Open Thread – Weekend 10 Aug 2024

Women in the Garden, Claude Monet, 1866

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August 10, 2024 11:26 pm

China isn’t our peer enemy.

China is our adversary, and pretending this risk doesn’t exist is sticking one’s head in the sand. They can never be trusted as they believe South Asia and the Pacific is their zone of interest and everyone should obey the CCP or else.

Wrong. Indonesia and Malaysia aren’t antagonistic to China, even the Vietnamese are hedging, and India is warming to China and preparing to settle their existing disputes.

Wrong? The only one who’s wrong is you because you have this everlasting belief that Putin and Russia have a right to attack other sovereign nations and anyone aligned to Russia must be on the good side.

The entire region is wary of China, which you’re mischaracterizing. And when has appeasement ever worked?

Even the Phillipines don’t want to be dragged by the US into a war with China because of their economic relationship to the latter.

Of course, it’s America’s fault. How Leftwing 1960s. That’s 50 years past expiry date.
Wrong. The Philippines is firmly aligned with the US.

It’s not a security blanket, it’s a massive bulls eye.

LOL. Russia has nothing to do with it, does it.

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
August 11, 2024 12:05 am

Friends try to corrupt friends’ political system through subterfuge.

Opera House forum’s secret links to Beijing

The organisers of a seemingly ­innocuous Buddhism conference at the Sydney Opera House that courted Labor MPs have longstanding links to the Chinese Community Party’s United Front Work Department, with experts urging renewed vigilance about Beijing’s soft-power tactics.

One of the organising group’s founders was Chinese billionaire Huang Xiangmo, essentially barred from Australia in 2019 by the government for his links to the United Front and who embroiled NSW Labor in a corruption inquiry that same year.

Last weekend’s Australia China New Zealand Buddhist Forum had listed NSW Premier Chris Minns as giving a videoed welcome speech, although a government spokeswoman said that neither he nor his office ever ­accepted any invitation.

It also included addresses from other state Labor MPs, although some did not attend after receiving advice, while others did but without knowing that the organisation, the Australian Chinese Buddhist Council, has obscured but longstanding formal links with the United Front.

The inaugural five-day event, held at the Opera House and the University of Sydney, sought to promote “compassionate harmony and multicultural coexistence”. It was attended by Australian and overseas Buddhism groups.

Concerns had also been raised by the Australia Tibet Council with the state government about the event’s ties to the CCP. The council was concerned about the CCP links and the conference’s promotion of Tibetan Buddhism, which they called “forced Sinicisation”.­

The Australian Chinese Buddhist Council is a partner of the Buddhist Association of China – a co-organiser of the event – whose leaders addressed the forum. The Buddhist Association of China is overseen by the United Front.

One of the Australian Chinese Buddhist Council directors and a former vice-president is Xin De Wang. Mr Wang, who lives in Hobart, was the president of the Tasmanian branch of the Australian Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China, a group China experts have said is “the most blatant CCP front group” in Australia.

Mr Wang has always denied that he or his organisations are linked to the CCP.

The federal government in 2023 issued a transparency notice on the Australian Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China, previously led by Mr Huang, saying it was a foreign-government entity under the influence transparency act.

Mr Huang had his permanent residency cancelled in 2019 by the Morrison government and was implicated in a NSW corruption watchdog inquiry that determined that he had donated $100,000 to state Labor.

The billionaire property developer’s links to Sam Dastyari led to the former ALP senator’s resignation and ICAC finding former state Labor MP Ernest Wong corrupt for concealing the cash donation from the developer.

ASIO alleged then that he was “amenable to conducting acts of foreign interference” as he attempted to build close relationships with politicians, something Mr Huang has always denied.

Speaking in 2018 at the council’s establishment, Mr Huang said he would “do my best work” as honorary president to work with political leaders to “promote multiculturalism and harmony”.

Two other Australian Chinese Buddhist Council directors held senior positions with the reunification council and received separate United Front appointments in China, including roles in diaspora-focused agencies and its peak body.

China experts said the continued activity of groups linked to Mr Huang and the United Front was concerning, and that the CPP had a “track record of using Buddhism”.

“By offering politicians an easy shortcut to an image of minority engagement, such CCP-linked Buddhist entities allow the party to effortlessly associate politicians in democratic countries with figures whose public views they would normally find politically toxic,” said James Leibold of La Trobe University.

Professor Leibold said that while politicians had a better understanding of China’s soft-power strategies it was important to “not let your guard down”.

“It (these types of events) may look innocuous but it becomes a seal of approval for the organisations it (the CPP) seeks to ­advance,” he said, adding that it remained a “bad look” for politicians to attend and give approval to United Front groups.

“(These groups) are becoming far more active, the environment is conducive again,” he said.

“These are nefarious operators … We need to be careful of the agenda they push and not allow the federal government’s efforts to reboot its relationship with China to allow old problems to creep back.”

Concerns were also raised with the government last week by the Australia Tibet Council, whose executive officer, Zoe Bedford, criticised the forum’s usage of Tibetan Buddhism and the ­attendance of Ven Lama Hu Xuefeng, who she said had been selected by the Chinese government to oversee the next selection of the dalai lama.

“(We) caution (against) allowing national icons like the Opera House to be used for events that promote the Chinese government’s agenda and ask politicians to be mindful and question these events’ usage for China’s soft-power diplomacy,” Dr Bedford said.

She added that the council had serious reservations with the forum’s Opera House concert promoting and including Tibetan Buddhism, and the inclusion of Ven Xuefeng at the event, saying it had written to the Opera House and Arts Minister John Graham expressing as such.

The Foreign Affairs Department regularly liaises with state and territory governments on international relations, itself consulted by security agencies about events and activities related to China or CCP-linked entities.

The ACBC was contacted but didn’t respond to questions.

CCP is a c..t of a party as it attempts to screw everyone, with whatever means possible for its own ends. Let’s do away with our long lasting alliances and go it alone with this monstrosity hanging around.

August 11, 2024 1:12 am

Musk has been getting a lot of shit for supporting free speech in the UK and being a free speech absolutist.
He’s baiting them and appears to love it.




It’s 2030 in the UK & you’re being executed for posting a meme …

The UK appears to be the wokiest place on earth.

August 11, 2024 1:32 am
August 11, 2024 2:16 am

Memories can play strange tricks on you.
I haven’t been to the movies since drive ins.
No TV in the house for don’t know how long.

Anyway to cut it short, I had to sneeze and it reminded me of a scene in a long forgotten movie starring Clark Gable and Gene Tierney, where he was disguised as Russian military doctor in a theater and called to help a general who had trouble seeing or something and he made him sneeze or hold his nose and blow, not quite clear now.

Why would that be, psychologists?
Yes, the movie was “Never Let Me Go”
Had to search for the title.

August 11, 2024 2:38 am

For the cat ladies.

August 11, 2024 3:05 am

What is something that almost nobody knows about nuclear submarines?
Where they are.

About the two way communication, I’m not too sure, the sub can receive/send and all it has to do is acknowledge with a beep a while later, no need to have a long dinner talk.

Ultra long and ELF frequency radio waves can be detected under water, and this is one means of communication with subs. I would be surprised if there weren’t other systems we don’t know about.


Generally, there’s no two-way communication with a nuclear submarine on patrol, so the Commanding Officers are expected to be independent within the broad parameters of their mission orders. No micro-management from the Admiralty is possible.

On patrol, the boat is expected to go to a certain area and, well, patrol. A nuclear missile-equipped submarine — an SSBN, or ‘boomer’ in US Navy parlance — is supposed to stay within launch distance of its assigned targets — that’s 12,000 km for a Trident missile-equipped boat — and otherwise stay away from any surface or submarine contacts.

A nuclear attack submarine (SSN) on patrol will be trying not to be detected, generally, but also be expected to track, identify, and possibly follow any interesting contacts, with ‘interesting’ being up to the skipper, based on any intelligence briefings he’s had before the patrol. If the passive sonar picks up what sounds like an adversary submarine not in the database, for example, the skipper will be expected to follow it long enough to record its signature so that Naval Intelligence can add it to the database. If it is identified, it may be followed just build up an idea of what that particular submarine gets up to on its patrols or special missions.

An SSN will be given special missions occasionally, like going to a certain point, go to periscope depth, put up the electronic intelligence masts, and see what they can pick up. Or go to within a few miles of another point, and listen for and record expected underwater salvage activity. Or proceed to such-and-such an area to take part in naval exercises with a friendly nation where they will be expected to find and track the friendly fleet, avoid detection, and come to periscope depth occasionally to take pictures of the flagship (or any other ship) to prove that they could have sunk it if it was a shooting war.

So, in general, nuclear submarines’ positions are unknown. On patrol they might be (made-up examples) “in the North Atlantic, east of the GIUK line” or “west Pacific, at least 3000 km from the Chinese coast, and within 12,000 km of the Yumen missile silos” and no-one on Earth except the CO and navigation officers and technicians knowing any more than that. Even on missions with strict parameters, no-one but the crew should know the exact location of the submarine at any particular time. If the crew have done their jobs properly.

August 11, 2024 4:00 am
August 11, 2024 6:55 am

Wow. Home designed and hand built. He’s not only the first kid on his block to get one, he’s probably the first in the world!


Last edited 1 month ago by Zatara
August 11, 2024 6:55 am made iv fluidsBased on the search results, there are a few Australian companies that manufacture IV fluids:

  • Baxter Healthcare: Baxter Healthcare is a leading manufacturer of specialty IV solutions and delivery systems. They have been producing IV solutions in Australia since 1963 and have provided over 1 billion units of specialty IV and irrigation solutions to the Australian and New Zealand market.
  • Warner & Webster: Warner & Webster is a proud Australian-owned company that has been operating since the 1800s. They are the eldest and most respected medical equipment supplier in Australia, including IV fluids.

