Reviewing the US media take on the debate via my soshuls, the overwhelming consensus appears to be:
Softcock format;
Trump, surprisingly, played by the rules of engagement, but evaded, sidetracked, and bullshitted like a champion; and
The event was a train wreck for Biden, who, despite a week of intensive preparation:
• Missed potential kill shots re: J6, criminal proceedings, abortion, debt, border, and Afghanistan – all of which would have been painstakingly worked out and rehearsed at Camp David;
• Fluffed the tax and cost of living issues;
• Crucially – looked, behaved, and sounded like an escapee from a care home.
Doubt abounds about the wisdom of any further public showing.
It’s frightening that this President may be woken at 0200 in the morning and told “The Russians, Chinese, and Iranians have launched a decapitation strike on us and there 20 missiles inbound. What are your orders, Mr President?”
That’s the true nightmare scenario for us.
The backup nightmare scenario is if General Mark A. Milley was still Chairman JCS.
They’ve been there before, Bob. JFK spaced out on painkillers or disappeared for a furtive shag, or Nixon depressed and pissed out of his mind on Jack Daniels. We were lucky.
I have it on good authority from a well placed contact in London that even the oleaginous and super-confident Blair visibly blanched when he was handed the briefcase containing the codes.
Mother Lode
June 28, 2024 2:19 pm
Dementia Joe………”we created thousands of millions of jobs….”
That is a Democrat invocation meant to ward off Orange Man.
As the frenzy over Covid was being whipped up further and further by the Dims states panicked and started implementing lockdowns – lockdowns which destroyed jobs. Even after Biden cheated his way into the Presidency the Fauci-Covid juggernaut had built up such momentum that (in typically craven leftist style) the horror stories were allowed to continue and…pullulate*.
Like the slow thaw from geological ‘snowball Earth’ events the temper for lockdowns subsided, states ended lockdowns, and jobs began to reemerge – old jobs not new ones. And not all jobs. Through the great hibernation many died.
The Dims blame Trump for the jobs predominately destroyed in Dim and RINO jurisdictions and Biden takes credit for the return of jobs. Like someone boasting of saving someone from drowning by taking their foot off the drownees head.
Except every month the lockdowns were prolonged the more jobs were destroyed forever.
*I don’t get to use that word often, so bear with me.
…looked, behaved, and sounded like an escapee from a care home.
Lunchbox Joe shall now be known as Websterpak Joe.
Farmer Gez
June 28, 2024 2:23 pm
It’s always about Albo.
William and his aunt, Emma Patten, described Jordan as a quiet and smart introvert who was neither working nor studying and had a number of mental health issues.
“Treatment was hit and miss,” William said.
“?He is a very troubled boy, he needs support,” Emma said.
There seems little chance that this kid would pass any mental health assessment.
A statesman looks for answers, a cheap politician looks in the mirror.
People should now understand how brutally inhuman these political machines are.
They kept that half dead thing in office, hoping to slide it past everyone to win another election. For power and money.
The Dems ran their fake virtual convention 5 days ago to make sure Biden could get on the Ohio ballot.
Biden IS their nominee.
Could they try a fast one at their actual convention? It’s the Dems, of course they could. But imagine how that’s going to go over after they just put him on TV to cement him into place.
Hillary Clinton – 76 yrs; Donald Trump – 78 yrs; Joe Biden – 81yrs.
Nope, not Clinton. Clinton will just be seen as more of the same, the same old, white establishment.
So, Michelle Obama ? 60 yrs ‘young’, female, black, ‘fresh’. Still run by ‘the same, old, white establishment’ but not quite as obviously.
And Americans can pat themselves on the back. Looking to the future, a new day. Turning away from that ugliness of the past. Think Gillard.
The Left believes this rubbish, and think only they can save the world and all humans. Even if they themselves don’t all their staffers believe, all their families believe, all their voters believe. It’s the biggest outbreak of mass insanity in history.
Then the other thing they are absolutely terrified about is that their crimes will be brought to an accounting. The entire Democrat Party is one gigantic crime syndicate, and justice would see most of them in jail for the rest of their miserable lives.
Put those two things together and you can know for certain they are going to steal it again.
The MSM will spin like tops and the lefty-controlled electoral machinery will steal the election.
Pollsters will play games with polls to make it look close in the run up to election day. Then the MSM after the fake results are announced will confess surprise at how well Biden did, and then say felon Trump lost because felon. It’s all completely obvious. The only thing in question will be what Trump’s voters do about it. J6 told them that the alphabet agencies will go very very hard.
Putin the Shirtless and X11 must be looking at this – not with jubilation – but with horror knowing he has the keys to arsenal, and while I doubt he would get to hit the Big Red Button, it means the whole chain of command is compromised.
These guys are delusional. One reckons the questions were chosen to protect Trump. This is insane!!
Sancho Panzer
June 28, 2024 2:45 pm
June 28, 2024 1:48 pm
Quite so, Sancho at 1.39pm. Except that Fairfax’s rivers of gold disappeared 25 years ago when the internet stole them and Fairfax management was too stupid and incompetent to hang onto them while the opposition at News Corp invented online behemoths like that cleaned up.
That was the point being put by the smart guys in the room (of which Corbett was not one). Imagine a world without or cars The market leader (Fairfax) launches or and offers dual listing initially. They would be killing it now and, if they chose, could cross-subsidise “qualidy j’ism”.
Corbett is a Turnbull fan-boi and still has the gall to try to block Gina Rinehardt from the board.
After presiding over the financial, strategic and editorial failure of Fewfacts, you’d reckon he would STFU.
But no.
…Trump could also have put his hands up at the end of a Biden mumble and said, I cannot understand his mumblings is he OK to continue? Lets just call a halt here.
Apropos of nothing. Who is the reigning Conscience of a Nation? It used to be Patrick Smith I believe, but he was deposed – either that or I stopped buying The Australian. Anyway, he carked it…. I just looked up who was playing tonight and Warren Tredrea is having a spat with Caroline Wilson and I thought no, she couldn’t be, could she?
No effin say no effin way – Wilson is a clueless wanna be I reckon I am socialist.
her attack on Kennett is because he is a conservative.
the main reaso pn male Aussie rules is soft and shit is because of clowns like her – her notions are stupid as Marx’s life.
June 28, 2024 2:52 pm
Thanks for your comments.
Just because I criticised Trump’s poor answer to one question that makes me not a Trump supporter.
Right got it.
He may have mentioned antifa and Pelosi in the follow up but his initial response was in my humble opinion poor as he should have been prepared to dive straight in. One of the most obvious questions he was going to get.
I realise this now makes me a lifelong Biden supporter but hey life is tough.
They sent Kamala out to do the follow up spin shows.
Anderson Cooper: Obviously you can’t honestly say, I mean, can you say that you are not concerned at all having watched the President’s performance tonight?
Harris: “It was a slow start. That’s obvious to everyone.”
Former Biden press secretary Jen Psaki: “You don’t send the Vice President of the United States out if you won the debate, typically.”
Mother Lode
June 28, 2024 3:06 pm
The Democrats are all too human.
Nietzsche reference!
Love it!
And in that spirit – drawing (from memory) upon the Die Froliche Wissenschaft (because some people will snicker at The Gay Science so I won’t write it) to describe modern Academia nuts and pubic intellectuals:
They write and they write
Their insufferable tarifari.
As if to primum scribere,
Deinde philosophari.
All shoehorning the world into their fatuous little theories. And what makes it worse? We can see the theorising of earlier thinkers and they are vastly more subtle than current fads like gender theory.
Why are the Dems in meltdown over Bidens poor performance? He has lived down to the past 4 years expectations and previous performances. Its as though they have not seen or not wanted to see how far he is from being fit for office. He should never have been gifted a first term nor lined up for a second. But here they are, In shock. Morons.
Biden has spent 50 years fully submerged in the innermost excesses of the Democrat Party.
I have guessed in the past that he has accumulated files. Those are now in Jill’s possession. I would be extremely surprised if a certain Caribbean island did not feature in them.
We are watching the Biden Administration allow thousands of Chinese SF troops just march into the country.
Old Lefty
June 28, 2024 3:20 pm
Where would we be without our ABC’s ‘impartial’ ‘reporting’. Here isntheir gist of an item today on the US presidential debate:
‘The Australia Institute’s Emma Shortis tells the ABC that Biden’s clear inability to prosecute Trump’s lies about reproductive rights and other issues will have major electoral consequences.’
To be fair, Trump did let Biden drag him into the weeds on the abortion thing.
Trump should have stuck with the basic facts – The Supreme Court said Roe V. Wade was BS law and that the states would have to legislate it for themselves.
He should have called Biden out when he claimed HE was going to restore Roe v. Wade. “As usual, you don’t know the limits of presidential power. If you could restore it you would have done it while your party controlled the house and the Senate. But you didn’t.”
Fitness influencer is slammed for posing in very risqué outfit at a sacred site in Thailand: ‘How disrespectful’
Daily Mail.
Mark from Melbourne
June 28, 2024 3:31 pm
Demonrats shot themselves firmly in the foot with their “rules”.
Trump, wisely, just chose to ignore the question if it didn’t suit and continued along the chain of the debate. The “moderators” couldn’t do much, if anything, and it meant – counter-intuitively, I will confess – that it mostly came across as an actual debate… because when Trump continued, Biden had to respond.
Which meant that Dorothy Dixers like child care and drug addicts got waylaid / ignored by both of them, but Trump managed to turn it into an actual exchange.
Also, did anyone note the Biden mantra of “Point One… Point Two…”?
June 28, 2024 3:33 pm
Biden Rats jumping ship. lol.
June 28, 2024 3:41 pm
Memes are coming fast. This one states, “the entire debate summed up in one photo”.
Fatima Payman: PM expects rogue senator to toe the line as she hints at more pro-Palestine protests Dan Jervis-BardyThe Nightly
Fri, 28 June 2024 12:28PM
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has put rogue WA Senator Fatima Payman on notice as she flags more pro-Palestine protests, saying he expects his colleagues to “comply” with party conventions.
Mr Albanese said the Greens parliamentary “stunt” calling for Palestinian statehood, which Senator Payman crossed the floor to support, would do nothing to advance peace in the Middle East.
The latest rebuke came as senior Labor minister Tony Burke said he was “very glad” Senator Payman was a Labor member.
Senator Payman has been told not to attend next week’s Labor caucus meeting after defying party convention to cross the floor and support the Greens’ Palestine motion on Tuesday night.
The relatively soft punishment has infuriated some Labor MPs who believe the breach of caucus solidarity warrants a harsher penalty.
Senator Payman’s future was not discussed during Friday’s meeting of Labor’s national executive, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the deliberations.
The senator’s conduct is considered a matter for the Federal caucus, sources say.
In her first interview since the dramatic vote, Senator Payman told online youth media outlet 6 News that crossing the floor would not be a “one-off gesture”.
Instead, she saw the vote as an “incremental” step in an ongoing campaign to push the Federal Government to recognise Palestinian statehood.
It is not clear if that means she plans to support future Greens motions, which will inevitably be brought forward, or express her position in other ways.
Mr Albanese was asked on Friday what, if any consequences, Senator Payman might face if she again broke ranks again to support a Greens motion.
The prime minister said his position was “very clear”, suggesting the one-week caucus suspension would be the extent of the punishment.
However, he made clear that he expected Senator Payman to toe the line.
“We expect that people will participate in our caucus processes and comply,” Mr Albanese said.
Mr Albanese dismissed the significance of Tuesday night’s Senate vote, describing it as a “stunt”.
“The important thing to note about this week is that Senate motions do not determine Australia’s foreign policy. And the Greens political party (is) engaged in stunts, not in looking for solutions.”
Mr Albanese’s comments follow a major rebuke from Foreign Minister Penny Wong, who said the prime minister had shown “great restraint” in dealing with Senator Payman’s action.
Senator Wong — who never broke ranks during her years-long fight to shift Labor’s position on same-sex marriage — said she understood her colleagues’ anger.
“Obviously we understand the importance of Caucus solidarity. It is very rare for a Labor person not to respect that,” she said.
Senator Payman does have the strong backing of Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke.
Mr Burke, whose Sydney electorate includes a large Muslim community, has made numerous comments supporting the Palestinian cause since the outbreak of the Gaza conflict.
“I work very well with Fatima Payman and I’m very glad she’s a member of the Labor party and a member of the Labour caucus,” Mr Burke said.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 28, 2024 3:50 pm
Comment waiting for approval – seems Tony Burke is Senator Fatima Payman’s friend at Court.
The usual suspects are agitating for a ‘poverty line’ – which is always relative. So, if most kids have a mobile and a laptop and a tablet, not having one of those describes ‘poverty.’
I don’t wish to minimise poverty, especially in these days where people are living in their cars because there is not enough housing (thanks, Feds – let’s import more migrants.)
But the lobbyists’ call is for an arbitrary ‘poverty line’ which is based on a formula that ensures that there are always plenty of poor people, because it is relative – in other words, the poor (our constituency) will always be with us. It is really about wishing and asking for everyone to have approximately equal income and wealth.
Yes, Russia or China are not going to use illegals to undertake 9/11 style attacks on the continental US.
Not even as a distraction?
And what about the ISIS guys? Iran is in bed with the russkies and the chunks and iran controls ME terrorism. Putin and Xe will be more than satisfied with a US weakened by ISIS/whatever muslim term you want to use attacks.
