Farage doesn’t support Tommy Robinson & millions of Brits do, Farage has a Muslim in the top ranks & people…
Farage doesn’t support Tommy Robinson & millions of Brits do, Farage has a Muslim in the top ranks & people…
This place (Globus ) is stocked to the hilt. —- Different Russia: What Can $150 Get You in Russian Supermarket?…
The simple things that bring joy – even relief – into your life. We have had a cow down for…
Cupla ol Lesbians.
Funny how you have to go to a lot of trouble to find the unsanitised history of many left-wingers on…
Seems many Native Americans recognise Jews being the indigenous people of Israel and Arabs being the colonisers.
Which they are.
In a bizarre parallel universe, perhaps. In this one he’s a fat incompetent drooling cretin who personifies everything that is so wrong with this country’s political class (and more).
You don’t end up Liar Minister for Agriculture if you’re destined for bigger things. Ministerial salary a reward for a loyal factional plodder before sinking into Opposition.
A bit of head-lopping might just be a Labor gesture recognising Payman’s religion and culture as she returns to the caucus.
In No, No, It’s All OK. No, Really news:
The poor old bastard must have been flying cattle class, beside the rear toilet, if it takes him two weeks to get over an East-West 5-hour jet lag.
But, in any event, I think we can all agree that a man who can talk without a teleprompter is fit to be a POTUS. So, there’s that.
Well done President Biden for personally confirming you’re too old and decrepit to be sitting in the oval office.
There you are, all you mob who ever pulled on a boot and picked up a rifle, that’s what the Labor Party thinks of you.
“I didn’t have my best night, but the fact is that you know, I wasn’t very smart,”
The Fredo presidency.
That really is amazing. Suspect Dubai needs a few more Catholic churches to accommodate everyone.
Lots of wonderfully industrious Filipino Christian people earning money for their families!
That is sung in a South Indian language, possibly Tamil.
Is that the one along ‘Church Alley’ just past Ibn Battuta shopping mall? There is also an Anglican church (Christ Church) and a huge Evangelical church, Southern Baptist (I forget its proper name). We used to drive across a bit of desert to reach it and park. There were massive crowds coming and going for all the different services.
I’ve no idea.
The ABC continues to desperately try and get the band back together:
FLiRT was dominating COVID-19 cases, now we’re onto the FLuQE subvariants
I could provide a link to that headline, but, frankly, who gives a shit.
Further Queensland news, pork being flung into marginal state electorates:
When parody comes to life. A lovely smackdown of the grinning idiot.
They can FLuQE off if they think people are going to go through lockdowns and mandates again.
I’ve yet to see someone wearing a mask in Barcy.
Anyone know why Quadrant is offline?
Yes Mother Lode, can see Victoriastan embracing the stupidity of a couple of years ago.
I see eggs have become as rare as hens teeth, pardon the pun. But panic buying is back in vogue. FMD
Very happy I have my own poultry. The Muscovies have started laying. I love duck eggs. The geese will start laying soon. Goose eggs are a rare treasure.
Pogria, why ducks? Is there a special sort that lay big eggs, or do you chop their heads off when they get on, or what?
Just curious – chooks dig up the backyard and are a pest. Do ducks look after themselves more?
“FLiRT was dominating COVID-19 cases, now we’re onto the FLuQE subvariants”.
As always the answer is make sure you are up to date with your outdated jabs.
Brought to you by an expert who is well and truly making a fortune out of pushing vaccines.
A new vaccine, based on the KP.2 or FLiRT variant, would be applicable to FLuQE, he said, and would likely become available in Australia towards the end of the year.
“The new updated vaccine will work extremely well against it,” Professor Esterman said.
Reported in news.com. And what would Professor Esterman know about the efficacy of this new vaccine???? 1. No years of testing and/or RCTs for this new vaccine , AND 2. the professor is a biostatician!
And it’s mRNA. Why trust that?
