It’s even sadder that the elderly are told they can’t use heating in winter to save the planet and to…
It’s even sadder that the elderly are told they can’t use heating in winter to save the planet and to…
Yes, I know people who live in Sweden. The Swedes have had enough.
The Don has chosen well with J.D.
Loser. Odd how that rabbit hole produced an instant assassination attempt. Jeff Taylor – his latest. Ignore the delivery – it’s part of his charm. 🙂 Obama had hate filled…
Breaking: The Biden Administration has unsealed the indictment against Dr. Eithan Haim, who blew the whistle on the child sex-change program at Texas Children’s Hospital.
He is now facing up to 10 years in prison for telling the truth about a practice that is now illegal.
Only 4% wind energy being generated across the NEM and 14% solar at 9am EST. A piddling output for $ billions already spent. Albanese and Bowen will sink more billions into the renewables black hole hoping to make it work and gambling against the odds with taxpayer’s money.
Fuk I loathe Starmer. The very model of a modern pollimuppet. Another effing lawyer too.
Courts & JusticeCrimeWA News
Garry Narkle: Notorious serial rapist slapped with new historic sex offence charges, ‘fears dying in jail’
Rebecca Le MayThe West Australian
Mon, 17 June 2024 1:23PM
WA’s most notorious rapist Garry Narkle has been slapped with new charges alleging historical sex offending.
The 69-year-old was jailed for a decade without parole in 2010 for raping a homeless man in his caravan.
But he has remained behind bars under High Risk Sex Offender legislation passed through State Parliament in 2020, which broadened and replaced the Dangerous Sexual Offenders Act 2006.
Narkle was the central inspiration for that initial bill, labelled a “serial sex monster” in Parliament by former State attorney-general Jim McGinty after being convicted of sex offences against 14 women and girls over three decades.
It’s astounding how quickly CSIRO and BOM have lost legitimacy with the public, it only took four or five years. We used to trust CSIRO so much we made their diet book a bestseller. These days we expect them to lie about everything, science be damned.
As for BOM, we take delight in pointing out their failed weather forecasts. In the past, before they decided to hide or change the historical temperature and rainfall records, we gave them the benefit of the doubt. Now we assume everything they publish is in order to further their ideological convictions, meteorology be damned.
Just think the amount of national infrastructure that could have been built with the billions in subsidies and contracts handed out to billionaire* friends of politicians. Upgrading of national highways, airports, railways for a start. Fortifying and modernising our defence capabilities, paying benefits and settling compensation claims of all veterans would have been the smartest moves.
*Makes me wonder if they are friends because they are billionaires or they became billionaires because they had politicians as friends.
ABC RN news this morning had a report on a climate coalition preparing to field “independent” candidates in conservative seats at the federal election, with a focus on QLD.
“Independent” climate
crusaderscandidates, rightLavenders?
What other colours do we have available for LGTs? (Labor Green Teals)
Oh lord, let it start with a B, then they could be LGBT and confusion would reign.
Blurple? No, too obvious, or maybe not
I see that mOnsters blog is thriving. The last post was in April. No idea what year.
It’s a kind of pinkish-red.
The wall is crumbling before us, in real time, stereo, HD Colour and 3D.
Watch and learn that you don’t need money or millions of followers to win – just the truth and perseverance.
After all, that’s the loyal Greens-ABC demographic, despite throwing yoof shapes
Garry Narkle should have died in jail years ago – at the end of a rope.
Be proud, Australia – he is our leader!
A typical extremely Far Right nit pick.
Firstly, it’s cleverly designed synergy. 9AM is off-peak, so nobody actually wants any electricity at this time of day.
Secondly, once Snowy 2.0 is up and running, Australia will be the envy of Top Men everywhere.
Amused by the “sad” tale of Birmingham, UK having to dim the street lights and cutback on other Council utility services cos gone bankrupt but also having the highest level of “city” unemployment in the UK ..
Yet for some reason the report never mentioned they also have one of the highest (if not the highest) level of ethnicity in the UK …..
I remember as a schoolkid growing up in County Durham in the 1950s the standard joke about Birmingham, even then ..
“It was a nice place to live before the whiteman came” ……
This OT has the highest usage of the reply function to date. After all the naysayers said they didn’t like it, it is now being used. I wasn’t a naysayer, I said nothing but didn’t like it and still don’t. Its hard to see the number of replies. Having to go over the comments many times is bit of a pain but the replies this time in particular are worth the effort. The number of subjects covered amaze me. While I agree with so many commentators I have reservations with the same. This is to be expected as we can only view the world from our own perspective. Thank goodness I’m not a lefty having to tear down everything whilst not being able to build back, where have I heard that phrase? The left have no future as they have to keep destroying to rebuild. While I’m not religious I appreciate the foundations our civilisation is built on. Seems to me the the left forgot about the cluebat which is being swung allover as the elite with everything they have and never want for anything except total control. The left want the whole lot not satisfied with 1% gains. Changes are coming from the young people who have been indoctrinated in the schools yet have seen through the BS. I remember my kids at school, they saw through the leftist teachers and openly mocked them, the things they did believe have since changed as they’ve found out they were being lied to. Who was it that said something along the lines of you fool some people all the time, you can fool all the people some of the time but you can’t fool all the people all of the time? I may have got a bit carried away but when you’re on a roll why stop.
What a joke the bloke, supposedly, in charge of Oz only sitz 4th on the wages scale …..
Plus 12 levels of gummint with no accountability to their employers, the vote-herd …… and only the top three listings require some sort of experience/expertise for the job .. the other 9 levels qualify thru brown-nozing ability … only … FFS!
“Mike” Cannnon-Brookes is the “Ten Percent for the Big Guy” in reverse. He spent $120 million on getting “The Teals” elected, and he got $1.2 billion as a subsidy from Albo in return.
Brilliant stuff. Albo snuck over the line, and 50% of the population who didn’t vote for him had to pay for it. Isn’t Democracy grand.
These people need to be in prison.
Reform UK manifesto looks very good.
Interesting case in Kansas and basically same happened in Australia. The population was sold a product based on false information and advertising. Pfizer may have immunity for any adverse events but surely that does not give them immunity from deception ?
“Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth,” said Kobach”
If at first you don’t succeed try and try again.
One-third of primary school children in Vienna are Muslims, overtaking Catholics as largest religious group (17 Jun)
Paging a Mr Jan Sobieski!
This gets tucked away in the ‘rueful chuckle’ fringes of Australian reporting. The Chinese equivalent would be for Li Quiang to refer to Albanese as ‘Mr Shorten.
It will however be viewed as a serious affront by the Chinese delegation.
In the hyper-status-conscious world of Chinese politics, being shown up by Handsome Boy to be a blurry, indistinct figure, easily confused with a predecessor, is a terrible outcome.
