Open Thread – Mon 29 April 2024

Farmyard, Camille Pissarro, 1863

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April 29, 2024 6:08 pm

Allan prepared to apologise to Indigenous Victorians

We’re sorry you are indigenous.

April 29, 2024 6:08 pm
April 29, 2024 6:09 pm

Dover this is a few paragraphs into the article.

Few 20th-century thinkers have had such a lasting and profound influence as Karl Polanyi. “Some books refuse to go away — they get shot out of the water but surface again and remain afloat,” Charles Kindleberger, the economic historian, remarked about his masterpiece The Great Transformation. This remains truer than ever, 60 years since Polanyi’s death, and 80 since the book’s publication. As societies continue to wrestle the bounds of capitalism, the book arguably remains the sharpest critique of market liberalism ever written.

Born in Austria in 1886, Polanyi was raised in Budapest in a prosperous German-speaking bourgeois family. Even though the latter was nominally Jewish, Polanyi converted to Christianity — or, more precisely, to Christian socialism — early on. Following the end of the First World War, he moved to “red” Vienna, where he became an editor of the prestigious economics journal Der Österreichische Volkswirt (Austrian Economist), and an early critic of the neoliberal, or “Austrian”, school of economics, represented among others by Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek. After the Nazi takeover of Germany in 1933, Polanyi’s views became socially ostracised, and he moved to England, and then to the United States in 1940. He wrote The Great Transformation while teaching at Bennington College in Vermont.

Polanyi set out to explain the massive economic and social transformations that he had witnessed during his lifetime: the end of the century of “relative peace” in Europe, from 1815 to 1914, and the subsequent descent into economic turmoil, fascism and war, which was still ongoing at the time of the book’s publication. He traced these upheavals back to a single, overarching cause: the rise of market liberalism in the early 19th century — the belief that society can and should be organised through self-regulating markets. For him, this represented nothing less than an ontological break with much of human history. Prior to the 19th century, he insisted, the human economy had always been “embedded” in society: it was subordinated to local politics, customs, religion and social relations. Land and labour, in particular, were not treated as commodities but as parts of an articulate whole — of life itself.

This dude had the observational nous of a blind retard.

For FFS, in his life, from birth to about middle age he saw the most impactful technological revolution humans ever experienced, making our present appear like an ice age.

Wide use of steam ships
Motor cars
Trains, trams, subways

Others I forget.

These alone would have revolutionized humanity to an extent that in 30 to 40 years of human existence would have been unrecognizable from beginning to end. One of the biggest changes would have been folks creating suburbs moving away from the cities because transportation was made easier.

Yet, he appears to have a beef with the market economy? FFS. This is what changed humanity in his lifetime. And yeah, human existence is greatly impacted by technological change.

Last edited 2 months ago by JC
April 29, 2024 6:10 pm

Some 17 year old has reported stabbed her 10 year old sister in Newcastle.

What a society!!!

April 29, 2024 6:10 pm

Unbelievable that this should even be necessary. I thought doctors were there to save lives, not end them.
Utah bans doctors from assigning ‘DNR’ orders for children without parental consent

April 29, 2024 6:15 pm

“With a name like Majid Jamshidi Doukoshkan, surely there couldn’t be two of these?”
Probably an independent contractor security guard.
Though not a good idea to assume it’s the same person just because it appears to be unusual.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 29, 2024 6:21 pm

April 29, 2024 6:06 pm

Replies to unapproved comments are not allowed

Johnny Rotten

 April 29, 2024 3:25 pm

Half of Americans Want Mass Deportations

Are you aware of this, DB?

Apparently, my original post was deemed to be Spam which it wasn’t. But I didn’t want to challenge the AI being used by Word Press. So I let it go.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
April 29, 2024 6:23 pm

The deputy Greens leader contended she had faced “a torrent of abusive (messages)” in the wake of Senator Hanson’s statement.

Well deserved.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 29, 2024 6:25 pm

‘I did not know of the massacres, I’m ashamed to say’: Premier appears before Indigenous-led truth inquiry — as it happened

Struggle sessions! Mao would be proud.

But seriously, some of the incidents around Bendigo (Restdown Plains) are alleged to have 40 or more aboriginals killed at a time. If that’s true it certainly qualifies as a massacre.
Just not sure how all this modern-day wringing of hands is going to fix that.
Perhaps they just want an end to the denial that it happened.

April 29, 2024 6:26 pm

FMD; credlin opining that Australia needs to have a serious talk about fuking islam; and that muslim leaders who she knows don’t support rancid mullahs who advocate killing, bestiality and circumcision from their pulpits, need to step up. At the same time in Saturday’s Spectator this:

Immigration challenges in the era of Islam | The Spectator Australia

Which reads well until this balderdash and urine at the end:

My hope, and the prayer of many gentle Muslims I am sure, is that sharia’s doctrines of death might be revoked in the same way the Old Testament doctrine of stoning the adulteress was superseded by Christ’s compassionate response. Then, and only then, is there a future without fear.

Gentle muslims

That is an oxymoron for the ages. In her book Heretic, the great Ayaan Hirsi Ali says islam cannot be reformed. Professor Clive Kessler notes muslim fanatics cannot be deradicalised and that 85% of all muslims support the introduction of sharia no matter how that is achieved.

A culture which snuggles up to islam is doomed; and so it should be because it is fuked in its collective head.

Last edited 2 months ago by cohenite
April 29, 2024 6:26 pm

Yet, he appears to have a beef with the market economy? FFS. This is what changed humanity in his lifetime. And yeah, human existence is greatly impacted by technological change.

Yep, Polanyi appears to be a dick.

April 29, 2024 6:26 pm

Shocking behaviour by the IDF blowing up houses with tunnel entrances, booby traps, weaponry and being used by Hamas terrorists.
No-one destroyed residential housing in a war before.
I’m appalled, deeply.

April 29, 2024 6:29 pm

 April 29, 2024 6:24 pm

 Reply to  JC
Geez, JC, you’re hitting them out of the park.

Yeah he must be off his meds.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 29, 2024 6:34 pm

 April 29, 2024 5:04 pm

Further to Vicki’s point: What can the Fed actually do about it?

Domestic violence is Elbow’s latest distraction squirrel.

It is just a variation on that good old “Liberals have a women problem”, which they exploited last election, aided by Britnah and, most disgracefully, Skeletor simply because they wouldn’t gift her the top job.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 29, 2024 6:38 pm

Not as good as it could be, but outstanding nonetheless (the Courier-Mail):

Queensland’s council integrity watchdog has been asked to investigate Townsville Mayor Troy Thompson’s military history after questions were raised during official Anzac week duties.

As reported in Saturday’s Townsville Bulletin, Mr Thompson has failed to produce any official records of his time in the Army and SAS after claiming throughout his mayoral campaign to have served in multiple units in Western Australia for five years.


Army veterans raised questions after the mayor made a speech at Townsville’s Anzac Day Dawn Service without any medals of his own, including the Australian Defence Medal for 4+ years of service, and telling media he “can’t remember” his service number.

The Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works confirmed they had referred the matter to Queensland’s council integrity watchdog, which investigates complaints about councillor conduct.

Looks very much like yet another one caught out.

April 29, 2024 7:04 pm

Today’s so-called ‘feminists’ are upper middle class wimmenses catering to their audience. They don’t give a damn about female genital mutilation, forced marriage, lack of civil rights for women in Muslim countries – nah, they have bigger fish to fry.

Feminists have always been upper middle class women. Just look at the earliest suffragettes, Wollstonecraft, Pankhurst, Susan B. Anthony, Cady-Stanton. In the 1950s they were academics of the bored wives of company CEOs who wanted their own corner offices. The glass ceiling is still for women like Hillary Clinton and not the immigrant women who cook, clean and look after the American corporate ladder climbers and their children.

As a student I was quite gung-ho about women’s lib but as a young mother I had to be realistic about working and paying astronomical child care fees, yes even then, or staying home while the kids were little and managing on one pay. I will always be thankful for those wonderful years at home with my family. I still had thirty years to have a career once the children were older and more independent.

Cassie of Sydney
April 29, 2024 7:11 pm

It is just a variation on that good old “Liberals have a women problem”, which they exploited last election, aided by Britnah and, most disgracefully, Skeletor simply because they wouldn’t gift her the top job.

Yep…but it’s not gonna work this time around.

April 29, 2024 7:14 pm

Lord I hope not- it seemed to backfire on the vile little grub yesterday.

April 29, 2024 7:19 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha

 April 29, 2024 4:37 pm

1 hour ago

Allan prepared to apologise to Indigenous Victorians

Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan says she is prepared to make a formal apology to Indigenous Victorians following the Yoorrook Justice Commission’s work.

So what was all that Sorry business Kevin Rudd did as soon as he ascended to prime ministership? I remember the ceremony was even televised and at my work there were Sorry books students, academics and other staff could sign which were then given to aboriginal representatives.

April 29, 2024 7:21 pm

Is it just me? Or do the TV ads portray electric car buyers as the dumbest people ever born? Even respected brands like Toyota are trashing themselves, t seems to me.

April 29, 2024 7:21 pm

You have a cost of living crisis, a housing affordability crisis, illegal immigrants attacking regular citizens and these vile polliemuppetts still carry on like they’re at the uni.

Last edited 2 months ago by Miltonf
April 29, 2024 7:22 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha

 April 29, 2024 4:37 pm

1 hour ago

Allan prepared to apologise to Indigenous Victorians

Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan says she is prepared to make a formal apology to Indigenous Victorians following the Yoorrook Justice Commission’s work.

So what was all that Sorry Day business Kevin Rudd had as soon as he ascended to prime ministership. The ceremony was televised and at my workplace there were even Sorry books that students, academics and other staff could sign that were later given to aboriginal representatives. When is it enough?

April 29, 2024 7:24 pm

I have had two comments disappear. At first I thought I didn’t press the right buttons but obviously it must be something else.

April 29, 2024 7:27 pm

They’re saying there’s a pandemic of domestic violence going on.

