Open Thread – Mon 12 Feb 2024

The Umbrellas, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1866

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Bill From The Bush
Bill From The Bush
February 12, 2024 12:03 am

Well Hello there

Bruce in WA
February 12, 2024 12:25 am

Second … but somehow I don’t feel like gloating about it.

February 12, 2024 12:30 am

third is the new first

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 12, 2024 12:30 am


Feb 12, 2024 12:24 AM

“if the advice is remotely approving of the loggies speech”

A first year cadet would have known better


but legally it puts her in a better place than ten if her speech was vetted by tens lawyers and she delivered it verbatim

certainly a much better legal position for her than if she had just delivered it ad hoc without tens knowledge

Winston Smith
February 12, 2024 12:48 am

Bruce in W.A:

Baby Boomers live large as young Aussies sucked down black hole
One section of Australian society is virtually untouched by inflation and rate rises – in fact, these people are most likely benefiting.
Leith van Onselen

I was a bit harsher than you a few days ago:

The generation currently whinging about how hard life is compared to the Boomers are about to inherit the greatest transfer of wealth in the next 20 years. Stop the bloody whinging!

Not the exact words, but check out the quality!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 12, 2024 12:49 am

but yes
as justice lee said you cant imagine a first year law student giving advice to make that loggies speech

whoevers signature is on that advice will be lucky to be doing wills and conveyancing after this surfaces

February 12, 2024 12:58 am

whoevers signature is on that advice will be lucky to be doing wills and conveyancing after this surfaces

pro-bono defence for indigenes in NT awaits someone @ 9 legal

February 12, 2024 1:00 am

Reposting from end of old thread.

Cassie if around. Australian Jewish Association just tweeted a part of a Superbowl ad.
Simple but very effective and a must watch.
Google Robert Kraft Superbowl add and will find plenty of info on it.
The Patriots owner is funding a 30-second commercial through his Foundation to Combat Antisemitism. The ad will feature Dr. Clarence B. Jones, a Civil Rights icon who helped to draft Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, and be aimed at fighting the rise in anti-semitism.

Tweet by AJA

We thank billionaire businessman Robert Kraft who spent $7million of his own money just to run a single 60 second ad tomorrow.

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 12, 2024 1:19 am

Hello from somewhere in the Coral Sea on the Majestic Princess.

On the way to Fiji doing another military history talks at sea gig.

February 12, 2024 1:44 am

Australian Jewish Association just tweeted a part of a Superbowl ad.
Simple but very effective and a must watch.

It’s an interesting and very powerful take on supportive neighborly empathy.

February 12, 2024 4:00 am
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February 12, 2024 4:29 am

Thanks Tom.

February 12, 2024 4:31 am

Feb 12, 2024 4:17 AM


Yes indeed. The contrast between the decency of that and the muslim support for Hamas could hardly be greater.

February 12, 2024 4:36 am

ironically the prospect of her getting off scot free is dependent upon justice lee accepting the premise that she was just an airhead autocue reader with no editorial input

Almost the Joe Biden defence.
Similar but different.

What I can not believe is this advice which everyone danced around in Nov/Dec that was always central to the defamation claim will only be brought to light on Tuesday.

It shows why Lisa/Channel 10 originally tried to have the Lisa/Channel 10 costs claim heard by another judge before Michael Lee knocked that on the head.
They were trying to keep this advice away from him.

Lisa may well get off with having to pay a penny.
This is 10’s problem.
If they were relying on external legal advice, that lawyers PI will be going up 100% at the next renewal.

February 12, 2024 4:40 am

Quality Leak & Garrison this morn.

February 12, 2024 5:10 am

Maybe Wilkinson can sue Channel 10 for making her look retarded. Although in that case, a truth defence would be more likely to go in 10’s favour.

February 12, 2024 5:21 am

Feb 12, 2024 4:36 AM

Where does all this leave Bruce Lehrmann, I want to know.

February 12, 2024 5:28 am
Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 12, 2024 6:26 am

whoevers signature is on that advice will be lucky to be doing wills and conveyancing after this surfaces

given the contentiousness and litigation about wills and conveyancing I perhaps counting staples or paperclips might be a better option

Cassie of Sydney
February 12, 2024 6:35 am

From The Australian’s editorial…

The new face of anti-Semitism is young, woke and left.

February 12, 2024 7:01 am

Where does all this leave Bruce Lehrmann, I want to know.

With a big pile of money ?

February 12, 2024 7:02 am

The new face of anti-Semitism is young, woke and left.

And incredibly poorly read.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 12, 2024 7:11 am

7.04. and Cassie’s here. Must be time for someone known here for stoicism to come in for a little early morning Jew baiting to start off the week in the same manner she ended it on Friday

No apology yet, after all..

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 12, 2024 7:15 am

Being poorly informed about Israel and the depth of Jewish culture and latent anti-Semitism is not just the province of the young.

February 12, 2024 7:16 am

As this blog is allegedly centre-right, can I propose a subscription model for upticks.

I really value them to assist in deciding which of Tom’s toons to read first.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 12, 2024 7:22 am

Damanienski, I shall come here Dover willing as long as and whenever I see fit. You have no need and nor has anyone else to bother about whether I am here or not.

I will endeavour to stay away when I am not in a good mood, as now, perhaps stay away permantly or for many months as I have felt compelled to do previously.

I have said my piece and this place, and many people here, as Hairy notes with his elephant memory, do not wish me well.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 12, 2024 7:23 am

And incredibly poorly read.

And yet the consider themselves the acme of an intellectual elite. They believe that their memorised identity politics has unlocked for them the essence of society and history and converse with them as peers.

But for all that they have a practical working knowledge of…nothing. A backyard mechanic knows something useful: car mechanics. They do not know something useless (or rather, destructive) like identity politics. So who is more important?

Yet for all the woke warriors ‘raising awareness’ campaigns and equity projects they never really gain momentum. They must forever keep the pressure on – which is weird considering they boast that they know what makes people and society tick.

Their successes only appear in corporations – precisely because they are not organic. They allow free rein to wokesters in marketing and HR departments but even there pushback from customers stalls them. Look what happened to Bud Light in the US. Even Trump said it might be time to leave off the boycott but the punters want it dead.

Once the culture changes in the US it will change here too. Our elites are incapable of original thought, and when Americans at WaPo, NYT, and MSNBC embark on a new cause so will our mob.

February 12, 2024 7:24 am

For the first time in over 20 years, I really have no idea who will win the Super Bowl today.
I’ve got a few bucks on McCaffrey to win MVP which implies a 49ers win.
But one can’t got past just how productive Mahomes is when he has the ball.
Hopefully it isn’t decided by the officials &/or injuries.

February 12, 2024 7:24 am

Feb 12, 2024 7:16 AM

As this blog is allegedly centre-right, can I propose a subscription model for upticks.

I really value them to assist in deciding which of Tom’s toons to read first.

Just open all and see what you find.
I admit to being a dullard as far as international cartoons go, don’t get half of them but I’m too embarrassed to ask repeatedly, so just let it go.

Cassie of Sydney
February 12, 2024 7:25 am

I have said my piece and this place, and many people here, as Hairy notes with his elephant memory, do not wish me well.

Lizzie, I wish you well, and I always will. Many people here know you, admire you and like you.

February 12, 2024 7:28 am

And yet the consider themselves the acme of an intellectual elite.

Bizarre isn’t it.
It is a wilful mental illness.
Like scientology.

February 12, 2024 7:37 am

Top Ender
Feb 12, 2024 1:19 AM
Hello from somewhere in the Coral Sea on the Majestic Princess.

On the way to Fiji doing another military history talks at sea gig.

Top Ender, travel warning for the Coral Sea… 🙂

February 12, 2024 7:46 am

Wow Topender – to hear you speak on military history is almost enough to tempt me to take a cruise!

February 12, 2024 7:46 am

That superbowl ad is class with a capital A .. 15/10

pete of perth
pete of perth
February 12, 2024 7:47 am

Re up/down thumbs. Those that want it have the option of turning them on for their post. However, the additional coding may cause the server to melt down.

February 12, 2024 7:50 am

pete of perth
Feb 12, 2024 7:47 AM

Re up/down thumbs. Those that want it have the option of turning them on for their post. However, the additional coding may cause the server to melt down.

Even if I knew how to do it, why would I uptick my own post?
I know I like it, no need for an uptick.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 12, 2024 7:54 am

Feb 11, 2024 11:04 PM
Jesus was a Nazarene. An off shoot of regular Judaism back in that day. So I am led to believe.

It’s lucky that Dick Ed Case isn’t still here, or it would be on like Donkey Kong.

Ed is adamant that Jesus had no connection with Nazareth, and that the Holy Family lived on the Golan Heights after the return from Egypt.

February 12, 2024 7:55 am

Tim Blair in today’s Tele:

Electric vehicle advocates take aim at Rowan Atkinson over his stance, but it makes sense, writes Tim Blair

12 Feb 2024

Grief leads to blame, and as electric vehicle sales fall, advocates of the technology have pointed the finger at… Mr Bean, who in no sensible way could be held responsible, writes Tim Blair.

Grief triggers blame. A suffering individual will invariably seek out someone to condemn for causing their despair. It’s an almost involuntary coping and deflection tactic.

Sometimes this process is rational, as when victims of crime demand that perpetrators be brought to justice.

Or it may be superficially rational but not laudable, as when an incoherent and disoriented elderly shopper violently assaults a handsome stranger for buying the last tube of sour cream and onion Pringles.

I’ll see you in court, Mr Biden.

And then there’s a third category: those who alleviate grief by blaming someone who in no sensible way could be held responsible for the suffering in question.

Such as we saw last week when an alleged environmental think tank called Green Alliance told the UK House of Lords that electric vehicle sales in Britain had drastically slowed because of … Mr Bean.

