Open Thread – Mon 3 June 2024

The Angels’ Kitchen, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, 1646

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June 3, 2024 8:34 pm

China has blown that old furphy right out of the water. They not only picked winners, they manufactured the wins themselves. “Picking winners” presupposes that government is choosing between capitalist ventures. China’s controlled economy doesn’t bother with competition. State-backed enterprises are now dominating the small number of growth industries in modern economies.

Yep and the chunks are picking fossils, nuclear and hydro you dickless turd.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 3, 2024 8:35 pm

Who was the last real criminal Victoria police arrested? Ronald Ryan, or do we have to go back to Ned Kelly?

June 3, 2024 8:36 pm


I might be a bit late to the party wrt Kellie but she’s providing a few good laughs.

June 3, 2024 8:44 pm

Part 2 of what your choice of dog says about you.

June 3, 2024 8:45 pm
Boambee John
Boambee John
June 3, 2024 8:47 pm

mUnturd must have drawn on the entire western world’s lefturd talking points for the drive by effort today.

Such a pity he’s too stupid to see through the facile rubbish therein.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
June 3, 2024 9:03 pm

Wise words from Jack. He’s a champ sticking up for pastoralists, farmers and agriculture.

He’s a JET.

One more clip to follow.


Jack Out The Back

Am I already a politician?

#politicalfarmer #agriculture #australia #politics #keepthesheep

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
June 3, 2024 9:06 pm

Jack Out The Back:


Cattlework and Norrish Composition bin

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
June 3, 2024 9:24 pm

Mark Steyn needs our support. He had a heartbreakingly line buried in an essay a couple of days about being wearied by decades of assaults imagining a gentle death in sleep. This is where we are at.

Black Ball
Black Ball
June 3, 2024 9:28 pm

Expect anything else? Daily Telegraph:

Only 67 of the 352 extra frontline domestic workers Labor promised to have in the community by the end of this month are on the ground, despite the federal government handing over $46 million to recruit the roles.

The Albanese Government’s election pledge to deliver 500 full time equivalent extra DV workers over four years through agreements with states and territories is well off track, with 289 positions of the 352 promised this financial year yet to commence as June 30 looms.

The Coalition has blamed federal Labor for the fail, citing a “go slow” on making agreements with states and transferring the funds.

Enough of these arsehats.

June 3, 2024 9:47 pm

On dumbphones and travel…yes I’m sure they help you slide effortlessly through the dangerous shoals of ordering food without taking the effort to learn actual furrin woids.

They also appear to lead the dependent into the path of others, including motor vehicles.

Mind you, I don’t walk around clutching a Baedekers! That’s what my manservant is for.

John H.
John H.
June 3, 2024 9:47 pm


 June 3, 2024 8:19 pm

Australia’s ‘fact checkers’ can’t be trusted to police opinion online under misinformation laws


What is the point of checking facts? A fact is a fact and no amount of checking with make a fact a falsehood. I could trust a ‘statement checker’ but I can’t trust redundant fact checking.

June 3, 2024 9:51 pm

Another Israeli thought to have been taken hostage has now been declared dead, killed on 7 October.

June 3, 2024 9:56 pm

“yes I’m sure they help you slide effortlessly through the dangerous shoals of ordering food without taking the effort to learn actual furrin woids.”
I reckon when the foreigners use an entirely different written language cheating with a smart phone is allowed.
And once you know what tripas are you are pretty safe in Spain.
Okay there are a couple of other Spanish delicacies I don’t care to try, like boiled animal feet.

Last edited 3 months ago by Rosie
June 3, 2024 9:58 pm
June 3, 2024 10:04 pm
June 3, 2024 10:21 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 3, 2024 10:29 pm

 June 3, 2024 9:56 pm

“yes I’m sure they help you slide effortlessly through the dangerous shoals of ordering food without taking the effort to learn actual furrin woids.”

I reckon when the foreigners use an entirely different written language cheating with a smart phone is allowed

Quite so.
I can pretty much fumble through anywhere with a Roman/Latin alphabet.
Not so much.
A relative travelled there last year with his teenage son who has a couple of hypersensitive allergies. He said that having the ability to clearly and unambiguously translate the nature of the allergies was a massive stress relief.

June 3, 2024 10:36 pm

Bruce: 1989 called, it wants its talking points back.

Deng is ancient history. Xi and his SOEs are running the show now.

Biden and Albo have at least identified th rules of the game, which have changed significantly since the Reagan administration. Do try to keep up.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
June 3, 2024 10:37 pm

It’s been a while since hearing this.


Mike And The Mechanics The Living Years (Official Video)

June 3, 2024 10:44 pm

As for Zippy the Prius Pinhead and his whining about labour costs, that is certainly an issue… but it is one facing China too, as Bruce’s linked SCMP yarn cites.

The difficulty of rebuilding manufacturing bases in first world economies is not a valid reason to just give up on national security and outsource vital industry to our enemies.

You may bleat that it is in the too hard basket and we should be happy being China’s open cut strip mine. I am sure the billionaires backing Dutton love that lily-livered line. Feel the patriotic populism!

June 3, 2024 11:13 pm

geez heh

it’s come down to mUnty v john H

who will carry the crown?

… let the gibbering begin

June 3, 2024 11:34 pm

Groan! Within a stone’s throw of our Cordoba hotel is a motley crew of cafe/pubs. Chose the one with the view of the Roman temple (plus a bit of wall thrown in).

They have these squirty things that are really repurposed greenhouse irrigation misters. Every so often they humidify the air in a delicious manner. Two beers, a very large G&T plus a glass of vino rosato, a plate of anchovies on toast with cheese and tomato, and a plate of grilled field mushies with prawns drenched in olive oil, garlic and (possibly) finely chopped chervil and shaved parmesan…€35*. We rolled back to the hotel for siesta.

Like Australia, it’s hot here. Very hot. Will explore the town when everything is open and the evening breeze starts. Might even enjoy a session on the little balcony too. At present is resembles the surface of the sun.

*as this is a tourist place, we probably paid too much. It was full of Spanish, but they appeared to be tourists also.

June 4, 2024 12:01 am

From medieval times until relatively recently, it was common practice to wash sheep before shearing.
The wash, unlike a sheep dip, was designed to remove grease from wool before shearing. This practice was particularly useful during the era of hand shearing, but it has largely disappeared with the advent of mechanical shearing. Typically, flocks were herded through dammed-up streams.
The purpose of washing sheep before shearing was to remove dirt, grit, and much of the natural oil from the fleece. This typically occurred a week or two before shearing. Although the washed fleece was lighter, it fetched a slightly higher price, making the process worthwhile.
Sheep washing time was a significant and bustling annual event for villagers. However, the congregation of large numbers of sheep over days and weeks was not always welcomed. Few people alive today recall these occasions.
Most ceased in the early 1920s, although some may have continued until the end of World War II, as described in farming books up to 1945. As the premium for washed wool gradually diminished, the process became less profitable. Today, fleeces are cleaned in wool processing factories.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
June 4, 2024 12:03 am

Sheesh Calli, you know how much it would cost to sit somewhere here with a view of the Coles carpark and have a few plates of salty crunchy stuff washed down with fizzy drinks and a house rosay?
…loving your travelogues, too

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
June 4, 2024 12:06 am

Good prank from the Chinese bloke. He knows the backstory.

“Don’t touch her!”


Dr K:

June 4, 2024 12:47 am

Not me, wouldn’t go near the place wherever that is.

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 4, 2024 1:19 am

This system of top of page commenting does my head in.

Mine too.

How is one supposed to know that someone has commented on something?

Scroll back every 15 minutes to check?

(Now in Rome, with too much graffiti – and too much pro-Palli stuff too)

June 4, 2024 4:00 am
June 4, 2024 4:01 am
June 4, 2024 4:02 am
June 4, 2024 4:03 am
June 4, 2024 4:04 am
June 4, 2024 4:04 am
June 4, 2024 4:05 am
June 4, 2024 6:02 am

“Not me, wouldn’t go near the place wherever that is.”
What’s wrong with €100 for four meals and eight beers?

June 4, 2024 6:15 am

There were Spanish tourists in Cordoba when I was there too.
The ABC would approve, as ‘internal’ holidays are on the carbon nice list.
I got early coffee where the locals go in a big square near the gorgeous spacious classic Cordoba apartment I rented on Calle Sanchez Peña, and the lunch special at one of the many bars around the same square, Plaza de la Corredera.
Winter but beautiful sunny days and velvet skies at night.
You remind me I want to go back to Cordoba, Calli.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
June 4, 2024 6:29 am

Gateway Pundit tells us what the bulk of the media will not: that Mexico’s new female President Claudia Shinybum is a lefty climate scientist and covid hardliner.

June 4, 2024 6:30 am

More from Cordoba.

Wandered down to the river via the “commercial district” and got hopelessly lost. Narrow streets, whizzing cars…and the heat! Finally got to the Roman bridge just before I lost the will to live.

By 8pm, we thought there might be some restaurants open. Like the Man from Ironbark we wandered over street and more street because there is a dearth of parks in Cordoba. Finally dinner, another pub grub plate of Spanish deliciousness. And, rather than a row of gilded youths, there was a lovely family from Alabama next to us. We shared some political and cultural anecdotes and bingo! They could easily be commenting here.

It’s now pushing 10:30pm, and we’re sitting on a small private terrace attached to the hotel room. The cathedral/mosque is lit up a few blocks away. I can almost reach over and touch Iglesia San Pablo, which we visited earlier in the afternoon.

The heat of the day is gone, and in the far distance I see flashes of lightning. Instead of cane fields, it’s olive groves.

June 4, 2024 6:56 am

Calle Sanchez Peña

You were about 200m from where I am right now. The stars are blooming in the skyfields, the cool breeze is ruffling an unseen tree, and the streets are quiet.

Being Spain, where everything is either silent or deafening…this situation might change.

Cassie of Sydney
June 4, 2024 7:04 am

I see our resident Nazi was here a lot yesterday and last night, defecating all over the site. I often wonder why he comes here, I suspect because he has no friends, and you can understand why this is the case, he’s a sad and very pathetic sack. He certainly does the word ‘cretin’ justice. I know many of us have disputes/arguments etc but the thing is with most of us, at the end of the day we agree on the basics, particularly on such talking points as their ABC, Islam and so on.