Are there any stats with raw numbers? Not percentages, but numbers from here to there over several years. Also, can this be broken down between the mostly peaceful aboriginal community and the rest?

April 29, 2024 7:32 pm

When is it enough?

Never- it’s not Aboriginal advancement- it’s cultural marxism.

Cassie of Sydney
April 29, 2024 7:42 pm

After watching the news today, is it just me or do others also find the tears and maudlin looks of the leftist and progressive women in attendance at these rallies to protest ‘violence against women’ a tad melodramatic?

The murder of Molly Ticehurst and the other girls and women is both an obscenity and a tragedy but as I wrote last night, Molly’s murder was the result of a court registrar granting bail to her alleged killer despite only weeks earlier this same man had faced court charged with numerous violent offences against her, including rape and intimidation.

Most decent and sane rational men condemn violence against women. I want nothing to do with a rally attended by far-left women wearing kaffiyehs and waving Palestinian flags.

And you see, as Claire Lehrmann says in today’s Oz, ideology will never ever fix this problem and so the rallies across Australia, including the one where Sleazy spoke and lied at yesterday, are simply ideological love fests that will achieve nothing, absolutely nothing, except of course to virtue signal, which is something the left excel at!

Pete of Perth
Pete of Perth
April 29, 2024 7:42 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 29, 2024 7:44 pm

Brittany Higgins and Linda Reynolds to return to court for an unscheduled hearingTim ClarkeThe Nightly
Mon, 29 April 2024 3:47PM

The defamation battle between Brittany Higgins and Linda Reynolds is set for a surprise hearing on Tuesday. Credit: The Nightly

The ongoing defamation battle between outgoing Senator Linda Reynolds and her former staffer Brittany Higgins will return to court for a previously unscheduled hearing on Tuesday.
Ms Reynolds is suing Ms Higgins and her fiancée David Sharaz for defamation over a series of social media posts the pair published in 2022 and 2023, amid the fallout from Ms Higgins’ bombshell claims of rape in Parliament House.
That claim has since been found to be true by Federal Court judge Michael Lee, who ruled he was convinced to a civil standard that the former junior media advisor had been telling the truth in her interview with The Project in 2021.
He came to that conclusion in his judgment which threw out a defamation claim by Ms Higgins’ attacker Bruce Lehrmann.

But he made another crucial finding, that the other claim in that story — of a political cover-up involving Ms Reynolds and others — was not true.
Ms Reynolds claimed that was a vindication of her.
And now, her claim for damages against Ms Higgins and Ms Sharaz has been brought back before WA’s Supreme Court early — for the first time since Justice Lee’s judgment was handed down.
The West Australian understands that is not because a settlement has been reached.
And the Perth lawyers in the case — Martin Bennett for Ms Reynolds or Jason McLaurin for Mr Sharaz — could not immediately be reached for comment on Monday

April 29, 2024 7:49 pm

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel lost an eye when the muzzie scumbag stabbed him. He still sees better than 99.99% of the leaders in this country.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 29, 2024 7:52 pm

One mistake and you are screwed. Watching that bloke climb the tree @17:40 is impressive. Jeepers!

Great people in this clip.

Back 2 Basic Adventures:

Az & Strick are back together on another mission. This time deep in the rainforest on an island in Indonesia, living with a self sufficient jungle tribe.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 29, 2024 8:19 pm

It’s just too hard to pick which Minister Albo will lose (including himself). I give up.

April 29, 2024 8:25 pm

Giles trash really doesn’t believe in the social contract. I suspect many members of the current abomination of a gubment would secretly despise owner occupiers.

April 29, 2024 8:30 pm

Jail the minister and hang the perp.

The HC needs their comfy chairs replaced with cacti.

April 29, 2024 8:36 pm

Cohenite – I didn’t realise that Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel lost an eye in the attack. Yet he has returned to the pulpit. He truly is a most amazing man. A man of God who has forgiven his attacker. I suspect he has done more for the Christian faith than the rest of the clergy in this country combined. Perhaps I exaggerate. But he is truly a formidable Christian warrior.

April 29, 2024 8:42 pm

I’ve been told some B&S Balls in the bush are something else.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

April 29, 2024 8:43 pm


 April 29, 2024 7:27 pm

They’re saying there’s a pandemic of domestic violence going on.

Are there any stats with raw numbers?

Here. Not good news I’m afraid.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 29, 2024 8:46 pm

I have no idea what you are talking about.

That is the 100% correct answer to that question.

April 29, 2024 8:46 pm

Map of Manhattan’s Broadway, Explained

Next time I’m there, I’m going the walk the length of Broadway.

April 29, 2024 9:12 pm

Crossie I’ve had plenty of comments disappear into the ether on my phone. Palmof my hand sneaksto the edge of the screen or a finger or thumbdoing the same thing. Never a problem from my laptop or PC.

April 29, 2024 9:15 pm
April 29, 2024 9:17 pm
April 29, 2024 9:17 pm


 April 29, 2024 8:43 pm


 April 29, 2024 7:27 pm

They’re saying there’s a pandemic of domestic violence going on.

Are there any stats with raw numbers?

Here. Not good news I’m afraid.

baba, are you looking at those two charts properly? The trend continues down. There’s no DV pandemic.

April 29, 2024 9:18 pm

Allan prepared to apologise to indigiknees. Sorry for being shiite leader and Liar scumbag. I’ll continue to take huge amounts of money to give to my maaaates and some for a rainy day and accept a huge paycheck far in excess of anything I’d earn if I wasn’t a member of the looney left.

April 29, 2024 9:18 pm
April 29, 2024 9:24 pm

baba, are you looking at those two charts properly? The trend continues down. There’s no DV pandemic.

That’s not good news for those in the industry.

April 29, 2024 9:25 pm

“My hope, and the prayer of many gentle Muslims I am sure, is that sharia’s doctrines of death might be revoked”. The Spectator Australia

No hope. As Prime Minister Erdogan stated in 2007
There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.”

April 29, 2024 9:32 pm
April 29, 2024 9:34 pm

Marc Zell isn’t the most reliable twitter account but I’s definitely like to see some hostages released, all of them.

April 29, 2024 9:48 pm

The Australian history being taught to the school children of today is all indigenous good, Europeans bad. It reminds me of how history was taught in the European eastern bloc before the fall of Soviet Union and the Iron Curtain. Kids were taught that history started with the communist revolution and nothing much existed before it. Parents tried to teach their kids as much as they knew but it had to be clandestinely or off to the gulags with them. Will we have to wait for the fall of Woke so the younger generations will know the true history of this country?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 29, 2024 9:50 pm

 April 29, 2024 7:27 pm

They’re saying there’s a pandemic of domestic violence going on.

Are there any stats with raw numbers? Not percentages, but numbers from here to there over several years.

Ah, but beware the shifting sands of definition.
They run the headline about a woman clubbed to death with a Gray Nichols.
They then quote stats that “one in three women are victims of domestic violence, up from one in ten in the 1990’s”.
They leave you with the impression that one in three women are being beaten with cricket bats.
What they don’t tell you is that they have expanded the definition of DV to include, “Jeez, what’s the $495 on the credit card?” or a sideways glance, or an eye-roll or even an arms-folded surly silence.

April 29, 2024 9:58 pm
April 29, 2024 10:02 pm


And even then, the numbers are still falling according to Baba’s link.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 29, 2024 10:06 pm

What they don’t tell you is that they have expanded the definition of DV 

What they have also done, over the past 15 years or so, is expand the definition of ‘domestic relationship’.

Originally it was husband and wife, and de factos at a stretch.

Then it was boyfriend/girlfriend arrangements.

Then it was brothers and sisters, and then cousins, and then people you once had a one-nighter with 10 years prior. After that it was housemates.

For our indig folk, it also includes ‘extended family’, which includes almost an entire skin group.

Now it’s pretty much everyone you’ve ever been in contact with.

Given this definition, which is expanding in a Brih-nee Higgins-esque manner, of course rates of domestic violence reports are skyrocketing.

Last edited 2 months ago by Knuckle Dragger
Black Ball
Black Ball
April 29, 2024 10:15 pm

I know Paul Murray has his detractors here but his opening salvos concerning Albanese at the women’s rally yesterday was excellent.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 29, 2024 10:16 pm

I’m punishing the single malt, and watching Australia play France, at oh I don’t know, tiddly winks.

The French effort is a band , belting out “La Marseillaise”, at full throttle, vocals by a young lady who would bring a stone idol howling off it’s pedestal, the Australian effort something about “Australians, all eat ostriches..”

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 29, 2024 10:17 pm

This is the NSW definition of ‘domestic relationship’, but is typical across all States and Territories (so I have heard):

(1) For the purposes of this Act, a person has a

“domestic relationship” with another person if the person–

(a) is or has been married to the other person, or

(b) is or has been a de facto partner of that other person, or

(c) has or has had an intimate personal relationship with the other person, whether or not the intimate relationship involves or has involved a relationship of a sexual nature, or

(d) is living or has lived in the same household as the other person, or

(e) is living or has lived as a long-term resident in the same residential facility as the other person and at the same time as the other person (not being a facility that is a correctional centre within the meaning of the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 or a detention centre within the meaning of the Children (Detention Centres) Act 1987 ), or

(f) has or has had a relationship involving his or her dependence on the ongoing paid or unpaid care of the other person (subject to section 5A), or

(g) is or has been a relative of the other person, or

(h) in the case of an Aboriginal person or a Torres Strait Islander, is or has been part of the extended family or kin of the other person according to the Indigenous kinship system of the person’s culture.

Black Ball
Black Ball
April 29, 2024 10:17 pm

Linked to this article by Samantha Maiden which should be shared far and wide before the eSafety Commissioner gets the tap on the shoulder by Albo to make the problem go away

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 29, 2024 11:44 pm

 April 29, 2024 11:20 pm

Replies to unapproved comments are not allowed

How could anyone reply to a comment that was pending?

Unless they were looking at a comment made by their own sock-puppet.