June 28, 2024 3:59 pm
Well that didn’t take long.
Biden claimed he was endorsed by the Border Patrol Union.
To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.
— Border Patrol Union – NBPC (@BPUnion) June 28, 2024
The man is an inveterate liar. He has gotten away with it for his entire career and doesn’t realize the internet means he can and will be fact checked in seconds.
Dr Faustus
June 28, 2024 4:02 pm
Comment waiting for approval – seems Tony Burke is Senator Fatima Payman’s friend at Court.
But no, sending plants through the southern border. Could never happen,
Of course it could and has head prefect. I watched a movie about it the other night.
Note to head prefect: well played!
Last edited 8 months ago by cohenite
Wally Dalí
June 28, 2024 4:10 pm
Haven’t seen the debate, but I’m guessing that Trump showed admirable restraint in neither hand-patting nor euthanising his demented opponent. Shows that-
-point one, he learned the lesson of his undisciplined 2020 showings
-point two, all of his prep has been focused on the upcoming Switcheroo candidate, Michelle Obama.
is going to win in a landslide. The country should rally around Trump and help him succeed. Trump didn’t expect to win the first time he was elected. As a result, he was totally unprepared. The lack of preparation, the Russia investigation and the ensuing chaos interfered with his ability to execute. Now Trump knows he is going to win. So does everyone else. One of my biggest concerns was whether Trump could build a first class team. The good news is that very capable people that I know are excited to work in the new Trump administration. Trump will be able to start recruiting top talent immediately. Trump will now have time to assemble a first class team. He will be a much better president with the benefit of experience, by surrounding himself with a better team, and without the distractions that interfered with his presidency. The best thing we can do as citizens is support our next president. We need to align the country around our nation’s leader. We have grave global threats we need to deal with and challenging economic times fast approaching. The abortion issue has been a critical one for many Americans. Trump’s message tonight on abortion should be comforting to many of these voters. Trump made clear that he would not challenge the abortion pill and would leave the issue to the states. He also said he approved of abortion in the instance of rape, incest and risk to the mother’s life. Trump came across as strong and reasonable on the important issues. He didn’t respond to Biden’s attacks. Let’s bring the country together. Our divisiveness is killing us. And yes, someone needs to take the Democratic leadership behind the woodshed.
And what about the ISIS guys? Iran is in bed with the russkies and the chunks and iran controls ME terrorism. Putin and Xe will be more than satisfied with a US weakened by ISIS/whatever muslim term you want to use attacks.
Iran doesn’t control ISIS. ISIS are literally operating against all the Iran ‘proxies’ in the ME. And then you have their terror activities in the Russian Federation and periphery, two in the last six months, but we’re supposed to believe they are an ally? Come on now.
There is no way Geriatric Joe will be the democrat presidential candidate come November.
He’ll have either gone completely ga ga or tits up (i.e. profoundly dead, as opposed to barely alive).
The Kamel as president would be a female equivalent of President Camacho, but a lot more incoherent (and presumably less prone to guzzling copious quantities of Brawndo*).
There’s a lot that can be done. The Ukrainian program against Russian oil refineries is an example. US fuel infrastructure is poorly secured. A time on target sabotage op could cause immense destruction and disruption in a Day One war attack.
Biden has been running down both the crude oil and gasoline stockpiles. Both are not far off empty.
Won’t be 9/11 which was a BOOB attack (Bolt Out Of Blue). A few days after the US gets involved with defending Taiwan against the Chicoms, different matter.
June 28, 2024 4:30 pm
Apparently not one head of aFortine 500 company will vote for Trump.
Especially in an era when government seizes fascist control of the economy — as in the USA and Australia — corporate CEOs take their cues from the government and tend to be weak followers of trends who don’t understand or support the free market.
June 28, 2024 4:33 pm
Actually, running nasties through the southern border would be a good idea as they’re undocumented and therefore there’s deniability.
US infrastructure is quite vulnerable and there’ve been suspicious incidences with the power grid over the past 1 1/2 years.
The Dags were apparently equipped with US small arms. I suspect they’d be from Afghanistan given the close links via Tajikistan. But why would those Ingush have Russian small arms? Ok that whole area is awash, they could easily have got them through Iraq or somesuch place I guess.
Iran doesn’t control ISIS. ISIS are literally operating against all the Iran ‘proxies’ in the ME. And then you have their terror activities in the Russian Federation and periphery, two in the last six months, but we’re supposed to believe they are an ally? Come on now.
Houthis, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban, they’re all shoots from the same weed with Iran the fertilizer, replacing to some extent the Saudis. ISIS are the delinquents of islam but that is irrelevant because if ISIS starts blowing up the US do you think Iran will care?
We had Elbow the inconceivable and other world leaders going to genuflect at the white house, yet not one seems to think it might be a security or worrying issue the Presidents head is full of worms.
After seeing the performance tonight have a gander at Elbow/Resident Brainworms little meeting.
Then realise you are supposed to pretend his tardness is a recent thing.
I drove from Proserpine to Mackay and back today
Had lunch and XXXX XXXX ( two beers) at the Eimeo Pub
On the way there a b double had gone over the side and was lying forlornly in a ditch .
On the way back there was a large courier truck fully ablaze on the side of the road.
Everyone seemed to have got out safely
I thought she looked as though she was wrapped in glad wrap.
Prep for role play later tonight? 😀
Wally Dali
June 28, 2024 5:38 pm
Oooh that Estonian bird has a lovely tone of voice.
There’s your final challenge, Cohenitty- post a vid of one of your Cute Owl speaking, so we can be sure that they’re not A.I.
…or XY either
June 28, 2024 5:42 pm
Trumps team walking along and bayoneting the wounded now.
I’ve got a strange, old fashioned point of view about these matters, but I thought she was elected to the Senate, as a Senator for Western Australia, to represent the views of Western Australians, not the Palestinians?
Which is odd, because he has the strongest faction behind him.
Anyway, as I predicted, Payman is proving to be a handful.
June 28, 2024 5:45 pm
Let’s say they replace the crooked corpse. Doesn’t that look terrible for the Demons in a way that the punters will find unforgivable? Of course, they will put out the story that they were surprised that the corpse was in such bad shape, but the other side will make hay out of this and argue they knew all along and were just hiding Hiden until it was no longer possible. If they replace the corpse, I’m not so sure it will work out well for them. In saying that, if they were able to think outside the box and anoint someone not in politics like Dimon, they could be in for a show. However, Dimon has said that the only way he’d take the candidacy was if he was begged. I don’t think that will happen, but we’ll see.
They won’t replace the cabbage unless they’ve got a REALLY good reason – like Jill and the cabbage getting killed. Yes, Jill will need to go because she’d have the Files.
A sudden realisation Joe is worse than they thought won’t wash.
There is no way I’d be getting on board a plane or helicopter carrying the pair.
June 28, 2024 5:47 pm
MSNBC openly canvassed whether Biden can be replaced in their post-debate report.
Agree. It’s been obvious for years that Biden is a holding operation but that now he’s getting too wandering and hence unreliable to be useful even as a puppet. It’s all too apparent now that he is, which even Democrat voters won’t wear. So bring on the new puppet with shiny new strings attached.
June 28, 2024 5:50 pm
If i was given to conspiracy theories Id bet Brainworms will be quietly slipped a hot shot and die in office. This will enable the full “died in the service of his his son…FDR reincarnated.. no campaigning while mourning… etc etc.
Kamala will be too grief stricken to take up the mantle and it will take a steady pair of canckles to right the ship of state.
Channel Nein presented Creepy Joe’s ramblings, and matched them against concise responses from Trump. (Including “I don’t know what the end of the last sentence means, and I doubt that President Biden does either.
I was interested to see how the MSM would spin Biden in the Headlights.
Nein played clips of distraught Dimocrats putting The Sniffer’s cue in the rack and calling for a changeout.
It’s Friday, biden is a smear so some titles for the jaded with a distinctly biden theme:
People Who Don’t Know They’re Dead: How They Attach Themselves to Unsuspecting Bystanders and What to Do About It (2005) by Gary Lala Hille
How to Good-bye Depression: If You Constrict Anus 100 Times Everyday. Malarkey? or Effective Way? (2000) by Hiroyuki Nishiguckaguka
The Origin of Feces and Urine Therapy (2013) by David Waltner-Toews
Nuclear War: What’s in it for You? (1982) by Ground Zero Fund, Inc. (Editor)
Sancho Panzer
June 28, 2024 6:23 pm
Snap BJ.
Even the “feed the chooks” media couldn’t spin this to a largely uninterested Australian public.
June 28, 2024 6:26 pm
Have been too busy today and catching up via scrolling the Cat before I go to my usual commentators for the breakdown.
I just got to this;
June 28, 2024 12:38 pm
We are not learning anything. Trump is an authoritarian a-hole and is so old he literally has dementia. Biden is competent and boring, but has a speech impediment and is also old.
I doubt this debate shifts the needle.
I’ll keep going but this is a huge indicator that Biden is finished.
Watching a doco on the plight of the “Palestinians.” Seems that, when the Israelis left Gaza in 2005, they even removed the remains of their dead.
The Pali response was to destroy everything the Israelis left behind, even to burning the crops and slaughtering the farm animals. Such a civilized people..
From a broader perspective, Assange and Wikileaks’ history of exposing the crimes of the national security state, in particular the War on Terror, would seem to consort ideologically with Trump, who bravely and famously defeated the Bushes and the Clintons in one of the biggest embarrassments to the establishment in 2016. The answer here is complicated. While Trump’s anti-establishment energy certainly synergized with the efforts of Wikileaks, the very same deep state elements that took every step to undermine Trump, of course, went after Assange. Trump may have been nominally in charge of the national security bureaucracies and Justice Department, but this never stopped the bureaucracies from working tirelessly to undermine his presidency. It should come as no surprise then that the same national security bureaucracy that opposed Trump while Trump was president should have gone ahead with the indictment of Assange. Most disturbingly, there have been credible reports that Trump’s own Secretary of State secretly plotted to have Assange assassinated.
+CNN’s Van Jones Says Joe Biden ‘Failed’ at Debate: ‘That Was Painful’
+CNN’s John King: Top Dems in ‘Aggressive Panic’ After This Debate
+’Babbling’ and ‘hoarse’: Biden’s debate performance sends Democrats into a panic (NBC)
+CNN Panic: Biden was ‘Dismal,’ ‘Not Coherent,’ Dems Want New Candidate
+A sometimes halting Biden tries at debate to confront Trump, who responds with falsehoods (Associated Press, LOL)
+Is Joe Biden sick? First presidential debate viewers surprised at hoarse voice (USA Today)
+A ‘disaster’: Biden’s shaky start in debate with Trump rattles Democrats (Reuters)
As I said these are all lefty comments or reports. The spin is having a real hard time getting going, although I must say Ass Press really did their ultimate best.
The Demented One was always going to end up here, in disarray and floundering in a reality he couldn’t understand.
There’s no way back from senility and Alzheimer’s Disease and the Democrats were just fooling themselves for trying.
…and now they have a major problem.
June 28, 2024 6:42 pm
Trump’s facial expressions when the corpse was talking is hysterical.
June 28, 2024 6:45 pm
Farmer Gez
June 28, 2024 1:53 pm
The left media are certainly disciplined.
The plan to kill off Joe in a national debate is in full swing. Newsom is waiting for the call and the scripts are already written.
If Trump had more political savvy he would call the game and show sympathy with poor old Joe being abused and manipulated by the swamp.
I too think this whole process is a set up so they get an excuse to spear him.
They’ll have to convince Dr Jill, as de facto power of attorney, to sign over his delegates to another candidate. Either that or he conveniently shuffles off this mortal coil before November.
If Joe ends up zipped in a sports bag after dropping a weight on his head I guess we have the answer.
June 28, 2024 6:45 pm
This is worth considering too. He may stay in.
What happens if Biden stays in the race?
Since Biden has enough delegates to win the nomination, if he stays in the race there is not a path for another candidate to become the Democratic nominee.
All of the speculation about the puppet presidency of the past four years assumes the Obama-backed Biden presidency is willing to give up power in an election.
I doubt it. Obama and the rest of his shadow presidency are anti-democratic fascists. They think American voters shouldn’t be allowed to rule America because they’re morally inferior.
Tom, they will have a younger and more pliable puppet already booked up, with some special documentation on him/her garnered from Dr. Jill’s big handbag of papers they’ve wrested from her on promise of immunity from prosecution for the Biden family business.
Yes and I always thought running GJ was a sick joke. Why? Easy for Obumma to manipulate? Dr Jill’s dirt file? To teach voters a lesson that even the most repulsive pollimuppett imaginable would be appointed prez regardless of their wishes?
I’ll keep going but this is a huge indicator that Biden is finished.
Even as CNN, MSNBC and The Grey Lady are putting the screens up and getting the .22 out of the vet’s van, m0nster is still running the Black Knight routine … “it’s just a cold.”
The Black Knight. lol, M0nty. Go on, tell us it’s just a flash wound.
