Open Thread – Mon 1 July 2024

Truth Rescued by Time, Witnessed by History, Francisco Goya, 1814

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July 3, 2024 1:58 pm

Seems many Native Americans recognise Jews being the indigenous people of Israel and Arabs being the colonisers.
Which they are.

July 3, 2024 2:00 pm

watt is a good communicator whose combative skills would have helped the government better manage immigration detention and border security scandals

In a bizarre parallel universe, perhaps. In this one he’s a fat incompetent drooling cretin who personifies everything that is so wrong with this country’s political class (and more).

Last edited 3 hours ago by Rabz
Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 3, 2024 2:01 pm

A bit of head-lopping might just be a Labor gesture recognising Payman’s religion and culture as she returns to the caucus.

Last edited 3 hours ago by Mother Lode
Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 3, 2024 2:05 pm

In No, No, It’s All OK. No, Really news:

Speaking at a campaign event in McLean, Virginia, on Tuesday evening, Biden admitted the debate against Donald Trump, his Republican rival, did not go well.

“I didn’t have my best night, but the fact is that you know, I wasn’t very smart,” Biden said, speaking at the campaign fundraiser without the aid of a teleprompter.

“I decided to travel around the world a couple times, going through around 100 time zones … before … the debate.

“Didn’t listen to my staff and came back and nearly fell asleep on stage. That’s no excuse but it is an explanation.”

Biden travelled to France and Italy during two separate trips within two weeks last month, flying overnight from the Group of Seven summit in Bari, Italy, to appear at a fundraiser with former president Barack Obama in Los Angeles on June 15 before returning to Washington the following day.

He then spent six days at Camp David preparing for the June 27 debate.

The poor old bastard must have been flying cattle class, beside the rear toilet, if it takes him two weeks to get over an East-West 5-hour jet lag.

But, in any event, I think we can all agree that a man who can talk without a teleprompter is fit to be a POTUS. So, there’s that.

July 3, 2024 2:13 pm

Well done President Biden for personally confirming you’re too old and decrepit to be sitting in the oval office.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 3, 2024 2:22 pm

There you are, all you mob who ever pulled on a boot and picked up a rifle, that’s what the Labor Party thinks of you.

July 3, 2024 2:23 pm

“I didn’t have my best night, but the fact is that you know, I wasn’t very smart,”

The Fredo presidency.

July 3, 2024 2:31 pm

That really is amazing. Suspect Dubai needs a few more Catholic churches to accommodate everyone.

Oh come on
Oh come on
July 3, 2024 2:33 pm

The ABC continues to desperately try and get the band back together:

FLiRT was dominating COVID-19 cases, now we’re onto the FLuQE subvariants

I could provide a link to that headline, but, frankly, who gives a shit.

Black Ball
Black Ball
July 3, 2024 2:33 pm

Further Queensland news, pork being flung into marginal state electorates:

Premier Steven Miles would have you believe that public money just grows on trees, based on his totally unfunded and totally unnecessary promise yesterday to duplicate the bridge to Bribie Island at a cost to taxpayers of at least $700m – the equivalent of spending $34,000 on every single resident there.

In scenes scarily reminiscent of those dreamt up by the clever scriptwriters of the ABC television satire Utopia, Mr Miles donned his bomber jacket and headed down the two-lane Bribie Island road to announce a duplication of the bridge – so that four lanes of traffic can cross the Passage at one time.

Where all these cars will come from is anyone’s guess. A study by the state’s Transport Department concluded the existing bridge was suitable for the current traffic load “for the foreseeable future”.

But the politicians were not going to let that awkward fact get in the way of their $700m pork-barrel of the marginal Labor-held seat of Pumicestone, where more than half the voters live on Bribie Island.

One explanation provided was that the bridge was needed because traffic volumes on the original one had increased “significantly” since it was built in 1963. The Premier then added, helpfully, that the $700m investment was also justified because if there happened to be a crash on the bridge, the residents of Bribie could be cut off for hours from the mainland. God forbid!

And how does the government plan to pay for this new bridge – having already blamed extreme cost pressures for its decision to deliver a cut-price 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games? No fear. Treasurer Cameron Dick plans to just whack it on the state’s credit card, adding it to his astonishing borrowings bill of $111bn.