April 30, 2024 12:00 am

How could anyone reply to a comment that was pending?

today I saw at least one comment in the OT that was flagged “awaiting moderation”
I was not logged into the server

April 30, 2024 12:21 am

I had that post that was moderated last week
and before you released it, I could see it in the OT flagged “awaiting moderation”

today I saw a post by somebody else flagged the same way … zulu’s maybe … can’t remember

Last edited 2 months ago by MatrixTransform
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 30, 2024 2:39 am

My GOD! The sh*t coming out of Howard Stern’s mouth @ 12:32.

A true media whore.


Mark Dice:

Jerry Seinfeld Makes Stunning Admission About What Happened To Mainstream Comedy

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 30, 2024 2:53 am

Classics. ( :

Overkill – Colin Hay on Scrubs (2002)

April 30, 2024 4:00 am

John Spooner. Brilliant.

April 30, 2024 4:01 am
April 30, 2024 4:02 am
April 30, 2024 4:02 am
April 30, 2024 4:03 am
April 30, 2024 4:04 am
April 30, 2024 4:05 am
April 30, 2024 4:06 am

Michael Ramirez. Oh dear.

April 30, 2024 4:07 am
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 30, 2024 4:13 am

Thanks Tom.

April 30, 2024 4:31 am

Thanks Tom.

April 30, 2024 4:47 am

Thanks jr for thanking Tom.

I had a difficult theological problem day before yesterday. I lost a silver cufflink which I bought many years ago in Knossos, in Crete, or as some say, Atlantis. It had an image of the Minoan snake goddess on it. You could see her long dress, but it was too small to see her bare boobs sticking out, so she was decent.
The question was, who should I pray to in order to find it? Saint Anthony is the one the catholics recommend, but is it right to ask him to find a snake goddess? Should one pray directly to the snake goddess herself?

I found it yesterday morning, after being unable to come to a conclusion. Does this show the power of non-prayer?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 30, 2024 5:04 am

Curling up into a ball .Stealth camping is on the cards.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
April 30, 2024 5:05 am

Does this show the power of non-prayer?

No Dr Beau God heard of your distress and did His thing anyway — or maybe it was St Anthony of Padua, all in all a good result.

April 30, 2024 5:30 am

Today’s Tele:
Climate change is coming and you won’t believe who is hardest hit

Tim Blair
30 Apr 2024

The doom and destruction narrative of the climate cult is going all out in trying to find new victims we should feel sorry for, even trans Indonesian sex workers

For decades, climate change has been a headline-grabbing doom-and-destruction powerhouse.

Wherever anybody needed a proper fright, good old reliable climate change was always there.

But that act is getting old. People can only take so many fake-news disaster prophecies before they look elsewhere.

And my, do they ever have options. There’s all manner of competition in today’s terror marketplace.

How, for example, can a mere theoretical temperature increase possibly score any eyeballs when a kind of Nazi-Hamas kid movement here and abroad is trying to impose Germany 1933 (or Medina 622) on Western civilisation 2024?

It’s remarkable. A Middle Eastern-flavoured woke version of the Hitler Youth is currently occupying universities in Sydney, Melbourne, the US, Canada and the UK, demanding Israel and its seven million Jewish citizens be erased.

“From the river to the sea,” the children say. That’s Hamas-endorsed geographic shorthand for ethnic cleansing of all the Jews.

These ambitious university activists, who only a few years ago were pleading for “safe spaces” and protection from dangerous words, now aim to top their spiritual leader Adolf’s concentration camp murder total by a clear million.

Quite a shift we’re seeing here. Against that, the usual climate change warnings about damp coastal cities and gloomy polar bears really don’t amount to much.

But climate change – or, more precisely, the various groups pushing climate change alarmism – is now fighting back. Like Kyle Sandilands trying to grab an audience outside Sydney, climate change is adding extra shock.

Check the evidence from just this month.

On April 3, Reuters ran a stunning headline: “How climate change is hitting vulnerable Indonesian trans sex workers.”

Wow. According to the article: “Trans women like Patiha are among the most affected by extreme weather linked to climate change, as well as suffering disproportionately when disasters strike.

“?‘No one is coming out during the longer rainy season,’ said Patiha. ‘It is very hard to make money during that unpredictable weather.’?”

If it’s money Patiha wants, perhaps she should transition from Indonesian trans sex worker to elderly Alpine litigant lady.

On April 10, the BBC reported: “A group of older Swiss women have won the first-ever climate case victory in the European Court of Human Rights.”

“The women, mostly in their 70s, said that their age and gender made them particularly vulnerable to the effects of heatwaves linked to climate change.”
These endangered oldsters picked up about $132,000 for their trouble. The BBC continued: “The court said Switzerland’s efforts to meet its emission reduction targets had been woefully inadequate.”

Better shut down all of Switzerland’s major industries, then. No more cuckoo clocks or fondue festivals for these yodelling planet killers until emissions are cut.

The shocks just keep coming. “Climate change has a bigger impact on LGBTQ+ couples than straight couples,” declared an April 25 headline in gay US journal The Advocate.

“Same-sex couples are at greater risk of climate change-related threats than their heterosexual peers, a new study has found,” the journal announced.
“Because LGBTQ+ people disproportionately live in coastal areas and cities, as well as areas with poorer infrastructure and less access to resources, they are more vulnerable to climate hazards.”

Well, let’s just hold up here for a second. Switzerland is mostly mountains, and it doesn’t have a coastline. Also, it’s rich as hell.

Switzerland, therefore, is the exact opposite of “coastal areas” that are stuck with “poorer infrastructure and less access to resources”. Yet residents of both areas claim disproportionate danger due to climate change.

Hot or cold, mountainous or flat, wealthy or stupid, gay or straight (or trans), climate change can do it all.

And last week, courtesy of a protest outside the New York headquarters of Citibank, climate change finally found its connection to the left’s Hamas heroes.

“Citi is the second-biggest funder of fossil fuels and the biggest foreign bank in Israel. Citi is directly funding and supporting genocide,” crank outfit Planet Over Profit claimed.

“Our fights are one and the same – climate justice means free Palestine!”
Interesting concept. Presumably climate justice also means kidnapped, raped and executed civilians.

Locally, Australians can do our bit for climate justice by purchasing Ford’s monstrous F-150 electric truck, as promoted by Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen.

Of course, you’ll need more than $250,000 to buy one of the things. And you’ll not be wanting to tow much, or carry any heavy items. You may also need to be laughter and mockery resistant.
But just imagine how much respect you’ll earn from the climate justice/free Palestine crowd.

Unless you’re Jewish, of course. In which case just keep the doors locked.

Tim Blair

April 30, 2024 5:50 am

Also in today’s Tele:


Veteran newsreader Sandra Sully has apologised after incorrectly labelling politician Pauline Hanson a “rapist’’ live on the news.

Reading the Monday evening bulletin on Channel Ten, Sully pointed to an upcoming story on Hanson’s legal stoush with deputy Greens leader Mehreen Faruqi (See story page 6).

“Plus, Pauline Hanson in court,” she told viewers. “Why the One Nation leader has been forced to fight claims that she is a rapist.

Racist, I apologise. And correct, racist.” The blooper was expected to go viral given Hanson’s polarising personality.



30 Apr 2024

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has argued deputy Greens leader Mehreen Faruqi is “only against certain forms of racism” as she defends telling the senator to “piss off back to Pakistan”.

In the Federal Court yesterday, Senator Hanson’s legal team presented Senator Faruqi with a since deleted Instagram post in which Senator Faruqi is pictured standing alongside a protester holding a sign that read “keep the world clean” alongside an image of Israel’s flag above a rubbish bin.

The social media post was posited to illustrate a disregard for what Senator Hanson’s legal team argued was racism against white people.

Senator Faruqi’s legal team labelled Senator Hanson a “prolific sayer of racist things” who provoked a “pile-on” against her.

Senators Hanson and Faruqi’s stoush began following the death of the Queen. On September 9, 2022, Senator Faruqi tweeted: “I cannot mourn the leader of a racist empire built on stolen lives, land and wealth of colonised peoples.”

Senator Hanson later responded to the tweet with the offending remark.

She reiterated the sentiment in parliament, saying she would take the deputy Greens leader “to the airport and put (her) on a plane and wave (her) away”.

Senator Faruqi first took Senator Hanson to the Human Rights Commission over the tweet, before suing the One Nation leader.

Senator Faruqi contended she had faced “a torrent of abusive (messages)” in the wake of Senator Hanson’s comments.

Senator Hanson’s barrister Sue Chrysanthou SC contended that Senator Faruqi displayed a regular pattern of mistakenly perceiving racial slights against her, while offending others online in a manner similar to what Senator Hanson faces trial for.

The hearing continues today, with Senator Hanson slated for cross-examination.

April 30, 2024 6:01 am

No different to telling people to go home to England or New Zealand, or Victoria for that matter.
It’s a matter of domicile not race.

April 30, 2024 6:22 am

Having a cup of tea and watching the last half hour of the Producers.

Paraphrasing a line from the song,

“Springtime for Hitler and Universities”. hmmm, yes, I think that works.

April 30, 2024 6:32 am

Senator Hanson later responded to the tweet with the offending remark.

Don’t you love how they imply guilt with the word “offending”.

And when it comes to ““a torrent of abusive (messages)” “, how about all the crap PH has copped and continues to cop from the tolerant caring?

April 30, 2024 6:37 am

April 30, 2024 5:05 am

Does this show the power of non-prayer?

No Dr Beau God heard of your distress and did His thing anyway — or maybe it was St Anthony of Padua, all in all a good result.

Another possibility is that the snake goddess, anxious for a bit of belief in the Terry Pratchett small gods way after a few millennia of being forgotten, led me to it. Which was a bit optimistic of her. Or possibly Her.

April 30, 2024 6:48 am

No, that’s not a possibility.
There can only be one truth.

April 30, 2024 6:52 am

We’re sorry you pretend to pretend to be indigenous.
Not a single Victorian aboriginal isn’t predominantly European by heritage making them both victim and perpetrator.
Seriously that’s the most likely scenario if such clashes as claimed, occured, that the people ‘truth telling’ aren’t descendants of the people on both sides of former confrontations.