Yep, they’ll have to put him down now, but I’m sad about that. Sad because it would be a sure win for Trump if Biden was his opponent shedding votes like fur from a sick cat (to borrow a phrase used recently in the Oz). Now ‘new blood’ will enter the ring and it will be harder for Trump to fight that because it will be accompanied by all sorts of shenanigans, rabbits and hats at the ready.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 28, 2024 7:42 pm
Absolutely priceless debate. Watched it all in real time and the post-debate Demo meltdowns and the praise for Trump letting Biden demonstrate his tenuous hold on cognitive processing. Biden’s staring eyes and the no-one’s home mouth agape spoke volumes too; that camera was merciless. The format actually worked, because it played down Trump’s aggressive tendencies and it put focus on issues for them both. Only one really bad question – the Dorothy Dixer on climate change – which Trump refused to buy into, cleverly turning it into environmental clean-ups and air quality. He was superb at directing the debate to issues which suited him, and hammering the key point, which is that no amount of policy on welfare or social security or anything else is going to work if the influx of immigrants isn’t staunched, because this influx just means more tax and more debt.
Trump’s facial expressions were also an amusing non-verbal commentary on Biden’s attempts at critique. James Morrow pointed out afterwards that there are two ways to view any debate – by turning off the sound and getting only video, or turning off the video and getting only sound – and that Trump won magnificently on both of these. Biden failed both miserably.
Hairy and I hooted with laughter at Trump’s sly and subtle use of the Brandon meme too, slipping it in in place of Biden/Joe in one brief allusion.
Trump was masterly. He destroyed Biden, not by beating him up, but simply by letting him ramble on. The format, where Biden was left with time to fill on a couple of occasions, did not help Biden either.
The fake votes will be just that much harder to believe if its Biden. I don’t doubt that they’ll try it, more so though if they put up a new candidate. In that regard, Trump is not home yet and all may still be stolen from him.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 28, 2024 7:42 pm
Anyway, “Slainte” to all you mob.
Mme Zulu’s test results are back – all clear – no more tests for six months.
I’m having a wee dram – or four or five – in celebration. Cats will do me the courtesy of ignoring any incoherent transmissions from this callsign.
What a relief for you both, Zulu. Best wishes, and enjoy that wee drop.
I’ve not had much at all to drink since Monday’s ‘procedure’ and so I’m on my second G & T now. Very refreshing and uplifting it is too.
I have just caught up on the Biden/Trump stoush and viewed footage.
Umm, I note that early this morning a commentator here described the Sniffer as someone who has ‘mild cognitive impairment’. Crikey, I’m pretty sure the word ‘mild’ is too mild to describe Joe Biden’s decrepit state of mind.
Having said that, watching the footage, I actually felt sorry for him. It was embarrassing. Am I wrong to feel pity for the man? Probably but the man is a patsy, a puppet, a tool of Obama and his hard left acolytes, and today he was totally outclassed by Trump.
In SA there is just enough rain to have that film of green struggle through the dark brown dirt. Middle shade of dark with hint of red.
Sancho Panzer
June 28, 2024 7:45 pm
June 28, 2024 6:42 pm
Trump’s facial expressions when the corpse was talking is hysterical.
It reminded me of the bemused expression on the face of the character Tim from “The Office” when David Brent would go on one of his egotistical rants.
“I’m hearing the words, but I have no idea what he is on about.”
Further to the Fairfax/Nine woes, I have zero sympathy for Nine. I would buy the SMH if it was readable but I just can’t, it is just shit, absolute far-left drivel. I call it the ‘Stinking Sneering anti-Semitic Morning Herald’.
High income earning English protestants with the sex and substance addictions.
hate Catholics.
H B Bear
June 28, 2024 7:54 pm
The bit where Trump and the corpse went on about their golf handicaps was gold. Some very funny Trump golf videos about. But we’ve all had the odd S shot.
The inference being that the woman left the lift when the transsexual* person entered ONLY because of the newcomer’s sexual identity.
What if the two were known to each other and had fallen out over an employment, business, or personal reason?
What if the woman who left did she because she’d had a bad day and really wanted to be in a space of her own?
Stunts like this are not designed to influence the behaviour of non-subjects (the general public), but rather to emphasise to the subjects (transsexuals) the nature of their victimhood/fragility status. This ad is saying ‘You should expect praise and effuse acknowledgement from every person in society, but you WON’T receive it (though everyone else does) because you are HATED.’ When unrealistic expectations (unconditional praise) are not met, this is defined as ‘Hate or Ignorance.’
This is about setting people up to fail, rather than succeed; inserting time-delayed b@ombs within society to produce intentional dysfunction. Why? So the Saviour Class can ride in and propose (and have legislated) ‘solutions’ that will, of course, provide them with very comfortable incomes.
fallen out over an employment, business, or personal reason?
maybe time to take out a Restraining Order
should Vic Govt even be allowed within 500m of the elevator?
Sancho Panzer
June 28, 2024 7:55 pm
Having said that, watching the footage, I actually felt sorry for him. It was embarrassing. Am I wrong to feel pity for the man?
Yes. He and his family have been nothing but a leeches on American society for fifty years. He an ammoral grifter of the highest order and deserves no sympathy. Reserve your sympathy for people like the IT repair tech who acted in good faith handing in the junkie’s laptop to the authorities and then got nothing but harassment for his troubles.
Absolutely spot on. Biden is where he is because he purposefully connived his way there. If he had a soul he sold it long ago to dishonesty, greed, a total lack of integrity and honour, and a desperate hunger for personal aggrandizement.
His wife, family, and close henchmen are no better. They are riding the gravy train and shoveling coal into the firebox as fast as they can towards the inevitable train wreck.
If there is any virtue left in the US federal justice system more than a few of them will be seeing the inside of a courtroom and hopefully prison cells.
All good stuff. I think he is underselling the power that Jill appears to hold, but only because there is no open indication of a dirt file. I am inferring one from the various behaviours of all the players, but so far there’s not been a single sniff that such a tome might exist. They’re very cagey about calling time on Joe though, very cagey. So Mr Greenfield has to play a straight bat in that respect.
You’d have to watch it through again, JC. I think it was around the halfway mark, but unsure. He was calling out to Joe and called ‘Brandon’, quite deliberately. Hairy heard it too so it’s not just my wishful thinking.
Maybe others did too?
John H.
June 28, 2024 8:39 pm
June 28, 2024 6:45 pm
This is worth considering too. He may stay in.
What happens if Biden stays in the race?
Since Biden has enough delegates to win the nomination, if he stays in the race there is not a path for another candidate to become the Democratic nominee.
I didn’t watch all of it. Biden behaved as I expected. Stumbling and bumbling. There was no magic pill, he was as bad as always. In 2020 it was obvious he was on the way out yet the stupid Dems didn’t bother to prepare a successor. I wouldn’t be surprised if they replaced him but it doesn’t matter now. On occasion he lost patience. In a few years time he may demonstrate agitation, a behavior in some types of dementia that is controlled with drugs like risperidone; sedates them into the bed and keeps them there. One of the unspoken tragedies in dementia and brain injury is that the person dies twice. First to go is personality, then the body.
Bingo. When the king is vulnerable, as he most definitely is now, those well sharpened but previously hidden knives come out. The Biden junta aren’t the only people in DC who collect dirt, including dirt which is incriminating in the legal sense.
The Overton window has definitely opened.
Last edited 8 months ago by Zatara
June 28, 2024 8:54 pm
Having said that, watching the footage, I actually felt sorry for him. It was embarrassing.
Cassie, it was embarrassing and it was cringe worthy, but don’t feel sorry for this pos. He’s always been embarrassing and cringe worthy.
June 28, 2024 8:56 pm
Good news about the rain, Zulu.
Dry planting is about the biggest risk you can take outside of using monty’s political commentary as a guide to place bets.
Having said that, watching the footage, I actually felt sorry for him. It was embarrassing.
This humiliation is a fitting end to a corrupt slime bucket grifter.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 28, 2024 9:32 pm
For Cats with an interest in military matters, Ian Stiles’s book “A Mother’s Worry: Young Bagzar” is a pretty damnfine account of soldiering in the heavily armed, mildly alcoholic gang of sex maniacs that made up the Australian Army, and of two tours in South Vietnam with the Special Air Service Regiment. (“Bagzar” was his nickname – “Bagzar style,” or “Bagzar sh!t”, depending on who you believe.) Good reading – check it out.
Bingo. When the king is vulnerable, as he most definitely is now, those well sharpened but previously hidden knives come out. The Biden junta aren’t the only people in DC who collect dirt, including dirt which is incriminating in the legal sense.
Don’t worry, the backgrounding will have already started.
“Jill is excessively ambitious and vindictive. She has already threatened to dump on her enemies … with stuff that is basically tired old rumours with no substance.”
The Bidens may have stuff on others which is embarrassing and possibly career ending. But the stuff others would have on them is long term jail material. Jeez, they could put Bunter in front of a less friendly jurdge next week on any number of matters and he’d be goneski for a very long time.
Carpe Jugulum
June 28, 2024 9:36 pm
Just catching up on the Trump / Biden debate and CNN et al are coming out with the line of, “Trump was spreading Disinformation” about what i have no idea.
It seems they have decided / had instructions about what the narrative should be.
Maybe the abortion part.
Trump was saying Biden would allow a 9month baby to be ripped away. Biden said Roe v Wade didn’t allow for that. It’s either a lie from Trump or a misapprehension by Biden of Trump’s point. That could be grounds for disinformation.
“Disinformation” means ” Information that the DemonRats want to hide”.
Sancho Panzer
June 28, 2024 9:47 pm
Carpe Jugulum
June 28, 2024 9:36 pm
Just catching up on the Trump / Biden debate and CNN et al are coming out with the line of, “Trump was spreading Disinformation” about what i have no idea.
The beginning of a push to have it heavily redacted on the soshuls.
June 28, 2024 9:48 pm
Peggy Noonan in the Journal. A snippet.
The Most Important Presidential Debate Ever
In the weeks before CNN’s presidential debate I was skeptical of its significance. I didn’t see a dramatic, high-stakes, pivotal showdown coming, only a moderately sized, pro forma moment in a long, drawn-out campaign. The format had too many prohibitions—muted mics, no open discussion, no live audience, no opening statements, no talking to aides during the breaks, no notes on the lectern. This promised something airless, manufactured, hermetically sealed.
Beyond that I doubted we’d learn anything, because I doubted whether either candidate had the ability to expand on his known persona. Joe Biden has moments of blurted thought, but could he really sustain a thought or make an argument that coheres over two minutes? Could he suddenly show command, a true grasp of his own positions?
Could Donald Trump demonstrate that returning him to power wouldn’t be a wholly irresponsible act? Could he make any dent in the doubts, grounded in history, as to his nature and character? This wasn’t a question about whether he’s grown but about whether he can control himself.
Still, as a national event the early debate would function as the formal kickoff of the campaign, replacing Labor Day. And it would make clear how each candidate intends to present himself and his issues the next four months. So maybe it would be more consequential than I anticipated.
It was in fact as consequential as any presidential debate in history, and the worst night for an incumbent in history. It was a total and unmitigated disaster for Mr. Biden. It was a rout for Mr. Trump. It wasn’t the kind of rout that says: If the election were held tomorrow Donald Trump would win. It was the kind of rout that says: If the election were held tomorrow Donald Trump would win in a landslide.
It is impossible to believe that the Democrats will continue with Mr. Biden as their presidential standard-bearer. They are going to have to do what they fear to do: make themselves uncomfortable, reveal their internal splits and brokenness, and admit what the rest of the country can see and has long seen, that Mr. Biden can’t do the job. They have to stop being the victim of his vanity and poor judgment, and of his family’s need, and get themselves a new nominee.
From the moment he shuffled out with a soft and faltering gait, you could see how much he has declined. He was pale and waxy, and there was something almost furtive in his gaze. His voice was hoarse and feathery, with no projection. His answers were scrambled, halting. At some points he made no sense. At some points he seemed out of it.
Mr. Trump came across as calm, sure-voiced, focused. His demeanor wasn’t insane. He was low-key but high-energy. He obeyed the rules, amazingly, to his benefit. He showed respect for the moderators. If not quite genial he was collected, and he offered a new tack on why he’s running: He didn’t want to, but Mr. Biden, unfortunately, is such a disaster that Mr. Trump has to come back and save the country. “His policies are so bad . . . he will drive us into World War III.” World leaders neither respect nor fear him.
In the split screen, when not talking, Mr. Biden’s face seemed to freeze, sometimes in unfortunate loose-jawed expressions.
*A* brain fade?? There was no brain operating at all in the body of that frail old bastard (which he is and always has been).
Joe Biden’s voice was raspy and quiet from the outset and he often appeared to struggle to round off his sentences, tripping over his own words.
These are hallmarks of the way the president speaks but are becoming more pronounced with age, and this was a particularly bad night in that regard.
That is a deadset lie. Just like the ‘oh he has a stutter, he’s always had it’ lie. No, he is SENILE. It is OBVIOUS. Anyone can go onto YouTube and find footage of him pontificating in the Senate in the 90s and 80s – hell, even when he was VP – and there was ZERO raspy voice. ZERO stutter. These are disgraceful lies and you should never listen to anyone repeating them ever again, because they think you are so stupid that you won’t believe your eyes and will instead believe their bullshit because they insist you do. They are insulting your intelligence.
Reporters being briefed by the Biden campaign said they were being told the voice issues were due to a cold.
Those reports didn’t start to filter through until the debate was well underway and will likely to be the focus of scrutiny in the wash-up.
What?? It’s a cold?? This is what they think we’re going to believe? If only Biden’s people got the ‘Joe’s got a cold’ message out earlier, everyone would have understood??