It’s worth noting that the current shortage of IV fluids in Australia is primarily affecting saline and compound sodium lactate (Hartmann’s solution), which are manufactured by overseas companies. The Australian government has approved multiple overseas-registered alternative saline brands to address the shortage, but these may not be manufactured in Australia.
Key Points:

  • Baxter Healthcare is a leading manufacturer of IV solutions in Australia, with a history dating back to 1963.
  • Warner & Webster is an Australian-owned company that supplies medical equipment, including IV fluids, with a heritage dating back to the 1800s.
  • The current shortage of IV fluids in Australia primarily affects saline and compound sodium lactate (Hartmann’s solution), which are manufactured overseas.
  • The Australian government has approved alternative saline brands from overseas manufacturers to address the shortage.
August 11, 2024 6:56 am

The current shortage of IV fluids is just another example of the problems Australia faces when it is almost completely reliant on its critical medicines from overseas manufacturers.

No, it’s a refusal to stump up funds to maintain adequate stocks of supplies. Our systems have, for years, had all the fat cut out of them to feed the voracious appetite of the bureaucracy.
It’s as simple as that – the growth of government and its parasitic arms are now threatening the health of the people.
And notice that the steps taken will not add one bag of Normal Saline/Hartmanns to the system it just adds to the demand on the OS suppliers.

August 11, 2024 7:18 am

JC & Arky on fire last night.

August 11, 2024 7:23 am

A great WIP, Tom. Too many good ones to pick a favourite.

Being Sunday, perhaps the comparative Bible translations – I love the Peterson one at the end.

AI Jesus was good also.


August 11, 2024 7:36 am

Speaking of commenters on fire, C.L. has an excellent Sunday morning piece. His final sentence sums up the UK’s woes.

Worth a look.

Last edited 1 month ago by calli
August 11, 2024 7:38 am

Thank you to Bob the Boozer re info on Aussie companies producing IV supplies. Good grief, this company is going down the gurgler if he is right that the government is simply not prepared to cough up the money for adequate supplies. Yet an ever growing fat bureaucracy starves government coffers,

Dont know what is the truth here – but sure as hell this country is stuffed.

August 11, 2024 7:41 am

August 10, 2024 11:11 pm

Make up of Hiden’s votes.

81 million votes, 58 percent of which were mail-in ballots harvested on his behalf,

Kamaltoe could reach 90 million.

Who’s behind it?

He the People. How Barack Obama ended normalcy in American politics

That article is about the best explanation I’ve read so far for what’s happening.
One thing is obvious, they called for a debate because they knew it would sink him (Biden).

Cassie of Sydney
August 11, 2024 7:44 am

The UK appears to be the wokiest place on earth.

The UK is fast sinking into sinister totalitarianism. It’s been on this trajectory for years now, aided and abetted by do nothing, supine, cowardly and quisling conservative governments. Der Sturmer da Fuhrer and his jolly Marxist and Islamist comrades are simply arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

August 11, 2024 7:46 am

There’s also been an increase in demand for IV fluids.
The reason why would be good to know.

August 11, 2024 7:58 am

Re the escapades of Elon:

The Australian Spectator had some interesting articles on him recently.

Personally, I think he is a much needed warrior against the increasing attacks on free speech by – of all entities – contemporary democracies in the ‘free world’. I am not interested in his motivation, I am just grateful that someone with his reach is an ally in this struggle.

BTW the vaccine war has also inspired Robert Malone to write a book on the attacks on free speech.. He has also become an impassioned defender of our most precious asset. I will post his latest discussion of the threats of the big international organisations of our way of life in the West.

August 11, 2024 8:00 am

Is V for Vendetta the only way out or has WanKeir worked out how to avoid the inevitable?

Last edited 1 month ago by GreyRanga
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 11, 2024 8:06 am

do nothing, supine, cowardly and quisling conservative governments

Any British Cats want a job?

Nigel Farage launches recruitment drive for 2,500 candidates in threat to overtake Tories (10 Aug)

The Conservatives are in danger of being overtaken by Reform UK as Britain’s main party of the centre-Right, a leading Tory has warned.

Nigel Farage has launched a recruitment drive as Reform scrambles to find 2,500 candidates to stand in May’s council elections.

Good pay too, if you can get in.

August 11, 2024 8:23 am
August 11, 2024 8:24 am

The idea is pretty simple. The U.S. Treasury could mint a $1 trillion platinum coin, deposit it at the Federal Reserve, and then the federal government could write checks against that asset.

Voila! Budget problem solved.

The US printed $5 Trillion in ‘quantative easing’ and that’s where the inflation is coming from. Wage demands are a symptom of inflation, not a cause.
A $1 Trillion coin is no different.

Last edited 1 month ago by BobtheBoozer
August 11, 2024 8:26 am

The UK appears to be the wokiest place on earth.

Or perhaps the smuggest.
Anyone who has the gall to suggest it’s all a bit shit outside her comfortable I-have-an-Albanian-dressmaker Islington bubble is some grubby working class far right Reform supporting racist.

August 11, 2024 8:34 am

Captured in 1936 near the Tennessee River, this poignant image shows a Depression-era mother in a flour sack dress, cradling her baby. They were part of a large family of nine, living in a field along U.S. Route 70.

We think we’re immune to this state of affairs.
We’re not.

Last edited 1 month ago by BobtheBoozer
August 11, 2024 8:38 am

Australia’s interpretive break dancer Raygun’s day job:

University lecturer.


Cassie of Sydney
August 11, 2024 8:43 am

C.L. has an excellent Sunday morning piece. His final sentence sums up the UK’s woes.

Everyone needs to read C.L.’s piece.

August 11, 2024 8:44 am

The Trump campaign had their emails hacked by Iran and sent to the media, lol. Wheels on fire, rolling down the road.

August 11, 2024 8:55 am

I see from Bruce’s link that Farage has plummeted in netsat, particularly with Tory voters with his rating dropping from -10 to -27. He is even in the negatives now with Leave voters.

Seems like that “two-tier policing” line is falling flat. Turns out British people don’t like fascists.

August 11, 2024 8:57 am

From bons’ link on Raygun*.

The more I learn about Raygun, the angrier I get. That’s because our society is being taken over by Rayguns. This type of overconfident female has so thoroughly colonised our public and private sector bureaucracies that we are now ruled by a caste of Karens whose overconfidence is exceeded only by their incompetence.

They are always the victim in their own minds, too.

They’re everywhere, like a disease. He sums it up well.

*why, oh why do I immediately think of King Lear? And how aided and abetted she was by Cornwall? Yes, there is a surfeit of stupid, overconfident Karens. And there is also a bevy of opportunistic, cruel enablers hiding in the wings.

August 11, 2024 9:01 am

We don’t need any more communication, gender study, interpretive dance, political study and so on graduates. How about trade apprentices are paid the same way HECS fees are. The employer doesn’t pay. That way the apprentice once qualified or drops out pays the money back at the same rate. At the very least the country gets something out of it thats useful. No more importing labour or bum wipers, we already have enough. Why do we hear about people that are working, paying tax, supporting their families getting turfed out yet keep the scum of the planet for free?

August 11, 2024 9:02 am

Brittany Higgins silenced? I don’t think so

Stephen Rice, The Australian 10 August, 2024.

From the moment she decided to use the media instead of the police and the courts to tell her story, Brittany Higgins has been given extraordinary latitude to say whatever she wishes, whenever she wishes.

Just as Linda Reynolds stepped into the witness box to begin her evidence on Monday, Brittany Higgins launched her own dramatic early entry into the case, posting on Instagram the cover of a new book with the subtitle How the Law Silences Women. “Pertinent reading”, Higgins headlined the post. Her timing was impeccable, albeit two weeks before it was her turn to take the stand.

Higgins sees herself as a disrupter, and her social media hijacking of the event achieved its purpose, dominating media coverage of the day Reynolds had hoped would provide some clear air to state her case.

Higgins elbowing her way to the forefront of the news coverage of the case delighted her loyal Instagram base, but in the real world her intervention highlighted the absurdity of her message. Higgins has not been silenced, by the law or by anyone else.

It is difficult to think of any complainant in any criminal or civil matter who has been more outspoken about their own case – or who has been more indulged by the legal system in flouting basic rules of fairness regularly enforced on others .

That perception was reinforced this week when judge Paul Tottle appeared to let Higgins’s provocative post through to the keeper, suggesting he would deal with it in submissions “when the time comes”.

Higgins’s lawyer, Rachael Young SC, said the post had nothing to do with the case, perhaps with her tongue planted firmly in her cheek, but promised to “speak to” her client.

The truth is, Higgins has been snubbing her nose at the legal system for years and getting away with it.

From the moment she decided to use the media instead of the police and the courts to tell her story, Higgins has been given extraordinary latitude to say whatever she wishes, whenever she wishes – all the while claiming she’s being gagged.

When Higgins ­delayed giving a formal statement to police, causing significant problems for the investigation, she and her partner David Sharaz were organising with journalists and Labor politicians to tell her story in the most explosive and politically damaging way possible for the Morrison government.

Television and online news interviews. The National Press Club. The Women’s March. The #MeToo movement. A $325,000 book deal. An unending stream of social media posts. Higgins wasn’t just given a voice – she was handed a megaphone.

When senior police officer Scott Moller asked that Higgins stop doing media that could prejudice Bruce Lehrmann’s criminal rape trial, Victims of Crime Commissioner Heidi Yates told him: “She can’t, Scott – she’s the face of the movement now.”

Silenced? Higgins has more platforms than Grand Central Terminal.

Let’s remember the first legal shot in this unending saga was fired by Higgins herself.

When the story broke, Reynolds, devastated at being accused of having walked past the rape of another woman, uttered her now infamous “lying cow” gibe. Higgins threatened to sue.

Under fire from all quarters over her alleged mishandling of rape allegations, Reynolds coughed up $10,000 to settle the matter even though she says she had been reacting to Higgins’s claims about her alleged mistreatment, not questioning the rape.

The two women signed a non-disparagement agreement. That has been repeatedly stretched by Higgins.

Over several months last year, Higgins published highly disparaging social media posts about Reynolds that have led to the current defamation case. Then in March, just as she and Sharaz were in mediation talks with Reynolds in a bid to settle the case, Higgins posted an image bearing the words “I won’t stay silent so you can stay comfortable”.

Two weeks before the trial began, Higgins announced she had been forced to sell her house in France as “the unspeakably high price” of speaking out on sexual assault. Cue more headlines.

But Higgins won’t be asked about the rape when she takes the stand. The only issue in this case is whether she defamed Reynolds.

No one will be stopping Higgins from telling the truth. Indeed, she’s running a truth defence.

