Open Thread – Mon 14 Oct 2024

Rainy Day in Paris, Gustave Caillebotte, 1877

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Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 15, 2024 3:24 am

That bloke that put his dog on Cash’s back @8:42 would have recieved some common aussie vernacular from me if I was in the crowd.

“Oi, f8ck off! Kunt”

Always good when the children walk up to Stevo ( Owner ) and ask for permission to pat his dog. The way it should be.

Cash 2.0 Great Dane in Little Tokyo downtown Los Angeles 17

Oh come on
Oh come on
October 15, 2024 3:32 am

Littleproud, who I despised during covid is now, in my rarely humble view, the best conservative polly in Australia.

Mmm nah if they were on board with the COVID tyranny, they’re dead to me. There is only one way back and that is complete repentance; a full and frank acknowledgement of the monsters they became, genuine remorse and a solemn pledge to never let themselves be co-opted in such a way again.

Of course no politician I’m aware of has done this.

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Black Ball
Black Ball
October 15, 2024 7:06 am

It continues, the phuckwittery knows no bounds. Hun:

A controversial plan to include white privilege training in a new taxpayer-funded cultural awareness course which will be rolled out across the Victorian justice department has been labelled as woke and divisive.

Thousands of Department of Justice and Community Safety staff have been told to undertake mandatory cultural awareness training ahead of Treaty in Victoria, with negotiations to kick off later this year.

The cultural awareness course includes sections on Aboriginal cultural awareness training and Aboriginal cultural safety workshops, which have been welcomed by staff.

However, one module titled “white privilege training,” which has prompted a backlash.

A justice worker, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, told the Herald Sun: “There are lots of types of privilege, race, class and wealth”.

“But I don’t feel that pointing out the colour of people’s skin has worked in the past, so why is it acceptable to now be doing this in our workplace.”

Director of Law and Policy at the Institute of Public Affairs John Storey accused the government of pushing a “radical agenda” and perpetuating a “victimhood mentality”.

“It is a destructive agenda that has led to the deterioration of social cohesion in our state.

Mr Storey said Victorians had already lost confidence in the state’s “health system, the police, and our political class”.

“It would be the final straw if Victorians lost respect for our justice system.”

Opposition justice spokesman Brad Battin called for the removal of the white privilege module from the state-funded training program.

“‘Workplace safety is essential, and to have training that discriminates on race just to deliver on a woke agenda is disgraceful,” he said.

“They must withdraw this module as a matter of urgency.”

It’s almost a green light for those of a darker hue to, well, not go out and kill someone with impunity, rather lower level offences like shoplifting.
So the judiciary, which tends to lean Left, will take this ‘white privilege’ into account when sentencing.
Quite a dangerous brain fart from our betters.

October 15, 2024 7:14 am

Today’s Tele:


15 Oct 2024

‘God smiles on new governments,” former Australian Labor leader Kim Beazley once mused.

He was talking about the run of good fortune experienced by John Howard’s Coalition team following their election in 1996. More than 25 years later, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s new Labor government enjoyed the same early-term blessings.

When Jim Chalmers delivered his crew’s May 2023 budget, all the numbers were stacking up in Labor’s favour. Chalmers was notably ungrateful, however, for the mountains of money generated by exports of coal, iron ore and gas – money that delivered our first budget surplus in 15 years.

Because modern Labor can’t praise traditional energy (and revenue) sources without getting their offices egged by mad-eyed Greens, Chalmers merely referred in his budget speech to Australia profiting from “high prices for the things we sell overseas”.

Things. Just things. Thanks for all the help, workers in the coal, iron and gas industries. Thanks for sweetening the books following years of destructive Covid lockdowns. Thanks for … the things.

Modern Labor really is embarrassed and ashamed of its former voting base, but that’s OK, because all of those blue-collar and hard-hat blokes have been replaced by wealthier and fancier managerial and Karen types.

The sort of crowd that can instantly pick a Hans Hansen silver cheese plane from a Musashi Silver Steel #3 Kasumi fish knife.

As well, once Chalmers’ charismatic magic – ahem – had worn off, Labor could always rely on good old Albo to keep the Coalition from the door.

“What Labor has got is this likability factor with Albo. Everybody likes Albo, and it’s hard not to,” veteran Labor powerhouse Graham Richardson told Sky News back in March. “He’ll keep Labor’s numbers looking fairly good, so I’m glad we’ve got him.”

Richardson was right. As I wrote at the time, Albanese was “essentially a one-man cuddliness barrier protecting the rest of his government”. But that barrier is now at least substantially chipped, if still not quite in full-blown Berlin Wall 1989 destruction mode.

The latest Newspoll puts Labor behind the Coalition on two-party preferred terms for the first time since the May 2022 election. The same Newspoll delivered Albanese’s worst Prime Ministerial approval rating.

Labor is hugely Albo-dependent, as Richardson noted, but circumstances have rapidly changed – and none of the available Albos is very well suited to them.

Airbus Albo stands exposed as a frightened flyer, unwilling to visit Israel in case he provokes an Islamic voter backlash.

Landlord Albo, owner of multiple properties, isn’t a good look during a housing crisis. One of Albo’s joints, a Dulwich Hill townhouse bought by the PM for $1.175m in 2015, was pulled from sale on the weekend because nobody was up for playing in his $1.9m auction zone.

Tough break. We’re all struggling, mate.

Tennis Albo, the devoted Australian Open attendee, is an even worse look at a time of painfully elevated living costs. Put yourself in front of a TV, man. An old cathode-ray tube TV, such as may be found in a single mother’s Housing Commission flat.

And Voice Albo hasn’t appeared in his magical Indigenous ally Akubra since that particular vanity exercise sank below the weight of 60 per cent voter rejection.

All we’ve got now is Useless Albo, who a week or so ago announced a war on the cost of supermarket snacks.

“Ever found more air than chips in your chip packet?” Albo asked on social media. “More air, less product, same price. It’s called shrinkflation, and it’s ripping Australians off.”

On ripoffs, Albo’s an expert. He lifted this shrinkflation shtick holus-bolus from US President Joe Biden.

“A bag of chips has fewer chips,” President Biden observed in February, back when he could still detect obvious dimensional and numeric contrasts, “but they’re still charging just as much.”

Our Prime Minister is taking his policy cues directly from a man who is such a mental shambles that his own party replaced him with a speech-looping Californian cacklebot.

In a way, Albanese has become a shrinkflation PM. He’s turned out to be all air, no chips.

And Australians are right to feel ripped off, because the costs imposed by this government have been immense.

In return, they’ve received little beyond nanny state urgings to buy EVs, move aside as transmission lines smash the regions and now to inspect packets of fried potatoes.

Overall, this government has aged rather than matured. Kim Beazley’s electoral god is no longer smiling.

All that is Albo.

Last edited 1 day ago by Beertruk
October 15, 2024 7:15 am
Cassie of Sydney
October 15, 2024 7:16 am

This Israeli youtuber is always worth listening to……..

A Message to MUSLIMS from an ISRAELI. This is your Biggest Problem…

He nails it.

Cassie of Sydney
October 15, 2024 7:19 am

Good to see…..

Independent schools are preparing to launch a nationwide campaign in Greens and marginal electorates calling out the ‘relentless and baseless vilification’ of private schools.

I note that this is something the Liberals should be more vociferous about. The Liberals have an innate refusal to fight basic culture wars.

October 15, 2024 7:22 am

Fancy men latching on to islam for money, power and sex slaves.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 15, 2024 7:30 am

Tales from the Crypt:

‘Irregular’/illegal immigration – boat people – is a massive social and economic issue in the UK.
Labour went to the election with a ‘tough on ‘irregular immigration’ policy in its manifesto:

The small boats crisis, fuelled by dangerous criminal smuggler gangs, is undermining our security and costing lives.

Rather than a serious plan to confront this crisis, the Conservatives have offered nothing but desperate gimmicks. Their flagship policy – to fly a tiny number of asylum seekers to Rwanda – has already cost hundreds of millions of pounds. 

Labour will turn the page and restore order to the asylum system so that it operates swiftly, firmly, and fairly; and the rules are properly enforced.

Labour will set up a new returns and enforcement unit, with an additional 1,000 staff, to fast-track removals to safe countries for people who do not have the right to stay here. We will negotiate additional returns arrangements to speed up returns and increase the number of safe countries that failed asylum seekers can swiftly be sent back to.

So, disrupt people smugglers’ value proposition of easy entry, a welcome mat, and free stuff.

Sounded sensible – and was arguably a major factor in Gear Starmer’s 35% landslide.

To be fair, Starmer immediately had a shot at implementing Labour’s policy. He engaged with Albania as a possible alternative to Rwanda as a dumping ground for economic migrants – and started dialogue with Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni about the logistics of turning non-asylum illegal immigrants away.

Unsurprisingly, the payoff was a revolt by the Parliamentary Labour Left, the progressive media, and hysteria by the refugee industry:

After the UK foreign secretary, David Lammy, said the UK would consider copying Italy’s plans to process asylum applicants in a third country such as Albania, one backbencher questioned why a Labour administration was “seeking to learn lessons from a neo-fascist government”.

The Refugee Council and Amnesty International have called on Starmer to avoid any more “gimmicks” after the failure of the last government to implement the Rwanda scheme.

Mere weeks later, Labour’s actual policy is emerging with greater clarity:

Government invites bids on new £521m, 6-year contract for services at Manston Reception Centre and Dover’s Western Jet Foil

The Home Office is looking for suppliers for a six year contract – plus possible extension – for staffing of operations, security, healthcare facilities and other wraparound services at Manston reception centre and the Western Jet Foil in Dover …with a combined value of £521.3 million.

Possible yearly extensions of the contract for up to four years would add another £102m.

The tender says: “The Manston Reception Centre and Disembarkation Point/s in Kent require providers of Operator and Healthcare Services, including managing staffing of operations, security, healthcare facilities, and other wraparound services.

“The aim of the services is to provide a safe and secure environment, where Border Force can register and process individuals arriving in the UK on small boats from across the English Channel.”

So, UK social services industrialised and integrated with people smuggling.

Swirling down the pan – accompanied by trumpets and huzzahs from the great and good.

October 15, 2024 7:55 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2024 7:55 am

It’s fun watching everything Bowen touch turn into guano.

Leading company pulls out of Illawarra Wind Zone (Tele, paywalled)

A world-leading offshore wind company has decided it won’t bid on the controversial project, with Chris Bowen’s office refusing to confirm if other companies are still in the race.