Further to Jew hatred, something our resident Nazi reeks of….this morning The Oz is reporting this…..

Race ambassador Tasneem Chopra told to step aside
The Australian Human Rights Commission has asked one of its anti-racism ambassadors, who appeared to dismiss concerns that Jewish women were raped on ­October 7, to “step back” from duties while it investigates a racial discrimination complaint against her.

It follows a Senate estimates hearing that heard how the AHRC ended a contract with consulting firm Hue after The Australian revealed one of its founders allegedly helped widely share the doxxed details of Jewish creatives, saying Zionists should “know no f..king peace”.

Last week, the AHRC asked consultant and self-described “anti-racism champion” Tasneem Chopra to “hold herself out” from ambassador work after a complaint was made against her and her social media posts.

Those posts include casting doubt on Hamas’s sexual violence on October 7, saying Zionists “lie, lie and lie”, that Israel had “forfeited its right” to exist, and that Zionists were “racists and white supremacists”.

Ms Chopra had been included on the AHRC’s list of anti-racism ambassadors for its “Racism, It Stops With Me” campaign, alongside former Socceroo Craig Foster, among others.

“I am advised that the AHRC considers it is appropriate to ask Tasneem Chopra not to hold ­herself out as an ambassador for the campaign while a complaint is on foot,” an AHRC conciliator told the complainant.

“This is because retaining a person as an ambassador on an anti-racism campaign at the same time as being the subject of a complaint under the Racial Discrimination Act could impact on public confidence about the impartiality of the commission’s statutory complaint handling process, and to ensure there is no perception of bias in the handling of your complaint.

“We do so without making any judgment on the outcome of the complaint, but focused on ensuring the integrity of the complaint handling process.”

The Australian does not suggest that Ms Chopra has breached that act, just that a complaint has been made about her.

The complaint pertained to posts on X published and re-shared by Ms Chopra.

In a now deleted post in December, Ms Chopra cited an Israeli government statement stating “Israeli police have acknowledged that during the shock and confusion of October 7, they were not focused on collecting semen samples from women’s bodies, requesting autopsies or closely examining crime scenes.” Chopra added the word “Right”.

A UN investigation found there were “reasonable grounds” to believe rapes happened at multiple locations on October 7, and “convincing information” that sexual violence – including gang rapes – was committed against hostages, which “may still be ­ongoing”.

In others, included as part of the complaint, Ms Chopra shared a video of British-Jewish comedian Alexei Sayle talking about Zionist Jews. “And they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie,” Ms Chopra captioned the post.

In another, she re-shared a post that said: “For many watching the atrocities unfold, Israel has forfeited its right to exist as a state.”

She also re-shared a post that said: “Zionists are just your common garden variety racists and white supremacists.”

Ms Chopra is also a member of a Fire Rescue Victoria com­mittee that advises the body on diversity and inclusion, as well as being on the advisory board to the Victorian Public Sector Commission.

The AHRC was unable to comment on the matter, given its statutory obligation to maintain confidentiality in relation to the complaints process.
It comes as it attempts to navigate a path forward amid rising racism and hate speech, but has been criticised since the onset of the war on October 7, particularly by the Jewish community who have said it hasn’t done enough to fight anti-Semitism.

Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-chief executive Peter Wertheim said the “number of anti-Israel partisans” associated with the AHRC was “too large to be dismissed as an ­aberration”.

In late May, Liberal MP Julian Leeser said that since October 7 the AHRC had said “nothing about the rise of anti-Semitism in our community”.

“This (Ms Chopra’s posts) is more evidence of why the commission is completely inappropriate to undertake the inquiry into anti-Semitism on university campuses,” he said on Monday.

It follows The Australian revealing how one of those who widely shared the doxxed details of Jewish creatives, Hue co-founder Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg, had a contract with the AHRC to produce “anti-racism materials”.

At Senate estimates on Friday it was revealed that the AHRC had “varied” Hue’s contract to bring forward its end date after “public discourse” and “community concerns” with her alleged role and public comments.

We might ask a very simple question about the AHRC and its state counterparts, why haven’t various federal and state Liberal governments abolished these organisations? Instead, all they’ve done is empower these organisations.

June 4, 2024 7:17 am

Tasneem Chopra not to hold ­herself out as an ambassador for the campaign while a complaint is on foot

I presume Mz Chopra is an Indian woman, like the sociology “professor” at Sydney Uni who yapped the same garbage to her students.

Do these Indian women misunderstand what rape is? Is this a cultural thing where rape of some women is not rape? Are they really this stupid? Could it be linked to caste?

I see a pattern of thinking emerging.

Cassie of Sydney
June 4, 2024 7:28 am

Are they really this stupid? 

You know, I think the question should be….

‘are they really this evil?

And the answer is….YES.

June 4, 2024 7:38 am

Tasneem Chopra is an Indian Muslim, who probably thinks you can say what you like about white people and do what you like to white women, even if they are only honorary whites, as long as they are the column marked ‘colonialists’.
(I’m still remembering that 2018 article where the Palestinians were the real white people and Israeli Jewish women were still dyeing their hair to try to pass as white)

Last edited 3 months ago by Rosie
June 4, 2024 7:38 am

you tube

As much as I appreciate people posting links to various you tube videos, sadly it’s as bad most times as watching TV, and I don’t watch TV because of the advertising.

I have a choice and there it is

If you want people to watch a video on a link, FFS tell us what it’s about and maybe we’ll go take a look, but random “you should watch this” links .. are mostly dissappointing

June 4, 2024 7:45 am

It’s astonishing how little the mob screaming about pali history know about pali history.

June 4, 2024 7:45 am

Tim Blair on point as usual in today’s Tele:


4 Jun 2024

As part of a general democratic freshen-up, the Australian Electoral Commission is currently redrawing electoral boundaries nationwide.

Locally, these updates will possibly remove a couple of eastern Sydney seats, add a new seat in the west and maybe squish a few northern Sydney seats into one tiny concentrated zone where all of Australia’s surviving rugby union fans can live together.

But why stop there?

While we’re in a mood to reorganise, let’s take a few steps beyond mere representative borders and instead correct some of Australia’s more concerning and obvious wrongs.

Up first, recent controversies involving the ABC’s Laura Tingle have reminded several Australians that Tingle and the ABC still exist and still live off our taxes.

As an initial corrective measure, the ABC’s $1bn annual budget should be cut by a solid one million dollars every time Tingle or one of her ABC comrades describes Australia as racist.

A quick search of the ABC’s homepage suggests that this reform would immediately reduce the ABC’s budget by about $475m, leaving it to struggle by on just the remaining $525m or so.

A secondary reform should assist with meeting resultant budget restrictions. Simply cap all ABC salaries at the national average wage.

After all, the ABC is always wailing about the gap between rich and poor. This will be easily reduced by minimising the ABC’s current gap-building practice of taking money from low-income Australians and giving it to ABC millionaires.

On the subject of freeloaders, did you know that certain people are still receiving arts grants?

It’s true! They actually get slabs of your money to tool around with artistically while avoiding work.

Since both Labor and Coalition governments will never terminate this longstanding posh-payments scam, perhaps arts grants should be refashioned in such a way that they will drive wealth into desperate and deprived communities.

For example, successful arts grants applicants who live in Australian capital cities should receive at an absolute maximum of perhaps $5000 a year. But if they set up shop in the likes of Wilcannia, Myall Creek or Quandialla, they may be eligible for anything up to seven figures.

But on one condition. They must live, create and spend only within their nominated arts grant postcodes.

It’d be a kind of Luvvie Survivor. According to the rules, premature departures from their remote locales strip bank accounts bare.

Some of the weaker creatives would probably surrender within a week, leaving them to seek jobs in Australia’s newly deregulated and soon to be thriving housing construction industry.

This concept aims to massively slash building costs and simultaneously satisfy fussy inner-urban architecture types. We merely identify a housing style that is pleasing to the inner-city eye – mid-to-late 19th century terraces, in the main – and then return to the relatively minimal regulatory requirements that were in place when those designs were built.

An added bonus: besides removing generations of red tape and thereby absolutely smashing construction costs, this strategy would also deliver buildings that don’t collapse after a few months. In fact, if inner Sydney is any guide, they’d still be standing more than 130 years later and be worth $4m.

Speaking of inner cities, it seems almost sacrilegious to impose coal-generated electricity on residents in Greens electorates. As an act of friendship and kindness, these areas will be provided with power only from sources that spare the world of any additional carbon dioxide.

Get cracking on your uranium investments, kids.

Reaching out to Indigenous Australians, a thorough “truth telling” is called for, particularly in light of Thomas Mayo and Kerry O’Brien’s Voice to Parliament Handbook winning this year’s publishing prize for social impact.

Given that their book had no intended social impact at all, and may have actually driven voters away from the Voice’s cause, the prize shall be returned.

The telling of truth clearly demands it.

Also, given that O’Brien and his handbook illustrator Cathy Wilcox are the whitest people this side of Andy Warhol, what was going on there? Tribunals will be appointed.

Still on matters lawful, Australia needs a legally binding answer to the question: “What is a woman?”

We didn’t need it before, but these are unusual times.

I nominate Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s definition: “An adult female.”

There’s your road map, everybody. Let the fantastic voyage begin.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 4, 2024 7:47 am

This Immigration Minister chap Giles must be both hated by his own department, and stupid on an Everest-esque scale.

Evidently, and according to the picture wireless he answered a question as to how released immigration detainees (murderers and rapists) were being monitored if they didn’t have electronic ankle bracelets.

His answer – which he later said was provided by his staff – was that ‘drones are watching them’.

THEN, when further questioned, he said ‘Oh, I meant satellites. Not drones.’

Oh my wordy lordy.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 4, 2024 8:00 am

‘No guarantees’ on future Hamas role in Gaza, says Penny Wong
[unlinkable OZ]

Penny Wong has refused to say whether the government’s decision to back Palestinian membership of the UN was approved by the federal cabinet, or guarantee that Australia will withhold recognition of a ­Palestinian state if Hamas retains a governance role in Gaza.