China will handle it with ignoral with Chinese Characteristics – ie nothing said, but a price will be paid somewhere down the track.
Excellent Spooner today.
What the hell is going on with “New Catallaxy”?
Comments appear on the bottom, when they are meant to be on the top. Heaps of “strange symbols” down the bottom and stuff. There’s some weird shit going down here. What the fuck does this [+] crap mean?
I blame the people who wanted emoji’s. It seems to have “snowballed” from there. Give an IT geek an inch, and he will take a mile.
I received some push advertising this morning. Thrive by Five, bemoaning lack of childcare and how “I want you lot to pay for my childcare and need government to make laws to force you to pay it”. The CEO is Jay Witherall, another unflushable turd. It is funded by twiggy forrest. Do these people have delusions of grandeur? Have we seen the likes of Gina Reinhardt or Kerry Packer telling how to live our lives? They got on doing things without fanfare. My wife’s GG Grandfather worked for a bloke who brought a ship in Sydney and was a pioneer in the shipping industry. For some reason I haven’t been able to ascertain was poorly thought of. One of the things he did was upon hearing of a hard worker but down on his luck bailing him out with no expectation of repayment. He did this many times. Maybe this was the source of the disparagement of this man. GGGrandfather was also tarred with the same brush as he was the Captain of a coastal trader for this bloke. Only recently has there been positve views about this bloke.
Good Lordy. Now I’m “waiting for approval”.
I guess things have turned less “Libertarian” since my last visit.
Am I still required to wear a face mask, or is it OK to go bare faced?
“Firstly, it’s cleverly designed synergy. 9AM is off-peak, so nobody actually wants any electricity at this time of day.”
Not quite true. Most people go to work. Fluorescent lighting, computers, heating (if necessary), schools…Greta was right. You rile up the kids. Can’t charge their phones, use their computers, and you have a problem.
On the news services – 24 CFA bush brigades take industrial action in protest over the renewable roll out.
Treat us like shit and we come out swinging.
‘Oh Tristan! I say, Tristan! The peasants are being bothersome again!’
Related news:
New secret tax on NSW power bills (Tele, paywalled)
The massive expansion of electricity lines due to the distributed nature of renewables means massive increase in liability for bush fire initiation by said powerlines.
Which the state government is now secretly billing us for.
Because Australia’s national interest will always align with Forrest’s business interests, apparently.
Sounds like the turd is threatening Dutton
Electricity billing is going to become increasingly opaque in the next few years as smart meters are further rolled out.
Reports of large fences being erected around the SCOTUS…
The last time fences were in place was when the Roe V Wade decision was announced.
POTUS immunity decision? 1512 Reversal? Or just putting up fences for fun?
Question asked!
Why do drag queens never want to read stories to the elderly? (14 Jun)
Ok yes there’s a distinct risk of being beaten to death with a zimmer frame. There is that.
Can somebody kindly enlighten a non-Queenslander, non-consumer of MSM – what was the Irwin kid doing that got him parodied by the ON cartoon people?
I’m guessing he was fronting, or at least appearing in some sort of tourism promotion. Was this seen as thinly disguised promotion of the Labor government and of course paid for by the taxpayers?
Also, if it was a tourism promotion – why was it even shown inside Queensland; don’t most tourists come from elsewhere?
This is the legislation stopping Australia going nuclear.
AUSTRALIAN RADIATION PROTECTION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY ACT 1998 – SECT 10 Prohibition on certain nuclear installations (
All it would take is repeal legislation with these words:
In addition this shit could be repealed at the same time:
ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AND BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION ACT 1999 – SECT 21 Requirement for approval of nuclear actions (
Simple eh.
Maybe search a few mosques?
Victoria Police to conduct random weapons searches (Sky News, 18 Jan)
Reading Alan Dershowitz – one commentator, Jeffery Goldberg, characterizes the Palestinians as having “the least successful national liberation movement of the 20th century.”
It’s on for young and old:
Hundreds of Officials Are Sounding Alarms Over Election Integrity. (
Dems Already Prepping Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ | Frontpage Mag
Episode 8 of A Military Realist View of the Ukraine War is now out. I’ve pinned A Military Realist’s View of the Ukraine War Thread to the top of the main page for those that want to view and discuss.
Dr F at 10:04
Well, yes.
Although I can’t help feeling that there is a certain irony in the fact that Malcolm’s love-child Florence is digging her grave with her mouth.
Dr Faustus
June 18, 2024 10:27 am
But … but … they all look same.
Interesting offer from AGL.
$150 rebate to sign up and stay with them until 30 June (12 days away).
Not big bucks, but I am thinking about signing up and flicking back on 1st July.
Disclaimer – I haven’t drilled into the fine print yet.
It certainly will become opaque. Smart meters are going to become ubiquitous and the information they provide will be used to ‘shape’ tariffs for individual customers.
Thus, if you have the terrible habit of using an electric oven or induction cooktop in the evening, you are going to be slugged with a character-building cooking tariff to change your vile behaviour.
And it won’t just be the billing. Smart meters are already set up to curtail use of power for certain concessional tariff applications.
So get ready for unexpected evenings of cold dinners, non-functioning aircon, and a flat EV in the garage. Or no power at all, because your low electricity social credit has selected you to be load shedded – for the fifth time this week.
Unless, of course, you are part of the nomenklatura…
Welcome to the Turd World.
Have a listen to this!
Great work from the student pilot and ATC.
Student pilot Max Sylvester had not spent more than 10 minutes in control of an aircraft during his first two flying lessons. During his third, his instructor, who had so far watched his every move, became unconscious leaving Max alone in the cockpit.
At 4 PM on the 31st of August 2019 at Jandakot Airport in Western Australia, Max settled into the two-seater Cessna 152 for his third lesson overall, and the first in the Cessna 152. As they cruised at 3,500 feet, he noticed his instructor Rob was staring out of the window into the sky. Max assumed he’d seen something, but there was nothing there.
The instructor began shaking and it was clear that something was wrong. He was having a seizure. Without flying experience or an instructor, Max was left alone to deal with the emergency and he had his wife and three children waiting on the ground. This is the conversation between Max and Air Traffic Control.
I know Iowa is not a huge deal, with only 6 electoral votes, and in 2020 Trump won by 8% but this is still big:
Trump leads Biden by 18 points in Iowa — a bad sign for president in 2024 swing states (
OpenAI adds former NSA chief to its board
But … but … they all look same.
Well, that’s an easy mistake to make, but not quite true.
Shorten has darker hair and a head that looks like it was made out of PlayDoh.
In which case politicians should get ready for HOP time.
Metaphorically speaking, of course 😀
Perhaps “Mr Dutton” would be more apropos given recent polling.