Tell us again mate how uneconomic nuclear is.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 15, 2024 7:58 am

Black Ball’s post yesterday:

Former Prime Minister Scott Morrison has joined the Board of one of Australia’s most ambitious space industry companies.

Space Centre Australia, which is building Australia’s first permanent spaceport at Cape York in far north Queensland, has appointed Mr Morrison non-executive chair of the company.

Queensland has been on the verge of building a spaceport as long as I can remember. So I checked this new incarnation.

It appears that Space Centre Australia is run by people with no noticeable space industry experience (and no apparent funding) – but BIG ambitions:

Mr. James Palmer is the visionary leader behind Space Centre Australia, with a mission to establish the company as one of the world’s top four interplanetary spaceport companies. He aims to position Space Centre Australia as a premier developer in the aerospace industry, providing large-scale launch solutions and services that foster international collaboration and drive innovation in the global market.

It’s not immediately clear whether SCA is currently in the process of actually building a spaceport.

Beam me up, Scotty.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2024 8:14 am

Mansion man.

Anthony Albanese buys $4.3m clifftop home on Central Coast (15 Oct)

Anthony Albanese is spending a whopping $4.3m on a clifftop home on NSW’s Central Coast.

Boasting 790 square metres, the property has unobstructed ocean views.

The Prime Minister bought the multi-story house with his fiancee Jodie Haydon, whose family is from the region.

He’s the champion of the battlers! The poor and the downtrodden have a hero in Albo. I wonder if he’ll put up any Gazan asylum seekers who are in need of a roof over their heads?

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 15, 2024 8:26 am

Anthony Albanese buys $4.3m clifftop home on Central Coast 

Great optics!

He’s just handed his oppponents a great big image on a stick leading up to the election.

His advisors must either be a) idiots, or b) not listened to.

October 15, 2024 8:36 am

Are crazy women DESTROYING the west?! | Amy Gallagher

Video Summary### Summary In the video titled “Are crazy women DESTROYING the west?!” by Amy Gallagher on the VoxPopuli channel, the speaker discusses the rising mental health crisis in Western countries, particularly among women. The perception is that an increase in women’s participation in the workforce and shifts in societal structures have contributed to higher rates of depression and anxiety among women. The speaker critiques the current mental health industry and raises questions about the implications of women’s mental health on the economy and societal norms. Topics such as equal pay laws, the feminization of legal systems, and the rise of “woke” ideologies among young women are also explored, leading to the conclusion that these trends represent a form of “toxic femininity” that may be damaging to society as a whole. ### Key Points 1. **Mental Health Crisis Overview** – Rising rates of mental illness in Western countries, particularly among women. – Women are three times more likely to experience mental health issues than men. – Significant increases in self-harm and suicidality among women. 2. **Contradiction of Mental Health Awareness** – Paradox of increased mental health awareness coinciding with worsening mental health among women. – High percentage of female therapists may contribute to the problem if they themselves struggle with mental health issues. 3. **Factors Influencing Women’s Mental Health** – Increased workforce participation for women over the past 50 years correlates with rising mental health issues. – A substantial rise in single women over 30 years old, indicating changes in family structures. 4. **Economic Consequences** – Increased participation of women in the workforce has not translated into improved living standards, leading to higher housing costs without commensurate lifestyle benefits. – Economic contributions from dual-income households not leading to societal improvement. 5. **Critique of Equal Pay Laws** – Legal interpretations of equal work causing financial strain on institutions, demonstrated through case studies (e.g., Birmingham City Council and retail company Next). – Controversy over judges dictating pay scales, deviating from market-based determinations. 6. **Woke Culture and Leftist Ideologies** – Young women increasingly leaning left politically as a response to workplace challenges and mental health struggles. – Criticism of “woke” ideologies, including a focus on emotional considerations, victimhood, and anti-meritocratic sentiments redefining societal norms. 7. **Conclusion: Toxic Femininity** – Suggestion that “toxic femininity” and the resultant societal changes are detrimental to the broader Western culture. – Acknowledgment of the interplay between mental health, economic policy, and ideological shifts affecting both women and society at large.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 15, 2024 8:54 am

Cultural safety training-
a mate works out near Newman, for a privately-owned qango set up by one of his pilates class mates, administering our taxpayer money by basically hand-patting unemployable yoof and shovelling cash to the corporations.
Only he hasn’t been out there since April, when the Big Man threatened to knock his block off. No-one from his company has been back.
They flew out and left behind a newly customised 300 series Landcruiser, $200k worth I’d guess.
Hard not to laugh, but a bit of a relief as I was about to tell him to get over the White Saviour routine and then get scrubbed off his addresss book.

October 15, 2024 9:05 am

Auf Wiedersehen, ZF.
The de-industrialisation of Chermany accelerates.

October 15, 2024 9:05 am

I love how Luigi the Unbelievable is telling us his government is delivering on policy. Lying Liar Labor scum voters voted for more wheelbarrow loads of Bullshiite. Policy to be more Communist. Time to get out the icepicks.

October 15, 2024 9:07 am

Still alive! 😀

Thought I’d check in. Despite all its faults, this is a good place to be hospitalised.

I see Mr Raised by a Single Muvva is moving up our way.

October 15, 2024 9:10 am

Anthony Albanese buys $4.3m clifftop home on Central Coast 

Surprised there is anything in Copacabana worth that much ..!
Son rented there for a coupla months whilst having reno on his Avoca Beach manse .. Didn’t notice anything that looked better than AB and they go, usually, for around the $2mill mark .. Also a bit out of the way .. all residential so you’ve gotta travel to do anything .. shopping ect …….

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 15, 2024 9:19 am

The “Spectator” noting grimly that Victorian Liberals have been in power four years, in 25, since Jeff Kennet lost…

October 15, 2024 9:33 am

Former Prime Minister Scott Morrison has joined the Board of one of Australia’s most ambitious space industry companies.

Anyone contemplating anything to do with space in Australia might like to note that an Australian Company, Gilmour Space has had an orbital rocket ready to launch since May and is still awaiting approval.
The only “space” Australia is good for is that we have plenty of it in the outback.

October 15, 2024 9:45 am

Dogs are the world’s best people.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 15, 2024 9:47 am

Anthony Albanese buys $4.3m clifftop home on Central Coast
The Oz isn’t allowing comments on that article…

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 15, 2024 9:55 am

The Oz would be on the money if it put Castello de Albo as a feature in its occasional friday glossy Wish…

October 15, 2024 9:58 am

The Christian vote swings against Labor

Kevin Donnelly, The Spectator (Australia), 14th October 2024

When planning for the next federal election, due by September 2025 with some pundits suggesting as early as March, Prime Minister Albanese (aka one-term Albo) cannot ignore the Christian vote, the majority of which is Catholic.

Approximately 44 per cent of Australians identify as Christian and, proven by the 2019 election when Scott Morrison was unexpectedly re-elected as Prime Minister, a significant number of such voters appear to be swayed by their religious beliefs.

Such was the impact of the Christian vote that the review commissioned by the ALP after its electoral defeat recommends the party do more to ensure its polices gain the support of faith-based voters, instead of alienating what is a key constituency.

The report concludes that in outer urban and regional electorates, especially in Queensland, ‘When all other variables are controlled for, it is estimated that identifying as Christian was associated with a swing against Labor.’

While inner-city electorates, now dominated by the Teals and Greens, champion Woke causes including Indigenous reconciliation, multiculturalism, gender diversity, and climate change – there are millions of voters who are more conservatively minded.

One only needs to look at the 60/40 vote against the Voice to Parliament to realise, as argued by the cultural critic Roger Scruton, that most people, unlike the cosmopolitan, inner-city elites, centre their lives on family, local community, and the need for social cohesion and stability.

It’s obvious that if Albanese and the Labor government are keen to attract the millions of Christian voters who will decide the electoral outcome in marginal seats across Australia, they are going about it the wrong way.

Based on existing policies, and what the government plans to do if re-elected, it’s clear the ALP government has turned its back on Christian and Catholic voters when it comes to issues like religious freedom and freedom of conscience as well as school funding.

The Albanese government’s failure to introduce its Religious Discrimination Bill to Parliament, even though the draft bill was made public in 2021, represents a serious threat to the millions of voters identifying as Christian.

Whereas current anti-discrimination legislation makes it illegal to unfairly discriminate against someone on the basis of age, sex, gender identity, race, and disability the same protection is not afforded to people of religious beliefs and faith.

While those of Jewish faith are facing a rising flood of antisemitism in Australia where they are vilified and attacked on a daily basis by those seeking Israel’s destruction, it’s also true, though less violent and less extreme, that Christians face hostility and prejudice in Australia.

Examples include Victoria’s legislation to fine and imprison priests and Christian parents for daring to counsel children about the dangers of gender transitioning. Tasmania’s Archbishop Porteous has also been punished for advocating church teachings. To this we add the ACT government’s compulsory acquisition of the Catholic-owned Calvary Hospital, public figures like Israel Folau and Margaret Court being attacked for their religious beliefs, and the head of Brisbane’s Citipointe Christian College being pressured to resign over the school’s enrolment policies.

In an increasingly extreme secular world where human rights activists and elected representatives of various left-wing political parties argue Christians must be banished from the public square, it’s obvious more must be done to protect religious freedom.

Currently, faith-based schools are exempt from anti-discrimination legislation regarding who they employ and who they enrol. Religious schools, given their primary purpose is to remain true to their faith, must have control over staffing and enrolments.

The Albanese government’s failure to ensure such rights are protected represents another reason why parents who send their children to religious schools have every reason to fear what happens next year if the ALP government is re-elected. Especially if the Greens hold the balance of power.

Education Minister Jason Clare has stated a number of times that government schools deserve greater funding while one of the ALP’s long-term supporters, the Australian Education Union, opposes funding Catholic and Independent schools.

To financially penalise parents by reducing Commonwealth funding to non-government schools threatens parental choice as well as being financially counter-productive. Catholic schools enrol 19.7 per cent of students while Independent schools, the majority of which have a religious affiliation, enrol 16.3 per cent.

The cost to government, and taxpayers, of educating students in religious schools is significantly less than the cost of educating students in government schools as non-government school parents contribute billions of dollars annually to educate their children.