But the worst adversary the Tories face is apathy. ‘Our biggest barrier is not Farage but the sofa,’ says a senior aide to Sunak. Conservative voters staying at home is seen as the deciding factor in whether surviving numbers of Tories hit double or triple figures. The worry is that warnings of a super-majority do not incentivise anyone to leave the house.
Just this week, the Tory candidate and ex-rower James Cracknell described his party as a ‘shower of shit’.
State actors traipsing through the southern border. Impossible.
Venezuelan organised crime isn’t a state actor. Of course it’s possible but the relevant consideration is why would they when they have legal means of entering the US that doesn’t involve contact with federal authorities on the southern border. And that leaves aside the prudence of organising 9/11 style events in the US.
The strangest thing I have observed today has been the universal “Oh shit! President Sniffy has totally lost his marbles”, like these people have just landed from another planet.
There has been ample evidence of a marble deficit for his entire term, but it is only noticed today?
Yes, I know, it was a spectacular fail on a big stage, but the supposed full-time political observers are shocked, as if there were no previous signs?
I think the pardee hierachy was hoping he would fumble through, but I reckon they pulled the plug about 15 minutes in and the word went out.
In Groupthink, suspected disbelief lasts until someone breaks and goes, nah, fackit, no really, this is crap…
A week of intensive training at Camp David, delivering something so actually pathetic – with a third of the US population (and unfriendly eyes from Moscow, through Tehran, to Beijing) watching – sweeps aside the pile of twigs holding up the fig leaf covering the shrivelled Presidential willie.
A no audience, CNN moderated debate with muted mikes and the old thief still couldn’t deliver.
Bwah ha ha ha.
The muted mikes was a master-stroke.
No doubt the Dimocrats thought it would help Joe by preventing Orange Man from interrupting and getting Joe flustered.
Give him clear air.
So much clear air we could hear nothing but the flames crackling as he spiralled towards the ground.
A classic case of fighting the last war. No match for the orange Sun Tzu.
H B Bear
June 28, 2024 11:40 pm
Even the ALPBC News ran up the white flag running a clip of some US Senator saying they might have to replace the old thief.
June 28, 2024 11:43 pm
The first motorcycle, looks almost out of the world of the Flintstones.
But it worked and shown the way to the future of personal mobility.
The 1885 Daimler Reitwagen: The Birth of the Modern Motorcycle
In the annals of automotive history, the 1885 Daimler Reitwagen holds a place of honor as the world’s first internal combustion, petroleum-fueled motorcycle.
This pioneering vehicle, a testament to human ingenuity and engineering prowess, laid the foundation for modern motorcycles. The brainchild of German inventors Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, the Reitwagen (literally “riding car”) marked a significant leap forward in transportation technology.
The Visionaries: Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach
Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach were a formidable duo in the world of mechanical engineering. Daimler, an engineer and industrialist, was passionate about creating small, high-speed engines. His vision was to develop an engine that could be used in various forms of transportation. Maybach, his close associate and technical expert, shared this vision and contributed his exceptional design and engineering skills to the project.
The Invention: Birth of the Reitwagen
In 1885, Daimler and Maybach successfully built the Reitwagen, the world’s first motorcycle. The vehicle was powered by a single-cylinder Otto-cycle engine, which they had developed earlier. This engine had a displacement of 264 cubic centimeters and produced about 0.5 horsepower at 600 revolutions per minute (rpm). Though modest by today’s standards, this was a groundbreaking achievement at the time.
Design and Construction
The Reitwagen featured a wooden frame, reminiscent of a bicycle, but it was equipped with an engine and a drive belt. The wooden wheels were fitted with iron bands for durability, and auxiliary stabilizers (small outrigger wheels) were added to prevent tipping over, as the concept of balancing on two wheels while riding was still new.
The engine was mounted on a wooden frame, with the fuel tank situated above it. The power was transmitted to the rear wheel via a leather belt, which was tensioned by a jockey pulley. The vehicle was started by turning a hand crank on the flywheel.
The First Ride
On November 10, 1885, Gottlieb Daimler’s son, Paul, took the Reitwagen on its first official ride, covering a distance of three kilometers from Cannstatt to Untertürkheim in Germany. This historic ride demonstrated the practicality of the internal combustion engine for personal transportation, setting the stage for the future of motorcycles and automobiles.
Legacy and Impact
The Daimler Reitwagen was more than just a technical achievement; it was a visionary step toward the development of modern vehicles. This invention paved the way for the motorcycle industry and influenced the design and engineering of future automobiles. The principles established by Daimler and Maybach in the Reitwagen’s construction—compact, high-speed engines and efficient fuel use—became foundational elements in the automotive world.
Today, the Daimler Reitwagen is recognized as a landmark in the history of transportation. It symbolizes the transition from steam and animal-powered vehicles to internal combustion engines, heralding a new era of mobility and convenience.
Hat-Tip Luis Filipe Oliveira
The contributions of historians and enthusiasts like Luis Filipe Oliveira are invaluable in preserving and celebrating such milestones. Their dedication to chronicling the advancements in automotive technology ensures that the legacy of pioneering inventions like the Daimler Reitwagen continues to inspire future generations.
In conclusion, the 1885 Daimler Reitwagen stands as a testament to human innovation and the relentless pursuit of progress. As the world’s first internal combustion, petroleum-fueled motorcycle, it represents the dawn of modern motorized transportation, a legacy that continues to evolve and shape our world today.
H B Bear
June 28, 2024 11:50 pm
Mr Vitrioli and RMIT sign off as ALPBC Fact Check. You’re on you own people.
Remember the last interview with Chopper Read?
Sick and dying, with all the youthful, superficial charm stripped away you were left with just the bare, raw primitive creature.
I felt the same with Biden today.
Proximity to death strips humans of all the bullshit and artifice and leaves you with the fundamental, ugly thing.
Oh come on
June 29, 2024 12:08 am
The funny thing is that no audience might well have helped Trump stay focused. He didn’t have a crowd to play off of, to riff on.
June 29, 2024 12:12 am
why would they when they have legal means of entering the US that doesn’t involve contact with federal authorities on the southern border.
Excuse me? What are you talking about?
A countless number of entrants through the southern border have zero contact.
Oh come on
June 29, 2024 12:19 am
You know, I don’t see how the Dems can crowbar old Joe out of the candidacy. Their primary is over. The delegates are locked in for him. However… I wouldn’t have thought they would so brazenly steal the last election. They found a way. These people don’t understand much but they understand power. If that walking corpse whose spirit is already roasting in the fiery pits is an insurmountable object, I have no doubt they will find a way to surmount him if they need to.
A countless number of entrants through the southern border have zero contact.
But why take the risk of being picked up when you can fly in business class without the risk of being picked up? You could even be smuggled in via some port on a private charter. Nothing is gained by the southern border other than it drawing the focus of attention.
Oh come on
June 29, 2024 12:35 am
SCOTUS decides Chevron gonesky. This is actually momentous.
That is f@#$ing awesome. Balances out their recent terrible 1st Amendment decision. Actually, striking down Chevron is probably more consequential as the 1A stuff is always going to be revisited.
June 29, 2024 12:40 am
This role back of the administrative state is fcking awesome.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 29, 2024 6:28 am
“In Groupthink, suspected disbelief lasts until someone breaks and goes, nah, fackit, no really, this is crap…”
Good observation, Sancho. It is the same as the Emperor’s Clothes syndrome, except that the realisation comes from within the group rather than external to it, as with the innocence of the little boy re the Emperor.
Once the dam bursts though, suddenly they are all seeing it.
With this debate, it’s really hard to tell whether the puppet-masters put poor old Joe (I’m not sorry for him though) up for deliberate demolition or whether they too were in enough of a bubble to believe they could fake it once again with him. As for the general Democrat-voters, it might be hard for us to believe but as Hairy points out to me, they have probably never really seen from within their bubble the sorts of video clips we’ve been seeing regularly. So they are in shock.
The ‘Outnumbered’ panel discussed a new report alleging that Obama and other officials are going to sit down with President Biden for an intervention as he faces growing calls to step aside ahead of November. VP Kamala Harris is reportedly furious she isn’t being considered as his replacement after the CNN Presidential Debate
A senior treasury official is making it rain – in embarrassing disclosures – about what “a mess” the Biden administration really is. Senior Advisor for the Department of Treasury, Jonathan Dixon, told our investigative journalist that the Biden Administration chose a Deputy Secretary of Treasury with ‘bad ideas, bad instincts, and failed [economic] initiatives’ because he is young and black.
– “He [Wally Adeyemo, Deputy Secretary of Treasury] really feels like they were just rummaging in a bag and they were like, ‘cool, you kind of fit what we need.’” – Jonathan Dixon, Senior Advisor, Department of Treasury
– “I guess she [Janet Yellen, Secretary of Treasury] was like, the optics are, I’m an old white lady. I’m going to choose a young black guy… it adds to this mandate the administration had to bring in as many diverse voices as possible.” -Jonathan Dixon, Senior Advisor, Department of Treasury
June 29, 2024 9:22 am
there is not a path for another candidate to become the Democratic nominee.
It’s worse than that. Even if they can persuade the ancient grifter to stand down LBJ-style, there’s the tricky matter of the campaign war chest.
Madame Cackle would be entitled to it,because she’s already on the ticket. But a ringer? As I understand the campaign finance laws, all those hundreds of millions would likely be placed in escrow until the lawyers and courts thrash things out.
Interesting: I went to an Irish bar on W72nd last night in hope of some local colour and Americans’ reaction to the debate. The request to change the channel was howled down by fellow bar flies, who reckoned the Yankees game (they lost) was more worthwhile.
So I headed back to the sublet with only a bottle of Slaughterhouse bourbon for company. This morning the downstairs neighbours complained about a heavy-footed elephant cheering and clapping. Take that as confirmation the bourbon did what it is supposed to do, unlike the current President.
Hillary is waiting in the wings…I think if Joe agrees to go, the Dem faithful who otherwise would be furious with Kamala not permitted to take the top job might just swallow Hillary being installed with Kamala as her number 2. So instead of a 2020 do-over, it’ll be a 2016 do-over.
But if Joe refuses to go, there isn’t a lot that can be done about it. Aside from murdering the old bastard, which is hardly beyond these people. And if they do it, they’ll find some MAGA patsy to frame.
Reviewing the US media take on the debate via my soshuls, the overwhelming consensus appears to be:
Softcock format;
Trump, surprisingly, played by the rules of engagement, but evaded, sidetracked, and bullshitted like a champion; and
The event was a train wreck for Biden, who, despite a week of intensive preparation:
Doubt abounds about the wisdom of any further public showing.
It’s frightening that this President may be woken at 0200 in the morning and told “The Russians, Chinese, and Iranians have launched a decapitation strike on us and there 20 missiles inbound. What are your orders, Mr President?”
That’s the true nightmare scenario for us.
The backup nightmare scenario is if General Mark A. Milley was still Chairman JCS.
You would have to hope adults, if there are any involved, would have developed a workaround.
Otherwise, Xi and Putin etc will be, as you say, tumescent.
They’ve been there before, Bob. JFK spaced out on painkillers or disappeared for a furtive shag, or Nixon depressed and pissed out of his mind on Jack Daniels. We were lucky.
I have it on good authority from a well placed contact in London that even the oleaginous and super-confident Blair visibly blanched when he was handed the briefcase containing the codes.
That is a Democrat invocation meant to ward off Orange Man.
As the frenzy over Covid was being whipped up further and further by the Dims states panicked and started implementing lockdowns – lockdowns which destroyed jobs. Even after Biden cheated his way into the Presidency the Fauci-Covid juggernaut had built up such momentum that (in typically craven leftist style) the horror stories were allowed to continue and…pullulate*.
Like the slow thaw from geological ‘snowball Earth’ events the temper for lockdowns subsided, states ended lockdowns, and jobs began to reemerge – old jobs not new ones. And not all jobs. Through the great hibernation many died.
The Dims blame Trump for the jobs predominately destroyed in Dim and RINO jurisdictions and Biden takes credit for the return of jobs. Like someone boasting of saving someone from drowning by taking their foot off the drownees head.
Except every month the lockdowns were prolonged the more jobs were destroyed forever.
*I don’t get to use that word often, so bear with me.
New word for me. Thanks, ML.
Lunchbox Joe shall now be known as Websterpak Joe.
It’s always about Albo.
William and his aunt, Emma Patten, described Jordan as a quiet and smart introvert who was neither working nor studying and had a number of mental health issues.
“Treatment was hit and miss,” William said.
“?He is a very troubled boy, he needs support,” Emma said.
There seems little chance that this kid would pass any mental health assessment.
A statesman looks for answers, a cheap politician looks in the mirror.
People should now understand how brutally inhuman these political machines are.
They kept that half dead thing in office, hoping to slide it past everyone to win another election. For power and money.
If they are going to drop in a replacement for Biden it will be Hillary.
What a gruesome thought.
Yep, gotta agree there. As dreadful as the thought is.
The Dems ran their fake virtual convention 5 days ago to make sure Biden could get on the Ohio ballot.
Biden IS their nominee.
Could they try a fast one at their actual convention? It’s the Dems, of course they could. But imagine how that’s going to go over after they just put him on TV to cement him into place.
Hillary Clinton – 76 yrs; Donald Trump – 78 yrs; Joe Biden – 81yrs.