And all of this before you even look back at history and remember that at the 2020 state election, this very same Labor government was mocking the state Opposition for promising to spend just $3m on a business case for a new Bribie Bridge – to check if it stacked up.

Then transport minister Mark Bailey said at the time: “The LNP is ignoring expert advice again and promising a bridge they can’t pay for.”

Fast-forward four years and it’s Labor ignoring the experts. You would struggle to make this stuff up.

And yet the team at Utopia did. In fact, these are exactly the types of labyrinthine justifications that the show’s fictional government liaison officer Jim Gibson dances around when talking the public servants at the Nation Building Authority into backing unnecessary proposals that he considers politically important.

“Jim, we don’t need this bridge. All the modelling tells us that traffic volumes do not demand it,” you can almost hear a frustrated NBA CEO – the straight-laced bureaucrat Tony Woodford – replying.

“Welllll,” would come the chirpy reply from Gibson, who is always on the lookout for a “shovel-ready” project – “there’s more traffic on the bridge than there was when it was built 60 years ago isn’t there?”

Woodford: “But we can’t justify building a four-lane bridge that is only serviced by a two-lane road!”

“Ahhh,” Gibson would reply as he thinks, “good point Tony … but hang on, hang on – what if there’s a crash on the bridge? People could be stuck on the island for, what, hours? What if they need urgent hospital care? What if they’re late for a footy game? A bar mitzvah, mits-wah, mits-im-wah … Anyway, good man – I’ll tell the PM you’ve got it under control. New bridge ribbon-cutting here we come eh!”

When parody comes to life. A lovely smackdown of the grinning idiot.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 3, 2024 2:36 pm

FLiRT was dominating COVID-19 cases, now we’re onto the FLuQE subvariants

They can FLuQE off if they think people are going to go through lockdowns and mandates again.


July 3, 2024 2:45 pm

Anyone know why Quadrant is offline?

Black Ball
Black Ball
July 3, 2024 2:53 pm

They can FLuQE off if they think people are going to go through lockdowns and mandates again.


Yes Mother Lode, can see Victoriastan embracing the stupidity of a couple of years ago.
I see eggs have become as rare as hens teeth, pardon the pun. But panic buying is back in vogue. FMD

July 3, 2024 2:54 pm

“FLiRT was dominating COVID-19 cases, now we’re onto the FLuQE subvariants”.

As always the answer is make sure you are up to date with your outdated jabs.

Brought to you by an expert who is well and truly making a fortune out of pushing vaccines.

July 3, 2024 2:55 pm

A new vaccine, based on the KP.2 or FLiRT variant, would be applicable to FLuQE, he said, and would likely become available in Australia towards the end of the year.
“The new updated vaccine will work extremely well against it,” Professor Esterman said.

Reported in And what would Professor Esterman know about the efficacy of this new vaccine???? 1. No years of testing and/or RCTs for this new vaccine , AND 2. the professor is a biostatician!

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 3, 2024 3:02 pm

Get a load of this w*ank.


Daily Insights:

Just when you think Aboriginal activism can’t get any worse, it does. Students at a Sydney primary school in the lower Blue Mountains region are being made to touch the ground and repeat “always was, always will be Aboriginal land” at the start of each assembly as part of an Acknowledgement of Country. Clearly, this is out-and-out indoctrination. These children committed no offence and are being told that the land they inhabit, which they were probably born on, is not theirs.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 3, 2024 3:19 pm

You can’t help but laugh when he sniffs his finger.


Steve Inman:

No Commentary Needed: This guy nailed it.

July 3, 2024 3:21 pm

Payman was elected with 1,681 (0.11% of WA) votes.

She is there because of the ALP above the line senate vote (35%)

She should therefore toe the ALP line.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 3, 2024 3:29 pm

Anthony Albanese hints at expected crossbench move by ousted Labor senator Fatima PaymanKatina CurtisThe West Australian
Wed, 3 July 2024 1:02PM


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has hinted he expects suspended Labor senator Fatima Payman to cut ties with the party and move to the crossbench within days.
He suspended the WA senator from the Labor caucus at the weekend amid the fallout from her crossing the floor to back a Greens motion on Palestinian statehood.
The indefinite suspension was confirmed at Tuesday’s caucus meeting, although Labor has left the door open for Senator Payman to return to the fold if she agrees to abide by its solidarity rules.
But it emerged on Tuesday that the senator has had informal talks with Glenn Druery, the political adviser known as the “preference whisperer” for his role in getting micro-party and independent candidates elected.