Senator Wong said Australia’s May 10 vote backing Palestine’s membership of the UN “was a decision with some weight”, and followed consultation with colleagues “at the highest levels” including Anthony Albanese and Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles.

She said the government didn’t comment on what went to cabinet, and ultimately “the instruction for the vote is given by the Foreign Minister”.

So, Australia is quite happy to advocate for the destruction of Israel. Just not saying it out loud.

Apparently Handsome Boy can be thankful that the bloke decided to consult with him on this.

Always strategic, Wong is looking ahead to next year and working closely with Team Bandt.

June 4, 2024 8:04 am

So… Penny Wong has certainly thrown Marles under the proverbial bus in implicating him in approval of the decision to back recognition if Palestine statehood. It doesn’t matter in respect to Albanese because he will be gone before too long. But Marles is a potential rival for Wong in any future leadership roles.

June 4, 2024 8:04 am

Totally relatable.

A Home Depot Lament

“We try’na build some shit. We want the old guy.”

Last edited 3 months ago by Zatara
Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
June 4, 2024 8:06 am

For example, successful arts grants applicants who live in Australian capital cities should receive at an absolute maximum of perhaps $5000 a year. But if they set up shop in the likes of Wilcannia, Myall Creek or Quandialla, they may be eligible for anything up to seven figures.
Gets a laff, but it’s still sit-down money for remote communities to stay out of the economy because Spiritual.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 4, 2024 8:14 am

their book had no intended social impact at all, and may have actually driven voters away from the Voice’s cause

What Voice referendum? It wasn’t a real Voice referendum. That is ancient history, a myth pushed by the racist far-right like Warren Mundine!

Yes campaigners acting like they did not lose the Voice referendum: Warren Mundine (Sky News, 2 Jun)

Yes campaigners are “carrying on” like they did not actually lose the Voice referendum, says Leading No Voice referendum campaigner Warren Mundine.

His remarks follow reports of schools forcing students to make group apologies to the stolen generation.

“The states and territories are now indoctrinating kids,” he told Sky News hosts Danica De Giorgio and James Macpherson.

When they’re all sufficiently indoctrinated oops educated we must have more Voice referendums until the voters get the correct result!

Cassie of Sydney
June 4, 2024 8:17 am

On Sunday afternoon at Moriah College Peter Dutton spoke about some good people in Labor, people who haven’t dumped on the Jewish community, who are pro-Israel. These few good people are of the Labor right, yet sadly they have little to no voice in caucus. Dutton mentioned a few names, one of whom is Richard Marles. Conspicuously absent were any names from Labor left.

Dutton also said that whilst Chris Minns here in NSW talks a good talk, he’s surrounded by some very unsavoury people, including the NSW Police Minister. The reason why the events happened on 9 October at Sydney Town Hall and Opera House, why that convoy of Islamist and leftist scum was allowed to drive through Jewish suburbs hurling abuse and threats is because the police have been told to stand back.

Jews and non-Jews should be very, very worried by this..

It’s pretty clear that the slug from Grayndler, Senator Pong and Labor in general are willing to sacrifice the safety and security of Australian Jews as they court the Muslim vote.

Jewish lives don’t matter to the left.

June 4, 2024 8:26 am

It’s astonishing how often palli spruikers put up pictures of that 1927 British mandate coin as proof that there was a country called Palestine and don’t realise, or don’t care it includes the Hebrew acronym for ‘land of Israel ‘

Or that silly meme with the old woman, ‘I’m older than your country’.
That’s nice.
So what?

June 4, 2024 8:35 am

Also in today’s Tele:


4 Jun 2024
Foreign citizens including New Zealanders and permanent residents from the UK, US, Canada and Pacific island nations will be able to join the Australian Defence Force in a move to tackle the nation’s military recruitment crisis.

The Albanese government will expand eligibility criteria to enable more people to join the ADF, including permanent residents who have been living in Australia for 12 months and who pass relevant security checks and entry standards.

Under expanded criteria, from next month eligible Kiwis who are living in Australia will be able to apply to join the ADF and, from January 2025, permanent residents from the UK, US and Canada will also be able to apply.

AUKUS partner countries and New Zealand and Canada will form the initial foreign recruitment focus while Pacific island nationals such as Fijians and Papua New Guineans will also be invited from 2025, with hopes more than 350 foreign soldiers and sailors will be added to the ADF ranks this coming financial year.

As well as meeting ADF entry standards and security requirements, permanent residents wishing to join the ADF must have lived in Australia for at least one year immediately prior to applying, not have served in a foreign military in the preceding two years and be able to attain Australian citizenship. Over several years, it’s hoped that several thousand foreign nationals will be able to bolster ADF numbers and applicants will be required to apply for Australian citizenship when eligible after 90 days of defence service as set out in the Australian Citizenship Act.

“Australia and New Zealand have a longstanding relationship – opening the Australian Defence Force to New Zealanders living in Australia will increase opportunities whilst strengthening our ANZAC bond,” Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles said.

While the ADF has a history of accepting small numbers of military transfers from a range of allied and friendly nations, the new recruitment push is aimed at foreign civilians.

editorial page 22

June 4, 2024 8:38 am
Last edited 3 months ago by Rosie
June 4, 2024 8:41 am

TE if you refresh the page immediately after posting your comment it drops to the bottom.

June 4, 2024 8:45 am

Knuckle Dragger
June 4, 2024 7:47 am

This Immigration Minister chap Giles must be both hated by his own department, and stupid on an Everest-esque scale.

His answer – which he later said was provided by his staff – was that ‘drones are watching them’.

THEN, when further questioned, he said ‘Oh, I meant satellites. Not drones.’

My oh my! He may be hated but a stupid ignoramus he certainly is.
Any intelligent person given this advice would suddenly be suspicious and ask questions.

June 4, 2024 8:52 am

It’s pretty clear that the slug from Grayndler, Senator Pong and Labor in general are willing to sacrifice the safety and security of Australian Jews as they court the Muslim vote.

Jewish lives don’t matter to the left.

Cassie, Muslim lives don’t matter to them either, it’s just their numbers and votes. Now that Labor relies on those vote numbers they must keep increasing them to keep the muslims happy. It’s not a vicious circle, it’s a a walk up a cliff where a big drop awaits.

June 4, 2024 8:52 am

It’d be a kind of Luvvie Survivor. 

Many thanks, Beertruk, for liberating Tim Blair from his paywall. Many LOLs and wisdoms from Australia’s cleverest satirist.

June 4, 2024 8:52 am
June 4, 2024 8:53 am

Maldives ban Israelis.
It’s 98% muslim and if you want to become a citizen you have to convert to islam.
wasnt on my list anyhow.

June 4, 2024 8:56 am

The Editorial:


At a time of heightened military tensions, Australia has a worryingly lowered level of military.

Our shortfall in Australian Defence Force membership is made clear by a failure to meet recent recruiting targets.

The aim for 2040 was to have almost 80,000 active full-time ADF personnel ready for action, up from the current 57,000.

But, as The Daily Telegraph reports, only 80 per cent of targeted growth is being achieved.

This year’s National Defence Strategy road map went so far as to say the ADF is currently facing a “workforce crisis”, which is not an optimal situation in present global circumstances.

The same defence road map suggested expanded “options to recruit, where appropriate, non-Australian citizens”.

That map is being followed. A veritable foreign legion of fighting men and women will shortly be eligible to sign up with the ADF, provided they are Australian residents of at least 12 months’ standing and who pass security checks and standards.

Obviously, we welcome aboard any and all individuals who are prepared to risk all in defence of our nation. That welcome is especially heartfelt at this time.

But it is also worthwhile to consider why Australia has had to seek a seriously significant number of ADF members from outside our country.

It is worthwhile considering why young Australian men, in particular, are not more enthusiastic about joining our world-class armed forces.

One reason may be, as has been observed elsewhere, that military organisations throughout much of the west are now becoming increasingly woke.

As such, they are unattractive to working-class males who traditionally form much of the west’s military. Certainly, we have seen in Australia various military programs that seem almost antagonistic to men of a working-class background.

Australians should be deeply grateful for the ADF service of our forthcoming foreign legion.

We thank them in advance.

But we should also make the military an option for Aussies.

Stop eroding the conditions of service.
Back the servicemen and women during their time in and after they leave if they need it. What happened to Ben Roberts-Smith was disgraceful.
Stop treating the service men and women like they are children.
Stop the DEI shit and quota shit.
Get rid of the idiot Angus Campbell. He has been a disaster.
That’s a few things that piss me off, there is more but feel free to add to the list.

Last edited 3 months ago by Beertruk
June 4, 2024 8:57 am
June 4, 2024 8:58 am
June 4, 2024 9:00 am
June 4, 2024 9:01 am

We used to be able to do this.
These days, Iron production doesn’t even show up in the first few search pages, it’s all iron ore.
Australia – quarry to the world and especially China. Our nuts are well and truly on the chopping block and we put them there ourselves.

June 4, 2024 9:01 am
June 4, 2024 9:05 am

We are going all “Starship Troopers” now, with Service gives Citizenship with the Defence Forces. So long as we get Denise Richards as well, I’ll be happy.

Last edited 3 months ago by Seza
June 4, 2024 9:08 am

GDP growth nears lowest in three decades

Treasury secretary Steven Kennedy expects national accounts on Wednesday will reveal the economy was “very weak” over the first three months of the year.

Economists predict real GDP growth may have slowed to a standstill in the March quarter, which would drag annual growth to barely 1 per cent and its lowest in about three decades, outside the pandemic.

The Australian June 3, 2024

We’re paying ourselves more to produce less while destroying our chief comparative advantage – cheap electricity. It’s the road to ruin.

Last edited 3 months ago by Roger
June 4, 2024 9:11 am

Check out how good wind power isn’t:

Big high over the Eastern States and cold clear weather.

June 4, 2024 9:13 am

from yesterday

That was an interesting point about the ladies in mantilla and combs Calli, I’ve forgotten the special names for those combs though I did once know it.

June 4, 2024 9:37 am

Yes campaigners are “carrying on” like they did not actually lose the Voice referendum, says Leading No Voice referendum campaigner Warren Mundine.