April 30, 2024 6:56 am

Stave churches, made from wood, because wood was what they had.

April 30, 2024 6:59 am

Why did Yousaf go?
Too many complaints to the race police?

April 30, 2024 7:04 am

AstraZeneca is contesting the claims but has accepted, in a legal document submitted to the High Court in February, that its Covid vaccine “can, in very rare cases, cause TTS””
I didn’t think this part was new news.

April 30, 2024 7:13 am

making them both victim and perpetrator.

excellent point.

How can they live with themselves?

April 30, 2024 7:17 am

Looks like US student protests are ’til death do us part’.

April 30, 2024 7:29 am

A Middle Eastern-flavoured woke version of the Hitler Youth is currently occupying universities in Sydney, Melbourne, the US, Canada and the UK, demanding Israel and its seven million Jewish citizens be erased.

Damn straight, Tim Blair.

Many thanks, Beertruk, for posting his column, which sadly won’t be read by the zombie Hitler Youth we are breeding and miseducating.

History is repeating as fascism makes a comeback.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 30, 2024 7:31 am

I found it yesterday morning, after being unable to come to a conclusion. Does this show the power of non-prayer?

It was just one of those things Doctor BG. Sometimes you find lost stuff and sometimes you don’t.

It’s like when things come in threes. The football team that I support lost over the weekend when I also picked up a slight fever and managed to sit on my sunglasses damaging the frame.

So, I might now buy a ticket in Powerball on Thursday this week and ‘pray’ to the Lotto God(s). Who knows.

Last edited 2 months ago by Johnny Rotten
April 30, 2024 7:39 am

Good news for Scotland Rosie, but why do these places vote for muzzies in the first place.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 30, 2024 7:45 am

Very strange that it would be visible while waiting for moderation.

I, too, have seen comments marked ‘In moderation’. I’ve always put it down to second sight (or McWilliams Royal Reserve).

Next time I’ll screenshot it.

April 30, 2024 7:47 am

There is no moderate or immoderate Islam

Sure there is. In moderate Islam it is AK’s and RPG’s only. No crew served weapons.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
April 30, 2024 7:50 am

RTWT. Fantastic last sentence in this excerpt.

Yet despite the extremism of the Scottish Greens on trans, much of the media insisted on giving this troupe of clowns a free pass. This was more than a little mystifying given that Slater and Harvie are not exactly likeable characters. Harvie is so consistently angry and combustible he risks being reported to emergency services as a fire hazard.

April 30, 2024 7:52 am

Senator Faruqi contended she had faced “a torrent of abusive (messages)” in the wake of Senator Hanson’s comments.

If she doesn’t like it she can resign and piss off back to Pakistan.

April 30, 2024 7:58 am

Last night, bern posted a youtube about the history of Broadway.

It’s a fascinating story and something I’ve been interested in for a long time. All those little remnant parks and odd shaped buildings have their story. Over the years and a few visits, I’ve walked the length from the Battery up to St John the Divine, another time got the subway up to the old farmhouse at the top of the island. Also interesting is the area around the site of the old Collect Pond which became Five Ways (dramatised in Gangs of New York).

Back there late next year – we’ll be picking up a car in lower Manhattan and driving the full length along the parkway (because we like to live dangerously) and out to Cape Cod.

Here’s the link –

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 30, 2024 8:02 am

comment image

April 30, 2024 8:15 am

I’m continuing to baulk at US trips because of the exchange rate. Perhaps I should bite the bullet.
I like the way you plan so far ahead Calli.
I’m reluctant to do that in case someone deteriorates.
Though I’m planning to book Japan for October after I get back from Canberra in a few weeks, just hope it remains steady as she goes.
We were lucky last time we could cancel hotel bookings without penalty. Going to hotel it again in Japan, partly for that convenience and partly because airbnb looks inconvenient and the beds within, uncomfortable.

April 30, 2024 8:15 am

Bother. Not Five Ways. Five Points. I knew I’d got it wrong the moment I pressed “post”.

April 30, 2024 8:16 am

Not a single Victorian aboriginal isn’t predominantly European by heritage …

I saw a pic of a participant yesterday; white chap in a suit…so white he had to wear various items of indigenous paraphernalia to indicate which side he was on.

Last edited 2 months ago by Roger
Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 30, 2024 8:26 am

Good points Rosie, but you’re fighting their strawman. Strawmen. Strawpeople. You know what I mean.
Assault, theft, abduction, have always been punished by British Common Law.
“Payback”, “Makarrata”, should be prosecuted as unlawful assault, just like any pub brawl or vigilante attack, if they haven’t already been.
The whole “Truth Telling”, “K’gullible Justice K’mission”, “oral histories” are an embarrassment to a once sensible culture. A stage for vain clean-skin pollies to apologise without contrition, for legislators and police to commit to further expanding their no-go areas.

April 30, 2024 8:34 am

Crossie @7.04pm, did the same Crossie with our kids. There was only a short period when any of ours were in care. They hated it and so did we. We’ve had times when family looked after them, but once they were at school no after school care. Where we lived for quite a while it varied from Captains of Industry, professionals, tradies, labourers and hippy no hopers. The hippy no hopers were the only ones with all the time on their hands and yet had their kids in daycare and complained they had to contribute.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 30, 2024 8:42 am

Northern Beaches mayor pushes for Sydney council to have its own Indigenous Voice to Parliament

  • Mayor says group is a ‘meaningful’ way for Aboriginals to engage 
  • Councillor opposed said the topic could trigger people

Daily Mail.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 30, 2024 8:42 am

Gaia hates baseball.

Climate Activists Have A New Target In Mind For Major Summer Protests (29 Apr)

A group called ‘Climate Defiance’ is calling for a “historic blockade” of the Congressional Baseball Game, an annual competition where Republican and Democratic members of Congress compete in America’s favorite pastime.

“And what they’re instead turning this into is, how can anyone play a game when the country is boiling, and the world is dying”

I suspect Hamas doesn’t like baseball either, so maybe they can all combine their protests to save on bus fare or something.

April 30, 2024 8:46 am

making them both victim and perpetrator.

excellent point.

How can they live with themselves?

You know, I dont feel that I would provoke the aboriginal people I know with this line.
Being separated so definitely as being aboriginal, having family die young or jailed on a regular basis, maybe time in care… I dont know about abuse, but one of my schoolmates got in a family argument at the side of the highway, gave them a mouthful, and deliberately stepped out of the car and under a truck.
It isn’t a good life, even if she was only a 64th genetically. The white fraction often isn’t a bonus, if you know what I mean.

April 30, 2024 8:47 am


 April 30, 2024 8:16 am

Not a single Victorian aboriginal isn’t predominantly European by heritage …

I saw a pic of a participant yesterday; white chap in a suit…so white he had to wear various items of indigenous paraphernalia to indicate which side he was on.

I don’t understand Labor’s devotion to giving aboriginal activists everything they ask including abasement before them. All of these people already vote for them and these actions are not likely to bring them new voters, it’s likely to repel some voters they already have.

April 30, 2024 8:47 am

$61B down the drain (or into someone’s pocket).
Ukraine Army Chief Admits ‘Tactical’ Retreat Underway

April 30, 2024 8:49 am

All this time & who knew Albo & Husic were experts in quantum computing.

April 30, 2024 8:50 am

The Babylon Bee. The only problem is that it’s all too true.

10 Essential Life Skills Your Kid Will Learn At An Ivy League University

April 30, 2024 8:50 am

I disagree Wally, once upon a time if you did something wrong you likely copped a flogging from the person you wronged. Now the so n so’s claim every injustice around for their predicament. Trying to extract payment from some lowlife costs a motza. Better off dropping a small brick to the Pacific Islanders with the message “pay your bills”. The legal system has priced itself out of the market.

April 30, 2024 8:51 am

With all the external funds the commonwealth has with all their investment committees and asset consultants and not one of them invested in this quantum computing business.

But Albo & Husic know better?

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 30, 2024 8:53 am

Hmmm, last time a deranged lefty went to the congressional baseball game, Steve Scalise got shot.

April 30, 2024 8:56 am

Blackbird (who a couple of industry super funds as investors) has positions in approx 20 quantum businesses across all vintages of funds.
They’ve invested since the pre seed stage.

But Albo & Husic go all in, late stage, on one.

Shows the difference in risk management when there no accountability with an investment process.

April 30, 2024 8:57 am

Late stage VC investing is a widow maker.

April 30, 2024 8:59 am

I don’t understand Labor’s devotion to giving aboriginal activists everything they ask including abasement before them.

I’d suggest the abasement is the point.

They hate their own culture.

And it’s a way of demoralising those that don’t.

Last edited 2 months ago by Roger
April 30, 2024 8:59 am

Australian preschool TV promotes lesbianism

A POPULAR Australian preschool animated TV series (Bluey) has introduced its first same-sex couple.

While the reference was subtle, LGBTQ outlets celebrated another opportunity to indoctrinate young children.

Outlet Unilad said the moment “is considered a step forward for LGBTQ representation and the normalisation of same-sex couples appearing within kids’ television.”

Pink News called the inclusion “groundbreaking saying: “Disney+’s animated preschool show Bluey has joined the likes of Peppa Pig and Paw Patrol as a kids’ show that includes LGBTQ+ characters and topics.”

Last edited 2 months ago by Makka
April 30, 2024 9:06 am

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha

 April 30, 2024 8:42 am

Northern Beaches mayor pushes for Sydney council to have its own Indigenous Voice to Parliament

On what grounds do the indigenes need a special voice to parliament from the council? Local council is local matters, it’s in the description.

I have an idea, move the entire aboriginal population into the ACT so all of them can provide voice to parliament at any moment on any and every matter. That should fix all their problems.

April 30, 2024 9:14 am

Albanese had the chance to come and listen to the speakers.

Instead, he came and spoke and having said his piece turned his back and drove off

– ABC News 

Anthony Albanese reminded how rallies have the ability to haunt the nation’s leaders

That’s the second time in a week Albanese’s minders have had to bundle him away from a public gathering.

