Open Thread – Mon 17 June 2024

A Blacksmith’s Shop, Joseph Wright, 1771

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Oh come on
Oh come on
June 19, 2024 9:29 am

Australia’s newest warship HMAS Stalwart breaks down, undergoing emergency mechanical repairs

How we laughed at the Russian Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier as it was towed around the globe. Well, we aren’t looking that flash, either. Hark at the two Queen Elizabeth-class carriers – they aren’t exactly covering themselves in glory with regard to operational reliability. And the cost of these vessels is enormous. There is something seriously wrong with the Western military industrial base. Russia is churning out ships and subs of very respectable quality for a fraction of the cost as ours. I don’t see many laughing at their reliability issues now.

Anyway, if we’re serious about defence of the homeland, we should scrap or flog off this oiler along with the entire surface fleet, which would be sunk in days if we were ever in a hot war with a dangerous opponent. These boats exist solely to carry out disaster relief duties in the Pacific, and to make good on our commitment to the US alliance (which looks to be entirely one way, and it always will be – anyone who thinks the US will protect us from any nation looking at our shores with covetous eyes and possessing the capacity to fulfil its ambitions needs their head read). They are an expensive indulgence. Our Navy should be entirely under da sea. We should have enough subs lurking off our shores to make the marginal cost of invading the country too high.

And we should look at who provides the biggest and best bang for our buck. That means considering the dreaded Russkie offerings. And, yes, it also means radically altering our relationship with the US, so I expect it will not happen any time soon, and certainly not at the initiation of the Australian side – the US may well cut us loose when they can no longer afford to maintain their global defence alliances.

With regard to the forbidden Russian option, I’ll also add that whilst US may still lead the world in naval design, it is at least a generation behind the Russians in terms of the munitions its vessels can fire. They are so far in front of us in terms of the speed and range of their missiles of all classes, not to mention our complete inability to intercept the most dangerous of these missiles (and even some of the models currently being superceded), it is getting laughable that we still purport to have a technological edge over them. Let’s not even talk about their missiles defence capabilities, which can intercept most of pretty much everything we could throw at them with the exception of a full nuclear strike.

The best those who disagree with this assessment can do is assert that these Russian systems don’t really have the capabilities claimed. That presumption seems a dangerous gamble to me. What if they do? Aside from anti-Russian animus and/ or blind faith in Western technological superiority, why would you think they don’t? The Russians and the Soviets who preceded them have long had an edge over the West in these technologies. We bet on overwhelming air and naval projection capabilities, they bet on platforms that could take these threats out. Why wouldn’t they be better at it than we are?

So that is the story of defence procurement in the West. We pay a fortune for second rate capabilities that often don’t work when you need them to. And Australia is locked into this regime, a regime that stands in stark opposition to the most fundamental of our national interests – the ability to protect our borders from foreign invasion.

Last edited 3 months ago by Oh come on
June 19, 2024 9:30 am

Karl Denninger in AI and the hype surrounding it. He has the runs on the board in computing.

June 19, 2024 9:33 am

The whole ‘Dr’ schtick just sounds dirty, cheap and phony now. PhDs are a dime a dozen.

June 19, 2024 9:33 am

I’ll also add that whilst US may still lead the world in naval design

They ain’t that flash, look up Zumwalt destroyers and Littoral Combat Vessels

June 19, 2024 9:34 am

Or DPhils if it’s Oxford. Pretentious tosh.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
June 19, 2024 9:38 am

Dead liberation is real!

Their vote has been heard!

Check this job ad for a role at the BBC.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 19, 2024 9:40 am

Part of the AUKUS deal is Australia takes nuclear waste and not just from the US & UK but also their “partners”.

No waste, no subs.

There’s actually the possibility that we take waste for years before we take a single sub.

This is what 70 years of non-recyclable US Navy nuclear waste looks like – all in one spot.

For wonks: Popular Mechanics describes the process. Given the intimidating size and remoteness, geological stability, and low rainfall of Australia’s interior, it would hardly be possible to find a better location.

Except for the Wagyls that run the show.

June 19, 2024 9:41 am


A future Coalition government would seek to build nuclear power plants in Gippsland in Victoria, Gladstone in Queensland, Port Augusta in South Australia, Collie in Western Australia and the Hunter in NSW. 

Seven reactors would be built in total. 

Interesting timing, given that the Queensland LNP has ruled out nukes but Dutton wants to build two reactors there.

None of these reactors will ever be built.

June 19, 2024 9:49 am

And again if late 19th Aboriginals adopted Christianity, apparently with enthusiasm as so many became pastors and ministers I doubt the clarity of handed down spiritual beliefs and more importantly why we should care about them.

I suspect that most of the so-called presentations of the aboriginal culture is an invention of ambitious applicants for taxpayer money and aspirants to academic fame. Without recorded proof and interruptions in oral history perpetuation it is just fiction.

?If Aboriginal culture was so superior and beloved by practitioners why did it fold like a wet origami when it came into contact with modernity and Christianity? Could it have anything to do with the new arrivals providing a superior lifestyle?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 19, 2024 9:53 am

Jewish Labor MP Josh Burns’ St Kilda office attacked, set on fire by pro-Palestine vandals.

Well, this was all a bit of sport for Luigi when he thought he could unclip the collar of the Pali-Feral dog and watch it fight Torries.
Bit of a problem when the feral dog turns on it’s handler.

June 19, 2024 9:53 am

None of these reactors will ever be built.

LOL. Thanks, Monts. Your wrongology record is unblemished.

June 19, 2024 9:54 am


The LREZ will work by households with rooftop solar transferring the energy they generate during the day into local batteries, to be transferred back during the night-time when energy usage peaks.

I suspect they’re not really creating a seperate electrical grid for all those multitudes of rooftop panels.

June 19, 2024 9:54 am

None of these reactors will ever be built.

Let us preserve this latest piece of what will ultimately prove to be Monty wrongology for posterity.?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
June 19, 2024 9:56 am

Australia’s newest warship HMAS Stalwart breaks down, undergoing emergency mechanical repairs

A perfect opportunity for the Greens to put forward a new green policy. Ships with engines will always run the risk of breaking down, but the wind has no moving parts!

What Australia needs to do invest billions of dollars in developing a new kind of ship. One that somehow is able to tap into the energy of the wind. Perhaps it can have things like trees on them – big trunks soaring upward with bits branching out sideways, and from these sideways bits you could put big sheets that the wind will push into.

These windships will be a new kind of ship! Much better than those big smelly ones we have now, and better than the ones that brought people to Australia – with all those colonised slaves below deck rowing their great big oars.

And best of all is that you can get Labor on board by merely uttering the magic words in Albo’s ear: Australia can become a windship powerhouse!

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 19, 2024 9:56 am

Interesting timing, given that the Queensland LNP has ruled out nukes but Dutton wants to build two reactors there.

I’d agree on the confusion issue.

But if Dutton offers concessional power for a Nuclear Industry Hub in Gladstone, Christwhatafulli will have his daks down in seconds and be nuancing for all he’s worth. (There’s a throw, if ever there was one.)

Oh come on
Oh come on
June 19, 2024 9:57 am

They ain’t that flash, look up Zumwalt destroyers and Littoral Combat Vessels

Yep. I mean, on paper the tech is great (especially the Zumwalt). It just doesn’t work that well, if at all.

June 19, 2024 9:59 am

My meandering response to Rosie’s 8:40 a.m. post:

Might that not be the “world’s oldest reconstructed culture?”

My layman’s understanding is that culture is something that changes due to both internal (population increase/decrease) and external factors. It is responsive, not chiselled in stone (so to speak). We know that due to geographic isolation (with the exception of northern coastal and island areas), there were no external influences, which inhibited the development of technologies (such as tools) and alternative social structures and economic concepts. That is understandable.

It is also understandable that Europeans, who had not been so geographically isolated, viewed the state of technological development as ‘primitive’ because comparably, it was.

From European settlement, indigenous culture changed in response to external influence, as had every other culture in recorded history which had not possessed that same geographic isolation.

Arguably, it is only in the past handful of decades that pre-settlement indigenous culture has been reconstructed, significantly due to the recorded observations of 19th Century Europeans, and non-indigenous Australians perceiving value – cultural and financial – in that reconstruction.