Catholic school parents contribute approximately 23.6 per cent of their children’s school income while Independent school parents contribute 46.9 per cent. If such students were enrolled in government schools the cost to government and taxpayers would increase dramatically.

There’s no doubt cost of living will be the main issue at the next election but, at the same time and proven by Scott Morrison’s win in 2019, the Christian vote will also be a deciding factor.

Dr Kevin Donnelly is a senior fellow at the ACU’s PM Glynn Institute and author of Wake Up To Woke: It’s Time Australia.

October 15, 2024 10:01 am

I memed.

Its strange the people who consider themselves historically literate seem incapable of seeing what debasing currency and removing all norms might lead to.

We’ve done the failed wars, we’ve done the make a normal life unattainable for the young, were going hard on generational guilt based on ethnicity and were treating mentally ill/sexual perverts as “women” so we dont hurt their feelings while sterilizing kids.

October 15, 2024 10:02 am

So the current vendor’s took a 350k loss to sell it. Interesting to see who they were, maybe a nice little drink for Labor maaaates.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2024 10:03 am

SpaceX has just put up a couple of vids of the Starship launch which are breathtaking.

Taken from a camera located just above the chopsticks on the tower.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 15, 2024 10:14 am

On the back of (but certainly not competing with) the Blair piece posted earlier – Cost of Living news (the Tele):

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has dropped $4.3m on a home for he and future wife Jodie Haydon.

Mr Albanese snapped up the clifftop home at Copacabana on NSW’s Central Coast last month.

Cost of living issues really only affect the little people. Don’t they, Albo?

October 15, 2024 10:21 am

I note One Term Albo mustn’t concerned about his newly acquired central coast cliff face property tumbling into the ocean as the tides relentlessly rise and the angry sea surges.

October 15, 2024 10:29 am

Leak will just have to do a rendition of Albo as Lola the Showgirl!

Hottest spot north of Woy Woy.

October 15, 2024 10:32 am

Leak will just have to do a rendition of Albo as Lola the Showgirl!

The Kinks’ Lola would be more appropriate.

October 15, 2024 10:46 am

Why did women vote for Hitler?

The German women’s movement had been among the most powerful and significant in the world for half a century before the Nazis came to power in 1933. Top-quality high schools for girls had existed since the 1870s, and German universities were opened to women at the beginning of the 20th century. Many German women became teachers, lawyers, doctors, journalists and novelists. In 1919, German got the vote. By 1933, women, of whom there were millions more than men – Berlin had 1,116 women for every 1,000 men – voted in roughly* the same percentages as men for Hitler and National Socialist candidates.

*I bet given this source that actually more of ‘em voted for Hitler.

Last edited 1 day ago by Arky
Black Ball
Black Ball
October 15, 2024 10:48 am

In Minister Speaks With Forked Tongue Through Both Sides Of Her Arse news:

Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has been accused of contradicting herself by acknowledging her decision to slap a ban on part of a proposed gold mine would torpedo the entire project – despite repeatedly claiming the development would be fine to go ahead despite her move.

A statement of reasons for the Minister’s decision to issue a section 10 ban on part of the McPhillamys mine proposal, near Blayney, was issued quietly on Friday, justifying her reasons for blocking the site where a tailings dam for the mine would be built.

In it the Minister acknowledged she was “satisfied that a partial declaration (on the tailings dam) would make the proposed mine unviable in the state in which it is currently proposed and approved”.

Despite that, she found the impacts on the company behind the mine – Regis Resources – and the wider community looking forward to 800 jobs being created “do not outweigh the irreversible damage and permanent loss to the Aboriginal cultural heritage”.

Before issuing the statement of reasons, however, the Minister repeatedly claimed to media her decision wouldn’t sink the mine.

“The company has said that they need to go back to the drawing board, that this could take five or 10 years. That’s just nonsense because the bulk of the project has been approved,“ she said in one interview.

In another, she said: “Crucially, I have not said that the gold mine can’t go ahead. I said the tailings dam can’t be built on the headwaters and springs of the river”.

Another time she maintained “the mine can go ahead”.

“I’ve made no decision to stop the gold mine,” she said.

Regis Resources, in the aftermath of the section 10 ban, said it would make the $1 billion project unviable.

Ms Plibersek on Monday declined to add any comment beyond the statement of reasons.

The Environment Minister has previously stated the section 10 declaration applies to just 16 per cent of the entire proposed mine site, and doesn’t include the mine itself – just the proposed tailings dam.

The Minister has previously pointed to Regis’ share price – which is up 37 per cent since the declaration was made – when queried on the viability of the project.

Shadow environment spokesman Jonno Duniam claimed there had been “contradiction after contradiction from Tanya Plibersek trying to justify her senseless decision that gutted the McPhillamys gold mine”.

“Everyone knew that the Minister’s decision would kill the mine. Regis Resources themselves took a $192 million hit when they officially wrote off the project,” he said.

“Fast forward to today, the Minister’s statement of reasons document clearly states that the Minister knew that the mine would be unviable after she rejected the tailings dam site.”

“It is night and day between her public statements when she rejected the mine in August and the Statement of Reasons document that was quietly released on Friday.”

Why not just be upfront?
“As Environment Minister, I believe the mine would devastate the natural landscape etc.”
But no we have first approval of the Orange Co-op then a lone dissenting opinion buy some idiot claiming songlines of a blue banded bee (chortle) will be damaged.
And not to mention the correspondence between the Federal and State governments which showed the state was in favour of the mine proceeding.
A cockup of the highest order which would sink her leadership ambition. Except this is Labor where ineptitude is almost welcomed and rewarded.

October 15, 2024 10:50 am

Some inconvenient truths missing from general reporting on the issue:

Israel has no choice but to fight for its survival

Ron Weiser, The Australian, 15th October, 2024

In recent weeks, much has changed in Israel, though some things remain constant. Regardless of global opinions about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, there is a lack of understanding that, within Israel, there is broad agreement on the need to address the threats from Lebanon and Iran. With the international community unable or unwilling to curb Iran or its proxies, Israel feels it has little choice but to act. Therefore, it was unsurprising when leaders of nearly every opposition party in Israel, including the leftist Yair Golan, wrote to Netanyahu in late September, urging the government to send ground troops into Lebanon to restore security.

To understand the current situation, let us go back to July 12, 2006. On that day, Hezbollah, led by Hassan Nasrallah, fired rockets into northern Israel while crossing Israel’s sovereign border, known as the Blue Line. Eight Israeli soldiers were killed, two were kidnapped, and this marked the beginning of what became the Second Lebanon War. The war concluded on August 14, 2006, after Hezbollah, Israel, and the Lebanese government agreed to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701.

The resolution called for a ceasefire, Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon, and the disarmament of Hezbollah in the region extending from the Litani River to the Israeli ­border. Israel complied, even though the abducted soldiers were still held captive by Hezbollah. The implementation and enforcement of Resolution 1701, which was entrusted to the Lebanese army and the United Nations ­Interim Force in Lebanon, failed to materialise. Had it been properly enforced, the current conflict in Lebanon may have been avoided.

Today, the situation bears striking similarities to past international pressures, particularly from Western countries, that resulted in unfulfilled promises. It is no surprise, then, that many Israelis believe only they can safeguard their own security.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ recent call for a ceasefire is seen by many as the height of hypocrisy, given the UN’s failure to enforce Resolution 1701. Since 2006, Hezbollah has built a network of terror along Israel’s border, and rocket fire into Israel has continued, especially since October 7 last year, leading to death, injury, and the displacement of tens of thousands of Israelis from the north. Iran and its proxies have no interest in compromise; their objective is Israel’s destruction. Like bullies, they terrorise and then cry out when Israel retaliates, hoping that international pressure will force a ceasefire that buys them time to rearm and attack again.

The Arab world understands Israel’s actions, whether publicly or privately, but the West often fails to grasp the situation. Western leaders frequently repeat phrases like “Israel’s right to defend itself”, only to undermine that statement by criticising Israel’s defensive measures as potential war crimes. Israel’s actions are not driven by vengeance but by the necessity of preventing another attack like that of October 7. Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas exploit the fact that Western leaders hesitate to act when these groups store weapons in hospitals and schools. Meanwhile, partisan journalists misrepresent the situation, playing into the hands of terrorists while minimising the suffering of Israeli hostages and displaced citizens, the true roots of the ongoing conflict.

Similarly, Western voices that continue to push the idea of a “two-state solution” miss the point. Polls show that Iran, its proxies and the majority of Palestinians are not interested in this solution. Time and again, history has shown that Palestinian leaders are more focused on denying Israel’s right to exist than on building their own state. The conflict with Iran and Lebanon has little to do with territorial disputes. Instead, it is rooted in a fundamentalist ideology that opposes any Jewish presence in the Middle East, along with Western, Christian, or democratic values. This ideology harbours global ambitions as well.

The pro-Palestinian protests seen in the West are far from peaceful, filled with hateful rhetoric and opposition to any solution that leaves a Jewish state intact. Some even celebrate the atrocities of October 7.

Despite these challenges, Israel has regained confidence in its intelligence, operational abilities, and the leadership of the Israel Defence Forces. There is a strong sense of unity, and the Israeli people remain resilient, demonstrating their determination and hope for a secure future.

Ron Weiser is a member of the Jewish Agency’s board of governors. He is honorary life president of the Zionist Council of NSW and a former president of the Zionist Federation of Australia.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 15, 2024 10:50 am

Reading a very good re- appraisal of the British Army, in North-west Europe, 1944 – 1945 – “Monty’s Men” by John Buckley.

Under the heading of “War is All Hell” –

“5th Wiltshires had their post lorry, and second in command, Major Metcalf, captured by the enemy. The lorry was recaptured, some days later, by their sister battalion, the 4th Wiltshires, but the Germans had smoked all the cigarettes from the parcels.” (Page 156.)

October 15, 2024 11:02 am

Great Tom’s toons especially the ones about tampon tim.

All the news fit to spew:

Good first: The ‘enormous’ law and order agenda the Northern Territory’s CLP government is bringing to parliament (

Lia Finocchiaro and her AG, Marie-Clare Boothby, are the templates for the modern conservative women who are vital to oppose the modern liberal kunts, spreaders of toxic femininity. The link is to the putrid abc which is screeching racism in response to this overdue measure of cutting bail for the little shits, mainly 3rd nations, who are wreaking havoc.