Or, more accurately, Mr Bean’s brilliant creator Rowan Atkinson.

The veteran comedian was accused by a Green Alliance letter to the Lords’ environment and climate change committee of sabotaging EVs by deploying the unthinkably wicked tactic of writing about them.

“One of the most damaging articles was a comment piece written by Rowan Atkinson in The Guardian, which has been roundly debunked,” the letter claimed.

By “debunked”, the Green Alliance activists meant Atkinson’s piece was subject to the usual petty eco-faith trivia surgery, resulting in multiple pathetic “corrections”.

Here’s the first of them: “This article was amended on 5 June 2023 to describe lithium-ion batteries as lasting ‘upwards of 10 years’, rather than ‘about 10 years’.” Yep.

Calling out a nobody cares distinction between “upwards” and “about” is what they call “debunked”.

But the same climate fanatics never demand corrections to reports claiming we’ll be swamped by climate refugees and never see snow again. They’re selectively pedantic.
“Unfortunately, fact checks never reach the same breadth of audience as the original false claim,” the Green Alliance weepers continued, “emphasising the need to ensure high editorial standards around the net zero transition.”

The poor babies. Their Holy Netification Church of St Zero’s Blessed Transitude was insulted. Imagine the pain.

There’s no suffering like cashed-up urban Western green suffering, which shouldn’t surprise considering their climate cult is entirely built on apocalyptic disaster exaggerations.

As well, the larger the cause, the wider the range for incrimination.
If some clothes go missing from the backyard line, suspicion might be limited to immediate neighbours.

Or big Gordon, the weekend cross-dresser from up the street, if we’re talking about anything frilly and feminine.

But when your central claimed concern is our earth’s imminent destruction, you’re provided with a whole planet of irresistible opportunity for furious accusations, denunciations and absolutely Biblical levels of blame.

Climate priest Michael Mann, for example, once raved online that “Tim Blair is one of the worst people in the world”.

So evil was I, he added, that I’d “better hope there isn’t a hell”. Prior to his outburst I had no idea Mann was one of my ex-girlfriends.

In this House of Lords case, the evil eye fell upon Mr Bean – who isn’t even a climate change sceptic.

Atkinson even refers to “the climate crisis”, mildly noting the heavy, complicated, low-lifespan lithium-ion batteries currently fitted to most EVs are “a perverse choice of hardware” in the emissions reduction battle.

As you’d expect from someone with an electronic engineering degree and a master’s in control systems, Atkinson offers a superior emissions slashing strategy.

“If the first owners of new cars just kept them for five years, on average, instead of the current three, then car production and the CO2 emissions associated with it would be vastly reduced,” Atkinson proposed. “We’d be enjoying the same mobility, just driving slightly older cars.”

Given the slowing rate of EV sales in many markets, perhaps Mr Bean’s wise words have been heeded.

Incredibly, a Guardian opinion piece may have had a measurable impact on the real world.

Or, more likely, most of those who wanted EVs and had the means and time to recharge them have already bought their status indicator Teslas or down-market E-quivalents.

Beyond that fancy crowd there aren’t many of us who crave the lifestyle enhancements of range anxiety and recharge rage.

An increasing number of us, however, are keeping an eye on used car sales sites. With prices now fallen from Covid-era peaks, bargains await the canny shopper.

Buy now and beat any future anti-petrol legislation. After all, better to be a Bean than be banned.

Tim Blair

February 12, 2024 8:01 am

Taylor Swift Go Poopy!

Does she get her diapers from the same place as dementia Joe?

Please let him be the candidate.
Please let her campaign.

February 12, 2024 8:02 am

It’s lucky that Dick Ed Case isn’t still here

Doesn’t feel like he has gone, does it?

February 12, 2024 8:06 am

Like most obsessions amongst the fashionista these days, the EV fanatics are finding that reality bites. The instability of the lithium batteries, charging problems in dense urban areas as well as across our vast rural areas, the expense of replacement batteries & low resale values are all discoveries that were predictable.

February 12, 2024 8:07 am

Tim Blair in today’s Tele:

Many thanks for liberating it from the paywall, Beertruk — a hugely enjoyable piece of wordsmithery.

February 12, 2024 8:12 am

Is this South Park or is this reality?

I’m just a poor boy, I need no change table…

Back in March, @therealkatherine revealed her plan to purchase an 18-pack of adult nappies after successfully obtaining tickets to Taylor Swift’s instantly-sold-out Eras Tour.
Crazy that anyone is willing to volunteer that kinda info publicly but, luckily (for her, at least), she’s apparently not the only Swiftie diapering up, not by a long shot.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 12, 2024 8:14 am

118mm on the ground overnight in D-Town, and more to come.

Yeah, baby.

February 12, 2024 8:15 am

The omens are good, bern.

The lord of change quips, just as planned.
The lord of plagues approves of this level of poor adult hygiene.
She who thirsts approves of such degeneracy.
The lord of war approves of the total destruction of Democrat votes.

The Republicans have just rolled a natural 20 and just don’t know it yet.

February 12, 2024 8:24 am

118mm on the ground overnight in D-Town, and more to come.

That stands for Flannery Me Dead for those not up with the lingo.

February 12, 2024 8:26 am

Interesting article on former Dutch Prime Minister and his wife going the Euthanasia route together.

As practising catholics, suicide is anathema but, as van Agt went pro Palestine in later life, perhaps not so surprising.

February 12, 2024 8:28 am

Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian

A Palestinian journalist working for Al Jazeera appears to also be a commander in Hamas’s military wing, according to images and documents recovered by the IDF in the Gaza Strip.

Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee, the IDF’s Arabic-language spokesman, says that several weeks ago, troops found a laptop in a Hamas base in northern Gaza, which belongs to a man by the name of Mohamed Washah.

Washah, from central Gaza’s Buriej, has been featured in Al Jazeera broadcasts in recent months, with the Qatari-owned station calling him one of their journalists.

Adraee says that evidence recovered from the laptop reveals that Washah is also a “prominent commander” in Hamas’s anti-tank missile unit, and in late 2022, he began to work in research and development for the terror group’s air unit.

Last month, two Al Jazeera journalists killed in an Israeli airstrike in Rafah were later accused by the IDF of being members of Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror groups.

Looks like Hamas must run the Seek of Gaza.
Every journo & UN worker seems to have not just links to the organisation but are in some form of decision making role.

February 12, 2024 8:28 am

However, the additional coding may cause the server to melt down

no it wont

the only extra load on the server is when somebody clicks one of the thumbs

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 12, 2024 8:29 am

Anyone up for a bit of schadenfreude?

Poilievre highlights the irony after car of Trudeau’s soft-on-crime justice minister stolen for THIRD time (10 Feb)

It was recently revealed that Liberal Justice Minister Arif Virani’s government-issued vehicle had been stolen yet again, marking the third time in as many years that auto thieves have targeted the holder of that position.

During a press conference in Vancouver on Friday, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre highlighted the “irony” of the situation given the Trudeau government’s soft-on-crime policies.

According to the CBC, documents tabled in the House of Commons last week revealed that Virani’s Toyota Highlander was stolen in November 2023, just months after being nabbed the first time. In both cases, the vehicle was recovered.

Given what Trudy’s government regards as justice I can only say karma does happen sometimes.

February 12, 2024 8:33 am

As this blog is allegedly centre-right, can I propose a subscription model for upticks…. I really value them to assist in deciding which of Tom’s toons to read first

I was thinking the same thing about their value in triaging the toons!.

February 12, 2024 8:34 am

Good to see the Waste Management Open turned into Happy Gilmore.
Golf needed a spark.

February 12, 2024 8:36 am

Also good to see the smh reporting on Dreyfus trying to nobble the NACC before it got started.

February 12, 2024 8:36 am

Many thanks for liberating it from the paywall, Beertruk — a hugely enjoyable piece of wordsmithery.

No worries Tom.

February 12, 2024 8:37 am

Like most obsessions amongst the fashionista these days, the EV fanatics are finding that reality bites.

Reality is trumped by the Laws of Australia.

Buy an EV or else …

February 12, 2024 8:37 am

anybody that doesn’t read ALL the toons is surely a candidate for re-education camp

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 12, 2024 8:38 am

I suppose others noticed the colours of That Wong Chap’s ensemble in the Leak cartoon…

Johnny Rotten
February 12, 2024 8:39 am

Feb 12, 2024 7:55 AM
Tim Blair in today’s Tele:

Electric vehicle advocates take aim at Rowan Atkinson over his stance, but it makes sense, writes Tim Blair

Yes and a great piece to read and absorb. I do hope that Mt Bean keeps his ICE Mini and the Teddy bear. And with the Electrical Engineering/Control Systems qualifications, he seems to be well qualified to comment on EVs.

February 12, 2024 8:41 am

You simply won’t believe this. The utter dishonesty of it is beyond parody. The whole thing, as trumpeted by all media as usual, is based on ONE study which includes the life cycle of a gardener’s HOUSE as the highest component by emissions.

Backyard Gardening Under Attack: The Truth They Don’t Want You to Know

A recent University of Michigan-led study claims that Urban Agriculture, including Home Gardens, have a carbon footprint SIX times that of conventional farming. I’ve uncovered exactly HOW they came up with these results.

February 12, 2024 8:45 am

a subscription model for upticks

Good. I’ll have a pack of a thousand downers, so I can drop them on the whingers who don’t like ups and downs.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 12, 2024 8:46 am

I will confess I never bother with the Garrison cartoons. I shall leave it at being a matter of style and humour, and by no means a judgement on anyone else – not even him. Just his cartoons.