No one has tried to silence her during any of the legal dramas that have run almost continuously through this tortuous affair.

Certainly not in Lehrmann’s criminal trial. When the trial was aborted through juror misconduct, ACT Chief Justice Lucy McCallum issued a plea for all parties to “fall silent” to ensure a fair second trial for the accused and to give Higgins “some respite from the media glare”.

Instead, Higgins walked straight into the media glare and denounced the legal system, deriding Lehrmann’s exercise of his right to silence and claiming that while her life had been publicly scrutinised, his had not.

Higgins declared the criminal justice system had “long failed to deliver outcomes to victims of sexual assault”; falsely asserted that Lehrmann had not been forced, like her, to surrender his mobile phone; and argued he had not been held accountable for “his actions”.

The speech appalled many legal observers. At that point Lehrmann was only months away from going back on trial. Other complainants have faced contempt charges for far less prejudicial comments.

But the ACT court ignored the two-fingered rebuff to its instructions and Higgins was free to continue working her curious brand of “silenced”.

When Lehrmann sued Network Ten and Lisa Wilkinson for defamation, Higgins agreed to give evidence. But only – according to a secret ultimatum through her lawyer – if Wilkinson wasn’t represented by barrister Sue Chrysanthou SC and instead employed the same lawyers as Ten. Silencing another woman is apparently OK if she’s a lawyer you don’t like. Even if she’s trying to nail your alleged rapist.

Justice Michael Lee ultimately found that on the balance of probabilities Higgins had been raped by Lehrmann, a verdict Higgins was happy to accept.

Less so the second part of Lee’s judgment: that her accusations of a political cover-up by Reynolds and her chief of staff, Fiona Brown, were completely false.

The claims were an invention by Higgins, Lee said, calling it “the only alleged cover-up of which I am aware where those said to be responsible for the covering up were almost insisting the complainant go to the police”.

Higgins hadn’t been silenced. She’d just been found out.

Higgins wasn’t silenced, either, when she sought compensation from the Albanese government for the mistreatment she claimed to have suffered.

Labor Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus refused to allow Reynolds to speak in her own defence in the one-day “mediation” that awarded Higgins $2.4m.

Dreyfus barred Reynolds from providing evidence in the case, threatening to tear up an agreement to pay her legal fees and any costs awarded if she tried to attend the mediation.

No one stopped Higgins speaking. No one even questioned the claims she made about her treatment by Reynolds and Brown, many of which we now know to be untrue. Reynolds told the court this week she was “incredibly angry because I could see that the Attorney-General of this nation was stitching me up”.

“I had no issue with Ms Higgins in this process at all. I was very clear that this was about the Attorney-General and how he had, I believe, corruptly manipulated the law to muzzle me.”

The only women who have genuinely been silenced in this tawdry affair are Reynolds and Brown.

Two middle-aged, conservative women who became disposable fodder in the febrile atmosphere of the #MeToo movement.

Reynolds had watched Wilkinson’s interview with Higgins on The Project with mounting horror – an account that bore so little resemblance to what Reynolds had actually said or done that “it was like a bomb went off in my head”.

In the days that followed Reynolds was torn apart in the Senate by Labor’s attack dogs, Penny Wong, Katy Gallagher and Kristina Keneally, then publicly rebuked by her own prime minister, Scott Morrison, for not informing him of the allegations.

Reynolds told The Australian last year that Morrison “expressed regret” to her, in private, the following day.

Brown suffered an even swifter fate, ostracised by her own colleagues and shamefully hung out to dry by the Morrison government and the Liberal Party she had faithfully served for years.

In her interview with The Project, Higgins gave Brown a starring role as chief ­villain – second only to the alleged rapist. But Lehrmann wasn’t named in the program. Brown was.

“It was like standing in front of a firing squad,” the former public servant told The Australian earlier this year. “It was the day that my life ended, as I knew it.”

Brown had personally walked Higgins down to the police ­office in Parliament House to report the incident at the first indication from the young staffer that some kind of sexual ­activity had occurred.

The respected public servant could not reconcile Higgins’s horrifying claims with the young woman who, on their last interaction, had sent her a note saying: “I cannot overstate how much I’ve valued your support and advice throughout this period. You’ve been absolutely incredible and I’m so appreciative.”

Brown took the fall for the ­Morrison government as it sought to deflect Labor’s accusations of a cover-up, unable to challenge a woman who said she had been raped.

No one in the prime ­minister’s office publicly supported Brown’s version of events. The roiling #MeToo movement had panicked the government, terrified of being labelled as rape-apologists, infecting the parliament, the courts and the media.

Brown was told not to respond to the allegations, warned by people within the prime minister’s office that a legal claim would just make the story bigger.

“It’ll run out of steam in two weeks,” they told her. It didn’t.

Higgins’s claims of cover-up were so incendiary that not even Coalition members could publicly challenge them.

“No one wanted to go against the movement,” Brown says.

The Project’s brutal portrayal of Brown ended her career and left her so traumatised that at one point not long after, she walked into the sea in a bid to end it all, saved by a caring young surfer who took her by the hand and pulled her back to shore.

Reynolds, at least, is able to have her day in court; Brown will never get the chance. She’s out of money and out of time – long past the statute of limitations to sue – and, in any case, is in no fit mental state to do so.

Brown begged to be excused from giving evidence in the Lehrmann defamation case. Lee turned off the live stream of the case to help her through the ordeal. As it turned out, she was the most impressive witness in the entire case, a woman with nothing to gain from the outcome and whose presence had come at enormous emotional cost. Lee was unerring in his praise of Brown’s conduct and integrity.

Now Brown is so ill she may not be able to give evidence on behalf of her old boss, Reynolds.

That’s what “silenced” looks like.

Cassie of Sydney
August 11, 2024 9:03 am

So, let’s get this right, our resident Nazi thinks it’s funny that the Jew hating totalitarian theocratic state of Iran, the same Iran that weekly executes homosexuals and pesky women who take off their chadors, hacks into a presidential candidate’s emails.

Our Nazi stands with the mad mullahs. I think it is pretty obvious that our Nazi has no moral compass but Nazis never do, never have and never will.

Cassie of Sydney
August 11, 2024 9:11 am

Our Nazi stands with Iran.

No wonder he’s always been silent about October 7. He stands with Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.

Is anyone surprised?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 11, 2024 9:17 am

‘He, the People’ – from Bushie’s very interesting link re the role of Obama and his decades of power as President and then behind the scenes with Biden and now Kamala.

The truth is that an American political faction is employing third-world tactics—surveillance, censorship, election interference, political prosecution, and political violence—to put the United States under the thumb of a single party led by a man who in his mind has become the people.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 11, 2024 9:22 am

Also from bons’ link, which is – as mentioned earlier – excellent:

Raygun got ahead of herself, though. She began to get high on her own supply, and so she no doubt politicked and networked to get herself selected for the Australian Olympic team.

She thought the applause she heard in her head would be replicated around the world.

What a mistake. You can be an incompetent fraud as long as you stay out of public view. Raygun didn’t do that.

Everyone criticising this D Grade Peter Garrett impersonator is a roaring misogynist, and just doesn’t get it to boot.

Cassie of Sydney
August 11, 2024 9:24 am

Nigel Farage asks…

What the hell?’ Nigel Farage fumes over ‘free Palestine’ chants
So, our Nazi supports “Free Palestine” chants?

Last edited 1 month ago by Cassie of Sydney
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 11, 2024 9:24 am

If we were in a proper country, ‘Raygun’ would be held in the same regard and attract the same public adulation as alleged rower ‘Lay Down Sally’ Robbins.

August 11, 2024 9:31 am

Back in the early to mid 70’s we were working in northern Kashmir.

We became friends with people from the UK High Commission. Not with folks from the Australian HC who were arrogant stupid ANU twats.

The Brits invited us to accompany them to view the Consulate hall.

It was a typical Pakistani scene with men climbing over each other, poking papers through the counter windows and yelling insanely

Our hosts explained that these were Brit Pakis who had come to collect a wife from the village and were demanding UK visas for the girls.


August 11, 2024 9:36 am

Outsiders laying into the raygun right now …

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 11, 2024 9:40 am

It was a typical Pakistani scene with men climbing over each other, poking papers through the counter windows and yelling insanely

Obviously caused by climate change.

WEF: Climate Change Causes Pakistani Men to Beat up Their Wives (10 Aug)

Is there anything that it can’t do?

August 11, 2024 9:42 am

Missed it, Rabz.

The tv was set on Seven (grrr) when I fired it up.


They are covering the City to Surf and guess what? Runners are warming up to a Raygun parody routine.

Exquisite. And very, very Australian.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 11, 2024 9:42 am

Rita on Outsiders beautifully extracting the micturition on Ray-Ban.

Cassie of Sydney
August 11, 2024 9:46 am


Except they did.

August 11, 2024 9:48 am


Is it possible to parody a parody?

Our successive governments have led the way.

August 11, 2024 9:52 am

Our hosts explained that these were Brit Pakis who had come to collect a wife from the village and were demanding UK visas for the girls.


They were Pakistanis with British passports.

The Brit HC staff were evidently as arrogant and stupid as the Australians.

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
August 11, 2024 9:52 am

Watching the Ray-Gun fun on Outsiders. I would not have thought it possible that there were an even more deluded woman than Ray-Gun, BUT, Anna Meares snatched that crown from Breaking Sad.

August 11, 2024 9:55 am

Before I spend valuable time on google, help me out pls.
Who is this Raygun and what it do?

Cassie of Sydney
August 11, 2024 9:55 am

I love Rita, like me she also mops up the swill into a bucket and throws the bucket of swill back at the hypocritical, verminous, racist, left.

Simply divine.

August 11, 2024 9:57 am
August 11, 2024 10:04 am

Apparently it was carrying lithium batteries.

But they’re perfectly safe to have in your garage. And, as I found out at Heathrow just recently, stowed in the hold.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 11, 2024 10:05 am

In Well, Obviously news:

Australian Olympic great Anna Meares says the social media mocking of a breaker for her routine and choice of clothing is “really disappointing”.

Rachael Gunn, 36, failed to win over the judges as she lost her three round-robin contests in the competitive form of breakdancing by an aggregate score of 54-0 on Friday.