In the US no surprise with cackles being rejected by some of the black voters (85% of the idiots will still vote for her!):

Harris’s Attempts to Lean Into Her Black Identity Are REALLY Not Working. (

And when nothing else works in stopping Trump attack his cholesterol!

Now NBC Wants to Check Trump’s Cholesterol Levels. (

October 15, 2024 11:20 am

Space Centre Australia, which is building Australia’s first permanent spaceport at Cape York in far north Queensland, has appointed Mr Morrison non-executive chair of the company.

This has the look of other fund raising businesses in the past,

Dynetics got a $90M handout from the Rudd government for geothermal power for instance – failed miserably, at the time Tim Flannery was a major promoter of the scheme too. Got to have your ringmaster eh? They are a rebranded entity now and I believe doing something for AUSAID in Vanuatu (?) where geothermal might actually be a reality. Many investors in this lost everything, for following Tim Flannery and the Australian Government’s lead.

Another beaut was Split-Cycle engines many years ago, was going to revolutionise the car engine industry. It eventually fleeced $200M odd, from investors, the “inventor” got out early and drove his Lamborgini away. (Rick Mayne, well documented scammer)

Another local one Gilmour Space, I hope they get up but seem to be forever announcing things without anything happening. Other launch companies in Australia have acyually done lanches. Gilmour though is developing their own rocket engine I believe. Lots of work done on getting investors in.

Hypersonix, great website, and I hope they get up but again it is all about getting investors in.

Now the Space Centre and having Morrison on board is all about navigating the government funding routes and also have an aboriginal on the board completes the set. Just blatant grant and tax credit harvesting as far as my humble knowledge sees.

Anyone investing in this is not interested in science, or expanding knowledge, just the benefits lets face it, hence the line up of celebrities.

In a world where every country wants to have launch sites and space centres, what’s the point of it, how much stuff is being chucked into space and who wants it there?

Elon Musk launches his own stuff. There are many countries capable of launching microsats and such, the military of the world launch their own stuff usually.

What’s the actual market they are all competing for?

Personally I don’t know of anyone who wants something put in space, do you?

October 15, 2024 11:34 am

Regarding blubasack and destruction of industry, are they still after Tasmanian salmon and barramundi fishermen? They already destroyed kitchen top businesses with the click of a Canbra mouse. A despicable city. A parasite robber state.

October 15, 2024 11:58 am
October 15, 2024 12:05 pm
October 15, 2024 12:20 pm

More significantly,the degree of Nazi support among women increased

dramatically in the early 1930s, to the point that, by 1932, women appear

to have surpassed men as the largest element in the Nazi electorate.

From link

References: 37. Childers,Nazi Voter, 265.
38. Ibid.;Stachura,”Who Were the Nazis?,”307; Gabrielle Bremme,Die politische Rolle der Frau in Deutschland (G6ttingen, 1956), 73-77.

The reasons for this substantial women’s vote for the Nazis are still

hotly debated.Hermann Rauschning suggestedin 1939 that Hitler made

a particularly strong emotional impact on women,while Peter Stachura

points to the traditional conservatism of German women and the paternalistic, protective stance adopted by the Nazis.Still others,such as Gabrielle Bremme, emphasize the Nazi stress on the family unit and the threat posed by “godless” Marxism.Claudia Koonz argues that women were economically, socially,and psychologically dependent on men, especially in the tradition-laden rural areas and small towns of Germany. Finally, both Renate Bridenthal and Timothy Mason point out that women in white collar occupations found themselves hardest hit by the pay cuts and unemployment of the Great Depression,and so might have been drawn to the Nazis by economic resentment.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 15, 2024 12:33 pm

There were 350 comments on the page when I made my comment last night that the page should be about to turn. Later there was one new comment after mine which ended the page. I knew it was close. But why 351.
Anyhow my next guess is the page will turn from 2 to 3 after 702 comments.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 15, 2024 12:37 pm

Here’s an interesting run down about how so much of what we think we know about human evolution is now up in the air – it’s not so much a tree of lines as an intermingling of many of them in ways only genetics and more advanced chemistry can even begin to untangle. What I like about this account is it is honestly academic and it uses very high quality plaster casts to show how the variability in dentition and its musculature with various types of ‘homo’ can be used to guess at diet. There’s also a good discussion of features of the human hand – did you know we had flattened tops to our fingers (compared to pongid apes) to improve our ability to hold and turn things?

I haven’t written anything about it but I don’t see references anywhere to the capacity of the human hand when the palms are joined and ‘cupped’ to create an ideal drinking vessel. Try it. Hold your hands together, imagine you’re scooping water up, and then see how easy it is to put your mouth into the base where your thumbs are and slurp out water from that gap. That must have held evolutionary advantage on open savannah lands with difficult to access water pools.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2024 12:51 pm

Just been watching the NASA coverage of the Europa space probe launch.

Two and a half hours of woke. I had to turn the sound off when they had a dusky lady recite a poem about the spacecraft. The contrast with SpaceX coverage of launches was quite interesting and divergent.

The launch and engineering all went perfectly (due of course to SpaceX), but almost all woke mileposts were also achieved as well. I hope, despite all this, the spaceprobe gets to Jupiter.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 15, 2024 12:56 pm

Charlie Kirk has a lot of patience dealing with this dunderhead.

So so many MSM consuming sheep in the world.

The guy made a fool of himself so all is good. He’ll look back on this clip and have to suck it up.



Oregon Weird Challenges Charlie Kirk With the Most Broken Logic Ever Heard

October 15, 2024 1:03 pm

I had to turn the sound off when they had a dusky lady recite a poem about the spacecraft

When too much Vogon poetry is barely enough.

October 15, 2024 1:08 pm

Here’s an interesting run down about how so much of what we think we know about human evolution is now up in the air…

Evolution is a creation story for atheists.

October 15, 2024 1:11 pm

Ha ha ..! I’m guessin’ the “reporter” who captioned this pix of Luigi’s new houso hasn’t been to Copa .. LOL!
Being up that hill it’s a good 15 minutes down to the beach and a 25 minute slog back up ..! .. best dun by vehicle not on foot …!

October 15, 2024 1:11 pm

Gold will be AUD4,000 per oz by Christmas.

All global currencies simultaneously losing value due to inflation.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 15, 2024 1:12 pm

Hello, Bruce of Newcastle.

Check out this channel on the Tube for all this stuff.

We even have Aussie commentary.

They are doing a fine job.


Spaceflight Now:

Watch live: SpaceX Falcon Heavy launches NASA’s Europa Clipper mission to Jupiter’s ocean moon

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 15, 2024 1:17 pm

Communism news (the Tele):

The youth branch of the NSW Greens have endorsed the vandalisation of a Labor MP’s office which was spray painted with a Hamas-linked symbol and had a hole drilled through a door, which a foul-smelling substance was poured through.

The NSW Young Greens uploaded an Instagram post backing the damage done to the office of Peter Khalil, who had been appointed the government’s special envoy for social cohesion, inner-Melbourne office between 2am and 9am on Monday.

“NSW Young Greens considers property damage as a legitimate form of non-violent direct action,” the political body posted on their Instagram on Monday after the incident.

Let’s see how long the Young Greens maintain that view when Mumsy and Daddy’s house gets burnt down with all Tristan and Marcella’s stuff in it. After all, it’s only non-violent direct action.

The Young Greens seem to be unaware that Labor is far tighter with decent union heavies who – well, ‘know people’, and who have demonstrated a propensity for identifying and sorting out punters that damage stuff belonging to their mates, than they are with the Greens themselves.

As an aside, it’s always good to see the Greens turning on their sponsors and biting the hand that fed them for all these years.

Cassie of Sydney
October 15, 2024 1:22 pm

Where’s C.L? It’s been six weeks since he last posted. He was only supposed to be away for a few days. I hope he’s okay.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 15, 2024 1:23 pm

About to board for Sidernee. Smallgoods-related activities.

I’ll be in Cronulla or thereabouts for the next couple of days. Hopefully I’ll see Scomo. Whether he’s carrying a hose or not is yet to be determined.

October 15, 2024 1:24 pm

The BBC is still quoting UNWRA & Gaza Hamas Health Ministry reports and figures without qualification.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2024 1:29 pm


‘I earn a good income’: Albanese defends $4.3m house purchase (Sky News mainpage headline, 15 Oct)\

When asked if the exorbitant purchase was a “good look” during a cost-of-living crisis, Mr Albanese defended the multi-million-dollar investment.

“I understand I have been fortunate. I also know what it is like to struggle. My mum lived in the public housing that she was born in for all of her 65 years,” he said.

He’s struggling as well as squirming.

October 15, 2024 1:37 pm

Further to Doc Faustus’s report at 7:30am on Starmer’s craven capitulation to the regressive left on border security:

Italy’s navy yesterday began ferrying irregular arrivals to Albania for processing.

And 17 EU countries are petitioning Brussels to expedite its deportation processes as the number of failed asylum seekers who refuse to voluntarily return to their home countries increases.

Last edited 1 day ago by Roger
October 15, 2024 1:41 pm

“NSW Young Greens considers property damage as a legitimate form of non-violent direct action,” the political body posted on their Instagram on Monday after the incident.

What’s next…throwing bricks through the windows of Jewish owned businesses?

Last edited 1 day ago by Roger
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 15, 2024 1:48 pm

That old bloke dressed in black did a fine job dealing with these animals.

The red headed chick needed her head slammed against a wall.


They Got Mad Because They Got Caught

October 15, 2024 1:48 pm

The UNIFIL Irish peace keepers are simply the UN arm of Hezbollah. Their interest lies exclusively in pursuing their national motivation of troughing. Of course they reported nothing – they were there for the tax free money. Nothing must be allowed to put the boondoggle at risk.

But you must ask ‘what were the Israelis doing’? It is impossible to undertake massive excavations and fitouts right on your enemy’s line unnoticed. Yom Kibbur, October 7, and now Lebanon suggest that complacency is an issue.

One tunnel is reported to be 800ft deep. You don’t dig that with a bucket and garden trowel.

With the muzzies playing the relentless long game you would have to expect that surveillance and analysis weariness in conjunction with putrid politics is a genuine security vulnerability. Perhaps the focus on strategic geewhiz diverted effort away from the basic on the ground human intelligence.

“Never again” after Yom Kippur and October 7 does sound a little hollow.