Johnny Rotten
February 12, 2024 8:47 am

Supreme Court & Putin

“I will post my review of the Supreme Court and Tucker’s interview with Putin. Suffice it to say that a single state uses its law to remove Trump from the ballot, interfering with the federal election for everyone – that in itself is unconstitutional. How can you have a federal election if some states will not let Trump on the ballot? That is a direct assault against Democracy they claim they are protecting. Of course, they are Democrat states, and this is all about them fearing Biden would lose to a ham sandwich since it is more appealing and does not require a translation if it ever speaks. They will not even allow a choice on the Democrat ballot. We call that a dictatorship in other countries.

As far as Putin, all mainstream media refused to air anything because they are part of the West’s Propaganda. They do not want you ever to examine the truth, for then you just might see who is trying to manipulate your opinion to justify sending your children to die on the battlefield selected by Victoria Nuland.”

February 12, 2024 8:48 am

Quality Leak & Garrison this morn.

Garrison got a guffaw, very apt.

And that superbowl ad is very good.
The pro-Hamarse idiots have convinced themselves that Israel is wandering around bayoneting babies, yet somehow, always, seem to miss the point Hamarse can cease the war at any time by surrendering and releasing the hostages.

Its like if Donitz was holed up after being made Fuhrer and people were wailing about the poor boxheads..

February 12, 2024 8:53 am

Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini has demanded chemical castration for rapists after the incident occured.

Sulphuric acid is a chemical.
Just sayin’

February 12, 2024 8:54 am

I used to think Martin Armstrong was simply an uneducated, incompetent fraud; after that Zeee Media interview last year (still available, amazingly) where he said 9/11 and 7/10 were inside jobs, my opinion changed to him being an antisemitic, dangerous lunatic.

Johnny Rotten
February 12, 2024 8:56 am

Tucker Digesting his Interview

“My father was a senior officer with General Patton. Indeed, German General Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel (1891–1944), who was famous in his lifetime as a brilliant strategist, including among his adversaries. His tactical prowess and decency in treating Allied prisoners earned him the respect of opponents. While Rommel never wrote a book, Panzer Greift, which consisted of papers and notes that were assembled in 1953. He did write Infanterie greift an on infantry tactics. My father always said that Patton did want to read what Rommel wrote to get into the mindset of his opponent. My father was with Patton from North Africa to Berlin.

My father always taught me it is NOT what I think but what my opponent thinks. I have taken that advice my whole life.

For all the people criticizing Tucker for doing this interview, they are complete idiots to keep it gentlemanly. If you oppose anyone in war or trading, you better understand their motive and thinking process. When I was managing the estate of Aristotle Onassis, who had the largest holding of platinum, it took me months to get approval from the CFTC to trade. Having to prove the vast amount of physical metal in a vault, you had to know the thinking process of the dealers in order to even trade. If not – you are dead meat.

One time, I had perhaps a few thousand contracts of silver, and the computer projected it would crash. I told my floor broker, Emerald, the big local Oni Morrison, would do a flash bid for 1,000 lots. I told him not to offer anything and to wait for Oni Morrison to make a flash bid and instantly say DONE. He did, and then he flashed another 1,000 bid – DONE! Then, one more time, Oni said 1,000, and one more time, my broker said DONE! Then Silver crashed, and I was out. If you do not know HOW your opponent acts, you cannot trade. Even the silver manipulation I took on the entire club because I knew how they would act and won.”

February 12, 2024 8:58 am

When I was managing the estate of Aristotle Onassis, who had the largest holding of platinum, it took me months to get approval from the CFTC to trade. Having

Citation needed!

February 12, 2024 8:59 am

How can you have a federal election if some states will not let Trump on the ballot?

The thing is states don’t vote directly for the president, they vote for electors.

I suspect this is the grounds on which this decision gets overturned – there isn’t a finding against the proposed electors.

February 12, 2024 9:00 am


We have you surrounded! Drop you unlawful ticks and come out with your threads up, and won’t get hurt.

Johnny Rotten
February 12, 2024 9:01 am

Hillary for President

“Hillary Clinton, who the young girls in our office call the Female Nazi who wanted to draft them, said she believes President Biden’s age is a “legitimate” campaign issue since the special counsel’s report accusing him of being senile. Hillary told the leftist MSNBC station’s Alex Wagner:

“I talked to people in the White House all the time, and you know, they know it’s an issue, but as I like to say, ‘look, it’s a legitimate issue.’”

“It’s a legitimate issue for [ex-President Donald] Trump, who’s only three years younger, right? So it’s an issue.”

Biden was born in 1942, Trump in 1946, and Hillary in 1947. Hillary was pitching herself, saying that the president should highlight his background as an “experienced” leader. Age really means nothing. My mother was sharp as a tack when she died at 99. I have seen others with dementia in their 70s. It does not seem to be age but genetics. They say only the good die young. I guess that means Hillary will be the most experienced leader even in 2028.”

February 12, 2024 9:03 am

Grater Thunberg wears palestinian headdress as Swedish climate change activist attends banned anti-motorway protest in France

That’s one massive confluence of staggering stupid, right there.

Blair’s Law in action.

Johnny Rotten
February 12, 2024 9:08 am

The Supreme Court – Ballot to Immunity

“I have listened to the oral arguments and have considered this entire 14th Amendment nonsense. Some have tried to argue that it is self-executing, meaning that Congress does not need to write a statute. That is really absurd, for we are talking here about trying to overthrow the entire foundation of democracy when pretending to be defending it. That is like pushing the button to attack Russia because I knew they wanted to do so; therefore, I was acting in self-defense by pushing the button first.

States have the right to control their local elections. However, they cannot interfere in federal elections. To do so would mean that they are depriving the rest of the country of their right to vote, for a federal election cannot take place if some states remove a candidate and others do not. This is a justified argument for separating the United States.

While nobody raised the Commerce Clause referring to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, the Founding Fathers may have never anticipated a rogue action like Colorado and Maine banning Trump from the ballot. Still, they did address this issue of one state interfering with the rest of the nation. The Commerce Clause PROHIBITS any state from trying to impose a ban on the exports of another state to boost its own production. The Commerce Clause gives Congress the power “to regulate commerce with foreign nations, among states, and with the Indian tribes.”

The Commerce Clause expressly forbids a state from interfering in national commerce. That jurisdiction is reserved strictly to Congress. I cannot imagine how any state can claim such a power to interfere in the federal election for the national office of the Federal Government that is not a local state office. Any such power would be confined to a Congressman or Senator exclusively from their state. They cannot remove a Congressman from another state because they dislike him.

If the Supreme Court upholds Colorado’s decision, then it is time to break up the UNION, for it is no longer viable. I fear we will see violence regardless of how the court rules because the press has wrongly promoted this for their own hatred and bias concerning Trump. Any blood will be on their hands for creating an insurrection.

The District of Columbia Court of Appeals rejected Trump’s Absolute Immunity claim, saying: “We cannot accept that the office of the presidency places its former occupants above the law for all time thereafter,” the judges wrote.” The Supreme Court has previously ruled that prosecutors and judges have absolute immunity.

The Constitution does not directly discuss presidential immunity from criminal or civil lawsuits or that for anyone else. Instead, this privilege has evolved over time through the Supreme Court’s interpretation of Article II, Section 2, Clause 3:

The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

It is generally accepted that the President is absolutely immune from civil liability for suits arising from actions relating to official duties. This includes all acts in the “outer perimeter” of those duties. However, the President is not immune from actions arising from unofficial conduct. In fact, nobody was actually given immunity by the Founding Fathers. It has been, of course, Judges who have credited immunity – not the Constitution.

“Prosecutorial immunity” is also a judge-made doctrine that cloaks prosecutors in near-absolute immunity from suit. Under this doctrine, prosecutors cannot be sued for any actions related to their job as a prosecutor, no matter how egregious the behavior. For example, prosecutors cannot be sued for knowingly prosecuting an innocent person, withholding evidence of innocence, or even fabricating false evidence of guilt.

Prosecutors can do whatever they want, and you have ZERO rights, even human rights, against those in the Deep State. This entire question of immunity to me defied the Declaration of Independence, and this is the intent of the Constitution to restrain government. With ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY, they can fabricate evidence, put you on trial, and execute all the time knowing that you were innocent. This defies everything that the Constitution intended.

Declaration of Independent Complaint #15
“For protecting them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States.”

In 1768, two citizens of Annapolis, Maryland, were murdered by Marines from a British ship. Even though there was overwhelming evidence against them, the Marines were acquitted because they were the agents of the king.

I doubted that the Washington, D.C. Court of Appeals would ever rule in favor of Trump. They have their marching orders. To me, either nobody has absolute immunity, or everyone does. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that grants such immunity to anyone! That very proposition stands in direct confrontation with the Declaration of Independence. If this disgusting Jack Smith, who indicts Trump in Washington, which he can control for a crime he has to prosecute in Florida, shows that he is violating the very intent of the Sixth Amendment. You are to be indicted and tried where the crime took place. The king would indict you and put you on trial for a crime in America in London, where he could ensure getting a guilty verdict. But Jack Smith is ABSOLUTELY IMMUNE for anything he does to the nation or Trump, even if he lies, wrongly prosecutes Trump, and manipulates the courts. That is wrong!

They had President Nixon hands down on a crime, and yet they pardoned him to save dividing the nation. Those ideas no longer exist, and the entire problem here is these prosecutions have torn the nation apart and polarized the people. They have set in motion the ultimate division of the United States – it cannot stand as a united nation when one side tries to impose a dictatorship, their ideas offending even the religious beliefs of their opposition. This is what Zelensky is doing to the Russians in the Donbas – removing their version of a Pope being the Patriarch of Moscow and abandoning Orthodox Christianity, adopting the West, thereby changing Christmas. He deliberately attempts to create World War III.