Meares says the criticism of Gunn was evidence of misogyny.

It’s Room 101 for you lot.

August 11, 2024 10:06 am

When you think about it Ray Gun is a genius for being able to turn breaking into a PhD and a good paying Uni career.

She will have plenty of lecture material after her success at the Olympics.

August 11, 2024 10:08 am

August 11, 2024 9:59 am


she was our entrant in the Break dancing at the Olympics

Break dancing at the Olympics?

You are joshing me, haven’t watched a minute of the whole thing so I take your word for it.

August 11, 2024 10:11 am

LOL love it, via Michael Smith, someone has doctored a WanKeir speech:

August 11, 2024 10:24 am


Invade? They have been waved in, welcomed by the traitorous state. When the citizens start to complain and protest, the state beats and imprisons them. At least the humble Brit is rebelling at this treason. In mainland Europe the Frogs, Scandies and Chermans have long rolled over, letting their women bear the brunt of catastrophe.

Bill from the Bush
Bill from the Bush
August 11, 2024 10:26 am

I got sent an article from a Kiwi paper about their electickery market.
Link is here, but essentially the generators and retailers are making super profits with the wholesale price the highest in the developed world.

How could this be possible with all the gaia approved hydro and geothermal stuff being used?

Should we send blackout Bowen over the ditch, one way ticket of course, so that he can work his magic and make the prices even higher?

Awesome quote in the article
“There has been canary loudly squawking in the mine for several years – but no one was listening. Finally the canary has carked it.”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 11, 2024 10:38 am

Break dancing at the Olympics?

Didn’t go well for our other breakdancer either.

French breaking star’s vulgar act on Australian teenager in Paris (11 Aug)

An Australian breaker is back in the spotlight, this time for very different reasons.

Aussie schoolboy Jeff “J-Attack” Dunne’s Olympics ended in the round robin phase on Sunday morning, losing all three of his battles (17-1, 17-1, 18-0).

It was, however, in his second battle when things took a cruel turn as he went up against French star Dany Dann.

The 16-year-old found himself on the receiving end of a cruel taunt at the hands of the 36-year-old.

With the 18-0 rout effectively wrapped up, Dann, whose real name is Danis Civil, made things personal against the Australian teenager as he mimicked pulling his pants down with one move.

Not finished there, the Frenchman walked away as he pointed at his groin and began laughing before holding up his finger and thumb in close proximity, gesturing that the Aussie was petite in size below the belt.

Getting pantsed and mocked for size by a Frenchman really would hurt…

August 11, 2024 10:46 am

The Trump campaign had their emails hacked by Iran and sent to the media, lol. Wheels on fire, rolling down the road.

There it is: dickless supports the mullahs.

August 11, 2024 10:54 am

bons, thanks for that link, now I know what this Raygun is all about.
Pogria, the Marx brothers were fun, this is embarrasing.

I thought break-dancing was a fad by young African-Americans.

Have to crawl out from under my rock or the world passes me by.

On the other hand, it’s comfy there so I stay.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 11, 2024 10:57 am



End of days. This must be the cultural cringe everyone was going on about years ago.

August 11, 2024 10:58 am

Apart from the swamp and left billionaires there appear to be 2 types of people who will vote for cackles: supercilious, useless dickheads and walking vegetables.

Who are the people that go to a Kamala Harris rally? Johnny went to find out – Whatfinger News’ Choice Clips

August 11, 2024 11:00 am

I’ve been trying to work out why the hoi polloi of Europe have been accepting of the Muslim invasion.
Here’s my latest thinkings:
They believe Islam is the way of the future and that under Islam, they will keep their status and wealth. While they don’t believe in anything about Islam itself, they see the current structures in the ME and believe they can remain on top with a religion they only have to pay lip service to.
In their own compounds they will have the right to do as they wish, but keep a pious face on in public.
The alcohol will remain in their private bars, the bacon will remain in the fridge, and their women will remain in their kitchens and bedrooms. And like most of the ME the men at the bottom of the rung will be sent off on useless wars to keep their numbers down and provide a useful pool of women who will never get married unless they accept 4th wife status.
The ugly and stupid ones will have to put up with the dregs of the man market.
Impose this with a feudal culture, and it looks like something from the barbaric past.
I wonder what their wives and daughters think of their future?

Last edited 1 month ago by BobtheBoozer
August 11, 2024 11:02 am

I thought the alien who ran space chook was now a Trump supporter; apparently his minions have not got the message:

Scientist and author Richard Dawkins announced that Facebook deleted his account after he posted–on a different platform–that Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, who has XY chromosomes, should not compete against women in the Olympics. He believes the account deletion is a form of censorship.

Dawkins clarified he had not posted about Khelif on Facebook but only on X, formerly known as Twitter. Despite this, Facebook appears to have removed his account. On July 29, Dawkins tweeted criticism over genetically male athletes competing in women’s events.

Richard Dawkins Says Facebook Deleted His Entire Page for Calling Male Olympics Boxer ‘Male.’ (

August 11, 2024 11:03 am

The crisis in the UK is exactly what the establishment elites have been hoping for for over a decade starting with Blair. Provoking civil unrest with the free admission of shitholer voteherds, looking for the opportunity to roll out the anti- freedom apparatus and state stasi forces to effectively move the country under total state control. The same idiots who cheered on the covid tyranny, now backing this horrid state monster for more “law and order”. The dhimmis.

August 11, 2024 11:09 am

The fix is on: US polls swing markedly to cackles but are they rigged:

August 11, 2024 11:15 am

The world is becoming extremely stupid, dangerous and generally irritating.

Time for some truly wicked dergs to balance things up.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 11, 2024 11:17 am

Knuckle Dragger
 August 11, 2024 9:22 am

Also from bons’ link, which is – as mentioned earlier – excellent:

Raygun got ahead of herself, though. She began to get high on her own supply, and so she no doubt politicked and networked to get herself selected for the Australian Olympic team.

And no doubt Raygun tut-tuts about white privilege whilst simultaneously taking a spot which could have been better filled by any number of blak kids from Redfern.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 11, 2024 11:21 am

Mine closure ’21st century colonialism’: McKenzie
James Dowling
Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie has called the closure and protected status of the Jabiluka uranium mine a “classic case of twenty-first century colonialism”.

At the NSW Labor Conference in July, Anthony Albanese announced Jabiluka, the world’s biggest untapped uranium source, will be closed off and made part of Kakadu National Park. Mining had been opposed for decades by traditional owners due to the cultural significance of the area.

“We want to see economic empowerment, particularly for marginalised Indigenous Australians and that means all options on the table to actually grow well-paying jobs in the Northern Territory,” Senator McKenzie said on Sky News.

“The government is now wanting to shut those opportunities down.

“It should be a bright future for Jabiluka and the Territory’s uranium deposits, instead once again Albo is picking ideology over practical solutions.”

Senator McKenzie said the Albanese government was also moving towards a blanket ban on livestock farming.

“No matter where you look, we’re seeing agriculture under attack,” she said. “The endgame, I think, really is the end of livestock production more generally in this country.”

Good luck with a ban on livestock farming – that will have the peasants rioting in the streets..

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 11, 2024 11:33 am

Apparently Breakdancing is a one-off as an Olympic “event” for 2024 only.

As Harry Richardson says….

As you might be aware by now, Australia sent an overweight, overconfident, uncoordinated Millennial female to represent the nation in Paris.
It was bad. Really bad.

Rachael ‘Raygun’ Gunn is not a loveable Aussie underdog. She’s the exact opposite. The 36-year-old thinks she’s amazing, and she’s been able to live in that delusion until yesterday when the whole world saw the reality at the same time.

Rachael has done the world a favour by ensuring that this “sport” will never be part of the Olympics again.

I’m still chortling at the attempt to do a Garrett.

August 11, 2024 11:37 am

Outstanding WIP.

August 11, 2024 11:40 am

There are some crackers in the comments section of TWiP!

Edit: Sorry. Didn’t notice cohenite’s comment before I posted.

Last edited 1 month ago by Muddy
Oh come on
Oh come on
August 11, 2024 11:43 am

To be fair to this Raygun person, she may well be the best female…um…breaker* in Australia. No obvious reason why whoever makes these decisions wouldn’t choose the best. Perhaps there isn’t a lot of competition out there.

And perhaps, because I know bugger all about breaking, scoring zero points across all of your performances isn’t as laughably humiliating as it sounds. Maybe scoring a point is particularly difficult, but once you meet that high threshold, you can then score many. Hence her opponents collectively scoring 54 to her 0. I don’t know, and I don’t care enough to find out, in all honesty.

Although the ABC is going into bat for her, and that is usually a good indication of someone being worthy of ridicule.

*Is that the right word? So stupid. Why can’t they just be called break dancers? I suppose that might prompt the question as to why break dancing is an Olympic sport. Although ‘breaker’ sounds like a position a scrapyard owner would advertise. Alternatively, my 2 year old nephew is a world class breaker. Breaks all kinds of things, he does.

August 11, 2024 11:43 am

I got sent an article from a Kiwi paper about their electickery market.

As many here will know, husband has been having an ongoing battle with our electricity provider over a sudden and unexplained increase in our electricity bill at our farm where we have a 10kw solar system. Since the dispute involves not simply the increased cost of energy, but the figures for consumption claimed, he has been obsessively examining the very precise figures he has been able to access through their App. He is convinced they are in error and the provider has agreed to send a technician to check the meter.

Meanwhile we accessed a fascinating technical paper on the internet from a Kiwi technician who explained how the smart meters could be manipulated by the companies. We now don’t believe that an examination of the meter itself will uncover anything favourable to us! I now understand the material I read about the problems the installation of smart meters brought in the UK.

I am becoming deeply concerned about the ability of the average citizen to maintain an equitable position in the midst of both government and commercial practices in the modern world.

August 11, 2024 11:45 am

Raygun is actually Rachael Gunn, born in Hornsby, New South Wales.
She is a lecturer at Macquarie University with a PhD in cultural studies.

That tenth rate intellectual cesspit again. Always was always will be unless it’s shut down as it deserves to be.

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 11, 2024 11:48 am

Position available: apprentice breaker at busy scrapyard. Must be willing to work Saturdays (and to work, generally). 36 year old PhD candidate wine mums with chips on their shoulders need not apply.