While not ignoring the generosity of non-indigenous Australians’ interest in indigenous history, art, artefacts, and general well-being, it is impossible not to imagine that without the significant financial sums from the Australian taxpayer, this reconstructed indigenous culture – strangely and ahistorically nationalised – would not exist. Conceivably, there would be pockets of passionate ‘amateurs’ (not in a derogatory sense, but unfunded), but little else.

Here we are, funding – in material wealth and positive intentions – the reconstruction of a culture we have no connections with, nor do we owe any loyalty to, while our own Christian, western European culture has radically changed over the last eight decades. How much more generosity must we – can we – exhibit, while being spat at and derided?

I’m too wound-now to finish this. I’m an Australian, and proud of it. It’s as simple as that.

June 19, 2024 9:59 am


None of these reactors will ever be built.

I agree, nor should they be, must emphasise, I have nothing against nuclear but with the coal reserves we have no need for them.

Refurbish the existing coal plants to today’s standard or build new high efficiency ones makes a lot more sense.

Why let the Chinese burn our coal if we can’t?

Cassie of Sydney
June 19, 2024 10:02 am

I would be more than happy to live next door to a nuclear power plant.

June 19, 2024 10:11 am

AEMO manger lass told us that gas was a backup for the ISP. I pointed out that it was not a backup but integral to the plan.

Next time ask them if they have enough of the stuff.
That’ll be a fun response.

June 19, 2024 10:18 am

is Dr Edwards yet another case of the meowing nuns. There is definitely a collective hysteria in the Universities.

June 19, 2024 10:24 am

I guess Dutton’s announcement is also an admission that SMRs are stillborn. Presumably he wouldn’t go through all this electoral pain just for nine SMR-sized plants. Or maybe he is that stupid?

June 19, 2024 10:27 am

‘I’m too wound-up now…’ that was meant to be.

June 19, 2024 10:32 am

Re the Defence disasters:

Its the same syndrome that has led to multiple IT disasters in the public (and private) sectors.

They start out with a big picture, which does everything and solves all problems.

Then, they do a ‘scoping study’ which is meant to define some parameters about cost and what can be delivered.

Next, a tender is drawn up.

Tenderers bid.

After a very long time (we are talking years after the initial ‘scoping study’) someone wins. By then, the world has changed.

The IT world has changed, compatability has changed, goddamit, everything has changed.

Meanwhile, the client has asked for a whole bunch of changes (we’d like a kangaroo to be the screensaver, plus we want to extend the range of the missiles).

No biggie.

Then the DEI taksforce get on board and demand separate quarters for male, female and undecided.

Defence has had the project management skills of a five year old.

In fairness, other departments (especially DSS) are even worse.

Let’s not forget the decades old project to integrate our health records. I, for one, hope that it never succeeds.

Cassie of Sydney
June 19, 2024 10:34 am

Why let the Chinese burn our coal if we can’t?

Because we are now a stupid country.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
June 19, 2024 10:34 am

And Just Like That!
All those reporters are suddenly experts in energy.

June 19, 2024 10:36 am

The LREZ will work by households with rooftop solar transferring the energy they generate during the day into local batteries, to be transferred back during the night-time when energy usage peaks.

I suspect they’re not really creating a seperate electrical grid for all those multitudes of rooftop panels.

Our village is a modified version of one of these. It’s not working as intended as the grid still needs to be able to take the excess from when the batteries are full.

Our local grid can’t take the power and we have so overloaded it, the park owner got a whopping $5 fi credit, (not a great return on 180 houses *6.6kw) so we are on self consumption, we generate power on our panels, we use that that first and then the battery is topped up. Because of the way the inverters work in this mode we now draw 2-4 times as much as from the grid as we used to.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
June 19, 2024 10:37 am

People at Muswellbrook NSW have lived near two large coal fired power plants for a long time, no probs!
People in France live near Nuclear power plants and have done so for a long time. France sells power to other Euro countries who haven’t been so smart.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
June 19, 2024 10:38 am

I don’t hear any reporters being experts on aluminium smelting.
It takes heaps of affordable power, that’s why they’d rather not talk about it.

June 19, 2024 10:38 am

The joke that is ‘thugby’ and it’s Sunday footie management style in action .. again! Yesterday afternoon Soufs released a official statement claiming the rumour that Damien Cooke was leaving was pie-in-the-sky fairytale media fantasy … This morning ….. duuuuuuuh!

Last edited 3 months ago by shatterzzz
H B Bear
H B Bear
June 19, 2024 10:43 am

Varvel the pick of today’s toons?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 19, 2024 10:47 am

Diogenes at 8:00.
You’re in the wars.
Are you permanently on insulin?
Or will you go back on oral tablets when the kidney picks up?

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 19, 2024 10:49 am

comment image
Roman Polanski was unavailable for comment.

June 19, 2024 10:55 am

Given the lag time for nuclear plants, Dutton needs to take on the gas cartel and move towards a domestic reservation policy or propose another mechanism to guarantee supply at an affordable price or we’re stuffed.

This plus the fact that any nuke plant would require massive amounts of direct government investment and/or subsidy… yeah this is not a conservative policy in the least.

But it was never meant to be a realistic policy. Just a figleaf for the coal barons.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 19, 2024 10:56 am

I guess Dutton’s announcement is also an admission that SMRs are stillborn.


comment image

Do keep up Monty.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 19, 2024 11:07 am

Spud not going to die wondering. The end of Dr John and no policy from Opposition?

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 19, 2024 11:09 am


This plus the fact that any nuke plant would require massive amounts of direct government investment and/or subsidy… yeah this is not a conservative policy

Solar, wind and the associated transmission lines also “require massive amounts of direct government investment and/or subsidy”. They are not a conservative policy.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 19, 2024 11:11 am

Electricity policy has killed off a few PMs. Look out Albo.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 19, 2024 11:12 am

Here you go Monty.

US 15 years behind China in nuclear power – report (17 Jun)

The US is up to 15 years behind China in the construction of advanced nuclear power technologies, as the Chinese Government provides significant funding and resources to its industry, according to a report released on Monday by the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation.

The Washington-based non-partisan research institute highlighted that China plans to build 150 new nuclear reactors between 2020 and 2035, with 27 currently under construction with an average construction time of around seven years, far faster than most other nations.

That’s an average of 7 years, with the faster plants under five years. I know they also have operational pebble-bed SMRs that are fully commissioned and producing commercial electricity.

I thought Albo is cuddling with China right now, surely he could get them to build us some reactors.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
June 19, 2024 11:17 am

Kieran: This is the “party of small government” re-nationalising power.
Yeah. So?
Labo and Greens have so f*cked the power system that it’s an emergency.

Oh come on
Oh come on
June 19, 2024 11:20 am

I don’t have a problem with massive government investment in certain infrastructure projects. France has profited handsomely from its early investments in nuclear energy and high speed rail, for instance. I think we’ve well and truly missed the boat on the latter (high speed rail will be obsolete before a return on the investment is possible even in an absolute best case scenario where the network is planned perfectly and constructed without a hitch, which would never happen) but it isn’t too late for nuclear power. It is proven technology requiring a large upfront investment that will likely pay off in the long term.

I wonder if the coalition jumped too soon, though. Perhaps the Australian public requires a good taste of what a green energy future based on solar and wind with no reliable baseload generator is like before it will resist the inevitable nuclear power scare campaign.

I bet the ABC is already making inquiries with HBO to buy and air Chernobyl.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 19, 2024 11:21 am

Just thinking about so-called “renewables”.

The description is, ironically, not inaccurate. The solar and wind generators need to be “renewed” around every 15 or 20 years.

Unlike coal or gas fired or nuclear generators.

June 19, 2024 11:22 am

The left must be absolutely erect with excitement that the right now think that buying Soviet gear and embracing Moscow and Beijing and scorning democracy and the West is the way to go.
Internationally, the left must think it is almost mission accomplished at this point. Green light, green light, green light.
How disappointingly weak you all are.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 19, 2024 11:24 am

Given the lag time for nuclear plants, Dutton needs to take on the gas cartel and move towards a domestic reservation policy or propose another mechanism to guarantee supply at an affordable price or we’re stuffed.

Domestic gas reservation was raised as a significant industry issue in the lead up to commitment to the Queensland LNG projects.

It’s a complicated technical/economic issue for CSG – now probably too hard to deal with at a reasonable cost – but there were solutions in 2012/13.

Alas, too complicated for then Minister, Andrew Cripps, to wrap his mighty brain around.