Perhaps that’s because they don’t believe in democracy.

I remember before the republic referendum the public service started removing the royal cypher from Commonwealth buildings. It didn’t reappear after the referendum was lost.

June 4, 2024 9:43 am

or guarantee that Australia will withhold recognition of a ­Palestinian state if Hamas retains a governance role in Gaza.

FMD, they have less morals than a $10 arse selling Epstein.
All pretence of it being anything other than an anti Israeli progrom is over.

The “left’ can see a hated ‘white” colonist state they can destroy, never mind the results of decolonialisation throughout Africa!

June 4, 2024 9:50 am

Maldives ban Israelis.
It’s 98% muslim and if you want to become a citizen you have to convert to islam.
wasn’t on my list anyhow.”

Don’t have to worry too much about this.
The climate scientists state that the Maldives will disappear by Sept 2018 because of rising sea levels.

Oh, wait!!

June 4, 2024 9:51 am

Do these Indian women misunderstand what rape is? Is this a cultural thing where rape of some women is not rape? Are they really this stupid? Could it be linked to caste?

Chopra is Muslim^ not Hindu. Join the dots…

As for the other one, I suspect she’s simply a Communist or fellow traveller.

That harks back to the days – not so long ago – when India was socialist, Soviet-aligned, reflexively anti-colonialist and thus anti-Israel. Whatever one thinks of Modi, he’s decisively changed India’s course there.

^ One of the turbaned ladies who used to get a regular gig on The Drum.The nadir of PC absurdity on The Drum was the program featuring three turbaned ladies – including Chopra – on the four person panel complaining about the lack of diversity in Australian media and public life.

Last edited 3 months ago by Roger
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 4, 2024 10:10 am

The nadir of PC absurdity on The Drum

Speaking of such things…

‘Tens of people watched’: Staff pop champagne as ABC channel is turned off for good (, 3 Jun)

Staff at the ABC have popped a bottle of champagne to mark the occasion as one of the national broadcaster’s lesser-known channels was wound up.

“RIP ABC TV Plus. We hardly watched ye,” one producer at the network captioned a video on TikTok, which showed staff cheering as a voice over artist made the channel’s final announcement.

“POV: recording the last voice over ever for a deceased TV channel that tens of people watched,” the producer wrote on the video, which has since been deleted.

“Goodbye ABC … what was it called?” the announcer joked from the audio booth.

The ABC announced last month that several of its digital channels would be finishing up, to be replaced with new, rebranded channels.

Rebranding garbage as better smelling garbage? Sure to work. Sounds like all that money the ABC spent on the 21stC digital revolution has been wasted. No one much has been watching any of it. Maybe it’s because the content is to the left of Karl Marx?

John H.
John H.
June 4, 2024 10:16 am


 June 4, 2024 7:44 am

Chaos Erupts As Marjorie Taylor Greene Lobs ‘Personal Attack’ At Fauci, Dems Stop Hearing

Why didn’t she invoke a Jewish space laser attack against him?

John H.
John H.
June 4, 2024 10:24 am

Bruce of Newcastle
 June 4, 2024 8:14 am

their book had no intended social impact at all, and may have actually driven voters away from the Voice’s cause

What Voice referendum? It wasn’t a real Voice referendum. That is ancient history, a myth pushed by the racist far-right like Warren Mundine! …

Last week I had a wonderful lunch at The Husk Distillery with Mt. Warning in the background. 40 years ago stayed at the summit overnight with some friends but now only indigenous people are allowed near the mountain. Since The Ranting failed other sites have been declared sacred. Spitting the dummy the pathetic sore losers. If they had a modicum of common sense instead of further isolating their culture they would welcome participation in their culture. Morons.

John H.
John H.
June 4, 2024 10:27 am

Bruce of Newcastle
 June 4, 2024 8:14 am

their book had no intended social impact at all, and may have actually driven voters away from the Voice’s cause

What Voice referendum? It wasn’t a real Voice referendum. That is ancient history, a myth pushed by the racist far-right like Warren Mundine!
Yes campaigners acting like they did not lose the Voice referendum: Warren Mundine (Sky News, 2 Jun)

Yes campaigners are “carrying on” like they did not actually lose the Voice referendum, says Leading No Voice referendum campaigner Warren Mundine.

His remarks follow reports of schools forcing students to make group apologies to the stolen generation.

“The states and territories are now indoctrinating kids,” he told Sky News hosts Danica De Giorgio and James Macpherson.

When they’re all sufficiently indoctrinated oops educated we must have more Voice referendums until the voters get the correct result!

They complain about racism driving generalisations about indigenous people then blame all whites today for what happened in prior generations. Do the activists and the stupid non-indigenous who fall for their propaganda ever stop to realise the hypocrisy and stupidity of their arguments?

Cassie of Sydney
June 4, 2024 10:31 am

Whatever one thinks of Modi, he’s decisively changed India’s course there.

I like Modi.

June 4, 2024 10:42 am

It’s only taken you 15 odd years and thousands of posts to finally say something to which I can wholeheartedly agree:
Monty upthread

The difficulty of rebuilding manufacturing bases in first world economies is not a valid reason to just give up on national security and outsource vital industry to our enemies.

June 4, 2024 10:49 am

The “left’ can see a hated ‘white” colonist state they can destroy, never mind the results of decolonialisation throughout Africa!

I warned years ago that after their success at knocking off South Africa, they saw Israel as their next best likely target.
They aren’t always winning, but they’re always and everywhere advancing the cause.

Last edited 3 months ago by Arky
June 4, 2024 11:13 am

“Biden was always considered as kinda the dumbest senator, but now he’s senile it’s dumb and crazy”.
-Jim Rickards.

Last edited 3 months ago by Arky
June 4, 2024 11:18 am

‘You Failed Miserably’: Jackson Flames Fauci To His Face, Accuses Him Of Covering Up Lab-Leak Theory

The grilling of Fauci continues. Damned if I know how he has lasted this long. The truth about the lab leak and the role of Peter Daznak’s Eco Health Alliance & the US Dept of Defence continues to come out. He must have an awful lot of stuff on important people.

June 4, 2024 11:28 am


4 Jun 2024
Foreign citizens including New Zealanders and permanent residents from the UK, US, Canada and Pacific island nations will be able to join the Australian Defence Force in a move to tackle the nation’s military recruitment crisis.

One of the signs that a nation state is losing its soul and self belief is the decision to be defended by what are essentially mercenaries.

If you cannot raise an army of citizens, you have lost your way.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 4, 2024 11:42 am

His [Giles’] answer – which he later said was provided by his staff – was that ‘drones are watching them’.

THEN, when further questioned, he said ‘Oh, I meant satellites. Not drones.’

At the risk of being a horrid pedant, this statement is also incorrect.

The ankle monitor may determine its position using GPS satellite location (amongst other techniques), however it transmits that information to The Watchers using standard mobile phone telephony.*

Which, as travellers in our great brown land know, means you can disappear.

But the idea of 24/7 satellite surveillance sounds satisfactorily hi-tech, so much safer, and much more in control.

* And sensibly so; satphones/communicators need direct sight to the satellite constellation to work – so not indoors etc – and ‘continuous on’ would cost ~$4,000 day.

Last edited 3 months ago by Dr Faustus
June 4, 2024 11:45 am

was that ‘drones are watching them

To be fair, looking at the quality of governance in Austfailure at the moment, he may have meant his own staff.

John Smith101
John Smith101
June 4, 2024 11:52 am

As much as I appreciate people posting links to various you tube videos, sadly it’s as bad most times as watching TV, and I don’t watch TV because of the advertising.

Download Adblock plus. No more ads on Youtube!

Last edited 3 months ago by John Smith101
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 4, 2024 11:53 am

‘Inspires hatred’: Ramsgate Public School under investigation for playing violent Captain Cook songA public primary school in Sydney’s south is under fire for playing an Indigenous hip-hop track with references to hunting down ‘white devil’ Captain Cook over the school intercom.

Daily Telegraph. Would you put your life on the line to defend such a country?

June 4, 2024 12:06 pm
June 4, 2024 12:09 pm

I see Marge, Jimmy Coma and the gang have beclowned themselves yet again in front of Fauci. They keep hinting darkly at emails which prove their conspiracy theories… never produced. Fauci called them out on it, they have nothing except A2 printouts of Fox News headlines.

Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
June 4, 2024 12:11 pm

I see that Bill Shorten has got himself a new speech-writer at $300k a year; about double the going rate. She’s not a bad looker either.
It’ll be interesting to see how hard the Libs pursue this or will it be a case of ‘people in glass houses’?

June 4, 2024 12:27 pm

Sounds like they want to resurrect the old Pacific Islands Regiment

Salvatore - Iron Publican
June 4, 2024 12:31 pm

“Somebody who leans toward breaking down liberal democracy

Donald Trump summarised by Parnell Palme McGuinness – last night’s token conservative on the ABCTV Q&A panel.

June 4, 2024 12:33 pm

I will not vote for anyone that does not have all of the following in their policies

  1. slash the bureaucracy by 80%
  2. slash migration by 99%
  3. incentivise women to stay home and raise children
  4. drop taxes to zero for citizen families with more than 2 kids.
  5. place punitive tariffs on all chinese imports
  6. support fast tracking of nuclear power stations
  7. fire and punish anyone in the public service or judiciary that engages in activism
June 4, 2024 12:46 pm

Thanks Rosie, for posting this:
The real gender pay gap.

Where would we be without guys like Malcolm Roberts, I note no-one else questioning this BS. No Liberals around I presume?

It does not intend to be a job to job comparison, so unless you knew that, you would assume men and women in the same job, women are being paid less.

Fark .. no wonder we have so many angry women in our community, all thinking they are hard done by, and why wouldn’t they?

Why aren’t more people talking about this and the myth it represents, no wonder Liberals get a bad name as this is parked at their feet.

What a deceitful business.

June 4, 2024 1:07 pm

June 4, 2024 12:06 pm

Will They Try to Kill Donald Trump?
Tucker Carlson Network

I daresay that it has been tried already.

The Donald has his own security people, who are loyal. What with the stories that have come out about the Secret Service in recent years (coke, hookers, partying on duty) he’d be a fool to trust them, and he’s not a fool.