August 11, 2024 12:05 pm

It is amazing how threatened you lot are by the sight of a woman with confidence.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 11, 2024 12:07 pm

Jimmy Failla: A pole vaulter guy was disqualified when his weaner dislodged the bar. These days we expect this sort of issue in the women’s pole vaulting.

Fake News: an assistant imam advised his flock that a “used” couch should only be sold to the next village.

August 11, 2024 12:08 pm

piss off Karen

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 11, 2024 12:10 pm

It is amazing how threatened you lot are by the sight of a woman with confidence.
The entire left/demonrat mob were threatened by Tulsi Gabbard becoming more like a Republican and she and her husband have been harassed as if they were a terrorist threat whenever they fly.

Eff off, scumbag.

August 11, 2024 12:12 pm

Hillary Clinton has tried a lot of things over the years. Becoming president. Trying to join both NASA and the Marines. Landing at an airport while under fire. But mostly lying a lot.

ha ha…read on

Hillary Clinton Gets Religion – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at

Last edited 1 month ago by Miltonf
Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
August 11, 2024 12:16 pm

From Sunday Telegraph: Dominic Perrottet reveals what he thinks of his predecessors in a high steaks interview.

He had a beef? That’s rare.
Do they have sub-editors worthy of the name any more?

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 11, 2024 12:18 pm

The photos in the ABC article of Raygun’s…er…performance tell you all you need to know. Awkward.

The buzz was big around Place de la Concorde with superstar American rapper and Olympics aficionado Snoop Dogg taking to the stage to show off a few of his own moves before opening the event.

So we have the likes of this fossil cutting a rug. And our male competitor is 16. Maybe it’s a grandparent-grandchild event or something?

But with competition stretching five-and-a-half hours even Snoop, the unofficial Games mascot, had seen enough and made his departure midway through the competition.


Manizha Talash, a breaker from the Olympic refugee team, who was born in Afghanistan before fleeing the Taliban, made an early political statement by unveiling a cape during her round with the words “Free Afghan Women” and was applauded by her Dutch competitor India Sardjoe.

It is sounding more and more insufferable.

What I wanted to do was come out here and do something new and different and creative — that’s my strength, my creativity,” Gunn said.

“I was never going to beat these girls on what they do best, the dynamic and the power moves, so I wanted to move differently, be artistic and creative because how many chances do you get in a lifetime to do that on an international stage?

“I was always the underdog and wanted to make my mark in a different way.”

Being awarded zero points for doing an emu impression. I guess that is making a mark of sorts.

Breaking is clearly athletic and it clearly requires a whole level of dedication across a number of different aspects so I feel like it meets that criteria.

Is it, though? Is it really athletic? I mean, Raygun isn’t obese but she doesn’t have the figure of an athlete. And the US competitor who Raygun was squaring off against had a flabby midriff exposed. Again, not exactly athletic. Professional ballroom dancers are in much better shape.

She took to Instagram this morning with a quip for social media users who had mocked her outfit online.

“Looking forward to the same level of scrutiny on what the bboys [male breaking contestants] wear tomorrow,” she said.

Do you get to choose what you wear as an Olympic competitor? Anyhoo, I suspect it wasn’t her outfit they were mocking.

While the athletes will compete for medals in Paris, the winners could become obscure trivia questions with Los Angeles not including it in the program in 2028 and Brisbane highly unlikely.

The Oceania champion said it was disappointing the American Olympic organisers had snubbed it, given the roots of breaking were in that country.

“It was disappointing that it was decided before we’d even had a chance to show it, so I think that was possibly a little premature,” she said.

“I wonder if they’re kicking themselves now

Mmm nah I think they haven’t given it a second thought, for the same reason as to why they wouldn’t give a suggestion that thumb wrestling be included as an event a second thought. And if countries are putting up 36yos and fatties as their champions, I’d say they made the right call.

Also. She had a chance to “show it” and scored zero. She may not be the best advocate to spruik the excellence of the competitors of this event.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
August 11, 2024 12:21 pm

We became friends with people from the UK High Commission. Not with folks from the Australian HC who were arrogant stupid ANU twats.

That could be written today, about almost any DFAT staff.

August 11, 2024 12:23 pm

It is amazing how threatened you lot are by the sight of a woman with confidence.

Dickless, I’m not threatened by Kari Lake, Tulsi Gabbard, Judge Janine, Dana Perino, Liz Storer etc.

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 11, 2024 12:24 pm

m0nty is right! In fact, I think there should be an event for women’s confidence. Just go out there and be confident. Nothing else.

Actually, all minority and disadvantaged groups should be able to compete as well. No white males of course.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 11, 2024 12:44 pm

Revealed: How Mossad kills its enemies – from paralysing injections and electrocution to poison toothpaste and AI machine guns, DAVID PATRIKARAKOS reveals the secrets of the world’s deadliest assassins
Daily Mail.

August 11, 2024 12:44 pm

I was listening to VDH earlier about where the Trump campaign could go now to win in November.

He reckons they should go absolutely ruthless, as Lee Atwater did for Bush snr. Atwater took over the campaign in the final stages of the 1988 election. I recall the 1988 campaign very clearly. VDH reminded us how Snr was around 17 points behind Dukakis and ended up winning by 8 points, all done within 90 days of the election. Atwater painted Dukakis as an out-of-field dangerous leftwinger, and ads came out about the famous Willie Horton incident. Horton was a black criminal who was let out of jail early and straightaway murdered someone. It was big news then.

I don’t know; perhaps it’s just my perception. Trump appears to me to have slowed down since the assassination attempt and has lost his verve.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 11, 2024 12:45 pm

I was just randomly reading stuff across the interwebs and came across a page where a historian decided to do one of those “Great Opening Lines” lists but of ancient historical texts instead of just English texts of the last few centuries.

This is the opening of an ancient Sumerian poem called Inanna and Ebih.

Inanna (known as Ishtar in Akkadian and Babylonian civilisations) was Godess of sex, fertility, procreation, sensuality and, most to the point of the piece below, of war.

“Goddess of the fearsome divine powers, clad in terror, riding on the great divine powers, Inana, made complete by the strength of the holy ankar weapon, drenched in blood, rushing around in great battles, with shield resting on the ground (?), covered in storm and flood, great lady Inana, knowing well how to plan conflicts, you destroy mighty lands with arrow and strength and overpower lands.”

Creates an overwhelming and terrible impression. Around 4,000 years old, too.

August 11, 2024 12:45 pm
August 11, 2024 12:47 pm

The thing about the Pommy establishment is that they are arrogant as if Britain were still a force to be reckoned with.

August 11, 2024 12:47 pm


August 11, 2024 12:05 pm

It is amazing how threatened you lot are by the sight of a woman with confidence.

Even as a fully transitioned fat lesbian, you don’t threaten anyone, Fatboy.
Stop devouring so much food.

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
Black Ball
Black Ball
August 11, 2024 12:53 pm

It is amazing how threatened you lot are by the sight of a woman with confidence.

The fat khunt actually said this.
No it’s the other way around dickhead. You lot are threatened by women being actual woman. Like Kean, Moira Deeming. Riley Gaines. Our Cassie.
Monty, go phuck yourself.

August 11, 2024 12:53 pm
Oh come on
Oh come on
August 11, 2024 12:59 pm

To give m0nty his due, Marcia Langton is pretty scary. I’m far from certain that her scowl isn’t able to turn people to stone.

August 11, 2024 1:00 pm
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 11, 2024 1:00 pm

Last nite, for wont of anything better to watch, we settled on Netflix’s TV movie of Jane Austen’s ‘Persuasion’. We didn’t make it all the way through. Incredulous at first at how the story was presented, with the heroine turned into an all-knowing you-to-girl, totally counter to the book’s intent, we winced in pain at this destruction of Austen’s perceptions. To say nothing of the casting of about 50/50 black vs indigenous Britishers, which was also a major draw-back. All was turned into a Brigerton Rom-Com with today’s Rom-Com dialects also translating Austen’s crisp assessements.

Aha, says Hairy, sitting at the dining table over his tablet gadget, idley only glancing at it while sharing this movie with me across our open plan rooms, where I sit properly on a sofa taking it all in. Here’s the review, he announces. I thought I’d seen it, he says. Deborah Ross in The Spectator. Headlined ‘Everyone involved in this production should be in prison’. Yep. So we went click on it towards the end. Just couldn’t stand it any longer.

August 11, 2024 1:01 pm


August 11, 2024 12:55 pm

Reply to  JC

He’s 78.

And over the last 4 years he’s been through hell.

And then the assassination attempt…it must all have an effect on even the most combative personality.

From the first week after the 16 election they’ve put him through absolute hell and back.

August 11, 2024 1:02 pm
August 11, 2024 1:02 pm
Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
August 11, 2024 1:06 pm

Just had one of those moments of complete revelatory joy, like in the Great Gatsby when Nick bathes in the sunshine of Gatsby modestly overturning that bozo’s accusations of false claims to Oxford…
Went to K-mart with the eldest. I hate K-mart- the piles of clothes slipped of the rack, the cheap plastic everything, the low energy Karen staff, the battery hen check-out, the dill with the scanner at the door checking that you’re not shoplifting $3 worth of tat, the gay rainbow everything- but youngster was printing photos, needed a cash card, etc, so in we go, me having a minor amount of fun impersonating a bitter and confused old man-
Got done, got to the exit where said authority-lite adolescent is tazering receipts without eye contact, all the cattle club members filing through for compliance-
Three kids just stand in single file, a yard in between, receipts in one hand and goods in the other, palm outwards at shoulder height, staring straight ahead. Young staffer was filthy, blushing, I assume the pisstaking shoppers were his classmates, riffing with hilarious “K-mart Club Member 6079, Smith, W!” and “No Fruit! Two Weeks!” while staring at the exits, a brilliant mash-up of Ivan Denisovich and malicious compliance.
Made my day, restored my faith that the kids are alright and paying attention too.

August 11, 2024 1:08 pm
August 11, 2024 1:08 pm

I don’t know; perhaps it’s just my perception. Trump appears to me to have slowed down since the assassination attempt and has lost his verve.

Trump’s recent 1 hour long news conference, taking dozens of questions from the scumbags, was as good as you’ll get.