In Greek Democracy, it is true that women had no right to vote. What is overlooked is the fact that they did not need one. This was all before SOCIALISM, and there was not even an income tax. The head of the household voted like a congressman for everyone in the house. But those were questions like war. Even if someone killed another, the victim’s family was the prosecutor – not the state. The ONLY crimes where the state became involved were those directly against the state or offending the gods, as was the case with Socrates.

With socialism, then laws were made directly against the behavior of every individual, and income tax was applied to everyone. Thus, everyone then had a right to vote. This is what is tearing the country apart – this belief that one side gets to dictate the behavior of their hated opponent. What if Muslims gain political control and then dictate you must have to have four wives? What if Mitt Romney were president and issued an executive order allowing multiple wives? This is the whole problem that is terminating the union. Gaining the presidency is not a justification for attacking the opposition’s fundamental beliefs. Ultimately, the solution is to terminate SOCIALISM.

So, unfortunately, this entire immunity question is NOT law – it is the discretion of judges, and therein lies the crisis. The Founding Fathers relied upon the definition of law articulated by Lord Coke and Blackstone. Nobody seems to care anymore.”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 12, 2024 9:11 am

bern at 4:36

What I can not believe is this advice which everyone danced around in Nov/Dec that was always central to the defamation claim will only be brought to light on Tuesday.

And only because Justice Lee effectively badgered them into it.
“You are free to withhold it but I will just make assumptions about what shithouse advice it contains. Or if it exists at all. Your choice”.
It isn’t critical to the defamation case per se, but it will be critical to apportionment of any damages.
Ten have decided it is futile to keep calling the advice “secret lawyer business” and have coughed up.

It shows why Lisa/Channel 10 originally tried to have the Lisa/Channel 10 costs claim heard by another judge before Michael Lee knocked that on the head.
They were trying to keep this advice away from him.

But now he has it.
Normally he would just retire to his study with the submitted documents and correct their homework.
So why call witnesses in person?
There are either gaps between what was advised and what was in the speech, or he suspects some skullduggery in the formulation of the advice.

February 12, 2024 9:13 am

Leak is LOL this morning.

Man-cave indeed.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 12, 2024 9:21 am

154mm, with an hour or so before cutoff.

Send ‘er down Hughie!

February 12, 2024 9:23 am

Sulphuric acid is a chemical

so is hypochlorite

February 12, 2024 9:28 am

Government mongs: “Lets lock up and isolate all the kids for 2 years, while streaming climate pron and telling them they are all sexist/racist/victims/oppressors from birth onwards”

Also government mongs: “Why are kids in psychological distress in unheard of numbers”…

Number of young Australians in psychological distress continues sharp rise
Annual Hilda survey of 17,000 Australians shows ‘clear trend of younger people becoming lonelier and feeling more isolated as time goes on’

Psychological distress rising
Initially, the incidence of distress remained relatively constant until 2011. Since around 2013, however, there has been a consistent upward trend in the proportion of Australians experiencing psychological distress, and in 2021 28.9% of females and 22.7% of males were in distress.

February 12, 2024 9:29 am

The AFR View

A bad week for Australian productivity and prosperity

Michele Bullock may be a glass-half-full optimist, but Labor’s latest moves will make economic recovery that much harder.

Making her first appearance as Reserve Bank governor before a parliamentary committee on Friday, Michele Bullock said she was a glass-half-full “optimist” about a recovery from Australia’s post-pandemic productivity slump helping to bring inflation down to target.

There may be something to the recent sharp fall in measured labour productivity being a short-term statistical phenomenon due – like many things – to the unprecedented pandemic shocks, disruptions and uncertainties.

As supply chains continue to normalise, and as the tens of thousands of lower-skilled workers that have joined the workforce amid a half-century-low unemployment rate are trained to get up to speed, the productivity numbers could rebound as Ms Bullock hopes will occur to avoid wages having to be lower and interest rates higher for longer to control inflation.

Yet hoping for a possible return to the sub-par levels of productivity growth achieved before the pandemic – which led to a decade of wage stagnation – is not much to hope for.

Meanwhile, Canberra is doing things that make the productivity challenge harder.

Last week’s first sitting of federal parliament for the year was the worst political week for Australian productivity and prosperity in many a day.

First, the Coalition signalled it would dodge the wedge and wave through Labor’s redistribution of the stage three tax cuts towards lower and middle-income earners.

In both tax and IR, poor process and playing politics has produced bad policy outcomes.

Then, Industrial Relations Minister Tony Burke cobbled together a deal with two cross-bench senators and the Greens to pass Labor’s next round of workplace regulation.

Tax and workplace policy are big levers that can help make Australia a more prosperous place by, respectively, sharpening incentives for work and investment, and by encouraging labour and capital to cooperate to generate higher workplace productivity and higher wages.

It’s striking that in response to last week’s political victory lap by Labor over stage three and IR, the media narrative in most quarters failed to pose any serious questions about the impact the tax and workplace changes will have for reviving productivity, assisting enterprises to compete in the global economy, and achieve win-win enterprise bargaining agreements that will drive higher living standards.

In both tax and IR, poor process and playing politics has produced bad policy outcomes.

With no proper principles to guide Labor’s tax agenda, Anthony Albanese broke an “L-A-W” election promise to keep the legislated stage three tax cuts in order to give his flagging political fortunes a short-term sugar hit ahead of next month’s Dunkley byelection.

Scrapping the incentive-sharpening flattening of the tax scales, which rewarded success and gave back bracket creep, will punish aspiration by imposing $28 billion of extra tax, by stealth, on ordinary workers over the next 10 years.

Mr Burke’s Closing the Loopholes Act hasn’t just again forced through the wish list of the unions that still fund and run the Labor Party.

The horse trading in the Senate also led to entrenching a new “right to disconnect” in Australia’s already overly complex, legalistic and prescriptive industrial relations framework.

This new regulatory regime to micro-manage after-hours contact between managers and staff – something that should be negotiated in individual workplaces – was a concession to a far-left fringe Greens Party using the work-life balance issue to try to gain the support of younger white-collar voters.

The hyper-politicised creation of another source of conflict between employers and employees in an already conflict-based workplace framework underscores how disengaged the political debate is from the cooperative and bargaining-based IR agenda that’s needed to boost productivity.

How workplaces will now manage the regimentation of office hours following the shift to flexible remote and hybrid working from home during the pandemic will be one of the issues front and centre for the business leaders on the front line of the productivity challenge at Monday’s The Australian Financial Review Workforce Summit.

February 12, 2024 9:31 am

It’s probably time to send Martin Armstrong back to gaol.

Death threats and misrepresentation.

I’m guessing a convicted felon won’t get a good plea deal.

February 12, 2024 9:32 am

Borderline paddling for bolded word-walling .

local oaf
February 12, 2024 9:36 am

Blair re Mann 🙂

Tim just gets better with age!

February 12, 2024 9:42 am

As this blog is allegedly centre-right, can I propose a subscription model for upticks…. I really value them to assist in deciding which of Tom’s toons to read first

I was thinking the same thing about their value in triaging the toons!.

Sell ’em by the shed load and Dover gets rich off the backs of we blog slaves. Its the right model.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 12, 2024 9:43 am

does anyone on the planet talk more shit than marty armstrong

present company excepted

February 12, 2024 9:46 am

Bit of a word wall but a good read never the less.

The Hypocrisy Of The West Is Exposed By Their Separate Morality For Israel
Israel is conducting a war against an entrenched enemy that has had more than 15 years to prepare the battle space. Its enemy has no regard for civilian casualties, and in fact makes tactical decisions to maximize those casualties for propaganda purposes. Their enemy does not abide by the accepted rules of war…they wear no common uniform; they hide amongst civilians; they torture and kill captured soldiers and civilians; and their infrastructure is blended into an urban setting so that it is impossible to target military objectives without striking supposed civilian facilities, homes, schools, etc.

Yet miraculously, Israel has managed to minimize civilian deaths to an extent rarely seen in any battle, much less a war. The hysterical Western media report the death toll as calculated by the Gaza Health Ministry as if it were some unimpeachable number. At the same time they examine under a microscope, every statement from Israel and its military, and loudly proclaim the supposed errors as proof of some nefarious plot to deceive. Yet even accepting the obvious nonsense being pumped into a gullible Western media by the terrorist organization Hamas, Israel has kept civilian casualties to a minimum.

A more bloodthirsty country would have leveled Gaza and killed many times the number of civilians who have died. Imagine if Russia or China had suffered an equivalent terrorist attack on its border. Or for that matter if a large force of narco-terrorists had crossed into Texas or New Mexico or Arizona or California from Mexico and raped and burned and murdered 48,000 American citizens. The clamor for an all-out assault on Mexico and the use of every weapon at our disposal would have been intense and unstoppable.

Yet Israel has resisted the urge — if it even exists — for wholesale slaughter. And it’s doing an incredible job while under tremendous pressure from the United States and other Western countries to either cease military operations, or scale them back to token attacks on obvious concentrations of terrorists.

The real issue though is that the rest of the Western powers so hell-bent on hamstringing Israel in its existential fight against terrorism would never hold themselves or any other country to such impossible standards. There is a long list of wars just in this century in which civilians were killed at shockingly high rates with nary a peep from the bien pensants in Washington and London and Paris. Iraq and Afghanistan saw huge civilian suffering, and in fact the numbers of refugees created by those wars are not afforded a tenth of the money and media coverage that refugees from the Israeli War of Independence –75 YEARS AGO! — are given.

Israel is acting in an amazingly moral way in the midst of shocking and almost unbelievable brutality. The country has coalesced around the goal of making itself safe from the terrorists on its southern and northern borders, while adhering to standards of behavior that are a credit to its social fabric, 3,000 year history, and the moral code of Judaism.