Nope, not Clinton. Clinton will just be seen as more of the same, the same old, white establishment.
So, Michelle Obama ? 60 yrs ‘young’, female, black, ‘fresh’. Still run by ‘the same, old, white establishment’ but not quite as obviously.
And Americans can pat themselves on the back. Looking to the future, a new day. Turning away from that ugliness of the past. Think Gillard.
Please. Have mercy!
Arky – The primary driver is fear. Riches and power are actually secondary.
Former UN Scientist Michael Mann Sums Up Second Trump Term With 2 Chilling Words – ‘GAME OVER’ For The Climate (26 Jun)
The Left believes this rubbish, and think only they can save the world and all humans. Even if they themselves don’t all their staffers believe, all their families believe, all their voters believe. It’s the biggest outbreak of mass insanity in history.
Then the other thing they are absolutely terrified about is that their crimes will be brought to an accounting. The entire Democrat Party is one gigantic crime syndicate, and justice would see most of them in jail for the rest of their miserable lives.
Put those two things together and you can know for certain they are going to steal it again.
They must have known this would happen.
They must have known the nation would be horrified when that man’s condition was revealed.
Arky it doesn’t matter.
The MSM will spin like tops and the lefty-controlled electoral machinery will steal the election.
Pollsters will play games with polls to make it look close in the run up to election day. Then the MSM after the fake results are announced will confess surprise at how well Biden did, and then say felon Trump lost because felon. It’s all completely obvious. The only thing in question will be what Trump’s voters do about it. J6 told them that the alphabet agencies will go very very hard.
I heard that if Trump wins, Climate Change is going to move to Canada.
Pace Arky…Stalin was brutally inhuman.
The Democrats are all too human.
Girls, gold & glory*…it’s the same old story.
*Sex, money and power
Wow. Jill has to come out and lead Biden off the stage.
Aides step forward to make sure he doesn’t fall down the step.
Dr Jill is a hell of an enabler.
Putin the Shirtless and X11 must be looking at this – not with jubilation – but with horror knowing he has the keys to arsenal, and while I doubt he would get to hit the Big Red Button, it means the whole chain of command is compromised.
The Young Turks on Biden:
“It’s over”
These guys are delusional. One reckons the questions were chosen to protect Trump. This is insane!!
June 28, 2024 1:48 pm
That was the point being put by the smart guys in the room (of which Corbett was not one). Imagine a world without or cars The market leader (Fairfax) launches or and offers dual listing initially. They would be killing it now and, if they chose, could cross-subsidise “qualidy j’ism”.
Corbett is a Turnbull fan-boi and still has the gall to try to block Gina Rinehardt from the board.
After presiding over the financial, strategic and editorial failure of Fewfacts, you’d reckon he would STFU.
But no.
Whoever called Corbett a tinned tuna salesman was about right. Singo?
Check out the post debate “wife yells at clouds” effort.
Biden resembles the “this is fine” dog.
Nice picture of Monty.
When Biden stuttered for 15 seconds, Trump should’ve walked over to his podium to ask him if he was okay.
He could’ve then told Tapper and Dana “I thought he was having a stroke”
…Trump could also have put his hands up at the end of a Biden mumble and said, I cannot understand his mumblings is he OK to continue? Lets just call a halt here.
Is this being recorded?
Is there a there a coroner in the house?
I don’t want to get blamed for anything here.
No stroke jokes please.
Apropos of nothing. Who is the reigning Conscience of a Nation? It used to be Patrick Smith I believe, but he was deposed – either that or I stopped buying The Australian. Anyway, he carked it…. I just looked up who was playing tonight and Warren Tredrea is having a spat with Caroline Wilson and I thought no, she couldn’t be, could she?
No effin say no effin way – Wilson is a clueless wanna be I reckon I am socialist.
her attack on Kennett is because he is a conservative.
the main reaso pn male Aussie rules is soft and shit is because of clowns like her – her notions are stupid as Marx’s life.
Thanks for your comments.
Just because I criticised Trump’s poor answer to one question that makes me not a Trump supporter.
Right got it.
He may have mentioned antifa and Pelosi in the follow up but his initial response was in my humble opinion poor as he should have been prepared to dive straight in. One of the most obvious questions he was going to get.
I realise this now makes me a lifelong Biden supporter but hey life is tough.
Watch out for the Fanboyz.
Its time for the derp state to make a decision.
Shoot Joe
Shoot trump
Even the young Turks are calling it a slaughter.
They sent Kamala out to do the follow up spin shows.
Anderson Cooper: Obviously you can’t honestly say, I mean, can you say that you are not concerned at all having watched the President’s performance tonight?
Harris: “It was a slow start. That’s obvious to everyone.”
Former Biden press secretary Jen Psaki: “You don’t send the Vice President of the United States out if you won the debate, typically.”
Nietzsche reference!
Love it!
And in that spirit – drawing (from memory) upon the Die Froliche Wissenschaft (because some people will snicker at The Gay Science so I won’t write it) to describe modern Academia nuts and pubic intellectuals:
All shoehorning the world into their fatuous little theories. And what makes it worse? We can see the theorising of earlier thinkers and they are vastly more subtle than current fads like gender theory.
I don’t know what you said, but I agree with it!
Why are the Dems in meltdown over Bidens poor performance? He has lived down to the past 4 years expectations and previous performances. Its as though they have not seen or not wanted to see how far he is from being fit for office. He should never have been gifted a first term nor lined up for a second. But here they are, In shock. Morons.
As I said to Arky: fear.
Biden has spent 50 years fully submerged in the innermost excesses of the Democrat Party.
I have guessed in the past that he has accumulated files. Those are now in Jill’s possession. I would be extremely surprised if a certain Caribbean island did not feature in them.
This is just nuts.
TikTok Lookalike Guides Illegal Chinese Immigrants to Swarm Into US Through Southern Border
DHS identifies 400 migrants smuggled into US by network that may be connected to ISIS | CNN Politics
In both cases they are all military age men.
You’re saying that’s a nothing burger?
We are watching the Biden Administration allow thousands of Chinese SF troops just march into the country.
Where would we be without our ABC’s ‘impartial’ ‘reporting’. Here isntheir gist of an item today on the US presidential debate:
‘The Australia Institute’s Emma Shortis tells the ABC that Biden’s clear inability to prosecute Trump’s lies about reproductive rights and other issues will have major electoral consequences.’
To be fair, Trump did let Biden drag him into the weeds on the abortion thing.
Trump should have stuck with the basic facts – The Supreme Court said Roe V. Wade was BS law and that the states would have to legislate it for themselves.
He should have called Biden out when he claimed HE was going to restore Roe v. Wade. “As usual, you don’t know the limits of presidential power. If you could restore it you would have done it while your party controlled the house and the Senate. But you didn’t.”
Dr Emma Shortis to you for dr she is.
Fitness influencer is slammed for posing in very risqué outfit at a sacred site in Thailand: ‘How disrespectful’
Daily Mail.
Demonrats shot themselves firmly in the foot with their “rules”.
Trump, wisely, just chose to ignore the question if it didn’t suit and continued along the chain of the debate. The “moderators” couldn’t do much, if anything, and it meant – counter-intuitively, I will confess – that it mostly came across as an actual debate… because when Trump continued, Biden had to respond.
Which meant that Dorothy Dixers like child care and drug addicts got waylaid / ignored by both of them, but Trump managed to turn it into an actual exchange.
Also, did anyone note the Biden mantra of “Point One… Point Two…”?
Biden Rats jumping ship. lol.
Memes are coming fast. This one states, “the entire debate summed up in one photo”.×900
Yes, Russia or China are not going to use illegals to undertake 9/11 style attacks on the continental US.
The jihadis might.
Personally, DB, I think that’s a very naive position to take.
They may not do a 9/11, but how about a combination October 7th, and 9/11?
‘Need a New Nominee’: Establishment Media Slam Biden’s Debate Performance
Oh please please please pick Kamala to replace ol’ Joe.
I’m a fan of blood sports.
South Carolina Senator, Tim Scott won the internet for the night with his tweet,
“Where’s Jamaal Bowman when you need him?”
Federal PoliticsLaborMiddle East
Fatima Payman: PM expects rogue senator to toe the line as she hints at more pro-Palestine protests
Dan Jervis-BardyThe Nightly
Fri, 28 June 2024 12:28PM
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has put rogue WA Senator Fatima Payman on notice as she flags more pro-Palestine protests, saying he expects his colleagues to “comply” with party conventions.
Mr Albanese said the Greens parliamentary “stunt” calling for Palestinian statehood, which Senator Payman crossed the floor to support, would do nothing to advance peace in the Middle East.
The latest rebuke came as senior Labor minister Tony Burke said he was “very glad” Senator Payman was a Labor member.
Senator Payman has been told not to attend next week’s Labor caucus meeting after defying party convention to cross the floor and support the Greens’ Palestine motion on Tuesday night.
The relatively soft punishment has infuriated some Labor MPs who believe the breach of caucus solidarity warrants a harsher penalty.
Senator Payman’s future was not discussed during Friday’s meeting of Labor’s national executive, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the deliberations.
The senator’s conduct is considered a matter for the Federal caucus, sources say.
In her first interview since the dramatic vote, Senator Payman told online youth media outlet 6 News that crossing the floor would not be a “one-off gesture”.
Instead, she saw the vote as an “incremental” step in an ongoing campaign to push the Federal Government to recognise Palestinian statehood.
It is not clear if that means she plans to support future Greens motions, which will inevitably be brought forward, or express her position in other ways.
Mr Albanese was asked on Friday what, if any consequences, Senator Payman might face if she again broke ranks again to support a Greens motion.
The prime minister said his position was “very clear”, suggesting the one-week caucus suspension would be the extent of the punishment.
However, he made clear that he expected Senator Payman to toe the line.
“We expect that people will participate in our caucus processes and comply,” Mr Albanese said.
Mr Albanese dismissed the significance of Tuesday night’s Senate vote, describing it as a “stunt”.
“The important thing to note about this week is that Senate motions do not determine Australia’s foreign policy. And the Greens political party (is) engaged in stunts, not in looking for solutions.”
Mr Albanese’s comments follow a major rebuke from Foreign Minister Penny Wong, who said the prime minister had shown “great restraint” in dealing with Senator Payman’s action.
Senator Wong — who never broke ranks during her years-long fight to shift Labor’s position on same-sex marriage — said she understood her colleagues’ anger.
“Obviously we understand the importance of Caucus solidarity. It is very rare for a Labor person not to respect that,” she said.
Senator Payman does have the strong backing of Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke.
Mr Burke, whose Sydney electorate includes a large Muslim community, has made numerous comments supporting the Palestinian cause since the outbreak of the Gaza conflict.
“I work very well with Fatima Payman and I’m very glad she’s a member of the Labor party and a member of the Labour caucus,” Mr Burke said.
Comment waiting for approval – seems Tony Burke is Senator Fatima Payman’s friend at Court.
Of course he is. Burqa hasn’t met a rag head he wouldn’t rim.
Tony Burke or Tony Burqa?
The usual suspects are agitating for a ‘poverty line’ – which is always relative. So, if most kids have a mobile and a laptop and a tablet, not having one of those describes ‘poverty.’
I don’t wish to minimise poverty, especially in these days where people are living in their cars because there is not enough housing (thanks, Feds – let’s import more migrants.)
But the lobbyists’ call is for an arbitrary ‘poverty line’ which is based on a formula that ensures that there are always plenty of poor people, because it is relative – in other words, the poor (our constituency) will always be with us. It is really about wishing and asking for everyone to have approximately equal income and wealth.
Albo’s lot are suckers for this stuff.
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett Team Up to Transform Nuclear Power
Yes, Russia or China are not going to use illegals to undertake 9/11 style attacks on the continental US.
Not even as a distraction?
And what about the ISIS guys? Iran is in bed with the russkies and the chunks and iran controls ME terrorism. Putin and Xe will be more than satisfied with a US weakened by ISIS/whatever muslim term you want to use attacks.
Well that didn’t take long.
Biden claimed he was endorsed by the Border Patrol Union.
The man is an inveterate liar. He has gotten away with it for his entire career and doesn’t realize the internet means he can and will be fact checked in seconds.
Looking at the demographics for the seat of Watson (prop A.S. Burke), I should think so too. Mad if he wasn’t polishing his Dhimmi credentials.
There’s history of the Soviet Union planting entire families in the US for future use. It’s not it’s never happened before.
Chinese spies have been raging through US companies stealing secrets.
But no, sending plants through the southern border. Could never happen,
Note to Cronkite. The last bit was sarc.
But no, sending plants through the southern border. Could never happen,
Of course it could and has head prefect. I watched a movie about it the other night.
Note to head prefect: well played!
Haven’t seen the debate, but I’m guessing that Trump showed admirable restraint in neither hand-patting nor euthanising his demented opponent. Shows that-
-point one, he learned the lesson of his undisciplined 2020 showings
-point two, all of his prep has been focused on the upcoming Switcheroo candidate, Michelle Obama.
Yep, Michelle Obama and gosh the virtue signalling will be stratospheric.
That is not an endorsement!
Very reasonable comment.
Iran doesn’t control ISIS. ISIS are literally operating against all the Iran ‘proxies’ in the ME. And then you have their terror activities in the Russian Federation and periphery, two in the last six months, but we’re supposed to believe they are an ally? Come on now.