People who worry about him losing his official protection should ponder that. It might not be a bad thing, at all.

June 4, 2024 1:16 pm

Well, well…

Rumour is VIC Premier Jacinta Allan has quietly asked bankers how much various state assets are worth if privatised.

I wonder if she ran this past the brothers first?

June 4, 2024 1:17 pm

June 4, 2024 8:58 am

The real gender pay gap.

Hard to believe that woman has enough brain capacity to breathe.

June 4, 2024 1:20 pm

Kirner aka mother Russia redux but much much worse this time around. I did read something about privatising births deaths and marriages FFS.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
June 4, 2024 1:21 pm

Don Jnr. is a keen shooter.
Not like the pistol toting crack head Hunter, but a real hunting, range competition type.
I listened to him talk about calibres and rifles on a podcast with the gurus from Hornady. There’s no faking that.

June 4, 2024 1:21 pm

Another big fail.for vicco alp socialism

June 4, 2024 1:25 pm

references to hunting down ‘white devil’ Captain Cook over the school intercom

At least it is historically accurate; that is how Captain Cook died.

The fabrications do far more damage, as they end up forming the justification for useless solutions to problems that would not exist but for their supposed fixes.

June 4, 2024 1:37 pm

Another big fail.for vicco alp socialism

And an indicator that the population ponzi scheme, nowhere more keenly implemented than in Melbourne, is broken.

As with the UK, the cost associated with extra demands on infrastructure and services is likely now outstripping the tax intake from the most recent cohort of migrants and will continue to do so as they have children and age.

And Albanese’s big house build is now 200 000 units behind its target, btw.

June 4, 2024 1:40 pm


We had a Cat who was forced to seek employment there due to Covid problems. Worked in aircraft refueling systems at Tulla I believe.

Can’t recall his name sorry, he never followed us to the new forum.
How is he faring?

June 4, 2024 1:42 pm

iirc it was Crown Casino and Poker machines last time.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
June 4, 2024 1:43 pm

Mark Dice:

Democrats in Panic Over Teflon Don’s Rising Support!

Peter Greagg
Peter Greagg
June 4, 2024 1:44 pm

Chris Ulman in the Oz.

Sorry if it has been posted before.
And yes, it is long but he makes important points, not usually made by the press in Australia.

Logic leaves ‘The Science’ of climate in the dust

It is the gag order of the pseudo eco-scholar: “The Science is settled.” This is not science as we once understood it. In that discipline something could be proved false through observation and experiment. No, this is “The Science”: science as deity.

In the 20th century Karl Popper transformed the philosophy of science around the idea of falsifiability, saying: “It must be possible for an empirical scientific system to be refuted by experience.”

The first rule in Popper’s The Logic of Scientific Discovery is: “The game of science is, in principle, without end. He who decides one day that scientific statements do not call for any further test, and that they can be regarded as finally verified, retires from the game.”

So, you can spend a lifetime counting white swans, but find one black one and the thesis that all swans are white is destroyed. The black swan event happened when Europeans first encountered the impossible animal in Australia.

Prove one assumption wrong and a whole set of conclusions collapses. The Science is not real science. It is a set of beliefs, a faith. Those who demand we agree it’s settled are no different from a Catholic bishop declaring: “Roma locuta est; causa finita est” – Rome has spoken; the cause is finished.

The zealots who invoke The Science as a gag order have never read the research or wilfully ignore its infuriating uncertainty. This uncountably large group includes battalions of politicians, academics, activists, journalists and a few dozen billionaire energy-hobbyist carpetbaggers.

Take the deeply entrenched belief that global warming is causing more extreme weather. This is so ubiquitous as to be unquestioned. It is an article of faith and there is almost no weather event nowadays that does not come with a blizzard of declarations it is proof of climate change.

Among myriad examples, let’s pick Tropical Cyclone Jasper, which hit far north Queensland in December. It dumped a massive amount of rain and none of what follows denies the fact it caused great damage and suffering. In its wake the Red Cross released an Instagram video declaring “Disasters like Ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper in Far North Queensland are happening more often due to climate change”. Greenpeace called it a “frightening portent of what’s to come under climate change”. The Climate Council warned “climate change is making (tropical cyclones) more destructive”.

None of this is true.

If The Science of global warming has a bible then surely it must be the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. It is the latest accumulation of all the best research and it runs to a mind-numbing 2391 pages.

On page 1586 it says: “(Tropical cyclone) landfall frequency over Australia shows a decreasing trend in Eastern Australia since the 1800s, as well as in other parts of Australia since 1982. A paleoclimate proxy reconstruction shows that recent levels of (tropical cyclone) interactions along parts of the Australian coastline are the lowest in the past 550-1500 years.”

Pause on that. Not only does observation show there are fewer cyclones since the industrial revolution began belching extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, there is evidence to suggest cyclone activity in Australia is at its lowest ebb since the days of the Tang dynasty and the decline of the Western Roman Empire.

The CSIRO echoes that finding in its State of the Climate Report 2022 and adds: “The trend in cyclone intensity in the Australian region is harder to quantify than cyclone frequency, due to uncertainties in estimating the intensity of individual cyclones and the relatively small number of intense cyclones.”

What of droughts? The IPCC finds southwestern Australia has been drying out since the 1950s and there is evidence that the length of droughts in southeastern Australia has “increased significantly”. But it says “the Millennium drought in eastern Australia was not unusual in the context of natural variability reconstructed over the past millennium” and concludes “there is currently low confidence that recent droughts in eastern Australia can be clearly attributed to human influence” (p1089).

In summary, on page 1663, it says there is low confidence in observed trends, or projected changes, to droughts in central and eastern Australia as the climate warms. In northern Australia there is medium confidence of a “decrease in the frequency and intensity of meteorological droughts”. So, more rain for the Top End then.

The report notes the major drivers of drought in Australia as well-known natural climate events: “During the last millennium, the combined effect of a positive (Indian Ocean Dipole) and El Nino conditions have caused severe droughts over Australia” (p1104).

What of bushfires? “Extreme conditions, like the 2019 Australian bushfires and African flooding, have been associated with strong positive (Indian Ocean Dipole) conditions” (p1104).

And, in case you were wondering, “There is no evidence of a trend in the Indian Ocean Dipole mode and associated anthropogenic forcing” and “The amplitude of the El Nino–Southern Oscillation variability has increased since 1950 but there is no clear evidence of human influence” (p1104).

Let’s be clear. There is plenty of evidence in the IPCC report demonstrating the climate is changing, that the world and Australia are getting warmer, and that industrial activity has played a part in forcing some of it. We should take that seriously. In response Australia should do its proportionate share in cutting greenhouse gas emissions without destroying our local ecology or impoverishing the nation.

But here is the good news: we are not facing a climate Armageddon. Again, this is not just my view but one shared by British professor Jim Skea, who was appointed chairman of the IPCC last year.

“The world won’t end if it warms by more than 1.5 degrees,” Skea told German weekly magazine Der Spiegel last year. “It will however be a more dangerous world. Countries will struggle with many problems, there will be social tensions.
“And yet this is not an existential threat to humanity. Even with 1.5 degrees of warming, we will not die out.”

Skea worries the zealots are doing their cause a grave disservice. “If you constantly communicate the message that we are all doomed to extinction, then that paralyses people and prevents them from taking the necessary steps to get a grip on climate change,” he said.

What it is also designed to do is scare people out of questioning absurd statements and bad policies.

Here there is another assault on reason by ideologues. In this game of witch burning, questioning a policy response to global warming is evidence of the crime of climate change denial. Their argument can be expressed as a syllogism.

Premise 1: Climate change is real.
Premise 2: Renewable energy combats climate change.
Conclusion: Therefore, to question renewable energy is to deny climate change.

This is the logical fallacy of a false dichotomy; it ignores the possibility of neutrality or nuance. But logic, like science, has long since departed in this debate. This is all about faith. “

Peter Greagg
Peter Greagg
June 4, 2024 1:50 pm

Also from the OZ.
No wonder the NDIS is struggling to contain cost increases.
But for me, I want to know what Shorton is going to do about all these inappropriate spending of taxpayers money.

“Billions in NDIS funds are being used to buy illicit drugs and other items “not consistent” with participants’ plans.

Senate estimates was told of “dozens” of cases where illicit substances were sourced or sold through the NDIS.

When asked what kinds of drugs were being bought, such as ice, heroin or cocaine, NDIS head of fraud and integrity John Dado said “you name it, it’s on the list”.

He said $2bn was being spent on such errors.

“There would be thousands of cases where participants are claiming things that are not consistent with their plan,” Mr Dado said.

“Examples just in the last week (are a) $20,000 holiday, a $10,000 holiday.
“We had a participant that bought a car, brand new, $73,000. The money was processed overnight.”

He said that participants who had been approached by the agency over such purchases “were willing to repay the money”.”

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
June 4, 2024 1:58 pm

2pm in the Wimmera and it’s cloudy, still and 9 degrees.
Anyone for renewables and global warming?

June 4, 2024 2:10 pm

NSW “houso” joins the fight against inflation .. LOL!
From my rent review letter, June 2024 ….

Each year, the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) reviews the market rent of its properties. The new market rent for your property will be $650.00 per week, which commences from 19 August 2024. This is an increase of $175.00 per week from your current rent of $475.00 per week.

Fortunately, being an OAP my rent is tied to my pension rate not the market rate .. But even so $175 a week rise in one hit is quite a lift … FFS!

Last edited 3 months ago by shatterzzz
June 4, 2024 2:12 pm

Rosie posted at 8:38 a.m., linking to an article announcing the confirmation that four more Israeli hostages had been declared dead.

According to the linked piece, one of those hostages had spent part of his spare time – on a voluntary basis – transporting Gazan children to Israeli hospitals for medical treatment.

Yes, you read that correctly: The malevolent pack animals of h@m@s and pij [pronounced ‘pig’] murdered an active friend of their host community.

Two of the dead hostages were 80 and 85 years of age. What kind of emotionally retarded pig-brain views individuals in their 80s as an existential threat?