CBD has also posted a link to an article by Edward N Luttwak on Why Israel is Winning the War in Gaza.

February 12, 2024 9:50 am

Examining the Controversy Surrounding Tucker Carlson’s Interview with Putin

A leitmotif in Putin’s remarks to Tucker in that marathon interview was, as he saw it, the serial betrayal of Russia by the West.

I watched the entire 2-hour-long interview and the 2-part, Tucker conducted in an ante-room of the Kremlin and then back at his hotel. I thought both were fascinating.

As for Ukraine, I think Henry Kissinger was right when, back in 2014, after Putin officially retook Crimea, he rejected the simplistic morality play according to which Ukraine was on the side of the angels and Russia the side of the devil.

Not everyone who is a paid-up member of the Zelensky fan club seems to be aware that he has suspended elections, exerted monopoly state control over the media, and ruthlessly suppressed dissent through the iron hand of neo-Nazi paramilitary units like the Azov Battalion.

“Russian history began in what was called Kievan-Rus,” Kissinger wrote. “Ukraine has been part of Russia for centuries, and their histories were intertwined before then.” Putin made the same point to Tucker Carlson.

Whatever else can be said about the conflict in Ukraine, I believe that Kissinger was correct when he observed that “the demonization of Vladimir Putin is not a policy; it is an alibi for the absence of one.”

“Far too often,” he continued, “the Ukrainian issue is posed as a showdown: whether Ukraine joins the East or the West.

But if Ukraine is to survive and thrive, it must not be either side’s outpost against the other—it should function as a bridge between them.”

February 12, 2024 9:52 am

The Saturday Night Joke Or Is It?

“British Medical Journal

There is a medical distinction between “Guts” and “Balls”.

We’ve heard colleagues referring to people with “Guts”, or with “Balls”.

Do they, however, know the difference between them?

Here’s the official distinction; straight from the British Medical Journal: Volume 323; page 295.

GUTS – Is arriving home late, after a night out with the lads, being met by your wife with a broom, and having the “Guts” to ask: “Are you still cleaning, or are you flying somewhere?”

BALLS – Is coming home late after a night out with the lads, smelling of perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the bum and having the “Balls” to say: ‘You’re next, Chubby.’

I trust this clears up any confusion.

Medically speaking, there is no difference in outcome; both are fatal.”

Which one do resident Tom Cats have? 😀

I’m off for the day, off to mow a meadow!

February 12, 2024 10:06 am

Hamas Was Right Under Unrwa’s Nose

Opinion by The WSJ Editorial Board

For how much longer will Unrwa try the ostrich defense?

The United Nations’ forever-refugee agency for Palestinians claims it had no idea Hamas was operating a key tunnel underneath the Unrwa headquarters.

“UNRWA did not know what is under its headquarters,” writes Philippe Lazzarini, the agency’s chief. “UNRWA staff left its headquarters in Gaza City on 12 October,” he adds. “We have not used that compound since we left it nor are we aware of any activity that may have taken place there.”

Does he expect the world to believe that a sophisticated engineering operation was begun by Hamas only in the past few months, amid Israeli bombardment, after Unrwa had moved?

As the Journal reports, “In 2014, part of the parking lot at the Unrwa headquarters in Gaza began sinking, likely from a Hamas tunnel dug beneath.

‘No one talked about what was causing the collapse,’ a former Unrwa official said, ‘but everyone knew.’”

The conspiracy of silence endures.

On Oct. 20, William Deere, the director of Unrwa’s Washington Representative Office, wrote to deny our claims that Hamas was stealing aid and Unrwa had long employed Hamas members.

“Not a single ‘fact’ in the editorial was correct,” he wrote, underlining the sentence and stressing that all Unrwa staff are “screened.”

On Saturday Israel exposed the tunnel, which includes one of Hamas’s most valuable intelligence assets, a data center linked to the electricity in the Unrwa building above.

Since then, Israel has provided evidence that 12 Unrwa employees took part in the Oct. 7 massacre, and that 1,200 are affiliated with or members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

The evidence was credible enough for most Western nations to suspend future funding commitments to Unrwa. (Present funding continues.)

Hillel Neuer of U.N. Watch exposed a chat group of 3,000 Unrwa teachers celebrating the Oct. 7 attack.

The U.N. “could not possibly have been shocked that Unrwa employees are implicated in terrorism,” Mr. Neuer told Congress. “We sent them reports in 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015.”

But “they never contacted us for information.

They refused our repeated written requests to meet to discuss the problem. They cannot say they didn’t know.”

On Saturday the U.N.’s Special Rapporteur on the Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese, took to Twitter to tut-tut French President Emmanuel Macron for calling Oct. 7 “the largest antisemitic massacre of our century.”

“No, Mr. @EmmanuelMacron,” she wrote, “The victims of 7/10 were not killed because of their Judaism, but in response to Israel’s oppression.” Oct. 7 wasn’t antisemitic and was Israel’s fault? Such is the twisted moral universe of the United Nations.

Unrwa’s function is to prevent Palestinians from moving on with their lives.

It blocks resettlement and state building, keeping third- and fourth-generation refugees waiting in terrorist-incubating camps for an eventual return after the destruction of Israel.

The day after the Gaza war will be a brighter one if Unrwa and Hamas exit the stage together.

February 12, 2024 10:10 am


Mate tells me even more tweaking of the DVA system is underway despite Royal Commission into suicides and the new iteration will be the worst yet for veterans.

Guess the largess being splashed around for some doesn’t leave much for others.

Glad I never served…

February 12, 2024 10:12 am

It’s Marty Monday folks.

Johnny Rotten
February 12, 2024 10:14 am

Feb 12, 2024 9:31 AM

He went to Jail and did the time for Civil Contempt of Court.

And you will send him back to Jail for what? You don’t like him? LOL and get a Grip.

You sound just like Joe Biden and the Democrats trying to stop Trump.

February 12, 2024 10:16 am

If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say, Try a Dysphemism

Think of it as the antidote to euphemism, which is often deployed to obscure a thing’s true meaning.

Dysphemism is a useful word. It’s the reverse of euphemism.

H.W. Fowler’s brief entry on euphemism in his excellent “Modern English Usage” reads: a “mild or vague or periphrastic expression as a substitute for blunt precision or disagreeable truth.”

Needing to use the toilet, one takes a pass on the precise words available and supplies one of the many euphemisms at hand, among them “going to the loo,” “inspecting the plumbing,” “visiting the House of Commons.”

I had a friend, now long gone, whose speech was larded with dysphemisms.

Of Jewish academics, some among them famous, who attempted to pass themselves off as gentiles, he would say “At least X has never taken advantage of being Jewish.”

Euphemists fancy themselves polite, dysphemists fancy themselves precise.

Dysphemists wear their linguistic trousers high up and tight, euphemists don’t mind donning baggy pants.

Euphemists often come off prissy, dysphemists brutal.

Certain subjects bring out the differences between the two.

For euphemists abortion is designated “women’s reproductive rights,” for dysphemists it is “the remedy for careless copulation,” or, darker, “killing babies.”

For a euphemist death is “passing away” or “heading to the beyond”; for a dysphemist death is “kicking the bucket,” “buying the ranch,” “case closed,” “fini.” I have of late been availing myself of a euphemism for death of my own devising—“departing the planet”—which suggests the possibility of a later life on another planet.

Whether you are a euphemist or dysphemist has much to do with temperament.

Euphemisms tend to be optimistic and uplifiting, dysphemisms sometimes amusing but often dark.

The euphemist through his choice of language generally wants to make life seem less stark, more agreeable.

The dysphemist wants to be above all to accurate in his/her descriptions and depictions of life.

February 12, 2024 10:17 am

Feb 12, 2024 8:58 AM

When I was managing the estate of Aristotle Onassis, who had the largest holding of platinum, it took me months to get approval from the CFTC to trade. Having

Citation needed!

It was at the same time Wodney was managing the gold reserves at the New York Fed. It’s how Marty and Woddenhead met.`Both ended up as Bovver Boys.

Johnny Rotten
February 12, 2024 10:18 am

Desperate Fake News is Getting Much Worse

Mainstream Press Desperately Trying to Create World War III
They Are Doing What Lenin Did to Create a Communist Revolution
What They Did To Us With COVID Has Exposed Their Agenda Worldwide

Johnny Rotten
February 12, 2024 10:24 am

Shillary Clinton and ‘What Difference does it Make?’

February 12, 2024 10:24 am

Warty is inflating his resume.

He was actually working under Auric Goldfinger at the time.

Johnny Rotten
February 12, 2024 10:26 am

Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, & Joe Biden – Putin (Rap Song)

February 12, 2024 10:28 am

Feb 12, 2024 9:28 AM
Government mongs: “Lets lock up and isolate all the kids for 2 years, while streaming climate pron and telling them they are all sexist/racist/victims/oppressors from birth onwards”


How do they expect youth to react when they’ve been fed doom, gloom, victimhood and/or inherited guilt their whole lives?

February 12, 2024 10:28 am

As for Ukraine, I think Henry Kissinger was right when, back in 2014, after Putin officially retook Crimea, he rejected the simplistic morality play according to which Ukraine was on the side of the angels and Russia the side of the devil.

Old Ozzie, as if often the case, I agree.

The failure to recognise the background and current role of Zelensky amongst western commentators is astonishing. I do not regard Putin as a warrior for Righteousness. His career in the KGB militates against this. However, nothing is straightforward in human affairs. This remarkable interview revealed a complex, intelligent and articulate man. The West would be foolish to underestimate or double guess Putin.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 12, 2024 10:29 am


Feb 12, 2024 10:12 AM

It’s Marty Monday folks.

I get confused with all his theme days …
Marty Monday
Fraudulent Friday
Thieving Thursday
I can’t keep up.