There is no way Geriatric Joe will be the democrat presidential candidate come November.
He’ll have either gone completely ga ga or tits up (i.e. profoundly dead, as opposed to barely alive).
The Kamel as president would be a female equivalent of President Camacho, but a lot more incoherent (and presumably less prone to guzzling copious quantities of Brawndo*).
Bring it on, I say.
*It’s got electrolytes.
I didn’t say they don’t spy, I said they’re not going to run 9/11 style operations, especially any through the southern border.
There’s a lot that can be done. The Ukrainian program against Russian oil refineries is an example. US fuel infrastructure is poorly secured. A time on target sabotage op could cause immense destruction and disruption in a Day One war attack.
Biden has been running down both the crude oil and gasoline stockpiles. Both are not far off empty.
The overt efforts will be not much worse than what Biden has already done. At minimum he’s set the stage for them to much more effective.
You have altogether too much confidence in your beliefs. You may be right. But what if you’re not?
Won’t be 9/11 which was a BOOB attack (Bolt Out Of Blue). A few days after the US gets involved with defending Taiwan against the Chicoms, different matter.
Apparently not one head of aFortine 500 company will vote for Trump.
Especially in an era when government seizes fascist control of the economy — as in the USA and Australia — corporate CEOs take their cues from the government and tend to be weak followers of trends who don’t understand or support the free market.
Actually, running nasties through the southern border would be a good idea as they’re undocumented and therefore there’s deniability.
US infrastructure is quite vulnerable and there’ve been suspicious incidences with the power grid over the past 1 1/2 years.
Sure, alphabet agencies would have no idea without any paperwork.
I’m not sure the CIA and others have any idea even with paperwork.
How surprising.
Dagestanis and now Ingush.
The Dags were apparently equipped with US small arms. I suspect they’d be from Afghanistan given the close links via Tajikistan. But why would those Ingush have Russian small arms? Ok that whole area is awash, they could easily have got them through Iraq or somesuch place I guess.
Iran doesn’t control ISIS. ISIS are literally operating against all the Iran ‘proxies’ in the ME. And then you have their terror activities in the Russian Federation and periphery, two in the last six months, but we’re supposed to believe they are an ally? Come on now.
After six months of Iran using its Houthi Jihadis to impose a blockade near Yemen while defying Biden to do anything about it, the Islamic global terror state is moving on to a Somali blockade.
Current reports suggest that the Houthis, an Iranian Shiite terror group, is negotiating to provide weapons to Yemen’s Al-Shabaab, a Sunni Jihadist group allied with Al Qaeda, to expand Iran’s control over shipping. While Al-Shabaab has operated using the conventional Al Qaeda playbook of rifles and IEDs, the Houthis can offer upgraded drones and missile technology.
Houthis, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban, they’re all shoots from the same weed with Iran the fertilizer, replacing to some extent the Saudis. ISIS are the delinquents of islam but that is irrelevant because if ISIS starts blowing up the US do you think Iran will care?
Come on now, let’s get together!
The Youngbloods – Get Together (Audio) (
You don’t need visas and passports to walk through the southern border.
Estonian PM.. cute owl?
Stupid bint, but decorative. If I was any of those micro nations in Europe, I’d be trying to be friends with everybody.
She blonde – like Meloni, like Le Penn
State actors traipsing through the southern border. Impossible.
Even mUnty couldn’t defend the corpse’s performance. Democrats have a real problem.
To be fair to mUntyfa, he tried, but soon accepted that the cause was hopeless.
They will still win. The fix is sorted
I think you missed the sarcasm, JC.
This was sarcasm?
Even mUnty couldn’t defend the corpse’s performance. Democrats have a real problem.
Demorats campaign much better than the GOP and the msm will be on their side if they replace the corpse with:
Slick newsome
Obama’s hubbie.
If they use any of those, not cackles, it will be the GOP who have the problem.
Bait and switch would invite a backlash?
Killary has already lost to Trump once. They’re hardly in a stronger position since then.
The Debate Over Trump And Biden | The 2024 Election | Victor Davis Hanson
I had a thought*
We had Elbow the inconceivable and other world leaders going to genuflect at the white house, yet not one seems to think it might be a security or worrying issue the Presidents head is full of worms.
After seeing the performance tonight have a gander at Elbow/Resident Brainworms little meeting.
Then realise you are supposed to pretend his tardness is a recent thing.
From 8 months ago.
Hes actually that flat and mumbly he makes Elbow look coherent.
*Yes it hurt, thanks for asking..
Estonian PM.. cute owl?
Classy lady but no tone. Cute owls have tone to spare. You can never have too much tone: cute owl.
She’s a reader of romantic novels and into picnics.
Softness is sexier.
That’s a bloke, Cronkite.
I drove from Proserpine to Mackay and back today
Had lunch and XXXX XXXX ( two beers) at the Eimeo Pub
On the way there a b double had gone over the side and was lying forlornly in a ditch .
On the way back there was a large courier truck fully ablaze on the side of the road.
Everyone seemed to have got out safely
Is anyone watching Erin on Sky right now? WTF is she wearing, it looks like a straight-jacket. Good looking woman though.
I thought she looked as though she was wrapped in glad wrap.
Prep for role play later tonight? 😀
Oooh that Estonian bird has a lovely tone of voice.
There’s your final challenge, Cohenitty- post a vid of one of your Cute Owl speaking, so we can be sure that they’re not A.I.
…or XY either
Trumps team walking along and bayoneting the wounded now.
60 seconds of Resident brainworms gibbering.
Wait a minute…Marles said she still espoused Labor values.
Anyway, can’t wait for the next Greens resolution on a Palestinian state.
I’ve got a strange, old fashioned point of view about these matters, but I thought she was elected to the Senate, as a Senator for Western Australia, to represent the views of Western Australians, not the Palestinians?
As I pointed out yesterday, she now wears the aboriginal and Palestinian flags on her lapel, not the Australian or West Australian flags.
Symbolism matters.
Another Millenial? who thinks she is in charge of the organisation and gets to set policy and ignore other rules because… well, just because.
You get the feeling Albo doesn’t carry much weight.
Which is odd, because he has the strongest faction behind him.
Anyway, as I predicted, Payman is proving to be a handful.
Let’s say they replace the crooked corpse. Doesn’t that look terrible for the Demons in a way that the punters will find unforgivable? Of course, they will put out the story that they were surprised that the corpse was in such bad shape, but the other side will make hay out of this and argue they knew all along and were just hiding Hiden until it was no longer possible. If they replace the corpse, I’m not so sure it will work out well for them. In saying that, if they were able to think outside the box and anoint someone not in politics like Dimon, they could be in for a show. However, Dimon has said that the only way he’d take the candidacy was if he was begged. I don’t think that will happen, but we’ll see.
Hard to think they could get away with it – even in US politics
They won’t replace the cabbage unless they’ve got a REALLY good reason – like Jill and the cabbage getting killed. Yes, Jill will need to go because she’d have the Files.
A sudden realisation Joe is worse than they thought won’t wash.
There is no way I’d be getting on board a plane or helicopter carrying the pair.
MSNBC openly canvassed whether Biden can be replaced in their post-debate report.
June 28, 2024 2:41 pm
Of course.
Because their agenda is to insert someone even more radical into the race and cheat them into the White House.
Agree. It’s been obvious for years that Biden is a holding operation but that now he’s getting too wandering and hence unreliable to be useful even as a puppet. It’s all too apparent now that he is, which even Democrat voters won’t wear. So bring on the new puppet with shiny new strings attached.
If i was given to conspiracy theories Id bet Brainworms will be quietly slipped a hot shot and die in office.
This will enable the full “died in the service of his his son…FDR reincarnated.. no campaigning while mourning… etc etc.
Kamala will be too grief stricken to take up the mantle and it will take a steady pair of canckles to right the ship of state.
Cometh the hour, cometh the canckles
But he’s already dead. You’re saying he could die again? That’s possible in Demonworld, I guess. 🙂
But he hasn’t quite reached room temperature yet. Remember how the Chinese system kept Deng ‘alive’ for years?
June 28, 2024 4:07 pm
Oh, puh-lease.
Can you two go back to shadow-boxing about trannies.
This is making me uncomfortable.
The ZeroHedge guys have been busy trawling Twitter.
“My Retribution Is Going To Be Success” – ‘Presidential’ Trump Dominates Stuttering Biden In Debate (28 Jun)
Snark. So much glorious snark!
There’s certainly no way Joe steps down, voluntarily anyway.
What is it that they say about absolute power?
she’s even more feeble than Biden
I think we’re looking at a vacuum
Democrats are Panicking and Could Replace Biden as Nominee… and President, with Dave Rubin
June 28, 2024 5:19 pm
Estonian PM.. cute owl?
Normally one would have to be looking at the driver’s side window of a Kenworth to see an arm like that.
Great isn’t it.
Rough trade in the Hay plain carpark?
June 28, 2024 5:42 pm
Man, that is some head cold you got there.
Malcolm Roberts, who is probably the person in Australia I respect the most.
Welcome Home Julian Assange
The fix is in.
Channel Nein presented Creepy Joe’s ramblings, and matched them against concise responses from Trump. (Including “I don’t know what the end of the last sentence means, and I doubt that President Biden does either.
Give it up mUntyfa, the media has.
Water carriers realise they have a sieve.
I was interested to see how the MSM would spin Biden in the Headlights.
Nein played clips of distraught Dimocrats putting The Sniffer’s cue in the rack and calling for a changeout.
It’s Friday, biden is a smear so some titles for the jaded with a distinctly biden theme:
People Who Don’t Know They’re Dead: How They Attach Themselves to Unsuspecting Bystanders and What to Do About It (2005) by Gary Lala Hille
How to Good-bye Depression: If You Constrict Anus 100 Times Everyday. Malarkey? or Effective Way? (2000) by Hiroyuki Nishiguckaguka
The Origin of Feces and Urine Therapy (2013) by David Waltner-Toews
Nuclear War: What’s in it for You? (1982) by Ground Zero Fund, Inc. (Editor)
Snap BJ.
Even the “feed the chooks” media couldn’t spin this to a largely uninterested Australian public.
Have been too busy today and catching up via scrolling the Cat before I go to my usual commentators for the breakdown.
I just got to this;
I’ll keep going but this is a huge indicator that Biden is finished.
The site wrongologist continues his perfect record.
The DemonRats either ditch the dribbling fool, or double down on cheating.
Probably the latter.
About that Hit Piece Letter Against Trump Signed by ’16 Nobel Prize-Winning Economists’
Daily Mail’s devastating snap poll reveals how many independent voters think Joe needs to drop out after disastrous debate with Trump… who won the night by 36 POINTS
Watching a doco on the plight of the “Palestinians.” Seems that, when the Israelis left Gaza in 2005, they even removed the remains of their dead.
The Pali response was to destroy everything the Israelis left behind, even to burning the crops and slaughtering the farm animals. Such a civilized people..
That’s why the Israelis removed their dead.
Joe Biden just had a 90-minute senior moment. The debate really was that bad.
The Deep State’s Worst Snakes Still Hate Assange—Here’s Why
Some lefty takes via Lucianne.
+CNN’s Van Jones Says Joe Biden ‘Failed’ at Debate: ‘That Was Painful’
+CNN’s John King: Top Dems in ‘Aggressive Panic’ After This Debate
+’Babbling’ and ‘hoarse’: Biden’s debate performance sends Democrats into a panic (NBC)
+CNN Panic: Biden was ‘Dismal,’ ‘Not Coherent,’ Dems Want New Candidate
+A sometimes halting Biden tries at debate to confront Trump, who responds with falsehoods (Associated Press, LOL)
+Is Joe Biden sick? First presidential debate viewers surprised at hoarse voice (USA Today)
+A ‘disaster’: Biden’s shaky start in debate with Trump rattles Democrats (Reuters)
As I said these are all lefty comments or reports. The spin is having a real hard time getting going, although I must say Ass Press really did their ultimate best.
The Demented One was always going to end up here, in disarray and floundering in a reality he couldn’t understand.
There’s no way back from senility and Alzheimer’s Disease and the Democrats were just fooling themselves for trying.
…and now they have a major problem.
Trump’s facial expressions when the corpse was talking is hysterical.
I too think this whole process is a set up so they get an excuse to spear him.
The Overton window has moved so far 4Chan would now be regarded as a reliable source.
They’ll have to convince Dr Jill, as de facto power of attorney, to sign over his delegates to another candidate. Either that or he conveniently shuffles off this mortal coil before November.
Can you rule out Arkancide?
Never say never …
If Joe ends up zipped in a sports bag after dropping a weight on his head I guess we have the answer.
This is worth considering too. He may stay in.
Somebody is going to “have a word”.
Although by now it’s humiliation any way you cut it.
All of the speculation about the puppet presidency of the past four years assumes the Obama-backed Biden presidency is willing to give up power in an election.
I doubt it. Obama and the rest of his shadow presidency are anti-democratic fascists. They think American voters shouldn’t be allowed to rule America because they’re morally inferior.
Tom, they will have a younger and more pliable puppet already booked up, with some special documentation on him/her garnered from Dr. Jill’s big handbag of papers they’ve wrested from her on promise of immunity from prosecution for the Biden family business.
Dr Jill mightn’t allow it
I mean Dr Jill might insist the old perv stays on
Barry and Dr Jill running the show now.