Oh come on
Oh come on
June 19, 2024 11:31 am

scorning democracy and the West

Have you clocked the state of democracy in the West and the West in general recently? What is not to scorn? And it isn’t as though things are getting better. We’re living on the fumes of our once great civilisation.

As far as Australia goes, I’m not saying we have to hitch our cart to the Russian and/ or Chinese horse or whatever. I’m saying we go our own way and be pragmatic about what works and what doesn’t from all parts of the world, free from obligations to great powers.

June 19, 2024 11:32 am

Some of the focus group work coming out of Redbridge was, at first, exciting and then a bit worrying.

Redbridge reported that most of the people in their focus groups weren’t really interested in green energy to save the planet. Well, that’s a good start because its killing the planet.

But, worryingly, the groups liked ruinables because it “diversified the market” and would “push prices down.”


Maybe the focus groups were held in Wentworth?

June 19, 2024 11:34 am

Watching idiots cheer on Russia’s attack on a Western ally which was ready to join NATO has been sickening.
It can no longer be excused as a temporary and understandable reaction to the draconian covid tyranny.
At this point you are enemies of my country.
Yes, our elites revealed themselves to all of us. They’re awful. All elites everywhere always are.
Yes, politics is dirty. Always has been. Did you never notice until the Russian and Chinese began ramping up the information war?
The future is bleak. I maintain a state of cheerful pessimism. No one ever told you the good times could last forever. No one guaranteed you anything.
Like every other creature on the planet you have to fight for existence, and like every other creature except small children and pets, you have enemies.

Oh come on
Oh come on
June 19, 2024 11:40 am

It is sickening that modern Ukraine is a Western ally. Anyone supporting that regime is either extraordinarily ignorant or they don’t give a rat’s about the ‘Western values’ they purport to champion, which the Kiev regime is fundamentally at odds with.

June 19, 2024 11:42 am

I hope they go with the one earmaked in Jervis Bay. I reckon my land values would double. I was really pissed when I was doing work for Power Nuclear Co. Japan. In the early 80’s. Shut down an exploration site overnight and it was a goer. No Vision is how politicians should label themselves. What mediocrities we are being led by. Can’t even defend ourselves yet unending supply for every useless person and idea that have no benefit to Australia. Australia has been so kind to me and my family and we responded in kind by not being a burden. Now we’re providing a lifestyle for the perennial whingers, grifters and hopeless to a standard that half the taxpayers don’t have.

June 19, 2024 11:43 am

From JC’s  June 18, 2024 8:29 pm comment:

It’s mind boggling. No it’s actually freaking criminal. China, the world’s largest importer of energy has one of the cheapest electricity costs in the world.

China 8 cents

Australia 28 cents

US 17 cents.

If Australia were to nationalise all the electrical generating plants – including the solar and wind factories, pay them off over say 10 years, and charge the same price for electrons as China does – 8 cents – would the boost in production and the savings to consumers cover the costs?

This is an economics question – put pencils to paper and run those calculators hot, boys and girls.

Oh come on
Oh come on
June 19, 2024 11:45 am

Now, Arky. Are you going to engage substantively with anything I’ve written here or are you just continue to bloviate obliquely about traitors, rats in the ranks, your enemies etc?

June 19, 2024 11:48 am

Dutton’s tweet this morning:

This is the concept design of a zero emissions small modular reactor.

Nuclear energy has proven to get electricity prices and emissions down all over the world.

Out of the world’s 20 largest economies, Australia is the only one not using nuclear energy or moving towards it.

Zero emissions nuclear energy is part of the answer to our energy challenges.

It works with renewables and would allow Australia to get to net-zero. It will keep the lights on 24/7 and keep electricity costs down.

Right now, Australia’s energy comes from 63 per cent fossil fuels and 37 per cent renewables.

As we transition away from fossil fuels, Labor’s renewables-only approach means Australia risks a massive energy black hole and extraordinary costs.

Labor is stuck in the past, and like most of their policies, it is not forward-thinking, and you are suffering because of it. The Coalition will not make the same mistake.

I announced today that a future Federal Coalition government will introduce zero-emissions nuclear energy in Australia to work in partnership with renewable energy and gas as part of a balanced energy mix.

Our plan will deliver net-zero electricity by 2050, lower power bills and a strong and resilient economy.

What a load of twaddle. Is he proposing SMRs or big-arse traditional plants? Nine SMRs would be a drop in the ocean, and not make a dent in our 2050 energy requirements.

None of it makes any sense at all, except to muddy the waters on behalf of his billionaire donors.

Cassie of Sydney
June 19, 2024 11:54 am

Perhaps PM Pekingese should cease fighting Torries and instead fight Pallies?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
June 19, 2024 11:54 am

Rebel News HQ:

Come meet Tommy Robinson LIVE in Canada!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 19, 2024 12:03 pm

Nazi salute and public display of symbols to be punishable by up to five years in prison in proposed WA laws
Premiers office assures me that the legislation is restricted to the Nazi salute and display of Nazi symbols, it won’t extend to Hamas banners and chants of “From the River to the Sea, Palestine shall be free. “

June 19, 2024 12:08 pm

South Australia Energy minister:

The Port Augusta site is not vacant. It is already being repurposed as a green cement & concrete plant and a minerals export port. The transmission lines are not idle. They are used every day by wind & solar generators around Port Augusta & in the Mid North.

Same applies for pretty much all of the locations Dutton proposed. His policy is DOA.

June 19, 2024 12:14 pm

We need large dispatchable power stations Monty because you lot have been closing down large dispatchable coal fire power stations to fight imaginary climate fairies.

So Dutton bangs on and on and on about SMRs but then announces zero SMRs, and no investment in infrastructure to build SMRs?

Completely unserious.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 19, 2024 12:16 pm

There’s something in common between these two stories. I wonder what it is?

Doctor Who: New Ratings Low: Worst In 60-Year History: Fails On Disney+ (18 Jun)

Nolte: Lesbian Witches Drive Disney’s ‘Acolyte‘ to Another Record-Low Audience Score (18 Jun)

How could Star Wars and Dr Who suddenly become so unpopular? It’s a mystery!

June 19, 2024 12:17 pm

SBS has announced itself to have been voted ‘Australia’s most trusted news source’.

OK, good. Voted by whom?

Sky of course is down the bottom.

June 19, 2024 12:24 pm

The University of Canbra formerly Mickey mouse college of advanced ejucashun. Say no more.

June 19, 2024 12:25 pm

Zali Steggall LOL:

Can I say the quiet part out loud: Australia does not have a coherent opposition under Dutton. 

Open invitation to anyone in the Coalition that wants serious, responsible and realistic economic policy for Australia to move to the crossbench. #auspol

June 19, 2024 12:38 pm

Quoting Zali Steggal

June 19, 2024 12:41 pm

SBS has announced itself to have been voted ‘Australia’s most trusted news source’.


Last time I looked at the ratings they were also Australia’s least watched news source.

June 19, 2024 12:41 pm

And it’s hilarious that nuclear, an established technology used around the world is now a Boogie man for so called greenies.
Apparently reverting to third world living conditions is what all the cool kids yearn for.
I vote that when load shedding becomes a reality all households with climate action now placards are the first to get their power turned off.

June 19, 2024 12:44 pm

I think the Milko has moved in. The munted one is more unhinged, if that is possble, than usual. Like all good lefties he failed comprehension. No doubt mathematics as well to be followed by Econ 101. A few weeks was all it took. That Eureka moment, “I haven’t got a effing clue”. Probably the only accurate thought he’s ever had. Still, he is consistent, consistently wrong. What a maroon. Even Bugs Bunny got it right. This place is probably the only place anyone pays attention to him, even if only to point out how stupid he is.

Last edited 3 months ago by GreyRanga
Oh come on
Oh come on
June 19, 2024 12:44 pm

Can I say the quiet part out loud: Australia does not have a coherent opposition under Dutton. 

So because this dummy doesn’t agree with the direction Dutton is taking the party, this means it’s an incoherent opposition? What a fool.

The reality is that Dutton’s the most effective leader of a party elected off the back of losing government at the previous election in recent memory. The opposition is in fact surprisingly coherent under Dutton, to the extent that he may well be the next Prime Minister. Anyone who isn’t a partisan mouth breather would acknowledge this reality even if it doesn’t exactly fill them with joy.

Last edited 3 months ago by Oh come on
Cassie of Sydney
June 19, 2024 12:46 pm

Here’s a fact, if we want to pursue the lunacy of net zero emissions then the only option for reliable cheap energy IS nuclear.