August 11, 2024 1:13 pm

Roger and I were talking about Australia’s potential enemies since WW2. I was suggesting that Australia was capable of defending its approaches from potential peer enemies; that didn’t include USSR or China.

Nothing to do with me. I’ve been responding to your “what’s wrong” comment.

Not sure how Russia is relevant here but still, anyone waving their poms poms for the US shouldn’t be speaking about sovereignty.

Russia is relevant because you appear to have the hots for anyone aligned with the Klepto.

I’m not blaming anyone. I’m arguing that the Phillipines doesn’t want to be dragged into a regional war because the US wants to contain China.

Your basically nit picking. All international relationships have issues here and there that doesn’t impact the substance nor the reasons for the alliance. As a matter of fact, a new US base has been approved by the Philippine government.

These Russians, are they in the room with us right now?

You’ve really thrown out the kid with the dirty water. There’s a lot to criticize the US for, but to openly side with the Klepto, the CCP, Iran and recently North Korea.. that’s like sinking into the Mariana Trench with lead weights. Please snap out of it and write more things like the Oakeshott opinions you once posted. They were really good.

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
August 11, 2024 1:14 pm
August 11, 2024 1:18 pm

Dr. John Campbell

Global excess deaths

August 11, 2024 1:19 pm
August 11, 2024 1:21 pm

I think it’s become obvious since 2016 that the legacy meja is evil, dishonest and deserves to die. Even more so apparent in Britain over the last 2 or 3 weeks.

August 11, 2024 1:31 pm

Cernovich reckons (on Twitter) the stolen valor stuff along with the tons of vid showing Walz lying his arse off about himself is really beginning to hurt the campaign. And there’s more to come.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 11, 2024 1:31 pm

University of Tasmania lecturer Adel Yousif outrages Jewish community over ‘Hamas is legitimate’ claimMatthew Denholm
6 minutes ago


A senior university lecturer has ­repeatedly described Hamas as a “legitimate resistance movement” and denied Israel’s right to exist “in its current form”, sparking ­complaints from the Jewish ­community.
University of Tasmania food scientist Adel Yousif, who has Palestinian heritage, has been a guest speaker at multiple pro-Palestinian events in recent months, expressing views described by some as “Hamas propaganda”.
Complaints to UTAS have so far met with a defence of Dr Yousif, on free speech grounds, while he told The Australian he was “not a Hamas supporter“ and opposed only the “current Israeli model of incessant violent colonisation”.
Concerns within the Jewish community focus in part on information authored by Dr Yousif and shown on a projector screen at an “Educators for Peace” event in Hobart on June 26.
It lists “misconceptions”, including that “Israel has a right to exist”. “It does not have the right to exist in its current form of bigotry, racism and apartheid,” Dr Yousif’s projection says.
Another “misconception”, it states, is that Hamas is a terrorist organisation. “Every colonisation project in history has a legitimate resistance movement,” says the projection, which appeared to have been removed from Facebook after inquiries by The Australian.
The Executive Council of Australian Jewry condemned the material. “Hamas (is) a designated terrorist organisation which has butchered, raped, mutilated and kidnapped civilians in Israel,” said Peter Wertheim, the executive council’s co-chief executive.
“It is bad enough that this sort of Orwellian propaganda is being disseminated to teachers … it is truly horrifying to think that this is all in preparation for teachers to indoctrinate their students with the same hateful lies, and with the imprimatur of a university.”

August 11, 2024 1:36 pm

Waltz even more repulsive than the repulsive Tim Kaine.

The way Wikipedia tells these poisonous mediocrities finished their bludge degrees summa cum laude– big bloody whoop.

August 11, 2024 1:37 pm
Last edited 1 month ago by Indolent
August 11, 2024 1:46 pm

Walz dissing the National Guard.

100% piece of shit.

As Minneapolis was burning his disgusting wife said that she opened the window to breathe the smell of the city was trashed and burnt.

The American left.

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
August 11, 2024 1:57 pm

Beneath despicable

August 11, 2024 1:58 pm

A teacha – those who can do, those who can’t teach and then become pollimuppetts

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 11, 2024 2:00 pm

Raygun got ahead of herself, though. She began to get high on her own supply, and so she no doubt politicked and networked to get herself selected for the Australian Olympic team.

Of course, upon Raygun’s return, questions will be asked.
And it won’t be “How did someone who was so obviously shithouse at what she did get a gig in Paris?
No, no.
Perish the thought.
It will be, “Where is the government funding so that shithouse performers in fringe activities can reach the level of mediocre and get more free taxpayer funded gigs?

Last edited 1 month ago by Sancho Panzer
August 11, 2024 2:06 pm

Our systems have, for years, had all the fat cut out of them to feed the voracious appetite of the bureaucracy.
It’s as simple as that – the growth of government and its parasitic arms are now threatening the health of the people.

I am not sure about that:
*Who decides exactly what is stored – Bureaucrats.
*Who decides the level of each items storage – Bureaucrats.
*Who decides where it is stored – Bureaucrats.
*Who decides who owns the storage facilities – Bureaucrats.
*Who decides the manning levels of each facility – Bureaucrats.
*Who decides the rules about restocking and checking such premises – Bureaucrats.
*Who decides what rules, industrial rates awards etc this comes under – Bureaucrats.

The bureaucracy would love to store stuff, what a boondoggle that would be!

The problem, as it is, comes from the JIT (Just In Time) principles of modern manufacturing and production. It can only deal with known forecasts of needs though. If someone decides, without warning, to start storing stuff and buying it in great quantities and the manufacturers are unaware of that, sudden shortages are the result.

Question – Why don’t we make more here? Our governents all believe in competitive tendering for goods, lowest price that meets the requirements wins. That lets in all the overseas suppliers. If we had protectionism, again, the local prices would go ballistic, like they did before tarifs were removed.

BTW – Bureaurocrats are not judged or measured on buying something local to help local industry or the tax payers, they are measured on meeting the requirement at the lowest cost and on time deliveries.

We are our own worst enemies, and usually get what we deserve .. sadly.

August 11, 2024 2:10 pm

He keeps teasing about this more to come on the creep side.

Aug 10

What DEI people don’t understand. We don’t see “someone who looks like us” and immediately like them. Race doesn’t matter. Tim Walz’s red flags were obvious. He looked like a blow hard and also creepy. Stranger danger red alert. What else will we learn about the “coach.”

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 11, 2024 2:12 pm
August 11, 2024 2:22 pm

If Raygun is the Oceana champion, just more than a moment, think about how crap the others must have been in the same competition.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 11, 2024 2:27 pm

Brian D.

54 minutes ago
If October 7th wasn’t an atrocity committed by a terrorist organisisation, I’d like the good professor’s definition what just what a terrorist organisation is. 

Salvatore - Iron Publican
August 11, 2024 2:32 pm

Dr. Raygun – for Doctor she is (doctor of breakdancing, fhs) a lecturer of Breakdancing – with her memorable Olympic performance, is a textbook example of academia getting involved in industry.

Cassie of Sydney
August 11, 2024 2:33 pm

A senior university lecturer has ­repeatedly described Hamas as a “legitimate resistance movement” and denied Israel’s right to exist “in its current form”, sparking ­complaints from the Jewish ­community.

Which means this ‘university professor’ regards rape and murder as legitimate, and when he says Israel has no right to exist in it’s current form, he means Israel has no right to exist at all, meaning the genocide of all Jews living between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean.

Hmm, sounds very Nazi to me.

Oh and memo to our resident Nazi, since you’ve spent years here smearing those you don’t ‘ like as “fascists’ and ‘Nazis’, perhaps you could condemn the above words?

Oh sorry, in order to condemn those words, you would first need to disagree with those words, and that you don’t… you?

Last edited 1 month ago by Cassie of Sydney
Cassie of Sydney
August 11, 2024 2:41 pm

It is amazing how threatened you lot are by the sight of a woman with confidence.

I tell you the women I respect, it’s those confident Iranian women who discard their muzzle aka chador in public, bearing their magnificent hair so they can feel the wind blow through it, and by doing so these women incur the wrath of those same medieval mullahs you support. The punishment metered out to such confident women for their crime of feeling the wind blow through their hair? Imprisonment, whipping and in some circumstances…….execution.

Nazi, don’t you dare ever lecture us about ‘confident women’. I will never forget your chortles of laughter when confident women were bashed and nearly lynched in an Auckland Park. You are a hypocrite

Last edited 1 month ago by Cassie of Sydney
Cassie of Sydney
August 11, 2024 2:48 pm

I’ve just returned from shopping with my elderly and very frail mother at Bondi Junction. We went to Spotlight, a store we both love. Mum’s physique is shrinking by the day, and so I lost her in the store I couldn’t find her and I panicked, eventually finding her surrounded by Manchester.

I have some wonderful news, after months of anxiety and sadness, my nephew and his wife are expecting a baby. So at Spotlight I bought some wool, I’m going to knit a baby blanket!

August 11, 2024 3:08 pm
August 11, 2024 3:19 pm

From Courier Mail. Multiple arrests is 4 and “large” is 40.

“Multiple arrests have been made during a large Brisbane CBD demonstration involving members of a white supremacist group dressed in black and wearing face masks”.

I think this is first time Brisbane had such a walk through.

August 11, 2024 3:22 pm

You do have to wonder whether her “right side of history” actually killed her.


Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has died from lung cancer. She became infamous for implementing heavy-handed censorship during Covid, but was confident she was “on the right side of history.”

Here she describes how YouTube scrambled to take down the “Plandemic” documentary back in 2020 for violating YouTube’s misinformation policies.

August 11, 2024 3:25 pm

Thanks for the pointer to CL’s article- he doesn’t like the Murdochs and nor do I.

August 11, 2024 3:26 pm

DiL off to present a paper at international conference that shows others summations of cause and effect are the complete opposite of what they’ve been saying for years. She’d been doing the study for her Phd when covid came along and couldn’t continue with it. Now she’s had it published and is going to cause ructions in the field. The best thing is her Professor’s thought what she was doing was of not much value so never claimed input of which was zero anyway. Just think, she could have been doing something like breakdancing really badly instead.

Titus Groates
Titus Groates
August 11, 2024 3:27 pm

Just returned fron jogging (if I can call it that), the City2surf.