Media are ringing for stories on the CFA action.
Lucky it’s radio for me.
Check the fine print! They have it all figured out. Check out my reply to Dr. Faustus.
GrayRanga, there are two reasons that the young will back change. The first one is generational rebellion, if their parents are for it the young will be against it.
The other reason is as you pointed out, even the young can see through BS. I was sceptical when the Soviet Union fell that it wouldn’t be replaced by freedom but something much the same yet the young embraced the change and made it work in most of Eastern Europe if not quite in Russia.
Sadly, when tyranny ended behind the Iron Curtain it just moved West and was adopted by the rich and famous, looking at you WEF.
June 18, 2024 1:49 pm
Was this in reference to AGL?
It was already here, biding its time.
I missed it, Joe Biden thought he was at the G and not the G7 last week?
Gez, how are the Firery’s Union thugs copeing with the CFA action?
I would have assumed that their Liars bosses would have told them to intervene.
Words fail me, they honestly do!
Nothing from the UFU so far Bons.
They’ll put their shiny arses at the government’s disposal but they know we don’t like them.
When CFA and MFB cross paths on a fire ground you could cut the atmosphere with a knife.
How to say you are totally out of touch without saying it.
The Biden campaign is launching a $50 million ad campaign in all the swing states, seeking to make Donald Trump’s recent criminal conviction a central theme of the 2024 election.
Nobody worth trying to convince thinks that the Trump trials are anything other than Biden abusing his DoJ to attack his political opponent.
Since the verdict, Trump’s campaign and allied groups have raised more than $420 million, destroying the cash advantage Biden had earlier this year.
But hey Joe, go ahead and make more people aware of what you did by advertising it like it was a trophy. Trump can always use more campaign donations.
Is Cackleberry going to be running with Sniffy Joe? If they can cheat enough I’d think that to be very risky. Sniffy is likely to wander off and never come back.
The sneaky and dishonest tactic used by “journalists” was perfectly illustrated by an interview with Nigel Farage on Sky UK this morning.
He was asked to state that he would “never join the Tory party”. Why should he say never?
But it was a heads I win, tails you lose situation. There was no correct answer.
(The conservatives might grow a new spine and adopt at least some of Farage’s policies.)
The jismist will use the Q&A for whatever purpose he likes.
Misinformation: the mullet hairdo was named after long-winded theoretical and sceptical Russian philosopher Mullitova.
From Fox News The Five recently.
A news story about two juvenile camels escaping from a kids petting zoo enclosure and wandering around elicited comments from the panel.
Judge Janine said it was a happy story and it “wasn’t even Hump Day yet”.
Greg Gutfeld topped that (I wonder how many noticed) with “it’s always nice to see camels going toe to toe.”
Spokane Pride mural vandalized … again
La Resistance strikes again!
Vaccine injuries.
Australian Medical Professionals TESTIFY…
Reporting in from Hamilton Island to give an update on the sorry state of Queensland islands
Firstly it is pleasantly warm especially the early mornings
Down south it takes a long time to warm up (if at all)
The resort area itself is very well planned and landscaped with the hint of The Truman Show about it.
The golf buggy transport seems to be on a continuous loop.
The marina has its fair share of upscale boats and yachts
A few points off for hideous high rise hotels.
The backpackers seem to be back and everywhere are serving with a smile
Full credit to the people who developed this place .
Back in the days before red tape green tape and black tape
climate catastrophism as big business
green is all about the greenbacks
climate catastrophism as big business
green is all about the greenbacks
Well that’s a nice surprise – Kean as resigned from NSW politics.
Place your bets. Working for Twiggy or even Holmes A Court or Atlassian guys. Either way he will be continuing his work to screw the country.
My bet is Twiggy.
“Mr Kean said he would be taking a role related to energy when he moved to the private sector”.
Has Matt Kean seen the writing on the wall in the electorate? The hunger for his type of Lino had gone. Which green energy carpet bagger has hired this leech?
That may well be so. However, intelligence to this sort of effect is still subject to a number of conditions:
a. That the people receiving the intelligence assess it as credible and imminent;
b. If so, that those people adequately described that intelligence picture, along with properly identified risks and threats to the IDF Top Men; and
c. If so, that the IDF Top Men decided to take it seriously, if not act on it.
There are a lot of ‘if’s in there, a lot of cracks where information can fall and a lot of room for personal agendas to come into play.
Again it happens in biden/obama’s US:
Arrest made in killing of Maryland mother of five Rachel Morin | Fox News
How long before it happens here with that fuking POS giles in charge.
How quickly the enviro-loons, Labor, Greens, Teals, have switched from opposing dams because a legless lizard might be inconvenienced to now wanting to do vast offshore windmill projects and desecrate landscapes (particularly in QLD) to do more of the weather-related underachievers.
Politics isn’t the art of the possible any more.
It is the art of the implosion of formerly cohesive and productive nations.
Former NSW treasurer Kean to take on Teals (Courier Mail, 14 Jun, paywalled)
Ok what’s happened in the last 4 days that he’s suddenly decided not to enter Federal politics? Colour me sceptical about these new plans to go into the corporate sector…he wantses, he really wantses to be in Canberra, precioussss.
Very good letter by Pauline’s lawyer to Robert Irwin’s lawyer over at Michael Smith.
Hot legal tip. Avoid Irwin’s lawyers as idiots.
Green Kean won’t be missed in NSW, nor will he be recognisably different to a Teal.
There’s nothing new in that Jerusalem Post piece. It’s just regurgitated (old) news.
A later paragraph explains the assessment prior to the attack.New technology installed at the border two years prior would succeed in helping to counter such an attack.
There’s also this
Unless I’m reading it incorrectly, the piece is suggesting Ham Arse’s plan was to take Israeli military as hostages.
The article appears to be bullshit as that Israeli intel was not expecting a civilian massacre, nor taking civilian hostages.
Knowing “precisely” is totally misleading.
Wow, the Kansas v Pfizer story just gone up at Herald Sun online. Naturally no comments allowed.
‘Misleading’: Drug giant Pfizer sued over Covid jab
Pfizer has been slammed in a new lawsuit that accuses the firm of making false claims and hiding two major vaccine risks.
Yep. Very good indeed.
Watched Bobby Rob and Bluey’s performance on Please Explain one more time. Still just as good.
Robbie Bobbie needs to calm down, because there’s a fair bit of ‘Do You Know Who I Am?’ seeping through, when who he actually is – is a massively rich kid pampered (and still profiting) by other people’s adulation of a dead man.
Ashli Babbitt Lawsuit Against Feds Moved from San Diego to Washington DC – Assigned to Far Left Anti-Trump Judge Appointed by Biden
Some mob is running ads at the moment about vaping – saying it needs to be opposed and “don’t be on the wrong side of history!”.