Yes and I always thought running GJ was a sick joke. Why? Easy for Obumma to manipulate? Dr Jill’s dirt file? To teach voters a lesson that even the most repulsive pollimuppett imaginable would be appointed prez regardless of their wishes?
Even as CNN, MSNBC and The Grey Lady are putting the screens up and getting the .22 out of the vet’s van, m0nster is still running the Black Knight routine … “it’s just a cold.”
The Black Knight. lol, M0nty. Go on, tell us it’s just a flash wound.
Yep, they’ll have to put him down now, but I’m sad about that. Sad because it would be a sure win for Trump if Biden was his opponent shedding votes like fur from a sick cat (to borrow a phrase used recently in the Oz). Now ‘new blood’ will enter the ring and it will be harder for Trump to fight that because it will be accompanied by all sorts of shenanigans, rabbits and hats at the ready.
Absolutely priceless debate. Watched it all in real time and the post-debate Demo meltdowns and the praise for Trump letting Biden demonstrate his tenuous hold on cognitive processing. Biden’s staring eyes and the no-one’s home mouth agape spoke volumes too; that camera was merciless. The format actually worked, because it played down Trump’s aggressive tendencies and it put focus on issues for them both. Only one really bad question – the Dorothy Dixer on climate change – which Trump refused to buy into, cleverly turning it into environmental clean-ups and air quality. He was superb at directing the debate to issues which suited him, and hammering the key point, which is that no amount of policy on welfare or social security or anything else is going to work if the influx of immigrants isn’t staunched, because this influx just means more tax and more debt.
Trump’s facial expressions were also an amusing non-verbal commentary on Biden’s attempts at critique. James Morrow pointed out afterwards that there are two ways to view any debate – by turning off the sound and getting only video, or turning off the video and getting only sound – and that Trump won magnificently on both of these. Biden failed both miserably.
Hairy and I hooted with laughter at Trump’s sly and subtle use of the Brandon meme too, slipping it in in place of Biden/Joe in one brief allusion.
Trump was masterly. He destroyed Biden, not by beating him up, but simply by letting him ramble on. The format, where Biden was left with time to fill on a couple of occasions, did not help Biden either.
But do you think the democrats have not got the fix in place to actually win the votes counted.
The fake votes will be just that much harder to believe if its Biden. I don’t doubt that they’ll try it, more so though if they put up a new candidate. In that regard, Trump is not home yet and all may still be stolen from him.
Anyway, “Slainte” to all you mob.
Mme Zulu’s test results are back – all clear – no more tests for six months.
I’m having a wee dram – or four or five – in celebration. Cats will do me the courtesy of ignoring any incoherent transmissions from this callsign.
Good stuff, ZK2A.
What a relief for you both, Zulu. Best wishes, and enjoy that wee drop.
I’ve not had much at all to drink since Monday’s ‘procedure’ and so I’m on my second G & T now. Very refreshing and uplifting it is too.
That’s great news, Zulu. All the best to you both.
And the first subtle hints are being dropped about an overseas holiday….
Excellent news, Zulu. Long may the single malts continue.
That is truly excellent news ZK2A. Any incoherency will be seen as joy.
I have just caught up on the Biden/Trump stoush and viewed footage.
Umm, I note that early this morning a commentator here described the Sniffer as someone who has ‘mild cognitive impairment’. Crikey, I’m pretty sure the word ‘mild’ is too mild to describe Joe Biden’s decrepit state of mind.
Having said that, watching the footage, I actually felt sorry for him. It was embarrassing. Am I wrong to feel pity for the man? Probably but the man is a patsy, a puppet, a tool of Obama and his hard left acolytes, and today he was totally outclassed by Trump.
Never feel pity for such a foul person, Cassie. Keep the foot on his neck. He would do that to you without a second thought.
Oh, and for agricultural Cats, 75mm of rain for the month in the Eastern Wheatbelt. Not bad, for a crop that was dry sown.
In SA there is just enough rain to have that film of green struggle through the dark brown dirt. Middle shade of dark with hint of red.
June 28, 2024 6:42 pm
It reminded me of the bemused expression on the face of the character Tim from “The Office” when David Brent would go on one of his egotistical rants.
“I’m hearing the words, but I have no idea what he is on about.”
Further to the Fairfax/Nine woes, I have zero sympathy for Nine. I would buy the SMH if it was readable but I just can’t, it is just shit, absolute far-left drivel. I call it the ‘Stinking Sneering anti-Semitic Morning Herald’.
‘Stinking Sneering anti-Semitic Morning Herald’.
That’s a bit verbose, Cassie.
But what the hell – close enough.
Was it not this very august journal of record which coined the title Sheikh My Hamas?
a vomit making rag and has been decades- remember that awful Margaret Jones or Craig McGregor. Ghastly.
High income earning English protestants with the sex and substance addictions.
hate Catholics.
The bit where Trump and the corpse went on about their golf handicaps was gold. Some very funny Trump golf videos about. But we’ve all had the odd S shot.
via newscorpse:
A golf match would save us hearing all the BS for the next 4 months.
the Vic Govt at work
… should have knee’d “her” in the balls before exiting the lift
Not sure the sympathy is going to land where they think it is…
The inference being that the woman left the lift when the transsexual* person entered ONLY because of the newcomer’s sexual identity.
What if the two were known to each other and had fallen out over an employment, business, or personal reason?
What if the woman who left did she because she’d had a bad day and really wanted to be in a space of her own?
Stunts like this are not designed to influence the behaviour of non-subjects (the general public), but rather to emphasise to the subjects (transsexuals) the nature of their victimhood/fragility status. This ad is saying ‘You should expect praise and effuse acknowledgement from every person in society, but you WON’T receive it (though everyone else does) because you are HATED.’ When unrealistic expectations (unconditional praise) are not met, this is defined as ‘Hate or Ignorance.’
This is about setting people up to fail, rather than succeed; inserting time-delayed b@ombs within society to produce intentional dysfunction. Why? So the Saviour Class can ride in and propose (and have legislated) ‘solutions’ that will, of course, provide them with very comfortable incomes.
maybe time to take out a Restraining Order
should Vic Govt even be allowed within 500m of the elevator?
He and his family have been nothing but a leeches on American society for fifty years.
He an ammoral grifter of the highest order and deserves no sympathy.
Reserve your sympathy for people like the IT repair tech who acted in good faith handing in the junkie’s laptop to the authorities and then got nothing but harassment for his troubles.
It was Kitty Muggeridge’s take on David Frost of the BBC but it suits Biden perfectly: ‘a man who has risen without trace’.
Absolutely spot on. Biden is where he is because he purposefully connived his way there. If he had a soul he sold it long ago to dishonesty, greed, a total lack of integrity and honour, and a desperate hunger for personal aggrandizement.
His wife, family, and close henchmen are no better. They are riding the gravy train and shoveling coal into the firebox as fast as they can towards the inevitable train wreck.
If there is any virtue left in the US federal justice system more than a few of them will be seeing the inside of a courtroom and hopefully prison cells.
But I have no strong opinions on the matter.
Fully agree.
He does not deserve a peaceful end.
The always amazing Daniel Greenfield has written not one but three excellent blogposts since the debate, such as it was.
What The Hell Happened (28 Jun)
The Dems Can’t Make Biden Leave If He Won’t Go (28 Jun)
Biden’s Mental State Was a Media Lie Too Big to Fail (28 Jun)
All good stuff. I think he is underselling the power that Jill appears to hold, but only because there is no open indication of a dirt file. I am inferring one from the various behaviours of all the players, but so far there’s not been a single sniff that such a tome might exist. They’re very cagey about calling time on Joe though, very cagey. So Mr Greenfield has to play a straight bat in that respect.
A heap of political poker players will be taking a long thoughtful look at the cards they are holding this morning.
Biden’s Mental State Was a Media Lie Too Big to Fail (28 Jun)
Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive.
I missed that. Can you elaborate?
You’d have to watch it through again, JC. I think it was around the halfway mark, but unsure. He was calling out to Joe and called ‘Brandon’, quite deliberately. Hairy heard it too so it’s not just my wishful thinking.
Maybe others did too?
I didn’t watch all of it. Biden behaved as I expected. Stumbling and bumbling. There was no magic pill, he was as bad as always. In 2020 it was obvious he was on the way out yet the stupid Dems didn’t bother to prepare a successor. I wouldn’t be surprised if they replaced him but it doesn’t matter now. On occasion he lost patience. In a few years time he may demonstrate agitation, a behavior in some types of dementia that is controlled with drugs like risperidone; sedates them into the bed and keeps them there. One of the unspoken tragedies in dementia and brain injury is that the person dies twice. First to go is personality, then the body.
Sadly, I’m now at the age where I’m seeing people I know (and sometimes love) go down with dementia – so I’ve seen exactly this.
The classic first signs in Biden were obvious four years ago.
I think anyone in the Biden cabal would be most unwise to start talking “dirt files”.
Bingo. When the king is vulnerable, as he most definitely is now, those well sharpened but previously hidden knives come out. The Biden junta aren’t the only people in DC who collect dirt, including dirt which is incriminating in the legal sense.
The Overton window has definitely opened.
Cassie, it was embarrassing and it was cringe worthy, but don’t feel sorry for this pos. He’s always been embarrassing and cringe worthy.
Good news about the rain, Zulu.
Dry planting is about the biggest risk you can take outside of using monty’s political commentary as a guide to place bets.
Certainly an air of vast relief!
There’s history of the Soviet Union planting entire families in the US for future use. It’s not it’s never happened before.
Maybe “THE AMERICANS” was really a documentary .. LOL!
This humiliation is a fitting end to a corrupt slime bucket grifter.
For Cats with an interest in military matters, Ian Stiles’s book “A Mother’s Worry: Young Bagzar” is a pretty damnfine account of soldiering in the heavily armed, mildly alcoholic gang of sex maniacs that made up the Australian Army, and of two tours in South Vietnam with the Special Air Service Regiment. (“Bagzar” was his nickname – “Bagzar style,” or “Bagzar sh!t”, depending on who you believe.) Good reading – check it out.
June 28, 2024 8:57 pm
Reply to Sancho Panzer
Don’t worry, the backgrounding will have already started.
“Jill is excessively ambitious and vindictive. She has already threatened to dump on her enemies … with stuff that is basically tired old rumours with no substance.”
The Bidens may have stuff on others which is embarrassing and possibly career ending. But the stuff others would have on them is long term jail material. Jeez, they could put Bunter in front of a less friendly jurdge next week on any number of matters and he’d be goneski for a very long time.
Just catching up on the Trump / Biden debate and CNN et al are coming out with the line of, “Trump was spreading Disinformation” about what i have no idea.
It seems they have decided / had instructions about what the narrative should be.
Maybe the abortion part.
Trump was saying Biden would allow a 9month baby to be ripped away. Biden said Roe v Wade didn’t allow for that. It’s either a lie from Trump or a misapprehension by Biden of Trump’s point. That could be grounds for disinformation.
Roe vs Wade did allow for that. We’ve all seen the videos of the most appalling things that went on under cover of that law.
“Disinformation” means ” Information that the DemonRats want to hide”.
Carpe Jugulum
June 28, 2024 9:36 pm
The beginning of a push to have it heavily redacted on the soshuls.
Peggy Noonan in the Journal. A snippet.
The Most Important Presidential Debate Ever
In the weeks before CNN’s presidential debate I was skeptical of its significance. I didn’t see a dramatic, high-stakes, pivotal showdown coming, only a moderately sized, pro forma moment in a long, drawn-out campaign. The format had too many prohibitions—muted mics, no open discussion, no live audience, no opening statements, no talking to aides during the breaks, no notes on the lectern. This promised something airless, manufactured, hermetically sealed.
Beyond that I doubted we’d learn anything, because I doubted whether either candidate had the ability to expand on his known persona. Joe Biden has moments of blurted thought, but could he really sustain a thought or make an argument that coheres over two minutes? Could he suddenly show command, a true grasp of his own positions?
Could Donald Trump demonstrate that returning him to power wouldn’t be a wholly irresponsible act? Could he make any dent in the doubts, grounded in history, as to his nature and character? This wasn’t a question about whether he’s grown but about whether he can control himself.
Still, as a national event the early debate would function as the formal kickoff of the campaign, replacing Labor Day. And it would make clear how each candidate intends to present himself and his issues the next four months. So maybe it would be more consequential than I anticipated.
It was in fact as consequential as any presidential debate in history, and the worst night for an incumbent in history. It was a total and unmitigated disaster for Mr. Biden. It was a rout for Mr. Trump. It wasn’t the kind of rout that says: If the election were held tomorrow Donald Trump would win. It was the kind of rout that says: If the election were held tomorrow Donald Trump would win in a landslide.
It is impossible to believe that the Democrats will continue with Mr. Biden as their presidential standard-bearer. They are going to have to do what they fear to do: make themselves uncomfortable, reveal their internal splits and brokenness, and admit what the rest of the country can see and has long seen, that Mr. Biden can’t do the job. They have to stop being the victim of his vanity and poor judgment, and of his family’s need, and get themselves a new nominee.
From the moment he shuffled out with a soft and faltering gait, you could see how much he has declined. He was pale and waxy, and there was something almost furtive in his gaze. His voice was hoarse and feathery, with no projection. His answers were scrambled, halting. At some points he made no sense. At some points he seemed out of it.