Last year there were lots of ‘Yes’ Voice activists waving thir placards from bridges over the course. This year the first bridge had a bunch of Hamas activists waving Pali flags wearing t-shirts spelling out Free Palestine.

I was a little surprised how many runners/walkers were waving, putting their hands up in support. As I passed under the bridge I caught the eye of a flag waver and rather uncouthly for a gentleman such as myself, flipped him an enormous and cranky bird.

Later on there were quite a few groups waving Israeli flags with lots of posters of missing loved ones asking “Bring them home”. Very happy to give them a smile and thumbs up as I wobbled slowly past.

August 11, 2024 3:34 pm

That GB news article posted bought up a good point on Starmer’s crackdown.

These courts are supercharged to push people through at an accelerated rate. To the point that due legal process such as consulting with lawyers isn’t feasible. How many of these sentences that go to appeal are going to be slapped down as excessive or denial of natural justice?

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 11, 2024 3:39 pm

Carlton doing a good impression of a female boxer up against a tranny in the footy. In real trouble.

August 11, 2024 3:40 pm

I’m a little surprised to not see the “V” symbol against a few walls.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
August 11, 2024 3:41 pm

Shoulda goose-stepped and seig-heiled for the Raghead R*pe Brigade, Titus.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 11, 2024 4:09 pm

aygun is actually Rachael Gunn, born in Hornsby, New South Wales.
She is a lecturer at Macquarie University with a PhD in cultural studies.
That tenth rate intellectual cesspit again. Always was always will be unless it’s shut down as it deserves to be.

We have to remember that this intellectual cesspit was a former dairy.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 11, 2024 4:13 pm

Married at nine: the law that adds to child bride agonyA million girls are forcibly wed each month before their 18th birthday. Now Iraq is worsening the pain.

From the Oz.

August 11, 2024 4:22 pm

Spent a few days last week on the west coast of Sweden. Seaside towns were teeming with Swedish tourists enjoying the sunny summer weather, jam-packed marinas everywhere. Then came the wind and rain with temperatures of Australian winter.

Swedish people are very lovely but so uptight about separating their rubbish into more and more categories, down to recycling bins for different colour glass bottles and jars.

Lots of Teslas on the road and even saw a charging station with over a dozen chargers with half of them in use.

I saw just one Palestinian flag and that was in the front yard of a house in deep rural west coast.

By the way, electricity is cheap in Sweden and my relatives were horrified when I told them how much I pay for it in Australia.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 11, 2024 4:31 pm

John Pike’s book “Vietnam and the Cold War 1945 – 1954” contains the account of the German legionnaire, who shot his commanding officer, and deserted to the Viet Minh, to avoid the predatory attentions of said (homosexual) commanding officer..

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 11, 2024 4:38 pm

I’ve just read the total tongue-bath Nikki Gemmell gave to Kamala Harris in the Weekend Australian magazine. It’s all about the vibe and how great it is, all for women and girls, Harris a ‘lightening rod for all that female rage’, Kamala ‘telling it straight with a twinkle in her eye’. JD Vance, pfft, an ‘easy target’, a ‘woman-hater’. Not a word about any policies and real reasons to vote for this piece of female fluff puppetry in Obama’s pocket.

Makes me wish women had never been given the vote. By Gemmell’s intellectual lights, we don’t deserve it. Guess I’m glad that some women are definitely made of sterner stuff and not so easly led. Too few of us though.

August 11, 2024 4:38 pm

By the way, electricity is cheap in Sweden and my relatives were horrified when I told them how much I pay for it in Australia.

Hydro balanced with nuclear.

The Swedes are not as stupid as they often appear to outsiders.

August 11, 2024 4:44 pm

Sweden just has the same problem we do- a spiteful, detached, contemptuous and stupid political class.

August 11, 2024 4:47 pm

I have stolen this, unashamedly, from Jo Nova’s site, because it is so important that it be known:

You will be refused bail even if you only watched riots from the sidelines, judge warns

A judge has warned that anybody present at a riot will be remanded in custody, even if they were only a “curious observer”.
District Judge Francis Rafferty said that someone’s presence at a riot made them involved in the riot as he refused two bail applications.
The judge spoke as four men appeared in Belfast magistrates’ court charged in relation to disorder in the city.
Refusing bail, the judge said: “Anybody involving themselves in this type of behaviour, this type of disorder, as an active participant or a curious observer can expect to be, save for the most exceptional circumstances, remanded into custody, and this defendant is remanded into custody.”

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 11, 2024 4:50 pm

Caaarrrton flogged by the Hawks – out of the finals.

Makes me feel a bit better after Collingwood were beaten by the umpires last night.

August 11, 2024 4:53 pm

Good news for Craig McLachlan. He is returning to acting. Has signed on for a film. Great to hear. He was almost destroyed by the “Me Too”,crap.

August 11, 2024 4:59 pm

These courts are supercharged to push people through at an accelerated rate.

Plead guilty and you could be out in two years.
Fight us and you’ll be denied bail, placed on Remand with a court date sometime in 2026 and you’ll serve every day of your sentence with no chance of parole.

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 11, 2024 5:06 pm

I’ve just read the total tongue-bath Nikki Gemmell gave to Kamala Harris in the Weekend Australian magazine.

I remember Nikki Gemmell when she was on JJJ reading the news. She would banter with the DJs after the read and she thought she was absolutely hilarious. I mean, I guess it was good she laughed at her own jokes because at least that meant someone did.

No surprise she’s become a garden variety hack.

August 11, 2024 5:11 pm

Just more proof that the meja is part of the problem and has been for decades.

August 11, 2024 5:13 pm

The Murdochs and the other dinosaur outlets don’t like Musk- shows there is a lot to like about him. I’ll forgive him for his cars.

August 11, 2024 5:13 pm

The Oz (from The Times) has an article up having a big swipe at Musk and Twitter. Comments so far all appear to support Musk.

August 11, 2024 5:20 pm

You picked up a comment I made to Roger via Vicki. That was the context in which ‘peer enemy’ was used.

It was all related anyway.

This, again, is your fantasy, not mine.

It’s mind-reading, Dover. Recall, you were very much in support of mind reading when I was critical of anyone doing it, so I’m just following your lead here.

It’s hardly nitpicking. The Philippines, just as we are, is being forced to choose between the US and China, when it would prefer friendly relations with both.

Friendly relations between the Philippines and China? Sure thing, as long as the Philippines accedes to all claims to the South China Sea. When that happens, the CCP would love to have great relations. Until then, it will keep trying to take islands and areas that belong to its neighbors.

And it’s being made to do that because the former needs to maintain and/or augment those forward bases to contain China and would be punished if it didn’t.

LOl, made to whom? The bad old US? You’re dreaming. If the Philippines wanted to close down relations with the US, it could do so tomorrow. However, however the US is in middle of constructing another base, so the relationship is as bad as you trying to make out. Furthermore, there would be need, if the CCP wasn’t trying to take over a waterway that doesn’t belong to China.

Hardly, I just have come to the conclusion that there will be no possibility of change in the US without a major external shock.

Sure, but you don’t hope for any external shocks for those arseholes you support, right?
Have you ever considered what a world dominated by Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea would be like? You really want to live in that world, or pretending to, but hoping in it never happens, because I tell you, it won’t be fun.

August 11, 2024 5:30 pm

The Pommy establishment’s only tactic is attack your own people (well ones who don’t speak naicly) and shoot the messenger. Dad always told me that Stephen Ward’s treatment was the way said establishment operated.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
August 11, 2024 5:31 pm

“Neoliberal capitalism has led to the rise of fascism.”

This has to be a candidate for peak ABC.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
August 11, 2024 5:33 pm

Speaking of dunderheads – where’s propeller head Bowen been recently?

No mention of the no wind/sun ruinables? So cheap.

You can get his propeller cap from China (Temu) for $7.07.

August 11, 2024 5:36 pm

I have been to a few breakdancing competitions. Most are run by the Phillipinos here in Oz.. Fantastic. Quick, rhythmic, innovative. Plenty of girls. Competition is fierce, artistic and in good spirit. Raygun is a complete disgrace. Pathetic display of academic, DEI, fat. entitlement. Her kangaroo bit was called bunny hopping by some. Ha.

Cassie of Sydney
August 11, 2024 5:46 pm

Good news for Craig McLachlan. He is returning to acting. Has signed on for a film. Great to hear. He was almost destroyed by the “Me Too”,crap.

Yep, agree 100%. McLachlan lost everything, not just his career but tonnes of money. He was ruined financially. And remember, he faced criminal charges, an actual trial, where he was found not guilty. I suspect he’d be the first to take his hat off to his partner, Vanessa Scammell, who’s one strong and classy woman, unlike the nasty mediocrities who accused him.

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
August 11, 2024 5:49 pm

Raygun is a complete disgrace. Pathetic display of academic, DEI, fat. entitlement. Her kangaroo bit was called bunny hopping by some. Ha.

I saw it but am still shaking my head, words can’t describe the acute level of cringe involved in that spectacle.

The mere fact this sad excuse for a human thought her performance was good is a sad indictment on Australia’s mental health services but exposes Australian Academia as a sheltered workshop not worthy of the Spastic Society.

That is all – double away smartly

August 11, 2024 5:51 pm

This weekend’s WSJ opinion piece. Pretty decent article.

What’s Behind the Violent U.K. Riots

England’s poor white communities are fed up with mass immigration and two-tier policing.


Dominic Green

Aug. 9, 2024 5:28 pm ET

In the wake of the fatal stabbing of three children at a Taylor Swift-themed event, people attend the ‘Enough is Enough’ protest in London, July 31.


The English are rioting again. Three girls—ages 6, 7 and 9—were killed and 10 other people wounded in a knife attack at a Taylor Swift-themed event for children at Southport, near Liverpool, on July 29. The police arrested the suspected killer, whom they identified as a Welshman, and said they weren’t treating the incident as “terror-related.” Yet rumors spread that the killer was a Muslim immigrant. A day after the knife attack, a white mob rioted at Southport, attacking its mosque and fighting the police.