Do they mean like being for The Republic? For The Voice?
Florida McDonald’s Employee Allegedly Opens Fire at Customers Over Drive-Thru Argument (VIDEO)
Be on the right side of history and eat funny mushies!
An Alarming Thing Happens Whenever Magic Mushrooms Are Decriminalized (17 Jun, via Instapundit)
Hmmm, what else is there? Cane toads? They apparently give a pretty big kick. Ah, but sadly there’s no way government could tax cane toads. Pity, seeing how many of them there are.
Britain’s richest family spent more on pet dog than they paid their servants, court toldBy Hugo MillerJune 18, 2024 — 11.02am
Listen to this article
4 min
The billionaire Hinduja family spent more on their pet dog than they paid one of their servants, according to a Swiss prosecutor who urged jail terms of as long as 5½ years at a trial over alleged trafficking and exploitation of staff at their Lake Geneva villa.
Prosecutor Yves Bertossa launched a blistering attack on the family at the Swiss city’s criminal court, citing testimony from the staff and Hindujas, as well as evidence submitted during his investigation.
“They spent more for one dog than one of their servants,” he said. The woman, he said, was paid at one point as little as 7 Swiss francs ($11.90) for a working day that lasted as long as 18 hours, seven days a week. He pointed to a budget document headlined “Pets”, which he said demonstrated that the family spent 8584 ($14,589) Swiss francs in a year on their family dog.
Staff contracts didn’t specify working hours or days off, but rather that they be available as needed by their employers, Bertossa continued. Given their passports had been confiscated, they had no Swiss francs to spend as their wages were paid in India and couldn’t leave the house without their employer’s permission, they had little to no freedom, he argued.
Even when they left the Hindujas’ home for the family’s residences in the Swiss Alps or Cote d’Azur, it wasn’t for fun, he said. When they accompanied family members to Cannes, he asked, “What were they doing there, jet-skiing?”
But lawyers for the family immediately hit back at Bertossa’s claims, repeatedly citing the servants’ testimony that they were treated with respect and dignity. Bertossa, according to the defence, was being misleading in his characterisations of their remuneration.
“The salary can’t simply be reduced to what they were paid in cash,” given their board and lodgings were covered, said Yael Hayat, a lawyer for family scion Ajay Hinduja. Eighteen hour-working days is also an exaggeration, she said.
“When they sit down to watch a movie with the kids, can that be considered work? I think not,” she said.
Keane, Dutton and Littleproud.
That ain’t gonna work for Federal LNP members or electors. Keane climate crony scams are rapidly being left behind in the Party except within the corrupt NSW Executive.
Photios’ thugs grip upon the Executive is a problem that appears to be insoluable. These crooks will fight to the death to oppose nuclear and retain their renewable scams.
The denial of rights for the NSW (and QLD) branches is an adequate reason for a Federal intervention, BUT will Dutton try. The Federal inaction in relation to the Victorian outrage does not leave me feeling any degree of confidence.
Dutton does appear to have more support amongst the Federal members than any recent leaders. He needs to take advantage of that make a move because the Moderates will happily loose the election if that shores up their Party sinecures.
Surely Dutton understands that Photios will preselect people who will completely undermine him.
People like Canavan, and the Senate women need to step up and be voluable in demanding action. The electorate will support them.
Kieth Pitt claims that the QLD LNP July State Conference will be a turning point. We’ll see.
“You’re SCREECHED At For Being A ‘Climate Change Denier’!” | Isabel Oakeshott Slams Net Zero
Phil Coorey reckons Dutton will finally release his nuclear policy tomorrow morning.
This should be fun. Unless he chickens out again, which would be de rigueur.
An update on our energy mix. Only 5% wind and solar in total at 6.15pm tonight across the 5 states that participate in the NEM. Victoria is down to 1% combined wind and solar. Coal and gas are keeping the heaters and lights on. After all the ballyhoo about renewables replacing coal and the billions spent, what do we get but mickey mouse electricity. It’s a farce.
“as we decarbonise …” sayeth Dutton today, with Simon Birmingham also appearing on TV touching the emission reduction forelock.
Not Good Enough you fake conservatives.
Grow a spine, be different. Stop the rot.
Stranded in Barcelona! Cunard in port for four days to do work on a stabiliser. Better here than being towed back to port. There are worse places to be stuck.
So…slumming it strolling up La Ramblas to the fountain and back and checking out all the galleries and museums I missed first and second time around.
Another of Spain’s well kept secrets is Tarragona. It has a Roman amphitheater with the sparkling blue Med as a backdrop, a portion of a circus still standing plus odds and ends of the city walls, and a cathedral with an amusing and typically Spanish story about the acquisition of relics, this time a saint’s arm. And no crowds.
Also, just outside the city, an almost perfectly preserved Roman aqueduct.
Lucky you Calli.
Every time I visit Barcelona I day trip to Tarragona, a delightful train trip along the coast to a beautiful town with many wonderful sights, including the procession of the rats in the cloister.
Little Lord Fauntleroy, PVO, is holding as tightly as he can to his nose as he deigns to give Pauline Hanson a few crumbs.
Snork! He expects us to believe he has merely glimpsed a few seconds of “Please Explain”, and, that it isn’t even mildly amusing. Huge Guffaw!!!
Watching MSNBC on the ship’s TV is excruciating. Wall to wall Trump. They are all demented and frothing, each imagining horrors should Trump become president again. One female commentator can’t even speak his name!
There I was thinking the BEEB and CNN were biased.
Also, I’ve been pondering sea level rise and that amphitheater that is basically just above the beach and has been for 2,000 years. The Spanish don’t seem to be particularly worried. It’s almost as if such moral panics are selective. Very sciencey indeed.
You’ve seen it!
The sneaky “dead” cat on a stretcher being carried triumphantly by the foolish, unsuspecting rats!
If only Sylvester and Tom had lived in medieval times!
I’m sure that when I was there I read something about Tarragona being more or less abandoned for a couple of hundred years due to the depredations of Arab slavers but there’s nothing on Google about it.
Coffee being my drug of choice makes me wonder why people use psycdelics. I like alcohol but it doesn’t particularly like me. I can do without it. I now find just about everything I like is not good for my aneurysm. Looks like being shot by a jealous husband when I’m 100 is not going to eventuate. I’ve just happened to find my life expectancy is cut in half. If its a burst not a slow leak I’ve got 1 minute instead of 2 minutes. This is only to make people think its over quicker. I’ve seen it happen and its much longer. Makes me wish I’d had children younger to see them and their children grow older. The joy my MiL gets from her GGrandchildren is heart warming. On the downside her broom is arriving in a months time.