Sorry, that’s re the new bird flu one being developed by Moderna. They have this mRNA set up that they have to use for other things.
Get a load of this w*ank.
Daily Insights:
Just when you think Aboriginal activism can’t get any worse, it does. Students at a Sydney primary school in the lower Blue Mountains region are being made to touch the ground and repeat “always was, always will be Aboriginal land” at the start of each assembly as part of an Acknowledgement of Country. Clearly, this is out-and-out indoctrination. These children committed no offence and are being told that the land they inhabit, which they were probably born on, is not theirs.
The local school has the children reciting an acknowledgment of country. The farmers children are the ones staring to the front, and not moving their lips.
The Farmers should be letting the school know that, their children will not be at assembly. That, they will wait outside the gate until the madness is over.
sure, right up till they apply for a home loan and then see a few interest rate rises while pollies play loose with their taxes
the reality of who owns what hits hard at some stage
my kids went through this crap at school with climate change, both are now very sceptical
You can’t help but laugh when he sniffs his finger.
Steve Inman:
No Commentary Needed: This guy nailed it.
The moron says, ” I ain’t stealin’ no package. I live next door”.
Cripes, the DUMB is strong in these thievs.
Payman was elected with 1,681 (0.11% of WA) votes.
She is there because of the ALP above the line senate vote (35%)
She should therefore toe the ALP line.
As with every Senate resignation, resign or expelled from the Party and out the Senate till the next election. Vacancy filled by next available party candidate willing to serve with existing casual vacancies procedure.
Not at all. The more muz madness the better. It exposes it to all the public. The press can’t ignore it.
Anthony Albanese hints at expected crossbench move by ousted Labor senator Fatima PaymanKatina CurtisThe West Australian
Wed, 3 July 2024 1:02PM
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has hinted he expects suspended Labor senator Fatima Payman to cut ties with the party and move to the crossbench within days.
He suspended the WA senator from the Labor caucus at the weekend amid the fallout from her crossing the floor to back a Greens motion on Palestinian statehood.
The indefinite suspension was confirmed at Tuesday’s caucus meeting, although Labor has left the door open for Senator Payman to return to the fold if she agrees to abide by its solidarity rules.
But it emerged on Tuesday that the senator has had informal talks with Glenn Druery, the political adviser known as the “preference whisperer” for his role in getting micro-party and independent candidates elected.
Mr Albanese told Parliament on Wednesday that Senator Payman “has made a decision to place herself outside the Labor Party”, mirroring the wording of the caucus motion.
Oh, I thought Payman was moving back in line with the party – having dragged the line a little closer to the pro-Pali mob.
But apparently not.
So, there ya go.
Ma’shallah – Allah has allowed it. Payman is a gift. Her self assured ideology will expose the real Islam and throw the other muz in parliament into a belief/public statement turmoil. They are Sunni.
July 3, 2024 12:09 pm
George Bernard Shaw.
A monster
I was going to do an honours thesis on GBS but the more I looked into the arrogant shit the more I disliked him. Did it on the Romantics instead. But I never knew the extent of his monstrosity until I saw that. That video of shaw sums up the attitude of every leftie in the world and is the mainstay of misanthropy in all its vile forms.
She is there because of the ALP above the line senate vote (35%)
Nope, she is there because those geniuses that constitute the eternally stupid WA Liberals made the decision to preference Labor and the Greens above PHON on the senate ticket back in May 2022. The blame for having this Jew hater in parliament lies squarely with the Liberals.
All of Payman’s theatrics were predictable. It was never ‘if’ she would out herself as the Jew hater she most surely is, it was simply a matter of ‘when’. And that ‘when’ arose after the pogrom of 7 October, the carnage that day it ripped off any band aids covering the left’s unhinged Jew hatred. It’s now open, for all to see.
And when Payman shouts the words “from the river to the sea’ she isn’t saying there should be a Palestinian state alongside an Israeli state. NO, NO, NO, she mouths those words because she doesn’t believe the Jewish state has a right to exist and she wants the disappearance of Israel and those pesky Jews, by any means necessary….and that includes rape, murder and kidnapping…all three sanctioned by the hideous ideology Payman adheres to.
It really is depressing to witness just how far this country has fallen, when we see the Nazi garbage in our parliament, be it Bandt, Faruqi and Payman and others.
Correct: for dumbness, gutlessness and vapidity you can’t beat a typical Western conservative. Which is why they hate Trump.
May I be impolite enough to suggest that, if you can’t fill in a ballot paper, without having to follow a “How To Vote” card, then you shouldn’t be allowed within forty chains of a polling booth, in the first place?
I’m afraid we’ve always had traitors in parliament. But yes, it is depressing.
They didn’t actually preference ALP and the Greens on the HTVs: https://www.abc.net.au/news/elections/federal/2022/guide/senate-wa-htv#R
There is something fishy about that last preference distribution.
Have you seen TIKs last 2, one on Lenin before the revolution and the last on the commonality of all Socialist leaders ( including the Austrian corporal).
Much food for thought.
“Did the inflation calculator for the USA for the last 10 years..
32.7% cumulative inflation.”
Using official numbers? That doesn’t include energy pricing, rent, or interest rate increases.
Reality for people is otherwise.
Same with here I suspect, but perhaps not as highly distorted.
Example: petrol is “cheap” at $1.60/L right now, and expensive is $2.20/L, Pre-COVID, it was expensive at $1.30/L and cheap was 1.10/L. (oddly. LPG has only increased about 10% max over the same period)
From a Gateway Pundit article. Sage Steele interviewing two Congressmen. Trump negotiating with a Taliban leader :
He then reached into his pocket, pulled out a satellite image of the Taliban leader’s home, handed it to him, and left the room without another word.
“Sure enough, for 18 months, not a single American was killed in Afghanistan,” Hunt said. “That is the definition of strength; that’s what I’m talking about.”
“And so, you could imagine that kind of sentiment around the world; if we have an embassy in another country, no one’s going to touch it because they’re going to be fearful that they’re going to get a MOAB on their head. That’s how President Trump rolls,” he added”.
Or you could negotiate with Biden.
Vivi Frei, refugee Canadian attorney, now Floridian, does an excellent first look analysis of the SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity and the legality of the assignment of Jack Smith as “special counsel”.
Including an excellent illustration of karma… a video clip of Biden attempting to screw over Clarence Thomas when he was being confirmed as a Justice.
It was only a matter of time. Terrific ‘Downfall’ video on the Biden debate over at Michael Smith’s site now.
Maybe someone can independently link it here? Too much for my skills, can only go by the Smith site.
Biden Downfall
Grab the Popcorn: Tucker Reveals What ‘Unusually Good Source’ Shared About Obama/Biden Relationship
And it isn’t what you think.
Keep an eye on Barry.
You betcha. He is still in charge and bloody dangerous. He can whistle up the MB in an instant.
The Payment debacle brings into question the six year terms for Senators. Since they have been correctly termed “unrepresentative swill” by Paul Keating, I ask why they can’t be the subject of a referendum to make their terms coincident with Reps. Seems fair.
I’m also inclined to the view that senators shouldn’t be members of political parties. Make it a true house of independent review.
That would be ‘minor incursions are okay’ Biden.
Speaking of which, economists surveyed by the Financial Review believe rising wholesale electricity prices [i.e. the gas & associated infrastructure required to back up renewables] for the forseeable future will keep inflation high indefinitely and eventually suck the life out of the real estate market. As a result, we’ll all be poorer.
I posted elsewhere, but couldn’t be bothered looking for it – gold of which I paid $1746 an ounce in 2017, is now worth $3500 oz today.
The current political situation is similar, the economic one isn’t. Exchange rate .77 cents then, now .66.
Just shows how devalued the A$ is.
Lesbian Duo Baffled as to Why Muslim Gang Would Pummel Them. Who Wants to Break the News?
Some people are more easily baffled than others.
Men of Middle Eastern appearance surely?
Ah, but the faces in the video are blurred, for some unknown reason….
Hahaha – I laughed until I stopped!
Young Labor supporters move to the Greens over Anthony Albanese’s ‘exile’ of Fatima PaymanJosh ZimmermanThe West Australian
Wed, 3 July 2024 2024
Anthony Albanese’s treatment of Fatima Payman risks alienating a generation of young Labor supporters, with National Union of Students president Ngaire Bogemann revealing many members – including herself – were “considering withdrawing membership” over the Senator’s “exile”.
Senator Payman was indefinitely suspended from Labor caucus after breaking ranks with her own party to back a Greens motion calling for Australia to recognise Palestinian statehood.
The Prime Minister on Wednesday hinted he expects Senator Payman to shortly quit Labor and move to the crossbench.
Speaking on the sidelines of an NUS conference at Curtin University, Ms Bogemann said there was “unequivocal support” for Senator Payman among National Labor Students, the university wing of the party.
A whole generation of student activists, lost to the Labor Party….Be still, my beating heart!
A fitting end given Albo and Plibbers are probably the last Liars to hold their respective seats. R-G-R deadwood dinosaurs.
Who knew courting the Muslim vote would have so many repercussions for Labor!
Well…a few of us as the Cat, actually.
they may leave, but they will still preference Labor in an election.
Jill Biden: …She is the paragon, the absolute apex of the ‘You will address me by my husband’s rank’ line used by Byzantine empresses and medieval queens by marriage.
Reminds me of here in Malta pre-WW2 (and a bit after) the Royal Navy had a huge presence.
All those males who were in many cases single attracted a large crowd of available females who would journey out and stay with various friends and rellies. They were known as the Fishing Fleet.
Apparently the Queen Bee navy wife in “the Married Patch” was always a Captain’s wife – in naval ranks that’s the equivalent of a colonel. The worst of them would have her husband’s four gold epaulette rings emblazoned her handbag.
Cite you the case of a certain Service wife, whose husband was applying to be commissioned, and who asked of another Service wife, whose husband was also commissioned from the ranks, how she should behave when her husband became an officer.
“Wait until your old man gets his commission” was the terse reply. (He didn’t.)
They were known as the Fishing Fleet.
Those going home, having failed to secure a spouse, were known as “Returned Empties.”
The demorats are dangerous:
“Supreme Court Gives Joe Biden The Legal OK To Assassinate Donald Trump,” the reprehensible headline reads.
HuffPost Reported to FBI for ‘The Most Dangerous Headline in American History’ After Supreme Court Ruling (westernjournal.com)
Presenter Tells Biden to ‘Hurry Up and Have Trump Murdered’ After SCOTUS Immunity Ruling. (thenationalpulse.com)
I suggest that a deck of cards be published with 52 top Demonrats on the face, like the ‘wanted’ list after the invasion of Iraq.
It would be suggested that the table be swept if Trump or any conservative judge is assassinated.
Dems want the Scotus judges assassinated too.
Well only some of them.
Guess which ones.
Sir Keir Stasi: David Starkey on Labour’s Police State in Britain
Who said the muzzies were not innovative:
Muslim Terrorists Unveil World’s First Suicide Baby | Frontpage Mag
In one of three blasts on Saturday in the town of Gwoza, a woman with a baby strapped to her back detonated explosives in the middle of a wedding ceremony, according to a state police spokesman.
“At about 1545 (1445 GMT) a woman carrying a baby on her back detonated an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) she had on her at a crowded motor park,” Borno State police spokesman Nahum Kenneth Daso said.
Did someone say “death cult”?
Cough not me cough
I had read that article. It always brings to the fore Golda Meir’s quote that, “there shall only be peace when the Arabs love their children more than they love death”.
Paraphrasing, I can’t remember the exact wording.