A few days later, on Aug. 1, the suspect was named as Axel Rudakubana, 17, the Welsh-born son of Rwandan immigrants. By then, anti-Muslim riots had erupted in several northern English cities and in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Police, the media and the new prime minister, Labour’s Keir Starmer, denounced the riots as “far-right thuggery” and blamed social-media companies for allowing the “violent disorder” to be “whipped up online.” Rumors that the far right would mobilize in turn summoned countermobs of masked, armed Muslim men, some of them shouting “Allahu akbar” and waving the Palestinian flag. In Birmingham, they attacked a pub under the false impression that far-right protesters were gathering there.

Immigration and crime have turned Britain—until the 1990s a generally homogenous, high-trust society—into a balkanized, low-trust society. The traditional model of “policing by consent,” rather than coercion, has collapsed. Police have failed to solve a single burglary in nearly half of English and Welsh neighborhoods over the past three years, and they haven’t slowed the knife-crime epidemic driven by turf wars and the drug trade. Unable to control the cities and intimidated by Islamists in particular, government officials and police officers have outsourced policing to “community leaders.” The law is applied unequally, and sometimes not at all.

These riots were years in the making. England’s poor whites are less “far right” than left behind. The ex-working class is three generations deep in postindustrial decay and welfare dependency. Labour, once the workers’ party, has abandoned the English poor for lifestyle liberalism and the Muslim vote. The most alarming incident in these riots—an attempt to torch a hotel housing asylum seekers—happened in Rotherham. A rundown northern town, Rotherham was the epicenter of the “grooming gangs” scandal. Between 1997 and 2013, an estimated 1,400 children were serially raped and trafficked in Rotherham by men of mostly Pakistani extraction. Police and local authorities were regularly alerted but looked the other way for decades to maintain community relations.

Police deny they practice two-tier justice. But plentiful evidence suggests otherwise—and shows whom they favor. “We will work with you guys for the best solution,” a police officer advised a Muslim counter-mob at Stoke-on-Trent on Aug. 3. “If there are any weapons or anything like that, what I would do is discard them in the mosque . . . We are not going to arrest anybody.”

West Midlands Police Superintendent Emlyn Richards explained to Sky News why his officers failed to stop pro-Muslim rioters in Birmingham from attacking the pub and menacing journalists. West Midlands officers expected a far-right protest, so the superintendent said they met with “community leaders” and “business leaders” prior to the protest “to understand the style of policing we needed to deliver.” Mr. Richards’s approach is similar to the way many Democratic officials and media members treated rioters during the 2020 George Floyd protests, mislabeling them as “mostly peaceful.”

Few communities have the privilege of choosing how they’re policed. The English majority isn’t among them. The poorest among them refuse to surrender the last of their birthright, their English way of life, to mass immigration and its effects. When they object, the left and the media call them “far right” and threaten them with prosecution under antiterrorist laws. But Britain’s actual far right is tiny and disorganized. The sentiments driving the white English onto the streets are mainstream. For years, the British have told pollsters that immigration levels are too high.

In a YouGov poll released Aug. 6, 82% of Britons called the violent riots that broke out after the knife attack “unjustified,” with 67% characterizing the people causing the unrest as “thugs.” But 6 in 10 Britons sympathized with peaceful protesters, and 42% thought they represented the views of most Britons. Conservatives and voters for Nigel Farage’s anti-immigration Reform UK party were most likely to feel “sympathy.” While only 25% of Britons blamed “Muslims” in general, 67% of respondents identified “immigration policy” as a cause of the unrest.

Respondents were more likely to blame the Conservatives’ 14-year failure to reduce immigration than the Labour government, which inherited the mess. This gives Mr. Starmer an opportunity to reject decades of failed policy and suggest how England can avoid a future resembling Northern Ireland at the height of the Troubles, when two-tier policing favored Protestants. For the U.K. is already in a new kind of trouble: In Belfast this month, Catholics and Protestants united against the police and immigrants.

But so far, he and Labour have failed to do so. Instead, they’re blaming a chimerical “far right” and devising new ways of tightening Britain’s already restrictive speech laws. Labour refuses to deport illegal migrants, and Mr. Starmer wants to release as many as 20,000 offenders from prison early—both recipes for further disorder. Saddam Hussein and Bashar al-Assad emptied their jails when they wanted to sow chaos. Mr. Starmer already has reaped more chaos than he can manage. Mass immigration and multiculturalism have failed. The police have lost the public. The government has lost the plot. And the English have had enough.

August 11, 2024 5:53 pm

From the piece. To highlight the laziness and incompetence of the UK police force.

Police have failed to solve a single burglary in nearly half of English and Welsh neighborhoods over the past three years, and they haven’t slowed the knife-crime epidemic driven by turf wars and the drug trade.

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
August 11, 2024 5:56 pm

amazing how threatened you lot are by the sight of a woman with confidence

I liked it when she did The Slug … made me chuckle

anyway, not really threatened

more like laughing our arses off along with the rest of the world at

incompetent, incapable, unaccountable, and clearly more than a little bit mental

like we do with you everyday mUnty

Last edited 1 month ago by MatrixTransform
August 11, 2024 5:58 pm

 Australian Academia as a sheltered workshop not worthy of the Spastic Society.

Very well said. On a related topic, I know these Grad Cert-Grad Dip-Masters degrees have been for sale since the 90s (at least). I didn’t think so in the case of undergraduate Engineering courses but I’m beginning to wonder.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 11, 2024 6:11 pm

Danger Reviews:

This is getting silly. I was forced to reedit and unlist the original vid. Full version on X, PAtreon and YTmembers. I am not going to take the knee for these Mike Hunts.

August 11, 2024 6:12 pm

You will be refused bail even if you only watched riots from the sidelines, judge warns

Aww …

do you reckon they’re are they gonna send more convicts over when the prison hulks get filled up?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 11, 2024 6:42 pm

University of Tasmania lecturer Adel Yousif outrages Jewish community over ‘Hamas is legitimate’ claim
From the Oz.

Commenters cite the old cliche about “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter..”

August 11, 2024 6:44 pm

August 11, 2024 1:31 pm

Cernovich reckons (on Twitter) the stolen valor stuff along with the tons of vid showing Walz lying his arse off about himself is really beginning to hurt the campaign. And there’s more to come.

You get the feeling the should be holding fire on this till closer to Nov?

August 11, 2024 6:51 pm

I’m far from certain that her scowl isn’t able to turn people to stone.

That is just silly. Curdling milk on the other hand…

August 11, 2024 6:54 pm

A lot if discussion on twitter about the cringeworthy Australian ‘break dancer’.
She’s a 36 year old gender studies type Sydney based university lecturer who seems to have had an agenda.
And exactly the demographic that shouts break Dancer.

August 11, 2024 6:56 pm

He (waltz) looked like a blow hard and also creepy

I’m not sure the dumbocrats have thought this whole waltz thing out properly. Given he’s a bland fat white middle aged collectivist mediocrity and massive fatal coronary waiting to happen, it’s inevitable that all he’ll simply do is make the cackling kamel look like even more of a sideshow alley freak than she already is.

As for the raygun, if she didn’t exist, satirists would have had to invent her. Evidently, she should be grateful she wasn’t awarded a negative score.

August 11, 2024 6:58 pm

Also many many accounts pointing out that a male Muslim would never touch an unrelated female Muslim, let alone hoist them up for a shoulder ride.

August 11, 2024 7:00 pm

I remember rare occasions when Tharunka was entertaining one being an article where ‘cold toast eaters’ were defended a Macquarie Uni don. I once read a Macquarie Uni Handbook (before the internet had taken off) and it was like a spoof- ‘gender and power’ sort of shite. A poisonous sapphic coven if ever there was one. The worst.

August 11, 2024 7:02 pm

right … I’m calling it …

Iran will get nukes by colonizing the British isles

and Keir Starmer will hand over the launch codes along with a note from his mum

pete of perth
pete of perth
August 11, 2024 7:04 pm

Does Raygun have pronouns?

August 11, 2024 7:07 pm

So the filthy French have wrecked the Olympics.
The only surprise there is they didn’t include their national pass time as an event.
Which is a shame, because Australia might have been a medal contender in pimping. Unless Russia was in the games.

August 11, 2024 7:09 pm

Cassie of Sydney
August 11, 2024 2:33 pm

A senior university lecturer has ­repeatedly described Hamas as a “legitimate resistance movement” and denied Israel’s right to exist “in its current form”, sparking ­complaints from the Jewish ­community.

Which means this ‘university professor’ regards rape and murder as legitimate, and when he says Israel has no right to exist in it’s current form, he means Israel has no right to exist at all, meaning the genocide of all Jews living between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean.

I wonder if he sounds like Norman Finkelstein as well?

You know? Like a castrated ferret.

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 11, 2024 7:18 pm

Roger and I were talking about Australia’s potential enemies since WW2. I was suggesting that Australia was capable of defending its approaches from potential peer enemies

Not that Australia was capable of defending its own shores in WWII.

This was a nation that did not have a single Spitfire or Hurricane flying in its defence when the Japanese arrived.

This was a nation that saw clearly marked enemy aircraft overfly its major cities of Sydney and Melbourne to survey the target area – and did not fire a shot in response.

This was a nation that saw ships sunk off its shores by the score by enemy submarines, and sank a meagre four in response.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 11, 2024 7:42 pm

John Pike describes how some French senior officers must have had a damnfine war, indeed – alcohol at breakfast, wine at lunch, followed by a siesta, and an exclusive, high class sporting house, for senior officers only, close handy…..

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
August 11, 2024 7:54 pm

At the risk of getting carted off by two-tier Keir: only loser surfers, skateboarders and probably break dancers would be seen dead at the Olympics. Skaters and (proper) surfers despise the commercialisation of both sports. The Torquay surfer robber barons have a lot to answer for. Hope I haven’t committed a crime Keir. But how would you know?

August 11, 2024 7:56 pm

You would imagine, given the U.K. government resources likely being devoted to tracking Mr. Tommy Robinson (phone & email interception, ‘strangers’ approaching him trying to provoke a certain response (which will be recorded), and confidants leaned on heavily), that if the bloke was as evil as claimed, there’d be selective grubbermint leaks and a solid legal case built by now.

  1. Now over 4000 injured says Arutz Sheva. Blasts in Beirut: Hezbollah pagers explode, over 4,000 injured, 11 dead (17 Sep)…

  2. Hezzies got hezzed .. LOL!

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x