October 15, 2024 2:03 pm

Good analysis of the trends in all the swing states with Trump now leading cackles:

Trump’s UNSTOPPABLE Surge: SHOCKING Poll Results from ALL 50 States GUARANTEE Victory! (

October 15, 2024 2:08 pm

“I understand I have been fortunate. I also know what it is like to struggle. My mum lived in the public housing that she was born in for all of her 65 years,” he said.

Chortle! I knew he’d bring up mum.


October 15, 2024 2:10 pm

“I understand I have been fortunate. I also know what it is like to struggle. My mum lived in the public housing that she was born in for all of her 65 years,” he said.

Slightly different from previous versions where “mummy” qualified for “houso” cos single parent ..!

October 15, 2024 2:23 pm

My mum lived in the public housing that she was born in for all of her 65 years,” he said.

So the Albotross never dipped his hand into his own pocket to buy mum a nice house of her own?

The slithering turd of Greylander brought investment properties while leaving his mum to block a needy family from being housed.

Awesome stuff Elbow the bellend, Even when you were “making pretty good money” you were content to leave mum in a State house till the end.

October 15, 2024 2:28 pm

Oh please lord let this happen…

Leading Report



BREAKING: Kamala Harris is reportedly considering appearing on Joe Rogan’s podcast, per Reuters.

October 15, 2024 2:29 pm

Christopher Columbus: America’s Saintly Founder
Columbus was not a genocidal villain or a nationalist explorer; he was a saintly man who wanted to win souls for Christ.

Christopher Columbus has become one of the most polarizing figures in American history. Our nation used to revere Columbus as one of America’s greatest heroes. Now, he’s one of the Republic’s greatest villains. 
Often, modern history books fail to discuss Columbus’ desire to evangelize, but this desire served as one of the primary factors for his mission. 
An entry in his journal states, 
I gave them many beautiful and pleasing things, which I had brought with me, for no return whatever, to win their affection, and that they might become Christians and inclined to love our King and Queen and Princes and all the people of Spain; and that they might be eager to search for and gather and give to us what they abound in and we greatly need.

October 15, 2024 2:43 pm

What was Mr urine thinking ?

October 15, 2024 2:48 pm
October 15, 2024 2:53 pm

Dr. John Campbell with Prof. Clancy

Post covid era

October 15, 2024 2:54 pm
Titus Groates
Titus Groates
October 15, 2024 2:58 pm

“I understand I have been fortunate. I also know what it is like to struggle. My mum lived in the public housing that she was born in for all of her 65 years,” he said.

What a grifter. Absolutely no emotional intelligence.

October 15, 2024 3:04 pm

I have been pondering the “likeable” Albanese. Quite a few people have said this, most notably Richo on Sky. Can only come to a single conclusion…he is just like them.

October 15, 2024 3:09 pm

Yes “likeable ” is not a description I’d use.

October 15, 2024 3:27 pm

No doubt the Israelis knew, but what could they do?
Look at the crap they are getting now for finally retaliating after 8000 rockets came their way and their border towns have been evacuated for a year.

Last edited 1 day ago by Rosie
October 15, 2024 3:28 pm
October 15, 2024 3:30 pm

here’s Sf writer Devon Erikson on why we want to send stuff into space:

Worth posting in full minus the nice pictures:

This is what will matter 1000 years from now.

Not your politics. Not your stupid tantrums about who platformed who on some website. Not your incomprehensible desire to send NASA’s entire budget to the third world.

This guy reignited the Space Age.

He spent his own money, hired a bunch of dudes, and reignited the Space Age. And together, they underbid and outdid NASA and its pet dinosaur corporations on every conceivable level.

This is history happening before you.

If you are a puddlefish, if you think this is a wasteful showpiece or science project, then you don’t understand physics, economics, astronomy, or in fact the basic layout of the universe you live in.

We live in a tiny puddle at the bottom of a well.

Out there is an entire universe, full not only of stuff to explore, but full of stuff to build things out of.

Big things. Wonderful things. Things that are going to make all of the cool stuff you have today, all of human civilization to date look like early Assyrians writing stuff down on wet clay with a reed.

Infinite resources. Infinite energy. Infinite space.

Instead of fighting over little patches of land, we will have an infinite 3d volume. Enclose it in steel, pump it full of air, spin it, and it’s a habitat.

Instead of scratching tiny scraps of metal out of the crust of one planet, we will break down entire asteroids and smelt them.

Instead of drilling for hydrocarbons and turning water wheels, we will harness entire suns, split the atom, and eventually draw our fuel from the substance that makes up 99% of the entire universe.

None of your local, temporal Earth politics matter compared to this. This is more important than pride parades and abortions, more important than tribal conflicts in eastern Europe and southwest Asia, more important than tensions with Russia and China.

More important, in the long run, than the United States of America.

America’s most important function, its one most vital purpose, is to serve as an incubator for this.

Because this changes everything.

All of our arguments about conditions on this planet become obsolete, because the whole planet becomes just one suburban neighborhood.

All of our wars over resources and territory become obsolete, because no one has time to brawl when we’re all sitting on top of a dragon horde with sacks and shovels.

Everyone who was alive at the time remembers where they were when Kennedy died in Dallas. When the towers fell. When the Eagle landed. When the Wall came down.

But this… this is the real moment, one of the first of many. They are what every child will know about a thousand years from now, even if they have four arms and are genetically engineered for zero-g, or are sentient blocks of code running on a sphere of computronium enclosing an entire star.

You may not live to see that, depending on what we do or don’t invent, and when.

But it will happen, and you will live to see wonderful things.

If the puddlefish don’t get in the way.

Don’t be a puddlefish.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 15, 2024 3:30 pm

Two de-nested comments, for wider reading.

Rococo Liberal

 October 15, 2024 2:16 pm

 Reply to Roger

But of course when the Greens’office in Sydney got grafittied plod were all over it because it was “ïslamophobic”.

There is no such thing as islamophobia. Hating islam is perfectly legitimate and should in fact be encouraged as it is a horrible religion.

Boambee John

Boambee John

 October 15, 2024 3:27 pm

 Reply to Rococo Liberal

Islamophobia is not “hating Islam”. It is an irrational fear of Islam. The word is yet another example of the corruption of English for political purposes.

I see nothing in the least irrational about fearing Islam.

Last edited 1 day ago by Boambee John
October 15, 2024 3:35 pm

Elbow’s Mum could afford a cruise in 1962 when many people made do with a slice of cake and glass of sherry in the lounge when they got married and a honeymoon was a weekend at Mt Buffalo Chalet.
Thousands of war widows etc lived in public housing back then
and I don’t think there was a huge difference between working middle class private and public housing back then either. Post war all housing had severe restrictions on what you could build.
If you had two children of the same sex it was two bedrooms, opposite sex you could build a three.
This is not the W Elbow thinks it is

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 15, 2024 3:36 pm

George Negus brown bread

Cassie of Sydney
October 15, 2024 3:39 pm

Albo the Trot engaging in hyperbole, perhaps his sole talent. His mother’s father and brother owned a printing business. They were not destitute, they were not ‘dirt poor’.

Albo the Trot is a complete and utter bulltish artist.

October 15, 2024 3:39 pm
October 15, 2024 3:40 pm

Negus brown bread at 82 too.

October 15, 2024 3:43 pm
October 15, 2024 3:51 pm

Nice picture of Elon of Mars with what could be a Martian backdrop:

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 15, 2024 4:08 pm

I had occasion to be in Bendigo yesterday. In front of Lisa Chesters’ electorate office were around 20 pro Hamas cockroaches.
Alas the light was green so my displeasure was limited to 5 words out the window.
My hatred for these scum is unlimited.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
October 15, 2024 4:09 pm

There will be no more negustivity from George.

October 15, 2024 4:10 pm

Came home to Sydney to find that a lightning strike in the street had zapped our NBN & Optus broadband. NBN techno was already fixing connections in the street, but contact with Optus informed us that we would have to buy a new internet box.

What an ordeal THAT turned out to be. Over an hour at the Optus outlet. And, of course, the new conditions of purchase were quite different. SO much proof of identity now – photos, etc etc. But the length of time for just a purchase of a new box was excruciating. And what was scary is how many personal details they demanded. And bills by email. They reckon it is all for “our” protection – but I am outraged by how much personal information they demanded for a purchase of their damn internet service.

This world kind of scares me. However, the really nice young NBN techno restored our confidence. I gave him a dozen eggs from “our girls” & he thought that was terrific. I have found farm eggs are a special way of “connecting”!

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 15, 2024 4:12 pm

October 15, 2024.

I hope all the hospital stuff went well.

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
October 15, 2024 4:12 pm

Make lefties play by their own rules: Libs should just blast Barry Manilow’s Copacabana everyone they accept invites to appear on the ABC.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
October 15, 2024 4:15 pm

Champagne Socialism!
Is the Central Coast ok to lash out on like that because of Terrigal’s history?

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 15, 2024 4:17 pm
And you reckon your job is shit?
Incredible Scale! Pure Silver Extraction Process from AC Motor Compressors 
I’m BoN will be able to tell us the chemical reactions from the colours alone. 🙂

Last edited 1 day ago by Winston Smith
October 15, 2024 4:17 pm

The fact this is under appeal is it even allowed?

It will be interesting to see if the book is allowed to be entered into evidence at the appeal.

October 15, 2024 4:18 pm


October 15, 2024 4:21 pm

Infinite resources. Infinite energy. Infinite space.

The greens worst nightmare.
Malthusian turds that they are, the fear an infinite universe.

No more pining for the wobble jowled lesser ringworm when calculations effectively become “Our energy is near free – so are our resources”

Elon, just to blow more smoke up his ass, will eventually become a figure more significant than Columbus or Cook – they delivered whole continents – Elon will manage most of a solar system.

/urge to rewatch “the expanse” intensifies.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 15, 2024 4:23 pm

Top Ender
 October 15, 2024 3:36 pm

George Negus brown bread

And where?
And when?

October 15, 2024 4:36 pm

This may be the most Amercan thing in the world…

Mobility scooters/golf carts being used by Boomers to get to the vote..