February 12, 2024 10:31 am

And you will send him back to Jail for what? You don’t like him? LOL and get a Grip.

You sound just like Joe Biden and the Democrats trying to stop Trump.


Martin is a fraud and makes death threats, along with calling the Hamas war on Israel, an “inside job”.

Trump is being railroaded by corrupt Democrat pawns like Fanny Williams and caluminators like E Jean Carroll – who needs to be heavily medicated (along with punished as a perjurer).

February 12, 2024 10:32 am

BTW husband watching the US footie spectacular. National Anthem sung by man covered (face included) in tats. Support performances totally woke. I wonder if the enemies of the USA would see this, as I do, as representative of the moral decline of a great nation.

February 12, 2024 10:32 am

As god is my witness, Im sure I typed MARTY not WARTY in that last post.

Seems to fit though.

February 12, 2024 10:32 am

“Russian history began in what was called Kievan-Rus,” Kissinger wrote.

Perennially undergraduate nonsense. “England started with Athelstan”.

February 12, 2024 10:33 am

BTW husband watching the US footie spectacular.

It’s all fake and gay.

Take a knee, wear a mask and stay safe!

February 12, 2024 10:33 am

Sulphuric acid is a chemical.

Sometimes those upticks would be very handy….

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
February 12, 2024 10:35 am

That stands for Flannery Me Dead for those not up with the lingo.

Haha – very good FTB @ 08:24am

February 12, 2024 10:36 am

Sancho Panzer
Feb 12, 2024 10:29 AM


Feb 12, 2024 10:12 AM

It’s Marty Monday folks.

I get confused with all his theme days …
Marty Monday
Fraudulent Friday
Thieving Thursday
I can’t keep up.

He’s a better man you’ll ever be, Sanchez.

Martin Armstrong has more to give the World than you ever can from your cave in that place that used to be called MelBum

February 12, 2024 10:37 am

Feb 12, 2024 9:00 AM

We have you surrounded! Drop you unlawful ticks and come out with your threads up, and won’t get hurt.

Wonderful! Gets it all into perspective. Lighten up everyone.

February 12, 2024 10:38 am

I wonder if the enemies of the USA would see this, as I do, as representative of the moral decline of a great nation.

I’m more interested in whether Americans do.

February 12, 2024 10:42 am

Feb 11, 2024 11:04 PM
Jesus was a Nazarene. An off shoot of regular Judaism back in that day. So I am led to believe.

Nazarene was an early pejorative term for Jewish Christians.

February 12, 2024 10:45 am

National Anthem sung by man covered (face included) in tats.

Slight correction Vicki. The US National Anthem was sung by Reba McEntire.

The tattooed nimrod is named Post Malone and he sang ‘God bless America’.

An easy mistake to make .

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 12, 2024 10:49 am

Good news story of the day.

Pushback: Paypal’s blacklisting causes it to lose significant business (11 Feb)

It never pays to antagonize your customers: Paypal announced last week that it is laying off 2,500 workers, a reduction of its work force by about 9%, repeating a similar round of layoffs one year ago. … Shares of the payments giant have plunged more than 20% over the past year as earnings faltered and the company lowered its full-year guidance for adjusted operating margin.

Finally — and far more damaging — in October 2022 it announced a new policy that would allow it to confisicate up to $2,500 from any customers’ Paypal bank account should that customer spread what Paypal arbitrarily considered “misinformation.” … As a result customers have been looking for other options. Four years ago Paypal likely controlled more than 90% of the digital payment market. That market share has since shrunk considerably, now probably below 60%. I myself have seen this drop directly.

The misinformation thing was the final straw for me, I’ve not used PP since. Cost them several hundred bucks a year. I’ve left my account intact, I just don’t use it anymore. If you demonstrate you hate half your customers you will lose half your customers. Funny how these lefties don’t realize such simple arithmetic equations.

February 12, 2024 10:49 am

The failure to recognise the background and current role of Zelensky amongst western commentators is astonishing.

What do you mean, Vicki?

February 12, 2024 10:52 am

I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if her namesake secretly agreed.

UN official: October 7th wasn’t ‘antisemitic’

February 12, 2024 10:53 am

I wonder if the enemies of the USA would see this, as I do, as representative of the moral decline of a great nation.

I’m more interested in whether Americans do.

Was just speaking to a friend in Florida. He said that they refuse to watch the carnival of wokeness before the matches anymore. They wait and tune in at kick-off time.

NFL and its sponsors are peeing away prime advertising time by allowing that crap.

February 12, 2024 10:53 am

…in October 2022 it announced a new policy that would allow it to confisicate up to $2,500 from any customers’ Paypal bank account should that customer spread what Paypal arbitrarily considered “misinformation.”

I don’t think they’d get away with that in this jurisdiction.


February 12, 2024 10:55 am

The Australian business climate appears to be heading in the right direction – just when China is slowing down and possibly imperiling our export trade.

Reserve Bank governor Michele Bullock must have been horrified at the chaotic parliamentary legislative frenzy which took place on Thursday.

The frenzy has delivered government bodies, in conjunction with unions, the ability to micromanage Australian enterprises small and large. The great consultation lessons of Bob Hawke were burned and the productivity pleadings of Bullock were considered utter nonsense during the frenzy

Because of the scope of the amendment frenzy, we don’t yet know the detail of what the politicians actually did on February 8. But, we do know one devastating blow they delivered — they combined the potential of a powerful union representative in every single employing Australian enterprise with the ability to dispatch to the “Fair Work pit” any manager who contacts a worker out of agreed hours.

Being sent to the Fair Work Commission could involve penalties, but more importantly family businesses are set to be micromanaged by the combination of unions and government’s Fair Work body with all its tensions and legal costs.

The unions are flush with cash. What they now want is power, and having a union delegate in almost all enterprises with the power to monitor company communication delivers real community-wide power.

And while union representatives in each business will be trained online in those enterprises with less than 15 employees, if an enterprise has more than 15 employees union delegates must be sent off for face-to-face training by the
Most businesses are no longer a ‘nine to five’ and family operations usually have the advantage of flexible staff arrangements and a close relationship between owners and staff. This relationship is now under threat.

February 12, 2024 10:55 am

NFL and its sponsors are peeing away prime advertising time by allowing that crap.

The ratings will be interesting.

February 12, 2024 10:57 am

The tattooed nimrod is named Post Malone and he sang ‘God bless America’.

That’s a real name?

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
February 12, 2024 10:58 am

At last!
John Singer at Quadrant says what I’ve been saying for years – that the so-called Mabo decision and the Native Title knakba that followed on was judicial over-reach. They took an island culture (very small islands) and applied it to the entire “island” of Australia.
“The High Court took evidence relating to the three tiny islands and applied it to the largest island in the world. It considered evidence relating to the lifestyle of the sedentary inhabitants of Mer in 1879 and 1990 and applied it to the mainland of Australia, to a different race of people (if you are not prepared to grant them all Sahulian origins) who led a nomadic hunter-gatherer existence in 1770 and 1788. That lifestyle is best described as usufructuary. The High Court gave many reasons but principally the Racial Discrimination Act 1975.”

February 12, 2024 10:58 am

Chris Stapleton Sings the National Anthem at Super Bowl LVII

That was the last decent pre-game National Anthem performance IMO. It brought tears to people’s eyes, and not just Americans.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 12, 2024 11:00 am

He’s a better man you’ll ever be, Sanchez.

Well obviously.
He is the God Oracle of shaking down the gullible.
I can’t hope to match him.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
February 12, 2024 11:02 am

Mrs. B. and I enjoyed a nice pub lunch with Pogria yesterday in the charming and historic village of Taralga. Will have to do that again and spend some time photographing the quaint stone buildings.
Taralga suffers from being on a road to nowhere special. Readily accessible from Goulburn, but that’s about it. But it’s well worth putting on your grey nomad tour itinerary, or motorcycle outing as the roads in that part of the world are interesting and not too busy.

February 12, 2024 11:07 am

I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if her namesake secretly agreed.

UN official: October 7th wasn’t ‘antisemitic’

Warty Fartstrong agrees! He also advised Golda Meir in the Yom Kippur War.

February 12, 2024 11:11 am

Go 49 ers !
Can’t support the team with Taylor Swift’s boyfriend who took $20m from Pfizer to promote boosters.

February 12, 2024 11:12 am

Seriously, why would Trump say that crap about welcoming Russia to attack non-financially compliant NATO members? Sometimes, he’s a real motor mouth.

February 12, 2024 11:12 am


An investigation of the lies of the CSIRO and AMEO.

Unveiling AMEO’s ISP: World class, corrupt or incompetent?

We should be angry.

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 12, 2024 11:13 am

Hey Vicki, doing another to Hawaii on 26 March out of Sydney – one-way; and then Singapore to Rome 12-31 May….Suez Canal remains on the route at present. Both Princess – see you aboard!

February 12, 2024 11:13 am

Slight correction Vicki. The US National Anthem was sung by Reba McEntire.
The tatto

Thank you. Both were jarring to old fashioned people like me.

February 12, 2024 11:15 am

Roger – re Zelensky. The guy is surely a stooge. Is he never not performing? And while the stories are probably exaggerated, his wealth accumulated in a short time is very indicative of his role and backing.

February 12, 2024 11:16 am

I’m off for the day, off to mow a meadow!

Hopefully on top of a ride-on mower. All I managed was to weed two garden beds before the humidity drove me back indoors.

February 12, 2024 11:19 am

Hey Vicki, doing another to Hawaii on 26 March out of Sydney – one-way; and then Singapore to Rome 12-31 May….Suez Canal remains on the route at present. Both Princess – see you aboard!

Except for your good self, I think I would go crazy. I have lots of friends who love cruises. It just isn’t me. Not into pools, musical entertainment, food fests, meeting & greeting etc. I am a boring person who likes books/country miles/animals/wildlife/ intelligent conversation & all those nerdy things.