Scott Morrison prepared to take witness stand in Reynolds, Higgins defamation rowBy Jesinta BurtonFormer prime minister Scott Morrison has been named among the high-profile witnesses called to give evidence in WA Liberal Senator Linda Reynolds’ high-stakes defamation trial against former staffer Brittany Higgins.
On Tuesday, the WA Supreme Court was told Morrison had filed and signed a witness outline ahead of the defamation trial to commence in late July.
The court was told the bundle of evidence adduced by Reynolds’ legal team would also contain sworn testimony from WA Senator Michaelia Cash and her former chief of staff.
Cash’s attendance in-person will hinge on parliamentary sitting dates, with Higgins’ lawyers continuing a push to delay the slated July 24 start date to accommodate new WA-based counsel.
Outside court, Reynolds’ lawyer Martin Bennett told the waiting press pack Morrison was expected to be overseas at the time of the trial, but was prepared to give evidence remotely if required.
And Reynolds, who made a surprise appearance at court, mentioned Morrison by name while sharing her gratitude to her former parliamentary colleagues for their support.
In 2021, Higgins alleged she was raped in Reynolds’ parliamentary office by her colleague Bruce Lehrmann – a claim Lehrmann has long denied. Lehrmann is appealing a decision by Federal Court Justice Michael Lee in an April 2024 civil defamation case that, on the balance of probabilities, he did rape Higgins. A rape charge against him was withdrawn in after his 2022 criminal trial was aborted due to juror misconduct.
Reynolds, the former boss of Lehrmann and Higgins, has faced years of criticism over her handling of Higgins’ rape allegation.
The senator said the ongoing fallout had a significant impact on her and others, with her medical professionals among those expected to take the witness stand.
“I need to clear my name finally, after well over three years… so many people have been so damaged by this,” she said.
Is this a good idea? North Carolina
Biden’s America is so funny.
Secret Service are being mugged whilst on the job!
Can someone explain the military industrial complex as I don’t see the loads of money going to the contractors?
If you follow the money, you also should be able to see “the money” but I don’t.
Let’s take Lockheed Martin Corp, one of the big defense players in the industry. I’ll leave Boeing alone as it’s beset by those problems in the civilian side causing the stock to be trashed. Lockheed doesn’t appear to be having any of those large problems.
Lockheed stock has been doing nothing since 2022 – remained flat.
The stock has a PE ratio of 16.81 while the average PE for the Dow is
In other words Lockheed is trading at almost half the current PE for stocks in the Dow.
How about a defense ETF, which carries the major defense contractors.
It’s trading PE around 30.72, which is at a tiny discount to the Dow, but nowhere near as bad as Lockheed. However this is nothing startling.
Since 2022, it’s gone from about $110 to $133, which is a 21% climb.
For 2022, the Dow rose 31% from it’s low point that year.
Defense should be trading at a massive multiple to the Dow and the S&P 500 if we’re to believe this huge money machine exists. At least the stock market doesn’t appear to believe it so.
Let’s try again.
Is this a good idea. North Carolina.
This Is Going Well news (the Hun):
That would be a bloke determined to become a woman.
Suicided 18 months later, perhaps unsurprisingly.
There are quite a lot of people required to be held to account.
June 18, 2024 4:17 pm
Caroline Glick hammered this point yesterday, I posted a link.
Like I said, the IDF is not immune to Mark Milley types and by the looks of it there are few “top men” actively working against the government.
JC all the problems and cost overruns along with changes the F-35 probably depressed the stock price. I notice General Dynamics dropped off during 45’s Presidency getting out of wars. The first two years probably only increased due to forward orders. I think you’re right, wheres the money going.
Here’s more Ranga
The total market capitalization of the major defense contractors is, according to Gemini.
Say, add in $100 billion because of individual problems at these firms, like you mentioned (Lockheed) to blow up the figure taking it to $631 billion.. We’re still nowhere near big and beautiful when you consider Nvidia and Microtheft are US$ 3 trillion apiece. The military industrial complex is really quite small.
From Louder with Crowder today.
This is how the election was manipulated.
I urge people to watch the segment with Dr Robert Epstein from the 56:50 minute mark.
The pilot dies and this bloke has to land the plane with his family in the back seats.
Good job bloke and ATC.
PILOT DIES, Passenger Lands King Air
It’s mind boggling. No it’s actually freaking criminal. China, the world’s largest importer of energy has one of the cheapest electricity costs in the world.
China 8 cents
Australia 28 cents
US 17 cents.
Germany at the close to the top,with some showing it as the most expensive. 40 cents.
We’re the largest coal exporter thereby allowing others to burn it and we’re now the second largest gas exporter (and the same applies). This is madness on a criminal scale. We’re letting China, our big threat burn our coal as we close down plants.
100 bill here and a hundred bill there and you’re still not talking serious money. I see 2024 defence budget is over 2 trillion. Previous years less than a trillion. The government is spending more than these companies are worth. Me non comprende.
Check out the man-boobs on this low T anti-Semite.
In NY, a man threatens an old Jew and spits at him.
Acclaimed NYC chef James Kent dies suddenly aged 45 as shocked co-workers cope with their loss: ‘We are heartbroken’
Leftist-driven chaos
The Psychopathy of the Left: Know thy Enemy
The Devil and Karl Marx | Dr. Paul Kengor
In NY, a man threatens an old Jew and spits at him.
Who knew the pervert apologist had a twin?
Free Palestine, by spitting on an elderly Jewish man.
Nazi imagery.
From the river to the spit.
There is of course, nothing to see here. Doctors remain baffled.
It isn’t ‘ old news’ given they are referring to a document, “Detailed End-to-End Raid Training,” that hasn’t been mentioned before in reports and the document involves includes details of what was planned, “exercises included raiding military posts and kibbutzim (collective communities in Israel), kidnapping soldiers and civilians, and maintaining the hostages once they were in the Gaza Strip”. So this is over and above what the Egyptians warned a few days before the attack.
They mention kibbutzim and civilians as well.
No, it appears that the IDF/ intelligence had a very good idea of the plan and its intended targets.
Peter Dutton will announce nuclear reactors will be commonwealth-owned and operated under similar schemes to those overseeing Snowy Hydro and the NBN, as Jim Chalmers attempts a renewables reset by placing new “community benefit” principles at the centre of Labor’s Future Made in Australia Act.
The Australian can reveal the tightly held nuclear policy to be announced on Wednesday, which does not incorporate wider climate and emissions targets, was not fully briefed to shadow cabinet members on Tuesday night to avoid locations being leaked.
It’s understood Mr Dutton has briefed MPs whose electorates could host a nuclear reactor.
The release of the policy was brought forward as a result of high levels of support in community surveys commissioned by the Coalition across seven proposed reactor sites.