October 15, 2024 4:39 pm
October 15, 2024 4:40 pm

Good analysis of the fat, black kunt obuma appointed judge, chutkan, presiding over Trump’s Jan 6 trial. The history of this bitch, she was for instance, the main officiating judge in the Jan 6 trial of the protestors, and has judicially favoured ISIS members, is astounding. If Trump does get back in he has to deal with all the AGs and judges who presided over his trials (except the Florida Judge Cannon who was terrific):

Obama’s Communist Nepo Baby Judge Who Loves Evil | Frontpage Mag

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 15, 2024 5:08 pm

Underwhelmed by “gay as a tree full of” monkeypox?
Have fear, Bird Flu ’24 will soon be here. Our Chief Medical Officer- yes, we’ve got one- is up on his hind trotters promising restrictions- oh sorry, that word is challenges- to our economy, autonomy, and currency.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 15, 2024 5:28 pm

Lady, 58, beats up blokette, 34

A Sydney socialite once praised for her bravery in advocating against domestic violence has been charged with bashing her young Greek lover.

Janelle “Nellie” Tilley — who now uses her maiden name Janelle Foster — is accused of assaulting her former boyfriend Paris Saint, 34, during their four-year relationship and while he lived at her Bellevue Hill home.

Tilley, 58 — who was once married to Simon Tilley, brother of James Packer’s one-time confidant Ben Tilley — allegedly threatened to “get someone to break his legs” if Mr Saint went to police.

But in March this year, when the couple’s tumultuous relationship ended, Mr Saint went to police and claimed he had been the victim of ongoing domestic violence.

Tilley, an interior designer, has pleaded not guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm. A hearing has been set for March next year.

In the meantime, she must not assault, stalk, threaten or harass Mr Saint under the conditions of an interim apprehended violence order imposed by the court. A lawyer for Tilley said she would defend the allegations.

According to a police facts sheet, the pair met in 2019 when Tilley was holidaying in Greece and he returned home with her and moved into her eastern suburbs home.

Mr Saint was forced to go back to Greece when Covid-19 struck, but returned to Tilley’s home in 2022, where their relationship picked up again.

But police allege that on one occasion in 2023, Tilley had returned home from a holiday in Byron Bay when she allegedly accused Mr Saint of having an affair.

Police allege Tilley began physically hitting Mr Saint in the face and scratching him on the neck until blood was visible.

On a separate occasion, Tilley is accused of spitting on Mr Saint during a fight in the car as they drove home from celebrating Valentine’s Day at a restaurant in Woollahra.

In 2018, Tilley bravely told a court about her “terrifying and violent” relationship with millionaire publican Phillip De Angelis, when the pub baron pleaded guilty to assaulting her.

In a harrowing victim impact statement, Tilley spoke of “unwanted violence” that was “unpredictable, fast and terrifying”.

“Seeing his enraged face is something I will never forget. I can’t ever express how terrifying that is,’ she said at the time.

The mother of three sons told the court she hoped her experience would teach them the importance of being “respectful, honourable and courteous to women”.

“To never bully or intimidate or threaten people,” she said.

De Angelis was sentenced to an 18-month intensive correction order which ended in September 2019.

Afterwards, then NSW Attorney-General Mark Speakman praised Tilley for her “bravery” in speaking out against domestic violence.

“I applaud Ms Tilley’s courage in holding her assailant to account for his appalling actions and her commitment to advocating for other victims of domestic and family violence.”

Daily Tele – no comments of course

October 15, 2024 5:52 pm

I see Port Headland council made it into Daily Mail regarding advising their residents not to take the vaccines.

October 15, 2024 5:58 pm

Snaggle-toothed shitbag who “Fights Torys” buys worker’s cottage in beachside suburb.

Can anyone suggest another line of work in which the waste of space could have had similar financial success?

Tot up what this parasite has cost taxpayers since his first Monday morning on the teat.

Name one benefit to these same taxpayers.

Last edited 1 day ago by Aaron
October 15, 2024 5:58 pm

Would it be excusable to suggest that Musk has created the ultimate form of reverse parking.

October 15, 2024 5:59 pm

I hope Albo doesn’t have a mortgage on the new joint

… without a job that’s really gonna eat into his pension

October 15, 2024 6:10 pm

I car shopping yesterday and took a close look at the Mercedes G63. It’s freaking outrageous. I actually fell in love with it.

I’ll be test driving later in the week and although it’s totally inappropriate for me, I fell in love with it.

Who cares if I never off road. 🙂

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 15, 2024 6:34 pm

Evolution is a creation story for atheists

So the Good Lord put us fully formed to his design upon the earth, Roger?
All of the traces of other hominids and all of the biological support for a broad theory of evolution is dismissable and wrong?

I have to disagree. I have no problem with you finding a deistic insertion of some special spark that made us human being introduced into humankind, nor that this was the evolutionary intention of such a deity. I cannot prove nor disprove that. But my good sense tells me that there is so much evidence that we didn’t arrive as a fully formed species one fine day on this planet and nor did other species, including aeons of extinct ones. Surely a believer in a God who offers human beings free will should not object to us using that free will in an investigative paleontology of our own species?

Have a look at this data to see why a capital T theory about evolution, not a simple ‘guess’, is supported by a plethora of supporting evidence, which has been added to substantially later and with a far more solid science behind it, than Darwin ever conceived of. I would have thought a deity might be pleased at our pathetic efforts to comprehend the universe in which we unaccountably find ourselves and our consciousness. If there’s no objection to aircraft and space travel, amazing medicine that can knock me out like a light (as happened to me yesterday and here I am to still tell the tale), or any of the other wonders we have been graced to discover with our searching minds, then I don’t think any deity giving us the spark of human curiosity is going to be upset about evolutionary theory.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 15, 2024 6:38 pm

Watch live: SpaceX Falcon Heavy launches NASA’s Europa Clipper mission to Jupiter’s ocean moon

Clippers have a long and storied history.

October 15, 2024 6:39 pm

Google Alex Berenson Substack for full article which also applies to Australia.

On the awful Catch-22 the media and public health face over Covid jabs
Everyone now knows mRNA shots are neither safe nor effective. But the people who pushed them fear telling the truth will wreck their credibility. So they keep lying – and wrecking their credibility.

October 15, 2024 6:52 pm

Inman-Grant has withdrawn her block on X’s videos of the Syrian bishop being attacked.

Last edited 1 day ago by Roger
Cassie of Sydney
October 15, 2024 6:52 pm

Every bit of dosh Albo the Trot has accrued over the last thirty to forty years has been courtesy of taxpayers like you and me. This stinking mediocre grub has never had a real job, he has never built up a business, he has never taken any major risks in his life, the most risky thing he ever did was to put his hat up to run in the safe Labor seat of Grayndler back in 1996, and that was no risk, it was a safe seat, one of the safest in the country. It has only, over the last decade, become less safe due to its gentrification and the fact that the Australian Nazi party (aka the Greens) has made some headway in the seat….it is inevitable that the Nazi Party will win Grayndler one day. Before he won Grayndler in 1996 the grub was well known for his hard-left Socialist Trot views and thuggish behaviour, just ask anyone from the NSW Labor right who were involved in Labor party politics during the 1980s and 1990s. They can tell you unsavoury tales about Albo, I heard stories back in 1992. He was a thug. Peter Baldwin can tell some stores. The man is stinking putrid hypocrite, but we all know that. Of course, their ABC and the rest of the far-left MSM scum will either ignore the purchase of this house story or go soft on him. Imagine the furore and hysteria from this same far-left MSM had this been Tony Abbott or Scumbag Morrison? You’d have been able to hear the howls and screams of sanctimonious outrage on Pluto.

Gosh, I remember when Abbott, whilst PM, went cattle class to save the long suffering taxpayer some dosh. I recall how he was mocked for that……how they sneered.

Oh and as for Albo’s supposed ‘likability’, I have always disputed that. The truth is, given the pong around Scumbag Morrison, Freddy Krueger would have won that election in May 2022

I miss the old Liberal party, it had more colour and it had rogue backbenchers like Wilson Tuckey, Bill Heffernan and others who would have taken this multi-million dollar house purchase and made mince meat with the grub from Grayndler. The likes of Tuckey et al weren’t scared about what their ABC or the SMH thought of them, and former Liberal leaders like Howard would sometimes take them off the leash and allow them to run wild with Labor. But post-Howard, and particularly under Turdbull and Scumbag Morrison, the Liberal Party was sanitised and there are no longer ratbags like Tuckey to taunt the grub from Grayndler, because that’s what the grub from Grayndler deserves, he deserves to be taunted for his hideous hypocrisy.

I remember Tuckey’s taunting of Keating, it was sublime.

Delta A
Delta A
October 15, 2024 6:53 pm

JC, beware mercedes.

They feature regularly in top 10 worst cars/suv’s. My friend bought one new in 2018.Within 18 months the engine would cut out for no apparent reason… and not start again for 40 minutes. The door lock stopped working. Wipers, indicators etc worked when they felt like it.

For three years – at three years old – this expensive folly was sitting in a sheep paddock awaiting the dead car collector,or anyone who would drag the thing away free.

No takers.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 15, 2024 6:54 pm

I made a vegetarian soup today, while waiting for 4 meters of loam to arrive.
It needs another day of cooking – the soup, not the loam.
I’ll have it for tea.
A quick taste test.
Jees it’s a bit hot. Check the recipe, it says two teaspoons of chilli paste.
Look in sink – the chilli paste is on a tablespoon. Two tablespoons of chilli is doing its job, my mouth is burning.
Tomorrow it’s gonna be my arse because I ain’t chucking it out.

October 15, 2024 6:55 pm

Saw a (theist) physicist recently who asked:

If life on earth has been determined by a series of accidents, such as a coin toss for each cosmological option, there’d be enough dimes to cover the entire land mass of the USA; it would only take one of those coins to not have flipped the right way for no life on Earth.

By equivalent Earthly standards, you’d need to get 128 royal flushes in poker, in a row, to have the same outcome.

October 15, 2024 7:02 pm

By equivalent Earthly standards, you’d need to get 128 royal flushes in poker, in a row, to have the same outcome.

Someone once said

the probability of life arising by chance, stating that the likelihood of life emerging spontaneously is comparable to the chance of a tornado sweeping through a junkyard and assembling a fully functional Boeing 747.

I tend more towards a simulation.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 15, 2024 7:04 pm

I made a vegetarian soup today

Eeeew. The smells. The greasy globules swirling around each other on the surface because those putrid people think bathing ‘unnatural’. The grit-like bits of crust of toe jam and unwiped sphincter.

You must really hate someone.

Last edited 1 day ago by Mother Lode
October 15, 2024 7:26 pm

Another tali ban.
They have a painting behind them, which must be haram as I didn’t think islam allowed any depiction of humans.