February 12, 2024 11:21 am

Hopefully on top of a ride-on mower. All I managed was to weed two garden beds before the humidity drove me back indoors.

Did all of that over the last two days. No doubt will have to do it all over again in a week’s time. Only one garden could not be weeded – because the resident huge lizard (forget the name) sits sunning himself on the rock edges every day.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 12, 2024 11:22 am

Sad but true.

The Red Cross Still Hates the Jews (11 Feb)

As if to confirm the ICRC’s coverup for Hamas, the newly appointed head of the ICRC is Pierre Krähenbühl, who was the head of UNRWA, the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees from 2014 until 2019, when he was forced to resign after a damning internal ethics probe. UNRWA is effectively embedded with Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Literally embedded, as Leak today riffs on. The RC is yet another skin suit worn by the Left whilst demanding respect. It’s sad so many previously admirable organizations have been so corrupted in recent years.

February 12, 2024 11:24 am

Roger – re Zelensky. The guy is surely a stooge.

His role…
Surely a stooge…

You’re not even certain of what’s going on, but it’s very bad!

It’s funny because Trump directly offered Zelensky support to go after some Biden cronies. If you read that transcript, it cleared Trump of a crime and also skewers the “Zelensky is a stooge” paranoia.

February 12, 2024 11:24 am

Feb 12, 2024 10:55 AM
NFL and its sponsors are peeing away prime advertising time by allowing that crap.

The ratings will be interesting.

The ratings will be through the roof as most people will be looking out for a Taylor Swift sighting.

February 12, 2024 11:27 am

Has Swift scored yet ?

February 12, 2024 11:27 am

The ratings will be through the roof as most people will be looking out for a Taylor Swift sighting.

Will she be wearing adult diapers (again) like herself and fans at her recent concerts and her political idol, Joe Dementia?

February 12, 2024 11:29 am

Can I report a war crime..?
Caught on camera, with the people admitting it!

February 12, 2024 11:30 am

Feb 12, 2024 11:11 AM
Go 49 ers !
Can’t support the team with Taylor Swift’s boyfriend who took $20m from Pfizer to promote boosters.

For that alone they deserve to lose though the boyfriend will get his when
Taylor dumps him in the near future and then writes a hit song about how he was so awful. No Swift ex-boyfriend has escaped that fate yet.

February 12, 2024 11:33 am

49ers had Kaepernick who initiated the Take a Knee evil psyop. I wish Detroit had made it.

February 12, 2024 11:34 am

Top Ender
Feb 12, 2024 11:13 AM
Hey Vicki, doing another to Hawaii on 26 March out of Sydney – one-way; and then Singapore to Rome 12-31 May….Suez Canal remains on the route at present. Both Princess – see you aboard!

I am so envious, Princess is my favourite cruise line. I love the onboard talks presented by guest speakers which are usually tied in to the cruise ports of call and destinations. TE, would have loved to have sat in on your talks. Not able to cruise at present due to family circumstances but hope to be able to do that again from next year.

February 12, 2024 11:34 am

Roger – re Zelensky. The guy is surely a stooge. Is he never not performing? And while the stories are probably exaggerated, his wealth accumulated in a short time is very indicative of his role and backing.

OK…but worth pointing out that he wasn’t the Atlanticist’s choice but was a peace candidate given a mandate by the Ukrainian electorate to solve the Donbas situation. After that proved impossible and the war was escalated by Russia, Zelensky fulfilled his sworn duty according to the UKR constitution to defend the nation. As to accusations of malfeasance, that will out in the wash and the response will be up to the Ukrainian and American people to respond to if proven credible.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 12, 2024 11:34 am

J H Christ.
Just bumped into an old school pal having coffee.
Asked after his old man who had been crook (failing kidneys among other things).
He tells me he took him to the doctors just after Christmas and his kidney function was off the charts bad.
Big mystery.
Until doc asks how diligent Dad has been taking his meds. Dad gets a bit sheepish, because he isn’t a great liar. He reveals that his good mate has been reading the internet and found the drugs Dad was on were fcking mind-control drugs or some bullshit.
Doc (who I know and is blunt old-school matter of fact type) gave the old bloke a spray.
“If you want to listen to that, there is no point being my patient. I will refer you to palliative care if you like because you will die if you go off your meds. Yes, they have side effects, none of which are particularly bad in your case. And none of the side effects are anything like what your mate has suggested”.
Suitably chastened, Dad went back on the full regime of meds under family supervision – he had ditched a couple of other meds as well.
The son who is a retired copper (but retains the ability deliver a “stern message”) visited the mate and gave him the “never darken Dad’s door” speech.
Lucky it got picked up in time.
Yes, I know some have developed a mistrust of medicos recently.
But there are real world consequences of following some know-it-all numpty down an internet rabbit-hole.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 12, 2024 11:41 am

Top Ender
Feb 12, 2024 11:13 AM
Hey Vicki, doing another to Hawaii on 26 March out of Sydney – one-way; and then Singapore to Rome 12-31 May….Suez Canal remains on the route at present. Both Princess – see you aboard!

Living the dream TE.
Maybe tone down the dramatics when you get to any “Abandon Ship!” part of your presentation.
I assume you will cover the whole White Subs thing in detail?

February 12, 2024 11:46 am

The quacks gave me mind control pills when I was in hospital once. Chucked them in the bin when I was discharged. Terrible things. You couldn’t concentrate, or day dream. It was like your mind hit the refresh button every few seconds etc.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 12, 2024 11:46 am

Speaking of internet rabbit-hole numpties, how many months have we got left?

February 12, 2024 11:46 am

If someone could post up the australian it would be appreciated.

The PM’s negative gearing tap dance a growing political problem

Anthony Albanese is the stubborn Labor stand out refusing to say there will be no changes to negative gearing investment rules.

Given his broken promise on stage three tax cuts, making a forthright declaration in Parliament or elsewhere will be difficult.


February 12, 2024 11:46 am

The “more and higher taxes” brigade have started squawking their favourite fall back canard: “Australia is a low taxing country”.

Blatantly dishonest idiots. The gallagher harridan has also “emphatically stated” that negative gearing will not be changed by the current albansleazey goat rodeo – and we all know what that means. Next up, increased CGT and GST, taxes on the family home and death duties.

Because fairness.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 12, 2024 11:46 am


Feb 12, 2024 11:46 AM

The quacks gave me mind control pills when I was in hospital once.


February 12, 2024 11:47 am

Sancho Panzer Avatar
Sancho Panzer
Feb 12, 2024 11:46 AM
Speaking of internet rabbit-hole numpties, how many months have we got left?

A handful at most. Repent.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 12, 2024 11:49 am

I wonder if Tash Peterson had anything to do with this one?

Western Australia bans ham and cheese sandwiches from school canteens as new dietary rules come into effect (Sky, 12 Feb)

Western Australia will ban ham and cheese sandwiches from school canteens, with the lunch meal classed as “red” under new dietary rules for students statewide to promote healthier eating.

Sausage rolls and pies, previously considered “amber”, as well as oven-baked wedges, have been placed into the category of “selected red items”, which requires the snacks to have strict nutritional provisos, allowing them to be sold only twice a week.

Cakes and biscuits have also been degraded, with the sweet treats now “red”.

Jelly is also off the menu, according to the WA School Canteen Association FAQ page.

This is child abuse, I’m calling it. Send your kids to Maccas for lunch, WA peoples, it’ll give them the protein and fat they need to make their brains work properly. Which explains how WA Labor came up with something so abjectly dumb: they clearly have tofu and kale for brains.

February 12, 2024 11:50 am

feelthebern might be in the money here.

February 12, 2024 11:50 am

Caught the end of an interview on local ABC radio the upshot of which seems to be that a review into student literacy has recommended a return to the teaching of phonics in Queensland schools from grade one as part of a wider plan to address the rise in functional illiteracy in the population.

Well and good and about time.

The problem now is that the current cohort of teachers didn’t experience phonics as school students and weren’t instructed in its use at teachers’ college or university, which lacuna will be filled by the appointment of specialist instructors in every school.

My question, who will instruct the instructors?

Johnny Rotten
February 12, 2024 11:57 am

My Word is my Half Bond. Elbow Bond – 003 And a Half. On a Mission from Lenin, Marx and Chairman Xi –

February 12, 2024 11:57 am

Seriously, why would Trump say that crap about welcoming Russia to attack non-financially compliant NATO members? Sometimes, he’s a real motor mouth.

Not Sometimes, Almost always. His biggest enemy is his own mouth.

February 12, 2024 11:57 am

Feb 11, 2024 12:47 PM

Nambas, I’m off to Vanuatu in a week or so. Not visiting Malekula though. ?

I lived in Vanuatu for 5 years from 1984. Made a small fortune, started with a big one!
great spot friendly people and almost perfect climate.
I note for the cloimet choinge mob that the place next to the beach that I lived has had NO sea level rise in 40 years.

Ah yes Malekula…. place of the BIG and SMALL penis sheath. (Big Nambas and Small Nambas)

February 12, 2024 11:59 am

Trump is just expressing the point in his own style.

I know, but the problem is that indeps and demons that could be swayed generally read the mainstream toilet outlets and it gives them more fodder to manipulate them.

February 12, 2024 11:59 am

Putin explains 2+2=4 to American Audience

For the first time since the Ukraine “War” started, Russian President and Emissary Vladimir Putin had an opportunity to speak freely to the world and the American people who have been mostly kept in the dark regarding the details of the war.

To skip to the important facts:

, The intellectual argument was about the War Party vs. the Peace Party. Putin claimed, with evidence, Russia wants peace, and the US wants war.

