running Australia don’t give a stuff about the public:

1. The trade union party ALP government represents 8% of the workforce outside of the public service.

2. The ALP is kept in government by the Greens, who represent the 10% of the electorate.

Australia is being run by the radical fringe.

The radical fringe of the ALP became the government because its primary vote fell less than the LNP’s — after an activist campaign that blamed the LNP for a largely non-existent problem with women via Brittany Higgins (who was paid off with a $3 million dividend from the ALP).

November 24, 2023 7:39 pm

Nov 24, 2023 4:58 PM

Nelson, even the “genuine” replacements are made in Chy-nah.

True they’re all made there but some are more equal than others if the foreign parent company has imposed a measure of quality control. Rechargeable batteries for a specific application is one product for which I’d only settle for a brand name, preferably OEM, or at least a specialist battery replacement company with skin in major markets worldwide.

The electronics industry in general has seen parts that are completely different to the described article, look-alikes that don’t quite work and parts that are from the ‘official’ factory but failed and subsequently found their way onto the market via the back door.

Anyway, your choice. 😀

November 24, 2023 7:41 pm

I do Matrix. Not everyone has been as fortunate as me. And for those who haven’t and who have tried their best, I can’t imagine the disappointment and frustration and sorrow.

My parents have a gay son. No “fault” of theirs, no slur on their parenting, but for the Silent Generation a terrible burden. They can hardly bring themselves to talk of it openly, but they accept it quietly. And, being parents, they love him unconditionally.

Every generation of parents has its challenges. It seems to me that the next challenge will be something akin to the 1930’s. We like to think we’re inventive, but humanity is generally very boring in its wickedness.

November 24, 2023 7:44 pm
November 24, 2023 7:45 pm

the cop replied that they are “monitoring” the situation

pitiful, cowardly, despicable and hypocritical

November 24, 2023 7:45 pm
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 24, 2023 7:49 pm

Cassie, thanks for your support. Nice of you. I was on the phone to Tinta to see how she was as I was driving to a dance class this morning as she said I shouldn’t be upset about something on the Cat. I said I hadn’t been there this morning, and I just checked in now and saw your comment and had a look at that spray, which is just the usual, and not worth worrying about, imho.

Anyone interested in what I am publishing in stages in Quadrant re the C5th and the Arthurian material can check it up there. So far I’ve decided that form of publication may suit the material (and my busy life) more than a single book.

Tinta is home-bound now with her ‘knee scooter’ which sounds like a great idea. We will pop over and see her regularly while she’s laid up either at home or in rehab. Friends at dancing were telling me of some excellent rehabs available these days, so I am sure Tinta will be in good hands.

  1. Cassie of Sydney October 18, 2024 11:03 amSinwar’s body guard worked for the UN. What a joke of a world we…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x