October 15, 2024 7:40 pm

I car shopping yesterday and took a close look at the Mercedes G63. It’s freaking outrageous. I actually fell in love with it.

I’ll be test driving later in the week and although it’s totally inappropriate for me, I fell in love with it.

A mid life crisis is nothing to be embarrassed about and oldish men often seek lost hormones in motors. But you still have to be sensible: off road, a blown tyre could be your death and car thieves prefers these things because they’re better for ram raids. Given your physical fragility and complete urbanisation I would recommend something like this:

BMW 7 Series Sedan (G70): Models, technical Data, Hybrid & Prices | BMW Australia

The beamer has complete climate control to control the impediments and aches of age; also included are heart monitors and resuscitators essential for the stressed businessman/share grifter.

October 15, 2024 7:42 pm

Commander Esmail Qaani wasn’t in the bunker, just having a WEB.
Great to see him getting a medal for his role assisting in launching missiles at Israel too.

Last edited 23 hours ago by Rosie
October 15, 2024 7:51 pm

Saw a (theist) physicist recently who asked:

If life on earth has been determined by a series of accidents, such as a coin toss for each cosmological option, there’d be enough dimes to cover the entire land mass of the USA; it would only take one of those coins to not have flipped the right way for no life on Earth.

By equivalent Earthly standards, you’d need to get 128 royal flushes in poker, in a row, to have the same outcome.


The idea that, mathematically, it is inconceivable that anything as complex as a protein, let alone a living cell or a human, could spring up by chance is a common rebuttal of evolution.

Chance plays a part in evolution (for example, in the random mutations that can give rise to new traits), but evolution does not depend on chance to create organisms, proteins or other entities.

Quite the opposite: natural selection, the principal known mechanism of evolution, harnesses non random change by preserving “desirable”  (adaptive) features and eliminating “undesirable” (non adaptive) ones.

As long as the forces of selection stay constant, natural selection can push evolution in one direction and produce sophisticated structures in very short times.

As an analogy, consider the 13-letter sequence TO BE OR NOT TO BE. Those hypothetical million monkeys, each pecking out one phrase a second, could take as long as 78,800 years to find it among the 2613 sequences of that length. But in the 1980s Richard Hardison of Glendale College wrote a computer program that generated phrases randomly while preserving the positions of individual letters that happened to be correctly placed (in effect, selecting for phrases more like Hamlet’s).  On average, the program re-created the phrase in just 336 iterations, less than 90 seconds. Even more amazing, it could reconstruct Shakespeare’s entire play in just four and a half days.

Evolution is smarter than you think. And it doesn’t contradict a God. God after all is a scientist.

October 15, 2024 7:52 pm
October 15, 2024 7:53 pm

I hate modern car colours. They are either white, black or some subtle variation on stealth grey.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 15, 2024 8:09 pm

Just this once take Cronkite’s advice.
Get a Sporty Beemer.

Davey Boy
Davey Boy
October 15, 2024 8:16 pm

According to discussion online (Walk the World livestream on now) the number of submissions made (in the seven days allowed) to the Senate Inquiry into the Misinformation and Disinformation (MAD) Bill, exceeds 15,000.

A record.

currently, only submissions made by organisations are available via the aph website.

October 15, 2024 8:17 pm

Albo could plant a turd in the front yard … watch the Labor Party mow around it

Last edited 23 hours ago by MatrixTransform
October 15, 2024 8:56 pm

Japanese and Korean cars are the best now.

October 15, 2024 9:00 pm

Sancho Panzer

October 15, 2024 8:09 pm


Just this once take Cronkite’s advice.

Get a Sporty Beemer.

I have a sporty beemer, sanchez. I paid so much for it I just won’t trade it in for pennies so I’ll keep it. In any event, wifey said that if I buy that car, she’ll never drive it, so that’s a plus, no?

Last edited 22 hours ago by JC
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 15, 2024 9:25 pm

I have a sporty beemer, sanchez. I paid so much for it I just won’t trade it in for pennies so I’ll keep it. In any event, wifey said that if I buy that car, she’ll never drive it, so that’s a plus, no?

It’s gotta help cut the insurance premiums.

October 15, 2024 9:35 pm

My apologies Dover.
A medal for murdering Syrians, all sorts, not for trying to murder Israelis it is.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 15, 2024 9:35 pm

Will the page turn happen now as predicted?

October 15, 2024 9:35 pm


You can do it. I know you can. One small jump.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 15, 2024 9:37 pm

The ABC running the story that Luigi’s fall in the polls is all because da Voice.
The Two Party Preferred has gradually swung towards the LNP over the 12 months since da Voice. If Luigi’s polling took a hit solely because of that, why wouldn’t it have happened immediately after the referendum bit the dust?
The premise seems to be that the failure to push on with “Voice lite” initiatives has caused the drop in the polls. So, Liars voters who want da Voice are deserting … to the Libs?
I would argue that Luigi pushing on with all sorts of Macarena and troof-telling is one of many things pissing off voters.
But that doesn’t fit the ABC narrative.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 15, 2024 9:39 pm

The page turn is not easily predictable.

Its Remarkable
Its Remarkable
October 15, 2024 9:59 pm

Sporty Beemer seems to be the call…
Older X3 suits us fine, not so much sporty as comfortable and with enough mod cons to help with cruise and parking.
Otherwise just a nice car.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 15, 2024 10:03 pm

Its Remarkable

 October 15, 2024 9:59 pm

Sporty Beemer seems to be the call…

Always was.
Always will be.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 15, 2024 10:28 pm

Over on
Trump leading by 9.9% in the odds.

October 15, 2024 10:33 pm
Last edited 20 hours ago by Indolent
Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 15, 2024 10:42 pm

It just flicked over to Trump leading by 10.2%.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 15, 2024 11:18 pm

Talk about “shrinkflation”- $4M used to get you an island in the Whitsundays, now you’re just looking at a single mother’s council flat…

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 16, 2024 12:31 am


Not all locals are so keen on putting Kamala Harris into office, even if they are too afraid to admit their support for Trump out loud in California

San Diego leftist willing to PAY MORE to keep Trump out but not all locals agree

October 16, 2024 12:39 am


 October 15, 2024 10:33 pm

The problem with the simulation theory is that it implies a simulator, whether a sufficently advanced civilisation or God.

Okay, but why is that a problem?

October 16, 2024 12:49 am

JC, when was the last time you got sweaty from exercise? Saunas with the fellas don’t count.

October 16, 2024 12:49 am
October 16, 2024 12:56 am


I got all sweaty yesterday, in fact. I go to a gym three times a week.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 16, 2024 1:16 am

Scrolling through the Tube comments from the AVI clip. So many are from Americans with nothing bad to say about him … so far. I expect the trolls to arrive soon.

He’s already making dents over there in a positive way.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 16, 2024 1:23 am

I did a refresh of the Avi clip. From the Tube comments.

Donald Trump has destroyed the respect and reputation of the Republican Party and is completely unfit to be President of the United States. His base consists of racist Democrats who left the Democratic Party when they elected a black man to the White House, disgruntled malcontents in the Rust Belt whose union wage demands have become so onerous that they priced themselves right out of a job , and quislings like Mitch McConnell who won’t stand up to him and have let him take the once respectful party of Lincoln and Reagan down into the gutter. Nobody knows what a Kamala Harris Presidency is going to look like. But if Trump is elected again we all know it’s going to just be another season of the Trump in the White House Reality Show where Trump wakes up every day firing some 4th grade insult at one of his “enemies.”

Here they come. Braindead F-wits! So predicatable.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 16, 2024 1:33 am

Mark Dice:

Kamala Harris has plagiarized her 2009 book, marking the latest embarrassing event in her campaign as the election is now just weeks away.


October 16, 2024 4:00 am
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October 16, 2024 4:03 am
October 16, 2024 4:04 am
October 16, 2024 4:05 am
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Winston Smith
October 15, 2024 4:17 pm

And you reckon your job is shit?

Incredible Scale! Pure Silver Extraction Process from AC Motor Compressors

I don’t have the time to watch them all but I am hooked on these videos.
It is absolutely amazing what these people can do and under what conditions.

Repairing complex machinery parts by Indian and Pakistani tradesmen is a delight to watch.

Not sure how long those repairs will last but it beats buying a new one, so it must be worth it.

October 16, 2024 5:02 am

October 16, 2024 4:49 am

PS; they are basically retrieving the silver component of the solver solder, which can’t be much.

If this is still profitable, it tells you the value of labour in different parts of the world.

October 16, 2024 5:43 am

The polls tell us that Harris still has a slight national lead over Trump, and similarly in the swing States. The bookmakers odds tell us that Trump is now more likely to win. There are plenty of observers who tell us that the bookies odds are the better guide.
If this difference is maintained until polling closes, one of these methods of prediction will be shown to be deeply flawed.
I know that none of the above will be news on Dover’s New Catallaxy. However, there we are.

October 16, 2024 6:41 am

Today’s Paywallion:

‘Reconciliation’ agenda might make us feel good. But it does nothing to close the gap
Janet Albrechtsen
16 Oct 2024

The demand for “reconciliation” from Indigenous elites a year after the voice referendum reminds me of a famous courtroom exchange involving esteemed orator and English criminal barrister Sir Edward Marshall Hall KC.

Judge: “Mr Marshall Hall, is your client familiar with the doctrine res ipsa loquitur?

Marshall: “My Lord, in the remote hills of County Donegal from where my client hails they speak of little else.”

How many Indigenous people living in squalor and disadvantage speak of reconciliation?

The man from County Donegal could at least learn that res ipsa loquitur is Latin for something that speaks for itself.

Reconciliation doesn’t have a settled meaning. It’s a slogan, a deliberately vague catch-all phrase often used by Indigenous elites to harvest white guilt for a broad “rights” agenda that included the now failed voice proposal.

There are two Indigenous projects on foot in Australia. One is called “reconciliation”. The other is called “closing the gap”. The former demands special rights for Indigenous people in the name of reconciliation. The second demands equal opportunities for every Australian.

Reconciliation secures nice job titles, influence, headlines and newspaper inches to a small group of educated and well-positioned Indigenous people. Closing the gap is dedicated to getting disadvantaged Indigenous people into jobs, making sure they live in safe homes, go to school, finish school, have access to health services, train or study for a job that will enable them to live as other Australians do, so they are equipped to take responsibility for their lives, and the families they will have.