Mr. Trump came across as calm, sure-voiced, focused. His demeanor wasn’t insane. He was low-key but high-energy. He obeyed the rules, amazingly, to his benefit. He showed respect for the moderators. If not quite genial he was collected, and he offered a new tack on why he’s running: He didn’t want to, but Mr. Biden, unfortunately, is such a disaster that Mr. Trump has to come back and save the country. “His policies are so bad . . . he will drive us into World War III.” World leaders neither respect nor fear him.
In the split screen, when not talking, Mr. Biden’s face seemed to freeze, sometimes in unfortunate loose-jawed expressions.
Following on from today’s festivities, when too many ambulant corpses are barely enough …
Rep. Byron Donald & Wesley Hunt Try To Get Black America to VOTE for Trump.
Byron Donald seems a decent speaker.
(It’s a long YouTube vid, but try the first 10-15 minutes).
Glenn Beck’s Immediate Reaction to Trump-Biden Debate
‘I Really Felt Sorry For Him’: Ben Carson Blasts Biden’s Debate Performance
The ABC spins the Biden trainwreck as:
*A* brain fade?? There was no brain operating at all in the body of that frail old bastard (which he is and always has been).
That is a deadset lie. Just like the ‘oh he has a stutter, he’s always had it’ lie. No, he is SENILE. It is OBVIOUS. Anyone can go onto YouTube and find footage of him pontificating in the Senate in the 90s and 80s – hell, even when he was VP – and there was ZERO raspy voice. ZERO stutter. These are disgraceful lies and you should never listen to anyone repeating them ever again, because they think you are so stupid that you won’t believe your eyes and will instead believe their bullshit because they insist you do. They are insulting your intelligence.
What?? It’s a cold?? This is what they think we’re going to believe? If only Biden’s people got the ‘Joe’s got a cold’ message out earlier, everyone would have understood??
I am astonished.
‘Democrats Are In Full Panic Mode’: Elise Stefanik Reacts To Biden’s Presidential Debate Performance
Jesse Watters: It was ‘so bad ‘for Biden
Tales from the Cess Pit:
Keir Starmer now confident enough to start taking the piss:
Keir Starmer, favourite to become next PM, says he would quit if he lost election
The Bigger Question is how long Starmer will last in the factional brothel that is Labour.
The Speccie asks the big question:
What’s the worst that can happen for the Tories?
Just this week, the Tory candidate and ex-rower James Cracknell described his party as a ‘shower of shit’.
Not looking that good.
Venezuelan organised crime isn’t a state actor. Of course it’s possible but the relevant consideration is why would they when they have legal means of entering the US that doesn’t involve contact with federal authorities on the southern border. And that leaves aside the prudence of organising 9/11 style events in the US.
Hannity: Biden’s performance was the ‘single biggest disaster’ I’ve ever seen
The U.K.
Five threats to your privacy in this election
Edward Snowden – The Dangers of the PRISM Program
Enduring Media Lies And Myths About Julian Assange: DEBUNKED
The strangest thing I have observed today has been the universal “Oh shit! President Sniffy has totally lost his marbles”, like these people have just landed from another planet.
There has been ample evidence of a marble deficit for his entire term, but it is only noticed today?
Yes, I know, it was a spectacular fail on a big stage, but the supposed full-time political observers are shocked, as if there were no previous signs?
I think the pardee hierachy was hoping he would fumble through, but I reckon they pulled the plug about 15 minutes in and the word went out.
A no audience, CNN moderated debate with muted mikes and the old thief still couldn’t deliver.
They knew. They have just now realised that the rest of the world knew.
They ARE, that arrogant, and that STUPID!
After 2020 the Democrats figured they could treat the US as Tammany Hall. Today proved its not quite possible.
In Groupthink, suspected disbelief lasts until someone breaks and goes, nah, fackit, no really, this is crap…
A week of intensive training at Camp David, delivering something so actually pathetic – with a third of the US population (and unfriendly eyes from Moscow, through Tehran, to Beijing) watching – sweeps aside the pile of twigs holding up the fig leaf covering the shrivelled Presidential willie.
H B Bear
June 28, 2024 11:29 pm
Reply to Sancho Panzer
Bwah ha ha ha.
The muted mikes was a master-stroke.
No doubt the Dimocrats thought it would help Joe by preventing Orange Man from interrupting and getting Joe flustered.
Give him clear air.
So much clear air we could hear nothing but the flames crackling as he spiralled towards the ground.
A classic case of fighting the last war. No match for the orange Sun Tzu.
Even the ALPBC News ran up the white flag running a clip of some US Senator saying they might have to replace the old thief.
The first motorcycle, looks almost out of the world of the Flintstones.
But it worked and shown the way to the future of personal mobility.
The 1885 Daimler Reitwagen: The Birth of the Modern Motorcycle
In the annals of automotive history, the 1885 Daimler Reitwagen holds a place of honor as the world’s first internal combustion, petroleum-fueled motorcycle.
This pioneering vehicle, a testament to human ingenuity and engineering prowess, laid the foundation for modern motorcycles. The brainchild of German inventors Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, the Reitwagen (literally “riding car”) marked a significant leap forward in transportation technology.
The Visionaries: Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach
Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach were a formidable duo in the world of mechanical engineering. Daimler, an engineer and industrialist, was passionate about creating small, high-speed engines. His vision was to develop an engine that could be used in various forms of transportation. Maybach, his close associate and technical expert, shared this vision and contributed his exceptional design and engineering skills to the project.
The Invention: Birth of the Reitwagen
In 1885, Daimler and Maybach successfully built the Reitwagen, the world’s first motorcycle. The vehicle was powered by a single-cylinder Otto-cycle engine, which they had developed earlier. This engine had a displacement of 264 cubic centimeters and produced about 0.5 horsepower at 600 revolutions per minute (rpm). Though modest by today’s standards, this was a groundbreaking achievement at the time.
Design and Construction
The Reitwagen featured a wooden frame, reminiscent of a bicycle, but it was equipped with an engine and a drive belt. The wooden wheels were fitted with iron bands for durability, and auxiliary stabilizers (small outrigger wheels) were added to prevent tipping over, as the concept of balancing on two wheels while riding was still new.
The engine was mounted on a wooden frame, with the fuel tank situated above it. The power was transmitted to the rear wheel via a leather belt, which was tensioned by a jockey pulley. The vehicle was started by turning a hand crank on the flywheel.
The First Ride
On November 10, 1885, Gottlieb Daimler’s son, Paul, took the Reitwagen on its first official ride, covering a distance of three kilometers from Cannstatt to Untertürkheim in Germany. This historic ride demonstrated the practicality of the internal combustion engine for personal transportation, setting the stage for the future of motorcycles and automobiles.
Legacy and Impact
The Daimler Reitwagen was more than just a technical achievement; it was a visionary step toward the development of modern vehicles. This invention paved the way for the motorcycle industry and influenced the design and engineering of future automobiles. The principles established by Daimler and Maybach in the Reitwagen’s construction—compact, high-speed engines and efficient fuel use—became foundational elements in the automotive world.
Today, the Daimler Reitwagen is recognized as a landmark in the history of transportation. It symbolizes the transition from steam and animal-powered vehicles to internal combustion engines, heralding a new era of mobility and convenience.
Hat-Tip Luis Filipe Oliveira
The contributions of historians and enthusiasts like Luis Filipe Oliveira are invaluable in preserving and celebrating such milestones. Their dedication to chronicling the advancements in automotive technology ensures that the legacy of pioneering inventions like the Daimler Reitwagen continues to inspire future generations.
In conclusion, the 1885 Daimler Reitwagen stands as a testament to human innovation and the relentless pursuit of progress. As the world’s first internal combustion, petroleum-fueled motorcycle, it represents the dawn of modern motorized transportation, a legacy that continues to evolve and shape our world today.
Mr Vitrioli and RMIT sign off as ALPBC Fact Check. You’re on you own people.
Luckily Australia’s most trusted (and 3rd most watched) news network will continue as usual.
Remember the last interview with Chopper Read?
Sick and dying, with all the youthful, superficial charm stripped away you were left with just the bare, raw primitive creature.
I felt the same with Biden today.
Proximity to death strips humans of all the bullshit and artifice and leaves you with the fundamental, ugly thing.
The funny thing is that no audience might well have helped Trump stay focused. He didn’t have a crowd to play off of, to riff on.
Excuse me? What are you talking about?
A countless number of entrants through the southern border have zero contact.
You know, I don’t see how the Dems can crowbar old Joe out of the candidacy. Their primary is over. The delegates are locked in for him. However… I wouldn’t have thought they would so brazenly steal the last election. They found a way. These people don’t understand much but they understand power. If that walking corpse whose spirit is already roasting in the fiery pits is an insurmountable object, I have no doubt they will find a way to surmount him if they need to.
Arkancide, Dr Jill first, if that doesn’t work, then Creepy.
SCOTUS decides Chevron gonesky. This is actually momentous.
But why take the risk of being picked up when you can fly in business class without the risk of being picked up? You could even be smuggled in via some port on a private charter. Nothing is gained by the southern border other than it drawing the focus of attention.
That is f@#$ing awesome. Balances out their recent terrible 1st Amendment decision. Actually, striking down Chevron is probably more consequential as the 1A stuff is always going to be revisited.
This role back of the administrative state is fcking awesome.
“In Groupthink, suspected disbelief lasts until someone breaks and goes, nah, fackit, no really, this is crap…”
Good observation, Sancho. It is the same as the Emperor’s Clothes syndrome, except that the realisation comes from within the group rather than external to it, as with the innocence of the little boy re the Emperor.
Once the dam bursts though, suddenly they are all seeing it.
With this debate, it’s really hard to tell whether the puppet-masters put poor old Joe (I’m not sorry for him though) up for deliberate demolition or whether they too were in enough of a bubble to believe they could fake it once again with him. As for the general Democrat-voters, it might be hard for us to believe but as Hairy points out to me, they have probably never really seen from within their bubble the sorts of video clips we’ve been seeing regularly. So they are in shock.
This, my dear colleagues, is a clear example of the batshit-crazy left that does not belong in any elected chamber, let alone this one.
Leftists PANIC Reaction to Biden Debate Shocker
Paul Joseph Watson
Speaker Johnson Discusses 25th Amendment, Urges Cabinet Members To: ‘Search Their Hearts’
How do open relationships work when you’re a parent? These non-monogamous couples explain
How to screw up your kids and make sure they never have normal relationships – these self-indulgent arseholes explain. Just trash.
I wonder how Creepy Joe’s cold (h/t mUntyfa) is this morning.
Poor chap.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 29, 2024 6:28 am
One of us is having a Biden moment because I don’t remember saying that.
Try 0628.
Displayed full energy? No, that’s dementia anger.
Dementia awareness
Dr. John Campbel
Ramaswamy predicts Dems resorting to a ‘very different plan’ for 2024 election
It’s Over
Russell Brand
Obama wants his 4th term
Biden’s Treasury Advisor Blames DEI Mandate for Bad Boss; ‘THIS ADMINISTRATION IS A MESS’
A senior treasury official is making it rain – in embarrassing disclosures – about what “a mess” the Biden administration really is. Senior Advisor for the Department of Treasury, Jonathan Dixon, told our investigative journalist that the Biden Administration chose a Deputy Secretary of Treasury with ‘bad ideas, bad instincts, and failed [economic] initiatives’ because he is young and black.
– “He [Wally Adeyemo, Deputy Secretary of Treasury] really feels like they were just rummaging in a bag and they were like, ‘cool, you kind of fit what we need.’” – Jonathan Dixon, Senior Advisor, Department of Treasury
– “I guess she [Janet Yellen, Secretary of Treasury] was like, the optics are, I’m an old white lady. I’m going to choose a young black guy… it adds to this mandate the administration had to bring in as many diverse voices as possible.” -Jonathan Dixon, Senior Advisor, Department of Treasury
there is not a path for another candidate to become the Democratic nominee.
It’s worse than that. Even if they can persuade the ancient grifter to stand down LBJ-style, there’s the tricky matter of the campaign war chest.
Madame Cackle would be entitled to it,because she’s already on the ticket. But a ringer? As I understand the campaign finance laws, all those hundreds of millions would likely be placed in escrow until the lawyers and courts thrash things out.
Interesting: I went to an Irish bar on W72nd last night in hope of some local colour and Americans’ reaction to the debate. The request to change the channel was howled down by fellow bar flies, who reckoned the Yankees game (they lost) was more worthwhile.
So I headed back to the sublet with only a bottle of Slaughterhouse bourbon for company. This morning the downstairs neighbours complained about a heavy-footed elephant cheering and clapping. Take that as confirmation the bourbon did what it is supposed to do, unlike the current President.
I for one, forgive your boldness!
alpologies.Didn’t mean to bold the last comment.
The cheapest form of lighting fires. Lucky it’s winter.
Hillary is waiting in the wings…I think if Joe agrees to go, the Dem faithful who otherwise would be furious with Kamala not permitted to take the top job might just swallow Hillary being installed with Kamala as her number 2. So instead of a 2020 do-over, it’ll be a 2016 do-over.
But if Joe refuses to go, there isn’t a lot that can be done about it. Aside from murdering the old bastard, which is hardly beyond these people. And if they do it, they’ll find some MAGA patsy to frame.
The Australian Police forces are in the overseas news and not for good reasons. How stupid and unproductive is this: