Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Well well well. Gold Coast Mayor is Las Vegas on a NRL junket but Dutton going to a fundraiser in…
I’m buying frenchies and canned veges.
Then the second and third strikes from the other various triads, mopping up whoever is left with a chance of…
cohenite March 7, 2025 10:04 am Gutfeld is the best political commentator. His opening last night about the demorats reactions…
Who remembers Marvin Minksy’s prediction about AI?
Or Kursweil’s prediction about uploading consciousness?
“What are you dong, Dave?”
Use A1 for my work on trickier situations. It’s a, start has not replaced googling and has not cancelled out studying from paper.
avstart that is all.
This should jolt your appetite.
Wilderness Cooking,
A Whole Lamb Baked Under A Layer Of Clay! Dinner In The Village That Everyone Will Like
People say on Y-tube, where are the girls? There are a heap of clips with them enjoying the food on offer on the channel.
Enjoy discovering them.
Steve trickler
July 6, 2024 12:13 am
So? He basically built a one use clay oven, how inefficient is that?
I do like the scenery I admit.
Amazing what’s out there and I didn’t know about.
Hats off to folks who are up to date with it all.
Blue Marlin is a semi-submersible heavy-lift vessel built in 2000 and currently sailing under the flag of Malta.
It has an IMO number of 9186338 and is primarily used for transporting very large structures, including oil rigs and military ships. The vessel is operated by Dockwise, a subsidiary of Boskalis.
– Length: 224.8 meters
– Beam: 63 meters
– Gross Tonnage: 51,821 tons
– Deadweight: 76,061 tons
– Maximum Draft: 13.3 meters when loaded, 29.3 meters when submerged
– Deck Area: 11,227 square meters
– Propulsion: MAN B&W 9S90ME-C8 engine producing 12,640 kW, with an additional 2,000 kW bow thruster
– Speed: 14.5 knots cruising
– Range: 25,000 nautical miles
– Crew Capacity: 60 people, with amenities including a workout room, sauna, and swimming facilities
The vessel’s semi-submersible design allows it to partially submerge, facilitating the loading and unloading of heavy cargo. To submerge, the ballast tanks are filled with water, increasing the draft and lowering the deck below the waterline. Once the cargo is floated over the deck, the water is pumped out, and the vessel rises, lifting the cargo out of the water.
Blue Marlin has been involved in notable operations, such as transporting the damaged USS Cole from Yemen to the United States and moving the massive Sea-Based X-Band Radar from Texas to Alaska.
The ship was upgraded in 2003 to enhance its capacity and maneuverability, adding two retractable propulsors.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Al Goodwyn.
You thought Teh Voice was defeated? It’s here in many forms. Courier Mail:
Add this to the treaty rubbish in Victoriastan, the now quashed heritage laws in Western Australia, continued halting of vital energy development and mining, you have a problem.
It’s creeping in at all angles.
Despite an overwhelming majority of Australia voting against race based laws, the arrogant bastards are bringing them in at state level.
That’s what they think of democracy.
Recently was on a “heritage” clearance in the Pilbara.
We are not allowed to do any clearing outside the windrows on the existing track/road. This despite the already worked areas by previous explorers that pushed material into heaps to be used for maintenance later.
Apparently these areas may have artifacts or items of cultural significance under them.
The law sets a number of items per sq metre that determines whether a “site” is significant or not.
The elders are flaunting this all the time and as you need cultural heritage clearance to move forward, you are effectively blackmailed(pun intended).
Pay the bribe or face blockages for ever after
$20k fine for clearing some land?!??? the bureaucracy ie the deep state ( because that is what the deep state is, a bunch of megalomaniac power mad unelected officials wielding big sticks), is completely out of control
the deep state must be hollowed out by 80% at the very least and taxes slashed and returned to the people
Building a house is a cultural activity? They get away with this hypocrisy all the time.
According to the approved narrative, First Nations peoples “trod lightly on the continent of Australia”. Also, I thought the traditional/aboriginal method for clearing scrub was fire, not a complete slash and gouge with modern, white man made bulldozers/bobcats. Law for one but a different law for those who claim to have a touch of colour.
A fine essay via Ace Of Spades
Regarding Entebbe
This was the point at which we should have left the UN. Since then, this institution which only represents our enemies, has held us ransom to Marxist ideology and a colonisation guilt trip.
Flick the United Nations.
They want to punish us for voting no.
Then how much more would they be punishing us if the vote was yes?
More scope to do damage I think and that’s what they’re about
The very fact that there is a political class suggests that we don’t live in a democracy at all. Our supposed elected representatives are actively harming us. The opposite of what they’re meant to do.
Florida man doing Florida man stuff
With Labor in charge for the next 5 years I think UK will have a hard time recovering. Not that the Conservatives were doing a great job
Reform got more votes than Lib Dems but Lib Dems ended up with more than ten X as many seats. Not a great system.
Unlikely to happen but only hope to get back in next time is to form a coalition between Conservative, LDP and Reform and not compete against each other. Makes it too easy for Labour. Wishful thinking I know.
Minor parties need to target seats not go widespread .. The Oz “musso” party ain’t gonna be targetting NSW North Shore seats but “houso” Western Sydney ones ……..
England is the welfare addict who cannot get enough state support. They have to learn that state support comes at a price – a very heavy one. Labour will show them the truth of that, as her remaining industries are devastated, and the dictatorship of a Fascist Government comes for what’s left of their freedoms.
Digital currency, ULEZ in every town and city, and just wait for the Islamic hordes to raise the level of Sharia when they demand it.
And our politicians here sit on their arses actively forcing the same on us.
The Truth About the UK Election – Paul Joseph Watson
Lethbridge …
LOL Nails it
Did not realise 4 July was also raid on Entebbe.
How many Western countries would have the capabilities or resolve to mount such a raid today ?
Unfortunately the west is led by a bunch of wimps such as Albo, Trudeau and Biden and their military commands are more concerned about DEI targets than ways to protect their countries. Meanwhile the main enemies are not led by wimps.
A Saturday morning chuckle:
reminiscent of this ….
Gallagher has a conscience? Who knew?
Yeah, I thought she beat it to death.
Does that mean she will apologise to Reynolds for lying
Pot kettle black.
S44 anyone?
Now watch the ultimate hypocrisy if she is part of the handbag squad that goes after Payman on these grounds.
More places to visit.
Finance Minister Katy Gallagher said if she had been in Senator Payman’s position, her conscience would lead her to “leave the parliament”.
What a laugh. Ms Gallagher would never leave the Parliament because Ms Gallagher has NO CONSCIENCE
Gallager is canbra born and bred. Say no more.
Hamas found a malnourished child in Gaza to prove their starvation theory.
This child should be allowed to be taken out of Gaza for treatment in Israel.
I’m sure Unwra and the Red Cross will facilitate.
The mother is obese alright!
She looks as though she’s about to split out of her skin.
Mother ate the food the kid should have eaten.
All the troubles of mankind stem from our inability to sit quietly at home. Pascal?
(don’t you like your home?)
Re elections and politicians:
I don’t think this is true, but it should be so.
Vivek Ramaswamy: This Is Likely When Biden Will End His 2024 Presidential Campaign
The one person they’re all ignoring?
The Hildebeast. The one with all the inside contacts, the one who has seen off so many opponents to Tragic Accidents, they’re dismissing her?
I think not.
More places to visit
Mont-Saint-Michel – I read about this the other day — and all the other monumental tributes to St Michael — powerful reminders.
And its sibling St Michael’s Mount in Cornwall.
Putin comments on Trump wanting to stop the war in Ukraine
The UK Telegraph is reporting…
Migrants vow to cross from France ‘as soon as possible’ after Labour victory
The migrants smell weakness, they thrive on weakness.
I’m reminded of the white walkers in Game of Thrones, waiting to cross the wall, except these ‘walkers’ waiting in France to cross the channel are not very white.
It’s gonna be a fun five years…sarcasm alert!
A glimmer of hope?
I’ve actually been to Mont Saint Michel twice, the second time on Ash Wednesday when we had the wonderful opportunity to attend mass with the religious order that now live there.
Somethings you never forget.
Free Speech, Censorship, and the Threat of Totalitarianism
Academy of Ideas
US Expels 116 Chinese Nationals via Chartered Plane | China in Focus
We’ve got a few biding their time on Nauru, too. Came on a boat about 4 – 6 weeks ago.
A propaganda stunt by the Biden Administration that doesn’t even scratch the surface.
They are not “migrants”.
They are invaders.
And on his first day as PM Der Sturmer has ‘killed off the Rwanda Plan”.
The Jimmy Saville apologist is going to give the people of the UK socialism…..good and hard.
It’s back to the EU for the UK.
F&ck what the majority wants.
Also, the UK will be “at war” within a year, which will, of course, necessitate conscription.
To protect democracy, naturally.
Starmer? Do you mean Mr 34% of the lowest electoral turnout in more than a century? Not the most convincing mandate. LOL.
Where have we seen that before?
Liars get things done. Lieborals take note.
They are not “migrants”.
They are invaders.
Correct, and no truer words will be written here today.
My cousin moved back to the UK 5 years ago, bought a house on leasehold land.
Now the council built accommodations for migrants around her place and they are surrounded by people of other ethnicity and there is some trouble.
She is desperate to sell but can’t, no buyers at the proper price.
Also desperate to come back but blew her chances when she left, permanent residency is not quite what it means, there are rules.
Despite her value as a worker with special qualifications she is not a preferred migrant.
Sad, but she was told to take out citizenship, but she knew better.
Some people you cannot help.
Yep .. unless they’ve changed the rules since I was last out permanent residents who go OS (holiday or long term) have to return within 3 years and renew their, 3 years max, re-entry visa …..
Moving to the UK permanently not a boss move. Despite its issues I’ll take Australia any day.
The head of CSIRO doesn’t even understand his own GenCost report! – Senate Estimates 1.7.24
Senator Gerard Rennick
Oh, he understands, but he cannot admit how shonky the model is.
Fawcett nailed it in the Senate and showed what tossers the CSIRO are and how the public service deceive the politicians.
This article is worth bookmarking since it has a lot of useful data:
The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease (6 Jul)
An example:
Thanks Bruce
I’ll pdf this and send it to the shrieking effeminates from the upper earning eunichs.
From the majority of people I will hear it’s all to hard to read – the headonists – will call bullshit or stiff the un are doing this are yours are going to be driven to ash.
The people who will appreciate this will be the 2nd generationers who’s parents fled Eastern Europe – and that gent in Melbourne Chinatown who was interviewed on tv who said he was put on this earth to fight communism.
Media: Miss! Miss! I just seen Victor Orban and Vlad Putin smoking cigarettes behind the toilet block!
Teacher: Yes, media, I know about your feelings towards Orban, Bolsonaro, Trump, Meloni, Le Pen, Wilders, and any other conservative leader. Get back to doing your schoolwork. Now, pay attention Britain: you worked for it, you campaigned for it, you hoped for it, and now you are going to get it good and hard.
Britain: What’s that Miss?
Teacher: A Labour government with a huge majority not seen since the heyday of Tony Blair.
Britain: Oh, yes, we loved him until he went a bit right wing over Iraq.
Teacher: And you, Brazil – what’s the big idea of prosecuting Bolsonaro? Who do you think you are? Joe Biden?
Teacher: Now, France; what tricks are you up to for tomorrow’s run off election? Aiming to thwart the people’s choice of the National Rally? Not a good look, really. You’re as bad as Iran.
It appears that Reform have won another seat.
Overall, Reform has scooped up more votes than the Lib Dems.
Also, across swathes of Labour northern constituencies, Reform came in second behind Labour. Farage will use this to his benefit. Sure, Reform split the Tory vote, and for that they should make no apologies. The Tories deserved nothing short of electoral annihilation. But Reform also did well in the North, and after five years of Der Sturmer, they’ll be looking to park their vote elsewhere.
Overnight Blob Johnson has come out telling the remaining Tories to keep their distance from Reform. You gotta laugh at Blob’s chutzpah, he’s the man responsible for locking people down whilst he partied with his squeeze, for the economic disaster that is net zero, and for the numerous other epic catastrophes, including a porous border. Blob has no shame, he’s a liar of monumental proportions but so is Der Sturmer, and Sturmer is more dangerous. Blob’s overnight pontifications are akin to our very own Green Liberals, those who lost seats to Simon’s skanks, then going on to dictate to Dutton and co what do do after losing! I think those remaining Tories need to tell Johnson and the rest of them to get stuffed.
I’m sad Truss and Rees-Mogg lost their seats. I don’t know about Truss but Rees-Mogg will definitely be back. As for Sunak and co, I have zero sympathy for them, they orchestrated the Truss coup back in late 2022. She was the Tories last chance. I’m not saying Truss would have won yesterday, but the annihilation would not have been so massive.
I think Kemi Badenoch kept her seat. My impression is that she’s a true conservative. With Sunak, Truss, Rees-Mogg and Hunt gone she may be the front runner for leadership.
The wet elites now holding the reins of the Conservative Party would hate that like plague.
She did, which I’m relieved about that, as did Suella Braverman. Either one should be leader.
You should listen to Niall Ferguson on the Unherd podcast. Goes on and on about Russia, but fails to about the real danger UK and Western Europe faces.
As a native Briton I fully agree with your whole comment Cassie.
It’s a shame about Truss and how the press constantly pilliored her.
rees Mong – well like all conservatives just could not answer questions. “ Do you consider yourself out of date/old fashioned” – “yes I suppose I Am”.
Bullshit – I am a classicist and the foundations of Catholicism/ Christianity are the same today as they were 2000 yrs ago. All of the issues black them to make civilisation better are the same now.
To good to leave on the old thread.
JC’s Qantas jingle.
That’s why I fly to Europe and Asia with Singapore airlines if at all possible.
Bungonia Bee you didn’t make that up did you. I’m pretty sure that was the lead story on the 6 O’clock narrative followed by the execution of the teacher for attempting to teach critical thinking.
Both Suella Braverman and Kemi Badenoch retained their seats. Overnight, Suella Braverman has come out and publicly said that…
‘she was sorry her party did not keep our promises”.
I think that’s good, but it was worse than that, ‘her party’ frequently enacted leftwing policies, and regularly spat in the faces of the men and women who’d loyally voted Conservative for years.
But mea culpas are always a good thing. But don’t just talk the talk, it’s time to walk the talk.
Another interesting result, (in my opinion), was Jeremy Corbin winning his seat as an independent.
Weird beards vs trannies and furries.
Reports: Man Attacked Trans Victim with Sword as They Awaited Furry Convention, Screamed ‘Allah Does Not Approve’ (5 Jul)
I wonder if the trannies and furries support the Palestinians?
Jake O’Leary eh? Snort.
Wife had to go to Europe courtesy of the mug taxpayer, business class Singapore Airlines. Everything perfect. Coming back from Auckland recently via Malborn with Air New Zealand except it wasn’t, Quaintarse joint flight. Flight delayed for hours, flight to canbra delayed several times the cancelled. I only fly Jetstar to Queenstown in the knowledge its not via anywhere and one of their most lucrative sectors. Will never fly Quaintarse unless absolutely have to.
My sister-in-law had a bit to do with Sunak and said that he looks like nothing more than a slimy midget who learned about humans via zoom calls, and so comes across like a star children’s TV presenter who will one day surely be jailed for fiddling with the kids.
I wonder how soon he will do the 3 step exit of acksherly it’s been dashed hard on my family, there’s nothing left in the tank, New York New York?
I was utterly disgusted by the way Sunak treated young Kaden from Clarkson’s Farm. If you get a chance to watch it, concentrate on Sunak and see his inattention and dismissiveness towards Kaden.
He behaved like an arrogant, self important, know-it-all arsehole. Too big for his boots and good riddance.
I’m flying Qantas cattle class to Ireland in a week or so, my return flights are operated by Emirates, soI’m going via Singapore London on the way over (last bit Aer Lingus) but coming back Dublin Dubai.
Not bothered.
Decent discount using points and pay.
And sadly I’m now a silver member on Virgin due to frequent flying to Canberra. I might have to look at their international perks.
I’ll be so mad if they just give me free upgrades to Canberra.
Does this mean one day you’ll get your “Virgin”ity back.
Gallagher is the minister responsible for refusing to return payments made under duress by aged pensioner victims of the unlawful robodebt scheme.
I doubt she has much of a conscience.
It will be interesting to see how UK Labor plays out.
Now that, rosie, is the understatement of the decade.
Southern Australia is freezing. How can it be so cold in a warming climate?
It is bloody cold here in Meekatharra as well
The link is obviously from a BoM Fan Club – repeatedly mentions Global Warming is responsible for it being colder than usual.
Qantas say I can bid $1195 (the minimum) for an upgrade to business on the Singapore London leg. Should I?
It’s the longest section of the flight, around 14 hours. That’s $85 per hour. We were offered the same pro rata for Shanghai – SYD (x2).
Being a mean bugger, I’d just suck it up and suffer and use the money on good things at the destination.
Looks like my “savings” will be spent on a new clothes dryer.
why not fly in comfort.
who you gunna leave your money to…..for them to enjoy
The Fix is In: Washington State Abolishes Residency Requirement for Voter Registration
This is why I think the election of Trump to the Presidency is NOT a foregone conclusion. The Democrats are still going to cheat like hell.
…hmmm. I wonder what odds the Democrats are getting?
This is Who They Are: Pro-Hamas Mobs Burn American Flags in Dem Cities Across America On July 4th
Seems it’s a record low.
In what sense?
I note Starmer is already on the back foot on immigration.
Your feedback on the QF to Ireland would be most welcome, Rosie.
We could only get EC for the last sector, fortunately exit row for the long shanks (his not mine). Believe me, I’m not being delicate about the food service though. It was truly horrible. My advice – take a lunchbox with you. 😀
Yes. We went Qantas business a year or so ago from Seoul in South Korea to Sydney and the food was so bad I couldn’t eat it. Steak so tough I couldn’t cut or chew it, roast potatoes like two-day-old re-heated pub wedges, rock hard carrot and yellowed broccoli. All lukewarm. Desert was a slice of something cake-like soaked with rubber custard wrapped in cellophane, like you might grab off some cafe stand, likely nurturing Salmonella. I dieted involuntarily. A few peanut bars or chocs didn’t compensate. Wine was ok, nothing special. Business Class Qantas trip across the Pacific from Santiago in Chile recently was not up to scratch for food either, but slightly more edible.
I think Qantas Business would do better to have re-heated food court Chinese or Thai. At least it is soft and has some flavour.
We now know that ABC and Stephanopoulos has just set up Joe – lol. They want him out.
I hope the rump of the Tory party choose Kemi Badenoch as their leader and promote Stella Braverman. Sunak’s time has been and gone, he should not be rewarded with any leadership position again. I suppose it all hinges on members of which faction have survived the election.
Crossie, we’ll know from who gets elected as leader if the ‘Conservatives’ are real, or just controlled opposition in a Uniparty.
They deserve to get booted from here to kingdom come.
George Soros halts funding to liberal prosecutors he helped elect
Well I’ve put in a minimum bid for an upgrade Singapore London. Seems awfully extravagant but I probably won’t get it.
good for you
Hope you get it and enjoy it, Rosie.
Grandmas need their rest and cossetting sometimes.
One of my latest rejected comments under one of the Muslim vote party articles :
“Would it be deemed inappropriate to form a Christian party ?
Could call it the Crusaders”.
I am guessing the moderator was triggered by the word Crusaders !
A party named ‘Crusader’ wouldn’t get off the ground. But it would be interesting to see them try. You’d get the minimum 500 members no problems.
Then you’d see the number needed go to 5,000.
Mr. Science.
Dr. Fauci says it’s unfair to judge Joe Biden’s health based on a 90 minute debate, says Biden may have just had a reaction to his cold medication.
So says Fauci the sleight of hand master the worlds greatest medical hoaxer. The Doctor who keeps his fingers crossed behind his back.
“Our country needs A BIGGER RESET” – Keir Starmer’s dog whistle to Klaus Schwab & the WEF Globalists during inaugural speech at number 10 Downing Street.
Keir Starmer appointed this unelected person with massive conflicts of interest to Minister for Science… the corruption begins on day one…
I’m assuming EC is economy class.
I’ve only flown business twice, once from a free upgrade because economy was full and I was last to check in 🙂 and once because I threw in a $430 upgrade bid for Singapore to Melbourne having forgotten Singapore had changed its mind about covid and my flight was almost empty anyhow.
Gallagher digging her high heels in about Robodebt.
Didn’t the Liars rabbit on in Opposition about the “cruel, heartless, inflexible Coalition Robodebt scheme”? But didn’t it originate under the Liars?
And now Gallagher refuses to repay debts that cannot be proven to have existed.
Ahhhh, Labor, the party of the poor and downtrodden. Not!
Today’s Labor Party wouldn’t recognise one of the poor and downtrodden if they fell over one in the street.
I keep explaining to family and friends that the current climate or weather changes are not human induced but have everything to do with planetary physics.
I have noted that at present summer temps in Europe and US are higher yet at the same time our winter temps are lower. This means that the Earth’s axis has tilted slightly making us closer to the sun in summer and further away in winter.
This is quite simple yet a total mystery to the younger generation. When was this dropped from the high school curriculum?
Once functional illiterates started becoming teachers?
Many thanks for the video at 7.31am, Zippster: Definitely worth viewing if you’re interested in what happens next in the USA.
Ramaswamy is right: the Obama people running the White House had been planning to end the facade of the Biden puppet presidency for months and it’s now in their best interests to leave the swap-out as late as possible.
The later the swap-out, the less scrutiny for the new puppet, whether it’s Michelle Obama or someone else.
Vivek is tipping a Trump landslide that the Dems won’t be able to cheat their way out of. The US cheating industrial complex wouldn’t have attempted the farce of the past four years without having 99% of the news media in their pocket.
Having pretended for four years that the Biden puppet presidency wasn’t a sham, the media feigned shock about his disastrous performance in the presidential debate.
If the news media had been doing its job, the public would have already known what was going on. But 99% of the US media (and most of Australia’s) is in the Democratic Party’s pocket.
If Anglicans are enthused about reparations how about returning the churches and cathedrals they stole from the Catholic Church?
St Patrick’s in Dublin can be first.
Then they can work their way down the list.
Then the Catholic Church could sell them to pay the reparations for all the Protestants that Tilly and Wallenstein massacred.
Let bygones be bygones, otherwise were back in the Troubles. The Peace of Westphalia was only finally won by the shedding of oceans of blood.
Hand them back, on payment of all the costs of maintainance over four centuries.
How stupid is mUntyfa?
He gloats about UK Labour winning, totally oblivious to the reality that most here wanted the Conservatives defeated.
And what mandate does Starmer have? Mr 34%, from a turnout of under 60%? Nothing to gloat about.
That gives him the support of around 20% of the full electorate.
yep a broken democracy
Don’t vote? Don’t complain. Sure, do the maths on non compulsory voting but it’s only people who vote who count.
Britain’s most disproportionate election
Anyone taking any bets on how long it will be before Australia gets the first refugees from the new Brit Labour Government?
They’ll be Whites and refused entry – just like the South African Whites.
And yet she never raised the issue in Caucus, the “party structure” for “authentic representation” of rank and file views in the parliamentary Labor Party.
Instead, she made representations to Albanese and Wong and then spat the dummy when she didn’t get what she wanted, a display of disloyalty to the party to which she owes her position which she then cloaked in the shiny rhetoric of injustice and victimhood sewn together with unsubstantiated claims of genocide. Oh…and let’s not forget the claim of the approval of God for all of this, whomever he might be in her mind.
One might aver that “with friends like this…”, but for the fact that over the decades the Palestinians have done little to elicit sympathy from decent people even in the Arab world.
If they do that they will still have St Paul’s Cathedral. Of Course, the best outcome is reunification particularly now that the Pope has more in common with woke Anglican bishops than with Catholics.
No thanks!
Anglican Ex-Catholic who despises both the present pope and the archbishop of Canterbury.
Nuclear support gaining energy
Looks like Monty is on the far-leftiest end of the far-left on this topic. I wonder if he’ll ever emerge from the jungle to finally experience reality?
I note that a lot of Labor apologists lately have taken a position that while nuclear is good for some countries, it is not right for Australia. This position relies heavily on the GenCost report.
I’m interested to know where Monty stands on this. Is he nailing his colours to the GenCost mast?
He is not smart enough to identify the failings of GenCost, and is indoctrinated enough to believe anything that appears in the lefturd talking points.
The vote for Starmer in his own electorate was down by 50% from 2019.
July 6, 2024 8:35 am
Reply to Sancho Panzer
We will go with pretty much any reputable airline depending on destination.
I heard some travel agent dweeb on radio a while back gushing about “It’s just great to get on the plane for the trip home and hear an Aussie accent.”
Not something I really need, and I certainly don’t want to pay $2-$3k over the odds for.
As for the “friendly g’day”, unless you are overtly gay, you will most likely be greeted with surly indifference.
When my company used to pay the fare for me, I got on a QF flight for home after a year in Mugabe-ville.
The steward was rude and offhand as people were getting their gear stowed and buckling in.
I thought “Ooooh! i’m home!”
Queers and Nancies Trained As Stewards….
Sure, but this one had just done a 12-hour flight from Perth so I forgive him.
Middle-eastern’ mob ‘ATTACKS’ lesbian women leaving victims ‘TOO SCARED’ to go out
Because the attackers are doing exactly what they were allowed into the country to do – threaten, intimidate and assault the native population.
At some stage we need to take action against them and the people responsible for them being there, but that’s illegal isn’t it?
An overview of the pommie election reveals some stark judgements.
Total number of votes.
2017 under (under Corbyn) 12.8 million
2019 Brexit vote 10.2 million
2024 9.6 million – still seats to finalise, but the trend is there for all to see.
In 2017 Labour gained 260 seats.
This election they will get approx 412.
Turn out for the elections:
68.8%, 67.3%, and this election 60%.
Second lowest turnout since WWII.
Even though Labour has a massive majority they are not travelling well.
Sunak has, with the aid of May and the Buffoon Johnson, destroyed their party.
For them, there will be NO recovery.
It is oblivion for them.
Interesting that you are only a week out from leaving and they are offering upgrades.
Business Class demand must be a slow.
Speaking of the Catholic Church, some news.
Vatican Excommunicates Pope Francis’s Harshest Critic for ‘Schism’ (5 Jul)
Reminds me of what happened to Stephen.
Is Vigano the one who was publishing truth bombs from hiding about 5 years ago?
Surprised the da Vinci Code wet-work team haven’t found him already.
Sorry don’t want them. Younger university generation anyway. I have worked with a lot of Pom’s especially in the mining game.
Even their self identified Tory voters are left wing compared to the average Australian. I’d say 2 out of ten that I’ve known are conservative in the true sense.
Most have a fascination with WA so I can see why Perth has turned red in voting patterns.
Yeah left wing, condescending, supercilious poms are more than I can take.
Yes, and every one of them declare UK Muzzies to be victims of discrimination.
There is no escaping indoctrination in the UK school system.
Sex assault law reforms ‘kangaroo court’ nightmareAngela Shanahan
9 hours ago
Just when you thought we might not hear any more about the Higgins-Lehrmann scandal, like a bad dream it has come back to haunt us, and if the consequences of the latest episode succeed it will be a real nightmare scenario. There are attempts afoot to drastically change the onus of proof in sexual assault cases, so the defendant’s right to a fair trial will be compromised. As reported in The Australian (25/6), Australian Law Reform Commission president Mordecai Bromberg and commissioner Marcia Neave announced that the wide-ranging ALRC inquiry instigated by Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus into sexual assault laws might “deal with every issue” arising from the Higgins-Lehrmann case and “examine using” ‘civil remedies’ with a lower standard of proof” to satisfy complainants in rape and sexual assault cases.
This is a disastrous idea. It would result not only in negation of the rights of the accused but also no real justice for the complainant, who deserves to have rape treated as what it is: a serious crime. As Chris Merritt said on Sky News last week: “Rape is not simply a dispute between two individuals”, as is a civil case. Inevitably, using a civil standard of proof will result in unsatisfactory outcomes, as it has for Bruce Lehrmann, now branded a rapist after a defamation trial. Without the thorough standard of proof required in a criminal trial we can expect more people to be branded guilty of rape and sexual assault.
Dreyfus’s inquiry has been largely kept under the public radar. However, there are some genuine questions to be asked about whether the conviction rate in rape is too low and whether complainants are treated fairly. As for numbers of convictions, we also see the number of poor cases and false accusations. Five NSW judges have complained about the numbers of hopeless cases coming before them. Of course, one way to have few convictions is to run hopeless cases, especially in sex assault.
The report of a national ministerial-level roundtable meeting on justice responses to sexual assault convened by Dreyfus last August canvassed these issues, and features prominently in the inquiry’s terms of reference. Attendees included ministers Katy Gallagher, Amanda Rishworth and 22 non-government organisations, all from the feminist spectrum; throughout the report complainants, even future notional complainants, are referred to as “victims and survivors”.
The roundtable had some radical, even bizarre recommendations for “reform” in matters ranging from the treatment of complainants before trial to the rules of evidence in a trial. Some of the more outlandish suggestions include women-only police stations, police investigations to be “victim-led”; that is, where the investigation is driven by what “justice” looks like for the complainant – apparently, not the accused. The participants also called for the establishment of an independent civil body that conducts investigations and may reinterrogate investigations conducted by police. The treatment of defendants was also discussed, with the suggestion that the possibility of not just good character references for defendants to be produced, but bad character references too.
However, the most radical proposition is this: “The need for the inquiry to consider overhauling longstanding legal principles where needed.” This includes the defendant’s right to silence. It also includes “special” courts or tribunals for sex assault cases, which would do away with a jury and replace it with a judge and a person with “expertise” in the area. Is this the civil model – or a kangaroo court? None of this can be taken lightly given the weight Dreyfus has placed on the roundtable.
Despite the relentless left-wing, feminist, almost 50-year push to change the nature of procedure and evidence in rape trials to get more convictions, many procedurals and some difficult evidentiary issues arising from rape and sexual assault have already been dealt with. For example, much of a woman’s past sexual history, once used to besmirch her reputation and downgrade her complaint, is now inadmissable. The brutality of cross-examination has been softened and some suggestions at the roundtable would soften it further.
Some of the changes, such as the watering down of consent to the point that no one is sure if or how consent can be confirmed, are simply useless. Saxon Mullins is a director at Rape and Sexual Assault Research and Advocacy, a group represented at the roundtable. Mullins was a complainant in a high-profile rape case that ultimately failed at appeal over the issue of consent. Mullins’ views on “genuine” and “not genuine” victims are instructive. According to her, it is a false idea. “I find that so offensive … If somebody feels that they are a victim of sexual violence, they are.” And as for false claims of sexual assault: “I think this idea of false claims is so overblown. They are tiny when compared to the actual number of people who experience sexual violence in Australia.”
One wonders how long this intentional fracturing of society based on sex can continue. In the long term, these things will affect women. In the short to medium term, many males will become ‘collateral damage’ but that’s O.K., because males have always, throughout history, been seen as replaceable. They still are.
More pasty Brits for Perth?
I believe you’ve been slated by Albo’s benevolent government to receive a more diverse selection from the tide of humanity washing over our land.
The ones Steven Miles rejected.
So, the Brits will be at the back of the queue… whinging.
The ones here at the mine are WORKING. Not whinging.
Er…was a joke.
And there’s no need to shout.
I may be half deaf but I can read, thank you.
There not ex Pommy coppers by any chance?
Good news for Mindarie house and land packages. If only Perth Glory could start winning again.
There’s a little knot of expats here, who left England after the “winter of discontent” and chose Australia over Canada or South Africa – all good value and no whingers.
We were offered very cheap upgrades on Iberia. And very pleasant they were too, regardless of the short sectors.
Madrid as a hub is a decent alternative to Deathrow.
Iberia left us stranded in Madrid after a flight to Porto at 3pm was cancelled as we were taxiing up the runway. No information to passengers, we were left milling around trying to work out what to do. No accommodation available in Madrid that night and we stood in a queue until 4am to be told that we had been rebooked on a flight two days hence. Tried to find luggage but it had been put ‘in a holding area’. Eventually retrieved it and got a flight on another airline at 6am. Would never travel with Iberia again.
Funny watching European leaders and politicians going nuts about Orban’s visit to Moscow.
Modi is off to Moscow soon. That’ll really explode their heads.
I have every confidence the Special Relationship will survive the Special Needs Foreign Minister.
While on the subject of travel, do any Cats know whether China is the only country where you have to collect your luggage, go through immigration and then re-check in when in transit?
We had just over two hours to do all this at Shanghai airport. And then the dismay of being asked why we didn’t have a visa.
I had visions of never getting out, and being sent to the salt mines.
Not required transiting HKG in 2017. Obviously some time ago and pre-plague times.
salt mines? you are thinking soviets, in china its “organ transplant” centers, next to the giant crematoriums
Sort of happened to us leaving Malta the other day, Flew to France via transit in Rome, and was made there to go through immigration and have the passport inspected and stamped.
All of them in the EU too.
Hearing rumours of a medical emergency on Air Force One.
Over Arkansas?
According to latest on X he is home in Wilmington, not on Air Force One.
Can’t be “Air Force One” unless the president is onboard.
Biden just finished a supposedly live interview on US ABC News.
How could they tell? Did he hold up a copy of today’s paper?
Apparently Loomer broke this story and its a bust.
If I’d known she was the initiator I would have left it.
Loomer is a true schizo these days.
Thank goodness the first female black vice-president Joe Biden is safe.
He’s a political cockroach. Hard to get him into the sports bag.
Odds at Sportsbet:
Michelle Obama 15:1 $50
Gavin Newsome 23:1 $50
Hillary Clinton 71:1 $80
Mark Steyn is on fire!
What the “Conservatives” Have Wrought (5 Jul, via Lucianne)
RTWT of course!
From Zulu’s article. Police stations full of female D’s, no thanks. True anecdote below and I’ve met one of the boys involved on an ANZAC day one year who confirmed it.
Friend knows of some Army boys accused of rape after buyers remorse. One woman multiple men you get the picture. Copious amounts of alcohol involved. Timeframe over 20yo.
She makes complaint, next day. Recriminations start, boys hauled in and asked what happened. All said consensual, ADF starts preparations to throw under the bus as boys are cautioned they may be terminated.
They were left hanging for a day or two obviously while the false statement was taken. Then close to 30 guys hauled in and interviewed one by on by as described to me a bitch D who had us guilty and a male D not much better. Al came out with the same story, absolutely hostile questioning and attempts to trip them up on their words. Lucky for them they weren’t lying and t should have been evident to any D with half a brain.
Near the end of the questioning one of the last accused men offered up a video. From what I’m told the male D’s attitude changed to ok show us then. He was escorted to his room retrieved a camcorder that had the whole lot on. Apparently the cops watched the lot mouth agape and the military officer assigned to advocate for the men basically put it to the cops, “well I suppose that settles that.”
The detectives left and said nothing further will come of it. The female was apparently quite sheepish. Turns out some of the boys attended the Police station and wanted to make statements to have her charged as they were angry. Police said na, she’s been warned and that’s as far as it goes.
For those ADF ex’es here apparently ADF tried charging the guys with prej behaviour.
Michelle Obama’s Team Shuts Down Presidential Rumors Again: ‘She Will Not Be Running for President’ (5 Jul)
Must be a tense situation in the big house on the beach at Martha’s Vineyard. BO has a world to enslave, but if Mrs BO won’t come to the party…
Dead chef in the pool can quell ones desire to participate I suppose.
She’d be playing hard to get, and is going to be on the card when the media has had a chance to soften up the peasants.
Don’t dismiss the Hildebeast – as cunning as a shithouse rat, and with no conscience to be seen.
Watch who the media supports.
A visionary takes his people back to countryFor 60 years, this Martu elder has led his people away from towns and back on to country – dry country – because he understands how the non-Aboriginal world works, and why it often does not work at all for his people.
Paige Taylor
10 hours ago
Muuki Taylor was born at a waterhole called Wayinkurangu in the Percival Lakes region of the Great Sandy Desert. It was around 1945. As a child he repeatedly walked the entire western section of the desert with his family. They travelled in and out of what was later declared Western Australia’s largest national park, Karlamilyi.
In an interview with Inquirer from his home community of Parnngurr, Taylor speaks in his first language – Manyjilyjarra – and his words are translated into English by his young relative Curtis Taylor, an accomplished filmmaker, artist and professional interpreter.
“We were living in our own country; to the west at Karlamilyi is where I traversed the country as a child – where we had bush meat emu, kangaroo and goanna,” Taylor says.
The family also ate kalaru (salt bush or samphire) seeds, witchetty grubs and minta (botanical gum).
Taylor remembers that when they saw an aeroplane, they did not know what it was. They ran and kept quiet in the bushes.
At that point, every person Taylor had ever seen was Aboriginal.
When the first edition of The Australian newspaper was printed in July 1964, Taylor and his family were still living a traditional life in the desert. His people call it pujiman. That makes Taylor a Martu pujiman, revered in the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal world.
Taylor’s knowledge of Martu culture and land is encyclopaedic and rare. He also understands how the non-Aboriginal world works, and why it often does not work at all for his people. He led them away from towns and back on to country in the 1980s during the homelands movement. Living in a bough shed at what is now the community of Punmu, he struck a water bore and helped to build a school and other infrastructure for the other Martu in 1982.
There are now three communities on Martu country – Punmu, Kunawarritji and Parnngurr. They are all dry, by agreement of elders such as Taylor.
As he nears 80 years of age, Taylor can reflect on his achievements, including co-founding a Martu ranger program in 2008 that has become a source of income and pride for families. He did this by establishing Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa, or KJ, in 2008. The organisation employed 513 Martu last financial year – about a quarter of the entire Martu population – as rangers and in other programs.
However, Taylor is not done. He wants to secure the future of the communities he helped to establish. He believes they can and must thrive for the sake of his people.
“Martu, we are at our strongest when we are on our country, far from the troubles of town,” Taylor said in his yearly address to his people, published in the annual report of Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa.
Taylor’s home of Parnngurr is a five-hour drive by dirt roads east of Newman, the mining town built by the Mt Newman Mining Company in the 1960s. Newman is 1200km northeast of Perth. The town is surrounded by mines, including Gina Rinehart’s Roy Hill and BHP’s Mt Whaleback, which at 5km long and 1.5km wide is the single biggest open-pit iron ore mine in the world.
The town is awash with mining money but the town-based Martu are not thriving. No Martu child has ever graduated year 12 at Newman Senior High School. In 2019, the Newman-based head of the local Aboriginal medical service, Robby Chibawe, told police in a sworn statement for the state director of liquor licensing that pregnant women were aware that a baby with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder were born smaller and “we are finding that pregnant women believe this to be a good thing as it makes it easier for child birth”.
“Children aged 12 years and younger are also drinking alcohol, because they are watching their families drink and are trying to get involved with the family,” Mr Chibawe said.
An extreme example of the town’s troubles made headlines in 2021 when an illiterate 17-year-old Aboriginal boy was sentenced to eight years jail for bashing his 18-year-old Martu girlfriend to death with a rock outside a house party in Newman. She had given birth to their son – her second child – a few weeks earlier. The children’s court heard the 17-year-old boy had been a paint sniffer when he was six, was diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, had drunk a bottle of Jack Daniels and a carton of beer
on the day of the murder and was in a drug-induced psychosis.
Some Martu families long to leave Newman. They want to take their children to the communities on Martu land – Parnngurr, Punmu (inside the national park) or Kunawarritji – where alcohol is banned and where they will be around elders such as Taylor.
However, housing is in very short supply in each of these communities and the waiting lists are long. Life on their own land is just a dream for them.
In 2023, an audit of the 80 houses across the three communities on Martu land found 40 were “beyond economic repair”. People are living in most of these homes marked fit for demolition because they do not want to move to town.
Taylor is one of them. When Inquirer visited him at his Parnngurr home, the electricity was not working. That meant no airconditioning either.
“They need to fix my house … it’s broken, falling apart. I want a good house like the white people have,” he says.
The enthusiasm for living the traditional life “on country” has its limits.
I’m not one to stomp on initiative (if it’s a step in a productive direction, meaning that at some point an evaluation needs to be conducted), but I gather that the indig ‘rangers’ are paid with outside munni?
Call me a hopeless idealist, but I thought the point of elections was ordinary people choosing the leaders and policies they will live under, not political parties gaming our dysfunctional electoral system, while huge numbers of demoralised voters sit it out at home.
Starmer’s hollow victory – spiked (spiked-online.com)
Kamala would be favourite, surely.
Roger, these are just the ones I had a minor flutter on.
Do Milei’s New “Dollarisation” Plans Make Sense? (youtube.com)
The central bank problem.
Time for a squirrel!
Falkland tensions explode as Argentina ‘rejects illegal British action’ in the Islands (5 Jul)
That would be an entirely not illegal action. The Argies are pissed off though.
He keeps talking about bank runs. Who tf is going to run the bank to withdraw worthless money?
It is perhaps understandable that Brits who were unwilling to vote Labour would revive the LDP freakshow.
But for heaven’s sake, don’t these people pay attention.
The LDP are TEALS. Upper middle class and public service Karens. Self interested denizens of the ‘home counties’ occupying homes inherited from Aunt Marigold.
They will support Labor in all things except climate. Reflecting their schoolteacher and ‘city worker’ naivety they are far more radical than Labour in all things ‘climate emergency’. They are classic “food comes from the high street” ignorants.
They would never vote for Reform because of Brexit.
My daughter’s electorate in Kent went LDP. It is a classic primary producer versus rural dormitory township collision of interests. She expects no LDP support when Labour come after her farm.
What have secular events in continental Europe got to do with appropriated properties in the UK and Ireland Bruce?
If Anglicans want to run around making reparations for imaginary past misdeeds let them make reparation for actual ones.
It’s a disgrace that Dublin does not have a Catholic cathedral while the ‘church of Ireland’ continues to squat in two build by Catholics.
Weren’t at all secular, if you read the history, eg Schiller. Nor were the Troubles secular.
Maybe the Catholic Church could ask the qwerty Pali-supporting Irish Taoiseach nicely if they might be allowed to build a cathedral?
Ok yes they have a new PM. I don’t know if he’s qwerty like Varadkar.
I don’t know anything about the Church of Ireland, but if it’s like the Church of England under Welby they will be pretty empty. The CoI might even be prepared to hand them back to avoid the massive cost of maintaining heritage listed buildings.
I’ve walked up Mount Meharry with dad.
Great view in the end.
Wild Touring:
WA’s BEST 4WD TRACK YOU’VE NEVER HEARD OF || CONQUERING the BIGGEST mountain in Western Australia!
““They need to fix my house … it’s broken, falling apart. I want a good house like the white people have,” he says.”
Then you should do what the ‘white people’ do, get an education, get a job and build or buy your own.
That entire community ‘working’ or not are living on the taxpayer and all they apparently want is more of the same.
I don’t how they break out of that cycle except by getting up and going.
Who’s “they”? And, as you say, there’s the problem.
You can only break the cycle by removing them from these “reservations”- except they don’t want that. They want to live “on country” but be supported and able to live, with all conveniences, medical treatment, modern housing, schooling etc that “white men” have – but without contributing to the provision of those services with paid work.
BTW I absolutely understand their attachment “to country”. But, I argue that this is NOT possible any more without permanently creating a class of people dependant on the state.
Absent the stories and the rituals, it’s about as authentic as Morris dancing.
Yes, a bus trip to ‘return to country’ once or twice yearly for some newly invented ceremonies and with modern camping gear should be the most that governments are prepared to tolerate about ‘remote’ living. Get these people into town and into places where work is available and normal modern lives can be lived.
Wisconsin supreme court allows drop boxes to be used in the election. There goes one battleground state.
Burn them.
On robots and AI.
I’m genuinely not sure which way that goes.
The experience of taking a robot taxi is not the same as occupying a human directed vehicle.
And as for domestic robots, dealing with fully humanoid robots has an uncanny aspect.
It could be like video calls. Everyone in 1985 thought the future would be video calls. No one predicted a human preference for text.
The virtual reality stuff hasn’t seemed to have progressed as many thought or hoped either.
I don’t think the future in this respect is predictable. It is a gamble.
On the productivity side of things, compare two products. One is manufactured out of metal, plastic and silicon with heavy inputs of commodities and energy. Requires maintenance, must be repaired if it breaks, must be stored somewhere when not in use, and has to be broken down and properly disposed of at the end of life. The other product reproduces itself, spontaneously repairs itself, finds it’s own energy inputs, stores itself, and at the end of life can be safely burnt or chucked in a hole in the ground.
Therefor, the adoption of humanoid robots for manual labour domestically requires a prediction about human preferences, and industrially requires the reduction in the available cheap human competition. In other words: I’m not convinced that humanoid robots could compete internationally with several billion, already available, humans little fingers and minds.
But who knows for sure?
Amazon is now “hiring” more robots than humans. Delivery in the US is now mostly same-day for a large percentage of their wares at Amazon.This is possible because warehousing is now very robotic.
As I mentioned one time, the most menial jobs will be the last traded in for robots, but the jobs in real trouble are in areas like data research and labs. The expectation is that AI will do the work of the equivalent of 100 million researchers by 2030.
Biotech discoveries will take off. It will be a moonshot,
The other thing to consider is that incursions like robotaxis may take perhaps 20 or 30 years to be really absorbed into the economy. However, it won’t take 20 or 30 years for the trendline to be absorbed by the stock market. If it looks like the directionally plausible, the market will discount the possibility and offer massive valuations. That’s why Tesla will become a US$6 trillion+ company and Musk the world’s first trillionaire.
If you don’t believe him, bet against it, as you can naked short stocks in the US without much bother.
Leaving aside the church property question, I don’t think the Thirty Years War could be described as a “secular” event. The political and religious motivations of the protagonists were intertwined.
Does this guy know how the USA got started? LOL
This question was resolved in 1865, Crispin.
Won’t be happening on that scale in Australia.
We won’t have the surplus electricity to power the computers required.
Thanks to our stupid, stupid leaders in the Uniparty.
We’ll be stuck with a backwards bedpan economy.
Roer, the available electricity will be rationed on a price basis.
In other words, the prices will go through the roof and the poor will be living in the dark and freezing.
It won’t be happening on a scale anywhere. Another wildly optimistic prediction. How did they do the calculations, what quantities did they use, what model undergirded the conceptual structure? Just wishful thinking, makes for good publicity and funding.
I have just received some unpleasant news about a very popular Turkish couple who were members of our expat gang in Europe.
Both were ‘ex’-navy, representing various Turkish commercial bodies. We all knew that they were spooks and had great sport at their expense. They gave as good as they got.
Suddenly, they were recalled to the colours and disappeared so quickly there was time for one only monumental farewell.
We were of course worried because the Erdogan purges were in full swing. Fortunately, they were visiting family when the terrible earthquake struck the Turkish naval base. We lost track of them after that.
An email circulated last night from one of the Americans stated that they have been long term involuntary residents of Eastern Turkey. I knew that Erdogan had sacked thousands of officers, but I didn’t realise that there were Stalinesque sanctions as well.
I just had a long comment disappear after editing.
I think a comment from someone above references some of my argument so for context I’ll repeat a few points:
Those are my thoughts contra.
But I think it’s highly unpredictable.
One concerning aspect of the US stock market is that it currently represents 60% of the world’s total market valuation.
While being 20% of the world economy. Hmmmm
The assumption with human drivers is that they want to live as much as you do. Robots don’t care.
The counterargument is that the training the robot has received is more extensive and recalled more reliably than the human. You as a human driver cannot be descended from 20 generations of drivers who were all the best in their class at driving school, whereas the robot may be.
The potential is there. It’s all in the programming.
The more insidious aspect is that with the human driver at least you have some assurance that they are not under remote control.
In Ticking Timebomb news from the Daily Telegraph:
Deary phucking me.
So what are the parents doing? After going over there then coming back after allowing the child to witness some brutality at the hands of these animals, they expected a seamless transition back into normalcy? Or is this behaviour perfectly normal for them?
No amount of hand patting (HT Knuckle Dragger) from all the support networks will be enough.
They should be relocated to canbra
2nd generation arguably worse than the 1st. Surrounded by all the advantages of the West and going to Friday prayers lead by a goat herder.
Cafe Bruce fun. Winter is a great time to get wild creatures to be friendly. It puts a very sharp edge onto their appetite.
In this case the youngest blue-faced honey eater, who was inveigled to take food from my hand a short while ago for the first time. Twice!
Then this morning northern magpie male repeated his brave act of yesterday, to again take a bit of mince from me at ground level. That’s been a long ride of about four years or so. When he first hooked up with Mrs Northern Magpie after his predecessor died he was completely wild, and would not come within 10 metres of me. Right now he and Mrs are evicting their two daughters ready for the new season, so there’s been quite a bit of angst at the Cafe.
And so it goes:
NO photos so who knows who the cheering throng were:
Crowd cheers independent senator on arrival in WA – Michael West
In other words if it did happen and that’s a big “if”. Would have been an assembled peanut gallery by staffers to try and garner some more media attention.
We also don’t know how big the alleged crowd was, I’d say crowd would be stretching the truth.
WIth family and friends.
Would make a respectable indoor ‘crowd’ outside the arrivals door.
Wait till the next election. Do a Bernardi.
Jeez I hate the media, so Stamer appoints a woman as treasurer. So what, even if it has been 700 years. UK has had a few strong women in charge, Elizabeth I, Victoria, Thatcher are 3 I can think of so it’s not an anomaly.
Also news.com kiddies reckon the hard left Lib Dems are centrist, LOL yeah I suppose for journalist they are.
Lib Dem’s are also all in for the population ponzi from rubber duckys, they propose safer ways to assist aka we’ll force the Navy into a taxi service.
If these fruit loops seven folded their parliamentary foot print then the UK is stuffed.
We wouldn’t be making jokes about giving women the big credit card these days. But people giving LABOUR the credit card, seriously that is clown nose for the voteherd.
If ONLY there were a political party prepared to have principles. Principles like ‘reality overrides fantasy’ and ‘people should be allowed to earn their living and keep their earnings as far as can be managed’ and ‘we are here to serve our country, not the worst of the media’.
Yes evil, moronic ideologues like our troll.
Climate fairies love electric trucks.
Why electric beats hydrogen in the race to decarbonize freight vehicles in Australia (TechXplore, 5 Jul)
Ok, all Bowenesque boilerplate, but I was amused by who these intrepid electric B-double advocates are:
I dunno, maybe they’ve all fled the Middle East to escape from that horrible Gaia-hated oily stuff.
What I don’t get is why these illegal immigrants leave France for England? More scope to bludge off social security? I thought in the south of France the weather would at least be a lot better.
It’s organised.
Organised by crime gangs.
They aren’t just travel agents.
They are hard core organised and networked crims who are selling the beast nose to tail.
Get paid by the reffo. Sell the reffo to the highest bid. Run in contraband along with the reffo. Take money from ideologues to use migrants to undermine societies.
It’s the whole kaboodle. Pimping, smuggling, drugs, politics, anything that pays and a network of every criminal scum you can imagine.
We’re talking Mexican cartels working with the CCP and Iran or with the dregs of ex- commie Eastern European countries. We’re talking some very, very dark shit.
Fentanyl, prostitution, slavery and involuntary organ donations. We are talking organised rip offs like insurance scams, welfare farms, thievery and anything that will turn a buck.
With the connivance of the British establishment
Connivance and naivety and gross stupidity.
But Marseilles is already shitholistan.
He’s made a dent.
Tucker Carlson Network:
Tucker Carlson in Australia | Montage
The Prime Minister has some queef to share:
Apparently it was a sit down interview with a NewsCorp journo so there are more things in it but this is a sample of the horseshit pie he is urging everyone to dine on.
Whatever else you say about Sunak, he was doing much better than our lot about getting inflation under control.
It continues:
Doxboxes comrade. (Ht John Constantine)
That’s the price! FMD
developers are in the business of making profits from selling homes not providing rental homes .. FFS!
The price of his policies he lied about prior to being ‘elected’
Some more:
Ah yes, misinformation raises it’s ugly head.
3 years not enough to entirely gut the country.
I hope the sale of your house will be able to cover all costs.
Raise your hand if you believe one word of this dribble? Anyone?
Repulsive evil little man.
shocked I say!
DNC rules don’t actually stop the Dems delegates from voting for someone other than Biden.
If the delegates believe the voter sentiment is that Biden is unfit, they can switch their pledges to another candidate at the DNC, all within DNC rules.
I don’t think so. Not if they’re confirmed.
I think they changed the rules after 1980 when they got stuck with lame duck Carter, JC.
They might be able to, but then comes the problem of who to replace him with. They can’t skip over Harris except for another black woman (playing by their entitlement rules). Michelle Obama said again yesterday that she won’t run.
The infighting to sort that out will destroy any chance they have to pull enough voters together to win.
If I had to wager I’d say Biden remains their candidate. Lame duck or not.
Steyn, as usual, says it best.
At least Conservative MP Suella Braverman, a woman who is the daughter of ethnic Indian Hindu migrants from Kenya, a woman who is married to a Jew, a woman who was sacked by Sunak last September for speaking the truth about Islamic immigration, Islamic terrorism and multiculturalism (the week before October 7…..a telling omen) yesterday, when standing in front of her constituency to accept her win, after surveying the post-election carnage, had the decency to apologise to those loyal Conservative men and women of the UK who, in 2010, in 2015, in the Brexit vote of 2016, in 2017 and in 2019, voted for the Tories in the faint hope they’d rein in immigration, in the faint hope they’d fight the woke nonsense, in the faint hope they’d fight Islamism, in the faint hope they’d repeal many of the Blair/Brown policies which have been disastrous for the UK, in the faint hope they’d lower taxes, in the faint hope they’d finally separate the UK from the EU, rather then the Clayton’s Brexit they got, but instead these voters were spat upon by the Tory wets and elites, and after fourteen years of so called Conservative governance, all they got was an extension of the Blair/Brown years, and now the unpalatable fact is that the UK is past saving.
UK’s new Home Secretary;
Starmer should rename her job title from Home Secretary to Away Secretary.
I would suggest that as save the the children campaigned so hard, THEY are responsible for reintegrating and supporting these arseholes, and are totally responsible for any crimes said arseholes commit.
Couldn’t agree more. What exactly are they doing to help?
I wonder what proportion of the Save the Children budget comes directly or indirectly from the taxpayer? And what the remuneration of their senior staff looks like?
Doing well while doing “good”?
So that’s what save the children do these days
Which children?
Happy to put local children at risk in their paroxysms of virtue signalling.
Right now he and Mrs are evicting their two daughters ready for the new season, so there’s been quite a bit of angst at the Cafe.
We are hoping our pair which occupy the eastern part of our property will finally evict what we think is their first family of youngsters. It is awful how they still allow “begging” from what are full grown maggies.
It was interesting at the time: Mrs Northern Magpie I had befriended on morning walks, and her then beau also, who had become very friendly. Then one day he vanished, presumed dead. Within a week she had a new beau. They work fast!
A couple years after that they finally found the Cafe which was only about a hundred metres away from their stomping ground. My front steps are now the boundary between their territory and the Western Magpies (who last year replaced the Southern Magpies). Great choral fights occur as they all sing curses at each other.
The Western Magpies are two male kids of the Southern Magpies plus a nice young female who I’d befriended a couple years ago on morning walk. It’s like Home and Away but with feathers.
Great choral fights occur as they all sing curses at each other.
Gosh, how we love those vocal performances! We also love the quiet warbling at the day’s end when they seem to be cogitating the events of the day.
Had 5yo level 2 autistic grandson round this arvo. His speech is still very limited. His dad, our son, was very upset because the little fellow’s toilet training has regressed; they’d been so hopeful for their only child. There are good days and bad days with all kids, I comfort, and it’s not such a big deal, I say (although I know their fear is that this puts paid to him attending a normal school next year). Our son looks like thunder at the wafting smell and yells at the child, which is very unusual. Hairy and I look at each other and can see how stressed our son is today. We take over. The child tore around our place pulling everything out and requiring a constant attendance; it is extremely tiring, as he is not amenable to normal controls. We gave our son a break.
One thing that kept the child busy was watching our flock of Lorikeets coming for some kibble bread crumbs. We got about ten minutes of his nose glued to the glass door out of that, but even then I had to halt his ongoing efforts at pulling the sliding door to get amongst the 40 squabbling birds covering the verandah tiles, poor hungry things. He is fascinated with all of the birds. Then the tearing around started up again. Surely some calming medication might be in order? I tentatively suggest. This child is minimally interactive, barely listens, seems incapable mostly of listening and being guided, makes no eye contact, won’t play or sit still. We look for the smallest signs of improvement and compliment them, but it is hard. NDIS helps, but the parents are still run ragged. I had this autism with my first son, but nothing like as bad (still very stressful as he failed all of life’s independence challenges). Autism is such a curse. My fourteen year old grandson also has autism and is very withdrawn due to it and full of eating fetishes, which affect his nutrition and physical development – the medication there to stop the ADHD affects his appetite badly.
Sorry, this started me off with recalling our birds, who are one of my constant joys living here near harbour and bushland. This winter is harsh for them with all of the rainy days. Love to hear about your wild birds too, Bruce.
I appreciate it is controversial. Has Applied Behavioral Analysis been tried? It is intensive and expensive, hundreds of studies demonstrate benefits.
As you know, fascination with sensory experiences can happen in ASD. There is interesting neurobiology behind that.
July 6, 2024 2:35 pm
Anything to stop anyone who is a victim of such crime suing Save The Children fund?
‘Cmon man.
You know better than that.
Families of murder victims in Melbourne Sydney and Brisbane should sue the Commonwealth and the miserable public serpents who imported murderous criminals. Canbra filth.
Firstly, victims are more commonly members of other refugee families OR their own families.
Secondly, bringing suits that have no clear and legally actionable link to the actions of the aforesaid public servants is an abuse of the court system and will get costs awarded against complainer and possibly contempt of court or countersuits on top.
Remember, even if you have a free or super-cheap legal team, the person you sue is allowed to engage someone with fees high enough to bankrupt the incautious.
But you know this.
Why am I posting? Because rhetorical claptrap is unfunny and makes the rest of us look almost as stupid as lefties.
It appears the reformist Pezeshkian has won the Iranian Presidential election.
A “Good Viking”?
If you know you know. 😀
Saaaaaving us from a fate worse than death?
If they were allowed to stand in the Iranian election they are not going to be anything particularly different from the others.
Ölvir the babies’-man!
It’s a relative thing.
Migrants head for the UK because they will be given accommodation and hope to find work.
The French make a point of not making France an attractive destination.
Has always been thus. Germany too. Country shoppers.
That’s why boat folk in Northern Ireland head for Eire .. far better welfare ..
Cranky Frankie is vindictive. Nasty old deadshit.
Vatican Excommunicates Pope Francis’s Harshest Critic for ‘Schism’ (breitbart.com)
Many thanks, Steve Trickler, for posting the Tucker Carlson Australian tour highlights video. Best 36 minutes I have spent today — especially exposing the Australian media robots regurgitating the left’s talking points and making fools of themselves.
I’m confident none of them has learned a thing as confronting Carlson was sticking it to the man in their tiny, poorly educated minds.
He acknowledged Sydney as it stood might change in appearance, but said that it was the price that had to be paid.
Anal posted by BB earlier- why does that price have to be paid? It’s a deliberate, unnecessary and malicious action by the gubmint and assorted canbra pubes.
PoliticsWA News
Fatima Payman: Independent senator gets warm welcome on arrival in WA
Andrew Brown and Rachael WardAAP
Sat, 6 July 2024 10:50AM
Cheering supporters have greeted West Australian Senator Fatima Payman at Perth Airport with the former Labor MP vowing to “serve them as an independent voice”.
The new crossbench senator quit the Labor party this week over her stance on Palestinian rights and freedoms.
Members of the crowd hugged her and cheered as she made her way through the terminal late on Friday.
“I’m ready to serve them as an independent voice, to be their voice in Canberra,” Senator Payman told reporters.
There’s quite a few headscarves and Mo beards in the crowd..
All related, which is the muzzie’s strength.
So, a voice in Canbra for WA-based Zionists and folk who believe in the necessity of destroying Hamas and its terrorist infrastructure as a prerequisite to any lasting peace.
Biden will win again, Jill is so confident that I believe this to be true as she has been told that’s how it will roll.
So they (US Intelligence services) rig it, so they rig it and everyone knows, so what?
Who is going to do what? Seriously go up against the system, that brings down foreign governments, starts and stops wars, kills millions of people, and you think a local election fixing is beyond them? Get over it.
Americans know, they will be up against their own intelligence/law enforcement groups and if you say anything, hey presto, child pornography is found on your laptop/PC/phone, or your child’s laptop/PC/phone.
They demand your device under search warrant and in the ensuing examination, find whatever they want.
Then you will shut the fork up ..
I reckon the only thing that might stop it, is if he dies and even then, they can just put a double in play, and so what?
Trump won’t win, I want him to win, but cannot see it happening.
The US government system has everything to lose if Trump wins and nothing to gain, so he won’t win.
Edward Feser pointing out that Vigano is a schismatic but that the excommunication medicine should also be given to heretics.
The corrupt, fetid apparatus behind the perverted corpse is amazing. It is now turning the old piece of shit into Trump. His face went to corpse white to Trump orange after the debate.
Everything is coming up orange. It’s unstoppable.
Bipartisan orange man bad?
communists and islamists a perfect match
Strong lawyer genes:
Mahmood lays claim to being the first female Muslim MP – although she was elected in 2010 alongside Yasmin Qureshi and Rushanara Ali – because, she says, her count was the first completed on the night.
Trump won’t win, I want him to win, but cannot see it happening.
I can’t either for the same reasons you describe but happy to be proved wrong
None of the columnists on the Oz support Trump. Including Albrechtsen.
Has Rupert had a word? Or do they just fall that way due, as they all say, to his ‘lies’, which are never fully discussed.
All media will be ranged against him, and plenty of ‘tricks’ too.
I hope he does win, but he could easily fail in many known and unknown ways.
Open Jew hatred is now lauded and feted in this country. I just watched the news and saw how the WA Senator of Jew hatred has been lauded and feted by fellow leftist and Islamist scum on arrival in Perth.
The winds of Jew hatred are blowing hard, and let me assure you that those winds are cold, very cold. This country has fallen, into an icy abyss.
Rivian’s Amazon Delivery Vans Keep Mysteriously Catching Fire (Jul 6)
It’s a mystery I tells ya, a mystery!
Why did no one separate the vehicles? Even just pulling the burning vehicle back a few meters would have saved the other three. The firies are right next to them, so proximity for the very short time a wire rope could be attached and the vehicle extricated to burn in an isolated area or even towed into a pool to put the fire out would have been feasible.
In the election campaign did the Tories and the Reform Party promote Brexit? Polling indicates it has become very unpopular. Economic growth in Britain has fallen behind European countries, low and middle income are worse off, and trade has bounced back but is still behind European countries.
There has been no actual Brexit. The wet Tories undermined it at every instance. Which is why Farage has been cutting through.
Despite “Brexit” the ECHR and ECJ and like wheezes have been tooth and nail impeding British policy the whole way. And Sunak had been allowing them to, since he flatly refused to withdraw from their oversight. Which is why righty voters have just booted him far over the horizon.
Whenever a conservative policy or party fails the No True Scotsman argument is presented. An argument that explains everything explains nothing.
Brexit is made the scapegoat for other failures, John.
UK has been doing badly on a variety of measures for a while. Good luck separating out Brexit from the general decay of “Great” Britain more or less from 1945.
Unalloyed adherence to any political philosophy doesn’t work. That’s why left and right political adherents so often complain about their political parties. All political philosophies are flawed. Even Crick acknowledged that major scientific theories are flawed. As he noted in his book on consciousness, at times I think I can glimpse the answer, but that is a common delusion by anyone who has long dwelled on a problem.
The data from Brexit onwards is revealing.
Did it reveal the shitstorm called “COVID response” to you?
No, I relied on professionals like the highly respected immunologist Professor Clancy, the Nobel Laureate Peter Doherty, many cardiologists, and others in the relevant professions. I frequently do not trust journalists and politicians about complex matters.
’specially when they disagree with the gubermint. Amirite?
Lol. Never met a bureaucracy you didn’t want moar of, huh?
Did one of you say this was a pattern?
Copycat — starting with the bishop stabbed by the teenage muslim savage in Sydney.
Let’s call it the Albanese epidemic — just add weak political leadership and suddenly it’s everywhere.
Who’s “them”?
If the ALP doesn’t shut her down in the senate they’re not worth their salt.
Over to you, Penny Wong.
Doxboxes comrade. (Ht John Constantine)
No, no, no BlackBall, I think the late, great John Constantine words were-
‘Napalm clad freedom barracks’
Lol yes I was meant to write dogboxes but autocorrect spat this rubbish out
I’m assured by Seven News that Starmer and Albanese will get on well together because they are from the same working class backgrounds.
Trump. Not so much. Apparently Starmer thinks he’s a “Neo Nazi ideological sociopath”. Nice. Tells me all I need to know about the incoming PM.
But getting back to the Albanese/Starmer bruvverhood…I await Sir Kier’s first visit to the Pacific. He needs to top this as the elder statesperson.
Starmer is a bLIARite lawyer who said he/she/it prefers Davos to Westminster.
Where’s the cannibals who ate Joe’s uncle.
Still, I’d imagine it’s preferable to living in a tent in a park, or your car, or a friend’s garage.
That being said, Albanese is lying…again.
The HIA has already made it clear the construction sector won’t have the capacity to deliver the 1.2 million housing units Albanese is touting for at least 10 years (not within 5, per Labor’s central plan), assuming all remains peachy here and abroad re the availability of skilled labour and supply chains.
We’ve been conditioned to think that movement, any movement (doin’ sumfink), is good, regardless of whether it is productive (which requires evaluation). Therefore, the hand that gestures flamboyantly, is valued more than the hand that hesitates before moving purposefully.
You know, I think the general public is wising up, to adopt an Americanism. Mr 32% looks unlikely to have a working majority at thh next election.
Reform leader Nigel Farage delivers speech
I watched Farage giving a post election speech and being heckled from the peanut gallery.
”You’ll have a stroke”, says he to the demented flailing frother with his signature rubbery grin. I know some of you have deep misgivings about the man, but I do like his resilience.
I think Farage is one hell of guy and the way he’s been treated is reminiscent of the shite that when on in Eastern Europe in the 70s.
Farage needs to react in a less prickly manner to criticism.
And use humour, as in the instance cited here.
Cognitive Impairment? What Cognitive Impairment?
Emperor Xi, Narendra Modi, the Poot, the Ayatollocracy, the IMF, Kim Jong Haircut, the Mexican people smuggling cartels, and the Hooti Tootis were unavailable for comment.
“Running the World”.
Opening hours: 10am to 4pm. Mon to Fri.
Biden has more holes in his frontal lobes than Reagan did during his second term. During his presidency Reagan’s later dementia was kept hidden but Elkhonen Goldberg, a Russian neuropsychologist who built his career in New York, stated it was obvious during the Iran Contra hearings Reagan was demonstrating at least mild cognitive impairment.
No administration or party will ever admit their leader is losing it.
I’m old enough to remember this exact same discussion regarding the Soviet gerontocracy.
In the end, it didn’t matter that much given the Communist apparat was pulling the strings.
The US needs glasnost – urgently.
Yep. I often entertain the notion that no matter how well any human institution is constructed at some point a complete overhaul is required.
…so that it’s regulated… yair.. we geddit.
When an Ethnically Legit Leader visits from another country, we’re careful not to take him- or her!- to the tailor for a three piece suit, and then seal the makeover with a barbershop shave and slap of cologne. Cos colonial supremacy n sh*t.
So why do these qvislings line up with bare backside and idiot grins to play dress-ups with woven rags and ochre when RAAF 1 docks in Borrioboora-Gai?
The really scary thing behind the perverted corpse scandal is that it is not obuma or even shrillary in charge but those pair of pustules on legs, jill and hunter. It is clear that biden is brain dead; the debate showed that and the interview with that little slug Stephanopoulos again proves that:
Stephanopoulos: did you watch the debate
Corpse: eh, um, I, um, I don’t….think so.
One thing though an orange face looks pretty damn good even on a piece of rancid shit like biden. But with jill and hunter pulling the strings this world is going to fall off a cliff.
Dr Jill looks to be in an advanced state of preservation too.
Hah! My fan has been re-activated!
Did you miss me? 😀
He’s so pleased you’re back. Those funny foreign time zones were wreaking havoc on him!
Jim Rickards describes globalists vs nationalists:
“Trump didn’t drain the swamp because he couldn’t find the swamp”.
“The Republican Party is the nationalist party and the globalists are being run out of the room”.
Both the right and left promoted globalization.
Trump was drowned by the swamp. It was too smart for him.
the swamp is the entirety of the gov apparatus, it needs to be hollowed out by 80% and the remainder defanged
Read my last response to Dr. Faustus.
Globalization provided huge benefits but is now creating huge problems.
Mayor of Fairfield Frank Carbone has set up his own party and may run against Bowen in next election.
Albo in his “needs clean air” phase.
Thanks ‘Ol Leathery
You have to hand it to Trump; Caroline Sunshine is his deputy director of communications:
(17) Caroline Sunshine (@CSUNSHINE) / X
Even though it’s the lead into what will certainly become a dreadful and destructive episode of ‘identity meets government’, there’s a certain elegance in the way Payman is playing Team Handsome Boy.
With half a dozen colleagues experiencing Ozempic Diarrhoea over the Muslim vote, bomb disposal is not being helped by ALP priors and Aussie Jasmin apparently playing a straight bat.
Moral persuasion? Not happened, or happening – ‘I’m still a servant of WA’, badly treated by my former party.
S.44? Technically possible, maybe, but truly awful optics – which will probably lead to howler monkey behaviour and street riots.
Mean Girl technical nasties in Parliament? Not while the gleeful Greens have you over the Barrel of Fun.
Suffer in yer jocks.
Labor will be terrified.
Make one move, it’s the “Islamaphobe” card.
If a Taliban ousts Burke, that would be glorious.
Would it in any way be fair to classify the death of Britain election as: Indian usurpers versus Muslim usurpers?
Just like in Oz, the successful brushing aside of the majority by their supposed representatives in pursuit of support from minorities is difficult to understand.
At least the Payman idiocy has shown that Labor is equally incompetent at protecting their constituency.
New parties now!
What has happened is that 1 Hindu, or 1 Muslim, is equal to 100 White Britons.
We have been betrayed by our political caste for pennies. Until we realise this, and take corrective action, the treason will continue.
The really really scary thing about the perverted corpse is his core functions of lying and sledging are so strong, even when he’s losing his ability to recall faces and retain stools.
Speaking of stools- remember, this is the restraint and reticence with which our leaders conduct themselves around the corrupt corpse…
I don’t mean to blow my own trumpet but I’ve been predicting Payman’s dummy spit since last year.
I suppose I’d be wasting my time submitting a resume to the PMO?
Both branches of the UniParty tie themselves in knots over Western Sydney but most changes in government usually originate in Queensland. A few long serving Liars might be saying an extra prayer to Allah over the coming weeks and months.
That being said, if Labor were to lose 5 seats in western Sydney QLD probably wouldn’t matter as far as majority govt in the next term is concerned, given it’s already solidly in the LNP camp. The Muslim Vote’s objectives are a long shot, but they should occupy ALP startegist’s minds.
Your modesty would be lost in the Vuvuzela Orchestra of Canbra self-trumpet-playing.
No harm in trying, except perhaps lost time and effort. An old friend of mine, a prominent figure in the local Liberal Party branch, explained to me why my submission for proper disposal of electronic waste was arrogantly dismissed in the late 1990s. She said that if you want a politician to take you seriously two pre-requisites are required. You are either a recognized expert in the relevant field or you are a celebrity. Lot of lost time and effort on my part.
perverted corpse is his core functions of lying and sledging
Well that’s all the old turd did last time it debated Trump in 2020.
No; the Conservative malaise had nothing to do with Sunak’s ethnicity.
He gets criticism here, and rightly so in many respects, but he attempted to do an Abbott with illegal immigration from across the channel, which met with much stonewalling from the Blob.
That repealing the Rwanda offshore processing deal has been one of Starmer’s first actions speaks volumes.
Not supporting Starmer in any way (there will be a string of betrayals, that will ‘speak volumes’), but the ‘Rwanda solution’ has been dumped by the High Court and was on Labour’s ‘list of things to go’.
More a failure of the previous useless government.
No mujiks?
Dr. John Campbell
Hope accord in detail
Inspired by the example of Senator Payman, I have decided to convert to Islam.
I have told Mme Zulu that, as a good woman, I expect her to be obedient.
At those words, she fell to her knees.
“Come out from under that bed, and fight like a man, you rotten coward” were her next words.
I can’t wait for episode two where you tell her about the 3 more wives coming…
Episode three features my slow extinction from unknown poisons…
Which are firmly wedged up Handsome Boy’s crack.
Israel Under Fire – Israel’s Legal Rights Regarding Settlements.
It’s pretty obvious that Israel belongs to the Jews and has been their Homeland since Antiquity.
Anyone who argues otherwise is a fool, a liar, or – and I repeat myself – a Mohammedan or supporter who seeks to steal that which they cannot or will not produce themselves.
Palestinianism and the Red-Green Alliance: Similarities in the Ideology and Practice of Marxists and Islamists.
From the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (as is the above link also).
For Zulu. 😀
I see some white fraud is lecturing the rugby crowd about indigenous history.
Boring, condescending, utterly cringeworthy.
Had to turn the rubbish off. The game might start in half an hour when the windbag is finished.
Stopped watching sport period for that reason. F#@k V’Landys.
Spotted Doc Faustus comment below, Wallabies eh.
They lost me with the poaching of Rugby League has beens, only one I thought did ok was Lote Tuqiri and the persistence of keeping Eddie Jones.
Starving Away Cancer – The Miracle of Fasting, Explained. [5 Studies] – YouTube
In 2012 I wrote a series of blog posts on this. Great to see the research continuing. Physionic provides a good example of creative exploration for such a complex and confusing subject. He is one of the most prudent and insightful biochem bloggers. Reminds me of better days.
Obama is not a brilliant genius or one man dynamo, he was a lazy and unoriginal activist lawyer, one of tens of thousands of Ivy Leaguers who join the political side of the network, who wanted to live out his egotistical ambitions.
Who’s Running the Country? – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at DanielGreenfield.org
[During the week 26 June – 3 July, according to the Meir Amit Center].
If other details here are correct, Hezbollocks is far better armed than I had thought. I knew they had numbers and training, but do they have the ability to use the weaponry Iran has reportedly supplied to them?
Slowly climbing the ladder of Herman Kahn’s Nuclear Escalation.
The Wallabies vs Wales starts off with an extraordinary bollocking by Uncle Someone. Welcome to Wasteland, apparently.
Now for 80 minutes of pain (Union is for masochists, and
tragic former playersgreats).The rugby is on because I share the TV and the room is warm and comfy. If I was home alone it would be off.
Thanks for the Sultan Knish link, miltonf. He is such an interesting and insightful commentator.
We see it in every country. Starmer is having his “turn” now. He scrubs up well and speaks nicely modulated RP for a boy from the back blocks. Pretty certain he won’t be “running” anything.
Yes calli- that article explains a lot including why people like Pauline and Trump are so despised by the political-meja class.
We’re only supposed to be allowed to vote for ‘approved’ candidates.
latest tesla self driving is out.
I “drove” version 12 enhanced autopilot which is basically FSD without navigation since we dont have full FSD here.
Overall it drives very confidently, in fact a little too confidently for my comfort level. At one point it was quite happy sitting in group of semis at 110 which isnt my idea of fun, so I took over and went past . Car definitely needs an LLM front end so you can tell it what do. I cant imagine workable robotaxis without a language model front end.
Speaking of ‘turns’, it explains a lot about Howard.
Was there a brief history session on the origins of the game, how black fellas used it to keep agile for hunting? And that William Webb Ellis upon seeing this truly marvelous sight introduced it back to Rugby in 1832?
Now that would have been something
Who’s your coach? Bruce Paxton?
Last week I did both Mrs D’s and my Jobseeker applications, and today I did my tax return. Given all the emphasis on coercive control at the moment, I was struck by the amount of detail of each other’s finances we give to provide under penalty.
Something does not seem right about this picture.
On the Cat’s musings have been watching the Wallabies. Close match, so good. Don’t know these newer players.
By the looks northern hemisphere refs haven’t changed. Still s$#@.
John H,
Good video on fasting and cancer. Appropriately nuanced by caveats and with casual and statistical information presented.
Also, for what it’s worth, I forced myself to finish reading Robert Verkaik’s “The Traitor of Arnhem.”
Don’t bother. More conspiracy theories then the Kennedy assassination.
I’ve had the priveledge of meeting three of the veterans of that battle, and I’ve walked over that battlefield. Those who served there, deserve a better memorial then this rubbish.
That’s a pretty self drive vid. It was anticipating and correctly maneuvering around obstacles. Just wow.