April 30, 2024 9:27 am

Does anyone know the name of the arrogant Australian ‘journalist’ who took on Karri Lake and got done over by her. She trashed him but he kept on with his anti Trump diatribes. It wasn’t an interview, it was a stunt, reminiscent of BBC arrogance when dealing with foreigners.

My preferred comment from Lake was “you come from a country that does not have rights, in America we have rights”. A well informed lady.

It was in GETTR so I couldn’t link.

April 30, 2024 9:29 am

It was Sky’s Mark Stone and took place on the13th.

Sky has a problem!

April 30, 2024 9:29 am

I don’t understand Labor’s devotion to giving aboriginal activists everything they ask including abasement before them. All of these people already vote for them and these actions are not likely to bring them new voters, it’s likely to repel some voters they already have.

They are being used as a battering ram to undermine and destroy those annoying hangover colonial institutions that stand in way of the left’s control.

Smear Australia’s history as full of racism, genocide, child-stealing, enslavement. Then start renaming places and removing statues slowly sweeping away the horrible colonial past. Now a statue of Captain Cook and Charles on the currency, then a statue of Queen Victoria that has to go, then it will be the monarchy itself. Remind everyone at every opportunity with Welcome to Countrys and acknowledgment of elders that Australia’s foundation was unjust and illegal. Then bring in your own institutions like The Voice that you can control – well they got impatient and went far too soon on that. But they will not stop and they will be back.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 30, 2024 9:32 am

Late stage VC investing is a widow maker.

Especially buzzword businesses. I have an alpaca ranch to sell these guys, do you think I could get a billion bucks too?

April 30, 2024 9:37 am

BoN I thought you only had a cafe.

April 30, 2024 9:42 am

Rub and tug’s new theme song:

Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie,
Kissed the girls and made them cry,
When the girls came out to play,
Georgie Porgie ran away.

April 30, 2024 9:44 am

All of these people already vote for them and these actions are not likely to bring them new voters, 


But they definitely will bring new votes. School leavers over the next few years. Kids in Primary school, going through the Abo indoctrination and propaganda programs. All these many projects and propaganda efforts find their way into school classrooms through activist teachers and state ed curriculum. They become part of the Big Vibe kids get attracted to. The activism, the virtuous feelz, Joining in.

Which is what you would and must expect of Marxist ideology. The infuriating thing is that we know when in power the SFL’s will do nothing about it.

April 30, 2024 9:48 am

VIC Cats might want to follow up as I don’t have many details:

Allan government considering ceding minerals rights and royalties to traditional owners.

While Victoria isn’t a mining powerhouse, that would have some impact on the budget, presumably to be recouped by increases on fees and charges.

Last edited 2 months ago by Roger
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 30, 2024 9:53 am

Meanwhile China is building two a week.

G7 Countries Including United States Reach Agreement to Shut Down All Coal-Fired Power Plants by 2035 (29 Apr)

Still nothing much happening climatewise, and what is happening is overwhelmingly natural.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 30, 2024 9:59 am

Depardieu to be tried in October over alleged assaultsStaff WritersReuters
Tue, 30 April 2024 4:21AM

French actor Gerard Depardieu will be tried next October for alleged sexual assaults against two women during a 2021 film shoot, the Paris public prosecutor says.
Depardieu, one of France’s top movie stars, has been at the centre of a growing number of sexual assault allegations in recent years that have tarnished his legacy and exposed broader divisions about sexual conduct in France.
Depardieu, who has been questioned by the police during most of the day, has consistently denied any wrongdoing.
One of his lawyers, Christian Saint-Palais, told BFM TV that the actor had been released without charge.

The public prosecutor said the actor was also indicted for another case, dating back to August 2018, of alleged sexual assault and rape.
The judge closed investigations on that case and has handed it over to the Paris public prosecutor.
A source told Reuters Depardieu was also accused of alleged groping on a 2014 film set.
Depardieu’s case has divided the French society, with some women viewing it as a symbol of the country’s inability to tackle sexual abuse by powerful men in the wake of the MeToo movement.
Others, including French President Emmanuel Macron and several well-known actors, have rallied to Depardieu’s defence.
“He’s an immense actor, a genius of his art,” Macron said late last year.
“He makes France proud.”

April 30, 2024 10:05 am

AT last .. biopsy day .. 1st went to the quack’s in November when my enlarged prostate upped the anti & went postal! .. 1st trip to quack’s ended with blood tests & an ultra sound .. which he cleared as AOK .. this was ridiculous as I’d fronted with a specific ailment & problem(s) description .. Soooooo managed a referral to a urologist. But cos no one was citing any urgency had to wait 6 weeks for appointment .. Slow forward to mid February and that appointment .. He looked at the various results the quack had come up with & wasn’t happy with the blood reading for my kidney’s so repeat tests & appointment following week .. Test results back .. definite prostate/kidney problem(s) ..
Following week I’m suddenly called into Liverpool Hospital urgently for more tests .. turns out my kidneys are in danger of failing & renal failure looming as a distinct possibility .. sooo 3 days on a drip in hospital and a marked inprovement tho I’m now fitted with a catheter to ease the workload of the kidneys and booked in for a CT scan & an MRI ..,
CT scan shows nuttin’ but MRI detects a shadow in the stomach and so tomorrow the biopsy to investigate the shadow .. 80% chance of some type of Cancer tho with my luck we’ll call it 100% sure ….. duuuuuuuuh! …
Very hard to get myself worked up over it all as I feel wonderful, fit & healthy even tho my insides are not sooo happy .. ! .. I swam 1500mts early on the morning they admitted me to Liverpool Hospital! .. The only reason I’m not swimming/biking is cos of the catheter so I’ve switched to walking and doing a 4kms trek every morning no worries .. other than the home nurse(s) that keep bringing the wrong catheter stuff for change-overs everything still feelz fine …..
Anywayz sometime in the next week I should have some results and maybe, just maybe, getting me back into the pool might click into gear ……..! 

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 30, 2024 10:12 am

All this time & who knew Albo & Husic were experts in quantum computing.

Complain, complain, complain.
Bloody Luddite.

Everyone sensible knows that PsiQuantum is an absolute ball-tearer in the race to the future. Just ask Imperial College, who claim them as their own.

And who could doubt Boston Consulting?

The government has cited figures from Boston Consulting Group to argue that investment in the world’s first commercial-scale fault-tolerant quantum computer could lead to up to an additional $48bn in GDP and 240,000 new jobs in Australia by 2040.

Fault-tolerant. OK?
$48bn to GDP.
240,000 new, well paying jerbs.

All you stupid little naysayers, crapping on about housing and immigration and inflation and a poxy $1bn seed money have no vision.


Pressed by The Australian on when the new advanced computer could be delivered, Mr Husic said it was “generally accepted that 2026-27 will be the finishing line” but acknowledged there was an element of uncertainty.

So the huge benefits are generally accepted to be quite likely to flow even sooner. In fact, during the next term of the Albanese Golden Success Team.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 30, 2024 10:17 am

Antisemitic bananas.

I know I shouldn’t laugh, I really shouldn’t. On the other hand I can see why Albo wants to ban memes.

April 30, 2024 10:21 am

Take care Shatterzz. Don’t enjoy the biopsy too much. All the orthopaedic problems I’ve had don’t worry me too much, but I’ve got 2 cracked teeth vertical into the gum. Dentists terrify me. Anxiety for days beforehand. Going to have implants. Never had fluoride as a kid so my teeth are stuffed. Funny, 2 are perfect. Anyway all the best.

April 30, 2024 10:21 am

Virtue signalling Irish politicians exposed as rank hypocrites:

The Irish government recently praised a High Court decision declaring the UK was not a safe country to repatriate illegal migrants to on account of Rishi Sunak’s plan to deport these folk to Rwanda.

Less than a month later, the Irish government is now scrambling to pass laws to prevent a rising stream of illegal migrants from the UK entering the country via the border with Northern Ireland.

The new laws will seek to overturn the HC decision they welcomed only weeks ago, enabling the government to repatriate the illegal entrants to the UK.

April 30, 2024 10:25 am

April 30, 2024 10:05 am

Following week I’m suddenly called into Liverpool Hospital urgently for more tests .. turns out my kidneys are in danger of failing & renal failure looming as a distinct possibility ..

Make sure they check your beta-2-microglobulin and do a serum EPG before they stick metals inside you..

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 30, 2024 10:28 am

April 30, 2024 10:05 am

All the best, bloke.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 30, 2024 10:32 am

Seeing that he doesn’t like memes Albo really better not try this.

Gavin Newsom Asked the Internet to Submit Designs for a New Coin Honoring CA’s Innovations, and Hoo Boy.. (28 Apr)

April 30, 2024 10:46 am

Ursula von der Leyen’s European Peoples’ Party has issued a policy document calling for the offshore processing of asylum seekers in “safe third countries.”

The Irish government would appear to have misread the room.

Last edited 2 months ago by Roger
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 30, 2024 10:52 am

Via Instapundit. Good thing he didn’t have a rainbow serpent in his drainage ditch.

According to administrative decrees by unelected bureaucrats, the EPA’s legal mandate to protect the nation’s waterways had been expanded beyond reason to include, effectively, any puddle on your property. A property owner somewhere in Idaho had been told by the EPA he had to remove a drainage ditch or pay a $3K/day penalty. Sixteen (!) years later, the case made it to the Supreme Court… which ruled 9-0 (!!!) that the EPA’s mandate only covers waterways in the usual sense of the word and that the decrees were unconstitutional overreach.

It’s black comedy that legal wheels which grind so slowly in the US grind not at all in Oz.

April 30, 2024 11:02 am

Judge Alito just oozes sarcasm towards the left. He’s really good value.

JUSTICE ALITO: How much protection is that?

Mr. DREEBEN: Well, it . . . affords two levels of protection. One is the probable cause finding requires evidence. I think some of the fears about groundless prosecutions aren’t supported by evidence. And they’re not going to get out of the starting gate.