These people are pack animals. Unless the pack is broken and (at least) dispersed, the ritual behaviour will continue. The only means of altering the behaviour of individuals possessing and acting upon traits of psychopathy or similar mental disturbance, is by creating distance between yourself and them, or by instilling in them a fear of yourself that far outweighs any fear they may possess (if they possess any) of being ‘uncovered’. You need to turn the tables and make the prey now the hunter.

There is no reasoning with them, for they do not possess the mental capacity, nor the emotional maturity to feel and acknowledge empathy, guilt, and shame. They may also not have the capacity to feel fear.

Distance, or convert the hunter to prey. Not an easy choice in polite society, but war cannot be polite.

June 4, 2024 2:12 pm

Uhlmann has swallowed his red pill:
Logic leaves ‘The Science’ of climate in the dust


To question renewable [unreliable] energy is not to deny climate change.
It is the gag order of the pseudo eco-scholar: “The Science is settled.” This is not science as we once understood it. In that discipline something could be proved false through observation and experiment. No, this is “The Science”: science as deity.

In the 20th century Karl Popper transformed the philosophy of science around the idea of falsifiability, saying: “It must be possible for an empirical scientific system to be refuted by experience.”

The first rule in Popper’s The Logic of Scientific Discovery is: “The game of science is, in principle, without end. He who decides one day that scientific statements do not call for any further test, and that they can be regarded as finally verified, retires from the game.”

So, you can spend a lifetime counting white swans, but find one black one and the thesis that all swans are white is destroyed. The black swan event happened when Europeans first encountered the impossible animal in Australia.

Prove one assumption wrong and a whole set of conclusions collapses. The Science is not real science. It is a set of beliefs, a faith.

Those who demand we agree it’s settled are no different from a Catholic bishop declaring: “Roma locuta est; causa finita est” – Rome has spoken; the cause is finished.

The zealots who invoke The Science as a gag order have never read the research or wilfully ignore its infuriating uncertainty. This uncountably large group includes battalions of politicians, academics, activists, journalists and a few dozen billionaire energy-hobbyist carpetbaggers.

Take the deeply entrenched belief that global warming is causing more extreme weather. This is so ubiquitous as to be unquestioned. It is an article of faith and there is almost no weather event nowadays that does not come with a blizzard of declarations it is proof of climate change.

Among myriad examples, let’s pick Tropical Cyclone Jasper, which hit far north Queensland in December. It dumped a massive amount of rain and none of what follows denies the fact it caused great damage and suffering.

In its wake the Red Cross released an Instagram video declaring “Disasters like Ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper in Far North Queensland are happening more often due to climate change”. Greenpeace called it a “frightening portent of what’s to come under climate change”. The Climate Council warned “climate change is making (tropical cyclones) more destructive”.

None of this is true.

If The Science of global warming has a bible then surely it must be the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. It is the latest accumulation of all the best research and it runs to a mind-numbing 2391 pages.

On page 1586 it says: “(Tropical cyclone) landfall frequency over Australia shows a decreasing trend in Eastern Australia since the 1800s, as well as in other parts of Australia since 1982. A paleoclimate proxy reconstruction shows that recent levels of (tropical cyclone) interactions along parts of the Australian coastline are the lowest in the past 550-1500 years.”

Pause on that. Not only does observation show there are fewer cyclones since the industrial revolution began belching extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, there is evidence to suggest cyclone activity in Australia is at its lowest ebb since the days of the Tang dynasty and the decline of the Western Roman Empire.

The CSIRO echoes that finding in its State of the Climate Report 2022 and adds: “The trend in cyclone intensity in the Australian region is harder to quantify than cyclone frequency, due to uncertainties in estimating the intensity of individual cyclones and the relatively small number of intense cyclones.”

What of droughts? The IPCC finds southwestern Australia has been drying out since the 1950s and there is evidence that the length of droughts in southeastern Australia has “increased significantly”. But it says “the Millennium drought in eastern Australia was not unusual in the context of natural variability reconstructed over the past millennium” and concludes “there is currently low confidence that recent droughts in eastern Australia can be clearly attributed to human influence” (p1089).

In summary, on page 1663, it says there is low confidence in observed trends, or projected changes, to droughts in central and eastern Australia as the climate warms. In northern Australia there is medium confidence of a “decrease in the frequency and intensity of meteorological droughts”. So, more rain for the Top End then.

The report notes the major drivers of drought in Australia as well-known natural climate events: “During the last millennium, the combined effect of a positive (Indian Ocean Dipole) and El Nino conditions have caused severe droughts over Australia” (p1104).

What of bushfires? “Extreme conditions, like the 2019 Australian bushfires and African flooding, have been associated with strong positive (Indian Ocean Dipole) conditions” (p1104).

And, in case you were wondering, “There is no evidence of a trend in the Indian Ocean Dipole mode and associated anthropogenic forcing” and “The amplitude of the El Nino–Southern Oscillation variability has increased since 1950 but there is no clear evidence of human influence” (p1104).

Let’s be clear. There is plenty of evidence in the IPCC report demonstrating the climate is changing, that the world and Australia are getting warmer, and that industrial activity has played a part in forcing some of it. We should take that seriously. In response Australia should do its proportionate share in cutting greenhouse gas emissions without destroying our local ecology or impoverishing the nation.

But here is the good news: we are not facing a climate Armageddon. Again, this is not just my view but one shared by British professor Jim Skea, who was appointed chairman of the IPCC last year.

“The world won’t end if it warms by more than 1.5 degrees,” Skea told German weekly magazine Der Spiegel last year. “It will however be a more dangerous world. Countries will struggle with many problems, there will be social tensions.

“And yet this is not an existential threat to humanity. Even with 1.5 degrees of warming, we will not die out.”

Skea worries the zealots are doing their cause a grave disservice. “If you constantly communicate the message that we are all doomed to extinction, then that paralyses people and prevents them from taking the necessary steps to get a grip on climate change,” he said.

What it is also designed to do is scare people out of questioning absurd statements and bad policies.

Here there is another assault on reason by ideologues. In this game of witch burning, questioning a policy response to global warming is evidence of the crime of climate change denial. Their argument can be expressed as a syllogism.

Premise 1: Climate change is real.
Premise 2: Renewable energy combats climate change.

Conclusion: Therefore, to question renewable energy is to deny climate change.

This is the logical fallacy of a false dichotomy; it ignores the possibility of neutrality or nuance. But logic, like science, has long since departed in this debate. This is all about faith.

June 4, 2024 2:19 pm

 June 4, 2024 2:06 pm

 Reply to  Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce, you are claiming to be a better scientist than Anthony Fauci. You mouth-breathing moron.

Dickless has an exchange with BoN. Fauci has an MD but no doctorate, only honorary ones, you know from the UN and its affiliates. BoN has a real doctorate. Fauci, like dickless, also has no dick.

In any event it’s not about qualifications it’s about grifting and lying; fauci wins hands down there.

Peter Greagg
Peter Greagg
June 4, 2024 2:25 pm

 June 4, 2024 2:12 pm

Uhlmann has swallowed his red pill:”

I also saw this. Chris is a welcome addition to the Oz.

Mine is in moderation.

June 4, 2024 2:30 pm

Giles boasted of ‘obligations’ to foreign criminals Andrew Giles boasted to refugee activists that his ill-fated Direction 99 would ‘reflect our obligations’ to foreign-born criminals.

Giles is an ideologue who should be dismissed immediately. Anyone who is obliged to foreign criminals and not to Australian citizens should not be in public office.

June 4, 2024 2:33 pm

What a poisonous hateful world the maliciously incompetent Giles lives in.

June 4, 2024 2:37 pm


 June 4, 2024 2:12 pm

Uhlmann has swallowed his red pill:…

Logic leaves ‘The Science’ of climate in the dust 


He probably thought so before but now that he is at Sky he may be feeling that it’s safe to say so.

Cassie of Sydney
June 4, 2024 2:47 pm

I worked from home this morning and I then decided to walk to work through Paddington. Walking down Oxford Street, near Greens Road where the UNSW Art & Design campus is located, I stumbled upon an electricity pole with a poster plastered on it with the following words…

Bake Sale for Palestine

I tore it down.

Last edited 3 months ago by Cassie of Sydney
Boambee John
Boambee John
June 4, 2024 2:47 pm

The zealots who invoke The Science as a gag order have never read the research or wilfully ignore its infuriating uncertainty. This uncountably large group includes battalions of politicians, academics, activists, journalists and a few dozen billionaire energy-hobbyist carpetbaggers.

From Chris Uhlmann.

These “billionaire energy-hobbyist carpetbaggers” are the ones that mUnturd thinks are supporting Dutton. Also the ones who are actually supporting the Teal ducks.

June 4, 2024 2:47 pm

Foreign citizens including New Zealanders and permanent residents from the UK, US, Canada and Pacific island nations will be able to join the Australian Defence Force in a move to tackle the nation’s military recruitment crisis.

And down in the “small print” eligible for citizenship after 90 days service ..
Wonder if “lotza sugar” on the table inspires rousing patriotic fervour … LOL!

Last edited 3 months ago by shatterzzz
June 4, 2024 2:51 pm

June 4, 2024 1:39 pm

Reply to  johanna
Johanna, I think the stats show that VIPs are more at risk from their security teams.
Just look at who the USSS take their orders from – Mayorkas – A Cuban born Democrat.

My foggy memory has thrown up something about an Indian leader being assasinated by his/her own security.

Unlike the dubious members of the Secret (Ha!) Service, Trump’s own security people should be Mormons, like the ones who looked after Howard Hughes.

Mormons, but armed. Heavily armed.

June 4, 2024 2:55 pm

Well heres a hole with no bottom.

90% of NDIS plan managers appear to be engaged in fraud.

June 4, 2024 3:07 pm

Cohenite you mean to tell me mutley is wrong again. Noooooo!

June 4, 2024 3:10 pm

something about an Indian leader being assasinated by his/her own security

Indira Gandhi, ordered the storming of the holiest Sikh temple killing hundreds.
But didnt think having Sikh bodyguards would be a problem.


June 4, 2024 3:13 pm

Poor old Maldives. They were Moslem but certainly not Islamic. It truely was an innocent, if deprived, paradise.

We used to go there for head clearing stays when working in Pakistan. It was seafood, beer and nice people.