Reconciliation premises “self-determination” on special rights, that, by their nature, divide the nation in two. Closing the gap is the richest and most empowering form of self-determination; it aims to equip Indigenous Australians with opportunities so they can determine their own life – just as other Australians can do.

To the extent that it means anything, reconciliation conjures up images of two warring parties in need of a settlement. But that is not Australia. A small fringe of activists – Indigenous and non-Indigenous, people such as Lidia Thorpe and a host of academics – may choose to think they are at war with what the High Court has said about Australia as one sovereign nation, when they demand co-sovereignty. But that’s a fringe dispute; it gets the juices flowing at UN gabfests or inside Australia’s law schools where law has been trumped by politics.

None of this helps disadvantaged Indigenous people. We know that because official Closing the Gap numbers are still bleak. It’s much easier for big Australian companies and government departments to fall for the reconciliation racket and trot out “reconciliation” slogans than it is to show genuine interest in finding solutions to Indigenous people who die younger, leave school earlier, end up in prison and live in unsafe homes at higher rates than non-Indigenous people.

How anyone can push a special rights agenda camouflaged as “reconciliation” when Indigenous kids continue to commit suicide at higher rates should be a cause for shame. This national shame is compounded by the fact that failed policies continue to dominate the Indigenous policy area. This shame will only end when every program, activity or other measure or current action is rigorously tested for success with a simple question: Does it close the gap for those in need in any meaningful way?

The Albanese government is in hiding. It talks about reconciliation and closing the gap, and is doing neither. It tried the voice and failed. It refuses to take the advice of Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and conduct a thorough and brave audit of all Indigenous programs and policies. That nationwide audit should include Reconciliation Australia and its monopoly over these things called “Reconciliation Action Plans” that 2700 companies and other groups have embedded in their workplaces.

After writing about this organisation on the weekend, I have learned even more about the separatist sentiment at the heart of the “reconciliation” industry. I heard from many, many readers who work in companies that have a RAP.

One described it this way: “It’s the … equivalent of the Monty Python sketch of monks hitting themselves in the head with a block of wood in time with their Gregorian chants.” Another asked how disadvantaged Indigenous people can “gain self-determination and a bright prosperous future when everything is controlled and won by land councils and other organisations”. Another said that “reconciliation is something you want when you’ve been to uni”. It’s not front and centre for people who don’t even have personal safety.

I learned too that Gary Johns, a former Labor minister in the Keating government, has been trying to advise companies that many RAPs sanctioned by the reconciliation police at Reconciliation Australia are worse than worthless; they divide the country with a separatist agenda and do nothing to improve the lives of Indigenous people who genuinely need help.

Johns, chairman of Close the Gap Research, surveyed 62 RAPs and recorded the results earlier this year. He found a “significant” failure among many RAPS to mention closing the gap, while many focus on RA’s separatist agenda. Johns said they “favour identity over solutions”.

Johns found that the Civil Aviation Authority’s RAP introduced Indigenous language lessons and distributed Acknowledgement of Country cards to more than 800 of its staff members, while property group Stockland includes an annual “Cultural immersion” experience for staff in its RAP.

Johns wants companies and other groups to answer a simple question: Does your RAP close the gap? He found that the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, the department responsible for drafting laws, says it has adopted a RAP because “the majority of Australians are the direct beneficiaries of the removal of land and power from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people”. Johns says that “despite (this department) being on their reconciliation journey since 2007, not one of their 100 staff identified as Aboriginal”.

Johns found the reconciliation journey of Victorian law firm Hives Legal includes making radical statements that sovereignty has never been ceded, “but employed no Aboriginal person on their professional staff”. “Instead, it purchased artwork for the office and children’s books for its staff.”

Johns found that some companies are doing terrific work. The Education Department in South Australia is running intensive family services programs to re-engage kids with school. But why is a RAP necessary for such work, asks Johns. “And why is this a reconciliation activity?”

Other RAPs, says Johns, are “painful to read”. They are full of sweeping assertions and radical statements that bear no relationship to their workplaces. Johns says Lend Lease’s RAP states that “data” continues to show the most successful programs to generate ‘closing the gap’ outcomes are created and delivered by First Nations community-controlled organisations”. That sounds terrific. Except, Johns notes, that “there is no evidence that this is true”.

Johns’s conclusion is that welcomes to country, acknowledgements of country, snippets of language, radical statements endorsing separatism, and Disney-like cultural training “are not likely to close the gap or reconcile anyone to anything”.

He told me this week that he has spoken with around 20 organisations that are thinking of doing a Reconciliation Action Plan. He suggested they “stop and ask: Does it close the gap?”.

Ultimately, he was met with silence. They would rather tick a box with a RAP.

Noel Pearson once addressed the need to expose the “the soft bigotry of low expectations”. It’s high time we exposed the same bigotry of low expectations pursued by groups that span big and small Australian companies, aviation authorities, government departments, local councils and even the parliamentary drafting office in Canberra.

Too many good points from Janet to highlight.
I would have to highlight the entire article.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 16, 2024 6:48 am

Fake news news.

Gallup: New Record Low for Trust in Media (15 Oct)

Fewer than 1 in 3 Americans trust the media to report the news fairly, a Gallup poll found.

A record-low 31% say they have a “great deal” or “fair amount” of confidence in the media to report the news “fully, accurately and fairly,” Gallup results released Monday show. … In a partisan breakdown of the latest results, 54% of Democrats, 27% of independents, and 12% of Republicans say they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media.

I suspect the real number of Republicans trusting the MSM is even lower than 12% as there’re probably are quite a few lefty trolls who play games with polls like these.

Bungonia bee
Bungonia bee
October 16, 2024 6:55 am

It will be 2020 all over again:
Pennsylvania election official says it will take days to count the ballots!

Bungonia bee
Bungonia bee
October 16, 2024 6:58 am

Let’s see what our local media does with this story. BBC ran the Kamala line that called it a sign that Trump is a deranged and confused old guy! She never said that about Biden.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 16, 2024 7:02 am

BBC ran the Kamala line that called it a sign that Trump is a deranged and confused old guy! 

I’d like to see Kamala in the lions den like this:

Trump Destroys Bloomberg Editor-In-Chief, Receives Standing Ovation In Chicago (16 Oct)

Former President Donald Trump sat down with Bloomberg Editor-In-Chief John Micklethwait for an interview in partnership with the Economic Club of Chicago – where he knocked several tough questions out of the park, while starting – and ending, with a standing ovation.

At the beginning of the interview, Micklethwait said Kamala Harris refused to appear to discuss her ‘economic vision.’ Probably a smart move.

Absolutely destroys that lie of Kamala’s.

October 16, 2024 7:11 am

Grauniad finally apologises.
Although I doubt anyone involved in the collective failure of process received a DCM.

October 16, 2024 7:27 am

The Gimp was creaming himself earlier over his comment on Donald Trump being lost and bewildered on stage.
Here’s what really happened. Not that we need proof, as we know everything the Gimp posts is a lie.

“Trump Pauses Campaign Event While Several Attendees Are Escorted Out for “Medical Emergencies;” Kamala Harris and MSNBC Claim Trump Had a Senior Moment—Disinformation Expert AceHe was literally standing and watching as EMS personnel helped several stricken rally-goers out.
Because he was standing on stage quietly while EMS got the sick people out, they’re claiming Trump had a Biden-like bout of lost time.
It’s egregious. So egregious that even the Disney Groomer Corporation’s fake news division, ABC, is debunking the claim.

October 16, 2024 7:29 am

File this under “no shit, Sherlock.”

comment image

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 16, 2024 7:33 am

The proles are revolting.

German Drivers Giving up on Electric Vehicles and Switching Back to Internal Combustion (15 Oct)

Just 3.6 per cent of ICE drivers made the switch to electric in Germany this year, it is stated, with electric vehicles accounting for 2.9 per cent of vehicles on the country’s roads. Yet at the same time, 34 per cent of electric car owners switched back to ICE so far this year.

This is a figure that has risen year-on-year all this decade, with the switch-back rate to gasoline now double the 14 per cent observed in 2021. As observed in the German press: “Apparently, electric cars cannot convince many owners to stick with this form of propulsion in the long term.”

Earlier data reported on earlier this year stated demand for electric vehicles was falling across the continent, with demand in Germany falling nearly 29 per cent.

The German government intends to abolish sales of any ICE cars by 2035. That will be fun since it’s pretty clear that drivers aren’t going to let their ICE cars go without a fight.

October 16, 2024 7:38 am

He was literally standing and watching as EMS personnel helped several stricken rally-goers out.

The two medical episodes took five minutes each to resolve. That doesn’t explain the other half hour of time where he just shuffled around to the music, grinning like an idiot.

His appearance at the Economic Club of Chicago was a train wreck, the interviewer was openly mocking his inability to answer simple questions. He is clearly sundowning.

Cassie of Sydney
October 16, 2024 7:46 am

He is clearly sundowning.

Something our resident Nazi has been doing his whole life.

October 16, 2024 7:51 am

His appearance at the Economic Club of Chicago was a train wreck, the interviewer was openly mocking his inability to answer simple questions. He is clearly sundowning.

Others have a different view.

Cassie of Sydney
October 16, 2024 7:53 am

Further to ‘sundowning’, remember that our Nazi never once referred to the old Sniffer’s sundowning episodes, of which there were many.

I mean, you wouldn’t it if the Nazi was consistent in his criticisms but the only thing Nazi boy is consistent on is hypocrisy. In fact I recall how, just days before the old Sniffer was unceremoniously shown the door by the Demonrat powers that be, that Nazi boy wrote the following here..

Biden can govern

Oh gosh, that was a corker, a pearler, one for the classics!

October 16, 2024 7:55 am

They tell you again and again and you still don’t believe them

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 16, 2024 7:59 am

He is clearly sundowning.

When Trump tries to shake hands with invisible people, yells ‘You ain’t black!’ at crowds, and/or requires a giant Easter Bunny to tell him where to go, let me know.

local oaf
October 16, 2024 8:06 am

I’ll just put this here 😉

October 16, 2024 8:14 am
  1. he is entitled to “plan a property portfolio” People are starting to wonder whether the real estate portfolios of our…

  2. Michael Costa gets it. A “hard left person enjoying the fruits of capitalism”. Blammo!The tell is the choice of wristwatch.…

  3. “Phoar!” said young Zulu Kilo, who had come top of his class in English. “Phoar!”

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x