I’m also inclined to the view that senators shouldn’t be members of political parties. Make it a true house of independent review.
I’d make any attempt to start or be a member of a political party subject to the death penalty
Or “Sortition for the Senate”
I could live with that.
With a few conditions – upstanding citizen, tax payer, etc.
Tucker Carlson’s Warning to Australians | Melbourne, Australia Full Speech
‘You will address me by my husband’s rank’
Tom Wolfe covered this in “The Right Stuff”. Some poor bastard had to give an orientation for the wives at a base. He asked to ladies to order themselves by their husbands’ rank. When they did he said “Don’t be stupid, none of you are in the service”. They looked at him like he was from a different planet.
And IIRC Wolfe pointed out that he was missing the important part – this was how things worked for the ladies.
For those that missed Kenny on Sky. Liz Storer was asked about Luigi doing a Cabinet reshuffle? “You can’t polish a turd”. Magnificent Liz!
An inner-city dwelling Agriculture Minister, Watt is a good communicator whose combative skills would have helped the government better manage immigration detention and border security scandals.
Who the hell wrote this drivel, perfect definition of tongue bath.
Murray I got the feeling by recent performances fancies himself for higher office than he holds. As for communication 2 things the jubbling jowls are a distraction and he has more umms & ars than Wong who can certainly pack them into an answer.
Why do I get the feeling our already broken border protection is going to get a hell of a lot worse with him at the helm.
Yeah what absolute tosh. I’ve never heard Watt- bad enough looking at the creep.
he has a flat, squeaky voice. Sounds like a cartoon character.
Answering your question from last night, no, that is not my dog or cattle. I wish!
Although I love the doggos I do have.
Surely if I poke the bear one more time nothing bad will happen…
French rappers release ULTRA-VIOLENT new anti-National Rally music video:
“Marine and Marion the whores, beat these female dogs in heat with a stick.
“Jodan, you’re dead.”
“If the fascists come by, I’m going out with a big caliber.”
MATT GOODWIN: Labour ABANDONS Clacton Campaign – NIGEL FARAGE Impact?
Strange. I don’t see any media headlines about the great Labor split of 2024.
Instead, The Australian’s old ALP whisperer Paul Kelly is promoting his theory about an LNP split over nuculear power, which hopefully he is still able to pronounce correctly, unlike his beloved Labor frontbench and the semi-literate trash being turned out by Australia’s university media skools.
What Fatima Payman has set in train is a version of the 1950s split between the ALP and the DLP, which kept the left out of power for decades.
Except now, the looney left is taking over Canberra instead of the threat from the recalcitrant right.
I predict Payman’s attempt to introduce religion into the politics of western Sydney – backed by electoral rigging expert Glen Druery – won’t deliver the votes Druery expects it will.
Payman is just a useful idiot for sale to the highest bidder. In a decade, no-one will remember her name.
Agreed, preferences will flow back to the ALP anyway and more than likely the Liberals would help the ALP over the line rather than having an Islamist sitting in the parliament. That’s not even going near the sectarian Shiite/Sunni divide, Arab/Caucasian/Sub Continental racial aspect or those in the community there that frankly came here to escape that culture to begin with.
I’d be more concerned about race/religious politics from the amount of Indians pouring the open borders. My last trip to Melbourne was transiting through Broadmeadows a number of times. Observation the Indians faces are starting to match the numbers of middle eastern faces there.
Correct Tom.
The electorates that style themselves as Raghead majorities, are also home to many, many Coptic and Maronite Christians. The very ones that are being persecuted by our pathetic Police “service”.
Clearly Tartarian
Much loved by jigsaw puzzle manufacturers!
How does the vote whisperer Glenn Drury help a Senator from WA when most of her backers would be from Western Sydney.
If the Muslim vote is looking to take a couple of Labour Minister seats in Western Sydney doesn’t that help the Coalition get back into power. How does that help Muslims who I would guess prefer Labour in power ?
Whatever Payman’s parliamentary goals are, the goal of The Muslim Vote is to extort policy favours from Labor governments. So far, in regard to Gaza, they’ve proven quite adept at achieving that.
Payman is a Senator for the next four years – so, any advice from Druery is about beyond that.
Something like kickstart Muslim Vote, get lower house traction, move to NSW, use ‘whisperer magic’ for a second term as an NSW MB senator.
Kelly just another ALP propogandist who’s been around way way too long. I remember the vomit making stuff he used to write in the 80s about Hawkeating. Just go away.
Pace Tom, she’s a true believer (albeit not in Labor).
That she is willing to sacrifice a potentially decades long political career for what she believes in tells us this.
Maybe…but the Muslim vote is here to stay.
Thanks to Malcolm Fraser’s Cabinet and every government since.
aaaaand this is exactly what I was talking about
IC suggesting that so long as Avril Haynes (the current head of the entire intelligence community) & Samantha Power (the CIA’s main funding arm) remain highly influential with zero pushback from Biden, they still want Biden in
So watching Channel Stokes, I’m led to believe that artificial light is proving to be causing heart problems amongst the proles.
Despite Australia being rather dim on the infrared shit compared to Western Europe and the US. South Korea as well.
Expect some government intervention on this non issue.
US10 year bond yield has been moving higher since the debate. I see two possibilities why, or a combo of the two. The corpse’s performance made it look increasingly likely that Trump will surmount the cheating margin and win the election.
China could be accelerating the sale of US bonds in the increasing likelihood Trump wins office.
Like it or not, Trump’s policy chatter of raising tariffs is seen as adding to the inflationary loop.
Whatever it is, Inflation numbers have been easing in the US and the back up in yields is a bit of a surprise.
‘Social problems in substituting humans for machines will be easier in developed countries with declining populations’: Larry Fink of BlackRock
Physicist Brian Catt explains why climate change is a natural phenomenon & the IPCC models are GIGO: Garbage In, Garbage Out:
Neocons Still Trying to Create WWIII Before the Election
They really do blow up quick these days.
(H/T to a Cat from years ago.)
The only positive to come out of this is no baby to grow up to wreck havoc upon the world and a mother no longer able to breed more of the same.
Reports: Obama Told Joe That It’s Over and He Can’t Win
I’m led to believe that artificial light is proving to be causing heart problems amongst the proles.
What shite is this? Edison got it wrong by inventing the light bulb?
Pale stale white man?
He must have.
Doing some R&M to one of the spray rigs today and listened to Piers Morgan interview Roger Waters.
Roger Waters must be one of the stupidest, if not the most stupid so called celebrity on the planet and a rolled gold commie to boot.
The antisemitism just flows naturally after the first two traits.
I mean I knew he was bad but…damn!
He was brought up by communist parents and apart from his brilliant music his love of money makes for a strange combination.
His father was killed in WW2. Had a profound effect on him for the worse.
Seems to have infected his mate Eric Clapton who these days totes a Pali flag painted Stratocaster and talks of maybe touring with Waters.
Andrew Bolt: Final indignity for George Pell should cause shameA sad secret about the death of Cardinal George Pell can now be revealed — and it exposes the final insult to a great and innocent man.
From the Hun. Words fail me, they honestly do.
Oh God! This is real!
Beau Biden talking about Elder Abuse.
An excellent find.
There was something decidedly fishy about the 2022 WA senate vote, in the final distribution of preferences. All those Liberal votes preferencing the ALP over PHON. I find it difficult to believe the majority of Lib voters did that when the HTV said otherwise.
Below the line vote in the Senate would be negligible.
Poor baby.
Most likely some poor little kid stolen from his family by a member of the satanic cult known as islam.
That Iraqi Chaldean priest who’s speech I linked the other day didn’t think they worshipped the same God as Jews and Christians, leaving only one viable candidate.
Maybe Roger.
Or maybe it tells us she is and never has been an independent woman.
Islamic society being what it is.
Biden Backers Fund Vandalism of Constitution – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at DanielGreenfield.org
Clinton again- foul, evil old woman
From Frontpage Mag:
One of the comments asks why the muslims themselves don’t prevent these common crimes in India.
Fairly simply, it’s because they agree with them.
Editorial standards a bit lax at this place.
I don’t get the drift, 132.
You object to what?
If tonight’s ABCess 7:30 is any indication, the Dems are currently hoping for Joe to make a comeback and continue to the
presidencyelection.They (as once did I) made a comparison to Reagan `84 in which his stumbles in debate were still followed by a win. But I think the video of Reagan shows he was not nearly as bad as Biden.
So that is surely m0nty’s talking point, a 100% for the Big Guy.
Let’s hear the team chant, m0nty!
with J R B!
Lidia Thorpe has arrived at the midwinter Charity Ball, at Parliament House, wearing a dress, emblazoned with the slogan “From the River to the Sea: Palestine Will Be Free.”
Does someone want to explain to the stupid cow just what that slogan actually means?
She’s too stupid to comprehend.
She knows what it means.
Ha, clearly smarting that she’s been out ‘rebel senatored’ by Payman. ‘Bitch stole my look’…
Thorpe knows what it means. She’d do the same thing to Australian ‘colonizers’.
That slogan dress thing is getting a little passé though.
Including herself?
Clamlidia Thorpe, a bikies moll. In her case a mole.
There’s an article about the MIdwinter ball, over on the Daily Mail, with photographs. Some unkind soul has commented that Bill Shorten’s daughter looks as though she’s on the prowl..
Like father, like daughter.
Another vanilla comment
43 minutes ago
How clever.
I wonder what the Senator’s reaction would be to another person wearing a billboard proclaiming that descendants of the indigenous inhabitants of a region ought to be summarily expelled
Comment , from the Oz.
How did you get the Beans above the Franks?” 😀
From the Oz.
Among the first to appear was Labor MP Josh Burns, who entered the Parliamentary foyer with Victorian Animal Justice Party MP Georgie Purcell who dazzled in a black sleeveless gown.
Anybody able to link to a picture of the happy couple? Health warning!
July 3, 2024 7:52 pm
From Frontpage Mag:
I see they they used a time machine to report it.
So someone stuffed up the date – suddenly after a horrific crime, people are demanding perfection in their reporting?
Are you suggesting because of this the rest of the report is made up, or wrong?
I’m concerned because if there’s one thing about the media that’s become apparent, is that Journos can’t spell, are pathetic with their facts, and are wilfully biased.
Murray Watt also has the sure sign of a ticket holder- the McGowan-Andrews lisp.
oof, Jack-jacky looks like a Jelly fish.
Dutton’s missus looks like a toilet roll cover.
Chalmer’s missus looks like a scented candle.
Peanut Head’s daughter is on “Only Fans”.
Sarah Two-Dads has been on the “Brittany-Sharaz, all you can eat” Diet.
Marles walked in with another Toilet Roll cover.
Crabbe Stick fished around in the Recycling Bin.
Anne Aly has been to Claymore Vinnies to show solidarity with the plebs.
Annika Wells needs VERY EXPENSIVE Foundation Wear, STAT!
Larissa Waters and Dorinda Cox, fully paid up members of Club Jigsaw.
Chlamydia Thorpe. Words fail me. Wait, I’ll give it a try. Open Sewer.
More proof that politics attracts grifters, narcissists and psychopaths
I want to see Liz Storer and Lidia Thorpe head to head in a battle of wits.
Lidia can phone a friend if necessary. If she has any.
that wouldn’t be fair. Chlamydia isn’t even a half-wit, so it wouldn’t be an even fight. Haw!
She might not be even a half-wit, but she’s still sitting in the Senate, drawing a Senators salary, together with all the lurks and jerks. Aren’t the half-wits the fools who put her there?
Awwwww. I hurties someone’s feewings!
Lidia’s Only Fan I suspect.
Muntsac’s Fap Friend, you meanie! 😀
In accordance with her religious beliefs, Payman lied. A credit to Afghanistan.
The Red Pen is having a robust outing this evening. 😀
I’m at London Deathrow Lounge awaiting a connection to CDG. As we’ve got four sectors, have to go landside in France and back in again.
The joys of FFP travel. On the upside, it’s pointy end. On the downside it’s Air France. Hopefully a bit of Liberté and Fraternité, and bugger the Equalité. 😀
Ugh, Heathrow. Been there. Also Miami, which is bigger if not worser. These places are why I do not like travelling!
Try Los Angeles International – it is the pits.
Oh, and Oliver Tambo International, in Johannesburg.
July 3, 2024 7:52 pm
From Frontpage Mag:
I replied at 7.14
If only Hamas
Radio check, over.
A better story from India and not far from where the dreadful child murder took place.
This little girl sat on my wife’s lap while we watched a local school concert.
There are some truly wonderful people on this world. They humble the rest of us.
More assassination threats against Trump; this time from an ugly lezzo actress:
Orange Is The New Black star Lea DeLaria is accused of ‘domestic terrorism’ for unhinged anti-Trump rant calling for him to be blown up | Daily Mail Online
Just had a peep at The Peanut’s daughter and her (almost) dress. My Dad would have told me to go back in and put some clothes on.
Did her Mum have a say in it? Did she go to the ball?
What happened to Chloe? Are she and Shorten no longer together?
Only Rabz knows.
For those who reckon this Payman woman will have been forgotten in 10 years’ time, I have two words for you:
Jacqui Lambie.
If she can make it, this dopey bint with a million+ ethnically-aligned voters (and their woke hangers-on) sure as shit can…if she plays her cards right. She’s been dealt a good hand, too [see “million+ ethnically-aligned voters (and their woke hangers-on)”].
Absolutely correct – albeit with a move to NSW.
This will be what Druery has been giving advice on.
Just because Joe was responsible for the equivalent of a multi car prang at the Indianapolis 500, doesn’t mean Obama wasn’t behind the wheel. Just whatever Obama did was ineffective – “Never underestimate Joes ability to stuff things up.”
The corpse has gone all Colonel Kurtz.
Comments on the Midwinter ball, over at the West Australian, have suddenly gone down the memory hole….
My wife is watching an absolutely garbage movie on Netflix called A Family Affair. The characters are absurd. The 24yo daughter’s extreme reaction to her long-widowed mother getting her leg over the male fluff might be believable if she was 14. And the acting is embarrassingly mediocre. Nicole Kidman was always an overrated actress.
Just appalling.
The theory that Obama controls Biden took a hit this week.
Maybe so, but Obama doesn’t need to actually control Biden, he only needs to control those who control him and the party.
Always with the Obama Is The Emperor meme.
I don’t see it. At all.
Obama was a puppet, an empty suit, a teleprompter reader.
If you need any further disillusioning, notice how he failed to elevate a single acolyte or apprentice in the all the eight years of uninterrupted sunshine of his wisdom.
The Left is not having a good week.
Federal Judge Slams Department of Education’s Bizarre Interpretation of Title IX and Transgenderism
So, despite the best efforts of the freaks in the Biden admin, boys are still boys and girls are still girls under the law in the US education system.
China’s Economy is in Ruins—Local Debt Out of Control
Is there to be a new Communist Revolution against the old Communist Revolution to cancel the debt?
Just watching Fox News, Dems punching to get Biden to step aside.
They’re going to have to blast that dirty old bastard out with repeated assaults.
Maybe they’ll succeed, maybe they won’t.
Jim Rickards describes globalists vs nationalists:
“Trump didn’t drain the swamp because he couldn’t find the swamp”.
“The Republican Party is the nationalist party and the globalists are being run out of the room”.
Which stage is Biden?