June 19, 2024 12:46 pm

Quoting Steggles is very low energy. Sad.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
June 19, 2024 12:49 pm

Luckily Sky counterbalanced their panel on nuclear matters just now. Eamonn Fitzpatrick would fit right in at MSNBC or CNN. Sky needs to be careful how far down full retard lefty disinformational garden path they want to go. David Gazard provided a sensible counterweight, but really, we don’t watch Sky to get what we could get for free from most of the MSM.

June 19, 2024 12:51 pm

SA Labor is currently demolishing the heritage-listed police barracks and horse facilities to make way for the $3 billion new Women’s and Children’s Hospital and having to rebuild those police facilities elsewhere at a cost of $125 million plus. But oh noes, you can’t build a nuclear plant at Port Augusta because ‘green’ (LOL) cement factory!

Oh come on
Oh come on
June 19, 2024 12:51 pm

Cassie, you make a sound point that bears repeating and further elaboration: there are good reasons to develop nuclear energy generation in Australia. Reducing our carbon emissions isn’t one of them.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 19, 2024 12:52 pm

Will the last lefty leaving the no-nukes bus please turn out the lights? Looking at you Monty.

Bill Gates’ great $1B commitment to nuclear energy should be a wake-up call to climate progressives (18 Jun)

June 19, 2024 12:55 pm

Given the lag time for nuclear plants, Dutton needs to take on the gas cartel and move towards a domestic reservation policy or propose another mechanism to guarantee supply at an affordable price

Couldn’t the nuclear power plants sell carbon credits in advance? Carbon credits are only paper instruments, after all, so a futures market can exist. Isn’t that what all that “green finance” was about?

June 19, 2024 12:56 pm

You really are amazingly ignorant Monty. We at this moment are generating about 20% of electricity from renewables. And it’s a good day for wind and solar. It’s usually less than this.

Dutton literally said today that the correct number is 37% renewables. You are no good at this Bruce. Put the clown nose down.

June 19, 2024 1:01 pm

Steggles is proof is Mosman really is the place where your brain goes to die.

June 19, 2024 1:03 pm

Nuclear reactors to be owned by federal government under the Coalition

Nuclear reactors will be owned by the federal government under the Coalition.

The Australian reports the system will be similar to Snowy Hydro and the NBN.

I see the Cat hot takes of “state-owned enterprise is actually based conservatism” have already started, LOL.

June 19, 2024 1:03 pm

I’ve discovered from whence muntsac receives his talking points.
Little Lord Fauntleroy no less.

June 19, 2024 1:05 pm

Cassie of Sydney

 June 19, 2024 12:46 pm

Here’s a fact, if we want to pursue the lunacy of net zero emissions then the only option for reliable cheap energy IS nuclear.

The idea that a policy (zero emissions) put in place to wreck the West’s industries and upturn the world order through disrupting energy markets, could incorporate a workable nuclear solution is illogical.
You don’t spend decades putting in place a nation wrecking policy just to mitigate it’s destructive power at the last hurdle.
If you are for reducing human emissions you are for reducing humans.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
June 19, 2024 1:08 pm



Steve Inman:

Social Media vs Reality

June 19, 2024 1:11 pm

Well done to this Jury.
I hope Charlize’ spirit can now rest.
I pray that her mother develops a rotting skin disease, and that her murderer is placed into General Population in prison.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
June 19, 2024 1:15 pm

The Victorian government announces a truth-telling process for victims of abuse in state schools. Who would have thought?

June 19, 2024 1:18 pm

Regarding Dr Mutton and his “Chernobyl in every backyard” announcement, is the squawking of the usual suspects audible in space yet?

Oh come on
Oh come on
June 19, 2024 1:18 pm

Now now, go easy on m0nts. He’s a dim bulb who would comfortably get by with a hamster running on a wheel connected to a tiny generator. Of course he finds all of this talk of reliable baseload power supply laughably absurd.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
June 19, 2024 1:19 pm

Poor Kieran Gilbert!
He’s so conflicted by the nuclear policy of the coalition.
Keeps making the sort of dubious noises he wouldn’t ever say about Labor’s dodgy energy and EV ones.

June 19, 2024 1:21 pm

All those j’ismists are suddenly experts in energy

Even if they wouldn’t know if their house sized backsides were ablaze.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
June 19, 2024 1:39 pm

A state owned riddle for Monty.

Chinese company builds a wind project in Western Vic.
All the materials are Chinese sourced and most of the building and operational staff. Direct support mechanisms and some subsidies are paid by the taxpayer and all income is derived from domestic power users with the profits derived from government mandated regulated returns then going back to Chinese investors.
Belt & Road by any other name.

June 19, 2024 1:42 pm

Hey Cassie, if you are around, a lovely clip of an Israeli woman and her dog on America’s Got Talent. Simply beautiful.
Hat Tip to Michael Smith.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
June 19, 2024 1:43 pm

It’s time Sky found someone less blatantly left-leaning than Kieran to anchor their daily daytime political coverage. The way he keeps plugging away in a biased fashion is rather off-putting.
Instead of paying for Sky News we could get that sort of lefty spin almost anywhere else for free.

June 19, 2024 1:44 pm

I see the Cat hot takes of “state-owned enterprise is actually based conservatism” have already started, LOL.

That very much depends on the nature of the enterprise, the capital required and the service provided.

If there were no state-owned hospitals, for example, the uninsured majority would be unable to access treatment. How would that serve the interests of the nation?

When we needed railways to get wheat, wool and minerals to port the colonial governments were the only entities large enough to take on the investment.

You see, conservatism is pragmatic, not ideological. There is no dogma that the state shouldn’t own enterprises, but rather a practical attitude that the state should only do so when it’s clearly in the public interest and the private market can’t or won’t step up to provide the public good.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 19, 2024 1:47 pm

 June 19, 2024 9:34 am

Or DPhils if it’s Oxford. Pretentious tosh.

Why limit yourself to Oxford?
Any philosophy doctorate is a wank and a waste of time unless you intend to teach it to the next generation of pretentious suckers.

June 19, 2024 1:50 pm

Correct Arky.

I have no issues with nuclear power but leftists cannot be placated – you either destroy them or they destroy you.

Say whatever you need to say to get elected and then treat leftists the same way they treated the unvaccinated.

John H.
John H.
June 19, 2024 1:51 pm


 June 19, 2024 1:44 pm

I see the Cat hot takes of “state-owned enterprise is actually based conservatism” have already started, LOL.

That very much depends on the nature of the enterprise, the capital required and the service provided.

If there were no state-owned hospitals, for example, the uninsured majority would be unable to access treatment. How would that serve the interests of the nation?

When we needed railways to get wheat, wool and minerals to port the colonial governments were the only entities large enough to take on the investment.

You see, conservatism is pragmatic, not ideological. There is no dogma that the state shouldn’t own enterprises, but rather a practical attitude that the state should only do so when it’s clearly in the public interest and the private market can’t or won’t step up to provide the public good.

State owned requires a public service. Ironic.

June 19, 2024 1:59 pm

Agree Sancho. I’ve just observed that if you did your doctors thingy at Oxon it’s a DPhil rather than a PhD

Last edited 3 months ago by Miltonf
June 19, 2024 2:06 pm

SBS were also Australia’s least watched news source

But “most trusted” by the several hundred or so greenfilth imbeciles (BIRM) who watch it.

June 19, 2024 2:09 pm

recent rhetoric from the right around Snowy 2.0 and the NBN

Pointing out correctly that both are utterly unnecessary black holes* sucking in hundreds of billions of taxpayers’ dollars.

*Literally in the case of the former.

June 19, 2024 2:19 pm


 June 19, 2024 12:57 pm

 Reply to  Arky

At this point you are enemies of my country.

Given that every prolonged war eventually boils down to defending kith and kin and hearth and home rather than an ideology, this is a question that will have to be faced by pro-Putin & pro-CCP Westerners sooner or later

I’m afraid that many conservatives/ trads/ rightists have never had to think too deeply about any of this. Naturally pro-police, pro- order, pro- service, pro- family, and pro- defence. We are now put in an uncomfortable position.
A police force that enforced tyranny. A defence force with men dressed as women. Sports as indoctrination tools.
The progressives have always done all the creative and imaginative work. Conservatives aren’t by nature, generally, story telling or highly imaginative.
Saving the English speaking democracies at this point requires an imaginative and compelling new story. A moon landing or opening up of new territories type of event.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 19, 2024 2:36 pm

 June 19, 2024 12:08 pm

South Australia Energy minister:

The Port Augusta site is not vacant. It is already being repurposed as a green cement & concrete plant and a minerals export port. The transmission lines are not idle. They are used every day by wind & solar generators around Port Augusta & in the Mid North.