Coalition MPs will give the green light to the nuclear policy on Wednesday morning.
This comes as Dr Chalmers will declare the government’s plan for net zero emissions is “mainstream and middle of the road” and release Treasury’s Sustainable Finance Roadmap and new legislative details underpinning the government’s Future Made in Australia plan.
Labor is vowing to prioritise measures to deal with greenwashing – which occurs when a company makes false or misleading statements about the environmental benefits of their product or practice – and improve access to climate and emissions data.
Speaking at The Australian’s inaugural Energy Nation forum in Sydney, Dr Chalmers will warn that Mr Dutton is embarking on a “nuclear road to nowhere” and attack the Coalition for being economically irrational and fiscally irresponsible.
The Australian revealed in February that the seven sites were expected to be in Coalition seats including in the Latrobe Valley in Victoria, the Hunter Valley in NSW, Collie in WA, Port Augusta in South Australia, and the southwest Queensland electorate of Maranoa, held by Nationals leader David Littleproud.
Great work!
Leprechaun to be denied another pot of gold?
Former Qantas CEO Alan Joyce faces a challenge to claim a $16m windfall, with the airline hiring a high-profile consulting chief to question senior leaders on whether a series of bungles will void the payment of lucrative bonuses.
Former Boston Consulting Group strategy chief Colin Carter was asked by the Qantas board to provide independent advice on whether the payment, double previous estimates, must be made given the litany of failures that occurred during the final years of Mr Joyce’s reign.
Mr Carter has advised Australian prime ministers and Australian Airlines during his lengthy career, and the board’s decision shapes as one of newly named chairman John Mullen’s biggest early tests at the aviation giant.
Sources said Mr Joyce and members of his executive committee, plus select board members, were currently being interviewed.
Care to donate to the GoFundMe page?
Peter Meuleman determined to uncover the truth about the crash that almost killed his son
Eleven years on from a near-fatal crash involving Daniel Andrews and Cath Andrews, cyclist Ryan Meuleman’s family still don’t have clarity on why Victoria Police failed so comprehensively.
Rita Panahi
It’s a David and Goliath battle in more ways than one.
On one side we have the powerful former Victorian premier Daniel Andrews – last week awarded the nation’s top honour and represented by a partner at one of the country’s most prestigious law firms – and on the other is a working-class family whose world was turned upside down in 2013 when the Andrews family’s SUV struck their teenage son.
Ryan Meuleman was lucky to survive the near-fatal accident on the Mornington Peninsula but to this day the family do not have clarity on precisely what happened and why Victoria Police failed so comprehensively to follow standard operating procedures, including securing the vehicle at the scene for forensic examination and conducting a mandatory breath test.
Andrews has claimed that Ryan “T-boned the car” and back in 2017 he said both he and wife Catherine, who was behind the wheel, had no issue with any documents concerning the case being released.
“I want to make it abundantly clear I have no objection, I have no problem, no concern, with documents being released,” he said.
But now he is fighting a Supreme Court order to provide his mobile phone records from that fateful day.
On Tuesday Ryan’s father Peter Meuleman told me he was determined to uncover the truth. “We are hoping to get justice for Ryan, it has been such a long road for us. So we would really like to get closure on the case, if we can get some honesty, transparency and justice for him,” he said on The Rita Panahi Show on Sky News.
But justice ain’t cheap.
The Meuleman family have set up a GoFundMe page to help cover legal expenses in their civil case.
“This is a really expensive legal exercise, we are a humble family from humble means and we want to fight this case, we want to get justice for Ryan,” Mr Meuleman said.
“I’m sure the Andrews camp can outspend us … they think once they’ve outspent us that we simply just go away.”
He called on Andrews to comply with the court order and rejected the notion that it was a fishing expedition.
“If you’ve got nothing to hide you’d be transparent about all of those records,” Mr Meuleman said.
“This is a legal case which is far from a fishing expedition.
“We just want clarity, closure and justice.”
IIRC, it is about 10 years ago, to the day, that Israel discovered tunnels from Gaza, inside of which were weapons, gas masks, gas, grenades, handcuffs, modified motorcycles (to carry hostages fast through tunnels) and lots more.
A very chilling discovery. There was no doubt what was the intention.
Even my dog, if questioned, would tell you this indicates Hamas’ intentions in crystal clear fashion, & that Hamas would not have eased off on the yearning to pop up into Israel, kill as many people as fast as possible, get their hands on some Israeli girls & whisk them back to Gaza.
I always thought that the followers of the Tartarians were taking the pee, and their site was a spoof site.
Not anymore.
Here is the site and the latest revelation.
“Tesla & The Cabbage Patch Kids
Public group
8.5K members
By Guy Anderson admin.
Chapter 5 – Lost Tartarian Technology
The following is taken from my book and I would love to know if anyone has any further information on this particular subject.
Again, as with all other posts, if I can use what you provide, you will be credited for it and sent a free copy when it’s published:
To heat a Tartarian home was quite simple and the original purpose of the chimney has very little in common than those of today. Each fireplace had two goblets, or poles, either side of the opening and a metal backplate (refer to the images in the centre pages).
They didn’t burn fuel of any kind, but instead they utilised the energy transmitted from the rooftop antennas, resonators and capacitors, to then bounce ionised air between the two goblets, which was then stored within the metal backplate.
In the winter it generated heat by creating a vacuum within the chimney. In the summer the metal plate absorbed the heat and the vacuum was used to cool the room and the chimney used simply as ventilation.
Guy ??
#tartariantechnology #antiquitech #fireplace #tartarianempire #tartaria”
The mind boggles, we worry about nuclear or coal power when it’s all there for the taking, “rooftop antennas, resonators and capacitors“.
Windmills move over.
It was explained a few days after the mass murders and abductions that the Israeli government was reliant on the high security fence etc for protection.
How does this incredible report invalidate or add anything new the Israelis were too reliant on tech and they failed to act despite being ripped off? That is, notwithstanding the fact Israeli intel would be overloaded with threats all the time.
John Spooner.
Brett Lethbridge.
Christian Adams.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Gary Varvel.
Al Goodwyn.
Chip Bok.
Tom Stiglich.
Lisa Benson.
Citizens vs Thugs Compilation #2
June 19, 2024 4:12 am
I’m in no great shape but even I could’ve beaten the crap out of him, but, but that would’ve made him the victim.
The way things are over there and coming here, better err on the side of caution when it comes to physical altercations.
The Australian revealed in February that the seven sites were expected to be in Coalition seats including in the Latrobe Valley in Victoria, the Hunter Valley in NSW, Collie in WA, Port Augusta in South Australia, and the southwest Queensland electorate of Maranoa, held by Nationals leader David Littleproud.