Mr Albanese told Parliament on Wednesday that Senator Payman “has made a decision to place herself outside the Labor Party”, mirroring the wording of the caucus motion.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 3, 2024 3:33 pm

Oh, I thought Payman was moving back in line with the party – having dragged the line a little closer to the pro-Pali mob.

But apparently not.

So, there ya go.

July 3, 2024 3:35 pm

 July 3, 2024 12:09 pm

George Bernard Shaw.
A monster

I was going to do an honours thesis on GBS but the more I looked into the arrogant shit the more I disliked him. Did it on the Romantics instead. But I never knew the extent of his monstrosity until I saw that. That video of shaw sums up the attitude of every leftie in the world and is the mainstay of misanthropy in all its vile forms.

Cassie of Sydney
July 3, 2024 3:42 pm

She is there because of the ALP above the line senate vote (35%)

Nope, she is there because those geniuses that constitute the eternally stupid WA Liberals made the decision to preference Labor and the Greens above PHON on the senate ticket back in May 2022. The blame for having this Jew hater in parliament lies squarely with the Liberals.

All of Payman’s theatrics were predictable. It was never ‘if’ she would out herself as the Jew hater she most surely is, it was simply a matter of ‘when’. And that ‘when’ arose after the pogrom of 7 October, the carnage that day it ripped off any band aids covering the left’s unhinged Jew hatred. It’s now open, for all to see.

And when Payman shouts the words “from the river to the sea’ she isn’t saying there should be a Palestinian state alongside an Israeli state. NO, NO, NO, she mouths those words because she doesn’t believe the Jewish state has a right to exist and she wants the disappearance of Israel and those pesky Jews, by any means necessary….and that includes rape, murder and kidnapping…all three sanctioned by the hideous ideology Payman adheres to.

It really is depressing to witness just how far this country has fallen, when we see the Nazi garbage in our parliament, be it Bandt, Faruqi and Payman and others.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Cassie of Sydney
July 3, 2024 3:49 pm

That video of shaw sums up the attitude of every leftie in the world and is the mainstay of misanthropy in all its vile forms.

Have you seen TIKs last 2, one on Lenin before the revolution and the last on the commonality of all Socialist leaders ( including the Austrian corporal).

Much food for thought.

July 3, 2024 3:50 pm

“Did the inflation calculator for the USA for the last 10 years..
32.7% cumulative inflation.”

Using official numbers? That doesn’t include energy pricing, rent, or interest rate increases.
Reality for people is otherwise.

Same with here I suspect, but perhaps not as highly distorted.
Example: petrol is “cheap” at $1.60/L right now, and expensive is $2.20/L, Pre-COVID, it was expensive at $1.30/L and cheap was 1.10/L. (oddly. LPG has only increased about 10% max over the same period)

July 3, 2024 4:03 pm

From a Gateway Pundit article. Sage Steele interviewing two Congressmen. Trump negotiating with a Taliban leader :

He then reached into his pocket, pulled out a satellite image of the Taliban leader’s home, handed it to him, and left the room without another word.

“Sure enough, for 18 months, not a single American was killed in Afghanistan,” Hunt said. “That is the definition of strength; that’s what I’m talking about.”

“And so, you could imagine that kind of sentiment around the world; if we have an embassy in another country, no one’s going to touch it because they’re going to be fearful that they’re going to get a MOAB on their head. That’s how President Trump rolls,” he added”.

Or you could negotiate with Biden.

July 3, 2024 4:12 pm

Vivi Frei, refugee Canadian attorney, now Floridian, does an excellent first look analysis of the SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity and the legality of the assignment of Jack Smith as “special counsel”.
Including an excellent illustration of karma… a video clip of Biden attempting to screw over Clarence Thomas when he was being confirmed as a Justice.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 3, 2024 4:13 pm

It was only a matter of time. Terrific ‘Downfall’ video on the Biden debate over at Michael Smith’s site now.