JUSTICE ALITO: I mean . . . there’s the old saw about indicting a ham sandwich. . . . You had a lot of experience in the Justice Department. You come across a lot of cases where the — the U.S. attorney or another federal prosecutor really wanted to indict a case and the grand jury refused to do so?

Mr. DREEBEN: There are such cases.


Mr. DREEBEN: Yes. . . .

ALITO: Every once in a while there’s an eclipse too.


April 30, 2024 11:03 am

Pauline Hanson should take a bunch of bananas into court with her, as evidence, when she has to face Faarquad.

April 30, 2024 11:03 am

‘We Need to Destroy the Planet to Save It’ episode eleventy thousand:

The Murchison Hydrogen Project (MHP) would see the construction of an electrolysis plant, desalination factory, an ammonia conversion plant, and marine export facilities.

More than 500 wind turbines and up to 10,000 hectares of solar panels would also be constructed to power the buildings.
CEO Shohan Seneviratne said Kalbarri’s natural characteristics of wind and solar energy potential, as well as its coastal location, made it a perfect site for the project as all these attributes were essential. 

Shohan Seneviratne says the site near Kalbarri is ideal for the green hydrogen project.(Supplied: Murchison Green Hydrogen)
It has access to sea water which which will be desalinated and used in the electrolysis process, with the water also providing a means for exporting the green ammonia overseas via ship.

Leaving aside the absurdity of ‘green hydrogen’ and ‘green ammonia’ (see BoN’s numerous comments over the years), you need to click on the link to see just how beautiful the Kalbarri region is. It’s awesome.

This is the place they want to turn into an industrial complex to harvest subsidies for a non-existent problem – have a look.

April 30, 2024 11:08 am

First slowly. Then, in all at once.

Once Unthinkable Nuclear Plant Revival Is a Reality in US Shift

But officials including Governor Gretchen Whitmer almost immediately began calling for it to reopen, and Holtec has now shifted gears, planning for it to start producing power again in late 2025. That may spur other companies to follow suit.

“A lot of the other players that have a nuclear power plant that has recently shut down and could be turned back on are gaining that confidence to try,” said Shah in an interview. He declined to name specific plants.

April 30, 2024 11:09 am


 April 30, 2024 10:46 am

Ursula von der Leyen’s European Peoples’ Party has issued a policy document calling for the offshore processing of asylum seekers in “safe third countries.”

Could the possibly mean their countries of origin?

Salvatore - Iron Publican
April 30, 2024 11:11 am

Does anyone know the name of the arrogant Australian ‘journalist’ who took on Karri Lake and got done over by her. She trashed him but he kept on with his anti Trump diatribes.

Bons, that was Liam Bartlett, for 60 minutes.

The full interview is 15 minutes, however this 6 minutes clip will do for the time being

April 30, 2024 11:15 am

DrF I think you meant AnAl’s Great Leap Forward. cough Maybe AnAl’s 5 Year Plan, worked for Josif Dzhugashvili. cough Don’t forget El Duch made the trains run on time. cough Someone as talented as AnAl can do anything. cough, splutter arghhh.

April 30, 2024 11:15 am

All the best Shatterzzz

April 30, 2024 11:23 am

Leaving aside the absurdity of ‘green hydrogen’ and ‘green ammonia’ (see BoN’s numerous comments over the years), you need to click on the link to see just how beautiful the Kalbarri region is. It’s awesome.

There is a cliff walk nearby that is absolutely stunning. I took photos of many native flowers and a most intriguing orchid-like bush. Of course they would want to destroy this environment in an effort to save the planet. How are the plans they have in mind different from the mid-20th century worst industrial predations?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 30, 2024 11:34 am

Albo is on a roll!
First he releases a country shopper who bashes a granny.
Then attends a DV rally and upsets the organizing wymminses.
Now he sends a Labor skirt out to apologise for him.

‘Demonstrated his solidarity’: Communications Minister Michelle Rowland defends Anthony Albanese following his clash with DV rally organiser (Sky News, 30 Apr)

Communications Minister Michelle Rowland has backed in Anthony Albanese amid fierce backlash to footage which showed him telling a domestic violence rally organiser “I am the Prime Minister” before she burst into tears. …

Speaking to Sky News on Tuesday, Ms Rowland claimed the Prime Minister was simply trying to show “solidarity” with protesters, and that his government was treating the issue of domestic violence with “the utmost seriousness.”

Fortunately for him the MSM lurve him to bits so there won’t be any ‘Albo has a women problem’ headlines.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 30, 2024 11:37 am

Salvatore – Iron Publican
April 30, 2024 11:11 am

Does anyone know the name of the arrogant Australian ‘journalist’ who took on Karri Lake and got done over by her. She trashed him but he kept on with his anti Trump diatribes.

Bons, that was Liam Bartlett, for 60 minutes.
The full interview is 15 minutes, however this 6 minutes clip will do for the time being

That 6 minute clip is absolute Gold and the Lady is a Diamond. The interviewer, however, is a block of wood. A typical so called ‘Journalist’ of today’s Media.

April 30, 2024 11:39 am

They were saying on Sky last night that Spinoccio has 11 media advisers in his offices. Eleven!

Yet they use Rowland as a spokes-skirt to spin his misdemeanours.

More shambolic than Whitless, and that’s saying something!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 30, 2024 11:46 am

Oh dear, no cushy jobs for Michael Danby.

‘Hubris’: Albanese ‘infatuated’ with his self-importance at domestic violence rally (Sky News, 29 Apr)

Former Labor MP Michael Danby has weighed in on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese dismissing claims he lied at a domestic violence rally, after leaving an organiser in tears. … “He has obviously been infatuated with his own self-importance,” Mr Danby told Sky News Australia host Andrew Bolt.

I guess he’s read the tea leaves after Wong outed herself as a Pali luvvie. Not much room for a Jewish Labor stalwart these days.

April 30, 2024 11:50 am


Thanks, Calli — that’s a keeper!

As it enters its third year, “Elbow” was getting a little tired and inadequate to describe Australia’s communist activist-in-chief.

April 30, 2024 11:55 am

As much as I enjoy Albo’s discomfort the demands of Sarah Williams to which he was expected to commit the government were self-serving and stupid.

to declare a domestic violence national emergency; to block the media from publishing images of victims for 48 hours; mandatory victim-blaming prevention training; alternative reporting options for victims; and increased funding.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 30, 2024 11:57 am

Bringing in over a million new Labor voters oops migrants has nothing to do with it. It was all that horrible guy ScoMo’s fault what has caused the mess.

‘It takes time’: Labor overcoming housing ‘neglect’ left by former Liberal government (Sky News, 30 Apr)

The Albanese government is “overcoming previous neglect” of Australia’s housing industry, which was left by the former Liberal government, says Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

Sure son, just keep saying that. The punters know a house-sized porkie when they hear one. I wonder when the government will, um, govern?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 30, 2024 11:57 am

DrF I think you meant AnAl’s Great Leap Forward. cough

You can see where the horrid little man gets his inspiration from, obviously. Tragically, the bureaucratic infrastructure seems to be operating in the same Lysenkoist way that dictators demand.

Every sentient technological being knows that version 1.0 of a novel technology – particularly in computer science – becomes obsolete in a heartbeat. History tells us that, rather than being a 240,900 jerb wonder-machine, the Albanese Memorial Quantum Compuder will become a plaything for PhD students and fringe applications within a few years – while v2.0 and v3.0 build off the mistakes and shortcomings.

But, as a media advisor and TikTok content producer, what would I know; Top Men have scrutinised the project and signed off on it.

“We’ve engaged legal and commercial experts and technical experts,” he [Husic] said. “There were ­expressions of interest that were carried out to test who is in the front to be able to develop a fault-tolerant quantum computer in the quickest time frame.”

A well-spent $1bn in the race to the bottom.

April 30, 2024 12:00 pm

School leavers over the next few years. Kids in Primary school, going through the Abo indoctrination and propaganda programs.

Propaganda may be effective in the short term but at some point the reaction sets in – it becomes the butt of jokes and its purveyors despised.

Given Australia’s long term economic decline and the resulting fall in living standards, resulting in more people competing for scarcer resources (jobs, housing, education, healthcare), I don’t think a privileged class will be tolerated indefinitely.

April 30, 2024 12:02 pm

As much as I enjoy Albo’s discomfort the demands of Sarah Williams to which he was expected to commit the government were self-serving and stupid.

to declare a domestic violence national emergency; to block the media from publishing images of victims for 48 hours; mandatory victim-blaming prevention training; alternative reporting options for victims; and increased funding

This entire government is self-serving and stupid. Increased funding is the only real demand to which Labor will, of course, roll over and deliver on.

And it will never happen … but Pollies should be forced to put 50% of their defined pensions into the pot whenever Govt invests our money in startups.

April 30, 2024 12:03 pm


 April 29, 2024 7:27 pm

They’re saying there’s a pandemic of domestic violence going on.

Are there any stats with raw numbers? Not percentages, but numbers from here to there over several years. Also, can this be broken down between the mostly peaceful aboriginal community and the rest?

Here’s a summary

April 30, 2024 12:17 pm

Here’s a summary

Weird that the Conversation report overlooks that 22/23 was the second lowest rate since 89/90 or that the rates for both 20/21 and 21/22 were the equal lowest.

Or that contrary to prior practice the good news 21/22 report was released concurrently with the bad news 22/23 report which got all the publicity.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
April 30, 2024 12:25 pm

Ramirez has just confirmed his scroll-past status.

April 30, 2024 12:26 pm

Also, can this be broken down between the mostly peaceful aboriginal community and the rest?

Recent migrants also bring their own cultural prejudices with them.

Anecdotally, I know Qld police have had to run “education programs” for some ethnic cohorts.

Last edited 2 months ago by Roger
Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 30, 2024 12:29 pm

Per duncanm@ 12:03 pm

New homicide statistics show surge in intimate partner killings – and huge disparity in First Nations victims

The rate of women killed by their partners in Australia grew by 28% from 2021–22 to 2022–23, according to new statistics released today by the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC).

Not trivialising domestic violence, but this is a classic example of statistical violence.