It is amazing how quickly the Saudi engineered coup turned the place into an Islamic hellhole. Burkas replaced shifts, girls out of school, bigmen bullies, culture destroyed. It is a Saudi colony.

The rise of Iran has obscured the danger presented by Saudi. They remain one of the most malignant influences on the planet. If it wasn’t for the fact that Obama is attempting to replace the Sauds with the Moslem Brotherhood, I would almost support his efforts to bring down that putrid family.

June 4, 2024 3:14 pm
90% of NDIS plan managers appear to be engaged in fraud.

I suppose it’s understandable .. ! After, all, there aren’t a lot of vacancies for, contract, ministerial speech writers going around ……. LOL!

June 4, 2024 3:18 pm

Found an unpaywalled version of the national scam scheme..

The National Disability Insurance Scheme integrity chief says nine out of 10 plan managers showed signs of fraud and the justice system would be overwhelmed if all the scams carried out on the $44 billion program were prosecuted.
In fiery late-night testimony John Dardo told a Senate committee that internal analysis showed 90 per cent of plan managers that wrangle funding for up to 100 participants portrayed “significant indicators of fraud”.

Further, he added, there were dozens of examples where organised crime groups were abusing the system, including encouraging the use of NDIS money to buy drugs and alcohol. Mr Dardo also revealed “pretty extreme” conflicts of interest such as family members paying each other for care.


Mr Dardo said a “very significant” number of providers had been found to be selling drugs to participants.
Asked which drugs and if it included heroin, cocaine, speed and ice, Mr Dardo said: “You name it, it’s on the list.”
“When I say providers, I am using the word in the loosest possible way,” he told the senators in Canberra.

Some families had created elaborate business structures to funnel NDIS funds around.
“The family group has set up three entities, and they’re paying each other to look after each other,” he said. “Or a mother has drawn down $100,000 a year as an income to pay herself for looking after a child with disability.”
Mr Dardo also said up to 5 per cent, or $2 billion a year, was being spent in error. This included $20,000 holidays and in one instance, a $73,000 car.

June 4, 2024 3:20 pm

Good set of memes about the slut stormy witch hunt against Trump:

Outlaw: TOP 10 MEMES – Watch MAGA – Whatfinger News’ Choice Clips

A good Frank Herbert quote:

It’s not that power corrupts but that it is a magnet to the corruptible.

June 4, 2024 3:22 pm

This is one of the “gung ho” US special forces shoot-em ups series but is, actually, quite good ..Opening, before-the-credits, shoot-out hooks you in early .. LOL! .. I thoroughly enjoyed it .. Nicole Kidman makes the credits but is a 2 minute per episode “cameo” rather than “star”…. 8/10

June 4, 2024 3:24 pm

And finally some good news for Trump:

JUST IN: Trump’s Appeal Hearing to Disqualify Fani Willis Set for October, Pushing Lawfare RICO Trial PAST 2024 Election | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

Let’s hope SCOTUS comes down with a blanket POTUS indemnity for him; although it will mean that shit old pervert will also escape.

June 4, 2024 3:25 pm

Mate put his house on the market Friday night, sold Monday. Cash offer. Happy as all get out.

June 4, 2024 3:27 pm
June 4, 2024 3:31 pm

Town of 30,000 people.
6 units under $300 pw
about 40 other properties, very quickly ramping up to $4-500 +

Better import some more people.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
June 4, 2024 3:53 pm

Rebel News:

Tommy Robinson holds massive rally against ‘two-tier policing’ in London

Cassie of Sydney
June 4, 2024 4:00 pm

It is amazing how quickly the Saudi engineered coup turned the place into an Islamic hellhole. Burkas replaced shifts, girls out of school, bigmen bullies, culture destroyed. It is a Saudi colony.

Back in 2019 I went to hear Dr Zuhdi Jasser speak when he was visiting Australia with his wife. Jasser is an observant American Muslim of Syrian background. He grew up, if I recall correctly, in Michigan, in an area with a large Sunni Syrian population. Jasser spoke about how, in the 1970s, 80s and 90s, his family’s mosque resisted the buckets of Saudi dosh splashed around. He spoke of how the Saudis used their oil money to bribe fledgling Muslim communities in the West, and longstanding communities in places like Pakistan, Malaysia and other Asian countries to adopt Saudi Wahabbism. Previously, many of these Muslim communities had practised traditions such as Sufism etc. but they sold their souls to the Saudi Wahabbist devil.

June 4, 2024 4:08 pm

Re NDIS. I know of someone who recently moved their family a second time. First time some issues but the child happily in care by about 6-8 months.

This one 4 yrs later he is having trouble finding anyone who has the capacity on a wait list to take up. Those that have told him well over 12mnths and some at a distance to travel to.

He has also written to Sukkar, Dutton and one other asking when Billy Shorten is going to be called out? Also Ben Fordham after the interview with Billy calling out Shortens mistruths. Nothing of any substance.

The plan was renewed last year and has barely been drained. From what I’m assured this isn’t unusual atm.

So given all on wait lists can’t use funding as there is no spots in providers, what are they spending the budget on? Why are they short?

I call it now, the NDIS behemoth is run by the NDIS and hand petters within. It is irredeemable and seasoned politicians are too gutless to even go near it.

June 4, 2024 4:09 pm

Hey Bruce, what’s your doctorate in?

June 4, 2024 4:13 pm
June 4, 2024 4:15 pm

Previously, many of these Muslim communities had practised traditions such as Sufism etc. but they sold their souls to the Saudi Wahabbist devil.

I actually find Sufism fascinating. Studied it years ago & visited some Sufi areas of practice in Turkey. It is steeped in mysticism & not the zealotry & cruelty of Islam.

June 4, 2024 4:27 pm

When the Washington Post is saying Trump’s winning, you know you’ve got a prob!

After the verdict, views of Trump’s N.Y. trial didn’t shift – The Washington Post

First and last paras pasted below:

Donald Trump had much more success persuading his peers outside his Manhattan courtroom than the 12 jurors within it.


Trump and his lawyers had a month to persuade jurors not to find him guilty, working under the constraints imposed by a criminal trial and the judge. He has had years, though, to influence Republicans, and it has worked very well.

June 4, 2024 4:49 pm

Wowee, text revealed in Hunter case. This one is from Hunter to Hallie (Beau’s wife) on Dr Jill:

“I said you know what mom you’re a f*king moron. A vindictive moron. Isupported my GM family including some of the costs you should have used your salary to pay for – for the last 24 years. And you do know the drunkest I’ve ever been is still smarter than you could ever even comprehend and you’re a shut (sic) grammar teacher that wouldn’t survive one class in an ivy graduate program. So go f*ck yourself Jill let’s all agree I don’t like you anymore than you like me,” he wrote to Hallie.

Hunter Biden ROASTS Jill Biden In Resurfaced Texts: ‘Vindictive Moron’ (

June 4, 2024 4:58 pm

The National Disability Insurance Scheme integrity chief says nine out of 10 plan managers showed signs of fraud and the justice system would be overwhelmed if all the scams carried out on the $44 billion program were prosecuted.

Let’s test that hypothesis.

Given the potential savings to the taxpayer, it’s more than worth it.

June 4, 2024 5:09 pm

Previously, many of these Muslim communities had practised traditions such as Sufism etc. but they sold their souls to the Saudi Wahabbist devil.

I dare say that from the Muslim perspective, Sufism is the aberration and Wahabbism is closer to the ideal. And if Muslim emigrants to the West were more moderate in the past, it’s because they were coming out of societies where the colonial authorities (i.e. the British & the French) had suppressed Sharia law & encouraged secularism.

June 4, 2024 5:16 pm
Wally Dali
Wally Dali
June 4, 2024 5:36 pm

Yeah nah Chris Uhlmann is a proper grown-up, schooled before the crayon-eaters took over the curriculum, has spent most of his adult life with a kitchen-table invitation to insider political chat and issues polling, and has sat on his freckle while the Lizard People have knobbled our industrial production and gifted our sovereignty to the international treaty parasites.
He ain’t red pilled, he ain’t the Weather Underground, he ain’t the Resistance.
He’s entry-level here at last, tho he is a rarity in the nomenklatura.

June 4, 2024 5:41 pm
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
June 4, 2024 5:41 pm


Avi Yemini SCHOOLS student journalist on Israel

June 4, 2024 5:42 pm

Given the potential savings to the taxpayer, it’s more than worth it.

In the article they say they dont want too as it would be too big an issue for the courts to sort out.

Can you say “political interference”?
I knew you could.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 4, 2024 5:44 pm

Housing Australia spends $30m on consultants, executive salaries without building a home

  • exclusive

By simon benson

The agency tasked with delivering Anthony Albanese’s $10bn affordable housing fund for low-income families paid more than $24m to external consultants and $6m in annual executive salaries last year, despite not having yet delivered a single completed house under the scheme.
With Labor under pressure to deliver on its election pledge to build 40,000 social and affordable houses within five years, documents reveal that Housing Australia paid out more than $16m for legal, IT and “advisory” contracts last year.
This was on top of more than $7m in the six months prior spent by Housing Australia which also pays its CEO a salary almost equal that of the Prime Minister at $560,000 a year.
The exposure of the agency’s extravagant salaries and consultancy fees follows revelations that it will struggle to complete any new social or affordable houses in Labor’s first term in office due to the lack of accredited builders eligible to work on government funded projects.
Among the contractors engaged by Housing Australia was the now disgraced advisory firm PwC, which has since been effectively banned from contract work with the government following the confidentiality breach scandal.
The documents reveal that 19 staff are employed by the agency on salaries of more than $300,000 a year including five whose remuneration is above $400,000 a year.

“Yes, Minister?”

John H.
John H.
June 4, 2024 5:54 pm


 June 4, 2024 4:58 pm

The National Disability Insurance Scheme integrity chief says nine out of 10 plan managers showed signs of fraud and the justice system would be overwhelmed if all the scams carried out on the $44 billion program were prosecuted.

Let’s test that hypothesis.

Given the potential savings to the taxpayer, it’s more than worth it.

That is extraordinarily high and begs the question of why has this only come to light now? I know there is a lot of scamming going on in the NDIS and if it is that bad most of the NDIS management needs to be sacked.