Breaking news for the technically illiterate.
Transmission lines are largely agnostic about the types of electricities they transmit.
And guess what?
If there is no solar and wind power being generated, there will be ample room for noocular electricities to be carted along the transmission wires.

You’re welcome.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 19, 2024 2:38 pm

The usual suspects are out and about on noocular power.
“It’s iwwesponsible and will damage investment in renewballs!”
Err, that is how competitive markets should work, you morons.
Unreliable and expensive options are weeded out.

June 19, 2024 2:41 pm

Wars focus nations of what is real not what is imaginary

Really? Truth being the first casuality of War. Most wars seem to be unnecessary and achieve little.
Britain and France going to war in 1939 over Poland led to Poland being under the communist boot heel for 44 years. Vietnam? That worked out well.
Korea, you might have a case but if MacArthur had nuked the Chicom troop concentrations the world might well be better place. or simply bombed the crap out of the MiG bases north of the Yalu.
War is shit.

June 19, 2024 2:47 pm

I think you make a very good point about conservatism not being ideological, but rather pragmatic. Its evidently correct.

Except I’ll add a point about the opposite of conservatism (Muntard in point): I spent over half my life as a “progressive” (a Trot, in fact). Nothing was ideologically driven. Nor was it pragmatism.

Quite simply, it was: Hate, envy, greed, gluttony, frustration, anger…

This explains why the Left are so inconsistent from an ideas/policy perspective because it’s never about ideology, it’s always about “the side.”

How? Well, you know but I’ll say it anyway:

Nova Peris slammed and many derogatory remarks for her stance on Israel. Yet she’s an aboriginal woman. Same for Jacinta. No abuse for Sam Kerr in an English cab. Completely inconsistent, unpragmatic and not even ideological.
Dutton slammed for finding a clean, efficient energy source that is used worldwide. Slammed and abused. QLD destroying huge swathes of natural forest for wind turbines and transmission corridors. Same.
Adam Assbandt praised for calling for the destruction of African nations who need to survive by having their own industrial revolution.
-From a US perspective: Clarence Thomas. Need I say more?
George Pell, innocent. Yet their ABC refuses to apologise for actually promoting pederasty on TV and in their own ranks.
Barry O’Farrell Vs Craig Thomson. Seriously!!?

I could write a book on this!!!

If only Leftards used ideology and/or pragmatism.

June 19, 2024 2:53 pm

Australian journalist Cheng Lei has reported she was barred from entering a second major government press event after Chinese officials blocked her during the diplomatic signing ceremony between Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Chinese Premier Li Qiang.

Weak men make tough times.

one old bruce
one old bruce
June 19, 2024 2:57 pm

The people who are most shrill in wanting to ‘save the white race’ and so on are often those with a dubious connection to it, so it often seems.

Hence the fellow who promoted n*zi ideas in Sydney in the 1970s had a Lebanese name or some such. The pamphleteer who eventually did a PhD. (Does he comment here?)

Or the apartheid ideologues who were Boers with part-African ancestry. (Not saying apartheid itself wasn’t also practical in some ways, once it was normal and widely accepted).

And Eastern Europeans with uncertain Turkish antecedents, or just ingrained paranoia about anything from further east.

ENGLISH conservatives tend to be practical and flexible. So when someone is obsessively looking for heretics and enemies, I tend to suspect that they have at least a touch of non-English/Irish ancestry. Old World paranoia, the sort of thing which led to wars, century after century. Excitable Continentals.

June 19, 2024 3:15 pm

The troll (and Chris Bowen) are ultra-needy today. Mr Potato Head must be over the target.

June 19, 2024 3:16 pm

Dutton has destroyed every Cat talking point on nukes.

Cats: Nukes are so cheap compared to solar/wind it’s not even a contest, private companies would jump at the chance if the states lift the bans
Dutton: announces a completely government-owned venture to build nuke plants with no consultation with private enterprise

Cats: SMRs are awesome and the future of energy, there will be hundreds of SMRs all over Australia
Dutton: announces two (2) SMR sites and seven regular plants

Cats: you can build nuke plants from scratch in five years
Dutton: maybe I can fast track the two SMRs in eleven to thirteen years but Michaelia Cash says more like sixteen at the earliest

Cats: building on existing power plant sites means you don’t need to build new transmission lines
Dutton: I agree
All state govts: actually no those lines are being used by renewables already, you’d have to build new ones

What a shemozzle.

June 19, 2024 3:18 pm

If there were no state-owned hospitals, for example, the uninsured majority would be unable to access treatment. How would that serve the interests of the nation?

Or they could pay cash at a realistic rate. Insurance results in an unholy alliance between the insurance companies and the service providers.
Both benefit when the service is exorbitantly priced and the premiums likewise.

June 19, 2024 3:21 pm

Not saying apartheid itself wasn’t also practical in some ways, once it was normal and widely accepted
We have apartheid in Australia. Abos have their own medical system and much else, not for whities.

June 19, 2024 3:32 pm

Dickless has been busy anti-nuking. Actually just anti LNP piss taking, which is fine.

But here’s what Dutto should do: Billy Gates has just turned soil on his Natrium reactor (the chunks have already built 2 completed back in 2019) which are molten salt cooled and have as much waste as dickless has gonads, which is to say nil:

Next Wave of Nuclear Can’t Come Soon Enough | RealClearEnergy

June 19, 2024 3:43 pm

Unfuking believable:

Israel Gave Work Permits, While Palestinians Planned Oct. 7 Massacre :: Gatestone Institute

And the scum leaders of hamas are all billionaires and live in Qatar. Yet the useful idiots in the West are protesting in favour of hamas. The West is stuffed.

Oh come on
Oh come on
June 19, 2024 4:11 pm

Cats: Nukes are so cheap compared to solar/wind it’s not even a contest, private companies would jump at the chance if the states lift the bans

I don’t think anyone has said this.

Cats: SMRs are awesome and the future of energy, there will be hundreds of SMRs all over Australia

Or this.

Cats: you can build nuke plants from scratch in five years

I don’t know if anyone has said this, but it is certainly possible. The Chinese are able to build them very quickly, so where is the error?

Cats: building on existing power plant sites means you don’t need to build new transmission lines


All state govts: actually no those lines are being used by renewables already, you’d have to build new ones

No, you are lying. Not all state governments said that. There is no renewable power generation at the Muja site in Collie, for instance, and the transmission lines transmit energy generated from the coal fired power stations in the area. I believe the Queensland government said something like this (and no doubt others), and they are also lying. The power generated from renewables and transmitted via lines formerly used to transmit energy from coal fired stations would barely touch the sides in terms of the capacity of those lines. These responses from state governments are plainly hollow, glib political ripostes to the proposal that m0nty uncritically parrots as fact.

Last edited 3 months ago by Oh come on
Oh come on
Oh come on
June 19, 2024 4:31 pm

ABC delivering all the news that’s fit to print. What a bunch of c***s:

Getting to know ‘normal’ labia as interest in labiaplasty grows among young people

Almost one quarter of people aged 18 to 24 feel anxious or embarrassed about the way their vulva looks


More than half of people with a vulva have labia minora that protrude from the outer labia, Dr Johnston-Ataata says.

People with a vulva? Ffs.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 19, 2024 4:41 pm

ABC delivering all the news that’s fit to print.

Free labiaplasty for gay men now!!!
Sounds like a slogan.
Plus this.

NYC Council Pushes IVF Coverage for Gay Men (Newsmax, 18 Jun)

I was amused by this one, it reminded me of John Cleese telling Eric Idle that he couldn’t have babies because he didn’t have a womb. No way could that movie be made today!

June 19, 2024 4:48 pm

Cats: you can build nuke plants from scratch in five years

Japan: We can do it in four.?

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
June 19, 2024 4:48 pm

Port Augusta is producing “green” cement.
Now I’ve heard it all.

June 19, 2024 4:51 pm

I believe that the malaise that affects Oz is being simultaneously felt in most western nations – something that should be the basis of discussion amongst all of us. This is from a guest commentary in Cory Bernadi’s newsletter:

“Unkind critics used to say I had to visit Scotland for re-training after reportedly buying 2 beers in the same month. Reverting back to my pre-covid work routine of visiting Scotland and several other countries over several weeks, now on the final leg back to Queensland, I can report back observations from a simple sailor on the state of several nations.

My pal O’Brien, a long term critic of bloated western governments had just arrived back a month earlier from a multi nation trip and advised me that all UK and US government departments had trebled in size, not at the coal face such as needed in hospitals, but in administration and creation of rules, regulations and fees. He had observed most of the new recruits were women, and, he assured me, if they were overweight, toothless and tattooed that seemed to secure them the job. He added that piercings and a bad attitude seemed to get them bonus points. 

So it came as no surprise coming through security at New York airport, I was pulled up sharply by a “chubby” African American security lady after the scanning machine had done its thing.  

“Ah told you” she said loudly, putting her closed fists on her hips, elbows wide out exaggerating her already considerable girth, “That you had to empty your pockets !” and pointing to the x-ray image that clearly showed a plastic comb in my trouser front pocket. 

“So what is that ?” she demanded, smirking happily that she had a dopey looking white guy being publicly embarrassed under her absolute control. 

Doing my best Forrest Gump stance, leaning over, squinting my eyes and peering into the offending object on the x-ray, I responded. “Ah do believe that is an erection !”

“Supervisor !, Supervisor !” she yelled “Ahm bein’ harassed here !”
The supervisor came over, rolling his eyes “What is it this time Mary Jo?”. 

Within a minute he waved me on. Luckily it was a male supervisor or I could very well have been in a New York court alongside Donald on trumped up charges of sexual harassment.
My friends in New York had told me, as did my Uber drivers, that the US legal system was stuffed, the economy was stuffed, and the illegal migration numbers were out of control. The approaching election was seen as a bright turning point.

Unanimously, they agreed that the New York based UN, was the epicentre of the covid madness, climate alarmism and another rapidly expanding bureaucracy with their new thought bubbles of spreading fear and controlling the great unwashed masses.

Next stop was Scotland and in meetings in the Orkney Islands and Glasgow with industry colleagues and relatives, the story was the same. The faltering Scottish National Party (SNP) Government clearly on the way out after 17 years of abject failure in every policy area. As a fan of their propaganda many years ago and seeing them drop the opportunity of revitalising shipbuilding, this was disappointing. 
The SNP obsession with climate change directives, LGBT, too many migrants and waiting lists for everything, even the hospitals prioritising illegal migrants before locals, showed their lack of prioritising the needs of their taxpayers.

Visiting both Irelands the story was the same story, too many people, too many migrants flooding in and waiting queues for everything. 
England was exactly the same, bloated bureaucracies with many working from home (WFH) with its corresponding miserable productivity.

But hey! London central is now the centre for protesting students. Yes it is a trendy place for students to live, protest and perhaps a bit of long term study if someone is paying the bills. 
Yes, in my younger days in London I went along with “Ban the Bomb”, but Palestine ?? In summary there is a gloom in US and UK that convinces me that they are stuck in post Covid 2nd gear economically each with a depressed and disappointed population.

A fresh and vibrant Batam in Indonesia was a pleasant change on the way home. The 85 shipyards and a huge engineering infrastructure on that little island pumping out world class products is impressive. But again they don’t have Over The Top (OTT) militant unions, OTT green laws, OTT health and safety regulations but they do have cheap and abundant coal and gas energy. 

They also do have leadership that are focussed on the needs and wishes of the people.
But the refreshing success prize goes to Singapore, almost 6 million on this small island and they are so well organised. 
With no natural resources this trading nation is impressive from the time the plane door opens to any aspect of doing business, dining out or tourism. Even their local female population are dressed well, walk well, talk well without profanities and no sign of tattoos or piercings. Call me old fashioned, but I love that in a woman !Harsh penalties for hate speech and the death penalty for a range of 33 crimes, and compulsory National Service keeps the locals in line. Australia could and should copy this success !

Singapore compared to Australia is like comparing Singapore Airlines with Qantas. There actually is no comparison as Singapore Airlines is almost faultless in every aspect of their terminals, planes, cabin staff, food it is indeed enjoyment to travel with them. On the other hand, Qantas, thanks to Alan Joyce sweating the assets and focussing on his personal campaigns pursuing 4% of the population via the LGBT gang instead of making a good airline great, has totally lost it. 
For me, they have turned enjoyment into endurement and despite being a Qantas Platinum member, I cannot hang around for years until they refleet and drag the staff up to Singapore Airline standards. Yes the Chairman’s lounge might be ok, but you would have to tolerate the extended Albanese family.

Australia is languishing poorly also with WFH abysmal productivity and a leadership that is focussed on the needs and wishes of the bedwetters at the UN and bullies of the Union movement.
Thus endeth my trip report, the west is waste deep in self made treacle !. No need to go there, buy and boat and go sailing.”

Last edited 3 months ago by Vicki
Boambee John
Boambee John
June 19, 2024 5:02 pm


The power stations announced today will never be built, because legislation to overturn state bans will never get through the Senate.

The fat fascist fool finally acknowledges the politics at work.

Red tape, Green tape and Black tape will be deployed as weapons to ensure the destruction of Australia’s reliable energy.

Nuclear is today’s target, but the same weapons will be used against coal and gas.

But when extended blackouts become daily events, sensible people will be left to try to restore power. mUntyfa will not be one of those sensible people, but his screeching for the restoration of reliable electricity will be audible beyond Uranus.

June 19, 2024 5:03 pm


 June 19, 2024 1:49 pm

 Reply to  m0nty

a green cement & concrete plant


I think Rabz mocked that best (h/t Cassie).

btw, green concrete is uncured therefore useless.

June 19, 2024 5:05 pm

I’m at a loss to know why nuclear power plants can’t be sited in the same place as mothballed coal stations. Isolated, grid-to-door, water supply handy.

The nightie tearing over “safety” is a furphy.

June 19, 2024 5:10 pm

Driving around Spain (and France) – oh look over there *points*. What’s that building?

Nuclear plant. The grid system is a dead giveaway. Farmland, villages all around.

The locals appear to be quite normal. Maybe because they don’t fear their power bills and thus have not developed a nervous tick.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 19, 2024 5:29 pm

 June 19, 2024 12:41 pm

And it’s hilarious that nuclear, an established technology used around the world is now a Boogie man for so called greenies.

Apparently reverting to third world living conditions is what all the cool kids yearn for.

Well, they say they want to “lower their footprint”.
But do they really?
For some reason I am getting lots of posts for “tiny houses” on my Soshul Meeja. These are things about the size of a medium caravan without the benefits of mobility.
The impressionable Gen Loons oooh and ah over them, saying they would love to live that way and reduce their impact on Gaia. Inevitably some spoil-sport points out the cat swinging issues and the lack of storage for even day-to-day items … like the clothes your aren’t wearing right then and there.
Same with electricity. They say “sacrifices might need to be made”, but the screams when the power is off and the i-phone is on 4% will be heard on the International Space Station.

June 19, 2024 5:36 pm
Mother Lode
Mother Lode
June 19, 2024 5:48 pm

ABC delivering all the news that’s fit to print.

Free labiaplasty for gay men now!!!

Why would gay men want labiaplasty?

Is the ABC now also getting confused by the whirling poker machine reels of gender theory?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 19, 2024 5:51 pm


Almost one quarter of people aged 18 to 24 feel anxious or embarrassed about the way their vulva looks

Well, they are a bit boxy to look at. Generally uninspiring as well, aside from of the rally models. But then, the Swedish have always been a bit of a coin flip with making this sort of stuff.

What? Oh. Oh, right. Vulva.

Forget I said anything.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 19, 2024 5:52 pm

The whole ‘Dr’ schtick just sounds dirty, cheap and phony now. PhDs are a dime a dozen

Paging Mr. Liability Bob. Liability Bob to the white phone in the lobby, please.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 19, 2024 5:53 pm

I’m at a loss to know why nuclear power plants can’t be sited in the same place as mothballed coal stations. Isolated, grid-to-door, water supply handy.

Weirdly there seems to be a direct 1:1 correlation between Dutton’s proposed sites and Gaia’s hated coal fired power plants.

comment image

I don’t know how you do that Calli, it’s genius!

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 19, 2024 5:54 pm

The fear and panic among the lefturds today are palpable.