This is so arse about.
The way to do it is to have towns, regions, states bid for the nuclear power plants.
With the trade off that anyone within 100kms gets discounted electricity for a period of time, say 20 years.
It turns the narrative from a government telling people where they could potentially go to being the punters demanding it.
There’s going to be cross over between regions that want it & regions are suitable.
And the need for taxpayer subsidies (as per what Dutton said last week) isn’t needed is if you give 100 year exclusivity on providing nuclear services to Australia, you’ll see consortiums line up & pay for it.
Dynamic policy making & delivery isn’t really Australia’s thing.
Being in a less than ideal shape I might take up yoga, provided she is the teacher.
Any cute owl competition?
Imagine the media coverage if a GOP member of the house said they were a faith healer.
Dem “Squad” Member Claims She’s A Faith Healer & Cured Tumors With Her Hands
“ABC News Radio – coming to you from Gadigal Lands.”
And assisting in the fragmentation of Australia.
USA being destroyed from within:
Connecticut Bar Association warns lawyers not to have opinions about the law fare being used on Trump.
Too many bad actors in too many places for the USA to survive:
Head of Chicago Teachers Union tells radio host that conservatives do not want black kids to learn to read.
Husband just made a good point. He’s sick of the talk about the “Climate Debate” . He really reckons we need to call it the “Energy Debate”. We need to stop the climate nuts dominating the debate by use of language.
My wife just needed an MRI. They booked her for a Sunday evening, which seemed surprising. But they told her they have bookings until 11.30pm, 7 days a week now. I was reminded of this when I just saw this article about NHS waiting lists in the UK, because of the lockdowns, but both parties blame the other:
NHS Waiting Lists – Don’t Mention Lockdown – The Daily Sceptic
Same for all the DV ‘debates’ now I should think. Being locked up in an inner city apartment for 22 hours a day during the lockdowns sure sorted out some people’s ‘relationships’, sadly. But, oh toxic this, and feminist that, and don’t mention the l.o.c.k….
I have mentioned before that I enjoy reading leftie Slate‘s agony columns for shits and giggles. The pretzel logic and other contortions they go through to justify their worldview are often hilarious.
But they are also revealing, and explain why their offspring grow up entitled and unhappy.
Toddlers typically hit others because they do not have the vocabulary and emotional regulation to express their feelings. It’s common for kids this age to behave perfectly well at school, and then make a complete 180 at home. Your son might be using all his self-control at school and is spent by the time he gets home. (The positive side to this, of course, is that he feels safe enough with you and your husband to act out at home, knowing you love him no matter what.) It’s also possible that he expects to get his way at home, being an only child, whereas at school he is one of many kids, so everyone has to compromise. All of this is perfectly normal.
When younger toddlers hit, the conventional advice is to give a verbal correction and an immediate consequence (even if that means you walking away). You want to extinguish the behavior by starving the kid of your attention. For older kids, though, you can start to bring in more language to help them process the situation; with my son, that started around 4 years old. I would interrupt the tantrum behavior with a firm, mom-voiced, “We do not hit/slam doors.” Then I would gently get on his level, make eye contact, and follow a basic verbal formula: name the feeling, validate it, explain myself, offer a solution, and offer a hug. It might look something like this:
“You seem angry right now. You’re angry because you want me to fix your book, and I said no. I totally get it; it bothers me when my things are broken, too. The thing is, it’s already past our bedtime and we need to get some sleep. But I can take the book with me and tape it before breakfast tomorrow, or we can do it together after school. Which sounds better? OK. Now, do you want a hug?”
The hitter is three years old. He hasn’t got a clue what this woman is talking about. But, hitting his parents gets him a lot of attention and babble followed by a hug.
And, what’s with the obsession with giving kids who have the IQ of a smart Kelpie and the emotional maturity of (deleted – don’t want Dover to get sued) all of these choices? I can’t recall ever being asked if I wanted the blue T shirt or the white one, I just got dressed.
The grown up versions may be obnoxious, but it’s not all their fault.
Kicking arse big time with our CFA renewables strike.
Main news bulletins in Vic. The government is scrambling for a defence that’s easily countered with facts.
So, last night I had the misfortune to view a clip showing a piece of low IQ scum spit at an elderly little Jewish man wearing a yarmulke. The putrid piece of scum was shouting…’from the river to the sea’. Yep, and that folks sums up the progressive left in 2024, they have and are emboldening human garbage like the fatso big boob spitting male in the footage. To be honest, I found the footage distressing.
Remind me, just who are real Nazis in 2024?
I came home from hospital last night , yeah!
Kidneys now working at 11%, which is 11% more than they were on Sunday. The only downside at the moment is having to use the loo a lot. It looks like the medicos clobbered them with multiple contrast CT scans and antibiotics they were treating my fever for.
Bad news is my blood sugar, which was a little high , but under control, went totally haywire, they had stopped the tablets because of kidney interaction, and I am now on insulin.
The good news is I don’t have Covid, flu, RSV, HIV/aids, or any of the 3 hepatitis:-)
All things considered, happy to upright and breathing!
Stand by for the Green-Left media to go ooga-booga on nuclear again.
Fluffy Annaliese dredged up that old standby “nuclear waste”, which even Mr. Gaia himself (James Lovelock) said he’d be happy storing under his house! Australia has vast areas of geologically stable vacant land where a waste storage facility could go, but experience shows that there’s always an alternative bunch of “Elders” that enviro-loons can enlist to object to a site which genuine elders have already OK’d. Same as Gas Processing plants onshore in WA.
There’s facts Gez and then there be horseshit on a grand scale. Daily Telegraph:
So did these other people who voiced concern get a bit of dosh?
And underwater Aboriginal sites? Who knew that those along the coast were your regular Jacques Cousteaus. FMD
During all the talk on nuclear today, keep an eye on the small print for mention of gas.
If they’re going to dump coal (which is stupid, but…) we’re going to need gas “to 2050 and beyond” as Labor’s resources Minister King has conceded.
Given the lag time for nuclear plants, Dutton needs to take on the gas cartel and move towards a domestic reservation policy or propose another mechanism to guarantee supply at an affordable price or we’re stuffed.
Via, interesting article by Niall Ferguson
Australia has vast areas of geologically stable vacant land where a waste storage facility could go
That, plus strip mining and keeping the coasts apart is what much of it is only good for.
WATCH: Hate crime hoaxer BACKS OUT of debate with Avi Yemini
Justice, the, well, marinated Oz lettuce leaf in, limpid, action .. again..!
Yep Roger.
AEMO manger lass told us that gas was a backup for the ISP. I pointed out that it was not a backup but integral to the plan.
Rhetoric meets facts.
He has the hide of a rhinoceros but why not, no one in authority will lift a finger against him.
Fauci calls Covid vaccine “absolutely scientifically proven lifesaving intervention”: people in red states “suffer and die because of misinformation”
Seems like Dr Edwards has been bribed
This is where we are now: The Biden Administration sent two FBI agents to intimidate a nurse who told the truth about the child sex-change program at Texas Children’s Hospital. The regime is mobilizing to threaten and imprison anyone who opposes “transgender medicine.”
The latest is that this is all a deep fake by malevolent forces.
Biden’s Brain Malfunctions as He Announces MASS AMNESTY for Illegals Months Before Election
The federal government is spending America into oblivion
Found out recently that the commie chinks expect kowtow pronunciation as well as all of our debbil debbil gas and coal at rock bottom prices.
So prem “Li Qiang” is somehow “Lee Chang”
and Pres “Xi Jinping” is “She Ginping”.
I say, enough! of this contorted nonsense. If the celestials- or the Krauts, or the Frogs, or the First Nationses, any of the proud ancient cultures want to adopt our sensible roman alphabet, they can play a straight bat with pronunciation and definitely not expect to command their very own exclusive sub-rules of contradictory lisps and stutters. We Proud British have a perfectly sensible system of keeping spittle and gobs of upper respiratory viruses out of polite discourse. The exceptions to the rule- say, Anthony Albanese- stick out as an instant indication of lickspittle midwits.
This has not been thoroughly thought through.
Orbán Vows to ‘Make Europe Great Again’ as EU Leader
This lunatic is one of the most powerful people in the world today.
Klaus Schwab: WEF Young Global Leaders’ Brains ‘Will Be Replicated with AI’ When They Die
Food Corruption: Fake Meat, GMOs, and Beyond
The heckling again of Seinfeld and vandalism of Josh Burns MP office are adding to the mountain of reasons why ordinary people might be becoming very anti pro Palestinians and anybody who might support them.
So Dr Aunty pocketed the caaaaash and sidestepped the payoff via Twitter.
Got to respect that, a bit.
One more reason why vegans are so joyless? Apart from the totalitarian gene, that is.
Eating cheese plays a role in healthy, happy aging – who are we to argue?
Fluffy Annaliese dredged up that old standby “nuclear waste”,
Part of the AUKUS deal is Australia takes nuclear waste and not just from the US & UK but also their “partners”.
No waste, no subs.
There’s actually the possibility that we take waste for years before we take a single sub.
Does Annaliese have have a problem with that waste?
Or doesn’t she know about that?
Australia has possibly just overtaken Canada as the stupidest country in the developed world.
Netanyahu Throws Down on Biden Withholding Weapons, Ammunition
The official transcript of Biden’s speech at the fundraiser. Holy hell.
I stumbled on a raging controversy on twitter about Tasmanian Aboriginals abandoning fish consumption around 2000 years ago (that and other things)
Other than typical Palaeolithic fish traps in rivers and creeks is there any evidence that Aboriginal people ventured out to sea, like in boats or on rafts?
They might have spear fished in shallow water but I don’t know that they had nets etc.
I’m very dubious about the relationship with whales, other than the occasional beached ones.
And again if late 19th Aboriginals adopted Christianity, apparently with enthusiasm as so many became pastors and ministers I doubt the clarity of handed down spiritual beliefs and more importantly why we should care about them.
mUntyfa was on TV?
Well she’ll get a nice close up look at them when her whales start washing up dead on the beaches. Take a peg for your nose lady, apparently they pong quite a bit.
Jewish Labor MP Josh Burns’ St Kilda office attacked, set on fire by pro-Palestine vandalsThe St Kilda office of Josh Burns has been attacked by pro-Palestine vandals who lit a fire at the premises in a significant escalation of the violence directed at Labor MPs.
From the Hun.
The concept of land rights for gay whales goes from parody to reality in a mere several decades.
The sentence quoted above is a steaming load of preposterous superstitious animist horsesh*t.
Having said that, the proposed offshore eco-crucifix farm on the south coast is an absolute obscenity and must not proceed under any circumstances.
So much for cost benefit analyses. What a joke this country has become.
Speaking of, very edifying to see Dim Chambers attacking Dr Mutton for being “economically irrational and fiscally irresponsible”.
Hypocrisy, thy name is the Ozzie Labore Pardee.
I specifically mentioned fish traps on inland waters and they were no more ingenious than those constructed by Palaeolithic people in other parts of the world.
The thing is, other people moved on to rods and nets and boats etc.
Mesolithic fish trap from Ireland
SW WA pre-contacts loved whales, in particular as a topical application for arthritis in the oldies, who could be smelled coming miles off.
More from Eire.
Dr. John Campbell
Pfizer court case, Kansas
Nice to see Please Explain has been picked up by WUWT, and Pierre Gosselin likewise at Zerohedge today. Well done that blogger!
I’m not sure how much longer that I can withstand this terrible global warming heat!
Shirley, the ice will melt soon.
Tucker Carlson.
Glenn Greenwald: Antisemitism, Attacks on Free Speech, and Everything You Need to Know about Brazil
Nazi salute and public display of symbols to be punishable by up to five years in prison in proposed WA lawsWed, 19 June 2024 2:00AM
Josh Zimmerman
Displaying a Nazi symbol in public — or performing a Nazi salute — will be punishable by up to five years in prison under new laws that will be introduced to Parliament on Wednesday.
The WA crackdown comes amid a recent rise in anti-Semitism following the outbreak of the Israel-Gaza war in the wake of a Hamas-led attack on the Jewish state on October 7.
Under the proposed laws, it would become illegal to display a wide range of Nazi symbols in a public space.
They include the Hakenkreuz — better known as the swastika — as well as the Nazi flag and eagle, SS bolts and depictions of the Nazi salute.
An Indigenous academic, who criticised the cultural and environmental impacts of the controversial Illawarra offshore wind zone, was recently the recipient of a $300,000 research grant from the Albanese government.
Dr Jodi Edwards, an adviser and leader in the local Dharawal community, was commissioned in February to “explore how Indigenous songlines have protected whales and dolphins over hundreds of years”.
How on earth could that happen?
Could I get a $300k grant to ‘explore how kebab outlets have created cultural songlines across Melbourne?’ Maybe.
They’re havin’ a laff.
Don’t you love it when our politicians spring into action…80 years after the fact.
Meanwhile, what about the Hamas flag and paraphernalia, IS state, Hizbollah and so on?
After we Rabz the ABC, can we do CSIRO next?
The animal protection thing is a modern obsession of the comfortably well off and getting a $300,000 will certainly make Jodi comfortable. I expect the indigenes would have been more interested in how to get their hands on all that meat floating offshore.
We are being defrauded of our taxpayer money at every turn.