July 3, 2024 4:15 pm
Last edited 1 hour ago by Zatara
Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
July 3, 2024 4:31 pm

The Payment debacle brings into question the six year terms for Senators. Since they have been correctly termed “unrepresentative swill” by Paul Keating, I ask why they can’t be the subject of a referendum to make their terms coincident with Reps. Seems fair.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 3, 2024 4:48 pm

Or you could negotiate with Biden

That would be ‘minor incursions are okay’ Biden.

July 3, 2024 4:50 pm

“Did the inflation calculator for the USA for the last 10 years..

32.7% cumulative inflation.”

Using official numbers? That doesn’t include energy pricing, rent, or interest rate increases.

Reality for people is otherwise.

Speaking of which, economists surveyed by the Financial Review believe rising wholesale electricity prices [i.e. the gas & associated infrastructure required to back up renewables] for the forseeable future will keep inflation high indefinitely and eventually suck the life out of the real estate market. As a result, we’ll all be poorer.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Roger
July 3, 2024 5:02 pm

Lesbian Duo Baffled as to Why Muslim Gang Would Pummel Them. Who Wants to Break the News?

A gang of “Middle Eastern men” beat the potato salad out of a lesbian couple in Halifax, Nova Scotia, leaving the two zamis to wonder why the men would treat the ladies so viciously, especially considering it was during Pride month.

Some people are more easily baffled than others.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 3, 2024 5:13 pm

Young Labor supporters move to the Greens over Anthony Albanese’s ‘exile’ of Fatima PaymanJosh ZimmermanThe West Australian
Wed, 3 July 2024 2024

Anthony Albanese’s treatment of Fatima Payman risks alienating a generation of young Labor supporters, with National Union of Students president Ngaire Bogemann revealing many members – including herself – were “considering withdrawing membership” over the Senator’s “exile”.
Senator Payman was indefinitely suspended from Labor caucus after breaking ranks with her own party to back a Greens motion calling for Australia to recognise Palestinian statehood.
The Prime Minister on Wednesday hinted he expects Senator Payman to shortly quit Labor and move to the crossbench.
Speaking on the sidelines of an NUS conference at Curtin University, Ms Bogemann said there was “unequivocal support” for Senator Payman among National Labor Students, the university wing of the party.

A whole generation of student activists, lost to the Labor Party….Be still, my beating heart!

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 3, 2024 5:20 pm

Jill Biden: …She is the paragon, the absolute apex of the ‘You will address me by my husband’s rank’ line used by Byzantine empresses and medieval queens by marriage.

Reminds me of here in Malta pre-WW2 (and a bit after) the Royal Navy had a huge presence.

All those males who were in many cases single attracted a large crowd of available females who would journey out and stay with various friends and rellies. They were known as the Fishing Fleet.

Apparently the Queen Bee navy wife in “the Married Patch” was always a Captain’s wife – in naval ranks that’s the equivalent of a colonel. The worst of them would have her husband’s four gold epaulette rings emblazoned her handbag.

July 3, 2024 5:24 pm
July 3, 2024 5:33 pm

Who said the muzzies were not innovative:

Muslim Terrorists Unveil World’s First Suicide Baby | Frontpage Mag

In one of three blasts on Saturday in the town of Gwoza, a woman with a baby strapped to her back detonated explosives in the middle of a wedding ceremony, according to a state police spokesman.

“At about 1545 (1445 GMT) a woman carrying a baby on her back detonated an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) she had on her at a crowded motor park,” Borno State police spokesman Nahum Kenneth Daso said.

July 3, 2024 5:41 pm

I’m also inclined to the view that senators shouldn’t be members of political parties. Make it a true house of independent review.

I’d make any attempt to start or be a member of a political party subject to the death penalty

July 3, 2024 5:42 pm

Or “Sortition for the Senate”

July 3, 2024 5:49 pm

‘You will address me by my husband’s rank’ 
Tom Wolfe covered this in “The Right Stuff”. Some poor bastard had to give an orientation for the wives at a base. He asked to ladies to order themselves by their husbands’ rank. When they did he said “Don’t be stupid, none of you are in the service”. They looked at him like he was from a different planet.

  1. The Farmers should be letting the school know that, their children will not be at assembly. That, they will wait…

  2. ‘You will address me by my husband’s rank’  Tom Wolfe covered this in “The Right Stuff”. Some poor bastard had…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x