9/10 though, I’ll need more evidence than someone just making the claim. In the very least he should have already made submissions for prosecution.

Last edited 3 months ago by John H.
June 4, 2024 6:01 pm

 In response Australia should do its proportionate share in cutting greenhouse gas emissions without destroying our local ecology or impoverishing the nation.

He lost me at that.
Take another red pill, Chris.

June 4, 2024 6:12 pm

June 4, 2024 3:07 pm

Cohenite you mean to tell me mutley is wrong again. Noooooo!

It’s Loaded Dogma’s default state.

June 4, 2024 6:13 pm

“9/10 though”
Wasn’t there a rider that where an ndis manager had a 100 or more clients there was some evidence that there may be fraud in 9 out of 10? I’m guessing there’s there some sort of algorithm that highlights claims that have ‘potential’.
Frankly if they haven’t got a decent team of Investigators on top of proper management and audit systems I’m surprised it’s not 10 out of 10.

June 4, 2024 6:15 pm

Last night I watched Tropic Thunder on FTA.
Earlier, I had seen loser Giles acting his usual gormless self.
It was hilarious when I noticed the similarity between the character “simple Jack”, and Giles. Obviously, the hair, the stuttering and incoherence.
Giles went full retard and thought no one would notice. 😀

June 4, 2024 6:16 pm

Via Cohenite’s 3:20 p.m. link to a ‘Top Ten Memes’:

Cucumbers recalled in 14 states due to Salmonella Risk.

If only someone with no knowledge of vegetables had declared cucumbers to be ‘Safe and effective.’

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 4, 2024 6:18 pm

Government, making everyone’s lives better (the Hun):

The Allan Government has denied Mallee farmers permits to shoot any of the wild dogs emerging from the Big Desert National Parks to attack their flocks.

Fluffy widdle puppies. Of course they would never.

Not allowed to kill puppy dogs. Wombats and swans, though:

Yet at the same time Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action officers are granting hundreds of other landholders authority to control wildlife permits, to kill up to 1902 wombats, 225 black swans, 737 Cape Barren geese, 926 sulphur-crested cockatoos and 66 other native species.

Naturally, this is evidence-based:

In March the government stopped all wild dog control in Victoria’s northwest, based on Arthur Rylah Institute research that Environment Minister Steve Dimopoulos said showed there were as few as 40 of the predators left in the region and the population was “under threat of extinction”.

But last week DEECA bureaucrats finally released the full details of the ARI research, which estimated the wild dog population in the Mallee was about 110, but could range from 40 to 230 across 686,400ha of the region’s Big Desert and Wyperfeld national parks.

Spin the wheel. Pick a number, any number.

The ARI research, which used remote infra-red cameras to detect animals, also estimated the wild dog population in eastern Victoria was 4900, but could range from 2640 to 8880 across four million hectares of state forests and national parks.

Absolutely any number you like. Because cameras take pics of all the different dogs. Infallible. The piece indicates some of these farmers are having 30 ewes disembowelled every month.

The answer:

In March Agriculture Minister Ros Spence promised the government was “backing our farmers with an investment that will protect their livestock” with $550,000 to help them “adopt alternate non-lethal control methods via a pilot of measures, such as exclusion fencing and guardian animals”.

Guardian animals. Llamas are government’s answer to everything.

June 4, 2024 6:25 pm

Again, from Cohenite’s 3:20 p.m. memes link:

If you still trust the GOP, you’re exactly the retard that they think you are.

Hmmm, what other party could we replace ‘GOP’ with? This has me stumped…

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 4, 2024 6:30 pm

The Kennedy dynasty and cars just do not go well together.

White House hopeful RFK Jr. wants motorists to pay dramatically more for petrol (Sky News, mainpage headline, 4 Jun)

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. previously expressed support for higher gas prices for consumers, which he argued would force a market shift toward electric vehicles.

Kennedy made the argument in a number of media appearances, as well as at least one speech, going back to 2003, claiming that ending subsidies to oil companies and forcing them to cover certain costs related to oil production, would lead to gasoline costing its “true price” of up to $22 per gallon (AUD$5.80 per litre).

Saying he wants twenty two dollars a gallon for gas is probably the biggest faceplant in Presidential campaign history. Ok this smells like a hit job from the Democrats, but sheesh!

Ironically Trump managed to get gasoline under $2 per gallon by encouraging fracking, whereupon the US became the biggest oil producer in the world.

June 4, 2024 6:35 pm

Guardian animals. Llamas are government’s answer to everything.

Some say you can get a marksman with a thermal scope (a good one) and no questions asked for the cost of some grog, a campfire and good steak on the bbq.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 4, 2024 6:52 pm

Some say you can get a marksman with a thermal scope (a good one) and no questions asked for the cost of some grog, a campfire and good steak on the bbq

Some do say that, indeed. I have heard. At times.

The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action can’t be everywhere.

Teh webs say its headquarters is at 8 Nicholson Street in East Melbourne, which is a looong way from the Mallee.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 4, 2024 6:52 pm

Live export: Keep The Sheep campaign well on-track to meet $300,000 fundraising goal
The Countryman.

June 4, 2024 7:02 pm

The enablers of Israel’s enemies are positing the present conflict as one of diplomacy, rather than war.

That reads as obvious, but think about it: The tools and tactics historically acceptable in diplomacy exclude the tools and tactics necessary in war. The enablers have classified the 7th of October massacre/s as a low-point in diplomatic relations, rather than as an act of war initiated without direct provocation by Gaza, largely against unarmed citizens. They have used this deceitful characterisation in order to internationally depict Israel as using violence to resolve a political issue, and thus a renegade member of the international community.

June 4, 2024 7:05 pm

The Kennedy dynasty and cars just do not go well together.

I now feel somewhat guilty for guffawing at that, for Mary Jo’s sake.

June 4, 2024 7:06 pm

They have the death car in the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn.

John H.
John H.
June 4, 2024 7:06 pm

He has some enjoyable self-deprecating humor and provides interesting vids.

4 Reasons Nobody is Joining China’s Military (

June 4, 2024 7:06 pm

The JFK one I mean.

June 4, 2024 7:13 pm

Funny how the Saudis aren’t really our friends and Iranians aren’t really our enemies contra to usual (paid) media. 90% of islamic violence is funded and supported by the Saudis e.g. 9/11 and yet because Oil we pretend they are somehow a keystone element of western security.

Alamak, the Saudis are and we’re doing the same sort of funding in Bosnia where perfectly westernised muslims are now like Saudis in Europe.

As for Iran, the mullahs and their helpers are as much our enemy as they are of their own people who are not our enemies. There was an uprising during the Obama admin and I thought they would have lent a hand seeing as his closest advisor Valerie Jarrett had very close connections to Iran. It was shocking to instead watch USA stand back and let the mullahs put down the rebellion.

Trump reversed that policy but Biden’s people, or rather Obama’s, are backing the mullahs again. The world will be a better place when Trump is in charge again.

June 4, 2024 7:17 pm


June 4, 2024 7:20 pm

The National Disability Insurance Scheme integrity chief says nine out of 10 plan managers showed signs of fraud and the justice system would be overwhelmed if all the scams carried out on the $44 billion program were prosecuted.

So what are they going to do about it? Just let it go? As Calli said in the nested comment, the scheme must be stopped immediately. My suggestion is to then refer real and severe cases to Centrelink and give states the extra funding to administer through their health departments.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 4, 2024 7:37 pm

 June 4, 2024 7:05 pm

The Kennedy dynasty and cars just do not go well together.

I now feel somewhat guilty for guffawing at that, for Mary Jo’s sake.

It’s not cars per se.
It is the choice of car.
If Teddy had chosen a convertible and John a hard-top, things might of worked out different.
As for Bobby, I can’t help you there.

June 4, 2024 7:55 pm
H B Bear
H B Bear
June 4, 2024 8:21 pm

The NDIS suffers from the same agency problem that plagues the hospital system – with an additional layer in the form of Plan Managers. The end user has very little incentive to seek the most efficient or least cost option for any given service. There is relatively little price signalling or transparency.

In my case my funding was about a month short across the board with zero scope to change the daily services required. We have put a variation request in for 2025 but have no idea whether it will be approved.

Dealing with the NDIS and virtually everyone associated with it is a Kafkaesque nightmare.

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 4, 2024 8:55 pm

TE if you refresh the page immediately after posting your comment it drops to the bottom.

Yes Rosie, but if you want to see whether people have commented you still have to go back and find the comment.

In the old days people just cut and pasted a bit of the story they wished to comment on and that was what a “thread” was all about.

John H.
John H.
June 4, 2024 8:58 pm


 June 4, 2024 7:20 pm

The National Disability Insurance Scheme integrity chief says nine out of 10 plan managers showed signs of fraud and the justice system would be overwhelmed if all the scams carried out on the $44 billion program were prosecuted.

So what are they going to do about it? Just let it go? As Calli said in the nested comment, the scheme must be stopped immediately. My suggestion is to then refer real and severe cases to Centrelink and give states the extra funding to administer through their health departments.

Have a look at the latest waiting times for registering with Centrelink. There never was any need for the NDIS. You are spot on about the Health Department. The services could have been provided through a branch of the State Health department with social workers being the coalface staff. Cheaper, much less bureaucracy, and much easier integration through the Health Department for services. Unlike plan managers who are glorified bureaucrats social workers are very familiar with providing services to those in need, are subject to government oversight, and no-one goes into social work for the bucks.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 4, 2024 9:04 pm


In 2023, Dearborn became the first Arab-majority city in the US. The 110,000-person city is home to both the Arab American National Museum and the largest mosque in North America. It’s one of the few US cities whose mayor is both Muslim and Arab, the first US city to make Eid a paid holiday for city employees and one of only a handful of places in the country where the Islamic adhan (call to prayer) is allowed to be broadcast from a mosque’s loudspeakers. It is, as one local told me, “the motherland away from the motherland”. 

I suppose it’s sort of fitting that car being in that town. I suggest if you visit the museum you put your kippah in your pocket.

Dearborn, Michigan: A visit to the first Arab-majority city in the US (29 Apr)

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x