Open Thread – Weekend 21 Sept 2024

Picnic Under The Trees, Julius LeBlanc Stewart, 1895

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September 21, 2024 12:17 am

I see Chris Kenny yet again failing to read the room in his article about Welcome to Country.
Have never before seen the author of an article at the Australian make so many reply comments. Looks like at least 80% disagree with him..

John H.
John H.
September 21, 2024 12:40 am


 September 20, 2024 6:34 pm

My view is that Howard was charmed. Turnbull, debonair, deceptive, connected, wealthy, reputation stacked up on paper. A great “win”, bringing him in from Labor.

And there was the crikit connection.

Howard was not a good judge of character here. I’ve made similar mistakes, but then I’m not PM.

As others have noted before me, Trump is a type of Turing test. They hate him, but they can never tell you why. To face reality, they’d have to admit they’re in thrall to what the media endlessly pumps out rather than rational individuals. And that they will never do.

He claims to be a very stable genius, Tom reckons his IQ is 150+, but he was repeatedly and manipulated by a woman he claims has a very low IQ and is crazy.
He insists he won the debate despite overwhelming polling.
He continually boasts about his intelligence. In doing so he reifies Hawking’s comment about those who boast about their IQ.
He has on multiple occasions said “I know more about X than anybody”.
He lies too often.
He said water destroys magnets.
He said that immigrants are taking 100% of jobs, actually much more than that.
His response to the question about childcare at the Economy Club of New York was incomprehensible gibberish.
He claims English professors said what he did with “weaving” during speeches was brilliant and not rambling yet never named one person to support that claim.
He is always playing the victim card.
But wait, there’s so much more.

This is all on the public record. It is not about what the media states, it is about his statements all available on YT.

Turing test? Ironically are bots that can generate more rational responses than Trump.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 21, 2024 12:41 am

John Stossel:

Americans fear speaking about Islam – and with good reason. Ten cartoonists were murdered for drawing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad. Other critics have been shot, firebombed, and hacked to death.

Stossel interviews people brave enough to speak out, like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who is on an Al Qaeda “Wanted Dead or Alive” hit list, and Bosch Fawstin, who won the “Draw Mohammad” cartoon event in Garland, Texas that was attacked by Islamic gunmen. They argue that if Americans want freedom, everyone must refuse to be censored by violent extremists.

Classic Stossel: Free Speech and Islam

September 21, 2024 12:45 am

Why not he sez .. 4th …………!

  1. John Stossel: Americans fear speaking about Islam – and with good reason. Ten cartoonists were murdered for drawing cartoons of…

  2. calli September 20, 2024 6:34 pmMy view is that Howard was charmed. Turnbull, debonair, deceptive, connected, wealthy, reputation stacked up on…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x