Open Thread – Mon 23 Sept 2024

The Hunt of Diana, Arnold Bรถcklin, 1896

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September 25, 2024 5:04 pm

Jim Rickards provides another great analysis:

I. The Steal Begins: Secret Service Put In Charge Of Counting Votes

Democrat efforts to steal the 2020 presidential election are very well documented. In key states such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin, requirements that mail-in ballots have signatures on the ballot and the envelope that could be compared were ignored. Other mail-in ballots were discarded after supposedly being โ€œcountedโ€ so that no paper trail existed.

Ballot harvesting from assisted living facilities and apartment buildings was conducted with no verification that any of the residents actually filled-in their ballots. Other supposed mail-in ballots appeared without creases (meaning they had never been mailed) with 95-1 pro-Biden ratios (statistically impossible).

A โ€˜water leakโ€™ caused an evacuation of a large vote counting centre in Atlanta so that poll watchers were ejected while the counting went on without supervision.
Mark Zuckerberg and his wife donated hundreds of millions of dollars to assist communities with vote counting efforts, but the money went overwhelmingly to Democratic districts.
It took all of that and more for Biden to eke out a narrow victory.

The idea that the courts rejected the voter fraud claims is false. The courts refused to hear the cases based on procedural grounds such as standing, venue, jurisdiction and laches (waiting too long to bring the claim). Thatโ€™s quite different from reaching the merits of the claims, which was never done.
The Republicans have improved their game this time around. They have over 500 lawyers on call to deal in real time with fraud allegations, there is no pandemic excuse to deny poll watchers a chance to do their jobs and theyโ€™re getting better at ballot harvesting from their own districts. This has forced the Democrats to resort to even more desperate techniques to steal the 2024 election.

One plan is to declare Trump an โ€˜insurrectionistโ€™ on 6 January 2025, so that his Electoral Votes can be disqualified even if he won the most on Election Day. To back up their 6 January plan, the Department of Homeland Security, (the same people who opened the border) has put the Secret Service in charge of the Electoral College vote count.

This means if Republicans object to certain Electoral Votes on the day they are counted in the Capitol Building (a perfectly legitimate process) the Secret Service can act as goon squads to suppress any objections as an effort to โ€˜overturnโ€™ the election by โ€˜election deniersโ€™.

The main job of the Secret Service today is to facilitate the assassination of Donald Trump. If Trump survives to 6 January 2025, their main job will be to help rig the vote at the finish line.

September 25, 2024 5:10 pm

Thank God for Panadol.

Headache treatment in the early 1800s. CDC approved too , at the time. ๐Ÿ™‚

September 25, 2024 5:12 pm

Unfortunately the pharmacologist you mention did not get much mainstream media coverage. Even now would be lucky if 5% have heard his name. The reason being if many listened to his views they might become vaccine hesitant. Likewise if mainstream media early on had covered more on vaccine injuries would have created hesitancy.

AZ injuries and deaths became too obvious so they happily threw it under the bus as knew still had Pfizer. Weird how not one Pfizer death has been accepted in Australia.

I see Dr Nick Coatsworth has come out in Daily Mail to speak against the Misinformation Bill.

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 25, 2024 5:40 pm

Well I can start physiotherapy on this dodgy shoulder of mine. Have been doing light duties for a couple of weeks but felt good when the doc said no more sling. Which I haven’t used for a bit in any case.
So now off for a few frothies and chat with the boss about this new set of circumstances.

September 25, 2024 6:11 pm

Arnold is a bias looking for a cope.

Humans having nothing else that offers a better signal than financial markets even if one nation is far more dependent than another.

Bertrand seems to ignore the real estate markets in China which are in a severe downturn.

Yesterdayโ€™s economic support package isnโ€™t enough.

September 25, 2024 6:13 pm


 September 25, 2024 2:37 pm

 Reply to  Bruce of Newcastle

Some bits of civilization still work.

Elon Musk has made his fortune selling glorified golf carts to severely educated simpletons.

Iโ€™m dying to find his exit strategy from dumbdom.

I like the idea that the ultra greens who have bought Teslas are now funding Musk’s excursions into space. The very fossil fuel hungry rockets must be pissing off the rich and smug greenies.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 25, 2024 6:14 pm


State MP Gareth Ward turned up to parliament just after 4am on a Sunday morning wearing a โ€œT-shirt, underwear, (and) socks,โ€ with a gash on his head and smelling of alcohol, according to a secret security report โ€“ with Mr Ward claiming he walked to get a spare key after locking himself out of his apartment, and denying he was drunk.

The Daily Telegraph can now reveal bombshell allegations against the independent MP โ€“ who is due to face court next year over alleged sex offences โ€“ following a months-long investigation into an incident in the early hours of Sunday July 21.

What is it about Parliament Houses???

Daily Tele

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 25, 2024 6:19 pm

On health matters, I am quite fond of The Glucose Goddess as a communicator about the complex biochemistry of insulin resistance, the cause of much obesity and type 2 diabetes in modern societies – she is a biochemist who can speak in good metaphors, as she does here in an interview on the basics of her approach.

Insulin resistance is a major health issue that we are going to hear a lot more about as the more usual dietetic approach to this illness is challenged.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 25, 2024 6:20 pm

More on Gareth Ward MP for anyone who can’t get past the paywall, because this boy knows how to entertain the voters:

The July incident is the latest time Mr Ward has been caught in a compromising position.

Ok 1:

In 2020, the then-Families Minister was twice escorted home by police after being found sleepwalking naked.