. It seemed from Putin’s arguments, and this is evidenced by US Policy, the US wants war at any cost. Tucker’s questions had a false premise by default, because he was assuming the US wants peace, asking questions on the assumption of the lies the US created that Russia would invade Poland and Europe.

. Tucker Carlson is a free speech hero, and a war hero, for creating this platform. We can give Tucker any benefit of the doubt just for creating this interview. Many of the questions he asked seemed childlike or at least naive but that may have been intentional. Either way, he accomplished an amazing mission – giving Putin the chance to state Russia’s case, which he laid out logically and based on extensive History.

. The US is the leader in a global War Machine and they care not who is the enemy. Now it’s Ukraine, next it’s someone else.

. Russia is not a villian, as portrayed by Media.

. Sanctions had a net benefit to Russian and net negative impact on the US Dollar and US economy, as we have stated at Global Intel Hub.

. Russia is willing and able to come to the table to create a Global peace – based world order since 1991 and Putin attests since he is in power.

We have repeated the same things that Putin repeated, since 2014 on the record and since 20010 off the record, and Putin repeated them to Carlson multiple times.

The Russian position is clear, logical, and inviting. Let’s engage!

Of course, the Deep State does not want peace, so there is no point in real Détente if the real goal is war at any cost.

February 12, 2024 12:01 pm

The ratings will be through the roof as most people will be looking out for a Taylor Swift sighting.

Oh…is that a rare bird or something?

February 12, 2024 12:02 pm

The problem now is that the current cohort of teachers didn’t experience phonics as school students and weren’t instructed in its use at teachers’ college or university, which lacuna will be filled by the appointment of specialist instructors in every school.

My question, who will instruct the instructors?

Solve the problem with an imported cohort of experienced teachers who have demonstrated success in using phonics. Measure reading ability of monthly basis and put these ‘gurus’ into classrooms to monitor and instruct existing set.

Somehow we used to be able to monitor teaching quality and generate mostly world-class literacy with zero computers, apps, internet etc

February 12, 2024 12:03 pm

Zelensky confronted Azoz in order to meet commitments re Minsk II, caved in the confrontation

Well, they did threaten him with assassination.

The better part of valour is discretion and all that.

February 12, 2024 12:03 pm

Who will teach the teachers. I had a kid who needed help reading by age 7 ( whole class did, but I noticed). Took her off to the local reading coach where she was in a class of 8, all boys aged 10 to 13. Well, she did a bit of a number on them, learned phonics and reading via breaking a word into syllables in a term, and proceeded to tell her class teacher how to do it right. It was an interesting time and we changed schools soon after.
Teachers could be taught very quickly and easily if they wanted to learn.

February 12, 2024 12:03 pm

Putin called for talks in Dec ’21and again in Jan ’22 which the US rebuffed.

Putin took Crimea and then wants to talk peace? What exactly was there to talk about?

February 12, 2024 12:04 pm

The problem is that the US is obligated by treaty to defend its NATO allies.

Telling your partners to live up to their obligations or you are withdrawing from the alliance is one thing. Sending your troops to war in response to an attack you publicly “welcomed” is an entirely different one.

What Trump said was stupid.

February 12, 2024 12:06 pm

Lovely spot Taralga. Use too be a railway line there. Branched off the Crookwell line at Roslyn.

February 12, 2024 12:06 pm

Teachers could be taught very quickly and easily if they wanted to learn.

This is the key. Do teachers want their students to succeed as much as is possible? Or are they there for a comfy job with no deliverables/accoun tability or pushing Activism 101?

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 12, 2024 12:08 pm

It is looking like Ch 10s legal position is as good as their programming. Honey I Bought a TV Station and I’m a TV Station Owner Get Me Out of Here?

February 12, 2024 12:08 pm

One in three Aussie kids can’t read this headline: Grattan

Julie Hare – Education editor

Only 12 per cent of Australian 15-year-olds are able to read at an advanced level with children from poor families 10 times more likely to have deficient reading ability compared to their richer peers.

A report from the Grattan Institute says Australia is in the midst of a reading crisis(107 Page PDF).

A third of children cannot read at the level expected of them at their age and too often when they fall behind, there are few or inadequate measures to help get them back to where they should be.

It says there needs to be a national, system-wide approach to how schools teach reading, how they identify students who are falling behind and then remediate them.

Jordana Hunter, the institute’s education program lead, says substandard reading leads to a vicious cycle of falling even further behind, disruptive behaviour, disengagement and dropping out prematurely.

Australian students’ performance has continued to go backwards, even after the introduction of the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy in 2008. Its fundamental goal was to identify and intervene as early as possible to address the needs of those students not making sufficient progress by testing every student in the country in years 3, 5, 7 and 9.

Dr Hunter said teachers had been trained in a “whole-of-language” approach to literacy since the 1970s, which assumes that reading is an easy, natural and unconscious process.

However, mounting evidence proved this approach was inappropriate for too many children, leading to a lifetime of inadequate reading, spelling and comprehension skills.

Six-step reading guarantee

“Its remnants should be banned from all schools,” Dr Hunter said.

While some states, including Tasmania, NSW and South Australia, were pushing ahead with teaching reading by phonics and explicit instruction, Victoria and the ACT were laggards, she said.

Dr Hunter said state and Catholic education systems and independent schools should commit to a six-step reading guarantee, including a pledge that at least 90 per cent of students should be proficient readers.

It would also require schools to screen all students for literacy skills and provide additional resources to those who are not at their grade levels.

The Grattan Institute also wants the introduction of a nationally consistent year 1 phonics screening check.

“Australia needs a reading revolution,” Dr Hunter said. “We need to transform the way we teach reading in school so that every child gets their best chance in life.”

Dr Hunter said a high-quality, evidence-based professional development program for all teachers was critical to improving reading skills.

Many students are not helped, particularly if they are in high school, because it is assumed they have already learned basic foundational skills.

“Australia has too many ‘instructional casualties’ – students who should read proficiently but haven’t been taught well,” the report says.

“In 2022, only 12 per cent of Australian students were good performers in reading, compared to 22 per cent in Singapore.”

That same data, from the OECD’s Program for International Student Assessment, found that nearly 60 per cent of 15-year-olds from the poorest families were not proficient readers.

Research shows that in 2012, students in year 9 whose parents did not complete high school were about four years and seven months behind in reading than those whose parents when to university.

But 2022, the gap had widened to five years and two months.

Half of all students in regional and remote areas do not read at their grade level.

Boys consistently perform worse than girls and Indigenous students are far behind their non-Indigenous peers.

Despite concerns raised by business groups that too many employees do not have adequate literacy or numeracy, and with adult illiteracy rife, Dr Hunter said most governments had shown too little ambition to change the status quo.

However, individual schools, such as Churchill Primary School in Victoria, had shown how results can be turned around.

February 12, 2024 12:09 pm

As someone who is marginally literate in Japanese, learning hiragana first as we learnt katakana, kanji and Romani along the way, not teaching phonics (with the ultimate goal of sight reading), seems a bit mental.

Johnny Rotten
February 12, 2024 12:12 pm

A man goes on holiday and asks his younger brother to look in on their mother and his cat. After a few days he calls his brother to get a report.

“How are things?” he asks.

“The cat died,” his brother answers.

“That’s not how you give someone bad news!” he says.

“How should I tell you?” his brother asks.

“You could say the cat went out on the roof. You crawled out after it, but it jumped to a tree. You called the fire department, and they brought a hook and ladder and went up after the cat. But the cat jumped and fell to the ground. You took the cat to the vet, and they did everything they could, but the cat died. That’s how you give someone bad news.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” his brother said.

“So how’s Mom?” the man asks.

“She’s on the roof.”

February 12, 2024 12:13 pm

That same data, from the OECD’s Program for International Student Assessment, found that nearly 60 per cent of 15-year-olds from the poorest families were not proficient readers.

What an epic waste of money. You can probably teach your kids to read and write (and basic arithmetic) yourself with not a lot of effort.

February 12, 2024 12:15 pm

Feb 12, 2024 11:51 AM
I don’t see the problem. This has been a sticking point for decades and promoted by the centre-right. If Russia is on the verge of rolling west across Europe why are European NATO states not spending on defence as required? Because NATO is a means of spending less on defence; that is the whole point of joining NATO. Trump is just expressing the point in his own style.

I don’t see a problem with Trump telling the Europeans either pay up or you’re on your own. The Euros have relied on the US defence while they spend their military funding on woke rubbish and at the same time label the Americans as war mongers. I’m just surprised that no other US president has set them straight before.

February 12, 2024 12:15 pm

Solve the problem with an imported cohort of experienced teachers who have demonstrated success in using phonics.

There are c. 2000 primary schools under QLD Ed.

We’d probably be looking at various corners of the Commonwealth, but then we’d just be poaching their teachers to solve a problem of our making.

Somehow we used to be able to monitor teaching quality and generate mostly world-class literacy with zero computers, apps, internet etc

When I was in primary school, towards the end of each year, every student had to demonstrate their reading ability before the headmaster in order for him to sign off on progression to the next grade. I gather they’d be too busy attending meetings and courses to do that these days. Of course, the expectations and demands put on educators are more complex than they used to be, but is that because we needlessly make it so?

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 12, 2024 12:15 pm

The Centre for Independent Studies has been banging on about education and teaching for years. None of this should be news to anyone.

Johnny Rotten
February 12, 2024 12:16 pm

Feb 12, 2024 12:08 PM
One in three Aussie kids can’t read this headline: Grattan

Julie Hare – Education editor

That’s because Teachers can’t teach and the one in three Aussie kids have Parents who can’t read.

1 2 3 6
  1. Cassie of Sydney October 18, 2024 11:03 amSinwar’s body guard worked for the UN. What a joke of a world we…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x