Looking at the data, the trend of “intimate partner” homicide over the past 30 years has been steadily downward; the 28% yoy increase to 2023 is within the annual variance of the declining trend.

The alternative conclusion is that whatever is being done to combat people killing their female partners is actually working pretty well. Not that the wheels are falling off and a tsunami of intimate DV has suddenly broken out.

The risk is that political need to ‘do something’ about the “28% increase” ends up derailing effective programs.

April 30, 2024 12:43 pm

The rate of women killed by their partners in Australia grew by 28% from 2021–22 to 2022–23, according to new statistics released today by the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC).

At the risk of appearing to attribute all current woes to the Covid years of authoritarianism, I cant help but note that the alleged 28% increase in attacks by men on women correlate at least to a good part of the period of lockdowns.

April 30, 2024 12:45 pm

Couple of things.

One, the poor bloody Scots have finally got rid of that egomaniac racist. The bad news is, the alternatives don’t look much better, but they couldn’t be worse. Could they?

Two, it is astonishing that, after a lifetime in politics, our current PM is so inept when it comes to dealing with the public. Not only that, but his handlers seem to be similarly inept, or perhaps cowed into submission.

In the olden days, Labor leaders were leavened, seasoned and tempered by frequent exposure to people who didn’t agree with them. Bob Hawke and Paul Keating regarded it as part of the job description.

Albo is a deer in the headlights.

At this rate, Dutton will win by default.

April 30, 2024 12:52 pm

Given Australia’s long term economic decline and the resulting fall in living standards, resulting in more people competing for scarcer resources (jobs, housing, education, healthcare), 

Due entirely to supply side restrictions by government regulation, taxation, crowding out productive investment by capital markets, and the overburden of a parasitic public sector sucking up resources.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 30, 2024 12:56 pm

One, the poor bloody Scots have finally got rid of that egomaniac racist.

Ironically the reason he had to resign was that he wasn’t a green enough egomaniac racist. The Green Party withdrew from the coalition because he ditched the madly impossible 75% CO2 reduction policy by 2030, only 6 years away.

Scotland’s leader resigns after split with Green Party over climate change, other conflicts (30 Apr)

With no prospect of victory in two confidence votes later this week, Yousaf quit rather than face defeat.

Amusing that he had to resign because he wasn’t bonkers enough.

April 30, 2024 1:00 pm

 I’ve got 2 cracked teeth vertical into the gum. Dentists terrify me. Anxiety for days beforehand. Going to have implants. 

Same here. Thought I couldn’t endure an implant, particularly when I discovered that I would have a “slipper” (a temporary crown that is removed at night) for a couple of months (as I recall) while the gum healed (or something). I was about to go OS for a few weeks, so I had to remove the damn thing every night. But, unexpectedly, I got quite used to it & it wasn’t the ordeal I imagined. Mind you, I had a dream of an oral surgeon – an Asian guy who was the most gentle and expert surgeon I have encountered. I was also suffering from a bit of PTSD after the horrific fires then threatening our valley & he understood – as his parents had their home threatened on the nSW south coast.

April 30, 2024 1:04 pm

Looking at those murder figures it appears white women are using Aboriginal female murders to grandstand. The fact that male murders are over double doesn’t register with them. I demand equality. The murder rate is going down and we demand a right royal commission to squander a heap as long as the huge number of Aboriginal deaths are not counted.

April 30, 2024 1:04 pm

Thanks Duncanm

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 30, 2024 1:08 pm

But, as a media advisor and TikTok content producer, what would I know; Top Men have scrutinised the project and signed off on it.

“We’ve engaged legal and commercial experts and technical experts,” he [Husic] said. “There were ­expressions of interest that were carried out to test who is in the front to be able to develop a fault-tolerant quantum computer in the quickest time frame.”

A well-spent $1bn in the race to the bottom.

So $1 Billion given/’invested’ in a ‘tech start up’ called PsiQuantum’, soon to called “Piss It Up The Wall Quantum’.

And there was me thinking that it was the UNSW Sydney who were the leaders in Australia when it came to Quantum Computing. The ANU as well are doing good stuff I do believe. Hmmmmmmmmmm.

Now, I have a great idea for a new Mouse Trap. How to get my free dosh from the Guv’ment?. I’ll start working on it right now.

April 30, 2024 1:16 pm

Good luck to him:

A Top End teenager has reeled in the most lucrative catch in Australia, winning the Northern Territory’s Million Dollar Fish competition.
For the first time in the competition’s nine year history, the NT government has announced that a territory angler has caught the prized tagged barramundi.
Keegan Payne, a 19-year-old from the rural town of Katherine, today becomes the NT’s newest millionaire, after snagging the million dollar fish on the Katherine River.

But, what does this mean?

Earlier this year the NT government announced it would guarantee a winner to the competition this season, but didn’t reveal exactly how that would happen.
The competition, which is paid out by sports gambling company SportsBet, was set up in a bid to lure tourists and fishers to the NT Top End in the quieter wet season months.
As well as the million dollar fish, eight tagged barramundi worth $10,000 each have also been snagged this season.

Anyway, good for Keegan. Well done, that man.

April 30, 2024 1:17 pm
Last edited 2 months ago by JC
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 30, 2024 1:21 pm

Alice Springs anti-crime advocate Darren Clark says Anthony Albanese was unaware of how bad crime was in town

By courtney gould

  • NCA NewsWire
  • 1:08PM April 30, 2024

Anthony Albanese has been called out for not knowing how much “carnage” youth crime has inflicted on Alice Springs by a local advocate.
Anti-crime campaigner Darren Clark met with the Prime Minister on Monday afternoon when Mr Albanese returned to the outback town for the first time in more than a year.
He visited organisations in Alice Springs after a spate of social unrest led to the Northern Territory imposing a three week youth curfew on the town.
The riots occurred after a ceremony and funeral for an 18-year-old who died in a car crash.
Mr Clark, a bakery operator, is the founder of the Action for Alice Facebook page which has drawn national attention because of its coverage of crime issues plaguing the town.

Speaking with Sydney’s 2GB, Mr Clark said he calmly explained to Mr Albanese “what we’ve been through” over the last five years.

He said that included people having “machetes held to their throats in their beds”.
“He actually didn’t know how bad this was,” Mr Clark said.
“This place is absolute carnage and it continued all last year, and it hit a peak again a few weeks ago.”
The business owner noted “things have calmed down” during the period following the lockdown but raised concerns it will pick up again when “the weather heats up again”.
“They’ve got to be ready,” he said, referring to authorities.
In March, the Northern Territory government declared an emergency and imposed a curfew on children under 18 from entering central Alice Springs between 6pm and 6am.

Mr Albanese said while the curfew had worked he did not think it was a “one size fits all approach” when asked if it could be implemented in other towns.
“We need to not be ideological about this. We need to look at what works and if it works we’re up for it. It is as simple as that. Quite clearly, this has made a positive difference,” he said.
Asked earlier about his meeting with Mr Clark, the Prime Minister described it was a “constructive discussion”.
“He had a lot of thoughtful insight … he said that the curfew had been a game changer here in Alice and he welcomed that,” he told ABC Alice Springs.
“He welcomed the engagement and increase in investment. He’s someone who’s very passionate about this town.”
An additional $14.2m was committed by the government on Monday for policing and community safety support in Alice Springs as part of an extension of an agreement between the federal and NT government.

Alice Spring mayor Matt Paterson, who also met with the Prime Minister on Monday, said Mr Albanese did “a lot of listening”.
“I know there’s a national conversation going on about that at the moment, but the extra resources at the moment are clearly having a positive impact in the community,” he said.
On Tuesday, Mr Albanese committed an additional $8m to the Top End’s public school infrastructure.
Schools will get funding of at least $250,000 to build or upgrade infrastructure.
But Mr Clark said he wanted to see more work done to try and get children back in education and suggested changing school hours might help.
“Stop trying to get kids in remote communities into school at 8.30, 9 o’clock in the morning … because it’s never going to happen,” he said.
“How about trying to get these kids into school at 11 or 12 o’clock.”

April 30, 2024 1:23 pm

 April 30, 2024 7:52 am

Senator Faruqi contended she had faced “a torrent of abusive (messages)” in the wake of Senator Hanson’s comments.

I assume there will be copies – with headers and addresses of these ‘abusive’ messages given to the police.
Pigs arse there will be.

April 30, 2024 1:25 pm

There’s a really decent, but low probability chance NY could turn in 24 and go GOP since 1984. There’s the Jewish vote, which could be up in the air now and upstate NY could move it GOP. Upstate folks are really salt of the earth types that don’t like the sort of bullshit we’ve seen over the past 3.5 years.
Sure, it would be surprising, but not as much as it would’ve been in the past.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 30, 2024 1:50 pm

Comment, from the article on the Albanese visit to Alice Springs.

11 minutes ago
Albo why come on a Monday or Tuesday aren’t they days you cannot purchase alcohol in Alice Springs why not visit unannounced when the towns true life is portrayed maybe weekend when all in town and on loose after football .

April 30, 2024 1:52 pm

I wasn’t afraid of dentists, I was afraid of the needle. I had several fillings without anesthetic when I was a young kid.. The grinding pain was so much I went back to the needle when I got older as the pain was unbearable

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 30, 2024 2:06 pm

And there was me thinking that it was the UNSW Sydney who were the leaders in Australia when it came to Quantum Computing. The ANU as well are doing good stuff I do believe. 

Ah ha. Not so fast.

There’s an election due in Queensland on 26 October – and the Miles kiddie isn’t travelling that well.

And, on the current trajectory, Anthony ‘Passion fingers’ Albanese needs Queensland support to avoid handing control over to the Greens.

Besides which, Brisbane has electric compuders and Windows, mice and everything.

April 30, 2024 2:15 pm

It is important to discover that the push for laws against “disinformation, misinformation & malformation” are coming from malign or stupid forces within many other western democracies – & not just Australia.