It has been full court lies, all day, in a desperate attempt to regain control of the “narrative”. AnAl must be aware that a couple of major blackouts before the election, and the Liars are finished.

June 19, 2024 5:57 pm

WTF does SKY have these fuking token lefties on. Justin Smith on Kenny attempting to talk over the wonderful Liz Storer about Dutto’s nuclear plan and sounding and looking like the retard he is. Admittedly he does have a good closing line saying if Dutto’s plan works he, smith, will stuff plutonium up his arse. Obviously something he is very familiar with.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 19, 2024 5:57 pm

Lisa Wilkinson appeals improper conduct finding from Bruce Lehrmann defamation trial

By stephen rice

  • NSW Editor

and ellie dudley

  • Legal Affairs Correspondent
  • 5:05PM June 19, 2024

Lisa Wilkinson has sensationally lodged an appeal against Justice Michael Lee’s finding that her conduct in the Brittany Higgins story was improper and unjustifiable, claiming the judge made more than 50 errors in Bruce Lehrmann’s failed defamation case against her and Network Ten.
In a notice of contention filed with the Federal Court on Wednesday Ms Wilkinson claims Justice Lee made multiple errors both in his findings about her conduct and about the rape of Ms Higgins by Mr Lehrmann.
In April, following a trial believed to have cost at least $10m, Justice Lee found that, on the balance of probabilities Mr Lehrmann had raped Ms Higgins in Parliament House in 2019.
However, he also found that Ten and Ms Wilkinson had failed in their defence of qualified privilege – that is, that they had failed to act fairly and reasonably in the preparation and aftermath of the story.
The judge declared that The Project’s former star presenter had demonstrated “a lack of candour” in the witness box and was highly critical of the program’s suggestion that the rape had been the subject of cover-up, hushed up to avoid a political scandal in the lead-up to a federal election.
Ms Wilkinson’s surprise appeal is in stark contrast to her declaration outside the court after the verdict that she hoped the judgment “gives strength to women around the country”.

In the notice of contention filed by her barrister, top defamation silk Sue Chrysanthou SC, Ms Wilkinson says that while Justice Lee correctly found that the defence of justification (or truth) had been made out, he should have also made findings that Mr Lehrmann “had knowledge” of Ms Higgins’ lack of consent.
In his judgment Justice Lee simply found that Mr Lehrmann was “indifferent” to her consenting.
Ms Wilkinson also claims that Justice Lee should have upheld her defence of qualified privilege and had “erred generally in taking account into matters outside the scope of the relevant inquiry”.
Ms Wilkinson said the judge had erred in rejecting testimony from her that was unchallenged and that supported the reasonableness of her conduct, including the fact that she had relied upon trusted producers and lawyers.
Justice Lee had failed to give sufficient weight to her “unchallenged experience with sexual assault survivors”; her knowledge that Ms Higgins had made contemporaneous complaints about a sexual assault; and that she believed Mr Lehrmann had been given sufficient opportunity to respond to the allegations before they were broadcast on The Project.
Ms Wilkinson claimed Justice Lee had erred in making findings about the “bruise photo” – a photograph of a bruise on her leg that Ms Higgins had at first claimed was evidence of the rape but later acknowledged could have been the result of a fall.
Justice Lee had “failed to have regard to Ms Wilkinson’s evidence that she had further discussions about the reliability of the ‘bruise photo’ and was informed that the issue had been addressed”.

June 19, 2024 6:01 pm

But it was never meant to be a realistic policy. Just a figleaf for the coal barons.

I wish I could believe the coal barons, whoever they are, had that much intelligence.

June 19, 2024 6:01 pm

Almost one quarter of people aged 18 to 24 feel anxious or embarrassed about the way their vulva looks

The vulva is one of Nature’s marvels; up there with a leopard’s tail and a peacock’s strut.

June 19, 2024 6:08 pm

And WTF is Josh Burns, a Jew just subject to an act of terrorism, still doing in the liars. Any Jew in the liars or the filth has their head up their arse. Burns should resign immediately and continue as an independent; after all it was the liars who facilitated this bullshit by the palli’s and their brain dead supporters.

June 19, 2024 6:11 pm

I’d give the trannies a wack with the axe. No anaesthetic needed, well maybe a few malts to get my eye in.

June 19, 2024 6:13 pm

Senator Antic

The Media Let Us Down

June 19, 2024 6:19 pm
June 19, 2024 6:20 pm

The ABC is an evil, parasitic, nation wrecking cultural marxist abomination. I hate it with a passion. There may have been need for it in 1932 but not now. Even back when I was a teenager, I remember the poisonous muck served up by Four Corners, Nationwide and The ‘Science’ Show. Yuck.

Last edited 3 months ago by Miltonf
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 19, 2024 6:27 pm

Magnificent, yet effortless defenstration of the mUnter today, here on the Cat.


June 19, 2024 6:50 pm

Lisa Wilkinson appeals improper conduct finding from Bruce Lehrmann defamation trial.

Fantastic, there I was bored with the world today, and this drops!

What an ego our Lisa has and deep pockets too, she can’t offset the cost of this very far.

Last edited 3 months ago by billie
Oh come on
Oh come on
June 19, 2024 7:10 pm

Lisa Wilkinson has sensationally lodged an appeal against Justice Michael Lee’s finding that her conduct in the Brittany Higgins story was improper and unjustifiable, claiming the judge made more than 50 errors in Bruce Lehrmann’s failed defamation case against her and Network Ten.

Who is going back for whose hat this time? Wilkinson’s clearly got money to burn – and one extremely large and well-bruised ego that needs salving. However, assuming leave to appeal is granted, the appellate court is almost certainly going to chuck it out and rule that the primary judge was open to draw the conclusions he did about Wilkinson’s credibility based on her testimony. They won’t disturb a verdict on that basis alone. There has to be some error in law.

Lisa, you established a defence. Take the W.

With that said, it is unusual for a truth defence to succeed and a qualified privilege defence to fail. I expect that is why she is splitting hairs about the distinction between Lehrmann being indifferent to Bullshittany’s consent and having actual knowledge of her lack of consent.

June 19, 2024 7:28 pm

Another Zoe.

McKenzie. Uniparty princess. Unbelievable performance on Sky. “It’s all so beautiful and the administrative state are all so reasonable, and pay rises for parasites are entirely justified”.

Big gov rules OK.

Destroy the LNP.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 19, 2024 7:34 pm

Dare I say it?
I am very, very concerned that the owners of wind and solar generation operations may end up with … what’s the phrase … ah, yes … stranded assets.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 19, 2024 7:36 pm

 June 19, 2024 6:42 pm

 Reply to  Sancho Panzer

a lot of the “Tiny House”, companies have gone bust. Along with the “Tiny”, prices the mugs paid for them. Lol.

It is also a planning minefield. I know some in the UK are on leased land and have to be mobile. That is, they have to be moved off the land every few months or so.

June 19, 2024 7:45 pm

The ABC is an evil, parasitic, nation wrecking cultural marxist abomination. I hate it with a passion. 

Good for you!

My FIL is one of the people I most admire, one who quietly earned his gong doing good works at the top of his profession.

He also watches ABCTV.

This weekend he was quizzing me about my political views, at the family table. I had touched on Michael Trumble, been asked what I objected to and responded par exemple that he funded the establishment of the Guardian in Australia.

Just then squeals from behind me; Miss 4, his great-granddaughter had started opening his birthday present to her!

“THIS is what is important!”, I said.

June 19, 2024 7:46 pm

Cute owls have been compared to vulvas. You be the judge: cute owl.

Peter Greagg
Peter Greagg
June 19, 2024 7:49 pm


Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 19, 2024 7:49 pm

Almost one quarter of people aged 18 to 24 feel anxious or embarrassed about the way their vulva looks…

As a people, I assert I am neither anxious nor embarrassed about the way my vulva looks.

Women may feel otherwise.

June 19, 2024 7:51 pm

June 19, 2024 3:16 pm

Dutton has destroyed every Cat talking point on nukes.

Cats: Nukes are so cheap compared to solar/wind it’s not even a contest, private companies would jump at the chance if the states lift the bans

Dutton: announces a completely government-owned venture to build nuke plants with no consultation with private enterprise

Cats: SMRs are awesome and the future of energy, there will be hundreds of SMRs all over Australia

Dutton: announces two (2) SMR sites and seven regular plants

Cats: you can build nuke plants from scratch in five years

Dutton: maybe I can fast track the two SMRs in eleven to thirteen years but Michaelia Cash says more like sixteen at the earliest

Cats: building on existing power plant sites means you don’t need to build new transmission lines

Dutton: I agree

All state govts: actually no those lines are being used by renewables already, you’d have to build new ones

What a shemozzle.