In a statement at the time, NSW Police said officers had located โ€œnaked man standing in the doorway of another unitโ€.

โ€œAfter determining that was his residence, (police) escorted him inside.โ€
Mr Ward, who had earlier been admitted to hospital for a medical procedure, said he did not remember the incident.

โ€œI had a general anaesthetic. I was fine after the operation but when you go to sleep these things hit,โ€ he said.

After all, who hasn’t gone sleepwalking naked?

Ok 2:

In 2017, he was targeted in a blackmail scam in New York after ordering a massage to his hotel room.

Mr Ward said he paid $US100 via an online website for a โ€œnormal, standard massageโ€ and denied that he ordered a โ€œspecial massageโ€.

The then-Parliamentary Secretary said โ€œvery aggressiveโ€ African-American men arrived at his room at 10.30pm offering sexual services, demanding money.

They always do that. Nothing to see here.

Ok 3.

Mr Ward was suspended from parliament in 2022 after being charged with a string of offences including rape, indecent assault, and common assault.

Yes indeed. They don’t call him “The Member” for Kiama for nothing.

He was re-elected at the 2023 election.

September 25, 2024 6:34 pm

Who had Gene Simmons from Kiss and Twiggy Forest for September, Promoting a battery powered mining truck in LAs Vegas.
Like WTF?

September 25, 2024 6:34 pm

Not that it matters since the morons in the msm are leading the alarmist charge to destroy the West but here is a great rebuttal of the greenhouse notion and it’s role in man made global boiling; by my old mate, Aleksandr Zhitomirskiy:

(99+) About the Postulates of the Greenhouse Effect Theory | Aleksandr Zhitomirskiy –

September 25, 2024 6:35 pm

Elon Musk has made his fortune selling glorified golf carts to severely educated simpletons.
Iโ€™m dying to find his exit strategy from dumbdom.

I think he used to believe the AGW bullshit. However he has been red pilled severely and I suspect no longer buys into that very much.
Tesla has been very innovative not just in the “electric car” aspect but, in an industry already noted for streamlined mass production, has re-invented design and manufacturing processes.
Musk does slowly sell Tesla shares. SpaceX is worth well north of USD 100 billion and Musk has just over 50% of the votes and has completely upset the old aerospace industry paradigm. While Falcon 9 is made in a former aircraft factory, have a look at Starship. Nothing like an aircraft factory. It is a SHIP YARD.
 โ€œWhen ships to sail the void between the stars have been built, there will step forth men to sail these ships.โ€ Johannes Kepler

Elon is busy building those ships.

September 25, 2024 6:35 pm

So interestingly weโ€™re arriving at a situation where โ€œcommunist Chinaโ€ might be today the best example of free-market โ€˜creative destruction,โ€™

Dover, Arnie appears to be on hallucinogens.

There are nearly a dozen cases of disappearance of top business executives in recent years. However, the most sensational case was of Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma, China’s most famous and outspoken entrepreneur, who suddenly went out of public view in 2020 after a regulatory clampdown started on his business empire.

The mystery behind disappearing business tycoons in China
Compare that with Musk, hated by the left and continues to win.

Seriously, Arnie is a typical frog leftist imbecile who ought to be foraging for snails and frogs..

September 25, 2024 6:38 pm
September 25, 2024 6:49 pm

Compare that with Musk, hated by the left and continues to win.

He’s being severely monstered by the US Government and various of it’s constituent criminal gangs like the FAA, SEC, EPA etc.
If they thought they could get away with it they would disappear him.

September 25, 2024 6:53 pm
Cassie of Sydney
September 25, 2024 6:56 pm

It appears there is a push to ban Kellie-Jay Keen from this country. It’s all emanating from the ‘usual suspects’. Keen is due to speak at CPAC late next week.

Those mysterious clean cut music hall Grampian Nazis did a sterling job in smearing people.

Further to the little Johnny Pesutto/Moira Deeming legal imbroglio, a friend has said it best, he emailed me today to say that, after listening to Pesutto on and off this week in the witness box, he’d prefer that the criminal ALP stay in power rather than wimpy Pesutto ever become premier. My friend said that Pesutto is using his incompetence as his defence.

What a shitshow.

I also believe that Jeff Kennett, Matthew Guy, Georgie Crozier and David Southwick along with Pesutto are also to blame for this train wreck.

September 25, 2024 7:02 pm

In SFL news, Deeming-Pesutto defamation trial edition:

It was revealed in cross-examination of Pesutto today that Jeff Kennett had promised to deny pre-selection to Lib parliamentarians who provided affadavits as evidence in support of Deeming.

Last edited 6 minutes ago by Roger
September 25, 2024 7:04 pm

Wow. Kennet’s even worse than I thought.

September 25, 2024 7:06 pm

Snap, Cassie.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 25, 2024 7:07 pm
Cassie of Sydney
September 25, 2024 7:08 pm

It was revealed in cross-examination of Pesutto today that Jeff Kennett had promised to deny pre-selection to Lib parliamentarians who provided affadavits as evidence in support of Deeming.

Kennett is a thug.

September 25, 2024 7:08 pm

the whole Lib party in Vikko is rooted

these people disgusting … worse than Labor

Pesutto made a complete idiot of himself today

  1. the whole Lib party in Vikko is rooted these people disgusting … worse than Labor Pesutto made a complete idiot…

  2. It was revealed in cross-examination of Pesutto today that Jeff Kennett had promised to deny pre-selection to Lib parliamentarians who…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x