The Numbers Favor Our SideBY BILL RICE   APRIL 26, 2024  

For me, it’s not difficult to see what the world’s real rulers are trying to achieve. They’re trying to obtain more power and control for themselves. In fact, they’ve largely already achieved this goal. The terrifying thought is they are far from done.We know they are not finished because their most conspicuous initiative at the moment is their quest to slay the petulances of “misinformation” and “disinformation.”

The correct definition of misinformation/disinformation is any speech that challenges what authority figures say is the truth.
The world’s real rulers don’t want their pronouncements challenged, as this would pose a grave risk to their continued rule and their ability to implement myriad programs that will effectively defeat, once and for all, human freedom.

As long as persuasive dissent doesn’t go viral, the Powers that Be know they will achieve their objectives, which are authoritarian world government much closer to the communist utopia envisioned by thinkers and tyrants like MarxMao, and Lenin. But real communism is not the real goal either, as communism was supposed to make every person equal. The modern form of communism, not unlike all previous forms of communism, ensures the world’s elite organizations will remain ultra-powerful while the proletariat will beg for crumbs.

Who are the World’s Elite Organizations? They are every important organization – those with great influence (and police-state powers) – including all governmental agencies and departments as well as international government organizations like the UN, WHO, and European Union.They are also all the major “crony” corporations that benefit from close ties to government and non-governmental organizations. 
Plus, foundations like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, and the Rockefeller Foundation, which have more money than many nations and certainly more ideological commitment to deploy their resources to implement their agendas.
A simple method to define the establishment organizations would be to simply identify the world’s key authorized narratives and then ask yourself what organizations zealously support these initiatives (aka “The Current Thing”).

In the last four years, any organization that vociferously supported all the Covid protocols would be examples of “captured” organizations that enthusiastically supported the Current Thing.
But these same organizations also support all the other ascendant political movements, such as the fight against (allegedly) man-made Climate Change, numerous wars or “interventions” to advance “democracy,” central bank digital currency, and ever more mRNA “vaccines.” Furthermore, it’s obvious these same organizations support initiatives designed to discredit long-accepted cultural norms in favor of more “progressive” thinking that normalizes gender reversal, race grievances, LGBT+ initiatives, or any reform that advances “diversity, inclusion, or equity.” 

The promotion of policies that make mass illegal immigration much easier to achieve has also become a crucial program of our planet’s establishment rulers.I believe the above summary provides an accurate assessment of the state of the world today. I also note that it’s an undeniable truth that every program of these establishment organizations has made the world a darker place, with future developments planned by our leaders guaranteed to decrease the qualify of life for children or young adults who may live another 50 to 80 years.
For example, at the moment, unelected delegates who serve on the World Health Organization continue to deliberate in secret as they finalize a new health treaty and make changes to “international regulations” that will affect virtually every citizen on the planet in decades to come.The salient point about the WHO is that this agency was provably and disastrously wrong on every policy and piece of guidance it issued involving the response to Covid-19.

Another way to identify the members of the Establishment ruling class is to simply identify those who were spectacularly wrong on every key issue of our times. These are the people and organizations who are seeking even more power and control.

Who Will Prevail in the End?The good news is our side – those who still believe in human liberty – vastly outnumbers the group that is clearly aligned against us.
Above I listed many of the world’s captured organizations. These organizations are staffed by probably a couple hundred thousand key leaders who are committed to supporting the nefarious and freedom -eradicating components of “The Current Thing.”
As I’ll show below, the numbers who identify with “our side” surely exceed tens of millions of citizens.

The bad news is the the enemies of freedom – the worshippers of Big Brother – control all of the institutions and organizations in the world that actually matter.

Whoever sought to capture all of these organizations – from the CDC, the military, the Federal Reserve, the WEF, and the mainstream press – didn’t embark on these projects just to entertain themselves. They did this for a reason. This reason? They wanted to use these organizations to advance/achieve their goals.

To be more specific, they must have known that if they captured all of these organizations it would be almost impossible for any private citizens to stop their plans.

Our Side Actually has a Major Numeric AdvantageStill, the committed generals and staff officers who are seeking even more global control of the masses are…greatly outnumbered by people who are repulsed by their programs.

I’m currently working on a business idea that might supplement the dissident class of independent writers or “citizen journalists” found in the alternative media and on Substack.
In working on this project, I’m very interested in gauging the size of the market for content that resonates with the world’s population that still values freedom. This would be the group of citizens who is skeptical of the authorized narratives and values (genuine) “watchdog” journalism.
My estimate is there must be tens of millions of people who think like I do, people who would like to stop all the goals of the WEF, Davos, and WHO crowd.

The Tucker Carlson MetricPerhaps the simplest way to estimate the size of this market is to examine the audience of one of the world’s best-known “contrarian journalists,” Tucker Carlson. Before Carlson was fired by Fox News, his nightly news show routinely drew four million viewers per night, which made it the top-rated news program in North America. Over the course of a month, the show might have attracted 10 million viewers. As we all know, Carlson was fired for producing content that was extremely popular with millions of adults. But Carlson didn’t disappear or stop producing “taboo” commentary and news segments, he simply moved to Twitter (now X) and kept doing the exact same thing. Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin garnered more than 150 million views and his various streaming podcasts routinely double or triple the number of people he was reaching on Fox News.
Since Tucker covers many of the same “taboo” subjects I do, one can conservatively estimate that at least 10 million of Carlson’s regular viewers strongly oppose everything the world’s so-called leaders want to make a reality. And that’s just Carlson’s audience.
Substack has more than 35 million subscribers, probably 20 percent of whom are searching for content they know they won’t find in, say, the New York Times orCBS News. That would be a “market” of 7 million freedom-supporting citizens. Tucker was recently the guest on Joe Rogan’s podcast show. Rogan probably has an audience just as large and loyal as Carlson. Indeed, in their wide-ranging and fascinating conversation, Rogan made the point that shows like his and Tucker’s should now be considered “mainstream”…because they reach far more viewers than, say, the newscasts of the big TV networks (which actually aren’t so big anymore).

As far as I can tell, all the “alternative media” outlets are growing rapidly while all the traditional news outlets are Dead Men Walking.
Again, this is an extremely encouraging sign for anyone who believes that skeptical and independent speech is important to help ensure a world where real freedom might continue to exist.

But I Haven’t Mentioned the Biggest Group of CitizensWhile “our side” greatly outnumbers the figure of key employees occupying all the captured organizations, the real population group that matters is the immense group that is sitting out this existential battle for freedom.
The citizens who will probably determine the outcome of this battle are the people who have not discovered the Substack contrarians or who never watch Joe Rogan…or who think Tucker Carlson is a dangerous extremist who should have been fired by Fox (and should now be fired by Elon Musk and X). This group numbers in the billions. 
(This would be the group that doesn’t want to think anymore about the Covid response or think about the possibility that scary-looking, worm-like clots might be in their veins and arteries right now.)

This group just wants to get through each day with adequate supplies of bread…and if they’re given a few mildly entertaining circuses to distract them from the challenges of their daily lives, that’s enough.
For this segment of the population, any big debate on “freedom” is either boring, not germane to their lives, or they love and appreciate Big Brother and are convinced he is protecting them.

What this means to you and me is that the denouement of this historic battle will be determined by a relatively small percentage of the world’s population. On one side, we have the 200,000 or so leaders of thousands of important captured organizations. On the other side, we have 10 to 20 million citizens who’ve found each other in the alternative media. In the middle, we have a couple billion people who are oblivious to what’s really at stake.

Whatever way this massive middle group swings in the future, so goes the world.
One suspects the world’s real rulers know that their track record and planned agendas won’t stand up to close scrutiny. They know that their arguments are not as persuasive and could easily be debunked if our side’s arguments were to “go viral.” To help keep this middle group indifferent or on their side, the Deep State concocted the concepts of disinformation and misinformation to smear or throttle the influence of those on our side.
The ever-growing Censorship Industrial Complex has performed its most important job with (disgusting) distinction. For now at least, the depressing truth is the masses don’t seem to care much about the issues that some of us think are tectonic. 

This means recruiting the legions of people we need to recruit will be a strangely tough sale.
Our charge of persuading more of our neighbors to join our side has been made far more difficult by the false narrative that all of the important disinformation is coming from citizens like us, when, in fact, we don’t control any of the important information. 
If and when the masses realize who’s been producing the real disinformation, freedom might pull an upset victory.

Last edited 2 months ago by Vicki
April 30, 2024 2:28 pm

Tucker Carlson

Klaus Schwab, Transgenderism, and AI | Russian Philosopher Aleksandr Dugin

I’m part way through this and he seems to be discussing the method, not the motives.

Last edited 2 months ago by Indolent
April 30, 2024 2:28 pm

It is fascinating that Albanese continually employs the Andrews strategy of being constantly before the cameras making deterministic statements and dictates, and dismissing questions. But it is not working for him.

It is obviously no longer sufficient in the whole of nation context for the MSM to parrot his assertions He lacks a Andrews Gestapo to bash the people and businesses into compliance despite attempts to make the Feds more intrusive.

That leaves the internet as the source of all his woes. It is an indication of his utter stupidity for him to believe that his Internet Thug will be able to bash the net into compliance. This is a classic Canute conundrum. The brylcreem moron and his goons lack any understanding of net dynamics. How many $70,000 dollar fines will the WEF idiot need to issue before it all collapses around their ears.
The court cases are going to be queud up.

April 30, 2024 2:32 pm

Two, it is astonishing that, after a lifetime in politics, our current PM is so inept when it comes to dealing with the public. Not only that, but his handlers seem to be similarly inept, or perhaps cowed into submission.

They are all trapped in their own closed society and hardly ever mix with anyone outside their small social circle. They don’t know anyone who works for a living, baristas and waiters are not people to them. Karen Webb, the police Commissioners, is another one who has no idea how to relate to normal people.

April 30, 2024 2:39 pm
  1. Interesting, Thank you Peter So many remarkable events in US politics this month – the instant MSM u-turn on the…

  2. Inequalidy saw an increase in the US this week. Why a Cold-Storage Company Just Delivered the Year’s Hottest IPO.Lineage just…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x