The only reason this discussion has to be had is because your lot of gullible, ideological, grifting nut jobs have been in control of everything for way too long. Way too long.

In terms of sovereign risk to private equity for these projects… I’m not sure a scale has been invented that conveys the magnitude.

FFS, imagine a place under constant threat of being one election away from being run by a clone army of Monty’s?

June 19, 2024 7:53 pm

Far right questionnaire time.

LOL apparently I am: a far-Right, bigoted, hate-filled, genocidal, transphobic Zionist. You are literally Hotler.

Telegraph is paywalled so I’ve linked Kiwiblogs cut & paste.

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 19, 2024 7:57 pm

Have touched down in Tunisia, and spent the first night in an old hotel – The Majestic – in the middle of town. Great old architecture, and French is understood as well as English.

Then again, the city reminds me of Kuwait, covered in sand dust.

Off to Carthage to check out what happens if you get uppity to the Romans.

June 19, 2024 8:09 pm

June 19, 2024 7:46 pm

Cute owls have been compared to vulvas. You be the judge: cute owl.

These persons have vulvas?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 19, 2024 8:19 pm

I am quite happy with my vulvas thank you very much.

June 19, 2024 8:25 pm

Almost one quarter of people aged 18 to 24 feel anxious or embarrassed about the way their vulva looks…

I’m not making any smart arse comments on this.

My lips are sealed.

June 19, 2024 8:36 pm

I’ve heard of navel gazing but vulva gazing?
That’s a new one, obviously gen whatever is very limber.

June 19, 2024 8:48 pm

I’m not a gynaecologist but I’ll take a look at it for you.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 19, 2024 8:59 pm

Meat-cleaver wielding man, 37, who broke into a woman’s apartment and raped her is found not guilty because he thought he was in a video game
Daily Mail. We have reached peak stupidity.

June 19, 2024 9:10 pm

There were some great innovations that were always just a few minutes behind others.

All that effort and resources wasted in a way.

June 19, 2024 9:13 pm

Just watched an excellent 10 part Netflix series (Spanish with subs) .. COCAINE COAST (Spanish title FARIDA) .. the rise & fall of the Spanish version of Pablo Escobar .. very well dun and if you liked Al Pacino’s SCARFACE you’ll enjoy this one ….. 10/10

June 19, 2024 9:27 pm

It is also a planning minefield. I know some in the UK are on leased land and have to be mobile. That is, they have to be moved off the land every few months or so.

You are joking, no?
That is beyond insane even for a council.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 19, 2024 9:54 pm

You are joking, no?

That is beyond insane even for a council.

Not really.
They don’t have (and won’t get) permits for permanent housing, so they register them as mobile dwellings to avoid planning costs.
It also enables them to put them on cheaper land (not zoned residential).
The catch is, having registered them as “mobile” you have to demonstrate that they can be moved.

June 19, 2024 10:03 pm

All Dutton has to do is remove all subsidies for ruinables and let the money flow where it will.

Big Twig and Big Biz will exit the trough like a shower of goose pebbles as my Dad used to say!

June 19, 2024 10:11 pm

‘Is This In Fact A Bioweapon?’: Roger Marshall Grills Doctor About COVID-19 Origins

covid was modified to evade the immune system and suppress immune response

June 19, 2024 10:24 pm

I just got hit with a bank KYC. know your customer.

they say they want to verify your details, but they also ask where your income comes from and how did you get your assets

fact check fascism on steroids: TRUE

June 19, 2024 10:54 pm
Last edited 3 months ago by Arky
Salvatore - Iron Publican
June 19, 2024 11:09 pm

Zippster June 19, 2024 10:24 pm

I just got hit with a bank KYC. know your customer.

they say they want to verify your details, but they also ask where your income comes from and how did you get your assets

A KYC request is quite incendiary & very offensive.
Satisfactory responses to all those questions must be provided for every signatory on your accounts.
.. or else they freeze all your bank accounts.

I’ve a feeling that either Turncoat or Slomo is responsible.

June 19, 2024 11:25 pm

Tucker Carlson is in the country for Palmers road show. However seems they have had to reduce the cost by half as not getting the numbers to fill the venues.

One thing I would like to see Tucker do is interview Dr Melissa McCann for his podcast. About her Covid injury class action v Federal Government.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
June 19, 2024 11:50 pm

What the hell is it with Australian TV advertisement casting?
Everyone is either a slob, or a knob, or both a slob and a knob. Even the nominally “pretty” chicks are compelled to signal how they’re actually massive dags.
Oh for the aspirational ads of the 90’s. Men were well kept, women held themselves to high esteem, there were people on the telly who you wanted to be.
And the scripts were witty and concise, not the rolling wah-wah-waaaahs of the “we’re massive dags, you’re all massive dags too, hey let’s all be massive dags together at this bank/car dealership/takeaway” narrative.

June 20, 2024 6:43 am

Bloody hell .. went for my, usual, morning toddle (4kms not bad for 76 yrs old) at 5 this morning (usually go about 6 but woke early ..) and thought it was a bit chill-ish .. turns out it is down to 2C here in Fairfield NSW .. FFS

June 20, 2024 6:45 am

June 19, 2024 8:33 pm

Reply to  132andBush

The Libs had over a decade in office to something, anything, about introducing nukes. They did nothing. That is all you need to know about the seriousness level of this policy, which is nil.

I’ll repeat my first sentence for your comprehension.

“The only reason this discussion has to be had is because your lot of gullible, ideological, grifting nut jobs have been in control of everything for way too long. Way too long.”

I am referring to BOTH colours on the political spectrum, the malignancy of the green (communist) ideology has seeped well into the LNP along with all the corruption.

The West needs Trump (or someone) to put a stop to this madness.

Anyway, it’s good to know you’re accumulating some properties, probably doing better than this humble Kulak who started with zip.
In fact you’ll probably be in front of me in line for the wall come the glorious revolution.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 20, 2024 8:08 am

Peter Dutton’s nuclear plans get an early thumbs up in rural electorates
[Unlinkable OZ]

Let the nuancing begin:

Opposition Leader David Crisafulli was unequivocal, saying he would not change Queensland law to allow nuclear power plants in the state if both he and Mr Dutton were elected at upcoming polls.

“No, no, no, I gotta be really clear, it’s not part of our plan,” Mr Crisafulli said.

…Liberal National Party MP Deb Frecklington, the opposition’s energy spokeswoman, told The Australian the party was still opposed to nuclear.

“We have been consistent from the start; our position has not changed, this is not part of our plan and is a matter for Canberra,” she said. “The LNP has outlined the plan we’ll take to the next election; that’s what we’ll deliver and this is not part of it.”

To paraphrase a great philosopher: We have plans; if you don’t like them, we have other plans.

Whether nuclear at dead power stations is the shot, or not, this ‘next election’ public debate plop is why Australia can’t have nice things without selling the country.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 20, 2024 9:43 am

EMT and Gordon Corrigan’s monumental work on the Second World War.

“Despite the fact that they did not win the war from the air, Arthur Harris and the men of Bomber Command were in many ways the heroes of the British war effort. With only 7% of all British military manpower, Bomber Command suffered 24% of all British military deaths, and they got precious little thanks for it. Embarrassed by criticism of civilian deaths, the British Government pulled the carpet from under Harris and his men. There was a Burma Star and an African Star, an Atlantic Star and a Pacific Star, but there was no Bomber Offensive Star, and alone amongst the Commanders in Chief, Harris was not elevated to the peerage after the war.It was a disgraceful way to treat brave men. (Page 452.)

June 20, 2024 4:22 pm

“But when extended blackouts become daily events, sensible people will be left to try to restore power.”

I hope you all realise this is a best case scenario – if the entire grid goes black (QLD, NSW and VIC – SA and TAS are just pimples on the arse of AEMO grid), it will be days or even weeks before it comes good.
If they load shed large areas early enough, they can prevent a total collapse, but I’m not confident this will get done, or that there is sufficient margin in the automated systems to prevent a grid collapse.
I sincerely hope I’m wrong, but I wouldn’t bet on being wrong.

  1. This is unbelievable. Why go to the trouble of holding an election if the result is capable of total manipulation?…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x